#light jasonette
mochegato · 2 years
Marinette pushed her legs forward, trying to compel them to move faster when moving at all was like wading through drying cement. But she couldn’t stop no matter how hard her body begged her to.  She needed to get somewhere safe.  She wouldn’t be able to last long and once she succumbed to the blackness already creeping into her vision, she’d be fair game, no way to protect herself or the miraculous.
She tripped on a slight unevenness in the flooring and crashed heavily into the wall, not even her suit to cushion the blow. She gasped as her body hit her eyes instantly closing, but she still pushed forward, fighting the overwhelming urge to melt against the cool hallway wall.  Her eyes fought her as she forced them open, and her brow immediately scrunched slightly in confusion.  The previously well-lit hallway was now dark.  The bright lights were shaded and twinkling.
She took a shaky step forward using the wall to support some of her weight and take some of the strain from her legs.  Her hand glided over the wall ahead of her in lieu of clear sight.  It was only a few more meters.  She could make it a few more meters.  She had that much strength left.  She had to.  A few more meters and she would be protected.  A few more meters and she would be safe.
Finally, her hand passed over the unmistakable change in the wall texture signaling a doorframe.  She almost cried in relief as she confirmed the apartment number.  With one last, bracing breath, she knocked with as much strength as she could while still staying upright.
The wait was excruciating.  If felt like her energy was being sapped much more rapidly now than the rest of the journey, including running and climbing up the stairs. The lights were no longer twinkling, they were flickering, giving off less light between each increasingly intermittent flicker.  She was almost ready to give up and collapse when the door finally opened.
Jason was absolutely not expecting anyone to knock at his door.  Nobody knew where he lived.  Nobody.  Not henchmen, not the league (either one), not deliverymen, and especially not the bats. This was his sanctuary.  This is where he escaped.  He didn’t even bring his friends here.  He yanked open the door, ready to yell at whoever had mistakenly knocked on his door but froze at the sight of the woman in front of him.
His eyes widened in surprise before narrowing in suspicion.  There was absolutely no reason she should be here at all, let alone this late at night. She shouldn’t even know where he lived. He sure as Hell hadn’t told her or any of them.  He growled and looked up and down the hallway for any other vigilantes.  Not seeing any, he returned a sharp gaze to her.
“What are you doing here?”  His voice was harsh, but his body had already eased from his defensive stance.  She didn’t look like she was there for a fight, which made him curious more than anything.  While it would be odd for her to seek him out to fight, they didn’t hang out.  They weren’t friends.  This might be something out of one of... okay, many of his dreams, but in reality, her being at his door could mean nothing good.
He opened his mouth to ask again, but snapped it shut when she sagged against the doorframe and started sliding down, seemingly unable to support herself any longer.  He lurched forward, arms instantly supporting her when she didn’t stop her descent.  “…didn know… else… t’go…” she mumbled, words slurring together before she went limp in his arms.
Marinette groaned in frustration and rolled to escape the piercing pain from the light trying to force its way past her closed eyelids.  Even after rolling away from the light, she could still see twinkling echoes of the light behind her closed eyes.  She scrunched her face in annoyance but that produced a shooting pain through her entire head.  A whimper passed her lips even as she buried her face in the pillows to squash the pain.
She let her face remain buried for a few minutes before her eyes flew open.  This did not feel like her bed.  She was not in her home.  She rose up until she was sitting in a strange bed and looked around the room for any indication of where she was or how she got there.  She checked her ears and breathed a sigh of relief feeling them firmly in place.  She looked down and smoothed her hands over her clothes, reassuring herself they were all still in place.  She felt battered and bruised, but it didn’t look like anything more than that happened.
She closed her eyes and tried to remember the night before.   Hazy scenes from the night before, none of which quelled her concern, flashed through her mind; grabbing hands, flying fists, punishing feet, a long hallway, ominously twinkling lights.  But nothing clear emerged.  No faces.  No places.  Not even the situation.  And nothing to help her figure out where she was.  The room was elegant but cozy.  Whoever it was, was far neater than her.  Everything was in place, not even a few clothes scattered on the floor or pieces of paper left out on the top of a dresser or nightstand.
Marinette wrinkled her nose.  Who lived like that?
Her head snapped to the door when she heard loud clinking from another room and swallowed the grunt of pain that resulted from moving her head so quickly.  She eased herself toward the door, pulling it open cautiously while her eyes darted around. Seeing nothing of concern, she slowly and quietly made her way down the hallway, keeping close to the walls to reduce the chance of squeaking floorboards and make her body less visible.
The sounds increased in volume as she made her way closer to what appeared to be the main living area.  Now that she was closer, she could make out the distinctive noise of pan hitting against a stove.  She peeked around the corner at the end of the hallway to see a massive man facing away from her, standing at ease at the oven and jiggling a pan, confirming her suspicions.
The man seemed absorbed in the pans in front of him so Marinette took the chance to let her eyes wander over the rest of the apartment only then realizing how familiar it looked.  She furrowed her brow as she tried to place the décor and figure out if the familiarity was from seeing it the night before or something else.
The apartment was too nice for most of her friends to afford and they all lived too far away for her to have gotten to last night. It was filled with high quality furniture that looked like it was actually designed for comfort and use rather than just to look nice.  The walls were filled with books, pictures, and beautifully done display boxes. There were decorations that spoke of a well-traveled individual, but kept to key, important items.
She narrowed her eyes at one picture in particular. She couldn’t see it clearly from across the room, but it looked like Batman standing with one of the Robins. She quirked her head to the side. That was a strange picture for someone who clearly curated his decorations so meticulously.  There was no reason for him to have a picture like that.  Unless…
Eyes returned to the man cooking oblivious to her. She narrowed her eyes at him.  He was the right build.  Right hair.  Her eyes wandered down to take in the rest of his body, lingering on his muscles move under the tight shirt.  She looked a bit further down.  Right thighs too.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty,” he called out without looking toward her.
Marinette squeaked.  Her cheeks quickly flushed at having been caught. If he knew she was there, then he had to have known how long she had been there just watching him.  Plus, he just called her beauty, right?  Or, was it just a phrase he was using and didn’t mean...  “How did you know?” she blurted out to get her brain to stop.
“You were moaning as you were waking up and then stopped.”  He glanced over his shoulder toward her.  It was just a momentary glance, but his eyes were calculating, quickly assessing how she was doing now that she was awake.  “I figured you’d made your way out here for breakfast.”
“Oh… right.  That… that makes sense.  Thank you.”  She made her way over to his dining table and collapsed into a chair.
He looked over his shoulder to raise an eyebrow at her.  “Taste it before you thank me.”  He shot her a dazzling smile.  “Although I think I’m pretty good at it.”
She rolled her eyes, well aware that he knew exactly what she meant, but needing to clarify anyway. “For taking me in.  For keeping me safe.  Not everyone would have taken in someone in a highly sketchy situation, especially in Gotham,” she said lightly, her sleeves suddenly becoming very interesting. She knew they weren’t strangers, but he didn’t, not when she was out of her suit anyway.
Jason scoffed.  “Not everyone gets a hero collapsing at their door.” His voice was a bit too forced to be causal and he focused intently on the food as he plated it, his back to her again.
Marinette froze.  She slowly raised her eyes to meet his pointed gaze as he turned around with two plates of food.  “How long have you known?”
He set a plate down in front of her.  “It’s just a bit greasy, but that should help with the headache.”
“Thank you,” she whispered. She looked down and focused on her food but suddenly lost her appetite.
“You’re welcome.”  He watched her as she pushed her food around on her plate.  “I didn’t poison it,” he teased.
Marinette’s head snapped up, a horrified look on her face but before she could rush out reassurances that she didn’t think he did, a dagger of pain ripped through her brain.  She dropped her head to the table with a groan.
Jason moved quickly over to her massage her head, working his fingers against her scalp and gently pulling them through her silky hair.  He continued with light, cautious movements until her face smoothed out and her breathing became less labored.  “I swear that wasn’t the food,” he joked lightly, his voice barely more than a whisper.
Marinette smiled weakly at him and closed her eyes for a moment to let her head rest before raising it up again.  She could feel his breath against her temple for a few moments before she heard rustling behind her but ignored it.  She knew she wasn’t as worried as she should be in Red Hood’s lair, certainly not as worried as Batman or any of the birds would be, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care.
“Here,” he said shaking his hand in front of her face.  “Strong pain killers.  Should reduce the pain.  Won’t conflict with the drugs you were given.”
She opened an eye to look at his hand before opening the other to look at him curiously.  She took the pills without looking away.  “You think I was given drugs?”
Jason shrugged.  “I only did a quick check last night, nothing invasive,” he assured her quickly, “but your injuries didn’t look extensive enough to cause you to pass out.  And I didn’t feel any lumps on your head last night, so it wasn’t a blow to the head.”
Marinette nodded absentmindedly and took the medicine with a sip of water.  She looked back up at him for a few moments before speaking again.  “That makes sense.”  She smirked lightly.  “Did you take my blood to test what kind of drug?”
He pursed his lips.  “That would be a violation,” he said by rote, like it was something he knew he was meant to say but didn’t associate with.
“It would be,” she confirmed.
“Look...” he started.  She burst into laughter, and he threw a napkin at her.  “I needed to make sure you weren’t going to die.”  She nodded solemnly, that might be convincing if her eyes weren’t sparkling.  “If a hero ended up dead in my apartment, it was going to come back on me.  It was purely professional.”
Marinette giggled for a few moments.  “So, you weren’t worried about me?  Anxiously watching over me all night?” she asked innocently, opening her eyes wide.
“Absolutely not,” he lied.
She raised an eyebrow at him, not believing him in the least. Jason chuckled at her expression until her face turned serious.  “So, what was it?”
He took a breath and leaned back.  “Rohypnol.  You’re lucky you got away and somewhere safe.”
Marinette’s eyes widened in surprise.  She couldn’t imagine what she had been doing the night before that would have opened her up for someone to get that into her system.  She scrunched her face in concentration trying again to remember the night before.  It usually happened in clubs, didn’t it?  She didn’t usually go to clubs so where would it have happened?  For the life of her, she couldn’t remember what happened, which meant she couldn’t avoid it in the future.  “Damn...” she whispered.
“Yeah, damn,” he agreed, suddenly sharper in his tone.  “What were you doing and why were you alone doing it?”
She shook her head, her eyes still closed as she fought to remember.  “I’m not really sure.  What little I can remember is all kind of fuzzy.”
“I’m going to need something, Pixie,” he insisted coldly.  “What were your plans?  Who were you going to meet?  Who did you talk to?  Where did you go?  Something. Anything.”
She sighed heavily.  “I remember very little of last night.  I don’t remember what happened.  I don’t remember who did it.  I don’t remember where it happened.”  She rubbed her face with a groan.  “I don’t even remember coming here.”
“Jesus, Pixie.  What were you thinking?  This is Gotham.  You have to always be on your guard,” he barked.
Marinette furrowed her brow in annoyance.  ��I don’t know if I wasn't, and you sure as Hell don’t.  I don’t even know if I went wherever it was, alone.  I’m the victim, asshole!”
She was right.  He knew she was right.  But the image of her collapsing into his arms last night and the feeling of her limp, lifeless body in his arms as he carried her back to his bed, wasn’t going to leave him anytime soon.  He hadn’t been that scared in a long time.  He huffed and pursed his lips.  “So then, you don’t remember why she came here instead of calling for Batman.”
She opened her mouth but looked away.  “No, I think I know.”  He raised an eyebrow at her to prompt her to continue.  She sighed grudgingly.  “I would have known you were close, and I knew I would be safe with you.  You wouldn’t…” she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest, looking away defiantly.  “You may not like me, but you’d keep me safe.”
Jason stared at her; his mouth slightly agape.  He didn’t know how to respond to that.  He was completely at a loss for words at her faith in him.  She was right of course.  He would never hurt a woman in need, let alone her.  He snapped his lips shut as her words registered with him. She thought he hated her. Admittedly, that was probably his fault. There’s only so many times you can try to throw someone off a building before they take it personally.  It was the complete wrong assumption, but an understandable one.
“Why not call B or one of the birds?” he asked curiously.  She had allies, a large number of them, and yet she went to someone she thought didn’t like her.  Granted, he would have made the same choice, but that was because of his history with them, a history she didn’t have.
She unsuccessfully attempted to stifle a groan.  She glared up at him for just a moment before returning her attention to rearranging the food on her plate.  “I don’t think I was suited up when it happened and if I wasn’t, why would a civilian have Batman’s number?”
Her eyes flicked to him again, but with less annoyance this time.  “And if I was...” her voice was tentative like she was afraid to admit the next part, “I wouldn't trust him not to find my identity while I was out. Take my blood to ‘test for drugs’ but run a number of other tests to get as much information as possible on me.”
Jason nodded in agreement. Everything she said was exactly right. He looked at her with a newfound respect.  There was usually a long period of hero worship where people assumed Bruce never did anything wrong, his motives were pure, and respect was a given.  None of that was true but even when they saw evidence to the contrary, it was Batman!  It was one of the founding Justice League members.  He must be right.  It usually took a lot longer to see him for what he was.
Then her first words registered, she knew she was close to his apartment.  “How did you know where I live?” he asked curiously.
Marinette blanched and took a sudden interest in the display on his wall.  She got up to take a closer look.  Jason stood up as well , following her and hovering close.  The longer she avoided responding, the more curious he became. Finally, she sighed and twirled to look at him.  “I saw you… during a patrol.  Through the window.”
