#lieutenant torres x reader
creamecafe · 30 days
A Chance to Say Goodbye | Joaquin Torres
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Summary: Y/N and Joaquin get into a serious argument after Joaquin got injured badly trying to stop the Flag-Smashers.
Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, fighting, eventual fluff at end, swearing
Word Count: ??
Author's Note: One of my works that I started when I was around 14 years old but never got to post.
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Feedback is much appreciated!
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It had been a fine, regular day. You were at home while your boyfriend Joaquin was in Switzerland.
You worried about him constantly if he was ok, if he was injured. But most importantly, is he alive? You try to brush off the thought as you were trying to keep the house clean. Dating Joaquin is both amazing but it can also come with it's challenges.
He can be a bit stubborn at times and gets himself into danger, even though he's a Air Force lieutenant and he chose this job because he wanted to protect people.
You appreciated that part about him. He wanted to help other people. He didn't have superpowers or super human strength, but it's the most he can do such as protecting his country. But with so many people he helps, you wonder, if one day, he'll be able to save himself.
All of the pondering and thinking got interrupted, when you suddenly got a call from a unknown number. You picked it up.
"Hello, am I speaking with Y/N L/N?"
"Depends on who's asking"
"This is the Switzerland hospital, we're here with Joaquin Torres."
Your heart skips a beat.
"Oh no...what happened? Is everything alright with him?"
"Yes and no. He was beaten up by a terrorist group that is wanted called the "Flag-Smashers". He tried to stop them but he got punched multiple times and had a hard time breathing due to how hard they threw him on the ground."
The tears in your eyes were starting to form already. Your worst nightmare has finally become reality.
"Oh my God. I can't believe it. What is the state he's in now?"
"Right now he can walk fine but the bruises on his face can take time to heal."
"Is the group found? Did anyone see their faces?"
"At the moment no, but we'll update you with information about the group. We're setting up transportation for Joaquin Torres to return due to his condition."
"He'll return where?"
"He'll return to [the house you live in]. We'll drop him off at the airport."
"Ok what time would I expect to pick him up?"
"In about 3 hours if that's ok with you miss."
"Yes it's alright with me."
"Ok, again I'm sorry about the condition of Joaquin ma'am. We might have to call him for questioning about what he saw that night but other than that we want to make sure he's doing well."
"Thank you, very much. I appreciate it, a lot."
"You have a good day miss."
"You too thank you."
You hung up the phone, slowly put the phone on the counter and just took a deep breath. The thought of Joaquin being hurt was too much. What if it had been worse? What if he had been killed?
You try to relax as you have to pick up Joaquin from the airport in 2 ½ hours. You went to the bathroom to take a shower and after take a nap. An alarm was set in your phone to let you know when it's time to pick up your boyfriend.
An hour ½ passed and your alarm rang. You went to get ready and drove to the airport 15 minutes away from your home. You waited in front of the area, trying to see Joaquin. Luckily (not really) the bruises on his face made him stand out in which it made him easy to spot.
He sees your car and smiles, but he can only smile small and not a huge one as he always does when sees you due to the pain that happens. He goes up to the passenger side and opens the car. He gets inside and puts his bag in the back.
"Hi baby." He smiles again leaning in for a kiss.
"Hi" You said not leaning in back with a cold stare
It doesn't take long for Joaquin to know that you are upset, besides the fact you guys have been dating since before the blip.
The ride home was a painfully silent ride. You didn't want it to be one, but you felt like you had to make it clear you weren't happy with the choice Joaquin made confronting those terrorists by themselves, especially without backup or Sam there with him.
Soon enough you guys made it home. You went inside, not waiting for Joaquin, while he was getting his bag from the back of your car. You guys went inside of your home and still no conservation.
"Baby I'm going to take a shower and maybe we can watch a movie together? I'll make the popcorn and you choose the movie tonight." Joaquin heads up to the stairs.
"A movie night? Seriously, after what happened, you want to do a movie night? We're not going to address the elephant in the room?"
His back was facing you but he sighed knowing this wouldn't be easy to drop. He turned to you
"What you did that night was probably the most idiotic, mindless, stupid shit you could have done, that I know of."
"I know that-"
"You couldn't wait for backup or Sam to be there? You just wanted to be the hero in the situation, instead you became a victim and got attacked. You're no stronger or bigger than the Avengers, you could die Joaquin."
"Babe, please you have nothing worry about, it's alright."
"Alright? Alright? You think putting yourself in danger and making me so worried every night that you may not come home is alright to me?"
Joaquin looks down.
"Do you think I like having the thought that I might have to bury my boyfriend one day? Or I get a knock on the door, hearing the news that you died during a mission or I get a call? Your voice starts to break.
"Baby, Y/N," Joaquin comes closer
"I'm sorry. It's just," You swallow trying to hold back tears.
"You know everything that has happened these past 6 years, it's just that if something happens to you, I don't even get a chance to say goodbye or I love you for the last time. That's what I'm afraid of."
Joaquin walks up to you, taking in his arms and just holds you. He sways just like a mother would do for their child in a crib so they they can calm down.
Your tears and running nose stains his sweater, but he doesn't care about that right now. All he cares about is how your feeling. He plants a sweet, tender kiss to the top of your head. He then pulls back and you both look at each other. He smiles, while your tears were visible to the fact it was rolling down your face.
"I promise nothing will happen to me. And I'm sorry to make you worried, truly I am."
You smile realizing you can't be mad at him any more longer. All you can do is be grateful is that he's here in this moment with you, holding you. You cup his bruised face, he winces a bit but doesn't back away.
You kiss him passionately. He does the same back. He cups your face with one hand and holds your waist. You both pull apart to take some air. You can't help but laugh with the tears rolling down your face.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Joaquin."
"About that movie night?"
"Ok we can do it. But I'm picking the movie."
"Fine with me, I do the popcorn."
You both smile and the rest of the night you cuddle together soundly watching [your favourite movie inserted].
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Thanks for reading! Don't forget to heart, reblog, share, comment what you think, and follow for more works! You can also find me on Wattpad and my other socials in my bio. Feedback is always much appreciated!
Have a great day/night or wherever you live around the world!
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tom-holland-parker · 2 years
Heat on High - Cookies
Summary: Deciding to thank Bucky for putting out the fire leads to him asking you out
Pairing: Firefighter!Bucky x Single Mom!reader
Word Count: 853
Masterlist /Series Masterlist/ Previous Part
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Two days passed before you had the chance to see bucky. He’d been busy with work so you decided to properly thank him for putting out the fire by delivering homemade cookies. The garage doors to the fire station were open but you hesitated to enter, unsure if you were allowed.
“Can I help you?” You turned toward the unfamiliar voice, the man was tall and stared at you with a smile. Your eyes glanced at his shirt, noticing the firehouse logo on it, “I’m looking for Bucky Barnes”
A look of realization spread across his face as his smile widened, “Are you Y/N?”
You nodded which only made him happier, “My name is Sam. It’s great finally meet you, Barnes will not shut up about you”
You chuckled,  “Well I hope he’s only told you good things”
He shrugged, “He should be inside, Follow me”
You trailed behind him not wanting to get lost. Sam kept small talk with you, telling you about the different rooms that you passed and asking you about your day. “There he is” He pointed to where Bucky sat playing cards with the others, “Barnes you’ve got a visitor” 
Bucky looked confused but when he saw you his eyes softened, “Y/N is everything okay?” He stood up for his seat, throwing his cards on the table before walking towards you, “what are you doing here?”
“Um” You handed him the container in your hands, “I thought I should properly thank you for putting out that fire so I made you cookies” You watched as the men behind him looked at you then at each other, all trying to hide the smirk on their face, “I would’ve waited until you got home it’s just you’ve been so busy and I’ve been running around with lily and-”
“Thank you” Bucky smiled, setting the cookies on the table. It took all but three seconds for the other firefighters to starting grabbing them and eating, “while you’re here I actually have something for you”
He grabbed your hand, gently leading you further into the building, “We usually give these to the kids but I think you’ll find them useful too” He stopped just outside the office door with the name plate, Lieutenant Barnes. You tried to hide a smile, “this better not be what I think it is”
Bucky laughed as he opened the door. The office was small, a simple desk in the corner and a bed on the opposite side with two duffle bags with clothes folded neatly on it. There were few pictures on the walls but for the most part it was neat and plain. He quickly grabs paper off his desk and hands it to you, “It’s a fire safety pamphlet”
“I’m never making you cookies again” You smiled, nudging his shoulder, “in fact I should take back those cookies”
“Good luck with that, Im sure Sam and Torres have eaten them all”
You grinned and glanced at the clock, “Shit I have to go pick up lily”
Bucky’s smile dropped, sad to see you leaving even though he knows he’ll see you at home, “Let me walk you out” The walk back to the exit was quick, you smiled and waved goodbye to Sam before turning to Bucky, “Well I guess I’ll see you at home”
“My shift doesn’t end till 3am but I’m sure I’ll see you when you leave in the morning” He wanted to kick himself. Why couldn’t he just ask you out like a normal person?
“Okay then” You smiled and started to walk away. Bucky sighed silently screaming at himself to chase after you.
“Are you serious? You’ve been talking our ears off about this girl for weeks and you didn’t even ask her out.” Sam slapped Bucky’s back, “She obviously likes you and if you don’t do it I will” 
Bucky rolled his eyes, “Shut up Sam, I’m working on it”
“Ya know you could invite her to the opening of the new firefighter museum” Torres spoke, chewing down on another cookie, “We have to go anyway might as well make it a date”
Sam smiled, grabbing Bucky’s phone, “that’s a perfect idea”
“Sam stop it” Bucky moved to take the phone back but it was too late he had already called your number. “Hello? Bucky?” You voice came through the speaker, he could hear Lily giggling in the background
“Hey Doll” Bucky said, trying not to sound awkward, “I’m I was just thinking maybe if you weren’t busy next weekend you’d want to maybe”
“Just do it” Sam whispered giving him a thumbs up
“Be my date to a museum opening” Bucky wanted to slap himself in the face, this was going terrible
You smiled, “Yeah I’d love to, just send me information”
Bucky let out a breath of relief, “Great, it’s a date then, see ya soon”
He hung up quickly, looking over at Sam and Torres who stared at him with stupid smiles. Bucky rolled his eyes as he grabbed the container of cookies “wipe the smirks off your faces and get back to work”
@wildxwidow @nelly-belly @marvelgurl @inas-thing @hehehehannahthings @prancerrparkerr @abiseifried @randomwriter1021 @hunnybunimdun @raajali3 @liltimmyst @marvel-ous-miss-maisie @enchantedbarnes
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websterss · 2 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Sam’s just trying to rescue your missing captain, but it’s a little hard when two people clearly in love keep arguing through coms.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Joaquin Torres x fem!Reader
𝐀/𝐍: Hope you enjoy it! ♡
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“Any sign on Wilson?” Joaquin yelled out as he looked through the binoculars.
Eyes squinted trying to get any sign of Sam. He spared you a glance and watched as you typed away on your portable computer, paying no mind to the yells or rumbled dirt roads that rocked the military transports. “Would it kill you to stay alert?” He shook his head looking through the binos again.
“I am.” You replied shortly, not even sparing the man beside you a glance.
“You call looking at your screen, staying alert? We have The Falcon flying over us. Are you not the least bit pumped?”
You squint your eyes as you press down on some keys. “I don’t think Vasant getting taken is the right time to get pumped.” You put your fingers in quotations. “And I am alert!” You got offended.
“Really, and while you were too busy playing I-Spy. Wilson’s beacon is now on.” Your sweet tone made Joaquin roll his eyes. He remained quiet for the rest of the ride.
“I accept your apology.” You smirked, smiling at the device in your lap, while continuing to observe the beacon on your computer’s radar.
“Yeah, yeah.” His grumpy pants muttered under his breath.
“Sam, twelve o’clock.” You looked up and gestured to Joaquin.
“Sam, Torres here. Sending intel to your HUD right now.” Joaquin talked through his com. “I’ll be your boots on the ground, sir.”
“Boots on the ground?” You stared at him amused.
“It’s an expression.” He protested.
“Uhuh…” You nodded.
“I got eyes on the plane, any sign of L.A.F?”
“Nah, nothing yet, but I’ll keep tracking the chatter.”
You coughed then gave him a pointed look.
“Y/L/N and I will keep tracking the chatter.”
“They’ve already hijacked the plane.”
“Oh, we’re gonna need to call some people.” Joaquin grimaced.
“Already on it.”
“Okay switching to plan B.” Sam informed, through the coms.
“What was plan B again?” You asked out of curiosity.
“Ah so you weren’t paying attention.”
“Staying alert and paying attention falls within a very thin line of difference.” You closed your pointer finger and thumb for emphasis. “This thin, Lieutenant.”
“You two always bicker like a married couple?”
“No!” You both exclaimed annoyed into the comms at the same time.
“Yeah okay…Redwing engaged!” Sam commanded and his little drone unattached itself from its portable.
You both pouted looking away from each other in a huff. You looked up not seeing your man in the sky. “I think he’s made it onto the plane.” You squinted as the sun hit your eyes. “Not seeing any other movement.” You bit your lip. “He’s gone silent? Hey, Sam, you good, you’re looking a bit quiet over there?” You asked.
“Sam?” Joaquin checked the binoculars again.
“And…they’re jumping.” You stated, nodding as the criminals began going out one by one out of the plane. “Vasant is not going to enjoy that.” You grimaced.
Sam quickly followed the last jumper. Doing a front flip, then gliding out.
“Woah! Ha ha ha.” Joaquin chuckled with excitement upon seeing Sam extend his wings. He smiled over to see your reaction as well, but then frowned once he saw your eyebrow raised. “What?”
“Careful, your fangirling is showing.” You flicked his nose. You shook your head. “A whole month with the Falcon, you’d think you’d be used to seeing him do that by now.” You asked.
“What, it’s cool.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Your eyes then widened, noticing how close Sam was getting to the border. “Uh Torres, Sam’s cutting it real close there.” You turned the screen to show him.
“All right, heads up! You’re about to fly into Libyan airspace.”
“And I assume they have a problem with that?”
“Yeah, yeah, a big problem. A big problem.” Joaquin nodded furiously.
“Oh it’s going to be more than a big problem if he doesn’t make it.”
“He’ll make it.” Joaquin reassured, but even he was a bit anxious.
“How long I got?”
Joaquin turned to you.
“N-Ninety seconds in counting.”
“Ninety seconds!” He repeated back to Sam.
“Torres.” You warned, looking at the screen, showing the three beacons inching closer to the border. “Come on, come on, come on.” The jeeps came to a stop, Joaquin jumping out staring out into the distance. You stayed put in the jeep as everyone else got out. A few helicopters and missiles going off in the sky.
“Awe shit, shit, shit. He’s out numbered!” Joaquin pushed one of your men out of the way and scrambled into the driver’s seat.
“What’re you doing?” You raised your voice wondering where the hell he was thinking about going.
“Y/n, shut up and strap in…please.” He paused then pleaded with you.
“I don’t like your tone-”
“And we really don’t have time for this!” He exclaimed. Stepping down on the gas that caused you to fall on your back in the backseat. You groaned and clambered into the passenger seat beside the yelling Lieutenant.
“That was not nice…” You sassed, strapping in and punching his right shoulder.
“Ow, what the hell was that for?” He leaned away from you as he continued driving.
“Guys, now’s not the time!” Sam said annoyed.
“Sam, we gotta fall back! We got to call it off! We gotta find another way!” Joaquin yelled into the coms.
“Call it off, what about Vasant?”
“I just did!”
You looked up right as the explosion went off. The missiles hitthe helicopter and blow it up in flames. The red beacon disappears from the tracker, while the blue being Sam, rerouted and turned around with Vasant. No one had interfered with the Libyan border.
“Oh my god, holy shit!” You exclaimed. Joaquin stopped the jeep and threw his helmet up, cheering and throwing his fist in the air like the dork he was.
“Yeah!” He jumped, seeing Sam fly down to where you two were. “Whoo!”
“You did it, Sam!” You laughed out your excitement. As soon as Vasant was put down gently in the back. You gave Sam a side hug then went over to the tired soldier. “Hey there buddy, long trip?” You joked, Vasant clearly not wanting to put up with you and your antics, simply rolled his eyes. “Want some food, a cold shower, nice warm bed. Bet you missed that, huh?” You smirked at him.
“Alright soldier, stand down.” Joaquin smiled, pushing you away, feeling that Vasant had a rather rough day, stopped you from poking any more fun at the poor lad.
“Ay, ay, Lieutenant Dork.” You saluted him with a smirk.
“You’re gonna make the drive back a living hell for us, huh?”
“Like the underground flaming hot pits of Satan.” You wrapped your arm around Joaquin.
Sam too joined in on the laughter and said, “If you want me to fly you back to base, all you gotta do is ask?” He turned to Vasant.
“Seriously, oh my god, please!” He perked up at the suggestion.
“That hurts, I’m wounded.” You feigned hurt and rested a hand where your chest was covered by the bulletproof vest.
“My patience will be wounded.” Joaquin fired back.
“Alright love birds, how about we get a move on, shall we?” Sam smiled, amused at you two. Turning his back to prepare to take off.
“I’ll show you a birdie!” Quickly you stuck out your middle finger, to which Joaquin forced your arm down, so as to not embarrass him and yourself in front of the “Falcon” as he always said.
“Okay, let’s get this show on the road.” Joaquin nervously clasped his hands together, and tossed you the keys. “Y/L/N, you drive!”
“Excuse me?” You groaned.
“That’s an order, soldier!” He looked at you dead in the eye, and you swore you felt something stir between your legs. Your back straightened as you nodded curtly.
“Y-Yes, sir!” You obeyed and got in the driver’s side.
Joaquin was taken aback by your sudden obedience to his command. Usually it’d take a bit of bickering to listen to him. He looked over at Sam with wide eyes, while Sam had a stupid smirk plastered on his face.
“Alright then, Torres. I see you!” Sam nodded, praising the young man.
“T-That was, I didn’t- did she like that. Holy shit!” He exclaimed, then straightened himself out. “That worked!”
“You do realize you out rank her right?” Sam chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah I know. I’m just not used to…” He trailed off.
“Giving orders. It’s all good man.” Sam patted his shoulder.
“Oye, pendejo, you coming or not?” You called over your shoulder. Sam and Joaquin turned their heads.
“I should’ve never taught her Spanish.” Joaquin rolled his eyes.
A playful smile spread across your face. His heart skipped a beat, god how he adored your smile, those were hard to come by especially with the line of work you both did. He hadn’t realized he was staring longer than he should have, that Sam caught him.
“My advice, tell her about how you feel before it’s too late.”
“Joaquin. Let’s go!” You looked at him out of patience.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m going!” He acknowledged you then told Sam. “Before it’s too late huh?” He muttered.
“Those special ones are only once in a lifetime. Yours just so happens to be Satan dressed in camouflage.” Joaquin laughed at that. He shook his head.
“Yeah she can be a pain, but she’s the only one I’d allow to make me feel any.” Joaquin looked down at his boots then began walking to the jeep.
“Catch you back at base?” He turned to Sam.
“Race ya?” Sam joked.
“You’re on!” You overheard them and yelled out.
“No!” Joaquin turned the idea down immediately, especially with you being behind the wheel. “We won’t make it back if that happens.”
“You’re no fun.” You started the engine.
“Sorry I care about my well-being?” He squinted his eyes at you.
“Can we go now?” Vacant complained from the backseat. You looked at him over your shoulder then at Joaquin.
“Andalé let’s go!” Joaquin gently punched your shoulder, not as hard as you hit him though. “And no speeding!”
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Lieutenant Rogers - pt 7
Shield of Injustice
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pairings: romantic!neil ‘omaha’ vikander x rogers!reader, platonic!dagger squad x rogers!reader, plantonic!sam wilson x rogers!reader, platonic!bucky barnes x rogers!reader
characters: sam wilson, bucky barnes, john walker, lemar hoskins, helmut zemo, joaquin torres, karli morgenthau, the flag smashers, the dora milaje, sarah wilson (mentioned), y/n rogers, neil vikander
word count: ~6.9k 
series warnings: language, blood, fighting, sexual inuendoes, john walker, cannon dangers, cannon deaths, suggestive themes, the flag smashers, super soldiers, angst, if i miss any please let me know
chapter warnings: language, blood, fighting, death, murder, john walker in general, suggestive oma-star content, threats of harm or violence to loved ones, poorly written fight sequences (i’m so sorry), if i missed any lmk
a/n: if you couldn’t already tell, i’m OBSESSED with crossovers. reader is the daughter of steve rogers, and has the super soldier serum as well
also this part is basically episode 4 of tfatws, so we get mentions of star and a little cameo in the middle
sources: Top Gun: Maverick (2022) , The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
series summary: 13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker.
chapter summary: while star and her friends fly the mission of a lifetime, sam and bucky are on a mission to find karli before john does. but they all get way more than the barganed for...
‘lieutenant rogers’ universe
pt 1  pt 2  pt 3  pt 4  pt 5  pt 6  pt 8
It’s been about two weeks since Bucky and Sam really talked to you except for when John showed up unannounced at Top Gun.
A lot’s happened with them.
They broke Zemo out of jail, but Bucky will tell you Zemo escaped all on his own. They went to Madipor and almost died. They also saw Sharon Carter. Zemo killed some scientist that had recreated the serum and then they almost died again.
And now they were looking for Karli in Latvia.
Zemo just told them that Donya Madani’s funeral would be that afternoon, and it’s highly likely that Karli would be there.
Bucky may have lost his temper a little bit, thrown a teacup maybe. But could you blame him? Not only was he trying to stop a radicalized supremacist Super Soldier and get his best friend's shield back, he was worried about you.
He understood that you had limited contact while on a carrier but he would have liked a text or phone call, something to let him know you were okay.
Sam came back from the call he had to make to Sharon.
“Hey Sam?” Bucky got his attention. “What Bucky?” “Have you heard from Y/N yet? You know anything about the mission she was sent on?” Sam shook his head, “No, I haven’t heard from her. But I know the mission is dangerous and that she said she’d get in touch with us as soon as she was on shore.”
Bucky nodded, “I know it’s just been awhile and she said the mission would only take a day.” “Bucky, she’s on a carrier in the middle of the ocean, it’s gonna take more than a few days,” Sam reasoned.
“She’d want us to focus on our mission, not worry about her. Not that I’m not worrying, but she knows distractions can be fatal.” Bucky just pressed his lips into a thin line and nodded.
When time came to go to the memorial, Bucky, Zemo, and Sam left the safe house.
“Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit.”
Great, John’s here.
Bucky threw his arms to the side as Lemar and John jogged down the steps, “Ah, how’d you find us now?”
“Come on, man. You think two Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?” Lemar retorted as they went down another flight of stairs.
“No more keeping us in the dark,” John started, as they reached the bottom. “You can start by telling us why you broke him out of prison.” He pointed at Zemo.
Bucky tilted his head a little as they met John and Lemar at the stairs. “He did that himself, technically.”
“What would Lieutenant Rogers think-” Bucky pointed at him, “You leave her out of this. She’s got nothing to do with this. She doesn’t even know we’re here.”
“Well, this,” John gestured to Zemo again, “better have an unbelievable explana-” John got closer and Sam stepped between him and Zemo. “Hey, take it easy before it gets weird.”
