#like REALLY rambles
pain-is-too-tired · 2 months
Honestly,I think one of the reasons I hate how quickly the writing in TLO onward dropped mentioning Michael so fast is, not only cause I think he's a really interesting character and I love the Lil guy, but-
It's very likely that without his quick thinking, Kronos mightve won.
That, theoretically he dies before he can point out the fault in the bridge to Percy, maybe he's one of the demigods that Kronos knocks off earlier in the battle or something.
Percy is too focused on his fight with Kronos to notice the fault of have the same plan that Michael had, even more so with Annabeth being hurt and Michael being dead his fighting with a lot of grief and rage at that point (I mean, if he screams so loud it carried off into the air after he can't find Michael in canon, I imagine seeing him knocked off by Kronos along side Annabeth being hurt as well is gonna have him pretty upset.)
But at that point he's fighting mostly on his own, even if the living members of the Apollo cabin jump back in to help they're still highly outnumbered.
Percy might be mostly invincible with the Achilles curse, but it doesn't give him infinite energy. And not only is he fighting Kronos, but if Kronos told his army to back him up again they very much will. And 1 on gods know how many monsters and demigods ain't gonna do good
Especially since I'm sure Kronos is fully aware that Percy is gonna to avoid killing demigods as much as possible. And Kronos is willing to kill his own demigods so he's not holding anything back.
Maybe Percy's grief and rage might get him to be a tiny more reckless, but it's just a very bad situation if he doesn't notice the fault or manage to break the bridge in time.
Now if Kronos manages to wear Percy down enough to overwhelm him or whatever, idk exactly what he do after that? Find a way to keep him contained or attack every spot until he finds his weak point(like tigerclaw telling bluestar he'd keep killing her until all 9 lives were gone.) And we already know he had some close idea of where his weak spot was after Annabeth jumped in front of the knife sooo-
Anyway, yeah- so if both Michael and Percy are taken out the picture in the first battle, and Kronos marches on, there's multiple things that's gonna probably ensure his win.
1. He's likely gonna wipe out the rest of the Apollo cabin once he deals with Percy, which includes Will, and 11-12 year old Kayla and Austin(I'm mentioning their age mainly cause MY GODS THEY WERE BABIES)
2.Without an Apollo kid to heal Annabeth, I'm pretty sure it's heavily implied she wouldn't have made it. Like the Hunter's healing would not been enough. So they're out Annabeth too
3. The party ponies don't come until after Hyperion and all that iirc(like the end of the second night i think?) So there's no saving from them unless Chiron manages to convince them earlier but I'm running on the idea that it happens about the same as in canon with the Party Ponies.
4. Ares cabin doesn't come until the final day in canon. Now with this maybe Silena is able to report that Percy, Annabeth (if she dies before Silena goes to get the Ares cabin, at least she able to say Annabeth not looking good.),Michael, and the whole Apollo cabin been wiped out, and that might knock some sense into Clarisse to get her going earlier. But even then if Clarisse doesn't manage to get blessing of Ares somehow or whatever, they still might be cooked on that end in some form.
5. Hades, Persephone and Demeter probably wouldn't have made it in time either, maybe if Nico gets even more pushy after sensing Percy's death they might, but it's really up in the air how that'll work out and what would happen if they did get there earlier.
6. Poseidon is still focused on his fight in Atlantis, and without Percy he probably would jump in to take out Typhon. Maybe he might somehow go full rage of he manages to sense/ learn of Percy's death, but that's up in the air and, Like with 5, no telling how exactly that'll play out.
7. Gods likely will keep fighting Typhon. Which if the demigods and nature spirits are wiped out then Kronos going really have more freedom to tear down the thrones and wreck Olympus.
8. Rachel is a wild card, like maybe if she senses Percy might die at the bridge she might try to get to Manhattan before the battle even starts. But there's a lot of uncertainty if she could get there in time and everything. So that's up in the air at least
Over all, the BoM was 3 days of very close calls. The fact that the managed to push through each time by the hair of their chin is incredible and was built on a lot of lucky events.
Like a tower of cards. Remove one card the whole tower goes down.
