#like a way of breaking down the chemicals in the near area in such a way its 'relatively' safe but would still be interacting w the lungs
Rain Therapy | Bucky Barnes
bucky barnes x fem!reader ✧ oneshot
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Summary: The line between friends and lovers is impossibly thin, yet somehow the hardest line to cross. It's a line that you and Bucky just can't seem to break, but it's nothing one of Tony's infamous parties can't fix.
A/N: Another fluffy one for me, which is still something I'm growing used to writing. I'm getting anxious for some angst, so ask me for some and I'll see what I can do!
Warnings: two idiots in love, slight angst, tooth-rotting fluff, language, allusions to smutty content, jealous Bucky
Word Count: 7,206
The whisper of lightning, the promise of thunder, the answer of rain. The sky darkens and the sun is forgotten, casting a gloomy light on the earth below.
And yet, in the midst of all that chaos, I find it to be a chemical mixture for peace.
“Y/N, Y/N what the hell are you doing out there?”
That illusion of peace shatters, and I let out low groan, keeping my eyes shut as the raindrops fall down on my form outstretched on the pavement.
“I was having a peaceful moment of bliss until someone decided now was an opportune time to bother me,” I call back.
“An opportune time to-” I hear him cut off incredulously, muttering something to himself as heavy, booted feet slosh through the rain to reach me, “Get off the damn driveway, doll. You’re gonna get sick.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s a myth,” I respond, staying pleasantly where I lay right in front of the Avengers Compound.
“Myth my ass, now get up and inside before I throw you over my shoulder and do it for you.”
I click my tongue, not having to open my eyes to know my best friend is standing right beside me, “So much violence, so much language. You should join me, some inner peace would do you good.”
Thunder cracks above, rumbling through the earth and into my bones. Even though I don’t hear his steps moving away, Bucky goes silent beside me. I begin to think he’s taking me up on my offer of a little rain therapy.
“See,” I sigh into the cacophony of nature, “Isn’t that peaceful? Maybe-”
I don’t even have time to react when a pair of strong arms, one of them freezing cold due to the metal in the rain, grab my waist and lift me clear off the floor. My eyes snap open with a jolt as I see myself being thrown over Bucky’s shoulder just like he promised.
“What the-” I stop myself as he secures me with his arm dangerously near my ass and slap his broad, muscular back, “You little bitch!”
“A little bitch who’s gonna keep you from getting a cold,” Bucky responds, and I can hear the smugness in his tone from back here, “Is the rain still peaceful?”
“No, there’s a jackass who got in the way.”
I feel his body rumble with laughter, feel the noise pass through my body and make my heart tumble in its cage. With that, his arm edging near a zone that’s clearly more than friends, and the sight of his wet t-shirt stuck to his back, I feel the anger flood from my body. Instead, I find myself thinking about what his abs look like with his rain-soaked shirt pressed against them.
Damn it, I’ve really got it bad.
I try my hardest to shove the image from my mind, but it only sticks harder and makes the spot where Bucky’s hand rests burn. I notice his metal hand on the other side, rain dripping off of it, and I can’t help but let my mind trace to-
I halt my thinking abruptly. He’s your best friend, he’s your best friend, he’s your best friend.
He’s my unfairly hot, broody, and annoyingly heart-fluttering best friend
With his free hand, Bucky shoves open the front doors to the Avenger’s Compound, walking a few steps until we enter one of the large, high-ceiling living areas where a television blasts a movie.
“I told you,” Tony announces after the group of my friends and teammates sees Bucky walking in with me on his shoulder, “Sam, you owe me five bucks.”
“Put me down, terminator,” I grunt, to which Bucky finally sets me on my feet.
Immediately I go to hit him, but the sudden change in my body’s gravity sends me off balance slightly. I stumble back slightly, trying to make the blood rush from my head so I can balance again.
“Woah, careful there, Bambi,” Bucky laughs, gripping onto my waist to help steady me.
Where his hands touch, metal and skin alike, my skin sets on fire. The radiating electricity from his touch only annoys me further and I shove out of his hands, swatting his chest.
“I’m fine,” I grumble, tilting my chin up to meet his gaze and holding a finger in his face like a scolding parent, “Next time you manhandle me, I’m going to remove your arm like Ayo showed me.”
Bucky smirks at me coolly and says something, but I miss it because my eyes drop down to where his t-shirt sticks to his abs from the rain. Just like I imagined it would, it makes my mouth go dry and my heartbeat miss a step.
“See something you like?” Bucky taunts.
Cheeks flushed, I look up at him calmly and smile, “Just thinking about what a shame a body like that is wasted on the grumpiest man alive.”
The group of Avengers lounging around the various chairs and couches in the living room snicker, their attention drawn from the television. He lifts an eyebrow at me and those infuriating steel blue eyes ricochet my pulse.
“Sure you were.”
“Whatever,” I mumble, turning and looking at team, “Who bet against me?”
Tony, Bruce, Wanda, and Nat lifts their hands and I gasp, pressing a hand to my chest in feigned hurt.
“Traitors,” I grumble, not being able to stop the smile that wants to twitch onto my lips as Bucky walks up beside me and rests his arm on my shoulder.
“They bet right, didn’t they?”
I look up at him with the half-smile I wasn’t able to stop, “Screw you,”
I turn around and leave the living room, making my way towards my room so I can shower and change. From behind me, I hear Bucky’s laugh that sears itself into my memory.
“Love you too, doll!” He calls out, and my heart launches into my throat.
He doesn’t mean it like I want him to, not like how I mean it. Not like how I've meant it for months.
As I finally get to the confines of my bedroom, I shut to the door and let out a trembling breath. I keep my back pressed to the door for a moment, leaning my head against it and forcing myself to forget the way his hands felt, to strike from my memory the beauty of his laugh. When I finally peel off my wet clothes and step into a scalding hot shower, I let the water and steam surround me long after I'm already clean.
I'm a coward, a coward and a fool for falling for my best friend and not being able to say a word to him about it.
Long after I'm out of the shower and cuddled up with a book on my bed, a knock sounds on my door. I've barely glanced up at it in confusion when Natasha's voice calls out, "I know you're probably reading a book but put it down and let me in unless you want me to break down the door."
A half-smile tugs onto my lips and I set my book aside, untangling myself from my covers and opening the door for my friend. She gives me a smug smile and waltzes in, plopping down on my bed. I can't help but shake my head at her as she makes herself at home.
"Why are all of my friends so violent?" I taunt, sitting down next to her.
"Most of us are trained assassins." Nat gives me a playful nudge, already lifting my spirits from the gloom and doom they were resting in. Her knowing gaze immediately notifies me that I can't escape the conversation to come, so I don't even bother to skirt around it.
"Why does my life suck?" I groan, dropping down onto my back dramatically. Nat laughs beside me, shaking her head down at me.
"So many questions tonight," She remarks, following the words with a tired sigh and laying down beside me. As we both stare up at my ceiling, my mind is held captive by one person. Both it and my heart have been held hostage and I'm starting to understand the truth in Stockholm Syndrome.
"You know, and brace yourself because this is gonna blow your mind, you could just tell him how you feel," Nat advises.
"And risk ruining everything that we already have?" I reply, my brows creased in an ever-present state of worry, "I could live with being friends with him forever as long as it meant I still had him in my life. But if I tell him how I feel and it changes everything to the point where he can't even be around me?"
I take a charged pause, startled by the sudden rise of emotion. I swallow down the burning pain, but ultimately I decide to go easy on my breaking heart. The poor thing doesn't know any better. All it knows is that it wants Bucky Barnes and I keep locking it and its desires into a cage of bones in my chest.
"A life without him...I couldn't live like that."
Nat sits up beside me, catching my attention in time to see the sympathy flashing across her features, "Y/N, I know it's scary but if you'd just trust me I think the outcome would surprise you."
She can tell that I'm still not convinced, so in a last ditch effort to rally me from my slumber of inaction, she reaches across me and grabs the book I was reading. I sit up, a protest just starting on my tongue as I reach for it. She pulls it out of my reach and holds it in front of her chest, displaying the cover for me to see.
"Do any of the characters in these books ever fare well from denying their passions?" Nat asks, and I find that she has me in a figurative corner, "Do their stories end well when they decide, 'Nah, I'm too scared to tell him I love him'?"
"I don't love him," I protest, but the lie is sour on my tongue and allergic to my soul. It gets rejected so quickly by everything within me that I almost think I'll have a physical reaction to it.
"Bullshit." Nat challenges, setting the book aside and grabbing my hands. I shake my head, trying to escape her arguments that my heart jumps in agreement with.
It's a brutal thing, to have your heart yearn for one thing and your mind so resolutely against it. I've always thought it strange how the dichotomy of desires could root in a person, but it makes sense in a way. The heart is led by our passions, our intuitive cravings. The mind is hardwired by nature and instinct to protect us, to propel our survivals.
Even if that means our passions must be slaughtered.
I'm keeping my mind in charge by sheer will that's hanging precariously over the edge of a cliff. My will only has a few fingers left to hold with, and I can feel it slipping every day Bucky's near me, every time his skin brushes mine, every time he simply is.
“I need to move on,” I almost desperately announce, gripping handfuls of my sweatshirt to keep from crying, “I need a way to move or this is going to kill me. He’s going to kill me.”
Sympathetic to my distress, Natasha lays a reassuring hand on my shoulder, “You know, with Tony’s Semi-Annual Charity Gala coming up this weekend it’s the perfect time to move on.”
I perk up slightly, the thought breaking a sliver of hope in the pit of despair and self-pity I allow to well up. For an Avenger, I sure know how to wallow in pain.
“…or make a move on a certain super soldier.” Nat continues.
“Don’t be silly, I’d never steal Steve away from you,” I jest, my tone wavering but stronger than before. Nat rolls her eyes from beside me before shoving my shoulder. With a sigh, I finally meet my friend’s gaze, “One last chance. One chance and then I’m putting myself out of my misery”
That’s so easily said. The unspoken truth is that my poor heart doesn’t stand a chance. It hasn’t for a long time.
“Great!” Nat smiles, squeezing me into a side hug on the bed, “I’ll start planning your outfit now!”
And with that, she’s off my bed and into my closet. As we spend the better part of the night deciding on what to wear to the upcoming gala, I can’t help but let my mind stray to its usual focus. With a groan of exhaustion, I drop my head into my hands and tell myself that same lie.
“He’s my best friend. That’s all.”
It’s getting harder and harder to believe.
A few days later
It's been a few days since the rain incident, and I've finally managed to garner a moment alone from everyone. It's not that I don't love being around them, but it taxes me more than I care to admit to be around him.
A forlorn sigh brushes past my lips, but as I nestle down on the floor in the library Tony had put into the Compound, I find my worries drifting away. Instead, they're replaced with the story in the pages, rapturing my attention and distracting my mind.
That is, until the door opens and I feel his presence before I see or hear him.
"There you are, doll. I've been looking for you all day," Bucky calls, his deep, smooth voice cascading into my very soul. I shut my eyes for a moment, trying desperately to not let it show on my face how jarring it was to be snapped from the book to the person I've been trying to avoid.
"You've been looking for me?" I ask, managing to make my voice seem calm and pleasant. He approaches where I'm sitting on the floor, a breath-stealing smile tugging at his lips.
