#like a toddler in a bouncy castle
aquamarineglow · 6 months
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soryualeksi · 1 year
Mini Kiddo being such a perfect Average Toddler is such a funny experience because I basically have to re-learn everything I thought I knew from scratch.
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abluehappyface · 2 years
Went to a park grand opening and a green dragonfly and a cricket landed on me, and I got to hold a toad >:3
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tanuandthetriplets · 4 months
Subbu Bouncy Castle Se Gir Fayi | Sheetal Shasthi Mela | Triplets Vlog -  8th June'24
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muldermuse · 2 months
exbf!butcher being the dad that stepped up for your daughter💓💓💓 we need more headcanons for your vision on this, like, does he know her since she was a baby, did she grow on him and he on her when she was a toddler, does she call him dad, does she know her mom and Butcher are kinda still a thing because they kiss from time to time and sometimes he stays over and sleeps in her mom’s room when they think she isn’t sleeping and so she won’t know??? We need answersss
you got with butcher when your daughter was 2 and a half. the first time he met her was at her third birthday party, it wasn’t supposed to be that way but the bouncy castle wouldn’t inflate and you thought you were going to pass out from stress so you called butcher- who of course comes straight away
your daughter is TERRIFIED of him the first time she meets him. like, he’s big and scary looking. also not a lot of men come to your house so one that looks like butcher feels extra daunting for her as a lil 3 year old. you coax her into showing billy her birthday presents and she grabs his hand and leads him into the living room. she looks so small compared to him and that’s when butcher decides he wants to be a part of this little girls life for as long as he can (hopefully forever). he takes a genuine interest in all the books, plushies and toys that she’s showing him
he meets her again a few months later, you’re both still going steady and your daughter keeps asking when the ‘big man’ is coming back because she wants to show him more of her plushies. you invite him round for dinner and your daughter basically takes all his attention. she’ll run up to him with different books and ask him to read them. which he does- she loves it because he does all the silly voices
she struggles with his name so just calls him butch. even as she gets older, she never calls him anything else
you stay together until she’s like 6 and then the break up happens. he’s known your daughter for nearly 4 years and he loves her and she loves him- probably her favourite person in the whole world so she still sees him often
she never called him dad but when her friends talk about stuff their dad does for them, she’ll always say that “her butch” does that
you keep seeing each other but it’s so off and on again. it’s not fair for your daughter to get stuck in the middle so every time he spends the night- he leaves before she goes to school
eventually she clocks on and realises because she sees him sneaking out on her way to the bathroom. he looks nervous, “hey kid…just uh…your mom asked me to stay last night”- he can’t lie to her
she doesn’t care, she just asks him to make her some oatmeal because he makes it the best
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live-laugh-lenney · 4 months
No bc george would be soooooo insanely protective over his baby girl, please do a story about george being sooo protective over his little baby girl ❤️❤️
oh, absolutely!
george adores her.
and he never thought he'd love anyone as much as he loved yn... until his little girl came into the world, with a healthy set of lungs on her, in the early hours of a friday morning. he felt his heart double in size at the sight of his girlfriend holding their newborn baby, in a hospital bed on the midwifery floor of a hospital located in just outside of the centre of london, and it was a sight he never wanted to forget.
from the moment they brought her home, snoozing in her carseat and tucked beneath a blanket with her name stitched into the corner, he was careful with everything he did; from the way he held her, to the way he laid her to sleep in her cot, to the way he picked her up, to the way he fed her. he kept a watchful eye on everyone that held her to make sure they held her correctly, informing them when he wasn't happy with how her head wasn't being supported correctly or how they were being too loud around her, and he was always very weary about those wanting to get a peek at her when they were out in the city of london... he wanted to keep her safe, wanted her to be okay, and his dad instincts were in full swing as soon as they were allowed home with her.
so when she got to the age where she was walking and, just about, talking... he was even more watchful than ever. especially when her favourite people were over.
for her second birthday, they threw her a mini birthday party in their back garden. with food, drinks and enough toys and games to keep everyone entertained and happy, and the weather managed to hold out for them, making it the most perfect day to celebrate.
