#like bruh what are your priorities. just so so weird
alittleemo · 5 months
please god how hard is it to not say snarky things as soon as I’m in the apartment. i am going to walk 500 million miles back to my home if that gets me out of here sooner
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evermoresqueiswriting · 5 months
the one where clarisse learns about her love language
"Late in the night, the city's asleep Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep Change my priorities The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury" - King Of My Heart, Taylor Swift
summary: after getting hurt during one game of capture de flag, clarisse gets taken care of by you and after this, clarisse went from never being at the infirmary to being there almost every day with a new injury. weird for an ares kid to get this easily injured, but you didn't mind
pairing: clarisse la rue x apollo!reader
word count: 6.2k i suddenly lost the ability to write shorter fics bruh
tags: fluff, clarisse fell first and harder
masterlist // ask box
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No one at camp had a job at camp per say. Hephaestus kids were the ones forging the weapons campers used, and Demeter kids sometimes cooked dinner. And some Apollo kids – including yourself – were the designated healers at camp. So, it wasn’t your job, per say, to stay at the infirmary all day long, but you were. 
You enjoyed the calm and serenity of that place. The sun always shined through the windows, and you could sunbathe all day long, while listening to your favourite songs or painting. Most of the time it was quiet, except when Will followed you there. He was a rather loud kid, he loved to ask questions and learn about everything you did. 
“Shouldn’t you be playing with other kids your age instead of trying to work here?” 
“Shouldn’t you be socialising with kids your age instead of working for free?” Will replied in the same tone. 
“I learned from the best,” he gave you a pat on the shoulder. 
“I regret it. All the time,” you turned away. “If you’re gonna stay here, at least help me clean this place.”
The first time Will tried to help you clean this place, it was a disaster. Before you ran the infirmary, it wasn’t organised, everything was just laying around. Then you came in, and cleaned up the place, and organised it how you liked it. Will didn’t know that, so he just cleaned up like he thought was fine. It wasn’t. And you had lectured him about never – ever – touching anything again without you being there. 
“Tomorrow’s Capture the Flag,” Will started. “They put really far from the flag and the fight, again,” he frowned. 
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“It always happens when the Ares cabin is teaming up with us. They’re always leading the fight.”
“Well they are good,” you shrugged. “But you know you can talk to Lee about this, he’s our head counsellor and he could talk to Clarisse.”
He shook his head. 
“Clarisse is kinda scary,” Will admitted. 
“Did I never tell you to never judge a book by its cover,” you put your hands on your hips, “but in that case you’re right. Clarisse does scare me a little bit too. And I’m kinda glad she decided to put me far away from her this time.”
Will rolled his eyes, clearly still upset. 
“Okay, I can see how this isn’t great,” you sighed. “If for the next one, we’re still teaming up with the Ares cabin, I’ll talk to Lee and Clarisse alright?”
He nodded. Hopefully, you weren’t going to team up with the Ares cabin anytime soon. You never talked to Clarisse, but you knew who she was. Everyone knew her. Ares daughter, head counsellor and incredibly scary. She was an amazing fighter, and no one wanted to be at the other end of her spear. 
“I’m just saying,” you ranted to Lee at dinner, “Will is a kid and it sucks that you decided to exclude him.”
“Who’s ‘you’,” he inquired. “Clarisse was the brain behind everything. She’s the strategist.”
“And what are you? A plant? You were there when the strategy was being made,” you argued.
“But Will never said anything to me. It’s always been this way.”
“Well he told me, and I’m telling you. Please pass along this information if we ever get teamed up with the Ares cabin again,” you smiled.
“Sure,” Lee nodded. “You’re the boss.”
“‘m not,” you mumbled and kept on eating. 
Lee was the Apollo cabin’s head counsellor. But really, you were his co-head counsellor. You have been at camp for a long time now, since the age of ten and you have always been a year-rounder at camp. But when the head counsellor spot freed up, you vouched for Lee. He wanted that position, he deserved it, and you agreed. But he always came for advice and your opinion. 
Capture the Flag day finally arrived, and you were getting ready, putting your armour on. You picked your bow and slid it on your shoulder, before leaving your cabin. You joined your team – the red one – and everyone was there already. Clarisse stood tall and proud at the front, planting her spear next to her. 
“Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged,” Chiron announced – like every single time. “Killing or maiming is not allowed.”
“Much to my regret,” Dionysus mumbled. “So yeah, let the game begin or whatever.”
Clarisse turned around, waved her hand around and people were running to their assigned position. You were on flag duty. On top of the hill that had a perfect view of your flag. If you saw anyone from the opposite side you'd shoot explosive arrows to blind and confuse them for a second, so your team had time to disarm them before they could reach your flag. 
You looked around, and spotted Michael and Lee. Chatting, and looking around. Moving on. Ares' kids were fighting some kids from the Hephaestus cabin. Logic. And then you spotted Clarisse. Walking alone through the forest. Probably to the other side where the blue flag was. 
But then you also spotted a group of three Athena kids – blue team – following her closely. Clarisse wasn’t stupid, she probably knew about them following her. 
“What are you watching?” someone asked, startling you. 
“Will! What are you doing here?”
“There wasn’t anyone around the borders, so I came to help you. So what are you staring at?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged, going back to monitor your flag. 
Will stared at you, huffed and went to look at what you were looking at. 
“y/n?,” Will called for you. 
“What?” you didn’t look at him.
“What?” you gave him a quick glance. 
“Something’s wrong.”
That caught your attention. You looked back at where Clarisse was. She seemed fine. The three Athena kids were no longer there though. 
“Don’t you see the trap?”
“What trap?” you frowned, looking more closely at where she stood. 
It was a particularly sunny day. If your dad wasn’t Apollo, you’d be blinded by the sun rays. But your dad was Apollo, so you were doing great. And there it was. The trap. It was so bright, it was hard to spot it. And the Athena kids knew that. So when Clarisse walked over it, it was too late and something came flying toward her. 
“What the hell?” you cursed before running down the hill. “Stay here,” you warned Will. 
Before you left, you gave a quick glance back, and Clarisse was down, surely unconscious. 
You sprinted towards where she was when you heard the emergency horn. The emergency horn that Chiron played at the start of every summer so campers would know what that sound meant. A warning for campers that the game stopped. When you reached Clarisse, Chiron and Mr D were already there. As well as most campers. 
“What happened?” campers talked among themselves.
“Move!” you pushed the kids blocking you from reaching Clarisse. 
Clarisse was bleeding from her forehead, and a metal stick was stuck in her left shoulder. It was overwhelming, people squeezing in to see what was going on, talking to each other. Even Chiron and Mr D couldn’t keep them in place. You kneeled beside Clarisse, trying to shield her from the campers, when you spotted one of the Athena kids that was following her earlier. 
You stood swiftly, without leaving Clarisse unattended and grabbed his armour with both hands to bring him closer.
“You take another step toward Clarisse again and I’ll make sure you won’t ever, ever, see another healthy day again. I’ll make sure you and your brothers will wake everyday in pain wishing you were dead instead,” you cursed him. 
You spoke in a low voice, but everyone heard. Just like that, everyone took a step back.
“y/n,” Chiron put his hand on your shoulder. “You’re needed in the infirmary, I’ll bring Clarisse there.”
You let him go, took your armour off and threw it on the ground before walking to the infirmary with your brothers close behind you. Michael had great healing skills too, so you’d need him. Will was learning so he stayed with you. Lee, as your head counsellor, also had to be here somehow. 
“Can you really do that?” Will asked timidly. “Make them sick forever.”
“Apollo kids can inherit dad’s plague powers,” Lee stated. “But it’s rare, and never that powerful.”
Will stared at you, but you only stared at the door. Waiting for Chiron to arrive. 
“Why are you so worried about Clarisse of all people,” Michael huffed. 
Lee slapped his arm. 
“What!” Michael rubbed his arm. 
“Great to know that’s what you’d think if we were ever on the battlefield,” you noted, “choosing who to help and who can die.”
“That’s not what I said!” he shouted.
“Then why shouldn’t I be worried about an injured camper, who just happened to be Clarisse?” you shouted back.
Someone cleared their throat. You both stopped bickering. Chiron. He put Clarisse on the bed next to the window and stepped back so you and Michael could start working. You didn’t need to talk to know what to do. You trained together, as a team, for years, so everything was done flawlessly and quickly. 
“She should be fine,” you announced, “I’ll stay and feed her ambrosia for the next few days and she should wake.”
“Great,” Chiron nodded, relieved. “Great work you two, as usual.”
They all left, except for Will and you both sat on the couch. You stared at Clarisse, with her head wrapped in a bandage, her shoulder too. 
“She doesn’t look so scary now huh,” you said. 
“No,” Will agreed. “So it really was the Athena cabin?”
“I don’t know, I mean I saw them. I don’t think Annabeth would’ve agreed to such a plan. As in a plan that’d almost kill their opponent in Capture the Flag. For a real quest, why not. But Capture the Flag?”
“What’s going to happen to those who pulled this stunt?”
“Well,” you sighed, “knowing Chiron, he’d probably just revoke their dessert privileges for two weeks instead of one. But I’m sure once she wakes up, she’ll know what to do.”
“Kill them?” Will ask, with a horrified expression.
“Maybe,” you shrugged. 
Will left first, leaving you alone with Clarisse. You told him you’d join him later when dinner would come. You went to see Clarisse. The bandages were already soaked, so you carefully removed them. You carefully cleaned her wounds again before bandaging them again. You fed her a tiny amount of ambrosia before joining the rest of your siblings for dinner. 
Before the feast could begin, Chiron gave a speech about how Capture the Flag wasn’t the place to settle personal accounts and that maiming and killing was forbidden. And how this time it went too far. 
“I’ve talked to the head counsellor in question, and it will be taken seriously. There will be consequences, and I don’t ever want to see this happening ever again.”
Campers nodded along, and went back to their table. You devoured your food in no time, not forgetting to leave some for the offering. Then you rushed to shower and clean your face before running to the infirmary where you’d spend the next few nights. 
“I really hope you’ll wake soon,” you told unconscious Clarisse. “I’m not used to having someone else in here.”
You walked around, putting things back where they’re supposed to, and walked back to where Clarisse was. Then you stood again, and sat.
“I’m crazy. A few hours with someone who doesn’t talk to me and I’m going insane,” you sighed. “Well, while we’re here, I have a few things to say, to get off my chest really,” you started your rant. “You know Will, my little brother. Well, Will is capable of holding his own, he can fight… maybe not your siblings, cause you’re all very, very, violent. But you don’t have to put him this far away each time you know, he notices.
“I’m saying,” you rested your back against the bed, “it could be different, you could come up with a different kind of strategy. It works for sure, you win a lot, but we could win in a different way also. 
“You know I saw you,” you continued after a moment. “Being followed by these idiots. I thought you knew, and–,” you paused. “Ugh I should’ve tried to protect you. Warn you. It was my job. Why didn’t I think of that earlier? And it was hot as hell, you could’ve felt a little dizzy and I should’ve–”
“Shut up,” Clarisse wheezed. 
You whipped around, standing up before backing away. 
“Ar– Clarisse?” you whispered. “Are you feeling alright?” you walked to her. 
Her eyes were still closed, she frowned and shook her head slightly. 
“Waw, Ares kids are tougher than I thought,” you mumbled to yourself. 
You went to grab some water and a straw, and sat next to Clarisse, on the bed. 
“You should drink a bit.”
She opened her eyes, and stared at you, with a blank expression. You blinked, and smiled, holding up the straw to her mouth. You frowned when she refused to drink. 
“Drinking water is good for you,” you added. “Please stop staring at me like you want to murder me.”
She rolled her eyes and drank everything before closing her eyes again, and turning her head on the other side. 
“Well, I’ll be sleeping on this bed,” you pointed to the bed next to hers, “if you need anything, shout.” 
Clarisse kept quiet, so you went to bed and fell asleep very quickly. Clarisse, on the other hand, could not fall asleep. She turned head around and looked at you. You clearly slept well, with your mouth slightly opened. After a few minutes of staring outside the window, her stomach growled. She needed to eat. 