"Course I have, I haven't seen you in days," He replies, his face the picture of relaxed calm, drawing a fierce dichotomy to the barely-veiled confliction on my own. Bucky takes a moment, surveying me sitting on the floor amidst all of the chairs and couches available. He lifts an amused brow at me.
"Why are you on the floor?"
I can't stop myself from smiling up at him and all control I had in keeping myself away from him disintegrates, "It's more comfortable to me. Are you judging me Barnes?"
His laugh bursts light into the depths of me, and as I watch his face relax I can't help but look on in awe at how far he's come. When he first joined the team, he was withdrawn and quiet and even grumpier than he is now. He never smiled, never laughed, and barely spoke. Now, of course he's adorably grumpy most of the time, but he smiles and laughs. He enjoys life, and he more than anyone else in this world deserves to enjoy life.
"What're you reading?" Bucky asks, and I try to ignore the way my pulse rockets up when he settles down beside me on the floor.
He stretches out his long legs, keeping the one furthest from me bent and resting his arm on top it. His other leg is stretched out and nearly touching my own. To help balance his weight, he settles the hand closest to me, his metal hand, onto a spot on the floor behind my back. The position makes his chest brush against my shoulder ever so slightly and all I can feel is the burning of his presence and the searing of his gaze.
"Just some fantasy book," I reply, not wanting to bore him.
I look over at him to see his eyes already on my face, his own radiating a serene peace. He furrows his brows at my prolonged examination of his features and the ghost of a smile twitches at the corner of his lips, "What is it?"
"Nothing, it's just," My mouth has gone dry again, and I can't seem to clear the haze on my mind, "You look at peace."
"Well someone pretty incredible suggested rain therapy, which works like a charm for my grumpiness."
A laugh bubbles out of me, only widening the smile on his face. I find myself subconsciously leaning into his presence and bringing our faces closer.
"Seriously," Bucky continues, making me realize our proximity and pull back to a normal distance, "I'm always at peace around you."
My heart doesn't just miss a step, it stumbles and falls and nearly gives out in my chest. His words affect every part of me and it's a feat of pure resilience that I don't reach over and press my lips to his.
"Unless you're doing something stupid and testing my nerves," He adds on, lightening the air and making me giggle. He nods towards the almost forgotten book in my hands.
"You were going to tell me about your new read," Bucky reminds, and I smile.
I spend the next ten minutes detailing what's happening in the book, my excitement about it taking over and making me ramble on without barely taking any breaths. I occasionally look between the book and Bucky, sometimes gesturing with my hands to establish my enthusiasm.
Even when I'm not looking at him, Bucky's gaze never leaves my face.
So much for giving myself space to try and move on from him. That thought is far from my mind, though. The longer I’m near him, the closer he is, the harder it is to remember to forget him. And now, with Tony’s Gala tomorrow night, I don’t know how I’m going to move on.
Maybe I really can give this one last shot. It could break me if it goes wrong, but I have a feeling I’ll break a little regardless.
The next night
Not even the pounding of the music and the chatter and clatter of hundreds of guests can drown out my racing mind.
“Stop tugging at your dress, you look great,” Natasha chides from beside me.
With a huff of anxiety, I heed her words and stop fiddling with the snug material of the one-sleeved dress. It hugs my curves down to my waist before draping elegantly to the floor, broken only by the high slit up the thigh.
“I know,” I reply, downing my second drink of the night and setting down the empty glass on the tray of a passing waiter with a brief smile, “I just haven’t seen him yet. He’s coming right? Tony told us all to be here, so he wouldn’t just-”
“Why does there have to be so many people here?”
My words die out at the distant but unmissable rumble of words behind me. I turn around, and my entire world seems to focus on the epicenter that is Bucky Barnes as he walks in beside Sam Wilson.
“It’s a party man, I thought you loved parties back in the day,” Sam replies, smiling at a few people as he walks in.
“Yeah well I don’t like people like I did then,” Bucky grumbles back, messing with the edges of his all-black suit that is tailored so perfectly that it hones every inch of his body.
His broad shoulders, his muscular form, his piercing blue eyes in a fierce dichotomy with the darkness of the getup…I almost trip in my heels.
“You don’t like any people? That breaks my heart, Barnes,” I manage out coolly, walking up to the pair with a half-smile tugging on my lips and my heart dancing with the butterflies within.
Bucky’s gaze turns from the party goers to where I walk up to them, and a part of me melts at the way a light filters into his features. His dashing smile makes my own grow before I can stop it. The way he simply stops for a moment and stares at me, as if the throngs of people around us don’t exist…
It’s more than an effort to shove my poor heart into its shackles.
“I guess you’re an exception, doll,” He amends, and Sam rolls his eyes beside Bucky as they stop before me.
“It’s not like I’m right here,” Sam announces, making me giggle slightly and look to him.
“Hey Sam, good to see you,” I greet, walking over and hugging the man. He hugs me back, smiling brightly.
“Good to see you too,” Sam responds, his eyes catching on something over my shoulder, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe there are some fans who need me.”
I laugh as I watch him walk over and greet a group of women by the bar. When I turn back to Bucky, I shove down my nerves and shake my head as I pull him into a hug.
“You look incredible, Buck,” I announce, trying to ignore the rightness of his body against mine as he pulls me into a hug that lasts a moment more than I should have let it.
“Y/N,” he deadpans, pulling back but leaving his arms on my waist to admire me. His eyes sparkle with something akin to awe that makes hope rise in my chest, “You put me and everyone else in this room to shame.”
“You obviously haven’t looked in a mirror,” I remark, desperately trying to not show all over my face how beautiful he is.
Bucky just smiles. He looks at me and he smiles and I am undone.
My eyes catch on Natasha over Bucky’s shoulder as she mingles in the background of the party. When our gazes meet she gestures to Bucky with a hand, mounting the words ‘Come on’ as she does. Nodding back to her, I remember the conversation we had a few days ago and right before we joined the gala. I have to be bold and make a move, take a chance before I lose the ability to do so.
“So,” I turn back to Bucky, smiling knowingly up at him, “How’re you doing with the whole party thing?”
Bucky takes in a breath, nodding his head slightly as he surveys the party scene around us. Drinks are flowing, laughs rising, and music is permeating through every sector of the Avengers Compound. The floor shakes with the base and the clattering of shoes as he looks back to me, “Oh you know, just fantastic.”
“Is that so?” I taunt, almost laughing at the dripping sarcasm in his voice. He shoots me a grumpy glare that finally unleashes my laugh. At the sound, Bucky’s features soften and a smile touches his lips. I notice this and furrow my brows up at him.
“Nothing,” Bucky whispers, just holding that’s soft smile in his eyes that makes me almost forget the track of the conversation. When I snap myself from my daze, I gasp.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” I exclaim, holding my clutch up and opening it to find what I stashed earlier, “I know how you are with parties like this and all so I thought that this might help make it a better memory.”
“You got me a gift?” Bucky asks, shaking his head at me with furrowed brows, “You should have told me, I would’ve gotten you something too!”
I shake my head, finally finding what I’m looking for and glancing up at Bucky, “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”
With a bright smile to cover my pounding, anxious heart, I hold out the small book in my hands. Bucky glances down at the gift I hold out, and I watch his body go still. Anticipation dances in my belly as he ever so gently reaches out and takes the old, fading The Hobbit novel into his hands.
“It’s a first edition, don’t ask me how I found it,” I inform, playing with the fabric of my dress to give my now empty hands something to do, “I know how much you loved it and now when you’re watching me read in the library, you can read too.”
My words ring out between us, and yet Bucky barely moves. Just when I’m beginning to grow nervous, my heart melts into a puddle in my chest when he lifts his steel-eyed gaze to me. I’ve never seen him cry before, but here and now I can see the lining of unshed tears in his gaze.
He closes the distance between us, pulling me so close to him that there’s no room for separation. I melt into the hug, becoming nothing more than an extension of his body. There’s no him. There’s no me. There’s only us as we’re suspended in time, caught in this moment.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he mumbles, not moving back an inch and letting his voice cascade over my neck and down my spine, “You don’t know what this means to me.”
Reluctantly, I pull back. Every part of me shouts in protest, but I know we have to separate as some point. I give him a soft smile, trying to ignore the noose that’s slowly tightening around my heart. I’m a goner. I have no chance of recovery.
“Don’t mention it,”
Bucky stares at me for another moment, the charged silence soon taking on an anticipated feel. We’re both waiting for the other to make the first move, I can sense it. I see Nat nudge me from afar again and decide to finally muster up my courage and stop waiting. I notice Bucky shakes his head at something, mumbling something to himself, but I press on.
“Hey, do you wanna da-”
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” Bucky bursts out at almost the same instant, making me cut off my sentence quickly.
A drink? He’s going to get a drink right now, as soon as I was about to ask him to dance? I know he didn’t mean it as a rejection, but it still stings like one.
“Oh, uh yeah sure. That’s-”
Before I can even finish speaking, Bucky has darted away desperately towards the bar at the North side of the room near Sam. I stand dumbfounded, my heart slowly sinking. This is going to be much harder than I thought.
It's been nearly an hour and a half and Bucky is still managing to be everywhere that I am not.
I can take a hint. Even if that hint shatters my soul a little.
As I watch the super soldier mingle with some of the guests, a polite and slightly annoyed smile on his face, I feel something snap within my chest. Here I am, lounging pathetically at the bar all alone, and there he is, my best friend who I can't seem to fall out of love with. His strong jaw and steel eyes don't dare to turn in my direction, and I feel my fracturing soul crack even more.
I have to let it go. I have to let it go. I have to let him go.
With a long sigh, I pick up the drink before me and down its contents, letting the burn soothe away the edge of the crawling pain in my chest. Once the glass is slammed back down on the bar counter, I steel my nerves and stand.
It's time I stop feeling sorry for myself and move on.
My eyes scan the thick crowd scattered throughout every inch of Tony's gala. Music radiates through every molecule of air, and just one glance at the dance floor has my feet moving before my brain is. As I walk over to the dance floor, I see a random guy standing with a few others. He's cute enough with a charming smile, so I grab his arm as I walk past, making him glance over at me. I flash him my best smile and tug him towards the dance floor.
"Dance with me?" I ask boldly, and his smile widens.
"I'd be honored," He replies, letting me pull him onto the dance floor.
I should let myself be whisked away into the music and the movements and the feel of his hands on my hips as we dance. I should let the base and the crowd and the charming man before me wipe away every thought, but I just...can't. All I can think about when his hands slide gently on my waist is how different it feels when those hands are Bucky's. My heart is crushing slowly, and so I do everything I can to forget it.
It's actually beginning to work until the music abruptly cuts out.
Groans and boo's arise from the crowd with me on the dance floor as we all look around, trying to figure out why the music's stopped. "That's so weird," The nice guy I'm dancing with mumbles. I mention my agreement, my eyes sweeping the edges of the party before I catch a glint of dark metal. My eyes fly back to the metal only to see Bucky storming away from the sound booth, his metal fist clenched so hard that I'm surprised it doesn't malfunction. In his metal grasp is a hunk of wires, and my stomach drops.
He did not.
