#like ‘minecraft pov change’ sort of connection
frosteee-variation · 2 years
But none of that mattered, at the moment. No musing nor empty shell of a form would draw their attention away from the matter at hand.
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scientested · 4 months
music commentary #5 and #6: autobiography thief and a mockery of science
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pairing the commentary for these two songs together since they have a few things in common!
so these two songs... what they have in common is that they're pretty sample-heavy, their samples come from the same (general) source, they were both made last night, and i created them out of the desire to get more experience with using samples
i don't use samples this heavily very much at all because incorporating samples at all in my music is kind of difficult... the fastest way for me to do it is to use audacity and manually line up the samples with the beat. i could put the individual samples into individual files so i could use them in ultrabox or lmms (and sync them to the beat easier) but that feels like too much work honestly... i should probably start being more organized about them at some point though, because it'd make it easier to re-use samples if i wanted to
making these songs made me realize that i sample minecraft youtubers A Lot. Like a lot of the time when I use a sample it comes from a minecraft youtuber. i guess it makes sense because that's the form of media i've consumed the most consistently over my life, and as such i probably feel more of a "connection" to those samples than i do with others?
some other songs that i've used minecraft youtuber samples in (oldest to newest) are creative world shaper, power beyond comprehension, and caretaker of the sun. honorable mention to the sky tower because the title of that song is a reference to something from a minecraft series
oh also for both of these songs I made the music first and Then created the art and story to go along with it, i think i've mentioned that i usually make music this way before, but i want to mention it again. the way i chose to manipulate the samples in the songs was without any real direction, i just applied a story to them afterwards
for autobiography thief... i think how the title relates to the samples is pretty interesting. the samples come from a bdoubleo100 video where he's talking about a mission that he gets in minecraft to build someone's face on his base. taking the phrase "build their face on your base" out of the context of minecraft... i think that sounds like something someone who steals identities might think or say. and that's how i got to the title "autobiography thief"
i don't have a lot of meaning applied to the other samples in the song but the "no, that's back down" and "it's upstairs" ones give me a mental image of the thief breaking into someone's house and trying to locate the autobiography. "oh heavens to betsy almighty" just makes me think of what they'd say upon running away/being caught
i also think the voice in the song is the actual voice of the thief (guy on the left in the song art), i think it fits him
this isn't related to the song but i really like the design of the thief so i drew him more after finishing the song
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for a mockery of science... all of the samples have some sort of meaning attached to them, vs autobiography thief where they were kind of random
before i talk about that though i wanna talk about the basic story of the song a little bit. it's about two scientists mocking/laughing at a test subject or experiment, who is technically the same species as them, just a little different
MOST of the samples are meant to be what the scientists are saying, but a couple of them like "i'll start over here" and "gotta make sure, i gotta make sure i—" fit the experiment's POV more, i think. i made the experiment and the scientists the same species because despite this POV change, the sampled voice does not change (hopefully what i just said there makes sense, it's a little complicated to explain i feel)
i could go into depth about what i think each of the samples means but it'd make this post very long and my hand is already aching from typing so much (don't worry i'm giving it a break now)
there's the sample talking about ice because the experiment is some kind of ice creature, anyway
What I don't like: for both of these songs, a mockery of science especially, i think the volume level of the samples needs to be tweaked. some of them are too loud or too quiet. i also wish the "dummy" sample in a mockery of science was clearer/easier to understand, because it's supposed to be a more impactful one than the others
What I like: i'm proud of both of these songs! i really like the art of autobiography thief especially. i think it was interesting to try to make songs that were much more sample-heavy than usual, and i think they were both successful for the most part. if they were anything at all, they were good experience
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ariapmdeol · 3 years
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introducing @gavinom​ and I’s DSMP Parahuman AU!! This is a superpowers AU based on Worm, a web serial by wildbow!!
This is a superpowers AU,,, with a VERY complicated story. There are 3 or 4 main POV/plotlines:
Tommy and Tubbo’s plotline
Techno and Phil’s plotline
Dream’s plotline
Wilbur’s plotline
also niki’s plotline bc i appreciate her so much
they’re all very heavily interconnected! There’s a connection chart here, but there’s much more detailed explanations under the cut!
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basic worldbuilding info: the city that this story focuses on (Dream SMP) is run by the Dream Team! They’re a group of villains who took over the city after it was being badly mismanaged by corrupt officials. Dream has connections to Cauldron (human experimentation group looking to create artificial powers). SBI + everyone else all live in this city! Powers are common and have a classification system shown below, and people with powers are called Capes! Capes are divided into Heroes, Villains, and Rogues (who are neither heroes or villains). People get powers when they experience an emotionally charged or traumatic event or events called a Trigger Event! These events shape what kind of power the cape gains!