Zemo rolled his eyes and stepped through, “I know where Karli is.” Him and Bucky started walking around John.
John’s hand on Zemo’s chest made him stop. “Well, where?” John asked impatiently, looking at Sam. “All we know it, it’s a memorial,” Sam answered. Zemo looked over John’s shoulder and walked around him.
“That means civilians. High risk of casualties,” Lemar said, turning to follow the Baron. “Alright, good, we’ll move in fast. Take her by surprise,” John strategized.
Sam looked at John, “No, I wanna talk to her alone.” John looked over, shaking his head, “I’m not losing her again.”
Sam wasn’t about to let John near Karli, “Look, the person closest to her died, she’s vulnerable. If there’s any time to reason with her it’s now.”
But, John wasn’t having it. He ran up in front of them all, “What? No. Wait, no! No! Stop. Hold on. Stop, okay?” He looks at Sam in the back, “I think we’re way past reasoning with her, unless you forgot that she blew up a building with people still in it.”
Lemar agreed, “Look, Sam, you walk in there cold, she could kill you.”
“If I go in hot and the op goes wrong, more people will die,” Sam argued back.
John looked at Bucky, “You’re gonna let him do this? Are you gonna let your partner walk into a room with a Super Soldier alone?”
“He’s dealt with worse. And he’s not my partner,” Bucky sassed.
Sam tried to reason with John as he walked around Bucky, “I used to counsel soldiers dealing with trauma, okay? This is right in my wheelhouse.” He stood in front of John now.
“Yeah, I know. And I know those soldiers, which is why I know this is a bad idea.” John really just wanted to get this over with and complete his first big mission, and gain your respect.
Lemar shook his head, “Wait… If he can talk her down, it might be worth a try.”
John scoffed, but finally complied. He pointed to Zemo, “We’ll deal with you later.”
“I’m sure it will all come to an agreeable conclusion. My associate is just up ahead.”
They turned and saw a little girl. Zemo led the way.
He spoke to her quietly before she gestured for them to follow her.
“What the hell?” John asked, frustrated that Zemo could gain allies so quickly.
The girl led them to a GCR building and pointed in the direction of the memorial.
“Karli’s in there,” Zemo further explained. Sam nodded and walked through, “Alright.”
Zemo goes to follow but John harshly grabs him and shoves him against the wall. Zemo groans a little bit as John speaks to Sam, “Hey. You got 10 minutes.” He cuffs Zemo. “Really?” Zemo rolls his eyes as the cuff locks around his wrist.
“Then we're doing things my way,” John was still talking to Sam as he locked the other around a bar.
“Aggressive,” Zemo mumbles. John looks back at him. “But I get it.”
John paced as he waited for Sam.
“You’re gonna pace a hole in the floor, Walker,” Bucky said, arms crossed.
He looked at Bucky, “I’ve been meaning to ask, what would Lieutenant Rogers think about all this? Breaking him out of prison, letting Wilson go in there alone.”
“You seem to care an awful lot about what the pilot thinks,” Zemo observed. John’s jaw clenched. Zemo’s mouth formed an ‘o’, “Oh, you want the lieutenant's approval. That’s what it is.”
Bucky scoffed, “You think bringing Karli in is gonna earn her respect?” John stayed silent. “Well, you better hope Karli’s alive when you do.”
John sat down for a minute or two before beginning to pace again.
“Uh-uh. No, no, no. This is a bad idea,” John said. Whether he genuinely felt uneasy and worried for Sam’s safety, or he just didn’t want Karli to get away and ruin his chance at his first big mission was unclear. However, with his attitude thus far, it was safe to assume the latter.
“It hasn't been 10 minutes,  John. Just sit tight,” Bucky said from his spot in the doorway.
“Don’t do that. Don’t patronize me,” John spat going down to look at the clock.
Bucky shrugged and watched him, “He knows what he’s doing.”
John stares at the clock before Bucky watches his demeanor change and he walks towards him.
When he gets to him, Bucky stops him, giving him a look and a head tilt that said, ‘Don’t even try.’
John stepped back, looking at the ground with a clenched jaw. He looked up at Bucky, attempting to be intimidating and not frustrated. “This is all really easy for you, isn’t it?”
He was talking about the serum in Bucky’s veins, in your veins, but not in his own.
“All that serum runnin’ through your veins. Barnes, your partner needs backup in there…” Bucky just stared as John looked past him. “Do you really want his blood on your hands?”
That went… horrible.
John managed to push past Bucky and into the room, just as Sam was getting somewhere.
His intrusion not only made Karli run, but it also destroyed any rapport Sam had created with her.
But don’t worry, Zemo managed to get free and find her.
He got multiple shots off, hitting her in the abdomen with one of them. But when she knocked the table over, she knocked her vials of serum onto the floor.
Zemo smashed them under his boot, destroying any potential Karli had at expanding her army.
And while he was doing that, Karli managed to escape and John caught up with him, knocking him unconscious with the shield.
Back at the safe house, Sam is emailing Sharon while Zemo rested with a cold compact on his face.
“Were you ever offered it?” Zemo asked Sam.
“The serum.”
“If you had been, hypothetically, that is, would you have taken it?”
That caught Sam’s attention.
“No hesitation… that’s impressive.”
Zemo grunted a little as he took the compact off his face. “Sam, you can’t hold out hope for Karli. No matter what you saw in her, she’s gone. And we cannot allow that she and her acolytes become yet another faction of gods amongst real people. Super Soldiers cannot be allowed to exist.”
Sam shook his head and turned toward Zemo, “Isn’t that how gods talk?”
That made Zemo think, leaving him to sit there silently.
“And if that’s how you feel, what about Bucky, or Y/N?”
That didn’t draw a response from Zemo.
“Blood isn’t always the solution.”
The door opened and closed as Bucky walked in, shucking the leather jacket off.
“Somethings off about Walker…”
Sam chuckled, “You don’t say.”
Bucky laid his jacket on the bar and went over to a cabinet. “I know a crazy when I see one.” He pulls out a glass to pour himself a drink, “That’s because I am crazy…”
Sam chuckled, “I believe it.”
Bucky uncorked the bottle and poured his drink, “You and Y/N shouldn’t have given him the shield…”
“We didn’t give him the shield.”
“Well Steve definitely didn’t,” Bucky sassed, bringing the glass to his lips.
Before Sam could retort, the door was kicked open.
“Alright. That’s it. Let’s go. I’m now ordering you to turn him over,” John demanded as he stormed in, Lemar trailing behind him.
Sam stepped up to him, “Hey slow your roll. Now let’s be clear; shield or no shield, the only thing you’re runnin’ in here is your mouth.” John squinted his eyes a little but didn’t say anything. So Sam continued. “Now, I had Karli and you overstepped.”
He pointed with his thumb towards Zemo, “He’s actually proven himself useful today. And we’re gonna need all hands on deck for whatever’s comin’ next.”
“How do you want the rest of the conversation to go, Sam, huh?” Sam just looked at John, making the latter chuckle softly. “Yeah…” John gestured with the shield, “Should I put down the shield? Make it fair?”
Sam scoffed at John’s poor attempt at being intimidating. John put the shield down, preparing himself for a fight.
But before either man could make a move, a vibranium spear was thrown right between them.
Everyone looked in the direction it came from, seeing a Dora Milaje make herself known. Then two more soldiers came through the opened doors.
Ayo spoke in Wakandan to Bucky, “Even if he is a means to your end… Time’s up.” Then she switched to English, “Release him to us, now.”
John turned and held out a hand, “Hi, John Walker, Captain America.” When he got no response he looked around awkwardly. He was losing control of the situation and he didn’t like that.
“Well, uh, let’s put down the pointy sticks and we can talk this through, huh?”
Sam chuckled a little, “Hey, John, take it easy.” John turned to Sam with a look on face, making Sam grin a little bit. “You might want to fight Bucky or Y/N before you tangle with the Dora Milaje.”
John smirked and turned back to Ayo, “The Dora Milaje don’t have jurisdiction here.” She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head, “The Dora Milaje have jurisdiction wherever the Dora Milaje find themselves to be.”
John nodded, “Okay…” He chuckled, “Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
John then proceeded to make the mistake of placing his hand on Ayo’s shoulder…
She used her spear to knock his arm away before hitting him in the knee, then the face. While he was disoriented, she kicked him in the chest and into the spear that was still lodged into the column.
Then just absolute chaos ensued.
The Dora Milaje used their speed and agility to fight both John and Lemar. They’re trained warriors and the way they fight is unique, the two American soldiers were very under prepared.
Sam, Bucky, and Zemo just watched, the latter two finding it pretty amusing.
But Sam walked over to Bucky, “We should do something…” Bucky nodded a little and crossed his arms, “Looking strong John!”
Ayo wasn’t letting up and it made Sam a little antsy. And by the time she got John on the ground, he was sure she would put her spear through his chest.
The addressed looked at him and sighed, “Alright, fine.”
Bucky walked over and grabbed the spear, “Ayo…” She pulled the spear back, making Bucky grunt in surprise. “Ayo, let’s talk about this,” he managed to say as he fought her.
In the living room, Sam had to assist Lemar. He took the hits and dodged what he could as the other trapped John to the table by threading her spear through the straps of the shield.
Back with Bucky, Ayo managed to get the upper hand and disarm him… no literally, the Wakandas had embedded a code into the arm in the event the Winter Soldier ever made an appearance again.
While Bucky was stunned Ayo checked the bathroom where she saw Zemo sneak off to, but he had escaped through the grate in the middle of the floor.
John managed to free his arm just before the soldier that threw it took her spear back, letting the shield fall to the floor.
And he didn’t dare move to grab it, so the Dora warrior did.
But Ayo was on a mission.
“He is gone,” she said, referring to the Baron. Then she nodded to the shield. “Leave it,” she ordered.
The warrior nodded and gave the shield back to John, who still sat on the floor trying to catch his breath.
In the kitchen area, Bucky knelt down and picked his arm back up and just looked at it.
“Did you know they could do that?” Sam asked as he got off the floor and walked over to him.
Bucky didn’t answer as he put his arm back on, groaning a little as the plates got back into place. He flexed his fingers, “No.” The mechanisms whirled and clanked a bit before he rotated his arm around and set everything back into place.
Lemar gets up and walks over to John, who is just staring at the floor.
“You alright man?”
“They weren’t even Super Soldiers…” John mumbled out.
His ego was severely damaged. He felt like he was taking a step forward only to get pushed ten steps back. John had lost control and then got his ass handed to him on a vibranium platter.
John was frustrated, he was failing his mission. He’s not ready, and it’s painfully obvious to him now. This role is harder than he thought, Steve’s shoes are too big to fill on his own.
“Come on,” Lemar said as he helped him up.
Sam walked by and only gave John a disgruntled look. A look that clearly told John he fucked up.
John and Lemar stood at a table in the mall, talking about the mission.
“Look man, the serum and its source are gone,” Lemar started. “I know it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to, but it ain’t all bad.” John nodded and gave him a small, tight lipped smile.
Before John could respond, a girl came up to him and asked for an autograph, which he gave her.
He thanked them and wished them a good day before turning back to his friend, rubbing his face in exhaustion.
“How long until that gets annoying?” Lemar teased. John chuckled, “You’re just mad she didn’t ask for yours…” “Oh, it’s her loss,” Lemar threw back. “Even got a little Battlestar logo to go with it.”
John exhales amusedly through his nose.
He tapped the table, “If you had the chance to take the serum, would you do it?” Lemar nodded, “Hells, yeah.”
“You wouldn’t be worried about how it might… how it might change you?”
Lemar thought about it before sighing, “I mean… Power just makes a person more of themselves, right?” He shrugged, “Karli Morgenthau. Steve and Y/N Rogers.”
John nodded a little before looking at him, “And me?”
Lemar faced his friend completely, “You already have three Medals of Honor. You consistently make the right decisions in the heat of battle.”
John rubbed his brow, “Yep…” He kept his eyes on the table, “Three badges of excellence to make sure I never forget the worst day of my life…”
He looked up at Lemar, “We both know that the things we had to do in Afghanistan to be awarded those medals felt a long way from being right… Being Cap is the first time I’ve had the chance to do something that actually feels right.”
“But God! Imagine how many lives we could have saved that day if we had that serum,” Lemar said. John nodded, “I know… I know.”
You laid on the couch, your fingers gently running through Omaha’s dark hair as he rested his head on your stomach.
The setting sun casted a beautiful orange glow over the room as the movie played on TV. You could feel the vibration of Neil’s chest against your thighs as he snored.
The squad had just gotten back to North Island earlier that afternoon and after the debriefing all you and Omaha wanted to do was cuddle and be with each other. So that’s what you did.
You knew you should probably call Sam and Bucky, but you had been on a cramped carrier all week and you just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend. You also weren’t sure where they were or if they were busy, so you’d just let them call your first or check in with them after you’ve had time to decompress.
Which is why you were finally letting your eyes slip closed as you relaxed.
And then your phone rang.
Groaning, you reached for your phone. You picked it up and answered it, not bothering to check the caller ID.
“Hello, is this Y/N?”
The voice on the other end was unfamiliar, and it put you on alert. It was foreign, sounded European but pinpointing exactly where wasn’t really your concern.
You carefully sat up, hoping you wouldn’t wake Omaha, “It is. Who are you?”
“My name is Karli Morgenthau.”
You froze for a second. You recognized that name.
Sam and Bucky tried to keep you in the dark, but you had connections. Someone on the very inside that was keeping you updated as best he could. And the name ‘Karli Morgenthau’ came up a lot recently.
You gently get up as you speak, “I know the name… You’re the leader of the Flag Smashers, right? The group against the GRC?”
Making sure Neil is still asleep, you step out onto the back porch.
“I am, and you’re Steve Rogers daughter…”
“I am… Why are you calling me Karli?”
She sighs, “I need you to stay out of my way. I know how close you are with Sam and Bucky…”
“Are you threatening me, Karli?”
“All I’m asking is that you make sure Bucky stays out of my way. I want to speak with Sam, alone. If Bucky comes with him, I can’t promise he’ll make it out alive…”
You cross your arms and lean against the railing, “Bucky can hold his own, he is a trained assassin after all.”
Karli’s quiet for a moment before speaking again. “You know that we’ve reached people all across the world right? Have pulled hundreds of people to the cause, some in San Diego?”
You knew what she was doing but you weren’t going to take any chances.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Just stay out of it. Don’t try and warn them, I’ll know. I can track your calls and text,” she says with authority.
You can see why she has a following, and you understand her cause… but her methods don’t sit right with you.
“And if I don’t?”
“If you want your friends, your boyfriend, to stay safe… you’ll do as I ask…”
You can hear the smirk in her voice, the baseless arrogance thinking that she had intimidated you. You knew there was a big chance that she was lying, that she was just using the people you held close and loved as leverage. She was a bully, and the Rogers don’t like bullies.
But were you really going to risk the safety of your family? No, you weren’t.
“Okay, I won’t intervene…”
She hung up and you let out a breath.
“Everything okay?”
You looked up and saw Neil in the doorway. You smiled at him, “Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. I just needed to take a phone call… I didn’t want to wake you.” He nodded and came over to you. 
“Was it Sam or Bucky?” You shook your head, “No, it was my contact. He was updating me, said they were doing just fine and were getting close to stopping this group.”
He smiled, “Okay that’s good.” He wrapped his arms around you, “Do you want to go out for dinner or just eat here?” You put your arms around his neck and tilt your head, “I’d rather eat here, if that’s okay?” 
Omaha nods, “Of course that’s okay. I do need to go get some stuff-” “I can go get it. I don’t mind.” 
He squeezed your hips, “Are you sure?” You nodded and pressed your lips to his.
He hummed against your lips and pulled you close. You arched into him and got on your toes. Neil gripped your hips and picked you up to sit you on the railing.
You giggled and sat your phone down as he began to kiss your neck.
A moan fell from your lips and your hand slipped under his shirt. His hands moved up your sides; one in the middle of your back to keep you firmly against him and the other buried itself under your messy bun to pull your lips to his in a deep kiss.
Your free hand pulled him closer by his waistband as he licked your bottom lip. 
He slipped his tongue into your mouth, battling for dominance with yours.
You’re moaning and whimpering against each other’s mouths before he has to pull away for air.
“Fuck, Star-light…” You chuckled at the breathlessness in his voice as you took a few deep breaths. “After dinner Oma, I promise.” 
Neil nodded as he swallowed, “I’ll hold you to that.” You laughed again as you both sat there in each other’s arms. 
Your phone going off vibrated the railing you were perched on and shattered the moment.
You checked it, just to see that it was a text from Fanboy about a new show you had talked about watching together. 
You looked back up at your boyfriend, “I should probably head to the store.” He nods, “Let me make a list. What sounds good?” You think about it for a minute, trying to find out what’s making your mouth water. “Ooooh, chicken and steak quesadillas? With homemade tortilla chips?” 
“Do we have tortillas?” You nod, a grin spreading across your face. He mirrors it, “Then that’s perfect. I’ll make the chips while you go to the store.” 
Giddy, you peck his lips, “Okay, make a list while I fix my hair and make myself look presentable.” He grinned and kissed you back, “Yes, ma’am.” 
You shove him away with a giggle and you both go inside.
You go into your room and fix your hair before throwing on one of Neil’s hoodies. As you do that, your phone dings with another text, this time it’s from Sarah Wilson. 
“I need you to call me. Karli just made contact with me…”
You huffed and dug through one of the drawers in your closet.
“C’mon…” You sighed once you found it. “There you are.” You pulled out the old burner phone Nick had given you and slid it into your pocket.
After that you slipped on your shoes, got the list and another kiss from Neil and you’re out the door.
Sam and Bucky were walking around Latvia looking for Zemo when Sam’s phone rang.
“Who is it?” Bucky asked, not looking at the caller ID. “It’s my sister,” Sam mumbled, concern in his tone as he answered. “Hey, what’s up?”
Bucky couldn’t hear what Sarah was saying but by the way Sam responded, he could tell it wasn’t good.
“Listen, pack an overnight bag and take the boys.”
Bucky turns his head, “What happened?”
Sam pulled his phone away from his ear, “Karli called Sarah. She threatened my nephews.” He brought his phone back to his ear.
“Okay. Go somewhere safe. Only pay cash. Alright? Let me know when you get there.”
Bucky’s phone vibrates in his pocket.
“I know. Look, I love you. I’ll never let anything happen to you and the boys.” Bucky pulls his phone out to check the notification.
“Okay, bye.”
Sam hangs up as Bucky slows to stop to read the text from an unknown number. Bucky’s brow furrowed and he frowned at his phone.
Sam arched an eyebrow, “Everything okay?” Bucky shook his head, “I’m not sure.” Sam peaked over at Bucky’s phone screen, reading the text on the screen.
“Karli wants to meet Sam somewhere alone. Don’t let him go alone, but don’t get caught either. Watch your 6, Buck - ⭐”
“That has to be Y/N…” Bucky said, a sense of dread filling his chest that Karli knew your number. “It’s signed with a star… thingy.”
“An emoji?”
“Whatever it is, that can’t be a coincidence.”
Sam nodded as he sighed, “She used an Avengers burner phone… we can’t track it because she most likely took the battery out. But that means no one else can track that text back to her either.”
Bucky nods and deletes the text and the number from his phone, just as a secondary precaution.
“But she’s right… Karli wants to meet me somewhere. She left a contact number with Sarah,” Sam confirmed just before his phone sounded with a text notification.
He looked at it and it was a location and time. The rooftop about North Plaza, and now. She wasn’t going to let him sit and develop a plan.
“She said to come alone… Like Y/N said…” Sam told Bucky, nerves and fear filling him as he looked at the sniper.
Even had you not warned Bucky, he wasn’t about to let Sam face Karli alone.
“I’m coming with you.”
After changing into their gear, they went to the plaza.
“Karli!” Sam shouted as soon as he entered the room.
The Super Soldier leaned over the railing to make herself known and the two men made their way up the stairs.
“You called my sister? That’s how we’re gonna play this?” Sam questioned the moment he topped the steps.
“Sam, I would never hurt her,” Karli said gently as she leaned on the banister. “I just wanted to understand you better.”
She pushed off the half wall, “I see you, uh–” She pointed to Bucky, “–didn’t come alone.”
“You have to end this, now,” Sam said, natural, but gentle, authority in his voice.
Karli shook her head, “I don’t wanna hurt you. You’re just a tool in the regimes I’m looking to destroy.” She glances at Bucky who walks a little closer to cover Sam’s back, “You’re not hiding behind a shield.”
“If I were to kill you, it would be meaningless,” she said bluntly.
In all fairness, Sam and Bucky weren’t representing symbols like John was. They weren’t members of the government or the GRC. Their deaths would do nothing for Karli’s cause.
Sam glanced over his shoulder to Bucky, assessing his body language and overall demeanor before turning back to Karli.
“I was gonna ask you to join me… or do the world a favor and let me go.”
Before Sam could say or do anything, Sharon spoke into his comms.
“Hey, Sam, new Cap is moving, looks like he’s found them, or maybe they found him.”
Sam’s eyes widened and he looked at Bucky, “It’s Walker.”
Bucky quickly made the move to jump down, but Karli had other plans. She jumped and slammed into Bucky, causing him to slam into the column.
While Bucky pushed off the ground with a groan, Sam fought Karli. He placed a kick to her chest, throwing her off balance.
He looked at Bucky, “I’ll send you the location, go.” Buck nodded and ran through the door while Sam deployed his wings and took off before Karli could get up.
When Sam landed at the location, having cannonballed through the skylight onto the stairs, a Flag Smasher was kicked through the door about two flights above him and straight into the wall.
Sam looked up the flight of stairs and saw John walking down them with a look of determination on his face, sheathing the shield on his back as he got closer.
Sam could only watch as the Flag Smasher tried to hit John with a pipe, only for John to catch it and wrestle with him for a moment… before he easily bent the pipe. The steel pipe.
“Oh shit…”
John threw the soldier into a pillar, who hit it harshly but managed to get up and run.
Sam watched John descend the steps and walk past him, “What did you do?” John bypassed the question, “They’ve got Lemar.”
Bucky entered the building from the bottom floor, skipping steps as he ran up the stairs.
As he ran up a flight, he’s ambushed on his left side and slammed into the wall.
The soldier grabbed him from behind and tried to put him in a chokehold. But Bucky leveraged himself against the wall and launched them into a pillar.
He managed to free himself from the guy's hold. Bucky parried one of the punches thrown at him before kicking him down the stairs.
Bucky hurdled the railing and stalked toward the Flag Smasher as he tried to get up.
Before he could stand up, Bucky planted his boot into the guy’s chest and sent him through the brick wall.
Bucky checked to make sure the soldier was unconscious before leaving.
“Stay there.”
Sam and John made it to a big open, seemingly empty, room.
Then two soldiers jumped down behind them from the landing.
John reflexively threw the shield, hitting them both. Sam closed-lined one with his wing, while the other pulled a knife on John.
“What’s with all the knives?”
Within a few minutes of them fighting, Bucky made his appearance as well as two more Flag Smashers.
The one with the knife tried to stab John, but he countered it with the shield and sent the blade flying towards Bucky. Luckily he caught it.
But a soldier approached him from behind with a knife of their own.
