#libarary dates
captain-lessship · 1 year
Where We Once Were Pt. 3
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For weeks now, You and Hermione were sneaking around now since your cousin and her friends would think you both flipped your lid but you didn’t think of that as you and her stood in one of the aisles of the library, looking in the books for Ancient Runes.
The library was your go to date place because of the fact if you were spotted here, you both could easily make up the excuse that it’s for your classes. 
You were humming to yourself as you drug your fingers along the spines of the books. She was humming and tapping her foot along, off in her own world as she read a page from a book. You glanced at her, her eye brows furrowed as she read, eyes darting along the page. 
You looked away before she caught you, it was her turn to look at you now. Noticing you fiddling with your reading glasses as you read the spines of the book, calmness radiating off of you.
You both silently wished you could go around like the other couples did. You couldn’t help but notice the slight her in her eyes when she saw a pair holding hands or sharing a quick kiss. But this is what you both chose. 
She wasn’t ready to tell her friends and especially not Harry and Ron while you were trying to think of a way to break it it Draco. You had half a mind to threaten turning him into a fish and letting Hermione’s cat, Crookshanks, eat him like you told her you would. A mischievous smile and a restrained chuckle came to your face when you thought of this. 
“What’s got you in a giggly mood?” Hermione asked, smiling at you.
“Oh just think about my buddy Crookshanks.” 
She rolled her eyes, “You can’t feed transfigured people to my cat.”
“But if it came do-“
“It would make you a murderer and he would be an accomplice.” She laughed, eyes crinkling as she smiled. 
“C’mon, it’s a nice thought.” You said nodding at her, hoping she’d back you up on it. 
She playfully scoffed, “Is it now?” She closed her book as she walked close to you, where she’d pulled it from the shelf.  You looked at her hand, she noticed you looking at her hand.
“May I hold your hand?” You ask, you typically cynical tone replaced by a soft, almost apologetic tone. 
You turned to face her, holding out your hand. She took it, curiosity on her face. When her comparatively dainty hand placed in yours, you spun her around as if you were dancing. 
This awarded you a few giggles from her, her hand never leaving yours. 
You wanted to stay in this moment forever but you were interrupted by a familiar voice of a ginger. She immediately dropped your hand, you pulled a random book from the shelf and she  turned to the other side of the aisle, following your lead.
“Hermione, there you are.” Ron said, looking at her, Harry was following him.
“Oh hey Paul,” Harry said, acknowledging you.
“It’s Pollux.”
“Sorry.” The black haired boy said, in a way that you knew her meant it.
“Anyway,” Ron started, “Have you seen Scabbers? Do you think your damn cat has eaten him?” He asked Hermione.
She rolled her eyes, “Don’t blame Crookshanks just because your rat decided he had enough.
You couldn’t help but laugh, which caught the attention of the boys, “Hermione, why are you hanging out with him in the library?” Harry asked, looking you up and down.
You knew what was in the back of his mind: the look people gave you when they knew who you were. And the worst part is you couldn’t blame them. 
“He’s in my Ancient Runes class.” She justified.
Ron looked at you, “Wait a minute, aren’t you Pollux Lestrange?”
Hermione rolled her eyes, “Honestly Ron, don’t you listen to conversations?”
Ron looked at you with what you could only define as jealousy. You weren’t worried about it though as you met his gaze. You knew when you were trying to be intimidated.
“So… What assignment are you doing in Ancient Runes?” Harry asked, watching the glaring between you and Ron.
You cut your eyes to him, “We are looking for anything that’ll give us an edge in our upcoming quiz. What’re you two doing here? Besides the runaway rat?”
Harry’s mouth turned into a guilty smile, “Well, We were actually going to ask Hermione if she could help us with our Care Of Magical Creatures homework?” 
Out of the two of them, you already preferred Harry. You smiled, “Ah,” you turned to Hermione, “Well, if you want to help them, I need to go make sure my cousin hasn’t drowned the first year in the fountain.” You excused yourself.
Hermione nodded, “Bye Lux-“ she didn’t catch herself and you smiled to yourself as you walked away.
“Lux?” Ron asked, the three of them now walking to a nearby table. 
“It is just a nickname, now what do you need help with exactly?” 
She hoped that answer was convincing.