And Michael's sacrifice was one of the cards that definitely kept Kronos from winning. And the fact that Rick doesn't even bother to finish his arc (We don't see Clarisse reaction to his death nor do we learn if his body was found or not, not even a burial shroud described, the chariot situation was solved off screen and then completely destroyed the next book. Like Rick did not give a care in the world about Michael after the bridge dhdyd)
It's very much a frustrating thing to me because how much Michael's death could've been something that really drove Percy in battle at least in one of the battles after Williamsburg Bridge. Heck, not only him connecting Ethan to Annabeth getting hurt but with Michael's death because he was there(even if he had nothing to do with it, Percy's at least gonna be frustrated with grief.)
The scene after Percy breaks the bridge is one of my favorites, because the small details. Kronos still looking a bit smug when he retreats. Percy's frantic search when he sees Michael's missing, HES SCREAM CARRYING INTO THE MORNING.
And just. Michael Yew my beloved.
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noamuth · 6 months
Sometimes I like thinking about how a Dal camp companion would work.
Like, after going too long between Long Rests with Dal in the party, he will start to show signs of pain not unlike the way Gale does. But, unlike Gale, Dal does NOT confide in you at the moment. You have to take a Long Rest and speak to him at camp, choosing careful dialogue options to get him to admit that he has a fairly new but chronic back injury--it's been too long since getting the injury to heal by magic means (it's "healed" as much as it's going to, the same way that a scar can be a cause of pain but is the "healed" form of the injury), only rest helps to sort of.. "reset" it.
Initially, having him stay behind in camp leads to huffy, indignant comments like "Good luck. You will need it without me." Both because he feels as though he's being treated as weak or being seen as a liability.
BUT, with enough approval/friendship and knowing his situation, removing him from the party will cause him to actually thank you for the chance to rest because he knows you care about him, and when he joins the party again he will remark on how refreshed he feels.
Using healing magic on him will obviously work to replenish health, but will earn negative comments from him.
He makes negative comments about things like the sun and the heat, and awe-struck and positive comments about things like flowers and art (especially fashion and jewelry, but also scenic paintings about places he's never been before).
Dal will make negative remarks to and about any primarily-magic-wielding party member to show the player his displeasure about magic and, in part, his insecurity around magic users.
His banter towards everyone is somewhat antagonistic at first but slowly softens more into curiosity:
He goes from hating Gale to asking him questions about the world because he realizes Gale is too eager to teach to be judgemental about it. In return, he offers analogous information about the Underdark to satisfy Gale's curiosity.
He goes from being bigoted towards Lae'zel to appreciating her skills in combat as well as her knowledge on Illithids despite her young age, as well as feeling a bit of connection in the fact that neither of them are from Faerun.
He goes from being incredibly suspicious of Astarion and thinking him whiny about his past, to feeling a kinship with him because of their pasts filled with cruelty once Dalamus realizes that his past was, indeed, cruel. They're Double Trouble when together in battle, and share a similar sense of dark humor. They bicker like divorcees who still care a great deal about each other.
He goes from being distrustful and even fearful of Shadowheart (as a Trickery Domain Cleric), to appreciating her practicality and sarcastic wit. He also finds her bickering with Lae'zel and Astarion incredibly amusing and will egg them on sometimes.
He goes from being annoyed by Karlach's unquenchable cheer and zest for life, to admiring her ability to see the bright side of everything. Her hope is contagious and she helps him to see that he's not just an outcast, but a survivor, and now he's free. She also likes to show him new things for them to enjoy together.
He goes from being aggravated by Wyll's heroic attitude to admiring his determination to Do the Right Thing even though evil choices are incredibly tempting and even sometimes more profitable, especially when being enforced by a devil.
Halsin, Jaheira and Minsc I don't know much about yet, so I can't say his opinions
Like a few characters, Dal goes through a religious change, which one can influence--carefully. One leads to a Bad End for him, while the other leads to a Good End, whether romantically involved with the player character or not.
