#like I get so distracted lolz
demonslayedher · 4 months
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It's... it's ok, I didn't have my hopes up for fluffly filler content for every single Hashira or anything, or seeing any of Mitsuri's family or pets or flashbacks or additional antics or anything, I'm fine, I love the manga canon content done straight justice and brought to life, I'm not dealing with a sense of loss, I'm fine, everything is fine
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dragonowlie · 1 year
Ah yeah my internet is fucked my data is almost out don't expect to see me much if at all in the near future ✌🏻
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ovaryacted · 1 year
Rookie Mistakes
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Pairing: RE2!Leon x Sergeant fem!Reader
Summary: When Leon seems distracted and makes a mistake during a call, you ensure your rookie gets his head together as his sergeant.
Content/Warnings: 18+/MDNI. NSFW. Porn with plot. Dom/sub elements. Femdom/msub. Praise kink. Slight degradation. Needy/subby Leon. Oral sex. Fingering. Handjob. Office Sex. Slight age gap (reader is older at around 25, Leon is 21).
WC: 4.7k
Notes: Finally this is out. I know I know, I'm a liar! But, I had fun with this one, so I hope you like it. Shoutout to the babe @cinnarette for beta reading this and giving me her approval lolz. Anyways, reblogs & comments are always appreciated!
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Leon had always been one to find the good in a shitty situation. Someone with a warm heart that matched the moral compass he developed despite the constant bullshit he experienced daily.
From his hectic childhood to his experiences in the police academy, he had to overcome many trials and tribulations on his own with nobody in his corner. All of those struggles to get the pure sense of relief once he felt his diploma in his hand made all the stress worth it.
When he first arrived at the R.P.D., he didn’t know what to expect. The anxiety of starting fresh in a new city with a new career clouded his mind with a paranoia he seemed to carry in his youth. Walking into the police department he’d call his new home, Leon was fairly surprised to be greeted with a welcome party.
Balloons and confetti filled the common room as he moved around the crowd, bombarded with introductions and greetings as he tried to memorize the names that were thrown his way. Still, the small games and blue cake he indulged in brought a smile to his face, topped off with the polka-dotted party hat he was forced to wear and the words Welcome Leon hung up on the ceiling for him to see.
What Leon didn’t expect was to be assigned to your personal detail the next day. A police sergeant on the force, a bit older, no more than 25 he first assumed, more refined and seasoned with one hell of a glare. First impressions? He was terrified, nervous as hell to fuck anything up seeing how you ran a tight ship, taking your job too seriously for comfort. Of course, you had to. You were working in a male-dominated field, forcing yourself into a mold so you could be taken seriously by those around you.
He took his hand out when being introduced to you, unstable grip and a nervous smile to match as he looked directly into your intimidating gaze. You shook his hand firmly, the strength of your grasp parallel with the small grin you offered him almost made a shiver roll down his spine.
“So you’re the new rookie huh? Well, it’s nice to see a fresh face in here. We have some serious work to do. Let’s get started.”
You were particular about how you wanted things done, very precise in your words and your delivery. A harsh leader, one who easily reprimanded the other rookie officers but was particularly picky with Leon. In a way, he started to feel like you were targeting him, pressuring him so he would crack and leave the force. He knew he couldn’t leave, that this was the career path he chose, and he was too anxious to say anything so he’d let it slide.
You didn’t let up on his training either, always making sure your rookie was on top of what was expected of him. The slight fear Leon had when first meeting you quickly turned into admiration. His stress-induced feelings morphed into respect, now wanting to learn everything you had to show him.
That was when it started. Leon now tried any little thing to get in your good graces, to see even the slightest sign of a smile or to hear you laugh. He started coming to work earlier to help with the case filings you had piled on your desk, organizing them the way you taught him whenever you assigned him grunt work. He wanted you to take a breather and start your day with a clear head, maybe even enjoy your coffee for a bit longer.
When you saw how tidy your work environment was, you went up to Leon who you saw was typing away at his desk diligently. His head lifted up to look at you, blue eyes glancing over your face to read your expression.
“Morning. By any chance, did you fix all the files on my desk?”, you asked curiously, making the blonde rub the back of his neck shyly.
“Yeah, I did. Wanted to help you out a bit and give you an early start to the day” he responded, silently hoping you wouldn’t be upset at him for entering your workspace. Instead, he was met with your look of genuine surprise, followed by a twinkle of gratitude.
“Thank you for that, I appreciate it. Keep up the good work Leon”, you praised him, offering a small smile, one that he made sure to burn into his memory.
“Yes ma’am”, his face was practically beaming at your words as he watched you walk back towards your office, trying to hide the sudden warmth flooding his cheeks.
Your words kept repeating in his head nonstop throughout the entire day. Not only did you acknowledge him in a positive light, you also addressed him by name, which was rare. He was more present at work, his posture straighter, and more eager to help. From that point on, he made it his mission to make sure his sergeant was stress-free, doing anything to see you smile at him again.
Working with Leon, you quickly learned that he was perceptive. A smart cookie, and probably the smartest one out of the current bunch of recruits. Despite the tough love you gave him, especially because he was your professional responsibility, he was the only one truly receptive to your teachings. Like a sponge, he took in everything you gave with a certain wonder you hadn’t seen in anyone else. It was cute really, how he was so ambitious and doing his best to get your approval.
What you liked the most about working with Leon was how he addressed you. He took your authority seriously, seeing someone in charge instead of your appearance. He didn’t say your name, not your first or last out of respect, but rather he always addressed you as Ma’am. You never had someone say that to you directly, thinking it makes you sound older than you actually are. But with the way his eyes warmed up when he’d say it with full confidence, you didn’t have it in you to tell him to stop.
Over the next few weeks, Leon became part of your daily routine, integral to the start of your day. He’d walk in a few minutes early as expected, with two coffee cups in his hands as he waited for you outside your office. Spotting the top of your head coming from speaking to the chief, you were heading his way. You had the same soft smile reserved just for him, one that he always looked forward to seeing when you worked together.
“Got you your usual”, he offered one of the cups to you, your fingers lightly grazing his when taking the warm concoction into your hand.
“Extra caramel?”
“With oat milk, vanilla and cinnamon. I triple checked”, he said enthusiastically, observing you as you sipped the drink. A soft hum escaped you while you closed your eyes in satisfaction.
“You know how to spoil me”, you gave him a wider smile now, seeing how his cheeks blushed the slightest bit at your expression. His reaction made you chuckle, a sound he’s come to enjoy the more time you two spent together. 
“Now come on, we need to work on this case before we patrol at 12. The chief’s on my ass again so let’s get this over with before lunch yeah?”, and without fail, he’d give you the same ending response every time.
“Yes ma’am”
The more you invested in Leon’s skills, the more you realized small things about him that were fairly telling. You weren’t stupid. Anyone with a brain could see that the respect and admiration he had for you was turning into something else entirely. You could tell with every passing moment you had with him, noticing how the tension between the two of you would get thicker after every interaction. You didn’t comment on it. Instead, you enjoyed toying with him, a part of your ego feeding off on how he’d say yes ma’am in such a way that would make you want to hear it more often.
The faint touches between the two of you got more frequent. Your fingers would brush his during the exchange of files, you saw how he’d always be within a hair’s distance when standing near you. Moments spent training in the shooting range were where the intimacy seemed to skyrocket, putting your hands on Leon’s arms to keep his form up as he shot towards his target.
You didn’t need to do that. Leon was a good shot, accurate too. But you enjoyed the way he released a shaky breath whenever you were close to him or touched him, how the tips of his ears reddened when you praised him for hitting the bullseye.
In one certain instance when the R.P.D. was extra busy, you were being hammered with files and administrative work. The coffee sitting on your desk was no longer doing its job of waking you up, and the constant bombardment of having to organize new information was starting to make your head pulse. You stood up from your seat to give your back a break, bending backward until you felt a satisfying crack in your spine. Hearing a knock at your door that brought your attention, you noticed Leon on the opposite end.
“Hey, my bad if I caught you at a bad time. The investigators wanted to review those files on that drug bust we did yesterday, something about missing information”
“Oh yeah yeah, it’s right behind me. Hell, I don’t even know where I put it”, you turned to face the mess behind you, lamenting at the stack of files you have yet to sort through today.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll look for it. You stay focused on what you’re doing”
Just like that, Leon came over behind you, going through the files while you stayed reading over the papers in your hand. The both of you made quick conversation, commenting on how busy it became. The increase of instances flooding the department only added more to your workload. Leon kept digging through the pile, turning his body to go to the other side of you.
In the process, he put a hand on your hip and muttered an apology, slightly making you jump and walking behind you to go to your left side. You tried to pay no mind to the gentle touch, going back to refocusing on the case at hand. He found the document folders he needed, suddenly too close to your body when the second he turned, you moved backward into him. Leon’s hips pressed against your rear, his hands reaching toward your hips instinctively despite the hitch in his breath at the contact.
“S-shit, I’m sorry…”, he mumbled, cheeks flushed red as he walked out of your office. You didn’t get a word in, but his reaction was enough to tell you about what you already knew.
The ghost of his touch filled your mind for the rest of the day, and it was worse for Leon. He tried so hard not to think about it. Not to fantasize about how your hips would feel bouncing against his with force, what you’d sound like when you’re aroused. It was practically impossible for him. His imagination went haywire the second he got home, jerking himself off to relieve the hard-on he’s been managing since earlier this afternoon.
He couldn’t get the image out of his head. He thought about how you’d praise him, call him a good boy for making you feel good. Deep down, he wondered if you were equally as authoritative in the bedroom as you were outside of it. As he released all over his hands with a whine, he sighed to himself, fully aware that he had reached the point of no return with his own thoughts about you. 
It was a Tuesday afternoon when both of you were assigned to handle two suspects committing a robbery. Called to the scene, you trailed them down to a nearby commercial street. They were careless too, throwing their guns halfway into the chase and the items they stole slipping from their grasp onto the concrete floor. Catching them felt easy, handcuffing one to the ground and throwing him to the backseat of your cop car. Leon seemed to be distracted, with what you didn’t know. When the second thief seemed to slip from his grasp and started to make a run for it, you knew he needed to get his act together.
“Get your head out of your ass Kennedy! Before I put my foot up there instead. Now move!”, you ordered him to get back into the patrol car. Turning on the police siren, you drove to track down the next suspect and apprehended them with quickness.
The drive to the station was quiet besides the two handcuffed men grumbling behind you. Leon kept his mouth shut, refusing to look your way, and focused on listening to the chatter on the radio. He knew you were pissed, and he didn’t know what had gotten into him today but he couldn’t focus for the life of him. The nagging voice in the back of his mind was telling him to be prepared for the worst, because he fucked up, and worse yet, he fucked up with you.
After bringing the two robbers down to the precinct, you couldn’t erase the irritation from your face. You couldn’t even look at Leon, upset that someone like him after so much training made such a rookie mistake. You only offered a glare, knowing for a fact you’d have to talk to him later on when your temper wasn’t so flared up. For now, you made Leon sit at his desk to do filing work, deciding not to berate him in front of the other officers and saving him the embarrassment.
Knowing you were giving him the silent treatment, he avoided you for the rest of the day, staying late at the R.P.D. in hopes of being able to talk to you. Leon drummed his fingers on his desk absentmindedly, until you came up behind him and got his attention.
“Kennedy, to my office. Now”, your tone of voice was harsh, making the hairs on Leon’s neck rise as he got up to follow you back to your workspace.
You locked the door once the both of you were inside, leaning back against your desk with your tactical belt off so your hips pressed against the wooden edge. Arms crossed over your chest, your head raised at the cop before you, watching his feet anxiously moving as he looked at the floor with slight shame.
“I want to know what happened out there. You messed up, and that’s not like you. You don’t make rookie mistakes anymore, we’re passed that”, you started to speak. Leon’s gaze was pinned on you, trying to hide his humiliation but it was clear as day.
“I know. I know I fucked up, it was a stupid mistake. I’m sorry”
“Yeah, it was. I didn’t invest all this time in training you personally for you to let things like this slip. You’re better than this, you know that”, your tone changed from irritation to concern, trying to get him to see the bigger picture.
“You’re my responsibility, Leon. I’m this harsh and this strict for a reason, and it’s because I care. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t give a shit what happened to you, but I do. This reflects back on me, so just get your head together alright?”, you saw how his brows furrowed a bit in slight confusion at your confession.
You cared about him.
“Yes ma'am. It won’t happen again, I really am sorry”, his hands started to fumble with his tactical belt.
“I know you are, but sorry’s not gonna cut it. I can’t have you distracted like this. Not on my watch”, you said, now walking from the desk until you stood in front of him. He didn’t move a muscle, not knowing what else to do besides stand there.
“If you’re really sorry you’re going to have to prove it. You’re not getting off that easy. You got that rookie?”, your eyes held that intimidating stare that made Leon tense, you could practically hear him gulp. 
“I-I understand ma’am. Whatever it takes I’ll do it.”, he was still oblivious, having no idea what he just got himself into but he wasn’t complaining, not when you were this close to him. Your hand went up towards his belt, a singular finger curving into one of the loops to yank his body forward. Now standing chest to chest he shivered at the close contact, holding his breath and waiting for your next words.
“You’re gonna use your pretty mouth to prove that you won’t mess up like that again. Maybe if you’re good enough, I’ll think about being nice and rewarding you. That okay?”, your words were laced with pure temptation, making Leon nod, too scared to speak up. He didn’t know what to expect, but lord if he wasn’t going to pretend he wasn’t enjoying it. 
“Use your words baby”
“Yeah, f-fuck it’s okay”, he was shaking in front of you, a blush on his cheeks so intense you could feel the heat radiating off of his skin.
“Can I kiss you?”, you tilted your head up towards him, his warm breath against your lips as the ends of your noses touched.