Jason’s head snapped to his window.  It was so unlikely.  The bats had never seen him, but then again, they didn’t patrol around where he lived nor were they the embodiment of luck.  He knew she knew who he was, all the bats did.  But the fact that she knew where he lived was unsettling.  He had no interest in the bats dropping down to interrogate him whenever something happened that they suspected him of.  “How long have you known?”
She looked down and shrugged. “A few weeks… maybe a few months,” she mumbled quietly.
Jason gaped at her yet again. She’d known that long and neither Dick nor Bruce hadn’t stopped in?  There was only one possible explanation.  “You didn’t tell B.”  She shook her head, still not looking at him.  “Why?”
She shrugged again.  "I mean… I don’t even know how often you’re here. It could just be a backup safehouse and what good would that be?  Just a waste our time staking it out if it was.”  She looked up at him with a serious expression.  “And I’m too busy to waste my time.  I have too much on my plate already to waste it in some futile effort, to what?  Have a conversation they could damn well have outside of your home?  What advantage would it be?”
Jason looked around the very well-furnished apartment.  It was very lived in.  Attention was clearly paid to every detail to make it his.  There was no way she missed that.  She knew.  She wasn’t going to fool anyone, especially Bruce.  And when Bruce found out, he was going to go ballistic.  She'd be lucky if it stayed as just a growled, disappointed lecture where he banned her from his city.  More likely it would come to blows.
Bruce already didn't like her in his city, even at a distance Jason could tell that.  He'd assumed it was because she was s magic user, but if what she said earlier was true, it was likely because he didn't know her identity.  Diana must have done a number on Bruce to get him to agree to let her stay in Gotham and even work with them while she searched for the stolen miraculous.  He would be looking for any reason to kick her out.  If he found out about this, she’d be handing him an excuse on a silver platter.
And she was risking that... for him.  He scrunched his face in confusion.  Why would she risk that for him?  They weren’t friends.  As often as he’d thought about it, they didn’t hang out.  They certainly didn’t risk banishment for each other or worse. It made no sense.  Why would she do it?  Her punishment would be extreme.  Bruce didn’t handle betrayal well.  And then what would she do?
He glowered at her; his brow furrowed in annoyance.  “You should have just told him,” he growled. “Just because you did me a favor doesn’t mean I owe you.”
Marinette reeled back like he’d slapped her and stared at him wide eyed.  “I would nev… you never… I didn’t expect…”  Her face twisted in anger.   She poked a finger into his chest.  “You were never even supposed to know that I knew.”
“This doesn’t make us friends,” he snapped, taking a step closer to her.  His body towered over her, but she refused to step back from his aggressive posturing.
“I didn’t say it did,” she insisted, glaring at him.  She had been doing him a favor, damnit.  There was no reason for him to act like such an ass about it.
“You’re still a goody two shoes,” he accused, taking another step closer to her.
“And you’re still an ungrateful jackass,” she growled.
“And annoying,” he continued. She rolled her eyes.  He wasn’t even putting effort into the insults now. “And frustrating.  And infuriating.  And obstinate.  And stubborn. And brilliantly devious.”  She furrowed her brow at that one.  It almost sounded like a compliment.  “And gorgeous.”
Her eyes snapped to his. That was definitely a compliment. She had to crane her neck to look into his eyes, because at some point, he’d crossed the last of the distance between them and was now close enough that his chest was almost touching hers. He ran his fingers into her hair, the palm of his hand cupping her jaw and his thumb gently stroking her cheek. “And too damn openhearted for your own damn good,” he finished quietly.
She swallowed heavily and reached up to rest her hand on his forearm. “You’re calling me infuriating and stubborn and gorgeous?”  She leaned into his touch.  “Bit hypocritical, don’t you think?”
He smirked and lowered his face until his breath fanned out across her lips.  “Can I kiss you?”  His voice was just above a whisper, but it ran through her body like lightening.
Instead of answering, she pushed up, closing the remaining distance, pushing her lips forcefully against his.  He pushed back just as hard as his hands moved frantically up and down her body, trying to decide where to settle.  His mind fought as it tried to decide where to focus.  He wanted to touch all of her.  She didn’t seem to have the same problem, cupping his jaw with one hand and winding the fingers of her other hand into his hair and pulling him closer.
Too soon, she pulled away reluctantly, but Jason wouldn’t let her go too far, keeping her in his arms, pressed up against his body in the most alluring way as his arms wound around her waist.  “Just one more thing,” he started.
Marinette giggled and shot him a mischievous look as her arms settled around his neck.  “Just one? I must not be as good at kissing as I thought.”
Jason chuckled.  “That is definitely not the case.”  He captured her lips for a lingering kiss.  “But you’re right that I have more than one thing I want from you. But first and foremost.  Can I get you name?”
Marinette blinked at him and burst out laughing.  “What?”
“I know your face.  I saw you detransform.  But I don’t know your name,” he explained gently.
She quirked her head to the side.  “You didn’t look me up?”
Jason shook his head.  “Wasn’t something I needed to know.  It was your secret to tell.”
Marinette beamed at him.  “Marinette.  Marinette Dupain Cheng.”
Jason’s smile widened to match hers.  “I can’t tell you how pleased I am to meet you, Marinette.” Marinette beamed as she pulled him against her lips.
@maribat-calendar-events @jasonette-july-event
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folk-ever-lore · 2 years
Jasonette, "Do you trust me?" "Sweetheart, I don't trust anyone."
Angels Roll Their Eyes
for @wildbookcat
this was way longer than planned (1734 words total, oops) but i have no regrets
Marinette frowned as she walked into the bar, this better be worth her time. Her newest assignment had left her trying to influence the behaviours of one Jason Todd. She was very much looking forward to this, her boss had told her that this human would be a challenge.
She couldn’t wait to see where he’d end up. 
She didn’t have long to influence him to her side of the chaos forces; after her week was done she would have any control over pushing his actions towards good or evil, heaven or hell. The time limit always made things more interesting with the more complex cases.
Her two aliases of Ladybug and Lady Noire helped her get close to her targets of (potential) superheroes and supervillains. She was the specialist that heaven and hell sent for her side of the cosmic scale of good and evil for super people. So she’d created a superhero and supervillain (well superthief but if it worked for Catwoman then it’d work for her) to help her get close to her targets.
Just now she was meeting her target of Jason while he was Red Hood and while she was Lady Noire. He needed her expert help on a case he was working on and had sent out a message for her. She’d gladly offered her assistance, for a price of course. She couldn’t seem too eager.
He just never had to know that she’d been the one to create the case so that he’d get in contact with her. It was a secret she’d take to the grave - his grave, as an immortal being she couldn’t die.
She sat down beside him, her bracelet hitting the table. It was her alignment bracelet, signifying her alignment to heaven or hell, they were impossible to remove. “Red Hood,” she nodded. “It’s good to meet you finally.” She didn’t have many days left of her assignment, she only had tonight left, she’d had to set up this meeting after all.
He nodded back, “Lady Noire. I’m glad you could make it.”
She smirked, “Always happy to help. Especially when you’re offering to pay as well as you are now.”
“Good,” he murmured in agreement. “Let’s get down to business then.”
“Of course,” she agreed. “What in particular do you need?”
“I need you to break into the Penguin’s private office at the Iceberg Lounge for me, while I distract him outside.”
“Couldn’t you get one of your little friends to do that for you?”
“Not with the security he’s got for what I want. Only you and Catwoman have been known to beat that and she’s busy.”
“Alrighty then,” she grinned wickedly. “What do you need me to recover?”
“That’s classified until you’ve beaten the security.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t trust anyone.”
“Good. Me neither.”
Marinette crept through the hidden passageways in the Iceberg Lounge, avoiding all the carefully set traps like the expert she was. To get past what had been laid out here in particular, no one travelling through the passage could touch the floor or ceiling or walls or thousands of spear-like spikes would shoot out from the ground. It was a ‘the owner is aware of the risk to them’ type of trap. 
Incredibly dangerous.
It made complete sense that Jason had turned to the world renown Lady Noire for help with this particular case, not that she hadn’t planned for that to be the case of course. No one but her knew her secret way of getting around these types of traps, and she’d never share her methods to a human, but she tapped into her cosmic energy source and floated her way through the traps without setting anything off.
However she was curious about how Catwoman achieved the same feat. As far as Marinette knew, Selina Kyle wasn’t from heaven or hell. 
Of course getting impaled from the traps wouldn’t actually harm Marinette as she was an immortal being, it felt more like being tickled actually. But explaining it to Red Hood would be rather difficult and could throw off her mission. She couldn’t risk that. Not now that she was so close with such little time left. 
She stepped down into the empty, circular room as she left the passage. Her eyes burning brightly in the darkness as she did so. So this was it - the Penguin’s prized treasure room. It wasn’t really what she was expecting, but then again, she didn’t know what she was expecting. But it certainly wasn’t this. It certainly wasn’t around three so called ‘treasures’ left out in the open with no protection.
Oswald was a fool. He put so much faith in his traps that he never bothered to put them in glass cases because he didn’t think anyone could reach them. What a fool he was, the world around them was constantly changing and new technology could be invented that beat his at any moment.
She smirked, this was going to be fun.
“What am I here to get?”
“There should be a red jewel there somewhere. It’s meant to be full of the power of hell. Bring it to me,” he commanded, unknowing of the power he was handing to her.
“Oh absolutely,” she said with a smirk. Just one touch of that jewel would surely be enough to send any human to the deepest depths of hell after their ultimate demise. This would be incredibly useful for her mission. 
Her eyes fluttered around the room, searching for the jewel quickly. A fraction of light reflected off it, the small red beam informing her of where it was hidden. She followed the light to the farthest corner of the room, away from any entrances. There it was, so quick and easy for the taking. 
Marinette’s hand wrapped around it as she grabbed it from it’s display, the hellfire in her blood woke up upon contact. Her usual demon abilities were brought forth to the surface of her soul, igniting her eyes and turning them red. Her full powers had returned. They were normally limited on earth, but with this hellfire jewel she had full access to them.
She smirked and laughed wickedly, “Oh how I’ve missed this.”
The burning powers she’d had returned to her had given her many blessings, including returning the ability to teleport while on earth. Within a second of a thought, her body had erupted into flames, moving her consciousness to another part of any of the many realms of existence. Her fire-covered body settled down next to Red Hood, who had completed his part of the mission and headed to a nearby rooftop to wait for her.
“What the fuck was that?” he demanded, seeing her reform in flames. 
Marinette grinned over at him, “Blame your precious jewel.”
He frowned at the avoidance of the answer, “That doesn’t tell me what the fuck that was.”
"Have I never mentioned it to you? My bad," she said with a truly baffling nonchalance for this situation, a lazy smile on the Marinette’s face. "You see I can’t do my magic while I’m in your city for ... contract reasons, but when I can’t work I get bored, and when I get bored shenanigans ensue."
“What does that mean?”
She glanced over at him, walking closer and closer to him. Soon enough she was close enough to stroke his face if she wanted to, she could do it too, his helmet had been destroyed in his fight. Not yet. “It means I’m a demon. On earth my powers are limited while I’m tasked with corrupting a human, and this hellfire jewel has returned my full abilities to me.”
“And what now?” he asked nervously, his voice quivering with each word he spoke. 
“And now,” she said with a smirk, pressing the jewel against his face, “I do what I was sent here to do, and corrupt your soul.”
Jason’s shoulders rose sharply, his eyes pulsing so quickly that human eyes wouldn’t have noticed it. “That won’t work.”
“And why not?”
“Because I’m an angel who was sent to push the human known as Marinette Dupain-Cheng towards the side of heaven.”
“I- That’s not possible,” she declared, her face paling at the thought. “Why would I ever go anywhere as boring as heaven? You can’t have any fun there.”
Jason laughed bitterly, “You know that’s not true so why do you say it so fiercely. I’ve seen you when you loved heaven with your whole heart. You were it’s strongest protector.”
“No,” she said sharply. Her voice filled the night. “I don’t believe you. You’re making it up. And how … how would that even be possible, I’m a demon, not an angel.”
“I wish I was making it up,” he murmured, pain echoing from every single one of his words. “Me and you we were … partners. You had the highest rate of successful missions and I was just slightly below you in the rankings. Then one mission a demon kidnapped you and took you down to hell.”
“No, you’re lying. There’s no way we could have been together?”
“But we were. They wiped your memory of anything before and placed that bracelet on your wrist so that they could switch your essence to that of hell, forcing you into a demon body.”
“No, no, no,”
“Have you ever seen anyone else with one of these bracelets on? It’s only you who has one, no other angel or demon has one,” his hands laid in her’s in an oddly familiar action despite them having never been like this before. “I have proof if you’ll let me.”
“I-” she stuttered. She couldn’t agree to that. Could she? “Alright.” 
Jason gently removed the hellfire jewel from her hand, despite her limited attempts to keep hold of it. “Do you trust me?”
She faltered. “Yes.”
He nodded and offered her a smile before running the hellfire jewel over her allegiance bracelet, burning it until it disintegrated and fell from her arm in ashes. Marinette cried out in pain, her body shaking as it rejected the hellfire without something to lock in place. Jason just held her in his arms, supporting her when she couldn’t do it herself.
“How do you feel?” he asked once her body stopped shaking.
