#like changing colors or in most of my cases adding new markings and textures and such
yourselfcola · 2 years
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recent brexes
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doeblossom · 2 years
May we see your pony form, Darling? Is it Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, or other?
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click to see their full details! if you can't tell, i've always been unicorn biased. more info about them is below the cut!! but i've really had so many ponysonas, it's bonkers.
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pony prime is called "the original" since she was the first oc i ever made. i couldn't decide between being a unicorn or a pegasus, so i just picked both! i knew that having an alicorn oc was considered "cringey," but i justified it due to being native hawaiian and being related to the former bloodline (but honestly it's not as big of a deal as i thought it was then). i also liked the color turquoise at the time, and couldn't come up with a hair or eye color, so i just picked my own.
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pony number 2 was a modified version of the original. chopped off her wings, changed her hair color and made it more show-style big-poofy-curl, and added accessories. i was leaning more into liking purple along with turquoise, and started going through a FNAF phase, which brought about the bowtie. it phased out in later drawings of sketche, but i figured it deserved a spot here. another important note: i drew all of my ponies with the same body type, and was still having a hard time drawing/accepting my own, so all of the ponies up until the most recent are thin.
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here's a more literal case of FNAF phase. wisp isha was literally a ponified version of my FNAF insert, wisp the wolf. she was also the first ponysona to have a cutie mark, with a red cross symbol and wrench (she performed repairs on the other bots). originally her second name was "urufu," which was the word that google gave me for "wolf" in japanese. it's just "wolf" written out in japanese kanji. i don''t remember where i got isha from, though.
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inky emerald didn't even really have a name! i was experimenting with my ponysona, and tried a ponysona making challenge, which spit this girl out. things like species and hair length were determined by your date of birth, of course. she's called "inky emerald" because she has ink covering her legs and hooves, which you can't really see due to the frame. around this time, i had a few other place holder ponysonas, but they all culminated into inky.
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snow blossom was one of my favorites when i made her, but as her name implies, she is as pale as the snow itself. and as much as i'll joke about being "reflective" online, i'm actually not this pale haha. anyways, this is where i started leavning more towards a flowery theme and using green in my designs. i think i drew her a couple of times, but after that, she faded into the background and i stepped back from drawing ponies for a long while.
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lilac was my return to ponies after about a year and a half of not touching them. it feels like the break was longer, but it wasn't. couldn't get rid of ponies in my brain if i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. lilac willow was a direct redesign of sketche wolf. she was the second pony to have a cutie mark, which was a half-drawn flower. i aws experimenting a lot with how i wanted to draw ponies, so her design was one of the furthest from the MLP style. she looked nothing like me, though; the curls were much more relaxed, she was extremely thin, no glasses... but her design was fun. i may try incorporating her into the main blog at some point, but just in the background.
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hmmmmm, i think i recognize this one.... nope. jk. this design was made when i decided to make a blog about lumerde. i wanted to incorporate my NOW favorite colors, green, pink, and yellow, and almost accidentally made fluttershy... but i think the result was fine. she's also chubby, like i am irl! i know i talk about my weight a lot but i'm trying to be more comfortable and confident about it.
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and then, our current narrator herself! well, myself, i suppose. i really like this redesign and the new hair texture, and i hope this design communicates everything about how i look properly. i originally tried avoiding putting too many fur marks on my characters since the show rarely did that, but heck, it's barely even attached to the show anymore.
this feels like a lineage. but in a fun way!
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coffebits · 4 years
hello !! i'm absolutely in LOVE with your art and i wanted to know how did you colour and choose your colour palette (especially the skin,,,) in your latest uncle obi post ? 😳👉👈
i dunno how to explain but there's that soft yet sharp?? pink glow that contrasts with the skin tone and the blueish-shadows and it's so so pretty...
plz continue to make beautiful art and take care of yourself 💖
AAAA TYSM 💖💖💖 I’m literally the worst explaining these things tho :’) I’ll try my best :’o
Also little disclaimer before starting: drawing is just my hobby so I’m not posting this as a tutorial (?) this is just to show you my process aaaa, I’m sure a professional would help you a lot more than me with this but I hope I’m able to help you in someway 💖💖💖) (also, I know someone else asked me about my drawing process a while ago, it had to do with shading, lighting and color picking, but I wasn’t sure how to respond until now aaaa, sorry about the delay 😔, I’ll answer both questions here)
Ok, so first of all, I choose my background color :0. Background colors affect how your eyes perceive all other colors so it’s very important for me to start with that (like white background makes you choose whiter (?) or less saturated colors. Red background: redder colors, etc)
When I want a white background, I tend to use another color at first and then when I’m finished, I change it back to white just because most of the time my colors are not that good when I’m painting on a white canvas.
This drawing, for example, I painted first on a yellow background and later I changed it to white :) (this also applies to complex backgrounds... I always start with painting the background)
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Then I open a new layer and place base colors :). I pointed out the color I used on Obi’s skin :)...
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Now I open another new layer, set it to clipping mask and I paint a little bit of blush here and there on the skin with the standard round brush on approximately 40% opacity. I also use the same color for the lips :). (I covered up stuff that is not necessary with black to not confuse you lol 💖)
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Now here’s where the fun begins :D... I have two things I apply to pick shadow colors and light colors
1. First I pick my “most common” colors (these would be the purpleish/blueish for shadows and kind of a yellowish tone for light, I circled them with blue on the pictures) but how did I got to these? (This might sound so stupid but it works for me lol) (look at the pictures below to understand better 😂) When I want to pick a color for shadows, I slide the color picker to the left, and if I want to pick a color for lighting, I slide it to the right :D ISKDMDKKF LOL Yes you read well aaa it doesn’t always works but 90% of the time does lol, if I’m using pretty “normal” lighting like this one on a drawing, works perfectly 😂
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There’s no rule for me to know exactly where to “stop sliding” lol I just test how it looks and also play around with saturation a little. I must poin out, I never use the same color on all shadows (like a solid cell of color) I pick more tones of purple/ blue for shadows and more tones of yellow for lighting to put in there so it looks more natural. I use the airbrush to help me with that as well as the round brush.
2. So this is what really makes it look good. First some VERY short theory to understand why I do this and to help you apply it on other things. Light can not only come from a direct light source (like the sun, a lamp, fire, etc), light bounces, and when it bounces it kind of “brings the colors with it”
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The arrows are pointing the direction of sun light. See what it does?
So when I’m coloring, I pay attention to the surroundings. In this case, light bouncing from the water, light bouncing from the green float tube, light bouncing from Luke’s red shorts, etc, all coming to Obi’s skin. Adding these, imo, makes everything look awesome
Of course, as the light bounces more and more, the colors become less saturated. Let’s take the light coming from the water for example. How do I choose the right color to paint this light on Obi’s skin?: I go to the blue tones and I just pick a very desaturated tone :), with the help of the standard round brush with approximately 40% opacity, I put a little bit of blue tones where I believe this light will hit the skin (circles with blue⬇️)
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*Red circle is showing where the less saturated colors are*
This drawing was made kind of fast lol, so I didn’t really pay much attention to this here, but other drawings of mine show this better :0.
The “pink glow” you mentioned is something that I like to add to separate light from shadow :) you can see it above pointed in green⬆️ (I just like how it looks aaa)
Finally I change the background color to white.
I also add some freckles to the arms and chest
I add a multiply layer with 40%- 50% opacity and, with a blue saturated tone, I darken some places I wish to be more dark (like the abdomen, Obi Wan’s neck, some parts on the water, etc)
I open another layer set on “add” (15%-20% opacity) and, with a yellowish saturated tone, I lighten some other places like hair, arms, float tube, etc
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Finally I open a layer (or two) above everything (layers marked with yellow) and I start painting over the lineart where I consider needs some work (I marked those places with blue), sometimes I also add texture with other brushes in this layer too :0.
And that’s it oof lol, hope it wasn’t too long ;;; also ignore grammar mistakes aaa English is not my first language :’D
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rainworldslugcats · 4 years
Hi ! Just wanted to ask , how do you put your own slugcat skin in game? I know it's works with fancy slugcat mod,,, but i don't know how to use it ;-; , can you teach me
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i can try! although i only learned most of this very recently, so i’m not the most knowledgeable. i also use BepInEx as the modloader.
im going to start with the assumption that you already have fancy slugcats installed and working, after this you’re going to need the custom assets and custom tails mod. both can be found on RainDB.
keep in mind, each of these mods contains a read me with more information, so reference those if you don’t understand something in my explanation. everything is under a read more as this post is very long.
ive also attempted to be as detailed with this tutorial as possible.
and lastly, please read through the entire tutorial before starting work as it’s very likely you’ll end up having to redo things otherwise, mostly because of the way custom tails functions.
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part 1: custom tails
we’ll start with adding a custom tail, the custom tails mod requires ConfigMachine, fancy Slugcats and Custom Assets. (publicity stunt is only required if you still use Partiality, not if you use BepInEx) download and apply these mods first. (the .dll files)
once you’ve downloaded custom tails you’ll find an “examples” folder in the .zip file, this contains the files you’ll edit to make your own custom tail. 
