#like I understand this is going to be difficult but literally I’m leaving in two days. can we not act civil until then.
alittleemo · 5 months
please god how hard is it to not say snarky things as soon as I’m in the apartment. i am going to walk 500 million miles back to my home if that gets me out of here sooner
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rfxiii · 10 months
could I request hcs for franklin, trevor, and michael on how they would go about apologizing or making it up to you after they did something wrong (I feel like I'm not making sense lol 😆 but basically I'm asking how would they get back on your good side after messing up big time) if requests are close, I apologize!!
(This totally makes sense, no worries! And my requests are always open, so feel free to send an ask whenever you’d like- I’m just a little slow atm. Also, I’m sorry about the long wait, and I hope you like it ☺️)
Franklin, Trevor, and Michael making up with you after an argument:
Franklin Clinton:
Arguments with Franklin are fairly rare. He’s a pretty level headed, loyal partner. But, like every relationship, arguments do happen.
Despite being kind, loyal, and loving, Franklin is also stubborn. It can be the cause of several of your arguments. And can also lead to him refusing to admit he’s wrong right away.
But once he does realize he’s been wrong, and understands that he’s upset you, he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make it up to you.
He’ll come to you like a sad puppy- curling up beside and gently taking your hands in his. He’s had time to think about what went wrong, and what was done to start the argument to begin with. He wants to talk it over, wants to get to the root of the problem to make sure it never happens again. He’ll stay up all night talking with you, and apologizing, until he’s sure everything is resolved and that you’ve forgiven him.
He may buy you something small and sweet the day after the fight. A teddy bear or a bouquet of roses aren’t uncommon after the two of you have had a disagreement. And for a few days afterwards, he treats you especially gently. He hates hurting your feelings or making you mad. So, he wants to prove just how much he does love you. Even if you two do argue.
Trevor Philips:
Arguments with Trevor are fairly commonplace. He’s set in his insane ways, and always self assured that he’s right. He’s more apt to listen to reason when it comes to you. But his erratic, wild behavior, and bad, dangerous habits are normally the root of arguments between you two.
There are several ways things can go after you two argue. But more often than not, it’s a couple days of passive aggressive comments and the silent treatment, until he’s convinced that this is the fight that’s going to split you guys apart. And then comes the waterworks.
He comes, literally, crawling back to you on his hands and knees, sobbing and snot nosed as he begs you not to leave him. He’s usually fairly high when he breaks down like this, so talking to him is slightly difficult. But he babbles at you non stop- telling you how much he loves you, how sorry he is, how he’s “such a worthless shit”.
The true talking it out usually comes the next morning, or afternoon, depending on how fucked up he got. But after his tears dry up and he’s caught his breath from all the sobbing, his usual method of making up with you is desperate, clingy sex. He doesn’t have a very good grasp on such big emotions, so he shows them physically instead of verbally. And you can feel his love and remorse through every press of his lips and every touch of his rough, scarred hands.
Michael De Santa:
He has issues with loyalty and honesty. You knew that before you got with him. But it doesn’t make the arguments that ensure because of it any easier.
He’s stubborn, self assured, and hot headed. Getting Michael to admit he’s wrong is like pulling teeth. And getting him to apologize is harder than winning a one man war. Once you two start to fight, it can last for days. And because of his petty, passive aggressive attitude, he sometimes tends to make things twice as bad.
It’s almost never that you hear him actually say “I’m sorry”. But eventually, after a few days of fighting, he realizes he’s being a child and understands that he was wrong. Even if he won’t admit it. So, he shows it the best way he knows how. Through gifts.
You’ll come home to find expensive jewelry on your pillow, or a new outfit hung up for you in the closet. He’ll have your favorite dinner made, and he’ll buy the wine he knows you like the best. He won’t apologize to you. But over dinner, he’ll take your hand, tell you how beautiful you look, and say something like “Let’s not fight anymore, angel. You know I hate seeing you upset.”
You know he’s too prideful to apologize. So, usually it’s just easier to cut your losses and accept that, while he’ll never verbally apologize, this is his version of saying “I’m sorry”. You know he truly is apologetic, and you love him, so you both agree to let this go and move on. He’s a good man, he’s just a little emotionally immature at times.
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muffinsin · 28 days
Hiya, I'm new to the blog but I've loved everything I've read so far! I was wondering if I could request the Dimitrescu daughters (separately) getting saved by a maiden that they thought hated them? Like, maybe a hunter breaks in + smashes a window and the maiden literally carries (or drags) the daughter to safety and refuses to leave their side until they've warmed up.
Maybe the maiden never actually hated the daughters (like a miscommunication/the maiden having a difficult to read expression), or maybe they stopped hating the Dimitrescus a while ago but nobody noticed? Idk, it's up to you, I just think you'd have a fun take on it :3
I went through the anon lists and hopefully I didn't miss any, so if possible can I be sleepy anon? Please and thank you, and have a great day/week!
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Hi :)! I’m happy to hear ya like my works :)🙌 Honestly what a cute prompt!
Let’s get into it :) anon name is all yours🙌
Bela is, a mystery to you
To her, you seem like an enemy. A staff member, yet with a deep hatred towards her
Perhaps, if you weren’t so pretty and cute, perhaps if she didn’t like you in some strange way she is too proud to voice, you would’ve ended up in the basement already
Alas, Bela keeps you safe and only puts you in your place when your work isn’t done properly. She thinks you should consider yourself, lucky
To you, she seems like an uptight boss bent on punishing you for every little mistake
You wonder, what have you done for her to be this obsessed?
She notices every little mistake you make
A true perfectionist, you realize soon enough, and it bothers you to no end
But, unlike her interpretation of you, you don’t hate her. You don’t even really dislike her
She’s just..uptight, a little bitchy, yes. But she’s smart, you’ve come to notice, and quite obviously she is breathtakingly beautiful
Perhaps, if both of your false views and interpretations of one another were out the way, you’d have talked sooner
You would have liked to start a conversation with the supposedly dangerously intelligent and cold eldest daughter of Alcina Dimitrescu
Bela, on the other hand, would have liked getting to know you sooner
Still, she only ever sees false hatred in your eyes that is truly mere curiosity
She has never been all that good at reading people’s emotions
Their intentions? Yes, their facial features? Yes. But still, her books cannot teach her to fully understand humans, people, it seems
It’s a fatal misunderstanding on both your parts, one that this day will clear up, it seems
The day, while not being an ordinary one at all, is not all that unusual to Bela. An uprising, again, though somewhat cute in numbers
Four maidens. Bold, or perhaps only desperate enough, to dare fight back
It’s a pointless fight, a squabble she doesn’t even bother notifying her sisters about
Even with the many knives and utensils scattered around them in the kitchen, the fight seems pointless
That is, until Bela easily dodges a pot that smashes into the fragile window behind her
Immediately, she screams in pain at the cold air rushing in
The three remaining troublemakers spot their opportunity instantly, so it takes less than seconds for the other kitchen windows to be shattered
Bela grits her teeth, one arm wrapped around her protectively, her other hand clutching her sickle
She refuses to tell her sisters. Refuses to allow Mother to hear of this. She can do this! She can’t cause her family trouble. Cassandra would have never let this go on. Daniela would have killed them in seconds. Bela should have never let it come this far, should have prevented the window from breaking..
Throwing herself back into her battle, she strikes one down, but pays the bitter price when two steak knives are sliced and thrust into her thighs
Immediately, she falls, her blood gushing, her limbs aching and as if on fire. The cold immediately finds the large gashes and digs through. The blades of the knives seem icy cold like the terrain outside
She manages to knock one down with her, but as the back of her hooded head hits the windowsill, her vision begins to blur
One more
She tries to call out for Cassandra, hoping, pleading, Mother will hear nothing of this
To her surprise and horror, she finds she can’t reach her sister, too far away for her weakened swarm to detect
She grasps for her weapon, but can’t detect it. Was it lost when she fell? She can’t remember, but tastes her own, foul blood in her mouth
With difficulty, she sees the maiden’s lips moving. She can’t make out what she’s saying, but her expression enough is sufficient to allow her to assume it must be some kind of insult
Pride, cockiness, a human’s downfall
She watches as, seemingly out of nowhere, you stand behind her, bringing Bela’s abandoned sickle down at her neck
It’s messy, and rough, but enough for the woman to drop her weapon and scream. Enough to fall to her knees and enough for Bela to finish her off
Golden, unfocused eyes meet yours. She looks unsure. Worried. Confused. Cold. Hurt. Scared
Never did you think Bela Dimitrescu would feel such things. Never did you think you would truly see a glimpse of humanity in her
But, you have…
You have seen her eyes squint when she laughs with her sisters, seen the faintest hint of a blush and happiness hidden beneath pride when being praised by her mother. You have seen her playful annoyance aimed at her youngest sister
When you close in on her, her first instinct is to lean in. Then, nearly within that same moment, she snarls and pushes herself harder against the cold wall
You hate her. She has no reason to believe you are not part of this attack, or at the very least are now that her weakness is so pathetically displayed
But you don’t approach predatorily
With your hands raised, you gently move closer to her
She watches you closely, her golden eyes watchful even as her body trembles
Slowly, you unwrap the sleeping robe from around you. Is it this late already? Bela hadn’t noticed
The material is thin, but the action shows your intentions nonetheless, and so she allows you to lean into her personal space
A small, quiet gasp passes her lips when you pick her up. Automatically, she sets her hands on your shoulders and wraps the robe tighter around herself
With her vision blurry and the foul taste in her mouth, her bloodied, non functioning legs and aching arms, she doesn’t protest when you keep holding her up and close to you
Your warmth is…comforting
Bela winces a little. She doesn’t want to look up at you, doesn’t want to ruin this perfect moment
After all, when she does look up, what will she see? Hatred? Annoyance? Cockiness?
You pass the fireplace, walk up the stairs
She clings tighter to you, but there are no others in the hallway
All staff members know better than to leave their rooms at nighttime, and even more so in winter, when it is known the residents of castle Dimitrescu are more on edge and easier to irritate
After a little while she notices where you’re taking her- her own room, her safe harbour
She extends an aching arm and closes her fingers around the door knob, helping you open the way inside
She wonders; have you ever been in here? What do you think?
Despite her annoyance, Bela manages to bite down a curse when her cheeks heat up a little
Secretly, perhaps, she wants you to like her room
And like it you do
Bela is every bit the perfectionist you knew she is
But, there is beauty in this
Her shelves are organized neatly. The books placed in them tell you the woman in your arms is fond of just about everything
Information and documentaries of a vast range of topics can be found, from hobbies to animals, to biomes, to sciences
Her bed is made and her nightstand is nearly empty, save for the storybook placed on it
It isn’t opened and sports no mark or so
You assume she hasn’t touched it in a while, but somehow, you correctly guess that it’s meant for the few times her sisters sneak into her room and the story calms their anxious minds
When Bela looks up at you eventually, she gasps quietly at the softness found in your eyes
She stays quiet as you set her down on the bed, doesn’t even wince when you brush aside her hair to have a look at the nasty cut on her head
With the heat of the room, the wounds begin healing slowly
And still, you fuss over her
She hopes you don’t take notice of her dusty pink cheeks and wide eyes when you press your sleeve to her forehead
Your subtle smile tells her differently
She hates you, you’re sure of it
And you hate her, she’s sure
After all, why else would she dump dead, stinking deer in front of your room every single morning?!
Why else would she do this to you and no one else!
Why is she tormenting you? What have you done to her!
After all, why else would you dispose of her beautiful gifts every single morning?
You must hate her!
She feels stupid for gifting you her finest meat every day, but can’t stop, either
Perhaps she can yet woo you, after all
But you dump it off to the kitchens every time! Not even back to her! The kitchens! For common staff!
You must hate her…!
