#libraries are for meetings
learnelle · 1 year
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The prettiest place to cry in Paris when you have a 2,000 word organisational psych report, a 1,500 word french education system essay and a presentation due for next week <3
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azoosepted · 2 months
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did i ever share this with the class or
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egophiliac · 1 year
I didn't get him. :( ...so I looked up his dorm story and it is incredible, oh my god. if you haven't noticed by now, Malleus doing the absolute stupidest shit with the best intentions is my favorite, and this is pandering directly to that part of me. I can't pick a favorite part.
(wait, actually, yes I can)
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 6 months
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alex + looking at miles
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wooldawn · 5 months
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alizalayne · 10 months
beetle and the hollowbones book banning roadtrip travelogue
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manitapaleta · 1 year
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the Li-Wilson family is the cutest, change my mind
(you cant)
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ravencincaide · 4 months
Shhh -oh shit
Summary: You were not the kindest when someone disturbed you; especially when studying for finals. Or the time you shushed a talking bastard in the library's quiet section, not realizing who said ‘bastard’ was. 
Pairing: Student!reader x Chuuya Nakahara. 
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 29: Texting/email 
Warnings: Cursing, random Chuuya fluff, minimal edits
Enjoy this little bit of sweetness~ 
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You couldn’t understand how ignorant one had to be in order to speak on the phone in the library. How completely self absorbed to dare do it in the quiet section. Especially amidst final weeks- when it was crawling full of crying and desperate students who queued from the library's opening to the very last second before its closing. Studying reference literature, begging librarians to expedite archive requests just a little bit faster. Buying seniors notes and pleading for tutoring sessions.
“ If this is another goddamn attempt at wasting my time with your bloody stupidity���.” the male voice carried loudly, cutting through the otherwise silent section of the library but for the gentle tipp-tapp of keyboard keys or barely hearable flickering of pages. In contrast to those monotone sounds, his voice boomed like thunder, completely breaking your concentration. With each syllable past his lips you could feel your understanding slipping away. 
Why no one said anything was beyond you. 
It was so bluntly obvious that this man was disturbing everyone in the surrounding area. Yet either he was oblivious enough not to see it, or self centered enough not to care. Neither of which sat well with you. As if to make matters worse, his voice grew louder and louder as he drew nearer, now it was not only the phone conversation that was disturbing you, but also the stomps of his feet against the carpet clad floor. “I’ll have you die.. I–” 
“ Shh!” you snapped, making a low, angry hiss towards the owner of the voice somewhere in the distance behind you. You saw the head of a student opposite you snap up and give you a quick, earnest grateful smile. However, that smile quickly faded as the student paled a sickly shade of white before he quickly snapped his head back down, staring at the study books in front of him. His reaction puzzled you, but the blessed silence made you ignore that fact in favour of your studies. 
However the peaceful silence did not last long. 
“ Goddamn it! I swear I’m going to kill you myself this time, you good for nothing, perverted, enemy of all—” 
Slamming your fist into the table you finally lost your patience, your voice, the ‘shh’ resonating through the area. An angry echo which bounced off the walls and furniture throughout the entire second floor of the library’s silent section; “Its a goddamn library so for crying out loud, can you shut the fuck— oh shit” you cut yourself off as your eyes landed on the man with the phone pressed to his ear. 
It was him; it couldn’t be- shouldn’t be, and yet it was. 
You would recognize that ginger hair and black coat anywhere. The piercing eyes which searched the sea of students before they landed onto you, and stared you down mockingly. The cocky grin which matched the handsome boyish expression. And that top hat, the most memorable goddamn top hat in the entire Yokohama. You had seen that hat, and the man it belonged to, in wanted posters and news segments all over Yokohama city. 
The long and loud media warnings to never engage or provoke him. The most dangerous and bloodthirsty member of Port Mafia; Nakahara Chuuya. 
