#like Bella in her depressed era after Edward left her
malewifespike · 5 months
reading back old posts on here from when I was a teenager is like. I was so normal what the fuck happened to me
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spacesaga · 2 years
New Moon Rewatch
I need a place to share my thoughts while I rewatch new moon!
Girl is so overdramatic about turning 18😭. Trust me no one feels adult at 18, you have time it’s okay
Edward is SO FINE? And for once he has the common sense telling her that her age is just fine. But also Edward can change me anytime
Idc Edward is so gentle(lack of better phrasing) to her, the things he says? Girl it’s giving me butterflies. To bad he leaves her in like 10 minutes
Edward throwing her into glass when there was a DROP of blood and making is worse is something else
OHHH so Bella saying that something is gonna separate them and the only way is to change her kinda just gives Edward the edge to leave. We know this decision has been premeditated since the accident in phoenix but this gave him a reason. I don’t like the fact he left but I understand why he did.
Edward leaving kills me, I know he did it to protect to and we all know he’s lying through his white ass teeth. But “I don’t Want you” after Bella finally feels wanted? I hate this for both parties. Edward cares deeply for Bella and doesn’t want anything to harm her and hurts himself. He leaves his own family for her pretty much. He wants her to have a normal life. But Bella, she knows she doesn’t fit with humans. She feels out of place. So finally found a world where she knows she belongs and it’s suddenly taken from her. Her depression makes a lot more sense. Edward should have been more gentle but his brain is permanently underdeveloped
Shout out to Charlie for caring for Bella so much
Yea Bella getting on the motorcycle of the dude who literally tried to ASSAULT HER?? While she was with her friend??? Dumbest decision this girl made and she’s a mom at 18
“Age is just a number baby what are you 40 now” 😭 pre werewolf Jacob <3
Mike is so… clueless 😭 Bella does not like your ass man
Jacob telling Bella that he loves her and will wait then immediately insulting her friend and ghosting her and she litteraly said “I don’t want you to go anywhere “ :/
Jacob saying Bella is a liar bc she kept the cullens secret when he is doing the same thing. And knowing how Eddy boy left her and leaves her in a similar way.
Bella going to a once full and beautiful meadow where her and Edward fell in love to a dead and dry place. Mirroring their relationship in a way. Then Edward appearing (seriously how does that happen) to her
I love Bella, slapping Sam just bc he was rude to her? That’s my girl.
Emily is so pretty
Just noticed the drastic difference between how Jacob and Edward dresses😭 is def bc of Alice and the era he grew up in
It’s kinda funny now Bella was so desperate to see Edward again she went cliff jumping which led to her reunion with Edward
Jacob knowing who was on the other line and not letting Bella speak to him for what? And saying that “he has a funeral to plan” letting Edward think that Bella is dead.
Edward may be trying to kill himself but DAMN he’s fine
Edward ready to end his existence just bc he thinks Bella is dead then upon seeing her just holds her and says heaven. Woo Lordy
Who did edwards makeup for the Italy scenes😭 it does not match the rest of his body. His face is super pale and his chest is tan - as I say that it get fixed in the next scene LMAOOO
AROO <3 he is an funky little man
Edward and Bella are so overdramatic as usual but they are together now they can be cringe together <3
Bella offering her life for Edward, I mean that way she gets what she wants (vampirism)
POOR CHARLIE all he wants is his daughter safe
And the scene where Edward is begging Bella for her forgiveness telling her how sorry he is and how he truly believed he did the right thing <3 I love them
ROSALIEEEEEEE ,I love her so much. She’s been hurt so much and yet she’s one of the strongest characters emotionally. She’s not mean to Bella. Bella just wants exactly what Rosalie wish she didn’t have
“Don’t make me choose, because it will be him. It will always be him” the moment she fell in love with Edward there was no other choice for her
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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Hey guys! So, in the past, I’ve done “inspiration posts” centered around my HPHM MC Carewyn Cromwell, Carewyn’s mother Lane and her brother Jacob, and my HPHL MC Jackson Knightly...and now it’s my HPHL vampire boy Bartholomew “Bat” Varney’s turn!
As hilarious as it sounds, I can actually blame the Twilight films for the initial spark behind Bat’s character. I admit that I’ve never really been a Twilight fan -- I read the first book because of my interest in vampires and the (rather shallow) comparison the mass public made at the time between Twilight and Harry Potter, but the second Twilight book lost me once main character Bella started trying to hurt herself just to try to see her OTL Edward again, and I’ve never picked them up since. Skip about fifteen years, and I get invited to a friend’s house to watch and rib Breaking Dawn Parts 1 and 2. Even if I hadn’t read the books, I knew the overall trajectory of the story, so I was able to basically follow what was going on, but those films were and remain the only Twilight movies I’ve seen. And after seeing them, the main emotion I came away with was absolute exasperation...because the entire time Breaking Dawn Part 2 was playing, I couldn’t give a damn what was going on with Bella, Edward, Jacob, Nessie, the Cullens, the werewolves, or the Volturi. All I wanted to do was focus on one of the most minor, bit-part characters placed in the background -- a vampire who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and later went on to fight in just about every other American War since, played by Lee Pace, named Garrett. I was absolutely beside myself that we had an engaging, snarky, charming vampire who’d once lived in the 1700′s, one of my absolute FAVORITE historical eras, and he was shunted out of the way to make room for such a boring, stake-less, and kind of dysfunctional romance. I wanted a whole book about Garrett -- I wanted a whole TV series! It still boggles my mind that Stephanie Meyer could create such an interesting character and then only feature him for a fraction of the very last book in a four-part series.