You walked through the common room door and saw a familiar head in platinum blonde hair in the couch. You sighed. “Draco, I just need you to listen. So I started hanging out with Hermione and I… I asked her out a while ago and she agreed: I know what you’re gonna say and what they’re gonna think but is it really worth mine and hers happiness’s?”
There was silence. You walked to the front of the couch, ready to yell at him. 
He was asleep, mouth slightly open and book in his lap. Even in his sleep he looked fearful. You sighed as you grabbed a nearby blanket, unfolded it and draped it over him. 
“Goodnight Draco.” 
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Mc ran away from a Date with them-Brothers
he told Diavolo about the fact both of you had a Date planned and if you think Diavolo finding out were both of you were and crashing it was bad it can get worse
because for some reason Solomon got involved and now it just feels like two ex´s trying to ruin the love life of their former partners worst part neither of you two were together with any of them… besides maybe Lucifer and Diavolo because who knows what weird relationship those two have
it got even so bad that you decided the best course of action was to just jump ship and never look back
sounds more dramatic than it actually was you just went to the toilet and jumped out while Lucifer was stuck with Solomon and Diavolo, horrible evening for him but you needed a sacrifice so those two wouldn´t follow both of you
and you only told him about when you were a safe distance away
needless to say your in a bunch of trouble and might get cursed to get stuck to Solomon and Diavolo as payback
listen Mammon owes a bunch of people a lot of money and while usually killing them together is just a funny activity for both of you it isn´t so nice when you´re wearing your good clothes every once in a while
and Asmo got them for you so you know when they get dirty or ripped or really anything happened to them before he could get a pic you will be dead
so yeah when both of you went somewhere nice and got ambushed you ditched his ass
which is a surprise because he´s supposed to be really fast but yet you lost him
or he lost you who knows
but what you do know is you ditched him, the Date and a chance for murder
kinda ruined the day to be honest, killing some Demons and/or some witches would have been a nice end for the night
at least there will always be a next time
yeah he dragged you to a convention
actually dragging you would be the wrong word kidnapping you would be more accurate, Levi´s reasoning was that he knew you wouldn´t come anyway but he can just knock you unconscious and drag you there
jokes on him you can teleport and if your really desperate you can the worst thing of them all…
driving with the Bus to the nearest witch
but there is no way in hell you will be stuck in an overcrowded hall were there is a 50/50 the attendants don´t know what deodorant is
also you hate crowds and you just know Levi took you mainly as his emotional support Human
he calls it a Date but you call it torture
throwing you in a pool of lava would have been more merciful
usually a Date at the libarary would be a nice thing but not when it combines the words
Devildom+ Satan+ cursed Library
but you know what the result it is, just torture plain old torture for Humans
the walls are screaming, the books are screaming, the chairs are bleeding and covered in nails the only normal things are the Librarians telling people to be quiet and killing them after telling them a third time
but everything else sucks
so you decided to do the only smart thing you could think of, ditching Satan while he was focused on a book
he´ll be fine though there are a bunch of books around he won´t even notice you are gone
the only time he would mind you ditching him was when you found a Cat but otherwise no care from him
yeah you know you should be ready to deal with a horde of fangirls/boys when you go out with Asmo and that he will obviously get distracted by their never ending flattery but man did he ignore you hard on your last date
so mo surprise that after leaving you alone for an hour in a very overcrowded and loud club (thanks to Asmo) you just decided to leave
if he hasn´t noticed you that far he won´t notice you when you´re gone either
and you were partially right he did notice you ditched him but only after three hours… which doesn´t make him look all to good
wasn´t the first time this happened though, this happens a lot actually but this time it didn´t take him long to notice you were gone
one time he didn´t notice you left him alone for 24 hours
in this case it was less running away and more trying to save yourself because while you do know he means no harm but fucking hell does he overestimate your stomach capacity
it doesn´t matter how long you spent with Beel you won´t ever be able to eat as much as the Avatar of Gluttony
you know but Beel doesn´t really see it in his mind there exist no thing as being full
which is true for him but only him
so to save yourself from bursting from the seams you decided to pay for the current food he order (and everything he might order later) and just teleported back home
there aren´t many dates with Belphie and if naps count as dates you would run from every second date
he´s the Avatar of Sloth so not like you could say anything but there is no way you would sleep as much as him without some manipulation on his part
which yeah does make you technically ditch him but you also ditched him on a real date
he invited you to a walk outside and fell asleep after an hour, which is what always happens but there is now way in Hell you would drag him back home so you just left him there
he was fine though, this happened more times than anybody could count and he always returns home in good condition
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hey! I am the anon who offered to smuggle you and hide you in a libarary across the channel: I also found your Brexit posts, and got stuck on one point: May wanting to get rid of Human Rights. I know she said with leaving the EU would also mean a divorce from the Charter of Fundamental Rights, but that that would be replaced by UK's own version and... may I ask if you could perhaps point me to news articles going more in depth about that? What was her plan exactly?