Bonding scenes with him may include (idk how many there usually are): eating dinner and talking about food, seeing him work on stones, sitting with him while he stargazes, talking about the Underdark and what he misses about it, talking about the surface world and his difficulty adjusting to it, talking about his fear of being abandoned by Lolth and feeling alone, giving him a gift (maybe a particular stone, or a journal from a drow who left Lolth and found a better life [saving this idea actually 👀])
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strawb3rrystar · 7 months
I have come to the realization that no one, besides my irl friends who follow me on here, will ever know what's going on in my real life unless I tell you. And I like it like that, I like being able to have a very clear line between my irl and my online life, because they are very different. I love and appreciate all of my followers, but I'd rather not have you guys know about my personal life, just as much as I don't want to know about yours. No one ever taught me 'online safety' I just kinda knew I didn't like putting certain information online. I am a very socially awkward person and you may not think this at first because of what I do, but this carries to online as well. I'm always second guessing myself on whether or not to post/reblog stuff. I'm very scared of commenting on posts most of the time, and even more afraid to send asks to other creators. I grew up on Roblox, but I prefer to play games alone, or with one of my very best friends. This is very ranty, but this is just me appreciating my weird brain for keeping me safe online without ever being taught.
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Heelloooooo little gay people in my phone. I'm nearly done with my HS reread, less than 700 pages away, and I got to the moment I've been dreading this entire time
The Vriskagram flash.
This isn't gonna be so much an analysis as much as a fucking tirade on how this fucking sucks.
I had a smidge of hope. A smidge! I thought oh maybe Ghost Vriska gets merged with Past Vriska and that's how she knows what to fix and that's how she's more emotionally sensible and not a douchebag and egomaniac BUT NO THEY MAKE A POINT TO MAKE IT DAMN CLEAR THAT THEY'RE SEPARATE ENTIRELY, GHOST VRISKA A PRETTY WELL DEVELOPED N THOUGHT OUT CHARACTER WHO GOT PLENTY OF SCREENTIME AND DEVELOPMENT, BUT NOW SHE'S BEING BASICALLY REPLACED BY SOMETHING WORSE, SOMETHING FUCKING CHEAP, I HATE EVERY SECOND OF THIS.
Fuck what hussie did to A6I3-5 Tavros btw. That probably singlehandedly spawned the stupid "Tavros was a chaser" theory, he's an incel that acts like a dick and grovels at Vriska's feet there which makes NO sense, he died in a respectable way, he would rather die fighting a fight he knows he has almost no chance to win, if only to at least TRY to stop Vriska from doing something stupid that would get them all killed, rather than sit there doing nothing. Textbook Heroic death. And then when he's a ghost he's a fucking incel. What the hell hussie. You should have skipped to the part where he recruits a ghost army through sheer charisma (peak page of breath)
Anyways yeah fuck the Vriskagram flash and fuck everything it embodies. Including the infantilization of WV. That's an old man that's not a baby. He's older than all of you combined. He's your fucking grandpa. He's a war veteran, he staged a revolution. Stop treating him like a child bc he's short. Fuck you.
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rissynicole · 1 year
I’ve been wanting to get back into writing on a larger scale
I mean, I never really stopped. But it’s been little one-shots and collaborative pieces between close friends.
I want to write something on the scale of A Parade of Indignities, which was a bona-fide longfic and had a posting schedule for AO3 and FFN.
In case this came across your dash, and you're like "who the fuck is this lady and why would I care about what she writes?" my name is Rissy. I enjoy writing stories for the Invader Zim fandom, and I've been around for several years, writing stories and just kind of vibing. I mainly write gen fics. I used to post regularly on AO3 and FFN, but after I finished my longfic a couple years back, I took a bit of a hiatus.
I’m going to put this poll up to test some waters and use the results to help me make my decision. If there’s any one option that has overwhelming popularity, it might give me some pause for thought.