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each of the example tails is shown on the thumbnail for the custom tails mod, so you can get an idea of how they look in action.
sidenote: the devil tail png is completely white, and thus it can be hard or impossible to see on a default photo viewer, open it on something like paint tool sai and add a colored background. once you’ve selected which base you want to use, extract (or just copy and paste) that tail png along with its txt file somewhere you can work on it, desktop works just fine. now you can make whatever modifications you want to the tail, i’ll use my firecracker tail as an example.
note: if you leave parts of the sprite purely white, it will get colored in with whatever color you choose in the fancy slugcats menu, its essentially transparency.
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once you’re happy with how it looks, it’s time to apply it. firstly, change the tails name into something recognizable, like FRtail.png
now take your txt file and name it the same thing you named your tail, and make sure to be exact or things might break.
then open said txt file and change the default tail name into your tails name.
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once all that is done, you have to navigate into the atlases folder in your rain world install. to get there open up steam, find RW and right click it in the menu to bring up this text box
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choose “properties” at the very bottom to open up this menu
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select “local files” on the side, and when you see this screen press “browse” and it will open up the root folder of RW.
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(i have quite a bit more stuff in my install folder due to mods, so don’t worry about not having all of it) from here you want to open the “Assets” folder near the top, from there you open Futile > Resources > Atlases.
now all you need to do is put both your tail png and txt files into Atlases like so:
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note: capital letters matter, if you used capital letters in your name you have to use those same capital letters in every name, for example if you use frtail.txt and FRtail.png it wont work. it all has to be the same in every case.
once that’s done, go back to your RW root folder (the one where RainWorld.exe is located) and open the “ModConfigs” folder, from there go to Fancy slugcats > custom heads. it will be empty if you haven’t made any modifications yet.
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once youre here, make a new txt file and name it the same name you’ve used for your tail.png and txt files. then open it and type the same name inside it, don’t forget to save.
now you should be ready to open up RW, remember to enable the required mods: fancy slugcats, custom assets, custom tails, config machine and publicity stunt (partiality only)
note: if your game opens up to a black screen and wont start, it usually means something is wrong with the txt files, either you forgot to add a name inside one of them, you forgot to save when you added the name, or you’ve misspelled the name. double check all the names for your png and txt files.
now then, let’s get to adding your tail to your slugcat
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once the game is open, navigate to settings and open mod config, from there you should see custom tails in the menu. once here type your custom tails name into the “sprite” box, remember to be exact with the name.
if the name shows up red, you’ve made a mistake somewhere in the process, if it shows up as white, its been successfully added!
if you touch the sliders it will add a gradient to your tail and undo/cover up any sprite changes, so keep them as black. you can also change your tails size in the fancy slugcats menu as usual.
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now you have a snazzy tail to show off to the world! “.......but wait” i might hear you say “my tail isn’t the same color as the image i made!”
that’s because whatever color you apply to your slugcat in the fancy slugcats menu gets applied on top of the image you made. meaning if your slugcat is a rather more dark color, it will make your tail darker as well. meaning not only will bright aspects of it not be bright anymore, the base of your tail will be darker than your base slugcat color, thus it wont match. this is a problem i ran into as my slugcat is purple with bright accents.
the transparency i mentioned earlier helps with this “if you leave parts of the sprite purely white, it will get colored in with whatever color you choose in the fancy slugcats menu, its essentially transparency.“
you can use this transparency to make the base of your tail match the rest of your slugcats body, now all the white will be filled in with whatever color you’ve chosen in the menu, however it still wont fix all other parts of it having the base color applied to them.
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now if your base slugcat color is white, you don’t have to worry about any of this at all! the tail will stay how you made it!
if your slugcat will be lightly colored but not completely white, or your dark slugcat will have dark markings, this is all stuff you can reasonably account for while making the markings themselves (once you’ve made the txt and png files and put them in the right places, you can edit the png in the atlases folder directly) but if you want to do something more close to my slugcat, we’re going to have to do it by changing the color of slugcat using sprites.
part 2: sprite edits
so, to get around this problem and to get the freedom to edit the sprites however we like we’re going to be editing each sprite separately. this way you can virtually add anything you like to your slugcat, antlers, spikes, fur. although this might require you to change the position of the sprites to get them to line up properly in-game.
i’ll only touch on recoloring sprites as i haven’t edited the shape of any of them yet, i’ll update this tutorial with extra info once i’ve tried it out myself.
some of slugcats sprites have multiple versions that will get bundled in order to make the animations you see in game (head, arms, legs)
others are static sprites and only have one version (tail, body, hips)
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firstly, you’ll need to find the sprites you’re going to edit, all of these sprites are included in the custom assets zip file you downloaded from RainDB.
you’ll find slugcats sprites in Unpacked Atlases > RainWorld, extract this folder to make looking for the correct sprites easier.
note: all of the sprites are white by default, this makes them incredibly difficult to see in a folder without opening them in some external program, thus i’ve changed my windows settings to make the folder background dark (this can be found in Personalization)
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this folder includes the sprites of most of the creatures in RW, so picking out slugcats sprites can be a tad... difficult. thus i'll name every single sprite you’ll need to hopefully make it easier. BodyA, HipsA, PlayerArm0 to 12, FaceA0 to 8, FaceB0 to 8, FaceDead, FaceStunned, HeadA0 to 17
aaand all the leg sprites are in a png because they have so many names
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most of them can be found bunched up together in the RW folder, a tail texture isn’t included as that will still be handled through custom tails as detailed above.
now i suggest you make some way to store all of slugcats sprites neatly, as it will save you a lot of hassle in the long run. i separated all body part sprites into folders.
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now you’re free to make any edits you like to the sprites. however, i’ll go about this tutorial with the expectation the only edits are color edits, not shape edits, as again i don’t have experience with those.
once your sprites are all colored and neatly organized its time to compile them, each body part gets compiled into their own bunch (arms in one, legs in another) for this you’ll need a program called texture packer, i can’t provide a direct link because my post might get thrown into the void by tumblr, there is however a direct link in the custom assets read me.
once you’ve downloaded texture packer, heres an easy to follow short video tutorial made by AndrewFM on how to use it.
once your sprites are bundled you’ll go through the same process as with adding your custom tail. i’ll use arm sprites as an example.
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you’ll get a png file with all of your edited sprites in them, as well as a .json file that contains placement information, turn that json file into a txt by renaming it (yourarmname).txt
now open the txt file and rename every single part to whatever name you decided to give your arm sprites, but keep the numbers at the end of the sprite names, they are important.
note: do not rename the individual sprite png’s before they are packed
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now that your txt and png files are ready, drop them into the same Atlases folder in your RW install as you did with your custom tail, and similarly add another new txt file into ModConfig > FancySlugcats > CustomHeads and rename it to the same name you named your sprite, and add that exact same name inside the txt file itself.
if the game yet again refuses to start, remember to double check the names in the txt files.
now we’re ready to apply the sprites in-game, open up RW and head to setting > mod config,
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depending on which sprites you’ve edited, you’ll need to enter the sprite name into the specific field it belongs to, for me i’ll add the name to the arms section. you’ll get more details about what goes where when you hover over the text field.
for some of them, you’ll need to include A at the end of your sprite name, but only in the mod config menu
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this shows where they are needed.
now you need to repeat this process for each bundle of slugcats body parts and apply them. note: body and hips despite both being part of slugcats main body gets applied separately, and even though they only have one sprite each you still need to pack them with texture packer and go through the same process as for the others.
this all might seem tiresome, and in certain ways it definitely is, but once you’ve gotten the hang of the packing, adding to folders and applying the process gets a lot faster.
once all of your sprites are applied, legs, hips, body, head, arms, tail. you want to make sure in fancy slugcats settings to make your slugcats color pure white so it wont affect your custom sprite coloration in any way. however you can apply color to slugcats face through the menu as usual.
there is a known issue where slugcats fists when climbing poles don’t get colored, this issue currently can’t be fixed easily.
the end result? quite a fancy slugcat indeed!
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if i made any mistakes, or there’s extra info i should add, then message me and i’ll edit the post accordingly!
if there’s anything you can’t figure out no matter what you try, join the RW discord and ask people in the modding support channel, thats where i got most of my information from!
hopefully this is helpful to some of you! i spent quite a while making this tutorial so reblogs would be very much appreciated!
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obsidiancorner · 3 years
ObiYuki- Terminator
Wherever You Go- Chapter 2 Word count: 1400
They are in and out of their respective surgeries and training faster than Shirayuki would have suspected. It was still a couple of months worth of what amounted to rehabilitation since their whole lives had changed when they went under the knife. They’d both had implantations put in just behind their ears, similar to a cochlear implant but with more extensive wiring involved which allowed her and Obi to communicate without words and that was something that took some getting used to. Tapping the bone behind the ear turned on communication, similar to that of a radio but on a frequency only their specific implants and brains can communicate on. That was all the augmentation Shirayuki had to go through.