Bucky readied himself and the soldier charged, kick flipping before attempting to attack. But the attempted slashes were parried and countered with a few punches and a knee to the ribs. Then Bucky gets leverage and is able to flip them onto their back.
He flips the knife in his hand and throws it into the floor next to the soldier’s head.
Another soldier grabbed Sam from behind. He quickly elbowed them and turned on his thrusters, using the heat to disorient them before kicking them over the table.
John hit one in the face with the shield before throwing another on the ground.
The one thrown charged at a preoccupied Sam, but Bucky intercepted them and punched them out.
“You’re welcome.”
As John fought, he was grabbed from behind by a maskless Flag Smasher.
John struggled to get free and the soldier locked his arms, exposing his chest.
Karli charged in, hurdling a table and running to John, knife at the ready.
But Lemar came in just in time and tackled Karli.
They both got up off the ground, ready to fight. But Karli was faster.
One well placed, powerful punch to Lemar’s chest sent him into a concrete column. Killing him instantly.
It was like the world was put into slow motion.
The fighting stopped as Lemar slumped on the floor.
John broke free of the hold on him and went straight to Lemar.
He knelt next to him, “Hey. Hey. Hey.” John patted his chest and shook his shoulder. He held Lemar’s face, “Lemar. Lemar.”
John kept repeating Lemar’s name, but it was no use. Lemar was dead.
The rage that filled John was visible. Everyone in the room felt it.
Bucky and Sam were stunned, catching their breath as they watched John.
But the Flag Smashers took their chance and ran.
Karli took a different exit than the others, and Bucky and Sam followed her.
John took the quickest exit, jumping out the window. He immediately clocked the soldier that held him back.
He chased him into the town square. Using the shield to block what concrete object was thrown at him.
“Where is she?!”
John ran, throwing the shield at the soldier’s back before running up to him and hitting him in the chest, knocking him back into the memorial.
He tried to get up but John knocked him down with the shield. He tried again but John pinned him under his boot.
“It wasn’t me!” He shouted, begging for his life.
John said nothing as he raised the shield.
“It wasn’t me!”
The soldier’s final plea fell on deaf ears as the edge of the shield was brought down on his chest.
The crowd that had gathered gasped as John brought the shield down three more times, shouting in rage.
Once the man fell limp under John, he stood and took deep breaths.
Bucky and Sam ran through the crowd, but they were too late. Far too late.
John strapped the bloodied shield to his arm. Brandishing the tainted symbol to the recording phones.
Blood was rushing in John’s ears, dampening the sounds of the world around him. But his eyes worked just fine.
The sight of a crowd, multiple cameras, Sam and Bucky, and a dead body greeted John as he looked around.
Then the sprinkling rain hit his skin and the weight of his actions barreled into him… and he ran.
Bucky and Sam chased after John, finding him in an abandoned train station.
They find him kneeling, grieving the loss of his best friend. They don’t intervene, they know he needs it.
It’s not until John stands and walks in their direction that they make their move.
“Walker…” Sam said cautiously.
John looked at them, but didn't stop walking, “You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good.”
“Stop, Walker.”
John turns around, “What?” He started gesturing with his hands, “You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!”
Bucky shook his head, “He didn’t kill Lemar, John.”
Walker just rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Don’t go down that road,” Bucky advised. “Believe me, it doesn’t end well.”
“I’m not like you.”
Sam stepped up, trying to reason with John and calm him down.
“Listen, it was the heat of the battle. Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don’t want anyone else to get hurt.”
Bucky couldn’t stop looking at the blood on the shield as Sam stayed calm.
“John… You gotta give me the shield, man.”
Walker looked up at the two, “Oh…” He smirked a little, appearing as if he just figured a riddle. “So that’s what this is…” He looked at Sam, “You almost got me.”
Sam shook his head and shrugged, “You made a mistake.”
John looked between them, “You don’t wanna do this.”
Bucky clenched his jaw and looked up at Walker, tearing his eyes away from the now tainted memory of his best friend.
“Yeah we do.”
The fight that ensued was quick, but it was ugly.
John wasn’t giving up that shield easily, but Sam and Bucky weren’t letting him leave with it.
Faces were bloodied, rib cages were bruised and broken.
Sam and Bucky’s intentions were just to incapacitate John and take the shield.
Walker was trying to kill them.
He was aiming for the chest, the throat, the face, the head. Anywhere that could be lethal, that’s where John was aiming.
John thought he deserved that shield. After everything he went through to be chosen. After what he endured that got him a spot on the list.
He wasn’t going to let them simply take it. They would have to kill him.
But they didn’t.
Sam and Bucky had every opportunity to kill John. Just like that, John is dead and the shield is theirs.
Except, it wasn’t that simple to them… Well maybe to Bucky it was but he had to think about more than just what he wants.
They fought and fought. Their backs met the concrete more than they would care to admit.
John ripped Sam’s wings from his pack, nearly decapitated him with the shield before Bucky intervened.
After Bucky took hits to the ribs and face, Sam managed to get ahold of the shield. Both of them work together to take the shield from where it was strapped to John’s arm.
Bucky had John pinned to a broken down forklift and Sam had to use his thrusters to get the shield to finally come off… snapping John’s arm in the process.
But Walker wasn’t letting them just walk away.
He stood from the ground, chest heaving as he walked towards them. “It’s mine.”
Sam stared him down. “It’s over, John.”
“It’s mine!”
He throws a punch at Bucky, only for it to be countered. While disoriented from the punch, John tries to run at Bucky, only for the assassin to lower his shoulder and pick him up by the legs.
Sam took the shield and ran, the shield meeting John’s back as Bucky slung the man and knocking them all to the ground.
Bucky is the first to stand, picking up the shield and dropping it by Sam’s head before walking out.
The next day, Sam and Bucky met with Torres at the same building Mama Donya’s memorial was in.
Bucky left shortly after Joaquin arrived, leaving Sam alone with him.
“What’s our next steps, Torres?” Sam asks, propping himself on the table.
“Captain America killing a foreign national in public, it’s kinda like a big deal… Like-like international incident big. Folks, uh, higher up on the payroll are all over it now. So, unfortunately…”
“They’re taking jurisdiction,” Sam finished.
Torres nodded, “Yeah.”
He looked down and noticed Sam’s equipment bag on the ground, broken wings inside.
“What happened to these?” He walked over and picked the bag up with a grunt, sitting it on the table.
“So, is there anything we can do?” Sam asked Torres as he looked through the bag.
Joaquin shook his head a little, “Not really.” He continued to look at the damaged wings, “As you can see, they’ve cordoned off the whole camp, and Karli’s a ghost. After what went down, she’s laying extra low. Like under-underground.”
“And that’s why it makes sense for us to get involved. The longer we let her regroup, the harder it’s going to be to find her,” Sam told him.
“She’s got people helping her from all over the world, on all platforms. She’s… really good at this thing.”
Sam nodded his agreement, “Yeah.”
Torres ran his hand over the wings, “How’d these break?” But his question is only answered with a sigh.
So he moved on.
“Anyway, all we can do now is sit tight and just chill. Sometimes, there’s nothing to do until there’s something to do.”
Sam stood and smirked a little, “That’s bizarrely wise.”
Torres chuckled, “Well, I’m a bizarrely wise man, Sam.” “Yeah, alright.”
Sam’s phone rang in his pocket and he sighed. He picked up the shield and turned to leave.
“That Star?” Joaquin asked, standing straighter. Sam reached for his phone, “I hope so… Thanks Torres.” He nodded, “For sure.”  
Sam pulled his phone out and walked toward the exit.
“Wait, yo, you forgot the wings,” Torres called out. Sam looked over his shoulder, “Keep ‘em.”
Sam answered your call once he got outside.
“I know-”
“What. The. Fuck did he do?”
Sam sucked in a breath.
This was bad.
that was... something
john walker has defiled and tainted the shield’s legacy... everything steve rogers stood for covered in the blood of someone. sam and bucky had their go, now it’s star’s turn
i’m sorry it took so long to get this part up, but it’s here know! and we’re getting more into the events of TFATWS. the next few parts will follow the events of the last two episodes. but it won’t stop there.
let me know if you want to be added to my top gun taglist or the lieutentant rogers taglist by rebloging the masterlist linked at the top, commenting, or sending me an ask!
lt. rogers tags <33: @milesdickpic @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @malindacath @twsssmlmaa @cassiemitchell @startrekfangirl2233 @mayhemmanaged @nikkipea​  @that-one-random-writer​ 
thank you guys for being here <33 *mwah*
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The Hating Game
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Pictures 1, 3, and 4 are from interest, and picture 2 is from @parkjammys
Pairings - Joaquín Torres x Aviator!Reader (Enemies To Lovers)
Premise – The infamous rivalry between you and Joaquin Torres is well known on the base. He hates you and you hate him. After unlikely circumstances, you realize hating someone is disturbingly similar to falling in love with them
Warnings: Major Spoilers for The Hating Game Novel. (btw read the book it is too good <3) Strong language, suggestive language.
Note: I wrote this fic a long time before watching Top Gun: Maverick and I tried my best to make it as accurate as possible but I still apologize for any mistakes :) Torres's personality in this fic will be a mix of his series one and Joshua Templeman's from The Hating Game book.
Credits to Sally Throne for the original story of The Hating Game that inspired this fic. Some scenes will be exclusively from the novel, others I will spin my way. I do not own anything, this is my interpretation of the novel with MCU characters.
PS. it was requested anonymously a long time ago sorry it took so long for me to post this :')
Series Masterlist || My Main Masterlist || Send your requests here!
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You tear the page and crumple it, throwing it on the floor in frustration.
This was not what you were expecting when you took the very debated decision to get a degree in Biology while on active duty. You had a time schedule for everything. But biology in high school was very different from advanced biology. There were topics you were unaware of that you had to study in a short period of time. You were now in a pothole of mounting deadlines and on-field duties as a lieutenant at the base. It was torture.
And your sworn enemy was not making it any easier.
Lt. Joaquin Torres was the highlight of the base. His practice rounds were impressive, his scores were excellent, and the people under his command were excellent. Oh, and he was also an Avenger. He was enrolled in the same course as you. They would all brag about how he completed all the assignments while performing all his duties.
When you first arrived on base, you were friendly with everyone, especially with officers under your rank. Your first encounter with him was when you were off duty, so you smiled and even offered a handshake, since you were both of the same rank. But he just stared at you and walked away.
This was in stark contrast to him, who was feared by everyone under him. Nothing escaped his notice; he was like a hawk. Including you.
The two of you were the most notorious rivals on the base. You don’t remember how it started. Maybe it was because he didn’t return your smile, or chose to ignore your existence even though your desks were beside each other. As if it were second nature, a subconscious comparison. There was competition in everything you did. Be it your duties as lieutenants, or sports, or academic valedictions, you were on each other’s throats. If someone saw you two together, they would run, not wanting to be caught in crossfire.
You got an earful from Captain Bexley from time to time. However, given the fact you two were top officers at the base, he couldn’t do anything more than scream at the two of you and give you extra hours. How either one of you was not deployed to a different base was beyond your understanding.
“Sup Y/N!” he rolls to your work desk on a rolling chair. You resist your urge to roll your eyes at him, to not stroke his ego for successfully disturbing you.
Your offices were in the same room, two desks alongside each other.
“I am studying. Unlike you, Torres” you say without looking at him. You continued to work as he glanced around your desk. It was a well-organized space, but far from his. His desk looked the same as it did a year ago, with no personal photos, or colorful things. Just a mosaic of very official, dark pastels.
You hear the crinkling sound of paper and a long sigh coming from him. “Haemodialysis. Interesting.” Your eyes grow wide as you look at him. “Stop digging through my stuff smartass.” You try to pry the piece of paper from him but he just rolls away.
   “You know it’s not that complicated. I thought you were good at this, given the fact you’re a major nerd.”
   “Well, I am trying my best.”
He gives you a smirk. “Yeah, okay” and gets back to work.
   “Can you be considerate for once in your entire life?” you ask him.
   “No” he deadpanned.
He starts clicking his pen. You might be hallucinating it was Morse code, but this was Joaquin. He has taken lengths to make your life miserable, and right now, he was spelling "hot damn" in morse code. With his click pen.
   “Stop it”
   “Stop… spelling stuff in morse code with your pen”
   “I’m just clicking my pen” he looks at you with his adorable puppy eyes. It would work on any other woman, not you.
   “Someday I’m actually going to haul something at you.”
   “And that day would be the happiest day of my life because you’ll be suspended” he gives you a tight-lipped smile. 
You return the same and try to go back to your work.
   “Hello, my munchkin! How are you?" your mother’s cheery voice could be heard all over your empty apartment. Even after two years, the place is just as empty as when you first arrived. A bed, a sofa, some chairs, and a shit ton of books scattered all around the studio apartment. You plop down on the sofa holding your take-out dinner and balance your phone on the armrest.
   “I am doing very well, how’s pop?” You ask stuffing food inside your mouth. Unlike others, you never grew out of calling your parents mummy and pops.
   “Pops just came back from the farm. Harvest is looking good this year, we got forty new people to visit. After your placard idea, there have been a lot of visitors here.” Her knowing smile graced your screen.
You grew up in a small town, on an orange farm. It was your life. When you left for the Air Force, you requested everyone in your small town to take care of your parents, and their farm. They saw you grow into a capable young woman, and after you left, you sent many placard ideas requesting the local shops to have on display. And every time a passing visitor stopped there, they were convinced the orange farm was worth a visit. And it was. A stroll through your orange grove under blue skies, with the smell of ripe oranges aglow in the air, could soothe any troubled mind.
   “I miss you.” You say as you remember yourself running through them as a child, hiding from your parents and playing hide and seek.
   “Aww baby,” your mother’s eyes glossed over, “I miss you too. Everyone in town does.” You felt like crying. Nostalgia got the upper hand over you today. Your pops appeared on the screen before you both started crying.
   “Y/N!!!” he shouted through. His shirt still had dirt on it but he had a wide grin on his face. "How is my favorite lieutenant?”
   “Pops!” you screamed with the same excitement, “I’m doing just fine, how are you?”
   “I’m fine, I’m fine. I heard your mummy making you cry and I came to the rescue.” You laughed as your mother poked him with her finger and he kissed her forehead. 25 years and they were still in love as they were in their teens.
   “So, is that Torres guy still bothering you? Do I have to roll up to your base with my tractor to intimidate him?”
You rolled your eyes at his mention. You’ve told your parents about him, how every day is a death match between you both for survival.
   “Nah, it’s nothing I can’t handle.” You shrugged.
   “What did he do today?”
   “Tried to teach me how to study, I shut him up.” You said, not mentioning the fact you were, indeed, in dire need of help. And too proud to admit.
   “That’s my girl!” Pops shouted through the phone. Your mummy flinched and looked at him, “You don’t have to shout every time, she can hear you perfectly.” Your pop gave her a look, but she continued unbothered.
   “You know from the way I see it; He might be into you.” Your mom smirked. You almost choked on your food as you heard it.
   “Torres? Joaquin Torres? Never in a million years.”
   “What? He could.”
   “The only thing Joaquin feels for me is pure hatred and repulsion. So do I”
   “Do you?” You were surely taken aback by the question. Why was your mother asking you this?
   “What?” you sit straighter on the couch.
   "Of all your colleagues, you talk about him the most. Even though I have never met him, I feel like I know him."
   “Wha…” you were at a loss of words as to what to say. 
   “Okay baby, I have to go now. Had to make dinner. Goodnight love!” she blows kisses at you and you catch it. After you repeat the same, she ends the call.
That night, lying awake, you think about what your mother told you. Do you like him?
You never got to figure out why he is constantly enraged by your presence, trying to sabotage you at any given moment. Sometimes you wanted to physically fight him to wipe that smug smile off his really handsome face. He has a cute face, you know that. You have seen the way the girls throw themselves at him. He can be quite charming when he wants, not with you though. Never with you.
You stare at your screen in disbelief.
B- In advanced human anatomy. The main fucking subject of your entire course. Your scores in other subjects were fine, but this was bad. You studied so hard for the online mid-terms. You did everything you could and this was the result? Could you even get a degree in Biology? You've always dreamed of studying biology. Although you would receive a handsome pension for your service in the air force, you still needed to find a job.
It was too late to realize you were crying while looking at your screen as your office door opened. You glance towards it to see Joaquin standing in the doorway, looking at you. You quickly wipe your tears. If your low scores weren’t enough, you had to face Mr. flawless in the face as everyone cheered for his obviously high scores.
   “Y/N, I-“
   “Don’t” you reply. You look at him to see a frown forming on his face like he was thinking of the best comeback.
   “I know you got better grades than me Torres, and as much as I would love to spar with you. I’m not in the mood.”
   “No, I just-“
But you don’t give him a chance to talk, as you were already on your way out of the office. “I know what you’re about to say. You’re better than me, smarter than me. I get it. Don’t rub it in my face.” Your voice breaks unintentionally, “Not today, Please.”
You storm out of your shared office.
The Next Day
You were halfway through your fourth lap on the field, or was it your fifth? You didn’t know as you were busy listening to AC/DC blasting in your ears. You were out of breath at this point but you didn’t want to stop. After crying yourself to sleep and running through all the scenarios of how your parents are going to react to your career choices in five years’ time, you needed a good run to clear your mind.
You hear a faint voice above the loud music in your ears, like someone was calling you. You take off your iPods and turn to see a figure running toward you.
   “Lieutenant Y/L/N!” you hear the familiar voice coming nearer.
You groan audibly when you see him. Standing in front of you, Joaquin leans down and puts his hands on his knees.
   “What are you- are you a superhero?” he asked in between breaths, “You just ran 800-meters in 2 minutes- oh god!” he huffs out.
   “For Christ’s sake Joaquin it’s five in the morning. Can I have some peace and quiet?" You turn to continue your lap but he steps in front of you.
   “Lieutenant Y/L/N will you listen-“
   “Oh, cut the crap what do you want?” you shout in frustration.
He stops and raises his eyebrows. You realize how rude you sound. You were angry and frustrated with everyone and everything. You, the person who wrote your bio textbook, and mostly, Joaquin. But in a second, all that anger was about to turn into confusion.
   “I need your help.”
You subconsciously tilt your head. Were you dreaming?
   “What?” you blurt out.
He rolls his eyes and grimaces, “Y/N, I need your help.” He repeats.
Lt. Joaquin Torres, the golden boy of the base, your nemesis… was standing in front of you in sports shots and a t-shirt, asking for your help. You stare at him for a whole minute. You can’t wrap your mind around this. And you reach an obvious conclusion
   “Is this a joke?” you finally ask.
He looks at the sky as if begging for patience to bear you.
What. A. Dick.
   “Yeah Y/N. This is a joke. I woke up at 4 in the morning, ran through the living quarters and the airstrip to find you on the field running laps like a bloody Olympian. For a joke.” He rests his hands on his hips.
   “Well, you did scramble up my flashcards minutes before my welcome speech to-“
   “Who makes flashcards for a rookie’s speech?” he cries out.
   “Oh, so you’re telling me you didn’t practice the Top Gun quote in front of your mirror?” you deadpan.
He opens his mouth and then closes it. You caught him red-handed.
   "Yeah." You give him a tight-lipped smile as you prepare to run again, but he steps in front of you. Yet again.
   “Y/N, would you please listen to me for a minute?” he says, raising his eyebrows and looking at you with his imposing, beautiful brown eyes.
   “This isn’t a Disney movie Torres don’t give me that look I’ll punch you.”
   “Wow, you would kick it with Sargent Barnes” he mutters under his breath. Before you could react, he continued, “okay, so you know how we have the training evaluation coming up in three weeks?”
   “And you know how the rookies are scared shitless of me?”
   “Oh, they hate you.”
   “Yeah, I just, I think there is no way we can have both our teams ready by three weeks, like, they don’t know shit and it just makes me sad. Your team is very competent in fieldwork and air drills but I believe they need a bit of work there-”
   “-and mine is great in air drills but lazy during fieldwork. So…”
   “So, I suggest a truce between us. We forget our differences for three weeks, work together and train them so that we don’t get an earful from Captain Bexley when they die halfway through the evaluation.”
As much as you wanted to scream no on his face and walk away to boss music playing in the background, he was right. You knew Captain Bexley. You don’t make a mistake in front of him, because that man just needs one convincing reason to scream at you.
You had twenty-four airmen fresh out of the academy assigned in teams of twelve to both of you. They were ardent but inexperienced. His team was lacking behind in fieldwork. Yours were better than his, but they were behind on air drills. Just like you were, in academics.
An idea forms in your head.
   “Okay,” you reply.
   “Really?” he asked you, puzzled.
   “Yeah, but I want something in return.”
   “Something in return? I’m not negotiating here Y/N. Captain Bexley will chew us out when those idiots won’t be able to-”
   “I want you to tutor me. In biology” You cut him off.
   “Oh,” he replies. You see his features soften.
The rest of the day you sat in silence after returning to your cabin after crying in the bathroom. For the first time in a long time, Joaquin didn’t say anything to you for eight whole hours.
   “Look, I can’t believe I’m saying this, you are an expert in biology. You have tremendous knowledge in that field and I really need help. I somehow convinced myself last night I would unenroll from the course but we both know that’s a terrible idea. We have three semesters left and I have to get my grades up. So, I want- I need you to get me through biology.” You plead.
He stands in his place for a while, looking at you with his big brown eyes, in curiosity or confusion. You couldn’t tell “Okay. Sure. "Why not," he responds with a smile.
   “Great!” he raises his eyebrows, “let’s start today, partner” and he runs backward, facing you.
   “I’m not your partner!” you shout but he just gives his iconic smirk and runs away.
Four weeks later
   “Haemodialysis vs Peritoneal Dialysis” he looks at you above the flashcards he held in his hands. You were sitting across from him.
   “In hemodialysis, blood is pumped out of your body to an artificial kidney machine, and returned to your body by tubes that connect you to the machine. In peritoneal dialysis, the inside lining of your own belly acts as a natural filter.” You reply in one breath.
He switches the cards,"lactic acid”
   “Lactic acid is mainly produced in muscle cells and red blood cells. It forms when the body breaks down carbohydrates to use for energy when oxygen levels are low. Happens mostly during intense exercise.”
He tries to keep a poker face, but you catch a glimpse of a smirk from behind the flashcards.
Since your truce in the field, you both have successfully completed one month in two years without getting into a flying match. This was the first highlight of the base.
The second is both your teams absolutely nailed it in the evaluation. Every single one of them passed with flying colors. The idea of merging your teams and training them together has given you excellent results. Apart from you two guiding them, and helping them as much as you can, the team members have been helping each other out too.
The third highlight was a secret between the two of you.
You got a shocking A+ in Human Anatomy and Ecology Mock Test after Joaquin started tutoring you. You would sit together in the common room after duty hours and ‘study the shit out of those damn textbooks’ (he actually said that on the first day). Despite your beliefs, he didn't shame you for your low grades. He helped you to understand the topics better, and even though you some tricks to make exam notes so that you can fit a whole topic on one page, without missing out all the important stuff for revision. You couldn’t thank him enough. This was a huge step up from what you were doing mere weeks ago.
You earned some suspicious glances from your colleagues but everyone was too exhausted to be caught up in your drama that they just avoided you altogether. 