So there actually aren't exact details purely because it never happened and she got kicked out before she could do anything so monstrous, but yes: Theresa May wanted to scrap the Human Rights Act because it impeded her proposed Terror Laws (i.e. she wanted to do horrifying things in the name of security), and replace it with the British Bill of Rights. It was never actually fully written up and formalised, so to date we don't know what it would have contained AFAIK; but, the central concept was that what counted as a "right" would be up to the government of the day to decide which HELLO POLICE STATE. Wikipedia have a very basic bit of info here, and RightsInfo had rather more to say starting here (I mean they have a LOT more to say, and you can click through their various links to find a bit more there.)
Some fun facts:
While still the Home Secretary under David Cameron, Theresa May once lied and claimed that Britain had been unable to deport a terror suspect because under the Human Rights Act he could not be separated from his cat without it causing him inhumane distress. Literally millions upon millions of people believe it to this day, even though it has long since been debunked. That was actually the moment I realised that the vast majority of humanity is just inexcusably fucking stupid.
As Prime Minister, after Brexit happened Tessie May tried to scrap the Human Rights Act again. The new Bill was written up by Michael Gove almost entirely - Michael Gove is a deeply appallingly incompetent man best summed up by this Guardian cartoon who is one of the likely possible successors to Boris.
And then, Tessie did a bit of a U-turn and told then-Justice Secretary Liz Truss to put it all on hold and focus on prisons instead, because "it would divide people and has no parliamentary majority". Although she didn't scrap it entirely. Liz Truss is a front runner to potentially take over from Boris, and the one who sits next to him on the front benches in Parliament.
So all fun and games!
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lovelyoreo19 · 2 years
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Zaria walks into her home after a long day at the libarary. She collapses on the bed in exhausting from her long day. As her phone rings.
She sits up and opens her phone to see the news.
The comments were awful.
'Good, he deserves to be with someone who can actually be as beautiful as him, not that ugly foreign🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢,
Tears welled up in Zaria's eyes.
'Maybe their right, he deserves someone deserving of his love and that's not me'
The door opens.
"Jagi, im home!!"he says in his English accent.
He walks into the bedroom to see Zaria's stained teared face.
"W-welcome home c-chimmy"she stutters out.
"What happened?"he asks concerned.
She looks into his eyes. The once sadness turned anger. She throws her phone at jimin.
"Read it!" She shouts.
He reads it. He was enraged at the title and what they called his beautiful brown skinned girlfriend.
"You can't believe them. Their just prejudice people who hate that we date"
"What if their right"
He looks at you in disbelief.
"How can you say that, Zaria, i love you"
Her eyes widen.
"You've never said that before to me"
"I know, i wanted to find the right time to, and i guess it's now"
"I love you too, Park Jimin"
He smiles widely hugging her.
"I promise we'll be together forever. Nothing will break us apart.
She smiles.
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darkelfshadow · 3 years
Session Summary - 107
AKA “Phlan Besieged”
Adventures in Taggriell
Session 107  (Date: 16th April 2021)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- John (Known as “Ragnar”) Dwarf Male.  <Played by Bob>
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by Travis>
- Starday, 6th Sarenith in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Summer.
- The party begin this session, late afternoon, having just teleported back to Crescent Moon.
- As Archmage Tallous, Valthrun The Enchanter and Valder The Enchanter are not yet ready to perform the teleport ritual into Phlan, the party are forced to wait in Crescent Moon for two days.