When you pass her in the halls, you do your best to avoid eye contact. Were you looking at her, you would notice her doing the exact same thing
Despite her hatred for you, you are curious about her
She’s beautiful, there’s no question there
With chocolate-coal-brown hair that easily falls down at her shoulders, sometimes curled, at other times straightened, her golden eyes you only sometimes dare gaze upon
She has one lazy eye, and you find it’s the cutest thing in the world. Her features are stunning and you regularly fight yourself to avoid staring at her
At night, at times, you can’t help but wonder what this beauty of a woman would be like curled against you
Her pale, snow-white skin pressed against yours, her face tucked away by your neck, your arms tight around her
Sometimes, you bitterly remind yourself; she would strike. Bite down at your jugular with all her might and drain the life from you
But, perhaps even happily so, you would allow her to
Despite her hatred of you, she has you wrapped around her finger
Despite your hatred of her, you have her wrapped around your finger
A raid at the castle marks the time both your lives are about to change
Raids are, by all means, hardly unusual
While they aren’t everyday happenings, all residents and staff of the castle, even the villagers, know of the foolish men and sometimes women attempting to break into the castle every few weeks or months or so
None are successful, but it seems this never dampens their spirit
But, there is protocol
And so you find yourself hiding in the only room closest to you at the beginning of the raid: the armory
The very armory occupied by Cassandra Dimitrescu
You know protocol, you know to hide in the nearest room, lock it even, and wait it out. Protocol never mentions the case being in which a Dimitrescu sister is near
You hold your breath, but it’s no use. She notices you immediately, and given the current raid at the castle you ought to be happy she doesn’t automatically strike you down
Instead, she holds your gaze for a moment. Your eyes meet a dark gold, more beautiful than anything you have ever seen before
You don’t notice you’re holding your breath until she stretches her arm out, her gloved fingertips pointing towards the back of the room
You understand instantly. A hiding spot, as instructed. Of course
Even as you slide between and behind the large barrels, hide behind the suits of armor standing at the back, you can’t help but keep your eyes lingering on her
Her back is smooth, her hips surprisingly slim
She looks regal, yet lethal in the way her fingers twitch and she grasps the weapon tighter every few seconds
Soon after you’ve slipped into your hiding place and Cassandra started sharpening her weapon- you briefly wonder why it is she stays with you, rather than throw herself into the sure fight happening somewhere in the castle- when you begin hearing shouts ahead
Then, you see them, two men, as they burst into the armory
They’re broad shouldered and sport brown hair and a brown, stubby beard. Thick noses and burst lips adorn their faces. They’re twins, and judged by their clothing, hunters stemming from the village
You hold your breath and shrink against the suits of armor and barrels surrounding you
They sneer at Cassandra, their weapons- two machetes, one each, drawn. They’re wholly focused on her
If they’ve seen you, they pay you no mind at all
Cassandra doesn’t wait for one of them to attack. Instead, you watch as she throws herself into battle
Swarming halfway and masterfully avoiding all incoming attacks from the two intruders, she catches one’s neck with the end of her sickle and reaps chunks of the other man’s clothing and skin from his ribs
You watch as blood forms and drops fast. The man splutters uselessly, stumbling back while the other, though injured, tries to fight back
It becomes clear to you now, why Cassandra is known as the best huntress at castle Dimitrescu
Despite her impressive display, your eyes press shut when the injured man stumbles in your direction
Again, he doesn’t seem to take notice of you, and yet you don’t dare move
Then, a loud bang forces your eyes open and a scream from your lungs
But you are not the only one screaming, and so you are lucky enough to be unnoticed again, for…
Cassandra’s scream was the one outweighing yours, you realise
The woman screams and shakes, her hood torn off to reveal teary eyes and her beautiful, pale skin breaking off slightly
Behind her, you notice the crack in the wall now a large gap. It must have been caused by the explosion you’ve heard
She’s still fighting strong, having finished the already weakened man bleeding out near you
Still, you grit your teeth and watch with wide eyes as the machete of the other connects with her arm. At first, she howls in pain, the noise so desperate and pure you almost cry
Then, the limb falls. You watch as it falls from her and breaks off into what must be hundreds of little flies that curl in on themself as the cold wind touches them
You grit your teeth when the woman stumbles backwards, her back dangerously close to the large gap in the wall. If she was to fall…
The man seems to have the same idea, pushing and swinging his machete around like a madman trying to make her back up into the gap
You decide you can’t bear to stand idle while her fate may be sealed
Slithering from behind the armor and barrels, you yank the other machete from the dead man’s tight grip
In a smooth, albeit difficult swing, the sharp blade meant for monsters connects with the man’s exposed neck, just where Cassandra struck him before
His head tips to the side as he collapses, and you drop the weapon immediately
Cassandra groans and growls madly as you near yourself and push her weak arm wielding the sickle aside
She reminds you a little of an animal with rabies, the way she shakes and growls, and you hope you don’t pay the bitter price for your care
Still, you wrap your arm around her slim hips and pull her towards you, wary of the large piece of broken off wall behind her
She doesn’t fight you, merely keeps on growling and- crying? You can’t be too sure. You didn’t take her for one to cry, but then again, you wince when you nearly step on what used to be her arm
Carefully, you scoop the unmoving flies from the floor and into your pocket
The woman is clearly out of it, her lips parted and sharp, fang-like teeth on display as she snarls and growls over and over again, her screams quiet, but almost banshee like in their shrill tone
You wonder; is she trying to reach her sisters with it? If she is, it’s entirely too quiet and weak of a scream, you decide
You take another gamble and hook your free hand under her legs, promptly lifting the woman into your arms
Again, she snarls and shakes, but makes no move to attack you
That is, if you don’t count her sharp, bloodied nails of her remaining hand digging into your shoulder
And still, you can’t bring yourself to believe this is meant to be an attack
You carry her out the library and the only place you know to be warm; the kitchens near the grand dining room
Cassandra relaxes significantly as you move her to the room, the warm fires and steam warming her sore body
Still, you don’t dare let go of her
When you hold your breath, you realise; she’s almost..purring? That can’t be right
The next thing you realise are the flies, previously unmoving, buzzing in your pocket
You set the woman down on a clear part of the table and retrieve one of them, smiling as it buzzes in your hand
You place a gentle kiss to it, not unaware of the small gasp coming from Cassandra, and release it. Immediately, it returns to the stump where her arm used to be
You repeat the process, kissing flies as they return to her
Cassandra’s thankful for the cold still in her body, for it’s at the very least suppressing her growing blush
You feel her lean against you and cant help but wonder;
Perhaps, she doesn’t hate you
Maybe, you don’t hate her
Daniela is almost 100% sure you hate her
You never react to her sly smirks, her cute giggles, the sweet hand resting on your shoulder!
She has tried flirting with you for ages, and nothing!
You’re never rude to her, actually- you’re very kind to her!
You always bring her a flower when your work in the gardens is done
You always braid her hair for her and brush it out after
You make sure her room is clean and her bath is full of bubbles and delicious scents
You always smile when you see her
So why haven’t you kissed her yet!
She doesn’t understand
She’s thrown you so many signs! All she could. But you haven’t acted on a single one
She thinks, you must hate her
And you?
You’re a little…clueless
You like her, so very much
You lie awake at night, your mind occupied by the beautiful, auburn haired woman that regularly visits your dreams and thoughts alike
Sometimes, you dare dream
Could she be yours?
Could you make her happy?
Could she want you?
But is she not with others? So many stare when she passes, you hear the hushed voices either insulting, or praising her
She’s a goddess residing in this castle; what chance have you got?
You try to be close to her, yet never too close
You don’t want to disrespect her, never
You care far too much about her for such a thing
Then, one day, there is an attack
Lycans, they say, a stray pack headed from the village and led by their prey directly to the castle
Of course, the staff is immediately brought and locked away for safety
You are less lucky, having insisted the day prior you’d like to clean out the library
After all, this is where Daniela is known to spend her days…
Now, separated from the other staff members, you have little choice but to stay put
You try your best not to glance at Daniela, who stands with her sickle held tightly. She too heard the alarms, it seems
You grip the fire poker, your eyes still trained on the floor
You wonder; if you looked at her, could you ever advert your eyes again?
It seems, there is little to no time for you to dwell on this thought, for a loud bang and a snarl is all you hear when the door to the library is ripped from its hinges and a furry snout peaks through
Before you have time to react, Daniela grips the lycan already
You watch as she works, no, plays with the wild animal
She spins it and giggles, grips and yanks, breaks and slices
The beast only snarls at her, yet can’t even hope to land even a single claw on her
All goes well, you don’t even think you need to make use of your improvised weapon
Even the snarls and screams from the outside dull. They’re retreating, it seems
Then, however, a gasp is ripped from you when the beast pushes against you. Whether it did it on purpose or was knocked against you, you can’t tell, but you do realise one thing; you’re falling
Hoping to catch yourself, you reach out to grab all within reach
Only, unfortunately, is that a lever
In the next second you feel icy cold wind come down at you and hear the piercing scream of the auburn haired woman next to you
Your hand stretches out, your lips parting as you scream a warning that comes too late
She’s knocked back by the force of the lycan’s gigantic paw swiping at her, thick claws dragging through her dress and soft, pale skin
You feel ill as blood pools at her stomach and the sickle falls from her
She kicks the animal away, yet it looks, and sounds, as though each move only pains her so much more
You realise your own mistake fast and quickly work on shutting the windows again, her scream and your own blood pumping loudly urging you to work faster, faster, faster
When you look to the side, she’s barely sitting up, her bloodied hands and arms desperately shielding herself against the creature
You don’t think, can’t think, won’t take the time to think now
With the fire poker gripped tightly in your hand, you charge
You scream, and it’s met with a pained howl
Thankfully, Daniela must have injured the creature enough for a simple, powerful strike to its heart to finish it off
And still, you feel your uniform slip from you and the nasty, aching pain of the large slashes made at your back
You grit your teeth, ignoring the mark the creature has left on you even as its foulness enters your body
You turn Daniela to find her bloodied and shivering, her flies dropping, her skin seemingly switching between breaking and healing itself
Again, you don’t dare waste time
She watches you through a blurry haze as you wrap your arms around her. She almost tastes your scent
It takes everything not to taste you
She feels her wounds, the pain she has almost forgotten all about. What is pain? This is a nasty reminder
Next she’s lifted to you, her fingertips and face nuzzling your warm skin
You feel her move to you, as close as she could, and all but grant her this
You know now what happened, what you have caused her
And you’re set to fix it. You won’t allow a stupid mistake, an accident, to be it for her
Daniela shivers still as you pick her off the floor and rush through the halls
Yet, all she feels is you. Your warmth. Your heartbeat, loud and close against her ear. She loves every moment of it
She isn’t sure where you bring her at first, until she finds herself set on her bed
When did she get here? She can’t tell. Black dots appear in her vision and her stomach feels slick with blood even as it starts closing up again
You gently cup her cheek, your eyes, so beautiful and worried, checking her over
You notice the little cuts on her face heal and shut nearly instantly, whereas bruises caused by the cold wind stay stubbornly in place
Perhaps, if the cold hurts the woman, the heat could help her, you figure
Daniela whines when you move from her and for a moment you feel your cheeks heat up. Her fingers entangled with yours, her golden eyes wide and hopeful
She doesn’t want you to go. Not now. Even if you hate her
And really?
Neither do you
You only wish to hold her close, to protect the precious creature held so close to you
You wish to cup her face and stroke the soft fingers holding onto yours so sweetly
You want nothing but to nurse her back to health, to know her, really know her
To be here
To make her yours
You watch, the truth laid bare in her eyes. No flirty smiles you don’t understand, no hidden meanings behind words you can’t understand
Her feelings, exposed and shown to you in her bright, golden eyes
You lean down as gentle as you can, and even more so, you press your lips to the flower tattoo adorning her forehead
“I’ll draw you a bath, it will warm you up”, you whisper. Then, you promise:
“I’ll return, iubita mea”
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loveforsatoru · 5 months
hello !!!!!!!!!
I don't have anything specific, so idk, satoru with a five years old daughter? he would be such a cute and loving father 😓 i’m done, this life where I can't have satoru’s baby is killing me!!!!
this idea is so cute. i literally think about satoru as a dad all the time and it gives me major baby fever.
you never once thought that you could ever be this happy. what did you do to deserve it? maybe it’s the universe paying you back for all the times you’ve suffered in life both alone and your relationship with satoru. you’d been dating since high school, but it wasn’t easy. there was so much ache, time spent apart, and issues that you didn’t know if you could overcome. sleepless nights, occasional arguments and interference from your jobs drove your relationship into rocky paths, but at the end of the day, he never forgot to tell you he loved you even when you felt like the most unloveable person alive. through all the difficult times, the highs and the lows, he was always there and never once intended on leaving, so he sealed that promise with a ring and his vows.
you got married a couple years after high school. you were only 22, but your life couldn’t have turned out more perfect. it’s been 10 years and the love never died down. if anything, it grows with each passing day. now that you have a five year old daughter together, there’s only more to look forward to in the days to come.
satorus been away on a mission for a few weeks and you still have no idea when he’s going to come back. it hurts your daughter just as much as it hurts you. everyday, she asks when he’s going to come home and it breaks your heart to tell her, “i don’t know, but it’ll be soon.” when you weren’t even sure yourself. thankfully, satoru could never forget about the two most important people in his life and remembers to call in the morning and before your daughter goes to sleep, never missing a day.
besides today. your phone hasn’t rang once and it’s making you uneasy, your head racing with the worst possible thoughts. you have faith in satoru and his strength, but you can’t help but worry about him. he works a dangerous job and coming home is never a 100% guarantee.
you’re snapped out of trance when you feel a tug on your dress and little voice. your daughter is looking up at you, small hands tightly balled around the fabric of your dress while her blue eyes, identical to her fathers start to well up with tears.
“what’s wrong, baby?” you ask, picking her up into your arms and brushing a strand of white hair away from her face.
she doesn’t say anything at first and just buries her face into your neck where she begins to cry.
you attempt to calm her down, patting her back and getting her to look at you once more, “please dont cry… tell me what’s wrong and i’ll make it better.”
she speaks through uneven breaths, chubby cheeks now stained with tear streaks, “i called daddy but he didn’t answer.” speaking these words only caused her to cry again and it breaks your heart.
“don’t worry, he’ll come back. he’s okay and he’s safe. he’s just busy.” but the words are a form of consolation to you too. you’re trying your best to remain strong for your daughter, but it’s hard. being a mom is hard.
you walk over to the couch in the living and sit down, setting her on your lap while you wipe away her stray tears.
“listen to me for a second, okay?”
she rests her head on your chest, her breathing still ragged, but she’s no longer crying.
“your dad works really really hard for us. he wants us to live a good life, so he can’t always be home and he can’t always pick up the phone, but he tries as much as he can. we just have to be patient and wait for him to come home again. but he loves you very much. if he doesn’t answer the phone, it’s because he’s busy, not because he forgot about you, okay? the last thing he wants is for you to think he’s forgotten about you.”
she nods her head in understanding before asking one last question, one you don’t know the answer to.
“but when will he come back?”
now, you’re the one who has tears prickling in the corners of your eyes as your throat begins to sting, “i don’t know.” you wish you knew. you wish you could tell her he’s coming back today or the day after, but the uncertainty nips at your thoughts constantly.
what you don’t expect is for satoru to be standing right outside the door to your shared home, overhearing everything you just said. it tugs at his heart strings, but he’s here now.
he digs through his pocket and pulls out his key to unlock the door, the familiar jangle echoing through the house and your daughter immediately runs up to the door, squealing when he makes his way inside.
he scoops her up into his arms and litters her face in kisses, holding onto her tightly, “i’ve missed you so much, munchkin.”
you stay frozen in your spot on the couch, going wide eyed as another tear falls down your cheek and you don’t even notice it.
he gives you a smile from across the room while your daughter babbles on and on to him about what he’s missed. he listens intently, cherishing the moments that she’ll be little for as long as he can.
“and at school, we went on a field trip to the park and i found a butterfly but it flew away,” she pouts, “daddy, can you get me a butterfly?”
he chuckles and nods his head, “of course i can.” he would never say no to her. she could ask him for a piece of the moon and he’d do it.
you watch as he tickles her belly and she erupts into laughter, grabbing onto his shoulder for support.
“i have a surprise for you,” he whispers, giving her cheek another big kiss.
she claps her hands together, “what is it?” excitement laced in her voice which makes satorus smile grow wider.
he shifts through his briefcase before pulling out a small box of munchkins, “munchkins for my munchkin!”
she lets out a near scream and takes the box in her grubby hands, already popping one in her mouth.
“daddy, say ahhh,” she says with a mouth full of munchkins.
satoru does as she tells him to and opens his mouth enough for her to feed one to him, “thank you, munchkin!”
your heart swells watching them interact. he’s a good dad. you both talked about being parents together so many times and now that it’s happened, it still doesn’t feel entirely real, like you’re dreaming, but if this were a dream, you wouldn’t open your eyes.
you stand up and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso, tighter than usual, inhaling his scent which you’ve spent all this time missing. you feel whole again and your nerves have eased up.
he leans down and presses a chaste kiss to your lips, “hi, sweetheart.”
“i missed you.”
he wipes your tears away with the pad of his thumb before wrapping an arm around you, the other holding your daughter, “i missed you more. both of you. gosh, i felt like i was gonna die if i had to be away for another day.” it may sound like an exaggeration, but to satoru it’s nothing less than the truth. it was agonizing to be apart from his wife and the mini version of him. he missed waking up next to you, missed helping your daughter with her homework and reading bedtimes stories before bed.
but you’re together again and that’s all that matters. you’ve never been more relieved to watch a familiar face walk through the door.