"Don't worry folks! I'll have the music back up in no time," Tony announces, flashing his winning smile to the crowd as he jogs to the sound booth, "There was a slight malfunction"
I see him shoot Bucky a glare, but true to his words the music is back up in a matter of minutes. I feel anger begin to make my blood boil and I pull away from the guy I was dancing with. I see a frown pull onto his face as he lets me go but follows me a few steps.
"Are you okay?" He calls after me, and my heart twists in sympathy. I must look absolutely furious and he probably thinks it's pointed at him. So, I do my best to give him a sympathetic smile.
"I'm alright, thanks for the dance. I needed it," I comment, before turning and continuing my beeline for the brooding super soldier in the corner. He's standing with Sam, muttering something that I can't hear as I finally break through the crowd and walk up to them.
"Here we go," Sam mumbles, slowly backing away as I come to a stop in front of Bucky.
"What the hell, James?" I grit out.
"Oh she used the first name," Sam comments, his eyes widening, "I'm going to go check on Steve."
Then he leaves, and it's just Bucky and I. Bucky just shrugs, not meeting my furious gaze.
"I don't know what you're so mad about but-"
"Oh really? So you didn't just rip out the sound system?" I accuse, crossing my arms over my chest. He finally turns and meets my gaze, and damn it all I can't stop the swooning of my heart at the dark, rugged look on his face.
I'm angry, I remind myself. I'm angry with him.
"What does that have to do with you, sweetheart?"
I scoff, shaking my head at him, "You are unbelievable! I was finally starting to have a good night and-"
"Dancing with that handsy prick makes your night a good night then?" He interrupts, and I have to fight to keep the smug look off of my face at catching him.
"What were you saying about this having nothing to do with me?" I fire back, lifting an eyebrow. Bucky clenches his jaw and takes a step closer to me, probably expecting me to back off. I don't. Instead, I tilt my head up to meet his gaze, trying and failing to seem taller than him.
"I don't like you dancing with other men like that," Bucky informs, his voice dark. He's so close to me that his whiskey and pine scent invades my senses, threatening to empty my head of the argument at hand.
"I can dance with whoever the hell I want, Barnes. And since certain people made it very clear they didn't want to dance with me, then certain people should have no say in who I dance with"
"I don't dance, Y/N." His eyes are cool fire and they sear right through me. Even in this heated argument, all I can seem to think about is how badly I want him, body and soul. My thoughts are banished when he spits his next words out, "Not with you, not with anyone."
It shouldn't hurt. It shouldn't. So why do I have to fight to keep the hurt off of my face?
Just like that, the fire in my argument is gone. I nod, taking a few steps back, "Okay, that's all you had to say."
And then I turn around and leave before he can see the tears welling in my gaze.
I force myself into the crowd, making sure I move quickly and weave myself between those around me to get away as fast as possible. Then, with my heart in my throat, I finally make it to the outskirts of the party where a glass sliding door leads out into a training field. Through the glass, I can see rain pouring down into the dark, almost moonless night.
Seeing it unravels a bit of the pain within my chest, and I don't even think as I slip off my heels and walk outside. I shut the door behind me, muting the sounds of the party and leaving the downpour of rain and the distant rumble of thunder to take over my senses. I set my heels down carefully and walk out into the field, barely jumping when the cool, refreshing droplets begin to pound into my skin. It's not long before I'm soaked and my entire outfit is ruined. I don't mind, though. I'm not planning on going back there anyways.
I sit down in the grass, not even minding how it dirties my dress, and hug my knees close. When I slip my eyes shut, I'm reminded why I love the rain so much.
In moments like this, I can't distinguish my tears from the rain
I don't know how long I sit like this, my eyes shut and the rain drenching me. Eventually, my body stops shaking from the sobs that have now subsided and any evidence of my breakdown has been washed away. I'm almost at peace when I hear that voice, that stupid, addicting voice, ring out behind me through the storm.
"I'd say you'll catch a cold, but I don't think you'd care much"
I swallow hard, cursing my heart for the way it jumps. I open my eyes, but keep my gaze firmly forward across the training field.
"Especially since it's coming from you," I add on, grateful for the lack of tremor in my words.
"I guess I deserved that one," Bucky concedes softly, his voice getting closer. My body begins to shiver with the anticipation of him being close, the response purely visceral and out of my control. I just hope he thinks it's from the rain.
"You think?" I scoff lightly, not having the strength to be angry anymore.
It's silent for a long while, and I almost begin to think that he's left and gone back inside. I'm proven otherwise when I see Bucky walk out from behind me, standing right in front of where I sit with my knees drawn to my chest. Against my better judgement, I look up.
And there he is, drenched like I am and an unreadable look upon his stupidly handsome face.
He extends out his human hand, and my words die, "Dance with me."
Every part of my heart beams, and it’s an effort to keep the fluttering of my heart out of my body language. I pause for a moment, almost as if to give him time to retract his hand. When he doesn’t, I hesitantly meet his gaze.
“I thought you didn’t dance,” I whisper. His half-smile grows as he looks down at me with what almost looks like…adoration.
“I don’t,” Bucky confirms, his voice like sugar and pine, “But for you I’d do anything”
I can’t even try to hide the visceral effect his words have on me. With a thousand butterflies batting in my stomach and my heart beating viscously out of rhythm, I allow a small smile to grow on my lips. A new excitement in my chest, I reach up and slip my hand into his large, rough one calloused with work and time. It fits mine perfectly, as always, and his touch muddles my senses and wakes me up all at once, as always.
As he helps me stand, the rain still pouring down on us, he tugs me close to him so suddenly that I stumble right into his chest. A small laugh escapes my lips as I catch myself on his broad chest. Bucky’s so close, so warm, so intoxicating to me that every fiber of my being yearns for his proximity. I’m nothing but a firing hum of nerves and sparks being this close to him, with a hand on his chest and his arm secured around my waist.
And we dance.
There’s no music, there’s no reason. We just dance. Bucky’s magnificent at it, every step dripping in ease and cool confidence that only makes me love him more. I’m so caught in the moment that every thought of a reciprocated or unrequited love has been banished from my mind. All that exists is here and now, underneath the downpour of the heavens with the cacophony of nature as our song.
He twirls me around, making water splash up and a giggle bubble out of me when I slip and fall directly into him. His body rumbles with low laughter when he catches me stopping my fall. Bucky doesn’t even have to say a word for me to know he’s making fun of me, so I slap his chest with a huff of laughter.
“What?” Bucky’s amused voice is the harmony to the melody of the rain.
“I can feel your judgement from here,” I point out, but before I can raise my lightened gaze to meet his on my own, a metal hand hooks under my chin and gently turns my face up until our eyes clash.
Suddenly, I’m not so humored anymore.
Neither is he, I can tell. The air is different—still light with joy but now corded with something deep, rich, and intangible. His piercing blue eyes seem to be burdened with a million different thoughts, but I can barely bring myself to breathe let alone ask him what is going through his beautiful mind.
Bucky doesn’t say a single word, though. He doesn’t have to. My eyes glance down to his lips for no more than one half of a second, and by the time I’ve returned my gaze to his, he’s closing to distance between us and connecting his lips to mine.
I’ve never understood what is so special about kissing in the rain. I get it now. There’s something so dichotomously beautiful in this moment, in the cold, relentless rain and the desperate, burning heat of Bucky’s lips moving against my own.
Again, no words are needed for us both to understand. This kiss is everything that has been bottling up over our friendship. It’s every quiet moment in the library and loud moment in our arguments. As his hands tug me closer and ignite my skin as if it were burning clean off, as his lips and tongue move with mine, every thought and worry and tear-filled, longing night washes away. The very thought makes me sigh into the kiss, and finally we break apart only for the need for air.
Bucky doesn’t let me pull away an inch.
His arms keep my locked close, his forehead against mine as we both catch our breath. He nudged my nose with his before pulling away only enough to meet my gaze. One hand of his cradles my jaw, his thumb running lazy circles on my cheek.
“Does this mean you like me?” I whisper, a humored glint already lighting my gaze. Bucky laughs roughly, his voice sending shivers down my spine that don't go unnoticed. Rather, the other hand he keeps on my waist lifts to absently trace the path of the shiver, almost making my knees go weak.
“I more than like you,” Bucky quips, a content smile taking over his features. My heart misses a step and I don’t dare to dream.
“You really like me?” I taunt, and another heart-warming laugh pours from those perfect lips.
“You’re gonna make me say it, doll?”
I swallow thickly, my eyes not leaving his. I don’t dare to say another word, leaving the challenge up to him. Bucky sighs, moving the hand he keeps on my spine to cradle the other side of my face, now cupping it in his full grasp. He presses a long, gentle kiss to my lips before pulling back enough to where his lips still graze mine as he speaks.
“I love you, Y/N. Always have. Always will.”
My knees nearly go weak, and suddenly I'm so very grateful for the rain's ability to hide what is a drop and what is a tear. I'd never hear the end of it from him if he knew that's what his confession brought me to. When one of thumbs catches a stray tear, though, I know he's fully aware.
"I love you too, Buck."
Bucky smirks before me, bringing his mouth close to my ear and sending another shiver racing down my spine, "I figured that much out, sweetheart"
"Oh whatever!" I announce, hitting his shoulder but leaning in closer to his mouth that now trails from my jaw back to my lips. He presses a sweet kiss to my lips before holding me close to his chest and looking up into the sky that downpours upon us.
"Rain therapy, I guess it really does work," Bucky remarks.
"I would say I told you so, but-" I'm cut off by Bucky suddenly grabbing me by the waist and throwing me over his shoulder.
"What was that?" Bucky calls up to me, spinning me slightly and only making me giggle louder.
"Bucky, I'm in a dress!" I protest. He slaps my ass smugly and begins to walk with me still over his shoulder back to the compound.
"I know, let's get you out of that"
As my laugh tumbles out of my mouth, it twirls and dances and gets lost with the pounding of the rain and the rolling of the thunder. Once again, I'm in the debt of the rain, and I can't help but smile at it gratefully as my best friend and the love of my life walks triumphantly with me over his shoulder into the midst of Tony's nice party. Neither of us care about the looks we receive, though. Neither of us even notices.
All we see is the rain and each other.
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twisting-roads · 1 year
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Its a bit weird but I love strange spec biology so I hope this is all understandable
I'm very proud of what I came up with
[Image ID]
The title is "OBJECT ANATOMY"
Column 1 reads:
"All objects contain
A small, but compact brain, as well as a few other ganglion-like structures near the limbs for sensory processing
A 2 chamber stomach
An organ that seems to combine the liver and kidneys When the object dies, all of the organs dissolve back into nox very quickly, making it hard to study their structures. However, based on some X-rays, it seems that the organ placement is extremely varied and grows in place over time. Galliacs can regrow organs, similarly to a sea cucumber. Nullics, only partially."
Below, there is a doodle of a circle guy with their arms on their sides with a slightly overlapping caption that says "This is all very normal to them they never think about this stuff like ever"
Another paragraph below reads: "I'm not even getting into all the different limb mutations there are. Objects love to evolve and change all the fucking time they're little freaaaaks"
Column 2 covers their Respiratory system. It reads:
"They have no use for lungs. They breathe through extremely small spiracles in their limbs, like a centipede. There's not too much to note here, objects do not require as much oxygen to live and as such are ok with living in lower oxygen areas. This is a good thing as the higher oxygen levels there are, the larger they become and that's really scary and I'd rather them stay the smaller size they are. Objects adapted to marine environments may have striped gills on their limbs. Pesmexians and Multimodisae have adapted to environments with thick fogs of dangerous chemicals by having special organs either break down or filter these things out, meanwhile other objects would simply just suffocate or breathe in something that would kill them."
