#like 2002 meme
urban-goose · 2 years
Never forget Sasuke’s emo baby-romper outfit from the chūnin exams arc
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Part 2
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mr-stottlemonk · 6 months
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
not a millennial, not really gen z either, but a secret third thing inbetween
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tired-demonspawn · 2 months
Did people look upon the whimsy with which it is presented and snidefully scorn about its childish nature? Did they wonder in awe at Cringer's wisdom where one might've expected cowardice? Did they see adam's yee yee ass haircut and kid eyes and scoff at the gall the showrunners had to not make adam grow up in a castle?
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moltenhare · 6 months
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Original tumblr post
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chiarrara · 6 months
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byakugon guy be like...
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thresholdbb · 10 months
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This is all I can think about during Waking Moments
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just-a-girl-07 · 7 months
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my bestie and I and some guy who keeps following us around cause he's got no life
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sinclairs-snack · 1 year
Velma Kelly/Severus Snape: What are you drinking?
me: Milk.. Why?
Velma Kelly/Severus Snape: That’s not milk, darling-
me anyway:
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
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After Zim left Virooz for dead as a PAK stuck to a couch-plant on Dooq, Recap Kid went and found then.
And let’s just say that Recap Kid didn’t exactly appreciate Virooz’s attempt to “fix” their favourite show.
Long-ish post full of memes under the cut. Spoilers for Half Life Opposing Force are also down there.
You know how at the end of Half Life Opposing Force the G Man detains Adrian Shephard in indefinite void storage? Yeah Recap Kid pulled a G Man on Virooz. Here’s a whole bunch of memes I made in a fevered, half asleep stupor that cater specifically to me because I’m the only one with any actual context.
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Recap Kid immediately after sticking Virooz back in his body and unceremoniously dumping him into the void:
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tmos-time · 2 years
15, 18, and 24 for the music ask game hehhee!
15: a song that is a cover by another artist
EASY; unassimilated normie by crywank, covered by alibi lounge >:) runner up to this question is the meg myers cover of running up that hill by kate bush lmao
18: a song from the year that you were born; oh christ i dont pay attention to when songs are released 😳
OKAY thank god for spotify music sorting plugins; i'm free (heaven helps the man) by kenny loggins. GOD i wish out of touch by hall and oates was a year late lmao
24: a song by a band you wish were still together-- oh this one is so easy oh my god. its so easy im giving you two for the price of one
so listen. theres a VERY niche band called the liptonians that i got VERY into out of fucking nowhere in highschool; my two favorite songs by them, hey! hey! help is on its way + perfect swimmers, are NOT on spotify and i bought the digital album about it lmao; thankfully the link i sent is both songs in one lovely little live show
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imaybeabear · 2 years
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pears-trinkets · 2 months
Is it normal that etsy allows people to take up to two weeks to dispatch ready made products? I ordered some stickers on the 14th and they're "scheduled" to be dispatched next week? Not even talking about shipping time
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Terrible Visions
A scrambled timeline is a timeline that has proceeded much like ours, except that some particular facet has been mixed up all over the place. For example, in the scrambled timeline we will consider today, our world's fictional stories have been told by different people, and in different ways.
Bryan Lee O'Malley, in this alternate timeline, is best known as the cartoonist responsible for Homestuck, a popular comic series about a group of children who become embroiled in a cosmic-scale video game known as Sburb. Although Homestuck is probably most often associated with the cult classic Edgar Wright-directed film adaptation released in 2016, the comics themselves are highly-regarded, and the film brought a new audience to them. Netflix has commissioned an animated continuation, The Homestuck Epilogues, which is due to be released soon.
Andrew Hussie, on the other hand, is a figure you're likelier to know if you're overly online. His "MS Paint Adventures" series - most notably including Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, which is kind of like Homestuck but weirder and hornier - have firmly remained a fixture of obsessive Twitter fandom culture. It doesn't help that the best-known iteration, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, is infamous for stretching thousands of pages of meandering digressions out of a simple and focused narrative starting point. Scott Pilgrim fans have developed something of a toxic reputation, which is not entirely deserved - although of course Knives discourse is interminable, and back in the fandom's heyday there were reportedly incidents of fans assaulting each other "for being evil exes".
Scott Pilgrim fandom was very big back in the day, though, and consequently it was a nexus for other creative figures who would go on to surpass Hussie. Perhaps foremost among these is indie developer Toby Fox. He was literally living in Hussie's basement when he produced ROSEQUARTZ, a universally-beloved retro Goonies-like RPG about a human hybrid boy born to a race of gem-based aliens. He's now developing an episodic spiritual successor, RAZORQUEST, with more overtly dark themes. It revolves around an inheritance dispute among a demon-summoning family.