She groaned as she pulled out of his arms, her eyes glowing blue from angelic glory. “I … I remember.”
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the-coffee-fandom · 1 year
Tumblr media
Gif by @the-coffee-fandom please do not repost or steal, tumblr kind of killed the quality with its file size max
❥ Timari :
Marigolds Pierce My Skin
Cat’s Don’t Always Chase Birds
A Duck And A Ladybug (Roommates Edition)
Coffee Is My Love Language
Into The Depths Of Our Minds
Death Came For Me
I Don’t Need To See Stars (I Saw You Instead)
Don’t Overwork Yourself (Trust Me Because I Love You)
A Date With Sleep
❥ Bio Dad :
Dreaming Of Anemone
My Identity Is By Your Side
My Heart Is Tied To Family
Argue With Me Sister
First Meetings Aren’t Always The Best, But Sometimes They Are
❥ Damianette :
Memories Filled With You
Hold Me Tight Till Mornings Light
Some Angel’s Die, Some Angels Fly
Sister!?! Preposterous!
❥ Jasonette :
The Cookie Problem
❥ Dickinette :
Did You Fall From Heaven? (No It Was The Chandelier)
❥ Cassette :
Death Bouquet
❥ Multi-ship :
Valentine’s Day Special 2021
❥ Collabs :
Leave (And Ignore The Pain Behind My Eyes) (Written with @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
Alphabet Soup (Written with dragonbug, @jinx-jade, @legends-live-in-memories, @shamrockace, RayBell (Shard_Of_Stained_Glass), @tylindel, @wildbookcat ; multi-ship)
Friendships A Fine Line I Could Never See (Written with @miraculousmelodies and Ever_lore ; Timari)
From Your Favorite Chaos Gremlins (Written with @miraculousmelodies and Ever_lore ; found family)
Don’t Blame Me (Written with Ever_lore)
In Sickness And In Health (I’ll Love You) (Written with @coolkid-mcgee, Miarculas, @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
And That’s The Tea (Written with @serenescribbles and @miraculousmelodies ; Jasonette)
Sunflower (Written with @izanae, @newdog14, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
Pure Sugar (Written with @coolkid-mcgee, @izanae, @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
Captive Hearts (Written with @boldlyanxious, @izanae, Ever_lore, @jumpingjoy82, @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn ; Jasonette)
Memories Of Family: A Pass Story (Written with @izanae, @jumpingjoy82, @serenescribbles, @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn ; Family)
If Baldness Was A Crime (We’d Solve It With Crayon) (Written with @jumpingjoy82, Ever_lore, @miraculousmelodies, @serenescribbles ; Timari)
If Your Girlfriend Gets Mad (We Fix It With Logic) (Written with @miraculousmelodies, Ever_lore, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
If Your Nemesis Fights Back (We Kill Him With Glitter) (Written with @miraculousmelodies, Ever_Lore, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
❥ Series :
Rim Drake (Timari Crack Fics)
Flowers Aren’t Always A Love Language (Unconnected Hanahaki au’s)
Team Issa’s Stolen A (Event Collection)
❥ Collections :
Admission Fee Fics (Co-ran with @velveteenshadow)
❥ Related Works :
No Stronger Bond Than Ours @serenescribbles (Inspired by Sister!?! Preposterous!)
❥ Gifts :
And They Were Roommates @jinx-jade (Damianette)
Hearts Entwined TheNumberFairy (Tim/Marinette/Stephanie)
Time’s TikToking sunshinyy_rose (Damianette)
Not Crazy, Creative sunshinyy_rose (Damianette)
Paying For A Strangers Coffee May Lead To Unexpected Results @peachieplanetssb (Timari)
Tim-Marry @izanae (Timari)
Mastermind! @peachieplanetssb (Timari)
Petals Of You @ggomos-maribat (Timari)
When All Is Too Much Lean On Me @tylindel (Timari)
Camellia Japonica @ggomos-maribat (Timari)
Smexy Chocolate (Or Coffee Overlords) QueenKitten101 (General Pairings)
Coffee Lovers @miraculousmelodies @tylindel Ever_lore (Timari)
“I’m the favorite!” “No you’re not you little-” @ellienettie (Dickinette)
Never Enough Time Butterflies_and_Ladybugs @jumpingjoy82 (General Pairings)
No Stronger Bond Than Ours @serenescribbles (Family)
What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been @izanae (Jasonette)
❥ Awards :
Tag Team Tournament 2022 ~
High score & Most submissions
Challenge Accepted
Java Junkies MVP
Maribat Awards 2021 ~
Runner up in Most Underrated Maribat Fic
Maribat Awards 2022 ~
Most Underrated Author
Best Historical/Fantasy AU (as well as runner up)
❥ My Art :
Damianette Soulmates for @tree-reads
Vee Owl House
King Owl House
Only Rocketships Timari Scene
Only Rocketships Sheep Costume
Only Rocketships Cover
❥ Check Out These Super Cool Authors :
Miracle-Sham (ShammrockTales)
Jinx-Jade (Trial_and_Error)
❥ Want to join me on discord?
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Holy Miraculous, Batman!!!!
Maribat Server
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❥ Inbox messages open for questions, suggestions, ideas, recommendations, and otherwise!
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ali-annals · 7 days
angel, don't fly so close to me (i'll pull you down eventually)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: T | CW: recreational drinking, poor flirting (not inappropriate) | WC: 430 | Ao3 | Prompt | for @otome-wandering | A/N: not beta'd & written in like 30 minutes, so feel free to point out any typos <3
Jason's not the best at flirting; luckily the girl he's interested in thinks his attempts are cute anyways
The quiet R&B tune playing over the speakers muffled the noises of the bar just after its rush hour, melding into one not disharmonious layer of noise.
Headlights passing by cast stripes of lights across a young woman’s face as she gazed out, chin propped on her hand as she bobbed a toothpick-stabbed olive in her martini glass absentmindedly. 
The man at the bar counter mirrored her position, only staring at her instead of the bleak rainy night outside. The bartender caught his attention, and he straightened, turning away from the object of his thoughts to close his tab. 
Tucking his wallet back into his inner jacket pocket, he was distracted from his surroundings, blinking in surprise when he looked up again and the woman was perched on the stool one over from his.
She received the replenished glass with a small smile and nod of thanks, sipping at the drink appreciatively.
Deciding he’d better regret the things he does that the things he doesn’t, he swiveled on the stool, leaning a little closer so he wouldn’t have to shout over the buzz of the business. 
Noticing his attempt to get her attention, she leaned in a little as well, turning her stunning baby blues to study his face. 
He cleared his throat. “Did you fall from heaven?”
Her brow furrowed at his strange opener.
Flustered, he tried to remember how the next part of the pickup line went. This was why he never tried to pick up people at bars (or anywhere else).
“‘Cause that would explain what happened to your face.”
The incredulous look on her face deepened. “Excuse me?”
She even had a cute French accent, a small part of his brain noticed, while the rest yelled at him to fix this horrible flub.
“Wait, no, that came out wrong!” Panicking, he waved his hands earnestly at her. “I’m so sorry.” He hung his head. “I should’ve stopped a drink ago…and not tried pickup lines; they’re not my style. Have a good night.”
Her soft voice paused him as he slid off his stool, prepared to leave in ignominy.
He glanced back.
She was smiling earnestly at him. “You happen to be my type, and you’re polite, even if it comes across awkwardly. It’s cute. Will you stay while I finish my drink?”
He nodded, hopping onto the stool next to her that she patted in invitation. “I’m Jason.”
“Marinette,” she grinned over the rim of her glass. She shook his hand calmly. “It’s nice to meet you. So, if pickup lines aren’t your style, what is?”
Taglist (open): @jennifer-rose123 @questioning-blob-of-fog @official-jasonette-server
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marauderundercover · 10 months
Refugee (Jasonette July)
There are those who say the world will end with a bang. Something big, perhaps an explosion. Something loud and undeniably bad. Something that happens and you know, right from the second it happens, that it's the end. That there is no coming back from it. Then, there are the others. Those who claim it will end in a whimper. The silent killer. An end that sneaks and creeps by until everyone and everything is gone. Marinette wasn't sure how to categorize the actual end of the world. In fact, it was impossible to know if it was actually the end of the world or just the United States of America since all communication had ceased shortly after the lights went out. It had never been her intention to die so far from everyone she loved. Her trip to Gotham, despite the fact that it was Gotham, was supposed to be relatively easy. Just a short trip to check out the University before going sight seeing in the neighboring cities. She'd gotten as far as the University when the first attack happened. 
Adjusting the strap of her bag, Marinette takes a moment to just appreciate the architecture of Gotham University. For a school stuck right in the middle of so much chaos and destruction, it truly was beautiful. She was sure that there was a metaphor or something just sitting there, waiting to be used. Just as she starts to head towards the admissions building, a siren blares throughout the city. Frowning, Marinette starts to pull out her guidebook to try and find the reason for the unfamiliar alarm. Instead of the guidebook, her hand brushes her phone, and she pulls it out instead. 
“Mon dieu.” She mutters under her breath. Every possible alarm on her phone was going off. Every news outlet that she had followed in preparation for her trip, as well as the news outlets back home were sending out breaking news alerts. And not a single one was good. Attacks were happening all over the United States. People that looked- well, dead. According to the reports, there were already several fatalities because of these people. Travel was being restricted, to try and pinpoint a cause. Before she can fall down the rabbit hole scrolling through all of the awful news, her mom’s face pops up on the caller ID. Taking in a calming breath, Marinette answers it. 
“Hey, maman.” She says. 
“Are you okay? Marinette, are you safe? They’re saying all sorts of things on the news-” Her mom rambles, but Marinette cuts her off. 
“I’m fine, I promise. Nothing is even happening in Gotham, I’m sure I’ll be back home soon.” She promises, not knowing that in just two short days, the power would be off. And any way home would be impossible.
Pushing her sweaty bangs out of her face, Marinette grimaces. It was hotter than she'd expected, though she supposed she shouldn't be surprised. The city was covered in black asphalt, and with the sun that had plagued the city since the attacks from the undead began, unbearable temperatures were just a given. The smells radiating through the city reminded her that July heat was as unkind to the dead as it was to the living. When things had started to get really bad a few months ago, there was a massive amount of people who fled the city. She wasn’t sure where they went, or where they were trying to go. The city, as dangerous as it could be with the walking dead roaming around, was still your best bet for food and bottled water. Even if it was technically stealing. Marinette had decided very early on that she would take refuge on the rooftops. It was easy to block the access if there was a door that led to her roof, and so far she hadn’t seen any undead with the ability to climb well. Or at all, really. The only thing she really couldn’t escape, not even on the rooftops, were the creeps. She’d already done her fair share of running from people trying to use this situation to abandon all morals. A thud yanks her from her thoughts, and she immediately grabs her metal pipe before whirling around. 
“Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, I’m not a zombie!” The guy says, holding his hands up in surrender. Marinette’s eyes narrow at him. 
“Obviously. But that does not mean that I can trust you.” She retorts. He raises an eyebrow. 
“Are you French?” He asks. 
“Why are you-”
“I came for college stuff, and obviously that didn’t work out. Who are you? Why did you come to this roof?” She asks, not loosening her grip on the weapon. He shrugs. 
“I don’t know. Old habits? I just kinda try and check out this area to see if there’s anyone that needs- I grew up here in Crime Alley. It’s always been my home and seeing it like this is just…weird.” He says. Marinette nods, but quirks an eyebrow, hoping he’d get the hint. He grins crookedly. “Right. I’m Jason.” 
“Nice to meet you, Jason. I’m Marinette.” She says simply, giving him a small smile in return. Could it turn out to be a trap? Sure. But she hadn’t had a decent conversation with a person in over a month, and she didn’t get a bad vibe from Jason. In fact, for the first time since this whole mess began, she felt a bit of hope. 
Event tag list: @jasonette-july-event @maribat-calendar-events
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
A/N: Jasonette one-shot inspired by Taylor Swift's "Enchanted". Thanks to @forgottenfriends for inspiring me to adapt it to a Royal AU💜
If anyone wants to be part of a permanent or Maribat-specific tag list DM me or leave a comment. Constructive criticism or any feedback is appreciated!
~1.2k words
Marinette was tired of being at the royal family of Gotham's ball. Even the Wayne children, who usually livened up their father's dull parties, were being abnormally well-behaved.
She excused herself from the vapid conversation and found what appeared to be a good hiding spot. Escaping, she scanned the room for anyone who noticed her disappearing and accidentally locked eyes with someone. They were such a gorgeous colour; she almost wanted to talk to their owner just so she could examine them up close. A vision of a suit for next season incorporating the colour floated in front of her and she wished again to have her sketchbook. If she'd met the person before her hasty appointment as the royals' official seamstress, maybe she could have livened up this ball's outfits (her predecessor had very little vision and left to her half-finished outfits that she despaired over)...
The crowd parted and the owner of the hypnotizing eyes stepped in front of her. Marinette was torn from her half-finished design and realized she was staring, blushing profusely.
He gave a quick nod of his head. “Have we met before?” he asked charmingly. “I'm sure I would remember meeting someone with such good style as yourself before.”
“No, we haven't. I thank you for your compliment; I'm MDC.”
“Jason Todd-Wayne, at your service.” His lips just brushed the back of her hand as he bowed over it.
“Enc-delighted to make your acquaintance.”