You have gotten quite close in just a few days. Turns out he is not a ruthless vampire who loves to suck the life out of everyone. He was quite tolerable when you get to know him. And he loved Power Rangers. 
Instead of fighting each other, you fought over defending your favorite Power Rangers. You couldn’t stop laughing when he made a whole PowerPoint presentation on why Power Rangers SPD is the best one out of them all.
   “They did the whole true-leader-vs-chosen-leader-of-the-rangers-plot thing way better than Samurai.”
   “Okay but you have to admit the best plot twist had to be Tenaya 7 being Dillon’s sister in RPM.”
   “I saw that coming from a mile away”
   “No! you didn’t!”
For those who didn’t know, people would think you were friends if they saw you together.
   “That… Was amazing. 29/30 Y/N” he says handing you the flashcards.
   "Gracias" you take them.
   “Oh, someone’s been learning Spanish.” He cocked his eyebrows.
And you felt it again. Your heart beating faster. The sudden heat on your face, like your blood, was ready to burst out of your system.
This happened a lot since you started to study together. He actually changed his schedule for you. The schedule that had been on his desk in a laminated sheet for 2 years, pristine and untouched, now had a mark between 6-8 PM marked 'Study'. He also had a strange annotation system in his diary that you still had to decode.
   “Yeah- I... um, I knew Spanish, it was actually, my High School elective." You smiled nervously.
Why the fuck were you stammering!!!
   “Nerd,” he says under his breath.
   “Oh, what did you do in high school?” you narrowed your eyes.
   “I played basketball and slept through history, like a normal person.”
   “Jock,” you say under your breath.
And he laughed.
If someone asked you to swear in your life that you never saw him laugh, you would do it. Because he never laughed. You either earned an irritating smirk from him when he got you in trouble or a tight-lipped sarcastic smile.
Despite that, the sound of his laugh had you speechless. It was charming to describe, but it was also stunningly beautiful. His eyes crinkled as he threw his head back, and his voice was... sweet?
   “Okay, enough of this, let’s wrap up and continue on Sunday.” He says as he stands up from his chair.
   “Wait. Sunday? Why? We have like six more topics to cover and the mock test is on Friday. We have to- “
   “Oh my god Y/N, take a breather! It’s Saturday.” He taps your head with a pencil.
   “And I’m heading to an arcade bar downtown. You know, to live the glory days of my youth so I don’t turn into Captain Bexley?” Saying so he starts closing the textbooks.
   “Oh. Okay,” you say as you start packing your stuff. You see him pause for a second from the corner of your eyes like he was thinking something, and he says, “You should come.” You jerk up your head at his invitation.
   “Me?” you ask him with wide eyes.
   “Yeah, I mean, why not. You need a break from all this. It might help you get your mind off of the Mock Test. And we still haven’t celebrated the victory of our collaboration”
Since when has Joaquin Torres of all people started to invite you out to have drinks with him?
   “And I promise we will be back to our apartments by 11 so you can go back to your mundane life on Sunday.” He says as he slides his bag onto his shoulder. “You in?”
You get up and grab your things. You can’t remember the last time you went out by yourself. This might take your mind off of things.
   "Okay, let's do this." You say.
   “Cool” he walks away to the exit door, but as he’s about to leave, he turns and smiles at you.
   “See you tomorrow,” he says and he walks away.
Now that you have seen his smile twice in one day, you cannot get over it. He looked so, so soft. He looked like a character from a romance novel with the crinkles around his eyes and the way his hair fell over his forehead. How would it feel if you run your fingers through them? As he holds you closer by your waist kissing your-
Was Joaquin Torres… Handsome?
Part Two || Series Masterlist
A/N Hope you all like it I kind of went all in with this request I had no idea how this would turn out. Do reblog, like, and comment how you like this fic. Feel free to suggest and request your ideas right here-
Requests are open! Feel free to request anything.
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
Stitches & Blankets (Joaquin Torres x Reader)
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SUMMARY ››››› You find Joaquin Torres after he tries to stop the bank robbery.
WORD COUNT ››››› 3,000-ish
WARNINGS ››››› language
A/N ››››› OK, why are there not more Torres fics? I'm legitimately confused about that. Also, I realized after writing half of this down, that a bank was robbed, so there were probably still police on the scene and the reader'd probably be speaking Swiss-German but uh...fan fiction.
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There was a body in the street, which was not what you expected to see coming out to your car.
You'd heard the wailing sirens and shouting and the thunderous footsteps--they're what kept you pressed against the side of the building for the past ten minutes, avoiding the chaos as much as possible. It wasn't fear that kept you there though, it was experience. You'd become used to the quick riots and little skirmishes for resources over the past few months. You knew it was better to stay out of the way, wait out the storm, and then go about your life. They became nothing more than minor nuisances. Bits of unrest that were there and then gone in the next instance. They weren't supposed to leave a body behind.
"Meine Fresse," you murmured, racing forward to the person lying supine on the stones, arms out to their sides, the white of their sneakers reflecting the street lights. As you drew closer, you saw it was a man--about your age with blood around his eye and nose and lip. For a brief second, you wondered if he'd been trampled, but he definitely would have looked worse for wear based on how many people you'd heard.
"Bist du okay?" Your voice was loud as you checked over the rest of his body. He didn't seem to have any other injury, and there wasn't any blood under his head, so you decided it was safe enough to gently shake him.
He didn't rouse.
So, instead you knelt your ear down to his lips, laying your hand flat on his chest. You felt your hand rise before you heard the slow intake of breath, and you rocked back onto your knees. He was breathing. He was alive.
Still, something gnawed at the back of your mind, urging your fingers up under his jaw, gently pressing into his neck. It was only then that you felt a surge of relief. His pulse was there, and it was strong. He was really alive.
And then you remembered that you should probably call 112.
All things considered, it was a quick phone call--the operator seemed to know your exact location and vaguely what had happened as you explained where you were and how you found him. Instead, most of the conversation was spent listening to their instructions to roll him into a recovery position and check for any signs of life-threatening injuries. When they told you that you could hang up because they were close, you did so and found the man blinking at you.
"Hoi," you greeted soothingly. "Wie heisst du?"
He groaned, attempting to roll onto his back once more. You reached out a hand stopping him, and he looked up at you confused.
"Comment t'appelles tu?" You attempted, hoping he wasn't an Italian or Romansch speaker. You hardly knew enough of either language to tell him you couldn't speak it.
He winced and lifted his hand to his face. "Shit."
English. Good.
"What's your name?" you asked, and his eyes seemed to focus on you once more, this time a spark of recognition or maybe just awareness lighting up behind them.
"Joaquin," he informed, and you released an arm, allowing him to finally roll onto his back like he wanted. He had a strong American accent, even through the gravelly voice of barely regained consciousness. "Did they get away?"
"Ähm," you looked around at the empty street. "Yes?" you guessed.
He let out a heavy sigh. "I'm gonna have to call some people."
"I think you should wait for the ambulance."
"Yeah," he agreed, the word breathy and pained. "That's probably a good idea."
"What happened?" you asked, and he raised his eyebrows, looking back at you.
"Flag Smashers."
"I didn't think the Flag Smashers hurt people."
"I'm just lucky, I guess," he answered, and you smiled, letting out a small laugh. He offered a small smile as well.
You could hear the siren now, the faint sound winding its way through the curving streets of Zürich and towards the two of you. Your head turned towards the sound, as if you could trace it back to the ambulance, and gauging the distance. "They should be close," you said, returning your attention to Joaquin.
"What's your name?" he asked, and the question surprised you. Then again, if the two of you were stuck waiting for an ambulance at nine o'clock on a Sunday night, maybe a bit of small talk shouldn't have been so surprising.
"Y/N," you answered, and he repeated it.
"You're very pretty, Y/N."
The laugh escaped you on instinct, although to call it a laugh might not be the best descriptor. It was more of a surprised noise, partially exhale and a tinge of amusement added through the slight smile at the corner of your mouth.
"Thank you," you said. "You are very pretty too."
And he was, underneath the dark red and rapidly purpling injuries. He had a strong jaw and kind eyes, and even the hint of a smile he'd given earlier had made something in your chest constrict.
"I don't feel so pretty," he responded, and this time your laugh was more of a laugh, and he reached up to feel at his face. You took hold of his hand, bringing it back down and trapping it in yours.
"Pretty enough for me to hold your hand," you joked, hoping to distract him from continuing to poke and prod and break all of the rules and instructions the EMTs had given over the phone.
"Well, I got that goin' for me, I guess," he said, letting his hand relax into yours.
Headlights bathed you in a warm yellow light as flashing blue lights bounced off the surrounding buildings, illuminating the rest of the street.
There were some shouts as the doors of the ambulance opened and people poured out, running towards you and Torres. The paramedic crowded around quickly, a blonde bearded man asking  quick questions in German.
"Er spricht Englisch," you explained, and he nodded, switching languages.
It became apparent as police officers pulled up and flooded out of their cars that you were no longer needed. You stood up, backing away and letting Joaquin's hand slip through yours.
"You're not going to stay and hold my hand?" Joaquin called out to you, and you let a smile curl across your lips. Around you, people were starting to come out onto the street, lured by the sounds of the sirens and lack of shouting and general ruckus. Your eyes fell back on Joaquin who was still looking up at you, even as a paramedic flashed a light into his face.
"Maybe he can hold your hand," you said, gesturing to a paramedic who had slid into your place. Joaquin gave half a smile as you turned and left him in the hands of the professionals.
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As you rounded the corner, arms full of blankets, the last person you expected to almost run into was Joaquin.
Part of the surprise was the kind that generally accompanied running into someone outside of the context you know them in. A larger part of the surprise was the fact that he was not in the hospital.
Instead, he stood before you, face swollen, bloodied and bruised, with the small white bandages of butterfly stitches above his right eye. He blinked at you, as if he was caught in the headlights.
"Pretty Joaquin," you said, surprise ringing through every part of your voice.
At least his memory wasn't affected by whatever the Flag Smashers had done to him. His response time was also quicker than it had been two and a half hours ago, and he seemed all in all more present and less hazy. "What are you doing here?"
"I work here." Your own surprise and mild confusion had not quite worn off. "What are you doing here?"
For a variety of reasons, he was not the typical person who stumbled into the Zürich GRC Refugee Camp. He was both too young and too old and far more put together than a normal incomer. He didn't have that haunted look behind his eyes that made your heart wrench. He looked battered and bruised but ok.
"I need a place to stay."
Your eyes ran over his form, from his fluffy dark hair and banged up face to his bright white trainers. You lifted an eyebrow. "The hospital wouldn't take you?"
He shook his head with a sheepish grin. "It's just a broken orbital. Not much else they can do for it." Your eyebrows didn't lower and he gave half a laugh. "Trust me I'm as shocked as you are."
"I'll need you to fill out some paperwork."
He winced. "Any way that could wait until tomorrow? My head is killing me."
You stared intently at his face. Over the past four months of working at the GRC camp, you'd gotten good at reading people. You had an eye for knowing who was going to be trouble down the line and who would need some extra comfort and care. You knew who to push about their stories, and who to wait for--to be there as they slowly unraveled their tale.
So while there was a lot about pretty boy Joaquin that just didn't add up, you could see in his eyes that he could be trusted to stay the night. Just not here.
"You can't stay here without going through intake," you shook your head. "But if you really need a place to sleep, you can come with me."
"Really?" Joaquin asked, turning to follow you as you set back off towards your car, and you nodded.
"It's nothing special--just my couch. But I've been told it's very comfy."
Joaquin faltered a step, slowing down. "You're sure you want me coming and bloody-ing up your couch? I could just stay here and leave before--"
"I'll put down some papers," you said jokingly in an attempt to cut off the subject of him staying at the camp.
"Ok," he said, his voice distracted before there was a quick shuffle of footsteps and he caught back up with you. "Ok, thanks."
The two of you arrived at your car shortly thereafter, Joaquin moving to sit in the passenger seat as you dumped the blankets in the car. You came around to slip into the driver's seat, quickly backing out of the spot and setting off back home.
"So what's with all the blankets?" he asked, pulling his attention from the streets and buildings and back to you.
"We got a late donation tonight," you answered, flicking on your turn signal. "They needed someone here to help organize the drop off and then our washing machine broke, so I have to take work home with me." You smiled at the joke, but he just nodded, leaving you to wonder if maybe your English was off. The next few moments passed in quiet before you checked over at a traffic light to see if he was still awake. He was, but he looked dazed. Maybe he had been telling the truth about his head. You eyed his injuries which looked even worse in the red light. Like his entire right side of his face had been smashed.
"So what brought you to Switzerland?"
It wasn't the question you wanted to ask. You wanted to ask him what had happened with the Flag Smashers--why had they beaten him up so badly. But you weren't sure you were ready for that answer or if he'd even give it. So you asked a question you didn't care if he lied to you about.
"I was looking for someone," he said, and the light turned green, causing you to turn away and focus on your driving rather than him. Still the sentence seemed to end earlier than his thought as you could feel the weight of more words hovering between you. It was a familiar pressure in your ears and your chest, and you'd long grown accustomed to the discomfort.
Like many, Joaquin didn't give the thought words to escape on.
"A refugee?" you asked, and he wobbled his head.
"Yes and no. She survived the Snap."
"She?" A small feeling like a tight wire cord wound its way around your chest and a  warmth of embarrassment flooded the back of your neck. "Your sister? Your wife?"
"No," he shook his head. "My grandmother."
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him look at you for the first time.
"What's her name?  If she came to the camp I should know her."
"Mariana Torres," he answered, and you ran through the array of faces you'd met. There was a Mariana Böschl , but she was old enough to be his mother, not his grandmother.
You shook your head slowly. "I can check the registry tomorrow, but I don't think she's with us."
"Thanks," Joaquin said, looking back out the window at the passing city. "Were you Blipped?"
"No," you shook your head, pulling into your designated parking spot by your apartment. "I was lucky." The two of you climbed out of the car, and he met you by the trunk, pulling the blankets out before you could reach for them.
"Thank you," you said.  And he gave a small grin.
"Thanks for letting me stay with you."
You gestured with your head up the stairs, heading to your third floor apartment.
Joaquin trailed behind you, arms laden with the blankets, waiting patiently as you stopped and opened the door. "Welcome to my home," you greeted, allowing him to enter before you. Your small apartment was dark, and you flicked on the light so that Joaquin could walk further inside without running into a wall or your table. "You can put the blankets by the couch, I'll wash them tomorrow," you instructed, and he did as you suggested before wandering over to the couch.
"I think I have an extra pillow in the closet," you said.
"Great," he thanked, dropping down onto the couch.
It took a few minutes to find the pillow and put a pillowcase on top of it. By the time you walked back out to the living room, the light was still on, and so were his shoes, but he was passed out. You walked over to the sleeping boy, placing the pillow down next to the couch in case he woke up and pulling the blanket over his body, your eyes once more tracing over his injuries.
You would have to speak to Karli about the violence.
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frostironfudge · 2 years
I Think I Met You In My Dreams Once - Bucky Barnes - One
Summary: After receiving an honourable discharge from his military service that was caused by the loss of his arm, James Barnes begins to come to terms with several things. He also finds solace in youtube videos, memes and social media, where he happens to find you.
Pairing: Ex-Military!Bucky Barnes x Fem! Plus Size!Reader (Modern AU)
Word Count: 3930
Chapter Warnings: Descriptions of how Bucky lost his arm, military dynamics, gun fire, bombs, injuries, rehabilitation, angst, crying, hurt bucky, some fluff
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A.N.: This idea has been in my head for several weeks and I usually do not write full length fics while I have one going on, but I just couldn't stop making up all the scenarios and I had to share this, please note most of the military stuff is based on research (if it isn't accurate then its going to be under author too creative liberty lol) i hope you enjoy the fic! (images for the header are taken from pintrest)
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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Chapter Two
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James Buchanan Barnes remembers every detail from that day. Even though he wishes he could forget. Only a few days or nights from his life left a profound impact; intensity of such level that he can list off every minute detail. 
The comms were compromised to an extent. The Lieutenant had warned them, a final call of fall back was ordered.
Bullets were flying as the mud and dust kicked up, dancing in patterns that could be admired in the belting heat of the sun. If only it was a day of leisure. 
“We need to fall back.” James reminds his unit as he sets his sniper rifle, the target locked on the viewfinder. The shot never transpires; instead he feels weightless floating, his dog tags glow as he floats, gleaming in the sunlight.
The dust floats around him, begging to envelope him. Begging to pull him under. James falls upon his left arm, the crunching sound cannot be a good sign. The Sergeant chooses to ignore it. The ringing in his ears is a chilling reminder of their unit’s highly compromised status.James pants then opens his eyes trying to get a visual on everyone. 
“Sergeant Barnes!” Torres' panicked voice floats above the unrelenting gunfire. 
“Fall back! Defend, we need to get back behind the line!” James roars, the focus on his people; leading them to safety distracts him from his injuries. Dust floats as does the scent of gunmetal and copper.
“Sergeant!” Another Corporal bellows, then yelps in pain. Fuck, fuck, fuck. James Barnes watches the Corporal, Jessica fall, her chest still rising and falling gives him hope.
James pushes himself up from the prone position, biting back the wince at the pain surging from his left arm. He drags himself staying close to the ground moving towards the Corporal. 
She stays curled up, tears flowing mixing with the dust and soot. 
“No one left behind.” He reminds her. Reaching his arm out he pulls her close trying to move her from the line of fire.
His unit attempts clearing a path, James knows standing up gives them a better chance. Even thought it brings its own issues. 
“Sergeant, my leg…” The Corporal brings to his attention, he sees only the blood ooze.
“Jones, you better hold on.” He tells her, using the remaining strength of his left arm to push them upwards while taking her weight with his right arm.
“Go on without–,”
“Corporal.” Is all James says in warning, cutting off her thought.
There is no ceasefire, Jessica Jones; the Corporal and Sergeant Barnes begin to move quickly towards the line of control. She puts most of her weight upon him. James shifts them quickly allowing his left hand to shield her, grabbing the grenade he had on him.
“Torres!” James calls out, Torres raises the walkie, speaking into it quickly the distance aiding the communication to base. 
He then gives a nod in confirmation to his Sergeant’s question.
James Barnes turns, another bullet lodges itself in his left arm at the elbow, a second lodges itself against his deltoid. Bucky’s right hand launches the grenade giving them the last bit of hope to return to the line.
The blast doesn’t make him flinch, his unit’s steps falter and then he bellows at them to run. Torres grabs Jones from Sergeant Barnes who takes his rifle  
They run, run till their lungs burn with an ache and their throats dry. They take support upon each other, till they reach the military vehicles.
The drive is frenzied quiet sobs from Jessica, disappointment lacing their soft exchange of words. James sighs loudly, enough to warrant silence.
“We followed orders and no soldier was left behind. We will get back to safety and return smarter and more vigilant. You all did good. Do not let this put you down.”
James encouraged not allowing anyone to feel guilty about retreating. 
The vehicles stop and they enter the medical tent first. 
Jessica Jones is treated, her leg can be salvaged. The relief that floods the unit is soon gone as they all give silent glances to his arm. James still ignores the aches and pains that may be originating in his arm. It feels numb and sore to him. 
The Lieutenant watches James with a grim expression, “Sergeant Barnes, care to get yourself checked?” 
He nods once satisfied his entire unit is being looked after. No soldier left behind. The doctor comes in and begins his examination. 
After a minute, a mere sixty seconds, James counted before anything was spoken. That entire minute brought everything to an end. Everything. 
“It’s a dead arm.” The Sergeant registers the words a minute after they are spoken from the army doctor.
James tries flexing his fingers, moving his wrist, elbow, he watches the dark tinge spread over his arm. 
How would he continue? He had to go back out there.
No. They could salvage it. 
“Fix it.” James says in a voice so cold, so devoid of emotion even he cannot recognise it.
“Sergeant Barnes, I’m, there is no easy way to say this—,” The doctor looks ruefully at the superiors, then at the soldier.
“Doc, fix it, get the bullets out.” James begs coldly. 
“There is too much trauma we need to amputate–,”
“No. I need my fucking arm, what good is a one armed soldier?” James wants to mock the thought, the insinuation that the arm is gone. Lost. He had too much on his shoulders to lose anything. 
“Sergeant, we’re moving you to the hospital.” The Lieutenant's voice is distant.
All that flows through James is the sudden pain, all of it that he had blocked out, all the searing, burning. 
The feel of broken fragments. 
The blaze of the first blast, the harsh twist of the joint when he landed on the arm. 
The burning bullets and stinging of the mud on open lacerations.
James Barnes screams, screams till his vision blacks out and he opens his eyes to muted cream walls. 
A monitor beeping steadily. 
His mother rests her head upon her hands against the bed he is upon. James tries reaching out his left hand to soothe the furrow between her brows.
He frowns when he doesn’t feel his arm. He looks down at the large bandages around his shoulder and torso. His right hand moves over where his left hand should be, he even lifts the blanket. Not that this would somehow be a magic trick. Or an elaborate illusion. 
The med tent doctor’s words come back to him, “It’s a dead arm.”
They had to amputate his left arm.
They took his arm. A part of him. 
The monitor beeps rapidly and his mother’s tears are an everlasting presence as the medical staff tries to calm him down. 
What is he going to do?
Who even is he anymore?
They then came in, his superiors mostly looking at the floor. Small velvet boxes in their arms.
Medals of Valour. 
The certificates he earned. 
The ranking badges.
The dog tags.
The small bag contained the memories of his family.
The Honourable Discharge from service.
All of his years of service, from the age of nineteen to twenty-six neatly packed into these small pristine boxes.
A manila folder for the Veterans Affair mandates.
A rehabilitation programme. 
A few pats on the back, and his unit’s remembrances. 
Seven years worth of his efforts neatly tucked into small boxes and pieces of paper. James would laugh, he actually could. He felt nothing. Nothing worth smiling, nothing worth crying. Emptiness. 
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Home doesn’t feel like home. James wonders how much of his life had yet to be changed. The emptiness follows him. He thought it would be left at the door of the hospital. Then he thought he could leave it at the rehabilitation door. But it follows. 
“What is it, Bucky?” Winnie Barnes questions her son watching the light behind his blue eyes flicker away.
“I’m nothing, Ma.” He tells her eyes on the trees outside his room’s window. 
“You are everything.” She reminds him.
“Ma, no, nothing–, this I have nothing to add or do, or provide… How am I supposed to take care of you? Of Becca?” Bucky trails off, the implication this has upon the family. The government would only help till a limit. No matter how many lives he may have saved, or attempted to save, they only gave him shiny lapels for his clothes.
He clutches his dog tags tighter and they make small indents upon his palm.
“Bucky Barnes, what you have gone through, is an event that will have a profound impact upon your life. However, you get to choose how you get through it. If you want to find something else, something you excel at, or if you want to stay disconnected, angry at why this happened. It is not an easy road my child, but your family is there for you.With time you will learn to be there for yourself. And my sweet, sweet boy; your mother is here to take care of you. I know why you want to take care of us, but let me be a mother, your mother.” She cups his cheeks, wiping his tears and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
Bucky smiles only for a moment, to appease her. Once she leaves the room he allows himself to be weak, to cry, to feel sorrow of a future he cannot have anymore. 
Who would even offer employment? 
What could he even do? 
How could he be the man of the house anymore? 