“Please do…”
You didn’t waste another second, lips colliding against his as Leon finally released the breath he was holding. He let you take control, his mind turning to complete mush at just the feel of your mouth against his. Tongues dancing together, you ran your fingers through his hair, his own hands going to paw at your hips. He released needy faint moans, holding on to you as if you were going to leave him any second now. When you pulled away from him and bit his bottom lip he whimpered, a sound you didn’t expect him to make. You fucking loved it.
You walked backward while he followed you on jittery legs. With your back now pressed against the desk again, Leon’s face dug into your neck, leaving a path of kisses in a way that made you chuckle. His hands were everywhere, overwhelmed with what to do or where to touch. You brought your fingers into his hair again, giving him a soft yank as he groaned out from the action. Pupils already dilated, you eyed him closely, how he seemed so far gone when you haven’t even started.
“You want to be good for me Leon?”, your voice was soft, almost patronizing and it only made Leon’s dick pulse in his pants.
“Yes, I wanna be good for you. Don’t want you mad at me”, Leon pouted, and you fought the urge to kiss him again.
“Then get on your knees and start working on your apology”, you commanded, watching how he bit his lip and nodded.
“Yes ma’am”, he was already shifting down to the ground, diligent fingers on the button of your cargos and undoing them, while you threw your shoes off.
Pulling the zipper down, he started to drag the fabric to your knees until it hit your ankles, pants discarded to the side and leaving you in your panties. Sitting on top of the desk, his eyes looked up at yours, coming face to face with where you wanted him most.
His large hands moved from your shin to your knee, then towards your thigh and hip to hook his thumbs into the waistband of your underwear, noting the wet patch that was already staining the cotton material. He dragged them down with ease until they hung at your ankle, lifting one of your thighs onto his shoulders to admire all of you with a soft moan.
“Can I taste you? Please?”, he mumbled against your thigh with a soft kiss. He was already playing the part so well, offering him a smirk as you drank in the way he begged you for more. You didn’t even have you train him.
“Yeah baby, you can”
Without hesitation, his mouth made contact with your body, the taste of your wetness filling his tongue and making his chest rumble. It was better than he imagined, moving his tongue up and down against your slit to collect the developing slick. You released a low hum from your lips, already pent up from the stress of your job and your day, now having your favorite rookie tending to you on your orders.
Leon was anything if not keen, tongue lavishing against your throbbing clit and his lips circling around it as he began to suck. You threw your head back at that, hand holding his head in place and hips moving towards him shamelessly. He was grunting under his breath, growing obsessed with the way your body twitched anytime he touched you just right. 
“You’re doing so good Leon, so damn good for me”, you praised him again, feeling the sounds he’d release when you did talk to him. It was debauched, how his senses were filled with just you with no end in sight.
This was how you wanted to see him. On his knees and eager to please.
His attention went back to your opening, feeling it flex around nothing with every flick he gave you. Inserting his tongue into your cunt, your hips arched towards him again, moaning louder than you anticipated.
You were silently thankful your office was a bit farther away from the rest of the department, and being it was later at night, you didn’t have to hide much of anything. You moved Leon’s face closer to your body with a pull of his head, clit pressed against his nose as he sucked at your essence greedily, taking in everything he could get. 
A warmth started to develop in your gut, pleasure like liquid fire making your body twitch. The high you so desperately craved was in near sight, grinding yourself against Leon’s face and using him to get off. He didn’t object, moving his mouth to suck at your clit again, two fingers teasing your entrance before inserting them inside. You cursed under your breath, the dual sensation of Leon’s fingers curling against your g-spot and his consistent sucking brought you closer to your much-needed climax.
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum”, you could almost taste your release right at the edge of your tongue, could imagine the way it would feel to finally let go.
You looked down to watch Leon at work, how he’d pump his fingers at just the right pace, how his eyes grew hazy with pleasure when they looked up at you.
With one soft nip at your clit your release hit you full force, a small squeal leaving your lips as your gummy walls clenched around his fingers. Your grip on the desk and his hair were both tight, knuckles turned white as stars filled your vision. Leon kept moving his fingers and mouth the whole way through your orgasm, groaning loudly against you and refusing to stop. He couldn’t get enough of you or your taste, forcing you to pull his head away before the overstimulation made it too much to handle.
The both of you were panting, eyes widening when Leon pulled his digits away and inserted them into his mouth to lick off what remained of you. You pulled him up towards his feet, dragging him down to kiss you again and chasing your own taste that flooded his tongue. If you weren’t on a time crunch, you would’ve gladly let him go down on you again.
“Did I do good ma'am? Do you feel good?”, Leon asked, thumbs rubbing your trembling thighs as you came down from your high, flushed face waiting for your approval.
“Yes, you were so fucking good for me. You ate my pussy so well”, your words made him smile then, a dopey lopsided grin that seemed to ease his doubts from earlier.
“I think you deserve a little reward now. You want some help with that pretty boy?”, your eyes gestured to the tent in Leon’s pants, looking up at him from your long lashes.
“God, please touch me”, he begged then, blue eyes engulfed in pure lust.
You didn’t want to tease him any longer, undoing his pants and slipping your hand inside. With a gasp he felt your fingers wrapping around his cock that pulsated with need, knowing it wouldn’t take him long to cum either. He had been on the edge for too long, imagining you like this for what seemed like months. You pumped him, twisting your wrist and pressing your thumb against his slit, feeling the precum that was already making a mess in his briefs. 
“You get hard when you have your superior’s pussy in your face huh? You like being used like that baby?”
“Y-yes, yes I do. God I fucking love it”, he nodded dumbly. “Love the way you taste, the way you feel…”, he didn’t even know what he was saying anymore, mind so blurred with just you that he was losing track of time and himself.
You smirked, kissing his neck and pressing your lips against the mole on his throat. Leon swallowed, hands pressing into your thighs for stability but he was so close to losing it. He thrusts his hips up into your hand, chasing his own high and you gladly let him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear and biting at the lobe. The sounds Leon released were downright pornographic, whines and lewd wet sounds filling your office. 
“S-shit I’m gonna cum. Can I cum? Please ma'am, I’m so close”, he begged again, his cock throbbing and hot in your hand as he spoke. He bucked his hips more into your squeezing fingers, your pace picking up as you jerked him off more persistently. He felt like he could barely breathe, the prickly feeling in his lower spine getting more prominent the closer he got to his orgasm.
“Be a good boy and cum for me Leon. I want to see you cum baby”, it was your final order, and those words alone were his undoing.
His body shook above you when he fell over the edge, his lower stomach flexing hard as he came all over your fingers. He cursed and whimpered, an array of thank yous were said against your neck, hands pressed into your thighs hard enough to bruise your skin. His cum dribbled out of him as his body jerked, still pumping him to the point of sensitivity. He clutched your wrist to signal you to stop, half-lidded eyes looking at yours that filled with mischief.
You took your hand off of him and licked the remaining fluids, purring at the taste of him filling your mouth. Leon bit his lip when watching you, already starting to feel his dick twitch again for more.
He leaned down towards you, kissing you hard and chasing his taste, just like how you did with him. The eroticness of it all overwhelmed him, rasping against you as you pulled away. You looked over his face, cheeks flushed pink and lips plump from their usage. You burn that image into your mind, saving it for later when it would be more helpful. 
“No more distractions or mistakes from here on out Leon. You come to me if you need to clear your head. Understood?”, he released a dry chuckle, placing another kiss against your lips, much softer than before. The intimacy made your chest warm, your smile matching his own.
“Yes ma’am”
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©️ ovaryacted 2023. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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sugarypinecones · 3 months
DODGE!!!!! god i want dodge so bad i want to lay between his stretched out legs and wrap my arms around one of them and rest my head on his thigh while he plays with my hair while we watch smth together but it's all background noise because his dick is so close to me mouf and i js wanna run my nose against the little outline from his washed out jeans IS THAT A CRIME IS THAT SO TERRIBLE please oh my god his strong rodeo arms i just wanna sit on his lap and rub my hands all over him im sorry i think im ovulating
(in lois griffin voice) whoever that was.. thank you….
NO because ur SO real.. like i audibly went holy to this, had to screenshot, send to council, and come back to re read again like that one sarah paulson video.
this was meant to be a tiny tiny blurb but it turned out way longer than expected so sorry lolz + f!reader
ALSO! if you sent an ask i am working on it, but i was on vacation so now im finally home and yupppp
send more asks. anything. i will try and match ur freak as hard as i can pls god, and anyways that being said:
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like, get me; it starts out somewhat innocent. tired and lazy because of all the panic bullshit, you two decide to just stay home rather going out to all the random parties and events thrown between each game.
dayna and his mom don’t care that he has you over — they find it nice he found someone, a nice distraction from inside his head.
as for the show, it’s probably some random documentary or reality show: first thing he saw when logging into the streaming platform. he, genuinely, is probably engrossed in it, but you’re engrossed in him: how close you two are.
you’re laying between his legs, obviously, and his hands are strung around you messily, just wanting to have some sort of hold on you. how he’s holding you, you probably have no idea what, focused on the washed-out jeans of his — weathered from wear by rodeos or helping anne or anything else.
he’s probably yapping about something on the TV — “i don’t see how bestfriends could do that to eachother..” bla bla bla, you’re not really focusing in on it - humming, trying to sound interested in whatever it is he’s actually talking about. some “oh really?” and “i know..” are strung throughout the humming, but you have no idea if it’s actually appropriate to his talking.
he seems to catch on, though, unbeknownst to you. it’s hard not to notice his pretty girlfriend’s eyes focused directly on his crotch every few minutes, head shifting back and forth ever so slightly — making his dick twitch with need.
you wondered if his jeans are always this tight — wondering if you looked earlier you could’ve seen it, but the truth was, you really couldn’t. this only happened after the fact you got in the car — but obviously, you weren’t keenly aware of his crotch up until the minute you got in bed.
his hands run up and down ur back softly, and god it just makes the URGE to run ur face along the outline so much worse !!! he’s fallen quiet, so u slightly wonder if maybe something’s wrong or maybe he caught onto your disinterest in his words, so you glance up out of the corner of your eye, only to realize he’s been watching you for god knows how long.
he probably says something stupid, like: “you know the tv’s over there, right?” or “interesting?” something really dumb and smart-assy. you roll your eyes, probably say something back, and one thing leads to another and he’s nonchalantly trying to suggest you could do it if you wanted to.
so you do. and god !! does it feel as good as u thought it would. he twitches beneath u and tries to act like it’s really not turning him on as much as it is, but it’s hard not to, a sticky, wet patch is already forming at the tip of his cock; itching to bleed through the light jeans.
he ends up pulling you closer, forgetting all about the tv, bringing you into a hasty kiss, needy and desperate but still filled with tenderness.
you fix yourself on his lap, smiling into the kiss, glad you got your way, like it was ever a fight to begin with — it never was, he would give you anything you asked for whenever you wanted.
he’s so gentle when he touches you. his large hands wrapping around your waist as he pulls you even closer into his lap, his eyes closed, enjoying the kiss for a few more moments before pulling away, panting softly, breathless.
"you’re really not very good at paying attention." he mumbled breathlessly, a small smirk on his lips as he looked down at you.
he moved his hands down your sides, running them up and down your thighs, his thumbs brushing against the skin beneath the hems of your shorts as he shifted underneath you slightly.
“what’s going through your pretty little head, hm?” he mused, tilting his head slightly as he studied your face.
you hummed softly, looking up at him with a small, playful pout on your lips.
“well… i was listening,” you pouted, “kinda.”
he chuckled softly at your response, his hands continuing to run up and down your thighs, the touch of his palms warm and rough against your skin.
“you’re so cute,” he murmured, “but i don’t think you were listening at all.”
he leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on your nose, before continuing to trail his lips down your jawline and down your neck.
“i think you were too distracted by something else,” he whispered, his breath warm against your skin as he nipped at your neck softly.
he knew you far too well - he knew the way your body reacted to his touch. he knew how to make you melt.
he continued to nibble at your neck, gently, his teeth grazing your skin just enough to send shivers down your spine.
“can you even remember what i was talking about?” he murmured playfully, his hands still running up and down your thighs.
“of course,” you retort, clearly defensive. “you don’t get how best friends.. could do that to eachother.” it’s clear you were listening to him, but not the television.
he chuckled softly, his lips pressed against your skin as you spoke.
“of course you remember that part,” he teased, knowing damn well you were paying more attention to his jeans than the television.
he gently nipped at your skin, sucking on a small patch of it for a moment, before pulling away.
“you were paying more attention to something else, weren’t you?”
you flush. obviously you were — who could blame you ?? :(( he was just soo close to u and so there..
he caught the flush of your cheeks, a smirk playing at his lips as he lifted his head to look at you.
“aww, you’re so cute when you blush, you know that?” he teased, “especially when you realize you’ve been caught.”
he chuckled softly, his hands moving up to your waist, his fingers slowly slipping beneath the hem of your shirt.
you pull him into a needier kiss this time, hands roaming all over, as if trying to find the right place to grab: but all seemed so promising, that you couldn’t actually settle.
he groaned softly into the kiss, matching your neediness with his own. his hands gripped at your waist, his fingers digging into your skin, as he pulled you close into his lap.
he ran his tongue across your bottom lip, requesting access that you happily gave him. his tongue slipped into your mouth, exploring it hungrily, as his hands roamed across your body.
he trailed kisses down your jawline and down your neck, his lips leaving a trail of fire on your skin. he nipped at your collarbone, leaving small, love bites in their wake.
he slowly pushed himself back against the back of the bed, pulling you with him so that you were now laying on top of him, your legs on each side of his hips.
his hands roamed down to your legs, gripping your thighs as he shifted beneath you, his hips rolling up against yours.
he groaned softly as he felt the pressure against his lap, his lips still moving across your neck, leaving little love bites in their wake.
“you drive me crazy,” he mumbled against your skin.
you hum in response — too overwhelmed with pleasure to say anything other than jumbled messes, so simplify yourself with a hum.
his hands moved up, slipping underneath your shirt, and running his palms across your skin. he could feel the heat radiating off your body, and it only made him want you more.
he pulled away from your neck, looking up at you with his blue, lust-filled eyes.
