nervousgnome · 4 years
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📂 Oakley Marsh for @lifefroot​
“ cld i have a young adult male sim please? any cc is fine and u can follow ur heart as far as everything else!”
💾 download (cc list included)
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gerbits-vault · 5 years
hey! feel free to ignore this if you're not feeling answering wcifs atm, but i'd love to know where the pose in ur latest post (/post/185434086937) is from! tysm!
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hi! I’m always taking wcifs so no worries!!! ^^You can find the pose here! :D
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cookiehorse · 5 years
lifefroot replied to your photo: Deacon: Aw, look, she can reach the doorknob now....
ria what average height wld that doorknob have
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theworstsimblr · 7 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
Follow Friday <3
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simsy-baby · 7 years
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weston holloway
a sim for @lifefroot‘s monsoon season
interviewer: weston, why dont you tell us a bit about yourself?
weston: alright, well, im 28 and living in uptown san myshuno. i work for my dad at holloway inc and hopefully will own the whole company one day. just gotta get my older brother out of the picture lol jk hes no match for me im p great.
interviewer: ...well i guess its good to be confident in yourself! So, what are your goals for the show?
weston: obviously i wanna score a hot babe lol and even if it dosent work out with gracie im sure some of the other contestants might want a piece of this amiright?
interviewer: uh huh... im curious to know how u became such a... self assured person. What’s your relationship like with the rest of your family? Did you have a conventional childhood?
weston: well, i dont rly see my parents that much. they travel a lot. its mostly just me and my brother. but now i have my own place so i only rly see him at the company. its always kinda been every holloway for themselves at my place, though. were all very independent. me and my bro were left home alone alot. and my parents used to get the best toys bc they felt bad about it. sooo i guess u could say my childhood was pretty awesome. i threw killer parties at my parents beach house.
interviewer: its always good to look on the bright side, i guess. what do you think of your best and worst traits are?
weston: well, i think im a pretty confident guy. i dont let anyone get in my way of getting what i want and thats why im so succesful. im also veryyyyy romantic. so obviously all the ladies love me. i cant really think of any bad things about myself. i guess im just a positive kinda guy! oh i almost forgot to mention that im very humble.
interviewer: ...yes, you just ooze humility... one more question for you. what are you most afraid of?
weston: i guess that im most afraid of not succeeding. its never really happened before but i rly hate being less then other people. sooo i just try to be the best i can be.
interviewer: well thats all the time we have, weston. thank you for your time and im looking forward to seeing you on the show.
okay well there he is! i had a lot of fun writing that and i hope he can add some drama to the competition B^)
skin | eyes | nose mask | blush | lips
(u can just use whatever defaults and genetics u already have but i just thought id link what i used)
private download
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toxoplasmajuice · 7 years
Episode 1: Replies
i was going to bed but now im laughing over package editors
@jackssims​ replied to your photoset “[January]: GYAAAAAAAAAAHH!! … [January]: …What the hell…? Who said...”
“I never answered anything about the cats, but the cats aren’t going away any time soon, either. Trust me. They will be back.”
jackssims replied to your photo “[January]: How else do I talk to– ([to Islander Cat] …You can read my...”
This cat is smug
that picture of the cat with the smug expression and someone holding a knife up to it sets me off a little but if it didn’t i would be using it as a reply to this reply
jackssims replied to your photo “¦ [Marisa]: I can do this… … [Marisa]: I can do this!!...”
Tag yourself, I'm January in this situation
jackssims replied to your photoset “[Zeinaba]: [deep breath] …Hey. Thanks for joining us on this…...”
But I'm Marisa here tbh
the duality of man
borderlinedub replied to your photoset “Later…”
(get it... because this bc... instead of a “double bc” usually... is called... yknow what never mind)
borderlinedub replied to your photoset “[Islander Cat]: (You don’t strike me as the type to be scared of...”
A Thinking Cat!?!