His father’s disappointment creeps at his already heavy chest. Bucky lays in his once familiar bed, he misses the ones back at base. 
Curled upon his right he sees the poster of the band he once loved in high school, he hung it himself so proud of their latest music. A fresh wave of tears take over him. The losses that defined him and the ones that he never allowed to modify his being. 
All plans to find a sweet girl to call his own, twirl in his arms, to hold, to have a future. All down the drain because who would want him now? 
Who would want a broken shell of a man? 
Bucky allows himself to cry till he cannot anymore. 
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After ten months of physiotherapy he enrols into a trial for prosthetics, not keeping his hopes high. They had a rigorous selection process and the waitlist number he was given, further dulled his hope. 
Learning to live without his arm was the main goal. Basic things, cleaning himself, shaving, and wearing clothes had become huge roadblocks rather than simple activities of daily living. He got through, stood up after each tumble. Relearned how to live. 
Bucky finds solace in exercising and working out, an hour of the day that he allowed himself to process his emotions in a physical manner. It quickly becomes a respite and finding himself still strong with one arm does add to him feeling more himself. 
He also goes to therapy, Winnie watches the light return in her son’s eyes but never fully. 
She watches as he gets a job at the library, then enrols himself into night school. 
Bucky then takes a free online coding trial, realising he enjoys it. 
Learning to code with one hand takes time, he focuses on making sure he writes it correctly first before adding the symbols required. 
He learns how to code with one hand, then takes up a course. Later he joins a smaller company working on the back end of things. It’s decent money but he enjoys himself. He returns to his joking demeanour. Even joining in social media. 
He prefers watching and commenting rather than posting, most of the pictures are of him and Alpine, well more so Alpine.
He met the sweet white furball two months ago and could not leave her in the alley in that crappy box. 
She now sits in one of those huge cat towers like the queen she is meant to be.
Bucky also begins to reconnect with old high school friends namely, Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers. Both notoriously known for their antics on social media and gaming videos. 
After another year he finally is recruited for the trial, he originally signed up at Stark Industries. A pioneer programme in conjunction with MIT. Peter Parker the guy, no, the kid interning for the ever ready to have a sarcastic banter boss of his, Tony Stark. Peter presses a few things on the keyboard watching the corresponding occurrences upon the screen with a smile.
“Parker, give me some good news or I’m revoking caffeine access. Which will get your aunt to somewhat stop giving me heat for making you a caffeine addict.” Tony stands behind the kid, a pleased smile on his face.
“So Barnes, what's the first thing you’re gonna use the arm for?” Tony questions, Bucky contemplates answering.
“Probably be able to code with both hands… or probably scratch that itch on my back.” Bucky huffs out a laugh, Tony shakes his head.
“Honestly the right hand could get some rest at night then,” Stark wiggles his eyebrows and Bucky rolls his eyes.
“I thought you wanted this to be an advancement and not a sex toy.” Bucky reiterates from a previous seminar they had made mandatory for the participants.
“Paying attention, well done.” Tony taps his nose.
“Alright, Mr. Barnes, please lift a finger.” Peter requests, all three hold their breath as the metal fingers do nothing. Staying open. Bucky huffs, flicking his wrist in dismissal of the idea.
Tony gasps overjoyed.
Bucky then looks at the hand, the left hand. The one he moved, he flexes his elbow, it happens. He looks at the two researchers. Gratitude brimming over in tears. Tony wipes his own tears and Peter sniffles.
“Okay, okay he qualifies for phase two. We have to calibrate so it works and responds to you. It will be a detachable prosthetic since the charging is an issue, I’m trying to solve it with a lighter battery. Once I find that it will be a permanent one.” Tony and Peter begin rambling and Bucky only follows the lines of coding on the screen trying to make sense of it. He understands the script and the way it's written to function. 
That is how the next  few months go, learning, calibrating, coding, battery tests. 
A repeat of Physical Therapy adapting to doing activities with both arms again. 
Peter struggles one day with the encoding. Stark went for some gala, to secure grants and fundings. Bucky realised early on the man never stopped, a plethora of ideas swirling in his head. 
“Can I take a look?” Bucky questions and Peter gives him a curious look then it dawns that he can code too. 
“Yes, please end my misery.” Peter turns the laptop and Bucky hovers both of his hands over the laptop. For a moment he hesitates only by re-reading the lines written. The problem was transition movements during compound movements, jerks constantly which prevented smooth motions. 
Coding with both hands was newer, he had practised in the facility, since the arm was yet not his, Stark said something about the Princess of Wakanda having to sign off on the distribution to those patients who could not afford it. Since the metal sourcing was from their country.
Though Bucky had been given several assurances he was a shoe-in for the arm. He still hesitated getting attached and fully dependent.
So he took away the metal arm and worked on the code with his right, then showed it to Peter, for approval. 
Peter then put the lines into the simulator and they waited for five minutes before Peter asked Bucky to repeat the problematic movements. 
No jerks, clean movements.
“You genius.” Peter praises him, Bucky finds his smile turn shy at the praise still not used to appreciation.
“I’m going to tell, Mr. Stark.” Peter gleefully announces.
“Take the win, Parker.” Bucky tells him he doesn’t want trouble for the young intern.
“Nah, you will get credit and I could honestly use the help with another coder on board. Plus, even though its biomechanics plus coding I could handle that part easier. We also might be getting another intern on board, they just finished their degree earlier in exercise science with another in kinesiology.” 
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That is how Bucky finds himself standing with Alpine in the cat backpack, a suitcase and one cardboard box in front of the apartment building that had his two best friends, in New York City with a generous job offer from Tony Stark. 
Winnie stands next to him, her eyes lingering for only a moment on the arm, knowing her son was whole even without it. She had reminded him, incase the whole keeping arm thing never went through. 
“You will visit often.” She says setting down the small set of crockery into the kitchen. 
Bucky wants to laugh knowing her tone is not that of a request but of a command.
“I will, Ma.” He assures her, enveloping her in a hug.
“We’ll make sure he does, Mrs. Barnes.” Steve assures her, her eyes on him now.
“I should hope so since the two of you should be joining him.” She uses the same tone and Bucky gets a kick out of his friends fearing his sweet little mother.
“Oh now, you know I won’t give up any chance to see the prettiest of the Barnes.” Sam winks at Winnie and Bucky gives him a glare. 
He settles in, as does Alpine making a home near the windows that allow sunlight to hit right at her pillow. Bucky even caved in and bought the suction cup cat hammock for her but she refuses to climb on it. Even with treats as a bargaining chip. 
It is a few days later that Bucky’s phone chimes. He looks away from the screen briefly.
Steve Rogers has tagged you in a comment.
@.bbarnes are you ready for the new episode? If I have to sit through the hot daga again, I am warning you.
Bucky wants to laugh, they had recently begun watching Buzzfeed Unsolved with Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej. It is an enjoyable series and Bucky was always a firm believer in the paranormal. A Boogara if anyone would ask him. So Steve had a bit of an issue with one of the segments of the ‘Post Mortem’ episodes but Bucky loved every bit of it. These two hosts made him laugh and also shed light on cases and haunted places. 
@.captainrogers the hot daga is an ingenious creation, gripping storyline, music, great animation. Stop being unappreciative of art. I will report you to the authorities.
Bucky chuckles, setting his phone back down. It was enough of an issue with Steve and Sam being on opposing ends of the paranormal believing spectrum.
Just as he was returning to his work, the phone chimes again.
@.watchingthemoonlight replied to your comment
@.bbarnes honestly i agree with you, also what authorities are you contacting I need to snitch on my bestfriend too.
Bucky has a wry smile, no one has ever responded to his comments, let alone interacted unless it was a woman sliding into his DMs which hardly was for prolonged conversations. Curiosity brims over and he clicks the profile,
Bio: more caffeine, less stress-eine. a proud hufflepuff 
Private Account 
Request to Follow
The picture is of you looking to the side sipping on a beverage. He notices the way your skin is flushed. The small round picture can provide him with little indication of who you are. 
Bucky goes back to your comment, pressing reply, something about your unknown profile drawing him in.
Your phone chimes, though it’s late at night and you know your best friend has slept, you look away from the powerpoint about the topic which is going to be in the exam tomorrow morning.
@.bbarnes replied to your comment.
@.watchingthemoonlight never knew a hufflepuff could be a narc.
You narrow your eyes, an amused huff leaving past your lips, oh he thinks he’s smart. Making a comment based on stalking your profile.
You click on his username. Two could play this game. 
James Barnes
Bio: This account may bear my name but it’s just an Alpine fan account. Cat dad.
The profile is open, not too many followers, he is handsome, there is a picture of him you find adorable. Mostly because of the cat, Alpine you assume, is nuzzling her nose against his and both of them are smiling.
Not many solo pictures, a few with friends and one where he’s making a silly face and you find that his blue eyes are beautiful. 
You return to the comment, typing away and not really expecting a response.
But when your phone chimes off within a minute you find yourself eager,
One text message: 
From: Cable Service Provider
This is a reminder that there will be a downtime in your cable service will be affected from 11:00 till 14:00 p.m. Inconvenience is regretted.
You frown, setting the phone back. Then look back at the abandoned exam topic.
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Bucky’s lips twitch as he reads the notification, then a smile when he reads the reply.
@.watchingthemoonlight replied to you.
@.bbarnes what would Alpine think of her father? He forgot Hufflepuffs are the most loyal. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. #alpinesupremacy 
Before he can respond he gets a text from Peter about an impromptu video call meeting with Tony and Shuri, he checks the time 4 p.m. maybe he could reply to you after the meeting.
“There he is!” Tony beams, waving at Bucky as they wait for everyone to join in.
“Hey there Tony!” Bucky waves back, they repeat the greetings as Peter joins and then Miriyam joins and finally Shuri.
“These are my favourite people!” She beams at the two interns.
“Here I thought I was your favourite.” Tony says with feigned offence.
“Oh come on now, you know I adore your work Mr. Stark.” Shuri holds back a laugh at the way she has worded the sentence.
“But not me.” Tony pouts, Morgan clambers up his lap, waving shyly at the screen.
“Hey there Maguna.” Bucky greets her.
“Hi Bucky!” She beams.
“Whatcha doing?” He asks as everyone coos at the sweet child.
“In a meeting with dad.” She says sweetly, “I’m taking the notes. Problem solve.”
“You’re gonna help us solve the problem? That is awesome.” Bucky praises and she giggles.
“Still offended, only she is allowed to call you Bucky.” Peter adds, “I’m a cute kid too.” 
“Hey only my best girls are allowed to call me that. My Ma made the rule.” He raises his hands in defence.
Shuri laughs as Morgan scrunches her nose taking notes and when asked to show what she had this far, it was a drawing of stick people in boxes on the computer screen.
That earned Morgan more adoration and Tony made sure to have copies made to send to all of them. After all, it was a Morgan original.
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Another hour later you decide to leave the exam to the gods of luck. Your phone holds no other notifications, setting your alarm and three back ups, and then settle into bed. 
Just as your eyes close to allow slumber to take over; the phone vibrates twice. 
@.bbarnes replied to your comment:
@.watchingthemoonlight you’re right she is looking displeased. As a fellow hufflepuff (and narc) I apologise. #alpinealreadylikesyou
second notification:
@.bbarnes sent you a follow request
/accept/             or                    /decline/
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taglist is open! please comment or message to be tagged!
permanent tags: @stevesmewmew @pandaxnienke
fic taglist: @harry03bb @et-homephone @sebsgirl71479 @blackwidownat2814
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theconstantsidekick · 3 years
Static Verse Masterlist
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (endgame), Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Past Peggy Carter x Stark!Reader (brief, one-sided), Natasha Romanoff x Stark!Reader (shameless flirting)
Summary: Tony Stark's sister's a fucking badass, codename—Static. Here's her story through the MCU.
(These scenes incorporate y/n into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
All of these are complete stories in and of themselves but fun to read together if you'd like. Or you could follow my suggested reading order
Warnings: Swearing, Canon Typical Violence, NSFW content tagged in the particular chapter.
In order of release—
The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static
A series of scenes with y/n (Static) during the events of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Wherein she’s a somewhat retired superhero, doing a solid for the boys, while coping with the aftermath of losing her only family, Tony Stark.
Age of Ultron (ft. Static)
When Ultron strikes against the Avengers using the Maximoff kids, the visions that Wanda shows Y/n Stark makes her lash out and use her powers—powers that her team didn’t know about. This is the aftermath.
Static: Get, Set, Glitch
Following the events of The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, and Static several people from Static’s past make their way back into her life. One of them just so happens to be her ex, America’s Ass; Steve Rogers. How will she deal with Steve’s return, her fragile yet burgeoning new relationship with Bucky Barnes while simultaneously fighting off demons from her past?
Static Verse Snippets
Just some snippets from Static Verse that didn't make it into concrete fics but are fucking important anyway.
Iron Man 1 (ft. Static)
Tony’s standing at the press conference, contemplating whether or not he should tell the world he is Iron Man. What does his (secretly an alien with cool powers, codename: Static) sister have to say about it?
Bucky Barnes, the Boyfriend
Set somewhere around the events of The Falcon, The Winter Soldier, and Static and Static: Get, Set, Glitch, these are small stand—alone snippets with Bucky and his girlfriend (who’s not only enhanced but also a Stark and an Avenger; codename—Static) being hopeless idiots in love.
The Avengers (ft. Static)
The events of the Avengers take place but Tony’s sister’s, y/n (yet to be codenamed—Static) is there to participate in the action.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static)
The events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier take place but Tony’s sister, y/n (yet to be codenamed—Static) has to become a reluctant participant and she fucking hates every second of it.
Avengers: Infinity War (ft. Static)
The events of the Avengers: Infinity War happen. Thanos comes bringing reckoning along with him. And Tony’s sister, Y/n (codename—Static) is right there next to her team, ready to fight.
Avengers: Endgame (ft. Static)
The events of the Avengers: Endgame happen. Y/n (codename—Static) get blipped away. And for a while Tony makes peace with it but then Steve shows up to his door and he discovers time travel. So how can he not at least try to bring her back?
Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been?
The last thing Bucky expects is for Y/n to side with Steve on the matter of killing the man who tortured him into becoming the Winter Soldier.
The Sound of Silence and Static
Y/n Stark gets charged with the murder of former Lieutenant General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Only one problem, she didn't do it. Here's the story of how the gang, which includes Y/n Stark, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Joaquin Torres, and Harley Keener solve the whole thing in time for Bucky and Y/n to get their 'happy ever after'.
Captain America: Civil War (ft. Static)
The events of Captain America: Civil War happen but Tony’s sister, y/n (codename—Static) stands in the eye of the storm, with her brother on one side, and her boyfriend on the other.
Iron Man 2 (ft. Static)
The events of Iron Man 2 take place, however, Y/n (yet to be codenamed - Static) is there alongside her brother, confused and annoyed.
Also, check out
Gorgeous fanart made by the amazing @teddys-things, 'Red' and 'Le roi est mort, vive le roi!'
Banner for Static's campaign to unionize the TVA 'Prune Steve Rogers 2024' here and here by the lovely @siwiecola
Spotify playlist by @y-napotat
Pinterest board by @y-napotat
My Spotify playlist
My Pinterest board
Join the Static Verse Discord Server
Join the Static Verse Amino courtesy of the smashing @y-napotat
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
Inner Conflict
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 3586
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Some Angst, Some Fluff, Sam and Bucky being idiots, Mentions of PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression
A/N: Here’s Part Three to my FATWS Series, which I’m making a masterlist for that you can find Here. 
Uh…it’s a little long, and I apologize for that. It doesn’t even encompass the whole second episode, only the first half, so a Part 3.5 will be coming out later today probably (it’s my day off work so I have all day to relax and write!) I tried not doing a line for line rewrite of the episode, but there are quotes from the show in here. Mostly it’s Reader’s thoughts and feelings towards what’s happening while conversations are going on around. Reader’s backstory is a bit more unfurled. It’s more action packed and more scene-for-scene of the episode than the previous two. Less emotions shared and less hurt/comfort type of thing, but that’ll be back in the next part probably along with more scenes not in the show. The next part I’m planning won’t be as long, it’ll mainly just be the Couples Therapy scene and a bit more angst with her and Sam and her and Bucky.
Because there’s four more episodes and I don’t know what’s going to happen in them, I’m kinda hesitant on spilling out exactly what is going on with the Reader and what her role was on the original team, but we’ll get there. Also, I wasn’t expecting to be writing multiple pieces for one episode, but if the other episodes are as packed as this one, prepare yourself for more parts than anticipated. We’re already on Part 3 and I’ve got Part 3.5 coming. Just bare with me as I don’t know what’s going to happen in future episodes! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! 
(Not beta’d so excuse any mistakes.)
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Walking out of the shower, ruffling a towel through your hair to dry it off, you froze at the sound of the TV. A sigh left your lips. It’s all he’d been doing the last few days - watching the news. Keeping up with the tour for the new Captain America.
You peeked out of the small bedroom to find Bucky sitting on the floor, brow creased as he watched John Walker talk to the Good Morning America hostess.
“You shouldn’t be watching that.” You spoke up, leaning on the doorway, still patting your hair dry. He glanced over to you, taking in the towel wrapped around you, before looking back at the TV. Seeing you like that wasn’t anything new. “Buck, I’m serious. Brooding over it won’t make anything better.”
“What do you want me to do?”
You let out a sigh, shifting your feet and biting your lip as you thought about how to respond. “I-I haven’t figured it out yet. But obsessing over the new guy-”
“Aren’t you mad?”
You frowned at his question, his eyes meeting yours once more. “I told you already that I am.”
He tilted his head, which he did when he was confused, his eyes narrowing. “Why don’t you show it? Why aren’t you screaming or cursing or crying or something? You, of all people-”
“Because it won’t help anything, Buck.” You shook your head, pushing off the wall. “I want to. But if I let myself go down that road…” Dropping your gaze to the floor, you take a breath, collecting your thoughts. “This is such a complicated situation, James. I’m being contacted left and right for a statement on the new Captain. People trying to see my reaction. Senators trying to get me to meet with him. I can’t let myself snap. I can’t.”
He scowled. “They’re still bothering you?”
A dry chuckle escaped your lips and you nodded. “Makes me miss the days when no one knew who I was; when I was the behind-the-scenes seventh Avenger. But I made that choice to come out, and I have to deal with the consequences now. Blowing up will only-”
“Even though I never met him…he feels like a brother.”
That one statement stopped you in your tracks. Bucky’s head whipped back to the TV, his jaw ticking, his nose scrunching up.
“Did he really just say that?”
Bucky merely nodded, his chest heaving as he tried getting his breathing under control. “Feel like snapping now?”
You purse your lips as you held in the tears stinging your eyes. After composing yourself, you moved over and grabbed the remote, letting out a tiny sniffle as you did so. You tentatively touched Bucky’s shoulder, silently asking him if he needed anything from you. His response was to open his arms, so you quickly got down besides him to hold him.
“He is my brother, doll.”
“I know, Buck.” You pressed a soft kiss to his head, which rested against your bare shoulder.
Your bare knees are pressed harshly against the wooden panels of the floor, and you’re twisted awkwardly, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. As long as he was comfortable, you would take the uncomfortable position. As long as he was being held, you would take the soreness it would leave. As long as you could help him be some sort of okay, you would take not being okay in this position.
 You two sat like that for a few more moments before your phone buzzed. You gave a sigh, pulling back and holding his cheeks in either hand. He wasn’t crying, although he was on the verge of doing so. You’d seen him cry before, so you knew he didn’t mind. For you it was a different story.
Bucky had maybe seen you cry twice since the whole Blip thing went down. And one of them was over the phone, so he didn’t see it so much as he heard it. You didn’t let yourself cry in front of him. Or anyone, for that matter. It was a part of you. The only person you ever felt comfortable enough around to cry in front of…wasn’t there. And you couldn’t change that.
“We’ll figure it out.” You told him, nodding gently and letting a small, sad smile quirk the corners of your lips up. “Okay? We’ll figure it out.”
The clench in his jaw loosened as your fingers worked circles into the hinge, making him relax and nod back. You pressed a tender kiss to his forehead before standing up, moving across the room to where your phone was on the counter. You assumed it’d be another government official or news reporter, so you were slightly shocked to see ‘Sammy’ flashing up at you.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you read his message, a slight pout forming on your face. 
“Doll?” Toned arms wrapped around you, warm and cool, his chin setting on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Sam. He needs my help with something.”
“I’m coming with you.”
You turned in his arms, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Why?”
He shrugged, licking his lips. “You might need help.”
“Bucky, you can’t go if you’re just going to yell at him.”
“I won’t.”
You studied his features. He was lying, you knew that. Of course he was going to snap at Sam for giving up the shield. He was mad and they got on each others’ nerves every chance they could find, so of course he was going to.
But you still found yourself saying yes and telling him to go pack a bag. You were never able to say no to Steve and it seemed that got passed on. What a nuisance it was.
And you were so right. It was the first thing he said once Sam came into view coming down the stairs.
“You shouldn’t have given up the shield, Sam.”
“James.” You squeezed the hand he was holding, voice pleading for him not to do this right now. He huffed, stepping back to let you greet Sam properly, giving the man a hug. “Hi, Sammy.”
“It’s been a while.” Sam commented, pulling back and holding you by the shoulders. “You look good. Not that you’ve ever looked otherwise.”
You gave him a small smile. “You do too.”
“Thanks for coming. I know it’s short notice, but-”
“It’s fine, Sam. Really.” You insist.
Sam nodded, before eyeing Bucky. “Did you have to bring him?”
“This is wrong.” Bucky cut in, staring Sam down, falling into step besides him as the man started heading outside.
“Hey, hey. Look. I’m working, all right?”
You rolled your eyes as the two started arguing, stopping your stride to take a breather. You used to joke about babysitting them, but it didn’t feel like a joke anymore and you were getting tired of it. All the bickering for no reason. The contempt they held for one another. Steve made you promise that you would look out for them, and you were trying, but they weren’t making it easy.
When you joined them again, you raised an eyebrow at the direction the conversation turned. How the hell did they get from arguing about the shield to what a wizard is?
“Ahh! Haha! A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat!”
You gave Sam a look as he babbled about how he was right. “Sorcerer Mickey has a hat. Isn’t that, like, how he gets his powers and everything?”
Bucky grinned at you. “Thank you!”
“Excuse you!” Sam scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at you. “We were having a conversation!”
“Yeah. A stupid conversation I just ended. Now I’m gonna be in the plane. Feel free to join me when you’re done being idiots.”
They both spluttered, but you were already walking away, leaving no room for arguments. As you loaded onto the plane, you spotted the Lieutenant whom Sam mentioned who had been helping him out with missions. Torres, you thought, remembering his name from a previous phone call with your friend.
“You Lieutenant Torres?” You asked, walking up to him.
He blinked, before his eyes widened, a grin appearing on his face. He seemed young, which you were perfectly okay with considering you’ve been working alongside old men for the past decade. It was always nice to work with a fresh face, which you found after you started working with Wanda and Peter.
The thought of the two youngest members made you falter, not having heard from either of them since Christmas almost six months prior, but you quickly recovered yourself, shaking away the worries you had for them.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N! I’m a huge fan! I’ve read all your files!”