“i want you,” he breathed, “so badly.”
your breath hitches — and you want to tell him to have you — right there, however much he wanted, but you can’t strangle any words out.
he moved his hands up to your hips, his grip tightening as he pulled you tightly against him, grinding his lap up against yours.
he let out a soft groan, his head falling back against the back of the headboard as he felt the friction against his straining jeans.
“you’re so beautiful,” he panted, looking up at you with a look of need in his eyes, “so damn beautiful.”
he slid his hands up further, pushing up your shirt as he did, exposing your stomach. he ran his hands up across your stomach and up to your ribs, his touch leaving chills in their wake.
he bit his lip as he looked up at you, studying your face, taking in your features as if he hadn’t seen you a million times before.
“i want you,” he repeated, his voice slightly hoarse with need, “all of you, darling.”
you leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“well,” you said, your voice low and sultry, “what’s stopping you?”
he looked up at you, his eyes darkening with need.
“nothing,” he replied, his grip on you tightening as he spoke.
he shifted beneath you, pushing himself up so that he was sitting up properly against the back of the couch.
“except for these damn jeans,” he muttered, his hands moving to the button on his jeans.
you’re quick to help him — eagerly pawing at the button, undoing it with ease.
he let out a soft gasp at your eager touch, his hands moving to grip your waist as you undid the button on his jeans.
he lifted his hips as you began to pull down the jeans, a small, needy whine escaping from his lips as the fabric slid down his legs and hit the floor with a toss of your hand.
“so fucking needy..” he groaned softly, his hands running up and down your sides.
he pulled you back down onto his lap, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he settled you against his lap.
his hips bucked up slightly, his arousal pressed against your thigh as he moved.
“you’re so good to me,” he panted, his hands roaming up and down your back as he spoke, “i’m so lucky to have you.”
he tilted his head, his lips tracing a path down your neck, nibbling at sensitive spots along the way. he left a trail of little love bites, his teeth grazing against your skin in a way that made you shiver.
“i want to touch you,” he murmured against your skin, his hands running up your thighs. “please let me touch you.”
you could give him permission a million times over — and he’d still ask before doing anything else in the process, so gently; a contrast difference to his rough hands.
“please.” you retort softly.
he groaned softly at your response, his hands gripping your thighs tighter as he pulled you closer.
“always so polite,” he muttered, his lips still trailing down your neck.
he slowly moved his hands up your thighs, his fingers slowly sliding under the hem of your shorts.
“i need you so badly,” he panted, his hands moving higher, “can i..?”
you nod vicariously.
he let out a soft sigh of relief at your response, his hands moving further up your thighs, until they reached the edge of your panties.
he ran his fingers along the edge of the fabric, groaning softly at the realization that he was so close to what he wanted.
“you’re so beautiful,” he murmured, “so perfect..”
you hum contemptibly, smiling.
he smiled at your hum, his hands slowly moving up, slipping beneath the waistband of your panties.
he ran his fingers over your skin, his touch gentle and soft, as he slowly moved towards your center.
he could feel you shiver with each touch, his own hips rolling slightly beneath you as he grew impatient.
he slowly moved his hand down, his fingers sliding across your sensitive flesh, his touch sending shivers up your spine.
“you’re so warm,” he murmured, “so ready..”
he gently began to rub at your sensitive bundle of nerves, his touch light and teasing, as his other hand moved to your hip, holding you in place.
he groaned softly at the feel of your reaction, his eyes studying your face intently.
“so beautiful..” he repeated, his fingers slowly increasing their pace.
he watched as you began to move against his touch, your hips rolling in response to his touch.
he groaned softly as he felt you press against him, his own arousal growing more and more with each small movement you made.
“that’s it,” he panted, “just like that..”
he continued his movements, his fingers quickening their pace as he felt you growing closer.
he could feel your body shaking with need, your hands gripping tightly onto his shoulders.
“just relax darling,” he murmured, “let go for me..”
he continued to rub at your sensitive core, his fingers moving in a steady rhythm, as he watched you grow closer and closer to the edge.
he could feel your body growing tense, your grip on him growing tighter, as you began to whine and pant with need.
“that’s it, just like that..” he repeated, his own hips rolling up against you as he continued his ministrations.
he watched as you grew tense, your body trembling as you reached the edge, your eyes squeezing shut as you arched your back slightly.
he kept up his movements, his hand still rubbing at your sensitive flesh, continuing to bring you closer and closer to release, “come for me, please..” he panted, his own need growing stronger by the second.
he could feel you growing closer and closer to the edge with each second, your breath coming in soft pants and moans as you teetered on the brink.
and finally, you came, your body shaking as you reached your climax, a soft moan escaping from your lips.
he continued to move his fingers gently against you, helping you ride out your orgasm, as he spoke softly, “so perfect..”
he gently pulled his hand away from you, his eyes watching as you came down from your high. he studied your face, taking in your flushed cheeks and messy hair.
“that’s it darling,” he murmured, “just breathe..”
he moved his hands to your hips once more, holding you tightly in his lap as he waited for you to regain your bearings.
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just got my wisdom teeth out and owwww ow ow
pls give yves and montgomery helping reader after the surgury….. would love to see monty lovign on boss ass bitch reader who normally is so put togethre but now needs him to get them fresh ice eveu 15 minutes and listen to them whine about their whole mouth hirting
okay i was imagining them separate but now i am thinkign it wiuld also b funny if they were taking care of rwader together <3 but mostly i wann see put together reader forced to enjoy monry’s company but also be like well this is great that i don’t have to do shit myself lolz AHH just got blood on my pillow fuck
okay bye i go slep <3 i spit out part of a totth i’m not sure if that’s supposed to happen
thaaaaaaaank you an no oressure
"I know, honey." Montgomery petted your head as you whined about your gums throbbing in excruciating pain, his other hand helped you put the ice pack wrapped in a cloth up to your cheek. You kept moaning in pain, letting beads of tears roll down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry darlin'... I wish I could take your place for ya'." You writhe in his lap, but his hold on the ice pack never left. Montgomery planted numerous kisses onto various parts of your head, hoping to distract you from the swelling.
You felt him jolt when he heard the front door opening. You weakly tilted your head to see what was happening.
"What the fuck- I just changed the damn locks!" Montgomery, surprised, was scowling at Yves who entered your house as if he's coming home.
You let out a weak greeting, feeling relieved that he's here because he makes everything right. You expected him to fix this, to take away the agony that Montgomery is desperately trying to free you from but failing.
"Hello, dear." Yves smiled at you and disregarded Montgomery's presence entirely. His voice was kept at a minimum, as to not aggravate you more.
You close your eyes and bury your head in Montgomery's chest, knowing that it will take some time for Yves to wash and disinfect his hands before performing his usual magic. And Montgomery being the man you loved, smugly took this as a sign that you chose him over his rival.
You heard some shuffling. He has returned from performing his hygiene rituals. Yves must be preparing all the items he needed to perform a miracle on the coffee table.
"(name)." He stole your attention, making you lift your head up.
"Leave 'em alone, they're in pain and you're makin' it worse." Montgomery scooted away from the other male, who merely crossed his legs and watched.
"Open your mouth." Of course, he ignores the lower lifeform in the room.
You heeded his instructions and allowed access. Yves hovered his hand close to your face, only to be slapped away by Montgomery.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" He hissed. Yves glared at him and disinfected his hands again with some sanitizer.
"I am changing their gauze, it is completely saturated with their blood." His next attempt to extract the soaked gauze was successful.
"You were supposed to change it every 30 minutes, you fool." Yves spat at Montgomery but with his voice lowered to a hush, so you wouldn't need to be acutely aware that he's berating your partner.
Montgomery shot him a dirty look, but couldn't utter a word because the guilt started setting in. He realized that he should have known better, but he wouldn't admit to Yves that he's incapable of taking care of you.
"My love, when was your last dose of painkillers?" His tone softened considerably, almost like he was never hostile to anyone in the room.
You couldn't answer him. And he correctly took that as a confirmation that Montgomery never gave you any.
He brought his piercing gaze back up to the man holding you. He was merciful enough to let Montgomery explain himself, before tearing another one into him.
"I-I don't want my precious to be eatin' all kinds of strange--"
"Yeller, the painkillers are meant to relieve them of their pain. Hence the name; pain, killers. I do not expect very much from you, but I do expect simple comprehension of English. At least." Yves wasn't even looking at Montgomery as he removed a pill from a blister pack.
"I don't trust no pill, those damn side effects are gonna kill them!"
"It will not." Glowered Yves.
"Oh yeah? How the hell would you-"
"It will not, Yeller." Montgomery was about to argue again, but was immediately silenced when Yves presented Montgomery's hospital wristband from months earlier. Your husband was brought back to the time where he thought Yves was an oracle, with all the impossible knowledge he had on the two of you.
"...Whatever, you fuckin' prick." He looked away and let Yves handle your situation.
He fed you the pill and tipped the mouth of his water bottle to wash it down your throat. You didn't realize how thirsty you were, as Montgomery was too caught up in cuddling and cooing to keep you sufficiently hydrated. This didn't go unnoticed by Yves, he made a mental note to scold him on that later.
When that's all done, he instructed you to open your mouth again so he could put a new, clean gauze over the extraction site.
"Bite down." You did as you were told, and allowed yourself to rest on Montgomery's broad chest once again.
Your husband picked up the ice pack and began icing your cheek. "Everythin' is goin' to be okay, sugar. Everythin's gonna be okay..." He murmured, delicately cradling you in his strong arms.
Yves held onto your hand and tenderly caressed it. Neither man said a word and waited until you slipped into slumber.
Only when you're in deep sleep, did Yves let go of your hand and start to speak.
"I need to talk to you in private, Yeller." Yves is also scowling, crossing his arms.
"Can it wait? You know where I work and my schedule, and you have the fucking key to our home."
"Outside. Now." Yves pointed at the front door, his arm was rigid and voice stern. It almost made Montgomery flinch with how uncannily similar he is to the disciplinarians he used to fear greatly as a child. Perhaps he still does, even to this day as an adult.
"Yeah, yeah. Give me a moment and I'll let you call me stupid as much as you want..." Grumbled Montgomery as he worked carefully to lay you on the sofa.
Yves got up and marched outside to the porch, where the most explosive of arguments can take place without disturbing your sleep.
Montgomery followed soon after, trudging and deeply dreading whatever Yves might say. But he didn't leave without giving you another kiss on the forehead for good luck.
"I'll be back, sweetheart. Gonna get a little scolding from your... goddamned smother" He whispered.
While making his way out, he was mumbling under his breath about how nosy and stuck up Yves is.
While you remain blissfully unaware of the fight or your toothache.
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gg-pedro · 9 months
can you hear the music (ch. 1) - joel miller x reader
even here, at the end of all things, some things persisted. one thing in particular, throughout all the places you had been. music.
summary: everyone in jackson is trying to distract themselves from something. you teach ellie piano and find yourself trying to help more than one miller settle into their new world.
warnings: post outbreak!joel, jackson!era, platonic!ellie x reader, implied age gap, joel x reader, AFAB!reader, they kiss lolz, smut to come, pining, feelings.
words: 1.8k
a/n: a little sweet, a little bitter, a little self indulgent. I'm planning on this being a series! I hope you enjoy. warning tags only apply to this chapter.
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Two knocks. Three. More knocking, hushed squabbling from outside your door. You got up from your seat at the kitchen table, a piling mess of sheet music and scribbled notes.
Opening the door revealed your newest student, Ellie, looking very much like Joel was leading her to the gallows with that scowl on her face. 
“Can we just get this over with? I’m fucking hungry.” Ellie pushed past you, shrugging off her coat and kicking off her boots. 
“I’m sorry… ‘bout her. She likes doin’ this, I swear. Always comes back talking about it. Just give her some time to warm up to you.”
Joel had this particular look on his face whenever he talked about that little girl. His dark eyes would soften and he’d push a hand through his graying hair, his thoughts seeming like they were somewhere else entirely from his surroundings. The most he ever said to you was about Ellie. Everything you knew about Joel was from Ellie, naturally.
He was from Texas. He was fairly older than you– you didn’t have much experience from when it was before the end of the fucking world. He sounded tightly wound. He could play the guitar, and he’d taught Ellie a few things. Once, she’d said that he only liked piano music if Billy Joel was playing it, whoever that was. That made you laugh.
You gave him a thin smile, crossing your arms over your chest to ward off the draft that was blowing through the open door. “I know. She’s a great kid, I can tell she wants to learn. I think it helps her– you know, keeping busy.”
Joel met your eyes for the first time since the conversation had started, something painful and poignant seeping into his expression. 
“Yeah. I think so.” He was quiet for a few seconds before looking straight over you to grab Ellie’s attention. “I’ll be back in an hour. I’m down the street helpin’ Tommy with that old building. Be good,” he warned, before giving you a grateful nod and turning back. 
And that was your routine. Joel was usually short with you, a little quiet, a little shy. You thought he was a sweet man– and a painfully attractive one at that. All southern and rough, broad shouldered, puppy-dog eyed. He seemed like he would do anything to keep that girl safe. You were glad the community had someone like him.
You had started teaching Ellie a few weeks after they had settled into Jackson. It was mostly because of Maria’s recommendation, who you were fairly close with. Ellie had hated taking lessons from you more vehemently in the beginning, but the more you worked at it, the more comfortable you saw her get. 
“Come on, kid. This is good for your brain,” you would say, beckoning her to sit next to you on the piano bench. 
She scoffed, but yet she obliged. “This is dumb. I could be doing something useful. Like shooting guns.”
“Art is as important, Ellie. More important than shooting guns. For you, anyway."
Her fingers tapped gingerly on the keys and she played a scale they had learned the week before. “How would you know? You aren’t even old,” she countered. “How long have you been playing?”
You glanced over at the clock. You two were wasting time, but at least she was talking. “My whole life, give or take. I tried to hold onto it whenever I could. It was my favorite thing in the entire world.”