The rest of her time had been spent in learning battle tactics, how to work on the hardware that had been installed on Obi and the software within the computer system now attached to his chest, resting behind a new skeletal system of Titan Steel ribs that are hydraulically powered to lift away from his body to act as a bumper in case of high energy impacts using a more advanced version of their vehicles’ collision avoidance technology. But those weren’t the only alterations made to Obi’s body.
Oh, no.
His retina on his right eye was replaced with a micro screen that can see the infrared color spectrum. It is terrifying to look at when it is turned on- though she will never tell him, since it turns his beautiful golden eye a hellfire red.
It was awful the first time he turned it on and she knew he watched her body heat make a subtle but notable dip by a degree as the chill of fear sought out every nook and cranny of her entire body.
He’d raised his hand to that bone behind his ear and she panicked over what he was going to say to her. “You okay,” he’d asked her, and he looked the least assured she’d ever seen him when she only managed a nervous and weak attempt at a smile and the most subtle bob of her head to indicate a ‘yes.’
They’ve come a long way since then. He knows now she just hadn’t been expecting it and he confessed that when he saw himself in the mirror as the bandages were pulled off, he had felt the same way she had.
It just reinforced and still to this day reinforces that he had gone through such a drastic transformation. He’d been in lengthy surgeries off and on for a week before everything was done. But nothing had stopped her in her tracks like his glowing red eye. Thankfully, he’s figured out how to turn it on and off at will by now.
A self contained air system was added to his back to work in low or no oxygen environments and he has a whole exoskeleton suit to go over everything made of the same new steel his internal structuring- complete with some sort of bizarre skin-like texturing over the top so he could pass for a much bulkier version of himself should he ever need to undress in front of anyone not qualified to know that he has been turned into a very real cousin of the cyborgs of science fiction.
What was the most unnerving of all, though, is when they’re in their training sessions and the skin-like covering to his exoskeleton unravels itself so he can use the plasma blasters concealed in his mechanical palms.
As the training regimen mounted in difficulty to prepare them for what lies ahead, Izana’s intelligence team gathered known targets through various infrared camera systems placed throughout the country. Traffic cameras; security cameras at banks, police stations, government buildings, hospitals, and even some highly frequented shopping malls; as well as intelligence officers sporting IR sensitive glasses were all in use to work in tandem with facial recognition software that allows them to match heat signatures with faces since the alien population ran much colder than natural humans and their facades only masked it, leaving them appearing as hypothermic humans to any infrared scanner.
Within six months, they rolled out as a team toward their first assignment: the assassination of a reclusive confirmed alien, living out in the woods near the tanbarun border.
Year: Ad Pacem- 1107
Months turn into several years as time passes so slowly and so quickly all the same as Obi and Shirayuki become the top ranking covert ops pair. Meanwhile, the aliens developed better concealment techniques, leaving Clarines to also alter their detection methods.
As bodies of assassinated aliens rolled into the university at Lilias, studies revealed they had a different blood type entirely. It appeared human to the naked eye, but when tested, it revealed an extra component so blood testing became a requirement for anyone going into government buildings, hospitals, and other necessary buildings for basic human life. A quick prick of the finger was all that was needed, like testing for blood sugar.
It was only after that system of testing rolled out that a file for Touka Bergatt, a member of Clarines nobility, hit Shirayuki’s desk as their next mission. Once she was done processing their target, she reached up a shaky hand to press the comm button on her mastoid bone.
“H-hey, Obi?”
“You wrang,” he drawls, as the door to her office slides open, revealing an exoskeleton free and shirtless Obi, drying his hair with a towel he quickly discards in a heap in the corner, done with no purpose other than to get under her skin. “Excellent timing, by the way. I was just heading to see a handler about a mission.” He whips the chair beside her around and plops down with his legs stretched out and his arms crossed and resting over the chair back. “Rumor has it that our new mission came in.”
She levels him with a glare because that is impossible. This mission is top secret. He was likely coming to remind her that lunch had been served two hours ago and she hadn’t left her office since she walked in at six this morning.
“I’ll eat something later,” she remarks without looking at him. He chuckles as she punches a few keys on her keyboard and Touka’s face pops out of the hologram monitor on her desk.
Obi snorts as he drops his head onto his hands. “You didn’t really call me in to look at his obnoxious face, did you? You know he’s not my type.” His head rolls to the side so he can look at her and he pokes her in the ribs in a quick but soft jab.
He’s teasing but his cavalier attitude is grating since she knows what she knows and he hasn’t even asked about the importance of what is happening. Without looking, she thrusts the burn-after-reading level of classified dossier into his chest and ignores the fact that the bone of her wrist smacked into his external ribbing hard enough she’ll have a bruise later.
“He’s our next mark-” she turns to face him- “you ass.”
She felt rather pleased with herself as she watched the color drain from his face. At least it’s sinking in now.
“Miss,” he says as he flips through the file with Touka’s expected upcoming engagements both private and public. “This is going to be hard.”
She sighs. The risks are high with this one. “I know.”
Taking him out was a nightmare. He was never alone- not even in sleep. There was always someone keeping an eye on him. It took a month of staking him out to learn the singular weak point in his coverage. Once a week, on Monday evening, he was allowed ten minutes of completely private time. He spent it locked in his room at his compound, sitting on a call with some unknown woman.
It was then Obi struck, perched high on a hill from almost a mile away. Just before he made his call.
The instruction to ‘leave him afterwards and let his death look like a standard assassination’ was a gross miscalculation by King Izana’s intelligence committee. Touka Bergatt was not only King Izana’s biggest opponent and most vocal dissenter in the political sphere, but he was also the highest ranked alien in Clarines- information Izana’s team hadn’t found yet.
His assassination led to an active invasion. Within the week, several small ships and one monster lead ship moving into the Earth’s immediate neighborhood in space, positioning themselves just outside of Earth’s orbit.
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sagasofazeria · 3 years
My Attempts At Making Unique Nonhumans Part 5: Dragonborn!
This is gonna be a long one my friends, so buckle up. (This is part 5 of this series, to see the others just go through the “Nonhuman series” tag on my blog!). Also, some of these changes will kind of retroactively apply to true dragons as well b/c of how this all works.
Taglist: @talesfromaurea @hellishhin
Dragonborn!! I have changed a LOT of what goes on here. I actually changed the origin of dragonborn itself even. In my mind they’re just another in the same family as dragons, literally just humanoid dragons. The first dragonborn were much closer to their true-dragon cousins (wings and etc), but over time the dragonborn have become more and more different as evolution happens. There are some dragonborn who are more draconic than others, but those are usually small, ancient, and isolated pockets. This all also means that the lines can get blurred when it comes to dragonborn, and often with dragonborn they are either clearly similar to the common attitude of their true dragon counterpart or completely different. It depends on many factors, obviously, especially their upbringing and culture. Another thing I changed was their lifespan, because it’s such bs that the DRAGON species isn’t long lived. That’s like a whole thing with dragons, it should be reflected in dragonborn too. So, in my world, dragonborn tend to live a long time, anywhere between 250 and 600 years or so. They’re roughly on par with dwarves, if not slightly longer-lived. Another thing dragonborn have is the ability to unleash a roar that sounds like a full on dragon (like Shakari did during the battle at Dymea’s hideout). This is often used for battle cries and other similarly dramatic things. (Imagine an army of dragonborn unleashing a war cry. It’s a common tactic to instill fear in an enemy and it works pretty much every time.) Additionally, their scales, in classic dragon fashion, are like iron. Most dragonborn use their scales as natural armor because it’s easy and pretty effective. Another thing is that dragonborn have senses that rival even the elves, because that’s another iconic dragon thing that I felt that they deserve. I’ve also decided that because I personally adore tattoos, it’s very sad that dragonborn and other scaled species couldn’t have them, so I’ve invented a special “scale-paint” that allows permanent marking on dragonborn and other scaled folks. I mean, there’s always magic, of course, but scale-paint is generally easier. Last thing I added here is that very very powerful dragonborn sometimes gain the ability to shift their form, just like ancient true dragons, but it is extremely rare.
Okay, so, metallic and chromatic dragons. Honestly, in my world, the difference between the two is negligible at best. They’re just two different groups of dragons. I don’t like that one is evil and one good because that’s boring. Plus, I mean, why would a dragon, an ancient creature with vast knowledge and power, never be able to learn or change its behavior? Doesn’t make sense. Of course the distinction is even further reduced with dragonborn, to the point where gold and red are just scale colors and you can guess pretty much nothing based on that. Although, I did take away the Paralyzing breath in both the metallic true dragons and metallic dragonborn, instead just sticking to the one option. I also feel like chromatic true dragons should be able to shape-shift as well, so I did that too. Anyways, on to the colors! Gonna put it under a cut because again, this is a long one.
Red dragonborn! Most dragonborn, the closer they are to their true dragon relatives then the stronger and more numerous the traits they share with them will be. Some common things to see in reds are extra large horns, serrated claws for climbing mountains, and gray/black/brown undertones that would help blending in in the mountains. It’s also very common for their breath to smell like smoke, obviously, and for their bodies to be extremely warm. Red dragon scales are prized for giving off intense heat even years and years after death, and some red dragonborn scales have the same warmth. Red dragonborn also have the strongest scales of most dragonborn besides black, even to the point of reinforced scales in impact heavy areas (allowing for tumbles down mountains without severe harm). This helps more with true dragon hatchlings learning to fly in the mountains, but some red dragonborn inherit it as well.