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SBI Tommy and Wilbur are both Philza’s biological kids! Philza is a researcher with long hours, Wilbur takes care of Tommy, but all of them have something else going on! ages: Tommy: 16 wilbur: 21 philza minecraft: early 40′s?
PHILZA - Mover 4 Philza is a researcher working for an organization called Cauldron. Cauldron is experimenting on people in order to understand and create powers artificially! As he ends up more and more involved with both the research on powers and the affected people (called Case 53′s), including technoblade, he decides that he cannot tolerate this anymore, and plans to break techno and others out! He steals a vial labelled ‘Zephyrus’, drinks it, and ends up with wings! He and techno break out, unlock a ton of other cells (including Ranboo’s!), and end up on the run. However, both his sons are left behind... After months of being on the run, he and Techno finally decide that it’s safe enough to return. But hang on, why is the house so empty? And did someone just open the door?
Technoblade - Tinker, Brute 3 technoblade is one of Cauldron’s Case 53′s! His power is a Tinker power, which means that he can invent things! However, he can only invent what chat decides is necessary. This is seen as an EXTREMELY overpowered and rare ability. Most Tinkers have some kind of specialty that they’re limited to, or some other restriction that limits their Ability-Driven inventiveness. Techno’s only limit is his Chat, which can be convinced into a certain direction. He also has had a lot of physical changes like gaining claws, tusks, hooves, and a tail! Techno also has increased regeneration and resistance! He’s fiercely overprotective of Phil and the two of them are best friends! After months on the run, he and Phil return to Phil’s home, but something is off... Is that a Tinker’s lab?!
Tommy - Trump 6 and Tubbo - Tinker (Drones), Master 3 Tommy’s plotline is technically our main POV! He really admires his older brother a ton! Philza’s spent a lot of time away from home, so Wilbur ended up looking after Tommy a lot, especially after Phil went missing... wonder where he went? About a month after Phil vanished, Wilbur starts spending a lot of time away from home too, so Tommy spends most of his time with Tubbo! When Tubbo got his powers, it was... not a good day. Tubbo hadn’t been having an easy time at school, and it all kind of... got to be too much, so he triggered. However, they both quickly realized that Tubbo had gotten a Tinker power! He creates and can manipulate Drones without a remote being necessary! The two of them immediately decided to become heroes, and started making costumes and hero names and stopping minor crime! Very quickly though, they got into a situation that was too much for them. Tubbo got badly injured, and Tommy triggered his ability for the first time. Tommy has the ability to boost the abilities of people he cares about! He makes them stronger and loosens some of the restrictions on their powers. Tommy and Tubbo continue trying to be heroes when they come across Ranboo, and take him home with them! Hm? it looks like someone else is inside already, who could that be?
Wilbur - Master 4, Thinker 3 Wilbur is a very charismatic and scheming character! He cares a ton about his family, and does his best to look after Tommy. He’s bitter and angry at Phil for essentially leaving him to take care of Tommy so often, and he triggered after Phil’s funeral, over a month after Phil first vanished. His ability is illusion based! He can project illusions into someone’s mind, and can read people very VERY well. He realizes that his power is definitely a powerful one, and ends up becoming a villain! He goes to Dream, and asks for some territory to prove himself as a leader (and bc villainy is profitable shhh). Dream agrees, and Phantasm becomes leader of a territory called L’Manburg. On his villain team are niki, eret, and fundy! He doesn’t want to involve Tommy or Tubbo in this whole thing, and he has no idea that either of them are Capes. He ends up spending more and more time outside the house and running his territory. Fundy ends up looking up to him as a sort of older brother/father figure, and when Fundy ends up without a place to go, Wilbur sets him up in their villain HQ! When he comes home, he immediately notices something is up. His power had suddenly gotten... stronger? He opens the door and sees...Philza? 