She nodded, seeming to understand. “That’s cool. I get why Joel likes you.”
You didn’t think Joel was someone who particularly liked you. He didn’t dislike you, clearly, but if he had given any hints, they had been falling on deaf ears. You tried your best to keep your expression neutral. “And why’s that?”
She giggled to herself as she flipped through the pages of her sheet music booklet. “‘Cause you’re both fucking weird.”
You laughed too, punching her gently in the arm. “Fair. Now stop stalling and play me whatever you remember.”
Life was special nowadays. More precious than it ever had been. You would have to cherish moments like these. Loss was all around, and loving always risked the hurt. You were really, really fucking tired of hurting. 
Walking back to your home, trudging through the snow, you were tired. Working in Jackson’s small clinic was easy enough, but it was draining. You saw to children mainly, bandaging up wounds and dosing out rations of antibiotics when needed. The kids liked you, the parents liked you, and that was rewarding, but plastering on a smile and a light-hearted tone all day sometimes felt like too fucking much. 
So naturally, you were ready to pick a fight when you felt a broad hand consume your shoulder. 
You turned around to match the disembodied hand to a face, only to see Joel Miller. He looked tired, more tired than you, and a little sad. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t tryin’ to scare you. I saw you, and I…” He paused, looking down at the two sets of footprints that had outlined both of your paths. “Ellie isn’t feeling well. I think it’s best she skips y’alls lesson tomorrow.”
She released the breath she'd been holding. For some reason, he had the tendency to precede the things he said as if he was about to tell you that the world was ending. Again.
“That’s fine, don’t worry about it. Is she alright?” 
“Yeah, she’s alright. This whole things a big fuckin’ adjustment, and I… I worry she’ll push herself too much if nobody stops her,” he explained. “She’s been with Maria all day. But yeah, she’ll be okay.”
Ah. He was worried about her. It seemed like he was always worrying about her. “I understand. Can’t imagine what it must be like for her. And you.”
She’ll push herself if nobody stops her. Who stopped Joel? Who looked out for him? His brother, surely, but was it like that? Did those two, hardened and stretched thin, have the time to be concerned about things like that? How long had he just been… going?
You reached a hand out to touch his upper arm, rubbing it a little before pulling away. “You’re a good man, Joel. I really think that, and I hope you know it.”
He laughed a little at that. “I haven't done any good, trust me on that.”
You dropped your gaze and looked away. You knew that everyone here, without a shadow of a doubt, had done things they weren’t proud of. Things they never would’ve done if not at the end of the world.
You were maybe 20 steps from your front door, standing out in the Wyoming cold with him. You tried to meet his eyes before speaking again, but he wouldn’t face you. 
“Come in. Please, I insist. Warm up, I just traded for coffee.”
He looked like he was fighting with himself for a few seconds, raising his head and looking off to the side. “Yeah, alright. Why not.”
Joel Miller was sitting in your living room, sipping from a mug so carefully that you’d think he was afraid he’d break it. The fire was lit and casting warm shadows across the dim room. It was endearing. You hadn’t felt like this in a lifetime. 
“I couldn’t do it. What you do. Dealing with all those kids,” he said after a long lapse of quiet.
You shrugged, sipping on your own cup. “I love it. I never thought I’d have the chance to play music again, much less teach. It’s not perfect, but it's something,” you said. “Ellie tells me you play guitar.”
Joel rolled his eyes and finally sunk back into his chair instead of hunching over. He groaned a little as he did it, as if he stored all of his tension in his back. “Yeah, used to. I ain’t good at it anymore.”
“But you used to be?” You pried.
He finally looked at you, his eyes infinitely more dark in this light. “Maybe. Don’t think I’d be able to forget how to play even if I tried, so might as well put it to some use.”
You smiled. “I know. Funny how things stick with you. Muscle memory.”
He nodded. “Somethin’ like that.”
And it was true. There were lots of things neither of you would forget how to do, no matter how much time had lapsed in between the before and the now. And sure, most of what you had learned happened after the world had ended, but that was irrelevant. The most important things had always been there. You’d known how to love for your entire life.
His eyes wandered over to the old upright piano situated on the wall in the living room. “Is she any good on that thing?” He asked.
You thought about Ellie, who would curse everytime she slipped on a scale, who would argue fervently about how that squiggly shit on the sheet music could possibly mean anything, who learned faster than any of your other kids.
“She is. She’s impressive. She picked up Old McDonald Had a Farm like that.” You grinned, snapping your fingers for effect. 
He smiled thinly, his mind clearly somewhere else. “Explains why she won’t stop humming that shit. Thanks for that, by the way.”
“My pleasure, Joel.” You laughed. “You finished with that?” You gestured to his empty mug.
“Yeah. Hey, I’ll help you.”
You were elbow to elbow with each other at the sink, cleaning out the liquid and the scattered coffee grounds from the bottoms of your respective cups. Joel took yours and placed it on the drying rack, wiping his hands off with the towel you passed to him.
You leaned back against the island as he turned his back to the sink. He was so tall, so rugged, so handsome. His age only added to it. He had a softness around his eyes now, his features slightly obscured by the absence of much light.
“Should probably take off… Thank you. For the drink,” Joel began.
“Don’t thank me, I’d do it anytime. Tell Ellie that I hope she’s feeling better soon.”
He nodded, and he swallowed. He wasn’t making any moves to leave, save for his eyes on the door. They flicked back to you, watching you, scanning you up and down until he finally said, 
“You’re gonna kill me, sweetheart, lookin’ at me like that.”
You weren’t really sure of how it all happened, but in an instant your bodies were pressed together with your lower back digging into the dull edge of the island counter, Joel’s lips pressed to yours like he was seeking oxygen.
His free hand felt up your body, and your skin was on fire. A match thrown onto a pool of gasoline. Everything was electric. He kissed you like he’d learned it in another life, back when love was free, when forever was a tangible thing, when strings weren’t attached. You felt it all on your lips and tongue, in the bonfire that was being fanned in your abdomen.
When he stepped back, you pulled him in for more. The opposite reaction to the Earth pulling down on you is you pulling the Earth back up. You tangled your hands in his soft hair, and his dug into the fabric of your jeans on your hips.
You both came up for air after a while, having migrated to the entrance of the kitchen. He had you backed up against the beam of the open doorway, tucking both sides of your hair behind you ear to see your face.
"Shouldn't be doing this," he mumbled, nipping at the warm skin on your neck.
"Maybe not," you conceded. I didn't mean you couldn't want it– what he could give you. You'd all done wrong things. "You could still stay."
"Yeah," he responded, pressing his body against yours and sweeping a hand over to cradle your lower back. "Still could."
Maybe it wasn't a lie. Maybe that glassy, far off look wouldn't be permanent. It could be like this. You could have a reason.
And yeah, maybe Joel knew more than he let on. Some things never really left him.
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h3ffleyswife · 8 months
"i cant hold my alcohol" (r. heffley x reader)
desc: fem! reader who's ben's little sister. drunken mishaps, you sleep in rodricks bed, just read it
warnings: slightly ooc rodrick ngl, i wrote this when i was tired lolz sry
word count: 2480
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You buckle your seat belt and throw your purse on the floor of your brothers car. "We're going over to Rodricks, his parents are out of town so he's throwing a party, sound good?" Ben, your brother, says while reversing out of your guys' driveway. You furrow your eyebrows, "Rodrick? The hot one in your band?" You questioned, picking at the chipped nail polish on your fingernails. Ben looked over at you and scoffed, "I mean, whatever floats your boat. But no way would I ever let you two date. You guys would make my life a living hell." You roll your eyes and sigh, "Whatever, leave me to my fantasies, Ben."
Your brother's face contorts into one of disgust and he pulls in front of a house that you can only assume is the Heffley's. "Please, spare me with the details of your Rodrick fantasies." Ben says, putting the car in park and taking his keys. You giggle to yourself and hop out of his shitty, beat up car. You can see lots of kids already here, most of them already wasted out of their minds. Ben walks in front of you towards the front door, and your heart flutters with nerves.
Stepping through the door, the first thing that hits your nose is alcohol, and it almost makes you nauseous. Ben's already gone off somewhere, so you walk around until you can find the drinks. Peeking your head into the kitchen, there's a couple borderline fucking on Rodricks kitchen counter. You scrunch your eyebrows and turn around, there didn't seem to be any drinks in there anyways.
It takes you about five minutes and squeezing your way through a bunch of intoxicated, smelly teens, but you finally find the drinks. Gwen Stefani is blasting in your ear while you pour yourself a coke mixed with a little bit of whatever shitty alcohol Rodrick managed to get his hands on. You take a sip, there's not too much alcohol in the drink, which is good. You don't plan on getting drunk tonight.
Rodrick is standing in a corner of his living room, chatting it up with his band members when Ben walks up to him. Rodrick greets him with a high five and a large grin on his face, "What's up dude? What took you so long?!" Chris asks Ben, also giving the boy a high five. "Sorry guys, my sister took hella long to get ready, but we made it!" Ben said and took a sip of his drink, he's lucky you already agreed to being designated driver, because there was enough alcohol in his cup to kill a victorian child. Rodricks ears perked up at the mention of you, "Your sister's here?" Rodrick questioned Ben, who looked at him with a raised brow. "Yeah.. she's somewhere around here, why? Is that okay? She's in our grade, it's not like I brought my 7 year old sister or anything." Ben rambles, Rodrick's now scanning the room for your familiar face.
It's been a running "joke" between the band that Rodrick has a thing for you, Ben's sister, for a while now. Any time you showed up with Ben to practice because of convenience, Rodricks playing would be off, and he'd be distracted the whole practice. There was just something about you, Rodrick thought to himself. "Hey man, stop daydreaming about Ben's sister!" Chris waves his hand in front of Rodricks face and laughs, making Rodrick blink a couple times before laughing nervously and looking at Ben. Ben rolls his eyes before making eye contact with Rodrick, "I wouldn't actually be upset if you tried to date my sister, but I swear on my mother, Rodrick, that I will put you six feet under if you screw her over." Ben places his hand on Rodricks shoulder and tightens his grip, making Rodrick gulp nervously before nodding quickly, "Of course dude, I wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt her!" He swats Ben's hand away, "I have business to attend to, gentlemen." Rodrick shouts, walking- maybe skipping- away to go find you. Ben sighs and takes another swig of his drink while Chris laughs to himself, turning to go try and talk to a girl.
You're leaning against a wall, starting to get mildly bored, when someone taps your shoulder. Turning around, you see Rodrick. Your face immediately gets hot and you give him a small smile, "Hey!" Rodrick says with a smile, giving you a quick once-over. You pretend not to see him looking you up and down, feeling an unfamiliar feeling in your stomach. "Hey Rodrick, how's it going?" You ask, your voice shaky and hands clammy enough to open a seafood restaurant. You cleared your throat awkwardly, normally, you were able to hold a conversation with him, why was it so different now? Rodrick gives you a nervous smile and stutters out a reply, "Well, throwing a party is way harder than it seems, y'know. How've you been? I don't really see you around school much." He smiles at you and you feel like you've just levitated off of the ground, "Haha, yeah I bet. I'm not doing too bad, just kind of doing my own thing, you know? I haven't been doing a lot recently, but I did just pick up a new guitar the other day, learning it's been kind of a pain in the ass though." You find yourself starting to ramble. Rodrick just looks at you and melts into your voice, nodding at certain parts. "You should teach me how to play once you've got it down. I could teach you how to play the drums, not to flex or anything, but I'd say I'm pretty good" Rodrick says and crosses his arms, smirking to himself. You laugh and shake your head, "If you sound anything like you did a couple months ago, I think I'll pass on those lessons, Rodrick" You giggle, watching his face fall.
"Hey! I've improved, thank you! And I wasn't even that bad..." Rodrick looks away with a pink face, and you find yourself smiling at the boy. "Sorry, sorry. I'll have to take you up on those drum lessons, then." Rodrick looks at you and laughs, "You want another drink?" You look at your empty cup and shrug, "Sure, why not."
Rodrick leads you into the dining room where he had drinks laid out on the table, "Let me make you something, are you driving later?" He asks you, and you pause, "I could find a ride home". He raises his eyebrow, "You could always just crash over here if that's okay with you?" Your stomach twists in excitement and you nod, "That's fine by me, why are you trying to get me drunk, Heffley? Don't try anything funny" You say and take the drink he's made you out of his hands, throwing him a smirk afterwards. Rodrick's eyes go wide and he stutters and trips over his own words, "W-wait!! I'm not trying- that's not-" You cut him off by laughing loudly, shaking your head. "I'm just giving you a hard time, if I didn't want to drink, I wouldn't have agreed to you making me drink." Rodrick lets out a loud sigh and playfully glares at you, "Gave me a heart attack" He grumbles and you giggle again, taking another sip of your drink. It was pretty strong, and you realized you should tell your brother to figure out a ride home because you were no longer going to drive him home. You take another sip, "Hey, do you know where my brother is by any chance? I need to tell him i'm not gonna drive him home, maybe Chris can?" Your words start to slur together and Rodrick nods, "I'll go find him and tell him, stay right here, 'kay?" You nod and pour yourself another drink.
Rodrick shuffles through his now, very full, house and looks for Ben. He finally catches sight of the boy, but he's on his way out of the house. "Ben! Hold on-" Rodrick catches him walking out the door, Ben looks back and tilts his head to the side, "What's up dude?"
"Hey, do you have a ride home tonight?" "I was about to leave and drive mysel- oh shit I forgot about my sister, have you seen her?" Rodrick swallows nervously, "Yeah, we've been hanging out all night. Is she cool to stay here tonight? No funny business, I promise! She's just starting to get kind of drunk, and I need to stay home to like... supervise this party, you know?" Ben sighed and nodded, "Yeah, that's cool. Let me know if I need to come get her at any point. Don't do anything stupid, Rodrick. See you at practice tomorrow." Ben says, shutting the door after he does. Rodrick hopes he's not overly upset with him.