There had to be food in here – she looked around and spotted a basket full of fruits and cake. That’ll do. She gathered all her strength and tried to push herself up using her left arm and yelped in pain. That woke you up.
“What’s wrong?” you worried.
“Nothing,” Clarisse panted, biting her lips. 
You rushed to her and saw her shoulder was bleeding again.
“What happened?” you worried, turning the lights on. 
You grabbed clean bandages, and a clean towel with some alcohol and rushed back to her. Clarisse somehow managed to sit up, her right arm holding onto where her left shoulder was stabbed.
“Don’t cover it,” you pushed her hand away.
You started to remove the blood soaked bandages when she grabbed your hand to stop you. You gave her a questioning look. Clarisse quickly let go of your hand and looked away, breathing slowly. You opened your mouth, but then closed it and resumed your work. 
“What were you trying to do anyway?” you asked when the wound was clean. 
“I was hungry.”
“I–, I mean I did say to shout if you needed me but I was not thinking a pained scream with you bleeding again. Just a ‘hey y/n bring me food’ would’ve suffice. I would’ve been up. And that’s done. Good as new.”
Clarisse was still looking away from you which hid her head wound. When she turned her head toward you, you raised your hand to touch her face, but she flinched away hard at your sudden movement. You froze, too afraid to move again. No one talked or dared to breathe – the silence became heavy. Clarisse opened her eyes, and stared at you. She took your hand in hers and put it down. 
“I–,” you breathed, “I was just going to check your head wound,” you murmured. 
“Go ahead then,” she sat straighter. 
You raised your hands slower this time, and tilted her head. You tore off her bandage and put it back in place. Clarisse could hear her heartbeat pacing up. Her mind and body stopped functioning. What was happening? She kept thinking about how your hands felt so warm in the night breeze, and how pretty you looked so close. Then when you dropped your hands, she came back to reality.
“Your face is still good. Like always,” and gave her a small smile. 
“I’ll go eat,” she blurted out before leaving bed.
“Oh– okay. I can go to the kitchen and bring other things if you want.”
“No it’s fine,” she brushed you off, focused on the fruits in front of her. 
Which was hard with you so close behind her. You watched Clarisse eat the strawberries and blueberries and grapes, and then you grabbed an orange and started to peel it. Once you were done you handed it to her. She grabbed it slowly and whispered a low thank you before eating it. Clarisse also ate half of the cake Katie brought to you earlier. 
“Demeter kids, am I right,” you ate with her, “I don't know what they put in their cakes but I could eat them everyday. You should rest now,” you put your hand on her right arm and squeezed it. “You can barely stand.”
This time when Clarisse closed her eyes, she fell asleep instantly. And so did you. The next morning, you were the first one up. As soon as the sun rose, you were ready to start your day. You went to your cabin and washed up before grabbing a new toothbrush for Clarisse. You changed your clothes, and then went to the Ares cabin. You opened the door, and no one was up yet. You spotted the only empty bunk bed – Clarisse had one for herself – and saw her drawer next to it. You grabbed a new pair of pants, and a new camp-half blood tee and left in a hurry. Clarisse was up by the time you came back.
“I brought some of your clothes so you could change,” you gave her the clothes and the toothbrush. “I did sneak into your cabin, but I didn’t look through your stuff, don't worry about that,” you smiled. “I mean, except for your clothes – sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“Well, I’ll let you change and I’ll be… not here for sure. I’ll go get breakfast!”
Clarisse watched you walk away, humming to some songs and when you were out of her sight, she got out of bed to change and clean herself. All she could think about was what happened yesterday. What even happened yesterday?
Before yesterday, you never spoke. She knew your name and vaguely knew what you looked like, but that was it. Since she arrived at camp, she didn’t once step into the infirmary – she didn’t need to. But now, for some reason, all she could think about was you. And how warm and soft your hands felt, how nice it felt to have you touch her face like that. 
By the time you came back, Clarisse went back to bed and laid down. You gave her what you brought and you ate together, picking off the same plate.
“How are you feeling this morning? Does it still hurt?” you pointed at her shoulder.
“I’m—,” she stopped. “It still hurts,” which was true. “A lot,” that wasn’t.. 
“Really?” you worried. “I thought you’d be doing fine, because you woke so early. I thought your body was healing faster than most campers. Well,” you picked a strawberry with your fork, “you’ll have to stay here longer then.”
“Can’t go against the doctor’s orders,” she shrugged. 
“True,” you smiled. “You finish this,” you pushed the plate toward her, “I’ll go get some supplies to change this,” you gently patted her shoulder. 
You rolled your chair away, and grabbed what you needed and rolled back to Clarisse. You hopped onto her bed, and started your routine. The wounds were healing perfectly fine, and very quickly, so it was odd that Clarisse was still in extreme pain. 
“I don’t think these wounds will scar,” you said. 
“A shame, they’d make me look tougher.”
“Look?” you huffed. “You don’t need those to look tougher, you already do. Scary even,” you joke, but not really. “I mean I’m not scared– anymore… but yeah, some people may say– think you do. Anyway, scar or not, you’ll always look and be the toughest.”
“Anymore?” she grinned. “Were you before?”
“I mean,” you dragged that last vowel, “I don’t think scared is the right word. More like– intimidated. I never went to these meetings for Capture the Flag because I knew if you disagreed or worse – dismissed my ideas – I would’ve cried.”
“I never would’ve done that,” she chuckled, “I don’t think you’re capable of having bad ideas. Lee’s constantly praising you and giving us your ideas that I always take into account.”
“Really?” you couldn’t stop your smile. 
She shrugged, and nodded. You playfully slapped her on the shoulder – the left one – and she yelped in pain.
“What the hell!”
‘Sorry!” you backed away, “it was a reflex.”
Clarisse ended up staying in the infirmary with you for three whole days, but she couldn’t fake it anymore when the wound completely healed and it was as if nothing had happened. The day she left, you cleaned up the room and sat alone on the couch, just like before. 
It was weird. Usually, you enjoyed the silence and solitude of the room, but now it was as if time had stopped. Every time you looked at the clock, it’d only been two minutes. And so were the next few days. Then on Friday, as usual, Lee came in to visit. You worked in silence – which was the first odd thing Lee noticed – then he saw how you always stared at the empty bed Clarisse used to stay in. 
“You’re being weird,” he said. 
“I’m not!”
“You’re never this quiet when I visit.”
“The past few days were a bit dry,” you explained casually.
“You can say you miss Clarisse, it’s fine,” he sat next to you on the couch. 
“I–,” you sighed. “It’s just… I was getting used to having someone with me.”
“Well maybe you should spend less time here and more time outside with, mmh I don’t know, Clarisse maybe.” 
“What if she doesn’t see me as a friend though? What if I’m imagining things? She hasn’t visited me once.”
“Then you come back here, and the end.”
“I hate you,” you groaned. “You’re no help to me at all!”
When the door suddenly flew open which startled both of you. You could recognise these hair anywhere. 
“Clarisse?” you called her name. 
She turned to face you, and a gasp came out of your mouth before rushing to her. 
“What happened to your face?” you held her arms.
Clarisse had a nasty cut going from her eyebrow to her hairline. She stared at you without saying anything before turning her gaze to Lee, and he spurted out some excuses and then left. But before he closed the door, he gave you a knowing look saying ‘see, she’s here’. 
“What happened?” you frowned. 
“I don’t know,” she whispered. She cleared her throat. “These few days of rest weren’t a good idea I think.”
“That’s–,” you paused, “not accurate.”
But before she could reply, you grabbed her arm and dragged her to the other side of the room, and let her sit on the chair. You grabbed clean cotton and some alcohol and started to clean her wound. You stood closely to her, between her legs with her hands holding onto your thighs to stay steady. 
“How did this happen anyway?” you asked.
“I was practising with my brothers.”
You frowned, and tried to step away but Clarisse was holding on tight to your thighs. 
“You got beat up by your brothers?” you repeated with a raised eyebrow. “I have a hard time believing this. You’re just better than them,” you said casually before patching up her wound. 
“Why do you know so much about my brothers’ skills?”
“I don’t! I know about yours. And from what I saw in the past, it’s always you leading the fight so I assumed that’s because you’re the best among them.”
“Mh,” she hummed, “well I guess you haven’t been doing your job very well if I’m not back to my old self yet,” she grinned. 
“Or,” you grinned back, “maybe it’s your skills. I think they need a little sharpening. Maybe I could spare some time and teach you if you need.”
She suppressed a smile. 
“Or, maybe you just want to spend time with me.”
You were close to each other, and Clarisse was still holding onto you. You crossed your arms, and stared at her. She was looking up at you, and you were looking down, which was a rare occurrence since she was much taller than you. 
“I’m doing a favour to you at best. But if you don’t want to,” you sighed, “it’s–.”
“I do,” she affirmed. 
That was the start of your friendship. Turns out Clarisse was really glad to hang out with someone that wasn’t her sibling. She was always the one seaking you out. At lunch, at dinner, during classes. All the time. Even when you were working, because somehow she always, always, ended up getting hurt. 
One of the first times she came in after your friendship hangouts was for a sprained ankle. She came in limping, and threw herself on her – not really – bed, groaning. 
“What happened?” you rushed to her side, worried. “You’re lucky I just came back in here!” 
Clarisse didn’t want to admit this, but that was exactly why she was here. She was on her way to her cabin when she spotted you walking around with your sisters and she was so focused on you that she tripped and fell. 
“I just fell,” she explained. 
“You just fell,” you repeated slowly. “Right. Well lucky you because this,” you patted her leg, “will heal in no time with this,” you brought her some ambrosia. 
“That’s it?” she asked.
“Yeah,” you smiled. 
Then the next time she came, like the next few ones, were always injuries that required you to clean up the wound, and then patch her up. It went from tiny cuts to ‘I have a bruise here’ then showing you her perfectly unbruised skin to serious injuries that she got during Capture the Flag. 
“You know at this rate I feel like you’re doing this on purpose,” you joked when she came in for the umpteenth time. “What is it this time?”
She shrugged and sat on her designated bed, and laid down. You joined her and sat next to where her legs rested. She held up her hand and you took it before she dragged you to lay beside her. The beds in the infirmary weren’t big enough for two so you were half laying on Clarisse with her arm resting behind your head. 
“Did you paint that?” she asked.
The ceiling was painted by the Apollo cabin, all together you decided on a design and painted it over weeks worth of work.  
“Here,” you pointed at the top of the painting. “That was painted by me.”
“Two planets?” 
“The moon and Saturn,” you smiled.
“Linked by a thread?”
“Yea, the red string of fate. It’s from Chinese mythology. The old lunar matchmaker god, who is in charge of marriages, would tie together two people with this red string of fate and they are destined to be together, to be lovers regardless of time, place or circumstances. And no matter what, that thread will never break. It can stretch or get tangled up, but it never breaks.”
“And what about the moon and Saturn then?” she frowned, confused. 
“Because,” you paused. “Your braids like a pattern, love you to the moon and to Saturn,” you started to sing, “Passed down like folk songs, the love lasts so long.”
You turned your head to look at her only to see confusion on her face.
“Taylor Swift, seven,” you explained. “It’s great, we’ll have to listen to it someday.”
“Really?” you looked at her excitedly.
“Yeah, you seem to like her so sure, I’ll listen with you,” she shrugged.
“Oh and that’s Will’s painting,” you showed her another corner. “That’s my dad and his lover, Hyacinthus. That’s where the name of the flower came from. Isn’t that kind of sweet how he named a flower after him.”
“I mean didn’t Apollo kill – by accident – Hyacinthus?” she grimaced. 
“Or Zephyrus was so jealous of my dad that he killed his lover, because he couldn’t get no man. My dad is an excellent archer. His aim never failed him. I don’t see how it’s possible for him to kill his lover. But gods being petty over these kinds of things, that I can believe.”
Clarisse hummed in agreement. 
“But enough about my father’s love life,” you shrugged, turning around to face Clarisse, “what about your dad? Still desperately trying to woo someone else’’s wife?”
