#like 9/11 or the holocaust for example
fromchaostocosmos · 5 months
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia Republican who has been criticized in the past for her dalliances with antisemitic tropes and influencers, explained her vote against a bill defining antisemitism by saying that the bill it rejects the “gospel” that “the Jews” handed Jesus over to his crucifiers.
But Greene, posting on X, formerly Twitter, laid out a different concern: that the bill threatened Christian expression. “Antisemitism is wrong, but I will not be voting for the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 (H.R. 6090) today that could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews,” she said. “Read the bill text and contemporary examples of antisemitism like #9.”
In her tweet, Greene posts two photos: One focuses on the portion of the bill that adopts as part of its definition of antisemitism the 11 “contemporary examples of antisemitism” in the definition of antisemitism composed by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The second photo highlights the ninth example, “using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.”
Her fellow far-right Republican, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, explained his no vote in similar terms on the same platform. “The Gospel itself would meet the definition of antisemitism under the terms of this bill!” Gaetz writes, and gores on to quote New Testament scripture that collectively blames Jews for Jesus’s killing
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Here are of some of Owens’ favorite conspiracy theories – some originate in her imagination, some in the dark corners of the web and some occasionally contain a kernel of truth. 
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One of Owens' regular tropes involves questioning and belittling the significance of the Holocaust. Antisemites recognize that complete Holocaust denial is unacceptable. Therefore, they will downgrade the horrors of the Holocaust to make Jews seem overly sensitive (and ultimately, liars).
Holocaust denial and trivialization is a form of antisemitism that negates the fact that Jews were the victims of the Holocaust. Rather, it presents Jews as deceiving the world. According to the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, “Holocaust denial is an updated version of an alleged Jewish conspiracy in which Jews use lies and extortion to gain advantage of everyone else.”
This is precisely what Owens evokes when talking about Jews and the Holocaust. For example:
Discussing how many Germans died in the war
It is estimated that 4.2 million Germans died in World War II that Germany started. In contrast, six million Jews were deliberately slaughtered by the Nazis in their project of ethnic cleansing.
Questioning facts like the experiments of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele
Josef Mengele, a Nazi doctor at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, conducted inhumane experiments on Jewish prisoners. He had a well-documented affinity for experimenting on twin children because he thought they were ideal test subjects in his field of interest, eugenics. His barbaric experiments exposed around 3,000 children to diseases, torture and disfigurement, and in most cases, concluded with their murder.
Obsessing about the Gulags, the Soviet prison camps
The Gulags were forced labor camps where, beginning in 1929, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin sent dissidents. Owens claims that because there were Jews in Stalin's government, Jews invented concentration camps – not the Nazis.
The earliest internment of a civilian population is accredited to the United States in 1838, when they rounded up members of the Cherokee tribes from the southeast U.S., forcing them into prison camps before relocating them to Oklahoma.
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Central to the conspiracy theory that Jews control the world lies the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency. Allegedly working in cahoots with the CIA, Owens and other conspiracy theorists often blame the two agencies for horrific world events.
Claiming that the Mossad was behind 9/11 is a conspiracy theory based on reports that a text message warning about the attack was sent to two workers at Odigo, a U.S. text messaging company with offices in Israel at the time.
The conspiracy theory is also based on an alleged “account” that Israelis were seen celebrating outside of the World Trade Center.
Most of these conspiracies originate in neo-Nazi online propaganda, aiming to push the antisemitic trope of Jewish people controlling the world. There is no evidence to support either of these two claims. 
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
3 questions for the global far left:
Here’s the 1st question: How many Jews need to die before you stop blaming us for everything that happens? Because on that dark Saturday 2 weeks ago, 1,400 were murdered. How many more do you need? Ten thousand? 6 million? 
2/14 Yes, I went there. I referenced the Holocaust. Tactless, I know. The Jews always do that, don’t they – bring up the Holocaust so they can claim to be the victims. It doesn’t work. Six million is just a number to you. Like 1,400. 
3/14 Maybe the number shields you. That way you don’t need to think about the people behind the number. About the grandmother who was murdered with her autistic granddaughter who loved Harry Potter. 
4/14 You won’t need to think about Abigail. She’s three. Hamas abducted her into Gaza. Who abducts a 3-year-old girl? What will they do with her? How can it be that there are people demonstrating against Abigail and in support of the people who abducted her? 
5/14 The second question is this: Do your feelings exempt you from knowing the facts? I understand that you feel the Palestinians are suffering, you really feel it, it’s a strong feeling, but do you really have no interest whatsoever in actual facts? 
6/14 Do you know, for example, that Hamas doesn’t support a two-state solution? They don’t even want to free Palestine. That’s not the kind of movement they are. Hamas isn’t a Palestinian national movement, you’re confusing them with the Palestinian Authority. 
7/14 The two organizations are bitter rivals. Hamas is a radical Islamist organization, like ISIS. Their goal is an Islamic caliphate across the Middle East without Jews, without LGBT people, without Christians, even without moderate Muslims 
8/14 And what about LGBT people? Do you really not care that the people you’re supporting hang gay people? Don’t “Queers for Palestine” care about Ahmed Abu Marakhia, a young gay Palestinian who managed to escape to Israel but was abducted by Hamas, murdered, his body mutilated? 
9/14 By my calculations, this is the point where you stop reading, because it won’t help. You feel differently, and so there must be something wrong with what you’re reading rather than what you’re feeling. 
10/14 As far as you’re concerned, my words are an annoying manipulation that’s best ignored.
I promise you’ll be able to find other facts that will better suit your feelings. There will only be one problem with them – they’ll be wrong 
11/14 The reason they’re so available on your social media feed is that Hamas and the Iranians fund a huge network of disinformation, which directs itself to the algorithms of the ultra-liberal left 
12/14 If you’re the kind of person who Googles “trans rights” or “climate protest,” you’ll soon find their propaganda appearing in your scroll. It will make you feel good, but I’d still recommend that you check why there aren’t trans people in Gaza, not even one. 
13/14 And the third question is this: Do you know that there is a simple answer to the first two questions? There is a reason that you’re protesting against us these days and, like everything else, it comes from feelings. 
14/14 Because as opposed to everything you think about yourselves, 
everything you say about being color blind, humane, champions of human rights and all the rest, you have one other personality trait – you are antisemites.
I know you think you’re not, but you are. 
• • •
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purplenidoqueen · 6 months
You can be antizionst, I honestly don't care for your personal opinion.
But when you speak out, a jewish person, against most of your jewish siblings, you are actively hurting us all.
You being publicly jewish and anti zionist, which is a term mostly used to sugar coat antisemitism (my grandma's polish passport taken after the holocaust because "anti Zionism" for example), is used by real antisemitic people in the same way republican use conservative black people, and sexits use conservative women.
Idk, just felt like telling you my opinion.
I really don't intend to hurt you or anything like that. If it comes off as super harsh, please forgive me.
Have a great day!