Dream - Master 7, Tinker(?), Striker 2 Dream has the power to possess objects that he touches! He uses this +  custom Puppets to act as the unkillable leader of the Dream Team! Dream is heavily involved with Cauldron, and personally oversaw Ranboo’s experimentation. He and Philza knew each other as civilians, and he knows that Philza stole a serum from Cauldron, but Phil doesn’t know that he’s Dream, just that he works for Cauldron! Sapnap and George both don’t know about his involvement in Cauldron, though. Dream is looking for Techno, and wants to convince him to get on his side. He has yet to meet someone who can beat him and his ability, after all! That’s part of why he gives Wilbur territory to look after so easily - he’s confident in his ability to take Wilbur down. However, things might be more difficult than he assumes... As a bit of a side note, both Awesamdude and 5up are rogues, but he hires both of them for jobs and such!
fundy and 5up are in a ML style love square! 5up has a crush on Fundy’s villain identity, while Fundy has a crush on 5up’s civilian identity!
niki and ranboo are siblings! she became a villain with Wilbur to look for him. Ranboo has been missing for a very VERY long time, and doesn’t remember anything before Cauldron!
5up also tends to help out Tommy and Tubbo a lot? He saved them from a situation that was UH.. VERY OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE pretty early on, and decided “welp time to become a big brother”! he’s been teaching them how to fight, and Tubbo is really having fun with it
all the plotlines collide on the same night. Phil and Techno come home at the same night that Tommy and Tubbo are bringing Ranboo home, Wilbur’s been out for the past week and is only now JUST coming home after getting Fundy settled, and none of them know about the other person’s powers at all
it’s CHAOS because Phil’s been assumed dead and has just come back with WINGS and a tall and intimidating Technoblade, who immediately pulls a sword on them, Tommy and Tubbo still are in costume, Ranboo recognizes Techno and Phil as the guys who broke him out, and WILBUR is realizing that he’s missed a hell of a lot
and NO ONE KNOWS that ranboo is the one niki is looking for! not even ranboo
theres like. a whole timeline to this that i still need to draw/write out but TRUST US WE HAVE A PLAN
George is a Precog who gets prophetic dreams! They’re primarily impressions though, and he’s ended up in someone else’s dreams a couple times... If he uses his ability too much, he gets insomnia!
karl and quackity are both there too i just havent planned their part yet!!
sapnap is a high Breaker/Brute/Striker cape, I just haven’t narrowed down the specifics yet!
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riacte · 4 years
Why Grian in MCC13 Dodgebolt makes for a good finale
From the POV of someone who mainly watches him
First of all, I believe everyone deserves to get into Dodgebolt and no matter which team won, it would still be a good finale. And this is NOT about “Grian deserves to win Dodgebolt.” Just talking about how Grian sort of connected different MC communities and contributed to ending MCC with a bang.
Grian is a special character to me because of his significance in the MC community. He’s well known in Hermitcraft, Evo, YHS (if you wanna go that far back), builder community, and recently even Dream SMP. He’s arguably the most popular (not necessarily the best) and well known builder in the community and he has been consistently so for several years. He’s also one of the more popular MCC participants.
To anyone who hasn’t watched his SMPs, he’s known as a creative and innovative builder with quite a lot of influence. To those who follow Grian, in addition to his building skills, we know him as a chaotic prankster and a charismatic leader. Grian is often the leader of wars, and was even the leader of the G Team despite being the new hermit in HC6. This further spreads his influence. His position as leader of the Mycelium Resistance also sprouted a lot of memes and recognition.
Grian has quite a lot of connections. If you know HC, you’ll know Grian. If you know Evo, you’ll know Grian. He further cements these connections by playing with his friends in MCC. Like some of the builders and a lot of the hermits, he was rather... distant from the mainstream MCYT community despite being mainstream himself. Despite that, he is still incredibly well known and highly respected. A lot of famous content creators watch him and love him (Wilbur comes to mind, among many others). So Grian is massively popular despite not making a big appearance in current mainstream MCYT stuff.
And then MCC9 happened. The night that changed everything for the hermits.
Lord Grian Dreamslayer killed Dream and annihilated his teammates. This rustic house enthusiastic, prankster, immensely popular yet detached builder just killed one of the best PvPers in Minecraft. The memes were created almost instantly. Fans of Grian (builder community, HC + Evo + YHS community) were rioting in joy. Non fans of Grian were also shocked by Grian killing Dream and thought that was a fantastic achievement. In this way, Grian was connected to Dream and by extension, his SMP (the “invite Grian to DSMP” posts) despite never actually talking with them.
In this way, not only is Grian popular in general MCYT community, and not only is he popular in his SMPs and the builder community, he is also well known in DSMP (one of the most popular SMPs atm). It’s because of a meme, but nevertheless, Grian’s clout and significance is growing. And it has been consistently growing and has never stopped, which is quite a feat.
Grian also suffered from the “hermit blind spot”and hadn’t been in Dodgebolt before, so having him in MCC13 Dodgebolt was a pleasant surprise. This man is famous across several communities and the spot light is now on him.