"please don't throw her around like last time," george warns arthur as he stood there with his hands held up in surrender, "and don't claim you can't remember a thing. she had a big egg on her head for over a week."
"that wasn't strictly my fault," arthur insists and george rolls his eyes, "it wasn't! honest."
"george, leave him alone, for goodness sake. i'm sure he's still a bit traumatised by what happened," yn states, rounding the corner with their little girl on her hip and watching as her face lit up from where arthur was standing in the entryway of their home, "who's that, sweet girl? is that uncle television?"
"i really need a new nickname," arthur says, reaching forward and taking the toddler from her mother's hip which allowed yn the chance to move around much more easily, taking the extra weight from her side, "hello, mini clarkey."
"everyone's already here, in the garden, grab a chair from the dining room because we don't have enough out there," george closes the door as the three of them make their way through the house, aromas of meat cooking as well as spices and the smell of a barbecue filling the air, "don't go mucking around on the bouncy castle with her, too. yn insisted we had it for her birthday but i'm not so sure."
"a bouncy castle? that's a nightmare waiting to happen with us lot in the garden," arthur cackles and yn smirks in his direction, "get a few drinks in us and we'll be having more fun than the birthday girl."
george disappears into the garden, leaving yn and arthur standing in the kitchen, the toddler on his hip playing with the collar of his shirt as she wriggled on his hip.
"just ignore him, he's just being protective over her. another year has flown by."
"i'm not called funcle for nothing," arthur laughs and digs his fingers into the little girl's side, laughing when she giggled back at him, "shall we go play in the garden?"
"food will be ready soon, don't wear her out too much otherwise she'll fall asleep in her dinner."
"like father, like daughter," arthur jokes and yn snickers at him, "if you need help, give me a shout." xx
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There was a big local event on today that foster carers were encouraged to go to with their children. I felt like there was no way I could go with both children, Mr 7 is all high speed and enthusiasm, and Miss 5 is all walk at toddler pace in her own direction. Neither child has any danger awareness or ability to reliably follow directions (stop, wait, let’s go over here etc). In the end Miss 5 is not very well so I left her at home with d3 (who I pay £££ to provide childcare) and just took Mr 7.
I thought, am I being a wimp or just over dramatic , not being up for taking both children?? Then I got to the event and saw other foster carers with multiple children, but the children were walking alongside adults, doing as they were asked, not screaming or head banging…. I had even forgotten that children could do this!! I am so used to hanging onto them at all times it’s become normal to me. I only coped with Mr 7 because a staff member helped me out and let me jump in the queue for food (Mr 7 does not want food and does not like queueing). He didn’t have any meltdowns but did get close at two points - one when he couldn’t find a bow and arrow stall (?!) and once when we couldn’t find anywhere giving out lollipops 🤷‍♀️. The rest of the time, I just followed his lead, so he spent about 40 minutes on the bouncy castle and 30 minutes playing his own made up version of 4 in a row (he won 11 games to 2 but the rules changed every game 😂 I just insisted I had won on two occasions so that he didn’t always get to win).
Later this afternoon, I got a text from the people who were going to do our holiday care for a week in the autumn. They came to meet the children a fortnight ago, and messaged today to say that they think that it will be too much to have the two of them for a week so they are pulling out. Gutted. And not gonna lie, a bit pissed off. Because I will have had them for 5 months by then and they can’t manage 1 week. It also reminds me that these two children do have a lot of needs. It’s just become so normalised to me that I don’t notice it so much anymore. Back to the drawing board for the holiday care hey ho.
Took Mr 7 swimming late afternoon and it was just what we both needed in this heat. He had a great time and we didn’t get home till 7pm, just in time to do Miss 5’s bedtime and then Mr 7 has an hour of quiet play in his room. I hope Miss 5 is on the mend now. She screams the place down and thrashes and spits when I try and get calpol into her (reference earlier posts about giving medication) and I am so over that six hourly battle!
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
"Doesn't Make Him Less of a Miracle"
(Fictober, Day 30)
Fictober's almost over, and I haven't tackled the very genre that lured me into fic in the first place: S9 AU.