Below this, there is another image of Fluorine, an OC of mine, with the caption "Technically an extremophile!" with an arrow pointing at her
Column 3 covers their sensory organs. It reads:
There is an image of an object's arm and leg. There is a diagram of the closeup of the skin on the leg, showing the small spiracles and sensory hairs, as well as the deeper skin layers and vessels that run underneath.
"Objects do not have the best vision. All of them are nearsighted in some way. They must rely on a combination of senses to navigate. They are able to sense the air through millions of microscopic hairs that cover all parts of their limbs with the exception of their palms and feet. An object would be able to sense or "smell" something that they wouldn't be able to normally see."
There is an image of an object's arm and leg, with the arm containing a tuft of long fur on the elbow, and the leg having a few long hairs sticking out of the ankle, looking like whiskers
"Galliacs sometimes have elongated hairs, giving them the look of fur or whiskers. This is more common in places where vision isn't as necessary."
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vivisviolets · 11 days
how are you?
my initials are SB and my pronouns are she/her; my preferred gender is he/him and i love fashion, astrology and cats.
thank you. <3
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SB ✨🍷♥️ ♧♤˚。 The Tower (reversed), Three of Swords (reversed), Three of Cups, Five of Pentacles (reversed) (bonus), The Lovers (bottom of the deck) ♧♤˚。 321 (like a countdown), 333, 666, 3636, Aries/Taurus/Gemini placements (rising, Moon, Mercury), Virgo/Leo placements (Sun, Mercury, 6th house) 1st/2nd/3rd/6th house placements, modern romance, new year, year of the tiger/snake, channeled song, Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson
♧♤˚。 AHA!- finally gotcha ;D~ I've tracked down your energy at long last- and oh my goodness it did not disappoint- the first keyword I heard was "modern romance"- there is like,, this element of innocence and youth to this connection, but there is also elegance and passion. similar to that in romance novels- *Timeless!* that is the adjective I'm looking for!! oh love~ this relationship is one for the books. it's like if one of those classic romance stories we're given a modern adaptation- with elements of individual growth and mundanity included, yet with that same warm glow of genuine human love flowing through each passing phase and scene with grace~ Ok head out of the clouds,- I feel like this might be an Earth/Air connection but with Piscean degrees/influence or smth- OH! Maybe you'll meet each other/be around each other most when Saturn is in Pisces! but anyway, the theme of "new year" was coming through, so you'll meet them during some kind of celebration, where there are themes of "fresh"/"new"... maybe someone here will be freshly moved on from a past relationship? (an example I'm hearing is if this meeting happens years down the line, like late 20s/early 30s and someone might be divorced?)- upon first meeting there will be fireworks- as in, it'll be like one of those classic scenes where before you two can further get to know each other, there'll be some loud interruption (maybe an actual explosion of fireworks 😭). but near right away, there will be a familiar feeling, could be a soul-family feeling, or it's the energy of you two somehow knowing each other since childhood, due to how matching your personalities are to each other, like even the individual parts of both of you that are different/should clash- blend together so perfectly- like- forgive the extra mood board but its giving:
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the coloring is little bit much ik, but really if you were to melt down all the worldly/earthly-ness, this is what you'd have, this supercut of a found counterpart... and the thing is- when you find "the person", there's so many more elements to it then just that soul connection, there's chemical differences, and emotional/mental alignments. there are so many in-between times within this "soul-connection"(/whatever you want to call it) *supercut*- this is two humans, just walking this earth together, by choice. because you like each other. this relationship will be built on mutual appreciation/admiration of the other, you'll both look at each other in this- intellectual way, where you see the other as someone you can learn from. and not just that- but someone *safe* that you can learn from. this relationship may help both of you in breaking certain karmic ties/cycles, but that healing and growth won't come from hurting the other- instead, growth will happen through love. not through more pain. now that's not to say there will be no strife, this is a relationship between two humans, as it is between two souls- for example, you two in your shared living space will disagree on whether to get a cat or dog. BAHAH AWW, no but for real- aspects of your domestic life will be one of the few areas of clashing between you two,- but even then, you both are so willing to work together that the worst your disagreements will get will be an eye-roll, a sigh, and taking some space away (across the living room lol) for a few hours (which is fine cause you two are "quality over quantity" when it comes to talking, so taking time independently comes easy). there may be financial stress surrounding where you two will want to live for the long run, and how that ties into your work. there also might be a misunderstanding/clashing at first concerning your person's past, as they may have had difficult previous relationships, but as more trust is built, the more that history is shed... this energy was truly stunning, and an extra message I have for you, and how you'll eventually meet this individual- is trust. you two are meant to find each other! please just keep going forward in your own life, because truly- without even realizing it- you'll turn a corner, and they'll have met you. both of your energies meeting each other halfway, and right where both of you are supposed to be ♡. ☆🎆 *i hope this was helpful my darling ♡~ consider leaving a tip on my Patreon if you enjoyed, or follow and become a violet~ doesnt matter to me tho :>~ sending you on your wayyyy, bye bye!!*
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cosmicyeen · 2 years
OKAY SO I FORGOT TO FINISH THIS POST but basically a few days ago i was wandering the Locations and came across this tree, ive been familiar with it for years but this time i saw something fleeting and incredible:
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Growing out of the dead outer bark layer!
I've only seen these once before; an almost steely dark species growing on the ground near the chicken run. The irony of seeing a birds nest fungus *in a tree* is also pretty lovely.
The funnel-shape of the nest and the "eggs" inside are a part of its dispersal method. A raindrop falls into the cup, and splashes the spore packets up the sides and outwards.
Anyways, i kept looking at this tree, and saw something else cool. Among the incredible variety of colors from reds to greens to grays and everything in between, there are these black lines snaking through the bark fibers
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Faint, almost hairlike. These are called Zone Lines and are the defensive barriers put up by fungi as they spread and need to defend their resources from other fungi. When it occurs in wood, it's known as spalting, and can be quite beautiful when carved.
This made me think of what i've heard about zone lines from folks while going on nature walks, and i remembered there's this area of wood that looks a lot like one i've heard discussed.
Basically, if you picture a log, with different fungi growing on it, you end up with a 3D matrix of zone borders all intersecting in unique patterns. Some fungi burn out quickly, eating into the wood and turning it into spores and dirt and crumble away; all the while there are other fungi that are secluded in their whimsical 3D shapes long past the decay of the other fungi.
What do these look like? Something like this:
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three dimensional zone lines! A dark black/brown matte surface keeping the fungus defended as it chugs along slowly, breaking down its territory staked out long ago
Breaking open the wood shows this border/digestion area distinction:
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I've got no idea how long this particular variety takes to decay. I've seen this wood here for years just like other rotting logs, but it was only about a year ago that i learned what makes it look the way it did!
Something that *was* new to me was this, though:
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I saw this strange pattern of speckles, almost bubbly, scaly looking patches underneath the barrier. I havent seen this before, nor do i know what it is. Maybe it's the fruiting body of this particular fungus. Maybe it's a defensive wall put up against some foreign invader. Maybe it's a holdover from something in the life of the tree that the fungus simply grew over.
Whatever it is, it's quite fascinating.
This all made me go look for other cool decomposition patterns. I came across this whiterot oak branch that had fallen. Rotted oak like this is great for giving to rolly pollies as a snack, especially when very crumbly. But this time i was interested in the almost imperceptible hairs snaking through it as well:
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it hides quite well in this branch, especially because the walls like to form in alignment with the wood's natural grain. But running through the center from top to bottom there *is* a zone line.
it's slightly more visible from the top, where you can also see the slight color difference between the two zones thanks to the different chemical compositions/byproducts of the competing fungi
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It really is just so cool. wars raged beneath our feet in branches we may throw aside or even burn.
Here's an old post oak stump; for a few years it's been here and we used to use it as a surface for splitting firewood. now large channels have rotted away and the surface has taken on that dark fungal look.
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this final pic is down one of the channels that's decayed into the tree. It appears that all the elements of water, bugs, fungus, *decay* have all hollowed out a matrix that follows along down into the tree roots themselves.
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It's a lot deeper than the ground surface. I've seen chipmunks go in and out of it as well. I can only imagine there's a whole luxury burrow complex down there.
Some pretty interesting stuff to see out there. Hope this was a good summary!
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The Best Way to Break a Wood Wall: A Practical Guide
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Breaking a wood wall may seem like a straightforward task, but it requires a combination of preparation, the right tools, and attention to detail. Whether you're remodeling a space or taking down an old structure, knowing the best way to approach this task ensures efficiency and safety. This guide will walk you through the process, helping you break a wood wall with care and precision.
Assessing the Type of Wood Wall
Before you begin, it's important to assess the kind of wood wall you're dealing with. Not all wood walls are constructed in the same way. Some might be decorative paneling, while others may be thicker, structural elements that contribute to the building's integrity. For instance, a solid wood wall used in older homes may be significantly more difficult to remove than modern decorative wood paneling.
The wall’s purpose also dictates the level of caution needed. A non-load-bearing wall, such as a partition, can usually be taken down without much worry. However, a load-bearing wall supports the weight of the building above, so you’ll need to take extra care or consult a professional before breaking it.
Checking for Hidden Obstacles
Wood walls often hide crucial elements like electrical wiring, plumbing, or insulation behind their surface. Breaking a wall without considering these factors can lead to unintended damage, creating a safety hazard and potentially costing more in repairs.
Using tools like a stud finder or similar devices can help detect any hidden features in the wall before you start demolition. If you're unsure whether pipes or wires are running through the area, consider cutting small exploratory holes first to get a clearer picture of what lies behind the surface.
Choosing the Right Tools
The tools you use are pivotal in ensuring that the wood wall is broken down efficiently without damaging the surrounding structure. For lighter paneling or decorative wood walls, basic hand tools such as a hammer, pry bar, or utility knife will usually be sufficient. However, thicker walls, especially those made from solid wood, might require more robust equipment, like a crowbar, reciprocating saw, or sledgehammer.
Equally important is your personal safety. Always wear protective gear, including gloves, goggles, and a dust mask to safeguard yourself from wood splinters, dust, or flying debris. Working in a well-ventilated area is also essential, particularly when dealing with treated wood that may emit harmful chemicals when disturbed.
Removing Surface Elements First
Before breaking into the wall itself, it’s best to start by removing any surface elements such as trim, molding, or baseboards. These features often conceal joints or fasteners that hold the wood in place. By taking them off first, you’ll expose crucial attachment points, making it easier to dismantle the wall.
Use a pry bar or hammer to gently loosen these components, taking care not to damage any surrounding surfaces if you plan to reuse the materials or keep them intact. This process is crucial as it gives you better access to the main body of the wood wall and reduces the risk of splintering or cracking the wood unnecessarily.
Targeting Weak Points in the Wood Wall
Once surface elements are removed, the next step is to find weak points in the wood wall. Start by identifying areas where the wood is naturally weaker, such as near joints or where the grain changes direction. Using these areas as an entry point can make the process easier and allow you to dismantle the wall piece by piece rather than breaking it down all at once.
