#lie to me :)
Love the 2000s Here Is The Specialest Boy procedural genre
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goldsbitch · 4 months
I gave so many signs
summary: First unrequited love is not the one to ever leave your mind. Y/N looks back at her missed connection with Charles Leclerc from the time they were just teenagers and regrets having him slip away.
song fic (disclaimer: rights belong to the respectable owners)
exile - Taylor Swift Lie to me - 5 Seconds of Summer (feat. Julia Michaels) Worst of you - Maisie Peters
warning: Present time, the past
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Coming back home to Monaco always brought a sour smile to her face. She loved growing up in this strange small town where everyone knew each other and celebrities came to show off and then went back to wherever, to tell stories of Monte Carlo.
They say that you get to experience three very different real loves in your lifetime - and only if you're lucky, it would be with the same person. Her first love was Charles Leclerc.
I saw you lookin' brand new overnight I caught you lookin' too, but you didn't look twice
Visiting family was the reason why she always came back, but going out with the few girls from high school who stayed there was a treat she dared not to miss. There is just something about hanging out with those people who helped one buy the first eyeshadow and with whom she pregamed at one of their step dad's dermatology office before going on trying to get into any club that would allow minors in. So there she was once again, at the old time spot, having a harder time to hold her alcohol since she'd passed the magic non hangover years. And to her luck, he walked in only a bare half an hour later than her.
Whenever she saw him, even after those years, it was like everyone else had dissapeared from the room. He seemed to age like wine.
It's 3 AM and the moonlight's testing me I know that you've been holding on to someone else And now I can't sleep
"Come here to me," she teased, moving closer to him. He tried to stop her and playfully pushed himself the furthest away possible the couch would allow. "Charlie, let me see!" she insisted and sat on top of him. She had to act quickly, there would be no way for her to keep the upper hand. He was just turning eighteen soon and the time in gym was starting to bring back results. "I do not have any hairline, Y/N," he gasped, annoyed. His tone changed. Back then she interpreted it as just him being done with her shit. Looking at it now, there probably was a different reason why he became more stiff. She sat on him, going through his hair and taking few photos, blissfully unaware. "I'll show this to you in a few years and we'll see! Ha!" Charles eyes were shooting arrows in her direction. She looked back at him, curious and not grasping the moment in the same way as he did. "What?" she asked simply. "Nothing..."
I can see you standing, honey With his arms around your body Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all
She laughed a bit at that memory as she sipped her drink and tried her best to avoid keeping looking back at him as he sat with his current friends and an absolute gorgeous girl laughing at his joke. She knew who she was. Sometimes she peaked at his socials and then blocked him again right away. She certainly knew he had her blocked.
They went to different schools and Charles had his racing activities anyway. So they'd spent a lot of time texting. A lot.
It was just one of the horrifically long school days where she doubted the point of her existence. Life had to be more than sitting in a pointless computer science class. She wanted to be a big lawyer girl boss one day, so why would she ever care about programming. There she was, staring at the assignment from the teacher who was stuck in 20th century anyway, having little to no clue what to do. As she'd usually do, she texted Charles. Bombed him with twenty texts demanding attention, before he finally responded. "OMG i thought someone had died" "i am dying charles" "no your not" "*you're" "i can go back to my race simulator if you keep being a little shit" "nooo, please dont go. you're my only hope. sorry, your. i get it, you got out of the school too early." "that's it, i'm gone" "noo, please stay, I'll be nice and say nice things about you" "i'm staying, go on" "you are absolutely gorgeous" "yes, agree. more" "you are soo funny, amazing, future heart breaker and your passion for racing is so inspiring" "i like this. more"
Second, third, and hundredth chances Balancin' on breaking branches Those eyes add insult to injury
They were inseparable, yet nobody knew. Always meeting alone, because they did not need anyone and their social circles didn't really meet together. Whenever he was back in town, the two of them would hit up their favorite café or hang out at his house and then go for a walk. The two of them walked around Monte Carlo as if they were suppose to be the cartographers creating the first map of that area ever. Those were the good old days that came to end very unexpectedly.