I'm not speaking out against anything Jewish. Zionism isn't Jewish, and you don't have to be Jewish to be a zionist any more than you have to be a zionist to be Jewish. If there are a number of zionist Jews, that's a problem of zionism, just as the fact that there are white people who are racist or sexist or otherwise bigoted doesn't make white folk the problem. Still you say I'm hurting us all, as the usamerican conservatives say that learning the truth of slavery and antiblackness during the pre- and post-Civil War eras hurts white students? I'm not the one making us look bad; look instead to Netanyahu or Ben-Gvir or Gallant, and judge yourself not for the actions of your kin but by your own actions alone.
Let's put aside the way those same conservatives use zionism to push the far-right ideologies of Likud, Otzma Yehudit, and similar groups into the mainstream of Jewish, Christian, and contemporary western culture. Let's just focus on the issue of antisemitism, on a small scale or on a larger scale. Let's focus on October 7th, or the Tree of Life synagogue shooting, or the Shoah, or all number of incidents prior or since. Why is October 7th seen as the start of an onslaught that has been ongoing since last century? Why do we as a broader culture know of the Tree of Life but not of the Cave of the Patriarchs? Why do we teach students about the Shoah but not the Nakba? Why do you think Jewish people are worth more than the millions of Palestinians that have been killed, maimed, sickened, starved, abducted, terrorized, or displaced by Israel for eight decades? Why should I consider the threat of another October 7th to be a reason to excuse to commit a cultural genocide or a murderous, exterminationist genocide of over two million people, by right of skin color and a landlord's dreams of real estate? Because one side is my people? You're all my people. Every life on this planet is one of my people, and if my own mother, sweet as she is, committed a sin so grievous I'd do anything I could to bring her to justice.
I'm sorry your grandma had issues of antisemitism. You and I have experienced it too, I assume, though likely not as a systemic issue. I personally lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when the congregation of Etz Chayyim-Or L'Simcha was attacked by a neonazi. I know all too well how antisemitism can spread, unprompted and unabashedly. If you want to put antisemitism to rest, turning "our people" into a country of genocide apologists is not the way to do it. To call antizionism a form of antisemitism is true antisemitism, because it's a way of preying upon the fears of a people that have already been through so much in recent memory. Israel will be judged for Israel's behavior. The dream of avoiding antisemitism is not worth another holocaust.
The Israeli occupation and annexation of Palestine, so soon after watching the post-9/11 descent of my entire country into islamophobia and war, is the single issue that radicalized me into politics as a teenager back in 2005/2006. If I can help others learn what I learned and see what I've seen, then I think it's worth some hard feelings.
Speaking of hard feelings, don't forget: After World War I and the Great Depression, the people of Germany thought the Third Reich had a reason to rule as they did. I speak out against zionism because one grave sin does not permit another. Don't give Likud an excuse to be the modern era's new Nazis.
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
by Jaxson Kaplan-Rudolph
If you walked a day in the shoes of a Jewish high school student, regardless of which high school, you would be shocked by the number of racist tropes or casual references and off-color jokes to atrocities that have befallen the Jewish people you would hear.
“No one asked you, you dirty Jew.”
“I bet you can hear a penny fall from a mile away.”
“Go back to the gas chambers.”
At first glance, these sentences, with varying degrees of problematic content, sound like they come from a 1930s movie, Nazi propaganda or an interview with post-2020 Kanye West.
    But these are all sentences and phrases I have heard directed at me or my Jewish friends in 2023, in a place that is supposed to be an institution of higher learning. When you hear people offhandedly mention that antisemitism levels are rising in America, that does not just apply to hate crimes like those tracked by the Anti-Defamation League. It also means it is becoming more socially acceptable for people, especially teens, to revive and repeat anti-Jewish stereotypes that have been around since near the beginning of our existence as a people.
If you walked a day in the shoes of a Jewish high school student, regardless of which high school, you would be shocked by the number of racist tropes or casual references and off-color jokes to atrocities that have befallen the Jewish people you would hear. Of course, in some areas, it is worse than others; as a kid in Metro Detroit, I shudder to think of the conversations in areas of Michigan where our communities are tiny or nonexistent.
Yet, even in an area where Jews make up a substantial portion of the population, this behavior is increasingly prevalent. So, what exactly is happening in our high schools, what do Jewish students do to cope with it and how can the community help us deal with this social burden and distraction from our education?
I go to a school where students routinely have some of the best test scores in the state and often garner excellent scores on history exams. We are required to take World History and American History courses where WWII, 9-11, American slavery, the Armenian genocide and other acts of brutality are well covered, and students seem to have no problem handling the moral weight and solemn attitude associated with discussing these topics in class.   
Yet, it is shocking how my peers who will gasp with outrage if someone did make jokes about these topics or did not treat them appropriately will not intervene if the same thing were to happen with quips about the Holocaust or abusive Jewish stereotypes.
I’ve seen people jokingly form a Nazi salute at a poster of Hitler in a history class or repost a “funny” meme about Jews secretly having horns and wanting to eat Christian children. Now, there is getting to be a climate where these dangerous portrayals are somehow not only deemed OK, but also humorous.
Discussing this with my Jewish friends from Monday night school and around other high schools in the area, we were not appalled, but grimly unsurprised to learn that we were all going through similar kinds of situations. Even close friends who were not Jewish might call out kids for making uncouth jokes, only to make a comment about Jews or our Jewishness in private. I won’t get into every example of stories I’ve heard, but suffice it to say that we’d all seen or heard something, directly or indirectly, that ranged from uncomfortable to horrific.
It was at least reassuring for me to talk to my friends about how we are all going through the same thing, but it’s hard to find solutions for this issue.
Besides saying “that’s not funny,” or “what the hell,” it is hard to do much without putting a target on your back, because even in the schools with the highest Jewish populations, we are firmly in the minority. The way we are able to power through this casual adversity that people don’t think causes actual harm is by sticking together.
Over the past year or so, I’ve developed a silent understanding with other Jewish kids my age who I wouldn’t normally talk to: a glance across the room, a pat on the back or a nod passing each other in the hallway. With a lot of people angrier than usual because of the current situation in the Middle East, this only becomes more important as the feeling of isolation and targeting has compounded within the last couple of weeks.
Since many of our peers began to mercilessly attack Israel and Israelis after the reignition of the conflict and speak to us as if we are representatives of the Israeli government, remembering the words “Hinei ma tov, umah na’im, shevet achim gam yachad” (“How good and how pleasant it is that brothers dwell together.”)  becomes more important than ever.
Even if we are treated like outsiders, whether we are religious or not, we must stick together with our tribe and treat everyone with harmony and respect, no matter what they say back to us.
The way the adult Jewish community can help us deal with this struggle is to do the confronting when we feel socially like we cannot. Parents, temples and Jewish organizations should be actively supporting and asking their high school kids if they need to share anything, because chances are, they probably do.
Problems obviously need to be worked out on a case-by-case basis, but most of the time it’s not the fault of a specific person or a few people; it’s a problem with the atmosphere or culture of the school or group.