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
okay fuck avoiding the dance how do we get ned out of the capital alive.
i think his main obstacle here is actually littlefinger and that’s hard to get around because ned has no real reason to distrust him besides littlefinger being skeezy, and catelyn trusts littlefinger
still, if i’m ned, and i get a letter saying there’s a conspiracy against my bestie and my wife is telling me i have to get involved, i’m contacting the closest thing to a southerner i know aka wyman manderly and going “hey can i have like. some spies. actually can you just come to the capital with me” and i’m telling varys that respectfully he’s fired. if i can’t fire him - why SHOULDNT i be able to but maybe robert is being annoying - i’m having manderly at every council meeting regardless.
it's probably harder to fire renly but i still think i'm bringing someone else i trust - a riverlander maybe, someone more In Tune With The South, like Jason Mallister perhaps - to at least shadow him and see if he's doing his job.
i get why he doesn’t want to tell sansa straight up not to trust the lannisters because what if she gives something away but not telling her anything is clearly a mistake. tbh i think even at the capital is slightly too late, he needs to tell her before they leave winterfell that they can’t be trusted. getting cat to do this is probably helpful, i do imagine she would listen more to her mother than her father about something like marriage and southron politics.
i feel the same about lady, i understand he doesn’t just try to sneak her back north because that would be difficult as fuck but if he just straight up says to robert’s face “if you want me to kill that wolf for you i’m taking my entire family back north and i’m coming back south to be your hand without my kids.” like call that man's bluff right away. i think robert shows in canon that he'll yell and scream at ned but he ultimately won't actually arrest ned for shit and ned should really push his luck here when it comes to lady because if robert can't back him up over a pet, well that says something you know.
but really - just avoid leaving sansa alone with joffrey and you can avoid this? actually wait - call up a mormont to be sansa’s sworn shield. i think alysane is pregnant at this point right, so call up dacey (or lyra? is lyra a warrior too?) and be like "STICK TO SANSA LIKE WESTEROS VERSION OF GLUE." handing sansa off is maybe not the best move parenting wise but it's one i think ned would realisticaly take - give her a peer or two that understand the danger and can explain it to her in a way she understands easier. but also - have CATELYN explain to sansa literally anything.
also, get her the harp tutor she wants so she has something to focus on besides joffrey.
send someone you trust, like jory or even the blackfish (someone stannis would respect) to stannis to be like "why did you cut and run you fuck???? get your ass back here i need some goddamn help." if he refuses, pull rank because why is this man disappearing so suspiciously and not telling anyone???
the MOMENT there's a problem - something goes wrong on the trident, something is even vaguely fishy at the capital - tell robb and cat to call the banners in the north and riverlands. i'm dead ass here. maybe it's not subtle - can you do this subtlely? if you can, do it that way - but i just think it's better to not fuck around here when all you have is a letter from lysa saying "something's fucky."
DON'T TELL CERSEI YOU KNOW ABOUT THE INCEST BEFORE YOU GRAB HOLD OF THE CAPITAL. I would honestly grab her kids, force them onto a boat, and tell her "get on the boat right now or robert will kill you all and i won't be able to stop him." don't give her a choice, don't give her a chance to regroup.
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lawbreaker13 · 1 year
There’s something about Elemental that I love but I can’t quite seem to articulate.
[Spoilers by the way]
At the end of the movie, Ember and Wade leave together so Ember can take her internship at the glass company. This is supposedly a full time thing for her, which means she’s moving. Like yeah, she underestimates herself like “oh it probably won’t go anywhere and I’ll be back home soon,” but that’s a very “ooh this is a big step and I don’t feel ready to move out” mentality (literally told my parents I’d be back at the end of my first year’s lease, it’s just a mental safety net, but boy was that a relatable line for me). Regardless of her lack of confidence in herself and this potential new job, she is moving out. And Wade is going with her.
She had said “I want to travel the world with you.” That’s great, and I hope they do, but that’s not what’s happening here. It’s said that this is several months, maybe even a year after the main events of the movie. The majority of the movie itself spans a couple weeks or so (edit: I counted, it’s about 8-12 days). So by the time they leave for Ember’s internship, Ember and Wade have been dating for a while. Anywhere between three months and a year. Wade is leaving with her, and it’s difficult for me to believe they’re going anywhere but the same place. Which means they’re moving in together.
Now I know that it sounds like I’m just freaking out and being incoherent about a ship, but the truth of the matter is, that’s really mature of Pixar.
Family friendly and kid-centric animation tends not to push anything but the “fall in love, kiss, get married, move in, have babies” pipeline. But what I loved about Elemental was that it portrayed a REALISTIC, HEALTHY, and MATURE relationship. One where the couple has arguments about real things that matter and after space, they talk it out. One where “I don’t understand” isn’t an invitation to shut down (even if Ember meant it that way in the heat of the moment), but an invitation to try and learn. One where anger and “I’m leaving” can be met with “I’m coming with you,” and one where the couple doesn’t just love each other right off the bat, they have to DATE MANY TIMES AND GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER, SEE EACH OTHER IN THE WORST OF TIMES, and THEN, realize they’re in love. AND they said it out loud, which doesn’t happen often either (edit: I am well aware that a week or two is a very short amount of time to fall in love, but I’m gonna cut them A LITTLE slack because it’s not like. 3 days, and also they seemingly saw each other every single day for those couple weeks and had the months after that. It’s rare, but sometimes, when you know, you know).
But beyond that. Beyond dating, getting to know each other, communicating and helping each other out, and deciding “yes, we can and should be together,” Elemental showed these two doing an adult thing together—leaving home and moving out. Because they are ADULTS. And the fact that I felt like this movie was targeted towards me and my peers the same way a PG-13 or R rated movie might be, strictly because of the realism in the character’s interactions and dynamic, that is something that I absolutely adore. Like, Zootopia was a kid’s movie with mature themes. Miraculous is a kid’s show with mature themes. Even Avatar: The Last Airbender was clearly targeted towards children, even though we all know it has something for everyone.
But Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. The Spider-Verse movies. And honestly, Elemental. These feel like our movies. Movies I’m glad the kids can enjoy, but they’re made for us. The 20- and 30-year-olds.
I’m just so happy to see animation studios treating adult characters like real people. Maybe soon people will start to recognize animation as a legitimate form of storytelling, too.
I loved Elemental. I really did.
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atlas-plugged · 2 years
I haven’t read Atlas since 2005, so I’m stoked to passively ingest snarky commentary.
It always seemed to me that the people around me who were most in love with this book often particularly love the idea that other people should love them regardless of how they treat other people. Like, being a dick, or just not having very good social skills, shouldn’t tarnish the adulation due to Smart People TM, (my super cringe teenage self included) who should run the world.
I’m super curious if this matches your observations.
So I'll tell you about the two people who I most vividly remember loved Atlas Shrugged when I was working at the coffee shop and they saw me reading it.
One person was a young latina woman who had worked her way through college and law school and who had passed the bar a year before and was working overwhelming hours at a law firm where she was getting significant raises on a regular basis. The job was difficult, and she always seemed on the verge of burnout, but she was very firmly entrenched in the idea that hard work paid off and liked the book because it was about people who were brilliant and rich and worked hard anyway and they came out on top in the end.
The other person who loved it was a middle-aged man who worked taking bets at the racetrack and who was a literal, actual VOCAL member of the John Birch Society. He was notable for two habits: he never tipped, and while he never bought his own pack of cigarettes he would also never, ever allow you to *give* him cigarettes, so he would 'bum' smokes from me and pay me a quarter each (this was when a pack cost about five dollars, so that was just about what a cigarette cost). He liked the book because he thought the world was full of moochers (he's the only person I've ever spoken to who would regularly refer to people that way in conversation) and the book was a story where the moochers got what was coming to them for once.
These were VERY different people who took pretty different messages from the book for very different reasons.
I think the central fantasy of Atlas Shrugged is that it is full of characters who are loved and valued for the thing that they most value about themselves. It is a book that is not just about a meritocracy, it is about a Meritopia. It is about people who get the things they want because they are the best at what they do. This is CENTRAL to the story.
The reason I used the term "Matryoshka of Cuckoldry" to describe the relationships is because of this meritocratic point of view. Eddie loves Dagny but is not jealous of the fact that she wants Francisco because Francisco is a better man than Eddie. Francisco wants Dagny, but understands her passion for Hank because Hank is a good man who is currently part of her world in a way that Francisco can't be. Hank *sends her a letter* letting her know that he's okay with her leaving him for Galt because he meets Galt and understands why Dagny can't love Hank anymore once she has met the pinnacle of humanity. Then both of her exes help her rescue her current lover because he is a better man than them.
The Fountainhead has a much more literal cucking thing going on with Dominique marrying and fucking two men who she thinks are much worse than Roark, sullying herself with their lust until Roark chooses to stop sullying himself by operating in a world that doesn't value him the way that she does.
What is the same in both of these novels, and what I think you are pointing at in your ask, is that the horrible characters are loved for the things that they love about themselves, and all of their unloveable traits don't matter.
That is the fantasy that people are getting from Atlas Shrugged, and that's why you might find some real assholes out there "Looking for their Dagny/Galt" (a literal phrase I have seen on Libertarian dating sites!).
And you know what, I can be sympathetic to that.
I was raised to value intellect over everything else. Academic achievement, high test scores, acceptance to a good college, and being smarter and more knowledgeable than all my peers was what I was taught was more important than being kind, or being polite, or making friends, or taking care of my mental health.
That meant that I really, really, really wanted people to love me for how smart I was.
And, well. The thing about that is, I ended up loving and being loved by people who didn't care if I was cruel or selfish, and who didn't mind being cruel or selfish to me.
I'm still kind of an asshole. And since I started dating my spouse within three months of when I first read Atlas Shrugged, it's not a surprise that he doesn't care much if I'm nice to people and is, himself, kind of an asshole (though, notably, he is not an asshole with me and part of me getting better has been both of us learning to draw boundaries on how we are willing to be treated by one another).
But oh my god, I'm never an asshole like I am when I'm around my dad. I'm never as much of a snob as I am when he brings it out in me. I'm never as mean as I am when I'm talking to him. And I've never stopped hearing from my dad that I'm too smart to be doing the job that I'm doing, that I'm too smart to be going back to school for a different degree, that I should be getting a PhD and focusing on one field because that's what I'm best at and the rest of the world should recognize it. I know that's what my dad loves about me more than anything else he loves about me. He thinks I'm smarter than him, and he thinks that's awesome, and he thinks that everything I do that is not about harnessing raw intelligence into an academic career is a waste of my mind and time.
So there is a part of me that deeply identifies with these characters whose best trait is their efficiency, who never bother to be nice because it would slow them down in the process of being perfect. I desperately understand the fantasy of someone saying "you are the best in the world at this one specific thing and I find that so sexy that I don't care about your lack of work/life balance, offputting personality, and total lack of skills unrelated to your area of interest."
(Of note: another part of this fantasy in the novel is that skill in one area translates to skill in others. There's a philosopher who is also an incredible short order cook; there's a banker who is also a brilliant tobacco grower; there's a railroad executive who is also an expert maid because Ayn Rand is so fucking kinky she doesn't know what to do with herself)
That's just, you know, a shitty way to live and means you treat people like crap and sometimes that takes a little while to understand that and figure out how to be less of an asshole.
Also: part of the fantasy is that you actually ARE good enough at any one thing that that's what someone will love you for. Most of us aren't! And that's a good thing actually, because people should love you for more than one aspect of yourself!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: one of the most important things that I've ever come across for my mental health is this image:
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[ETA: the image is a print by Nicole Manganelli of Radical Emprints and you can get one here.]
I saw it on Tumblr some time in 2013 or thereabouts and instantly recoiled from it. I was angry about it. It was *WRONG.* At that point, in my mind, ALL that you are were worth was your productivity. That was literally all that you had to offer to the world, and literally all that people could love you for.
That's the Atlas Shrugged mindset. That's what the people who are fans of the book are carrying around in their heads. That's why they think it doesn't matter if they're an asshole, so long as they're rich enough, or work hard enough, or are the best at enough things, or have enough to make up for the fact that they aren't anything outside of their productivity.
But the picture wasn't wrong, I was wrong.
Anyway, I've done a lot of therapy about it and that's the best answer I've come up with.
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petrichorium · 1 year
Okay I was thinking a relationship that’s like SUPER chill and casual. Like literally fuckbuddies turned lovers; u stay on ur home island and he’s off most of the time. Was based close by in the first year or two y’all met and got close so he was around more often but eventually it becomes him stopping by every few months for a few weeks and the two of you keeping up contact while he’s gone. The progression from just messing around to a committed relationship is slow and largely unsaid until Beckman tells you his captain has turned down every other woman for the past two years and you realize you aren’t much searching for other men yourself; soon enough you’ve got matching rings and as untraditional as it is it works.
And I’m just thinking abt how like…….. ur happy w ur life on ur little island, it’s relatively safe all things considered under his protection and you’ve lived there your whole life and all you rlly wanna do is keep your head down and stay there. Getting involved with Red-Haired Shanks puts a major flaw in that plan but it’s easy to forget who exactly he is. He doesn’t hide it, ofc not, but he’s so… unremarkable seeming that it’s difficult to remember, especially when your interaction with him is isolated to a scant few days or weeks when he’s most at ease and the only thing he’s thinking about is you.
But………. then you’re reminded otherwise. It’s silly really, because of course you know. It’s been years since you first met him, you’ve seen the wanted posters and you’ve heard how people talk about him, but knowing in abstract—contrasted by the man who’s managed to marry you, all wide smiles and incessant drunken love confessions and never dodging a well-placed swat from your hand—is far different from seeing in person.
You board his ship for a little trip; something small, only a few days to go retrieve a gift for you that Shanks had foolishly left a few islands away, low-risk and entirely in his territory. But it all goes sideways and you’re forced, quite suddenly, to realize just who you’ve managed to fall for—and exactly what kind of power and prestige he wields—while trapped with nowhere to go but remain on his ship with him and his crew for the days it takes to return.
You feel stupid more than anything, balking like this after one (frankly minuscule) fight. You don’t leave his cabin the whole trip back. He brings you meals, holds you when he can, tells you how much the crew misses you, but he doesn’t understand just how much you’re questioning. How much, you wonder, do you really know Shanks? Bordering on ten years is quite some time but when you only see him a scant few weeks out of those years, how much does it matter?
The ring on your finger, the way he looks at you—they settle on your shoulders more like a noose now, no longer making you giddy. How long until some bitter rival of his storms your home searching for you because they can’t touch him?
How much is he worth it when the lives of everyone in your hometown stand at risk?