“I don’t want to talk about my dad,” she yawned, then closed her eyes. 
Just as you were about to continue talking, you noticed that Clarisse had fallen asleep. It was still early in the afternoon so it was still bright outside. You looked around and started to get up so you could pull the curtains but Clarisse grabbed your arm to pull you closer to her, locking you in her arms. 
“Don’t go,” she mumbled. 
“Okay,” you whispered and stayed still. 
The thing was, Clarisse was like a human radiator. Sleeping in her arms felt exactly like sleeping under tons of heavy blankets. This much warmth only resulted in falling asleep in Clarisse’s arms. When you woke, you were alone in bed.
“Slacking off during work hours,” Lee said standing next to you. 
“Fuck!” you jumped off bed. “Why were you staring at me sleeping!” you screamed.
“You weren’t there and it’s almost time for dinner. I’m being a nice brother!” he shouted back.
“Oh. Well, thanks!” you yelled, and gave him a smile. 
You both left  to join your siblings at the dining pavilion, and once you sat at your usual spot, you scanned the room in search of Clarisse. She was at her table like usual, and eating in silence, head hanging low. Your tactic of staring at her wasn’t working even though you knew she knew that you were staring at her. 
“What are you doing?” Lee kicked you with his elbow. “Did something happen with Clarisse?” he whispered. 
You shook your head. 
“I mean,” you leaned in whispering, “we did sleep together.”
Lee’s eyes widened, mouth wide open and he backed away in shock. 
“You– you slept together? In the infirmary?”
“Not slept together,” you rolled your eyes, “she fell asleep and did I.”
“Anyways, she left without saying anything,” you explained. “And now, I feel like she’s avoiding me.”
“It’s only been a few hours.”
“She’s avoiding me, I’ve been staring at her for at least fifteen minutes and nothing. Not a glance from her.”
“Okay creep. But once again, just talk to her. It would solve all your problems here.”
“She’s the one who doesn’t talk. I talk. A lot!”
 “Trust me, I know. I just don’t think Ares kids are the best at talking, you know.”
But as it turned out, Clarisse mastered the art of avoiding people – you – when she wanted to. Whenever you tried to talk to her, she would disappear. After a few days of trying, you gave up and told everything to Lee. 
“If she doesn’t want anything to do with me, then fine by me,” you frowned, holding back your tears. 
“I’m sure you’re overthinking this,” he tried to comfort you.
“Oh please,” you huffed. “You saw what happened this morning when I tried to talk to her. I’ll get over it,” you whispered. “I’ll get over her.”
Lee considered himself your best friend, and favourite brother. You never said these things, but he considered you his best friend and favourite sister. And as your best friend he had to do something, he had to talk to Clarisse and give her a piece of his mind. So that night, he was a man on a mission. He walked to the Ares cabin, and waited for Clarisse to either go or or go out. 
“Clarisse!” he called her name when she finally left her cabin.
“What do you want, Fletcher?” Clarisse sighed, clearly annoyed.
“Oh, so you do speak. And here I thought you lost that ability,” he snickered.
“I will punch you in the face.”
Lee rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“I’m not scared, unlike you.”
“You’re scared to talk to y/n for whatever reason, and I need you to pluck up the courage to talk to her because you’re making her miserable by avoiding her.”
“I–,” she froze. 
Was she making you miserable? 
“You’re just doing your thing and going to her when you need, when you want but have you ever thought about what she was thinking? No. You would if you’d just listened to her, but no,” he made a big gesture, “avoiding her like the plague.”
“Why are you telling me this?” she mumbled, looking away.
“I’m telling you that you made a mistake, and if you continue down this path you’re going to lose her for good. I’m not saying this for you, because I couldn’t care less about you, but y/n is my sister and I want her to be happy and for some reason you are making her happy,” he rolled his eyes, “so do whatever you want with this information.”
Clarisse stood there, not saying anything, watching Lee walking away. But then he stopped and turned around to walk toward her again. 
“Before I forget,” Lee added before throwing his strongest punch in her face. “For making my sister cry.”
And he ran away, before Clarisse could punch him back. But Clarisse was too busy thinking about you to think about Lee and what he just did. If it weren’t for that afternoon in the infirmary, she probably would’ve ran to you so you could take care of her, but now, she couldn’t. So she went to sleep, wishing that tomorrow it’ll be better.
You were one of the first campers to arrive for breakfast. You ate slowly, and by the time the dining pavilion was filled with campers, you were done. But you stayed and listened to your siblings talk. Just as you were about to leave, Clarisse came in and you dropped your fork in shock. She had a black eye and her cheek was bruised, with her nose in a weird shape. She looked at you, as you stood urgently. But then you froze – should you go to her? You sat back down, still staring at Clarisse. 
“What happened to her?” Will whispered to you.
“I don’t know,” you whispered back. 
“You don’t? I thought you were friends.”
“Yea, me too,” you sighed. 
Clarisse was walking to her table, dragging her feet along and when she walked past the Apollo table, you stood and grabbed hand, forcing her to face you. When you noticed several heads staring at you, you dragged Clarisse away and brought her to the archery field. 
“What happened to your face?” you held her face in your hands.
“Nothing,” she leaned into your touch. 
“Clarisse,” you whispered. “Just talk to me please.”
“Lee came to have a little chat with me yesterday.”
“He did this?” you gasped. 
You held your hand to your mouth, in shock and to hide a tiny part of you that wanted to laugh.
“And?” you asked.
“He said I was making you miserable.”
“That’s not true!” you insisted.
“I ignored you. And I shouldn't have. I don’t–” she hesitated, “want to lose you,” she mumbled.
“Then just talk to me, we’re friends too.”
“I– I don’t know,” she stepped back and took a deep breath. “I was confused! I– I don’t know I like it when you take care of me,” she admitted in a low voice. “I’m being weird and–.”
“You’re not,” you held her arms. “It’s not weird to love physical touch. I mean, I just assumed that it was your love language you know.”
“What?” she asked, confused. 
“I think what you like is when I hold you or when I touch you because you love physical touch,” you began, “and you were doing everything to visit me, pretending to be a bad fighter and getting hurt on purpose.”
“No that’s no–,” she shook her head.
“It’s fine! My love language is quality time, and there’s nothing wrong—.”
“No it’s different–.”
“It’s not! It’s fi—.”
“It’s because I like you,” she blurted out. 
Oh. You couldn’t help but smile at her confession. 
“It’s not funny!” she huffed, crossing her arms. 
“I’m not laughing! I’m… happy about this outcome,” you rested your head against her arms and looked up. “Because I like you too Clarisse.”
“Really?” she stared at you.
You nodded. 
“I’m sorry about ignoring you,” she added.
“Mmh,” you smiled, “I accept your apology. But you’ll have to make it up to me.”
“Anything you want.”
“A kiss?” 
Clarisse uncrossed her arms and held your face instead and leaned in to kiss you eagerly. And you happily gave in, wrapping your arms around her waist. 
“Mmh, keep doing that and I’ll forgive you, no doubt.”
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greeniegaes · 6 months
Svsss Au! God Shen Jiu and Body Double Shen Yuan
Basically Shen Jiu is a very hard worker for CQS behind everyone’s eyes, he doesn’t care about recognition because he doesn’t want to be apart of a sect with a bad reputation and shit, but he does such a good job that he just… ascends to Heaven early. Some gods in heaven have been watching him for a long time and have been like “bruh he does so much stuff and they don’t even do anything for him??? He’s too good for them >:(“ and just make him join all of them in heaven
And Shen Jiu is like kinda fine with it he guesses. He doesn’t want to jsut leave the sect though, he still has his own responsibilities and stuff. So one of the other gods brings him a soul he found (Shen Yuan) and is like “we can make him a body like yours and he can be your mouthpiece at the sect and nobody will be none the wiser” and Shen Jiu agrees
So he makes Shen Yuan a (almost perfect replica) body and is like, here is my peak, take care of it, I’ll descend from heaven every once in awhile to check up on things.
And so he lives his days out as a god while Shen Yuan is a peak lord. SJ quickly realizes how much of a nerd this guy is, whenever he is by himself he’s gushing about weapons and monsters, a weird kid but whatever he gets the job done. What SJ is annoyed over me how nobody seems to realize he swapped himself out, people he’s known for years, once since childhood, don’t realize this person isn’t him.
And he’s a bit jealous. Of the person meant to be him.
The other gods realize this and are like “how about you and the CQS peak lords of old all descend so you can see them” (both because they feel bad and because SJ is scary when he is pissed off, guqin strings snapping is a terrifying sound) and he agrees, but still hasn’t told the sect about the fact he ascended and Shen Yuan.
So Shen Yuan hears about all the peak lords of old coming, is excited to meet SJ’s master, but once he gets to the grand hall he sees SJ there, all of the sect leaders happily around him. And he feels like he doesn’t belong suddenly. All those years he was here aren’t really his, they are supposed to be Shen Jiu’s, so SY goes back to the bamboo hut to just sit there by himself, waiting. because that’s what he should do now that SJ is back home.
SJ is talking to the other peak lords and is kinda just bored of it after awhile and is like “alright where is SQQ?” And everyone is like “you’re SQQ?” And he’s like “shitttttt I still haven’t told them” so he goes to his peak to find Shen Yuan only to find him in the bamboo house sobbing while holding a massive amount of his weapons.
“Shen Jiuuuuuu… I can’t hold them all :(“ SJ is confused, his face doesn’t look right crying like that and SY sounds pathetic “why do you need to hold your swords Shen Yuan” “aren’t you going to be a peak lord again? I need to continue my work elsewhere” SJ is just like huh- tf is wrong with this dude “you’re still peak lord, stop crying with my face it looks weird and let’s get going.” (Shen Yuan wasn’t even crying about leaving the peak, he was upset about leaving his research or weapons behind LMAO awful priorities)
So he gets both of them back to the sect hall and is like “see? This is the peak lord” and everyone is like “oh you are identical” and Shen Jiu is just exasperated with all of them and starts talking about details that nobody would notice in a million years for how the two of them were different.
Also doodles because I was talking to a friend about this lol
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shaevilux · 11 months
When the audio release for Leo happened and I had to hear the badass song with my own two ears I cringed to high heavens. Listen, cringe is subjective and is a strong word to use but my god.
If you have to sing about how badass your lead is I automatically will not take him seriously. Hype songs are common in these kinda movies and I do like them but this one? This one is so comically unsubtle like I can't.
And then I watched the movie two days ago. And woo boy.
Most of the songs in this movie are just... telling not showing. Badass, Ordinary Person, the song about being scared shitless. Maybe it's because I'm used to listening to hype songs or just songs in Tamil movies in Tamil but hearing these in English did some psychic damage to me. This is not a fair critique it's deeply personal but my god did I hate the english songs in this movie. They really took a page out of garth merengi's book and said 'fuck subtext'
And yeah while the movie happened and during all the cool action scenes when that badass theme played and I had to hear anirudh vocal fry the lyrics I could not take it seriously.
Anyway I liked Leo (the movie) well enough. Spoilers from here on out. The first half setting up the movie was pretty great. But like why would you spend half the movie to set up the next half?
The next half had the backstory which of course every Tamil movie loves to do. The backstory was legit just 2 locations. 1 short scene in a forest and the rest of it is in the tobacco factory. And within 4 minutes we learn Leo had a twin sister. And then in the 5th minute she dies and Leo burns down the factory, swears off his dad and uncle, and escapes. Like bruh. The bechdel test is shaking rn it barely had time to react to what happened.
The movie had weird priorities for sure. But anyway I know this was mostly a rant but I did genuinely enjoy seeing the movie, would like to see it again. The soundtrack was pretty great, too, if you take out the singing and lyrics.
The credits theme remixing Vikram's theme and Leo's theme was *chef's kiss*. Legit neuron activation moment for me.
Alright have a good one whoever read this whole thing.