Most Jewish kids I know are strong, motivated and intelligent, but it can be too much to ask for everyone to plan their own initiatives and reach out to create things like antisemitism seminars and panel discussions that help heal. What could be beneficial is if groups and congregations can provide opportunities to students that seem interested but aren’t sure how to take the first step to healing.
The next time you see a Jewish high school student you know, do not apologize or act super worried about what they’re probably going through now. But please offer them support to work toward the Jewish concept more important now than ever: tikkun olam, healing the world.
Jaxson Kaplan-Rudolph is a junior at a Metro Detroit public high school.
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twisted-monster · 2 months
people are people
no matter what you think
yes you think they are good
yes you think they are bad
but if you are wishing death onto another
what does that say about you
I understand people don't like Trump. I understand that people dont like Biden. They are still people. No person should wish death onto another person. No person should joke about killing another person.
Examples of people's hatred for another and choosing violence:
The World Wars
The Holocaust
The Civil War
School shootings
Presidential assasinations
The list goes on and on, and I am unable to name all the personal ones.
Shame on anyone and everyone wishing that Trump had been shot and killed, in front of a live crowd, leaving people traumatized. Shame on anyone and everyone who wishes death on another living being.
Do better.
(If you havent noticed, this post is politics-neutral, I did not defend Biden, i did not defend Trump. I want to defend people, and thats what those two men are. People. Just like you.)
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thatdebaterguy · 5 months
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He also didn't mention disabled people, but I wonder why? Maybe it's cause he was giving examples? He wasn't listing every single type of person persecuted at Auschwitz, he was getting the point across that it was a terrible place where millions died and suffered at the hands of the worst ideology of people to ever exist in mankind's history, but you're angry that he didn't mention the blatantly obvious? He's a Jewish man, who uploads Jewish centred content, who is devout to his faith, and you're surprised he comments predominantly about Jews at a place where a literal million Jews died simply for their faith? It's a video about the holocaust, which happened to Jews, where he went during a war which has many people becoming more anti-Semitic, as can be seen in the comments. "Since when Jews care about anyone else?" playing into the whole 'greedy Jew' stereotype, gotta love it. "They lie, steal and deny other suffering" not anti-Semitic whatsoever, and totally not factually incorrect, it's not like the state of Israel had some of the most solidarity with Americans following 9/11, and it definitely wasn't Israeli intelligence forces that helped track down terrorists and bring them to justice.
Calling a man a fanatical zionist for loving the country in which he has many friends and in which is the holy sites of his faith and the representation of his faith, while he still holds immense love and gratitude for the country he lives in now, is ridiculous. Sure I'm not the biggest Ben Shapiro fan I don't agree with all his statements but practically calling him a heartless greedy Jew is just blatant discrimination and hate based upon faith. If you disagree with Ben, don't throw in every single Jew and assume they're all horrible, and don't hate a man for listing why the holocaust was bad. God..
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I can't really explain what it's like to belong to a minority group that accounts for 0.2% of the world and yet majority of all religious hate crimes are against us. I am tired of people (and Kanye West is only the most recent because this has been happening continuously) perpetuating and poisoning minds with the same old antisemitic rhetoric eg. Jews own the banks and control the media. (if we did then Jews wouldn't like every other group of people experience the issues of classism and poverty, and these antisemitic people would not be able to publicly spew all their hatred).
I can't explain what it's like to have people out there praising hitler, denying the holocaust and just casually throwing out comments about committing genocide on Jewish people. Let it sink in that we have not even recovered to pre holocaust population levels.
And guess what, it's people spreading those seemingly 'mild' accepted and allowed antisemitic lies about us being the cause of every single problem in the world like COVID and poverty and being behind 9/11 and owning all the money in the world; that become the people who call for our genocide.
Kanye West is a singular example of many. He has over 30million followers (and counting because yes people are both remaining to and newly following him). There aren't even 15 million Jews in the world.
We can't even heal the generational trauma because the threat is so alive and real, I do not feel safe.
I don't have words to explain what it's like to know that (me), my family, my friends so full of love and life and goodness, are hated, despised, having the most vile disgusting things being said about us, and knowing people want to murder us. And why? For the simple reason - we exist.
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firegirl888101 · 10 months
The Halloween special was so nice!also I'm not sure if you celebrate it but Happy Choti Diwali!💗yk how ppl make memes abt the 9/11(which is a very bad thing to do) and call it dark humor?similarly do you think ppl would make memes about the McDonald's Massacre?
(I clearly have too much free time lol)
Hiya again <;3 @dottoreandcolumbinaslovechild
Thank you so much for enjoying it, next year I'll include some ideas people have recommended me in my inbox ;)
I forgot to reply to this on the day you sent it, but I hope you had a nice time!I had to Google what you meant because I didn't know what you were talking about and it sounds really cool! All the candles and colours look really cute! <33
If people want to make memes for Insatiable Madness then I would feel honoured, I've never had people express enjoyment about anything I've ever created or written before - so I'd feel really happy if someone were to show something they spent their own time creating! x
kind of serious talk underneath:
If you're not talking about Insatiable Madness, then I'm not sure what you mean by 'McDonald's Massacre'. Personally, I find making memes about tragic historic events as morally wrong considering many victims were affected and could be affected further if they read it today. But, I always have to remind myself at the end of the day it's still spreading awareness about what happened. Like, because I'm from the U.K and relatively young, I first found out about 9/11 and the Twin Towers existence from memes and eventually did my own research.
Does this mean all memes taking the mick of historical events are justified? Of course not. There's a line you don't cross, and I'm glad most of the time people don't act like dicks and post things that offend others without consequences online or in real life. I believe that as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, people are free to do whatever they like. An example I can give is a meme about the Holocaust a Jewish person posted - which was recorded in a lighthearted way, and taken in a lighthearted way from viewers. This, in my opinion, is what dark humour is. It talks and jokes about a situation in the past, and doesn't harm anyone in the future. This doesn't mean only Jewish people can joke about the Holocaust - but what I am saying is as long as nobody affected by the joke is offended or causes an uproar, I'm pretty sure it's okay.
As a British person, I and a lot of people across the globe make fun and talk about our Monarchy due to its history and current representation in the media. It's not hurting anyone, and talking about our Monarchy in this country in both positive and negative ways has been happening for hundreds of years. With that in mind, I personally see nothing wrong with pointing and making jokes - as long as it's not pulling and/or offending someone in the process.
Thank you all for reading if you made it this far. If you have any questions regarding anything I've said I will do my best to explain further - and if anybody would like to educate me on anything I might have missed, once again, feel free to tell me! I love learning about new things and being aware of events all over the world - good and bad.
edit: got rid of the sentence which was wrong, so sorry about that!
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By: Talia Nava
Published: Mar 13, 2023
It is often claimed by many trans activists that genocide is being committed against the trans community via “anti-trans laws.”
More recently, Anne Fausto-Sterling, a biologist and trans activist, made this very argument in a post made on Twitter and Mastodon, another social media alternative. Accusations of genocide are very serious and should not be used without good reason.