Making his way back to the dining room, Rodrick sees you beeline to the bathroom in front of him suddenly. He looks around confused for a moment before quickly following you to the bathroom, making sure you're okay. You slam the door behind you and Rodrick can hear the sound of you throwing up on the other side of the door. He winces and knocks on the door gently, "Hey, it's Rodrick, can I come in?"
There's a pause of silence. Rodrick can hear you cough, and then throw up again. After a minute or so passes, your voice can be heard weakly behind the door, "...come in". Rodrick opens the door, shoves himself in the bathroom and then quickly shuts it behind him again. You look up at him with tears in your eyes from throwing up, and the sudden motion of looking up makes you nauseous again, immediately throwing your head back towards the toilet bowl. Rodrick quickly kneels down next to you and holds your hair behind your head, and rubs your back.
After you're done throwing up, you look back at Rodrick, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw up like that. I can't hold my alcohol very well, I guess" You say, thoroughly embarrassed and wanting anything but to be here right now. Rodrick shushed you and tucked your hair behind your ear, "Here, I have a shirt you can change into, do you want pajama pants too? I'll get you water and you can lay down in my bed." He offers, holding you and slowly standing you up. You shake your head, "You don't have to do tha-" "I want to do that, do you need me to walk you upstairs? Or do you got it while I grab you some water?" He asks gently while walking you out the door. Your face turns pink and you sigh, knowing you couldn't avoid it now. "I got it, which room is yours?" "All the way down the hall and to the left, you'll know which one when you open it." He says, smiling and walking away to grab you a glass of water once he sees that you're walking up the stairs. Once you're up the stairs, you go to the room Rodrick told you to. Surprisingly, his room isn't terrible. Could it use some tidying up? Yeah, but for a teenage boy, it was fairly well kept. You sit down on his bed and wait for him, slipping your shoes off.
Rodrick opens the door, and cracks a small smile once he sees you sitting in his bed. You look up and give him a small smile back, grabbing the glass of water he offers you. He walks over and opens his wardrobe, grabbing you a black graphic tee and some pajama bottoms. When he hands you the clothes, you notice that he gave you one of his Loded Diper tee's, and you smile to yourself while your heart flutters. "I think I have these same pajama pants" You state, the pants looking very familiar. Rodrick laughs, "We should totally match, wouldn't that be cute?" He says, with a joking tone, but he meant it.
You looked up and giggled, "Turn around for a minute while I change" Rodrick's face goes red, and he nods before turning around. You take your shirt off and put on the Loded Diper shirt. It smells like cheap cologne and... Rodrick. You can't describe how he smells, but it makes your heart jump in your chest. You slide your pants off and put on the pajamas, looking up at Rodrick, who's still staring into the wall, focusing on anything but the fact that there's a hot girl changing in his room. "You can turn back around, Rodrick"
He turns around and his stomach flutters at the sight of you in his clothes. "Drink some water and lay down, you can go to bed if you want to. I'll sleep on the floor tonight." Rodrick says, taking a pillow off his bed and tossing it lightly on the floor. "I can sleep on the floor, Rodrick, I don't mind" "No, I'm not making a pretty girl sleep on the floor, do you think I'm crazy?" He says, almost offended at the thought of letting you sleep on his floor. You blush, and look away awkwardly with a quiet laugh. He smiles at you, and walks towards his door. "I'm gonna go tell people to go home, I'll be back up in a minute" You nod and he leaves the room.
Laying back in his bed, the situation you're in starts to sink in.
You're in Rodrick Heffley's bed. And you're wearing his clothes. What the fuck? Your heart pounds and you turn onto your side, closing your eyes and cuddling into his pillow. It wont hurt to close your eyes for a minute until Rodrick gets back.
Rodrick goes around downstairs, telling people that they should start to head home because it's getting late. People leave, and Rodrick has to kick a couple people awake off of his living room floor. He looks around at the mess that he'd have to deal with tomorrow and sighs. He'd probably just get Greg to help him with it.
Rodrick walks up the stairs and gently opens his bedroom door. He walks in, shutting the door behind him and then looks over to you, and his heart soars. He swears he can feel his heart pouring out of his chest, how was it possible for a girl to look so beautiful? He walks over to your sleeping figure and tucks your hair behind your ear, "You're so pretty.." He says quietly, and kisses the side of your head.
Rodrick makes himself a makeshift bed on his floor, staring at the small portion of your sleeping figure that he can see. "Goodnight" He says to you with a smile, turning over, thinking about you.
What an eventful night.
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hey!!! first fic in a while, let me know if you'd want a part two, thx!!
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pedal-writes · 3 months
Homesick (3)
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A/N: Omg late happy seventeenth anniversary to transformers 2007 guys (and happy 4th of July ig…)!!! I unironically love that movie so much and I can’t believe I’m almost as old as it lolz also writing the dialogue from the whole police station scene was SO unserious 😭
Oh yeah, I might start using some dialogue from the 2007 novelization, just to add some spice. So if a few of the scenes from the movie look or sound different, y’all know why :3
Warnings: implied nudity?? Idk it’s not nsfw, also singular use of Y/N. This is the only time in the entire story Y/N will ever be used I swear!!
(Im rewriting this chat!!! It’s lowk trash so like don’t read it… ☹️)
The next morning, you woke up with a horrible headache and a mildly annoyed attitude. You mentally cursed at yourself from being careless the night before and you needed to take a shower.
You got undressed and stepped into the tub, the hot water spraying onto your skin. You reminisced about the events of the night before, staring at a spot on the wall as you got lost in thought.
Maybe it was some creepy guy trying to pretend to be a cop… or worse, a creepy cop. The thought irked you a bit, and you dipped your head under the running water, attempting to distract yourself.
About 30 minutes passed. You exit the bathroom and rush into your room to change. Gripping the towel around your body, you crouch down to see what you have in your suitcase. You pick out something casual, a t-shirt and pair of jeans, just in case you want to head out again today. As you changed into your clothes, you picked your towel up and ruffled it through your hair to dry it off quickly. The muffled sound of your parents talking could be heard through your door and you open it to see worried expressions on their faces.
Apparently, Sam had been arrested for getting caught in some junkyard and was kept overnight at the police station. You were kind of baffled by this, how did Sam of all kids get himself arrested? He was just going to a lake party after all.
Before your dad was about to turn to leave, you quickly hollered you wanted to come with from the top of the stairs and quickly went back to your room to brush your hair so you didn’t look like a mess. You slid a pair of sandals on and threw the brush on your bed, rushing to the stairs. You said goodbye to your mom and followed your dad out the front door.
“So, why’d you want to come with? You’re not gonna make fun of your brother are you…?” Ron said, opening the drivers side door.
“What? No, of course not. It’s just weird to hear that Sammy managed to get involved with the cops, and he’s usually a pretty good kid.” You opened the passengers side door and sat down, Ron starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. “As his older sister, I just want to know why he’s, y’know, in this situation.”
Ron nodded understandably. “You’re a good sister, looking out for your brother and all. I just hope he isn’t in too much trouble.”
As you guys eventually got to the station, a small pit grew in your stomach and you began to feel a bit nervous. You remember an image of the police car following you, what if it really was a cop that chose to target you? And he sees you in the station today?
The door of the station rung as your dad pushed it open, you following close behind. You looked from each side of the station multiple times but no one seemed to pay you any mind or recognize you in anyway. That calmed your nerves a bit, and you let out a breath you didn’t even knew you took.
The next little while was you and Ron having to listen to one of the cops interrogate Sam, who looked really exhausted, as he kept explaining the events that transpired the night before.
“Look, I can’t be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up.” Sam explained, his voice being as genuine as it can sound.
“It just stood up.” The deputy repeated. “Wow, thats really neat.” It’s obvious the deputy didn’t believe him, you could barely believe what you were hearing either.
“Okay, chiefie.” The deputy gives Sam a plastic cup and a tissue. “Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy.” Sam takes it, a mildly nervous expression on his face.
“What are you rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?” The deputy asked condescendingly.
“No, I’m not on any drugs.”
“What’s these?” The deputy catches the bottle of pills one of the cops beside him threw in his direction. He rattles the bottle, “Found it in your pocket. ‘Mojo’, is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mojo?”
“Those are my dogs pain pills…” Sam points out, looking to the side in embarrassment.
“You know, a chihuahua. A little…” Ron says, attempting to explain it with his hands.
You let out a tired sigh. “Alright, I’m out.” You tap your dads arm and glance at both him and Sam. “I’ll just wait for you guys in the car.” The door of the police station chimed once again as you pulled the door open, making your way back to the car and sitting in the back seat. You closed the door and rested your head on the seats headrest, looking out the window lazily.
You thought about what Sam said, about how he saw his car “stand up” and became some kind of robot. It’s crazy talk, there’s no actual way there’s a giant robot lurking around an unknown city in Nevada of all places. Also it’s a giant robot. To your knowledge, they don’t exactly exist.
You hear two car doors open and see your dad and your brother sitting in the driver and passenger seats. They were having a conversation as they entered the car, and you turned your attention away from the window to their direction.
“Dad, y’know how Great-Great-Gramps pretty much flew over the cuckoo’s nest? Think that kind of, difficulty, could’ve been passed down to me? Like—some kind of mutant Witwicky gene?” Sam asked, looking at his father with a somewhat desperate and anxious look.
Ron smiled as he checked for oncoming traffic, and pulled away from the curb. “I don’t see it, Sam. Besides, my father was perfectly fine. And so am I.” He reached his hand over and ruffled Sam’s hair playfully. “Except on the days when your mother asks me to do certain kinds of work around the house.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, and leaned forward in your seat, looking at Sam as he attempts to fix his hair. “What- do you think you have some hereditary mental illness that was conveniently passed down to you? Because of whatever you saw last night?”
Sam turned his head towards you, a less than amused expression on his face. “Well, we did learn in biology that certain abnormal genes can skip a generation or two. Maybe that’s happened in my case.”
“As long as it doesn’t affect your grades or your SAT score,” Ron added. “Or doing your chores. Too many kids these days seem to have inherited the chore skipping gene.”
Ron turned the car towards a coffee shop, parking in an empty spot beside it. “How about we all get something to eat? I’m willing to bet your abnormal gene doesn’t prohibit the consumption of chocolate shakes.”
Sam nodded excitedly, and you agreed along with him. You haven’t eaten breakfast yet and you really could go for a cup of coffee right about now.
“Okay.” Sam smiled tiredly. “Better make mine a double though.”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
A few hours had passed since you and your dad picked Sam up from the police station and you decided to watch a few movies you downloaded onto your computer. You were thankful none of them gave you a virus, considering how sketchy a few of the sites were. You decided to watch a true masterpiece, Jurassic park 3. Sam has made fun of you before for liking this movie, but it’s really a guilty pleasure.
As the first act of the movie started, you heard your brother yell from downstairs. You quickly paused the movie and walked to your door, urgently walking out and down the hallway towards the stairs. “Hey, Sam, are you alright? I heard you yelling.”
Sam ran up to you from the kitchen and grabbed your arms, shaking you slightly, “My freaking car is going to kill me! I-I’m getting out of here-“ He ran past you and towards the garage quickly.
“Wha- Sam what the hell are you talking about? And where are you going?” You followed behind him, seeing him grab your mom’s bike.
He got onto the bike and turned his head towards you. “Listen, tell mom and dad I love them very, very much. I have to go-“
“Wait Sam-!” Before you had a chance to finish, he pedaled out of the garage and down the sidewalk. You were going to attempt to run after him before seeing his yellow camero quickly drive after him.
“What the fuck.” You whispered under your breath, a dumbfounded expression on your face. There’s no way Sam was actually being serious. It was a stupid decision, really, but you decided to follow him.
You rushed towards your car and got into it, starting it quickly. The thing that baffles you the most about this situation is the fact that the car had no driver in it. You could’ve been seeing things, but the windows weren’t even tinted, so you couldn’t have been.
Despite not believing him at all at first, you now have a feeling that Sam was telling the truth about what he saw last night. You knew he was in danger so you wanted to go after him, you are his older sister after all. You pulled out of the driveway and made your way down the street Sam and his yellow camero went, feeling that familiar pit in your stomach start to form again. What am I even doing?
A few hours had passed with literally no luck of finding your brother. You had driven over to his best friends miles’ house and he told you how he was talking crazy and was gonna come over, but never actually did. You then looked around some more local spots where he usually goes and of course, nothing. You had also called him like 100 times but ended up with no answer. The thought of going into the city crossed your mind but it was way too big, Sam could be anywhere! An irritated sigh escaped your lips as you pressed your head against the top of the steering wheel tiredly, this really was a stupid idea.
I need to get home, it’s almost curfew, mom and dad are probably worried about me. You thought, grabbing your phone out of your pocket. I’ll tell them about Sam when I get there.
You called your mom and surprisingly, the phone rang and then went to voicemail. You looked at your phone with a puzzled expression, she almost always immediately picks up the phone. You tried to call a few more times and again, no answer.
A small frown spread across your face and you decided to head home, hopefully your mom just forgot her phone somewhere or something. You pulled out of the spot you were in and made your way back home.
Thankfully you weren’t too far away and you managed to get to the house in under 10 minutes or so. You pulled into the driveway and exited your car. To your surprise, you saw the lawn and the fountain utterly destroyed. You quickly headed inside and shouted for your parents, no answer. You looked around the house and everything looked ransacked like multiple people came through here looking for something. You felt your heartbeat start to pick up and your breathing began to get shaky.
You exited out the front door and paced on the lawn, attempting to think of what could’ve possibly happened to Sam or your parents and what you could even do about it. Tears stung the corners of your eyes and you placed your hand over your mouth, attempting not to break down. Why is this even happening to me?
The sound of machine-like whirring and large footsteps could be heard behind you and you slowly turned around, eyes widening at what you saw. Large, and what looks like robots, slowly came out from behind the house, staring at you with caution. One of them stepped closer and it’s pointed large canons at you in an offensive manner, smoke blowing out of his nose almost like a bull.