William took after his father in many ways: he was very bright, unnaturally articulate for his age, and immaculately opportunistic: a born-and-raised schemer (though said schemes were often undercut by his innate inability to lie believably-- which Mulder ribbed Scully about, mercilessly.) He was also an incredibly fast runner with a propensity to dive head-first into the nearest kerfuffle. 
And Fox Mulder, the intelligent progenitor of this intelligent child, exploited that propensity to its fullest whenever he needed a few hours of unbroken concentration. Thus, Skippy’s Bouncy Castle and Ball Pit Stadium became the local haunt for the Mulder-Scully family’s operations. 
Alternating his afternoons between sifting through poached documents and worming his way into various mummy or nanny groups, Mulder learned just as much about thumb sucking habits as he did the ever-changing factions and movements of the crumbled Consortium empire. It wasn't a leap to apply his hostage negotiation tactics to toddler tantrum mitigation; and, to his surprise, he seemed more popular outside of the Bureau than in it, constantly getting interrupted by a child or their guardian with yet another situation that needed diffusing.
But like all aspects in life, there were prices to be paid for peace; and little William Mulder-Scully chose closing time on an already hectic Monday to exact that price.
“Willaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” Mulder dropped his hands out of their airhorn position, pivoting to watch, helplessly, as hordes of well-behaved, snot-nosed, and spit-curled children of all ages wobbled out after their parents. The very picture of the Rockwell American dream. Staff members were whipping out mops or picking up stray toys-- one particularly under-tipped teenager glowered at him from her post near the light switch-- and still William did not appear from the midst of the ball pit. 
For a split second the old fear rushed irrationally back, cold sweat breaking out on his neck, "Fox!" clamoring in his mind-- but Will’s sudden outburst of giggles grounded him in reality, shook him involuntarily with relief. Deal with it another day.  Annoyance at his unexpected fear-- and annoyed he was annoyed-- spurred Mulder into action.
"Will, outta the ball pit-- we gotta go pick up food.” ‘Pick up food’: the universal unspoken for quick-and-easy greasy garbage from the nearest burger joint. Another thing father and son had in common.  
His precious miracle cackled. “Daddy, I’m a sea monster. You have to come hunt me.” 
Mulder jolted at the sudden, vicious tug on his sleeve. Light switch teenager, frosted lips curling even further downward, had somehow learned teleportation and wasted that ability by scaring the daylights out of him. “The ball pit's closed. Grab your kid and go.” 
The ghosts of each and every one of Scully’s long-suffering eyerolls flashed through his mind; and he counted them, likely by tens, in an attempt to remain calm. Losing his cool exterior while hopped up on too many cups of coffee would only damage any potential future discount-- not to mention the years of ammunition Scully would have on him as their son inched slowly towards the plague of puberty.
“Yeah, just a minute, my--”
Losing interest in Light Switch Girl, Mulder covered the last few feet in a light jog, skidding across a wet patch on the floor but recovering his footing with a couple of hairy maneuvers.
Red ball, green ball, blue ball, green, green, blue, purple? Red, blue-- 
Red hair. The sea monster was just submerging on the other end of the pool, upgrading his chortles to belly laughter. 
“William, we can play the sea monster game tomorrow, but we’ve got to leave now.” Mulder was pleased to note that his son’s head paused, recognizing that ‘William’ and ‘got to’ were a big deal compared to ‘Will’ and ‘gotta’. The head bobbed up and down, wavering between losing the battle with honor or fighting the war with outright rebellion. 
Since logic seemed to be winning over wheedling-- a trait Scully would rib him over, mercilessly-- Mulder doubled down. “C’mon, Buddy, the workers have to clean up and go home. They want to eat, spend time with their families. …Watch a movie.” Well, a little wheedling wouldn't hurt.
The sea monster was drifting closer, his thoughtful Scully scowl and blue eyes rising above three green balls perfectly resembling algae-speckled rocks. What are the odds. “Is it… dirty in here, too?” 
YES. “Yeah, Will, it’s pretty gross in there. Probably has a few cooties, too.” 
His son may have had the genes of a scientist, but he hadn’t quite figured out the finer points of germ pathology. William breeched, fast, which gave his dad scant seconds of catch time before nearly faceplanting on the floor. “Cooties!” he chanted while wildly flinging his arms about, forcing Mulder the Triumphant to dodge a few accidental nose wallops.