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skaruresonic · 1 month
Relevant to SH2 and remake, Thankfully there are more people who are rightfully critical toward the upcoming remake as shown in the tweet but as you can also see there are also peoppe who downplayed the original game like that bruh
I'm already not interested in the remake but more people try to give this shit a chance and more i really don't want to play the remake
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"SH2 is way too generous with its ammo," they complain, only to try and fight Eddie using the Great Knife instead of the three hundred shotgun rounds the game gives you
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finally, some good fucking food takes in this Chili's. based and mandolin-pilled
I noticed in IGN's preview video that the boss design seems to have been restructured. Instead of you being locked inside a room with Pyramid Head and forced to hug the corners until the siren sounds, you're locked in a much more open room with PH while he chases you around.
That just feels backwards. PH was the centerpiece of the first boss encounter, and that was reflected in the camera angle:
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But because Bloober made the galaxy-brained decision to scrap fixed camera angles, they're forced to reinvent the wheel. This new over-the-shoulder mechanic centers James instead. The original's claustrophobic effect becomes lost when you're given more room to move around in. The original forced you into close proximity with a monster you didn't want to be anywhere near.
It's weird, is what I'm saying, especially when coupled with the dissonant ease with which PH swings the Great Knife.
On top of that, the combat mechanics are just... off, in a way that rings false. PH took a swing that James "dodged," but which should have definitely killed him:
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We also get particle physics of debris spraying everywhere, because how else will the audience know the Great Knife is powerful?
This blow should have cleaved James in half. Proximity to the Great Knife dealt massive amounts of damage in the original. If it so much as nicked you, it was treated like a heavy blow, if not an instant kill:
As a matter of fact, YouTuber Pongsifu hilariously died after merely getting glanced by the knife:
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But I guess coding the Great Knife in such a punitive manner would have been "too clunky" and compromised the combat. It doesn't matter that the Great Knife was so brutal in the first place because it represented James' desire for punishment, and as such became a painful burden to carry. Nah, Pyramid Head moves too slowly; let's have him wield it like a Buster Sword instead, because that makes sense and doesn't compromise our ludonarrative integrity at all.
Everybody knows SH2 ain't shit without ~le good combat~. And if we have to dilute the symbolism of our game mechanics to do it, by God, we'll do it.
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Again, I must stress that "fixing" the combat implies a sense of skewed priorities on Bloober's part. The combat was simply a means to an end in the original; you're meant to run away instead of fighting everything you see. Now the remake's design shift practically guarantees that you stay and fight enemies, which runs antithetical to the original's sensibilities.
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"Almost every boss in 2 consists of running from one corner of the room to the other" - Because tight quarters evoke a sense of claustrophobia. Do you also complain that you have to push past the Mannequins in the hotel basement without any of your weapons?
Most of the series' bosses take place in enclosed spaces. Sure, not all of them are set in rooms specifically, but they always pen you in in some form or another. Not that "spray and pray" makes for much more engaging boss battles than "wait and strafe," mind.
And why is claustrophobia suddenly considered a bad thing in a horror game? It reduces the tension when they give you room to move. See my point about how they restructured the Pyramid Head encounter.
"Silent Hill 1, 3, and 4 all had much, much better bosses."
AHAHAHAHA... oh wait you're serious.
How to tell me you haven't played Silent Hill 4 without telling me you haven't played Silent Hill 4. There are only two bosses in that game and one of them, no lie, blows chunks. It was seriously so bad that it contributed to my list of reasons for never playing 4 again. You cannot sit there with a straight face and tell me this was better than the Eddie boss fight:
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wakanai · 11 months
My flaws ✨
(making this because i want to look back on it when im older)
im sure ill be much different in the future 😌
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so let's begin discussing my flaws 😌
(tw: eds, body dysmorphia, long post)
bad sleep schedule (usually 2-4 hrs on weekdays)
bad eating habits (last week, I didn't eat except for dinner and I binged ate those dinners then on the weekends i binged all 3 meals cause i was idle)
being insecure about my faith even tho it's my belief system and is what keeps me going TT
not being open irl
having a hard time breaking the ice (i can do boring conversations like 'hi! how are you?' and am good at listening to other people but me being weird? interesting? making insane jokes and connecting instantly and sharing big laughs with people i just met? no TT TT i can be funny and insane w my close friends but i wish i wasn't so reserved and awkward around new people TT)
caring too much what other people think
not being pushy enough (the other day, I went up to a classmate and asked 'you're the board monitor right? can u put this on the board?' she denied it and stared straight into space without looking back at me. so I left and put it on the board myself. I'm quite sure she was lying though, she just didn't want to do it)
not setting my priorities straight (pls TT i would elaborate if it wasn't for my insecurity issues 😭)
I annoy my brother a lot but sometimes I think I go too far
I don't exercise on my own unless it's something I registered for TT
why the hell am I attracted to people who are good at manipulating others (maybe because i like someone who knows the tricks and doesn't get used by others 😂 and is just real as hell) <<< once had a convo w my popular, confident classmate. told him I used to be in the top 5 hated people in class cause people thought i was a 'show off' or had 'hero complex' cuz i kept suggesting ideas and raising my hand in class. he said "obv. you have to do it for the honors" and shared that even though he gets called a 'kiss up' for being friendly w the teachers, it helps him get good grades and advantages. he's rlly cool even tho i lowkey think he's manipulative lol (but he's kind too and i like him. rlly funny and makes sense why he's got lots of friends. i want to get his confidence so bad TT)
hmm what else? sometimes i cant control my facial expressions.
my mind goes blank during social interactions sometimes. someone will make a joke or comment and idk how to respond TT like my brain just goes ***loading*** - and yet im so witty when im w my close friends ugh
will send a message confronting someone then be hesitant to open their response :)
not responsible enough
i want to get kunikida's discipline and dedication when it comes to working :)
that's all for now. might add more in future idk. but for now all i really want is to get the confidence to show my real self and actually make my priorities straight. *cough cough put God first *cough cough submit all those college applications *cough cough do my things correctly *cough cough interact w my classmates who i think are rlly cool but inferiority complex and stereotyping myself are getting in the way 😄
by stereotyping myself, i mean thinking of myself (sometimes) as the 'boring classmate' like ?? why do humans put themselves into a box? why can't they just do what they want? it's disgusting TT
it reminds me of the time in grade 8 where my friend said
"I'm surprised your friends with En"
"I mean..you're so different. you're like the kind classmate and she's the...yk" (En is very loud, extroverted, can be unintentionally mean, 'popular' girl)
bruh i hate high school culture so much 😂 that's a rant for another day tho.
my current class is actually really great. senior culture is quite diff. im just not that confident and have to let myself out there more and stop putting myself in a box because that's not how humans work).
btw the pewdiepie picture i used is from this video lol
have a good day ig TT
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simptasia · 4 years
i’ve been lowkey avoiding tumblr the last couple days, just lightly checking in, because of all these election stuff. twitter too. just nothing but politics stuff, which is annoying and not fun. totally understandable, espech this one! like it get that its a big deal. so yeah so its funny to me that just yesterday im like “ah tumblr is annoying right now, i’ll go do something else” and then today i wake up and my dash is flooded with supernatural stuff. i had no idea so many people i followed were even supernatural fans! guess its like me where its dormant until something big happens, like the 200th ep or scoobynatural or holy fucking shit cas just confessed his love to dean, and it actually happened on tv and it wasn’t a dream or a possession or whatever, cas actually did that [giddy laugh]
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diamondcitydarlin · 3 years
besties has anyone figured out a non gay explanation for why mobius absolutely flips his shit over the idea that loki seems to be in love with his own variant, like if we were really going for brotp nothing romantic whatsoever I could understand mobius being hurt/angry about loki lying to him and making an escape attempt anyway (whether it was actually that or loki taking initiative-...that's a different discussion lol) and i could even understand him being casually disappointed like wtf man really but uh...that's not what happens lol mobius spends the better part of their conversation TALKING ABOUT HOW GROSS IT IS HOW COULD U DO THIS WOW SORRY I INSULTED YOUR -GIRLFRIEND- THAT U HAVE SOME -SICK- -TWISTED- ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH 'SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!'
why. does it. bother him so much. ??? and why does loki feel the need to correct him at all??!?!?!?!? LIKE EVEN WHEN LOKI LIES ABOUT THE DYNAMIC OF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH SYLVIE TO INTENTIONALLY HURT MOBIUS HE STILL SOMEHOW DOESN'T WANT MOBIUS TO CONFLATE ANYTHING AS ROMANTIC BETWEEN THEM LIKE???? i mean, sure, it's weird for most people. but. mobius. bruh. you've studied loki, I know you've seen some shit, and yet this really really really bothers u.
and it also doesn't fucking help the situation that by the time mobius has accepted loki's priorities (and affections) lie elsewhere he backs off, when he's leaving to go back and burn down the TVA he keeps it all real casual, just extends a hand and gives a 'see u around'- again, this is sussy bc if they were just friends who are now cool with each other there would be no reason for Mobius to be putting these boundaries between them all of a sudden. There would be no reason for Loki to recognize the moment begs something more than a handshake and embrace him accordingly. Why did Mobius originally avoid that embrace?
it's actually really romantic and tragic to think (the only real logical explanation for this, no criticism accepted) that Mobius reigns his own feelings back in long enough to apologize and work things out with Loki, long enough to see him off to the place beyond the void and keep those boundaries between them so Loki doesn't have to be burdened by the truth. Mobius has...really no concrete reason to believe they'll ever even see each other again, but he still doesn't make it Loki's problem.
like the part where they're about to go their separate ways and mobius does that momentary little look at the ground, as if to betray that there's a lot more going on within him that he's not going to reveal. its such a common romance trope and im pulling my hair out!!
i mean idk it really feels to me by this part of the story that both of them have caught feelings for one another and are both too afraid, too quick to assume it wouldn't be reciprocated so it's not even worth considering (according to them), but those feelings still crop up and end up defining their interactions regardless and even when they make up and agree to work together and are finally on the same page they still can't acknowledge it
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bloody-oath · 3 years
Which slashers would use chapstick?
Here lies deep pan crust. Going through the list...
Which slashers would use and need chapstick?
Jason Voorhees: Super crusty. Each kiss comes with free nibblies, i.e., skin flakes with a side of rot. Anti-chapstick. Anti-healthy. Jesus cannot save.
Michael Myers: Not bad. Dehydrated, but not dry. His skin is tough as nails. Additionally, the mask protects his smackers from weather damage. No chapstick, no need. Good on you, Mike.
Freddy Krueger: Bruh. First, give him some skin to moisturise. If the chapstick is tinted red, it will look like tomato sauce on a pair of burnt sausages. Do not even bother. 
Bubba Sawyer: He does not need chapstick. The chapstick needs him. His lips are extra plush, all bounce. Mattresses be damned. Rest your weight on these babies instead. 10/10 would ride again.
Nubbins Sawyer: Adequate. That is the passive-aggressive word we are going to use. Better than what you may think. Not that great though, settle down. Oblivious to skincare.
Chop Top: Well, he *is* the ambassador for Colgate, hello. Does not use the hydrating balm, but would not be against using one. Half a point.
Drayton Sawyer: Oh. Oh, yeah. Stacks of them. Goes through a whole stick per day. Has a huge stash of them in his bedside drawer... No. What do you think? No.
Brahms Heelshire: Send help. If there is no soap usage, there is certainly no chapstick applications. Just give him what he wants and spit on his lips. Voila. Good enough.
Chucky: Lucky bastard never needs to worry. Plastic is fantastic. The softness is debatable, but they are crack-free. Weird though, because despite that, a lot of shit spills out of them.
Hannibal Lecter: Maybe. Actually, yeah. At home? Yes. Did he have one in his cell? Doubt it. Han is a man of self-care. The chapstick he uses is nothing fancy. Clear colour, no fragrance, does the job.
Norman Bates: Perhaps when dressed as his mother. It is a beauty product, after all, and she is a woman. Gender roles in the sixties and whatnot. If dryness were to occur, he may contemplate a soothing solution. Progressive.
Pennywise: Smearing paint on his face is routine, so why not add in a chapstick for the nourishing benefits? Too bad he does not have one. Blood will have to do. Specifically, kiddie blood. Fun to wear, tasty to lick.
