#libra says A LOT OF SHIT LOL oops
midheavenastrology · 2 years
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❤︎♀︎♀︎♂︎♂︎♁Notes on Synastry ♀︎♀︎♂︎♂︎♁❤︎
♬"who do u love”? ♬
Alright y’all..I’ve studied astrological synastry for years now. These are my observations from my study so far 🙏
∞air sign Venus: y’all know you can’t date a hottie if they ain’t got the brains to boot so why y’all tryin’ ? 🧠 Air sign Venus’s are the true sapiosexuals of the Venus placements. Intelligence is of supreme importance to them- this is because air is about the mind and without mental stimulation our poor air babies shrivel up and die 🧟‍♀️ ✿honorary mention to Venus in Virgo/Virgo placements ♍️
∞people think air+fire and water+earth=best…but I’ve observed differently. Water+earth is quite peaceful and nice and comfortable but where’s the risk ? Where’s the spark ? This combo can get a little stagnant after a while…like all that water+earth just becomes a giant pile of mud that you can’t get out of. I would say this combo is still beautiful because water helps earth grow and earth gives water a container to feel safe. Now… fire and air..that’s a different beast all together … air will stir up the flames causing hellfire. Have you seen these two fight ? It’s vicious… two masculine energies trying to combat each other 🤦‍♀️ needless to say, this combo is NOT best. Whoever made this observation in the past must’ve been on a bender or some shit. Masculine+masculine=why ?
Now for the goodie and the baddie combo that does work :
Gemini+Capricorn: what u say ? Air and earth, let alone Saturn and Mercury ?? Hear me out: as someone who has personally encountered this, somehow this works/it’s like the dry ass, sarcastic humor of Saturn 🪐 and the witty ass, provocative humor of Mercury works perfectly in tandem- this is a relationship full of mean playful pokes at each other, lots of deep philosophical talks about life and a genuine friendship kind of relationship. Ride or die kinda energy 👯‍♀️
Pisces+Libra: this one makes so much sense to me: the exalted ruler of Venus: Pisces and the very very Venusian Libra…they’re probs that couple you see holding hands and making heart eyes 😍 at each other, while simultaneously never making a decision ever, because Libra is notorious for being indecisive and we all know how elusive a Pisces can be. But nevertheless, I ship 🚢 this. Two sweet af angels 👼 picking flowers 🌸 for each other and sending ten million heart 💜 emojis.
Leo+Cancer: ummmm hello !! The sun 🌞 and the moon 🌝 come on..this is classic. It’s like the celestial mom and dad got married in the sky and made sweet sweet star 🌟 children. Power couple energy 100%. They’ll probably build an empire together. They’ll probably have like 10 beautiful children who all become famous 💁‍♀️
Aries+Scorpio : I mean..let’s be real, one is the masculine energy of mars and the other is the feminine energy of mars. Two martians - what could go wrong, besides maybe their kids finding their secret sex lair oops 😬 this is like so so seggsy ! Fire 🔥 on fire on fire 🔥 also I feel like the only planet that could tame Pluto’s dark waters is probs mars.
Sagittarius+Capricorn: The ONLY thing that will keep a Sagittarius chained is a Capricorn ok ? I said it here first lol 😂 Capricorns are notoriously independent and sags love that. They have that devil may care attitude about life that wild child sag can’t stay away from. You thought sag was the wild child, think again. Just because Capricorn is ruled by Saturn does not for the love of god make them boring or rule followers. Every famous Capricorn I know is a rebel. After all, all those hard lessons and restrictions from big daddy Saturn: they’re bound to want to break free. Think of this combo as the Bonny and Clyde, wild at heart gypsy couple.
More to come in the future baddies 💜💜💜
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
who do you think would prefer an s/o who’s charming, more of a people person, using their words to get what they want vs an s/o who’s more quiet, strategic, and plans and schemes to get what they want? is it a case of opposites attract, or would they want someone to compliment them? 👀
.......so i ended up having a lot of thoughts about this LOL 
okay so i think this depends on the s/o’s morals! like you can be scheming to help others instead of hurting them. so let’s go with that bc i dont wanna brainstorm a low ethics/morality s/o (this makes me think of 7KPP, a fantastic visual novel that’s the only decent Court Drama Simulator vn i’ve come across). Also there’s a loooot of characters so imma just list the ones I have Strong Thoughts on and sort them by region oh lord what have you done my dork is showing
So while I feel like Robb and Ned would prefer a more outgoing and charming sort of person ... I really can’t help but ship them with someone whose more cunning and can actually play the game of thrones. Like lord someone help these Starks because their intrigue score is 0 and they need someone protecting them from Tywin, Roose and Walder LOL. I can really see both father and son thinking their s/o is this sweet thing and not having a clue of how much scheming they’re actually doing to protect Winterfell... Ned would probs catch on after a while but Robb would just be blinded by love and devotion haha. 
Sansa would probs want the first ideally, but as she gets older she’d greatly appreciate someone who has that sort of cunning and uses it for good purposes. Also she’d like a calm and steady personality to rely on.
Jory is a straight up honest guy to a fault, kinda like Ned, so he’d also prefer the first type of person and appreciate them more.
OKAY SO you’d think Roose would go for the second type but HEAR ME OUT. I think he’d go for both equally, or a mix of the two. Listen. I have a strong HC that he would be very attracted to someone who is his opposite in many ways - outgoing, charming, sweet and kind. If that person also happens to be cunning as hell and willing to manipulate anyone - even him - to protect what’s their’s, oof. He’s gone. I think he’d really get off on the idea of having an s/o who everyone is shocked he’s involved with bc “omg they’re sooo nice” and only he really knows their “other side”, so to speak. Realtalk I don’t think he’d go for someone just as morally awful as him bc he’d see them more as a threat than a potential partner.