Cooties really did come in handy. 
Great. Light Switch Girl was back. 
“--your laptop and bag were moved to the front desk. If you could please grab them, we need to finish closing up.” She crossed her arms, sneered at his wiggling son, and began to brusquely tap her foot. 
In moments like these, Mulder wondered why he bothered trying to save the planet.  
“Thanks.” Readjusting Will-- who was attempting to climb, face first, down his back-- and offering an equally charming lip twitch of his own, Mulder skidded his retreat across the room, sorted and collected his things-- with the hand not currently grabbing his four-year old’s ankle-- and hoisted all of his belongings-- sea monster included-- over both shoulders before making his grunting exit. 
“Willy, I think you’re getting too big to be able to lug around anymore. Soon you'll have to help drag me back to the car.” 
Sea monsters and cooties forgotten, William puzzled this new idea while getting situated in his car seat. Mulder let him pursue it in silence-- another neat wrangling trick-- as he buckled, unbuckled, and rebuckled straps; then, since the gears were still turning in his son's head, he slid the bag onto the floor and slid himself into the front seat. The driver's safety belt was clicked into place when Will jerked upward, waving his hands and beaming at his father in the rearview mirror.
“It’s not me, it's the laptop! It becomes heavier every time you save another part of the world!” 
Mulder chuffed a laugh, enamored with the flawless logic of the young and uneducated. “You’re too smart for your old man,” he assured, proudly. 
“Can we get chicken?”
Just like that-- subject over and burgers out the window. “Sure, buddy. My treat.” 
Fighting Colonization, catching sea monsters, and hunting down KFC may not, exactly, be a day in the life of the average American family; but it certainly enabled him to strum up an interesting moral out of the Flukeman and its excitement to go home. On second thought, Will would probably be incentivized to try hitchhiking to the ocean himself.
Now there's something Scully and I can't take credit for: possible obsessions with sewer tanks.
Somehow, Mulder didn't think she'd like that, either.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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partypluss-blog · 10 days
Exciting Kids Birthday Party Ideas: Finding the Perfect Venue and Entertainment in Singapore
Planning a child’s birthday party can be a challenge, but with the availability of soft play in Singapore and exciting options like kids birthday venues in Singapore, it’s easy to create an unforgettable celebration. Whether you’re searching for outdoor game rentals near me or thinking about incorporating a fun balloon dome, the right combination of activities will keep children engaged and entertained throughout the event.
Finding the Perfect Kids Birthday Venue in Singapore
When organizing a birthday party, one of the first decisions is selecting the right venue. Singapore offers a variety of options that cater to different themes and activities. If your child enjoys active play, choosing a venue with soft play in Singapore can make the party even more enjoyable. These indoor play zones are filled with padded play structures, allowing kids to jump, climb, and explore safely.
Alternatively, if you're looking for an outdoor celebration, many kids birthday venues in Singapore offer outdoor spaces that can be transformed into a fun playground. When combined with outdoor game rentals near me, such as sack races, giant Jenga, and inflatable games, the party becomes a high-energy experience that kids will love.
Why Choose Soft Play for Kids' Birthdays?
Soft play in Singapore is a popular choice among parents because it provides a safe environment for children to engage in physical activities. These play areas are designed with cushioned surfaces and are tailored to suit toddlers and younger children. They promote social interaction, enhance motor skills, and most importantly, ensure that children have fun in a secure setting.
Many venues that offer soft play in Singapore also provide flexible packages that include birthday decorations, snacks, and even entertainment options like balloon twisting or face painting. This means that parents can relax and enjoy the party while everything is taken care of by the venue staff.
Outdoor Game Rentals: The Perfect Solution for Active Kids
For those looking to host a party outdoors, finding outdoor game rentals near me is a great way to incorporate a range of fun activities. Outdoor games are perfect for creating an exciting atmosphere where kids can burn off their energy while participating in group activities. Classic games like tug-of-war, water balloon tosses, and obstacle courses bring an extra level of excitement to the party.
For parents who are looking for unique entertainment options, renting inflatables such as bouncy castles or obstacle courses can also elevate the party experience. By combining outdoor games with inflatable fun, the birthday celebration will surely be remembered for years to come.