Chuckling a little, you held out your hand. “Most of those are heavily classified.”
He ducked his head with a little blush, rubbing the back of his neck after shaking your hand. “I, uh, I might’ve…used connections.”
“It’s okay.” You reassured him, throwing him a wink. “I won’t tell. Can you tell me what’s going on? Sam didn’t exactly explain the situation.”
He nodded, getting into ‘work mode’, something you’ve seen in most military men, informing you of their recent missions and the group known as the Flag-Smashers and giving you a file on them. He was in the middle of telling you about his solo mission in Germany when your two fellas came in, sending each other small glares, but remaining quiet.
Bucky caught your eye and sent an apologetic look your way, to which you just smiled at before turning back to Torres.
“Well I’m glad you’re okay.” You told him once he was done.
“Oh yeah. It wasn’t that bad.”
You laughed and nodded. “I’m sure. You seem like a tough kid.”
He smiled, before looking around and jabbing his thumb behind his shoulder. “I-I’ve gotta go, but-”
“We can talk later.” You promised with a grin.
“Of course! I have a feeling we’ll be working together more, and I like getting to know who’s gonna have my back.”
He beamed and nodded, walking backwards. “That’d be awesome! Talk to you later then!”
You giggled as he turned around and jogged off, pumping his fist in the air. You turned to a grinning Sam and nodded towards where Torres left. “I like him. Seems like a nice kid.”
“He is. Very energetic. A little reckless, but he’s got a good heart.”
You hummed, the smile falling from your face as you flipped through the file Torres gave you. “So…Munich?”
“Yeah. Listen, I’m sorry again for taking you away from the search, but-”
“Search is off.” You informed him quickly, not looking up. “Until further notice.”
The plane went quiet, before Sam cleared his throat. “So…no sign of Wanda yet, then?”
You shut the file, looking up at the men whose features were laced with concern. “I’m gonna go talk to the pilot. Behave while I’m gone. No pushing each other off the plane.”
You were stopped by the hand that grabbed your wrist as you passed Bucky. You shot him another smile, knowing it wasn’t convincing enough for him, but it being the best one you had. “I’m okay. I’ve just gotta ask him some questions.”
Opening your mouth to stop him, you groaned when Bucky jumped out of the plane before you could speak. First Sam jumps without sharing the plan, then Bucky jumps without having a plan. Or a parachute. Or wings. Or anything.
Torres looked at you, but all you could do was shrug. “I dunno what to tell you, kid.”
“You’re not gonna do that, are you?”
“No.” You reassured him, shaking your head. “I’m gonna wait ‘til we land like a normal person and take my bike. I just have to pray that they’ll wait to do anything stupid until I get there.”
They didn’t wait. You’re pretty sure they didn’t even think about waiting. By the time you got to them, they were fighting - and losing, might you add - to six really strong people on top of two semi trucks.
Because why wouldn’t they?
Oh, oh. And on top of that, the fake was there, throwing the shield. The shield that didn’t belong to him. The shield that meant so much more than he would ever know.
“Hi, doll! Sorry we started the party without you!” Bucky shouted from where he was hanging off the edge, that close to the street and getting his head torn off by the tire.
“I’m so tired of babysitting you two, you know that?!”
“Oh! Sorry we’re such an inconvenience for you! Blame him! He jumped the gun!” Sam shouted, coming to fly next to you as you rolled up your sleeves, standing on your bike, using one hand to steer.
“Can I get a little help already?!”
“On it!”
Knowing that no matter how much they pissed each other off, Sam would make sure Bucky was okay and vice versa, you focused on getting to the top, where Walker and a buddy of his were struggling a little bit.
You climbed up to the roof of the semi no one was on, wincing when you heard your bike skidding across the pavement. There goes half your salary.
You couldn’t dwell on it for very long, considering one of the guys appeared in front of you. You recognized the fighting - the strength - and faltered, a memory resurfacing at a very bad time.
“C’mon, honey. You can do better than that.” Steve grinned at you, holding out a hand to help you up.
“Excuse me for not having super strength, Rogers.” You huffed out, taking it and letting him pull you up.
“You don’t need to be stronger than me. You just need to be smarter.”
“That’ll be easy.” You teased, stretching your arms before getting into your stance again. “You’re a dumbass sometimes.”
“Yeah, well, who chose to be friends with this dumbass?”
“Everyone needs a dumbass for a friend.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “So I’m your dumbass?”
“If you want.”
The grin he shot you made your heart skip a beat. “If you’ll have me.”
You blinked, but Steve wasn’t in front of you anymore and you weren’t in the gym in DC. 
The guy caught the punch you distractedly threw and twisted your arm, making you cry out, kicking him in the back of the knee and flipping him over your shoulder.
You went to kick him again, but he caught your leg and threw you against the side of the other semi. You were able to grab onto where Bucky had ripped through the side, but you winced as the metal cut through your palm. Sam had just flown under the trucks, taking Buck with him, and you knew when a fight wasn’t worth it, so you quickly moved around the truck, letting Walker and his pal distract the Flag-Smashers, before letting yourself fall onto the side where the grass was.
You wanted to lay there, to catch your breath and curse yourself for getting distracted. You hadn’t had a flashback like that in a while. But you didn’t let yourself. You had to make sure the guys were okay.
Standing up made you cringe; you could feel the throbbing in your shoulder from where it was no doubt dislocated and your leg was aching, the muscle probably pulled when the guy threw you.
“Doll!” You turned, seeing Bucky and Sam sprinting towards you a few yards down the road. “Hey, hey.” Bucky immediately had his hands hovering over you, scanning your body. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, shoving his hands away. “I’m fine.”
“What’s wrong with your shoulder?”
“I think I dislocated it.”
Sam frowned. “What the hell happened?”
You gave him a weird look, starting to limp across the field to where you noticed a side road earlier. “They were super soldiers, Sam. And we got our asses kicked.”
“Yeah, but you know how to fight a super soldier-”
“It’s been a while.”
“Bullshit.” Sam side stepped in front of you, making you stop. “What happened?”
“I-I just got distracted, okay?”
“Y/N. Look at me.” Bucky took your face between his palms, eyes worried. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. A tired sigh left your lips and you looked anywhere but his eyes. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just hurting. My leg, I think I pulled it or something-”
“C’mere.” Bucky turned and crouched down, making you blink.
“You shouldn’t be walking. We don’t wanna make it worse.”
“But it’s just a strain, it won’t-”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Just get on the man’s back, Y/N.”
You bit your lip before sighing and carefully climbing on his back. He shifted you gently, making sure to hold your leg with caution, leaning his head into yours when you hooked your chin on his shoulder. “You-you don’t have to talk about what happened. Just-just know that when you do…I’ll be here, okay?”
You nodded, moving to press your nose against the column of his throat. “Okay.”
But you could never tell them. How could you? How could you tell the world’s longest POW that you were having nightmares? How could you complain to an Air Force vet who served two tours in Afghanistan and watched his best friend get blown out of the air that you were having flashbacks?
You weren’t sure if it was PTSD or anxiety or depression. Maybe all three. It didn’t matter, though, because you didn’t want to admit it. You wouldn’t admit it. No one thought the Blip messed you up that badly. No one thought Steve leaving did that much damage. And you were okay with that. You were okay with them thinking you were healing - that you were fine - because they needed to see that it could be done. That they could be fine, too. Especially the men walking, Sam teasing Bucky per usual.
It wasn’t until a horn honked that you allowed yourself to be pulled out of your thoughts. A scoff left you when you realized who it was, switching the side you were laying on so your cheek pressed up against the cool metal of his left shoulder, facing away from the jeep.
You tried ignoring the guy as he talked about working together and shit, taking a shuddering breath, making Bucky squeeze your uninjured thigh. There was no way you were working with him. You couldn’t. It’d be like betraying Steve and you didn’t need that on top of all the other things you were dealing with.
You couldn’t deny the need for a ride though. The airport was 20 miles away and you were hurting pretty bad. You suspected that was the reason the guys relented, Bucky tenderly setting you down in the jeep between him and Sam, careful of your injuries.
You stared at your lap as Walker and Sam talked shop. You understood where they were coming from, you were always able to see both sides of the coin, but it didn’t mean you were going to willingly work with him.
“I got mad respect for all of y’all, but you were kind of getting your asses kicked till we showed up.”
You scoffed at that, finally raising your eyes to meet Walker’s friend’s. “Like you were doing any better?”
Bucky reached over to grab her hand that was resting on her lap. “You know, I’ve been trying to get in contact with you.” Walker faced you, eyes raking down your form. Bucky shifted in his spot, but you ran your thumb over his knuckles before he could do or say anything stupid.
“Yeah. I know. My phone hasn’t stopped blowing up for a week. Thanks for that, by the way.”
Walker frowned. “If you just answered-”
“I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what you’ve done. I’ve been a little busy doing my job to blow smoke up your ass on national television. Sorry if my saving people’s lives has been an inconvenience for you, but some wannabe playing dress up isn’t my top priority.”
Walker’s brows furrowed and he was about to say something, when Bucky cut in, asking his friend who he was. You were already that close to jumping out of the jeep, when the guy, Hoskins, told you three that he went by ‘Battlestar’.
If the situation wasn’t so aggravating, you would’ve laughed when Bucky immediately told the driver to stop, opening the door before the car even stopped. “C’mere, doll.” He murmured, lifting you up into his arms bridal style, before walking off, tuning out Walker as he shouted after you two.
You pouted a little when you saw Sam still talking to the guy. “What’re they talking about, Buck?”
“Some nonsense about him not replacing Steve. Just trying to be the best Captain America he can.”
You laid your head against Bucky’s chest. “The best Captain America is Steve. He can never be Steve.”
“I know, doll.”
“Steve told me once that all he was trying to do was be a good man…it’ll always amaze me that he didn’t see he was the best.”
You missed the distraught look Bucky shot towards you, the look in his eyes almost heartbroken while you talked fondly about his best friend. The tortured scrunch to his features seemed to melt away at your next words, though, and he held you tighter as you curled into his hold.
“Just like it amazes me that you don’t know how important you are to me too, Buckaroo.”
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bbyboybucket · 3 years
TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Bucky gets jealous when he sees you flirting with Torres. You show him he has nothing to worry about.
Warnings: language as always, jealous Bucky, lil bit of insecure Bucky, drinking, smut, oral (male receiving), bathroom sex (p in v), unprotected (wrap it irl lovies), descriptions of buckys genitals
A/N - I’m shit when it comes to thinking of titles. And I’ve never used a gif before on my writing but I think it maybe makes it look more attractive idk. Also idk if I’ve ever mentioned this but I LOVE Torres so much. Like he’s such a lil cutie and I’d def be crushin on him harder if we knew more about his character. Anyways, I had to make reader a lil flirty with Torres. It’s a good plot. Plus jealous Bucky? Who doesn’t love that? I didn’t proof read so there’s prolly mistakes. This is pretty vanilla, maybe one day I’ll write something more kinky. That’s all.
Bucky Barnes was an angry man. He was a lot of things, actually, but he was always irritated about something. Being in a foul mood was practically his most identifiable characteristic at this point and he accepted that gladly. But he never thought the object of his rage would be the young lieutenant that Sam introduced him to.
Torres was a nice kid. He wasn’t really a kid but Bucky basically saw every young person that way. He’d always liked him, he was bright spirited, smart, and always helpful with whatever he and Sam needed. Bucky never had a problem with him but right now, he wanted to choke him out. Bucky’s eyes were practically daggers and if looks could kill, Torres would be dead. All because he was flirting with you.
The biggest issue was that you were flirting back. He watched the way your face light up as you talked to him, the two of you laughing. Bucky’s fists were clenched dangerously tight.
He was able to listen to every word of your conversation, thanks to his super soldier hearing.
“We’re going out for drinks later tonight, you should come.” You spoke with a smirk and your hand trailed Joaquin’s upper arm.
“I’ll check my schedule.” The young man replied with a smile. The interaction sent a rush of fury through Bucky’s entire body, his bottom lip curled beneath his teeth as he bit down harshly.
He couldn’t even begin to understand why you were flirting with this kid instead of him.
Okay, maybe he could. Torres was close to your age, maybe only a few years older. That’s a hell of a lot more reasonable than going for a 106 year old. Yeah, the age gap between you two was ungodly, he was sure you found that unattractive. And Torres was nice. Bucky didn’t always have that under his belt. He knew damn well he could be an ass, most of the time he didn’t care but he was nice to you. At least he thought he was nice to you anyways. Torres was also pretty happy, Bucky on the other hand, not so much. But Bucky was happy when you were around. That counts right? He may not smile a lot or really show it any other way, but you did make him happy. He’d count that as Torres: 3 and himself: 2. It was almost even.
But then again, Torres wasn’t an ex assassin with the blood of hundreds on his hands. Nobody was waiting for Torres to snap at any given moment. Torres also didn’t have a metal arm or a broken mind. So scratch what he thought earlier. It was Torres: 1 million and himself: 2.
Just because it was justifiable why you were into Joaquin, didn’t mean Bucky was any less pissed. He’d much rather be in the younger man’s shoes right now, hearing your sweet laugh in his ears and feeling your soft, warm touch. It enraged him that he couldn’t have that yet it was being rubbed in his face that someone else could. All Bucky could think about is the way you’d feel on him, the way your melodic voice sounded when you you spoke to him, how you made him feel giddy inside. God, he wanted to fucking punch that son of a-
“Is viciously staring at people you’re only damn hobby?” Sam laughed as he sat down next to the blue eyed man.
Bucky finally tore his gaze away from you two and brought it towards Sam. “Shut up.” He grumbled.
“I see terminator’s pissed.” Sam joked.
“I’m not pissed.” He mumbled through his teeth.
“Well, somethings got your gears grinding.”
Sam’s smile only grew as he watched his friend roll his eyes and cross his arms in annoyance. He looked across the room to where Bucky had been previously staring and the issue dawned on him.
“You’re jealous cause someone else is talking to your lil crush?” The man teased.
“‘M not jealous.” Bucky huffed and mentally cursed himself for ever telling Sam that he had feelings for you.
“You were looking at my boy like you wanted to kill him, seems like jealousy to me, cyborg.”
Bucky slouched over with his head hanging down and brought his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. Sam let out a sigh. “Why don’t you just tell her you like her?”
“You know I can’t.”
“You can and you should. Just think about it, alright?” Sam suggested before standing up and clapping his hand on the other mans back.
When Sam left, Bucky did think about it. Damn, he wished he could tell you. He wished he was the way he used to be and could still make any girl swoon over him. He was far from that now. It was eternally frustrating that he was so goddamn awkward when it came to dating. He couldn’t even figure out how to stop it. Being awkward with you was one less thing he needed on the list of reasons you’d be turned off by him. He’d rather be stubborn and watch from a distance than embarrass himself.
Bars were not Bucky’s thing. Not at all. A ton of drunk people, stupid music he didn’t like, and the only thing he could do was unrealistically hope that he could feel a buzz if he took enough shots. He wished Sam wasn’t so goddamn good at coercing. He scoffed at remembering how easily he was convinced into coming with the ‘it’ll be fun’ and ‘you need to get out more, old man.’
Of course a part of it was that he wanted to be around you. It was hard to pass up spending time with you even if it wasn’t one on one. He hoped to talk to you more than he had been but instead he ended up just letting his eyes linger on you. Adoring your pretty smile, the way your hair framed your face. Admiring your sexy figure and the way that dress complimented it. Sadly for him, your attention had mainly been on Sam and even more unfortunately, Torres. That was the real cherry on top of his dreadful bar experience.
You were about 4 shots of whiskey in. Bucky could tell you were starting to get tipsy. He sat at the table as he watched the rest of you over at the bar, ordering more drinks. To his surprise, you came back without the others.
“Havin fun?” You gleamed at him as you took a seat.
“Why don’t you go ask your boyfriend that?” He mumbled, not bothering to look at you as he swirled around his drink.
You chuckled a bit at his grumpy response. “And who would that be?”
He rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Don’t act so innocent, I saw you flirting it up with Torres.”
You started laughing once again. “God, you’re unbelievable.”
His head shot up, finally facing you. His eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched as he spoke again. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You scooted closer to him in the booth, sending a slight chill down his spine. “It means you’re dumb. I flirt with you every damn day, sarge.” Your voice was low, you looked Bucky up and down, eyes trailing across his whole body in a way that made his heart skip a beat.
“You do?”
“Mhm.” You hummed. God, something as simple as that was already doing things to him. “Don’t know how you don’t realize. Thought it was obvious that I’m into you.”
Bucky couldn’t control the way heat spread across his cheeks, turning them a bright pink. He felt butterflies going crazy in his stomach as he looked at your pretty face. “I-I uh, I’m into you too.”
“I know. A little birdie told me. Just been waiting for you to say somethin.”
He was gonna kill Sam later for running his mouth to you, but right now, god, the only thing he could think of is how your words sounded, like a blessing, if blessings could be seductive. He couldn’t stop looking at how beautiful you were and how you were sitting here, so close to him, seeming to actually want him too. He might have a chance.
“You actually like me?” He said asked softly.
“Yup.” You popped the ‘p’ at the end and brought a hand to his shoulder. “I can show you how much I like you, if you want.”
“Yeah, I want that.” He managed to speak with a little more confidence than before and it made you grin.
You grabbed his hand and tugged on it as you stood up. “Come on, let’s go somewhere more private.”
He followed you eagerly like an excited puppy, all the way to the bathroom in the back. Thankfully it was a single instead of one with stalls. The second you both were in you locked the door behind you. You backed him up against the sink before lifting your hand to his jawline. His heart was beating a million miles per hour when you brought your mouth to his.
The way your tongue grazed his, the way you lightly sucked his bottom lip, the way your the tips of your noses brushed, the feeling of your body pressed against his own, it all felt like pure heaven. He got hungrier for your taste and brought his hand to the back of your neck to pull you further into him. You pulled your mouth away from his and peppered kisses against his jawline.
“Nothing to be jealous of, sarge.” You said as you kissed along Bucky’s neck. You felt his breathes get heavy as you slipped your hand down to the zipper of his pants, undoing it while your lips were still lingering on his skin. “He’s just a friend. You’re the one I want.”
You put a little distance between your bodies so that you could lower his pants, as well as his underwear, down to his ankles. His large, pink cock was already hard when you uncovered it. He noticed the way your eyes slightly widened at the sight.
A small smirk grew on his lips. “You like what you see?”
“I do.” You confirmed before pulling your hair back with the tie that was on your wrist. You dropped to your knees and looked up at him while you slowly started licking the swollen tip of his dick. He didn’t know what was better, the sensation or the view of you beneath him.
You broke eye contact and put his shaft as far in to your throat as possible to get it nice and wet. You could feel the hot pre-cum leaking out on to your tongue. When you pulled his cock out, you made a ‘pop’ sound with your lips. You began to spit all over it. Your mouth made its way to his clean shaven balls. You put one completely inside and sucked away as you used your hand to jack him off.
The man who was towering above you, was moaning softly. You tightened your grip on his dick and pumped faster as you began to suck on his other warm nut. You were already dripping in your panties because of the sounds you heard from him, moan after moan rumbling through his chest.
You pulled you head back and refocused your attention to his throbbing dick, wrapping your lips around it once again. His cock was so thick and long that it took up all of the space it your mouth, you were deep throating and it still didn’t fit all the way in. You began to bob your head back and forth quickly, you moved your tongue around the shaft to give him the extra sensation.
“Fuck…” he moaned out, voice deep but shaky. “You’re so fucking good…”
You brought his cock further in, the furthest you could possibly take it. It was pounding against the back of your throat, hitting every second with the fast pace you were sucking at. The guttural moans kept flowing out of him, unbeknownst to Bucky, it was like music to your ears.
“God…Y/N…I’m close…” He whimpered out and you suddenly stopped, much to his dismay. You sloppily extracted his saliva covered dick from your mouth.
You wiped the drool off your face as you stood up. “I’m gonna make you cum the right way, sarge.”
You took his hand and guided him to the toliet, closing the lid before you pushed him to sit down on it. You lifted the bottom of the black dress you were wearing and removed your soaking wet thong. You grabbed his fingers and guided them towards your clit as you stood over him.
“Feel that? All wet for you, Buck.”
You guided his large fingers as they massaged your clit. You let out a small whimper as you felt tension coiling in lower stomach.
“I want you, Y/N. God, I fucking want you.”
You dropped his hand and the straddled his lap, sitting on his voluptuous thighs. You grabbed his cocktail and brought it towards you entrance. It hurt pushing it in, but it was such a pleasurable pain. He moved his hips closer to you, to help push it in, hearing you whimper as his length was engulfed by your wet pussy. You started to rock your hips back and forth on him, his hand reached to your ass cheek as he grabbed it roughly.
“God, you’re so tight…you feel so good around me.” He huffed out blissfully.
His cock was completely filling you, so painfully deep you wondered if rearranging your guts was really just an expression. He began to thrust his hips harshly into you, making you moan just as much as he’d been earlier. Curses fell from his lips one right after the other, the heat and tightness of your pussy feeling better than he could’ve ever dreamed.
Your arms were clinging to the back of his neck as he rocked forcefully into you, slamming into your most sensitive spots. He could barely contain himself any longer, he was about to speak up but you beat him to it.
“I’m close, I’m almost there.” You whined, your eyes watering slightly from the feeling he was giving you. The pressure in your stomach and hips was unmatched, you were on the very edge of coming undone. “Fuck, keep going Bucky.”
He then thrusted his hips the hardest he has the whole night, holding you steady by wrapping his metal arm around your back. You finished first, panting out a loud ‘fuck’ and feeling a tingling sensation throughout your whole body as you came all over his dick. He didn’t take much longer to cum himself, letting your pussy milk him completely and releasing the last low moan erupt from his throat.
You let him slide out of you. Your tired body then leaned up against him for a moment, head against his shoulder.
“That was so fucking good, doll.” Bucky said as he played with your hair.
“Mhm. No reason to be jealous anymore, right?” You mumbled into his neck.
“Right, cause we both know I can fuck you better than anyone else.”
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Ojos Asi - Part 1 - The Beginning
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AN: I'm back with another one-shot that turned into a mini-series. Our boy Joaquin Torres doesn't get enough love, so this is my way of helping to remedy that. Set post TFATWS and could tie into my SamBucky post canon 'verse
DISCLAIMER - I know nothing about any Air Force, US or otherwise.
Beta'd by the wonderful @yarnforbrains, dividers by @firefly-graphics and mood board by me (credits to those who took the photos)
Series Master list
Find my master list here
Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Fem SWORD Agent! Reader
Chapter Word count: 2.8k
CW: a pinch of misogyny but mostly fluff, pining and good-natured teasing from one JB Barnes.
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“…no, you gotta have it so tight that it almost hurts. Otherwise it could fall off mid-flight and no-one wants that, least of all you…”
Watching Sam and Joaquin talking together, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Your best friend, Joaquin, had a look of concentrated confusion on his face, whilst Sam half-smiled at him indulgently, explaining, once again, how the Falcon wings worked. The pair of them had worked hard, with Bucky’s help, to get them working again. You could tell Sam was a little emotional. He had a lot of memories tied up in those wings, and despite having his shiny new vibranium set, there was just ‘something’ about the original ones.
“It’s rude to stare, you know.” A deep voice rumbled from behind you, and if you had been anyone else maybe you would have jumped or been embarrassed.