Other foundational figures in this timeline's internet culture include Alison Bechdel, who helped get the webcomic scene started. Although she's now more seriously acclaimed for her personal memoirs, her gaming webcomic Press Start To Dyke, which premiered in 1998, was once everywhere. It had a broad appeal, and at its height, it was common to see even straight guys sharing pages from it. Time has not been especially kind to it, though, and at this point its main legacy is test.png, a meme spawned by one of the comic's most ill-advised pages.
Then there's John C. McCrae, more often known by his pseudonym Wildbow. A prolific and reclusive author of doorstopping "web serials" - long-form fiction published online - McCrae's best-known serial is still his first, Wind, a noir superhero story set in an alternate history where capes are mostly just a subculture of unpowered vigilantes. Wind landed in a culture already rife with comic book deconstructions, like Alan Moore's 2002 graphic novel Worm Turns, but it nonetheless managed to stand out from the pack with its extensive cast of characters and its themes of coordination problems and the end of the world. Later McCrae web serials include Part (the first "Otherverse" serial; an urban fantasy story about a couple who die in a car accident and find that they have become ghosts), Tear (a "biopunk" story set in a collapsing underwater city), Warn (the controversial Wind sequel), and Play (the second "Otherverse" serial, set in a small Indiana town that helps hide a psychic girl from the CIA).
Last and perhaps least, we should discuss J. K. Rowling. Far and away the most famous of any of these authors, Rowling's name is inseparable from the YA series that she debuted with, the Luz Noceda books, which remain her one successful work. Although it was heavily derivative of older fantasy novels - like Jill Murphy's Academy For Little Witches, or Philip Pullman's Methods Of Rationality trilogy - Luz Noceda was still a monumental and unprecedented success in the publishing industry, and the film adaptations were consistent blockbusters. The final book, Luz Noceda and the Watcher of Rain, contained some allusions to a romantic relationship between Luz and her recently-redeemed associate Amity. Rowling confirmed that this was her intent in subsequent interviews and indicated that she had fought her publishers for it; the film would then go on to escalate matters slightly further.
There have been many lengthy and heated online arguments as to whether the references in the book itself constitute text or mere subtext. Whatever your stance on this discourse, a new complication has been introduced recently: although she has put out no official statement on the matter as of yet, it has become quite apparent from Rowling's shrinking network of contacts and her conspicuous silences that she is certainly TERF-sympathetic, and likely an outright TERF herself. For many, this is leading to a critical reevaluation of the social values inherent in the Luz Noceda series; others, to say the least, are holding off on that kind of reappraisal.
Anyway, Scott Pilgrim just beat Luz Noceda in a Twitter poll for Most Gay Media, and people are piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed
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a-sock-in-a-sandal · 8 days
What is happening in Czechia right now - heavy rains and floods
So as a Czech citizen I felt like saying something about it here so here you go, it's mostly my experiences and some official data.
For context, the first week of September 2024 (2nd to 8th) in Czechia was a burning hell - the temperatures were around 30°C or even above for the entire week. Some schools even ended their classes earlier because of the hot weather - they usually ended before afternoon when the weather was worst. So when we found out that everything will stop the next week, we got happy. We were told the temperatures are gonna get under 20°C, sometimes above, but usually under, it's gonna rain and it's gonna get windy.
All of it happened. The first few days of this week (plus maybe the weekend of the previous one) were chilly, windy, and cloudy - it did sometimes rain, but usually only for a few hours a day. Sooner it started to rain more, for more hours a day, somewhere even for the entire day.
But then the Czech government scheduled an emergency meeting because they were worried about the rains - and they had a reason to. Such rains could cause major floods that already happened in Czechia twice. So they didn't want to waste any time on preparing.
The weather progressively got worse - in my region, it rained the whole day for like three days and it is still raining now. The wind is strong and cold and the temperatures are very chilly. I live right next to a stream at the lowest part of my village in lowlands and the water has risen a few meters (like 2 or so).
The worst situation is in Moravia, which is where I live, but where I am it is still good, only heavy rains and the water levels rising but not as much as to cause a trouble - however there is a few places in my village where it is completely underwater, but not anyone's house or cellar. But Northern Moravia/Silesia is flooded, especially parts like Jeseníky and Opava. The more it gets on west the better it is, mostly a few regions on the north-west are the safest ones. It is usually the Karlovarský/Ústecký and maybe a piece of Plzeňský kraj that is safe.
Most events got cancelled and/or delayed due to bad weather and flood warnings. However the schools are still opened, and it's kind of a meme between students that "we're gonna kayak into our schools on Monday!" Electricity stopped working at many places, including my village. When I woke up today there were firefighters in my street but nobody knows why but I heard that someone's cellar might be flooded.