You’re smart enough not to pick the fight until you’ve returned. You have it at the door of your home, long overdone and frankly terrified, all but melting down once you’re truly alone with him for the first time in a week. He doesn’t yell back—doesn’t do much, after attempts at soothing you fail, except watch you with a mildly surprised expression on his face.
For the first time in years you don’t let him stay the night, or see him off when he leaves the following day. You sit up on your roof and watch his ship disappear over the horizon and assure yourself that clearly you aren’t cut out for being his.
(But two months later that ship appears again, and an hour after docking there’s a knock at your door, and you can’t help how your breath hitches when you see that red hair beyond the peephole…)
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kenposting · 1 year
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Summary: You're a Blade Runner paired to work with Officer K. You both sense a bizarre shift lately. Something is wrong.
WC: 3.6k
AN: I literally have Ryan Gosling brainrot right now and I've loved this movie for years.
If there was one thing the two of you could agree on, its that something was wrong. Different. Broken. Whatever it was, something was wrong. 
He felt like a deterrent when you first met him. Someone assigned him alongside you a few months back. Being a Blade Runner at your stature had proven to be more difficult than anyone higher up had expected, and instead of retiring all the smaller, female models, they decided to just force you into this bizarre co-op with the other older Nexus-9s. 
And that’s what happened. You were assigned a partner, and therefore, a roommate as well. You found him to be a nuisance at first. You were perfectly fine doing your job on your own. This safety precaution was unnecessary, and you believed that wholeheartedly, until you saw the case photos of your model. 
It was brutal. Fueled by hatred. You had never ran into any real trouble, but these were your colleagues, retired before they had a chance to call for assistance. 
You began to be grateful he was around. The two of you argued constantly, but you did feel a lot safer. He was larger than you by a lot, and much broader in stature, but he didn’t scare you. Nothing did. 
Until now. You only barely understood what was going on when you compared it to human data. It seemed to be closest to fear, or perhaps anxiety. You never had a feeling before. Neither had he. 
Something was wrong. You just couldn’t shake it. Even thinking that way was bizarre, as it had nothing to do with programming or  logistics. The thought was pointless – unless it began to effect your work. And it had. 
“Do you know why the two of you are in here today?” 
Lieutenant Joshi was the superior to the both of you, a higher ranking member of the Retirement Division of the LAPD. You had never really minded her, but you knew something negative was present in the way she spoke. She was human, and you were built to analyze and understand the humanness within her. She was scared and confused. 
“No, Madam.” 
He answered for the both of you, something he often does. That was part of his job since the placement. He’s there to make sure you’re protected, even if it's something small. 
She looked at you. You shook your head. She sucked on her teeth, visibly upset. 
“Neither of you are even close to baseline.” 
Another bizarre sensation crept over your shoulders and sank into your abdomen. A feeling. You didn’t like it – which was another feeling, in and of itself. 
“What the fuck is going on?” 
She was upset now. You tried your best to comprehend it but you couldn’t. 
“Ever since we put the two of you together your retiring alone takes longer than usual, you aren’t preforming how you’re supposed to, you respond in inadequate ways, I mean, what is the problem?” She paused, collecting herself. “You only perform how you’re meant to when you’re together.” 
She looked at Officer K. She was speaking mostly to him. After all, he was the only one doing his job alone anymore. You were only allowed to work when he was around, and you performed fine. It was when you weren’t working… That’s where the problems were. You actually preferred his company to your own. You didn’t understand this. 
“I’m going to give you both an option.” She looked sternly between the two of you. “I’m going to retest you, right now. One of you will naturally preform better than the other. Whoever is closest to baseline will retire the other.” 
“You can take me, Madam.” 
His voice sounded different now. Still very monotone, but laced with urgency, like the thought of retiring you impeded on his natural task of protecting you. 
She scoffed. “This is exactly what I’m talking about, what is wrong with you?” She sighed, shaking it off and leaving the meeting room. You followed K into the testing area. Familiar. Uncomfortable. Something loomed over you. 
There were two white chairs. You and Officer K shifted to face one another. He looked into you. You looked back. 
“Officer K D 6 dash 3 dot 7,” A voice read off his name, followed by yours. “Let’s begin. Ready?” 
“Yes, sir.”
Again, he answered for the both of you. 
“Recite your baseline.” 
The two of you spoke immediately, like a second nature, programmed into the basic essence of your coding. You didn’t have to think or process. You knew what to do, so you did it. 
“And blood-black nothingness began to spin, a system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem, and dreadfully distinct against the dark, tall white fountain played–” 
The two of you responded back, your voices synced to one another. Your eyes darted all around his face, searching for a sign that he was performing well. You hoped he was. Another foreign feeling, hope. Why did you hope for his success? 
“Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.” 
His eyes never averted from your gaze. There was something foreign to you there. Something you presumed would be described as comforting. 
“Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.” 
“When you’re not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.” 
“What’s it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.” 
K’s face flashed before your mind at this question. You wished you also knew what was going on, but you didn’t. Something was wrong. You remembered his hand accidentally brushing against yours a few weeks prior. That’s when all of this began. You were going to be retired. You could feel it. 
Officer K looked over your face, a mechanical whirring at the speed of his shifting eyes. Truthfully, he felt the same way. He was going to be retired. He could feel it. 
“Did they teach you how to feel finger to finger? Interlinked.” 
“Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked.” 
You could’ve sworn you detected movement in K’s lips. A slight smile. Something you had never seen before in a Replicant. Something you had never done before. His eyes softened.
“Do you dream about being interlinked? Interlinked.” 
“What’s it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked.” 
“Do you feel that there’s a part of you that’s missing? Interlinked.” 
Sometimes you did think things like that, but they didn’t make any sense. It was like a buffering within you.
“Within cells interlinked.” 
“Within cells interlinked.” 
“Why don’t you say that three times, within cells interlinked.” 
“Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.” 
A silence fell over the white room, and again, fear crept in, or what you could only assume was fear. His eyes still hadn’t left yours. 
“Officers, do you have anything more to say?” 
The voice nearly startled you, further showing you that something was very wrong. You aren’t in any imminent danger, so why were you responding like you were? 
“No, sir.” 
You wondered if you’d ever have to answer for yourself again. 
He stood, his movement encouraging you to stand as well. You often followed his every move. His height never ceased to amaze you. You wondered why they built him so tall, yet programmed him so meekly. He didn’t naturally intimidate you. He didn't naturally intimidate anyone. He just did his job and went on his way. 
You followed him into the room you had both been in previously. Lieutenant Joshi was sat back at the table holding a sheet of data. She analyzed it much slower than either of you could. 
Officer K pulled out a chair and waited for you to have a seat. Part of his task. He sat beside you. 
Her eyes looked up, shifting between the two of you with a clicking motion. She was searching for something, but she wasn’t going to find it. There's nothing there to find.
“Do either of you have any comments, Officers?” 
You looked at K. 
“I hope I did worse than her.” 
She rolled her eyes, frustrated at his malfunctioning. She couldn’t gather a response, so she resorted to sliding the paper in front of the both of you. 
100% accuracy. A perfect score. The highest either of you had ever gotten to baseline. 
You looked up at her. She remained searching, beginning to say something before sighing, abandoning the thought all together. 
Officer K’s jaw tightened beside you. 
“Do either of you have anything to say for yourselves?” 
You looked at him, then her. You didn’t have any previous data on any of this. It was rare for you to have an uninspired thought, but your software had been updated to the highest functioning and you figured only one explanation would make sense. 
“We’re interlinked, Madam.” 
She was quiet for a moment, blinking. 
“It appears so.” 
Silence fell over the room for several minutes. K sat much taller than you. He felt much more powerful than you in this moment. Even now, you were glad to have him around. 
“We should really just retire both of you, but we’ve never seen this kind of score. I need to speak to some colleagues and I’ll have you report back here in the following days. Do you understand?” 
“Yes, Madam.” 
The two of you spoke in sync. Interlinked. 
The drive home was quiet, but pleasant. Both of you thought you’d be retired before sundown, so the bleak landscape appeared a bit more welcoming than usual. You didn’t particularly enjoy the world, but you did enjoy being around K. 
The walk to your building was always the worst. The people outside felt like one large organism, moving and speaking all at once, an amalgamation of bodies, neon lights reflecting against the rain droplets hitting the ground. It was hard to take in so many small happenings at the same time. He knew this about you, picking up on the shifts in your face when you stepped out into the night. He placed a gloved hand on the small of your back, leading you. Afterall, part of his task was to enure your safety, and he wanted you to know he was looking out for you. He liked doing a good job for you. He feels something when you thank him for it.
“Hey, A boy!” 
Moans and expletives swam through your ears. This scene was ever present. Every single night on your way home, you passed this part of town. Before Officer K was assigned to you it was much scarier. People would grab at you and pull you towards different dark buildings and corners of street. Replicant and human alike, both took advantage of your size. 
You always ignored it, programmed to move forward, but something felt different this time. 
The girls touched him, eyeing him up and down, walking alongside the both of you, looking at you. 
“Wanna come see what a real girl feels like?”  
He didn't react. He never did, actually. One of the girls showed a change in her expression, cautioning the others, mentioning his job. The words she spoke relieved you. You didn’t mind the insult, you just didn’t want him to leave you. It was scary out here. Everyone towered over you, even the girls. 
The girls dismissed her warning, giggling, grabbing onto him further. Your pace quickened. So did his. You reached the stairs outside of your building and he stepped aside, letting you go ahead of him. 
“We’re always here!” 
They were always there. They had been built for pleasure. Sexual consumerism. It confused you, really. You didn’t understand the appeal, but it seemed like everyone else did. K didn't get it either.
He followed closely behind you up the steps. The flights went on for ages. People lingered there, littering the tight area, continuing to yell at the two of you. K kept a close watch for anyone grabbing for you, though. He wouldn’t let it happed again. 
He opened the door to your apartment, holding it wide for you to walk in. Someone spat in your direction. He closed his eyes. It was like he was convincing himself not to react. He never had to do that before. The droning lull of the people made you feel anxious again, like you really were in danger. He shut the door behind you, the thick lock clunking shut. 
Your apartment was safe, like a homebase. No one could attack you here. You watched as K hanged his coat on the back of the door, heavy and weighed down. He looked different. Relieved. Softer. Pleased to see you. 
“Are you hungry?” 
You thought for a moment, considering when the last time you ate was. There was am artificial aching in your abdomen. 
He nodded, stepping a foot into the kitchen. This place was so small. After all, Blade Runners don’t really deserve comfort. They didn’t need it. They couldn’t feel it. But you did. You had to accept it, it was only logical. You felt the place was small, and that meant you could feel. 
K made the same thing you both ate every night. Noodles. You hated them – another feeling – but you liked spending time with him. It was sweet, the ways he chose to serve you.
He looked down into his bowl. He wasn’t eating. Something was different about him. 
“K? Is everything alright?” 
He looked up at you, meeting your gaze. He searched you, but found no answers. 
“I don’t know. I know that I’m supposed to know. But I don’t. And that means something is wrong.” 
You nodded. You felt immense comfort at his answer. He felt the same. At realizing this, a secondary thought entered your mind: he must need to be comforted as well. You thought back to your Joi, sat somewhere in a drawer for weeks now, collecting dust. You found it odd to use it around him, and he thought the same, but you remembered what went on when you did use it. You retraced all the humans you had came across in your mind, all films you had seen. You knew how they all comforted one another. You wanted to try for him. This was perhaps the most bizarre feeling of all. 
Neither of you were real, just programmed to be as human-like as technology currently allowed. So really, what’s the harm in this? You couldn’t have feelings for something real, but he wasn’t real either, so no harm no foul. 
“I feel the same way. I feel, I mean. I don’t like it either.” 
You tried your best to put it into words.
He nodded, shifting, like he had turned something off inside of him. You had frightened him. He thought he was just malfunctioning, and the only other option is that the two of you were both feeling something very real and new and unlikely. That was frightening. Something was wrong. 
His jaw tightened as he stood from the table, grabbing his bowl and stepping toward the kitchen. 
You sat there alone at the table for a long time. You felt something different now, something new. You didn’t recognize it; it hadn’t been taught to you. Loneliness, perhaps. Or regret. A feeling that you had said something you wished you hadn’t. 
A heavy hand rested on your shoulder, awakening you from your trance. You didn’t know how long you’d been sitting there, but the orange glow of the city had drifted into a deep aqua color. Night had fallen. 
“I don’t know what’s going on.” 
His voice was different. Softer than before, like every moment he became gentler and… more... human. 
You hummed in agreement. You didn’t know either. He reached his hand out and you took it, following him a few feet to your small bathroom. A soft glow came from behind the doorframe. 
His steps were heavy as he lead you forward. Your eyes shifted, taking in the scene. 
He had ran you a bath, something you didn’t even realize you possessed in this small space. There were candles lit alongside the edge of the porcelain. You were sure you didn’t own any candles. 
“I saw this in a film once…” His voice trailed off, like he didn’t know what else to say. He was almost shy about it. 
You stepped forward. A new smell filled the room. Something fresh. 
“Its lavender. I took some from the last Nexus-8 I retired. I know that’s not very romantic.” 
Romantic? Was he trying to be romantic? Why was he trying to be romantic? 
“And the candles?” 
His constant blank stare shifted into a sheepish, subtle, barely-noticeable smile. But you noticed. It was just a change in data, after all. 
“I bought them yesterday. I saw them downtown and I thought of you. I’m not sure why.” 
Whatever you had been feeling before was miniscule compared to what you feel now. An ache in your chest and browline, sharp and sudden. A tear fell from your right eye. Something was definitely wrong. 
This world was just… so sad. Fallen. Broken. Corrupted. Evil. Lost. So many things. And especially for you. You felt selfish for feeling this way at all; you weren’t a human that had everything ripped away from you, you weren’t even real. But your memories were real to you, and this was real to you too. No one had ever gone out of their way to think of you before. Everything before your assignment with Officer K was rigid and impersonal, but he wasn’t like that, and neither of you knew why. 
You stepped forward, keeping his hand in yours, leading him into the small space with you. It would be snug, but both of you could fit. 
You followed your normal routine, removing each article of clothing as to not get them wet. His torso was laced with cuts and bruising. Again, the sight of it made you feel something. 
He sank into the water first, still holding your hand, blankly looking forward at the tile on the wall. You followed after him, laying against his chest. This was nice, but also very weird. What were you meant to do now? You were grateful for the gesture. The warm water was a stark contrast to the cold world you both lived in. The last few weeks you realized you hated being a Blade Runner, and in hindsight, he must've felt the same. Underappreciated. Unimportant. Cold. False. 
“Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. Thank you for inviting me in.” 
You both sat there for a long time. His hand held onto you gently, like you were in danger. Part of his task. You liked this, but in every film you’ve seen, its followed by much more interesting activities. A curiosity crept inside you. There’s so much you’ve began to be able to feel and think and see. You couldn’t help but feel like this was only the beginning. “This was very kind of you, K. I hope you know that.” 