“That’s like the pot calling the kettle black, Barnes.” You dragged your gaze away from the scene in front of you and whirled around to walk past the Sargent. However, you were brought to a jerked halt by a vibranium hand clamping around your upper arm.
“Hey, where you going, doll? Don't cha wanna be here when your boyfriend manages to actually get up in the air?”
“Lieutenant Torres is not my boyfriend.”
“And whose fault is that, doll? You planning on telling him any time soon that you like him?”
“None of your business, Barnes.”
“It is, if it affects how effective you are in the field.”
You glared at him and gritted your teeth.
“There is nothing to affect my performance. Now let me go.”
Bucky sighed and shook his head, but removed his grip.
“Whatever, doll. Whatever.”
You squared your shoulders and walked away from him, leaving the hanger with as much aplomb as you could muster.
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You and Joaquin had become friends when you joined the Air Force, straight out of college. You’d both been on the Ground Support Team, but it was a while before you were both assigned to the same op. You got on like a house on fire, even if he was a bit arrogant at first, not uncommon for a guy in his early 20’s.
You’d spent your morning going over your first assignment with your CO. You might have joined the Air Force, but your expertise was in computers, both hardware and software. Wanting to test your skills, the CO had challenged you to make as many working laptops you could out of all the damaged ones kicking around the base. Not having anywhere specific to set up, you’d commandeered a couple of tables and set them up in the corner of one of the little-used hangars. You had your magnifying goggles on and the soldering iron in your hand, along with a whole host of other tools, as you tested each part and put it back in place on the motherboard. It was going well, until a peal of raucous laughter split the air. You placed your iron down with a huff, not wanting to catch yourself with it more than already had done.
“Hey guys,” you shouted out. “Do you have to be so noisy? Some of us are actually trying to work.”
You glared at the three guys, who were messing around with each other. Realising you were there, one of them, a cocky looking blond, jogged over, casting his eyes over the bench.
“Sorry, sweetheart. We disturbing your jewellery making?”
You crossed your arms over your chest and glared up at him. You’d hoped to avoid this bullshit for a couple of days, but you supposed it was good to get it out of the way sooner rather than later.
“Yeah, you are. I was making a special ring for your dad to wear. It’s gonna help him satisfy me all night. Why, do you need one too?”
He had the decency to blush, and his two friends failed to hold back their laughter. The taller of the two, with dark hair and sparkling brown eyes, clapped his rude friend on the shoulder.
“She burned you there, Mike. Serves you right, man.” Then he turned back to you and stuck out his hand.
“I’m Torres, Joaquin. This here is Damien and the neanderthal is Mike. He’s a good guy really.”
You raised your eyebrow.
“I’ll reserve judgement.”
“You’re really sparky, you know?”
“I know. See you later Torres.” You turned your back to them and carried on with your work.
It had been easy to become friends with Joaquin. He was always smiling, always able to see the good side of everything and everyone, and it was a smile that always went all the way up to his eyes, making them shine and sparkle. And over time you softened towards Damien and Mike as well, although they were never as close to you.
There’s a comradery when you’re in a team like that, but that’s strengthened when something goes wrong. The team had been heading out in the hum-vee, en-route to set up for an op when it hit an IED. One moment you had been chatting with Joaquin and Mike, whilst Damien drove, the next you were flying through a fire, your ears ringing and your vision went black.
You came to, to find Joaquin leaning over you, tapping you on the face.
“C’mon, Sparky, wake up, damn it!”
Your head hurt as you opened your eyes and spat out a mouthful of sand.
“I’m up! I’m up!”
You tried to sit up, but the world span. Bile rose in your throat, and you leaned to the side as you vomited it up. Joaquin passed you his canteen, and you rinsed your mouth out.
“’the fuck happened?”
You wiped your hand over your face, and it came away bloody.
For once Joaquin wasn’t smiling. You took a proper look at him. His face was covered in ash and sand. He had a graze across one cheek and his arm…his right arm hung wrongly from the shoulder socket. You looked around and felt a sense of panic rising.
“’Quin, where are Mike and Damien?”
“They were in the front, Sparky. They didn’t make it. I’ve called for back-up. Looks like this was just a random device and not an ambush. There’s no-one out here taking pot-shots.”
“Yeah, I know.”
The pair of you huddled together and waited for your evac. You had some cracked ribs, plus minor cuts and bruises, whilst Joaquin had a dislocated shoulder. You’d both been lucky, unlike Mike and Damien.
You’d finished out your tour in the time period after the Snap. Like Joaquin, you hadn’t been one of those who had disappeared, melting to ash in the blink of an eye. Unlike him though, at the end of your tour you wanted out. You’d gone on to get a job with SWORD instead, using your skills gained from your time in the Air Force to help protect against more unique threats.
You still ran into Joaquin from time to time, and you always marvelled at how handsome he was and how you could get lost in his dark eyes. Not being his teammate anymore allowed you to give yourself permission to notice these things - things that could have made working together awkward. Still, you never told him, not wanting to jeopardise what you had. He’d never given you any reason to think that he wanted more.
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After your uncomfortable conversation with Barnes, you’d retreated to the office to go through some paperwork when Joaquin appeared, sweaty, out of breath and smiling.
“Hey Sparky!” His arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug.
“Eeeeww, ‘Quin. You’re all moist!” You pulled away from him as he laughed.
“Oh my god; it was amazing! I was up in the air, and I was flying. And Sam only had to catch me twice, but still! Oh my god!”
His enthusiasm and bright smile were infectious, making your heart beat harder in your chest and butterflies swirl in your stomach. You couldn’t help but smile back.
“Well, I promise I’ll watch you next time.”
“Hey, and maybe, once I’ve got the hang of it, I can take you for a test-fly?”
You smacked at his chest, trying to ignore how the damp material clung to him like a second skin.
“Trying to sweep me off my feet, Torres?” You loved to tease him, but he didn’t need to know what was really going on in your head.
He wrapped his arms around you again, lifting you off the floor and spinning the pair of you in circles.
“Wouldn’t be the first time, Sparky!”
You playfully pounded your fists against his shoulders in a demand to be set back down. God, his eyes were beautiful.
“Put me down, Fly-Boy! You’re gonna rub your stink all over me.”
You couldn’t break his gaze as he lowered you, your body sliding against his as he did so. You stared at each other for a moment, before he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“I’ll see you later! Don’t fly off with anyone else ‘til I see you again.”
“Get outta here ‘Quin.”
You smiled as you watched him leave, then added “And get a shower!”
Would you ever be brave enough to tell him how you felt? Tell him that, no matter where you’d been or how long you’d been away, as soon as you saw him, looked into his beautiful brown eyes, you felt at home again. How you trusted no-one else the way you trusted him. You’d seen a lot in your life, been to a lot of places, but nothing compared to him. His beauty, his spirit.
It intoxicated you and kept you captive.
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You had to admit it, Joaquin got good with the wings fast, and he was beautiful whilst he did it.
He’d sent you a text when he was on his way down to the air-field for his second training session with Sam. You got there just as he was suiting up, Sam hovering around him like a mother duck watching her duckling go for a swim for the first time. He flashed you a grin and a wave before turning his attention back to all the straps and buttons that would ensure his safety in the air.
Bucky joined you as the two winged men took to the air.
“I’ll never tire of watching him do that. It’s one thing to think your man is an angel, but another thing to actually see it come to life.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Barnes, for god’s sake. He isn’t my man.”
“Look, I know I give you shit for it, but come on, doll. It’s fucking obvious how you feel. And take it from someone who has been around for a while, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”
“Why do you even care?”
“Because contrary to what Sam says, I am actually human. I care about people, doll. I care about you. I care about Torres. And after the shit you’ve both been through you deserve some happiness. He’s always going on about you. Sparky this and Sparky that. Maybe if you actually resolve all this fucking pining I won’t have to listen to him ramble on so much.”
You chuckled at Bucky’s attempt to be petty and grumpy. No wonder Sam loved the man; he was pretty cute when he was being disagreeable.
“Maybe I’ll never say anything just to keep winding you up then?”
“For the love of god, no!”
The pair of you were still sniping at each other, good-naturedly, as Sam and Joaquin came in for their landing. Sam made it look easy, but ‘Quin did look cute as he stumbled to a stop.
“Take it easy, Fly-Boy. You don’t want to be eating sand. And you Sam, looking good as always!”
“Hey sweetheart.” Sam smiled as he pushed his goggles up off his face. “What were you and Bucky-bear laughing about?” “Oh, just how I love doing things that piss him off.”
Sam’s smile turned into a laugh.
“My favourite past-time. Although I’m watching you – he might be taken as a form of flirting and I don’t share.”
“Eww, Sam, that’s like accusing me of flirting with my brother or my uncle. Yuck! Come on, Joaquin. I need a beer to wash that awful taste outta my mouth. Bleugh…”
“I’ll meet you in the mess in fifteen, Sparky. Don’t want you to tell me off for being stinky again.”
“Don’t be any longer, or you’ll owe me two beers, Falcon...”
“I like the way you say that.”
“Phpht, you like everything I say…”
You both walked off in your separate directions and Bucky and Sam watched you go. The White Wolf reached out, wrapping his arm around his partner's waist and drew him in close.
“You think she’ll ever tell him?”
“I hope so. He’s so gone on her, and I don’t think he even realises. If we have to wait for him to work it out I might end up throttling him.”
“Young love, ey.”
“You’re a sappy shit, Jamie Barnes.”
“Back at you, Sammy Wilson.”
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A couple of months down the line and Joaquin had been cleared to go on active missions with the wings. He was now officially using Sam’s old call sign of Falcon, and no-one could pry the smile off his face or the joy from his eyes. He’d been especially happy to discover that you were going to be the SWORD agent in charge of his first sanctioned mission.
“So, you’re going to be my boss on this op then, Sparky?”
“When am I not bossing you around? You know you love it, and anyway, you’d be lost without me.”
He slung an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in for a side hug.
“You got me there!”
Sam and Bucky just smiled indulgently at the pair of you, trying not to laugh when you glared at them.
You and your colleagues at SWORD had been keeping track of various nefarious groups and their activities over the last half a year. The intel you’d gathered suggested a bunch of malcontents hiding out in the mountains of northern Montana. Their motivation was nothing outside the ordinary - they were upset about the fact that they had lost their jobs and been displaced due to the return of the ‘blipped’, which was understandable. However, they had resisted all offers of help from the GRC, seeming to only be happy whilst they were complaining and stirring up trouble. Normally it would have been left to local law enforcement to deal with them, but the chatter was that they were planning something big and had access to weaponry they shouldn’t have, possibly extra-terrestrial in origin.
You stood with Sam, looking over the map laid out in front of you.
“If Bucky and I set up here as ground support, then you and ‘Quin can fly in here, from the south. We think they are camped out here…” your finger pressed a push pin further into the paper, “so you should get a good run up, and be high enough they won’t spot you, at least at first.”
“Is there a good enough route from that look-out for you and Bucky to make ex-fil if you have to?”
“Yeah, I’ve been in worse spots.”
“That’s not the point, and you know it.”
“It’ll be fine, Dad!”
Sam seemed to forget that you’d been doing this longer than he’d known you and was sometimes, in your opinion at least, a little overbearing.
“I’ll have Bucky with me. I hope you’re not implying that you don’t have faith in him.”
Bucky, who was sitting on the other side of the room checking over his sniper rifle, tried to hurriedly tamp down a chuckle. Sam just glared at you and raised one eyebrow.
“You did not just go there, Sparky!”
You grinned in return, and after a moment Sam grinned too, shaking his head in amusement.
“Fine, fine. I trust you. It’s your op. You know I’m just a worrier.”
“That he is!” Bucky’s voice rang out sardonically.
“Quiet in the cheap seats, Barnes!”
“Make me, Sammy!”
“Not in front of the kids, Bucky-Bear!”
You loved their petty bickering; you swore it was one of their love languages. Looking over at Joaquin you rolled your eyes at him, and he covered his mouth with his hand to hide his own smirk. God, he was so cute.
Pulling yourself back to the task at hand you clapped your hands together.
“Right, let’s get this show on the road. Move out, guys!”
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Part 2
Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @tinnedowl @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @beelicious-barnes @sidepartskinnyjeans @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll
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loveyhoneydovey · 3 years
Joaquín Torres as a boyfriend headcanons
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GIF by trillgutterbug
Note: Your honour, I love this man. That's all I have to say for myself
All my stories are written with a bisexual reader of colour in mind, but anyone else is more than welcome to read them
Joaquín Torres x GN!Reader
Warnings: kinda smutty, mentions of injuries but it's mostly fluff
· okay look, he’s the cutest softest boyfriend ever
· have you seen his adorable smile? it’s so contagious, like there’s no way you won’t be happy if he’s around you
· he’s your best friend and you’re his
· you both love teasing and messing with each other, but mostly you love teaming up to tease Sam and Bucky (because you’re their biggest shipper)
· you taking pics of Joaquin whenever you catch him fanboying over Sam and Bucky so you can make memes out of them later
· this boy has a praise kink, and no one can tell me otherwise
· loves knowing he’s making you feel good when he’s fucking you nefsjnd I don’t make the rules sorry
· secretly gets turned on when you call him “lieutenant”
· you two love giving each other the most over the top and exaggerated terms of endearment just for fun
· but you mostly stick to calling him baby
· omg sometimes you like to rile him up when you’re in public and he can’t stop blushing and stuttering
· he’s a small spoon, no I don’t take constructive criticism
· after a long day, he just wants to lie down in your arms and rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair
· you two would be there for each other during tough times
· when he’d come home injured you would definitely shed a few tears, but you tried to be strong for him because he needed you
· at the same time, he would try to cheer you up because he hated being the reason behind your sadness and hated worrying you
· he’s the type of person who’d bring back home a puppy or a kitten he found on the streets
· which is a problem because so are you
· like one day he just comes home with his hands behind his back and his eyes not leaving the ground and he’s like: “I did something”
· and you’re like “uhh so did I”
· then you hear a tiny, almost inaudible bark from behind him and when you realize what was going you start laughing
· and he looks so confused for a second, until a small kitten appears from behind your couch
· you two ending up having to get a bigger place because you can’t stop adopting animals
· melting at the thought of him using their help to propose to you 🥺
· ughh don’t even get me started on how great of a dad he’d be
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mischiefmanaged71 · 3 years
Turning Tables (1/8) - Joaquin Torres x Reader
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Summary: The instances where Joaquin and Y/N try to express their feelings and the one time they did. 
Author’s Note: I may turn this into a series following the show’s timeline if enough people like it! So far, I’ve planned five parts. Please, let me know what you guys think. Y/N’s powers are ‘mimicking’ others talents and abilities, SIMILAR TO X-MEN’S ROGUE. Check out my other fic, ‘Bad Romance’ - its not related to the show’s exact plot but its pretty epic if you love action and romance.
Warnings: Fluff, canon-level violence, action, slow-burn
Pairing: Joaquin Torres x fem!reader
Word Count: 3K
“The criminal organisation known as LAF is targeting Captain Vasant, one of our military liaisons.”
The hum of the plane continued to drum in the background as they received their instructions.
“LAF?”, Sam asked.
“Yeah, they’re high powered. We lost contact with Vasant’s plane just after it took off.”, the Captain informed.
“We need you to make sure that LAF doesn’t deliver on their threat.”
You listened from the front of the hanger, strapping on your gear as Sam walked over. His hand gripped your shoulder, pulling your attention away from the straps of your boots.
“You ready?”, Sam asked.
“I have to be”
“I’m your only backup in the sky.”, you joked, winking at Sam.
“Vasant’s plane has already entered Tunisian airspace. US military cannot be seen operating out there.”
Sam knocks on a button, triggering the door’s release. A red light flares along with a siren as the hanger doors drop. You squint your eyes as you peer down at the drop.
“Got it. You guys fly low, drop us off, we fly up to intercept. No treaties violated.”
“How are our eyes on the ground?”, you ask the Captain, adjusting the com in your ear.
“First Lieutenant Torres, our intel officer, will be helping on the ground. And Sam, this has to be subtle.”
“Subtle. Got it.”, he said, before free falling out of the plane. You peer out into the open space as Sam falls before he initiates his wings, shooting him forwards.
You roll your eyes and breathe out a soft laugh.
“I’ll make sure he sticks to the plan.”, you assure the Captain.
You close your eyes, breathing deeply and searching for that spark within. It’s a growing feeling, one that existed from a long time ago, but it's still there. It remains just as the others have. 
Gripping onto it is like opening a new door each time, engulfed by a different skin which takes over. 
It shocks your system for a second and then quickly adjusts. 
Your eyes flash open, filled with adrenaline as you inhale deeply and an orange glow begins to overtake your sight. 
Your uniform whips against you as you creep closer to the edge and take the leap, diving head first with your legs and arms held tightly by your side. Pushing your hands and feet behind you, you’re launched up and against the wind. 
Adrenaline pumps through your chest as you soar past clouds, leaving the plane behind you.  You swoop down, spotting the red suit and wings from a distance as he circles around for the plane.
“Sam, (Y/N), Torres here. Sending intel to your HUD right now,” 
“I’ll be your boots on the ground.”, Joaquin spoke into his com.
“Copied, Lieutenant. How are we looking?”, you asked, following behind Sam.
“Stable so far. I can see Sam. Where are you?”
“Look up, Flyboy.”, you teased, sweeping in a curve and kicking your feet out, as you blasted off to catch up with Sam. A burst of air billowed off you as you’re launched forward.
You hear a low whistle through the coms as you slow down your descent. 
“Stop showing off for Torres, Y/L/N.”, Sam interjected.
“I got eyes on a plane. Any sign of LAF?”
“Nah. nothing yet. But I’ll keep tracking the chatter.”, Torres replied.
“On your left.”, you shot at Sam as you floated on the opposite side of the plane, hovering out of sight of the pilot. 
Laying on the windscreen, Sam glanced inside at the body in the co-pilot seat.
“They’ve already hijacked the plane.”
“Oh, we’re gonna need to call some people.”, Torres exclaimed.
“Just what I needed today.”, you chided, sighing. 
Suddenly, Sam shuffled back and shot his wings out, flying backwards and out of sight. 
“Subtly, at its finest, Wilson.”, you stated, circling around to follow around the back. 
“Tracking back.”
“Okay, switching to Plan B.”, Sam spoke over the coms
“Remind me what Plan B was again,” you asked.
“Red Wing, engage.”, detattaching from the suit, Red wing assaults the door with lasers, releasing it with a blast.
Sam retracts his wings and launches into the ship, kicking Batroc in the chest. Assaulting the pirate with a kick to the head, he takes on the next guy with a right hook to the jaw, throwing him into the wall. 
You glide into the plane, narrowly missing the fist flying at your head. Ducking down, you strike your knee into your assailant’s stomach, directing a fist into his face.  You slam your foot into his chest, sending him flying off his feet. 
Sam kicks one of them in the side, sending them towards you as you roundhouse kick him through the only exit.
Sudden light fills your vision as bullets rain down. Bullets ricochet off of The Falcon suit but the wings shield the both of you. Suddenly the plane tips forwards, sending you all flying up. Tucking yourself in, you strike the ground, manoeuvring to grab a hold of Vasant as the plane continues to drift downwards. 
Kneeling down, you placed your hands on his shoulders, tugging him into a seated position. 
“Captain Vasant, let’s get you out of here.”, you said.
Your next movements are interrupted with a kick to your back, forcing you into a wall. Groaning, you look at your attacker, backing up as he approaches with raised fists. 
Batroc lunges at you with a swipe but you dodge, aiming a kick at his knee. He swipes his leg in a circle to knock your off your feet and slam you into the floor. You’re quick to roll over and dodge another kick to the abdomen and cart behind him. Launching yourself on his back, you grip your legs tightly around his neck and vault him over you. 
Batroc huffs, jumping up to strike his leg down on you but he’s intercepted by Sam’s kick to his chest which knocks him backwards.
Now that Batroc was occupied, you pursued the men holding Vasant. Fire brewing between your palms, you form a lasso, sweeping and snatching the leg of the man gripping Vasant’s arm. Wrenching your arm backwards, the man smacks the floor and you’ve caught their attention. One of them tugs a gun from his belt, fire off a round which you flick away with a hand. A massive blast ignites, sending you hard on your back. Your ears ring as you grip your throbbing head. 
Glancing up, you see the remaining agents clad in gear, jumping with Vasant strapped to one of them.
Batroc empties his entire clip on Sam who dodges behind his wings. With a smirk, Batroc slips on his helmet and leaps from the plane. 
Only a glance shared between the two of you, you and Sam leap from the plane. Diving forwards, you flip and kick your feet together to soar towards the descending pirates. They continue to shoot at you but Sam swings around and pulls his parachute. 
You pursue Batroc, following as Sam propels with skill through the canyon. The gaps become narrower until you’re dropping to miss incoming helicopter machine-gunfire. Swerving around rock formations, a plane follows your path as another pursues Sam.
“All subtlety has gone to shit by this point,” your voice portrayed little of the anxiety now rising in your chest.
“Redwing, get them off our ass!”, Sam yelled as Redwing ejected and launched missiles at the helicopter’s engine, bringing it down with an explosion.
“Y/N, you alright up there?”, Joaquin’s voice filtered through your com.
“Well, I’m being trailed by machine gunfire so not too bad.”, you sarcastically retorted. 
Darting upwards, you jet yourself upwards to cart over the plane and behind it. Gripping your palms together, you position your index fingers in-line with the engine and a ball of energy explodes. The craft blows up in smoke and fire as you whoop.
“OH! Ha Ha”, Joaquin laughed in exhilaration, looking through his binoculars.
Finally spotting the last aircraft with Batroc and Vasant, you bolt for the craft, Sam behind you. The man beside them pulls out a missile launcher, you’re close enough that if you dodge, Sam will be hit. Bracing with your hands crossed, a light barrier shields you as explosion hits you. You’re blasted backwards, rocketing to the ground.
Sam ducks around the smoke, “Y/N!”
Your back collides with a rocky surface and an intense pain pulses through you as your vision clouds.
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you okay? Can you hear me?”, Joaquin shouted.
“...Feeling a bit rough, gimme a minute.”, you whispered, rolling to lean on your elbows.
There are mere minutes before Batroc crosses the Libyan border with Captain Vasant.
“All right, heads up! You’re about to fly into Libyan airspace.” 
“And I assume they have a problem with that?”
“Yeah, yeah, a big problem. A big problem.”, Joaquin emphasised, nodding his head frantically.
“How long I got?”, Sam asks
“Ninety seconds.”
Missiles explode around Sam, knocking him from side to side. He’s barely dodging them when a pillar of flames zips behind him and through the aircraft, ripping it in two to reveal your hovering figure. 
“I said I had your ass.”, you chided with a smirk.
Joaquin’s voice shouts through the coms, “Sam! We got to call it off! We gotta find another way!”, Joaquin yells.
“I just did.”, he answered smugly as he retracted his wings and grabbed Vasant before the final missiles destroyed the craft.
“WOOH!”, you yelled as you descended to the ground.
You spot Joaquin cheering and pumping his fist in the air excitedly. Your smile grows wider as you chuckle at his excitement. Your feet meet the ground as you land, kicking up dirt with it.