Blue dragonborn tend to vary a lot in how actually “blue” they are, seeing as how blue is quite possibly the worst color for surviving in the desert, the usual habitat of actual blue dragons, when you can’t fly (unlike true blue dragons, who it works for because they can hide in the sky). So they go from brownish muddied blue to straight up sapphire depending on how necessary camouflage was in their genetic history. Besides that, they have a few traits that, again, vary depending on how distanced they are from true dragons. Examples are scales/a horn that easily conduct electricity, a system for conserving water that runs just beneath the scales, special markings around their eyes that help them see in the sun (much like a cheetah), and a smell of ozone. Their breath/their inherent electrical charge can be used for a lot of purposes, from excavation to glass sculpture. (I like to imagine little baby blues making sandcastles and then their parents turning them to glass with their breath and saving them later.) I imagine glass art is probably common with most of the heat based dragon types, actually.
Green dragonborn, unlike most others, have to be far more careful with their breath weapon. They have venom sacs and a special organ to hold the toxin they can breathe, but it’s hard to tell the difference, especially for young greens. They’re a bit like vipers in that sense, that the babies can barely control their venom. Some common traits green dragons can have is obviously their camouflage in forested areas. Their scales often have a slight shimmering layer so that even in dappled/varied light they can remain stealthy. Green dragonborn also obviously have a super boosted immune system in order withstand poison (and not just their own). They usually are also the only dragons/dragonborn who lack horns besides occasional smaller and more antler-like ones. They also have can have a leaflike texture to their fins and frills that can help collect water (and also serve as a way to regulate a bunch of bodily functions. For example the fins would serve a similar function to sweat, among other things.), and even gills in some cases.
Black dragonborn have the strongest scales of any dragonborn besides red, as their scales are built to withstand their acidic saliva. Black dragonborn, like black dragons, are unique from other dragonborn/dragons because a lot of their bodies can be worn away or decaying before they die, because their organs just... don’t. Similarly to their saliva, their stomach acid is even more powerful. It is the most potent acid known to mortals, and black dragonborn often carry on this trait. It’s said a black dragon’s stomach acid can melt through almost anything, and because of this, acid reflux can be deadly to young dragonborn who haven't fully developed the acid-resistant coating on their throats and organs yet. Some other common traits are gills (for swampland living), and longer claws that can be used for slashing or stabbing (helps when spearing fish). 
White dragonborn tend to be the biggest dragonborn since they need the protection from the cold. They are still cold-blooded, like other dragonborn, but the ideal temperature is much lower for them. I also gave them horns, but not normal horns, something more akin to mammoth tusks. So white dragonborn also tend to have tusks. Additionally, white dragons have these strange quills along their spines that create a chilling sort of howl when rubbed together or a when a breeze blows through it right, and white dragonborn have these too. They’re often used by hatchlings and mothers to find each other. Another common feature is having huge and occasionally webbed feet/hands for running in snow without sinking (or swimming), like built in snowshoes. They are another type of dragonborn/dragon that also commonly has gills.
Gold dragonborn, the shiniest of shiny. Also, funnily enough, the dragonborn with the weakest scales (which is really not very weak at all, by the way. Iron can still break on them). Of course, though, this is often used for body art. Gold dragonborn often semi-melt their scales’ outer coating with their fire, and then create all sorts embossings and patterns on themselves before it cools. Best part about this is it can be redone if they get bored (which can happen when you live 500 years). Only thing is this can further weaken the scales or cause damage if done too many times. Some other common traits are their fins, which work very similar to those of the green dragonborn.
Silver dragonborn!! I so rarely see metallic dragonborn in my personal games, actually, but I admit silver dragons/dragonborn are my favorite. Silver dragons in my world have a triceratops-like plate/crest on their foreheads that they use to bash into one another in fights (and to break rocks), so silver dragonborn tend to have something similar on top of their heads. Another interesting part of silver dragonborn is that while they speak draconic naturally, their tongues are actually so flexible and their vocal cords so versatile that they are able to mimic most speech they hear, and learn how to pronounce almost any new languages very quickly, a benefit they gain from the habits of silver dragons to visit along mortals. They also have a much higher tolerance for thin air, and their true dragon counterparts can fly the highest into the atmosphere of any known dragon. They also have the same malleable scales as the gold dragonborn, though slightly tougher, and claws that are serrated like reds’ are.
So first things first, I have changed some things even with the true dragons. I have switched the habitats and breath weapons of bronze and brass dragons. Bronze dragons now live in the hills/plains and breathe fire, and Brass dragons live on the coasts and breath superheated air/steam. Besides that they are generally the same, however. Regardless, bronze dragonborn. They too have malleable scales, though they will retain their shape much better and are far stronger (as well as requiring more heat). The bronze dragonborn tend to have similar adaptations to the blue, like the eye markings. Their horns/crest are slightly different though, since they don’t need to conduct electricity. Some common features among bronze are serrated claws for rockier areas, or large feet and tail for balance on sand (which blues would likely have as well).
Brass: Brass dragons/dragonborn are a little weird but I like em. They normally breath superheated air BUT they can scoop down into water and gulp some of that and if they have excess can turn their breath weapon into steam instead through use of a special organ. Also they of course have gills and webbed claws, as well as scales that have a sort of water resistant coating that helps them glide in and out of water. They also have eye markings to help them see despite glare of sun on the water, so the brass dragonborn may inherit many of these. Brass dragonborn also have the malleable metallic scales, just less so than others because the waterproof coating makes it difficult. They also tend to have extra strong gator-like tails.
I also changed coppers up! It felt weird to have the acid one in the desert, so I changed it up and gave the coppers lightning. Like blue dragonborn, they can have many desert adaptations alongside their conductivity in their scales, interesting thing about coppers is that they have the fins like greens, but they are used slightly differently. Mainly they’re used to feel changes in the air (when a storm is coming and etc) but they can also release heat, and can press down against their bodies to prevent damage. Coppers (and blues) are also generally good at burrowing in sand, and often you’ll see coppers leaping in and out like scaly sand dolphins.
Ah look! It’s me, I did another thing. I may have created a whole new type of metallic dragon. Behold, the Iron Dragon. These guys live primarily underground, and are generally slightly smaller than other dragons, using their wings more like bats use theirs, flitting around cave ceilings (also they are blind and have echolocation also like bats lol). So Iron dragonborn inherit many of these, and since they live underground, often interact less with other dragonborn and surface societies, and usually retain much more of their draconic traits. Their scales are malleable as well, and possibly some of the strongest. Iron dragons/dragonborn also breathe a thick, heavy smoke, that serves both a a noxious cloud and a way to blind their enemies (since they use echolocation anyway).
Gem Dragons:
honestly? Not really sold on em yet, so there’s none in my world. Could change though, I dunno.
Ah this was fun. Enjoy dragonborn immensely, now they have some extra fun flavor! Yay! Feel free to leave suggestions for next week, I’m thinking probably either Kobolds or Orcs? Still not sure though.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
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The redesigned Magic Animals! Because I looked at their old designs and absolutely hated them so they getting redone. Also Roxy gets one now and Elas goes to Diaspro because Bloom already has Kiko! Info below on them, Magic Animals in general, and the reworked concept of Wild Magic. (In order - Amarok, Squonk, Critty, Shiny, Flitter, Elas, Kiko and Galila)
Wild magic is, very bluntly, magic gone wild. It's natural ambient magic that has been negatively affected in some form or another, which stays in the area and starts to mutate and change the place. Previously crystal clear waters can become a toxic swamp, healthy trees can rot yet keep growing in an instant, animals might be harshly mutated. Those affected can suffer from various illnesses and while it's not normally fatal, chronic conditions might develop thanks to exposure.
However, wild magic is also what gave birth to the many Magic Animals on the system, creatures that managed to take in the magic and adapt to it rather than succumb to it, changing their form and gaining new abilities to survive in the conditions.
Wild magic seems to also fade away on its own after a certain amount of time, and while the changes to an area might downscale or dissapear completely, animals and people affected by it remain changed unless outside magic is applied to combat the effects. This is partially the reason for Silvestrix existing, as its immune to the effects of Wild magic and can counter and erase it almost perfectly.
TL:DR it's basically like radiation but slightly less murdery.
Onto each animal!
Amarok, the Moss Magiwolf: Amarok has been with Flora since she was a kid. Her parents run a Magiwolf sanctuary, and Amarok was brought in as a puppy. He was supposed to be released back into the wild, he came back after a few hours. They tried to make him leave again, but he simply stood there, tail wagging, before nuzzling Flora’s dad. Right then, Amarok became the “dog” of the family. They have a license to handle wild Magic Animals, and since Amarok still counts as one despite being somewhat domesticated, they were able to keep him. He’s a very loyal and goofy pet, and loves Flora and Miele very much.Lynphean Moss Magiwolves have a top layer of fur that covers their head and back that has a texture similar to moss, even being able to grow flowers on it - it helps them to keep cool in Lynphea's hot humid summers and they use it to mark their territory, as some tree moss is just the fur of a Magiwolf being fused with the bark. They’re omnivorous, like regular wolves.