Another Thinking Cat! but now we get to see those thoughts, instead of getting entire posts of “...” dialogue as filler or something
@lifefroot replied to your photoset “[January]: [under breath] urgh… [Marisa]: [sleepy] …Pump..kin…? Is it...”
i cant believe januarys the murderer
there’s one way to prevent one of your contestants becoming the murderer...
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “[January]: Hey, it’s Angelo, right? You were one of the ones also from...”
I love Estelle's dress
same tho
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “[Islander Cat]: (Sure, Wallace. …That’s your name, right? I think I...”
If this cat is Junko Enoshima's reincarnated form I'm leaving
i promise the cat is not junko
tosimornottosim replied to your photo “[Zeinaba]: [whistling]”
*insert 'you're doing great sweetie' meme here*
and then she burnt it
(the food, not the meme)
jackssims replied to your photo “New Beginnings! OUR ISLAND’S double bacheloret challenge has finally...”
Penelope you're doing great sweetie
@cafesimming replied to your photo “New Beginnings! OUR ISLAND’S double bacheloret challenge has finally...”
welp. doing well /s
right now penelope is tied for 1st and belle is last, but will that change? find out hopefully-soon right here on sevenleafsimblr.tumblr.com!
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geezsims · 7 years
lifefroot replied to your photoset: Honeydew “Dew” Sprinkles 2.0 for...
IKR ze’s seen some shit
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ddeathflower · 7 years
lifefroot reblogged your post: happy pride month
okay so at a PUSH the acronym can be lgbtpn - p for pan/poly and n for nonbinary ppl who dont want to include themselves…
oh wowie I was disputing the asexual bit not the intersex bit. Sex is a very confusing thing, even scientists don’t fully know what is it anymore than they have xx/xy/xxy/xyy/xxxy ect chromosomes and certain physical attributes that are displayed. I’d agree in that intersex people shouldn’t be included if they don’t want to be but some do so it’s an open invitation imo. 
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morgibritt-blog · 7 years
Personal Post Replies
First of all, thank you so much for all your guys’ love and support! It means so much to me! ;_______;
Aw, your story spoke to me! That's because deep inside I'm sure I'm not 100% straight just like you, but I try not to act like it's a big deal? I mean, that's not my biggest concern... but sometimes I need to share how I feel, and my society isn't really accepting. Usually I identify as label-free, because I don't think any label applies to me. I just like people in general, diversity makes them beautiful. So you're not alone! And you look pretty btw <3
Awww I’m so glad that you could identify with my story and what I’m going through. I feel much the same way. Like at this point no labels really fit and I’m okay with that. But I guess I’m just not okay hiding under this “I’m straight” false label either. And thank you!! ;____;
skyrimsimsandmore replied to your post “Okay I’m Doing This: Selfie Sunday + Personal Update”
We will always support you no matter what. I know it can be a struggle deciding what label fits but don't feel the need to rush yourself to pick one. There's a ton of support all around Tumblr and I can even help if necessary. This is a huge step and we're all super proud
Awwww thank you so much! I really appreciate this! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! It means the world ;____;
lifefroot replied to your post “Okay I’m Doing This: Selfie Sunday + Personal Update”
hey!! i'm super proud of you for comin out to us - its a really big step and it comes with a lot of self acceptance and understanding! i've been out to my closest friends for a good few years but i still find it hard to deal w my sexuality on a day to day basis sometimes - i left my hometown (a progressive city) to go to uni in a place thats a lot less tolerant of lgbt people and it can be really tough being around people that aren't supportive! i'm around if you need to vent or anything!
Aww thank you for your support and encouragement! And for sharing your own story!! I’m definitely just going to be taking it one day at a time and telling those around me as I feel comfortable enough to do so. I just feel like I need to be more certain of where I stand and how I feel before trying to explain it to my parents and other family members. Otherwise I think they’ll just write it off as my being confused. Plus I need their support on the teaching front and can’t have a rift right now. Thank you so much! <3
pxelface replied to your post “Okay I’m Doing This: Selfie Sunday + Personal Update”
<3 <3 <3 we're always gonna support you, Morgan! And it's wonderful that you're brave enough and know yourself enough to think deeper into more of these things and come out!
