ingma · 1 year
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The moon of planet Nene
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 7 months
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🌕 中秋節快樂 🏮 Happy Moon Festival 🥂
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Perché rido?
Perché ho smesso di avere paura di non essere abbastanza, perché
ho smesso di avere paura di essere sbagliata, perché ho smesso di avere paura di non dire la cosa giusta.
Rido perché essere come mi vogliono gli altri non è più un problema mio.
(Maria Luna)
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Ti sto dando l'anima solo che non ne rimane più per me...
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roughridingrednecks · 27 days
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ecleptica · 1 year
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stua · 1 year
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Recepción area for @sazerachouse featuring STUA Libera armchairs. LIBERA: www.stua.com/design/libera A project by @hd_home_design
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jellhound · 1 year
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Libera Free, a jackal with leucism!
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somacruising · 10 months
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This is a direct continuation to Sync’s Side.
Since Ion’s side was finally put up on the Rays Wiki, I can actually take a crack at it now.  Here is the Ion side of the skit released with the debut of his xMA \ Dual Mystic Arte with Sync. I got the screenshots from 八雲貴大 on YT.
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Ion: How do you think that went, Sync? What did you think of Ix’s gathering? * どうでしたか、シンク。イクスサロンの感想は。
Sync: It was a waste of time. The end result of thought experiments and harboring delusions is a mental breakdown, isn’t it? That’s what the Necromancer is for. 時間の無駄だね。妄想と思考実験のなれの果ては精神の崩壊ってやつなんじゃない?こういうのは死霊使いの得意分野でしょ。
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Ion: Hehe… フフフ・・・・・・。
Sync: What? 何?
Ion: Jade said something very similar to you. He said: “Don’t you think you should take a break from your bad thoughts and pay attention to where you’re going?” ジェイドも同じようなことを言っていましたよ。「下手の考え休むに似たり、もっと足下を見た方がいいのではありませんか」って。
Ion: Jade doesn’t have much interest in the humanities. ジェイドは人文科学には興味がないそうです。
Sync: How about that. Well, I’ve already thought about this plenty while I was falling into the Planet’s Core. どうだかね。考え尽くして一度深淵にでも落ちたから避けてるんじゃないの。
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Luke: —What the hell are you guys talking about? The meeting is over and you’re still talking about hard stuff. ――何だよ、お前ら。サロンが終わってもまだ難しい話をしてるのかよ。
Sync: You poor thing. You were made with a degraded brain, it’s natural you find this kind of talk difficult. 可哀想に。お前は脳みそが劣化して生まれたからこの程度の話を難しく感じるんだよ。
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Libera: Sync, it’s not good to tell people they’re inferior! Anise said so. シンク!人に劣化なんて言ったらダメなんだよ。アニスが言ってた。
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Sync: Shut up. We’re not people, anyway. We’re replicas. うるさいな。どうせ相手は人じゃなくてレプリカだ。
Libera: Replicas are people, too. Claire told me that we all share the same heart that thinks peach pie is delicious. Now, apologize to Luke. レプリカも人なの。クレアが言ってた。ピーチパイのことを美味しいと思う心は同じなんだよ。ほら、ルークに謝るの。
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Sync: I told you to shut it. *sighs* Whatever, I’m sorry for telling the truth. うるさいな。あーあ、本当のことを言って悪かったね。
Libera: Sorry, Luke. Come on, Sync. As a reward, let’s get some sweets from Nevan. ごめんね、ルーク。さ、シンク。ご褒美にネヴァンからお菓子をもらおう。
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Sync: I already told you, quit yanking my arm! You’ll dislocate— だから、腕を引っ張るな!肩が―――
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Luke: …That Sync, he’s the same as ever. ・・・・・・シンクの奴、相変わらずだな。
Ion: I agree… Or, well, I do think that Sync might have changed a little. そうですね・・・・・・。いえ、でも少し変わったかも知れません。
Luke: You think? そうか?
Ion: I think that Sync would have refused to even be in the same room as me back in our original world. 元の世界にいた頃のシンクなら、僕と同じ空間にいることすら拒絶したのではないかと思うんです。
Ion: But now, Sync seems to be starting to make compromises with himself. けれど今のシンクは、少しだけ譲歩してくれているように感じます。
Luke: I guess that’s because we have no reason to be hostile anymore. 今は敵対する必要がないから、とかかな。
Ion: Yes…that might be right. そう・・・・・・なんでしょうか。
Ion: I don’t know exactly why he’s changed, but I’m glad. I feel like Sync is starting to find more meaning in being himself, rather than just being another one of our original’s replicas. 理由はわかりませんが、嬉しいです。シンクがシンク自身に、被験者イオンのレプリカであるということ以上の意味を見出し始めているような気がして。
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Luke: I hope so. I feel like I’m starting to finally feel like I am who I am because of my friends—you and everyone else. そうだといいな。俺は仲間が―――イオンやみんながいてやっと、俺が俺であるって思えるようになったから。
Ion: Including me? But I haven’t… 僕も、ですか?僕は何も・・・・・・。
Luke: What are you talking about? You’re super important. 何言ってんだよ。イオンはすげえ重要だぜ。
Luke: After all, no matter how many replicas there are of Ion, no matter how many Luke replicas were made, you and I are the only ones who met in the Cheagle Woods. だってイオンが何人いても、ルークのレプリカが何人いても、チーグルの森で出会ったのは俺とお前だけなんだから。
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Ion: !!
