lunesalsol · 2 years
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psychology grads in popular media: we despise Freud so much we have clubs about hating him
actual psychology grads (me): if roy lichenstein wasn't dead I'd kill him myself
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dinosaurgiantpenny · 1 month
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witchycamisado · 1 year
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Roy Lichtenstein. Drowning Girl. 1963
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billowingangel · 2 months
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Hetalia Horror Polls 1
I'm going to make multiple polls of hetalia based horror genres/tropes
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Divider Source: cafekitsune
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fanficfish · 4 months
explaining Hetalia character badly: highschool edition
Honestly this is prob just gonna be "if Hetlaia was MHA" but bigger and mixed with some American archtypes lol....just imagine they're in some weird highschool anime!
this is the same format as my Family Reunion explaining post. i'm just make this a tag.
also not affiliated with W Academy!
Germany: Class Prez. Who you watched struggle with the milk carton from the cafeteria. And the vending machine dispenser.
N. Italy: The class idiot. Every good class has one, you don't know how they're here but OH GOSH WHEN DID HE LEARN TO USE A SCYTHE LIKE THAT-
S. Italy: The one in the back of the class that gets surprisingly decent grades but also has a potty mouth. You know who I'm talking about.
America: Thinks he's the main character.
Canada: Knows he's not the main character.
Estonia: Is the main character and doesn't realize it until he realizes he's in a love triangle, keeps adopting random animals off the street, has an archnemesis that actively tries to murder him, and somehow survives things he definitely shouldn't have survived.
Lithuania: The one with the highest GPA but everyone thought he was a delinquent.
Latvia: The one with the second-highest GPA that everyone knows is a delinquent. Mostly because he was selling test answers out of the janitor's closet.
Russia: The school bully every good school has.
Belarus: The popular girl every school has that can't decide if she likes the "main character" or not.
China: The guy that acts like he's actually 70 and not 17.
Japan: The quiet kid that knows everyone's dark secrets.
France: Of course he's the obligatory French dude in the Japanese anime. Actually what's up with that? Seriously, all the big amines have either a French guy or a super short person (the best ones have both)....
Lichenstein: She's the short one.
Switzerland: Aaaaaand there's the one in the corrner of the cafeteria scheming how to make the most out of the Job Fair.
Austria: That one weird kid that's got a full ride to Juliard and is the reason why your underfunded school has a MUSIC ROOM, HUH-
England: The guy that somehow got himself class monitor, and does a mostly decent job. Unless you ask him about That Clique.
The Clique: aka, the jocks who miiiight also bully the class monitor by flaunting popularity points a little. Just a little. -Denmark: Clique ringleader, acts friendly with everyone so he's popular but you KNOW you're not getting in on the real action unless he invites you to one of his legendary house parties.
-Norway: Clique leader's second in command who's some introvert the clique leader got attached to. Y'know, as extroverts are required to do. Usually has his face in his phone.
-Finland: Popular on his own, the one person in the clique who doesn't understand that in a clique you generally don't socialize outside the clique. Is the reason the main character gets character development through a house party halfway through the series.
-Sweden: That one jock in the group who looks like a jock, talks like a jock, sometimes acts like a jock, but has the highest GPA out of all of the jocks. He's the one that knows Genovia's official fruit but not the name of the fictional kingdom, if you've seen the meme.
-Iceland: Someone's brother who got absorbed into the clique.
Hungary: The girl campaigning that everyone should do the same kind of pushups, that girls can compete with guys and making presentations on the gender gaps in atheltics. Ofc she's the jock that falls in love with the nerd (Austria).
Ukraine: Bakes everyone treats
Netherlands: Bakes everyone treats but makes everyone pay for them
Luxenberg: Your obligatory rich kid., riding to school in Gucci glasses, a Mercedez-Benz, and a jacket with a high-end brand splashed across the pocket. Also has the latest iPhone.
Belgium: Student council rep, joined fifty clubs.
Greece: He shows up, but usually late, with Starbucks, and sleeps through class.
Romania: He shows up every other day, and bribes the class monitor to mark him present. Does show up for Halloween though.
Bulgaria: You show up?
Spain: Complains about the cafeteria food to anyone who will listen.
Australia: Resident jock #1
Cameron: Resident jock #2
Cuba: Resident jock #3
Portugal: Don't mind him he's in a goth phase. The skulls lining his locker will pass. Probably.
Seychelles: The one that secretly brought all the girls flowers from the fundraiser during Valentine's Week despite not knowing what the fundraiser was for.
Poland: The one on the student council who is the reason everyone is wearing couple outfits for School Spirit Week and the theatre club is doing Legally Blonde.
India: The guy who everyone asks to copy his homework because he sure isn't the most popular but damn does he actually know what's going on.