Awwww thank you!! ;_______; <3 <3
pixelatedhedgehogs replied to your post “Okay I’m Doing This: Selfie Sunday + Personal Update”
First off: gurl u look great. And also, I wish I could help with that but I've always felt pretty comfortable with my sexuality (I'm pansexual). But my excuse for not coming out is that its my life and they are not automatically just to know about what gender I like. I'll officially "come out" when "coming out" stops being a thing ya know. Lmao I'm no help at all sorry
Awww thanks! ;__; That’s so awesome that you’ve always known who you are and who you like. And I have to agree, the whole “coming out” thing is weird. Although I feel like it needs to be a think for everyone. Like you have bar mitzvah and quinceaneras and stuff as a coming of age thing. And not that it should be tied to a specific age... but I think everyone should have a time where they “come out” and share who they are. Everyone, even if their labels fit with the mainstream idea.
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simblroonies · 7 years
The “Sweet Jesus I need to keep up with replies” replies
justanothersimsblog said: And let me show you my butt in the process hahaha
Gotta show the butt off every chance you get ;)
tinysimmies said: Rosie, your sims are amazing <3 No matter what we will love them :3
D’aww thanks sweetie!
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berrysweetboutique said: Cutie
Only the cutest of patoots for you lovelys c:
morgibritt said: Your game is just so pretty <3
Thank you dear! I can’t take too much credit though, it’s mainly Hylewood that’s so pretty :)
morgibritt said: I have so much love for this ,3
Henry is an A+ doggo
amixofpixels said: VALENTINE!!! <3 <3 <3
YAY!! Really need to focus up on the Rudolphs at some point.. There’s just so much to doooooooooooooo D:
poisonivy2 said: look at that puppy.  Love it!
best pupper of them all.
dustofsims said: *squeezes the booty*
unsimscribe said: Cheeky
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morgibritt said: Woooo baby!!! <3 <3
Hooray for reproduction!!
morgibritt said: Oh my gosh!! That tower will be so cute when its finished!!!
Not going to lie, it’s looking pretty good in game atm!
justanothersimsblog said: Looking at you Bo!
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smillingsection said: they're so cute!
Glad we’re in agreement :3
blythelyre said: Percussion, strings, words...
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morgibritt said: So sweet!!
They are :3
justanothersimsblog said: Could be worst. Could be that darn plain base dress.
That ruddy dress!
lifefroot said: OH ADORABLE
amixofpixels said: She is a complete angel. ^-^
She’s a cutie alright!
justanothersimsblog said: Hi Tragic Clown
youngwildandpixelated said: have new child and a clown pops up at your house...that's not creepy at all (insert sarcasm)
Right? It was so unnerving.. All I could think about was IT and panic deleted him haha
justanothersimsblog said: Trick or treaters?
Yeah, I’m just a dummy and didn’t look at what day it was haha
justanothersimsblog said: I love them! Keep em coming ^.^
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dustofsims said: Me likes Elm!
I’m hoping to upload them after Thale is old enough to take over as heir. When that’ll be in real life, I have no idea! Might upload them sooner, but they have a lot of CC so I might need to make a more base game friendly version of them.
berrysweetboutique said:  :')
dustofsims said: ASDFGHJKL ;__;
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lifefroot said: your haaaaaair 😍
Eh hee~ I do enjoy my blonde streak, just diffrent enough to be, well diffrent but I can get away with it at work! Even though there’s a girl with pink hair now and they’ve said nothing to her but that’s fine.
dustofsims said: So beautiful!
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littlemicrocosims said: maybe just the circle line? :')
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literallywhothe · 7 years
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thanks to everyone that has sent me sweet asks about rizky being a cute mum!!!! i appreciate it! really restores my faith in  humans lmao!! ik my sims are different, and that confuses some people i guess! so tysm for ur sweet messages i agree with yall (-”: ilysm!!!!!!!!!! @blackholesimmer, @theuniquepoutine, @lifefroot
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lifefroot · 7 years
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, then send it to the last 10 people you have notes from in your activity ✨✨
- fleeky eyeliner
- spendin FOREVER on pinterest
- when i learn how to do smth new on photoshop
- living in london :V
- uni!!!