This begs the question: is genocide being committed against the trans community?
Let's break it down piece by piece. 
What is genocide?
The term genocide typically brings up images from intolerable injustices committed against various groups in history. The most pronounced being the Holocaust committed against the European Jewish people by the Nazis in Germany. This is because the term genocide was explicitly defined as a result of the Holocaust during the Geneva Convention in 1948-1949. The documents created during the Geneva Convention describe genocide as: 
“genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group…”[1]
The Convention further described the elements of genocide as:
“1. A mental element: the ‘intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such’; and
2. A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively:
Killing members of the group.
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.’”
Using these very specific qualifications, let's go step by step to see if there is a genocide against trans people.
The very first part includes the mental element of intent. There are two parts to this mental element. The first is the intent to destroy. The second is the definition of what kind of group is being targeted, specifically religious, ethnic, racial, or national group.
Are trans people a religious, ethnic, racial, or national group?
Intent is already very difficult to determine, and as mentioned in the definition of genocide is the most difficult to prove. Is the intent of many of these lawmakers to completely eliminate “trans” individuals? If you look into the motive behind many laws being passed, the people proposing these bills state that they intend to protect children from sexually explicit content that they are not old enough to be able to handle. 
Let's look at the example of the Florida bill known colloquially as “Don't Say Gay.” Officially labeled “Parental Rights in Education,” the bill restricts discussing the topics of gender identity and sexual orientation in grades kindergarten through the third grade.[2] Age wise, this includes children age 4-9. Why this age group? 
Psychologist Jean Piaget, who explicitly studied cognitive development, defines two stages involving this age group: preoperational (ages 2-7) and concrete operational (ages 7-11). One of the major differences in these age groups is the change from self centered thinking in the preoperational stage to being able to separate themselves from the topic being discussed in the concrete operational stage.[3] What does this mean? It means children age 2-7 tend to apply everything that they learn to themselves. If you discuss gender identity to this age group, they are more likely to conclude that their gender identity is also in question. 
In other words, children in this age group literally can't think about these topics outside of themselves. Is protecting children from topics they are not capable of handling appropriately trying to eliminate trans people?
The other example to think of here is the issue of child centered drag performances. Authors of these bills have explicitly said that the goal is to protect children from adult content. You certainly wouldn't want to show a child pornographic material, would you? Is protecting children from adult material attempting to erase trans people?
For the matter of the mental element of genocide, I think it has not been met in terms of trans individuals.
The Physical Element 
The physical element includes five acts that meet the conditions of genocide. There are a few that can be eliminated automatically. The first is killing trans people. There is no group in the US that makes a deliberate attempt to kill trans people. The second that can be dismissed is causing serious body or mental harm to a group. There is no group that intends to cause serious bodily or mental harm to trans people.
That leaves us with three remaining acts, let's look at them in detail. 
Conditions of Life
“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”
There are many that claim that laws being passed to prevent “gender affirming care” are being passed to attack the trans community. Advocates claim that “gender affirming care” is “life saving care” and that not having these treatments results in trans people committing suicide. 
Is this true? One of the largest studies of its kind says it isn't true. The Swedish study found that suicidality remained virtually constant at every stage of transition from the initiation of hormones to after surgical procedures.[4] 
Recently, reports out of the UK from Tavistock clinics have indicated that these treatments aren't helpful either. But the UK is “transphobic,” right? Except they are not the first to make this observation. This Finnish study from 2019 demonstrates that cross sex hormones aren't enough to give relief from gender dysphoria.[5]
This probably explains why Finland has changed their protocols for treating gender dysphoria and why they suggest intensive psychotherapy instead of the gender affirming model.[6]
In 2020, Sweden also had to change their policies, putting a halt to hormonal and surgical interventions and instead opting for psychosocial support until adulthood. Apparently, after extensive research, they determined the risks outweigh the benefits.[7]  It's probably why France followed soon after.[8] The most recent country to implement changes is Norway, who has determined that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender affirming surgeries are experimental and lack evidence proving efficacy.[9]
If it is true these treatments don't actually prevent suicide, then can you say that preventing these treatments is causing suicide?
What other options are there? According to the available research, the vast majority of children who identify as trans don't carry that identity into adulthood. In fact, the percent of kids who “grow out of” their trans identity is somewhere between 68-90%.[10]
This is likely why the medical organizations from these other countries suggest psychosocial support to adulthood.  But does the psychosocial support actually work?
One study has shown that group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was able to significantly improve the moods and outlooks of trans identifying teens. It also gave them coping mechanisms to help cope with the many social pressures that trans and gender nonconforming individuals experience.[11]
Why are these therapies not being sought after by trans activists?
Jack Turban, a prominent trans activist and medical doctor, wrote a study that identified anything except for the gender affirming model of treatment as “conversion therapy.”[12] This has been turned into a rallying cry for trans activists, who claim that any psychosocial therapy is conversion therapy and an attempt to eliminate trans people.
If “gender affirming care” doesn't work, is pushing for “gender affirming care” pushing for suicide? 
If most kids grow out of their trans identity, is pushing for “gender affirming care” pushing for harm against a community?
Is discouraging use of therapy that works in favor of “gender affirming care" pushing a group into self destruction via suicide?
Preventing Birth
“Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group…”
During the Holocaust, many individuals had medical experiments performed on them and often these experiments were done with the intent to prevent pregnancies or to eliminate the fertility of these individuals. 
Is this happening in the trans community?
Let's take a closer look into what treatments people are seeking, since so many of these laws are looking at preventing treatments. For younger people, the traditional thing they want to do is block puberty. And the most common medication to block puberty is Lupron. But is that the only thing the drug is used for? 
No, it's not. 
Lupron is in fact the same medication Canada and the US uses to chemically castrate sex offenders and pedophiles to control their sexual urges.[13]
In addition, cross-sex hormone therapy has a known risk to permanently and irreversibly damage the reproductive systems of individuals undergoing these treatments.[14]
These are treatments that many of these laws are trying to ban in children. Trans activists claim that these laws are an attempt at genocide, and yet these “gender-affirming” treatments are doing harm that can actually be considered genocidal…
Forcibly transferring children…
“Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
Despite the clear harm that can be caused by these treatments, some still push for these treatments. What happens to those who object to these treatments? 
Some parents are now having their children taken from them for not pursuing the gender affirming model. Unfortunately, these cases happen with divorced parents where one parent refuses to consent to these treatments.[15][16]
Not only are some children being removed from their parents, but in some cases, children are leaving of their own accord. 
California senator Scott Wiener authored a law that will take in families of trans identifying children who are seeking “gender affirming care.” The bill will also take children into custody of the state to allow for them to seek out medical transition.[17] This law went into effect January 1, 2023.
Of note, it is also Scott Wiener who proposed a bill in 2020 which does not require people who commit acts of oral or anal sex on minors to be registered as sex offenders.[18] It seems concerning that a person who is interested in protecting pedophiles also is interested in removing children from their parents. 