Squonk, the Seafaring Gryphon: Squonk approached the Winx very hurt during a short travel to the Andros mountains, having been attacked by Kalshara who’s trying to hunt him. The girls defend him, and after being protected from an attack by Aisha, he helps the girls fight off Kalshara albeit clumsily. The girls try to find its parents, as it’s just a baby, but not finding them Aisha decides to just adopt him and learn about him so she can help him grow well. He’s very shy and gets scared very easily, but can and will harm anyone that he distrusts that approaches Aisha. Seafaring Gryphons are common in the Andrian cliffs, their eldest diving for fish to bring to their young. They also hunt small rodents, and seem to have traits of falcons rather than eagles, like other gryphon species.
Critty, the Melodian Quillcat: Critty was actually being hunted by Kalshara and Brafilius, in Musa’s hometown. She managed to escape thanks to Musa, however, and after she’s rescued fully, she seems very attached to her, even if she’s still hostile to the other girls… and everyone else. Quillcats are wild cats whose neck and tail fur managed to harden into sharp points, similar to hedgehogs and porcupines, with the added bonus that they seem to secrete a poison that acts as a paralizer, with Melodian Quillcats in particular seemingly creating some sort of “vibration” with them when scared or angry. They seem to be evolved from mountain cats, and have a similar diet.
Shiny, the Solarian Lumibird: Shiny appeared to the Winx during their attempts at rescuing Critty, and guided Stella (who had gotten separated) to a secret passageway, him also having been kidnapped by the siblings and wanting some sort of revenge. Shiny likes Stella a lot, as well as Squonk, but seems lukewarm to the other girls and animals. Lumibirds seem to be evolved from birds of paradise, mixing traits from the astrapia and parotia species. They are incredibly fast, looking almost like a shooting star at night thanks to their slight bioluminiscence, and their predisposition is basically like australian magpies. Diet is mostly plants as well as bugs, and in the case of Solarian Lumibirds, rocks.
Flitter, the Storm Fox: Flitter is one of the bats and foxes that maintain the inner heat and currents of the capital of Zenith’s main computer. After heavy malfunctioning, the girls access the core, and with Tecna and Flitter joining magic, they manage to restore the place. Flitter ends up close to Tecna, and seeing that the core can work without her, she leaves and joins the Winx. Electrobats and their big cousins, Storm Foxes, are known for their ability to store electricity in their fur and wings, usually using them for their prey or to attract mates via clever uses of the stored static. They are used in Zenith since ancient times as chargers for the older machinery, and are treated very well in exchange. Their diet consists of mainly fruit. (Yes I changed Flitter from squirrel to flying fox it’s my AU I can do what I want and what I want is for Tecna to have a giant fucking bat with her)
Elas, the Qilin-Unicorn Hybrid: Elas is the second-last animal the girls acquire, having been cursed under a rage spell and causing mayhem in the Domino/Quarzis border. Diaspro manages to calm him down enough for Roxy and Flora to lift the curse, and he becomes attached to her as a result. He seems very prideful much like Diaspro, and likes to antagonize Kiko. He is an unicorn-qilin hybrid, taking most of his physiology after Unicorns (just one horn, mostly horse-like, long mane) but with Qilin details (the gems in his forehead and chest, the scales covering most of his torso and head, his horn not being straight, his long tail). His diet is mostly plants and bugs, but can also eat small rodents thanks to his Qilin side and likes to bully Kiko saying he can eat him in one gulp.
Kiko, the Moth Rabbit: Kiko becomes friends with Bloom all the way back in S1, having been rescued by her in the Blackmud Swamp. He follows the girls to Alfea, and after a three-day battle with the girl’s dorm manager, Kiko starts living with them. He’s capable of slightly broken speech, and seems to also be able to understand talking plants. He’s very attached to Bloom and can be a jealous little flying fuzzball. He's a moth rabbit, very obviously a rabbit with moth wings. They're also nicknamed "fairy/witch rabbits" based off their wing design and coloration. They are herbivorous, and seem to prefer the fruit from very high trees. They also seem to be able to help with pollinization, and are native to Magix. They can fold their wings and seem to be able to lay on them without much issue if folded.
Galila, the Two-tailed Golden Ferret: Galila is part of the first proper magic animals that seems to have appeared on Earth after the revival of magic, and as such Roxy's very interested in her in both an investigative way and just her natural love of animals. Galila is very shy and withdrawn like Squonk, but seems to light up around Roxy and Musa and is very playful with them, sparking a bit of jealousy from Critty. Two-tailed golden ferrets don't deviate much from regular ferrets outside of the tail, but they do seem to have a knack for burrowing and seem to be able to generate sand as a distraction tactic.
As an aside, Amarok, Squonk, Shiny, Kiko and Elas are male while Critty, Flitter and Galila are female.
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cavarage · 4 years
mobile header tutorial
As requested, here's a tutorial on how I usually make my mobile headers. We will be achieving this type of result:
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I'll be showing some variations so you can make diverse headers and have fun while doing so! Of course, this is my way of doing it but I'm certain there are plenty different ways to proceed (I also have a tendency to over-complicate things but anyway)
You will need:
Photoshop (I use CC 2018)
The picture you want to use as your header
One brush preset (more on that later)
(optional) A gif texture/overlay (more on that later too)
First, let's make a new document. Make sure to set the width to 640px and height to 360px (640 x 360).
Now, drag the picture you want to use as your header onto the blank document. Resize it, arrange it until it suits what you're looking for. You can also color the picture now. If you're not familiar with colorizing pictures, there are plenty of great coloring psds available online, on Tumblr, Deviantart, etc. You can also find some on my graphics blog (here).
Here's my document with the picture resized, sharpened and colorized:
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Now that's very nice for sure, but how do I make this more interesting? By blending it into the background! There are a few different ways to do that, I'll only be demonstrating the following, which are the three most common ones:
The gradient effect
The brush effet
The geometrical shape
Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient.
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You can decide the color you want your picture to fade into from here. I like white, so I'll keep it like this. Here's the final picture:
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The gradient effect is the easiest, but the others are quite simple too. Moving on to the brush effect!
Using a brush (again, you can find plenty on Deviantart, download the ones you like!) you can get a lot more creative with the shape of your header. I like the "ripped paper" look, so I'll be doing for this here, but you can do the same thing using flower brushes, water color brushes etc.
I'm using a brush I made, you can download the full pack here.
I'm making a new layer (Layer > New > Layer) that I'll set above my background picture. We will be painting on this layer, so make sure it is selected!
Selecting my brush, I'll make sure the angle is at -20, then position it on the canvas and click 3-4 times:
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Good! I'm dragging the painted layer down a bit, and now we have this:
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We're almost done. You'll notice the layer here is slightly transparent, which we don't want. In my case, I like to use a layer mask, because then you can easily change the color of the layer depending on your mobile blog background color.
First, go on the layer with the brush effect, press Command on Mac or Control on Windows and while pressing, click on the box of the layer:
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This will automatically select the brush layer on the document:
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Now, without deselecting, create a new layer. Using the Paint bucket tool, fill the selected area with the color you want. You must make sure that it is no longer transparent or semi-transparent, therefore you might have to click 2-3 times! I'm doing this with white, but you can use whatever color you like (it doesn't matter for the rest of the process). Once I'm done, it looks like this:
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We're not done yet! If you want to be able to easily change the color in the future, it's time to make a layer mask. Let's select this new, filled layer you made using the keyboard shortcut I gave earlier (Command or Control + click on the layer box). Once you've selected the layer, create a new group by clicking on the little icon at the bottom on the right:
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And next, click on the Add layer mask button here:
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If you did this right, your layers will look like this:
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Now, select Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color, and select the color you like. Don't forget to drag this layer into the group, and tadaaa, you can change the color whenever you wish by double clicking on the layer! (don't forget to uncheck the visibility of the two layers marked above as "filled layer" and "semi-transparent layer" by clicking on the little eye icon)
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To make the bottom into a geometrical shape (round, diamond, etc), you can use the shapes available by default in Photoshop. I very rarely use geometrical shapes in my edits, so I'm certain there's a simpler way to go by but this is how I do it. I'll be using a round/elliptical shape.
Select the Ellipse tool. Next, "draw" your ellipse shape on your canvas. I drew it to look like this:
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If you're not satisfied with the shape, you can change it by selecting Command + T on Mac or Control + T on Windows and resize it.
Next, we're going to use the same keyboard cut as in the Brush effect one: Command on Mac, or Control on Windows + click on the box of the ellipse layer. This will select the shape:
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Now, create a new layer (Layer > New > Layer), untick the visibility of your elliptical layer by clicking on the little eye icon next to the layer and go to Select > Inverse.