“One hell of a mission, Torres.”
“You were incredible out there. Are you okay? You were quite literally hit with a missile. Then again, how are you even standing?”, Joaquin worried, gripping your shoulders.
“I’ll be fine. It’s my invulnerability.”, you brushed it off but your breath hitched as you gripped your back.
“Invulnerability or not, there’s no way you're getting back to base on your own.”, he guided your waist to the passenger side, opening the door for you to climb in. 
You sighed in relief as you sat, 
“Thank you, but I'd be fine to fly back, I’ve done it before.”
“What? You’ve been shot with a missile before?!”, he exclaimed in shock. 
You chuckled at the pure look of concern on his face, 
“Avenger, remember Flyboy?", you pointed at your chest.
“Yeah, how could I forget?”, he let out a breathy laugh.
Sat in an outdoor café, the streets are bustling with music and chatter. After the mission, you all needed a bit of calm. Joaquin returns with a tray of tea for you all.
He placed a cup in front of you.
“Thanks.”, you smiled up at him as he sighed and sat between you and Sam who was fixing Redwing’s circuiting.
Joaquin pointed towards the wiring, 
“You could try to reroute that to the other…”
“Hey, could you not?”
Sam nudges his hands away, eliciting a chuckle from you as you leaned your head on your palm. 
“Oh.”, Joaquin chuckles and backs off, making eye contact with you at Sam’s remark.
“I’ve been working with the Air Force for six months now. Every time ops touches him, he gets all glitchy.”
“Well, you know, those poor techs can’t keep up with a billion returning IP addresses and your sick-ass Stark level tech.”
You all laugh at that reality. The world you live in is stranger than just advanced tech when you can wield fire in one hand and break someone’s wrist in the other.
Joaquin looked at you, 
“You feelin’ better?”
“Yes. I’m fine, don’t worry. Sam, will you tell him, I’m fine.”
“She’s fine. I’ve seen the woman take on Iron Man’s pulsar rays head-on.”
But Joaquin’s gaze continues to flicker back to the open gash on your forehead.
“Hehehey! Avengers! Assalama!”, a Tunisian man approached your table, addressing Sam in Arabic.
What surprised you both was Sam’s response.
Joaquin pointed his phone at Sam, “He knows Arabic.”
“Your pronunciation is incredible, Wilson.”, you fired towards him, leaning forwards.
“Wait, can you say that again? Hold on a sec.”, Joaquin teased.
“All right. Come on.”
Joaquin let out a breathy laugh, rising from his seat to scan the area with his phone.
“These LAF crews, they’re tryin’ to take advantage of all the chaos and make some money. And that I get, but there’s…”
“Whatcha doin?”, you asked.
“Oh, bam! Right there!”, Joaquin stopped, leaning over you to show his screen to you and Sam. He was close enough that you felt flustered as your cheeks began to burn. Hovering on the screen was a red image of a hand holding the Earth.
“You see these guys? They’re guys you gotta worry about. I’ve been stumbling onto their manifestos on message boards. They're called the Flag Smashers.”
“I swear, everybody’s got a gimmick.”, you remarked, looking at Sam with a knowing look. You’d been in the game since you discovered your abilities at the age of fourteen.
“Is that a new thing? Bad guys give themselves bad names.”
“There’s a lot worse names than that one.”, Joaquin’s eyebrows  perked up.
You creased your eyes, wondering, how it could get any worse than ‘Flag Smashers’. 
“But basically, they think that the world was better during The Blip. Trust me, it wasn’t.”
You sigh, eyes cast down on the table as you think over it. 
Five years. 
All of your friends and family who remained had moved on for five years without you, thinking you were dead. That was, until the living Avengers fought to bring everyone back. Although, not without losing a few in the process.
“Trust me. Every time something gets better for one group, it's worse for another.”, Sam stated.
“Yeah. Essentially, these people, they want a world that’s unified without borders. So you could see why a lot of people are into that.”
“Yeah, keep an eye on it. If anything gets serious, you let me know.”
A massive grin spread over Joaquin’s features,
“No doubt. I’ll...I’ll, uh...I’ll track the online chatter, see what they’re saying.”
You smile at Joaquin’s eager nature and pure smile. It was cute how he went from First Lieutenant to fanboy in mere seconds.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, urging your attention. You gripped Joaquin’s shoulder as you stood to take the call,
“I’ll be right back.”
Sam had a knowing look on his face as he looked from the hand you rested on Joaquin’s shoulder to the affection in Joaquin’s eyes as you drifted off to the side.
“This is Y/N.”, you answered.
Silence reverberated from the caller’s end.
“Y/N...It’s...It’s Bucky.”
“Hey, how are you doing?”, you crossed your arms, still gripping the phone in one hand.
“I’m fine.”
“How’s therapy going?” 
“It’s going...The usual, you know?”
“Bucky...you know that I’m always here, right? Whenever you want to talk or just sit in silence, I’m there.”
“Yeah I know.”, he whispered on the other end, leaning against his couch on the floor.
“I mean it. My doors are always open. Not literally, but who’s going to mess with little ol’ me?”, you joked.
Bucky let out a breathy laugh, 
“No need to thank me, Buck. Just take care of yourself, okay?”, you looked over at the boys who stared back at you as you crept closer to the table.
You heard Bucky sigh, 
“When do you get back?”
“Sam and I depart soon so I should be back in the States by tomorrow.”
“Alright, take care...Bye, Y/N.”
“See you soon, Buck.”, you ended the call.
“Was that Buckaroo?”, Sam asked as you sat down.
You rolled your eyes, 
“Yes, it was.”
Sam turned his head in confusion, 
“I’ve been tryin’ to get that man to answer my texts for weeks and nothing. How did you get him to call you?”
Sam saw the smile retreat from Joaquin’s face at the mention.
“I guess we’re closer than you are. Also, could be the fact you call him names like - Oh, I don’t know - Cyborg, Terminator, Barnes and Noble?”, you suggested with raised eyebrows.
“Nah, can’t be that.”, Sam dismissed it.
“Check it. We’re headed back to DC.”
“Alright.”, you grabbed your bag off the floor.
“Before I go. Joaquin?”
Joaquin perked up, his attention solely on you.
“Don’t forget to keep me updated on the Smashers chatter. We make a pretty good team.”
“Alright, yeah...yeah, of course. I...Uh,”, he fumbled.
“You should probably give him your phone number so he can call you.”, Sam snipped from behind you.
Joaquin nervously laughed, 
“Having your number would make it a whole lot easier.”
You shook your head as you reached over and gripped his wrist, grabbing his phone to enter your details.
“Done.”, you handed Joaquin his phone back.
He slipped his hands in his pockets, 
“So...I guess I’ll see you when I see you.”
A grin spread across your mouth as you tugged a bag over your shoulder,
“I guess so, Flyboy.”
“And I’m still here.”, Sam reminded you, earning a smack on the back of the head from you.
Thanks for reading, lovely! Comment, tag and reblog! Let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions or prompts, don’t be afraid to ask! xx 
ALSO, tag me if YOU write any Joaquin Torres fics.
@remmysbounty @cjsinkythoughts @merceret @samscaptain @gryffindorwriter
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hcrringtonshair · 3 years
Bit More Talky
Joaquín Torres x Reader
Word Count: 1339
Warnings: fluff that’s it
A/n: Thank your for the request @moonlights27 ! I‘m not completely in love with this, but I‘ve fallen for Joaquin once more, so that is a good sign isn’t it?
Send your requests!
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The chair in front of your desk squeaked with every time your foot pushed yourself for another turn. It was the tenth round, or was it the twelfth? You couldn’t tell, annoyed and bored, you jumped back on your feet, starting to run up and down the small space between your bed and desk.
It has been months since the blip, months when you had nothing really to do.
The governments of the world had taken over, and you were pushed back in your old/new life.
A few text messages from Sam were all you got, Wanda and Bucky never responded. Sometimes you asked yourself if Bucky could even write an SMS.
Sam sent photos from his time back at home, but you also saw him on the TV.
Being jealous was not fair, but you couldn’t hold it back.
At least Sam was able to do something with the Air Force, you just sat there and waited for something to happen.
The feeling of being useless was even worse than you expected.
You hoped the world would need your help a bit more after you helped turn it back to normal by fighting Thanos.
A loud notification tone interrupted you in your thoughts, hastily you opened the encrypted chat on your laptop. Your eyes flew over the message from Sam, a smile slowly growing on your face.
Finally, a new job. Sam wanted you to help him in Europe with some Flag Smashers problems.
A group of people you already heard about.
Excited you packed a small travel bag, you only had one hour to be ready.
It was like Sam knew that you only waited for him to contact you and of course he did. You told him at least once a day that you would soon die because of boredom.
A knock on your door made you jump, suited up and with your bag you headed to the door.
It was mean to say that you were disappointed as you didn’t see Sam’s face in front of your door, because the soldier who knocked seemed to be kinda excited and a bit shy.
“Y/N Y/L/N, First Lieutenant Joaquin Torres uhh… it is nice to meet you uh I’m sorry Ma'am.”
His hand snapped to the back of his neck and his eyes met the floor. You had to admit that he looked really cute like this and for the first time since ages you felt the familiar warm feeling in your chest.
“I’m kinda nervous because you are… you.”
You grinned by all the rambling and made a step in his direction, reaching out one hand and he took it after staring at it for a second.
“Don’t be nervous, I’m just y/n a normal civilian after all.”
You couldn’t hide the bitterness by the word civilian but keep smiling at him.
“Well you are a hero aren’t you?... Anyways, we gotta go, Sam is waiting.”
On the way to the airport Joaquin talked a bit more about the mission you were about to join. A bit concerned about how his hands left the steering wheel every few seconds for gesturing while he was talking, you watched him from aside.
“You can call me Joaquin or umm Torres if you want, everybody does it. But if you don’t you can-”
“Okay Joaquin.”
For a short moment he stared at you, a little smile showing up as you smiled as well noticing your heart flutter.
“I’m sorry if I’m talking too much.”
“No no it’s fine. Don’t worry about that, I’m happy over some company.”
You arrived at the airport a few minutes later, Sam was already waiting in front of the plane, and you couldn’t help but laugh at relief.
“Long time no see Wilson. Thank you for calling me in.”
He tugged you in a little hug and as you padded his back you saw Joaquin narrowing his eyes before he entered the plane.
“You were literally forcing me to call you when there’s something.”
You both laughed, and it just felt good to be here with him again.
“Come on. We gotta go.”
Sam took your bag and followed Joaquin, “Oh and there’s a surprise waiting.”
The surprise was Bucky sitting on the bench on the opposite of the entry.
“Hey Sergeant.”
You gestured a high five in his direction as you passed by, winking at his slightly annoyed face.
“Why is he always so grumpy?”
Sam laughed at your murmured words and you both sat down, ready to take off.
You rarely knew Bucky, and it was obvious that Sam and he didn’t really change their opinions and behavior for each other, so it was silent in the plane. No one talked and after a while you stood up, making your way to the front area.
“Hope you’re a bit more talky.”
With a giggle you recognized how Joaquin flinched when you surprised him.
“I would consider myself as talky.”
“That’s good.”
Noticing a tickle going through your stomach as you sat beside him, you shake your head a little.
The last you want was having a crush on a guy while being on the first mission for a long time.
You wouldn’t describe the area as comfortable, the low ceiling, only a little space because of a dozen boxes.
“Why don’t you sit with the others in the back? Don’t tell me you’re an introvert and love it here.”
The bench was so small that it was impossible for your legs not to touch his.
For a moment his eyes wandered over the point where your bodies met but fast moved on down to your boots which leaned against one of the boxes.
“I don’t want to interrupt the guys and believe me or not, I have to work.”
He joined your light laughter and held up a package of sweets which you took.
“You wouldn’t interrupt them. They are idiots, but Sam is the kindest guy in the world and Bucky is just a bit confused and grouchy about everything.”
“You know them for a long time?”
“Bucky tried to kill me a long time ago… several times.” You laughed for a moment.
“But obviously he was never successful. I know Sam for nearly ten years now, when he joined the avengers. We were the annoying siblings of the family who played pranks on everyone… Well that is another story.”
You took a deep breath in by the memories of the time before Thanos and before everyone was ripped apart by the blip and by death.
Joaquin set his hand on your arm for a second before letting go in a fast motion.
“Sorry I thought-”
“Stop excusing yourself. It’s my fault bringing on that topic. Not fitting for a first meeting. It’s a more tenth date conversation.”
You shut your mouth immediately after the words came out of it, gazing at his face for a second before he noticed your heated up cheeks.
“Uhh you’re right. So maybe umm only if you want I invite you-”
“Hey we’re nearly there.”
Sam’s shouting was so close, and you jumped back on your feet before he entered the area.
His eyes were switching from you to the still sitting Joaquin.
“If you do the job right we’re finished within a few hours and you two lovebirds can continue.”
His smirk made you look down to your feet before straightening up and start walking towards him.
“I’m always doing the job right Wilson.”
You took one of the earpieces from his hand before punching him against his shoulder.
“Let’s go”
You continue walking to the door leaving two speechless man.
Watching both Sam and Bucky jump out off the plane you saw a bit of concern in the eyes of Joaquin after you laughed over Bucky’s jump.
“Well I see you later, and I’ll take that invitation. I know a good place to go.”
You winked before jumping out, knowing that Sam would catch you before you could touch the ground.
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Grocery Store Hero (Joaquín Torres x Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey guys! I know I’ve been procrastinating posting this fic, but apparently ideas like to strike when I have things (like this) to do (I guess it works out though, since I now have more fics to post). Also, I assumed the age of the reader for a joke’s sake, so sorry about that. Anyways, here it is! I hope I did this sweet puppy of a man proud! Enjoy! :)
Summary: While telling Sam you don’t want to go on a blind date while simultaneously trying to avoid your ex grocery shopping, you have a bit of an accident. Luckily, a certain Air Force First Lieutenant is there to help patch you up.
Warnings: Fluff, blind date set-up, a little blood/klutz injury
Other Characters: Sam Wilson
Word Count: 1,456
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“Sam,” you sigh as you push your cart through the grocery store. “I’m sure the guy is nice, but, I really don’t want to do this blind date tonight.”
“(Y/N), c’mon, trust me on this one!” he urges. “I’m telling you, you’ll love him! You’re both quirky and optimistic and bizarrely wise. Match made in heaven.”
“Well, my idea of a match made in heaven is French fries and a chocolate shake,” you chuckle as you maneuver around the produce displays.
“I still can’t believe you dunk fries in shakes,” he says, and you can just imagine the grimace on his face.
“Listen—it’s delicious. Bucky has my back on that one.”
“I’m not sure I take what he says as a glowing recommendation. He has old man taste.”
“Funny, I thought that’s what you had.”
“Oof!” he laughs. “That one hurt. You’re only, what, ten years younger than me?”
“Um, thirteen years. Those years basically make us from different planets on a pop-culture standpoint.”
“Now you’re just making things up.”
“Hey, I—Shit!” you hiss, your eyes going wide as you make a 180 degree turn with your shopping cart.
“My ex is heading due north in produce and I do not want to deal with it,” you whisper as you bob and weave in the opposite direction.
“Just because you’re going one way doesn’t make that north.”
“I don’t have time for your navigational skills! I need to—.”
“Ow!” you wince as your head goes back and your hand moves to your head. You just walked into a hanging scale by the onions. Awesome. “I’ll call you back,” you grunt as you end the call.
“Are you okay?” you hear a voice say to your right.
“Besides the burning embarrassment I feel? Nothing an ice pack won’t be able to fix,” you tell the voice. You turn your head and see a handsome man with big brown eyes and gorgeous hair trying to get a clear look at your forehead.
“May I?” he asks.
You nod and move your hand from the throbbing spot on your forehead. 
“You might need more than just an ice pack. Let’s go to customer service and see if they have a first aid kit,” he suggests, and you make the short trip from produce to the main help desk.
“Aren’t you kind?” you say, and you feel the tips of your ears grow hot as he wipes a small trickle of blood from your forehead with the supplies. “But I guess my true klutzy colors really had their moment.”
“Well, it’s not your fault that scale was right at your height level,” he chuckles. “This is gonna sting a bit.”
You wince as he sterilizes the small cut before he does anything else.
“So, should I be thanking a doctor or an Eagle Scout for such good care?” you tease.
“First Lieutenant in the Air Force,” he says. You swear he’s smirking. “But I was an Eagle Scout, so I guess either works.”
“Oh,” you say, and you feel your ears burn even more. “Thank you for that. And this.”
“Trust me, it’s my pleasure.”
“Can I at least know your name so I can properly thank you?”
“Joaquin,” he smiles, smoothing a small bandage on my forehead. “You’re all good to go—.”
“(Y/N),” you tell him with a small smile, gently touching the bandage on your head. “Thank you, Joaquin.”
“Anytime. Although, I’d prefer if you didn’t injure yourself again.”
“Well, it’s not penciled in on my agenda, but you never know,” you chuckle. “You really didn’t have to do any of this. Can I repay you with a coffee sometime? I feel like saying ‘thanks’ isn’t really enough.”
“Coffee sounds great,” he says, his eye twinkling. “I’d suggest we grab it now, but we both have groceries and I gotta take care of some things this afternoon.”
“Yeah, no, I totally understand that. Does tomorrow afternoon work for you? Around two?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“Great! Do you know where Mugs is?”
“I love that place!”
“Awesome,” you smile. “I’ll see you then.”
“Sounds great,” he nods. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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“Cute,” Sam chuckles as we walk down the brick sidewalk. “You’re still not getting out of this date. Why do you think I’m walking you?”
“So I get there safely?” you tell him with a fake enthusiastic grin.
“Well, yes, but I’m making sure you don’t dip out on the poor guy. Joaquin is a really good kid.”
“Joaquin?” you repeat. “Is he like 5’10”, brown eyes, dark hair, sweet puppy vibe?”
“Yeah,” Sam trails as you come to a stop in front of the restaurant, and you lock eyes with a sitting Joaquin through the front glass. A smile grows on your face as you look at one another, and the gesture is mimicked by your date. “I feel I’m missing something.”
“You did good on this one, Sam,” you tell him, giving an appreciative squeeze to his forearm. Before he can get a word in edgewise, you’re already approaching Joaquin inside the restaurant.
“Small world,” Joaquin smiles as he stands, giving you a quick hug before pulling out your seat.
“Indeed it is,” you smile back as you both sit. “But look at it this way: the awkward introduction part of the date is already over.”
Joaquin nods as he chuckles. Is he . . . blushing?
“It looks like your forehead is doing alright,” he says, his eyes examining your injury from across the table.
“Well, the guy that patched it up really knew what he was doing,” you grin, leading him to let out a light laugh.
“Glad to hear,” he smirks, taking a sip of water. “So, how do you know Sam?”
“I was helping out with a program at the VA a few years ago,” you tell him. “Night classes for veterans that never went to college.”
“You’re a teacher?”
“Mm,” you nod enthusiastically. “English. It’s . . . the best thing in the world.”
“That’s awesome that you love what you do so much.”
“Yeah, I’m lucky. From what I can tell from you, you seem to feel the same way about what you do. And I’m assuming you know Sam from work? Covert missions on the down-low?”
“Bingo,” he laughs. “I’m usually his eyes on the ground.”
You chat back and forth like this for a long time through the appetizers, entrees, and desserts that come to the table. 
“Seriously?” he asks with raised eyebrows and an amused smirk as we stroll out of the restaurant and down the old brick sidewalk.
“Yeah,” you nod, hiding your face. “I was so embarrassed afterwards. And the thing is, I think I would have been fine with the whole ‘wiping out on my ass’ thing if the wig had been on correctly, but nobody told me I had the wig on backwards, and because I had never wore it before, I thought that’s just how it was supposed to be.”
“That . . . I’m sorry I don’t know how to twist that to make it sound not as bad.”
“That’s because it’s just that bad.”
“I do have to ask you something, though,” he says coming to a stop.
You nod, prompting him.
“Technically,” he says, clearing his throat. “Technically, this date was arranged by Sam, and it could have been with anyone, but it was with us. And before we knew that, we met at the store and made a date—or, uh, like a meeting of our own.”
“So—going on the assumption that it seems you had just as good of a time at dinner tonight as I did—does that . . . coffee meeting for tomorrow still stand with you?” he asks. 
You let out a soft chuckle and nod. “Yes,” you tell him as you come to a stop. “We are definitely still on for tomorrow.”
“Yeah?” he smiles. 
Joaquin’s chocolate eyes twinkle in the evening light as you realize the space between you isn’t as big as it was moments ago. You feel your cheeks burn hot as you lick your lips ever-so-slightly. Meeting Joaquin halfway, your lips press together. The kiss is gentle, but it takes the breath right out of your lungs, causing you to rest your hands on his shoulders for support. You part after a few seconds and leave little room between out faces.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since the entree,” Joaquin whispers.
“You too?” you tease, quirking an eyebrow.
“Does that mean I can kiss you again?”
You nod and lean back into Joaquin’s embrace, and this kiss is better than the last. When you feel Joaquin’s hands circle around your waist to hold you close, you know he feels the same way.
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​​​​​​​​ @steampowerednightvaler​​​​​​​​​ @themusingsofmany​​​​​​​​​ @just-the-hiddles​​​​​​​​​ @toozmanykids​​​​​​ @dangertoozmanykids101​​​​​ @clints-worldavengers
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The Hating Game Masterlist
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Pictures 1, 3, and 4 are from interest, and picture 2 is from @parkjammys
This fic is completed. Headcanons, Drabbles, and Requests on this fic are open! :)
Pairings - Joaquín Torres x Aviator!Reader (Enemies To Lovers)
Premise – The infamous rivalry between you and Joaquin Torres is well known on the base. He hates you and you hate him. After unlikely circumstances, you realize hating someone is disturbingly similar to falling in love with them
Warnings: Major Spoilers for The Hating Game Novel. (btw read the book it is too good <3) Strong and suggestive language.
A/N - Credits to Sally Throne for the original story of The Hating Game that inspired this fic. Some scenes will be exclusively from the novel, others I will spin my way. I do not own anything, this is my interpretation of the novel with MCU characters. And I really hope you like it and let me know how you did by replying to the stories. any and all requests are welcome and you can submit them in the asks. Enjoy, and have a great day <3
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Part One "The only thing Joaquin feels for me is pure hatred and repulsion. So do I" "Do you?" She says.
Part Two “Where are we going?” he asked you, halting halfway through the exit. “What? Don’t you trust me, Lieutenant Torres?”
Part Three "Joaquin! You jump from your seat, unable to keep it in any longer. He stops in his tracks. “Will you please talk to me? How long are we going to pretend that-"  “You should focus on the test right now,” he cuts off your sentence, without turning back, “we will talk later.”
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The Starting Over Game requested by @fluffyprettykitty It's time to start over after everything that has happened you will soon realize it was the beginning of an amazing relationship.
How would everyone react to Y/N and Joaquin dating? requested anonymously
Feel free to request anything.
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@tuiccim  @parkjammys  @akinrawsx  @asteph22  @iamthebeth  @thefandomqueenuno  @onlyhereforthefics @yikesdameron  @savedfanfics1992  @amigaytho  @samwilson-mylove   @xbuchananbarnes-deactivated @jenniweaslee @anna-phora @fluffyprettykitty
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