And you had not only encountered him in the most mundane place in the entire city; but also shushed him; not once, not twice but an entire three times. That is without the curse-filled scolding you unknowingly send his way for his less than adequate library manners. In other words you were a deadman walking; a soon to be corpse which currently filled the barely-comfortable study spot. Judging by the annoyance edged onto his features, it was time for you to say your goodbyes and start digging your grave. Then again, your mind reminded you all too bitterly, if you failed the upcoming exams the humiliation, loss of income and homelessness you’d face, would make you wish you were dead. 
Instead of feigning ignorance or getting up and apologizing on your hands and knees, you stared back into his face with a scowl that matched his own. It was as if you challenged him to say something. Chuuya responded with a raised eyebrow. In that instant, your mind flickered between the ‘you’re gonna be brutally murdered or worse’ and ‘ holy hell the media did not do those gorgeous blue orbs justice.’ A part of you still couldn’t grasp the fact that you were actually seeing those eyes in real life. 
You were so, so fucked. 
That sentiment was reinforced as you saw the frown on his lips turn up into something almost morbid. Chuuya’s eyes ran up and down before he rolled his eyes as the voice in the phone demanded his attention, growing so loud you could almost distinguish what it was saying from such a distance; “ I’ll get back to you, slimeball” Chuuya stated midway through slamming the phone shut and slipping it into his pants pocket.
Then he advanced towards you.
You swallowed thickly, and fixed the ginger with an even firmer stare. Then you summoned what little bravery- or insanity- you had left in you; “ Listen with all due respect Nakahara-san your future is set for life; glory, terror and all that. While us pitiful students have our lives decided by the horrors of exams which are primarily out of our control so I kindly beg you, for the love of god and anything unholy; please be quiet.” 
Chuuya stopped in front of you; an unreadable expression on his face half shaded by the tophat.You swore he looked less menacing and more entertained than moments earlier- or was it your wishful thinking? No, there definitely was a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of them; “ Whatever, fork over your phone” 
“My phone?” you asked in bewildered as you stared up at the man currently towering over you. 
At another glare, you quickly unlocked and surrendered the device to him. You watched him type something in before handing it back to you. Looking down at it, you noticed there was a new contact added in your list, listed under the simple initials NC. You glanced back up at him in question. 
The angry look was replaced by a boyish grin. To you it looked almost.. Flirty?!
 Chuuya pointed towards your phone with a gloved finger; “ I wanna know what kind of exams are scarier than a Mafia executive. Text this number when you’re done.”
Your eyes widened a little before you shook your head slightly. Your brain not able to comprehend what he was saying, your mind blanking out long enough for your mouth to speak before you had time to think; “ If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were hitting on me” you mumbled in disbelief earning yourself another cocky smirk. He really was?! 
 “ Nakahara-san I don’t think it’s–” 
“Shhh”  you heard another student hiss at you making you instantly grow silent. Before biting your lips in a feeble attempt to keep your expression neutral. You failed; the edges of your lips pulled up into a smile, barely containing the bubbly laughter readying to spill past your lips. Your expression remained  bewildered and a little shocked, while his expression remained cocky almost sweet yet so very confident. 
Who knew such a meeting could derive from a single word; a hissing of an annoyed student in the middle of the exam season in the libraries quiet section:  
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Author note: A little sweetness is what we all need some days. I hope this fic made you smile at least a little on this (very cold!) Sunday morning.
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missmoonfrost · 13 days
Show me your favourite book - a wolfstar microfic
June 3 - Library Words: 417
Remus peeked through the bookshelf with clenched fists. The black-haired boy looked exactly the type not to care about rules, to laugh at him. But no one was going to say Remus didn’t take his summer job at the library seriously. He took a deep breath, marched over, tapped the sign, and mustered his sternest voice. “No food or drinks allowed.”
The offender quickly turned towards him and proceeded to drop his cup, spilling coffee all over the floor.
“Thank you for demonstrating the reason,” Remus muttered dryly and went to fetch something to clean up with, turning his back to the hissed apologies.
He returned with a bunch of paper towels to the scene of a guy looking entirely too posh to be on his knees unavailingly stirring a coffee-drenched tissue around in the puddle. What an idiot. At least he was trying. Remus admitted he had not expected him to still be there when he got back.