The feelings I had about Garrett sort of lingered in the back of my head for a while, and one thought led to another, and I got to thinking about why I’d even tried reading Twilight to begin with. The answer, honestly, was that vampires was one of the biggest question marks left open in the Potterverse by Jo Rowling. She’s claimed in interviews that she didn’t think she could add anything to the vampire mythos through her work, hence why she referenced them existing, but didn’t feature them much at all in the story. And yet from my point of view, the vampire as seen in traditional folklore sort of contradicts one of the core themes of Rowling’s books -- namely, that death is both irreversible and inevitable. Because of the very diverse ways vampires have been depicted in different cultures and media over the years, there were so many questions left unanswered regarding which powers if any Potterverse vampires have, what their weaknesses are, why Voldemort never looked into becoming a vampire when searching for immortality, what their status in the Wizarding World is, why we don’t see any fighting with Voldemort like we do other “Dark creatures” like werewolves, and how their undead status fits in with the tenant of death being something you can’t escape. And the more I thought about it, the more exciting that potential became -- so I fleshed out a kind of vampire that could answer those questions and fit comfortably in the Potterverse without running the risk of “god-modding” or being too overpowered.
Vampires have more weaknesses than powers -- lessened magical ability, hypersensory sensitivity, the inability to sleep and dream, poor health, and intense and constant blood lust VS. lengthened life and increased durability.
Voldemort never sought becoming a vampire because someone else has to curse you both before and after your death, and not only are you not guaranteed to end up in the body you died in, but your magical ability is close to non-existent.
Vampires are on the absolute fringes of magical society and largely live in isolated colonies, hence why we so rarely see them or know much about them.
Vampires didn’t get involved in the Wizarding Wars because most truthfully don’t want to hurt anybody or create more of their kind by sharing the knowledge of their creation with wizards.
Vampires are similar to ghosts in the way that they died, but returned to Earth and cannot pass on, but are different in the way that they have a physical form and someone else forced them to come back against their will, rather than it being a choice on their part. They’re similar to Inferi in the way that they were brought back from the dead by Dark magic cast by another person, but they have a soul and are so trapped in the bodies they’re cursed into that they almost always outlive the person who originally cursed them and can only be killed through the traditional “stake through the heart and beheading” technique. Vampires also all end up dying sooner or later, whether by their own hand or intervention by wizards after they’ve lost so much of their sanity and humanity that they become dangerous.
With the vampire lore plotted out, I had to go back to figuring out who this vampire of mine was as a person. At that point, I hadn’t had an MC that was a Ravenclaw yet (unless you count Carewyn’s brother and mother), so I decided that could be something fun to explore, particularly if I wanted to steer clear of the brooding vampire trope. (All of the Ravenclaws I’ve known in my life are much less prone to self-loathing and depression than I am. XD;;;) Sure enough, though, one of the influences that popped up right away was Garrett. Like Garrett, Bat was originally from the 1700′s, only to die and become a vampire while fighting in the American War for Independence -- the biggest difference, of course, is that Garrett was an American Patriot, while Bat was a British regular!! LOL!! As I hashed out Bat’s backstory as a Muggle-born wizard who went to war with his best friend, however, I found Bat (or, more specifically, his original human self, Robert) picking up traits from another character -- Sirius Black! Like Sirius, Robert was disinterested in rules and a bit cocky, but also incredibly talented and intelligent and a deathly loyal friend, especially to his male best friend, who was like a brother to him and he would’ve died rather than betray. If Barty was the popular, well-liked leader of the group, Robert was his right-hand man and foil. Sadly, like Sirius as well, Robert also ended up losing his male best friend far too soon and being condemned to a fate worse than death thanks to a betrayal by his other best friend. They’re also both dog Animagi who become surrogate parental figures in later life! ^.^
As Robert, Bat’s face claim is Josh Groban. As a vampire stuck in his BFF Barty’s reanimated corpse, Bat’s face claim is Lee Pace, specifically in his role as Fernando Wood in the film Lincoln.
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captain-yeet · 5 years
Oops, That Happened (Demetri Volturi x Reader One-Shot)
Request by anonymous; "One shot where the reader is Bellas sister and she goes with her to Italy and when Demetri and Felix show up she mumbles something about Demetri topping her not realizing everyone can hear her."
My friend. This request gave me so much LIFE THANK YOU, I hope I do it justice.
Warnings: Swearing, goofs and s e x u a l  TENSION. A little NSFW, oops. HOO WEE ZOO MAMA, let’s go!
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Your sister sure knew how to get herself into the most ridiculous, most insane of situations as of the past few months or so. Seething with rage and a healthy dose of fear, you chased after your little sister Bella as she ran through a crowded Italian street.
If you had your way you never would have let her leave the house with her Cullen friend - and you certainly weren't letting her go to Italy alone for the guy who dumped her and made her spiral into a deep depression. So you left a frantically scrawled note to your father, telling him of what was happening and how you were going after Bella to keep her safe.
The poor man. But you were determined to bring your sister back safe - no vampires were going to get in your way, or so, you hoped.
"Bella!" You cried out, losing your sister in the crowd. Everyone was wearing red cloaks for some reason - not that you cared as to why. You just wanted to find her, get her stupid ex and leave the country.
Finally, you spotted her... running through a fountain?
"Bella what the actual fuck..." you groaned, exasperated. You decided to go around, trying to keep an eye on her as you weaved through the crowd.
Making your way to the opposite side of the fountain, your heart skipped a few beats; you couldn't see her. I swear she was right here! Where did she go!? You thought frantically. I promised Dad I'd protect her. I can't find her. God help me, I can't find her.
A firm grip on your wrist pulled you away from the brink of hyperventilating. Alice lowered her glasses, golden eyes concerned yet focused. "It's okay, I know where she is."
Leading you toward a tower with old medieval style doors, without any difficulty Alice broke the lock of the door. "Come now guys, it's a festival," she said cheerily, letting go of you to lower her headscarf as she entered.
You followed behind her and saw your little sister, safe. Ignoring your surroundings you rushed over to her, taking her face in your hands and scanning her for any sign of injury or pain. "Bella, Bells are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Y/N," she replied quickly, gripping onto something white and pale like her life depended on it.
Your eyes traveled up to the face of the boy who'd caused your sister so much grief and who she was currently clinging to. "You," you snarled, glaring at him.