1) inALIENable. Very Zim-centric and Gaz-centric. Here’s a post that explains this fanfic pretty well. I would probably take the outline back to the drawing board and heavily rewrite the sections I have for it (I'd written about 1/3 of it in 2018, then I put it waaaay on the back-burner). Fair warning, it involves a major character death that occurs before the story begins. It also includes an OC that doesn't dominate the story but plays a key role in the story. I think part of the reason I’ve been hesitant to post it is because I don’t anticipate it gaining much readership. I just envision the major character death/OC acting as deterrents for readers. Stupid to concern myself so much over readership, I know. I get it. I should write for me and me only. I'm going to be transparent, though: if I'm going to devote my time to my hobby after 50+ hours of work a week, and I'm putting in the effort of polishing it up so I could post it publicly, and I'm looking forward to talking about it with people and engaging with the fandom more...then it would be incredibly demoralizing to receive nothing but dead air. I'm sorry. I have no other way to explain it.
If not inALIENable, I have a couple other ideas of stories I could write and post on AO3.
2) An expansion of a one-shot I’ve written and posted on Tumblr. I’m thinking either this prompt or this prompt.
3) Something else entirely. I'm open to suggestions.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
#etain/vikkari#etain torren#otp: may i?#okay I finally have some time at a computer so I can SCREAM ABOUT THIS AAAAAAAAAHHHH#I love so much how gentle he is with her while also never treating her like she's fragile#and how she's at the temple asking for guidance and gets an answer in the form of the wooden bear in her pocket#👀 girl that's sarenrae playing matchmaker ((stormlord voice) where does your strength come from?)#AND THE KISS 🥰🥰🥰#ETAIN.EXE is not responding#self-doubt spiral cancelled on account of forehead kiss#SO GOOD what a perfect prompt for them I love everything about this
@haledamage yay, I’m glad you enjoyed it! I love writing our kids together, their dynamic is so great.(It makes me wish I had the know-how and resources to actually make Vikkari a companion in the game, and then get a little sad that I can’t xD) For all his worrywart tendencies, he knows and doesn’t discount people’s capabilities. So unless he’s in full mother hen mode(LANN WEAR A SHIR- wdym you don’t get sunburn???), he not likely to baby someone. And part of what attracts him to Etain in the first place is her skill, so the last thing he’s gonna do is devalue that and act like she’s helpless.🥰🥰
Sarerae’s matchmaking pretty hard there, yeah. Desna might be helping a bit too(Vikkari did have a reason he went to the chapel, but promptly forgot it when he saw Etain was there xD). I see this as being ~a week before the assault on the Midnight Fane, which is where the lock in for his romance would happen, so we’re very close to this being some level of official. :D 
I had to take advantage of the fact they’re sitting down--and thus basically the same height--to do a forehead kiss. 🥰 I was toying with having him kiss the scar right at the top edge of her mask, but went with forehead bc a) there’s a cheek kiss as part of his romance lock, so we can say that happens there, b) forehead kisses make me scream, and c) it felt like it fit the current stage of their relationship better. There’s definitely attraction on both sides, but neither’s taken the step to “do something” and make it more serious/official yet (but soon👀). There’s a gentleness and intimacy to a forehead kiss that--aside from making me screech internally--is less likely overstepping boundaries. And then he’s still worried he did that. the ETAIN.EXE not responding must have been showing on her face. xD He’s really truly smitten by this point and doesn’t wanna do anything that makes her uncomfortable. 
It really is a perfect prompt for them; they and AJ/Nate both went 👀👀 immediately and loudly, a couple other pairings eyed it from a distance, but these two started talking first in terms of plot and dialogue. Such a good fit for them.