Luke: That’s what makes you special. だからさ、特別なんだ。
Ion: You’re right. You and I are proof of each other’s unique existences. Thank you, Luke! はい。僕たちはお互い、唯一無二であることの証明者ですね。ありがとう、ルーク!
* NOTE: the actual term Ion uses is “Ix’s salon”, which confused me until I found out that a salon can also be an “informal gathering of artists at a notable figure’s house.”
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elenascrive · 1 year
Dopo una mattina soleggiata, in arrivo in lontananza i primi tuoni di un temporale a sorpresa. Il Primo dell’Anno e provoca impressione pensarlo. Mi ero quasi dimenticata il suo potente rumore ed è un piacere riscoprirlo in questo Giorno di Festa in cui si celebra la Liberazione.
Finalmente anche Sua Maestà Il Cielo festeggia la Libertà di poter piovere, scatenando la propria furia festosa con tuoni e lampi, che non si vedevano da mesi, mandando giù l’acqua che stavamo tutti attendendo dopo la preoccupante siccità. Anche questo è 25 aprile.
Che gioia è per gli occhi e per il cuore vedere la pioggia cadere copiosa e con insistenza dalla finestra della Mia stanza, mentre mi riscopro al sicuro e protetta contro l’incertezza che al momento avvolge la Mia Vita. D’un tratto la Mia Anima si sente di nuovo Libera.
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Torno a camminareeee liberaa🥳👣
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radical-cat · 1 year
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Libera, robotics farmer
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pazzoincasamatta · 5 months
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finalmente "libera"
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littledigest · 2 years
Asteroids indicating Activism and the Rebellious Spirit in your Birth Chart - PART 2
This will be separated into two parts since there are so many asteroids that have to do with the following:
Contributing to rebellion
Using your power to go against something bigger/tradition
Resilience as a stance
Drive and willpower
Intelligence and human advancement seen as a threat to others
Coming together as one group, power in numbers
Freedom, liberation
Sign of the times
Peace and Disharmony
PART 2 will focus on themes 6 - 10
905, 306, 1585, 202373, 8991, 6000, 214772, 274300, 1347, 5863,
567, 771, 269, 24, 5, 5145, 19521, 3696, 136199, 40, 58, 679, 3642
Keep in mind that, you do not have to agree or be fans of some of the people/groups listed. But it is the general or initial intention of those people and groups that are important.
These asteroids could also point to a more negative manifestation: zealotry, extremism, etc.
Universitas 905
Named after the Latin word for the whole, total, the universe, the world
Can also be used as an education asteroid (university)
Unitas 306
Named after Angelo Secchi, an Italian astronomer
Means oneness, unity, undivided
Union 1585
Named after the Union Observatory
Can be read as union, meaning joining together or a group of people with a common purpose (think workers union)
Also used as a synastry marriage asteroid
Ubuntu 202373
Named after the Nguni Bantu word for humanity to others
Solidarity 8991
Re-named in response to the September 11 attacks along with two other asteroids: Magnanimity 8992 and Compassion 8990
Solidarity means unity and mutual support
United Nations 6000, UNICEF 214772, UNESCO 274300
Named after their respective organizations
United Nations is an international intergovernmental organization with the goal of maintaining peace and security among nations
UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) is an organization dedicated to protecting disadvantaged children and their rights
UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) is an organization dedicated to promoting world peace through education, arts, sciences, and culture
Could be taken literally; if you're interested in working for these places
Patria 1347
Named after the Latin word for fatherland, motherland, homeland
Patriotism; pride and loyalty to your ethnic origins or where you live
Tara 5863
Named after female bodhisattva, Tara, who is the mother of liberation
Savior who liberates souls from suffering
Eleutheria 567
The ancient Greek word for liberty; personification of liberty
Libera 771
Latin word for free
Justitia 269, Themis 24
Justitia is the personification of justice; Lady Justice
Themis is the Greek goddess and personification of justice, divine order, fairness, law, and custom; Scales of Justice
May also be prominent in charts of lawyers, judges, lawyers-to-be, or at the very least someone who takes fairness very seriously
Astraea 5
Named after Astraea, the Greek goddess of justice, purity, and precision
Abandoned Earth due to the wickedness of humanity
When she returns, she will bring a utopian Golden Age
Pholus 5145
Named after Pholus, a centaur who was civilized like Chiron
Pholus opens a jug of wine for Heracles. The wine creates a frenzy amongst the wild centaurs and Heracles kills many of the centaurs in retaliation. Pholus then decides to bury the dead centaurs but after looking at one of the poisoned arrows and wondering how something so small could kill a centaur, he drops it on his foot. The poison kills him.
Small and/or innocent actions have big consequences
Chaos 19521
Named after chaos, the primordial darkness before the universe was created
Means emptiness, vast void, chasm, abyss
Chaos needs a demiurge/fashioner in order to form a new order
Can also refer to the modern usage of the word meaning disorder and confusion
Herald 3696
Named after David Herald, an Australian astronomer
Can be read as the term herald, meaning a person or thing that is seen as a sign that something is about to happen (think ‘heralding the new year’)
Eris 136199, Harmonia 40, Concordia 58
Named after Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord
Named after Harmonia, the Greek goddess of harmony and agreement
Named after Concordia, the Roman goddess of agreement in marriage and society
Pax 679, Frieden 3642
Pax means peace in Latin
Frieden means peace, peacetime, and peace treaty in German
Read PART 1 here
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eurovisionart · 2 years
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🇮🇹 Mia Martini - Libera
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