- During this time, the party purchase some equipment and items, and allocate some of the newly gained magic artefacts to members of the party. Bucky also uses this time to slowly recover from the ordeal of being resurrected.
- Moonday, 8th Sarenith in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Summer.
- The party awake early, just after sunrise. Half an hour later, at about 6am, after preparing for the incursion into Phlan, the party stand before the three Wizards, ready to teleport in. The time difference between Crescent Moon and Phlan is four hours.
- Using the combined might of the three Wizards, along with a minuscule amount of the liquid from the Pool Of Radiance, the party are teleported into Phlan, forcing their way past the arcane barrier around the far city.
- It is mid morning in Phlan, but the city is almost in darkness. Most of the sunlight is stopped by the impenetrable 30 feet thick dome of a magic thicket of brambles and briars that has completely overgrown the city.
- The buildings show signs of damage and looting, with door and windows smashed open or boarded up with improvised defences. Dead bodies are everywhere on the streets. No signs of life greet the party, and the eary scene of the silent, dark, and still city concern the party greatly. Some of the buildings are completely destroyed, enveloped by seperate thickets of vines and branches that have twisted and pulled apart those buildings to rubble.
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- The party have been teleported into the northern New District of the city, and make their way over to the nearby Manor of Sir Zern Xerstil but find that the building has been completely destroyed by the thicket. Hearing a moaning voice from a nearby street, the party find more dead bodies and destruction but one body moves slightly, with a moan. A lone survivor, a female, though nearly dead.
- The party quickly recover the female and begin treating her wounds. Nearby, the party find the decapitated body and head of Sir Zern. Nearby the also find the slain body of Rolk, the Dwarf Merchant Noble that had assisted the party on the first visit to Phlan.
- The party bring the injured woman and the body parts of Sir Zern into a nearby damaged building. The party rest for an hour, giving time for Trenchant to cast his most powerful spell, and Resurrect Sir Zern back to life. Trenchant will only be able to do this once more, but not for the remainder of this day.
- The now injured woman is spoken to, her name is Grondyn. She is distraught and in despair, as her husband and two children, and a group of civilians, were killed by the Cult as Sir Zern and Rolk were attempting to gather up the remaining populace and lead them to a place of safety. She does not know where they were going, but does know they were going to find the “Small Lady” who could hide them in safety from the Cult.
- When Sir Zern is returned to life, he is very weak and exhausted. All his injuries have been healed, but it will be a number of days before he is back to full strength. His armour has been totally destroyed and he has no weapons. Trenchant gives some of his weapons to Sir Zern, Ridir (shortsword) and the Dragongleam Spear.
- Sir Zern tells the party that Vorgansharax has consumed a large quantity of the liquid from the Pool Of Radiance, increasing his power to almost God like levels. It was because of this that Vorgansharax was able to create the magic thicket and arcane barrier around the entire city. As this happened, the Cult and its allies, began mass killings of the populace. There was no reasoning with them, or any attempt at taking prisoners, the Cult is slaughtering the entrapped population for sport and fun. Any attempt to try and attack or break through the thicket, causes the thicket to grow into creatures that attack back, as the thicket then grows slowly back into position. Half the population of Phlan, six thousand people, were killed in a day.
- Sir Zern also tells the party that Madame Freona (“the Small Lady”) and Glevith (a Crime Boss whom the party dealt with last time they were in Phlan) managed to get a lot of the locals out of the city via the sewers and they are hiding in the nearby Grimshackle Jail. But the thicket has now grown into the sewers and all travel via that means has stopped, trapping those left in the doomed city.
- Sir Zern informs the party that Olisara Lightsong of the Harpers has been killed whilst trying to save civilians (this information the party already knew), and also that Captain Greycastle has been captured alive by the Cult and taken to the dungeons under Stojanow Gate Keep. Most, if not all, of Greycastle’s forces have been killed. Further, the mysterious Black Knight has been continuing to kill individual Cult Officers one by one, but still no one knows who this figure is.
- The party learn that Madame Freona has now been using an ancient system of underground escape tunnels to house the remaining rescued populace. These tunnels were made when the city was first started by the Wizard Denlor, who’s tower has been locked up for many centuries. The escape tunnels, and the tower, are protected by strong magics, having resisted the arcane thicket and keeping the thicket at bay. The Lord Sage has been trapped inside the Libarary, as the thickets have attempted to overgrow and destroy the Library but the arcane defences of the Lord Sage have kept the thicket at bay, for now.