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captain-stab-a-hoe · 2 years
I said this was gonna be in details but this is not as much detail as I thought I'd put cause my brain just fried halfway through
Ok so like let's say xie lian, wei wuxian, and shen yuan are like an idol group since I'm unoriginal and those are the type of popular celebrities that get shit like fancams and all the sexy and goofy edits and fanfictions
They have partners! Not shocking but people are a little disappointed but it does not stop their activities in the slightest their fanbases are thriving all that good shit. What is both a blessing and a cursed is that their boyfriends are carrying content on their backs but like nobody has any idea it's them you wouldn't even begin to think these men are ACTIVE (mainly in the fanfiction department obviously). Why is it a curse? The same people they write about also kinda interact with this content more than people think they do? Like yeah they like a couple posts and stuff but mainly xie lian wei wuxian and shen yuan like looking at this stuff with their partners really and like I imagine it's just...chaotic
Bingqiu (or bingyuan I guess) is particularly funny to think about cause like the way shen yuan talks about these x reader fanfics to binghe is weirdly endearing for him but also it gives him so many mixed feelings. Like binghe's fanfiction is filled with like 90% plotless cliche smut that rivals even the stallion novels of airplane bro and the other 10% is equally as cliche over the top romantic fantasies that make you throw up rainbows and shen yuan is like a fucking moth to flame with them. He's definitely sitting on the couch with binghe, his face is like scrunched up in dramatic irritating as he practically analyzes and criticizes everything cause obviously they don't sound like him at all and he thinks they should've just made an OC. And once again binghe is conflicted cause ok he's a little sad and probably second guesses how well he actually knows his boyfriend and if what he himself does is actually what shen yuan likes. But also...shen yuan turns around and does that exact same cheesy shit he writes that binghe pays extra attention to cause shen yuan focuses on those traits in the fanfiction. And it's honestly more endearing in a way than if shen yuan actually liked fanfiction I think. And also the better outcome cause can you imagine binghe getting weirdly bitter towards his own ominous persona just cause his boyfriend is complimented somebody he doesn't know he's together with already.
For wangxian I know wei wuxian is thrilled by wangji's works much to wangji's surprise slight embarrassment cause wei wuxian strikes me as the type of person who would have a grand time reading or even acting out x reader fanfics about himself. Would he find out wangji write them? Probably not wangji but honestly I think he might have a feeling somebody who knows him write these type of fics. I say this knowing he'd make little remarks like "That's totally something I'd do!" Or "Lan Zhan, we've done something like this before right?". And wangji just nods and plays along cause really what do you do when your boyfriend is reading your "I can't fix him but I can fuck him" fantasies to you and pretends you aren't clenching your fist repeatedly like you're trying to decide if you're gonna push him off or bend him over a table. Also like the elegance in which he writes these absolutely raunchy scenes would probably low-key tip wei wuxian off there's probably like a few select people he knows who'd write smut with college literature degree writing. Personally to me the funniest outcome is wei wuxian finding out cause nobody is safe anymore he's commenting on all of them when he's not home and it's absolutely foul.
Hualian is....not the more innocent? It's like I think Xie Lian views this type of content through the lens of like "Oh look at that I can't believe so many write about me haha" while also keeping his mouth shut about how they wrote cause it's not like it's causing harm right? It's not like they actually know him anyway. But like when it comes to hua cheng's x reader fics I think xie lian would find them quite pleasant to read and maybe a little overwhelming cause 78% of the fics are just full of long rambling about how great he is that come out of nowhere sometimes. But the funny thing is I can't decide if hua cheng would be jealous or not. I might not have have gotten as far into tgcf as I have with svsss or mdzs but I do know enough to make the conclusion that this man's confidence is mostly a coping mechanism ok look even though he's with xie lian he'd be real hesitant to reveal that he wrote goddamn fanfictions. I feel like the more sky he becomes is just the more nervous he is like if he caught xie lian reading one of his works he'd try asking him for his thoughts in the most casual way possible. Any praise and he's secretly giddy the whole day. One slight criticism and he's practically folded over his computer perfecting his stories. Which probably leads into the idea that he has so many fucking unpublished shit just sitting there, waiting to be found one day by accident maybe by xie lian who knows.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 2 years
I know I said CH2 of WTTW would be posted tomorrow but I managed to edit it at work, so it’s kinda ready? Could post tonight and then focus on this smut fic (that’s came out of nowhere).
I also need to keep working on chapter three if WTTW (Kansas let’s gooo) and god almighty, October is coming and I need to work on more prompts.
Anyways, I’m spiralling pls help.
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j-casper · 3 years
14 hours of sleep + coffee has me even more hyper than usual, and i apologize to everyone
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haldenlith · 3 years
Random Phoenix-Dad Thoughts
I'm hoping the "Hi, I make really bad decisions hinting at something bad" trend they've got going with Osiris is just one big red herring...