You felt him nod behind you, dismissive. 
“I appreciate you letting me work alongside you. I know you didn’t like it at first, but you’ve always been very nice to me. Thank you for that.” 
You felt like crying again. This world really did blow for the two of you, didn’t it? 
“I’d like to lay down now.” 
He nodded again, waiting for you to stand before standing himself. He got you a towel. He didn’t have to do that. It had nothing to do with your safety. That wasn’t an assigned task, that was a choice. 
“Thank you.” 
He nodded, careful not to look you over too much. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. 
As you dried yourself, he left the small bathroom. You quickly got dressed, searching around for him. He was sat on the couch staring blankly ahead. 
You made your way over to him, sitting beside him. You placed a hand on his arm and sat up to gently kiss his cheek, something you’d done with Joi before and something you’d seen in many movies. Even humans would do this downtown, you’d seen it before. 
He looked at you. 
“You kissed me. I don’t understand.” 
“I don’t either. I felt like doing it. I think it’s supposed to make people feel better and you look like you don’t feel well.” 
He looked at you. Nothing had ever made him react this way. He no longer wanted to just be a consumer of pleasure. Joi and the like didn’t interest him anymore. He wanted to show you something. He didn’t understand it yet, but he was made in the likeness of a human, and perhaps this was part of that. It would be different if he felt something for a human – unfair almost. He couldn’t provide them with the things they would need. He just didn’t have it in him. But you? You were like him. Just like him. The same. Cells, interlinked. 
He watched as you placed your hand atop his. It was so tiny in comparison. He didn’t recognize this sensation, but he felt an urge to take care of you, to give you anything you asked for. More than his assigned task. He wanted to, even if he didn’t have to. He took pleasure in it, actually. 
You were real to him; as real as he was. He wanted to take care of you. He also hated being a Blade Runner, and he knew you must have it so much harder. The board even assigned you a partner out of sheer fear you’d be brutally beaten into retirement just for existing, not to mention the humans and replicants that used your model for pleasure. He didn’t like that, and he didn’t want that. He wanted something different and it didn’t make sense to him. 
The act seemed almost the same. The same positions, the same words being said, the same sequence of events. People kissing, then laying down together, all of that. But sometimes something was different. He thought of the ads around town, how they appeared to him. He compared it to the books he had to read on the human condition. Something was different. One was about lust, and one was about love. He thought the latter more closely related to what he felt for you. 
“I’m okay, just thinking.” 
You looked up at his scarred face, bruised from the last job. There was something heavy on his mind. You wanted to help him with that. You didn’t know how, but you wanted to try for him. Afterall, the two of you performed great at work when you were together. Maybe you’d perform great at home too. 
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confusedblakex · 1 year
Soulmate AU Series: Shoto Todoroki
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki X Reader (GN)
Summary: The day you get your soulmark, except you didn't find your soulmate the way you expected
Wordcount: 933
Warnings: None
Requested by: No one
Inspired by: This post by @dashielldeveron and this post by @haitani-trash
Notes: Just trying to finish off all my fic series before I start anything new
Last edited: 15th May 2023
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You woke up as usual, with your alarm yelling at you to get up, and dragged yourself out of bed.
You felt odd, a headache on the left side of your head and an ache in your legs. You ignored it for the time being, taking a painkiller and getting dressed for school, opting to overthink it later.
You felt lethargic, and for some reason your brain just didn’t seem to be functioning properly. It was only as you were walking to school that you realised that you had forgotten something. Your phone buzzed with a message from Jiro saying “Happy Birthday!” with a few emoticons, and it hit you. Your birthday - your soulmark.
You immediately stopped and tried to find your reflection in a shop window. You looked over everything you could see, annoyed that you hadn’t looked before you’d gotten dressed for school. There was nothing odd about you, nothing visible had changed. You had a headache, but you had taken painkiller for it, so there was nothing notable.
You continued to school, hoping something would happen today. It was so ridiculously rare to not have a soulmate, but you couldn’t chase the possibility out of your mind. It was probably something simple and stupid, like your soulmate being younger than you.
Yeah, that was it. You decided to leave it be as you walked into your classroom and were greeted by your classmates. They all wished you a happy birthday, some asking to see your soulmark or asking if anything had changed. Explaining you didn’t know was more difficult than you anticipated, but your best friends Jiro and Tokoyami promised to help you figure it out.
“Nothing at all?” Jiro asked for the fifth time that morning.
“Nothing whatsoever. Just a headache specifically on the left side of my head,” You said, which only gained a confused look from Tokoyami.
“Slap yourself,”
“What??” Both you and Jiro questioned loudly.
“It could be that you and your soulmate share pain, hence the headache,” Tokoyami suggested, to which Jiro quickly seemed to understand his suggestion.
“I mean it’s possible, soulmates can have literally anything bonding them,” She said.
“So what’s slapping myself going to achieve?” You asked. If possible, it was in fact something you’d like to avoid.
“Just do it.”
You gave in, huffed, and raised your hand to your cheek. You took a breath in and gave yourself some space between your hand and your face.
And then slapped yourself with far more force than you intended, which gained confused looks from everyone across the classroom.
“So what now?” You asked, wincing. To your horror, Jiro seemed to be hiding a smile and Tokyami was looking away.
“Did your headache get worse?” Tokoyami asked as you nursed your now stinging cheek.
Did it? You couldn’t tell, but… no, the dull ache was still there and hadn’t changed. If it was, then what did that mean? Was the headache your soulmate’s pain?
“No,” You said cautiously, “But this doesn’t prove anything, and it also wouldn’t help me find my soulmate,”
Jiro couldn’t hold her laugh in anymore and sniggered, holding onto Tokoyami as she used her hand to cover her mouth. You deadpanned as you watched the two of them enjoying this just a bit too much.
“You two are terrible,” You grumbled, “I’m never asking you for soulmate advice again…”
You slowly wandered the UA halls, not looking where you were going and getting lost in your own thoughts.
It was a nice day, and you were taking your time to get to the cafeteria. Jiro and Tokoyami had apparently got a birthday present that they wanted to give you, but you had got distracted on the way there and then couldn’t get back in focus.
As you rounded a corner, you caught a glimpse of another person about to crash into you, and in a split second you used your quirk to push them back. They toppled backwards and fell with a grunt.
Your back suddenly started aching, but you ignored it for now, instead deciding to focus on the boy who was now trying to stand back up.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry, I did that totally unconsciously,” you said quickly, trying to help him up off the floor. Oddly enough, it was Todoroki from your class.
“It’s alright,” He replied, “It was my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going,”
He then pulled his sleeve down and held his arm, not taking his eyes away from his wrist. You panicked and assumed he was hurt from the fall.
“Did I hurt you?” You asked, worried, but he simply shook his head.
You tilted your head to try and see what he was looking at.
It was his soulmark, but it just showed zeros. It was a countdown, you assumed. So that meant-
The zeros suddenly faded from his wrist, causing him to wince. As it disappeared, you felt a sudden stinging on your wrist in the same place Shoto’s soulmark was.
“It’s nice to meet you, soulmate.” He said, and gave you a small, gentle smile.
“Okay, that was mean earlier,” Jiro said as she sat with Tokoyami in the cafeteria.
“They said they had a headache on their left side,” Tokoyami explained calmly, “I wanted to see how Todoroki reacted,”
“I mean it’s a fair assumption, but you can’t jump to conclusions like that…” Jiro said, 
“Hey guys,” You said, running to their table with a smile, “You’ll never guess what just happened,”
“Todoroki is my soulmate-!”
“YES! I called it!”
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etherealabyss11037 · 6 months
DRA Character Sexuality Headcanons
I’ll just be making a brief list of what sexual orientation I believe each character from the first Danganronpa Another game has. Remember, I’m not condemning anyone who disagrees with my interpretation or has a different headcanon of a character. I believe everyone is entitled to their own headcanon, even if it blatantly contradicts canon, and you don’t attack others who don’t share the same headcanon as you.
Kiyoka Maki: heterosexual.
Kiyoka spends her last FTE worrying about who’ll be a suitable boyfriend if they don’t escape, so that’s basically my justification for this interpretation.
Mitsuhiro Higa: heterosexual.
Yeah, I don’t think much explanation is needed: he sexually harasses Akane in chapter 1 and brags about how many girls he gets in his FTEs. I understand why some may interpret him as an in-denial homosexual, if only to take the piss out of him, but I don’t see it that way. Mitch is a pretty transparent character, so I doubt something as deep as that is applicable to him.
Kizuna Tomori: heterosexual.
Some see her as a repressed lesbian, which I understand why, but I see her as more of a “straight girl with severe issues in her relationship to men”. Plus, I take into account the FTEs, so Kizuna’s implied attraction to Yuki by her last FTE is indicative of her sexuality to me.
Ayame Hatano: Bisexual.
I forever headcanon Ayame is in love with Akane, but her last FTE has her blushing at Yuki, so I interpret her as a girl-leaning Bisexual.
Kakeru Yamaguchi: Bisexual.
I wholeheartedly ship Kakeru x Kanata (Kakenata? Kanakeru? Yamanori?), so that’s part of it, but Kakeru also gives major guy-liker vibes, so there you go. I also semi-ship Kakeru and Kinji, so that’s further fuel to the fire.
Kanata Inori: heterosexual.
As I just said, Kakeru x Kanata is OTP for me, and that’s all the justification I need.
Kinji Uehara: Pansexual.
This might sound unexpected, but I see Kinji as such an open-minded and big-hearted person that he wouldn’t consider the gender of his partner, even if his religion prevents him from entering any romantic relationships.
Haruhiko Kobashikawa: heterosexual.
Similar story with Mitch, except Haru isn’t nowhere near as creepy. Sure, some think he’s got some homoeroticism with Yuki in his FTEs, but his obsession with the female gender leaves me skeptical of that.
Satsuki Iranami: Pansexual.
Similar to Kinji, I believe Satsuki’s such a pure-hearted person that she wouldn’t even think about her partner’s gender. Still, Satsuhiko for the win!
Yamato Kisaragi: Pansexual.
Literally the exact same explanation with Kinji and Satsuki, only I think he’s got a preference for men.
Mikako Kurokawa: Biromantic Demisexual.
Being the mysterious and quiet girl she is in-game, I doubt Mikako would consider dating someone unless she’s built a secure, trusting relationship with them. However, I’m unsure whether this would apply to pre-game Mikako.
Teruya Otori: homoflexible.
Now, I just can’t unsee Teruya liking other guys, but I also headcanon that Teruya developed feelings for Rei between the time they escaped and pre-SDRA2, so I compensated roughly down the middle.
Akane Taira: Heteroflexible.
I view Akane as predominantly being attracted to men, but may make some exceptions for a girl or two (perhaps Ayame would fit the bill 👀)
Yuki Maeda: Heteroflexible.
Similar to Akane, he seems to be a woman-liker, but I’ve no problem with the idea of him getting together with the right man (*cough*KINJO*cough*). In regards to Utsuro, I think he’s either AroAce or Demisexual.
Rei Mekaru: Panromantic Demisexual.
See, I believe Rei would have an extremely difficult time with getting vulnerable enough with someone to consider dating them, but once a trusting relationship is established, I don’t think she’d care about her partner’s gender.
Tsurugi Kinjo: Biromantic Demisexual.
Similar to Rei, except Tsurugi may have a preference for men, given that he spent much of his backstory and post-SDRA2 presence being defined by his relationships to other men.
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s3a-s1ug · 1 year
Enkivaldr parent headcanons
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ANON REQUEST- unfortunately I couldn’t find the ask in my notifs so sorry abt that :[ anyhoo finally got this one out! Sorry it took a while tho lmao- hope you guys enjoy it tho!! >:]
-Enki would definitely start off as barely interacting with the two while they started living together after escaping the dungeons. But that gets difficult when they literally live together
- he’s honestly not sure what to do cuz he usually spends his time alone. So he tries to steer clear of them but that plan blows
- Ragnvaldr encourages him to hang out with the girl a bit. He might as well because they’re staying together. He’s not the most enthusiastic about the idea to say the least
“Tch well I’m not her parent am I?”
“Ja ,Enki , I know but I think you should at least try… maybe you could- I dunno…”
A small silence is in which Enki didn’t break eye contact while Ragnvaldr thought
“Oh! I know! Maybe you could read her some or your book to her? Maybe before she goes to bed, ja?”
“Hmph I hardly think ancient ritual text and dark magic could constitute as bedtime stories” he said in a snark tone
“Well just find something, okej?”
- He reads her things like stories about the gods or maybe share some excerpts from his own research
- She doesn’t understand it too well so she sometimes asks occasional questions during his reading and he answers [he secretly loves to answer her questions]
- Sometimes he gets so envied in what he’s reading aloud he doesn’t even realize that she’s fallen asleep. His heart melts a bit when he sees her. He says goodnight and leaves quietly
- Ragnvaldr is so genuinely happy about this. Whenever Enki comes out of her room and goes to Ragnvaldr he has the biggest smile on his face
“What are you gawking at!?” He snapped
“Nothing, stjärnljus, just happy” He replied warmly
- They would also go on nature walks together JSKSJ- although it does take some convincing to get Enki to actually go outside
“Come on Enki just for a bit. If not for me then for the girl.”
“I understand but I must finish my research”
“Yes but it has been…days since you’ve been outside, ja? You are kind of like a -how do you say…a vampire.”
“A vamp…” he cut himself off processing what Ragnvaldr just said “I’m not even going to dignify that with a serious response…” yet he still pondered and then sighed “fine maybe your right- not about the vampire part- but I might need to go outside for a bit”
“That’s the spirit!”
- The all walk together. The girl LOVES going outside for walks. He loves running through fields and finding animals with Ragnvaldr. And looking under rocks to find all sorts of bugs with Enki.
- Seeing the two be so interested in the same thing and bonding over it make Ragnvaldr SO HAPPY
- On a good day, if they’re walking down a path together, Ragnvaldr stands on one side of the girl holding her hand and Enki holds her other on the opposite side
- Ragnvaldr even show her some simple hunting and fishing techniques. Enki takes mental notes of everything he’s saying
-Enki slowing but surely warms up to him and the girl and seems genuinely content with both of their company. Even if he doesn’t like to admit it. But Ragnvaldr knows that he has a soft spot for the girl
I had so much fun with this! JSKSJSJ this was so wholesome omg
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alieinthemorning · 1 year
Warped Pedestal [Leander]
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Content: Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Men Crying, Insecurity, Toxic Mindsets, Literal Sleeping Together
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
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Leander felt inadequate when he was around you. 
When you were around things seemed brighter, lighter, just… more.
Not to say that he was the exact opposite and that he brought the mood down—no, but
He just wasn’t you. 