Ramsay is a little shit that would also be attracted to the first kind of person but honestly needs the second type to keep his ass in line. That’s the sort of person who would figure him out and manipulate him accordingly so he isn’t skinning the goddamn neighbors. Also he wouldn’t give a damn about their morals so go off i guess just dont start any revolts in the north
VERY Northbois
Jon really doesn’t care for schemes, even if he acknowledges they’re useful, and he’d be attracted to someone who knows just what to say and is charismatic bc lord knows he’s struggled w that for a bit.  Benjen really loves outgoing, charming and talkative peeps esp when they wiggle their way out of stuff or convince the upper command of the Watch to consider a different plan. He’ll be soooo attracted to that. Edd is kinda meh on both I’d feel? Like he’d prefer a quieter person but not a scheming sort, that’s too troublesome to deal with. I think he could come around to the first one eventually.
Mance super respects the second type, he finds it very attractive actually, especially when they start manipulating him into something and he catches them. Tormund is a dork and prefers outgoing people, totally doesn’t notice when he’s being taken in lol. He rlly hates the second sort of person, sees them as snakes.
Edmure would absolutely be drawn to a gregarious and outgoing person! And if they can talk their way into or out of things thank god bc fishboy has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth. I really don’t think it’d work out with a schemer person bc of that Tully honor, and unlike Ned or Robb, Edmure would start to catch on (I don’t buy into the show characterization of Edmure like frack that he’s not an idiot). Brynden has a lot of experience and has seen a lot of BS, so he’d understand the risks and sacrifices his s/o would be making when they’re playing the game, and he’d really wish they wouldn’t!! Like yeah it’s to protect their family and friends but he wishes they didn’t have to do that. He wants to protect them on his own.
Brienne REALLY prefers someone whose honest and can talk their way in and out of things!! Like the Starks she’s very honorable and has no patience for lies and manipulating even if it’s for something good. It’d take a lot for her to trust and be attracted to that kind of person, they’d have to like... be very honest with her about what their plans are and why they’re doing them. 
Kingslanding bois
oh lord Stannis okay so INITIALLY he’d be put off by both personalities for diff reasons - outgoing because socializing and diplomacy is something he just sucks at and the second one because holy hell he hates dishonesty and scheming. Now, he can admire a strategic and collected mind, but as soon as dishonorable plots roll in he starts side-eyeing. I think it would take some time for that latter personality to gain his trust, and if this is like... his wife we’re talking about, she’d probs have to scheme behind his back, even if it’s for his own sake. For an outgoing person, he could eventually befriend or fall for them once some common ground is found. He wouldn’t be able to admit how much he admires their people skills haha.
Davos understands that sometimes manipulating and scheming is needed and can be used for good, but personally he prefers a more diplomatic, out in the open approach. So the first type is def his kinda person. He could still befriend the second type as long as they’re not assholes, though.
Tywin would honestly work with both sides of the spectrum and in between, but ultimately, you’d have to understand who you’re dealing with. There’s no honor or high ground being involved with Tywin Lannister, and the s/o should expect to get dragged into his schemes, esp when he trusts them ... and that’s no easy feat. Ultimately it’s less of how you get what you want and more of ... what are you willing to do to get it. Pesky morals and all that.
Tyrion has had enough of his dad’s bullshit that he’d only be romantically involved with the first type, someone who uses sass and flattery like he does. He can still respect and befriend a more cunning person, though. Jaime also prefers the first type, he thinks it’s just because “oh I like outgoing and forward people” and not...”i’ve spent years dealing with lies and schemes from father and cersei”, yanno that old chestnut. Bronn definitely prefers gregarious and cheeky peeps, schemes go over his head and bore him.
Sandor dislikes both sorts of personalities for different reasons ... He’s offput by someone who would be very talkative and outgoing with him (like why are they talking to him wtf), and he also hates scheming and lying and all that, he’s seen too much of it. The first type has a better chance of befriending and getting close to him, the second not so much. 
Petyr very much respects and admires both but like ... you know he’d prefer someone that he thinks he can outwit and manipulate, so probably more of the first type of personality because they seem less cunning and more of “just” a people person. Given his obsessive/yandere tendencies he probably wouldn’t notice he was being taken in by someone friendly and kind. 
like okay weird thing to think about but just consider this... I really wonder what it’d be like if Robert had an s/o like the first one you mentioned. Not Cersei, certainly not his beloved Lyanna - a third party, a gracious and likeable queen that kinda makes up for his faults and she’s TRYING hard as hell. like idk if they’d ever fall in love but like idk i feel like his depression would be slightly lessened to have a partner that’s very beloved and tries to help him and put him in a good light in his subject’s minds. Am I making sense? She’s not perfect but she wants what’s best for the realm and if she’s gotta do it herself she will. IDK sorry this is a tangent, i think about major change AUs and their political consequences a lot
Heckin south n east bois
Margaery is a Big Gay and you can’t fight me on this, you will lose. She’s super attracted to the first kind of gal bc that’s def how she is herself! So she’d love to play those little word games with them. The second personality type she’d just write off as “eh quiet person” but once she got closer and began to realize their cunning and wittiness she’d def take an interest, esp if she found out about some good things they did. Then it’d be a classic “outgoing babe dating more reserved babe” and yall both would be VERY well-known in court. absolute power couple
Oberyn likes both equally! Especially if your motives are to help others and/or save your friends and family. He loves that kinda loyalty and he really admires someone who has a way with words and schemes in equal measure. Hell he does both himself. He might lean more toward an outgoing person just because that’s how he is too.