Who Is Committing Genocide?
The claim of genocide by trans activists like Anne Fausto-Sterling appears to have no legs to stand on. For one, there is no clear intent to commit genocide against trans people, but additionally the trans community is not of any particular nationality, ethnicity, race, or official religion (although one could argue that transgender ideology is a religion, it is not a recognized religious group).
But, if one could prove intent, who is actually committing acts that would qualify as genocide? 
Who is promoting treatments that don't prevent suicide in trans people while simultaneously calling treatments that help trans people “conversion therapy”? 
Who is promoting treatments that eliminate and prevent births and pregnancies in trans individuals?
Who is removing children from families who question if these treatments are worth the harmful side effects? 
It appears the group that is most harmful to trans identifying individuals are the activists who claim to be protecting them.
You have to remember this is a postmodern "genocide." I've been accused of this myself, endorsing "cultural genocide" for celebrating the ongoing decline of religion (as a hypocritical bigot, this person was completely content with the decline of Xianity; she didn't see that as "cultural genocide"). I've covered this in depth, but in summary, it's all about labels.
If children are encouraged or facilitated to complete puberty unimpeded, they'll more than likely (80+%) resolve the discomfort with their body, and they won't feel the compulsion to transition. They won't take wrong-sex hormones, with the risks and irreversible effects that go along with them, they won't amputate body parts, and they won't become life-long medical patients.
But social constructivists don't care about any of that. They even tell lawmakers that it's unacceptable, and even bigoted, to regard transition as an undesirable outcome. They don't care about the wellbeing of kids. They don't care about the individual. Critical theorists themselves will complain that there has been too much focus in the individual and the universal, and not enough on identity characteristics.
What they care about is blurring boundaries and subverting biology. What they care about is bolstering and populating novel "identity" groups. What they care about is that kids might no longer need to think of themselves as "trans." That's it. That's the entire "genocide."
It's eerily like Islam. In Islam, believers are either part of the thing, or we kill you. In genderism, believers are either part of the thing, or they've been "genocided." They're both absolutist ideologies, they just differ on being the aggressor or a manufactured victimhood.
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If medical science intervenes and repairs a defect which prevents a baby from hearing, that's "erasure" of "deaf identity" and, as Nyle DiMarco melodramatically wails, "cultural genocide."
In a similar vein, "fat genocide" is the “the effort to eradicate fat people via weight loss as a form of genocide perpetrated by the medical profession” (direct quote from Fat Studies literature). You heard that right. Encouraging people to eat healthier and exercise is a form of "genocide," because there will be fewer fat people. Or more accurately, fewer people who "identify as" fat. And "erasing" an "identity" group is "genocide."
If you think the language is bizarrely histrionic, you'd be right. And if it sounds exceedingly unhealthy, you'd be right about that too. But it's not an accident or sincere misunderstanding. It's deliberate. The point is to use the most incendiary language possible, to warn you off getting in their way. It's why they've labeled trying to address a trans-identifying girl's homosexual shame or a trans-identifying boy's sexual abuse trauma as "conversion therapy." It's deliberately intended to make you think of ice dunking or electroshock treatments that gay men were subjected to, trying to make them "straight." Rather than what it is: normal, everyday talk therapy to resolve distress.
Like a brightly colored frog warning you it's poisonous. Ignore it. Unlike the frog, there's no substance, only the mimicry of substance.
More insidiously, it's intended to create panic in kids, that there's gangs of people roaming out there trying to murder you, or your government actively wants you dead. Even your parents are suspect. You can only trust your "trans family." We're the only ones who understand you. It's classic cult tactics. And comparable to when religions send believers out to proselytize. It's not to convert the non-believers, but to create uncomfortable interactions with non-believers so the faithful will be drawn back to the safety of their fellow believers. Us vs them.
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battleangel · 10 months
Humanity Is Stupid & Contagious
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I wish humanity could just admit that we dont work as a species on this planet.
We dont work as a species period.
We dont.
As a species, we are social creatures.
Therefore, as macro as it gets, we are engineered in the Upside Down (our current "reality" aka "life") to social climb, to be competitive, to be political, to try to get ahead, to use force might and violence to win, to want to accumulate wealth social capital land resources assets, to want to be the best, to acquire power.
I want to be the only 7 star general other than Lord Washington.
I want to be Trump, The Art of the Deal.
I want to be Napoleon, Bezos, Cook & Elon.
I want to be Ford.
I want to be Bill Gates.
I want to be President.
I want to be Commander In Chief.
Everything bigger faster stronger.
The smartest.
Clout privilege wealth social capital.
Sucking dick for clout.
This is all embedded in the very fabric of the Upside Down but in the dreamscape we are naturally one and harmonious.
Everything is flipped upside down here in the Upside Down.
Our differences in the dreamscape -- and the dreamscape is made up of untold trillions of separate dreamscapes that make up a kaleidoscopic explosion of thoughts dream imagination love knowledge philosophy esotericism energy meditation -- are what created and creates unfolding ever evolving ever mutating (the real X-Men) DNA hybrid dualism but down here in the Upside Down, the differences are used to falsely create division, tear us apart, make us afraid, make us prejudge, make us hate, make us ostracize, haze, bully, assault, kill, rape, murder, beat, torture, ethnically cleanse, arrest, jail, mass graves, death camps, death squads, rape rooms, mass incarcerations, hangings, lynchings, beheadings, burnings at the stake, capital punishments, executions, make an example of, mass hysteria, scapegoats, fall guys, columbine shooters, false gods, false heros, false kings, false crowns, false idols, world religions aka cults, brainwashing, conditioning centers, reprogramming, human experimentation, cloning, DNA splicing, genetic mutations, lab experimentations, synthetic chemicals and toxins, lethal injections, the electric chair, drawn and quartered, dragged by horses, decapitations, slavery.
Its like, it just doesnt work.
Human nature is rewarded in the Upside Down for being cheap, dirty, low, cutting corners, being the fastest, quickest, least expensive, best technology, most scientifically advanced, most destructive weapons, most deadly chemical warfare, more black label projects, more government secrets, more undercover agents, more guns, Gatling, AK-47, multiple rounds, multiple clips, multiple magazines, rat a tat tat, more badges, more stripes, more chevrons, more ranks, more insignias, more titles, more letters before and after your name on LinkedIn, more zeros in your bank account, more friends on Facebook, more followers on Instagram, more views on TikTok, more retweets on Twitter, more subs on Youtube & Twitch.
More Napoleon Bonapartes, more let them eat cake, more off with their heads, more they dont want to work, more welfare queens, more get a job, more Funquishas and Watermelondras.
More campaigns, more slogans, more supermans.
We never learn from our collective atrocities.
Why would any time ever be different much less the next time?
What war did WWI stop?
Korean War?
Vietnam War?
US Mexico War?
Hundred Years War?
Cold War?
Gulf War?
Operation Iraqi Freedom?
Cultural Revolution?
Khmer Rouge?
Rape of Nanking?
Trail of Tears?