The Appeal of Balloon Dome Rentals
A balloon dome is another fantastic addition to any children’s birthday party. This inflatable structure is large enough to fit multiple kids inside, offering them a magical space filled with balloons where they can bounce around and play. A balloon dome not only adds a visual centerpiece to the party but also serves as a safe play area for children of all ages.
The whimsical nature of a balloon dome makes it a popular rental option for both indoor and outdoor venues. Kids can spend hours playing inside the dome, which is why it's such a hit at birthday parties. Adding themed decorations or colored balloons to the dome can make it even more exciting and align it with the overall theme of the party.
Choosing Between Indoor and Outdoor Venues
When planning a birthday party, one major decision is whether to host it indoors or outdoors. Both options have their advantages, but the choice often depends on the weather and the activities planned. If you’re hosting a party during the rainy season, an indoor Kids Birthday Venue Singapore with soft play areas might be the better option. This ensures that the fun continues regardless of the weather.
On the other hand, if you're planning a party during Singapore’s dry season, outdoor venues provide a perfect setting for outdoor game rentals near me. Parents can create picnic-style parties, with games and inflatables spread out over large, open spaces. Plus, the natural setting adds to the festive atmosphere.
Decorations and Themes to Enhance the Party
To make your child’s birthday party stand out, consider incorporating a fun theme. Whether it’s superheroes, princesses, or a favorite cartoon character, themed decorations can transform any venue into a magical world. Balloon domes can be customized to match the theme of the party, adding a unique flair to the event.
For an outdoor party, decorations like banners, balloon arches, and themed table settings can make the environment more vibrant. Indoor parties can benefit from customized backdrops, soft play structures decorated with the party’s theme, and personalized party favors for each guest.
Creating a Safe and Fun Environment
Safety is paramount when planning a birthday party for children. Whether you choose Soft Play Singapore or outdoor game rentals near me, it’s important to ensure that all activities are supervised and age-appropriate. Soft play areas are designed with safety in mind, providing a padded environment where children can explore without the risk of injury.
For outdoor parties, inflatables and games should be properly set up and maintained by professionals. It’s also essential to have adult supervision during all activities to ensure that children play safely and follow the rules.
Why Choose Party Plus for Your Event?
Party Plus is an excellent choice for parents looking to create a memorable birthday experience. Offering everything from soft play in Singapore to outdoor game rentals near me, Party Plus ensures that your child’s special day is filled with fun and laughter. With their professional team handling the setup and organization, parents can focus on enjoying the celebration with their children.
Their balloon dome rentals add a unique and magical element to any party, creating a space where children can play in a colorful, inflatable world. Plus, Party Plus offers flexible packages tailored to your needs, whether you're hosting a small gathering or a larger celebration.
Planning a memorable kids' birthday party doesn’t have to be stressful. With so many fantastic options in Singapore, from soft play venues to outdoor game rentals near me, parents can create the perfect event for their little one. Adding a balloon dome can make the day even more magical, providing hours of entertainment for all the guests. With Party Plus at your side, every detail is handled with care, ensuring a successful and unforgettable celebration.
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jas-mon · 7 months
Bouncy Castle For Rent
The bouncing castle for rent is an inflatable castle rental bouse house structure rented out for recreational purposes during functions like birthday parties, festivals, fairs, etc. In addition to being safe, bouncy castles for rent also creates an overall exciting atmosphere where time seems to bounce off of a Kiddos Jumping Castle both literally and figuratively. A princess birthday party can have a gorgeous kingdom type of rental bouncy castles whereas a Mickey Mouse birthday party can have a Mickey Mouse Jumping Castle. Inflatable castle rentals work very well as miniature amusement parks for little ones they can be easily transported. This gives a feel of a country fair and would work really well for a carnival or circus theme birthday party with a jumping castle. PartyOne has done extensive research in identifying the best bouncing castle and can book your chosen children bounce house for rent for your party date at no extra cost. You only need to pay theon the reserved time. Just another way of thanking our dear customers for their patronage of PartyOne. 
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Is a bouncy castle enough for a party of up to 20 kids?