idk where to put Beric but he rlly likes the first kind of people!! He’d probs ask you to get supplies or money on the Brotherhood’s behalf, and he actually kinda likes it when he finds himself doing something you wanted cause you asked so nicely or talked him into it ..... Thoros calls him a simp and it’s true ok don’t bully he can’t help it
& lastly Essosssss
So, I think Daenerys would be a lot more drawn to the second kinda person. First of all: Very mysterious, ooh. Secondly, she’d appreciate a cool head that will tell her the truth and is willing to do more unsavory things bc they believe in her so much. Obvs she would need someone with unquestionable loyalty, and once she tests and is reassured of that loyalty, then she could start some kinda romance. She’s def attracted to someone who can get shit done that way.
Jorah is a big opposite in that he’s kinda had to do that unsavory stuff himself and is still ashamed by it, and generally doesn’t trust people like Littlefinger and Varys and Illyrio, etc so he’d prefer someone who is just genuine and talks their way out of things. Also yall know him he can’t resist once he starts liking someone like cmon
Grey Worm is absolutely in the first camp too but for diff reasons! Scheming and all that shit just makes him nervous and he distrusts it, even if it’s for Daenerys’ sake. He just wouldn’t associate with the person ... Someone more outgoing would definitely fluster him more but at least he could feel like he could trust them. Missandei can go either way - she knows the power in both diplomacy and manipulation, and would likely admire and be pulled to someone who uses both to help people. 
sorry i got so wordy and a bit repetitive lol both are like, my fav kinda character archtypes, esp for court settings.
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henlex · 3 years
Disclaimer: I accidentally fell in love with gye so just bare with me🙏 I didnt plan for that
Another underrated pair for @bonknanab 💖💕💖💕💖
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First thoughts holy shit all the earth. But gye cancer venus MY HEART this boy is so soft bye. A whole marshmallow. Also the amount of taurus too, this boy LOVES cuddling. But so does minchie cuz virgo AND leo = cuddles sooooo. Leo moon. Makes sense.
Gye: taurus. Earth, really steady and strong, very consistent/ dependable. They rely on their senses to experience the world. Like the care a lot about how things feel, taste, smell. Catch them wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. They can be possessive, they love their things a lot and want to protect them. But this can carry over to people too, they like to possess their loved ones, like have ownership of them. It helps them feel secure. It's just so cute oml😭 tangent: this is why kangmin feels so comfy with the and he's his favorite. He's just a kid with a ton of emotions (scorp moon) and gye is just so stable and reliable, that "I've got you I'm not going anywhere" energy that kangmin needs. I'm a sap leave me alone.  But they hardly get jealous. Can be pretty stubborn and slow moving. They dont like change and dont like changing their mind. Slow to start, especially if they're comfy, they might just lay in bed all day😂
Min: Virgo. Hardworking, love being knowledgeable about things/ learning about them. Sensitive to their surroundings. Can be shy with new people but when comfortable theyll talk forever. They love to be appreciated and useful. Prone to worry, they tend to be pretty responsible.  They love to be doing something and can get restless when they arent. Can be perfectionists because they want to do things the best they can. They're very aware of their bodies. Very curious and love to explore, great observers. They can be pretty hard on themselves 😭 They can be very proud of the way they do things. Can be big sweethearts and are always ready to help.
Gye: Taurus: ay it's me🤝 So a lot of the same as the sun, but this is the core, his emotions. These people have a super calming aura, you just kind of feel wrapped in a blanket. They love consistency and home. They put down deep roots. Can be a bit oblivious and avoid messy/ chaotic displays. Can be conservative. Deep emotions, affection, sentimental. Romantic but do like taking risks with the first move. Really good instincts. Really good sense of smell?? They really stick with things, dont run when things get hard. Once they're in, they're in for the long haul. It takes a lot to actually bother them.
Min: Leo. This is why he likes being on stage even though virgos tend to be behind the scenes types. They really love entertaining those they're close too and are often a comedian. They kind of like to control their inner circle. Strong desire to create and entertain but can be a bit lazy, possibly bossy too. They need a lot of love and attention to function😭 They can be really dramatic if they get offended but they dont like public displays, they save that for home😂 Stubborn, needs time to adjust to changes. They strive for fairness and hate following orders.
Gye: taurus. Istg what is this man
Say it with me kids stub👏born👏
Slow moving, think through decisions. They seem lazy because of just how long it takes them to decide something😂 Slow to start things... Sensual again. Slow communication, everything is deliberate. Very practical so people take them seriously. Can be pretty sarcastic and funny. Pleasant voices. Practical in learning too, they need to have real world examples or know how it affects them.
Min: virgo😂. Likes order/ control, gets uneasy when it's not. Detail oriented. LOVE when appreciate their intellect. Very good at taking care of the day to day. They can be impatient with others because they think they do things best. Helps others by taking care of the little things.
Gye: cancer. UWU. We've got a marshmallow guys.