How was one to compare the flame of a candle to that of the sun? 
So he found himself shying away from you, his friends. He didn't really mean to, honestly. It just happened. He just wanted you to shine brighter, wanting everyone to see what he could see. 
At the expenses of himself (and his friends). 
He was good at becoming sparse when he needed (see: wanted) to. Ais and Vere were the easiest to avoid because they were attempting the straightforward approach. 
Kuras shot him a few texts, but mainly had resorted to sending him worried glances whenever they were in close proximity. 
Mhin was the most difficult to avoid, always hanging around corners, finding him in the places where he didn’t expect. He understood that they were picking up on his patterns, so did the same for them. And right when Mhin thought they had him, he switched hit up on him (all of them).
And then there was you, in a league of your own. He couldn’t, refused, to avoid you. So he had to grin, bare it and lie. He hated lying to you, but you wouldn’t understand. Asking you to understand would be like asking the sun to understand itself. A brilliant star that’ll grow hotter and hotter until it supernovas, but that doesn’t matter for its only purpose is to shine and shine it will. No matter what that star will shine. 
“Ah.” He dragged a hand down his face, softly groaning into his palm.
When did it come to this?
Had you always been this unobtainable? You couldn’t have, he wouldn’t have been able to ask you out if you truly were that far out of reach. 
“You’re thinking so deeply that those crease lines have crease lines.” Your voice suddenly filled his ears, your finger pressing against the crease lines’ crease line. 
His face immediately flushed. “W-when did you get here?” 
“I just came in.” You answered, pulling your finger back to instead pull your face closer. “What were you thinking about?” 
“N-nothing” He leaned out of your reach. 
You frowned. He frowned.
Why did you frown? The two of you had established early on in your relationship that sometimes touching wasn’t always liked because sometimes the scars and the pain that came with them became too much. You both agreed that there would be no hard feelings and just to keep the ball rolling.
So why did you frown—? 
“There you go again, thinking so hard.” You sighed, making your way to the couch and plopping down, “Sit with me.” 
He did so, stiffly, waiting for you to start since you obviously had something to say. 
You sighed, fiddling with your fingers. “If…I’m coming between you and your friends then I think we should break—”
“No!” He cut you off sharply, paused to take in his tone, then repeated the sentiment but softer. “No…I don’t want to break up. I promise it’s not you—not us.” 
“But something has changed. You’ve become distant with them, you’re avoiding them. And yeah—I spend more time with them now, but you only seem to spend time with me.” Your hand fell to the side, drawing patterns in the couch cushion. “It just feels like you’ve put me up on some pedestal and that you’re gonna leave them behind for me.” 
Leander’s face dropped. 
You had known.
You had known.
Of course you had! You were perfection, of course you would have picked up on whatever this was. Seen through something so insignificant, small, transparent, and—
“Leander!” Your voice was sharp and clear (very close to his face), your hands firmly held his cheeks (his hands were over yours—why were his hands over yours?). 
Your thumbs had begun to message his jaw, “Unclench for me, sweetheart.” 
At first your sentence sounded like underwater grabble, but after a few seconds it registered. His brows furrowed and tried to speak, to tell you that he was fine, but his mouth wouldn’t open. He tried and tired and tried and tried, but it just wouldn’t open and there was a headache pulsing between his eyes.
“I’m not asking you to speak, I just need you to unclench your jaw, okay?” You whispered. “Then we can go lie down and relax.”
It took a few more minutes of him struggling before he finally was able to relax his jaw. Silently, the two of you made it to his room, stripping down to your underwear then slotted against each other. And just laid there quietly, just existing among the other’s presence. 
And it was so incredibly suffocating. 
“I don’t feel like I should be dating you.” He whispered against your neck. “I feel like you’re so much better than me and that if I stand beside you, I’ll take away from your shine—your perfection.” He sighed. “I’m not worth it—I’m not enough.” 
You tried to turn in his embrace, but he wouldn’t allow it, arms holding you tighter. He couldn’t let you turn around. He couldn’t let you see. 
He sniffled, you tensed. He slammed his eyes shut, turning his head into the pillow so that no more of his tears would stain your skin. 
“Leander” You called his name, soft and divine. “Am I human?”
He was quiet for a moment, as much as he wanted to say that you were something beyond that, some sort of higher being, but he knew that’s not the answer that you were looking for (and somewhere within himself he knew that that wasn't true anyway). 
“You’re human…like me.” He sniffled. He didn’t like placing himself so closely to you. 
“Mmh. That means that we’re a lot more alike—on the same level than what those thoughts are telling you.” He bit his lip. Once again, you were spot on.
When had the voices, the ones that would tell him that he wasn't worth it and to stop bothering his friends with his presence, dragged you into it? Turned himself against you? Made him susceptible to the vile words and actually made him act upon it. 
“Can I turn around?” His grip on you loosened and you quickly faced him, hands flying up to his cheeks. You gently wiped at the wet trails.”Can I tell you a secret?” 
He nodded, not trusting his watery voice just yet.
“I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” His breath caught in his throat and he attempted to pull back, but you held him firm. “You are worthy of my love, Leander. Can you say it—say that you’re worthy of this love?” 
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Can you say it? That you are worthy of love?
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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Uhhhhh, Hi! Do you have any ideas or prompts for platonic soulmate fics with Danny and the Kent or Bat Family???????
Danny would not say that their relationship was always simple.
The supposed automatic syncing of two souls, the feeling of elation of finding the one.
It did not happen, and quite frankly sounded stupid.
No, Danny dreaded the day for quite some time. To force some poor smuck to be tied down with a burden of ruling a realm that he himself did not want to begin with. Uprooting someone’s whole existence to be some faithful queen to sit by his side for eternity.
“For the faith of the infinite realms, to calm you in the most difficult of times,”
“To be your faithful right hand in times of need,”
“To give the occupants something the look up to as status,”
It felt undermining and demeaning every way the Observants phrased it. Like he was some unstable fruitloop waiting for a reason to be unreasonable.
He had heard his mentor’s tales of how such a relationship can become an undoing and wasn’t interested.
He was 18 human years young and just entering college on top of being a king. A love life was the furthest thing from important in his mind.
So you could imagine his shock when he was called back to realm during mid terms under the pretense of something important only to find the youngest Wayne child in chains and frothing mad.
This did not feel good,
With a sigh Danny rose from his throne,
“Do I even want to know?”
“You have put off finding sustainable spouse for far too much time. It is imperative that the monarchy has suitable alternatives due to your rare affliction. Fright Knight had taken it upon himself to scour amongst the living and dead for the most suitable consort.”
“I will show you the real definition of consort you-!”
Danny glanced at the knight who though stood with his usual air of reticence, seemed to minutely grasp at his swords hilt as he looked to the observants.
“Leave us.”
The room paused at the command,
”My liege?”
“You as well my knight, Mr. Wayne and I have much to discuss and the likes.”
“Of course we will be in contact when you are ready,”
It took everything in his core to not react to the observants’ smugness as they filled out the throne room. Freight Knight hesitated at the door but fealty left, the closing the chamber reminiscent of the locking of a casket.
Danny was not ready for the elbow to the solar plexus when he removed the binding from the shorter man.
Nor the fist to nose, jab to the ribs and kick to the back of the knees.
He regained his senses in time to phase through the rope wrapped around his neck.the two circled each other waiting for the first strike.
Danny threw his hands up,
“ I will not! If you think I will be genial to a thing that kidnapped me with the intention of consummation-“
“JESUS! Listen! I didn’t know shit about this beforehand! Does it look like I can handle a fucking husband let alone a good relationship!”
Damian paused
“My kidnappers said-“
“Your kidnappers are egotistical dumbasses that would throw me away at any given chance if it weren’t for the that it would fuck everything else up.”
Danny shook his head,
“Look, I’m so sorry that you got dragged into this shit but if it weren’t you than it would be someone else. They’re getting unruly.”
“How so?”
“Besides your kidnapping? Acceptance of all courting letters sent to me. Do you know how many awkward dinners have had to sit through? From people who have been dead centuries to literal hauntlings!”
Danny pinched his nose with a sigh,
“Surly they would understand that such a choice is impeccably important? Why force your hand with meager people will only burn them in the end.”
“Doesn’t stop them.”
They say in silence for a moment before the Wayne cleared his throat into his face and turned to back to Danny.
“If this is such of an inconvenience that you imply, may I offer a boon?”
No their relationship wasn’t easy going at all. Damian and him were widely different in personalities, different pasts, and had outside lives that were important.
But as Danny watched his “paramour” chase an observant around with a glowing sword. He couldn’t help but feel like they won in the end.
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deepperplexity · 10 months
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Prompt: 12. Giver Of Gifts [D2]
Pairing: Gruber x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Countryside resort near Darlington
Continuation of: RICKMAS2022 prompts 14. Icy roads & 15. Frosty Glass and RICKMAS2023 Prompt 11. Imperfect Holiday
A/N: Hi darlings! I know I’m a day late, well, like 11 hours late, but my daughter needed me a little extra yesterday (nothing bad, she was just very cuddly and wanting to be literally on me) so when I got har to sleep I was so exhausted I couldn’t finish the fic. It’s a long one 😂 But here it is! And I’ll get today’s fic up later as well, don’t worry! I feel super creative and rested today so I’m going at full speed! 😍👏 But, this is the last fic of Hans and Anna-Louise. It’s been one of the hardest serial fics I’ve ever written, it takes so much with the language use and all that but I have had such a good time writing for these two! I really hope you’ll enjoy this one and how it all turns out in the end 🥰❤
Tags/TW’s: Light One Bed Trope, Kissing, Cudlding, Hugging, Being Left Behind, Secret Identity, Secrets, Self-Doubt, Finding One's Own Value, Gift Giving, Being Spoiled/Cared For, Criminality, Unlawful Actions, Falling In Love, Confessions Of Feelings, Indicates Hazardous Situations, Second Hand Revealing Of Secrets, Worrying, Charity, Fluff, Angst, H/C, Reassurance
Word Count: 6.7k+
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Our lips parted, my first ever good kiss. Fabulous, wonderful, perfect kiss. And it was with him, the man who not only saved my life and held impromptu therapy sessions over muffins but who also saw me and heard me — a man who I deeply felt cared for me, truly. To kiss him was… a trip. A real trip of every sensation my body was able to feel and no sooner had it ended than I wished to do it again.
“Schnuki, don’t doubt my want of you, or how special I think you are,” he whispered, it came out thick and heavy in his dark rumble of a voice. “I will spoil you in any and all ways I see fit, understand me?” he continued. “I— You are something else, Hans…” He chuckled at that and kissed my forehead in that gentle manner of his tightly groomed beard gentle but firm against my skin. That kiss only felt even sweeter now that I knew how urgently and intensely he could kiss my lips.
“Tell me you understand,” he urged. “I-, I think I understand. It’s difficult for me, I can’t really understand why me, and how it became me, but I’m bloody happy about it either way, is that alright?” I asked, my cheeks burning once more, perhaps I’ll evolve second-degree burns with this amount of blushing? Or I’ll need to chug water, all this warmth will leave me dehydrated. “That’s alright, I’ll make you understand in due time.”
There was a knock at the door and Hans slid out of my grasp. “Go put those on,” he said, pointing to the pyjama set of silk still on the bed. I nodded and grabbed them, heading to the bathroom just as he opened the door and I heard the bell boy announce that he was room service.
When I came back, dressed in the fabulous silk that made me feel wrapped in a cloud, Hans sat on the bed with a tray atop the covers with two covered plates, two glasses of orange juice, and a plump-looking blueberry muffin. “Is that for me?” I asked, pointing to the treat. “Yes, thought you could see if this fancy place compares to that little café.” I smiled at him and he patted the bed beside him, I carefully sat down cross-legged and he lifted off the silvery coverings that kept the food warm.
The smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes wafted up my nose — my stomach promptly growled with desperation to have the goodies. “S-sorry…” “My sweet treat, never apologise for any bodily functions with me. If you’re hungry, I’ll give you food. If you’re cold, I’ll offer my coat. If you need a shower, I’ll rent an entire house for one if needed.” I gaped at him while he smiled cheekily at me, it was nearly a smirk yet not quite. “Ooo-kay,” I said, prolonging the word far more than necessary, but what was I to say to that?
Hans pushed a fork toward me. “Eat, then we sleep.” I didn’t hesitate. Is tarted in on the bacon and eggs, cutting the long pieces of meat and mixing it with the eggs before topping it with a healthy dose of salt and shoving it into my mouth. The flavour burst atop my tongue and I groaned in appreciation. “Best, eggs and bacon, ever, had,” I mumbled as I chewed. “So good.” “Glad to hear it,” he said and started in on his pancakes, his knife and fork moving with steady precision while mine flew in an uncoordinated manner all over the plate.
When the plates were cleared I chugged the juice. I was full, but that muffin looked bloody tempting and I didn’t want to be ungrateful so I grabbed it and took a huge bite out of it. It was good, not as good as the ones at home but moist and flavourful. “Good?” Hans asked and I nodded. “Really good.” I took another bite while Hans cleared away the tray from the bed. “But not quite as good?” How did he know? I never even really ate the muffin last time, did I? No, no I don’t think I did. I was too wrapped up in him and how he held my hand and talked about how I was being treated, I mean, it’s not Ferdinand’s fault, but I think he was madder at Dad and Sis, then again I could be wrong. I’m often wrong, I guess, I never thought Mum would leave, or that Martha would become a dear friend, least of all I’d skip town with a rich German—
“Schnuki?” “Huh? Hmm? Yeah?” Hans smiled gently at me, stroking back a strand of hair by my cheek and hooking it behind my ear. “Lost in thought?” he asked. “Oh, umh, suppose so,” I said. “How did you know about the muffin?” “That it’s not as good?” I nodded. “It’s all over your face, little treat.” “What?” “You talk quite a bit, and you think even more I believe, but your face says everything one needs really. Just have to look,” he said and I wasn’t sure how to feel about it.
“Sorry…” I mumbled, looking down at my half-finished muffin while fiddling with the striped paper around it. “Don’t be, I quite like how open you are, and willing to share. Not a common thing these days, you know. You’re a rarity.” I scoffed. “That’s for sure. Imagine if everyone blabbers like me? Gosh, blimey, the world would be a headache-inducing verbal madhouse,” I chuckled, yet it made me sad, to be honest. “I’m not talking of others, just you,” Hans said and leaned over to kiss my temple. “Now, time to sleep.”
He went around the room, turning off lights and making sure all doors were locked before he pulled all the curtains while I got comfy in the giant bed — honestly, it was the softest and most comfortable bed I’d ever laid in. Then I bolted upright as the last light went out. There’s only one, just one, he’ll sleep next to me, oh gosh, he’s going to be next to me!