“Stand down, Ironhide. She’s obviously frightened.” The largest one said, blocking him from stepping any further. He gave Ironhide a scolding look, like what a parent would to a child, and the bot put his canons away slowly.
He turned around once again towards you, slowly bending down to get on your level. His blue eyes almost blinded you as they scanned across you with a mild curiosity. “Are you Y/N Witwicky? Sibling to Samuel James Witwicky?” The robot’s voice asked, his voice surprisingly deep and smooth to your ears.
You swallowed, you had almost completely forgotten about your family and could only think about the fact that this large mechanical creature knew your name.
“Yes that’s… that’s me.”
“My name is Optimus Prime, I’m afraid I cannot tell you much right now. The people that took your family also took something very important to us, and we can’t waste another second as they get away with it.” Optimus stood up once again, his staggering height almost making you a bit lightheaded.
“I’d like to come with you, I don’t want anything bad to happen to my family. Please.” You pleaded. You had zero clue what these things were or what they were after but you wanted to do everything in your power to help your family, even if it means getting involved with potentially dangerous people.
Optimus hesitated, he didn’t want a seemingly innocent human woman to get wrapped up in this mess. But he admired your dedication and care to your family, it almost reminded him of himself. The bot finally nodded, “Very well.”
Him and the other robots transformed from the looks of it, the metal parts of their body slowly forming into different vehicles. Optimus flipped open the passengers side door and waved it slightly to encourage you to get in.
You quickly made your way over to him, carefully climbing into the large semi-truck and closing the door behind you. You gasped as the seatbelt quickly whipped over your body. The radio of the truck turned on and Optimus’ voice crackled, “Autobots, Roll out!” As all of the vehicles drove down the street.
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meilon-soda · 14 days
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Calling this done because omg I struggled so much with this, I had only one inspiration for this piece at the beginning, but got distracted midway, like seriously, whenever I go back to my painterly original style from anime again my brain feels like it's on complete reset mode and I had to review so much stuff again, so I decided to go back to painterly from now at the meantime till I get comfy again. Also I was looking at so much accessories at pinterest and could not decide also whether or not to incorporate them in this or not only in the end opted not to lolz I guess it's study time again for me 😆✨️💙
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slvthrs · 1 year
can you do a full smut where yn is so overwhelmed and frusturated over some family problems and vinnie makes her relax
yes cause i have family problems rn lolz, i went SO overboard w this, its 1k words lol
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University sucks. The assignments, the pressure, and it gets even worse when your dad enters the mix
You've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. Your dad has been putting a lot of pressure on you to get good grades and make something of yourself, and your boyfriend Vinnie has been trying to be supportive, but he just doesn't seem to understand how stressed out you feel.
Your relationship with your dad has always been strained, your two very different people and whenever you were growing up your dad could never come to terms with the fact that you weren't the perfect angel he wanted as a daughter.
You're sitting on the couch in your apartment, flipping through your phone and trying to distract yourself from your problems, when Vinnie walks in the door. He takes one look at your face and knows immediately that something's wrong.
"Hey, what's up?" he asks, coming over to sit next to you on the couch.
You tell him about the fight you had with your dad earlier in the day. He'd been lecturing you about your grades again, telling you that you needed to work harder if you wanted to get anywhere in life. You were so frustrated that you ended up storming out of the house without saying anything.
Vinnie listens patiently as you vent your frustrations. He knows that your dad means well, but he also knows how much pressure you're under and how you and your dads relationship has always been riddled with problems. When you finish talking, he takes your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
"Listen, I know it's hard right now," he says. "But you're doing great. You're smart, and you're talented, and you're going to go places. Don't let your dad get you down."
You feel a little bit better after hearing Vinnie's kind words, but you're still wound up from the argument. Vinnie notices this too, and he suggests that the two of you do something to take your mind off things.
"Hey c'mere baby." He coos pulling you towards him.
He suggests a movie night just for the two of you and you pick some cheesy hallmark movie to watch with him and he gets the snacks ready as you situate yourselves on your couch.
As the film starts, you try to focus on the plot, but your mind keeps wandering. You feel Vinnie's arm around you, and you lean into him, hoping that his warmth will calm your racing thoughts.
As the show progresses, you find yourself getting more and more into it. The tension builds as the characters face their own challenges and conflicts. You can't help but feel invested in their stories and their struggles.
Suddenly, you feel Vinnie's hand on your leg. You look up at him and see that his eyes are fixed on the screen, but you can tell that he's feeling the same tension that you are. You feel a flush creeping up your neck and a fluttering in your stomach.
As the movie reaches its climax, Vinnie turns to you and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. You respond eagerly, feeling all of your stress and worries melt away. You let yourself get lost in the moment, enjoying the feeling of being so close to someone you care about.
All the stress and anxiety you were feeling before disappears as you melt into Vinnie's embrace. The show is long forgotten as your body responds to his touch. You feel alive and present in the moment, completely consumed by the passion between the two of you.
"Shit princess, I hate seeing you hurt." He's gentle words compliment the way he pushes you on the couch for you to lay down and he kisses down the column of your neck.
"Vin..." You breath out
"Yes baby," His reply is instant as he locks his eyes with yours.
"Make me feel better."
"Anything for you." The words come out of his mouth like a prayer as lips trail down the curves of your body pulling off your bra and latching onto your nipples.
His kisses trail down to your nipples causing your body to go cold, his tongue rolls your bud and catches your nipples in his teeth.
"Vinnieeee" You whine as he continue the motion, he's so sweet with the way he makes you arch your back and stuff your chest into his face.
His lips finally detach from your chest and he trails his kisses down the plush of your stomach, pulling your shorts and panties of in one swift motion.
The kisses don't stop until he reaches your cunt, his left hand holds your hips down whilst you use your hands to pull his right hand up and start dragging your tongue along the length of his knuckles.
It catches his attention enough that he stops his kisses and sits up, starting intently at your actions.
You take his ring and middle finger into your mouth as you bat your eyelashes up at him, you suck on them not taking your eyes of Vinnie's as he's staring so hard that it looks like he's trying to commit the image to memory.
"Shit baby you look so pretty I'm forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing here" He lets out with a chuckle
You pull his fingers out of your mouth with a pop! and lean up to kiss him before you lay back down.
It's like the kiss rewires his brain since he remembers what he's doing again and situates himself in between your thighs one more.
His tongue drags through your folds, making you squirm above him and he uses both his hands to keep your thighs spread apart for him as the sounds of him eating you out along with your moans echo in the room.
Your thighs tremble and delicate moans fill Vinnie's ears as he sucks your clit causing you to squeeze your legs around his head and just chuckles before continuing with his motions.
It's not long before your jerking your hip forward and arching into his mouth and cumming on his face.
He pushes your legs apart to get up and leans over to you, placing a chaste kiss on your lips before getting up to grab you a towel but not before taking his shirt of and tossing it to you to put it on.
He comes back to see you laying on the couch but instead with his shirt on and he quickly cleans you up and then sits down next to you whilst simultaneously pulling you towards him.
"Oh wait look at this!" He exclaims whilst pulling out your favourite drink from behind him
"Oh my good baby, you remembered!" You beam grabbing the drink and opening it.
"Of course I did, I love you princess." He responds kissing you again.
"You taste like my cum by the way." You say as you pull apart from the kiss
"Good that means I did my job right."
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souperbloom · 11 months
sweet tooth. [A.I.]
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had this one floating around in the noggin for a bit. shoutout to @ipreferthedrummer for making it happen. ;)
🍫 fwb!ash
a night in with Ashton never tasted so sweet.
a/n: just wanted to get a little somethin’ out before my next project :3 keeping ash lanes fed is my only job.
CONTENT WARNINGS: !smut (kinda just drops ya right in, whoops.), fingering (f!receiving), insinuates unprotected sex, dirty talk, praise, the use of food in an unholy scenario (lolz).
"Can we try something?"
Ashton pops his head up from the crook of your neck, his hands still feeling you up as he hovered over you, your bodies splayed haphazardly across his living room couch.
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been thinking about this something since the moment you stepped through Ashton’s front door.
Originally, the plan for the evening was to make ice cream sundaes, watch a movie, and leave before the clock struck midnight.
You stopped at the grocery store on your way over, grabbing any and every ice cream related thing on the shelves, per Ashton’s request. Whipped cream, hot fudge, toasted peanuts, sprinkles; and about four different flavors of ice cream.
When you brought up the idea, Ashton didn’t hesitate. An impromptu hangout to make ice cream sundaes? Who could say no to that?
But now, your mind was clouded— and after an unsuccessful 15 minutes of trying to assemble these monstrous sundae creations, you and Ashton had gotten a bit distracted. The only thing left of your clothes now were a pair of lacy panties and the oversized t-shirt on your back.
"What is it?" Ashton asks breathlessly, a rogue black curl falling over his forehead. He was already half-naked, which you found amusing, speaking on the fact that you had only been at his house for an hour.
"Here," You start to lift yourself from beneath him, bringing him to flop backwards on the couch as you rise to your feet, "I’ll just… show you."
You weren’t exactly sure how to bring up what you wanted. Would it have been weird to ask for such a thing? God, you hoped not. You knew Ashton was down for just about anything you asked for— you guys worked well in that way.
Across the living room were the contents of an unmade ice cream sundae, sitting out on the counter and taunting you with their presence. The whipped cream can on its side, the chocolate syrup, a plastic container of sprinkles; untouched. It was like a sweet crime scene.
You walk to them with your hands on your hips, as Ashton just sits there quietly.
"You hungry? I know we didn’t really get to the sundaes but— you could’ve just said somethin’."
"No, no— I’m not hungry…" Covering up your newfound nervousness with a chuckle, you reach for the bottle of chocolate syrup.
You glance over your shoulder at Ashton, who was clearly trying to get a read on what you were doing.
"Can we try something with this?"
Ashton’s eyes widen at the bottle in your hand, a sneaky smile spreading across his face that made you just want to melt into a puddle on the floor.
"You want me to lick it off of you, don’t you?"
The condescension in his voice was more prominent than ever.
"You don’t have to—"
"Y/N, you know I’ll do anything once…" The way he responds so calmly makes your stomach turn.
"…Just tell me whatcha’ need."
You bite back a smile, walking back over to the couch with more confidence than before. Ashton shifts in his seat, spreading his legs comfortably and inviting you to straddle his lap.
All of your actions are unspoken, the only thing occupying the room around you were the sounds of a jazzy, blues guitar. You return to him, and he holds out his hand to you.
"M’lady," he jokes, reinstating that charm of his as you use his hand as leverage to straddle him.
"You’re so dumb."
He scrunches his nose. "You love it."
With the bottle in one hand, and his hand in the other, you get comfortable on his lap. His hands find your waist again instantly, index fingers toying at the hemline of your t-shirt.
Well, his t-shirt.
Unsure of how to resume what you had started, you crash your lips into his, and drop the syrup bottle at your side, in hopes he’d get the memo.
And, of course, he did. He knew you a lot better than you thought.
"Let’s get you out of this, hm?" He mumbles into your lips, not long before pulling the shirt over your head. You lift your arms to aid him in undressing you.
"I’ve been looking everywhere for that shirt, by the way," He chuckles, but doesn’t waste any time finding his blistered hands on your waist.
You just smile at him, running your tongue across your bottom lip. "Found it."
As your lips reconnect, you can already feel the wetness pooling in your panties, grinding down into the hardened length held captive by his briefs. His tongue explores your mouth, while your hands wrap around the nape of his neck.
You start a rhythm of swiveling your hips; his hands traveling down your waist to cup your ass, taking it in a handful.
"Fuck this grinding shit… ‘Need to fuckin’ feel you…" He speaks sloppily through bated breaths, but you nod in agreement. An hour spent teasing was an hour too long.
Your hand moves to his hair, pulling back his head so you could leave a trail of sultry kisses down his exposed neck and chest. He whines at the contact of your lips on his skin.
"Wanna ride me, baby?"
Your head pops up, taking your bottom lip between your teeth with a nod. "Yes please."
He wastes no time lifting your hips off of his to free his cock from the button on his briefs. You do the same, taking your hand between your bodies and pushing your panties to the side.
Moving with such haste was typical for you and Ashton; since half of the times you’ve fucked have either been rushed, or at a place where you really shouldn’t have been so needy for each other.
"Fuck yes, baby— always so ready f’me…" He palms his cock, brushing the tip against your wet folds. All you could do was whine, already fuck-drunk by the slightest feeling of him.
But before you were able to lower yourself onto him, he stops you in your tracks with a grab at your sides.
"Eager now, are we? Aren’t we missing something here?"
You were already so dazed by the thought of riding him that you had completely forgotten what you had asked for.
"Mmm, shit, you’re right." You nod, closing your eyes and settling yourself onto his thighs.
He reaches beside you for the chocolate syrup bottle, holding it between your bodies. A wave of excitement rolls down your spine, watching eagerly as he pops the lid.
"Where do you want me?" He asks, his eyes flicking between the bottle and your chest.
With a shake of his head and a bite of his lip, he tips the bottle. You take in a deep breath, watching the chocolatey mixture pour out and trickle down your bare chest.
You weren’t sure how much he’d let drip down the front of your body, how far he’d actually go with your request. But the only thing you could do was watch with a slack jaw as he continued to pour it onto you.
His eyes flicker with lust as he watches the gooey trail lead down towards your bellybutton, practically salivating at the sight of you covered in something edible. Something so sweet.
"Y’look fuckin’ delicious, Y/N. Wonder how good you taste—" he mumbles, satisfied with his artwork as he pops the lid closed.
"’Guess there’s only one way to find out."
Your head was reeling. Spinning at a mile per minute. You didn’t think you’d enjoy this as much as you were about to, and you’d only realized it the moment his tongue licked a slow stripe up your chest.
You whine and writhe, arching your back to allow better access to the chocolate that had gone too low to reach.
Ashton hums in delight at the taste of you on his tongue, those bright green eyes popping up only upon hearing your voice.
He seemed to enjoy watching how he ruined you, almost as much as you enjoyed letting him.