If the wall is secured to studs or a framework, you’ll need to carefully detach the wood from these supports. Working slowly and methodically will help ensure you don’t damage other areas of the structure. Using controlled force instead of brute strength will also minimize any potential harm to the surrounding walls, ceiling, or floor.
Cutting Larger Sections for Easy Removal
For thicker wood walls, it’s often more efficient to cut the wall into smaller, more manageable sections before removing them. A reciprocating saw or circular saw can be useful for this purpose, allowing you to divide the wall into segments that can be taken down more easily.
Cutting the wall this way prevents the wood from splintering, and it also gives you greater control over how the wall is broken down. Remember to cut along natural grain lines whenever possible, as this helps to preserve the integrity of the wood if you plan to reuse it.
Dealing With Nails, Screws, and Adhesives
As you remove the wood, you’ll likely encounter nails, screws, or adhesive materials holding the planks or panels in place. The type of fasteners used will affect how you proceed. Nails can be pried out with a hammer or nail puller, while screws may require the use of a drill or screwdriver. Adhesives, particularly strong construction glues, may require you to cut the wood into smaller sections before separating it.
If the wood wall was attached using a heavy-duty adhesive, you may need additional tools, such as a heat gun, to soften the glue. Removing these fasteners carefully ensures that the underlying structure remains intact and prevents unnecessary damage to the wood itself.
Handling Old or Hazardous Materials
Older wood walls, especially those found in vintage homes, might have been treated with chemicals such as lead-based paint or other toxic substances. These materials can pose health risks, especially when disturbed during demolition. Make sure to wear appropriate protective gear and work in a well-ventilated environment.
If you suspect that hazardous materials are present, it's a good idea to contact a professional to test the area or advise on the best course of action. Proper disposal of these materials is also crucial, as some chemicals cannot simply be thrown out with regular construction waste.
Salvaging and Repurposing the Wood
If your goal is to salvage the wood for future projects, extra care must be taken during the demolition process. Use gentle force when prying boards or panels loose to avoid cracking or damaging the wood. Salvaged wood can be reused for a variety of purposes, including furniture making, accent walls, or other DIY projects.
If the wood is in good condition, taking the time to dismantle it carefully will preserve its integrity and allow it to be repurposed effectively. On the other hand, if the wood is severely damaged or rotting, it may be better to discard it responsibly.
Final Cleanup and Inspection
Once the wall has been successfully broken down, it’s important to clean up the area and inspect the surrounding structure for any potential damage. Remove all debris, including nails, screws, and leftover wood scraps. If any adjacent surfaces were affected during the process, now is the time to repair them.
With the wood wall removed, you’ll have a clearer view of the rest of the structure, enabling you to make any necessary adjustments or preparations for the next phase of your project.
Breaking a wood wall requires more than just physical strength; it demands careful planning, the right tools, and a thorough understanding of the structure. By assessing the wall beforehand, using the appropriate techniques, and prioritizing safety, you can complete the task efficiently while minimizing the risk of damage to the surrounding area. Whether you’re remodeling your home or salvaging wood for future projects, following these steps will help you break a wood wall with precision and ease.
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runbugzcompany · 13 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Herbal Mosquito Sticks
Mosquitoes are not just annoying; they can also pose significant health risks due to the diseases they transmit, such as malaria, dengue, and Zika virus. While conventional mosquito repellents like mosquito repellents sprays and mosquito repellents coils are commonly used, herbal mosquito sticks have emerged as a natural and eco-friendly alternative. These sticks utilize the power of natural ingredients to repel mosquitoes effectively, making them a popular choice for those seeking a safer, chemical-free option. This article explores what herbal mosquito sticks are, how they work, their benefits, and tips for using them effectively.
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What Are Herbal Mosquito Sticks?
Herbal mosquito sticks, also known as mosquito repellent incense sticks, are made from natural ingredients such as citronella, neem, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and other essential oils known for their mosquito repelling properties. These sticks are typically made by blending these herbs and oils with a natural binder, which is then shaped into a stick form that can be burned. When lit, the sticks release a pleasant, aromatic smoke that helps repel mosquitoes, providing a protective barrier around the area.
How Do Herbal Mosquito Sticks Work?
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Benefits of Herbal Mosquito Sticks:
Natural and Chemical-Free: One of the primary advantages of herbal mosquito sticks is that they are made from natural ingredients, free from synthetic chemicals like DEET. This makes them a healthier alternative, particularly for families with children, pets, or individuals sensitive to chemical repellents.
Eco-Friendly: Herbal mosquito sticks are made from biodegradable materials and natural plant extracts, making them environmentally friendly. Unlike chemical sprays that can harm the ecosystem, herbal sticks break down naturally and do not contribute to pollution, making them a sustainable choice.
Pleasant Aroma: Unlike traditional mosquito coils or chemical sprays that often have a strong, unpleasant odor, herbal mosquito sticks emit a pleasant fragrance that can enhance the ambiance of your space. Scents like citronella, lemongrass, and lavender can also provide aromatherapy benefits, promoting relaxation while keeping mosquitoes at bay.
Ease of Use: Herbal mosquito sticks are easy to use — simply light the stick and let it burn in a well-ventilated area. They are ideal for outdoor settings such as gardens, patios, balconies, or camping trips, providing protection without the need for reapplication like sprays or lotions.
Cost-Effective: Herbal mosquito sticks are an affordable mosquito repellent option, often costing less than many chemical alternatives. Their long-lasting burn time ensures that you get extended protection without frequent replacements, making them a cost-effective solution for mosquito control.
Versatile Application: These sticks can be used in a variety of settings, both indoors and outdoors, making them versatile. Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue, enjoying a picnic, or simply relaxing in your living room, herbal mosquito sticks provide adaptable protection against mosquitoes.
Tips for Using Herbal Mosquito Sticks Effectively:
Proper Placement: Position the sticks in areas where mosquitoes are most likely to gather, such as near doors, windows, or outdoor seating areas. For best results, place multiple sticks around the perimeter of the area to create a barrier.
Use in Well-Ventilated Areas: While herbal mosquito sticks are made from natural ingredients, it’s still important to use them in well-ventilated spaces to avoid inhaling excessive smoke.
Keep Away from Flammable Materials: Always place burning sticks on a heat-resistant surface and away from flammable objects to prevent any fire hazards.
Monitor While in Use: Never leave burning sticks unattended, especially around children or pets, to ensure safety.
Conclusion: Herbal mosquito sticks offer a natural, effective, and eco-friendly way to protect against mosquitoes. By harnessing the power of essential oils and herbs, these sticks provide a pleasant alternative to chemical repellents, making them a great choice for anyone looking to keep their space mosquito-free. Whether you’re at home, camping, or enjoying a meal outdoors, herbal mosquito sticks are a reliable and convenient solution for mosquito control.
Original Source: mosquito repellent sticks
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maidyoulooks · 1 month
Become a Shining Sanctuary in Your Own Home: Ultimate Cleaning Advice from MaidYouLook.net
Maintaining a clean and organized home is essential for creating a sanctuary where you can relax and recharge. However, cleaning can often feel overwhelming, especially when faced with a busy schedule. That's where maid you look near denver comes in with their ultimate cleaning advice to help make cleaning a snap. In this article, we'll explore practical tips and strategies to transform your home into a shining sanctuary with ease.
Develop a Cleaning Routine
One of the most effective ways to keep your home clean is to establish a regular cleaning routine. By setting aside specific times each day or week for cleaning tasks, you can prevent dirt and clutter from accumulating. Start with a simple checklist that includes daily tasks like making the bed, wiping down countertops, and doing a quick sweep or vacuum. Then, incorporate weekly chores such as dusting, mopping, and deep-cleaning the bathroom.
Pro Tip: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. For example, instead of cleaning the entire house in one day, tackle one room at a time.
Declutter and Organize
Clutter is the enemy of a clean home. To truly transform your space into a sanctuary, it's important to declutter and organize your belongings. Begin by going through each room and identifying items you no longer need or use. Donate, recycle, or dispose of these items to free up space.
Once you've decluttered, focus on organizing what's left. Invest in storage solutions like baskets, bins, and shelves to keep everything in its place. Labeling containers and drawers can also help Z organization and make it easier to find what you need.
Pro Tip: Practice the "one in, one out" rule. For every new item you bring into your home, try to remove an old one to prevent clutter from building up again.
Prioritize High-Traffic Areas
Certain areas of your home, such as the kitchen, living room, and bathroom, tend to get dirty faster due to frequent use. Make these high-traffic areas a priority in your cleaning routine. Regularly wiping down surfaces, sweeping floors, and disinfecting commonly touched items like doorknobs and light switches can help maintain a clean and hygienic environment.
In the kitchen, pay extra attention to the sink, countertops, and stovetop, as these areas can quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria. In the bathroom, regularly clean the toilet, sink, and shower to prevent the buildup of grime and soap scum.
Pro Tip: Keep cleaning supplies handy in each high-traffic area for quick and easy touch-ups throughout the week.
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Use the Right Tools and Products
Using the right cleaning tools and products can make a world of difference in your cleaning routine. Invest in high-quality supplies that are effective and safe for your surfaces. Microfiber cloths, for example, are excellent for dusting and wiping down surfaces without leaving streaks. A good vacuum with strong suction and attachments for different surfaces is also a must-have.
When it comes to cleaning products, opt for those that are eco-friendly and non-toxic. Not only are these better for the environment, but they also create a healthier home by reducing your exposure to harsh chemicals.
Pro Tip: Create your own DIY cleaning solutions using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. These are often just as effective as store-bought products and can save you money.
Involve the Whole Family
Keeping a clean home shouldn't be a one-person job. Involve the whole family in the cleaning process to make it more manageable and teach responsibility. Assign age-appropriate tasks to each family member and make cleaning a fun, team effort. For example, young children can help by picking up toys, while older kids can take on more complex tasks like vacuuming or doing laundry.
Pro Tip: Turn cleaning into a game or set a timer to see how much you can accomplish in a short amount of time. This can make the process more enjoyable and less of a chore.
Stay Consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to maid you look company a clean and organized home. By sticking to your cleaning routine and staying on top of tasks, you'll find that your home remains a sanctuary rather than a source of stress. Remember, it's easier to keep a clean house clean than to tackle a major mess all at once.
Pro Tip: If life gets busy and you fall behind on cleaning, don't get discouraged. Simply pick up where you left off and get back into your routine as soon as possible.
With the help of MaidYouLook.net's ultimate cleaning advice, you can transform your home into a shining sanctuary with minimal stress and effort. By developing a cleaning routine, decluttering and organizing, prioritizing high-traffic areas, using the right tools and products, involving the whole family, and staying consistent, you'll enjoy a clean and peaceful living space that truly feels like home. For more expert tips and guidance, visit MaidYouLook.net and discover how easy it can be to keep your home sparkling clean.
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nnglazing · 1 month
Double Glazing in Muswell Hill: Benefits & Guide
Welcome to your ultimate guide on double glazing in Muswell Hill! Whether you're looking to reduce your energy bills, improve your home's security, or simply give your windows a fresh look, double glazing is a fantastic option. In this guide, we'll explore everything from the basics to the finer details of installation and maintenance. So, grab a cup of coffee and let's dive in!