Idi Amin?
Gaza Strip?
18k killed in Chile in 1 day?
9/11 inside job?
Nerve gas
Hiroshima & Nagasaki?
Atomic bomb?
10k dead Americans in Normandy?
666k dead in Civil War?
Weve never collectively as a species learned from any past war, atrocity, crime against humanity, war crime, genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Its been hundreds of thousands of years.
Why would anything ever change if it hasnt already?
The track record is abysmal and speaks for itself.
Why, as a species, do we blindly and ignorantly choose to continue to procreate, replicate and propagate our human race when the end result has always been untold human suffering?
There is no amount of joy that can cancel out the amount of suffering that has been needlessly caused and experienced in the Upside Down.
Its time to end the human experiment and we have not had a good run.
Millions upon millions killed, raped, starved, gassed, beaten, tortured, hazed, humiliated, mocked, imprisoned, jailed, assaulted, exterminated, exploited, traumatized, gaslit, intimidated, ethnically cleansed, used.
Abused, overworked, harrassed, trafficked, groomed, conditioned, brainwashed, broken, violated, fetishized, objectified, commodified, consumed, dehumanized, retconned, manipulated, overmedicalized, pathologized, drugged, indoctrinated, molested, institutionalized.
There is no amount of good, joy, happiness or anything else that can even come close to equaling out these endless and ongoing atrocities, forget cancelling them out.
Humanity is a virus that has been allowed to endlessly replicate itself and it has to stop.
We are causing catastrophic human suffering to our own species because we wont stop reproducing ourselves for no fucking reason at all.
Once you add in the ecocide, ecological and environmental destruction, hundreds of thousands of animal species that have been made extinct, climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency, deforestation, the destruction of rainforests, landfills, nuclear waste, oceanic pollution, overfishing, factory farming, industrial waste, toxins, pollutants, synthetic and lab made chemicals, GMOs, pesticides, overextraction of earths resources, raping & pillaging mother earth, sewage, food waste, fast fashion, big box retail, air pollution, air toxicity, non biodegradable waste taking tens of thousands of years to break down in landfills, oil spills, drilling for oil, coal, endless construction, endless Amazon warehouses, endless delivery drones, methane emissions from factory farming, greenhouse gas emissions, millions of cars clogging the highways...
The answer is we need to subtract the human race from the equation.
If all 7.8 billion of us currently alive on the planet made the conscious decision not to procreate, we could end all this suffering in this generation.
Weigh the reasons to procreate: continue bloodline and current family lineage, have a little mini-me, fullfill narcisstic fantasies of having a living breathing extension of your own ego, looking for something to give you your identity and a reason to live, looking for purpose, the social rewards that come with being a parent, the social pressures to procreate, making your mom & dad happy, keeping up with your friends that are popping out babies, an unexamined need and desire to fit in, unquestioningly accepting society's pronatalist stance and adopting it as your own without examining it, desire to create heirs, egotistical fantasy of living forever and trying to accomplish this by having children, wanting miniaturized versions of yourself who will endlessly kiss your ass stroke your ego and hero worship you, to build your own myth aura and mystique, narcisstic desire to be a matriarch/patriarch, societal insistence that feminity equates to motherhood, believing the lie that motherhood is a womans highest calling, believing the lie that not having children is selfish, succumbing without thinking to the non-stop societal programming, conditioning and brainwashing to procreate and create bodies for the capitalist machine, spouse is pressuring or demanding or coercing you to have kids, wanting to play dress up with your doll aka daughter, wanting to be an adult and parenthood is tied with adulthood in our society, unexamined fear of old age and dying alone and becoming old sick and infirm without children, believing the lie that you are incomplete and somehow defective as a woman until you shit a fetus out of your cervix, wanting to prove your worth and adopting parenthood as part of an ultracompetitive persona that can do and be and crush everything crossfit marathons pilates keto school grades corporate promotions salaries the house the car the spouse and now kids further bolsters your superman/superwoman persona, falling for the societally peddled lie that holidays are incomplete without little kids running around, incorrectly and inadequately trying to address childhood and generational trauma experienced in family while growing up by having your own kids vs doing the necessary self reflection, introspection, shadow & somatic work, reiki & therapy, wanting a daughter who is your BFF, wanting a child for nothing but fantasy & wish fulfillment, obsessive martydom complex leads to desire to martyr oneself by sublimating your identity, body, sexuality, career, income, social life and freedom for the all-consuming and obliterative identity of motherhood, desire for people to take you seriously, to compete with or keep up with siblings or best friends who already have kids, believing the carefully crafted and packaged lies that overly romanticize parenthood and wanting the Hallmark fantasy, slavishly following cultish and pathetic religious dictates and never questioning the religious indoctrination and brainwashing of your youth which commanded you to be fruitful and multiply, a desire to be respected through becoming a parent, a fear of appearing like an outsider if you are in a long term relationship or marriage for decades and never have kids, an irrational fear of missing out where you believe the propaganda that nothing is worse than reaching old age realizing you actually wanted kids and not being able to have them when in reality absolutely nothing is worse than having kids realizing you absolutely despise being a parent, regretting having them, being stuck with them for 18+ years and never being able to publicly voice your opinions although while quite commonplace are societally taboo especially from mothers who must always be docile, happy, pleasant, energetic, cheerful, full of vigor and most importantly never tired or complaining at all times.
Okay. Now, go reread this post and look at all the reasons not to procreate.
Like, its not close.
Humanity is stupid and contagious but you dont have to be.
End the endless cycle of human suffering.
Choose to not procreate.
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lunarsilkscreen · 5 months
Israel (And Expansion)
Israel forgets that racism exists when they use the "Holocaust" as a defense. They then extend that; because of this: Palestinians are anti-Semitic.
To the rest of the world; Jews, Israelis, Palestinians, Even Iran, Iraq, Muslims, Hindu, Shiek, etc ... They are all the same. They are treated the same by appearance, and were all treated the same during the Holocaust. This is how there were millions of *Jews* affected. Despite many not practicing the Jewish Faith.
The white Jews (white people, westerners who adopted the faith, or of "Jewish" descent with lighter skin) are more accepted than the brown ones...
Israel then decided to aggressively expand her territory into Palestine. Subsequently claiming that the Palestinians are the same as the anti-Semitic countries during WWII.
Despite you know; the entire world seeing them as the same people; and then raising the truly anti-Semitic propaganda of the self-hating Jew.
This mixture between religious heritage, genetic heritage, and appearance has caused some interesting propaganda.
Including the one that says that Hamas is in fact Isis and Al-Qaeda. The middle-eastern insurgency groups, that the U.S. had supported and than stopped supporting when they became a danger to the surrounding countries.
The U.S. own Fox News Group has even forgotten who Al-Qaeda was and blamed 9/11 on Hamas and Palestine.
For comparison; Palestine is the size of two Rhode Islands, or 5 new york cities.
It's not big. And yes, Rhode Island is closer to a city than a state. In comparison, it'd be like if New York decided to kick out the inhabitants of Rhode Island, because the population of Trump Tower needed somewhere to go because He needed to sell it.