- Sir Zern tells the party where the ancient Escape Tunnel system goes to, and how there is an exit tunnel, that does lead out of the city from the original Keep, which is now Stojanow Gate Keep. The secret Escape Tunnel opens somewhere in the Dungeons but the exit to the outside leads into Valhingen Graveyard. This graveyard has been cursed for many centuries and no one goes into it anymore, as the Undead guard it. Sir Zern tells the party that their only way out of the city now, is to breach the Dungeons via the ancient Escape Tunnels, find the secret door that goes to the exit tunnel, and fight their way through the graveyard.
- Trenchant uses a Seeming spell to make the party, Sir Zern and the rescued Grondyn, look like Knights Of The Tears Of Virulence, allies of the Cult Forces. The party moves through the quiet back ways of the city, until they come to an abandoned street market area. Two Guard Drakes smell the strong Half-Orc scent of Sir Zern, and begin approaching the party with deep growls. 
- Before the party can respond, the Drakes rush forward and leap at Sir Zern, their jaws snapping at him. The party is forced to attack and kill both Drakes. Unknown to the party, the nearby buildings have a large group of Cult forces in hiding, watching. A Red Wizard Of Thay, Cult Fanatics and Cult Assassins. 
- When the hidden Cult forces see that the group of apparent “Knights”, do not use the correct verbal commands to get the Drakes under control, they look more closely at the party’s group. The Red Wizard of Thay concentrates, and looking hard, he sees through the illusion as he realises the group is not behaving the way Knights should. The Wizard leans out of a doorway and hurls a fireball at the party, exploding over most of them. 
- With their disguise now useless for this encounter, the battle is on. When the rest of the Cult Forces see that the Red Wizard has attack the apparent Knights, without hesitation, they join the fight too.
- The party are rushing forward, as Sir Zern shouts out that they need to take a certain street to keep on track for the only bridge towards the Old City District. The party is hit hard, taking severe injuries, as the Assassins are deadly. Varis is nearly killed and is eventually forced back. The Cult Fanatics stay within the building, hurling streaks of arcane fire at the party.
- Trenchant cleverly rushes towards the Red Wizard Of Thay and using his Rapier’s Wit, locks the Wizard into a Battle Of Wits. This magically compels the Wizard to duel with Trenchant, rather than cast spells, effectively taking the Wizard out of the combat. As such, the Wizard does not survive against Trenchant and Naillae for long.
- Sir Zern leads Grondyn out of the battle and towards the exit street, and safety. 
- The party are moving forward, the three Dwarves working together to kill any Cult Forces in their way. As they all near the exit street, with only one Cult Fanatic left, the party all rush madly into the exit street and away.
- They continue running through streets for a few minutes, before slowing down and making their way onwards, slowly and with caution. Upon ahead they can hear the sound of the river that cuts Phlan in half. Around the next block, is the main bridge to the other side of town.
<And as the party prepare themselves to approach the main bridge, where last time they fought to save Captain Greycastle, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “Return To The Light” - Resurrect Sir Zern = 1000 XP
- “The Shepherds” - Commoner Survives Encounter (x 1) = 200 XP
Creatures Overcome
- Guard Drakes = 900 XP
- Red Wizard Of Thay = 2300 XP
- Cult Fanatics = 1350 XP
- Cult Assassins = 11700 XP
- Dragonsoul = 2900 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 147397 + 2907 = 150304
Arthur : 117960 + 2907 = 120867 (Level up to 13)
John : 112927 + 2180 = 115107
Travis : 134803 + 2907 = 137710
Paul : 124286 + 2907 = 127193
Bob : 137095 + 3633 = 140728 (Level up to 14)
NPC (Naillae) : + (1454) (Level up)
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eopederson2 · 5 years
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Wallace (Idaho), Shoshone County Court House, 1907 Photographer Barnard Studio (Wallace, Idaho) Date Original 1907-07-03 Description Exterior view of the Shoshone County Court House in Wallace, Idaho. Subject (AAT) buildings (structures) Subject (LCSH) Barnard, T. N. (Thomas Nathan)--Photograph collections Stockbridge, Nellie--Photograph collections Subject (LCTGM) Courthouses--Idaho Buildings--Idaho Bricks Location Depicted United States--Idaho--Shoshone County--Wallace Region Wallace Latitude 47.174695 Longitude -115.910468 Original Identifier PG 8-X064 Source PG 8, Barnard-Stockbridge Collection, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/special-collections/ Digital Collection University of Idaho Libarary Digital Initiatives Holding Institution University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/special-collections/ Ordering Information To order a reproduction, inquire about permissions, or for information about prices see: http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/special-collections/about.html Format Original 8x10 black and white glass negative Type Image;StillImage Format Digital image/jpg Digital Identifier 8-X00064 Date Digital 2009-03-04 Language eng Web site http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/barstock/
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stormysapphic · 7 years
41 and 48 for vday asks!
