#like blatant screaming.
thatdude-noah · 7 months
every time somebody yells outside of my building and wakes me up. i think i should be allowed to murder them.
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whynotimtired · 2 years
The best part of Will saying he wants forever with Mike so blatantly is that he isn't the one who brought it up, Mike was. In an act of projection he asks "What did you think? That we'd actually get to be together forever? When we're both boys?" and will says yes. He says yes, and Mike immediately regrets it.
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imruination · 1 year
The Darkling literally put Alina in A COLLAR.
Like okay there’s symbolism and quiet manipulation. Then there’s THIS. It’s so loud and in your face. He violated her, her powers and body. He chained her up to use as a slave.
AND GENYA. He might not have known what type of abuse she would endure, but he knew what kind of people he was handing her over to and that’s exactly the point. The power imbalance. She was a little girl and he didn’t give her a second thought. She was surrounded by men who tore her apart with a lift of a finger. With inaction.
Some of y’all just shrug and move on for aesthetics and I truly don’t get it???
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bearlytolerant · 11 days
I just love that Iris’ main pawn ends up looking exactly like her mother but the voice is different and it’s all wrong and all horrible to her. A constant reminder of her grief she must carry around with her. She can’t stand to look at her main pawn at first and when her pawn dies the first time, she leaves her in the rift for a very long time and goes about her life as Arisen on her own.
But eventually, after coming across quil wandering aimlessly in her world, she asks him to join her and breaks down and summons her main pawn, finally naming her after her mother.
But when all of the events are said and done, phaesus, quil and Iris all suffer grief twice over when pawn Gwyn sacrifices herself for a better world.
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
it honestly tiCKLES me every time i think about the beginning of s2 and how it’s repeatedly emphasised by canon that buck’s a lil obsessed with eddie at the start askdjfs like it’s not just “oh here’s a new best friend for buck - they’re gonna hang out and be bros and have each other’s backs!” it’s literally just buck over and over again showing the audience that he thinks eddie is the Coolest and Nicest person ever and did you know he’s also a Really Great dad and his kid is super adorable???????????
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seokjinite · 4 months
i cannot fucking wait for uther to die
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whiskeyswifty · 8 months
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in an au where panem still had modem music, what if sejanus was just really into angsty angry stuff. like he comes home from school and blasts linkin park for hours. he was an emotional teenager with like one friend at best and i think we should give that man some bmth or ffdp or something
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autisticlinkk · 7 months
I feel like Nintendo keeps trying to force a passive story into newer Zelda games to keep the “open-world” aspect! When it’s actually hurting the impact of the story!!
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If Rodion had to pick an Identity to use, she'd have to pick her Kurokumo one.
Sure, it wasn't like Dieci, with its near-comical strength, nor was it like Rosespanner, who could knock even the steadiest of opponents off-balance, but when Dante first set her Kurokumo Identity over her? Something clicked.
It was as if the world felt right again.
Unfortunately, that... rightness didn't last forever; once the run, be it to supply fuel for the Mephistopheles or a Mirror Dungeon, was over and Dante rescinded their Identities, the hole that her other self filled came back.
It was... upsetting, of course, but she knew it was a stopgap solution to her predicament. Didn't mean she couldn't grouch about it, even though she never outwardly voiced those complaints.
(And maybe, a small part of her murmured in the dead of night, maybe she simply missed when times were simpler. A time where she felt unstoppable, slashing at her enemies with a wild grin and whirling across the battlefield with the grace of a dancer, hollering taunts over hordes of opponents and challenging them to send their strongest...
It hurt to know that no contract the company gave her would ever get her back there.)
Besides, 'The Kurokumo Clan' had a nice ring to it; Calling your Syndicate "The Dark Cloud" in her nati saku the Fourth Language of The City was definitely badass.
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thekittyburger · 11 months
I swear to god if you call Good omens queerbait I am going to rip off your scalp and insert the definition of queerbait into your skull
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deadtower · 11 months
“progressive leftists” just going full mask off with the antisemitism huh
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the parallels between hatred of children for not knowing how to do things like emotional regulation or fine motor skills parallels with a lot of attitudes around disabilities that I hadn’t made the connection with before
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blog--witch · 10 months
Okay!!!!!!!!! I watched GO2!!!!!!!!! I’m once again feeling insane
#good omens#I’ve been busy but I finally watched the whole season#screaming and cheering at the end lmao mean!!!!!! I was like ok based on how everyone’s being they’re gonna be separated at the end#and Christine and I were like ok is aziraphale gonna be offered a job. and is he gonna take it. 🤨#but I did NOT think there was also gonna be a whole ass Crowley confessing his feelings scene where he Kissed Him On The Mouth#they’re insane for this#Christine: well we are in a post-ofmd world. me: I forgot about that. I’m still trapped in spn mindset hell#what do u mean the two pale coconuts actually jumped together on screen#*bumped#anyways. I get it guys#also tho I’m so excited lol are they gonna be nemeses next season???????? that’s my dream!!! I always want to see friends etc that then#become foes bc of Circumstances#but also tell me aziraphale wasn’t already like Oh I Fucked Up by the end of the ep#how long until he tries to go back to Crowley and this time I think he’ll actually have to do any amt of work to earn Crowleys forgiveness#which he rly has never had to do before lol#but that man Fucked Up “I forgive you shut up!!!!! 😭#also the blatant amount of dr who references. yeah I remember he’s the doctor thank you for reminding me!!!!!!#I saw a tiktok that was like all my teenage girls in their 20s rn are like BARK BARK BARK WOOF MEOW about David Tennant rn and it’s soo true#The Eternal Tumblr Sexyman#ANYWAYS AGAIN#I’m just dispensing all my thoughts here bc I don’t have time to scroll through a tag and feel insane and I don’t need to barf all these#onto someone else’s post#so here we are#I need to find something else to think about today bc every time I remember crowleys face as he was trying to eek out an I Love You I feel#physically nauseous#what am I supposed to do after that!#sorry to anyone who read all these tags I didn’t mean to
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hirokiyuu · 3 months
ace/riddle/floyd - nonary game
"We shouldn't trust him," says Ace, whose voice is a little rueful and whose watch reads 6; "Like, c'mon, when did he do a single thing that made any sense while we were in that room with him?"
Never, if Riddle's being honest--which is exactly why he can't shake the trepidation lingering in the hollows of his chest. Floyd is erratic, the type to get bored and wander off in the middle of a death game, and that means at this very moment on a whim he might be pressing Ally with just a single point left on his bracelet--or he might very well be pressing Betray.
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il-predestinato · 11 months
I'm not your mutual but I would like to hear your thoughts 😬
Just don't put on his tag so people won't see it.
I'm disappointed in his performance on the sprint shoot out as well, but in the sprint was there much more to do?
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