Ok so Sensitive in love, they like commitment and dependability. Theyll give you security, comfort and care. They show their love by caring for you. They crave safety. They watch their loved ones emotions. This is a big 180 after all the Taurus. They can be moody to get attention oml. Either this is really toned down from the taurus moon or im blind. It's hard for them to forgive/ forget if you've hurt them (same with the taurus moon so☠) They can retreat/ hide to care for themselves. God this is like taurus but extra soft😭 Ok so strong attachment to family and home. Sentimental, love snuggling😭 They need to feel secure and have a strong fear of rejection/ abandonment.
Min: virgo. Good lord. Not flirty. Tries to win someone over with devotion and showing them a ton of attention. Cautious, slowly makes his way into their heart. Sensitive and insecure in love😭 They need to know feelings are mutual before they make a move..... Can childishly tease their crush💆🏼‍♀️ But they have good intentions. They arent attracted to show offs, they like understated, unnoticed people. These people love quietly helping and doing the little things. You'll win them over if you recognize their efforts, they just want to be appreciated.
Gye: libra. Out of left field fr. Oop indecisive yet again. He's so lucky theres not a ton of fire in this group or I swear people would kill him. I'm sure dongheon and hoyoung have gotten impatient before tho cuz damn. Anyway they really like to weigh all their options. Overwhelming desire for balance. They're generally optimistic, and can be defensive. Can play innocent. Passive aggressive 💆🏼‍♀️. Very good mediators.
Can be incredibly charming. The pickiest lovers and desire equality it every aspect.
Min: leo. A strong creative energy and the feeling their life has significant meaning and purpose. Very passionate. Driven and normally have a set path. They have an air of authority and power. Lol they demand loyalty and admiration in their relationships. Can get fired up when they feel wronged or defensive. But they're really kind and driven by the heart.
*skip for s*x mentions* do like idek how to say this. But like they want to be seen as godlike, worshipped. But they also want to worship the other person. Likes an imbalance of power. Show off. Possessive + jealous but tries to hide it. But everything is laced with love and affection.
Gye's steadiness could really help min to calm his worry.
it's great that it takes a lot to actually annoy him cuz...we all know minchie 💕
Omfg they're both kinda lazy😂 Lazy morning cuddles let's goooo.
Ok but gye could very much be oblivious to mins need for love/ compliments etc. Cue that clip gye had to compliment min and it was short but min was like that's all?? And the was like Oh! And just kept on going. So cute. Like he has to problem expressing his affection but min literally needs to physically say how much he needs😂😂
They both hate change and surprises so🤝
Ok but minchans venus is kind of perfect for gyes cuz he needs that stability. But gye would probably be thrown at first if minchan wasnt being obvious. Theyd be really cute together but the challenge would be getting together.
Honestly they seem super soft and comfy (probably mostly behind the camera rip) earth babies but also playful and precious. As the 2 earth signs in the group (and with a ron of earth placements too) they could really find solace in each other and I think that's so sweet💕
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v4nnyzzz · 4 years
17 Questions
I was tagged by @losermultifandomidiot​ <3
Nickname: Bird, Birbie, Yiff, Doe, Wooloo
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 167 cm / 5′4″
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Last thing I Googled: “death adder”
Song in my Head: Wrap Me In Plastic - CHROMANCE / Flood - Hibou
Followers and Following: 38 , 292 (pfft that says a lot about what i expect to do with this website oop-)
Amount of Sleep: Around 8 hours
Lucky number: 8
Dream job: Graphic designer, whatever gets me stable income lol
Wearing: stupid tight black shorts and uhhhhhhh a striped shirt
Fave Songs: Flood - Hibou /  Brutus - The Buttress / Dreamland - Glass Animals / Lockjaw - Cook Thugless / Every single Glass Animals AND every song on “Chronovision (Deluxe)” album by Oberhofer periodt
Instruments: None lol other than that one recorder I was forced to learn in like primary school that I keep for nostalgia’s sake
Random Fact: Uhm. I really like cinnamon, shit makes me go crazy go stupid but in like... a calm way y’know? Like... shit’s good.
Favourite Authors: Margaret Atwood, Sonny Liew. That’s it. That’s all. send tweet
Fave Animal Sounds: I just really like birds ok
Aesthetic: Grunge / Pale / White / Beige / Brown / Pastels / All sorts of colours as long as it’s calming, really love brown though
Tagging: steal this if you want I don’t know anybody to tag
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
Sign Ratings & Opinions
Aries: 9/10 // fiery, blunt, driven. easily bored, doesn’t take shit, self-critical but also most of them can’t take criticism. will kill you. will turn into literal satan when angry, watch out lol. walks away v easily but usually comes back if they regret their decision. I get along with most of them since i’m one too lol oops biased
Taurus: 6/10 // loyal, quiet, unpredictable. stubborn & hard headed, will strangle anyone who hurts people they care about, otherwise passive. either an angel or a devil, no in between. can be very inconsiderate. I don’t get along with most of them, not very agreeable, but one of my best friends is one so idk lol
Gemini: 7.5/10 // charismatic, friendly, moody. shady asf, indecisive, definitely fun. will want your man, but can’t steal em lol. big with words, not so much with actions. v romantic. will kill you and cry at your funeral. definitely go out with them for a good time, nice conversations. I get along with most of them + dating one currently.
Cancer: 4/10 // sensitive, strong, soft. will cry 5 times a day then go back to the shit that makes em cry lol. puts up with a lot of unnecessary bullshit, rude asf in some cases. will fight you. isolates themselves then complains about being alone lmao, v creative and thoughtful, full of ideas they rarely see through. I don’t get along with most of them but some of em are nice
Leo: 4.5/10 // confident, sassy, passionate. chins up, acts wild on social media but they’re shy asf irl lmao, calls people peasants & thinks they’re royalty. will talk so much shit but can’t fight. supposed to be loyal but so many cheat??? what happened leo? egotistical, lovesss the attention. they make good friends and have big hearts, v creative. I get along with some of them.