41. what's your imagination of a "perfect date"? just hanging out somewhere nice and chill tbh? like a café or a libarary, looking at stuff online or reading or just talking. ;;;; 💙48. what's your favorite love song? really depends on how explicitly lovey dovey it has to be! jackie and wilson by hozier is rly good.
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jakel2006 · 4 years
GUI Refinements - Today
GUI Refinements – Today
My final refinement (for the moment) is that, I want today’s date to be the default date. To do this I need to import two libararies:
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date;
I then need to get the current date:
Date today = new Date();
In order to get each part of the date (day, month, year), i will simply use the SimpleDateFormat library, and create three…
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Tsuki ga Kirei – 05
Kotarou and Akane are officially dating now…but neither are quite sure what dating entails. They’re also keeping it a secret from their respective circles of friends, so they’re still not comfortable talking to each other at school, which gets old for them fast.
They need guidance on how to proceed, and both end up relying on a combination of advice from their elders (Kotarou’s senpai Daisuke and Akane’s big sis Ayane) and the interwebs. The next time they message each other, they’re on the same page about meeting up in the libarary, but the rendezvous is broken up by Chinatsu, who is clearly taking a shine to “Curly-kun.”
Akane is understandably upset, and this results in both her and Kotarou ending up with the wrong person at the wrong time: Akane with Hira-kun after track, and Kotarou with Chinatsu after cram school. It also doesn’t help that due in no small part to the emotional weight of their relationship, Kotarou is doing worse with his academics while Akane is slipping in athletics.
No matter: they want to meet, and Kotarou finds a way, as Daisuke lets him use his shop as a meeting place where they won’t be bothered by classmates (who are always portrayed as an irritant, heightened by the couple’s desire to simply be alone together).
Here, they do indeed get to be alone together, and revel in it, clearing the air, and even holding hands. But the bliss is all too brief; interrupted once more by an outside force: a text from Chinatsu to Akane announcing she may have a crush on Kotarou. Huh, didn’t see that coming! /s
As Kotarou’s favorite writer says, humans are the only creatures who harbor secrets, and it’s a double-edged sword. Their secret relationship is exciting, but neglecting to tell Chinatsu before means that telling her now may end up stinging that much more. Hang in there, guys!
By: sesameacrylic
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eopederson2 · 6 years
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Wallace (Idaho), Panorama, 1913.
This panorama dates from after the Great Burn of 1910, and much of the town appears to have recovered/been rebuilt from the damage shown in my earlier posting of Wallace fire photos. A number of the buildings shown, including the Northern Pacific depot in the extreme lower left of the panorama, survive.
Photographer Barnard Studio (Wallace, Idaho) Date Original 1913 Date is approximate yes
Description Distant view of the city of Wallace. Panoramic photograph of Wallace, Idaho. Subject (AAT) roads business (commercial function) dwellings Subject (LCTGM) Cities and towns–Idaho Houses–Idaho Location Depicted United States–Idaho–Shoshone County–Wallace Region Wallace Latitude 47.473021 Longitude -115.929075 Original Identifier PG 8-Z 559 Source PG 8, Barnard-Stockbridge Collection, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/special-collections/ Digital Collection University of Idaho Libarary Digital Initiatives Holding Institution University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives, http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/special-collections/ Format Original 8x10 black and white glass negative Type Image;StillImage Web site http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/barstock/ Rights (Standardized) https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/
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