Israel, Palestine, and many Middle Eastern territories are all state sized or smaller. Rhode Island sized, and in some cases. City sized.
When compared with what we think about those things. And so when the U.S. is afraid of what'll happen to itself, or allies with a small portion of the Middle East; it causes big problems.
If, for example; you're one of those people who think they should "Figure it out themselves" then you'd be for them building a type of Federal government so that they start cooperating. If you're thinking the U.S. should intervene and help out; You're for them becoming U.S. territory until they figure out how to work it out.
But supporting a small state to create a situation where people are disenfranchised and have to leave their homes; is inviting them here. For Asylum. Because you supported them being removed from their homes.
Israel will ask "What about our homes from 100 years ago?" Does that give you the right to inflict the same pain on somebody else?
But what about the increasing conflict and war like aggressions? But ignore "both sides". If you're *just* defending yourselves, why are they not allowed to. And vice-versa?
When the U.S. puts it's weight on the scale, it'll tip where ever we tip it too. And we should be wary of how we give help.
And so we support "both sides" through aid that is supposed to be for resources famine, and medical expenses caused by conflict. So how did that aid end up going towards increasing aggression between both sides instead of de-escalation?
And why are people claiming ownership over a land that was worked on and built up by the Palestinians? And what ancient texts would have to say about this exact premise?
Jesus talks about increasing aggression in this way. Land that was given to someone else to put the work in, belongs to them... But those even more wealthy than they will come and kill them with that wealth. And then repeat the process.
This parable asks the question; which is more evil?
"The Pharisee didn't like it because they knew that he was talking about them." Not the farmers.
What is the solution do you think? More violence?
If the United States was able to become so greater by putting our differences aside (Her wicked history non-withstanding) why hasn't the middle-eastern been able to do the same?
The potential is there. Is it because bigger countries keep getting involved and causing destabilization? If so, we should cut off all involvement all together. All trade, travel, everything. Until everything stabilizes.
If bigger countries like the U.S. are truly helping; it's not because we're helping one territory take over another. That causes immigration. That thing that Fox News just can't stand happening.
So what is the solution here? If I keep talking about "Solutions" and "Israel" in the same sentence I'm going to be compared to Hitler.
And this, I think is why we should stay out of it. But at the same time. I think we should help people stay and build where they are at so they don't *need* to move here.
We're backed up at the border, correct?
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guatemala-official · 7 months
As a lifelong Leftist who got repelled by these recent shenanigans enough to re-evaluate herself and prefer the term “centrist” now, I have to say, my recent 5 years have been the perfect example of “you learn something new every day”. Covid for example shook my faith in humanity, seeing all the anti-science stuff make a comeback was terrifying. Then Roe reversal happened and it only went downhill from there where my trepidation with everything religion has been amplified. Then the rise of trad wives and the Tates etc - just horrifying to witness as a woman. And this last year - the Left going bonkers to the point where I finally understand how oppressive, inhuman socialist and communist regimes were actually ever a thing.
I always eyed the Right with mistrust, but this was a “the call is coming from inside the house” moment for me. The Left is not just meek, harmless blue haired vegans y’all, there are crazy ideologues with deep hatred in their hearts on this side, too. I’m a woman from the ME, naturalized American and this rhetoric around defending downright terrorists and pledging themselves to the cause of ultimately what is a Shariah nation is terrifying to me. Don’t get me wrong, I think Israel is not blameless here, and obviously nobody is blaming the kids, but the adults on the Palestinian side are people who would throw someone like me gladly off a building right after the Jews. These are the people who danced and celebrated and spit on hostages when 10/7 happened. They celebrated when 9/11 happened. And yet I’m supposed to support and care for their wellbeing? Nope, can’t do it, won’t do it, don’t care. Don’t care if they ever self-govern because I have a very good idea what that would look like, another hellhole I’m lucky to have escaped from.
It’s all very depressing tbh but it has hardened my heart a lot to this issue.
What you are saying is inherently disrespectful to the many queer Palestinians out in Palestine who have also been murdered by Israel. I am a bisexual Guatemalan who's grandfather got murdered either for political reasons for his hate of the government or his indigenous descent. I hate my government, I wish I could tear it down. Palestine doesn't have anything to fight back against Israel. Many Jews hate what Israel is doing.
Israel is commiting a Holocaust. Israel is doing the very thing they swore to protect their citizens from.
Zionists are Nazis fighting for the eradication of a different people
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starlight-edith · 1 year
"Truther" is a word often used in association with antisemitic conspiracy theories, basically the idea that there is a secret group (jews) who control the government behind the scenes. For example, a "9/11 truther" is someone who believes in the conspiracy about the destruction of the twin towers being planned by the US government as a way to further the agenda of the secret elites (jews) behind the scenes.
So to say something like transandrophobia-truther is to compare a trans man talking about his real life experience of oppression to an antisemitic conspiracy guy believing in his antisemitic conspiracy. In some ways it's like another specific case of people holding up the holocaust as the ultimate comparison point.
Idk if I explained this well? I've had a long day, feel free to message me if you want to talk about it or if this doesn't make sense
Ah thank you!
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jessicap498 · 1 year
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Deepfake videos and the digital manipulation of video/audio has become a large topic of discussion (and concern) in the last couple of years. However, this kind of technology has existed for longer than people realize. As the CNN article states, computer-generated images (CGI) have been utilized in many different sectors of work already, most notably in Hollywood. The article lists several examples of CGI used to replicate the likeness and/or the face of a deceased actor, to age an actor up/down and to manipulate existing video/audio to create a new reality. It also touches upon how audio is also affected by deepfake technology. We have seen an increase in AI-generated audio like song covers and voiceovers across the internet recently. The rise of AI has made deepfake technology more accessible as computers, not humans, do the hard work. Now, the largest problem surrounding deepfakes is its democratization (how anyone and everyone can/will soon be able to easily create deepfakes for any use around the world). The harder it gets to detect a deepfake, the less people will trust any kind of media source. 
Deepfake technology is already creating a polarizing, worldwide issue. If people already question the factual existence of things like The Holocaust and 9/11, even though there is very solid evidence of these events occurring (including eye-witnesses and survivors, let alone video and photographical evidence), adding deepfakes onto the list of possible media sources will create so many more problems for everyone. The CNN article includes a snippet of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio speaking about the dangers of deepfake technology. Rubio makes a formal request to the Director of National Intelligence to address the use and harm of deepfakes, worrying about the global fallout if a convincing deepfake goes viral before it’s detected.