Virgo: 8/10 // responsible, polished, radiant. honestly so mesmerizing? such a sexy aura and alluring to the max. definition of a boss, will not let shit get in their way. honest, can be mean as fuck, will look you up and down condescendingly while you watch & talk shit to your face. could run a country. I get along with most of them, I love their attitudes and the energy they radiate.
Libra: 3/10 // fair, friendly, agreeable. i n d e c i s i v e. can’t stand being disliked or hated. will cut you off and ghost you without saying anything lmao. most likely gonna cheat. very talkative, makes friends very easily. seems angelic but mmm. loves being around people, probably can’t go an hour being alone. I don’t get along with 95% of them lol
Scorpio: 8/10 // mysterious, secretive, understanding. sexy in a dark way, your goth gf and your vampire bf lmao. will change your life for better or for worse, ~usually~ for the worse. will ruin your life if you don’t like them back lol. sexy! most of em can’t lie for shit but some of them are scary with that. probably my favorite sign even though I don’t get along with half of em. v idealistic view on them
Sagittarius: 9/10 // adventurous, dreamers, kind. will say they miss you and disappear for a month lmao. v spiritual and fun, wise. easily bored, pretty restless. there’s a breed of sagittarius that is so annoying?? where’d they come from? the rest of them are all so chill. will talk shit to your face and behind your back, don’t try them. just wants to be happy tbh. i get along with pretty much all of them, definitely the sign I vibe with the most.
Capricorn: 2/10 // creative, funny, impressionable. honestly annoying lol. talks shit about their exes, very condescending. they’ll make you laugh though, and they’re usually thoughtful. will leave you then keep flirting with you lmao. they don’t have a set ideal tbh, they continue to change within themselves as they surround themselves with different people. I’ve probably gotten along with one capricorn in my life so that says a bit.
Aquarius: 7.5/10 // talented, original, popular. i’ve never met an aquarius that didn’t have an impeccable talent in art and/or music. will text you about aliens at 2am. they have so many friends! will talk shit about their partner’s exes and then act nice to their face lol. they’ll probably hang out with you after you hit em up randomly after years of not talking. I get along with most of them
Pisces: 1/10 // gentle, (overly)trusting, artistic. loves playing the victim lol. will be your friend only to have someone to complain to. loves to have fun, too forgiving. loves talking shit but will probably die if they try to fight someone lol. a lot of em can sing~ i don’t think i’ve ever gotten along with any pisces i’ve met tbh, it might happen one day.
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ariesbrethren · 6 years
Sign Ratings & Opinions
Aries: 9/10 // fiery, blunt, driven. easily bored, doesn’t take shit, self-critical but also most of them can’t take criticism. will kill you. will turn into literal satan when angry, watch out lol. walks away v easily but usually comes back if they regret their decision. I get along with most of them since i’m one too lol oops biased
Taurus: 6/10 // loyal, quiet, unpredictable. stubborn & hard headed, will strangle anyone who hurts people they care about, otherwise passive. either an angel or a devil, no in between. can be very inconsiderate. I don’t get along with most of them, not very agreeable, but one of my best friends is one so idk lol
Gemini: 7.5/10 // charismatic, friendly, moody. shady asf, indecisive, definitely fun. will want your man, but can’t steal em lol. big with words, not so much with actions. v romantic. will kill you and cry at your funeral. definitely go out with them for a good time, nice conversations. I get along with most of them.
Cancer: 4/10 // sensitive, strong, soft. will cry 5 times a day then go back to the shit that makes em cry lol. puts up with a lot of unnecessary bullshit, rude asf in some cases. will fight you. isolates themselves then complains about being alone lmao, v creative and thoughtful, full of ideas they rarely see through. I don’t get along with most of them but some of em are nice
Leo: 4.5/10 // confident, sassy, passionate. chins up, acts wild on social media but they’re shy asf irl lmao, calls people peasants & thinks they’re royalty. will talk so much shit but can’t fight. supposed to be loyal but so many cheat??? what happened leo? egotistical, lovesss the attention. they make good friends and have big hearts, v creative. I get along with some of them.
Virgo: 8/10 // responsible, polished, radiant. honestly so mesmerizing? such a sexy aura and alluring to the max. definition of a boss, will not let shit get in their way. honest, can be mean as fuck, will look you up and down condescendingly while you watch & talk shit to your face. could run a country. I get along with most of them, I love their attitudes and the energy they radiate.
Libra: 3/10 // fair, friendly, agreeable. i n d e c i s i v e. can’t stand being disliked or hated. will cut you off and ghost you without saying anything lmao. most likely gonna cheat. very talkative, makes friends very easily. seems angelic but mmm. loves being around people, probably can’t go an hour being alone. I don’t get along with 95% of them lol
Scorpio: 8/10 // mysterious, secretive, understanding. sexy in a dark way, your goth gf and your vampire bf lmao. will change your life for better or for worse, ~usually~ for the worse. will ruin your life if you don’t like them back lol. sexy! most of em can’t lie for shit but some of them are scary with that. probably my favorite sign even though I don’t get along with half of em. v idealistic view on them
Sagittarius: 9/10 // adventurous, dreamers, kind. will say they miss you and disappear for a month lmao. v spiritual and fun, wise. easily bored, pretty restless. there’s a breed of sagittarius that is so annoying?? where’d they come from? the rest of them are all so chill. will talk shit to your face and behind your back, don’t try them. just wants to be happy tbh. i get along with pretty much all of them, definitely the sign I vibe with the most.