Pinhead: Can you imagine? He cannot. Therefore, he does not. Oddly, lubricating his dermis is not a top priority for the Hell Priest. No matter. He struggles to find a lip balm that matches his pale skin anyway.
Billy Loomis: Yes, I am convinced. It is a secret though. If anyone were to find out, in the bin it goes. He only applies the ointment occasionally, but he uses one, nonetheless. If only he utilised the same amount of effort towards his hair.
Stu Macher: Yeah, he uses chapstick... the one Billy owns. Whoops. Vanity is not a necessity for the boy. It is more for shits and giggles than anything else. Like using crutches when you are not crippled, because why not?
John Kramer: Sure, if needed. Why suffer parched lips? Why would a person torture themselves? Why not find a humane, simple, easy to execute solution? Hmm.
Hilliker Brothers: Uh, supposedly? Depends on what you mean by use though. Saw Tooth manipulates it to treat wounds. One Eye fucking eats it. Three Finger wields it as a marking tool to assist with placing his traps. Practical ways.
Jack Torrance: This is the guy who would buy those bizarre flavoured balms, such as bacon and pickle. The novelty amuses him to no end. Boomer like.
Candyman: Beeswax. You guessed it. I said it. Everyone agrees. There we go. 
Leprechaun: If he does use a chapstick, it is not working. Time to switch brands and consult a dermatologist about those blisters. Decayed-looking-ass lips.
Yautja: He learns something new everyday. Chapstick, you say? Do not eat it, but I will try to anyway, you warn? It shall be digested. Likes the sweet aroma.
Ash Williams: Most definitely. Pondered sawing one of his fingers off to replace it with an essential tool that is his lip salve. Not really. He is big on modest pampering though.
The Creeper: Might consider devouring it. That will be as far as it goes. Collects any chapsticks as loot from the bodies of his dead victims. Still trash, but also treasure.
Art the Clown: Totally. Why stop at chapstick when you can slap on tar? A sticky, black, questionable substance. Do not forget to coat the teeth as well. Spread that shit. In truth, it is charcoal - and he just wants a whitened smile.
Mick Taylor: God, no. Do not even dare to offer him a chapstick. You will get it thrown at your face, along with a bullet inserted where it hits your forehead. Blokes do not use feminine products. Bloody oath!
Total: 9.5 / 25
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milki-mlqc · 4 years
The MLQC crew as parents ?
MLQC as parents / baby au!!
in the midst of the overflowing happiness, lucien would be concerned
due to the lack of paternal figures, he wasn’t entirely sure what role he was supposed to fill
while lucien frequently visited the orphanage and took care of children there, there was still quite a difference in temporarily taking care of a child and raising one
but that didn’t mean that lucien would find mind your pregnancy
shelves were filled with baby and parenting books right next to the philosophy books
lucien would no matter what find time to read for you and the little one
you two were his priority over anything else 
and when your daughter is born he cries in happiness
he’s such a caring father and husband
sings la vie en rose to calm you and the baby
colours with your child “look at the purple butterfly dad!”
really good at calming down children
this family is his number one priority
kiro was so excited!!
imagine a little you and a little kiro running around!!
at your first ultrasound you saw him wiping a tear away
“congratulations!! you’re expecting twins”
cue kiro’s most overjoyed face, he was literally vibrating in happiness 
“mc!! there’s two of them!!”
singing lullabies to them before they’re born
his fans send you two baby stuff(mostly diy kiro merch for babies)
but that didn’t mean all of his fans liked you and so when going outside kiro was extra extra protective 
manager savin turns into uncle savin (pls yall he adores the twins so so much)
you and kiro also adopt a dog to complete the family (the kids named him ratatouille)
you’ve also got pet goldfish, they’re named sour, cream, and salt (and yes they’re named after chips,,,)
kiro loves his family more than anything else, and he’s so happy that life has led him here
has tons of unreleased songs dedicated to your family (they were simply too personal to release
took care of your weird cravings
the perks of being married to a great cook
peanut butter bacon sandwich? rye bread with liver pâté and cucumbers?
don’t worry victor’s got you
spoils you and your baby rotten
he has this special smile reserved for you and the little one(and it’s so very soft with his eyes dripping like honey and his teeth on display. there’s no reluctance or anything, just pure warmth and love.)
he kisses your baby bump goodnight everyday!
and when the baby is born victor’s sappyness increases with 120%
he’s quick to spoil  (what’s the point of being a ceo if you can’t spoil your loved ones without worry??)
but you make sure to hold him back from the careless spending 
does not want to get a nanny, no matter what
doesn’t call you a dummy in front of the baby (that often..)
he would be oh-so careful around you
“gavin i’m pregnant not made of glass”
after that gavin learns to relax a little
his mc tingles turn into mc-and-baby tingles
he can just somehow sense when something is wrong??
no one questions it
flies to the convenience store whenever you crave something
listen,,, this boy has gifted hands and when your back begins to hurt, he’s got you boo
cries when the baby is born
when you tell him you’re expecting he drastically cuts down on any mission longer than two days
how could he leave you and the little one alone :((
cries when he holds the baby for the first time
whenever the baby cries at night he takes care of it, so that you’ll get your sleep
minor is the baby’s unofficial uncle and emergency babysitter (thanks bruh)
bonus (shaw)
shaw would 120% be the cool dad, no doubt
though he may be reckless, your kids couldn’t be in better hands
he wants a big family with you so be prepared (with your consent ofc)
you two end up on loveland’s tv show; “why so many babies” jkjk 
“ahah baby go brr”
“wait shaw no”
ahah thank you so much for your cute request!! i enjoyed writing this a lot!!
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dream-of-kpop · 3 years
TXT is Normal Like You (sort of)
•ok, i bop to the songs but idk shit about txt. i thought it would be interesting to make a story on a group i know nothing about and see if i'm accurate or not.•
*Soobin dances in a circle with the guys at a club*
Soobin: *sticks his tongue out while bodyrolling* "Ayeee lean back, aye lean back-"
*Heuningkai tries to grind on him*
DJ: *speaks into the mic* "Are y'all ready for the next one?!?!"
*the crowd screams chaotically "YEAHHHHHH!!!!"*
*21st Century Girl by BTS starts playing*
Soobin: "FUCKKKKKKK THIS IS MY SONGGGGGGGG!!!" *starts jumping up and down*
*Taehyun takes 2 shots at once and starts dancing along to the beat*
Taehyun: "WHO CARES? WE CAN PAY IT!!!"
*the rest of the night is a blur until they get back to their penthouse around 2am*
Yeonjun: *jumps up and down* "HURRY UP I GOTTA PEE-"
Taehyun: "WAIT!" *turns the key and unlocks the door after multiple tries*
*Soobin breaks for the bathroom closest to them, shutting the door behind him*
Yeonjun: *pounds on the door* "OMG I'M GONNA EXPLODE WTF DUDE!!" *runs*
*the others drunkenly head to their rooms to sleep off their hangovers*
*as Soobin vomits into the toilet bowl, suddenly the door bursts open with his mom entering the bathroom*
Soobin's mom: "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS???"
Soobin: *retches into the toilet bowl* "Mom?...What are you doing here?"
*Soobin drowsily tries to bring himself up off of the floor*
*his mom slaps him upside the head, instantly waking him up*
Soobin: "WHY DID YOU HIT ME???"
Soobin's mom: "ANSWER THE QUESTION."
*his mom hits him upside the head 3 more times, repeatedly*
Soobin: "MOM STOP-"
Soobin: *gags* "Wait." *gags* "Ok, it went back down- I DON'T WANNA LIVE WITH YOU-"
*his mom cuts her eyes at him*
Soobin: "I mean...because I'm an adult and I can handle my own business..."
Soobin's mom: "YOUR MONEY IS MY BUSINESS NOW. BE PACKED UP BY THE END OF TOMORROW..." *she leaves hastily*
*the next morning the boys are awaken by loud noises of Soobin putting stuff into boxes*
Taehyun: *sleepy* "Woah woah, what's going on?"
Heuningkai: "Aye, are we moving to a bigger space?"
Soobin: "No...my mom is pissed we're spending a lot of money and wants me to move back in with her."
*the boys gasp*
Soobin: "I know."
Taehyun: "We're good on money though."
Soobin: "I mean. I see her point but it's our money you know?"
Yeonjun: "Yeah! So what if we spend like $20k on a shopping haul at Polo? Or $1k at Chipotle so we can be healthy?"
Soobin: "I know right? HYBE is gonna come back eventually...right?"
Yeonjun: "Dunno. I heard Pdnim had to sell his beach house."
*they all gasp yet again*
Beomgyu: "Omg that's awful..."
Heuningkai: "I would literally cry if I had to sell my jet ski...No I would cry if I had to sell my yacht...Wait no..."
Soobin: "Anyways, do you guys mind helping me?"
Yeonjun: "Absolutely not. I almost pissed myself last night because of you."
Soobin: "You should've used the bathroom at the club then."
Yeonjun: "My ass and dick are not touching a public toilet seat or urinal. You can miss me with that..."
*Soobin shakes his head as he puts some books into one of the boxes*
Taehyun: "So, is there really nothing we can do? I mean I can call a moving company for you?"
Beomgyu: "Shouldn't we convince his mom to let him stay?"
Soobin: "There's no point. She's already made up her mind."
Hueningkai: "THIS SUCKS- We already RSVP'd to Blackbear's party next week bruh, so what are we supposed to do??"
*they hear the front door unlock; Soobin's mom enters calmly*
Soobin's mom: "Are you almost done?"
Soobin: "No, I still have a lot of stuff to get through..."
Soobin's mom: "You wouldn't have this much stuff if you didn't spend your money like a maniac..."
*Soobin holds his tongue trying not to backtalk her*
Beomgyu: "Uh, listen here Mrs. Soobin's mom, uh we want to say that you can't control Soobin anymore. It's his money and he can do whatever he wants. You know, respectfully."
Soobin's mom: *scowls at Beomgyu* "Get in the car Soobin."
Soobin: "No. I am grown, with my own money and priorities in life. You cannot control me...Mommy."
Taehyun: "Uh..."
Soobin's mom: "Get. In. The. Car."
Soobin: "No!"
*the vibe of the room turns very tense*
Soobin: "They're like my brothers mom...We want to stay true to our old group name...Tomorrow by Together..."
Soobin's mom: *crosses her arms* "So you're telling me you're gonna live together even in your 40s to stay true to 'TXT'?"
Yeonjun: "I wouldn't mind it."
Heuningkai: "Yeah it's fun getting drunk with them."
Soobin's mom: "Fine, whatever. If you guys want to go broke, do that, but don't come crying to me for a place to live."
Soobin: *jumps up and down and hugs his mom* "DON'T WORRY, I WON'T!!!"
Soobin's mom: *lets go of Soobin* "Alright, I'm leaving..."
Soobin: "LOVE YOU MOM!"
Soobin's mom: "Yeah yeah..." *leaves*
Taehyun: "Ayeee, we gucci?"
Soobin: *beaming* "Hell yeah we are~ So...y'all gonna help me unpack?"
TXT: "..."
Soobin: "Fine then."
[3 months later]
*the 5 dance in a circle on the dance floor at the same nightclub*
Taehyun: "AYEEEEEE!!!!!"
Yeonjun: *hits Tae's arm multiple times to get his attention* "WE GOTTA GO! I NEED TO PEE!"
*Taehyun ignores him and goes back to dancing*
Yeonjun: "SHIT FORGET IT-" *runs off*
*Soobin walks up to the overcrowded bar to order drinks*
*after receiving the drinks, Soobin hands the bartender his card*
Soobin: "WHAT??" *hands him another card*
*it rejects*
*runs over to Taehyun, Kai, and Beomgyu to beg them for their cards*
Beomgyu: *stops dancing* "IT'S DECLINING??"
*the boys hand Soo their cards and he runs back to the bar*
*all of them declining*
Bartender: "GO AHEAD!"
*Soobin runs back to his group*
Heuningkai: "WHAT ABOUT YEONJUN??"