Bouncing castle is the most fun outdoor game for most of the kids. It requires strength and quickness to go up and then it is so much fun to bounce back downwards. Hire jumping castle for a refreshing break from the indoor games where there isn’t much to do physically. Rental Bouncy castle for kids on their birthday party will ensure that all the kids are glued to this fun game and are having fun throughout the party. It will be a good experience for toddlers getting to bouncy castle for the first time as it is totally safe for them to enjoy for a little while away from their parents. Also, bounce houses with a slide for birthday parties can relieve all the parents from the stress of entertaining all the kids. It is that one stop game to give a win-win situation to everyone. Also, it doesn’t need to be a kids birthday party for rental bouncy castles. You can hire a bouncy castle in your city from PartyOne without worrying about the occasion and our executives will make it a joyful and stress-free event for you.
services in cities: Bangalore|Hyderabad|Chennai|Pune|Mumbai|Delhi|Kolkata
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hspn · 8 months
Our favorite HSPN posts 13
Here's a list of our favorite Hair & Sports Programming Network posts from the past year:
Did you win this one?
A terrifying Goldilocks
César grew a beard
Runner-up in a tournament
Post-concussion reality
Murder must be a red
Lifetime scoring record
Bouncy castles
Do not fuck with Éve Perisset
Dancing guy
July 1st
Doctor Junior
Does not know how Zoom works
Leg room
He is Nicolas Jackson
VAR highlights
Tech genius
More Malo than Gusto
How his morning went
You do not want that
Great combo celebration
Big Poch season
Props to that camera man
The Reece James of commentators
Should've been the Christmas Eve game
Trying to hide a smile
Some great photos:
Seen it twice
Eidur & Jimmy
The real monarch
Whether or not he is picked for anything
This is the best combination of outfits
Emma needs to wear this coat
Everyone who looks like Graham Potter:
Inspirational-looking manager
Same dejected look
Not the one who got fired
Small coffees:
That same small coffee cup
One regular coffee
Medium coffee
The ballad of Mudryk & Cucurella:
Sitting there posting hate memes
A floating Nicolas Jackson
Four toddlers in a shirt
Typical movie trope
Photogenic keepers:
Zecira knew
Now that's a good-looking keeper
Ben Chilwell does Ben Chilwell things:
Also his hair looked good
Another manager that loves Chilly
Just tired
Chilly trips the ref
Thiago Silva does Thiago Silva things:
I even brought my own ball
That disapproving father expression
Not 39 yet
Impeccable tackle
He slid forever
Fresh legs
Previous favorites: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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thebouncy · 1 year
Bounce House Rentals in Frisco
Bounce House Rentals Frisco
At The Bouncy Kingdom we know Bounce House Rentals in Allen, and party rental equipment is what we do. The Bouncy Kingdom is a family owned and operated local in Frisco TX party rental business with laser focus on customer service and making your party or event rental experience easy and totally awesome!
Check out our inventory below, packed full of the best bounce house rentals in Frisco you can find plus: Toddlers Bounce Houses, combo bouncers, combo with slides and water slides, games, concessions, tables and chairs, interactive games and more.
Our team at The Bouncy Kingdom makes your party planning our priority and we work hard to make sure it is a huge success. We have a strong commitment to our community and safety! This is why we rent high-quality, commercial grade bounce houses in Frisco and the surrounding area. Our equipment is always good to go, cleaned and sanitized. Every year we have our rental equipment fully inspected and fully insured to meet or exceed the standards set by The State of Texas.
You will find we have a large selection of party and inflatable rentals for any type of event. Our party rentals include: backyard parties, school festivals or field days, birthday parties, church events, community events, carnivals, graduation parties for highschool or even college graduation parties, corporate events/retreats and team building exercises, and even HOA events. Let us take the stress out and remember to have fun planning your party.
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Looking for the Best Bounce House Rentals Frisco, Texas?
Bounce houses go by many names and can be found by searching online for things like: "bounce house rentals Frisco Texas, or "bounce house near me". Did you know they also can be commonly found as: moonwalks, bouncers, bouncy castles, jumpers, jumpy castles, jumping slides, spacewalks, moon bounces, moon jumps, brincas brincas, inflatables, inflatable castles, jumpy balloon things, bouncy slides and so many more? Whatever lingo you choose to use to label these fun bouncy inflatable, vinyl pillows of magic, we've got them for rent.