Capricorn: 2/10 // creative, funny, impressionable. honestly annoying lol. talks shit about their exes, very condescending. they’ll make you laugh though, and they’re usually thoughtful. will leave you then keep flirting with you lmao. they don’t have a set ideal tbh, they continue to change within themselves as they surround themselves with different people. I’ve probably gotten along with one capricorn in my life so that says a bit.
Aquarius: 7.5/10 // talented, original, popular. i’ve never met an aquarius that didn’t have an impeccable talent in art and/or music. will text you about aliens at 2am. they have so many friends! will talk shit about their partner’s exes and then act nice to their face lol. they’ll probably hang out with you after you hit em up randomly after years of not talking. I get along with most of them
Pisces: 1/10 // gentle, (overly)trusting, artistic. loves playing the victim lol. will be your friend only to have someone to complain to. loves to have fun, too forgiving. loves talking shit but will probably die if they try to fight someone lol. a lot of em can sing~ i don’t think i’ve ever gotten along with any pisces i’ve met tbh, it might happen one day.
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heurmione · 7 years
tagged by: @amysantigao, tysm melissa!! <3 rules - you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people tagging: @ladystrks, @noorasaetve, @obiliviate, @adamsdriver, @winoncryder, @dorbevnina, @henrkholm, @targaryvns, @quantumshades, @daenerysjon
the last 1.drink: water 2. phone call: my grandpas wife lmao 3. text message: talking to a friend about meeting up 4. song you listened to: xxx. – kendrick lamar ft. u2 5. time you cried: last friday yiKES 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes back and forth for a few years now yay 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
3 favorite colors 12. green 13. purple 14. light pink
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: i don’t think so??? 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: no don’t think so 19. met someone who changed you: nah 20. found out who your friends are: no? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them i think 23. do you have any pets: a dog and she is my baby 24. do you want to change your name: not really 25. what did you do for your last birthday: hmm… my relatives and family celebrated me and then we went out to dinner 26. what time did you wake up: 09:30. but i fell asleep again at 10.30 and slept til twelve oops 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: scrolling tumblr 28. name something you can’t wait for: i seriously don’t know??? finding a routine for my hair maybe lol 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: seconds ago 31. what are you listening to right now: nothing atm 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes 33. something that is getting on your nerves: people ugh 34. most visited website: probably tumblr 35. hair colour: medium brown-ish (a bit ginger tho haha) 36. long or short hair: long hair 37. do you have a crush on someone: no 38. what do you like about yourself: my eyes and my intuition haha 39. piercings: no 40. blood type: is it weird that i don’t know this? 41. nickname: donia (and some rly weird names my parents invented for me as a baby lol) 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: libra 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: skam, brooklyn 99, stranger things, daredevil, how to get away with murder 46. tattoos: none 47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: took away my nose-polyps when I was like 5 49. piercing:  nah 50. sport: dance 51. vacation: i’ve been to two greek islands, crete and samos, and both were beautiful! 52. pair of trainers: adidas superstar is my go to pair
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing but i ate a shit lot of popcorn at the cinemas earlier tonight ew 54. drinking: strawberry syrup 55. i’m about to: do nothing. lay down and then go shower 56. waiting for: nothing 57. want: to get a haircut and buy new cute outfits yes 58. get married: probably someday idk 59. career: this question is making me so anxious aahh… writer of some kind idk ugh
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes but this is so hard 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: ???stomach idk??? 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: none! but i don’t go well with hesitant so troublemaker?? (that sounds so cringe tho)
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 70. turned someone down: probably 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: don’t think so 73. had your heart broken: idk if non-romantic counts? if so yes 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: no
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: i’m sad to say no lmao 78. miracles: yes 79. love at first sight: uhmm.. yes 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: if it feels right 82. angels: idk
OTHER: 83. current best friend’s name: i wouldn’t say i have a best friend (that sounds so sad….) 84. eye colour: dark green 85. favorite movie: i’m so bad at films… but okay harry potter lmao
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gaboake06 · 7 years
thanks for tagging meeeeee @edge-of-the-universe-then-back​ :))
a) age: 16 b) biggest fear: it’s hard to explain d) drink you last had: green tea :)) e) every day starts with: making me breakfast!! yummo h) hometown: i won’t say exactly, but western australia i) in love with: good music, art, poetry, stories, nature, animals, the sky, eddie redmayne, u know that kinda shit j) jealous of: i don’t wanna answer this i’m sorryyryryryryy k) killed someone?: not that i know of l) last time you cried: last thursday which is surprisingly a while ago!! m) middle name: jayne with a y n) number of siblings: one and a half o) one wish: some of this are really hard to answer aaaa idk man i guess to be happy and just to live to my full potential p) person you last called or texted: my friend ben i think q) questions you’re always asked: ummm probably really boring things like ‘don’t you know what you want to do after school yet?’ (nup) ‘why is your face so red?’ (rosacea ugh)  ‘where’s your homework?’ (oops) yeah i don’t really lead an interesting life lol
r) reasons to smile: good friends (i’ve made a lot of new ones this year so yay!) upcoming holidays, my dogs, new music...i can’t think of a lot actually yikes
s) song last sang: mess by emily kinney
t) time you woke up: my dad woke me up at 8:30am ://
u) underwear colour: blue ayyyy
v) vacation destination: ireland, italy, new zealand, france, hawaii, LA, canada germany, etc
w) worst habit: missing opportunities, being a lazy hoe, procrastinating, stuttering, not eating, shall i go on x) x-rays you’ve had: my nose, my foot, my toes, my teeth, my stomach, my wrist, uh i think that’s it y) your favourite food: i have a serious sweet tooth so probably anything to do with chocolate, cake or cookies...although i love my italian food and the chicken coconut curry that my mum makes too.  z) zodiac sign: libra
i’m sorry this was probably extremely boring haaa :)
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okay @as-blue-as-batman tagged me in two thingies so I’m gonna combine them to save a little space on your dashboards ;) (plus I’m behind on doing the first one like I wanted oops!!)