Expletives and more moans croak out of you as he starts another pass up to your chest, this time starting just above your belly button.
You wanted to scream in ecstasy, but couldn’t find it in you to make a sound louder than the satisfied groans coming from him. His tongue moved intricately across your body, collecting every last bit of that sweet nectar on his tongue.
Ashton then swallows, and gives one last pass of his tongue between the valley of your tits before stopping up to your eye level.
"Wanna taste?" He asks, licking at the left over chocolate on the corner of his mouth.
"Thought you’d never ask."
In a second, his lips are hungrily slotting against yours. Your tongues swirl together; the rich, earthy flavor meshing into something even sweeter than before.
Just as you thought you couldn’t get enough of him, he reaches down between your bodies, attaching his index finger to your clit.
"That’s it, baby—" says Ashton, messily attempting to keep your lips interlocked as his motions cause you to jump out of your skin, "— bein’ so good. So sweet. Gonna’ cum for me, sweet girl?"
"Yes, Ash— Please—" You beg, an empty plea, as his fingers continue to chip away at your decorum and any part of you that was left on this Earth.
His middle finger was now brushing against your slit, but you were feeling far too greedy.
"Please, Ash— Need t’feel you, oh—"
Your forehead knocks against his, hips gyrating with force and practically begging for release. He listens to the signs, as always, now with one finger inside of you and the other still playing with your clit.
"That’s it, darlin’. Just like that—"
He coaches you through every single fleeting moan that rips through your throat, nodding at you. Giving you all of the conformation you needed to completely let go.
"Give it to me, Y/N. Fuckin’ give it t’ me."
"Fuck, Ash!"
Your heart rate doubles, triples; it’s climbing and climbing with each curl of his fingers. You watch his face contort as he takes his time pleasuring you, noticing his teeth sunk into his bottom lip so deeply that he was close to drawing blood.
"Ash, I’m close—"
You gasp for air, bracing your hands on his shoulders as you begin to hurdle towards the brink of your orgasm. But all he does is peer at you with that familiar, sultry smile.
"Kiss me."
Following his eager instruction, you slam your lips onto his. The both of you let out a collective sigh as your tongues entwine once again, singing sweet nothings into each other’s mouths while his fingers fuck up into you.
You could still taste the remnants of chocolate, the syrupy flavor ghosting around in your mind right before stars are fogging your vision. You completely let go, releasing yourself onto his fingertips with a loud cry.
"Yes, fuck— give it t’ me."
Ashton coaches you one last time as your orgasm rips through your limbs, rendering every single organ of yours absolutely useless. The butterflies once encaged in your stomach had set finally set free, and fluttered along your insides.
As your orgasm fades out into a shaky pair of legs and a heightened heart rate, you think about what Ashton had said right before he was spilling chocolate sauce onto your bare chest. How willing, how eager he was to try this with you.
To taste you.
You pinch your eyes closed, before collapsing onto the front of his chest with a long sigh.
"Fuckin’ hell, Ashton," You mean to sound stern, but it comes out as more of a giggle as your thoughts bounce around in your brain, "And to think I thought you were gonna say no…"
As his hand reaches up to comb through your hair, his head leans down to whisper in your ear. You could tell he was smiling.
It was always so obvious.
"Well, Y/N— when it comes to you, I’ve got a fuckin’ sweet tooth."
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graciegoeskrazy · 4 months
change in pressure
george daniel + stepdaughter!teen!reader
warnings: angst, mentions of bio dad, yelling, reader puches someone, mentions of blood, nothing gory or graphic, kind of short i started and finished this today (🫠) not proofread lolz
a/n: this is the unofficial sequel to ‘somebody else’. it basically just touches on the events there so i would recommend giving it a read before hand.
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George was set for his day off. A beautiful day with no worries or fears about what’s to come. Just him, a TV, food, and a house to himself. The fantasy of a day off however came to an end when a call rang, two seconds after he sat down.
It had no caller ID but the area code was one he recognized so he answered anyway. “Hello?” He said, softly sighing.
“Is this the father of y/n Aitchison?” A voice sounded.
George’s attention piqued. “Yes, step-father.”
“This is Principal Mitchill, from y/n’s school. How are you doing today?” He said.
“Fine- is y/n alright?” George, getting straight to the point.
“Yes. However, I’m afraid she was sent to my office this morning
George grew confused. being sent to the front office hadn’t been unusual for you lately, but a call being sent home hadn’t happened before. The pair have noticed your mood changed recently, little slips of anger issues or what have you. Never directly to them though. They chalked it up to hormones of a growing girl and let it be, but now, George was connecting some dots.
”We’ve been trying to get into contact with her mother but she wasn’t answering. Do you know if she or yourself could come pick her up?”
George started to stand and put his dish away. “Her mom is out of town. I can be there in 15.”
“Thank you, see you then.”
”A fist fight! Really?” he said, as he slammed the door shut while getting in the car.
You rolled your eyes from the passenger seat. ”She got what she deserved. It’s not that big of a deal.”
”It’s a huge deal! Damn, even the shit I did when I was your age wasn’t ballsy enough like fist fight.” George really couldn’t believe what was happening. He couldn’t comprehend this news. Even given your history, this was so unlike you.
”Oh, of course. I bet you were an angel.”
He looked you dead on, “Not the point, missy. The point is you broke that girl's nose!”
”Have you seen her face? She deserved it.” You chuckled. George didn’t find it as funny though.
“Not the point ethier!” Damn it, she’s so much like her mother. ”You’re about to go to high school, y/n! They said this is going on your permanent record! They’re gonna look at his shit and see it and it's gonna get you in trouble down the road.”
”Whatever, I don’t care.” you said, mumbling, still loud enough for George to hear.
“Since when? Since when has this new, grungy, uncool, mean girl take over the body of my y/n who used to love school and would DREAM of putting a fist up against a petty teenager? Huh? What happened to her?”
”Oh shut up! Stop pretending to be my dad.”
As much as he knew you didn’t mean it. As much as he wanted to brush the comment off like it was nothing, he couldn’t deny the slight ache in his heart. You faced the window, too scared to confront him. You felt his eyes remain on you, even more when he let out a sigh before starting the car,
”Forgive me for caring.”
You ran straight upstairs when you got home. you expected him to stop you, tell you to come down, but he didn’t. You know yourself, you didn’t mean it. However, you didn’t know if George knew that.”
Hours passed, you declined dinner when George offered via text, he thought you were still mad at him, you thought he was still mad at you.
You worked up the courage at around 10 pm. You had heard his footsteps lead to his and Charli’s shared bedroom almost an hour ago, and figured it was time to go and apologize. the more you sat around or tried to distract you self from the events earlier today, the more agonized you felt.
You knocked out he door. He was sat up in bed, doing some work on his laptop. He smiled at thee sight of you. You just stood awkwardly at the door.
You had planned what to say, tried to imagine how this would all go down, but no rods came out of your mouth when you tried to speak, instead, just a tear down your cheek.
He playfully opened up his arms to you and you practically ran into his embrace, already starting to cry. He let out an almost fake grunt and kissed your head as you started to ramble.
”I didn’t mean what I said.” You spoke, softly.
”i know you didn’t-“
”I’m so sorry!” your cried into him. George just smiled.
”You don’t need to be sorry.”
”I said you weren’t my dad! And you are! You are my dad! You were trying to be helpful and I was being a bitch.”
”Hey! You are not a bitch.” He said, grabbing the sides of your face.
”But I’m sorry.”
”Fine. You’ll be forgiven when you tell me what going on with you.”
You groaned and he smiled.
You thought for a minute. truthfully, you had your answer, it was just hard to put into words. ”I don't like school anymore.” You started.
You paused. ”No.”
”Why no?” He asked.
“It’s too boring.”
He smiled again. ”Well, everyone finds school boring.”
”Not me. I used to love school.”
”Hm. What happened then.”
You shrugged. ”I started not loving it?”
”Why’s that?”
You changed the subject, ”I feel like I haven't been the same since Justin was here.” George moved, to look directly at you. ”I don’t know why but I con’t stop thinking abut him…the things he did to me…or my mom.”
He didn't know a lot about Justin, or the specific things he did to you, knowing it was always a touchy subject and Charli and George wanted to respect your wished, as long as they knew you were okay. ”Like what.” He asked.
”I don’t want to talk about it.”
George feared he overstepped. ”Ok, we don’t have to. Why do you think you can't stop thinking about him though.”
”I get scared…that he’s gonna do something again. And maybe that’s why I keep acting out? I really don’t know-“
”Hey, It’s okay. You don’t need answers right now.” You nodded. “Just know I’m here if you need help finding them.”
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nezz-cringe-crib · 2 months
Share your winsdom with us mortals
ALSO- Some L angst maybe? I like seeing him suffer bc he is my favorite blorbo and I love making my blorbos suffer
(only if you are comfortable with it, ofc. Don't wanna push anything :) )
i always suck at giving hcs off the fly, but here's some i've thought up of before and like to think about instead of sleeping :333 (be warned that they're all pretty vanilla lolz. my hcs are basic. i just like my blorbos.)
Lawlight hcs:
blorbbooo tiiimmeeeee :33 - i personally really like fluffy lawlight things, but a lot of those are usually for aus and everything (since i can't see them being very fluffy in the normal death note plot). but i like to imagine them having stupid teenage-like crush moments with each other. like maybe during the yotsuba arc or something, L wants more sweets but watari is already out doing something, so his dramatic ass is just whining about "oh woe is me....... there's nothing in the vicinity for me to munch on......... how will i ever go on......." and then to get him to shut up, light begrudgingly either bakes something for L (which could probably lead to a lot of silly shenanigans with stupid dorky smiles before light immediately takes it back and starts bickering with L again), or light convinces L to go buy some sweets from a bakery in town (and then L gets distracted because there's multiple sweet-filled stores and his greedy ass has to try all of them so now they're essentially just going on a date trip around all the sweet stores in town). - also to add onto that last bullet, there's this one fic i just read last night that was so stupid and adorable and i loved it. it's called "You can't have my name, but you can have my number" and i recommend checking it out if you like short and sweet fluffy fics. :] (and if you want more fluffy fics, go read everything @rawrlight has made. his fics are so fucking good please read them i am obsessed with them actually pleasepleasepleaseplease) - L is surprisingly good with kids and light won't admit it but he's kinda into it. - L nonchalantly shares food with light and light totally overthinks the shit out of it. - they totally pick at each other for everything. light picks at L for every unsanitary thing he does. L picks at light for having an unnecessarily long and complicated hygiene routine (i like to imagine he has a shit ton of hair and skincare products). anybody who walks past the bathroom while they're in it is bound to hear non-stop bickering. (or, if you really wanna match my freak, have matsuda open the bathroom door while they're getting ready only to see them in the middle of a fight. whether the pose they're in looks compromisingly homosexual is up to you my dear sillies).
uhhhhhh and that's all i can think of for now. awww zoinks.....
but now L angst headcanons yipeeeeeeeee :33333
L angst hcs:
ooougghhhh buckle up boyz... it's angsty tism time..... - i don't think L was ever good at making friends (this is very much a projected headcanon but shshshshshsh ignore that). despite being insanely intelligent and pretty damn good at whatever he sets his mind to, i don't think he ever got the hang of making deep, personal connections. and i feel like he wants to. throughout his whole life, maybe he wanted to make friends but it always just fell flat. maybe as a child there were times where thought he had made a friend, only to realize those feelings were not reciprocated. despite everything he tried, he was just never "human" enough to seemingly make all those lasting connections that he analyzes so deeply. and i think he probably gave up on trying at some point. and all of this is why i feel like his connection with light is so important. even though he knows it'll end in tragedy and that he will die by light's hand, he still can't help but feel... a little more human with light. and i think he'd risk death in order to feel like that one more time. - i don't usually like reading/seeing heavily angsty stuff, but i remember seeing somebody headcanon that they thought L went through solitary confinement as a child in the wammy house, and i always thought that was interesting. i'm not gonna expand on it though since heavy angst isn't really my vibe. (i love making my blorbos suffer, but not too much.) - yeah most of my L angst is him just being incredibly lonely. in the sense of "he doesn't cry about it (he's probably only cried once in his life and that was probably as a very young child), but there's always been some missing piece in his heart that just can't ever seem to be filled". - actually-- loneliness and his inhumanity. that's what i fuck with the most. though they kind of intertwine, so. yeah i kinda just sound like a broken record atp but sshhhhhhhhhhh it pays off (sometimes) i swear. - he also has a lot of religious trauma in my eyes (again, projection). i know he's not religious or anything, but i feel like he'd fit that song "Dear God" by XTC a lot. - oh and he also sulks a fuckton. he doesn't cry, he pouts and goes to stand in the rain while reminiscing on old memories. that's what his emo dramatic ass does and i fucking love him for it.
that's all i can really think of right now. hopefully that's somewhat entertaining. most of my headcanons are very basic compared to other people i've seen, but they are still special in my heart. :))))
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motley-cruelty · 5 months
POV: I try writing a story lolz
A/N: I’m thinking of writing a story on Wattpad or A03. This is just a glimpse of how the relationship between Nikki and the main character will begin. Let me know what you think 😅
It Had to Be You
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I was a little upset to say the least. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Heather, and I was excited to be living with just her while the boys were on tour. But there was something so special about living with the boys for the past few months that brought comfort into my life. I was going to miss them more than anything. Even Nikki…
Especially Nikki.
Sitting on my bed, I tried to concentrate on my book, but was distracted by the flooding thoughts of the boys leaving, and my own humming of a random song that I couldn’t put my finger on.
But even my humming and thoughts were interrupted by my bedroom door flying open, revealing a disheveled looking Nikki Sixx.
He stood in my doorway for a few seconds too long, staring at me, not moving.
I didn’t say anything for a while, unsure of why he wouldn’t have knocked, and why he looked so disordered.
“What do you want, Nikki?”
He took a step forward, finally opening his mouth as he pointed a finger at me.
“Listen, whatever this is can’t happen anymore.”