We always walked a very thin line You didn't even hear me out (Didn't even hear me out) You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
His hands were shaking when he sent the email. But he just could not take it anymore. He was over the moon in love with her and didn't know how to contain it.
"there is no easy way to say this. i love you. sorry. i'm stupid and i know we're just friends. but i basically live only for racing and seeing you. i'm terrified of seeing you with someone else. if there is at least a cell in your body that feels the same, please let's meet up and talk about it. if not, do not reply and i will never mention this again and deal with it. i love you."
She was seventeen when she got his message out of the blue. A scared little girl who was petrified of feelings and anything relationship related. So she never replied to his email.
All this time I never learned to read your mind I couldn't turn things around (I couldn't turn things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (You never gave a warning sign)
Charles had a very little hope that she'd feel the same - why would she, such an amazing person, kind, fun and totally glorified in his eyes, so he could not even imagine him being worthy of her. But what if? What if he was enough? With every day when she did not respond to his email, his heart sank lower. Still, the pain of the first rejection is a hard one to take, because it's usually from a scared unexperienced heart to another and the clumsiness causes great deal of accidental collateral damage one remembers until the end of their life.
You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out
She texted him from school few days after that - a normal text, as if nothing happened. Both of them were too chicken to address the situation openly. So he opted for buring his feeling and she for playing like she had no idea. Deep down, she always knew, even before he emailed her. They texted, continued to meet up. But it was never the same again.
Flashing back to New York City I was done, but you undid me Classic me to run when it feels right
It was hard to get closure for her. After all that had happened and the mess the two made for each other was a hard lesson she remembered vividly. She glanced at your first love again - and finally she met his look, after almost two years of managing to missing each other while they were both back in Monaco. She'd daydreamed about bumping into him, the two chatting and smiling again. The world stopped again for few moments. He shot her an unsure quick half smile that said it all. She knew him too well for that.
And now I wish we never met 'Cause you're too hard to forget While I'm cleaning up your mess I know he's taking off your dress
It was her prom night and she could not be more excited. All her friends were here, family, even Charles managed to get in town to watch her dance and drink all night. She had the night of her life, perfect end to end this chapter of life. The excitement her eyes held was contagious. She spent the first half of her evening with the family and Charles, sharing few dances and laughs. If felt like the good old days. But one shot of tequila led to another and there she was, drunk as pirate and unhinged like a teenage girl. Charles did his best to keep her parents at bay, keep them occupied while he got one of his friends to take care of her. He was worried she might do something stupid, like walk up to the stage and fall down breaking all of her bones. Finally, her parents decided to leave without having to saying goodbye to her after Charles spent a good half an hour convincing them she was just in the back stage and that he'd get her home safe. When they were gone, he began to search for her, only to finally find her sitting on the stairs, making out with the friend he assigned to keep an eye on her.
So take me to every party and just talk to your friends Why don't you let me down, I'll let you do it again Go on and walk all over me, just don't walk away Give me the worst of you 'Cause I want you anyway
It was like being cut open alive and having people watch. There was nothing even remotely graceful about her actions, she was literally sitting on the floor having a battle of tongues with another drunk teenager while people had to walk pass her. It was embarrassing. Charles didn't know what to do. He wanted to run away and never come back, but he couldn't leave her there alone. He couldn't bring himself to stop the two of his friends, because he was just too sad and heartbroken to do so. He just stayed nearby and kept an eye on them. It was one of the longest nights in his life.
She couldn't remember the second half of her prom night and Charles would never speak of it, even though she begged him many times. He always became stiff and started to leave the room. She only kept asking, because it marked one of the biggest shifts in their friendships. He became cold, unresponsive and after few weeks, he stopped communicating completely.
You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out I think I've seen this film before
Funny how people's faces change with years, but the eyes stay the same. The eyes and the look. Charles looked at her the second time this evening. It was like staring back at the eighteen year old boy who was drowning in his feeling.