Edward. Oh, how you grew to despise the copper-haired boy who stole your little sister’s heart. The nights where you’d hear Bella screaming in her sleep, see her sitting on a chair staring blankly out the window, her reckless behaviour... he’d sent her into such a deep depression that you had the following thought on the plane over to Italy; If these Volturi don’t kill him, I sure as hell will find a way.
"Y/N don't -" Bella began but you ignored her, stepping up so you were inches away from Edward's face.
"Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused her? You broke her you selfish son of a bitch!"
Instinctively, you pulled your fist back without thinking to strike him, but a coldness took your wrist and pulled you back. Ready to argue, you turned to who you thought was Alice only to be shocked when it wasn't her, but a rather handsome man with eyes the colour of blood.
And holy shit, he was handsome. They weren't kidding about the whole vampires are so hot they practically blow you away, you thought to yourself feebly, dumbstruck. Blond hair carefully styled yet so soft looking, and a strong jawline and cheekbones that defined his perfectly sculpted face.
"There's no need for violence, my dear," his smooth voice made you shiver involuntarily. You couldn't place his accent but it sounded somewhat British.
"She's a feisty one," said a second voice, "I like her."
He let go of your wrist, and that's when you finally took in what was happening around you. The rage that clouded your senses as soon as you saw Edward made you unaware that not one but two cloaked vampires, both of whom shared the same red eyes, were in your presence and the soft echoing footfalls down the hallway alerted you to a third vampire.
The third, Jane, began leading your group down a hallway and into an elevator. It was crowded and you tried to remain calm, but a certain blond man stood directly behind you and you could feel his eyes burning into the back of your head.
At one point, your little sister whispered to you. "I'm so sorry I brought you into this Y/N."
"I wish you didn't jump the gun and run after Sparkles here like you did." You gestured to Edward who simply ignored you. A deep chuckle came from the taller Volturi guard, and the blond walked ahead of you to join Jane, the two murmuring to each other.
"... I don't have a response to that," she barely whispered in reply, eyes downcast. Bella's lower lip trembled and you tried to hold back a sigh.
Great, now I've made her cry. Well done, Y/N. "Hey, we’ll be okay, I promise.” You don’t know that. “Well it could be worse I guess," you murmured, speaking to both your sister and honestly yourself. You eyed the blond man who was trailing just ahead of you, behind Jane. "Being led to my probable death by an attractive vampire couldn't be one of the worse ways to go."
Bella looked at you like you'd grown a second head.
You shrugged, leaning into your sister's ear. "Just saying, Blondie up front could bite and or top me any day and I'm sure I'd die happy."
A couple things happened after you confided that thought to Bella. One, she hissed your name in warning but you barely registered that. The second? Said blond man in question quickly looked back at you, made eye contact and winked.
Heat rushed to your face, flooding your cheeks as you stared incredulously. “He could hear that...?” The sound barely escaped your lips. You hadn’t thought much about how heightened a vampire’s senses could be - in fact, you tried not to think about vampires too much in general. Finding out about the supernatural gave you a migraine.
Blondie merely smirked in response, eyes trailing up and down as if to take in your appearance before turning away, leaving you thoroughly flustered.
You were right about the near-death thing. After nearly being drained of life by a gaggle of thirsty vampires, somehow you and Bella made it out alive - with the promise that you were both to be turned into vampires. Of course, Bella agreed, but you? Immortality was terrifying.
 “Shh, Bella, it’s okay.”
 “I think she’s going into shock. Maybe you should slap her?”
Sighing, you looked over to Bella, who was currently cuddled up on Edward’s lap, gripping onto him for dear life with a vacant frozen look of horror in her eyes. The Volturi had led in a group of unsuspecting tourists for “lunch” and it affected her. That and the Volturi themselves did just threaten her with imminent death.
You were shaken too but you tried to be brave, for her sake and your own sanity’s sake.
 “Pardon me for interrupting,” a familiar smooth voice interrupted your thoughts. Snapping your head up, you locked eyes with none other than Blondie himself. He paid no mind to the others, addressing just you. “May I have a moment of your time?”
 “Am I in more trouble?” you deadpanned defensively.
 “No. This is more of a... personal matter.” Offering his hand, he gave you a confident, winning smile. “May we speak in private?”
 “Demetri...” Edward growled in warning. Locking eyes with you for a brief moment he shook his head in warning.
If you were in your right state of mind you’d probably have heeded his advice. However, today you were tired in many ways possible and Edward was right at the root of it all.
So, you took Demetri’s hand and let him lead you away from your group.
Ending up in what appeared to be a study of some kind a few halls down, you found yourself distracted by the decor; it was old, you didn’t know your history well enough to determine what era or century all the furniture and art were from. But it fit in with the rest of this Italian castle’s aesthetic and architecture.
 “So, what was that thing you said earlier that involved me?” The question pulled you back to the present and you stared at Blondie - no, Demetri you remembered - incredulously.
You crossed your arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you fibbed, your attempt at a staunch expression laughable.
Closing the distance between the two of you, you felt Demetri’s hands press themselves against your waist, pushing onto you and making you walk backward until you felt something hit your back. A stray book falling to your feet confirmed that it was a bookshelf. He was so close to you that you could see every little detail of his gorgeous face.
 “Don’t play coy with me, love,” his voice was low and sent a jolt of something electric down your spine. “If I remember correctly, you said you wanted me to ‘bite and or top you’, is that correct?”
A shaky breath. “That - that may have been what I said, yeah,” you stammered.
Demetri chuckled quietly, leaning down into the nape of your neck, making you let out a small squeak as he did so. Lips brushing against the skin there, you felt your soul ascend from your body as his tongue swirled almost experimentally in a slow circle. You leaned into him, biting your lip trying to keep a moan back.
If this is how I’m going to die, then dying feels so damn good.
Demetri’s lips moved from your neck to your ear, moving a hand from your waist to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Tell me what you want.”