I stayed sitting on my bed, closing my book and placing it beside me.
I raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a clear sign that I was confused.
He took a few more slow steps even closer towards me, standing right by me beside the bed.
“I know that you don’t hate me, so stop acting like such a bitch and admit it.”
My eyebrows furrowed now, and I sent him a small glare.
“Don’t call me a bitch.”
“Then stop fucking acting like one. I’m leaving tomorrow and I don’t want to do so until we make amends.”
I stared at him, wondering why he suddenly cared so much about whether or not we got along.
Our banter was brutal, to say the least. Anyone who saw us bickering probably would’ve wondered why either of us hadn’t filed a restraining order on the other yet. We fought like brother and sister. Except Tommy, my brother, and I never even fought like this.
But I enjoyed the tension.
“Personally, I can’t wait for you to leave tomorrow so that I don’t have to deal with your attitude anymore.”
I enjoyed when Nikki got fired up enough to put me in my place.
“Stop fucking lying to me, Y/N.”
He was strict. He was dominant, and I wanted to provoke him more.
“I’m not lying. I can’t wait to get away from your annoying ass. I’m going to miss Vinnie the most.”
I flashed Nikki a grin.
He knew what I was doing. I could tell by the way he ran his tongue along his front teeth, crossing his arms over his chest.
To be honest I was going to miss Vince, he had become my best friend. But I only brought that up to spite Nikki.
He leaned down, getting even closer to me.
“Don’t tease me.”
I leaned in closer too, smirking even bigger.
“What are you going to do about it, Sixx?”
He grabbed my face harshly, smashing his lips into mine as he climbed onto the bed in front of me. I gasped into his lips, closing my eyes as I took it all in. All of the tension between us was finally getting released.
His lips melted with mine hungrily, like he had wanted this for so long. Unbeknownst to me, he had.
My hands made their way up into his hair, I tugged lightly at his roots as I gently bit his bottom lip.
He groaned into my mouth.
“Play nice.”
I smirked against his lips, and felt his tongue finally slide into my mouth.
It tasted like he had just brushed his teeth, which he probably had, considering it was nearing bedtime.
We kissed for a while, my hands exploring his hair, his shoulders, his chest, his back, as his hands caressed my waist and my face.
I had never felt a kiss this intense before.
He began to slow down, my lips almost hurting from how passionate Nikki and I had been kissing each other.
He finished by pulling my bottom lip between his, and lingering there for a while.
He pulled away, and I sat there a moment longer, keeping my eyes closed to soak it all in.
“Now I really don’t want to leave.”
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okay luvs ... here we go it's still wed (by like 3 hrs prolly depending how long this takes me to get done and how many times i get distracted)
💚first the good part thanks ever so much for all the tags today - y'all have been busy and i so appreciate them all (and am excited to go read ur words) @tailsbeth-writes @firstprincehornyramblings @thighzp @priincebutt @cha-melodius
@sophie1973 @tinyarmedtrex @mikibwrites @henryspearl @typicalopposite
@firstsprinces @seths-rogens @firenati0n @porcelainmortal @stellarmeadow
okay so for today's words we're getting a scenc from one of the sequels that i'm working on for next month to that were!alex/vamp!henry coffee shop au from the end of july
under the cut for (yeah you guessed it) smut DO I NEED TO WARN FOR WERE!ALEX GETTING OFF AS HIS WOLF? - IF SO UR WARNED
Alex thinks about nothing but Henry that night. How if he took Henry up on his offer, the drive he makes once a month would no longer be necessary. He also thinks about the other things, the “benefits” of having Henry with him when he’s so keyed-up that running isn’t enough. He thinks about that so much that he does something he’s never done before when shifted—he finds a remote spot and attempts to get himself off in wolf form. He’s leaning against a tree with his hand around himself; he’s careful of the elongated nails he gets when shifted. The last thing he wants to explain is accidentally clawing his dick up. Luckily his cock is fatter when he’s in wolf form, so his loose hand grip is enough to get him off without a lot of extra effort. He’s panting, thinking about Henry as he brings himself over the edge. The “Oh, fuck, Henry” that slips out of his lips carries on the wind almost as much as the howl that follows. He’s not come in his wolf form before, so the knot that forms as he’s coming is a bit of a shock. He didn’t know that was actually a thing outside fantasy novels. The time it takes to go away is a bit more of one; why does anyone need to be connected to another being for that long? He still beats off before he gets dressed and drives back to Henry’s place because getting off that one time was not nearly enough when he’s been thinking about Henry all night. His wolf is inordinately interested in getting Henry under him—or over him—he doesn’t seem that particular, really. Henry is waiting for him when he gets home, and Alex is still so filled with lust that they don’t make it past the living room the first time Alex gets his mouth around Henry’s cock. He uses his mouth to get him hard, sucking at the tip and licking him to the point Alex knows that if he takes him in his mouth, he’ll be falling over the edge in no time. It’s so quick, and Alex comes just from rubbing his cock through his pants as Henry shoots down his throat.
alright and a couple tags off the top of my head shall we (and yeah you may have done this and i missed it lolz we'll just assume i stole ur open tag that ya prolly have) @adreamareads @blueeyedgrlwrites @catdadacd @caterpills @emmalostinwonderland
@england-would-fall @forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @judasofsuburbia @thinkof-england
@piratefalls @suseagull04 @taste-thewaste @thesleepyskipper @eusuntgratie
@sparklepocalypse @kiwiana-writes (yes i know it's so no longer wed by you but if you did do this you have an open tag - i just haven't looked yet lolz)
and i don't know all the peeps i'm forgetting lolz i luv y'all my brain is just broken
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gallonofgoldfish · 4 months
Flowers and Fireworks
Returning to business as usual on the ranch is hardly monotonous with Abby around. New faces and old trails make for good company, even if it means getting sidetracked.
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Pairing: cowpoke!abby x reader (sort of)
Content: established relationship, brief cowboy ellie, fluff, poor attempts at writing southern accents (i dont even think theyre in the south), reader isn't described, sort of a part two?, author needs a cowboy partner asap, i know less about horses than before, i don't think any warnings apply
A/N: the brainrot is brainrotting. i wanted to write cowboy ellie but then got distracted by both abby and the excitement of a motor vehicle. had a very specific song stuck in my head while writing this but now icant remember what it was (something colter wall??). anyway hopefully this is a fun read even tho its not too eventful (and also was not proofread lolz). planning to have more ellie in the next part if it ever gets written bc we're going to the CLERBBBB
WC: 1508
You haven’t met her yet, but you’ve felt the tension in the air like something’s about to snap into place.
She’s the rookie. The new kid. The hotshot from some bigger, richer ranch further west with a reputation that stirs more talk than her name—whatever it might be. She’s the racer on the back of a chestnut mare in a denim jacket with rolled-up sleeves and workboots that must’ve lost their shine long before she came here.
And she’s lunging in the ring outside the stables, faded black hat crooked, casting a stubborn shadow over the leafy tattoo wrapped around her forearm. Choppy brown hair brushes her shoulders and burns a color like coffee in the dying sunlight. 
Not that you care. You’ve got places to be, and she’ll fall in with the rest of the wranglers eventually.
Gravel crunches some ways down the road behind you, but Abby doesn’t kill the ATV’s engine in time to sneak up on you completely. She comes coasting down the dusty path, toothpick hanging from the corner of her mouth as she grins sideways at you and rolls to a stop. 
“You talk to ‘er yet?” she asks, and the sun flashes over the lenses of her aviators when she tilts her hat out of the way. 
“Not yet. You?”
Abby shakes her head. “Heard she ain’t done too much talkin’ to anyone yet.”
“Uh-huh.” You plant your hands on your hips and nod. “What else’d you hear?”
“Well, what’d you hear?”
“I asked you first.”
She bites down on her bottom lip, jerking her head at you. “Get over here and I’ll tell you.”
“You’re an ass,” you tease, but hop up onto the quad’s grate so your back leans against hers. 
“What, I get one record and you think we’re some big-timers?” Abby scoffs, nudging you with her shoulder. Her braid shifts in the humid breeze. “We got work to do.”
“Yeah, yeah,” is all you mumble as the ATV purrs back to life and jolts towards the barns in the distance. “Tell me what you heard.”
“Not much,” admits Abby. “I mean, not much you don’t already know. She’s got just about the same story as the rest of us. Some ribbons under her belt.”
Dust kicks up from the tires, funneling right past the mudflaps to gather on your jeans. “She got a name?”
“Relax. I’m gettin’ there.” Abby leans to the side to shoot you a skeptical, if halfhearted, glance. “What’re you tryin’ to get under her belt, too?”
She laughs, then turns her focus back to the road. “Ellie,” she finally says. “Ellie Williams.”
“Alright.” The smell of fuel mingles with the freshness of the tallgrass scrolling by on either side, either one a welcome break from the tinge of manure drifting in from the neighboring fields. 
“Just alright?”
“Well, what the hell else am I supposed to say?” you ask. “I don’t know the girl.”
“I got a good idea.” The engine cuts again. The two of you come to a stop in the shadows just outside one of the stables, before the open sliding doors that stare right out over the mountains. Abby twists to look at you head-on. “How ‘bout you just tell me when we’re good to go?”
“Y’know—” Your nose crinkles as you squint against the sun, shifting in the saddle with every step the horse beneath you takes. “I thought Manny was helpin’ you with this run.”
It’s muscle memory—tacking, adjusting, swinging up into the seat. Practiced. Routine. But it never gets old. Not the cool tones of the mountains shattering the skyline on the far side of the valley, or the steady gait of the horses as they fall into step beside one another. And definitely not Abby.
“He was,” she confirms. One hand holds the reins while the other settles her sunglasses on the brim of her hat. “‘Til he got busy.”
The corners of her eyes crinkle with a smile. “The usual.”
“Sure.” You raise a brow. “And who’s the usual this week?”
“Beats me,” says Abby with a shrug. “Long as it ain’t you, it ain’t my problem.”
“Speak for yourself. The last usual kept leavin’ him notes.”
“Yeah. In the wrong fuckin’ bunk.”
Another grin creeps across her lips as she looks back. Gold falls over her freckled face, flooding the scar on her cheek with light. 
“A little light readin’ never hurt nobody,” she teases. 
“You think?” You tilt your head, unable to avoid the same expression writing itself into your features. “Then next time—”
She’s drawing away, picking up pace.
“Hey, now,” you call, but she doesn’t seem to hear. You nudge your horse’s side to urge them on. Still, though, Abby’s got a good lead. She passes under the low-hanging branches of the trees bordering the path, through a set of rusted iron gates. 
Then, she flicks the reins and takes off. 
“Abby!” you shout, and with no choice left but to do the same, chase after her. 
A cloud of dust stirs up behind her, but you ride right through it, and soon, the trail falls away. 
“I thought you said you got work to do!” 
She laughs, easing up and straightening to drop back and match your pace when you slow. Tallgrass rises on either side of the makeshift path—trampled dirt and dust and the curled-up bodies of flowers unlucky enough to fall into the path of passing hooves. 
“We do,” she says. “That don’t mean we can’t take our time.”
“It’ll be dark soon, yeah?”
“Not that much time.” Abby rolls her eyes and smiles. “We’re just takin’ the scenic route.”
“You know where we’re goin’?” you check.
“Just c’mon.” Turning back to the trail ahead, she nudges her horse to a quicker gait. The unbuttoned front of her flannel flutters around her, giving way to the thin white tank top underneath. 
The ground slopes down, further into the field, as the sun fades over the jagged peaks. Through the yellowed straw and the waves of rippling green, pops of color appear where bright flowers have pushed through the soil and bloomed.
“You ever been this way before?” asks Abby.
You shake your head. “Not that I remember.”
The field is glowing, burning under dusk’s light. She’s glowing with it.
“Well, then.” She shoots you a wink. “You’re in for a treat.”
Just like that, she’s off again. 
The rough path winds down the ridges in the hill, between weeping trees with lazy, swaying branches that force you to duck. Over wooden planks laid out across the marshier parts of the lower pastures and a bridge where a dried-up river leaves a gash in the ground. Back up another slope, another patchy flower field, another grove. 
Until Abby stops to look back at you.
The Ranch sprawls over the acres of land before the two of you, windows lit in the bunkhouse and the barns and lanterns burning alongside the settled paths. The dark shapes of other hands wander like ants across the grass, while the mingling shadows of cattle fill the squares of plains just below. 
“Wait,” Abby urges. The horses paw boredly at the dirt, but, like you, remain in place as the warm summer breeze snakes around you. “Heard about this from a friend last time I was in town.”
You shoot her a curious glance.
“Don’t look at me.” She waves you away, grinning, and points towards the horizon instead. “Over there.”
The first stars are peeking through the bluish parts of the sky, just where it meets the hills. There’s a flash. A burst of red sparks. 
“Fireworks?” Even from afar, their light unfurls over your face. 
“Sure are.” Abby falls silent as the bang from the explosion crashes, muted, through the valley. “They had some leftovers from the fourth.” She sighs, then asks: “Some view, ain’t it?”
Another smattering of colorful bursts erupts over the hills. Another chorus of pops thunder over the grass. The sky changes from one color to the next, smoke gathering in thin gray wisps along the skyline, before you look away.
The lights dance in the lenses of Abby’s aviators where they’re still sitting on her hat, but don’t quite reach her eyes. She hasn’t been watching the fireworks at all; she’s been looking at you instead.
“Yeah,” you murmur, leaning over to kiss her. “Some view,” you say against her lips.
“Anyway—” Clearing her throat, she straightens, then jerks her chin towards the cattle in the field below. “Race you down there.”
But she’s already gone. Racing back down the hillside, still bathed in the far-off lights.
“You’re gonna owe me a drink!” she calls, though she’s already dropped out of view.
After a last glimpse at the fireworks blooming over the ranch, you pick up the reins again and turn to follow.
The flowers and the fireworks blur, blooming and bursting against the shaded countryside. Lining the hills and lighting the sky and leading you.
Leading you right back to her.
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