What is Double Glazing?
Double glazing refers to a window construction that includes two panes of glass separated by a space filled with argon gas or a vacuum. This design creates an insulating barrier that enhances the thermal and acoustic performance of the window.
How Double Glazing Works
Imagine double glazing as a cozy blanket for your windows. Just as a blanket keeps you warm by trapping heat, the space between the two panes of glass traps heat inside your home. This not only keeps your home warmer in winter but also cooler in summer.
Why Choose Double Glazing in Muswell Hill?
Muswell Hill, with its charming homes and varying weather conditions, can benefit greatly from double glazing. The area's typical climate, which includes cold winters and mild summers, makes double glazing an excellent choice for maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures year-round.
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Benefits of Double Glazing
1. Energy Efficiency
Double glazing can significantly reduce heat loss, leading to lower energy bills. By keeping the warmth inside your home, you'll use less heating and cooling, which is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
2. Noise Reduction
Living near busy roads or in a lively neighborhood? Double glazing acts like a sound barrier, minimizing noise from outside and creating a more peaceful living environment.
3. Enhanced Security
Double glazing adds an extra layer of glass, making it tougher for intruders to break in. It’s a simple yet effective way to boost your home's security.
4. Increased Property Value
Investing in double glazing can increase your property's market value. Potential buyers often appreciate the benefits of energy efficiency and modern features.
Types of Double Glazing Available
1. uPVC Frames
uPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) frames are popular due to their durability and low maintenance. They come in various styles and colors, making them a versatile choice for any home.
2. Timber Frames
For a traditional look, timber frames offer classic charm and excellent insulation. They require more maintenance but can be a beautiful addition to period homes.
3. Aluminium Frames
Aluminium frames are strong and sleek, ideal for contemporary designs. They are low-maintenance and resistant to weathering.
Choosing the Right Installer
Selecting a reputable installer is crucial for a successful double glazing project. Look for companies with positive reviews, relevant certifications, and a proven track record.
Questions to Ask Potential Installers
What experience do you have with double glazing installations?
Can you provide references or case studies from previous clients?
What warranties do you offer?
Installation Process
1. Pre-Installation Survey
Before installation, a surveyor will visit your home to measure your windows and discuss your needs. This ensures the new windows will fit perfectly.
2. Installation Day
On the day of installation, the old windows are removed, and the new double glazing is fitted. The process usually takes a day or two, depending on the number of windows.
3. Post-Installation Care
After installation, make sure to follow any care instructions provided. Regular maintenance will keep your double glazing in top condition.
Maintenance and Care
1. Cleaning Tips
Keep your double glazing clean by wiping down the glass with a non-abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the seals.
2. Checking for Issues
Regularly check for signs of condensation between the panes or drafts. Addressing these issues early can prevent more significant problems.
Costs and Budgeting
1. Factors Affecting Costs
The cost of double glazing can vary based on the type of glass, frame material, and the complexity of the installation. Additional features like energy-efficient coatings can also influence the price.
2. Average Price Range
In Muswell Hill, expect to pay between £300 and £600 per window, depending on your choices and installation requirements.
Energy Efficiency and Savings
Double glazing can drastically cut down your energy bills by improving your home's insulation. This not only saves you money but also reduces your carbon footprint, contributing to a greener environment.
Local Regulations and Compliance
Make sure your double glazing installation complies with local building regulations in Muswell Hill. This ensures your windows are installed correctly and meet safety standards.
Success Stories in Muswell Hill
Many homeowners in Muswell Hill have benefited from double glazing. From reduced energy costs to enhanced home security, the positive impacts are evident. Local success stories and testimonials can provide valuable insights and inspire your own upgrade.
DIY vs. Professional Installation
1. DIY Installation
While DIY might seem like a cost-effective option, it comes with risks such as improper fitting and lack of warranties. It’s often best to leave the installation to professionals.
2. Professional Installation
Professional installers bring expertise, proper tools, and guarantees. They ensure the job is done right and offer support if any issues arise.
Future Trends in Double Glazing
The future of double glazing is exciting, with innovations such as smart glass and improved energy-efficient coatings on the horizon. Staying updated on these trends can help you make informed decisions about your home improvements.
Double glazing in Muswell Hill is a valuable investment for any Muswell Hill homeowner. It offers numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, noise reduction, and enhanced security. By choosing the right installer and maintaining your windows properly, you can enjoy these advantages for years to come. If you're considering double glazing, it's a decision you won't regret!
1. What is the difference between double and triple glazing?
Triple glazing includes three panes of glass, providing even better insulation than double glazing. It offers superior energy efficiency but is also more expensive.
2. How long does double glazing typically last?
Double glazing usually lasts between 20 to 30 years. Proper maintenance can help extend its lifespan.
3. Can double glazing help with noise reduction?
Yes, double glazing significantly reduces outside noise, making your home quieter and more peaceful.
4. Is double glazing worth the investment?
Absolutely! Double glazing can reduce energy bills, improve security, and increase property value, making it a worthwhile investment.
5. How do I know if double glazing is right for my home?
Consider factors like your current energy bills, noise levels, and security needs. Consulting with a professional installer can help you determine if double glazing is the best choice for your home.
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renew12345 · 2 months
Is tattoo removal permanent?   
Is tattoo removal permanent?
Tattoos are meant to be permanent, and complete tattoo removal is difficult. The process of trying to get rid of an unwanted tattoo is known as tattoo removal. Dermabrasion, surgical excision, and laser surgery are common methods for tattoo removal.
Tattoos apply ink under the epidermis. As a result, tattoo removal is more difficult and costly than tattoo application itself. If you live in or near Panchkula and want to get rid of your tattoos, consult the Renew You clinic. Consult our dermatologist about the possibilities for tattoo removal in Panchkula. Never try getting rid of a tattoo by yourself. Home remedies, such as DIY tattoo removal creams, are unlikely to work and may irritate the skin or have unfavorable side effects.
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What does tattoo removal entail?
An artist will permanently alter your skin with a tattoo by injecting pigments, inks, or dyes. Tattoo removal refers to the process of removing a permanent tattoo from your body. Your immune system's normal function is to flush out foreign particles from your body; however, ink particles are too large for your immune system to eliminate, which makes them permanent. 
The procedure for getting rid of a tattoo can be difficult and require multiple sessions. This occurs because expertly applied tattoos contain persistent ink particles beneath the epidermis.
How might one remove a tattoo?
There are several methods to remove tattoos:
Laser tattoo removal: 
Lasers point concentrated light beams at your skin. Lasers burn the ink particles in your skin to break them down into smaller particles that your immune system can more readily eliminate. Eliminating a tattoo can require several laser treatment sessions.
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Dermabrasion is a kind of surgical operation whereby a specific tool removes the outer layers of your skin-baring tattoo ink. This surgery calls for either a local or general anesthetic. After the surgery, you will have open wounds on your skin that need to heal.
Chemical Peel: 
Chemical peels, such as trichloroacetic acid, remove permanent ink from your skin. The chemical that a provider applies to your skin will cause the outer layers to peel.
Tattoo Removal Creams: 
A surgical excision is the process of surgically removing skin bearing a tattoo. After the tattooed skin is removed, a surgeon will sew your remaining skin together. Small tattoos work well with this process; large tattoos do not.
How is tattoo removal accomplished?
Every method of removing a tattoo operates differently. Tattoo removal aims to split permanent ink particles into smaller pieces that your immune system can safely eliminate from your body. Tattoo removal creams and laser tattoo removal work in this way, reducing the risk of scarring. Dermabrasion, chemical peels, and surgical excision concentrate on removing skin or skin layers with permanent tattoo ink particles. This allows your skin to repair itself around the area where a tattoo used to be, giving the impression that the tattoo never existed in the first place. This generally results in scarring.
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In Bottom Line: 
Tattoos typically endure a lifetime, and eradicating them all can be challenging. Regardless of the removal method, some scarring or changes in skin color are likely to persist.
If you're thinking about getting a tattoo, the old saying "think before you ink" is still excellent advice. You might not realize at first how long body art lasts, but it does. When done by a trained medical professional, modern laser or surgery methods for getting rid of tattoos are safer and more effective than older options. Renew You Clinic, regarded as the best tattoo removal in Panchkula by skin care experts, is the place to go for skilled tattoo removal. 
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Top 5 Most Common Aesthetic Treatments in Dublin
The world of beauty is evolving along with the world's technological advancements. An aesthetics clinic is a prime example of this advancement. Dublin aesthetic treatment clinics concentrate on improving a patient's outward look with minimally invasive or non-invasive procedures. 
With aesthetic procedures becoming more and more popular, it is always advisable to see a doctor and proceed with the procedures following that advice. However, in the interim, we have listed the top 5 aesthetic procedures in this blog so you can learn more about them and know what to anticipate! 
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Botox is the most common form of aesthetic treatment. In this treatment, an injection containing a neurotoxin derived from botulinum toxin is used. Through these injections, you can look younger and more radiant as they lessen the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles on your face. 
Injectable Filler
Injectable fillers are procedures that enhance the natural beauty of your face! Fillers are generally used to add volume, smooth out wrinkles, and rejuvenate your skin for a more radiant and bright appearance. These procedures are carried out by injecting a gel-like substance into specific areas of the face, which results in a more contoured and fresh look! 
Fat Dissolving 
Thinking about traditional approaches to fat loss, such as diet and exercise? With an aesthetics clinic, you have got a better solution! Dublin's fat-dissolving procedures provide a non-invasive way to get rid of stubborn fat deposits! These minimally invasive procedures break down fat cells, allowing your body to naturally maintain its slimness, with little to no downtime and noticeable results. 
Chemical peel
The primary goal of this type of treatment is to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis, exposing healthy, new skin beneath! After receiving chemical peel treatments, you can welcome bright, renewed skin and bid adieu to dull tired skin! Chemical peels may be the perfect answer for you if you want to minimise fine lines or scars from acne!  
Hair removal
Aesthetic clinics offer various methods for removing unwanted hair. The treatments range from shaving and waxing to more permanent solutions like laser hair removal. The specialists at the aesthetic clinic assess your skin type and recommend the best course of action based on their findings! The best thing is that you can relax because they are licensed professionals! 
Which is the best aesthetic clinic near me? 
Finding a trusted aesthetics treatment clinic in Dublin can be difficult. But we have just the solution for you! Lisa Thompson Aesthetics is named one of the best aesthetics clinics in Dublin. 
You can rely on them with confidence since you are in capable hands. They have a large clientele and awards like the Aesthetics Excellence Awards 2024! Book your session at Lisa Thompson Aesthetics today!
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henryaham897 · 4 months
10 Ways to Stop Your Pit Toilet from Smelling
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Pit toilets are a practical solution in remote areas and off-grid locations, but they can be notorious for unpleasant odors. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to keep your pit toilet smelling fresh and hygienic.
Here are 10 ways to stop your pit toilet from smelling.
1. Proper Ventilation
Install a Vent Pipe: A vent pipe is essential for reducing odors in a pit toilet. Install a vertical vent pipe from the pit extending above the roofline. This setup allows gases to escape naturally, minimizing odor buildup inside the toilet structure.