 “I want more of that,” came your husky response. Hands finding some strength, you pushed very gently against his chest till he pulled away. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, time coming to a halt. Raising a hand carefully, watching his expression for any sign of disgust or discomfort, you placed your hand against his cheek.
To your surprise, he didn’t pull away; he leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. “You... are confusing to me.” Opening his eyes again, the red had darkened to a dull almost black shade of red. “I shouldn’t be doing this, but I’ve gone this far already so I might as well not withhold anything.”
He moved the hand that was in your hair to your cheek, mirroring your actions. Instinct taking over your sense of rationality, you kissed him. Gripping your waist tighter, he responded eagerly to your affections, kissing back with an intensity that began to cultivate a certain ache within you.
A low growl sent vibrations down your throat and against your lips, you gasped when Demetri’s hands slid down to the back of your thighs, lifting you up. Locking your legs around his waist, you swore he purred in response to your body’s reaction, moving his lips from yours back to your neck once more. The moans couldn’t be held back anymore and you knew that this only egged him on further.
 “I think I’d like to see more of you,” he commented in between kissing your neck.
 “Feeling’s mutual,” you replied, tangling your hands in his hair.
The kissing ceased, and to your dismay, Demetri set you down. Seeing your appalled expression, he laughed; the sound brought you out of your lust-fueled mind state, as it was unlike any laughter he’d done previously. This laughter was him. No secret intentions or undertones to it. “As much as I’d really enjoy continuing this, I believe your friends are about ready to head off soon.”
Running a hand through your hair, you breathed deeply to try and calm your wired emotions. “So uh, I guess this is it then, huh?”
Demetri raised an eyebrow. “Whatever do you mean?” Shaking his head, he caressed your face once more. “If you think I’m the ‘fuck you and leave you’ type dear Y/N, you’d be sorely mistaken.” With a wink, he added, “That would be my friend Felix.”
His crass language took you aback. You didn’t expect him to speak so... normally? You assumed with vampires they’d be all formal and old-school with their way of speaking - and in a way yes, you were right. But right now, Demetri wasn’t speaking as formally as his coven mates did.
 “So, you actually mean it when you say you want to see more of me?” you questioned him. “As much as I enjoyed... that, I’m not a one-night stand girl.”
 “I’m glad to hear it because I don’t intend for this to be a once-only event,” he replied smoothly. You smiled at him as your heart skipped a beat happily. A small smile made it’s way to his face, and he held out his hand once again for you to take. “Come on, I’ll lead you back to the others.”
When you arrived back to the waiting room, Edward and Alice eyed you suspiciously. Oh they know, you sighed internally. Giving Edward a look, you gave him a wee mental note. “I don’t need to explain myself to you. Let’s keep it that way.”
Jaw clenched, he dropped the eye contact to glare at Demetri. “Can we go now?”
Demetri nodded curtly. “Yes, the sun is down now so it’s dark enough for you to take your leave. Gianna will escort you out.” As your group began to follow the human receptionist who trotted over from her desk to lead you away, Demetri called out to you. “I’ll be in touch, Y/N.”
 Out of sight from the watchful eyes of the Cullens and Bella’s surprised stare now boring a hole into the back of your head, you winked at him. “You better be,” you replied with a grin, still running off the adrenaline of your earlier make-out session.
The last thing you saw of Demetri was a wide grin of his own before your group turned away.
As the elevator doors closed, your sister rounded onto you. “Y/N, what was that about?” Bella asked.
You turned to look at your little sister; she was exhausted. Running a hand through her hair affectionately, you gave her a calm smile. “Not quite sure yet, but nothing for you to worry about, kiddo. Let’s go home.”
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Birch—the first of the Celtic tree symbols—for the first moon cycle in the Ogham Tree Calendar, known by celts as Beith. A symbol of new beginnings, hope, new dawns, and the promise of what’s to come. . . 
Bella // Leah new moon era extended fic series. Instead of calling Billy, Charlie calls Harry about his Bella's depression over Edward leaving. Charlie knows that Leah went through something similar with Sam and hopes that the two girls can help heal each other. (insp). (read along playlist).
Hell’s Frozen Over
She’s dead. Charlie's heart bottomed out in his stomach as he saw Sam emerge from the woods behind his house, carrying a despondent Bella in his arms. The night’s fog cleared to make way for his footsteps up Charlie’s lawn, curling back in spirals as if it too knew to fear what was in his arms. She looked so impossibly small and vulnerable there. Charlie had seen enough crime scenes, even in the quiet town of Forks, Washington, to know how this ended. His daughter, barely 18, found dead in the woods. He jogged to meet them, holding his breath. He needed to feel her pulse, see her eyes flutter, anything but the lifeless corpse she was now.
“Bella!” He hoped she would respond to her name, to her father. He clutched her face in his hands for a moment, “Bella, honey, are you alright?”
“Charlie?” His heart bottomed out to his heels in relief. She was alive. He brushed a leaf or two away from her face. She was alive . . . but she didn’t look it. Her face was the palest he’d ever seen it. Her eyes were so hollow he got lost trying to find their life. She was shaking at a violent pace, vibrating in Sam’s arms. It gutted him.
“I’m right here baby.” Charlie had to choke back his emotions, his daughter needed him. He gestured to Sam to transfer her to his arms and he obliged. Charlie faltered for a brief moment, the last time he held her she was only a child, and then began a determined march toward his house. Anger fueled him with ferocious energy. Whoever had done this to his baby girl wouldn’t be alive for much longer.
“He’s gone,” a faint whisper through chattered teeth. Charlie looked down at his shell of a daughter as her fist clutched the front of his chief's jacket. He had a good idea which he she was referring to.
“We’re almost home now, honey.” He had no idea if his words or his voice were reaching her, her expression remained unchanged. Sam had opened the front door for them and Charlie carried her to the couch to lay her down, ignoring her feeble protests. He stopped at the hallway pantry to retrieve two quilts and piled them on top of her after removing her soaked jacket. He couldn’t bare to look at her like that. She hadn’t closed her eyes again but they might as well have been; they bored into the wall, not seeing anything. Her fingers clutched the quilt tentatively, as if her whole body might break into a million pieces if she exert too much force.