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softpine · 5 years
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strap in it’s a long one sdjskjs
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@the-mischief-queen ummmm he currently has no label!! he’ll say it himself soon, but basically he’s attracted to women 99% of the time, but if that 1% has a good personality and they hit it off, he’s down to clown..... and also possibly marry... it’s not just a sex thing... what label is that sjdjks
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@my-last-anywhere omg meee, i’m always shipping everything and constantly disappointing myself no matter what happens... sjfkdjf thank you!!! i’m so happy you kept reading, i promise happier times are coming soon! 💖
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the red hair lives on in our hearts 😭 personally my fave hair on her was the blue ombre so i feel you, i want to go back to it but that’s in the past now sjdjks and it’s okay if you don’t care for the short hair on her -- she didn’t do it for looks, she did it because she was hurting and that’s when she tends to do something drastic with her hair :(
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i guess i don’t really see caroline & beth as complete opposites? like sure, on the surface they do seem veryyy different. but look deeper and you’ll see that beth has always loved a bit of good natured rebellion.. she stole a boat at the age of 13 lmao. beth has a good head on her shoulders, and she never does things that she doesn’t want to do - so any rebellious or wild thing she’s ever done has been on her own free will. and caroline has a softer side that you see once you get to know her. she’s introspective & philosophical, she loves to draw, she cares fiercely about the people she loves... and they both have the same fundamental beliefs, they both want to end up in a committed relationship, etc. so are they really that different at the end of the day? idk i just don’t see it tbh :/ i’m not trying to bombard you with my opinion i just wanted to give my take on it!! and also wanted to get these thoughts out since it seems like a LOT of people don’t think they would be a good fit. but thank you so much for being so sweet!! 💖💖
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danny’s still going to work all day and go to open mic nights on weekends, just hoping to be discovered or to get enough money to move to the heart of del sol valley, so i’m not sure how caroline would’ve affected that :/ but i do agree that he would have always chosen her over his career, and it would’ve been especially bad if they were still dating and he got discovered but caroline didn’t :(
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oh my GOD why would you remind me of this 😭😭😭
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no you didn’t offend me at all!! i can’t spoil anything but i can assure you that everyone will be happy in the end! and i hope that you’ll like it 💖
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@lifefroot sdkjsks it always makes me feel kinda awkward when someone assumes something about a character and it just completely misses the mark.. i feel bad because i firmly believe that stories/characters are what you interpret them as, but also.. some things are just not correct lmao
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very eloquent sdjskjs you now own beth’s heart
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omg rip i’ve never been into harry potter 🙈 but i’m happy to make you emotional :’’’)
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@linnsums thank you, this is a really nice reminder!! sometimes i get caught up in trying to please everyone but then i sacrifice the story that i actually wanted to tell... but i gotta just let that go tbh!
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@feralviolencia she would kill me if she heard me say this, but... she looks so SOFT
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that’s a really good way to look at it!! thank you so so much 💖💖
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ahhh i can’t wait to see that too :’) 💖
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this means so much to me omg thank you!!!! 💖💖
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toxoplasmajuice · 7 years
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Okay I waited unnecessarily long to try and learn how to use tray files again but better late than never right??? *ahem* So, here’s Laura Choi for @lifefroot’s Monsoon Season MMBC!
Her traits are Dance Machine, Family-Oriented, and Music Lover. She’s a cis girl and she uses she/her pronouns.
Private Download, fate stones blah blah but actually because I don’t even know if I copied the right files. The tutorial said there’d be five new files. There were six.