Many players were screaming in joy because of Grian’s quick shots, even if they supported the opposing side (see Fruit). Many people were discussing Grian “popping off”, and naturally they would because Grian is famous and attracts a lot of attention.
In this fashion, Grian brought together the hermits, the builders, the Dream SMP people, speedrunners, etc and their fandoms.
Which imo really helped to tie MCC13 together. One of MCC’s goals is to bring people together, and I think Grian has certainly contributed to that.
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Stress reacts to Steve Legends (Episodes 1-4)
Red Steve’s FIRST Journey Something is Watching Colle The Power of the Forest Steves Discovering Desert Steves
Reaction below cut.
So apparently, Lucas is voicing Colle?! I didn’t realize that until people mentioned it in the comments?! I think that is very cool, and we lowkey have Lucas as a pov protagonist again! I just hope that being the VA of a main character doesn’t conflict with Lucas’s schedule.
I really like Colle’s character. I mainly watch the Steve Saga, which is led by Sabre, who is very loud and energetic. So Colle being a calm and soft-spoken character is a very different experience. I like the variety in main characters having different ways of speaking.
Also, I don’t know if this was intentional, but I noticed that Colle struggled to maintain eye contact with the Red King when they were speaking. I thought that was a nice characterization detail.
I have mixed feelings with how Colle interacts with brand new Steves. In Steve Saga’s early days, we’ve seen the protagonist (Sabre), react to Steves with hostility. In Rainbow Quest’s early days, RQ!Sabre just slowly gets to know the Steves with the intention to politically maneuver his way into finding crystals and warning the Steves about the Darkness.
In Steve Legends, Colle is also approaching Steves with a very open mind, with the intent to learn. This fits his character, and when it comes to adventurer characters, I prefer open-minded characters over close-minded/judgmental ones. But unlike RQ!Sabre, Colle’s journey so far has absolutely no conflict. He’s not adventuring to solve a world-ending problem; he’s just adventuring to learn about the world.
I know conflict will eventually start, but having 4 conflict-less episodes may cause some viewers to lost interest.
I’m going on a tangent here to suggest ways that SL’s first 4 episodes can have conflict (you don’t have to read).
How can the first 4 episodes be more interesting? Make Colle a different character and make him change into that open-minded, calm character he is at the end of episode 4. Like a mini character arc.
The entire point of the first episode was to show that Colle is not like other Red Steves because he knows that he doesn’t know everything and wants to discover things. While it is great to have a humble, good-at-heart character, there are other ways to tackle this character.
What if Colle starts off as an arrogant Red Steve who thinks he is already wise enough? What if Red King forced him to go on this adventure? And when he sees the skills of the other Steves, he becomes humble and realizes that there is a lot more to learn.
What if this series really emphasizes Colle’s need to discover? That he wants to claim a discovery not only because he wants meaning in his life, but he wants some sort of validation too?
What if Colle feels insecure that he doesn’t know everything in the outside world, but relaxes and learns that it’s ok to ask questions?
I just wanted to throw alternative ideas onto the table. I don’t think these ideas are better than what canon went with, because I really do love Colle’s canon personality and wouldn’t trade him for anything else.
I’m pretty sure conflict and character arcs will start soon, but the first 4 episodes feel pretty slow to set things up.
Goggles is totally Professor Red.
That makes me wonder if any of the elite Red Steves will eventually become the iconic Red Steves from RQ. Maybe one of these elite Red Steves will become Rainbow Red or the second hero?
Personally, I think Colle will become the Great Librarian at the end of the series, but that’s only because I didn’t get far into RQ, and Great Librarian is the only wholesome ex-Red Steve that I know about.
Maybe I’m not getting invested in these 4 episodes because I never watched RQ in its entirety. If I knew more about RQ, I would probably have more fun with these 4 episodes and trying to connect them to RQ, lol.
Colle: *doesn’t get extra arrows* I won’t need it.
Boi, I’m too afraid to go outside in Minecraft without any weapon, bro. How are you so calm???
Forest Steve: *runs through the bamboo forest*
Alright, who has “characters running through a bamboo forest” on their “Steve Saga is an Anime” bingo card?
I really like Desert Steve’s skin! They look like the desert temple. I like how they have different ways of speaking too. The world building is getting really interesting.
I’m really excited to see what happens in episode 5, because they suggest that it’s gonna be a deadly monster. I wonder if they’ll show a HUGE mob, like a dragon or a phoenix :000
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