The bed dipped and Hans indeed slipped in under the cover - the single cover that was made for two people. “Schnuki? Aren’t you lying down?” “Oh, umh, yeah, yeah sure am,” I stuttered out and slowly sank down. “I won’t bite,” he whispered right beside me. “Come here.” He pulled me in, his arms securely wrapped around me while my heart galloped in my chest. I’d never shared a bed with anyone, and sharing a bed with Hans was an experience that had me tingly all over.
“My sweet treat,” he hummed and tugged me flush against his front, spooning me. “H-Hans,” I whispered and he hummed a sound of contentment. “I’ve never… Never shared a bed without any bloke,” I continued and he squeezed me even tighter. “What a lucky bloke I am then.” I don’t know, I think maybe I’m the lucky one. Feels like it, feels like I’m getting some Christmas miracle. A man being a miracle, bloody hell that’s a thing I never thought I’d think.
I’d fallen asleep way too fast in his arms. I slept all through the night and when morning came I woke up alone. The bed and room were empty. I did what any sane person would, I buried my smiling face in the pillow and kicked my legs under the cover with a giggle erupting from me. Hans, sweet Hans, and he’s with me! Me! Me? Like, what? I swear if I wake up in some snow mound after having slipped and hit my head or whatever nonsense I’ll go straight to whoever runs this show and strangle them.
The door opened, and faint footsteps echoed through the room. Hans probably thought I was asleep still. “Hans?” I asked, peeking out from under the cover, turning my head to not be buried in the pillow. “Scnuki, you’re awake, good,” he said and a second later the curtains were drawn away from the window and balcony door. “Breakfast will be here any minute.” “We really having it out there? It looks bloody cold,” I said while half sitting up. “You’ll be warm with blankets, and I ordered extra coffee. Black.” “Coffee, god, yes please,” I moaned and dragged myself out of bed to go freshen up in the bathroom.
I rummaged around my bag first though, looking for some fresh clothes to wear. “On the chair,” Hans said while pulling away the rest of the curtains while I looked over my shoulder. There were several bags on the chair, so I scurried over only to freeze as I looked into them. Clothes, shoes, gloves, a purse, and all gorgeous and expensive looking if my eyes served me right.
I grabbed a thick white jumper, knitted with little pearls added in a snowfall pattern from the shoulders and over the chest. “Hans-, Hans this is too much, way too much, and expensive. Are you completely bonkers? Gone mad with a Christmas flu or something?” He only chuckled and walked up to me. “You deserve pretty things, nice clothes, warm clothes,” he said and gave my shoulders a squeeze while I looked at the jumper in my hands. It was way, way, way too much.
“Now, get dressed, and we’ll have breakfast.” “But I can’t wear—” “Schnuki, accept my gifts for you.” I looked up at him, his eyes earnest and his features soft as he asked me to simply allow him to spoil me. I’d never been spoiled, or taken cared of, or even cared for . “In silks…” I muttered, remembering his words from yesterday about wanting to come home to me dressed in silk and finery.
I did as he asked, taking the jumper, some really pretty white jeans with a matching belt of cream and gold before nabbing some new underwear and socks as well. I stopped in the bathroom, before closing the door. “How do you know my sizes?” I asked, turning to look at the cheekily smirking man. “I just looked at you,” he said. “You are very easy to look at, my little treat.” I must have blushed scarlet, my skin was on fire once more and a knock at the door saved me from making a fool out of myself.
I felt like a tenner in my new clothes, the full-length mirror in the bathroom gave me the full view and everything fit perfectly, hugging my somewhat straight shape and perfectly complimenting my skin and hair. I’d done it in a side braid to keep it away and not hide the sparkling pearls at the top of the jumper. I didn’t have any make-up, but I never used much more than some powder and mascara anyway.
Hans had set up our breakfast on the balcony when I left the bathroom. He was on the phone again, this time speaking in German and I couldn’t understand a word of it. His voice was perfection in German though, the harsh language only complimenting his deep voice further. Perhaps I should learn German too? Would be neat, not that I need more languages to talk in but it’s nifty to know more than one language.
I sat down on one of the chairs covered in a thick fur and dragged two of the blankets over my legs. “Coat,” Hans said as I was getting comfortable and I looked up. He was indeed looking at me and then nodded toward the room. I grumbled a bit but got up to fetch my jacket, it wouldn’t make much of a difference but it was cold outside.
I stood stock still in the middle of the room. By the door, where his coat had hung before, was a beautiful winter coat. It was wine red with black fur along all hems and a black belt with a golden buckle around the middle. It looked as expensive as his and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how he’d managed to get me so many things in a mere few hours — and we had both been asleep. The amount of money he’d spent had my stomach twisting, but it wasn’t all bad. There was a warmth and joy there too, that I was worth something to him meant the world to me. Even if he showed his care in monetary ways far from my own reality I wasn’t going to just dismiss his chosen way of showing he cared.
I grabbed the coat and put it on while walking back to the balcony. It, too, fit perfectly of course and the lining on the inside was silky smooth and I felt toasty in it — and pretty too. Hans was still on his call but he spun his finger around, asking me to twirl and with another blush across my cheeks I did as he asked. It was really the least I could do. His smile made me smile even wider while I mouthed “thank you”. He nodded and said something harshly in German into the phone while I got back to my chair.
“Take care of it, we have four minutes, that’s it,” he finished in English and snapped the phone shut. “I like when you talk in German,” I blurted out while reaching for my coffee cup. “Is that so?” I nodded. “How come?” he continued. “Sounds very brazen and, I dunno, large? Like, the words sound large, and it suits your voice. Your voice is really good, you know. I like it a lot, I mean, it’s not a common voice, but it’s perfect for you, and I like it,” I blabbered while fidgeting with the blanket with my free hand. “I’m glad to hear it.” “But, what do you have four minutes to do? I heard you say that yesterday too,” I continued without a break and the look on Hans' face stopped my flow of words.
He sat down, adjusting his coat and grabbing his coffee. “How much did you hear yesterday?” he asked, almost too calmly. “Oh, not much, sorry, was it banking stuff I shouldn’t know about? Like about the stock market and stuff? I heard you mention stocks and time stuff, and you look like a banker so I just assumed,” I said, worry blooming in my gut I had done something he would be upset with me over. But he smiled at me, instantly taking away the worry. “It’s alright. Don’t fret,” he said and sipped his coffee. “I’ll tell you in due time, not now though. Now, it’s time to get some food in you.” And feed me he did. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, little cucumber sandwiches, and different cheeses on lightly toasted bread along with some fruits and juice. I ended up absolutely stuffed.
I turned off the shower, after having walked about the grounds most of the day I’d felt a need to clean up when we returned to the room after a lovely dinner down at the main restaurant of the country resort. It had been a really wonderful day and Hans hadn’t asked me to shut up once, he actually seemed to enjoy my blabbering. But I didn’t blabber as much with him, there was no need as he listened when I chatted. The man had patience, I’d give him that.
He was on his phone again, but lying on the bed this time while talking in German. He sounded very precise, as if he were giving instructions or something when I came out dressed in my silky pyjama set. He looked at me with a sweet smile before lifting the cover so I could have it over my legs as I sat cross-legged beside him. His hand landed atop my thigh, his finger stroking circles on the inside of it and I felt as if I would go mad with having his hand there.
He barked something into the phone before slamming it shut, tossing it to the foot of the bed. “Idiots,” he muttered before falling back on the pillow. “I’m surrounded by idiots,” he kept going. “Hey, I know I’m not the brightest star in the sky but that’s a bit mean,” I said, a chuckle to my voice. “Not you, schnuki. Never you,” he murmured without looking at me, keeping his eyes closed while he let out a deep sigh.
I scooted down, laying on my side to watch his beautiful profile. Without thinking I reached up and began stroking the tips of my fingers through his lush beard. He hummed and seemed to relax. But that only lasted a few seconds. “I have to leave,” he said. “Leave?” I asked, alarms blaring in my head like bloody hounds after a fox. “For a few days, I would ask you to come with but the situation requires my undivided attention and you steal it most of the time,” he chuckled, as if he’d made some smart remark. “What do you want me to do?” I asked, fearing and wanting the answer. “Stay here, enjoy every luxury, and wait for me.” “In silk?” I teased and he finally looked up at me, a cheeky smile across his thin lips framed by that gorgeous beard I’d a second ago been touching.
He had me on my back a second later, twisting us so he lay between my legs with the cover between our bodies while he kissed me most deeply. Blimey, he really was a fantastic kisser, and every inch of me felt all tingly. I was turning into the giddy schoolgirl stereotype with him, and it felt good to be able to just relax and be.
“Will you wait for me?” he asked against my lips, only half breaking the kiss. “I’ll always wait for you. I don’t think I’m completely daft by thinking there’s something very special between us?” “My sweet treat,” he whispered, pecking my lips once. “You have no idea how special you are to me. One day, perhaps you’ll see, but until then I’ll do everything in my power to show you.” “Bloody hell,” I murmured. “You’re making it impossible not to fall for you, Hans.” “Good,” he said with a smile. “So you’ll wait here for me?” “Yeah, sure, I’ll wait right here, lavishing in silks and eating the best bacon and eggs.” He laughed at that, a deep and throaty sound I couldn’t ever get enough of. To think, all this became possible ‘cus some bloke knocked me over on the sidewalk, it really is quite the hallmark movie setup. Being the main character for once isn’t so bad.
Hans cuddled me for another hour while he asked how I used to celebrate Christmas, but that conversation took a nose-dive and he ended up pissed at how my family had treated me, so, we switched to talking about our favourite things instead. It was too easy talking with him, just being with him, and I didn’t have to wonder if I’d have to repeat myself, he always listened and remembered.
When he was dressing to leave I felt a knot grow in my stomach. There was still so much I didn’t know about him, where he was going and what he was doing were two of those things. But I didn’t ask, it felt like he didn’t want to share that with me yet. And, if he was a banker, perhaps there were some confidentiality issues with him sharing that stuff with me.
“You’ll be back, right?” “I’ll always come back for you, schnuki.” He kissed my forehead after that, stroked my cheek, and left while I remained staring at the door for a long moment. It felt so empty with him gone but he’d left me a little gift on the bedside table he’d instructed me to open once he’d left.
So, once I got out of my daze, I bolted over and grabbed it. I was as curious as a cat and ripped open the envelope only to find a little note and a wad of cash. Like, a whole wad of it. “Spend it all before I return, I dare you, my sweat treat. Oh, Hans, you’re too bloody much!” I laughed while checking just how much I was supposed to spend, I damn near keeled over at the full two grand he’d left behind. How am I supposed to spend two grand in just a couple of days? Can I give it away as tips? I mean, surely servants don’t earn that much and it’s Christmas time too. Would that count as spending it though?
I went to bed wondering where he was going, and what to do with the money he’d left for me, and how rich the man I was falling in love with really was. Thinking of all the gifts, where he had us staying, and now the cash he’d left behind, golly, it nearly made me uncomfortable to think of. I was a nobody, from a nowhere town, with a less-than-desirable place in life. How was I supposed to be in his life, and be what he wanted and needed? Was I enough for him at the end of it all? I still wasn’t quite sure why he liked me so much, then again, I knew very little of him too yet I was sure he was the one for me — so, was it really so silly to think he felt the same?
I’d given half of the money away. I just couldn’t spend it on myself. The concierge had been super helpful in ordering a silly-expensive coat for Hans that I used 800 of the 2,000 on and then I’d used about 200 buying some extra room service, and then some 1,000 as tips for the workers and a Secret Santa fund for the children at the Darlington Hospital which the resort had a little tin for with an information pamphlet about it all.
I also ended up buying a Christmas card from the reception that I sent off to Martha, letting her know I’d left and was doing well with the German gentleman she liked so much. I had reminded her to put her teeth in while eating and not give the fat little dog she loved so much too many treats and then ended it all with well-wishes and a Happy Christmas wish too.
I was lounging in bed two days after Hans had left, flicking through the channels on the TV while sipping some hot cocoa. I watched a commercial for dog's teeth and a treat that supposedly helped keep them clean and then the news came on as I sat myself up, cross-legged with my hands wrapped around the mug tightly.
“Tonight, the unfolding of events at a large Newcastle bank left many shocked. Just an hour ago, four men entered while wearing rifles, and in what must be a record-breaking unfolding of events, in a mere three minutes and fifty-six seconds, the vault had been cracked, emptied, and the men had fled the scene. No civilians were harmed, and no shots were fired. The police were at the scene less than a minute after the alarm was pulled, which was not until after the events had passed.” Gosh, it’s Christmas time, who’d rob people around Christmas? I wondered while sipping my coco, watching the screen. “As the police investigate, we have video footage of the men in question. Four white men, neither of their faces being captured on any of the cameras in the bank, but this is what they look like in the available footage.”
There was hot cocoa all over the bed, it had spurted out of my mouth as a silhouette I’d have known anywhere filled the screen along with three others. “FOUR MINUTES!” I shrieked while looking at the blurry image of Hans’ back, his perfect hair and straight shoulder dressed in that beautiful coat of his seemed to damn near burn my eyes. “The police say these men are extremely dangerous, with witnesses claiming three of the men spoke in German we implore all civilians to be wary and if you should see the men in question do not approach. Call the police straight off,” the news lady said further but I could barely hear it.
My mind ran rampant, spinning with all thoughts possible while the news turned to the next event of the evening. My hands cramped around the mug and I couldn’t stop my bloody lip from trembling or my stomach from filling with the sensation of dread. I’d been a daft muppet. A stupid, blabbering, silly-nilly living in a delulu world where rich German men who cared and listened were honest bankers and no danger to the world at all. Bloody hell! I’m in love with a criminal! I stuttered out a breath, one of my hands covering my mouth. “I’m in love… with a bank robber,” I whispered while I cried silent tears of hurt and worry.
I paced the length of the room for several minutes while trying to shut my mind up. The thoughts were an endless barrage of anxiously hurt and worried words I couldn’t stop. I tried in every manner possible to figure out what the bloody hell to do, how it all had gone to pot, how I wasn’t running toward a better life with an honest man who spoils and pampers me — no, no I was running away from an honest life to be with a bloody bank robber who I knew absolutely nothing about! “God, I’m so fucking stupid!”
The clock struck midnight, and still I paced. Back and forth, back and forth. My mind was in shambles but worse than that, my heart hurt and all my feelings were screwing themselves over to be at the center of attention. Why do I just want to crawl up in his arm, talk it alllll out and have him make it sound sane? Have I lost my marbles? Gone mad? Why am I not legging it right out of here?!
I fell asleep while tossing and turning, trying to make sense of my thoughts, arguing against myself — I mean, I hadn’t exactly seen his face or anything, but I knew it was Hans on that news channel. I knew it. Yet I fell asleep with the final thought of wanting him to hold me and make it all make sense.