But, if it sort of isn't, I hope it goes like this: Osiris isn't corrupted (like Uldren was) or isn't an imposter (like some theories I've seen), but rather is just reckless, in that Sagira was his voice of reason. In this, imagine if it led to one or both of his "projects"/potential projects (being vague as not to spoil Season of the Splicers) to learn more and find a better way to fight Savathun and the Darkness backfires and is the lead-in to the Witch Queen expansion.
Or an even longer con, leading into Lightfall. (I'd be impressed and surprised if they kept the yarn spinning that long.)
It would be an unfortunate, but honestly interesting direction (to me, anyway). Osiris, "The Exile", who just now has managed to return and be in the Vanguard's good graces again, fucks up so fucking catastrophically and has to make things right again, and actually learn from his mistakes. I only like this idea because, honestly? HONESTLY? He's not had to really face much by way of consequences for his actions, in my opinion, outside of what happened with Sagira. He seemed largely unbothered by being exiled (hell, I think he liked it, being free of duties and such), and I haven't seen any sign of him being even remotely remorseful to influencing previous Guardians (like Kabr) into doing dangerous things and ultimately losing their lives.
So far, it seems to me like the only time his "I'm the smartest man in the room" bit has burned him in an impactful way has been when he recklessly went to face off against Xivu Arath. It also seems like he hasn't learned from it, either. So, I think it'd be appropriate for something to ACTUALLY blow up in his face, and he ACTUALLY has to eat his humble pie for once.
... For some reason I also picture Saint-14 being there going, "You messed things up, yes, but now... WE FIX! So stop moping and feeling sorry for yourself. WE FIGHT!" Being all weirdly uplifting, as Saint is.
I guess what I'm saying is I hope they aren't going the "Osiris is evil now lulz" route, but rather the "Osiris made a grave mistake, but we can fix it or at least try to" route, if they are going to follow this little bread crumb trail they've been leaving.
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hueningkai · 3 years
I thought weverse is shipping to the UK now but yet I still can't order the photo frames? luckily I managed to join some GOs and get my hands on gyu, hyuka and the group one which is probably way more cheaper than buying it from weverse anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
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pain-is-too-tired · 3 months
Thinking about Chris Rodriguez again.
How he likely just wanted someone to be proud of him. How he looked up to Luke in place of the hole left by a father he didn't know. Only for Luke to in a way abandon him too.
Not to mention we don't even know what happened to his mortal parent. I assume they're either dead, think he's dead, or really didn't care about him either.
Which just makes it worse. Means he just lived most of his life really not having a solid source of love. Yet, when we see him in TLO, he seems to be full of care and love. We know at least he was close to someone named Mary at some point(I doubt Rick actually had a plan for her, and honestly she could been from a young demigod he was close to that died, to a mortal in his past who treated him bad, we just don't know.) We only know that he saw images of her that he figured couldn't be real. Which means there's a big chance she just can't be in his life anymore easily. At least to him.
We also hear him talking to another demigod iirc on The Princess Andromeda, though I can't remember much about any details about them or if they were when that close.
It's just. Chris Rodriguez such a sad character when you think on it, but Rick drops him pretty quickly after tlo. YOU BRING THE LABYRINTH BACK BUT NOT THE CHARACTER MOST CONNECTED TO IT OUT OF THE MODERN DEMIGODS???
Also, I think a lot about no one really saved him from the Labyrinth, just took him in after he already got himself out. They didn't even know the Labyrinth was being used until Clarisse found him.
Chris somehow managed to find his way out of the Labyrinth, when his mind wasn't even fully intact.
And before Mr.D helped him, he was literally at the point we're he had LOST THE WILL TO LIVE.
Which is insane to read BTW. Like we're told this straight up by Chiron. It's not implied or anything, we're just told that Chris just given up completely.
I refuse to believe that didn't leave lasting effects on him. Good gods.
Add that it took until he was in a state of insanity to presumably be claimed. And we don't even know for sure how that looked because we only know he's for sure a son of Hermes from a guide.
Nothing else. One side book tells us.