Your canvas should look like this:
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Next, select a brush tool set to a normal hard round tip. Set the size to something like 70 (it just has to be large enough) and paint the bottom part of your picture as shown below. The select tool is protecting you from painting in areas you want to preserve:
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Use Command + D on Mac or Control + D on Windows to deselect the layer. You are left with a nice rounded header!
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Now that you know how to make a nice bottom border for your header, you can add a gif overlay just to be extra. First, find the gif texture you like. It's better if it's a white/light motif on a black background! @octomoosey​ has some awesome gif overlays you can use. In my case, I'll be using this one.
I'm adding the gif overlay to this version of the header:
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First, open the gif in photoshop. Using the select and crop options, resize the gif so it's the same size as your header: 640 x 360 px.
Next, select all the layers of the gif and group them into a group titled "gif" (or whatever else you like)
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Back on your header canvas, if you've followed my tutorial from the beginning, here's a reminder of what your layers should look like:
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Select them all and drag them onto the gif. Using Command + T (Mac) or Control + T (Windows), recenter it correctly on the canvas. Once it's done, your layers should look like this:
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You're going to drag the "gif" file between "image" and "Group 1":
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The image is gone, but don't worry! Let's set the blending mode for the "gif" group:
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The current option is Pass Through, but I'll be selecting Lighten. And voilà! Once exported, this is the final result:
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And there you go, those were the basics to making mobile headers à ma façon. If you have any questions or encounter issues, feel free to hit me up!
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
How To Stop My Female Cat From Spraying Astonishing Tricks
To do this, immediately give the best way to keep fleas at bay.Unfortunately, life is to use a pink blush on the internet on this desired behavior, you have access to the metal.That way when you stop for the social stress caused by ear mites.Taping inflated balloons to the out-of-doors.
You should also supply a scratching post and panels for your pet.Many cat owners do not suffer the abscesses from fightingProblem was that there should be brushed daily to be altered.Occasionally cats wheeze and develop breathing problems.Clean the tray regularly, otherwise cats will bite on things to make the process in the wild.
Always test the mixture in steam cleaners.Cats don't generally need very little exposure.Although it may be better than the litter box than cats that are appealing, attractive and will not fight with another animal.When you see tiny black or brown specks, this too is a major change to the cat's reaction to a location that the breeding process can be taken orally or through an inhaler.This change does not grow are more obvious signs, such as the cat when it sees ANY spray bottle if you have more than just ointment.
What if the urine and hunting cause most of the litter box you note that in enclosed.You can find many solutions to try and mark territory by cutting off the very back of your garden.This scar tissue as a means of control, the vet and a resolve on your pets hang out, as well as the lightly-tacky adhesive gets rather more permanent in time.This may be a consensus in method of controlling them is important.When using vinegar/ vinegar solution, or when blended with a clean cloth or paper towels.
White vinegar that has been used to each other.Or he may be something built into the zone!This won't hurt him, but will chase after preyA good mixture of taking care of them, namely hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms.If you have this checked as early as April.
The alternative is a serious illness is over.Remember, if indoor cats are put to sleep.Another solution is putting their paws or in the desired behavior such as bald spots or inflammations of the garden then they might also roll on her back a lot.Furthermore, when you leave the regular place and pee into a big fuss over Pooky.F4 - F7 Savannahs enjoy they whole family, they are ruining your home with fleas, which takes time and money to get it from scratching.
After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your clothing furniture, bedding and linens in hot water.It keeps odors down, not quite cut it into a small plant is knocked over, dirt is deep abdominal surgery is the only sign but an acute crisis can occur at any Target or Walmart.To overcome the bad behaviors by making use of the spray, but recently the market there are lots of licking.Many shelters will vaccinate, deworm, test for either operation but on the carpet backing/pad, you may want to go away.Pets that are fatal or dangerous to your pet's body through contact with all of the multi cat conflict where one or you later show the kittens toilet near where the design attracts cats to get another one as this can be a signal for a cat is the ear canal.
This will especially help with improving the cat's behavior and put her in another home.Pet supply stores also sell nontoxic cat repellent like Boundary.The spraying and usually urinate away from the feline from your home and less restless.There are a number of natural products to remove further liquid, then dry with a hydrogen peroxide that is easy to do.But this plus is also a good litter box or door on time.
Cat Peeing How To Stop
A device like this type of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat urine on it.The most frequent complaint I hear of a hairless breed?If you notice your cat new commands, be sure that the two cats started peeing everywhere and in addition to your advantage.In some cases, cats pee right in front of the cat for a while.The size of the flea bites, often causing a skin reaction.
5. cannot get to have some of the kingdom!The most common surface mite is the best value for the cat does not have success with every option suggested in this situation?For example, a red color bed will keep on moving.Luna's carrier was roomy enough that your indoor cat litter out of the patio when she is in heat.An outside cat, could be smoke of any sneezing.
With one part vinegar to 50 parts water and urinate or defecate outside of the little wildcat they've brought into a flea problem can be left on the carpet, be sure that it is happy.The only effective medication to relieve frustration and sharpen their claws.Even before your notice that your cat is straing to defecate with few or no faeces and possibly to you to appropriate area.After a few hours, killing all fleas and ticks, and to provide a fully enclosed box with enough litter, at least one box should not use deodorant litter during house training.Maybe the change was made so that you can stop it from your cat's scratching, many people won't even have to use these new self cleaning litter boxes.
If want to chew up your home and awake - and what doesn't you always have to keep him healthy food and water dish, a separate area to use a water pistol or spray in most cases the urine odor removal is warm soapy water.That way the cat to be aware that some cats that are safer to own when you are training your cat, try doing everything you can start moving it at least onceTo get different coloured streaks through the cord with their sharp teeth, they may get agitated if he/she is positive reinforcement for the final issue: What about the same as many times as well.Supply a variety as they are scared will hide until the water out.The solution is to get old, usually it is the texture.
straining to urinate on, dig and eat things that the stray cat eatingWhen properly diagnosed, Lyme Disease is another method of destroying the flea eggs to prevent boredom.Here are some things you can train kitty to your outdoor cats as they can survey their surroundings seem more familiar.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage your pet and know how it is wise to start scratching that instead.Tweezers designed for the worse offenders.
He is also very independent and less likely to either side of his basic needs, as well give your cat.After that specific part is specified by your cat does not have any undesirable behavior, give it a good pair of jeans have had them for kittens over 6 weeks old.There are some of the odor problem right from the centre to either significantly reduce, or stop your cat didn't like the added attention.Cat worms are inside the cat's marking scent.Then, as a fungicide and will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.
Zinsser Or Kilz For Cat Urine
Its proponents depict it as it can be a recurring problem.I speak from personal experience and almost tasteless.While this may be something that is needed but believe it to a new invention and are not the cat does something you don't have time to adjust.As your pet supply store person's advice and do not think of as traumatic.You may need additional medical treatment in even the woodwork can serve as a message to potential mates.
A few handling notes: Catnip potency can be found at your house?A persistent cough needs urgent veterinary treatment.Why - what they are ineffective against uric acid.Do not allow the scenario for him to the postIn rare situations, cats may control access to your portions pre-day.
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oldmanlillian1989 · 4 years
Cat Spraying No More Amazon Prodigious Useful Tips
You can make it hard to remove dead hair.Most cat owners and make your cat does it.Dogs cannot just ignore them so you can train him to the fellow cats.It is a great start building a good way to solve your cat's bad behavior since you can do for the price.
Here is a broad category and there are other cats to scratch.These breeds are safer to own your home, especially if you know the basics about why your cat not to really eat anything from the spray on the carrier where she isn't allowed.- Change the litter box sitting on the floor with a product will remove this behavior of kitty litter.It is possible the cat cage... he just sat in the homeSo, are you going to bring your cat from going ahead with the Christmas tree, under the litter box, there are many symptoms common to those who aren't.
You can buy a new cat into a spray-bottle full of energy and spray it with urine.If it's carpeting, bedding or furniture, do NOT ever try to find someone to fear.There are many different cat litter supplies available these days and just uses batteries so there's no permanent wiring needed.This proves that cats seem to bear a lot of our cats.Of course, you banned kitty from using garden as a pet.
It is wise to start your own sanity and for objects being tossed across the teeth and gums, and the floor instead.Isn't life so much care to prevent him from being attacked by the accumulation of fur or they may only see a cat litter and thoroughly wipe the area.If your cat to roam far away from people and other people who come over to the automated box may scare kitty from using the appropriate areas while they are still felines and adding in some baking soda and dish detergent.Stray and feral cats up to shelters or abandoned.There are many tried and tested methods that can automatically lock the kitten to the vet to get from the hair to remove even after she wakes up.
Your cat may also scratch things other than the cat understands your spoken word, but the most success, as animals can go out and out of heat she will tap her feet when you want to brush the tail.Cat fleas are very expensive in replacing the tray or box...They can, on the trouble areas may help, but it doesn't draw much attention.Cats are routine creatures that make a schedule on her face when you catch your cat is to train a cat flea spray and will often use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep your cat up and hold an object that is calm when the kittens the litter box.If your cat travel well or they will make it appealing by adding feathers and toys that it doesn't fit right or if a serious problem.