“So, why do you look so bored?”
“Socializing with the elites is exhausting and your siblings are being remarkably polite for once.” Marinette clapped her hand over her mouth. Dang sleep deprivation. “I'm so sorry! I've just heard about previous galas and your family's antics, that wasn't meant...”
Jason laughed. “It's fine! When they're quiet like this, they're usually planning something, so keep an eye out if you want your dress to remain unscathed. Do you have a name or shall I call you M?”
“You haven't earned my name yet, monsieur, so M will have to do.”
“What does earning it involve?”
“Mmm, normally you'd have to be family or a close friend, or a loyal patron for over two years.”
“Would a waltz make us close enough friends?” He extended his hand with a flourish, which she took.
“Perhaps. No stepping on my toes, though,” she warned.
“I'll have you know I never step on people's toes unless they deserve it,” he said in mock offence as they move onto the dancefloor.
Although Marinette was a good dancer (thanks to several years of ballet when she was younger, which kept her light on her feet), she did not particularly enjoy it, but Jason was an excellent partner and kept her entertained with gossip and 'secrets' about fellow dancers and the royal family, so the time flew by faster than they did around the ballroom.
When Jason led her to the refreshments table for a cup of punch, a pretty blonde in a layered purple tulle dress approached the duo and cheerfully asked, “who's your new friend, Jay?” as she looped her arm through Jason's.
“None of your business,” he shot back.
Marinette noticed the girl tapping Jason's arm possessively. She'd given him her calling card and had considered inviting him for a free consultation (yes, she just wanted to use his eyes for her new ideas, she shamelessly admitted it, but she also wanted to spend more time with him) but now those thoughts vanished. Far be it from her to get tangled up in court relationships.
Swallowing, she excused herself and retrieved her wrap, heading out to her transportation home. She looked back once at the lights and glamour—sorry, clamour. The chandeliers had begun raining glitter and the unsuspecting crowd was soon covered in it, minus the royal family, of course, who had stepped away in time.
Replaying the evening in her mind as she was driven home, she found herself blushing as she recalled Jason's smooth lines and interested countenance. She'd thought he was flirting with her, interested in her, but obviously, the blonde had other ideas, whether Jason agreed or not. Marinette refused to be part of another love triangle, even if she'd also been the other girl in the previous one.
She stepped inside and found herself humming one of the pieces the 4-piece orchestra had played as she danced with Jason, her feet following the steps as she prepared for bed, finally. She'd moved to Gotham, been instated as the royal seamstress, gone over her predecessor's things and organized her workrooms to suit herself, gone over the royals' designs for tonight's ball (thankfully half were done and she only needed to add her signature touches and glam to the remaining four outfits), and then had to work on said clothing with her new crew of fellow textile workers.
This left very little time for sleep, and Marinette had been counting the minutes until she could politely leave her first Gotham ball for her bed. She was grateful that King Bruce has given her an invitation so she could see her designs in action and get a sense of what would be required for future events, but that was mostly overshadowed by her wish for sleep.
The clock struck two as she crawled between her sheets. Ah, blessed, comfy bed.
A knock on her door made her sit up angrily. Could she not get one peaceful, complete, uninterrupted night of sleep?!
She yanked her fluffy robe closed and flung the door open to see Jason on her step, still in his suit.
He smiled, a little nervously. “Hey, M. I never got your full name; your card just has your initials and your address. Isn't that a bit backward? Anyways, you left before I could tell you I was enchanted to meet you.”
“Would you like to come in? Unless you have someone waiting for you?” Please don't.
“Nah, I don't. You're sure?”
“Of course...it was enchanting to meet you too. I wanted to tell you...”
He chuckled as he stepped in. “That was the doing of my older brother Dick and my younger brother's girlfriend, Stephanie. She's the one you met with me—she was warning me to move out of the way. I was going to sweep you off your feet and play your knight-in-not-shiny-armour, but you left. Did you read the Morse code?”
Marinette's eyes widened. “That's what that tapping was! Oh, I thought she was your girlfriend. So you're not in love with someone else, then...?”
“Nope. Were you worried?” he smirked.
“...maybe,” she drawled. “Well, you came out this late so I suppose I should reward your efforts. My name is Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“Beautiful like you.”
Her cheeks flushed at the compliment. “So...this is just the first page?”
“Of our relationship? I hope it's not the end, I just got ypur name!” Jason joked. “I suppose I should leave you to your rest, mademoiselle. Enchanté.”
“Enchanté. Good night, Jason!” Marinette waved him off and went back to bed, dreaming of dancing with Jason, staring into his gorgeous eyes. He really was enchanting.
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ihartdamian · 6 months
Marinette, the fierce and skilled superhero, has always put the safety of her city above everything else. But defeating Hawk Moth came with a heavy price - the loss of something dear to her heart. Now, she finds herself in Gotham City on a detective job, where she suspects the Wayne family of some wrongdoing. As she delves deeper into the case, she crosses paths with an arrogant and mysterious man whose ties to her mission and personal life raise more questions than answers. With danger lurking around every corner, Marinette must navigate through the treacherous waters of Gotham and confront her inner demons to unravel the truth and save the day.
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velveteenshadow · 2 months
Writing Patterns Game!
I saw the lovely @abyssal-ali throw out the at to anyone who wants to so I figured why not!
These are all Maribat fics!
10: Lackluster Apologies (Gen)
"How was I supposed to know, Adrien?"
9: We Didn't Start The Dumpster Fire (Timari)
Marinette points her head up as she sniffs the air, instantly regretting it.
8: The Phoenix Five (Gen {at least thus far})
To say the waters were calm, would be the farthest lie one could conjure.
7: Secrets of the Shutterbug (Timari)
Tim slowly backtracks when he sees Bart and Jason laughing with a laptop open.
6: Prodigious Denial Defying Diary (Bio-Mom)
Dear Diary,    Today marks my first writing in hopes that these words reach her.
5: Speedy Rebound From Uncertainty (Found Family)
What would his siblings say if he told them the truth?
4: A Bittersweet Prelude (Gen {Ship in Pt 2})
‘Nothing can beat the strike of a sword.
3: Split Second Chance of a Freeze Frame (Rare Pair, Lukabara aka Luka Couffaine x Barbara Gordon)
Life has the worst ways of showing you what you never thought would happen in any of the multitude of universes out there.
2: You Can Ring My Bell (Timari)
“Gettin' deep…” (I swear this one is Family Friendly)
1: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (Platonic Timari with OC character focus)
Now, there were plenty of things that Scarlet Morningstar has experienced.
Hmm... it's interesting to see how all my starting lines have a nice punch to them in some way, shape or form.
Bonus Below!
Here are the 6 starting lines of my poems thus far for the Shutterbug Station Event!
(They are in order of posting)
1: Red Robin's Rapture (Rare Pair, Tim/Adrien)
"Stay with me a little longer" Tim cried out as the lights dim in his eyes.
2: Anything For My Lady (Gen, Adrien & Mari)
Solitary Confinement can the worst. Too much time with nothing to do.
3: Windy Wonders (Rare Pair, Jay/Adrien aka Alley Cat)
Strawberry Blonde Tall, Handsome, Mysterious
4: Time Passes On (Rare Pair, Bart/Adrien)
Silence Ticking of a clock
5: Marinette's Hidden Talent (Jasonette)
In the depths,
Can one really find one missing out?
6: Lonesome Moonlight Waiting For The Clouds To Clear (Rare Pairs, Tim/Adrien and Bart/Adrien)
Stay with me a little longer Tim I cannot help myself Loving you is all I need
All of the above include the prompt, "Stay With Me A Little Longer" while 5 and 6 include the prompt, "I Can't Say I'm Sorry" as well!
If you are curious about where the prompts came from, check out the Shutterbug Station event and consider joining us on the Timari Discord where we have been hyping it up! It's a great place for Timari lovers and those who are following the Angst V Fluff event!
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lala-ladybug · 1 year
Healing Hands: Ch 14
Jasonette Sword Art Online AU
Read here on AO3
First | Previous | Next
Chapter 14: Oh Maribug, what are we going to do with you?
Sleeping by Jason’s side was the best sleep Marinette had gotten all game. No nightmares, no waking up scared for herself or her friends. Well, she did wake up a blushing, nervous mess once she realized where she was, that is until Jason rolled over. She’d had to stifle her giggles at his incredibly adorable bedhead so as to not wake him. Then the morning light streaming in through the skylight made her actually feel... relaxed for once. There was something about that little cabin that helped her forget her persistent urge to beat the game. It pushed down the feeling of guilt for taking time for herself. It was hard to leave in the morning, and not just because the cozy pile of blankets appealed to her bug-like sensibilities.
The next week had her lying awake at night in her own bed, missing his warmth and the stories they shared. And the lack of nightmares. Luka had stopped joining her for late-night tea, but her subconscious hadn’t yet moved on. It didn’t take long for her to message Jason about tackling the next level. She’d need to buy some new gear for it though, there was no way she was going to be caught unprepared like last time.
But first she had to navigate the den of wolves that was her friends.
“Where are you going, Marinette,” Kagami asked sharply. The girl in question paused before the door, her hand raised to open it. She reminded herself that they were very caring wolves. But wolves nonetheless.
“They just beat level 67, I need new gear if I’m going to help clear out the next one in a few days,” she spoke without turning to look her friends in the eye.
Chloe and Adrien exchanged a worried glance. “Then give us a few minutes to get our stuff together, we’ll go with you,” Adrien caught Marinette’s arm gently and gave her a pleading look.
She didn’t quite look at his face as she forced a smile and replied, “No, you should all rest. It’s not a big deal, I’ll be back before you know it!”
Luka furrowed his brow and frowned when he heard the discordant notes in her song. It most certainly was a big deal, and Chloe said as much when Marinette went to open the door again.
Marinette sighed and finally turned to face them. “Seriously Chlo, it’s okay. I haven’t actually been getting that much sleep here, so I might as well do something useful if I’m going to be awake anyway.”
They hadn’t known about that, judging by their even more worried expressions at that statement. Good thing she hadn’t divulged the reasons why. They didn’t know about the nightmares that had been plaguing her even since before the beginning of the game. Adrien opened his mouth to protest again before Marinette cut him off.
“Look, I told Jason I’d meet him at the end of 67, so I won’t be going alone. I know you guys don’t like me spending time with him,” she held up her hands to placate their skeptical and outraged faces, “but we can trust him to have my back. I’m sure of it.”
Luka spoke up, “Mari, he’s killed other players. How can you say you trust him after that?”
Marinette fiddled with the straps of her backpack and looked down at her feet. “I told you that was a misunderstanding. Plus I don’t know how to describe it, but we just... get each other, you know?” She stopped fidgeting and squarely stood her ground, looking each member of her order in the eye. “Now I’m going whether you like it or not. I’ll be back tonight to prep and then I’ll head out in a few days.” She added, decisively, “Alone.”
She left and the door closed with a loud click that had a sense of finality to it. The Order stood in stunned and concerned silence until the door opened again, not a minute later. They all assumed defensive stances until they saw Marinette’s signature awkward grin as she poked her head around the door.
“Forgot my arrows,” she said sheepishly, then grabbed the quiver laying on a table and left once more.
Adrien heaved a heavy sigh. “Oh Maribug, what are we going to do with you?”
* * *
Marinette jauntily swung a basket from the crook of her elbow. It didn’t matter that whatever she purchased from the bustling market would automatically go into her inventory, it was the aesthetic that counted. She was currently parsing through different fabrics, having finally picked up the courage to try getting into the clothing design aspect of Mindscape. There was only so much she could do with Alchemy, which relied on objects that already exist. For a while, it was as close to creation as she dared go, but recently she’d been feeling more like herself and was finally ready to dust off her old hobbies.
Especially if they could help her protect the people she cared about.
She was comparing two fabric swatches and could tell the shopkeeper was getting impatient. Deciding to get both of them seemed to placate him, and she backed out of the shop with a smile.
Until she ran into someone, that is.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry--”
“Are you alright? I wasn’t paying attention to--”
The two dark-haired girls apologized simultaneously, then paused to giggle.
“I’m fine, thank you,” the taller girl placed her hand gently on Marinette’s shoulder.
“Me too, I’m so sorry, again,” she paused for a moment. “Wait, don’t I know you...?”
The taller girl blinked in surprise, then lit up with recognition. “Of course, you’re Jason’s girlfriend! I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Zatanna, we met in that cooking class you do every few weeks.”
Now that they were talking, Marinette did remember her but she’d called her Jason’s.... She thought she might explode from being called that of all things. She immediately started flailing her arms and stammering desperately.
“Oh, we’re not like that you see, he doesn’t-- I mean we don’t, well, it’s not!” she hid her fiercely blushing face in her hands and finished lamely, “I think you have the wrong idea....”
Zatanna laughed. “Sorry, sorry. My mistake, I didn’t mean anything by it.”
Marinette risked a glance in between her fingers and decided the apology was genuine.
“So, what’s our local Cooking Mama doing in the clothing boutique district? Cute basket, by the way.”
The reference was lost on her, but Marinette replied, “Thank you! I’m actually going to try my hand at creating armor. Clothing design was something I enjoyed in the real world, but it’s been, ah, difficult to want to get back into it here.” She gave a bashful smile.
“Oh wow, no kidding? That sounds amazing!” Zatanna enthused as they made their way to a nearby bench. “Any special occasion?”