Use a Ventilation Fan: Enhance natural ventilation by installing a solar-powered or battery-operated ventilation fan. This will actively pull air through the vent pipe, ensuring constant airflow and reducing odors.
2. Regular Cleaning
Clean the Toilet Regularly: Regularly cleaning the toilet seat, floor, and walls with a disinfectant helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and odor-causing agents. Cleanliness is key to maintaining a pleasant environment.
Deodorize Surfaces: Use a mix of water and white vinegar or commercial cleaning agents to wipe down surfaces. This not only sanitizes but also helps to neutralize odors.
3. Use of Deodorizers
Commercial Deodorizers: Utilize commercial pit toilet deodorizers available in liquid or granular form. These products contain chemicals that neutralize odors and can be added directly to the pit.
DIY Deodorizers: You can also make your own deodorizer by mixing baking soda and essential oils. Sprinkle this mixture into the pit to combat odors naturally.
4. Add Lime
Neutralize Odors with Lime: Adding lime to the pit can significantly reduce odors. Lime raises the pH level, slowing down the decomposition process and minimizing the production of foul-smelling gases. Sprinkle a cup of lime into the pit after each use.
5. Composting Additives
Use Organic Materials: Adding composting materials like sawdust, peat moss, or straw helps manage moisture and promotes aerobic decomposition, which is less odorous. Sprinkle these materials into the pit regularly.
Bio-Enzyme Products: Bio-enzyme products introduce beneficial bacteria that break down waste efficiently, reducing odors. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.
6. Control Moisture
Keep the Pit Dry: Excess moisture can exacerbate odors. Use absorbent materials like sawdust or ash after each use to keep the pit as dry as possible, facilitating better composting and reducing smells.
Divert Water: Ensure rainwater and runoff are directed away from the pit. Proper drainage around the structure is essential to prevent water from entering the pit.
7. Seal and Insulate
Seal Gaps and Cracks: Inspect the toilet structure for gaps or cracks that could allow odors to escape. Use caulk or sealant to close these openings, ensuring odors are contained within the pit.
Install a Tight-Fitting Lid: Ensure the toilet seat has a tight-fitting lid that is kept closed when not in use. This helps contain odors within the pit.
8. Odor Absorbing Materials
Use Charcoal: Charcoal is an effective natural odor absorber. Place a bucket of charcoal briquettes near the toilet or add crushed charcoal directly into the pit to help neutralize unpleasant smells.
Sprinkle Baking Soda: Baking soda is another effective odor neutralizer. Sprinkle a generous amount into the pit regularly to help control odors.
9. Environmental Enhancements
Plant Vegetation: Plant trees, shrubs, or fragrant flowers around the pit toilet structure. This natural barrier can help diffuse odors and create a more pleasant environment.
Strategic Location: Place the pit toilet at a reasonable distance from living areas and water sources. Proper location helps minimize the impact of odors on daily activities and reduces the risk of contamination.
10. Regular Maintenance
Monitor Pit Levels: Regularly check the pit to ensure it is not nearing capacity. Empty or start a new pit before the current one becomes too full to prevent overflow and excessive odors.
Maintain Ventilation System: Regularly inspect and maintain the ventilation system to ensure it is functioning correctly. Clean or replace vent pipes and fans as needed to maintain optimal airflow.
By implementing these 10 strategies, you can significantly reduce or eliminate unpleasant odors from your pit toilet. Proper ventilation, regular cleaning, the use of deodorizers, and moisture control are key factors in maintaining a fresh and hygienic pit toilet. With consistent care and maintenance, your pit toilet can remain a practical and odor-free solution for waste management in remote or off-grid locations.
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sunalimerchant · 5 months
Maintenance and Longevity of Water and Oil Repellent Surfaces
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Water and oil repellent technologies have revolutionized the way we protect various surfaces, from textiles to construction materials and automotive interiors. These coatings not only shield surfaces from stains and damage but also extend their lifespan. However, the effectiveness of water and oil repellent treatments is not indefinite. Proper maintenance is essential to ensure these surfaces retain their protective properties over time. This article explores practical strategies for maintaining and enhancing the longevity of water and oil repellent surfaces.
Understanding Water and Oil Repellent Technologies
Water and oil repellent coatings are designed to provide surfaces with a protective layer that repels liquid substances and prevents them from penetrating or adhering to the surface. These technologies typically involve the application of fluoropolymers or silicone-based compounds that create a microscopic barrier on the surface. This barrier reduces the surface tension, causing liquids to bead up and roll off instead of soaking in.
Regular Cleaning
Regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining the efficacy of water and oil repellent surfaces. Dirt, dust, and other particulates can accumulate on the coated surface, eventually embedding themselves in the microscopic structure of the repellent layer, thereby diminishing its effectiveness. To clean these surfaces properly:
Use a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the protective coating. Employ mild soap and water for routine cleaning, steering clear of abrasive detergents that can degrade the coating. Gently pat the surface dry with a soft towel after cleaning, as rubbing can wear down the repellent finish.
Timely Reapplication
Even the best water and oil repellent treatments wear off over time, especially in high-traffic or frequently used areas. Manufacturers typically recommend a schedule for reapplication, which can vary from one product to another. Paying attention to the manufacturer’s guidelines can prevent the premature expiration of the surface’s repellent qualities. For instance:
Textile products might need a reapplication after a number of wash cycles. Outdoor building materials exposed to harsh weather conditions may require more frequent re-treatments.
Avoiding Harsh Chemicals
The longevity of repellent surfaces can be significantly reduced by the use of harsh chemicals. Cleaning agents that contain strong solvents, acids, or alkalis can break down the chemical structure of the repellent layer. It’s advisable to:
Check the compatibility of cleaning agents with the specific type of repellent coating. Opt for pH-neutral cleaners that are less likely to interfere with the integrity of the repellent properties.
Handling Scratches and Abrasions
Physical damage such as scratches or abrasions can compromise the integrity of water and oil repellent coatings. Such damage provides channels for moisture and oils to penetrate beneath the surface. To mitigate this risk:
Use protective coverings or pads on furniture and other heavy items that might scratch floor surfaces. Avoid using sharp objects or abrasive tools near repellent-coated surfaces.
Professional Maintenance
Some water and oil repellent treatments, especially those used in industrial or commercial settings, may require professional maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Professional services can provide:
Advanced cleaning techniques that are safe for repellent coatings. Expert reapplication of coatings to ensure uniform coverage and maximum protection. Assessment and repair of any damage that could undermine the repellent properties.
Monitoring Performance
Regularly assess the performance of water and oil repellent surfaces to catch any deterioration in their repellent properties early. Simple tests, such as sprinkling water on the surface and observing whether it beads up, can provide quick indications of the coating's condition. Early detection allows for timely interventions, whether it's a simple cleaning or a full reapplication of the coating.
Maintaining water and oil repellent surfaces is key to ensuring their continued effectiveness and longevity. By adhering to proper cleaning protocols, avoiding harsh chemicals, managing physical wear, and following manufacturer guidelines for maintenance, these protective coatings can continue to safeguard various surfaces effectively. Regular upkeep not only preserves the functionality of these treatments but also extends the life of the materials they protect, ensuring they remain pristine and functional for years to come.
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automedsolutions · 6 months
The Art of Privacy: Window Tinting in Tyson’s Corner
Many car owners like to have their windows tinted for numerous reasons. These could include protection from the sun’s rays, privacy, and more. Various shops for auto cosmetics offer these kinds of services. You can achieve a privacy-centered car with a reliable expert that secures you from anything. Continue reading to learn more about window tinting in Tyson’s Corner.
Understanding Window Tinting
To begin, there are several perks to adding tints to your car’s windows. Tinted windows deter robbers, prevent people from peeking into your car, and overall bring an additional feeling of safety when you’re in the vehicle. This article aims to break down what window tinting could do for your safety in general.
The Benefits of Tinting Your Windows
Tinting your windows is one of the most ideal ways to build privacy in your car. Unlike cars with no tinted windows, it gives a better sense of security and privacy.
Enhancing Privacy
While tints may look appealing to passers by, it also limits the visibility of your vehicle’s interior. Since many individuals keep valuables in their cars, it should be important to make them safe. These additions prevent thieves from peaking into your car and knowing what’s inside. This, in turn, discourages them from stealing since unsubtly peaking into vehicles raises red flags in public spaces.
UV Protection
On top of being an auto cosmetics service, tints also improve UV protection against the sun’s harmful rays. Most brands claim their window tints block up to 99% of these beams. These additions protect the driver's and passengers’ skin and maintain the vehicle’s integrity so it doesn’t get ruined by these rays.
Energy Efficiency
Additionally, tinted windows promote energy efficiency by optimizing the car’s interior temperatures. In short, it minimizes heat transfer. In line with this, car owners require less air conditioning due to the tint’s role in decreasing the influences of outdoor weather.
Safety and Security
Another perk of installing a tint on your vehicle is that it increases the window’s durability. However, they do not make them impenetrable. With the use of a tint, it will make your windows scratch-resistant in the long run.
Maintenance and Care
Several tips are accessible to the general public on properly caring for their window tints to maintain them. A popular tip is to use foam cleansers when washing windows. These cleaning solutions usually don’t have chemicals that can potentially damage the tint and do not create streaks.
A second tip is to use foam cleansers and partner it with a soft cloth. These fabrics ensure that your tints are not scratched in the process. Additionally, using paper towels when cleaning is not advisable since the rough fibers may damage the tint.
Third, letting the film dry completely is paramount to avoid bubbles or other issues. Owners can let it air dry or use a rubber squeegee or a clean and dry microfiber cloth to speed up the process. Moreover, keeping an eye on the edges is essential to minimize lifting.
Trends for Window Tinting in Tyson’s Corner
Businesses are in the area, and cosmetic and reconditioning services are growing in popularity. That said, various providers offer different services to improve your vehicle’s appearance. Moreover, they offer innovative services for window tinting and other protection films.
Choosing the Right Window Tinting Service
As mentioned, many service providers in the area offer similar assistance. If you’re looking for “cosmetic auto repair near me,” it is essential to take note of the following considerations:
Reputation as local providers
Evaluating options by comparing offers, pricing, and customer reviews
Requesting consultations and asking for quotes on your needed product or service
So, why is it important to follow these points? Well, there are a lot of car enthusiasts out there who only want the best for their vehicles and who can provide the best products and services. To begin, cars are investment items that require significant money. It would be best to partner with reputable shops with positive reputations. Ideally, you should consult with trusted peers with the same passion for automobiles when seeking local auto shops.
In addition, reputable shops will advise automobile owners on properly caring for their new accessories. Numerous services for window tinting in Tyson’s Corner leave customers satisfied with their services and offer a warranty in case any problems arise within a given period. Among these providers is AutoMed Solutions, offering different auto cosmetic services.
Why Choose AutoMed Solutions for Window Tinting?
As a trusted service provider, we aim to change how our customers look at auto repair. Our team believes in transparency, friendly service, and speed. This idea shows that we are committed to helping them achieve their dream appearance for their vehicle.
One thing to look out for in a reputable auto body shop is its quotations. It’s good that our company offers free estimates upon request. So, if you’re looking for window tinting in Tyson’s Corner, consider us your top choice and visit our official website for more information.