As a country that is already so politically and socially divided, I believe we should all be concerned about the existence of deepfake technology, especially with an upcoming presidential election upon us where candidates are unafraid to come at each other with all of the campaign strength they have. Deepfakes have proven themselves to provide so many negative effects, and people can literally manipulate video/audio how they see fit. Politicians could go crazy using deepfake technology to its fullest potential. From a journalist's standpoint, I am extremely worried about how deepfakes impact people's trust in the media, which is already at an all-time low today. As the world grows, evolves and adapts to high-tech ideas such as AI and deepfakes, it gets harder and harder to detect and avoid fake news and fake content. I love how CNN called this "a new kind of arms race," because that's basically what it is--a new version of the Cold War where instead of nukes we are racing to conquer digital weapons. Although we can all learn from other countries researching this technology, there is always the possibility of this research being used against us in the long-run. All the U.S. can do is be the first ones to master the technology and more importantly be able to detect its use.
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jpublichistory · 1 year
Lit Review/Discussion Prep #10
In this week's readings, we learn how museums work and store the artifacts they present in their museums worldwide. I think this is good for us to understand because we know the theory of Public history and the responsibilities that Public and traditional historians have to preserve and present the history of the community.
In chapter 1,  Collecting, Managing and Preserving the Past: Public History and Sources, in the book Public History, Thomas Cauvin writes about how Public historians collect and use different artifacts in their museums to show to the public.1 Public Historians collect items that traditional history may see as not worth saving because it does not fit into the "artifact" group to maintain the history of a community.2 Museums have become Public Historic laboratories where they can work on saving and preserving history the way they want to.3 While museums range from different topics and ideas, they preserve that history so future generations can see it.4 This book section helps me understand what the museum represents in Public History.
However, in the article, Are There Too Many House Museums? Richard Moe writes about how the traditional model of a museum needs to change to suit the next generation of tourists and Public historians.5 He writes that museums are sites of the story of the topic in that museum; the museum holds culture and ideas from a community that is shown through artifacts and items that represent the people and the Idea inside the museum.6 Museums across the US are similar in their structures and items inside them; he writes that museums need to reshape their models to bring more guests to their sites.7 This reading helps future Public historians understand some of the problems with museums and how to create a new model for their museum. 
In the article, Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory, Mike Wallace writes about how museums can be used to erase history from an area and replace it with what the local government wants to show as their history.8  He writes about how we teach history to students in public schools and how that history hinders the story of the whole history of the topic.9 A way that history has been erased is when the United States government destroyed a CD that contained Gay history. 10 This erasing of history hinders the growth of the history field because the deletion of particular topics of history creates holes in the history field that historians will have to go back and research the topics that were already researched.11
In the article, The Boundaries of Memory: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,  Edward T. Linenthal writes about the creation of The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and how this museum created a new standard for remembering events.12 He writes that we should, as Public historians, create moods of the events that took place during these events and help the guest understand the conditions people faced during the Holocaust and how something like this could have happened in the first place.13 He writes that this museum should be considered a monument instead of a museum because of the detail and remembrance of the people that the museum provides to the public and the victims of the Holocaust.14 This reading helps us see how to create a space of remembrance while informing the people about the events that took place. This ties in with the article, Spontaneous Memorials, Museums, and Public History: Memorialization of September 11, 2001, at the Pentagon. Elizabeth Greenspan writes about how to show the victims that died on this day and provide more information on the event.15 Using photos of the event and people that died helps people retain the memory of the event.16 It allows the survives to find peace from what happened on 9/11.17 The memorial at the Pentagon creates a mood of peace to the guest learning and seeing what happened here during 9/11.17 These two pieces help show us real examples of how Public historians are reshaping the Idea of museums.
In the last two articles, The Changing Face of Public History: The Chicago Historical Society and the Transformation of an American Museum and The Interpretation Is A-Changin' Memory, Museums, and Public History in Central Virginia, both authors write about the changes that were made to show different stories that where not there before. In the first article, Catherine Lewis writes that historians and the government may disagree on what should be considered to protect history.18 When historians protect and display art or history that they disagree with funding, it could be taken away.19 She counties to write that Public historians need to find new ways of showing disagreed subjects to tell all stories about the topic's history.20 In the last article, James J. Broomall writes about how the civil war was told in the community of Richmond, Virginia, and how Public historians change history to include how the city transformed throughout the civil war.21 By including the views of the African American Churchs in the community adds to the discussion of the impact of the civil in Richmond, Virginia.22 Overall, these two articles help show the community input in Public History and how it affects the history told in the community.
1. Cauvin, Thomas. “Collecting, Managing and Preserving the Past: Public History and Sources.” In Public History. ?-?. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2016. 27
2. Cauvin, Thomas. “Collecting, Managing and Preserving the Past: Public History and Sources.” In Public History. ?-?. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2016. 28
3. Cauvin, Thomas. “Collecting, Managing and Preserving the Past: Public History and Sources.” In Public History. ?-?. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2016. 29
4. Cauvin, Thomas. “Collecting, Managing and Preserving the Past: Public History and Sources.” In Public History. ?-?. 1st ed. New York: Routledge, 2016 30
5. Moe, Richard. “Are There Too Many House Museums?” Forum Journal 27, no. 1 (2012): 55-61. 55
6. Moe, Richard. “Are There Too Many House Museums?” Forum Journal 27, no. 1 (2012): 55-61. 56
7. Moe, Richard. “Are There Too Many House Museums?” Forum Journal 27, no. 1 (2012): 55-61. 57
8.   Wallace, Mike. Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory. 3-32. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996. 7
9.Wallace, Mike. Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory. 3-32. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996. 8
10,  Wallace, Mike. Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory. 3-32. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996. 9
11. Wallace, Mike. Mickey Mouse History and Other Essays on American Memory. 3-32. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996. 10
12. Linenthal, Edward T. “The Boundaries of Memory: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.” American Quarterly 46, no. 3 (1994): 406–33. 406
13. Linenthal, Edward T. “The Boundaries of Memory: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.” American Quarterly 46, no. 3 (1994): 406–33. 407
14. Linenthal, Edward T. “The Boundaries of Memory: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.” American Quarterly 46, no. 3 (1994): 406–33. 410
15. Greenspan, Elizabeth L. “Spontaneous Memorials, Museums, and Public History: Memorialization of September 11, 2001 at the Pentagon.” The Public Historian 25, no. 2 (2003): 129–32.129
16. Greenspan, Elizabeth L. “Spontaneous Memorials, Museums, and Public History: Memorialization of September 11, 2001 at the Pentagon.” The Public Historian 25, no. 2 (2003): 129–32. 130
17. Greenspan, Elizabeth L. “Spontaneous Memorials, Museums, and Public History: Memorialization of September 11, 2001 at the Pentagon.” The Public Historian 25, no. 2 (2003): 129–32. 131
18. Lewis, Catherine M. The Changing Face of Public History: The Chicago Historical Society and the Transformation of an American Museum. 3-34. Chicago: Northern Illinois University Press, 2005.3
19. Lewis, Catherine M. The Changing Face of Public History: The Chicago Historical Society and the Transformation of an American Museum. 3-34. Chicago: Northern Illinois University Press, 2005.4
20. Lewis, Catherine M. The Changing Face of Public History: The Chicago Historical Society and the Transformation of an American Museum. 3-34. Chicago: Northern Illinois University Press, 2005.6
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