I was a wreck. Everything was topsy-turvy. I had my bag packed but never left. I’d almost called a cab, yet I never did. I swore myself blue over having spent the money he had left — money I could have used to leave, hide, run away, and never speak a word of any of it ever again. Ha! Sure, as if I could ever keep my mouth shut.
I glared at the fire in the hearth of the room, I wasn’t unfamiliar with keeping a fire going to stay warm so stoking it and lighting it had been no issue. The warmth, that was another thing altogether. I felt cold to my bones, even if I was tingly warm on the outside. My nose was even slightly dusted with sweat from sitting so close to the roaring fire beyond the glass doors. The room was sweltering, the air a bit bad given how much oxygen the fire consumed, and I felt a bit dizzy, to be honest, but I couldn’t make myself move.
It had been three days since I saw the news. I’d gone over every bloody detail of everything since I met Hans several times. Especially the phone calls he’d been on. I could no longer go to delulu land and pretend it wasn’t him, I knew it was, there was no other explanation. How bloody perfect this is. The bank robber and the blabbering missy who can’t keep her mouth shut. He won’t come back to me, will he? How could he ever trust my blabbering mouth? We don’t even know each other! But that thought didn’t sit right with me.
After everything that had happened, I was wholly in love with the annoyingly handsome bloke with his charming smiles and cheeky smirks. No matter how silly that was, how stupid it made me, I couldn’t make myself leave when there was even a small chance he’d return for me. And what then? Hmm? Pretend you don’t know? Keep quiet about his secret so he won’t think you’ll blabber? Come on, Lulu… And why am I calling myself that god-awful name?!
“What the— Schnuki!” Hans' hands were on me the next second, I hadn’t even had time to turn my head when his voice filled the room. “Hans?” I asked, feeling disoriented and half-asleep. “What are you doing?!” His hands left me and he ran through the room in a blur of a grey coat. He threw the balcony doors open wide. Cold, crisp air flooded the room and I blinked rapidly.
He was on me the next second. “Up, up,” he said but then grabbed me and hoisted me up bridal style before carrying me out on the balcony. I inhaled with a gasp, feeling all the drowsiness disappear and my vision cleared while a string of curses (it sounded like) left Hans’ mouth, spoken in German before he sat me down on my feet.
His hands grabbed my warm face, the sweat now chilled by the December air. “Are you insane?” he asked in a rush while his eyes searched mine. “I was cold,” I managed to push out while my head ran away with me — all my thoughts coming back with a rush. “You could have died,” he snarled before tugging me close and wrapping me in his arms. Blimey, he smelled so good. Felt so infuriatingly good to be close to. “So could you,” I whispered. “What?” “Mr Bank Robber,” I only said, feeling too tired to deal with any of it now that he was finally back with me.
He stiffened all around me. “You know,” he hummed darkly, his voice far harsher than ever before. “Hard to miss when you were on the news.” “You recognised me from that ?” he asked, leaning back to look at me with widened eyes. “Pffth, I’d know you anywhere.” “Should I be worried or flattered?” “I don’t know, are you leaving me behind ‘cus I talk too much and you feel like you can’t trust me after everything I’ve trusted you with? Including leaving everything behind after meeting you only twice and knowing absolute piss about you?” My words turned angry, fearful really. “Schnuki, calm down for me,” Hans hushed gently, his features softening once more while he looked down at me as I shook in his arms.
He kissed my forehead. “You shouldn’t tell a woman to calm down, has the opposite bloody effect, ya’ know…” He chuckled at that. “I only said so because you feel very anxious, feel free to go off on me anytime you like, little treat. I don’t mind it.” “Sure, bet you're used to having people screaming at you and around you and blurting out nonsense in the heat of the moment.” “You never speak nonsense, don’t say such a thing,” he admonished. “But I do need to know if my secret is safe with you?” “Pffth, as if I could ever say anything to anyone that wouldn’t be good for the man I... You’re a foul git sometimes, you know that?” “Hmm? How so?” “Leaving me here while going out to rob—” “Inside,” Hans said, interrupting me. Course, right, inside, talking about bank robbing on the balcony where anyone can hear is stupid and dangerous, wow, gosh, I’m fucking this right up from the first minute. Stellar job, Lulu. Stellar job…
Hans closed the door behind us and swiftly grabbed my hand to lead me to the bed. He sat me down before closing the vent to the fire, smothering the flames to near embers, and then sat next to me while taking my hand in his once more. I stared at him, and he looked at me.
After a minute of silence, my tears began to flow. “You’re leaving me behind, aren’t you?” “Tell me why I’m a foul git sometimes,” he countered while squeezing my hand. I snivelled and took a deeper breath. “You just left me here, while going off to rob a giant national bank without a word about it. What if you’d been killed? Or captured? Or just hurt, or whatever? I would have just been bloody sitting her until they would have kicked me out for lack of reservation and money. You just left me behind without a bloody word!”
Hans looked at me, a baffled expression taking over his handsome face. “That’s what I’m a foul git for?” “No. You’re a foul git sometimes ‘cus you don’t talk to me. I talk to you all the time, about everything that pops into my head almost.” I glared at him, but it was hard with the tears and snivelling. “But I know nothing of you, like, not a bloody thing. Are you even German?” I asked, daring him to lie to me with my eyes but he just chuckled. “Schnuki, my sweet treat, my little bean spiller,” he said while tugging me closer. “I’m very much German. And you’re a delightful surprise, know that?” I scrunched up my face, swiping at my cheeks. “What?” “I was going to tell you, in due time. I mean, can’t really continue hoaxing you. You’d want to know about the money, my trips, my never staying in one place for long, and such things, no?” I nodded. “Yet here you are, a snivelling mess bawling about me not telling you from the very first moment I’m an international criminal, a successful one mind you,” he said with cheek to his voice and a smirk I couldn’t help but chuckle at.
Hans turned slightly, making us nearly come face to face on the bed. “I knew you were special the moment I met you. Just something about you,” he said and my shoulders softened at the sweet words. “Didn’t think you’d be quite this sweet and understanding, but I’m glad to have been wrong for once.” “You’re not getting out of this by sweet-talking me, spill the tea. All of it. If I’m going to follow an international criminal all over the bloody globe I’ll be damned if I don’t know everything, ‘kay?” I said, feeling as if the world had turned upside down. “I won’t let you leave me behind like everyone else. You’ve ruined any chance of that with everything you’ve done and said so far, I don’t want to be the abandoned puppy anymore.”
Hans kissed my knuckles, letting his lips stroke over them a bit before he lowered our hands again. It sent a shiver down my spine and I really had gone completely bonkers because of him. Not any worse a life than what I had, better even perhaps. Always wanted to see the world, maybe I’ll get to do just that now, even if it is with a criminal, I’ll be safe. I know it. “A dime for your thoughts?” I smiled at the wrongful expression. “Just thinking about seeing the world and being safe, I think I’ll be more safe with you than anyone else.” “An international criminal?” “Well, yeah, sure, but you’re not just any criminal, are you? I mean, obviously it’ll be harrowing and less than fun at times, I’m sure you’re not always staying in posh settings like these,” I said, waving my hand about the room while Hans nodded reluctantly.
“But still, I think you’ll keep me safe, won’t you?” “Always, my sweet treat.” “And, I haven’t recalled a single lie you’ve told, that I know of at least.” “Never lied to you.” “Yeah, I know, and that makes me feel better about this whole thing. I mean, not your fault I didn’t press on the whole bank man thing, right? And besides, you treat me like… like I mean the world to you and you’re always listening, and talking to me like you’ve really heard what I said and you’re very caring, and sweet, and just, yeah, good, you know? It’s not like—” Hans kissed me at that, interrupting my blabbering that had turned faster with each word as my anxiety and need to explain myself as fully as possible shot through the roof.
He stopped my scrambling thoughts and kissed me until I was relaxed once more. “Didn’t mean to stop you from talking, you’re free to talk as much as you need, but you were getting too anxious, schnuki.” “T-Thank you,” I exhaled. “You’re right, I just… Just need to explain myself. I always feel a need to explain myself.” “I understand.” “Yeah, no, sure, I know you do, I’m just sorry I can’t stop myself, I know you understand, and you don’t mind, and all that, and I’m really grateful for— Oh, right, you know, sorry…” Hans chuckled at my embarrassed smile and stroked my cheek once more with his warm hand.
“Do you want to join me, then?” he asked, no pressure to it, just genuine wondering. “If you don’t mind.” “I want nothing else than have you with me at all times possible.” “Then yes, yes, please. I want to be with you, Hans.” “And I with you, but we’ll have to work on that anxiety of yours. Sometimes you’ll have to be on your own, but I will always come back for you.” “Promise?” “I promise.”
He held me tight, kissing the top of my head while I drew a deep sigh of relief, feeling like an overfilled kettle boiling too wildly, all my emotions spilling over. “You gotta cool it with the whole giver of gifts thing though… I couldn’t spend the money you left behind, I gave half of it away…” “I knew you would… You’re goodness and sweetness, all wrapped up like a delicious treat and that wrapping will be of the finest kind imaginable. I’ll make sure of it.” “Hans!” I scolded with a laugh. “I will always spoil you, schnuki. You deserve nothing less than the best of everything, always.” Then I hope you’ll enjoy the coat I got for you… A gift from you to me, became a gift from me to you, don’t really know how valid that is but it’s the thought that counts, right?
“Now, my little treat,” Hans said after a moment, “how would you feel about spending Christmas in Alaska?” “Alaska?!” My eyes were wide with something I could only think to look like unbridled joy. “It’s perfect for the winter holiday, no?” “I’d love to,” I confessed. “Thought you would,” he said with one of those charming smiles and a twinkle in his clear eyes.
Blimey, I was going to Alaska with an international Criminal. What a way to spend my first Christmas away from home. Bloody hell I wanna call Dad and tell him to fucking shove his mints up his arse, I was going to see the whole damn world with the man of my dreams. “I think I made it,” I mumbled into Hans' chest. “Whatever you thought before those words, I agree, sweetie. I feel the same way,” Hans whispered before holding me even tighter while I inhaled the wonderful scent of him.
“I… Hans, I love you…” “Schnuki, my sweet treat, my Christmas miracle,” Hans said in such a deep tone it was difficult to hear him clearly. “I love you too, since the moment you smiled at me for the first time.” I shivered at the sweet words and buried my face in his neck. Life was so perfectly imperfect I couldn’t keep the laughs and tears from spilling over. I was where I was supposed to be, where life would take us I couldn’t even begin to think about but I knew, no matter what, Hans would always come back for me and I would always be his. My gentleman criminal.
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A/N: I just love this serial fic so much, gosh, feels so good they sorted it out and have mutually agreed they re to stay together and just-, travel the world and care for each other and just-, waaaaaaah! 😍👏 I know I was a day late with this one, I'm really sorry but I hope you feel these nearly 7k makes up for it - and you'll still get today's fic later today as well! I'm gonna write at record speed today - have to, my entire weekend is full of Christmas celebrating (I'll squeeze in some writing as often as possible so you'll get fics daily though).
Gosh, feels a bit sad to say bye-bye to these two, maybe I'll revisit them at some point in the future but I can't make any promises. It's really difficult to write this one for me (the literal language use I mean) so we'll see. I kinda like leaving them here too - it's a sweet ending that's closed but also open 🥰
Q: What's something you really enjoyed/liked/feel good about that happened or you did during 2023? A: for me, it's a few things but publishing my OW writing is probably the biggest thing really 🥰👏
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corcordium1983 · 2 years
Wille and Felice's text chain
I already added this in a reblog to another post, but thought I might as well make a separate post too to make it easier to find for people who might be looking for a translation. It's quite a literal translation and sometimes it's difficult to capture their snark/sass in English, but should still give you a general idea of what they're talking about.
It starts off with the pictures where Felice has circled the dead pixels.
Felice: Here they are, same dead pixels on all his pics on Insta. It has to be August who posted the video!
Wille: Thank you
Felice: God it’s so sick. Feels awful to be the one to tell you.
Wille: It isn’t your fault Thank you for figuring out who it was
Felice: Of course <3 How are things? How are you?
Wille: To be honest, not so great They knew
Felice: Knew what?
Wille: That it was August
Felice: !!!??!?
Wille: But they won’t report him
Felice: But why??
Wille: It’s insane Because it will be another scandal It’s worse because he’s family
Felice: So is he just going to get away with it or what?
Wille: I don’t know… I don’t even have the energy to speak to my mother
Felice: I can understand why
Wille: Everything’s so fucked
Felice: 😕 Let me know if you want to talk?
Wille: Thank you Merry Christmas Felice
Felice: Merry Christmas Wille ❤️
Wille: ❤️
Felice: How are you?
Wille: Shit, honestly. You?
Felice: Same kinda, it feels strained at home with mum and dad
Wille: Same here
Felice: Have you talked?
Wille: No
Felice: What are you doing for New Year’s?
Wille: I don’t know
Felice: I’m going to a New Year’s party at Stella’s manor if you want to join?
Wille: Will August be there?
Felice: Ewww no
Wille: Haha
Felice: Come with?
Wille: Thanks, but I don’t think I’m up for it
Felice: Let me know if you change your mind
Wille: Sure
Felice: Happy new year Wille ❤️
Wille: Happy new year ❤️
Felice: When will you be back at H?
Wille: I’ll be there late tonight, and you?
Felice: Around 3, Sara’s also moving all of her stuff in Are you feeling ok about everything?
Wille: No, but better than hanging around at home ignoring mum
Felice: Everything will be all right
Wille: I hope so August is trying to apologise. As if!!!
Felice: What an idiot!
Wille: He’s going to be punished somehow.
Felice: We’ll talk more at school ❤️ What’s happening?
Wille: Apparently I’m going to skogsbacken to pack my things
Felice: What? Where are you going?
Wille: They’re forcing me to leave
Felice: Leave? What, forever? Wille? Hello?
Wille: Thanks for being so nice today
Felice: Of course ❤️
Wille: Talked to Simon
Felice: Okay?
Wille: He says he wants space, that we shouldn’t talk to each other any more
Felice: shit, that sucks
Wille: I’m like panicking here
Felice: But maybe that’s what he needs right now, and that it won’t be like that forever
Wille: Everything is August’s fault And he gets to go about his life as normal
Felice: It’s so unfair
Wille: You should have seen him at rowing practice today
Felice: I don’t understand how you can stand going to practice when he’s there
Wille: Everything he does disgusts me
Felice: 🤮
Insert devil horns pic of August 
Wille: Hate him August is the most disgusting person in the world
(Last two texts were translated by Netflix, not me. A more literal translation of the last text would be "August is the worst fucking person on earth")
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