Turkey: The guy that tried to punch a guy, got punched, then turned around and punched the other guy's bullies. Basically he's That Kid That Got Detention For Trying To Be Helpful, though he did start the fight sooooooo
Egypt: Recorded the fight. For historic purposes of course.
idk i ran out of ideas i'm gonna sleep and fix this if i remember who i was gonna put where lol
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nerdtronica · 1 year
welcome 2 nerdtronica.com
hi! this is my blog! i go by matt or anna, but i dont mind what you call me :v)
i have lots of interests but these are a few of them: view askewniverse, they might be giants, 80s and 70s horror movies and paperback novels, its always sunny, old sega and nintendo games, music, art (andy warhol, salvador dali, gao hang, roy lichenstein, frida kahlo, botticelli, rene magritte), physical media, 60s 70s 80s and 90s arts and culture
discord is nerdtronica for those interested
links for your convenience TMBG Got Big bootleg (created by me!) pinterest || ao3 || youtube
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anditwentlikethis · 3 months
Portugal quando o adversário não é o Luxemburgo, as Ilhas Faroé, o Lichenstein nem a Bósnia e os jogadores da outra equipa não são pedreiros que jogam futebol a part time
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de-mykel · 15 days
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Roy Lichenstein. Moonscape (From 11 Pop Artists : Vol. I), 1965.
screenprint in color on blue moire Rowlux illusion vinyl film paper
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tanadrin · 1 year
There's like 5 different German countries -- Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Lichenstein, Switzerland -- and I say, y'know, just combine them. There only needs to be 1 Germany. I feel like this is yet another thing that the H-man (that's my nickname for Hitler) messed up for us. He's got a lot to answer for!
switzerland has been fighting any and all comers trying to incorporate them into a larger state since like the 15th century; frankly, it seems not to be worth it
the luxembourgers and liechtensteiners are too small to matter, and as for austria--there are too many austrians in germany already. a whole state full of 'em. as far as i'm concerned, let's give bavaria back, we don't need all these lederhosen-wearing CSU-voting catholics spoiling what used to be a perfectly lovely north german confederation.
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hetagrammy · 1 year
I also like to make Switzerland a girl
I mean the countries nickname is literally Hedvika, after their female personfication. Their personfication isn't just a figure head in cartoons, it's pretty connected to their identity
Not only that Switzerland taking in Lichenstein and protecting her is just a little more special in my opinion.
Exactly! I think it takes a bit more of the cultural depictions of Switzerland into account, which is always nice. I also just love the idea of this little gun-toting hermit who prefers her goats over people (Liech is the exception) being a lady. Especially as a foil to Austria (who I also like to depict as a girl), who frequently uses marriage and the trappings of femininity to get what she wants and is constantly involved in some war or intrigue. It makes for some interesting interactions.
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shamangus · 1 year
Hetalia Headcanon
Nations are a hundred percent what they represent.
Lichenstein is the daughter of Austria and Hungary in my au, but if she took a DNA test it would show up a hundred percent German.
Nations are a hundred percent what they represent, no matter who they're parents are.
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enarei · 1 year
Shortly after the Soviet Union shot down KAL 007, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, operating the commercial airports around New York City, denied Soviet aircraft landing rights, in violation of the United Nations Charter that required the host nation to allow all member countries access to the UN. In reaction, TASS and some at the UN raised the question of whether the UN should move its headquarters from the United States. Charles Lichenstein, acting U.S. permanent representative to the UN under Ambassador Kirkpatrick, responded, "We will put no impediment in your way. The members of the U.S. mission to the United Nations will be down at the dockside waving you a fond farewell as you sail off into the sunset." Administration officials were quick to announce that Lichenstein was speaking only for himself.
it would've been so funny if they actually went ahead and moved the UN headquarters because of this guy. world's most "you're fired" moment.
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doueverwonder · 1 year
Another Headcanon of mine.
DNA tests don't actually work for nations.
Let's take Lichtenstein for example. Her parents are Austria and Hungary, but if she takes a DNA test it won't show up. Her DNA results would show she is a hundred percent of Lichenstein.
Shetland, her parents are Ireland and Norway, yet she's a hundred percent Scottish.
No matter what. Nations are 100% what they represent.
That is interesting, but I don’t actually agree 😅
I think Liechtenstein does come up as being Austrian & Hungarian, I don’t hc Ireland as Shetlands mom, she had a human mother (her and Orkney actually have the same mother) so they both come up as Scottish and Norwegian. But Iceland and Faroe, yes they do come up as Irish and Norwegian. Some nations get more vague results, like France’s comes up as Celtic (not specified) and Italian. Denmark took one once and it was like “damn, you are for sure Scandinavian, we know that much”
Idk I just think they do get family connections as people move so much throughout history I think assigning them a single title would be wrong.
so younger nations typically get what their parents are, and the older the nation the vaguer the results are. ig technically tho yeah they don’t work, bc results are so different and don’t make sense half the time 😭
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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Okay i gotta ask, wtf is up with Denmark? I thought four-twenty-twelve was weird when i was learning my French numbers but those Danes are just 🤯 I'd be so confused learning that language.
I couldn't say, my knowledge of the danish is mostly limited to which kind is my fav to have for breakfast.
Couple other things standing out to me that are just as confusing like
While I know exactly what's going on with the line bisecting Belgium there I am baffled by the fact that it appears to be green and yellow instead of red and yellow given that the green section is where they speak french as a first language.
Not sure what's up with Switzerland either, Lichenstein will be done the German way but I wonder if Andorra switches back and forth every 6 months.
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What are your thoughts on what Roy Lichenstein did to comics artists? On the one hand, it's scummy as hell, but on the other, critiques of what he did end up feeling like they're denigrating copyright and ownership of art by corporations. Frustrating double-bind here.
I am not familiar with this so I don't have an opinion at this point.
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