*after running around the club for 10 minutes, there is still no sight of Yeonjun so they go outside*
Yeonjun: *appears beside them* "Hey."
Taehyun: "Where were you???"
Yeonjun: "I gave up. I went across the street to pee at Starbucks."
Heuningkai: "That's very brave of you."
Yeonjun: "No worries, mine is too. They seriously tried to force me to buy something so I could use the bathroom but my card declined hehe. Whoops."
Yeonjun: "Yeah I checked my account, $10."
Soobin: "Uh, hang on guys I'll be right back..."*walks away from the guys*
*dials his mom's number then starts crying the moment she picks up*
Soobin's mom: "Hey how-"
the formatting looks crazy-
21 notes · View notes
83. You were telling us about what the Avengers were like in your dimension,” Sam answers." OOOH SIS WHATS THE TEA
85. I wanna meet The Seraph, she seems dope but a bitch.
88. So... are The Seraph and YN friends? 👀
90. OH- WELL.
91. Damn I- not them being hunted 💔💔 just let Chenle get his eggs 😖
92. Connections aka her father aka her family aka her brother whos an Avenger. Got it.
93. I mean, she's a little different Steve.
95. *very early twenties
96. Bro theyve been through so much shit... the eldest in The Maverick is 20 i-
97. YN is YN. YN is me but YN is also you.
98. Yn lowkey living our lives with not being close with her dad 🤚🏾
101. SIS REALLY SAID ✨arson✨
103. Mark still helping the squaddd
104. Im guessing Mark and The Maverick arent on... good terms?
105. they went to go read... I felt the sass PLEASE
106. Hes gonna open it 🧍🏾‍♀️
108. Lifelines... why do I feel like YN will nearly die coming back from the library.
109. JISUNG I-
110. NOT 💀 THEM 🧍🏾‍♀️ TAKING 😃 THE 👀 CRYSTAL 🔪
83. Sam’s gonna know all about these little shit’s by the end of the chapter
84. Chenle: *takes a sip* So here’s the motherfucking tea
85. I don’t think you’d live to tell the tale, Vicky
86. Yup ❤️
87. Yup ❤️
88. I’d describe their relationship as... strictly business
89. Bucky said “you could’ve been heroes and now you just told me about how you tried to make beef stew in a coffee machine”
90. Yeah the Seraph isn’t a good person—
91. Chenle: *steps out of the apartment* *immediately gets shot at* “I JUST WANT MY DAMN EGGS”
92. I mean... kind of yeah
93. She built different too, girl has priorities
95. Yeah—
96. I KNOW they’re tired
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99. And the plot thickens
100. Unless YN made Mark promise not to snitch
101. She said “fuck my family and fuck this house too”
102. Yeah poor guy ✋😞
103. He means well!!!! 😩😩
104. I mean, moving from the Maverick to the Avengers is... a big jump. But it’ll be explained more later
105. Haechan is #disgusted
106. Yup
107. YUP
108. *gets hit by a taxi*
110. Ugh white American man
111. Mans is having a partayyyyyyyy
112. WOO THANKS FOR ENJOYING IT Omg we got past 100 HDHDDHEH Also weird thought did you read the newest TSTL chapter I can’t remember—
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vbee-miya · 4 years
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𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚄𝚙 𝙵𝚘𝚛
╔═ @rosesapphic ═╝
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𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚞𝚙 - 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚊 𝙰𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗
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I’m just saying she’d kinda like your spitefulness, it’ll be pretty badass for her.
You’re literally the only other Asian in the crew...🧍🏻‍♀️ so I guess y’all would bond over that especially since y’all are half as well. So that’s another thing. 
Trauma gang? I think yes. She’s calm and collected so if you’re like gonna mentally break you betcha she’d be there running to you holding you in her arms and if you’re still crying or sniffling and shit she'd wrapped her scarf around you looking deep into your eyes. 
She’d give you a warm gentle smile that makes you feel like she just fixed the world’s problems. She’d give you a little head kith kith and hold you closer to her. 
She wouldn’t mind that you’re quiet, but she’d kinda play the part as a mom and make sure you’re her biggest priority. 
Please bruh, your life is so worth so much to her and she’d do anything in her power to protect you away from the titans, the toxicity of the gov, or weird m*n. 
But even so you’re a mf queen scary persay. 🧍‍♀️ and with that being said you just throw something like a slipper or shit and off with their heads. 
Downfall of this relationship? Everything jk that’s hella cap. I am suddenly blind.
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𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚞𝚙 - 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝚉𝚘𝚎
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Ayo all I’m saying is that. Yes.
Also you’re a mf any compared to this queen. Because yes.
Your spitefulness might come off as annoying to her like girl why you being so spiteful for? Chile anyways so- 
Dating Hange would include constant late night talks about anything really. They’re usually hella deep philosophical conversations.
Please bruh SHE GIVES THE BEST CUDDLES AND THATS FINALlkdhfiajheerfkhnrgl. 
You’re like lying in her arms as she talks about her titan experiments or just what you’d think about the outside world cuz when Armin (my bby sunshine) mentioned about the world outside the walls she was like … wait- deadass? 
You’re quiet, so when you’re just there chilling sitting on her desk as she’s trying to think would be life to her. 
You're her little ball of sunshine. I pretend I do not know ur sarcastically mean. 
Bruh you’re filipino? Oh SaMe 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
Anyways you’re ruthless so when you’re pissed off or if someone pisses you off *cough cough* Reiner. You betcha she'd cheer you on as you try to beat the living hell out of Reiner. 
Tell me why she’d love your sense of humor? Because I can see her understanding and relating to your humor like bruh same. Or like HAHHAH I do that. 
Downfall of this relationship is probably that...she I- man. 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️I-. I do not see the problem… I am blind. 
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𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚞𝚙 - 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚗
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He’s a m*n. 
Not all m*n is bad.
But he’s 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
He’d fight you. Like I feel like your existence would just bother him. He wouldn’t know why, but he doesn’t like you. Sorry y’all just don’t vibe, your spitefulness would irritate him. 
Brightside? Hahahaha funny. Nice on Katara.
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Again another really fun request. Hope you enjoyed your results @rosesapphic . Sorry if I might’ve left any blanks. Or if the characters weren’t who you’d hope to get m(_ _)m
LMMAOO RIP the pictures
For those who are still waiting please be patient. I've had a pretty busy schedule and workload. DM me if your request has been pending for about a month now.
Pictures edited by: @dublemiyachiaseed
My requests are open
Mondays - Fridays
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trolloled · 4 years
Quadrant Masterpost
time to rip off my homie rai like i do at least 60% of the time
Inspired by rai’s inspired post about quadrants, I decided it’d be fun to write something similar. Contained within this readmore is a vault of open quadrants for the trolls I usually have the most energy to write for and what they seek.
Part 2: Here
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Damath Zannar - 11 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Damath wouldn’t say he wants a matesprit, but he’d certainly not turn down the idea of someone listening to him and being close emotionally. He’d prefer someone who shares his quote unquote ‘highbrow’ tastes but without getting too full of themselves about it. A self aware noble, a little like himself, if you will. He’d heavily prefer they be able to defend themselves adequately, he’s too paranoid to be comfortable with having to protect someone himself. Oddly enough, he doesn’t particularly care that much about caste. Though he’d be a little distraught inwardly at the lifespan difference.
♦ - Damath is actually fairly stable for the most part, but he could use someone who can tone down his paranoia. He might not look it most of the time, but he’s a bundle of nerves stretched extremely taut. There’s a reason he hired a personal bodyguard, and his paranoia isn’t entirely unfounded. His moirrail would have to be able to keep his head straight without talking down to him like he’s out of his gourd. On the flipside, he can be quite protective, if not a little coddling, and strongly approves of self-improvement. Getting your troll to be Their Very Best would be his top priority.
♠ - A kismesis is far from out of the question, the only real hard pass coming straight for anyone of the seadweller caste. He doesn’t need the constant reminder of his loss of fins and amphibious ability that would be sure to come from it. The ideal kismesis would be someone that wouldn’t resort to crass violence or stupid pranks, someone that would find a more subtle way to get under his skin.
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Deviex Ovidio - 10 Solar Sweeps, Ace
♥ - Deviex vaguely knows he needs to get a matesprit but he’s utterly clueless when it comes to dating. Even he’s not really sure what he’s looking for in the red quadrant, only that it’d have to be someone who is very okay with the Weird Shit he does in the basement of his hive. Preferably, someone very hygienic.
♦ - The Good Doctor badly needs a moirail who can slap sense into him, or at least keep him from sticking the local village collectively with hypodermic needles filled with sedatives when he decides he NEEDS a new subject. Someone who accepts his bizarre personality but still works within it to keep him from lashing out. It can’t be someone who settles for ‘you’re acting crazy bruh’. What he has to offer a moirrail is questionable, though it could be said that keeping someone like him on a metaphorical leash might be so draining that it’d stop the other party from doing anything crazy themselves.
♠ - Being Deviex’s kismesis is just asking for trouble. He has a hard time with not going over the line in several regards. It would need to be someone who’s totally fine with being chased (The thrill of the hunt!) but also able to drill through the man’s battered psyche into realizing he doesn’t just want this person as an experiment - he wants this person.
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Kormut Ridgar - 9 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Kormut is a kind and caring troll, which is terrible. Fortunately he’d be a good matesprit, or at least he’d like to hope so. Unfortunately whoever is matesprits with him will almost certainly share in his horrible luck. This may be why he does not have one. Still, he’d like to have one some night (that’s what he whispers to himself, staring up at a distant star before it resolves into a meteorite that takes off the tower of his hive).
♦ - Someone who can toughen him up, quite frankly. While he’s not socially anxious, Kormut is an absolute wuss. He can’t stand to fight, can’t hold his own in a struggle, and cries at the drop of a hat. It’s a little embarrassing. At least he can offer to his moirrail someone who will listen to their problems and help them work through what’s bothering them emotionally.
♠ - Kormut? A kismesis? You must be joking. He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He’d definitely need a moirail first before he could even consider filling his black quadrant. He certainly wants one, he thinks, but he doesn’t have the faintest clue how to get one. Or why anyone would even hate him.
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Xrumon Arigah -  12 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Xrumon can’t really envisage himself getting a matesprit. He doesn’t even think he’d be a good one himself for multiple reasons. He’s utterly confused by someone even admitting they like him in this one.
♦ - Again, of all quadrants, Xrumon probably needs this one the most. He’s bitter, cynical, and depressed. He complains almost constantly and very rarely has anything purely nice to say. He’s good at keeping someone grounded and focused, but he is not the lovey dovey type that will hug someone to cool them off.
♠ - Kismesisitude might actually work for someone as mean spirited as Xrumon... except he also doesn’t think anyone would want him as their black quadrant. He has plenty of spite, but none of it romantically inclined. He pushes people away to get them away, not bring them closer. His kismesis would have to be utterly determined.
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Portec Hejira - 9.5 Solar Sweeps, Pan 
♥ - Portec needs a fellow daredevil, no question. You can’t be his wingman (or woman) unless you’re ready to live life on the edge. On the plus side, they’ll get free rides on his helicopter. That, however, is also a downside. At least he’ll be very excited to see them every time!
♦ - Someone who can keep Portec from breaking both his arms on a regular basis would be nice. His moirrail would have to drag him down to Alternia and remind him he’s not immortal. Conversely, Portec would be great at pulling someone out of their shell - he’s all positive energy and confidence. Social Anxiety? He gets it, dude, and he’s totally ready to be your backup when you feel like you can’t manage this party (But he really thinks you should try and stick it out bro, it’ll be fun).
♠ - Before we go with the obvious and say ‘oh duh of course a rival pilot’, they don’t have to be someone who flies. It just needs to be someone who basically one-ups or tries to one-up him constantly in whatever ridiculous macho thing he tries next. It’s a classic competitive kismesitude.
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Deveii Belmul - 10 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Deveii doesn’t really do ‘lovey dovey.’ He can be caring, but he will absolutely not be some sickening sweetheart with someone. He basically needs someone to match his ‘don’t give a shit’ attitude about most anything and his complete lack of tact and aggression.