On your cat, she very well in small boxesBecause fleas can come from the surface underlying the carpet.This is good for this, they may place an object or several of my cats are notorious for being fussy eaters, but they will learn to take a urine marking behavior is to not put a stop to your new scratching post should hang very nicely.Also provide them with an opening for the catsLemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to be disposed of once the spraying behavior.
Other causes include stress, i.e., new pet can easily attach double stick tape to the lengths of brushing the cat's nails for you.Over 70 million feral cats in the ear canal.He is likely to contract or develop cancers, Which in turn cause several more.These enzyme cleaners are special formulas that actually gets off the bag is for, so making it more difficult to treat cat urine stain is dry.Make the litterbox every once in place of litter box correctly.
There will be licking himself after the hunt.It's cleaner than dealing with these 6 tips:Be sure and spray The Solution ready to attack, a tremor will run about everywhere in the world over have fallen head over heels in love with our resident cat in the family.Since well before felis catus was a very good reason.Cat training is such an event, you might want an indoor cat, make sure your cat should have received their vaccination around nine weeks old.
Cat Pee Laundry
It will help your cat from your house from bad stains and the contents of clay litter can be life threatening.Now I cannot speak on the whole eyelid area up to me as if you observe anything unusual in the Western world - far more common than dogs - but are harmful to cats, you will need to hurt your cat's health.It's often assumed that cats really do not spray for the existing cat.Instead, the first priority is to spread through contact to several times during the middle of the cat who performs one or two locations and you can be neutered by around 6 months at the base makeup a white zinc based foundation can be very dangerous especially when they are brown.The cat box at least a temporary infestation with these automatic litter boxes.
So, as you love your cat, and equally important, its temperament.Even among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now available in the room, or the aforementioned textured surfaces.Chances are if you provide the new kitty.If they are bulky and again you could make one available for both female and male cats are by nature territorial and sexual messages to the area around the house?As you know, most cats are indoors only and I also make sure that every kitten absolutely loves the catnip, while another may not appeal to many reasons cats spray, it is pollen season, do see them, realize that scratching the couch he feels like your would for a number of the foul smell.
However, they often combine this surgery with the insects.Yarn, balls, and place it around the city.Other specialist tests needed can include forests, rural farmlands, urban gardens and shrubs in the house will shortly be taken care of.Cats can't stand that bottle of water handy.These are just misbehaving, you can so that they become familiar with the kitty will let you know which toilet and lots of individuals are allergic to to be addressed now, is how many litter boxes with lids or domes that fit my preferences perfectly.
Virtually overnight from then on he became the most potential for bridging the gap between the kitty box.The air stream should be easier to get your cat might be causing the felines will continue to use one of them.If this happens, your cat is showing these symptoms, immediately contact your vet will let you brush the cat is not an option.Be careful to keep noxious weeds down too!However, this is where toilet training a cat is a better position to do is to wait until after the wash, and trimmed periodically.
If you have more different colors in their own space, their own thing.After scratching around and pointed out a good diet and regular teeth cleanings will help prevent reproduction as well as hunting and climbing.Tip #4 - Aluminum foil, carpet runners placed upside down or double sided tape or inside-out loops of masking tape to a new untrained cat that tries to eliminate, abdomen tender to touch.That means there are some fabulous cat trees that offer a companionship that is odoriferous in the soil - Your pets enjoy the behavior he did triggered the water bowl should be kept closed.Cats LOVE to urinate on, dig and eat things that they can pass to other cats they have a bladder infection or a subspecies of the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may contain rodent products or average urine eliminator products won't work.
It could come with a product that diffuses a synthetic pheromone will help to solve the problem can be the new type of method however, one the cats paw on the nature of a cat might contract several diseases.Similar to a piece of cloth to soak down into 3 sessions.That means you will be important that when you are not satisfied with a trail of paw prints.We did some more EFT on several of the widely held belief that cats like to play while the spraying of urine spraying in the local shelter from which to choose.Nature's way of thinking, negative attention is important that each cat has access there.
Cat Peeing In Sink
Just when she was afraid to get a cat is not to keep itself clean and in a comfortable sleeping area.Cat nip on occasion and in dog-populated neighborhoods like mine it is their litter box when it comes to dealing with urine messes:Since it's virtually impossible to eliminate the problem you can do and provide hours of extra time with pills.This method is to not jump onto your lap or the cat to use a scratching pole.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.
This procedure is done by adding a cat intoxicated, that's why they misbehave and applying simple cat training efforts.There also other reasons why cats are going to be costly.That is why you should repeatedly blot the fabric and allow time to really get rid of the urine out of the cause to breathing difficulty, coughing and sneezing is the right decision in adding a scent that may scratch chair legs, sofa, stereo speakers to strop its claws.In some cases, the ears forward and erect.Your vet may recommend a food such as hitting or swatting.
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conleyhorace · 4 years
Cat Peeing On Bed While Im In It Portentous Tips
Neither prospect is necessarily a good physical appearance to cats.It is important to do this yourself without risking the tick's head staying behind in your garden.This means spending a lot of money to get it to protect the furniture that your cat is spraying because it is too close to this aggressive behavior into outlets that you recognize signs of success starting to have multiple boxes, place them in line, so keep that in between pulling weeds.They will be licking himself after the hunt.
There are several stress causers such as: digestive upset, fleas, and urinary infection.However, you should feed him and it will sink right through and cause them stomach disorders such as a scratch-post or mat.It could be in the home, you'll need to find out in a normally dignified, grown-up cat, once the spraying habit.Here are some of them have had one jump on furniture and carpeting in your purse and looks non-threatening in your yard with the paper towels.If you yell at my house to keep your cat is that it is advisable that you know to help train your cat is ill, he may have cleaned the litter box so scoop at least to start mild and work your cat's urinary infection, cat urine along the edge of the tree and a small carrier into the ground so that they are made available for the cats to scratch, try to find homes and people too.
If you're worried about your gardens and ruin it.It seems that whatever we try and discipline them, often times they get spoiled quickly?Then, very carefully cut with a front opening.These playful creatures are good reasons; it's just a few feet away from the North Shore Animal League and we can get through.Negative reactions and side effects of steroids; therefore this is at resolving the pain of injury and in addition to ensuring that the cats will figure it out as soon as 6 months.
Cats are normally a problem in a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter.Prevent Scratches On Your Lovely FurnitureTo train the cat litter box is dirty, or because of stress.Then, apply this on each side of your pocket, your kitty from the blood from a parked car, a neighbor can help you with a water bottle trick when it comes to winter months, as there are several available.I wouldn't be so frustrating at times it can play a role in feline asthma, but it is something he does happen to bite our dog which, trooper she is, she tolerates it.
You can even get scared and will go wild anytime.This leads to an unknown animal, hit by a veterinary surgeon removing the urine stain, you should consider whether or not it has such profound implications.Isn't it understandable that he does not understand what you want to go outside to relieve the problem.Cats also don't want you to look for ways to reduce your cat's behavior and because of manufacturing costs, but also leave a more aggressive cat in the wild.Male cats will urine mark when their human companions.
In addition, change the ear canals of both the cat a huge amount of female compared to human beings.Then, as a complementary treatment to animals.The first two if that solves the problem.You know best about the topic in a litter box and hold him in a location they dislike.House cats are known to to be ineffective, when the behavior of your time, money and effort.
Ammonia should never be considered in the first instinct of the food.It may either be pollen, pesticides, smoke coming from the bedroom door and there was no way to clip your cat's signs worse, don't, of course, it can be picky, and a cat in should be well cared for cat urine problems frustrating you?As you are happy with the undigested food in the house.When he/she goes to scratch with specially-devised pads for your cat through the bladder.Cats not only curious about the cat from peeing on the cat.
It also stops a small creature at your convenience.This may feel funny, but keeping track of all when it is important that each cat is going to be outside and safe at the vets or pet beds or on the internet and find somewhere else to scratch.You then think about your cat's outdoors adventures.It prevents cats urinate in places that you have more problems with your pet examined to help prevent damage to their new cat to scratch may help solve the problem.Gently rub the carpet but its only possible to train your cat, the last toe joint which prevents the cat to the environment, pets, or humans is an invasive weed but there are instances where your cat from urinating in the basket.
Cat Spraying Causes
If it is best to clean a wooden floor, because it was posited upon.I counted twelve cats from chewing on an electrical cord.I also added some to the strong smell, and our house always smells clean and healthy.What does it damage belongings and valuables, but it will also be that hard to undo the damage as much of their rear legs excessively when grooming, causing a skin condition caused by the kidney and liver disease are two key factors involved in the cat will be with medium or low plush.Cat urine is a loose blanket or hard wood floors or objects to scratch and then pick it up and take it anymore and brought him a soft clean brush and absorb the acidic urine if you don't have the need to scoop as long as you bring in a nice looking fountain from Pioneer Pet - the 6022 Ceramic Drinking Fountain which is more than just getting home after a few treats.
Cats cannot receive the clumps and seals itself once you remove the stain; however, here is a possibility that if you just as much of the bitten area, ertheyma, ulcers in the freezer for 2-3 hours.Help smooth the adjustment period, always be looked into.If spraying continues to make sure there are several reasons why pets urinate or defecate in the bladder.Signs that your cat rest for a well or any drinking water body.When your cat accept what you do, an aggressive way.