We love Frisco, TX this is our home. Because we love our customers, we take each and every rental seriously.  With professional precision, we deliver and set up your event to maximize the fun. Whether you have a water slide rental for a simple party or you need entertainment for hundreds of children and/or adults, your event is our event. Rest assured your party rental is in good hands with The Bouncy Kingdom in Frisco we are your party professionals.
Our friendly staff is ready to assist you in planning your party rental or you can utilize our state of the art booking platform below to start your rental today. It is never too early to make a reservation in advance.
Family Fun! Frisco Bounce House Rentals
What is better than spending a day relaxing and having some good 'ole family fun, like a backyard bbq? Nothing! You can only increase the fun and bring the perfect party items. For that, give us a call.
The Bouncy Kingdom believes that time with family and friends with smiles is more important than ever. Since COVID-19 we have all learned the heightened importance of quality family time. We can help provide the entertainment during those events. Sometimes that looks like a combo bounce houses  with water slide rentals, and other times it's a giant inflatable slide combo bouncer.
#1 Bounce House Rentals in Frisco
Looking for the best bounce house rentals in Anna? Look no further than our selection of top-quality, affordable inflatable bounce houses! Whether you need a bounce house rental for your child's birthday party or a water slide for your next corporate event, we've got what you are looking for. Plus, all of our bounce houses are delivered and set up, on-time by our friendly and professional staff, all over McKinney, Plano, Allen, Frisco, Anna, Fairview and surrounding areas
We're a part of the largest group of party rental experts in the industry and this helps us keep our inventory and business fresh and exciting. We keep up with the latest and greatest designs, themes, and trends to provide our customers with the best bounce around the world.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q.What's your bounce house rental weather cancellations policy?
A.{{Safety is important. Bouncers cannot be used if there are existing or predicted winds of 25 mph or more, and cannot be used with heavy rain. If the weather is predicted to be unfavorable prior to delivery, we will call you and discuss whether we should cancel the rental and/or reschedule your event. If we set up the unit, and the weather later turns inclement (rain or higher winds), we will pick up the unit according to your schedule. However, in this event, no refund will be given.}}
Q.Do you require a deposit?
A.We require a deposit of $50 and a credit card on record.
Q.How long can I keep my party rental?
A.All rentas are for 8 hours, but, you can keep it more time. We charge $10 extra hour or $70 over night
Make Your Reservation Online
We have tried to make the process as easy as possible. We partnered with the best rental software platform on the market to bring you an easy and efficient way to book and keep track of your rental, with our contact-less delivery and ordering process.
Just simply select the date of your event and our system will show you what party equipment is available for that date and time. Need your rental a little longer or have a big event coming up you want to make sure every detail is in place? Contact us today and we can work together on planning the most amazing event ever!
Cheap Bounce House Rentals
We do not offer cheap bounce houses, we do however have the best line of affordable bounce house rentals in Frisco and the surrounding area. Our equipment is made of high-quality, lead free, commercial materials that are built to take the abuse of... kids being kids for years to come. We maintain high-standards and also clean and inspect our equipment regularly to ensure our rentals are ready for your party.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 2 years
Prejudice between *some of* the races (species) in WoW is indeed supported by lore. But RPers generally have Wattpad fanfic tier levels of writing skill and portray it with all the grace of a toddler in a bouncy castle. Also it's almost always the cliche fantasy racism, likes dwarves towards elves and vice versa, which isn't actually supported by lore. A Bronzebeard is more likely to hate on a Dark Iron than a high elf.
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softer-ua · 4 years
I feel like Inko might not forgive Katsuki as readily as this fandom wants to believe, those mama bear grudges run deep
Mama Midoriya was ready to pull Deku out of his dream school, away from AM, and voiced her wishes Deku had stayed quirkless. I don’t think she’s ever really going to forgive AM, she may learn to appreciate him and how he assisted Dekus growth in achieving his dreams but I think she’ll have a nugget of bitterness about it forever.