It was one of her last nights in Monaco before leaving for university. Finally, her dreams were coming true. She was more than ready to get our to show the world she was a force to be reckoned with. She sent Charles countless messages before her final departure, at that moment, she was sure she'll never ever get back to Monaco and wanted to at least understand why he became distant. One evening, he finally agreed to meet up and talk. She was over the moon. Knowing that she could always turn Charles over, she left feeling confident - he was one the very few people she was sure shared the same soul as her. It was as if they'd never stopped talking. Jokes flying everywhere, the two of them strolling around, having no idea this would be the last time (and maybe, that was better for her at the time). There was so much to share, the two kept talking over each other for hours. Charles was happy when she finally stopped to take a breath for a moment. She looked him in the eye and saw a look she'd seen countless of times on his face. There was a shift in her mind and out of nowhere, she was kissing the boy she'd been unknowingly in love for years. She'd realize that she loved him only once she started dating a random guy from her college, expecting the same feeling Charles gave her. But it never came. Had she known, she'd have stayed with him. He tried to convince her to start dating him. Almost begged her to try it with him long distance. But there was a whole world for you to discover, places to be and versions of her that needed discovering. She had kissed only once. But it was a kiss of a lifetime. He blocked her on all socials after she rejected him again.
I never learned to read your mind (Never learned to read my mind) I couldn't turn things around (You never turned things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs) So many signs, so many signs You didn't even see the signs
The girls were laughing at some joke she missed while digging in her memory for traces of her first love. Charles Leclerc. He was sitting few tables away from her. This time, her heart sank as he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek as they walked away from the bar. She wanted to run to him, to talk to him again after all those years. To tell him the same thing he once emailed her. To explain that she was just too young to notice she had the love of her life right next to you. But she knew all too well what his answer would be. And just like he had back then, she never wanted to hear it out loud.
And I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me I hope you lie, lie, lie, lie, lie to me
part 2
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Thank you for all the love on part one! I wrote this a while ago and never got around to posting it. Not as long, but I may continue it eventually. Enjoy!
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Lie to Me [Part 1]
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Summary: Pregnancy angst, smut, & fluff
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You lean back against Dabi and rest your hands on top of his. You can feel his heartbreak, like a tangible, living thing taking up space between the two of you, sucking all of the air out of the room.
You knew that he wanted to stay with you, to watch your child grow and to have a chance at being a better father than Enji could have ever been. You’d already spent countless hours imagining him with a little red headed boy or white haired girl on his hip, but in those fantasies, his scars were always gone, along with the anger and resentment that he’d been carrying around for years.
“I don’t wanna discipline you tonight, Doll,” he murmurs, distracting you from your thoughts as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. “I just wanna fuck ya hard enough to make up for an entire lifetime.”
Romance had never been his first language, but that was, by far, one of the most profoundly romantic things he’d ever said to you.
You swallow thickly while reaching back to tangle your hand in his hair.
“Yeah.” You say quietly, “Sounds good to me.”
“If I could...” He murmurs, sounding thoughtful as he presses a few open mouthed kisses along your throat, “I’d burn myself into your body so that you’ll never forget me.”
You smile ruefully while turning your head to kiss his temple, “As if I could ever forget you, Touya.”
He pauses and you can feel his chest rise and fall as he takes a deep breath.
“But maybe it would be better if you did,” he says while lacing his fingers through your own, “So that this kid never finds out who their father is.”
Your heart aches for him.
“I’ve already decided that this baby will know everything about you that is safe for them to know.” You say firmly, “No names, no gritty details, but they will at least understand what their father was fighting for.”
He scoffs and you can practically hear him roll his eyes, “Don’t make me out to be some kind of hero.”
You’re prepared to argue with him when he suddenly bites down on your neck, prompting you to shift your hips.
“Easy, baby,” he drawls as he slides his hand between your legs, easily pushing your panties aside in order to caress your already saturated cunt. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?”
You hum in response.
“And your body is different now,” he says while slipping his free hand beneath your shirt to squeeze one of your swollen breasts, “More sensitive.”
You can feel him smiling against your throat as you gasp and arch your back. He was right, you’d undergone quite a few physical changes since you’d last seen him, yet he still seemed to crave you like a dying man thirsting for water.