He turned to Sam who had followed them in, trying to scrub the image of his broken daughter from his brain, and cleared his thick throat. “Thank you, Sam.” His voice burned with sincerity as he clapped Sam on the shoulder. “Let’s send everyone home,” they both headed out the door. Charlie turned one more time and wished he hadn’t. Bella hadn’t moved, but it seemed with each passing minute her face got paler and the consciousness behind her eyes dimmed just a bit more. He shut the door behind him but the image was one he would not be able to shake for a long time.
 Outside, half the town and then some had gathered. Anyone out searching for Bella had gotten word of her return and was now gathered in a small crowd in his driveway. The rain ricocheted off hoods of jackets as they all looked to him, anxious for word of his daughter’s wellbeing. He was suddenly choked up with emotion for this small and lovely town he had lived in and protected for most of his life. Everyone in front of him was there out of genuine care and concern for him and his family. He braced himself with resolve and cleared his throat once more.
“Bella is alright. I can’t thank all of you enough for what you did for me and my family here tonight.” Charlie realized he couldn’t say much more than that, Bella’s condition was still in question. He glanced at the crowd as Sam took his place next to Harry Clearwater and the La Push group. With a nod from Sam, most of them rolled out. A few Forks locals followed suit, thinning out the caravan of cars parked in front of his house. Many stayed to speak with him personally, offering their help and support. He tried as best he could to keep his face on right, but he felt a headache brew as he scrunched his brow to keep his eyes dry.
He stood in front of Harry Clearwater, the last of the search party remaining and one of his closest friends. If it hadn’t been for Harry putting out the call and bringing the La Push boys up, they might not have found Bella tonight. Charlie shuddered thinking about what could have happened were that the case, remembering all the calls he’d gotten over the summer about animal sightings in the woods. Harry took his hand and pulled him in for a gruff hug. “She's going to be okay, Charlie.” Harry pat him on the back and let him go. Charlie thanked him once more before trooping up the wet porch steps to face what was left of his daughter. He hunched his shoulders against the memories of where he’d last seen a face like hers—staring back at him in the mirror all those years ago.
 Inside, the doctor was finishing his once-over of Bella who sat passively on the couch, unchanging except in position. Charlie winced before screwing up his face in the best smile he could manage as he cautiously lowered his weight on the couch next to her, scared if he disturbed her that she'd crumble to pieces. He placed a hand gently on her back before turning expectantly to the doctor.
“She's not hurt.” He heard what the doctor meant in his eyes. She’s not hurt, physically. He rose and followed the doctor to the entryway.
“Charlie, I haven’t seen a case of shock this bad in…well I haven’t. I have to be honest, I think you’re in for a long couple of days here.” He adjusted the prescription pad under his arm. “I’m writing her a prescription just in case. You don’t have to fill it, but if you find she needs it…it’s here.” He handed Charlie the folded slip. He took it, feeling numb.
“Is it true? Did they leave?” Charlie had heard the rumors churning from the crowd outside. The doctor grimaced.
“Dr. Cullen asked us not to say anything. The offer was very sudden; they had to chose immediately. Carlisle didn’t want to make a production out of leaving.”
“A little warning would have been nice,” Charlie spat the words, feeling his fists clench at his sides. He reminded himself that Dr. Gerandy was only the messenger and took a deep breath through his nose. The doctor gave him a sympathetic look.
“Yes, well, in this situation, some warning might have been called for.” He looked back toward the living room remorsefully. Charlie did not follow his stare, he didn’t want to see what he knew would be there.
One more thank you to punctuate the endless night from hell and his house and driveway were finally empty. There was nothing left out there but black rain, pounding against the windows as if to get to Bella, knowing she needed something to drown in. He started back toward the living room, not wanting to think about who else was empty. He passed by Bella, happy to see at least that her eyes were closed. Her breathing seemed even, she appeared to be asleep and for that he was glad. He knew from experience, even though he would never verbalize the vulnerability, that the pain dulled in sleep. He brushed her drying hair from her forehead. In sleep, her face almost looked normal. Almost. He could see a line where her brow furrowed, even in her sleep. He traipsed toward the kitchen and picked up the phone, dialing the familiar number.
“Hey, Billy, it’s Charlie—sorry I’m calling so—" he looked down at his watch and blinked incredulously, “—early.”
“Not at all Charlie, is Bella alright?” His voice was strained with worry. Billy loved Bella in many ways like his own daughters.
“No, she’s fine. She’s sleeping—”
“I’m so glad she’s okay Charlie, we were all so worried. You’ll let us know if you need anything okay?”
“Thanks, but that’s not why I called.” Charlie sighed. It seemed like ten years ago but it was only early evening, when the search was just beginning, that Mrs. Stanley had called him. That’s when he first heard the news. “I got a call from Mrs. Stanley, and she says that from her second-story window she can see fires out on the sea cliffs, but I didn’t really…” He didn’t really have time to do his job this evening. Nor the mental capacity. Charlie was a broken man all afternoon, not knowing if Bella was alive or dead. Some fires out in La Push were the least of his worries.
Billy chuckled, “Ah, that was our boys. They got a little over excited over the news. Cullens are gone. They’re celebrating.” His inflection grouped himself in with ‘the boys'. Charlie bristled. How could his friend be so cavalier about the loss of the best doctor in town, and the loss of his daughter’s sanity, apparently.
“Oh,” Charlie hadn’t gotten a hold of his knee-jerk anger yet, his irritation slipped into his voice. “And why are they doing that?”
“Oh, you know teenage kids. They’ll use any excuse to start a fire.” His voice let on there was more he wasn’t telling.
“Uhuh,” Charlie waited for Billy to say what he wasn’t saying.
“You know the Cullens aren’t much liked here.”