Our Czech subreddit r/Czech is "flooded" (I couldn't help myself) with maps of flood situation and tips on what to do in case you have e.g. an animal in floodplains. If you switch on the news channel ČT24, you get 24/7 segments and reports from different parts of Czechia, interviews with meteorologists, politicians talking about it and such. Most channels stream as normal but there are some emergency broadcasts. Social media is filled with it.
However, there is a group of mostly older people who are those old conspirators and are strongly against our government because their favourite politician isn't the prime minister (the situation is more complicated but that's enough for this), and they claim that all this is fake and "it's actually to keep people at home before elections (there are ones to happen soon) so they can't meet and talk about the politics", or that "it's a punishment for sending help to Ukraine" (Czechia has sent a lot of help there and these people are mad for some reason) and such. It makes me sick because some people already died and many are injured and many homes can be destroyed.
Czechia has already had two major floods in the near past - in 1997 there were ones in Prague and in 2002 over the entire Czechia. They were catastrophic, people died and were injured and lost homes. So that's why everyone is scared and the government tries very hard to keep us safe.
I already shared my experience, but I just talked on a group chat with my friends from different villages in my region so here goes what I found:
Electricity is out on most places because it is flooded near some important place for electricity
Plenty of places are flooded with like 10-20 cm water, people can still walk in it and some cars drive in it
A football pitch right next to a stream in my village is completely flooded, only the nets are visible
Plenty of bridges are closed and plenty of them are also underwater
We're debating whether or not our school is gonna be closed since most of us take bus to school and we don't know if it would be able to arrive, plus electricity isn't working in the town where we have school, but we'll still see, we didn't receive any news about the school closing
It's starting to get clear (less cloudy) as I'm typing this but I hope it'll get better, the rain is not as heavy as it was
I just hope it's gonna get better ❤️ I'll update you tomorrow or even today if anything major happens
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daegu-based-terrorist · 2 months
Hope it's alright to ask, as a communist to a communist (rather than tokenising or something), but would you say that even in conditions of siege, DPRK is more democratic than ROK? Guess it's partly a question on you and your mother's view of it.
Like, as an example, Mr. Choi, who was interviewed in Loyal Citizens, did say there was less persecution and a weaker police than in the south and USA, and praised its proletarian dictatorship. (Honestly, his view does seem rather authoritative, considering he went to the south to get rich and left the north because he didn't fit in, but ultimately preferred it)
(I do wanna read books about DPRK, it's just that there are so many books, a reading list that doesn't have any about Korea yet... also the question is prompted by someone I know saying "any democracy is better than none" :^) )
I asked my mother!
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Translation corrections: || *hometown is actually “back home || *labor is actually “the Workers' Party of Korea” || *that worked is actually “it worked” || *You can vote for fascism, but you rarely vote for communism is actually “You can vote your way into fascism but people rarely vote their way into communism, so we see here that the vote is flawed.” || *In Korea… is actually “there is an illusion of choice in the Republic of Korea because people don’t realise all the parties are the same wearing a different face.”
I know I could have just translated it myself but I’m lazy and it’s late, forgive me.
Having lived most of my life in the ROK but having my mother’s stories to compare to I honestly don’t see democracy in its current state doing us any better then borderline dictatorship does in the DPRK.
Every political party here starts at conservative and gets progressively worse until you end up at some of the worst strands of fascism the right has to offer. Voting in South Korea is like that meme that was going around about the US elections, your voting for Hitler or 10x Hitler when you’d rather just not vote for Hitler.
Communist/Socialist parties are band in South Korea, flying a North Korean flag gets you arrested, our national security act is censorship on a scale so bad the UN regularly tells us to calm the fuck down. You can’t distribute or own anti government material or recognise the DPRK as a real sovereign state.
In 2002 (I think?) a South Korean solider was sentenced to two years in prison for saying that he blames America for the separation of the Koreas and not North Korea. They claim that this comment made them suspicious and they raided his home and found illegal books and that’s what he was charged on.
From 1960 to 1990 twenty nine people were sentenced to death for violating the anti-communist law here in South Korea.
Cases are rarer now days, usually the police just beat you up in secret but there have been a couple in recent years under Yoon Suk Yeol.
So yeah SOUTH Korea being “democratic” hasn’t stopped it from literally being the media’s caricature of NORTH Korea.
I’m not against democracy in North Korea don’t get me wrong, but I think until there is better geopolitical circumstances it’s important that North Korea has a strong government instead of having to worry about changing over power every other five years.
Also contrary to popular belief the WPK doesn’t get 99.9% of the votes they get like 85%. The Korean Social Democratic Party regularly gets about 10% of the vote. While other smaller parties together make up a combined 5% and then usually 1% are votes for independent candidates. All of the parties end up in parliament anyway in this weird coalition thing we’ve got going on.
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