He slides two fingers into your heat and starts pumping them in and out, using his knuckles to massage your inner walls in a way that makes you keen his name.
“That’s it, gorgeous,” he purrs while nuzzling his nose against your cheek, “Just like that.”
You can already feel his hard-on rubbing against your back and you innocently adjust your weight on the mattress in order to grind against him.
“Doll,” he snarls a warning while hiding his face in your hair.
“It’s been awhile for you, too, I see,” you say smugly.
He grunts, “Yeah, well, jerkin’ off in the shower to the thought of the last time we fucked doesn’t quite do ya justice. Now tell me where it is.”
“Huh?” Perplexed, you crane your neck to look at him, “Where what is?”
“The toy that you’ve been using.” He chuckles, “You can’t expect me to believe that someone with your libido hasn’t been touching herself every night.”
Embarrassment colors your cheeks as you eye the nightstand beside the bed. “It’s in the top drawer,” you admit quietly.
He leans around you in order to retrieve the toy with his free hand. Meanwhile, you hiss through clenched teeth as he purposefully curls his fingers into your g-spot.
“This pathetic-looking thing?” He snarks as he palms the small vibrator that had been keeping you sane all these months.
He turns it on and laughs, “Really?”
You crane your neck to glare at him, “It might not be a horse cock with piercings, but it still gets the job done!”
His blue eyes gleam with amusement in the dim lighting and when he speaks again, his voice is thick with lust, “I can tell how much your pussy has missed my horse cock because it keeps clamping down so fucking hard on my god damn fingers.”
The sudden vibration against your clit catches you by surprise and you struggle to bite back a moan as you squirm in his arms.
“Good girl,” he purrs, easily whittling away at your composure.
“Fuck, Touya...” You whine.
“Soon, baby. Soon.”
The next morning, when you wake to find him gone, you check to see if he’d fixed the lock on the window.
He had.
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nanaslutt · 6 months
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i drew megumi :3 he’s on my twitter also :3 shameless plug im so sorry…… @nanaslvtt
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emmanelson · 5 months
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LIE TO ME- 1x01 "Pilot" premiered 15 years ago today (January 21, 2009)
"Emotion looks the same whether you're a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. The truth is written on all our faces."
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lovesastateofmind1 · 5 months
Lie To Me
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Rated: Explicit
“You could stop me if you really wanted to.” Lena purrs, inching closer still, rising from her perch on the stool and placing her palms flat on the mattress on either side of her. And Kara fights her own masochistic urge to lean forward and rest her head on Lena’s chest like a Stockholm victim showing loyalty to their captor.   Instead, she shakes her head. Keeps her eyes closed and she breathes, knowing that there are many implications that come along with that statement, but she only focuses on one. “You know I would never hurt you, Lena.”  Later on, when she’s thinking clearly, she will recognize exactly what’s wrong with that statement. She’ll blame it on the pain. On her exhaustion. On her mouth’s unfortunate tendency to not establish a healthy wave of communication with her brain before she speaks. Later on, she will reflect on this. Level headed and determined to do better. But in this moment, she’s unable to understand why a single sentence provokes the reaction that it does.  
This beautiful imagery was brought to you by @chaotic-super. Thank you so much for bringing this to life for me. Everyone please go check out her work HERE.
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iconsfinder · 6 months
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factoseintolerant · 2 years
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You’ve had a good day, haven’t you? And you’re gonna thank me for it.
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you guys need to watch 2009 show Lie to Me so that there’s more fanfics about it. This show has no fandom and it’s absolutely tragic
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lietpoland · 9 months
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only drawing on roblox from now on
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bangelgifs · 1 year
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“Maybe you shouldn't do either.”
2.07 Lie To Me Requested by Anonymous
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jacnaylor · 1 year
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teaandslushies · 8 months
My fandom happy place.
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iconsfinder · 6 months
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rabidwordjumbles · 6 months
Idk dude, those ‘00s-‘10s series where it’s always the same 2-10 main characters and there’s a new small storyline every episode and a main storyline and everything is good at the end of the episodes and they always start with a little ‘this is this episodes problem/evil guy’ before the epic intro theme
They hit different
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