“Really?” Charlie made no illusion to hide the sarcasm in his voice now. Billy backtracked and sputtered out an apology on the boys' behalf but Charlie cut him off. He wasn’t in the mood for his friend’s patronizing act tonight. “Well don’t apologize to me, I’m surprised they got them lit at all in this weather.” They hemmed and hawed for another minute, Charlie thanked him again and hung up. He dredged back into the living room, grumbling only slightly.
“What’s wrong?” Her voice sounded wrong—hollow. Nevertheless, she was saying something. He rushed to her side.
“I’m sorry I woke you, honey.” He crouched down next to her head.
“Is something burning?” Her nose scrunched up in confusion.
“It’s nothing. Just some bonfires out on the cliffs.” He clenched his fist again. That anyone could be glad the Cullens were gone was a mystery to him.
“Bonfires?” Her voice waned in curiosity, he almost couldn’t bare this more than her not speaking at all.
“Some of the kids from the reservation being rowdy.” He frowned.
He looked to the floor, delaying his answer. “They’re celebrating the news.” His voice betrayed his anger. He saw the pieces connect in her head, she winced as she did.
“Because the Cullens left,” her voice was barely a whisper now. “They don’t like the Cullens in La Push—I’d forgotten about that.”
His anger flashed behind his eyes. “It’s ridiculous,” although it was only an hour before that he had sworn death on at least one of the Cullens. He looked at her, her hand clutching at her chest, eyes vacant. He did this to her.
“Bella?” He did his best to control his tone of voice. She reluctantly met his gaze. “He left you alone in the woods?”
Pain flashed in her eyes for a brief moment. “How did you know where to find me?” She asked incredulously, sitting up. She was seeming more alert by the minute, though the light wasn’t returning to her eyes.
Charlie reached into his pocket, “Your note.” He unfolded it, the paper creased where he held it in his clenched fist, checking it every five minutes to make sure it was still there. Charlie had found the note on the kitchen table when he got home from work that evening. He didn’t think too much of it at first. But after an hour, his every thought revolved around that one sentence note.
“When you didn’t come back, I called the Cullens, and no one answered,” his voice was gruff, getting lost in his remembered panic. “Then I called the hospital, and Dr. Gerandy told me that Carlisle was gone.” He didn’t add on that he sent a cruiser to the Cullens' place to make sure.
“Where did they go?”
“Didn't Edward tell you?” Her eyes flashed in pain again before she could conceal it. His burned with rage. The boy left his daughter in the woods, broke her completely, without even telling her where or why they were going.
“Carlisle took a job with a big hospital in Los Angeles. I guess they threw a lot of money at him.” He frowned. Dr. Cullen didn’t seem the type to be in it for the money. He gritted his teeth and refocused. “I want to know if Edward left you alone out there in the middle of the woods.” He practically spat the name.
She winced, shaking her head. “It was my fault. He left me right on the trail, in sight of the house… but I tried to follow him.”
His anger burned but he kept an even tone. “I’m sorry he did that to you—” before he could get the words out, she was shaking her head again, with her hands over her ears.
“I can’t talk about this anymore, Dad. I want to go to my room.”
He reached out to her, trying to put a comforting hand on her shoulder, but she scrambled off the couch and upstairs in a rush. With a sigh, he rose and lurched to the kitchen phone again, calling out of work—it was nearly the time he’d be heading out the door. His feet were heavy on the stairs, and he barely kicked his shoes off before falling into bed.
The heavy stress-induced slumber would be the only undisturbed sleep he got for a long time beyond that.
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Monday 17th September 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  Gusty winds greeted Bella and I this morning as we left the house for the morning walk.. strong winds off the Atlantic hurried clouds across the night sky obliterating the moon and stars and left us with only the street lamp lite for company.. but nevertheless we, as always. enjoyed our moment in the early morning on the Costa del Sol… back at the house coffee in cup and thoughts in order.. ”Who said that will make a change!” and the news groups open so let’s take a look at the things that caught my fancy… The First post serves as a warning to all the Seniors here and there are quite a few, no matter how cleaver you think you are, there is always someone a little sharper….
FRAUD RINGLEADER JAILED OVER 'BOILER ROOM' SCAM…. A "boiler room" fraud ringleader has been sentenced to a total of 13 years in jail after being found guilty of conspiring with five others to con 170 investors out of £2.8m. Michael Nascimento ran a call centre where investors were told their money would go into shares in businesses such as a property development in Madeira. Instead he spent it on Arsenal tickets, school fees and a trip to Thorpe Park. One victim was conned while coping with depression while her mother had cancer. Nascimento, a former boxer, was convicted of this boiler fraud along with five others: Charanjit Sandhu, Hugh Edwards, Stuart Rea and Jeannine Lewis, who last week received sentences of between two-and-a-half and five-and-a-half years. Another, Ryan Parker, was given a two-year suspended sentence. According to investigators at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the victim whose mother was struggling with cancer was befriended by the "salesman" of this boiler room fraud, Charanjit Sandhu. She was conned into parting with £16,000, her life savings. Then she felt "bullied" into taking out an overdraft to hand over a further £2,500. CCTV footage of the group's activities - and part of its cash pile - was seen by the FCA Another, a sophisticated financial services professional, invested £922,795. He had been asked to fly to Madeira to see the land owned by the companies and was shown around by the ringleader of the fraud, Michael Nascimento. Nascimento had arranged to be called by friends frequently during the visit in order to appear to be a well-known business man in Madeira. What he didn't let on was that the beautiful coastal land he was showing was far from the rough hillside plot with no planning permission that his companies had actually purchased.