Other then that he's only refer to as a unclaimed kid,a guy from the Hermes cabin or Clarisse's boyfriend. Like jeez.
Anyway. Justice for my guy, he deserves more love.
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not-all-the-prayers · 4 years
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Today would've been my dad's 60th birthday. I can't even picture him now. He will always be 51 in my mind, exactly how he was when this picture was taken.
This is the last picture ever taken of my him. This was the first picture my dad's friend took with his new camera, just to test it out. It's the picture he forgot he had taken until he went back through his camera weeks later. It's the picture my he sent me saying, "I hope this is alright but I think this may be the last picture of your daddy and I thought you'd like to have it." This is the picture he almost didn't send me because he was so afraid it would upset me.
It was taken about a month before my dad died and, as you can see, it wasn't planned or overly posed. It's just him on a random day at a random time when no one had any idea he was living the last month of his life. It's one of my favorite pictures of him because it's the most ordinary, the most honest, and the closest to how I remember him. I can't imagine not having it.
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Y’all wanna hear some sappy analysis stuff? probably not, I know y’all here for my fics but still
I’ll have it all under the cut, so if you aren’t interested, y’all can keep scrolling <3
If I’ve talked to you enough, you know that I am insanely into the Butterfly Effect, like highkey really interested in the whole hypothesis and I am 100% behind it.
This is where this shit comes in.
If it weren’t for the fact that I downloaded Tik Tok as a meme, I literally wouldn’t be here right now. This blog wouldn’t exist, and I wouldn’t have made the friends I did.
How you ask?
I downloaded the garbage app simply to find meme material, and hoping there were some quality vine-energy worthy clips on there.
Instead I stumbled across kinktok, and being the horny fuck I usually am, I stayed for that content. Which lead to horny tik tok. Which is where I stumbled across Hisoka.
I watched the show, and was hooked, and came here for some quality content fanfiction and one day, out of pure bravery, I messaged one of the content creators on here and told them there stuff was just chef’s kiss,  and they invited me to their server.
Where I met the wonderful mutuals I have now.
Who encouraged me to go for it and make the blog.
To publish my writing, despite how lackluster I thought it was (and still do, but that’s not the point).
I was not expecting the response I got, especially to my first stuff posted which I thought was just mostly crack, nothing too serious. People loved it, and I thank each and every one of you for reading my writing.
Insane how me downloading something ironically lead to me publishing my work. It’s fucking wack to me, and I constantly think about it.
Did I have a point to this? Not really. Just be rambling cause I can, and this especially hitting hard today for some reason.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, enjoy the rest of your day/evening <3
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what’s crazy to me about people is they’re full of contradictions. like authors are afraid to give their characters “too much” when in reality every person has SO MUCH to begin with.
for example, i am simultaneously the most and least impulsive person you will meet. i have slapped the president of a frat, while at a party in aforementioned frat’s house. like clean slapped him across the face so hard his glasses full off. but this man was also in a very toxic relationship with one of my best friends who was being forced to carry his emotional baggage constantly. so it was like yeah that was kind of an impulsive decision but i’d be lying if i said i hadn’t fantasized about it for months.
basically don’t be afraid to give your characters more i promise it’ll be fine
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ijwrff · 5 years
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
This is a toughie for sure. I’d say maybe...Cryaotic. I know that’s typical for a blog like this, but it’s the best answer I’ve got. He started my love for YouTube a long time ago and I still want to be a YouTuber. I have my own channel, but between disability leaves, school, and work I haven’t had time to do much with it in years. He was and still is my inspiration most days! Sometimes I can only fall asleep to his “Cry Reads” Playlist. Which. Is a little messed up cause most of them are gut-wrenching horror and gore. But he has a soothing voice and just sounds like an all-around great, chill guy. So as for the why...I guess I’d want to thank him! Being friends would be cool, but he probably gets that a lot so I wouldn’t want to ask that of him. But I’d want to thank him for being my inspiration! Seeing how much fun he has and the wholesome kind of following he has really gave me a direction in life for a long time, and still does. I’d want to find a way to express my thanks through words and he could see the sincerity of my expression!
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