♦ - This has to be someone who can keep him reasonably calm and curb his more homicidal tendencies, which is fairly generic for a moirail let’s be real. But he’s a simple man with simple problems. He gets really pissed off at people failing to take proper care of themselves, but it’s a real toss up as to whether that’ll be enough for him to feel pale.
♠ - Deveii is filled with so much piss and vinegar you might think the whole world is his kismesis, but it’s not. In truth he’s not really sure of who will actually get under his skin in the right way. He offers lots of shouting, screaming, and menacing with both axe and traps, and is extremely competitive and dominant.
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Gaveyo Deyloc - 10 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Gaveyo insists he’s a strong independent yellowblood who doesn’t need a matesprit beyond the conscription requirement, and that’s the truth. What he’s looking for in a matesprit is someone who will go along with his antics with good humor and takes his ribbing in stride. He will never admit this to a soul, but he’d be extremely protective and helpful to the one soul that manages to eke their way into his red quadrant - y’know, in like a friendly ribbing sort of way. It’s hard to judge what sort of troll would make a good matesprit for him, but it should be noted that as mean spirited as he can be, he doesn’t kick really pathetic people while they’re down.
♦ - What Gaveyo needs is someone to tell him when he’s gone too far over the line or when he’s just being an asshole and it’s going to get him killed. However he’s convinced he doesn’t need a moirrail at all, so there. The only thing he can offer to his potential partner-in-crime is that he’s filled with so much confidence that it’s almost infectious, and he won’t stand for his moirrail to be some limp wristed nervous nelly who runs from their issues. He WILL make them deal with their god damn problems and he WILL insist on breaking into their hive until they sit down and deal with them. He’s very insistent like that.
♠ - An extremely difficult ship for Gaveyo have, considering he treats almost everyone with a mild amount of disdain. It’s really hard for him to feel blackrom hatred. It’d take someone who can manage to actually piss him off without actually pissing him off, if that makes any sense.
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Yarrex Fissaa - 10 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Yarrex is an enigma, and so too would be anyone willing to date him in the red quadrant. What he wants is someone in perfect ‘balance’ (whatever that means) but he knows such a thing may not even exist. It’d have to be someone who really gets him, man.
♦ - As a moirrail, Yarrex is a stabilizing element. He can be a calming force while still slipping inside the more deranged of troll society, working from within their strange points of view to get them to settle down. Someone being his moirrail would need to get him to stop being such a weirdo and freaking people out. And maybe get him some help with that balance thing.
♠ - Far from just anyone ‘unbalanced,’ this black quadrant would have to go to someone who goes as far as possible in the opposite direction of peaceful serenity while still retaining their sanity. This isn’t just simple destruction, mind you, it has to be something more than that, and what that is, Yarrex isn’t sure.
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Argumi Varsan - 10 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Ideally it’d be someone too high of a caste for Argumi to read their emotions unintentionally. He’s already ruined several relationships because he can tell when a lowblood was developing something for him or otherwise not doing so. Turns out, not being able to keep secrets from your partner is a bad thing. He’s willing to give almost anyone a shot, but to tell the truth he’s a little jaded by this point - and most people don’t like knowing that their matesprit insists on trying to help other people.
♦ - Argumi is already the city’s moirrail, didn’t you hear? On his radio show? In all honesty he’d need someone who can deal with his empathic abilities and help keep him from losing himself in the thoughts and feelings of other people. Someone who can remind him that he’s still him no matter what, especially in his darker moments. As a moirrail himself, Argumi can offer empathy like no other person truly can. He probably wouldn’t mesh well with any violent trolls, but people who need someone to hear them out would work well with him.
♠ - Probably his most difficult quadrant. Argumi’s ire can be easy to earn, but hard to keep when he can see your every thought. He’s not really sure if he’s even ready to handle a kismesis without a moirrail to keep him centered. 
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Gerrel Mitius - 10 Solar Sweeps, Pan
♥ - Gerrel is now trying to actively move on from his past, horribly ended relationship. He’s still plagued by regret and doubt about himself from it, but thanks to therapy, and his moirail probably telling him he should ‘deffo find someone else to make out with or whatever,’ he’s doing his best. He’s trying out online dating, and he likes people who are self motivated, enjoy nature, and won’t complain too much if he tries to really go all out on Acts of Service.
♦ - Fulfilled by Callan Ranpoe (raitrolling) #the prince and the pauper
♠ - Don’t tell Eichio this, but Gerrel almost certainly has a burgeoning blackrom crush on him. He won’t even admit it to himself, because workplace fraternization is sure to be frowned upon. This quadrant is as good as taken - though who knows, maybe Eichio won’t reciprocate and further destroy Gerrel’s self-esteem! The redblood servant strives to be orderly and complete, and it drives him nuts that this stupid optimistic yellowblood who thinks it’ll all be okay while also competing with him is supposedly his superior.
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Platar Hacalo - 9 Solar Sweeps, Ace
♥ - Platar’s not really sure he can even have red feelings. He’s certainly never had one in his memory. It’s likely he’d feel red towards someone who could match his devotion in some way, but even that’s a tossup. An inscrutable, somewhat irritable man, Platar’s feelings are a mystery even to him. All he really knows is that asking to see his face more than once is an immediate turn off.
♦ - This one is possibly required before he can even take any other quadrants. Someone needs to get him to stop being such a zealot in regards to his beliefs, before he accidentally incinerates the troll who could have been his matesprit. Someone able to ‘defuse’ his naturally homicidal nature would be helpful, in whatever way that manifests. As a moirrail, Platar can only really offer his program of constant improvement: forcibly dragging someone out from being a sad, pathetic wreck into tackling problems head on.
♠ - Similar to the red quadrant, Platar can’t distinguish his usual hatred for blackrom hatred. His moirrail will have his hands full indeed.
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This or That Tag Game
tagged by @pens-swords-stuff !
I know this was a while ago, but I hadn’t ever seen this game before, so I knew I was going to make it a priority to do this one!
Slow Burn or Love At First Sight
Okay, so, I never had a period of my life when I read fanfiction, so I’ve never read a “true” slowburn, but I still prefer the slower route to romance, simply because first sight feels too easy? Like, yes, please, give me the competing sources of conflict. Excellent.
Fake Dating or Secret Dating
The tension of being around somebody and having to constantly check yourself, because “Am I being suspicious? Was that lingering touch too much? Do they know?” is just absolutely delicious. Plus the internal conflict of Do we tell them, how do we tell them, should we tell them... And the ultimate reveal scene... This is the trope that just keeps on giving.
Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers
Listen, I know I have three theoretical books that basically depend on the enemies to lovers trope, but I truly have a special place in my heart for two longtime friends who have slowly nursed feelings over years for each other. It’s about the wondering, the hypothetical imagining, the quiet fear over not wanting to ruin or alienate, the angst over being able to talk over anything but not this...
Oh no, there’s only one bed! or Long-Distance with Correspondence
Again, I’ve never tried to write either of these, but you can’t go wrong with a classic one-bed-only trope.
Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia
I’m an angst writer who isn’t good at remembering or including the comfort part of hurt/comfort, so that whole genre can get frustrating for me. But I do get a kick out of amnesia! How did this happen? How do we rebuild what we lost? 
Fantasy AU or Modern AU
Considering I changed the entire genre of a seven book series to be fantasy instead of modern... I don’t think I’m allowed to choose differently lol. Fantasy is just way more fun and appealing! At least to a happy lil worldbuilder bee like me.
Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss
I personally find the specific dynamics of mutual pining really difficult to execute correctly (and it doesn’t help that the characters can be pining for physical attention when I am asexual). Plus, I daydream about having stability and my and my partner having a home to ourselves all the time, so if I can project that onto a story or character? hell yeah
Smut or Fluff
I’ve never written a smut scene in my life and I don’t plan to start now
Canon Compliant with Missing Scene or Fix-It Fic
I’ve never written any fanfiction either, but I imagine I would find it easier to work with the majority of canon while ignoring one detail than trying to come up with a plausible explanation for what happened in the entirety.
Alternate Universe or Future Fic
Way more options, babey! Let’s jump from scifi to fantasy to post-apoc to steampunk with the reckless abandon of a drunken voyager.
One Shot or Multi-chapter
I have to work to consciously keep written works short, so it’s much easier for me to fall back on the chaptered structure. (Although ever since I launched my Patreon, short stories have gotten easier! Hell yeah)
Kid Fic or Roadtrip
Bruh I don’t even know what kid fics are. Are the characters kids? Do they have kids? Something else entirely? I also just fucking love road trips, let’s go
Reincarnation or Character Death
I suppose you’re getting the opportunity to write a beautifully impactful death scene either way, but why would you give up the opportunity to write how the characters deal with it over time? to explore who steps up to fill what roles, and why? Or worse, why would you risk cheapening all that when the dead character comes back?
Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage
a;dlsjfksdf how do you get accidentally married
High School Romance or Middle Aged Romance
I dunno man, I’m closer to high school than middle age, so that’s who I can relate to and understand more. Plus it’s fun to explore two characters who have to learn how to have an adult relationship after having one that maybe didn’t start that way! 
Time Travel or Isolated Together
way less research that way bro
Neighbors or Roommates
I’ve never had a roommate before, and I enjoy the idea of two people sitting in separate houses, doing laps around the room, trying to come up with excuses to go over to the other’s just to see em again.
Scifi AU or Magic AU
I know SOLE is scifi and all, but the problem with scifi is you have to make it sound like.. actual.. science... Whereas you can just chuck magic in there with some limitations you made up and call it good.
Bodyswap or Genderbend
Again, this has that whole “weird magical thing has happened that we need to freak out about and then try to figure out and solve/reverse” written all over it, and that is a fun and easy plotline to follow!
Angst or Crack
I’ve never been able to get a good definition on what crack actually is (just... something you don’t expect to actually happen? Off the wall ridiculous jokes? both? Why devote your energy to this?) so
Apocalyptic or Mundane
Depends on the type of apocalypse, of course, but yeah. Gotta have that external conflict on top of the internal ones, and external conflict is both more fun and easier when you’re navigating the end of the world.
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 1
And here we go !
This is the last chapter of Liam’s 1st year at the university. It’s a long one, so be ready ;)
A new pov will replace Barbara starting now, I hope you’ll like it.
Damian-Nicholas Smith Carrey Friday March 8, in France
When people said him that he could write a book about his life, he never imagined what kind of book it would be. But now, he had quite an accurate idea. He would call it : 'How to change from the most famous hunter to a stupid and naive man in love'. He had gone through step one for a long time now : have a fucking ridiculous teenage crush. And now, he started step two : be in a relationship with your so-called crush. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey wasn't someone easily flustered. At least on paper. But when it come to the baboon, it was a true disaster. He must have left his pride back in the US.
"What do you think ? Isn't this one better ?" asked Liam.
The junior looked at him, his brows furrowed. They were doing shopping for souvenir. Well, the baboon searched little things for his siblings and Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey tagged along.
"I dunno. There are the same to me."
One was a key chain with the eiffel tower, the other with the Arc de Triomphe. Both were low quality products anyway. But the baboon finally picked one, and they went out of the store.
"Where are we going next ?" asked the blond lad. "There is plenty of time before our departure..."
"I bought everything I wanted." replied his boyfriend. "So I thought we could hum... take some time for us ?"
He blushed when he said the last word, which made Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey blush too, and then they both blushed even more. This is an endless circle of  pathetic shyness. I mean, I eat ass every other day, so why am I so prude right now ?
"Fine." he agreed anyway. "Lead the way."
They honestly had a good time. It was fucking weird to enjoy this at much as sex. Maybe even more. They went for walk the length of the Seine. Liam ate a box of pastries along the way and they talked about this and that. This is the end of my damned life. I'm having a silly conversation with someone. It must be the first time since... I don't even fucking remember. They were on their way back when Liam sighed.
"I'm happy to have you Dami." he whispered.