SKRIPAL CASE: RUSSIAN 'SPIES' TARGETED SWISS CHEMICAL WEAPONS LAB…. Two Russian men were arrested earlier this year on suspicion of spying on a Swiss laboratory investigating the poisoning of Sergei Skripal, a newspaper investigation has claimed. Swiss publication Tages Anzeiger and Dutch paper NRC said they were arrested in the Netherlands earlier this year. The Swiss lab analysed samples from the poisoning of the former Russian double agent in the UK. It has also dealt with suspected chemical weapons from the war in Syria. The two men were expelled from The Netherlands shortly after their arrest, which had not been reported until now. A spokeswoman for Swiss intelligence told the BBC that the agency had been actively involved in "the case of the Russian spies", without mentioning the laboratory at Spiez, near Bern. But Tages Anzeiger said the Swiss intelligence agency had confirmed the findings of its joint investigation with NRC. The report says the two men had equipment that could have been used to break into the laboratory's computer systems, and also alleged that they worked for Russian intelligence. Britain has said that two Russian intelligence officers carried out the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury in March. Both survived, but local resident Dawn Sturgess died after exposure to the same nerve agent months later. NRC said the two alleged spies targeting the Swiss lab were not the same men accused of the poisoning.
STRAWBERRY NEEDLE SCARE: CONTAMINATION AFFECTS SIX BRANDS IN AUSTRALIA…. Australians have been warned to cut fresh strawberries before biting into them after several people found sewing needles hidden inside the fruit. Contaminated punnets have been reported in supermarkets in the states of New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. One man was taken to hospital after eating a strawberry with a needle inside. A nine-year old boy bit into a contaminated fruit but did not swallow. Several brands of strawberries have been withdrawn. These include Donnybrook strawberries and those sold by the Woolworths Group under the Berry Obsession and Berry Licious names. Health officials have urged people purchasing the fruit to be cautious. The warnings came after a contaminated punnet was reported by Joshua Gane, who wrote in a Facebook post that a 21-year-old friend had suffered "severe abdominal pain". "Until advised, consumers should cut up strawberries before consuming them," Queensland Health later said in a statement posted on Twitter. Jennifer Rowling of the Queensland Strawberry Growers' Association said she believed the strawberries had been "interfered with". She referred to the problem as "an isolated incident" and "sabotage". Australia's strawberry industry is worth some A$130m ($94m; £70m) a year and there are concerns that such incidents could have a lasting detrimental impact on sales.
MUMMIFIED ICE AGE WOLF PUP AND CARIBOU FOUND IN NORTHERN CANADA…. The rare remains of an ice-age wolf pup and a caribou will offer insights about life in Canada's far north more than 50,000 years ago, scientists say. The creatures were discovered with intact hair, skin, and muscle tissue. They were found in 2016 by miners near Dawson City in the Yukon territory, and handed over to palaeontologists for research and analysis. They are among the oldest mummified mammal soft tissue in the world, palaeontologist Grant Zazula said. The wolf pup is estimated to have been about eight weeks old when it died. "It's beautiful, the fur, it's got the cute little paws and tail and the curled upper lip showing its teeth. It's spectacular," Mr Zazula told the Canadian Press news agency on Thursday. The caribou too had its hair intact. The caribou remains include the torso, head, and front limbs. Both specimens are currently on display in Dawson City and will eventually be sent to the Canadian Conservation Institute near Ottawa. They are expected to help scientists understand how they lived in the environment they inhabited. Other creatures who roamed the region from that era, such as the woolly mammoth and even a species of camel, are extinct. But distant descendants of both the wolf pup and caribou can still be found wandering the Yukon.
EU APPROVES CONTROVERSIAL INTERNET COPYRIGHT LAW…. The European Parliament has voted in favor of the Copyright Directive, a new law designed to protect creative industries — but which critics say could have a “catastrophic” effect on the internet. It would force companies like Google to pay publishers every time they link to a story, and require platforms like Facebook to proactively stop users from sharing unlicensed copyrighted material. Critics, including Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee, say it amounts to widespread censorship. The law is expected to get final approval in January.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, morning… …
Our Tulips today are spectacular……
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Monday 17th September 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #Spain #Tulips #Bella #Coffee
0 notes
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Birch—the first of the Celtic tree symbols—for the first moon cycle in the Ogham Tree Calendar, known by celts as Beith. A symbol of new beginnings, hope, new dawns, and the promise of what’s to come…
Bella // Leah new moon era extended fic series. Instead of calling Billy, Charlie calls Harry about his Bella’s depression over Edward leaving. Charlie knows that Leah went through something similar with Sam and hopes that the two girls can help heal each other. (insp). (read along playlist).
Ch 1 // Ch 2  — A Drop in The Bucket
Leah felt a hitch in her side and she eased up from a sprint to a jog. She slowed even further, taking in the deep grey ocean to her right. The sound of her labored breathing and the rain beating against her lightweight rain slicker were completely drowned out by the sounds of the angered ocean, heaving toward shore. She came up here every other day, rain or shine—though, she preferred the rain. Not only for the way it pummeled the sand into an even surface, easier to fly across, but for the privacy it allowed.
It had been almost a year, but people still gave her that all too familiar look whenever she went anywhere in town. Despite how angry she was, she didn’t hate Sam or Emily. She hated how they had reduced her identity to two words: jaded ex. The tide swelled again, hitting the sand with a loud cadence, and her emotions swelled with it. She thought the start of her last year of high school would be different. Sam had graduated and was no longer there to torment her in person with his remorseful eyes and presumptuous manner. She tried to start anew, even forced herself to join the robotics club the first week, but no gossip had come along in their boring town to trump what was now her life’s story. People still stared and whispered in the halls. Freshmen gawked as they were filled in on the drama. Why try? When everyone was already convinced they knew everything about her. Leah spent her days in the backs of classrooms, dreading group projects and resenting the eyes on her in the halls.
She broke out into a jog again, picking up speed as the rain battered against her hood, dripping down her brow where it gathered from hitting her face. She smiled wryly to herself at the irony, leaning into the jaded ex persona by running alone in the rain at the beach. At least no one tried to talk to her anymore. The first year had been brutal with do-gooders and Nosy Nancy's trying to pry their way into her life so they could watch her sadness for entertainment to give them a sense they were the better person. At least their life wasn’t in shambles. At least they weren’t angry at the world. At least they made the effort to help the local sad girl. It bored Leah to no end, so she stopped responding with fake niceties whenever they invaded her space with their sympathetic smiles and presumptuous ‘so how are you?’s. She frowned as her legs carried her further away from home. There was one person who probably knew all too well how she felt, even after a year had passed for Leah.