“Just trying to keep everyone safe,” Marinette shrugged nonchalantly as if it wasn’t her whole life’s purpose.
“Hear hear,” she replied emphatically. “I’m so glad those enchanted potions I gave Jason helped you guys out in that last level.”
Marinette paused, surprised. She’d completely forgotten to ask Jason where those water-breathing potions had come from. “Wait, you made those?” she asked.
“None other!” Zatanna gave a mock bow. “I’ve been outfitting our guild with enchanted goodies pretty much since day one,” she laughed a little to herself.
“Now that is an amazing talent! I can’t believe that you can make such cool potions like that,” she grinned.
Zatanna looked around, then leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, “That’s not all I can do.”
Marinette, who had leaned forward as well, arched a playful eyebrow.
“Have you ever wanted to learn how to enchant armor?”
* * *
It was several hours later that Marinette and Zatanna were found laughing away in the latter’s custom forge. Marinette had never been to the Rocky Road guild house before, so Zatanna gave her a tour. It was a sprawling complex with a courtyard and had rooms, areas, and even entire buildings devoted to everything any of their members could possibly need.
She was introduced to a few of the people who were there. Some she recognized from the cooking class-- she found out their names were Wally and Artemis-- but most she didn’t know. While the tour was lovely, especially with her host, she was most intrigued by the two dark-haired boys that Zatanna gave her meaningful looks over.
Jason’s oh-so-despised brothers, it seems.
Tim was in the study, a veritable library with two-story-tall shelves packed to the brim. He was reading voraciously out of several books at a time and scribbling notes in the worst chicken scratch she’d ever seen. He barely reacted to them being there until Marinette introduced herself by name, then he was all ears. And eyes. Man, that guy had an intense stare. She could practically hear him analyzing her in his head, though she had no idea what conclusion he’d reached until Zatanna led them out into the courtyard and said he’d liked her.
There they met Jason’s older brother Dick, training with a hulk of a boy named Connor and a lean girl named Cassie. They were all really nice, and Marinette felt an instant connection. She even thought she might remember Connor from her cooking classes.
Dick was immensely pleased to know Jason had actually referred to himself and Tim as his brothers. She actually thought he was on the verge of tears, that is until Cassie tried to sneak in an attack on him with a kick to the legs and he had to flip to avoid it.
Marinette’s eyebrows rose to her hairline watching them spar. Dick almost seemed to float through the air, spinning and jumping around his opponent. He was clearly very practiced, and she was impressed.
Zatanna didn’t let her watch for long before steering them to the forge where she finally began teaching Marinette all she knew about enchanting. While it was possible to enchant pre-made armor, she said, it was much easier and more potent to imbue the metal while it was still molten.
With surprising strength, Zatanna showed her how to hammer and shape the pieces. It was much more difficult than she was expecting even with the abbreviated actions common to the game, but her new friend insisted she was a natural.
They were soon joined by a red-haired boy with a seemingly permanent scowl. Zatanna introduced him as Roy, which he acknowledged with a grunt. He was working on a warhammer, melting new steel into the cracks it had sustained from use. He came over to watch once Marinette returned from changing into a sleeveless shirt to hammer away at her own metal.
Zatanna guided Marinette through creating a set of armor entirely from scratch. They’d used some existing molds from a set she’d made before, one for Zatanna’s friend Jaime that they thought might fit Adrien. Roy gave tips here and there on the metalworking side of things, and Zatanna provided her expertise with the enchantments.
Several sweaty hours later, they were proudly brandishing a brand new set of full armor. It had several defensive enchantments detectable only in a faint, pulsating glow emanating from within the inlays of the armor’s decorative designs.
“I wonder if the same technique could be used on fabric while I sew....” Marinette wondered aloud.
“Oh we’re going to be best friends,” Zatanna grinned at her ingenuity.
They were still laughing and chatting later when Jason finally made it back from level grinding. Apparently he stopped by nearly every day before leaving again “once he got sick of them.” Marinette had stopped her work to take a dinner break at some point, having missed lunch while out shopping. And so Jason found the two girls, Dick, and Roy sitting at the breakfast bar without a care in the world, chatting over several plates of Marinette’s home-baked salmon.
“Oh hey Jaybird, you’ve got to try this! Mari’s an amazing cook,” Dick reached over to ruffle her hair, much to her annoyance.
“I know,” Jason grumbled in response, grabbing a plate and dishing himself a portion. “I was hoping to keep her away from you vultures.”
“Aw, is somebody jealous?” Roy pouted teasingly at him.
Jason stood over where Marinette was perched on a stool and placed his plate next to hers, proceeding to eat over her head. “I’ve never been jealous a day in my life.”
Dick snorted at that. “Tell that to Timmy,” he scoffed.
“‘B, he took my spot, make him stop!’” Roy mocked in falsetto, “‘That replacement could never be me.’”
Marinette peered up at her friend, catching him wince slightly at the dig.
“Whatever, we’re past that.”
Noticing Jason’s reaction, Dick shot Roy a sharp look and agreed in a low voice, “Leave it.”
“So what are you doing here Pixie?” Jason asked before helping himself to another forkful over her head. As fond as she was of their closeness, she really hoped he wouldn’t spill any of the dill sauce on her hair.
“Zatanna showed me how to enchant stuff! I made a set of armor for Adrien, but I’m really excited to try working it into clothing too.” She felt herself start to bounce in her seat but couldn’t bring herself to care. “She even said I’m welcome to come over and work in the forge any time I want!”
Jason groaned and she whipped around to glare at him. “And who let you be friends?” He asked.
“Technically, you did,” Zatanna mused. “You are the one who convinced her to set up those cooking classes, right?”
“My own worst enemy yet again,” he muttered in response.
Marinette giggled. The poor baby.
She stayed and chatted for a while longer, but as the sky began to darken, she excused herself to go back to her own guild so her friends wouldn’t send out search parties en masse.
Jason waved goodbye to her as she used the teleport crystal, and she held in a laugh at the playful punch and thumbs up he got from Roy as she returned the gesture.
When she returned to her own guild house, she was met with her Order standing watch. She gifted Adrien his new armor, which seemed to pacify him momentarily as he animatedly admired it, but she knew she wasn’t out of the woods with the rest of them.
“Will you please talk to us?” Chloe asked earnestly. Marinette winced at that. If Chloe was the one using the magic word, she had to be seriously worrying her friends. Maybe it was finally time to do this. Gods know they wouldn’t leave her alone until they talked. Plus the whole “doing everything on her own” thing wasn’t exactly sustainable. The first time she’d met Jason, when he rescued her in the snow, proved that.
“Okay,” she acquiesced reluctantly. “Can we sit?”
Luka nodded and they all gathered on the couches by the fireplace.
Marinette sighed. This talk was a long time coming, but she wasn’t ready for things to change. She knew it was stupid to just do it all herself, but.... She wasn’t ready to watch her friends get hurt all over again. She kept her gaze stubbornly on a very interesting spot on the floor.
“Look, I can’t shake my instincts from home,” she began, knowing they’d catch her meaning. “I need to get everyone out as fast as possible so things can go back to normal.”
“Marinette,” Kagami began in a tone that indicated she wouldn’t like whatever came next. “We all feel the same way. But the rest of us are not blowing each other off and running headlong into danger.”
“With a stranger, no less,” Luka added.
Adrien chimed in, “You need us as much as we need you. What happened to working together? The Order you made?”
“Okay! I get it,” Marinette raised her hands in surrender. “This doesn’t need to be an intervention. Can we please just have a conversation?”
“Fine. Why haven’t we seen you since level thirteen?” Adrien crossed her arms.
“You see me every day,” Marinette rolled her eyes.
“At breakfast and dinner, if that,” Luka said evenly.
“I’m busy helping at the front lines!”
“With Jason, but not us?” Kagami asked.
“He’s been... he’s different.”
Chloe, who had been quiet for some time, burst out tearfully, “Why can’t you look at me?”
Marinette bit her lip. “I... I can’t see you get hurt like that again.” Her voice cracked. She thought her heart might join it.
Chloe reached for her hands and Marinette tried to control the shaking.
“Dupain-Cheng, do you think you’re the only one who cares? The only one here who wants to save everyone and go home?”
Marinette finally raised her eyes to meet her friend’s and felt her heart clench at the tears he saw in them. “Of course not,” she whispered, not trusting her voice to be any louder than that.
Adrien knelt on the floor in front of her and placed his hands over theirs. “Then let us help you. Please.”
That was all it took for her to break.
She told them of her nightmares and fears. How she had started adventuring with Jason because she didn’t know him and she’d convinced herself that it would make it easier to handle if he got hurt. How she’d realized too late that she’d grown to care for him, but he insisted he was going to keep fighting at the front lines anyway, so she had to stick with him. That earned a facepalm from Adrien, who grumbled that they should have done the same.
Marinette gave a watery chuckle. She really was being silly, wasn’t she? Strength in numbers was everything back in Paris, why wouldn’t it be the same here? Half of the wonderful people surrounding her joined the Order because she couldn’t do it alone. And she’d never been alone, she’d always had Adrien by her side. She squeezed his hand with a small, grateful smile.
She wiped at her damp eyes. “Oh, there was something... else I almost forgot,” she began nervously. Her friends nodded and gestured for her to go on.
“There was one time where Jason almost died. I mean, he had one HP left. I was so terrified I dropped all the healing potions and they broke. But then I reached out my hands and... I accidentally might have healed him?” She finished nervously.
“With Alchemy?” Adrien prompted.
“No,” Marinette bit her lip. “It was more like... like creation magic.”
Her friends stared at her, quiet in thought.
“...Have any of you had that?” she asked them, but she knew the answer from the bemused look in their eyes.
“I looked into in-game healing mechanics, but I couldn’t find anything even close to what happened. What I did,” she heaved a sigh.
“Hey, whatever it was, we’ll figure it out together,” Adrien squeezed her hand back.
Luka tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Maybe it was out of desperation at the situation,” he mused, “like those rare circumstances where mothers get an adrenaline rush and can lift a car to save their child.”
“You do seem to care an awful lot about Jason,” Chloe smirked playfully. Marinette blushed profusely, too tired to deny anything by this point.
“We can set out researching it in the morning,” Kagami reasoned, carefully layering blankets over the others on the couch. “It’s late and we need our rest.”
Marinette was indeed yawning. It would be difficult to swallow back her reservations in the morning, but for now, it was enough to be surrounded by people who loved her. And surround her they did, in a tangle of limbs and floppy hair buried beneath a mound of pillows and blankets on the couches of their living room.
Her eyelids were heavy from crying. She barely stayed conscious enough to lift her head for Luka to place a pillow beneath it. Her friends-- her court,  her Order-- only let her drift off into sleep with the assurance that this conversation was not over until they had fixed things for the future.
She supposed she had bigger problems than her friends caring about her.
* * *
A few days after Marinette visited his guild, Jason was surprised to find a package delivered to the doorstep of his cottage. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, knowing that nobody knew where he lived--
Well, almost nobody.
He gingerly unfolded the card tucked into the top of the wrapping to reveal a flowing script that read, Something to keep you safe. -M. The back stated, P.S. It’s time for you to meet my friends. They insist.
He smiled as he opened the rest of the package, no longer apprehensive but instead excited, and found a striking set of armor with neatly folded clothes to wear underneath it. The armor was a deep maroon with black accents that seemed to pulse with life. The sturdy black undershirt and pants were light and breathable but thick, with shimmering gold detailing the seams and delicate runes stitched into the fabric.
In other words, it was fucking sick.
And he knew exactly who he had to thank for it.
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themaribatpit · 2 years
Love and War: Chapter 1
Prompt: Aim (Jasonette July) @maribat-calendar-events
Rating: M for violence
Ships: Jason Todd/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
A/N: Sorry, we’re a little late to the party because we’ve been busy. We promise, we’ve got some fun stuff coming soon for Jasonette July.  
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Ladybug had been caught somewhere she shouldn't be, and this was confirmed by the click of a gun that she heard behind her. She slowly turned around, inch by careful inch she came face to face with the Red Hood. She could see the gun in his hand was pointing right at her, taking aim between her eyes. She slowly got to her feet, yes, this looked bad.  The explanation behind it, being that she was looking for the source of a magical presence that had the gods of creation and destruction on high alert...didn't help either. To him, this probably looked like a hero in a brightly coloured costume snooping around an infamous crime lord's warehouse. Ladybug could only nervously chuckle as she stared down the barrel of the gun.  She couldn't see the man’s face, just the harsh white lights on his red helmet that one would assume were meant to look like eyes.  "Looking for something?" It was hard to tell with the robotic sounding voice, but Ladybug could have sworn she heard a wry edge to the comment.  
"I was," she said as she slowly got to her feet.  Her hands leaning on the edge of the crate behind her.  She tried to keep up her nervous smile, maybe he'll see that she didn't mean any harm. "But since you're here," she said slowly as her eyes darted towards the ceiling, and her pressed her hands down on the crate.  "I guess I'll be on my way." Ladybug pushed herself against the edge of the crate and kicked one of her legs up towards his gun arm, it fired and struck one of the sprinklers above them.  She ducked down and bolted ahead, readying her yo-yo as she made her escape.  