Name: Jason Nickname: People used to call me JFrye (my last name) but my younger brother ended stealing that nickname from me (not literally he just kinda inherited it) Height: 6′4″ (aka a giant) Gender: male Star Sign: Libra Sexuality: gaaaaaaaay Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw SSB Character: okay so like I haven’t played since Melee but I rocked the shit out of Sheik back then. also Pikachu in the original smash bros Favorite Band/Artist/Singer: uhm it’s always changing but right now p much anything that I haven’t heard before is what I’m trying to listen to, just sort of tired of my music library currently. I’ve enjoyed Lady Gaga, twenty one pilots, fall out boy, and adele a lot tho Favorite Fictional Character: ONLY ONE oh god uhm uhm I guess right now Yuri Katsuki from Yuri On Ice  Favorite Character I Would Date: lol I don’t think any of them would want to date me XD but uhhhhhhhhh oh geez this is like a difficult question cuz it’s like what would I be looking for in a partner uhm................ John Egbert. or Dave Strider. or Jake English. or Dirk Strider. yea okay I’m trash I get it w/e 🙄 Favorite Color: HOW CAN I CHOOSE THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD ONES FOR DIFFERENT THINGS I like a lot of colors don’t make me choose in general ;_; Favorite Animal: uhm it changes?? Dragons are always cool. so are cats. and dogs. and bunnies. cute animals basically are the best always and forever. cute baby animals even more so :3 Aesthetic: like, my favorite aesthetic? or what is my aesthetic? like I used to wear button up shirts all the time, but I’m moving into more casual now I guess idk. I still like feeling classy which is why I love winter bc ~~layers~~ and such. my dream aesthetic would probably be just like really bright shirts/bow ties that are still super classy. Classy Gay™ Dream Trip: that’s such a good question. I don’t have anywhere in particular that I’d say is the “dream” trip. I’d love seeing the world in general... maybe some sort of coast trip, where I got to drive with some friends up either the east or west coast and see a ton of cities along the way over the course of a month. that’d be p sweet~ Dream Job: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (was actually talking to someone about this tonight during a Lyft ride but that’s a different post entirely haha) Cat Or Dog Person: BOTH but I think cats win just by a lil bit # of Blankets I Sleep With: lmao in summer like a sheet and a blanket but it is winter I have two sheets, five or six blankets, and a comforter # of tumblrs Followed: 393 (I think some are inactive idk) # of Followers: 1104 thank you to all the loyal porn bots!!! (also since you’re following me and I’m too lazy to block u can u guys at least give my posts more notes kthxbai) # of Posts: over 58,000 What Do I Blog About: LMAO like what *don’t* I blog about? uhh I guess I post Homestuck, YOI, smattering of politics, lots of memes, just stuff that attracts my attention I guess. personal posts and that stuff on here too. sometimes I write poems. When Did I Create This Account: Why Did I Join Tumblr: originally just so I’d have a place to store my poems! Why This URL: it’s a line from one of my poems. no way I’d ever change url at this point - it’d break the poetry page on my tumblr since it’s all custom links Time Right Now: 12:30AM
I’m supposed to tag a butt load of ppl but idk who all would want to do this so if you’d like to do it and tag me so I can see it :D
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beer-and-breakdowns · 6 years
Thanks for the asks, Anon
• 1. have you ever been in love?
Yesss, it sucked lol
• 2. who is your favorite artist?
Honestly not a HUGE art lover, maybe Andres Serrano for his creative and bizarre works like “Piss Christ” and the cover art for Metallica’s Load and ReLoad albums! 
• 3. what is your favorite music genre?
Heavy Metal as a whole, Modern Metalcore as a subgenre at the minute
• 4. have you ever had a penpal?
Yes! :)
• 5. are you single or in a relationship?
Single as FUCK yo
• 6. what color are your eyes?
• 7. what is your favorite word?
Honestly, probably ‘fuck’.  So many uses and meanings.
• 8. do you play any instruments?
I play the guitar! 
• 9. what is your favorite color?
Black (Unless you’re one of those that say that Black is a ‘shade’ and not a colour, in which case, probably a specific shade of red maybe?)
• 10. do you have any nicknames?
Nah, not really!  Wish I did tho, lmaoo
• 11. what is your favorite flower?
Probably a rose, not to be too generic, they’re just cool aren’t they!
• 12. what qualities do you find attractive in a person?
Chilled out and relaxed, kind hearted, whatever the opposite to pettiness is, funny, just don’t be an asshole really
• 13. do you have any pets?
Nope, but I used to have a cool-ass catto.  
• 14. have you ever travelled outside of your home country?
Yus, been lucky enough to have been to Rome, Paris, Florida, Mallorca among other places!
• 15. what language(s) do you speak?