Remus dumped the paper towels beside him, only for him to jump again, stare at Remus face, then look down and mumble. “Sorry about the mess.”
His voice was slightly out of breath, as if he’d been running. And it did things to Remus. Suddenly he saw how beautiful the hands accepting a paper tissue from him was, how magically the black waves fell in front of the downturned face.
He looked up, Remus met a pair of piercing grey eyes and a shy yet stunning smile and first then realised he had stopped cleaning. It was his turn to quickly close his mouth and look down in embarrassment.
They cleaned up in silence.
“Come wash your hands,” Remus suggested and led the way into the staff room.
“Thank you for helping me clean up,” Remus said as they parted.
“I should thank you. It was my fall altogether.”
“Maybe mine a little bit for startling you.” Remus smiled.
He felt a need to do something to keep their brief meeting from being over. The way the other boy lingered just outside the staff room, awkwardly swaying his hands at his sides, suggested he might feel the same.
“Were you looking for something?” Remus suggested, “Are there a book I could help you find?”
“Eh… no. Actually, I came here mostly to hide from my cousin. But why don’t you show me your favourite?”
“My… favourite book?” Remus felt a smile spread across his face. Without thinking he grabbed the other boy's hand and dragged him with him.
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If u ever feel bad about yourself know that today at work I got so invested in a debate we were having surrounding whether social media was a good or a bad thing, that I loudly exclaimed "there's no library writing group that wants to read about my two favourite fictional guys kissing" and then had to exist while everyone stared at me like I'd grown two heads
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blahblahbih · 27 days
I have been bewitched body and soul
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@autoraving (TikTok) I love you
I didn’t know there was a way for me to be even more in love with them, im so utterly enthralled
How am I supposed to function now?
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windslar · 7 months
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Made a few sims for the coming pack. I was going to take some screenshots but the game crashed just as I tried to pose their little family.
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Julianne McShane at Mother Jones, via LGBTQ Nation:
Civil Rights icon Ruby Bridges is an integral part of U.S. history lessons in classrooms nationwide, given her status as the first Black child to integrate an elementary school in the South. But to the right-wing culture warriors behind efforts to ban books about American history—including systemic racism and discrimination against LGBTQ people—Bridges has become something else: a threat. 
Books recounting Bridges’ story—several of which are authored by Bridges herself, including one published in January—have been banned or challenged by schools in Pennsylvania, Texas, Iowa, and Tennessee. And last year, a school in Florida stopped showing a Disney film about Bridges’ life after a parent complained it might make kids think white people hate Black people. On Sunday, Bridges, 69, told Kristen Welker, host of NBC’s Meet the Press, that she sees such efforts as “ridiculous.”  “The excuse that I’ve heard them give is that my story actually makes, especially White kids, feel bad about themselves,” Bridges told Welker, adding that children from all around the world regularly reach out to her to tell her what her story means to them. “I found through my 25 years of travel that they resonate with the loneliness, probably the pain that I felt, not having a friend,” she told Welker of readers. “There’s all sorts of reasons that they’re drawn to my story. So I would have to disagree…I believe that it’s just an excuse not to share the truth—to cover up history. I believe that history is sacred—that none of us should have the right to change or alter history in any way.”
Speaking to host Kristen Welker on the April 28th edition of NBC’s Meet The Press, civil rights icon Ruby Bridges criticizes book bans that serve to censor the teaching of true American history.
From the 04.28.2024 edition of NBC's Meet The Press:
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oldfarmhouse · 2 months
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𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 1910
(myscandivianhome) https://pin.it/4bpE7Hs1
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draganaesfrost · 6 months
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fudanshi chesed love is love
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NOT AN ANON HERE LIVING NEAR ME I FORGET THAT THE PPL ON THIS BLOG LIVE SO CLOSE I GOT JUMPSCARED anyways hi other anon I guarantee you that we have been to the same exact grocery stores and if you come to the library we will be in the same library maybe we will even see each other one day
I am now invested in this story. Fill me in on how this meet cute goes.
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