As Ladybug made it out of the warehouse and into Gotham’s cold city streets, they both knew the pursuit would not end there.  The Red Hood continued to give chase as she swung away on her yo-yo. Whenever she managed to latch onto something, a grappling hook was never far behind.  She could do this all night, but she didn’t want to and sooner or later he would catch up to her.  She needed to hide and turn back into Marinette, and fast.  As she reached the twinkling lights and the bustle of Gotham’s Chinatown, she saw her chance to shake him off. 
Ladybug slipped into the alleyway and had mere seconds to throw him off.  “Spots off,” she muttered. With a swirl of green light, she stopped looking like the former Parisian superhero and more like a small young woman.  Marinette dove into the crowd of people who were either making their way home or getting some warm late night comfort food.  Marinette glanced behind her to see the tall figure land surprisingly gracefully on the rooftop she leapt from moments earlier.  While he searched for a woman in a bodysuit, Marinette looked away and dusted off her pink chiffon dress.  
She quickly walked back to her apartment, only stopping to get dinner. As far as everyone else knew, Marinette had come to Gotham to open a small fashion studio.  They didn’t know that Ladybug was here to continue to do good as a hero and as the Guardian of the Miraculous.  Well, at least in the sense that she was continuing to help people by night, while she ran a small boutique and designed clothes by day.  The tiny apartment was no bigger than a shoebox, but Marinette did everything in her power to make it comfortable.  She always made warm bread and sweet cakes in the tiny kitchen.  She had a thick soft futon on the few occasions she managed to get some sleep.  Her sewing machine, mannequin and drawing tablet were neatly sectioned off into one corner.  The tiny bathroom also had a bath she could submerge herself in, and there was a small shelf full of products that made her smell like a flower garden.  As Marinette stepped inside, there was one other thing she neglected to tell her family and friends about.  While Marinette toiled away at her commissions and designs, there was one person who was a constant presence in the apartment.  When she stepped inside and shrugged off her coat, he looked up from his spot atop the futon.  He had been reading a book that was roughly the size of Marinette’s head and leisurely turning the pages. “Busy day at the shop?” he asked. Marinette shook her head, “I was feeling hungry, so I went and got something to eat.” She set a takeaway bag down on the small dining table, taking out the small bento inside and offering it to him. One thing she neglected to tell the people back home in Paris about was the fact that she wasn’t alone in the tiny apartment.  She met someone shortly after arriving in Gotham, and that someone would often stop by the apartment, so often that he practically lived there. He was a guy who, on the surface, towered over her and looked strong enough to crush her into a coke can if he thought about it hard enough.  She was drawn to his kind eyes and gentle smile, and he had a fondness for literature that made him seem like he was more than just the tall brute people made him out to be.  That being said, he could still be intimidating towards other people when he wanted to be.  
As her boyfriend ate the bento, Marinette slumped down on the futon.  She lay there quietly for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts about her encounter with the Red Hood.  She had heard whispers and rumours about him in the area.  People didn’t know what to make of him, but they were all certain that no one should cross him.  Ladybug had probably made herself a target by searching for something in one of his warehouses.  She couldn’t trust anyone else in Gotham to understand or make sense of it, nor did she want anyone else to get hurt because of it.  All she knew was that Tikki had been feeling an unsettling magical presence ever since they had landed in Gotham.  It was like a curse hung over this neighbourhood, possibly the whole city.  They even felt its presence in this very apartment.  They had always felt it from time to time, making a note to tug on the inside of Marinette’s sleeve when they felt it was particularly strong.
The spot on the futon next to Marinette dipped a little when her boyfriend finished his food. He was probably going to read a few more chapters of the book he was reading before she came home. “Jason,” she asked, her voice partially muffled by the bed sheets as she buried her face in them, “could you read me a story?”  Marinette felt his fingers brush against the top of her head, gently sweeping aside the lock of hair in her face.  As he softly read out the words on the page, she felt herself sink deeper and deeper into the futon, letting sleep take her.
Having read aloud the next few paragraphs of his book, Jason glanced down at Marinette, snoring softly beside him.  She looked completely and utterly at peace, she wasn’t plagued by nightmares of killer clowns or the agony of being dragged back into the land of the living.  As far as she knew, he worked at the Iceberg Lounge, she didn’t need to know that he owned the place.  She didn’t know that her colourful little apartment was probably the last place anyone would go looking for the infamous Red Hood.  She had heard of the Red Hood, heard stories of how he became Gotham’s most formidable crime lord.  She once said that she couldn’t imagine what would drive someone to do that.  Marinette once told him that Paris was under a long reign of terror. One where someone’s negative emotions made them a target for magic users who wanted to turn them into monsters.  She felt as though they were, usually, still people underneath.  In this case, they were people who were often being controlled and made to do someone else’s bidding.  She didn’t understand how someone could be driven to kill those same people.  So, Jason kept his other identity to himself. He kept telling himself that it was because he didn’t want to put a target on her back. Ever since he returned from the grave, he fought with everyone he thought had once cared about him. Marinette had been the one thing that hadn’t been tarnished by his ordeal.  
Jason almost never slept when he stayed over in Marinette’s apartment, last time he drifted off to sleep, he had a nightmare about being submerged in the Lazarus Pit.  He woke up to Marinette looking down at him with a very concerned look on her face.  Once or twice, he saw that same concerned look in her eyes when she noticed the scars that marked his body.  So while she slept, that gave him plenty of time to be alone with his own thoughts.
He remembered meeting Marinette for the first time in a small bookshop that he often frequented.  It was run by a charming old couple and Jason liked the place enough that he took extra care to make sure nothing bad happened to it.  As he looked through the shelves lined with books new and old, he spotted a peculiar sight a few sections over.  He saw a young woman that was about a foot shorter than he was, trying to reach a book that was just out of her reach on the shelf above her.  She looked around, unable to find a stool or step ladder to help her reach it.  She resorted to trying to climb the shelves, and only then did he think to go over and help the poor girl.  
Her face was scrunched up in concentration as she got closer to the book that she wanted. Unfortunately, one of her feet also slipped, and she would have tumbled to the ground had Jason not been there to catch her.  The girl gave a startled squeak, before she looked up at him. He stopped and stared for a moment, she had inky black hair, a round heart-shaped face, and expressive eyes that drew him in. She glanced down at her feet, blushing with embarrassment over what had just happened.  Jason quietly chuckled, it was just too adorable.  He reached up and grabbed the book that she had been trying to reach, before handing it to her. “Th-thank you,” she stammered as she took the book from him “Don’t worry about it, just try and remember the shelves aren’t really for climbing,” he joked.
“Sorry, we can’t all be giants,” she retorted, “some of us just have to try and adapt.”
Jason glanced down at the book, trying to start a conversation that didn’t devolve into him mocking her short height.  “So what’s a young lady like you doing trying to reach for a book on knitting?” Jason asked.
“If you must know, I just opened up a boutique in the area,” she said, smiling warmly yet proudly, as if she hadn’t set up shop in one of the most dangerous cities on the planet.  Jason was surprised anyone would set up something as unassuming as a boutique in the area, unless it was a front for something a lot less glamorous. 
“In Gotham, of all places?” Jason asked, her French accent didn’t go unnoticed. She clearly hadn’t been here long as her eyes still had a hopeful shine to them.  She’d probably feel more at home in Metropolis, though no self-respecting Gothamite would say that out loud. She tapped her chin thoughtfully as she looked through the other shelves, seemingly undeterred by the slight surprise in Jason’s voice.
“Yes,” she said, “plan to try and scare me away?”
“Around these parts, there’s probably no one scarier than me,” Jason was only half joking this time. 
“I’m shuddering with fear,” she retorted sarcastically, Jason knew she wouldn’t be laughing if she knew the things he’d done just last week.
“Well, if you do decide to stick around, Gotham might actually get some sunshine this year,” he was about to turn and walk away, to squirrel this fun little back and forth in the back of his mind somewhere. Maybe it would be a funny memory, the kind that would make him smile, at least on the inside.
As he was about to walk out of the little book store,  rapid footsteps trailed behind him and a card was stuffed into his hand.  Jason stopped and looked down at the card, before glancing at the young woman who gave it to him.  “Come by the shop sometime, it would be nice to see a familiar face,” she suggested, with a hopeful glow in her eyes that Jason couldn’t bear to say no to.
Jason glanced at the name on the card, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a pretty name for a pretty girl” he thought.  
��Also, I never got your name,” Marinette scratched the back of her head, somewhat embarrassed at the realisation. 
“Jason Todd,” he said, “I guess I’ll see around, Pixie.” With that, he turned and stepped out into the frosty streets.  
Since that day, and the months that followed, Jason had managed to play the parts of the loving boyfriend and the brutal crime lord.  On occasion, the two sides came dangerously close to merging together.  Needless to say, there was a reason other crime lords didn’t come knocking on her shop door demanding protection money.
He came by once as the Red Hood, and this time he was met with Marinette having a much more guarded and serious expression on her face.  Her eyes didn’t miss his holstered guns as he walked into the shop. Him being here was more of a show of the business being a part of his territory.  "Can I help you?" She asked tentatively, her eyes watched him closely. He wondered if she was perhaps trying to gauge his personal style from the leather and Kevlar.  
"This is just a social call, most people around here like to know who's in charge of the area," he explained.  
"Is that so?" she said, "Is there anything I can do for you Mr…?"
"Call me the Red Hood," he bit back the urge to say much more than that, one wrong slip of the tongue could give away who he was under the mask. "And you are…?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, or 'MDC' for short." Marinette handed him the same card she gave him at the bookstore.  This time she carefully placed it in his gloved fingers with both hands, as if she was worried he might bite her if she got too close.  There was a cold professionalism to it, he had to remind himself who he was as he stood before her.  The warm little boutique just got colder at that moment.  
“So, nice place you got here,” he said, trying to make something resembling friendly conversation. Marinette tilted her head to the side, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. He could see her tense up at the remark, as though he was about to imply he would burn the place to the ground if she didn’t pay up.  
Marinette stared silently at Red Hood’s attempt at small talk, her eyes darted between his mask, his hands and his guns.  He understood he had overstayed his welcome. “Glad we got this out of the way, see you around, MDC.” He gave a brief wave as he walked out. 
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folk-ever-lore · 2 years
I Know Places
The life of the Guardian of the Miraculous was at great risk, as the League Of Assassins had put a target on their back. They wouldnʼt be safe anywhere they went. But Marinette and Jason had still been mad enough to hope that they could come up with a plan that would get the League Of Assassins to leave both of them alone and alive.
They had to be crazy.
“I know places we can hide,” Jason informed his girlfriend, not giving her a chance to argue.
She was going to argue anyway. “A place I will be hiding. You wonʼt be there with me.”
“But-” he tried to argue back, before getting completely cut off. There was no way in hell he was letting Marinette go through this alone. What sort of a boyfriend would he be if he did?
“I can protect myself,” she told him, pointing out her strengths. “If the worst comes to worst I can always use the cat miraculous to destroy them before they can hurt me.”
“Alright,” Jason agreed, knowing full well that once Marinette had set her mind to something there was nothing she couldnʼt do, “but hereʼs the plan.”
Moving day soon arrived and Marinette was set to have as little as possible of her stuff moved into one of Jasonʼs lesser known safe houses. She brought only what she considered absolutely essential, including her coffee machine and all her sewing equipment. She may as well get some commissions done while sheʼs locked up for her own good.
Jason was planning on bringing her some more stuff from home each time he visited.
But for the first three days she would be completely on her own there. Of course, she would have WiFi and TV and all the essentials but that didnʼt mean that she wasnʼt as cut off from the world as she could be.
She placed her box of supplies down and went to close the blinds at the nearest window. She couldnʼt have anyone looking in and seeing her. Could she?
A bullet shot the window open, getting glass everywhere. She may have screamed a little, but no one was around to see and it had been a bit of a shock.
People muttered those same useless words over and over.
“Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.” “Iʼm sorry for your loss.”
It was so repetitive. No one ever dared to make any effort to change the words up a bit. To make any real effort to say that they wished Marinette was still alive. To make any real effort to acknowledge Jasonʼs feelings.
That may have been the thing that hurt the most after the pain of losing his girlfriend. Heʼd been planning on proposing to her on her birthday, but now it didnʼt look like heʼd ever get the chance.
He wanted to say something, he wanted to acknowledge her death, he wanted to say something to remember her; but each time heʼd tried to come up with the right words to say heʼd always ended up coming up with something he wasnʼt meant to say.
Once the ceremony was done, he stayed behind so he could get a more private chance of saying something to her.
He refused to say goodbye. “I will see you again soon, my love,” he promised, standing over her grave.
Upon overhearing his words, the remainder of his family soon joins him in his mourning.
“Are you okay?” Dick asks, breaking the silence, despite the fact that he should already know the answer.
“No,” Jason admitted softly, refusing to move his head up from the ground to look at any of his family. “But I will be when I can kill the bastards that did this. Then Iʼll get to be with my love again.”
Jason had made it his mission to find those responsible for Marinette’s deaths and end them. In the space of a week, heʼd managed to find and kill the three operatives that had been in Gotham during the time of Marinette’s death.
He hadnʼt harmed them so much that they werenʼt recognisable, but they certainly werenʼt a pleasant sight to look at.
Along with the bodies, heʼd dragged himself down to the main League Of Assassins headquarters. Dumping the bodies in the training arena, he soon left to go and find Talia and Raʼs.
“I donʼt care what you do most of the time,” he yelled as he stormed into their private family quarters, “but you will stay the fuck away from me and anyone I love. As well as anything miraculous related.”