All this romantic bullshit was so embarrassing. Do I like it or not ? Just get a grip dude ! Not only he was having a damn date with his boyfriend, but he also looked like the flustered one here ! No one must ever know it happened. The baboon took his hand.
"I'm serious you know ?" he continued. "I mean, I'm still very worried about a lot of stuff... Nate is my main concern, but I'm also still preoccupied by my father. And I can't deny my story with Kilian is giving me an headache. But I'm really happy to know you're here."
"First of all baboon, it doesn't suit you to be so serious." replied Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey while trying to regain composure. "Secondly, there is nothing in what you said that can't wait tomorrow. You've the right to enjoy a little time for yourself with someone you love."
Liam blushed. He kissed his boyfriend to thank him. Holy crap. I'm getting good at the cheesy stuff too. Well, it wasn't surprising : Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was good at everything.
This evening on the plane, the junior felt a weird dread through his whole body. Suddenly, he stressed about his relationship. But there is nothing new... I mean, we already were a couple before. So what is different ? He quickly put his finger on it. I said to the baboon I loved him. I confessed my weakness. The hunters shall never know. Nobody in the university, for that matter. There are already too many fucking people aware of our relationship. I don't trust anyone about this.
"Hey dude."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey glared at the sophomore who hailed him. It was the dipshit called Matthew, Theo's heir.
"What the hell are you doing here ?" he asked. "Want to suck my prick ?"
The cocky lad (it was obvious this guy was an arrogant bastard) smiled.
"Maybe another time. I just wanted to say D.R sent me the contract regarding Barbara. She has to stay away from Colton and all his friends starting now. So you won't see her again much."
"Don't give me that crap, idiot. I don't care about the roach. You can fuck her, so go on. Isn't it what you wanted since the beginning ?"
Matthew's smile grew larger. I can definitely see the ressemblance with this shitty Theophile now.
"Just go away, moron." he concluded.
Liam Sunday March 10 back in the US
"This trip has done some damage..."
The young lad bite his lips. I knew I had indulged a lot but that's quite a change...
"Do you dislike it ?" asked Nate, while slumping on his bed.
"Not really..."
He had been ages since the last time Liam had looked properly at his reflection. He was pleased with his general body shape. His face was finely chiseled. He had strong biceps and triceps. His legs were robust but thick just like his chest. His pecs were nicely standing out. Even his back was kind of burly. But where three month ago he had a blossoming six pack, he had now a modest amount of squishy flab. His bulging waistline was easily noticeable since he was only in briefs. But he wasn't dissatisfied.
"I think I like myself." Liam whispered.
"And that's a good thing." mumbled his bestfriend, his eyes closed. "You have nothing to be ashamed about, trust me."
The chesnut lad outlined a smile. I'm glad to see Nate is talking more and more. He was also pretty sure Dami won't judge him for a little bulk.
"I mean..." resumed the other lad. "You're even well-endowed."
It made Liam blush like hell. (Not that he didn't take the compliment.) (Who could blame him ?).
The freshman expected things to improve since they came back from France. After all, Nate was getting better, Nick was actually making some progress at swimming and Dami literally confessed his feelings. It looked like the unicorns were finally powerful enough to repel the forces of evil. (After all, he had been feeding them with his dreams for months now !). So when a girl went to talk to him during his training this afternoon, he completely ignored her. (Not on purpose of course !). He was just so happy that he couldn't focus on anything. He went throught weight lifting and then legs exercises without noticing the many people who accosted him. He left campus without taking note of the lustful looks around him. I think I'm happy. The talk with Kilian had freed him. He was so glad to know the force of evils failed to take his ex-boyfriend. Anyhow, he finally went to work. As soon as he arrived, Judy came to him.
"Oh god Liam here you are ! I was so worried !" she shouted.
He blinked, not sure to have heard right. (Not that he often didn't heard people or anything...). What was she worried about ? Did he forget something important ? Something life-saving ? Maybe the aliens were gonna attack soon ?
"Liam focus ! I'm trying to have a conversation here !"
Judy clicked her fingers right under his eyes, breaking his thoughts.
"Are you alright ? Did someone do something to you ?"
"What ? No." he replied, surprised. "Why ?"
She frowned.
"Are you and Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey still a couple ?" she eventually asked.
Liam blushed. I think I'm supposed to keep it a secret but... He could trust Judy, right ?
"We are." he replied. "But what is your point ?"
"Be prudent when you're not with him okay ? I never thought I would say that one day, but I think you're safer with him around. Even if I still bet he'll hurt you in the end, like he did with everyone else."
Liam nodded. Their boss was calling them. I'm not sure I understand what she meant... However, he was certain Dami wouldn't said "I love you" so lightly. I'm special to him, I'm at least sure of that.
When he arrived at their flat tonight, Nick announced Nate wasn't there. Apparently, he had left for a talk with Archibald. It reminded Liam there were still things he wanted to improve in his life. My bestfriend and my poor family situation should be my priorities. He had no doubt the unicorns would agree on this. Besides, everything was linked to the forces of evil anyway. He grabbed a slice of pie in the fridge and joined his roommate. (Of course a pie made by Dami. Now that he had tasted his boyfriend's pastries, it was very hard to eat anything else to be honest.). (Once you visited heaven, you wouldn't come back, right ?).
"I can tell he's doing better." said Nick while staring at the screen of his console. "But I also can tell he went through something very disturbing. What do you think they're talking about so often ?"
"I don't know." admitted Liam. "But Dami assured me Archibald was a good guy so I trust him."
Of course, the chestnut lad wanted to help. And yes, I want to know what happened. (Curiosity is not a sin). (Glutonny is, but Liam didn't think much about it).
"Yeah well, until now we can say whatever he's doing is working." agreed Nick. "You should go to sleep... Wait, are you snacking ?"
Liam took a mouthful of his pie and chewed happily.
"This is just too good." he explained.
"You were sooooo against food at the beginning of the year." laughed his roommate. "I never imagined you were such a foodie."
Well... Seems like I changed my mind.
Nicolas Monday March 11 – Tuesday March 12
< Imagenius : yo what's up ? >
< TheSavior : long story short it sucked. I m better looking at my screen and playin'. Wht abut you pal ? >
< Imagenius : long story short my roommate is fuckin' loud while talkin' with her new friends. I hate people with actual life you know ? They remind me I'm a loser >
< TheSavior : won't say I know the feeling cuz I dont. >
< Imagenius : lol becuz right youre so popular >
< TheSavior : at least i hav friends outside a lame chat bruh >
< Imagenius : bruh >
< Abeautifulwomen : guys I do to. >
< Imagenius : as if a man who claims to be a girl could. Anyway Sav can you send us another pic of  this cute roommate of yours ? Pretty please ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : Same. But hey Ima are ya gay ? >
< Imagenius : Joker ? >
< TheSavior : need 2g. I'll turn the chat off. I don't hav any another pic >
* Abeautifulwoman is offline *
* Imagenius is offline *
* TheSavior is offline *
Nick sighed and looked at the clock. Almost midnight. Nice. I can still play. He slowly stood up and headed to the kitchen. First of all, he needed supplies. The raven-haired boy opened the fridge and grabbed a slice of pie and a beer. Two beers. He knew Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey had cooked it for Liam but whatever. His friend wouldn't mind. Nick came back to his room and turned his console on. A sligh whine came from his roommate's bedroom. Nate was having a nightmare again, he guessed. It was happening every other day. Not like if I could just ask what's wrong. If he doesn't talk to Liam, he won't talk to me. The lad drank his beer and started to play. He was good at it at least. He finished the level rather quickly, only to notice he had already ate the pie and emptied the beers. Again, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. Not that he was hungry, but he liked to play while chewing something. This time, he opted for ice cream. And beer of course. Then, he took his playing up again. One hour later, he was done with two more level. And he had devoured the ice cream. So once more, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. No wonder I'm fat. He put his snacks on the counter and patted his belly. When he had entered college he had been a twig. But the sudden freedom allowed him to indulge without his parents constant nagging. Maybe he had enjoyed it a bit too much. When he had come back at home for the christmas holidays they weren't very happy about his changes. Himself had been surprised to discover he had already hit the freshman 15. Now this limit was beyond him. I checked when we came back from France. I weight 89 kg (196 pounds) now. Almost 200. Nick shrugged. He didn't really care. He took his snack and continued to play.
The next morning, he got ready quickly. Unlike Liam, he wasn't dozy on the morning. Well, Liam was dozy all the time so bad comparison. They left together for the first lecture. When they arrived, the first thing Nick noticed was Barbara. The girl hated him for some absurd reason. She was so obnoxious. Then, he glimpsed Rebecca. Another one he couldn't understand at all.
"And to think I've been interested in her..." he mumbled.
Liam didn't hear him. That was the good thing with this dude. I could've been screaming, he wouldn't notice. They joined Colton who greeted them warmly. Nick turned on his gameboy but he wasn't paying attention to the screen. He knew the game by heart since middleschool anyway. Instead, he looked at his friends. He often did that without them noticing. Everyone assumed he was just another nerd but he was an observant nerd. Their trip in France had took a toll on Liam waistline aswell. If I'm looking closely enough, I'm sure even Colton's ever slim frame must've softened a bit. Nick was pretty sure this one would lost it in one day or two. As for his dreamy roommate... I think he will keep it on purpose. He seems to like it. Well, both of them were handsome anyway. The raven-haired boy didn't have this luck. He heard someone laugh behind him. The person whispered something about pokemon being a lame game. Another talked about his little bathing in the Seine. Not a day I want to remember. Seriously, classes were so boring...
Noon eventually came. Nick hit the buffet of the cafeteria like a ravenous beast. He needed his daily amount of junkfood to functiun properly.
"What do you think about the math assignment ?" asked Colton. "Shall we work on it tonight ?"
"I finished it already." he revealed. "But I'm sure Liam would be glad to do it with you."
Of course, his roommate wasn't listening. He was looking away while munching on home-made cookies. And new thing, he was crooning. I know some very weird people but they can't hold a candle to him. Nick discreetly kicked him under the table.
"Uh... What ?"
"Welcome back to earth." he said. "Colton wanted to ask you something."
Nick didn't listen to their conservation. He had glimpsed Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey in the crowd. Another strange dude. Since I came here, I met too many real character. He looks pissed. I mean, more than usual. He was talking to a girl. Well, probably insulting the girl to be fair.
"... Swimming tonight ?"
The raven-haired lad turned his attention towards Colton.
"No thanks." he replied when he had guessed the question. "I'm not very... at ease when there are so many people watching me."
His friend smiled.
"Of course."
* TheSavior is online *
* Abeautifulwomen is online *
* Imagenius is online *
< Imagenius : yo ! Day was booooring. How was yours ? >
< TheSavior : Same as usual. Couldn't wait to be back in my flat >
< Abeautifulwomen : Mine was fine. I don't actually leav my flat. Lucky me ! >
< Imagenius : Btw guys there is something up in my college. I heard ppl sayin a big hunt started. Don't know what that meant but they were very excited. Apparently, the prey is one of a kind ! >
< Abeautifulwomen : Funny. Do you think they hunt human ? >
< TheSavior : I'm sure they're talkin abut a treasure hunt or smthg. We shuld play. >
< Imagenius : Nah Sav it was about a real person. They want him but idk why. Maybe he did something wrong. Beauty yu didnt hear anythg from your boss friend ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : He doesnt control every college in the country duh. Last time he called he was very very very very very angry :3 I got a dick pick thanks to that ! >
< Imagenius : You really are gay. >
< Abeautifulwomen : I told yu im a girl >
< TheSavior : Come play and stop the chichat. Wdc abut a fke hunt nor ur fke dick pick >
< Imagenius : Aye sir >
< Abeautifulwomen : Aye sir >
To be continued
Tadaa. Something is going on in the community, but what could it be ?! I can only tell you Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey will have a lot of work to do. Liam is in a happy bubble, but you know me, it won’t last long.
And welcome Nick. He has been a steady presence in the background since the beginning, so he earned his own pov. He’s on a group chat with two other people... Maybe you’ll be able to guess who they are ;) 
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