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hi2loexteriorcleaning · 6 months
Roof Cleaning Services
Professional roof cleaning services help to keep your home looking great. They can remove algae, mildew, mold, lichen and moss as well as oxidation from metal roofs.
A thorough cleaning also reveals damage along the surface of a roof that may be hidden under water stains or layers of grime. This allows homeowners to make repairs before they become serious problems.
Roofing materials
Roofing materials are used to protect the top of a structure or building from outside elements such as rain, snow, direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. They are specially chosen to defend against these exterior conditions, and they often include a roof cleaning services membrane and vapor barrier that prevent water from leaking into the house. There are also underlayment and flashing which seals the joints where the roof changes direction. Asphalt shingles are another common choice, and they are available in many colors.
Pressure washing
When a roof is not regularly cleaned, dirt accumulates and causes the shingles to wear down prematurely. This ruins the surface and allows water to enter a home’s structure, leading to water damage and rotting. A professional cleaning will reveal areas of soft spots and other structural damage that may otherwise be invisible under a buildup of grime and soot.
Regular roof washing helps prevent organic growth like mold, mildew and moss. A safe biocide can be applied after the washing to inhibit future growth. This prevents the re-accumulation of dirty spots on the roof and keeps it clean for a longer period of time.
Pressure washing uses high-pressure rinsing to remove moss, stains, algae, and other organic debris from the roof. This type of washing can also be used on exterior surfaces such as wood siding and patios, brick, concrete, and asphalt. A professional power washer will use the correct quick-connect nozzles to avoid damaging these surfaces.
Soft washing
Soft washing is a gentle but effective cleaning technique that uses lower pressure than power washing. It is an environmentally friendly way to clean the exterior of your home without causing damage to the structure or destroying the environment. It also helps to extend the life of your roof and siding, and protects you from the sun’s harmful rays.
The soft wash process involves applying a chemical solution to the surface and letting it sit (or dwell) for a few minutes. This allows it to break down dirt and organic matter on the surface. The solution is then rinsed away, along with any loosened contaminants.
The chemicals used in soft washing are designed to kill moss, mildew, and fungus. They are biodegradable and non-toxic. This method is typically used for second-story exteriors, shingle roofs, and concrete that’s less than three years old. It’s important to find a licensed and insured company that offers soft washing services.
Homeowners who are looking for a roof cleaning services near me should ensure that they have adequate insurance. This is because the process of cleaning roofs is not only dangerous, but it can also damage shingles and cause other problems with the home. The most common problem is dark staining, which is a sign of bacterial growth and can cause issues with homeowners’ insurance companies. Insurance inspectors will demand that the dark staining and other contaminates be removed from the roof before they will provide coverage or renew a policy.
The type of insurance needed for a roof cleaning business includes general liability, workers’ compensation, and auto liability. General liability insurance will protect the business from claims made by clients. It will also pay for medical treatment/procedure and property damages caused by the company’s vehicles. Workers’ compensation insurance will cover injuries sustained by employees when they are working on the roof. It will also pay for lost wages.
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nmevahealth · 7 months
Dealing with Your Pcos And Looking for Legitimate Treatment
Vanquish Your PCOS Excursion: Track down the Right Trained professional and Master Care with Eva Grasping PCOS
Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOS), a hormonal condition described by the presence of little sores on the ovaries, influences a dumbfounding 1 out of 10 ladies of regenerative age. While the specific reason stays a logical riddle, its far reaching influences are unquestionable, prompting a range of side effects like:
Unpredictable or missing periods: This trademark side effect upsets the regular monthly cycle, making arranging and anticipating periods a test.
Abundance androgen (male chemical) levels: This hormonal lopsidedness can appear as undesirable hair development on the face and body (hirsutism), skin break out, and, surprisingly, male-design sparseness.
Weight the board issues: Insulin obstruction, a typical component of PCOS, can make weight reduction troublesome and add to weight gain.
Richness concerns: PCOS can disturb ovulation, making it harder to normally imagine.
Past the Analysis: Eva's PCOS Trained professional
While PCOS could sound overwhelming, recollect, information is power. Understanding the condition and looking for the right help prepares you to successfully explore your excursion. At Eva, we have faith in enabling ladies with PCOS to live satisfying lives, unburdened by the limits the condition could force.
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Confided in Guide: Expert PCOS Specialists Near You
Perhaps of the most vital stage in overseeing PCOS is associating with the right medical services experts. Search for experienced  PCOS specialists, ideally those close to you, who figure out the subtleties of the condition and can give customized care. At Eva, we have a group of devoted PCOS trained professionals and best gynaecologists in Mumbai, offering thorough help inside simple reach.
Building a Cooperative Consideration Plan: Custom-made to Your Necessities
PCOS shows contrastingly in each lady. What works for one probably won't be great for another. That is the reason our PCOS specialists advocate for a cooperative methodology, working intimately with you to grasp your interesting requirements and concerns. This permits us to make a customized treatment plan that tends to your particular side effects and objectives.
The Primary Line of Safeguard: Way of life Changes
While there's no enchanted slug for PCOS, integrating solid way of life changes can altogether affect your general prosperity and even further develop your fruitfulness potential. Our group of PCOS trained professionals and specialists can direct you through:
Dietary adjustments: Settling on entire food sources, overseeing sugar admission, and integrating adjusted dinners can assist with directing insulin levels and advance weight the executives.
Standard activity: hold back nothing 30 minutes of moderate-force practice most days of the week. This can further develop insulin responsiveness, oversee weight, and lift your state of mind.
Stress the board methods: PCOS can genuinely burden. Rehearsing yoga, contemplation, or other unwinding strategies can assist with overseeing pressure and work on by and large prosperity.
Tending to ripeness concerns:
The connection among PCOS and ripeness challenges is evident, yet it's memorable's significant that PCOS doesn't characterize your capacity to imagine. At Eva, we comprehend the close to home cost of ripeness battles. Our group of PCOS specialists offers empathetic help and proof based medicines, including:
We work intimately with ripeness specialists to give exhaustive consideration.
Contingent upon your singular circumstance, your arrangement might include prescription, treatment, or way of life acclimations to streamline your wellbeing.
We perceive the close to home excursion you're on and offer help to assist you with adapting to the difficulties and explore your feelings really.
Overseeing PCOS is a deep rooted excursion, and building areas of strength for a framework is fundamental. Encircle yourself with friends and family who grasp your encounters and empower you on your way. Moreover, focus on taking care of oneself practices like getting sufficient rest, participating in exercises you appreciate, and looking for help gatherings to associate with others confronting comparative difficulties.
Keep in mind, you are in good company! Our group of PCOS experts is focused on supporting you all through your PCOS venture. We offer complete consideration and master PCOS direction to assist you with exploring the difficulties, embrace your assets, and carry on with a satisfying life, PCOS and a
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multikore · 7 months
This is probably going to be the most out of pocket thing I send but here you go?
I present to you; my weird dreams part one.
this is gonna be fun (have the first line then everything cut off because it was way longer than I thought it’d be)
I accidentally fell asleep; my dream was me being Sans freaking Undertale apparently and I was singing with Outer!Sans in a giant broken down motel/hotel/event holder place thing? with stairs lining it in the middle in a spiral way since the middle was like a sort of hollow.
It had a ton of broken down decorations and other stuff which included a ship at the tallest we could go, where we thought (for some reason) it’d be funny to hang the charger of the phone, I think it was Outer’s or something but it wasn’t anything like the phone we see in the UT Game, more modern like now, connected to a battery pack I owned; Outer staying at the top holding it while standing by the side. I don’t own a battery pack but I think it was dark blue or black, or a light blue like Sans’s jacket just a bit different.
I’d like to add the top area had a bunch of holes, most likely caused by the ship or something since it seemed like it fell? It wasn’t huge it seemed like a small scale and simplified version of something as a decoration so yk not too much damage. And apparently I think I was waiting for someone? My head’s saying it was actually freaking Error but it might’ve been a paps?
The oddest bit was probably the fact for some reason me and Outer disregarded apparent zombies in the building, due to the fact most of the furniture blocked them off from us; them mainly being behind on balcony walkways also lining the inside where the stairs connected but whomever were there beforehand blocked it off using furniture was around. It was kinda like those tables near the edge usually with a few chairs maybe a vase with flowers or smth in the middle.
Anyways we hung the phone there, I held it and the charger was freakishly long, like long than height of where the highest we could reach in the building? So I go down the stairs swirling it around whatever greenery was standing in the middle of the column and whatever furniture was thrown in there having nature overtake it; meanwhile dodging zombies and any stray hands beyond the barricades.
(In my head I was half asleep mind you, so the entire time I was partially waking up and seeing my room and being in the dream- at this point I’m jotting down everything, every detail, every phrase, despite me already having bad memory and forgetting what people say within a minute.)
Anyways we have music being blasted and either my head made up a new song or it was something I had heard before but don’t remember at ALL, I think it was a break-up song? Guy’s perspective? I kinda forgot the lyrics and I can’t describe the tune but his voice kinda reminds me of My Chemical Romance (forgot the singer) but more of the Maria Count Me In singing voice I know.
Anyways I reached the bottom, hang out for a bit, Outer screaming the lyrics from the top as I scream them back up as well, complimenting the song too before Outer saying I should probably come back up after a few minutes or so. I agree since I’d rather stick with him in that place but then some zombies enter the bottom and I have to half-rush back up while carefully untangling the wire from stuff, I get to the top close off the entrance and almost trip into the hole where we hung the phone, we get it all back and Outer gives me my battery pack and even his phone and wire.
We talk a bit and make puns to ease me out as I catch my breath and then this bit is a bit blurry and a lot less logical in the actual world made.
I think Outer falls through where we hung the phone but he doesn’t die; I get a sort of phased out gaming screen when I know that’s not the premise where I am but it’s also kinda how it is where I’m physically located sleeping (but there’s no game or screen nearby it’s my ACTUAL VISION, I was in bed and still am right now)
He falls but I can still hear him talking pretty clearly and see his expression through that weird game thing? As if maybe he did die and he’s spectating but I KNOW his body is there, alive, hanging onto something I just don’t know what. (He did not die, do not worry)
Anyways a few Zombies bust through I enter the ship to hide and suddenly physics engine goes out the window and I sort of get glitched into a corner in the boat. Said corner had a hole, enough for me to fit at least and even a bit bigger I think (thinking over this again, this might’ve actually been Outer’s telekinesis thingie guiding me over there in the ship but my struggling confused the both of us)
I’m there panicking slightly as Outer laughs a little and seems worried yet trying to calm me a bit, the zombies come over from what I can hear.
Last thing I hear is Outer saying for me to jump and I think I try to, as I am right above the hole in the floor I use the weird telekinetic thing Sans has and fling the ship to where I heard the zombies and go through, seeing Outer’s hand ready to catch me as he’s standing on a floating star.
Dream ends, I wake up confused in my head was “was I sans Undertale in that” and then realise “oh hey outer was there cool” as well as “WHY WERE THERE ZOMBIES?? WHY WERE WE BLASTING MUSIC IN A BUILDING THAT FELT LIKE IT’S IN A FOREST??”
But yeah
My weird dreams and I love them unconditionally; have a nice day, night or evening, whatever time zone you’re in. Idk where you are and probably for a good reason but good whatever to you :)
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