“We shall do no such thing,” Talia retorted, infuriated at his nerve to demand such things from them.
He sneered at them, “Then I will have fun painfully ending the rest of your people as I did those in Gotham last week. Send one of your servants to go check them if you want.”
When a servant, one from the League Of Assassins who was used to seeing blood and gore all the time, came back looking slightly pale, Raʼs and Talia seemed a bit keener to agree. After all they had taught him some of his skills and the rest had been taught to him by Batman. They were right to be worried about what he would do.
“Alright,” Raʼs gave in after a moment of consideration. “We will leave you, your loved ones and anything miraculous related alone. In exchange you shall leave our assets alone.”
Jason nodded. “Thank you.”
Before Jason could go back to Wayne Manor and tell his family that he had taken care of the league, there was somewhere else he had to stop by first.
He slipped into his safe house, making sure to avoid the glass on the floor.
“Hello,” he called out, “Marinette? Iʼm back.”
She grinned once she saw him. “I missed you so much. Itʼs been dreadfully boring being in her all by myself.”
“Iʼve got some good news then,” he said with a smile as he pulled her into a fierce hug that both of them needed far too much. “It’s safe for you to come out. The League shouldnʼt be bothering us again anytime soon.”
“Oh thank god. Iʼve missed human interaction much more than I thought I would.”
“Anyone in particular?” Jason asked cheekily.
“You, of course. But you already knew that.”
He shrugged, “Hearing it a few more times wouldnʼt hurt.”
Marinette laughed gently, “Youʼre such a dork. Come on, letʼs go tell your family the good news.”
He simply groaned in response, “Do we have to?”
“Yes,” she retorted, pulling him out the door. “We absolutely do.”
“Youʼre lucky I love you.”
“Indeed I am.”
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ali-annals · 2 months
it was all by design ('cause i'm a mastermind)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ao3 | WC: 2.3k | TW: -
A/N: This is part of a series called The Eras Tour (Jasonette’s Version), a collection of Jasonette-centric fics I wrote for the Maribat discord server Maribat? Get In!’s 2024 Civil War event. Not beta’d.
Marinette schemes her way into becoming Jason Todd's girlfriend. He loves her more for it.
The crisp October breeze caressed the curls around the girl’s head, softly brushing them across her face with a cool kiss. She tucked them behind her ear, pinning them out of her eyes so she could better appreciate the night sky sparkling with diamond-like stars. 
The fresh air of the balcony was a paradise to Marinette, who had been in the stifling ballroom of Wayne Manor far too long. It was full of people, socialites from Gotham and celebrities from New York all wanting to schmooze with the Waynes and other more-influential-than-they 1-percenters.
The noise of the live music and clinking of crystal and boisterous conversation eventually drove Marinette to the relative peace of the muted balcony.
She gave one last lingering look at the stars before patting her hair and dress down, drawing in a deep breath as she put her hand on the knob of the balcony door.
The noise that had been muffled on the balcony was a shock to her ears and she immediately began making her plans to escape ASAP. She’d talked to everyone she wanted and needed to, had thanked her host and his butler, and had eaten her fill in appetizers. All her evening’s boxes had been checked.
Sliding into the shadows of the edges of the room, she began making her way to the grand doors of the exit all the way across the room when her vigilant gaze caught on someone.
He was in conversation with a small group of young men around his age, at the side of the room, his face shadowed. She could only make out his profile, but what she saw made her pause in her escape, trailing her eyes down his body. He wore a red dress shirt under a tailored black suit, the first two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up neatly to his elbows. She appreciated people who rolled their sleeves instead of just shoving the fabric up, especially on knits.
He laughed at something the redhead said, bringing his glass up to his mouth with a grin. Even from across the room, his laugh sent shivers through her; it was nice and warm, something she heard, focused as she was on his person.
His gaze turned slightly and met hers, then flicked back to his conversation partners.
A tiny bit piqued that he hadn’t even taken a second to appreciate how well her dress fit–which was her talking point for the night and something she was immensely proud of–she reminded herself that he may have a girlfriend or wife or boyfriend for all she knew.
With one last glance at him, memorizing his features in case she came across him at a future event, she continued on her path to the door. 
She had some research to do, and it was better done in the comfort of her fuzzy jammies and a glass of wine than on her phone in the shadows of a billionaire’s ballroom.
A night of research later, Marinette had filled a page of her notebook with what she knew about her new target, formatted as her usual client information sheet. The next three pages were filled with half-drawn-up plans and scribbled over strategies to get to know him better.
Name: Jason Todd
Age: 28
Birthday: 16/08/1996
Primary Residence: Gotham, NJ
Features: Black hair [white forelock]; light eyes [specifics?]; tan skin, warm undertone; 1.83 m/6’0”; trapezoidal body type; warm undertones & colours best suited to skin tone.
Contact Information: -
Social Circles: Martha Wayne Foundation 20th Annual Fundraising Gala…
Relation(s): Wayne Family of Gotham; Head Family of Metropolis.
Marinette loaded her photo software. She often sent her assistant to the events when possible if she was unable to attend, having her assistant photograph the event so she could later analyze the fashions. The camera focus was on the clothing, not the faces, but she still scanned through her files in case Jason had been caught in the background somewhere.
The results surprised her. He’d appeared more often than she expected, though always in the shadows or on the sideline, and only at events that were either Wayne-business related or were for fundraising or charity. Any simply-social events showed not a trace of him.
She opened her carefully colour-blocked and organized planner. How many events had she been invited to that she’d not yet RSVP’d?
The gala was in full swing by the time Marinette arrived, having rushed to it after finishing her commission at the last minute. It was a fundraising gala in New York for the branch of the Martha Wayne Foundation’s Family Founders mission there, and she hoped that she’d calculated correctly that Jason would be there.
The little research she’d been able to dig up on him had made it clear that he was very much the black sheep and wild child of the Wayne family, with no one ever entirely sure if and when he’d show up in places.
She was dying from curiosity about what he could be doing in between public appearances.  Whatever it was, she knew it would be fascinating.
She skimmed a glass of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray and headed deeper into the crowd, approaching Chloe. If she was in the middle of the room with her old friend, she could scour all the corners at once to see if her prey had arrived.
“Marinette, you look gorgeous!”
“Thanks, so do you,” grinned Mari, taking in the shimmering green dress she’d made for her friend. “Have you been here long?”
“Only since the start of the party,” Chloe rolled her eyes. “Perks of being the head coordinator–you get to be there hours before and after the party happens.”
“Head coordinator?” Marinette looked at her friend in shock. “You didn’t tell me you got promoted!”
“I had to tell you in person, didn’t I?” asked Chloe, gesturing to her sparkling presence as if to say, “Look at me”. “Tina retired, so I was promoted last week. It’s a good thing I was already working so hard on this event, so I was prepared for everything.”
“Lucky you,” said Marinette, giggling a little at the inside joke. 
Chloe rolled her eyes fondly. “Are you ever going to get over making those stupid puns?”
“Not as long as you keep reacting so humorously to them,” she replied, turning a little to scan the room.
“Looking for someone?” asked Chloe, catching her wandering gaze.
“Just…can you see who RSVP’d?”
“Do you know if Jason Todd said he’d be here tonight?”
Chloe looked at her admiringly, whistling lowly under her breath. “Dang, girl, you’ve got taste! I believe the Waynes simply RSVP’d for four. I don’t know who.”
Marinette wasn’t expecting it to be easy, but when had she ever liked easy? She’d been a magical superhero while she was still in lycee, for kwami’s sake! The thrill of the chase was something she relished, planning out her moves and organizing her target’s schedule and pickpocketing phones to delete texts-
-okay, when she puts it that way, she sounds a little unhinged and obsessive and stalkery, but she really wasn’t that bad! If they didn’t like it, she backed off and respected their ‘no’, and she (usually) only got her information from publicly available sources that didn’t even realize the help they’d given her. 
She just didn’t know how to initiate anything by any other way, having grown up scheming her way into friendships and relationships as easily as she breathed. A cleverly-worded plea here, a subtle cue she’d Pavlov’d into a friend there, and she was golden. Her lucky targets never even knew they’d just been played.
It had been so easy to out Lila, the little wannabe-manipulator. She couldn’t even research a believable untruth, or wait until her ‘friends’ had been lulled into trusting her fully before she overplayed her hand too fast, too much, too soon. It was always better to use little by little–it was more believable if they didn’t realise you’d been doing it for ages, like that frog-cooking analogy.
Marinette sighed faux-sadly into her champagne as she thought of her ex-classmate, whom she hadn’t seen or heard of in almost a decade. Knowing people was definitely the key to life.
Chloe nudged her arm. “The Waynes have arrived for their appearance. I think I see Todd among them.”
Marinette hummed an acknowledgement and drained her champagne, feeling like the bubbles were flowing through her blood as the thrill of the game began anew. Time to go on the hunt.
Jason Todd was indeed among the Wayne party of four, looking particularly edible in a well-fitted black suit layered over a black shirt. Marinette preferred to add colour and pattern to men’s suits when she could–why were they all so boring; that’s why she liked Jagged so much–but she had to admit the black-on-black really worked for Jason, upping the mysterious aura about him.
Making her way slowly through casual greeting, Marinette eventually arrived at a small circle of socialites chatting just beside Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, and Cassandra Cain, who were mingling with donors.
Bruce glanced over just as Marinette brushed her long hair over her shoulder, leaning in to hear a socialite’s joke. Her laugh was interrupted by her name being called.
“Marinette! I thought that was you! Looking stunning tonight, although you always are, what with having a personal connection to designers, eh?” winked Brucie. 
“Bruce! Lovely to see you again. I see you’ve been cheating on me with Audrey,” she looked his suit up and down.
“When in Rome?” he laughed nervously. “Or I guess, New York. Oh! My children! You must meet them!” Collaring his three children attempting to make a stealthy escape, he introduced her to the man she wanted to meet. “Mari, these are my second- and third-oldest sons, Jason Todd-Wayne and Timothy Drake-Wayne, and my daughter, Cassandra Cain-Wayne. Kids, this is Marinette; she’s the designer that made me that suit I love–the one from that Times photoshoot the other year?”
“It’s nice to meet you all.” She shook their hands, letting her fingers rest a little longer on Jason’s than the others. “Your dad is one of my favourite customers.”
“Why’s that?” Timothy tilted his head like a bird.
“He lets me use the fun designs I’m dying to try–all the colourful or ‘different’ ideas. His suits aren’t just a suit off-the-rack or hand-tailored, they’re a challenge and a pleasure to work on.”
“So you don’t like a plain black suit then?” Jason raised his eyebrow, a small smile on the edges of his lips.
“I didn’t say that,” she assured him hastily over his siblings’ snickers. “You pull it off very well.” I’d like to pull it off you, she thought. “Not everyone can wear black-on-black without looking like they’ve still not left their emo stage.”
Several glances were exchanged among the family. 
“Did you have an emo stage?” wondered Bruce. “I wonder what a fashion designer’s emo phase would look like.”
Marinette shivered. “We don’t talk about Emonette in my atelier. Anyways, it’s lovely to meet you all. Please ask your dad for my information if you’d like to step out of your shadowy comfort zone,” she winked playfully at Jason. “Well, I see Audrey waving me over, and now I have a bone to pick with her, Bruce. Ciao!”
With a wave, she left them, taking great pleasure in the feeling of eyes on her as she went.
“Marinette, why are you still up?”
She looked up from the embroidery she’d occupied her hands with while she waited for Jason to get home. “I decided there’s something you need to know.”
“Okay…” He settled onto the sofa beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. “What’s up, Pixie?”
“It’s about the start of our relationship…”
“The whole thing was a ruse. I saw you at a party and you intrigued me, so I stalked you and planned out everything, every time we met at parties after that, what we talked about, even when you approached me it was because I’d planned for you to. I don’t know how to actually express interest in a normal, non-stalkery way. It’s only because I’ve planned it out and prepared for it that I act like I do. I manipulated you into liking me and being my boyfriend, but I can’t live with this secret anymore.”
Jason was silent for a few minutes, breathing deeply. Marinette didn’t dare to look at him, too nervous to find out if it was because he was trying to keep his temper in check.
“Mari, look at me.”
She glanced up, catching a smirk on his lips. She took a second, longer look. 
“Why are you smiling?”
“Mari, my innocent Pixie, I know.”
“You know I do vigilante work, and I appreciate you waiting for me to tell you about it. Well, I’m the Red Hood. I was trained by Batman and the League of Assassins. My adoptive mother is the master manipulator of the League, and she taught me how to use it and recognize it. I’ve known from the first glance we shared at that party.
“You are absolutely a clever manipulator, Pix, and that’s honestly one of the things I like most about you, maybe because it’s familiar. You may have laid the groundwork for the beginning of our relationship, but you didn’t manipulate me into loving you. Know how I know? Because I love even the things you don’t, even your flaws, things you wouldn’t show me in case it ended your ruse. Well, that won’t work, because I’ve seen them and I love them and I love you, anyways. Good luck getting away from me, my Machiavellian mastermind.”