Instead of putting assorted information about her in bullet points, I’ll just complete her interview under the cut:
Can you tell us a bit about yourself? "Oh, yeah, sure! I'm Laura Choi, but you probably already know that. Um... I'm an amateur musician, but I'm not, like, some sort of musical prodigy... nor am I super motivated to be the next big thing or anything. I just perform locally alongside my day job, and I'm fine with that, really. Other than that, I... enjoy going to clubs every now and then, sitting around and watching TV, camping in the summertime..."
What are your goals for the show? "To steal Gracie's heart, of course! I mean... it won't be the end of the world if I lose. But, damn, I don't wanna lose!"
What's your relationship with your family like? "Oh, well... I'm really close with my baby sister, Nadia. ...She's not a baby anymore. She's engaged to a guy named Clint. Clint Roland. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous of her love life... *ahem* But yeah, we're close. The guy's pretty cool, too... pretty cool. We have an older brother, but he's... well, I'm sure he's out there somewhere, but he hasn't talked to either of us or shown up at any family gatherings in years. I wanna reconnect with him, but he seems to have changed all his contact info since the last time I knew any of it. Our parents... we're on good terms with them. We could be on better terms, but alas. The only person in my family I'd really say I'm not on good terms with is my cousin Mark. That ass." What about your childhood? "What about my... childhood? Why do you need to know that? It was... pretty normal though, I'd say. The most eventful thing I can think of was moving across the country and the trouble my brother got into."
What would you say are your best qualities? What about your worst? "Best... I consider myself relaxed, I'm told I'm good with kids, I can tear up the dance floor, I can grill a mean burger. Worst... I'm lazy and unmotivated and not very book smart. [laughs] And I get jealous of other people a lot... not so much in the sense of, like, being jealous of other people getting close to any partners I've had, oddly. More so of other people's stuff, other people's progress in life... wait, that's technically envy, isn't it? But 'jealous' somehow sounds less stuck-up than 'envious'. Hmph."
What are you most afraid of? "Oh, jeez... ugh, I can't stand fire. I'm scared of fire. And drowning. And needles. I don’t know what my biggest fear is, but those three are what I can think of off the top of my head..."
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geezsims · 7 years
>> replies
sorry for the sad times, folks. it was bound to happy eventually but i still really wasn’t ready for it tbh :(
pxelface replied to your photoset “back at home, jenna’s getting ready for another day at work jenna:...”
simosyne replied to your photo
Noooo :'( I'm not ready!
me neither!!
lifefroot replied to your photo
gingerinnewcrest replied to your photoset “isabelle: [gasp] …c-… clem! clemmy! c-come quickly! i… oh god…”
What!? What..? :(((((
simaroosimblr replied to your photoset “isabelle: [gasp] …c-… clem! clemmy! c-come quickly! i… oh god…”
pxelface replied to your photoset “isabelle: [gasp] …c-… clem! clemmy! c-come quickly! i… oh god…”
nisukiye replied to your photoset “isabelle: [gasp] …c-… clem! clemmy! c-come quickly! i… oh god…”
(;_;)... nooo
that lil emoticon perfectly sums up my feelings
jackssims replied to your photoset “RIP - Jenna Wooleridge. For some reason I never thought I’d have to...”
Got me fucked up tbh ��
same, my dude... same </3
simaroosimblr replied to your photoset “RIP - Jenna Wooleridge. For some reason I never thought I’d have to...”
I remember when she was a teen. Can't believe she's gone :(
aaaaa i can’t believe it either! it’s been so long, oml. thank you for sticking around ♥
wholemelk replied to your photo
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samtastic-sims · 7 years
Do you have any small blogs you recommend or big blogs and how do you do that gif with the palm trees?
I shall tell you some of the simblrs I track atm .. Okay here we go *deep breaths*: @midpoosimmer @ohmoe @simsemaia @pxelbox @simprising @womrats @multiversepickles @ohmypominit @cowplant-pizza @simcrush @keenpea @lifefroot @twikkii @thecactus @peacemaker-ic @crabb-sims just to name a few!
As for the gif, I made it in Photoshop with frames/layers (x) ^_^ 
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