Bella Swan. She had heard her name echoed over and over again earlier in the year when she blew into town. Charlie’s only daughter, exiled to rainy Forks from the land of sunshine and cacti. Leah heard the whispers that she was dating a Cullen, ironically enough from Sam. He and his gang were always hanging out in town, or over to see Harry, or at Jake's to see Billy; she could never avoid them for more than a week. Leah heard their judgmental musings and laughed to herself, the way they were concerned with a Forks girl's dating habits. Leah hadn’t heard much more about it since the initial whispers, until the night before.
Her dad had gotten the call last night.
“Charlie—how are ya?” Harry fell into their familiar pattern. “Oh gosh, no we haven’t seen her up this way. Do you want . . .” He shifted his weight and motioned to Leah. She hadn’t realized she stopped what she was doing to listen. “No, no, it’s no problem Charlie. Our boys know the woods better than anyone else. Let me gather the troops and we’ll be over. Hey—we’ll find her, okay Charlie? She’s going to be fine.” His voice was fervent and full of promise. She knew he had been a good friend to Charlie for far longer than she had been alive. Leah wanted to offer to come along, mostly out of curiosity—a curiosity she couldn’t trace—but she knew ‘the boys’ meant Sam, and Sam meant not if Leah could help it. She stayed put, heading out to their garage while Harry started a phone chain to reach Sam and his apostles.
She busied herself in the garage for more than a few hours, time never really existed when she was working on a project. She’d been working on this one for almost six months. It was her and Harry’s baby, a ’67 mustang the local junk yard was about to compact before they found it. She and Seth pushed it across town, easier than they would have thought considering the engine—and by extension the majority of the weight—had dropped out the bottom long ago. Harry had told her she needed an outlet for her negative energy. She scoffed at the implication, but knew he was right. Fixing up cars had been something they had always bonded over, since she was a young girl. She would wait at the door for him to come home and run down the driveway to meet him when his car turned off the street. He’d open the door and scoop her up into his lap, letting her steer while he gassed the car up the short drive to the house. She never noticed the guiding finger he held on the bottom of the wheel. He always cheered as the car rolled to a stop, giving her high fives and lifting her out of the car to spin her around.
He was in the garage every weekend; either fixing up a friend’s car or one of his own. They got her a matching grease monkey suit that was made for a six foot man not a three foot girl. Harry would roll the sleeves and pant legs up so she could shuffle around and bring him a rouge wrench from the tool chest. Harry always took the time to show her what he was doing and even put her hands on the engine and tools to let her get a feel for which tools went with which parts. Leah's eyes alight with a child’s curiosity, she never failed to be in that garage with him every weekend. They became less frequent when Harry tore a ligament in his knee. A long recovery and a difficult injury to begin with made it rough to be crawling around beneath the body of a car. He still worked with her though, getting his hands dirty when he could and instructing her when he couldn’t. It was a hobby that fell by the wayside when her life fell apart last year. The most she could handle were staying alive and staying in school.
Harry didn’t come home until after midnight. He came to check on her and she rolled out from under her mustang.
“Find Swan’s girl?” Again, Leah struggled to source her interest.
“Yeah, she’s doing alright. Pretty shaken up. Cullens left town.” He didn’t need to explain further. For the longest time the Cullens had always implicitly included Bella, even far removed from Forks, Leah knew this. He didn’t sound as thrilled as the rest of the tribe about the Cullens skipping town. Leah had been vaguely aware of the celebration raging in town through most of the night. She heard the whoops and hollers up and down the street as several groups of rowdy teens clamored down to the beach. Leah rolled her eyes; any excuse to light a fire. Harry wasn’t torn up about them leaving, but he certainly wasn’t exuberant. Leah respected him for that.
Harry rapped on the doorframe, “It’s getting pretty late, better finish up here.” He eyed her progress, smiling as he saw the tools sprawled out on the floor. This had been their baby initially, until Leah got frustrated with the old man’s pace and continued it without him when he was too busy. She liked working with him, when he was available to work. Her family were just about the only people she could stand to be around. They never patronized her or handled her with kid gloves. Well, not for a long time at least, but Leah could see the anxious squint to his eyes as his smile turned down. Something he saw tonight must have reminded him of her, a year ago. He cleared his throat and bent down to help her clean up; she let him without protesting.
They continued in silence, putting tools back in appropriate places and a tarp over the exposed engine. Leah hated to admit it but she had put her parents through . . . too much in the early days. She had fights with her mother over not eating enough, fights with her dad over picking fights with people in school. Even fights with Seth, although those were a pretty normal occurrence in any other circumstance, but these were more bitter than joking. She hadn’t been the easiest to handle, but she evened out as her anger turned toward resignation.
Leah trotted to a stop where the beach turned to rocks too awkward for her to traverse across, lining the coast in slate and umber tones, slick with rain. She walked toward the ocean, still in a rage with the storm. There were so many times she stood in this exact spot; the precipice of pain pulling her forward, the promising violence of the black ocean calling to her from the shore. She found a home there, in the beautiful chaos of the tide. It wasn’t a call of temptation anymore as it once had been, but more of an acknowledgment of comradery. They tipped their caps, her raging storm bidding hello and goodbye to that of the sea. This is the place she grew from her pain. She let her inner tide overwhelm her fully, learned every force driving it to crash to her shore, all the while she was crashing with it. She let herself fall apart here, only ever here, with the salt in her lungs and the cold water rushing against her bare toes. Her pain felt tangible when she was standing in front of the unstoppable force of the ocean.
She took a deep breath and launched herself in the opposite direction up the coast, toward home. Bella Swan’s storm must be just beginning.
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