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Bros - Wolf Alice
Song Fic Saturday
Tag Team Tournament 2022
Day 7 (and all the others day prompts in one)
Platonic Jasonette
Shake your hair, have some fun
Forget our mothers and past lovers, forget everyone
Oh, I'm so lucky, you are my best friend
Oh, there's no one, there's no one who knows me like you do
Jason smiled as he watched his friend dance, losing herself to the music that blasted out the DJs speakers. The stress from earlier melting out of her frame as she moved about the dancefloor without care, without worry. He had made a promise months ago, that he'd alway be there for her and he was making sure that he kept it. Watch Marinette being carefree filled Jason with warmth that he gave her that security. That she trusted him, even now knowing he was Red Hood.
Seeing her grin at him waving at him to join her Jason downed the remainder of his drink, placed it on the bar and went to greet her. He allowed himself to share her happiness as they danced and giggled around the room. Forgetting the darkness and pressures of the outside world for a brief moment in time.
Are your lights on?
Are your lights still on?
I'll keep you safe
You keep me strong
Marinette found out about her friend being a crime lord in an unexpected manner. She was coming home from placing misma eating charms around Gotham and heard a noise in an alley next to her apartment block. Having carefully investigated it, she found nothing but a few stains of recent blood.
It was when she entered her apartment she heard crashing sounds coming from her bathroom. Taking the Glock Jason had given her, Marinette crept towards the darkened noisy room. Shoving the door open and switching on the lights Marinette found herself aiming at the bleeding Crime Lord slowly shuffling through her hefty med kit.
"That looks like it hurts."
Came blurting out her mouth as she stared at the man, gun still aimed at him. He started to move his hands towards his helmet and Marinette unclicked the safety causing a robotic "Pixie" to escape the mask causing her to pause. That pause was enough time for Jason to appear behind the mask of the feared crime lord. Flipping the safety back on, Marinette's focus shifted towards the medical kit.
"What do you need? What happened? What's the most important injury that needs attention first?"
The quick fire questions seemed to get Jason to re-focus on why he chose to use the nearest 'safe house' he knew and not go to one of his, his siblings or the manor. Awkward stab wounds and losing blood aside, the outcome was perfect. Marinette's cool detached practical medical approach was exactly what was required then. Emotions could come later.
Apparently (according to Jason afterwards when they finally talked) Marinette acted with an icy coolness of a vengeful angel, that he was so proud of her, before shouting at her for being an idiot next time not put herself at risk and just call him. He'd protect her. He promised to always to protect her.
There friendship was cemented when Marinette said she didn't care about his destructive methods for clearing up Gotham. He had his way, she had hers and she was staying right here. With him.
Remember when we cut our hair?
We both looked like boys but we didn't care
Stick it out together like we always do
Oh, there's no one, there's no one quite like you
Jason always says his friendship with Marinette was founded on mistake identities and chaos. Then betrayal from his own non-flesh and non-blood.
Marinette's hair was growing out from a pixie cut at the time, she was reading something on her phone drinking coffee at the dive bar he frequently went to. Her slouch and oversized Jagged Stone t-shirt added to the illusion of being his stalkerish younger brother.
Annoyed that Bruce had sent a spy to observe him, Jason stormed up and loomed, his hulking presence casting a shadow over the dark haired person. Jason was about to make his displeasure known, only to pause when a doe eyed woman blinked up at him in surprise rather than his grouchy sleep deprived sibling. The surprise on her face melted into an angry glare ready to battle him with as much force as he was about to too.
Jason's festering anger and brooding faded fast into confusion.
The whole confusion was an interesting ice breaker. Which led to a conversation. Which in turn led onto frequent meetings which developed into a friendship with pranks set to confuse the hell out of his siblings.
They became thick as thieves in plotting together.
The pair were often deliberately sighted together around Gotham, causing the papers to report on Wayne Sibling days out. It occurred so often that Tim started to question his own sanity as the others queried whether it was hallucinations.
Jason blames that he was cursed when Tim 'uncovered' Marinette. Marinette laughed at him as Tim smirks in the background.
"So you thought your brother, who you know looks like me, was me. You saw him queuing despite us agreeing to meet here not at a coffee shop… so kissed him and then you.."
"Ran away."
Jason pouts as his friend cackles at his misfortune. Tim was smart enough to chase Jason and find out where he was hiding and watch his emotional take down occur. Jason didn't like the looks Tim sent to his friend but unlike his brother, Marinette's whole attention was on him
"Cheer up Jay, just means we have another ideal candidate to help us prank the rest."
Are your lights on?
Are your lights still on?
I'll keep you safe
You keep me strong
Bruce and the rest found out about Marinette when Black Mask thought he had the perfect opportunity to kidnap an heir to Bruce's not so small fortune. Unfortunately for everyone, Tim was sitting in the same room as Bruce when it occurred, along with Jason.
The way Jason stood up and instantly headed towards the cave told everyone he knew something. The way Tim tensed and fretted with his lip suggested he knew more about it than when. Bruce ended up playing along until Red Hood's guns were blasting in the background.
On Hood's confirmation that the victim was rescued, did Bruce hang up and look directly at Tim who was trying to escape the room.
"Did you know about this? This 'victim' that Jason seems to know."
Tim realised he was trapped under Bruce's observant eyes. That Jason had sold him to the wolves some could hide with Marinette. Oh well, it was easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. Plus Jason owed him for the attempts on his life and all, so sold him out back.
As Bruce went off to hunt for his wayward son, Tim ran to his civilian motorbike. Based on the limited information that Marinette had given him of the time getting to know her, Tim could guess where Jason was heading.
Tim ended up bursting into the right apartment.
"I was on my way to buy you flowers as a get well gift and warn you.."
Tim shouted out as Jason finally lowered the gun only to raise it as Batman entered to room via the window.
"... B is on his way…"
"Nice heads up Replacement."
Tim snorted at Marinette, who cuffed Jason and frowned with distaste at him.
Jump that 43
Are you wild like me?
Raised by wolves and other beasts
I tell you all the time
I'm not mad
You tell me all the time
I got plans
Jason and Marinette eyes darted between each other as they held a silent conversation. The subtle gesturing between them left Bruce and Tim semi baffled. The conclusion though, was that secrets were spilt.
Jason gave a brief covering of how they met, how they helped each other. How Marinette patched him up and like Tim, and anyone who had half a brain, figured the rest out.
Marinette in turn spilled her own secrets. Of the trials of Paris, and how it burned. How God-like sprits came into her possession. How she saved Paris, the world in a way. How she grew up around hero's, guardians of a thankless city learning on the job.
She smiled as she explained why she came to Gotham, and about the misma. About how Jason balanced her, his wildness to her planning. The shared trauma of stolen youth.
Jump that 43
Are you wild like me?
Raised by wolves and other beasts
I tell you all the time
I'm not mad
You tell me all the time
I got plans
Bruce's post explanation interrogation was stressful. But evidence all pointed to it being true. Which is why Jason took Marinette out to dance.
She needed to let the trauma and anxiety go. Let her hair down and have some fun.
To ignore the past.
To forget everyone.
Just to be free, happy and with someone who understood it all.
Jason was glad Marinette chose him to be her best friend.
Me and you, me and you, me and you
We could do better, I'm quite sure
Me and you, me and you, me and you
We could do better, I'm quite sure
Me, me, me, me, me and you
Me, me, me, me, me and you
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
Sugar and Bikes and Everything Nice
Pairing: Jasonette
Rating: G
WC: ~0.4k
A/N: I hate this title but I hate "Jasonette MC #1" a little bit more so this is what you get. Inspiration from Ella again<3 Inspo reel here
It was the last light before leaving city limits, and of course it was red.
Jason silently grumbled in the back seat, forced to squish his long legs into the small space while Dick was the one who drove, the shrimp.
(He was only two inches taller than Dick but he was going to complain about the unfairness the entire time. Stupid coin toss. He knew he should have picked heads for luck–it had certainly paid off when he took over Gotham’s crime circuit.)
The sound of a motorycle pulling up caught his attention and he glanced out the window curiously. A black and silver Triumph Scrambler 1200 XE slowed to a stop beside Bruce’s Ghost, but surprisingly, the bike was not what made Jason stare, it was the rider.
A black helmet with red trim covered her head, but the riding leathers did nothing to hide her feminine form.
She felt his stare and flipped up the visor.
Sparkling blue eyes caught his and she raised an eyebrow in a question/challenge.
He rolled the window down. “Nice bike!”
“Thanks; you bike too?”
“Yeah, have a Multistrada V4 S.”
The light turned green and Jason cursed its fickleness for cutting short his chat with Biker Girl, but to his surprise she kept up with them and they yelled chatted for a while, introducing themselves and talking shop.
“I turn right up ahead, do you?” she finally called.
Jason shook his head. “We’re keeping straight.”
Yanking her glove off with her teeth, why was that so hot, she dug in her pocket with her bare hand and pulled out her phone, opening it to ‘Contacts.’
Jason held out his hand to grab her phone and quickly input his number, then texted himself a bike emoji to get her number.
Leaning out the window, he returned her phone, their fingers brushing as he did so.
“Have a safe ride!” he called, and Marinette nodded and waved as she sped around the curve.
Jason met Dick’s gaze in the rearview mirror.
“Are you happy you came, Little Wing?”
Jason glared at him. “‘Are you happy you came, Little Wing?’” he mocked. “You sound like such a dad.” He pulled out his phone, ignoring Dick, and immediately made a new contact for Marinette🏍.
Me: Hey, this is Jason from the car. Would you be free to meet for tea sometime?
Taglist: @questioning-blob-of-fog
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spacetime1969 · 2 years
Are we still Heroes Jasonette July 26: Brush (with death)
Masterlist | AO3 Marinette  is alone and hurting, her partner is gone, and now the Kwami have taken  her all the way across the ocean to Gotham City, where she crashes into  the back of the infamous Red Hood, the 19-year-old once vigilante now  crime lord. First | Prev | Next
He looked up to where his goon was running towards him.
“What is it?”
“You're gonna want to see this.” The woman shoves a tablet into his hands.
He stares at it, the video on the screen making his breath catch in his throat. The Joker is standing over a tied up Robin, crowbar in one hand and a gun in the other.
“Oh Batsy! Lookie who I have here, another one of your little birds!” There's a sickening sound of metal on bone and flesh as the crowbar slams into the Replacement’s head. “You think you’ll be able to save this one?” Another swing, this time into the boy’s stomach.
Jason Todd flinches, barely able to keep it to his face and under his helmet. Gathering himself he tosses the tablet back to the goon, doing his best to ignore the noises coming from it. “Has the Joker revealed where he’s at yet?” She nods.
“The abandoned funhouse at amusement mile.”
“Good.” He turns to leave.
“Get back to work, I have a clown to kill.”
The Red Hood stalks into the abandoned funhouse, his own crowbar in hand. He kicks open the door, and the Joker turns to face him, scowling. “You’re not Batsy! Who are you?”
“What, you don’t remember me? I’m hurt.” He pulls his helmet off and throws it to the ground. “Here we are once again, you and me, a crowbar between us and a tied up robin, and you don’t even recognize me.”
The Joker’s face lights up in recognition and he starts laughing gleefully. “Oh! The little bird is all grown up and ready to fight again, what a surprise!” The Joker’s face quickly goes from glee to anger. “But you should be dead. I killed you and made sure that Batman found your dead and broken body!”
“You did, but unfortunately for you I didn’t stay in the ground. Imagine my surprise to find that you were still running around free, and a replacement in my suit. But don’t worry, I’m here to fix one of those tonight.”
The Joker laughs. “Oh? Is the big bird upset that the big bad Bat didn’t love you enough to avenge you? How pitiful.” He lashes out with the crowbar and hits Tim with it again. “Say, do you think that Batsy will avenge this one? Maybe it’s just you he doesn't love. Let’s test it shall we?”
The Joker raises the crowbar to bring it down on the head of the bloodied and unconscious Robin.
Jason snarls and charges Joker, his own crowbar in his hand.
The Joker lazyly raises his gun.
Someone yells and jumps from the ceiling.
The Joker fires and a body falls to the ground.
First | Prev | Next
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ev-cupcake · 2 years
Prompt: Blush
Hello it's me again, thank you all for the positive reactions to my last two fics. Here's another one. It's short but it's fluffy. And I guess it could be a part 2 to 'Classic'. Enjoy
Jason Todd sat quietly in a corner reading a book as fire light flickered in the room. It was snowing outside but the chill didn't reach him, or the woman snuggled into his side. It was a scene of simple comfort. Untethered by worries or care. That is until there was a small set of squeaks coming from the nursery.
Marinette lifted her head and looked in the direction of the noise. When there was no follow up sound she sighed and lay her head back down on her husband's shoulder, but almost as soon as she was comfortable again crying filling her ears. She groaned and went to go get their newborn daughter, Marianne. Jason set his book down as his wife sat next to him, smiling daughter in hand.
"What was wrong?" He asked gently as he tickled her toes.
"She just wanted attention, she stopped crying as soon as I picked her up."
Jason smiled "Well Pixie, I don't blame her, if you picked me up, my worries would disappear as well." 
A blush spread across Marinette's face, before she nudged his shoulder. "Is that so?" 
"Would I lie to you?"
"Yes. Or are you forgetting the first year of our relationship?"
Jason laughed "In my defense I told you my identity before you told me yours." 
Their banter died down and they settled into pleasant silence. The little family was comfortable and happy, and the fire cast a blush-like glow across the lot of them.
The name Marianne is from Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. So I thought it was something Jason and Marinette might actually pick. Since Jason is a nerd.
Please give me feedback. I don't know what I'm doing. I am winging everything
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