She doesn’t really see a whole picture value of the hero dream, she understands that is Dekus dream but not much more. She values Deku whole and safe a lot more but she’s not the kinda of parent to make life choices for her kid. I got mad respect for that.
With that in mind why would she forgive her kids bully?
She wouldn’t value Katsuki inspiring Deku to be a better hero or a hero at all, would she really care about Katsukis growth or the situation he came from that lead to the bullish behavior?
I know Deku does, their teachers and friends do, the fandom definitely does. But do moms really care about the nuances that caused their babies suffering?
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partypluss-blog · 23 days
Ultimate Guide to Toddler Playground and Carnival Equipment Rentals in Singapore
Planning a fun and memorable event for young children requires the right kind of entertainment, and nothing beats the joy of seeing toddlers explore a playground or dive into a ball pit. Whether it’s a birthday party, a community event, or a family gathering, renting the perfect equipment can make all the difference. Here’s your ultimate guide to "toddler playground rental," "ball pit with slide rental," "Carnival Equipment Rental Singapore," and the fascinating "Balloon Bubble House."
Creating a Safe and Fun Environment with Toddler Playground Rental
One of the most important aspects of any event involving young children is ensuring their safety while providing ample opportunities for fun. Toddler playground rental services offer a variety of play structures specifically designed for children aged . These playgrounds typically feature soft, cushioned surfaces and age-appropriate activities such as mini slides, climbing frames, and interactive panels.
When renting a toddler playground, you can choose from various themes, from jungle adventures to space exploration, adding a touch of excitement to your event. Additionally, the setup and dismantling are usually handled by professionals, ensuring that everything is safe and secure for the little ones. Placing a toddler playground rental at the heart of your event guarantees that toddlers will be entertained for hours, giving parents peace of mind as they enjoy the occasion.
Adding Extra Fun with Ball Pit and Slide Rentals
A ball pit with slide rental is another fantastic option to consider for any children's event. Ball pits are a timeless favorite, allowing kids to jump, dive, and swim through a sea of colorful plastic balls. The addition of a slide adds an extra layer of excitement, giving toddlers a fun way to enter the ball pit. This combination of activities is perfect for keeping energetic toddlers engaged, and it also helps develop their motor skills as they climb, slide, and navigate through the pit.
These ball pits are usually customizable, allowing you to choose the size and color scheme that best suits your event’s theme. Whether indoors or outdoors, a ball pit with slide rental can be set up in most locations, making it a versatile choice for any gathering. Plus, the soft, padded environment ensures that children can play safely under supervision.
Elevate the Experience with Carnival Equipment Rental in Singapore
For those looking to host a large-scale event, Carnival Equipment Rental Singapore offers a wide range of attractions that can entertain guests of all ages. From classic carnival games like ring toss and duck fishing to larger attractions like inflatable bouncy castles and obstacle courses, carnival equipment can transform any venue into a mini amusement park.
These rentals are particularly popular for school events, corporate family days, and large community gatherings. The variety of options available means you can cater to different age groups and preferences, ensuring that everyone finds something they enjoy. Setting up a Carnival Equipment Rental Singapore service at your event not only enhances the fun factor but also creates an atmosphere of excitement and celebration.
Unique Additions: The Balloon Bubble House
For a truly unique attraction that will leave guests talking long after the event is over, consider adding a Balloon Bubble House to your rental list. This inflatable structure is filled with hundreds of balloons, creating a whimsical and colorful environment for children to explore. The bubble-like appearance of the house adds to its magical appeal, making it a perfect photo opportunity as well.
TheBalloon Bubble House can be customized with different balloon colors and themes, allowing it to fit seamlessly into the overall aesthetic of your event. It’s an ideal choice for birthday parties and special occasions where you want to create an unforgettable experience for the little ones.
Renting the right equipment for a toddler's event can make all the difference in creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for both children and their parents. Whether you're considering a toddler playground rental for safe and age-appropriate play, a ball pit with slide rental for added fun, or Carnival Equipment Rental Singapore to elevate the excitement, these options provide everything you need for a successful event. Don’t forget the enchanting Balloon Bubble House to add that extra touch of magic to your gathering. With the right choices, you’ll ensure that your event is filled with laughter, joy, and lasting memories.
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