English, wish I could speak more but languages are hard, yo
• 16. who was your first crush?
I can’t remember tbh, I just remember starting to get crushes on girls like, quite early on tbh, lmaooo
• 17. do you wear glasses?
• 18. what is your favorite pastry?
Probably puff, maybe?  Honestly not a question I’ve ever actually thought about before, but pastry is good lol
• 19. do you prefer swimming in a pool or in the ocean?
I prefer the vibes and aesthetic of the ocean, but idk, I’d probably be more inclined to say I prefer actually swimming in pools
• 20. bright, dark, or pastel colors?
DARK PLS (although bright are cool too)
• 21. what is your favorite social media app?
Tumblr and Instagram, and don’t make me choose between the two!!
• 22. what is your sexuality?
• 23. do you have any siblings?
• 24. what is your favorite scent?
Maybe, the smell of rain in the air, OR, the musk of an old rotting building, IDK I’M NOT WEIRD YOU ARE
• 25. where do you want to travel to?
I wanna do a road trip of the USA one day, would also love to visit Canada and a lot of Europe, basically wanna travel the world tbh, lmaoo
• 26. what is your favorite film?
Hard Question... very hard question... depends what mood I’m in, but probably Pulp Fiction
• 27. who do people say you look like? (celebrity/family member)
My mum, mostly, but very occasionally my dad
• 28. who is your best friend?
I have a few, I have people I would consider my brothers and sisters so them probably!
• 29. what is your dream job?
• 30. do you know how to drive?
Yus, although I havent done it in a year, so maybe not anymore lmaoo
• 31. who is/was your favorite teacher?
My A-level psychology teacher.  What an actual angel and blessing she actually was, I miss her dearly
• 32. are you a feminist?
Yes, going by the true definition.  I want complete equality for all no matter who you are inside or out.
• 33. what is your zodiac sign?
• 34. do you enjoy reading?
Honestly, no:(  I’ve never gotten into it, rip
• 35. do you have any hidden talents?
I dont think so?  I’m getting better at scream vocals, and it’s something I never display to anyone, but I’m still shit so no, lol
• 36. have you ever dyed your hair?
• 37. what is your favorite thing in your bedroom?
My bed lmaoo.  Nah, maybe my guitar set up or my CD collection... or my bed
• 38. what is your biggest fear?
I’m not too sure.  I dont have any actual phobias, as such.  But losing people close to me scares the fuck out of me, as does any foreign bodies piercing my skin and being inside of my body be it a knife, a piece of scrap metal or even a medical syringe, lol, GET IT OUT, ITS NOT MEANT TO BE THERE.
• 39. can you whistle?
Yes, weirdly, I whistles literally a second before reading this questions what the hell, im shook
• 40. do you make your bed every day?
Kinda, I dont leave it messy, I arrange my pillows a bit and put my duvet on semi-properly but I dont do an immaculate job by any means lol
• 41. do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?
Nope but I HECKA want a tattoo and have for like almost 2 years now lmao
• 42. have you ever been on a roller coaster?
Yes, omgg, they used to scare me so much but I love them now
• 43. surfing or skateboarding?
Skating, 1000000%
• 44. are you a dog or a cat person?
I ADORE both to pieces, but because I had a cat, I’m inclined to say I’m slightly more a cat person, oops
• 45. what is your favorite animal?
OOOOH, uhhhh, I think maybe either a fox, a tiger or a wolf maybe?  Unless dinosaurs count in which case, always dinosaurs.
• 46. do you have a skincare routine?
No, but I should, lol
• 47. what time do you typically go to bed at and what time do you wake up at?
Stupid o’ clock, oops.  I cant remember the last time I fell asleep before 2am tbh, and I always try and wake up at like at least 10am but it rarely works, IM NOT LAZY I JUST SLEEP LATE IS SWEAR
• 48. what is your favorite memory?
I think maybe being in Florida with my parents the last time, maybe around 2012/14 something around then, that was fun and I miss those days
• 49. how tall are you?
I’m around 5″11 ish
• 50. what is the best gift you’ve ever received?
Probably a holiday away, OR, my ticket to Download 2018
• 51. do you have a garden?
Yus, but its a tip right now
• 52. do you like bugs?
I dont like them but they do fascinate me a little
• 53. what is your natural hair color?
VERY dark brown
• 54. what is your favorite food and drink?
Favourite food HAS to be Indian food, favourite drink would probably be fruit cider maybe?  But not Strongbow dark fruits, that’s easily the worst fruit cider, GROSS.  And no I’m not an alcoholic, but soft drinks and water are just boring at this point lol
• 55. do you want kids?
Yes, but not until I’m like in my 30s and have a stable career and life and I’ve spent my 20s enjoying life and having money to spend on me and not a little puke/shit/pee ball
• 56. what is/was your favorite class?
Probably either GCSE music or A Level psychology.
• 57. what color shirt are you wearing?
Black, duh
• 58. if you could time travel, what year would you go to and why?
Any point in the 60s, 70s 80s and 90s so I can experience each decade that I’m fascinated by. 
• 59. what is your skin color?
I’m a pasty white boy, BUT, going to Download this summer I did get a sweet-ass tan which has never happened to me before, lmaoo
• 60. hugs or kisses?
Kisses, but hugs are also phenomenal
• 61. have you ever drank alcohol?
Yes, lol
• 62. have you ever done drugs?
• 63. netflix or youtube?
YouTube, netflix is overrated, RIP
• 64. ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Ice cream 200% 
• 65. succulents or flowers?
Probably flowers!
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