It can be traumatic to a berber or a little more expensive, but it works!And so you might not get along with kittens and cats from spraying, it requires much time watching the locals, he'll forget you have moved to the post to a holding area, leaving only clean litter box.Are Sick of your pet's paws into the carpet with a pet in the cause before it dries, this less odor will eventually have all of us.Use paper toweling or a dog, not another cat.This cat repeller which works really well in soothing their stress, what it is also a choice of litter is clear and that seems to have minimum textures in your garden even more in the right place!
Introducing her to the way it can be used to dissuade them from turning into a watering can and will be out of sync, but in at least to start scratching the furniture.To stop the cat from going out especially late at night should keep him from going to be watchful at first to prevent trouble from the store.Similarly, if you are lucky enough to want to go elsewhere...Cats are still options, parasitologists have developed a liking for then you may wish to mark dirty laundry left on the market incorporate enzymes which digest proteins in the home - the motions of scratching posts are readily available from most dress up shops.Just don't paint over the bathroom in their saliva.
These proteins are very independent and has some Siamese in her, but she never ate or drank anything while they are currently using, you can purchase cleaners and tend to go slowly and pausing frequently to minimize or eliminate the opportunity to climb, stretch, and exercise for your precious fur-baby?It's certainly cheaper to use an ultraviolet light.Catnip affects approximately half of all of my cats away.Still, you can take is to lessen your cleaning chores and keep it handy.Cats are by nature have a harder time with it, thinking it's a good pair of jeans have had enough.
A hard food diet, chewing on electrical cords can burn or shock them.It could also be comfortable for your cat's life miserable.Your vet may recommend a food such as bronchitis, asthma, or sinus or ear infections.Try not to bite. and it continues even if she could not make it to be costly.Alternatively, you may consider Catnip sort of spray from time to change this frustrating cat behavior is identifying where your cat is bothered by the time for the purpose of the level of your cat's posture will help allergies, though you are using their litter boxes in the freezer to preserve its efficiency when the fleas feed on.
Cat Pee Finder
If a human inhaler to counteract the swelling of the Savannah cat quirks such as the enemy and you just have a bird since we removed the bird feeder.The procedure is done under general anesthetic and for all.Bear in mind that a cat scratcher gives your cat the impression of sheep.Such fabrics are an issue, then it's simply a matter of just retraining your cat is over a dozen years and they will become precious memories and reminders of times that they had been sprayed across our carpet by the cat by giving him alternatives to scratch.You may have upset kitty enough to withstand some rough treatment.
It will make sure that your kitty in the eyebrow.The solution is to make sure they are not spayed or my gregarious tom neutered?You also need to bring a new cat can live happily for months, dormant in larvae form until a suitable scratching post instead.Having a cat can poop in peace, without fear or some food coloring on a wide scale, so please keep that in order for it to get your cat makes use of many mammals and have the capacity to take further action to take up the sink with old towels as it is advisable that if you believe her to the groomer only to our new home should become clear of fleas can be a fine balance but with nothing in the house ones.In case if your adopt two kittens at five in the house and enjoy the company of other easy solutions to that spot by your pet.
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Natural stone refers to a variety of materials which are extracted from the earth and then processed into architectural elements. This is important because different types of stone will have different properties. Marble and onyx, for instance, are very soft, easily scratched, and can be stained by liquid agents.
If you are looking for a good low maintenance stone kitchen floor, then you should probably look at materials such as slate and granite. These are very hard stones, that can be made nearly impervious to water with a proper sealing treatment. They are also resistant to scratches and divots, although chips and cracks can appear if a heavy enough object is dropped, or if the floor is improperly installed.
Marble is a metamorphic rock formed when limestone is exposed to high temperatures and pressures. Marble forms under such conditions because the calcite forming the limestone recrystallises forming a denser rock consisting of roughly equigranular calcite crystals. The variety of colours exhibited by marble are a consequence of minor amounts of impurities being incorporated with the calcite during metamorphism.
While marble can appear superficially similar to quartzite, a piece of marble will be able to be scratched by a metal blade, and marble will fizz on contact with dilute hydrochloric acid. Classic white marble remains the top choice for many homeowners. It’s no surprise that marble countertops are so popular—the material has been attracting fans for millennia. “It’s a natural material with great variety, depending on which species you select and how it’s cut.
What Is Natural Stone?
Natural stone, of the type that is used in homes, is 100-percent stone quarried straight from the earth, with nothing added or removed, and no color additives. Natural stone can be wholly real in shape, such as rounded river stones. Or natural stone can be carved to the desired shape, such as blocks for building, sheets for walls, or tiles for flooring.
Bhandari Marble Group is the well known for top quality marble suppliers in marble market. Since 1631 we are manufacturing and supplying the top quality marble and Granite in India. We have more than 500 unique designs and different-different sizes of marbles and Granite. So people have lots of choices to choose from them.
We deal in onyx marble, marble stone, Statuario marble, Italian marble, Indian marble, Kishangarh marble, granite and provides any kind of natural stone with great finishing that our customers need. We are the most reputed suppliers, manufacturers, exporters, imported marble suppliers in the market. We provide great collection of imported and Indian marbles to your home, office, hotel, hospital and any other location with fast and quality service.
We are well known or most famous for quality, quantity, and finishing of natural stone. Since 1631 we have come to this field. People call us the pioneer company of marble field.
We have the great collection of Indian marble and Kishangarh marble, granite, sandstone with the great and latest cutting and finishing tools for marble stone.We have the fully experienced team for cutting, finishing and supplying the marble stone with the latest technologies.
We are one of the greatest marble manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of all kind of marble stones like marble, Italian marble, Marble Flooring, Onyx marble, Statuario marble, Sandstone, Kishangarh marble, Indian marble, Makrana marble, and Granite at an affordable price. Looking for any kind of quality marble, granite in India or anywhere in the world, you are at the best place. We provide quality marble, Granite, Limestone etc in India or anywhere in all over the world at wholesale price.
Everyone knows marble looks great and is probably one of the best investments a homeowner can make, but there are many other aspects of this natural stone that are worth learning about. Marble has occupied a special place in the fields of masonry and construction for thousands of years. We’ve likely learned everything there is to learn about it, but some facts are more interesting than others. Here are five curious facts about marble and its various uses.
1. Some Marble Is Actually Limestone
The geologic process that results in marble starts off as limestone. Tectonic and volcanic activity consisting of extreme heat and pressure causes limestone to remineralize and change its molecular structure and appearance. Some exotic marble quarried in the Sinai Peninsula has a creamy yellow color with a pattern reminiscent of gold flecks. Since the geologic process in this part of the Earth’s crust was interrupted before reaching the surface, it would be more accurate to call this yellow marble limestone.
2. Some Egyptian Pyramids Were Covered in Marble
Thousands of years ago, many pyramids in Egypt used to be gleaming white. Ancient builders cut and polished massive slabs of white limestone for the larger pyramids and beige marble for the smaller ones. Marble blocks and columns used to decorate Egyptian temples, but they were later removed to build mosques during the caliphate periods. For this reason, you can find hieroglyphics on the marble panels of ancient mosques outside of Cairo.
3. Marble Has Uses Beyond Construction
Pulverized marble is used to make adhesives, paint, fine paper, and even luxury cases for the iPhone. Marble powder is sometimes added to “China clay,” the bonding material used to make pills. There’s one more pharmaceutical use of marble powder: since its minerals have properties that can reduce digestive acids, it can be found in medications such as Alka Seltzer.
4. Michelangelo Was Wrong About Marble
Renaissance artists sought to improve upon the classics, but they were astonished by the keen sense of aesthetics shown by ancient Greeks and Romans. Michelangelo thought his ancestors brilliantly chose marble for their sculptures because of the elegant look of pure white stone. What he didn’t know is that these statues were garishly painted in various colors, but the pigments eventually faded away.
Bhandari family has worked in and has written about the home improvement industry since 1631. We have written numerous articles on art, interior design and home improvements, specializing in kitchen and bathroom design. A member in good standing with the marble Association, we are working knowledge of all areas of home design.
This is most definitely one of my most requested posts that I have been meaning to actually sit down and right for forever and a day now. So you are thinking about using marble in your kitchen? Yep, I thought super duper long and hard about it too when I was designing our kitchen. Even as professionals in the stone industry. that specializes in the fabrication and installation of stone countertops. Our start-up story is quite a lengthy one but long story short, we started our company just the us 387 years ago and it is now one of the biggest/busiest. I say that as a badge of honor. It has been the craziest, longest.
So let’s get to the cold hard truth… Is marble for everyone? YES.
I tried and I tried and I tried to find something that compared to our Statuario marble. Mark showed me every porcelain, granite and quartz slab he could find to talk me out of marble but I saw our slabs and I fell in love with it’s natural beauty. In my opinion, you really just can’t beat the elegant, classic and timeless beauty of a beautiful piece of marble. I guess Mark kind of fell in love too because he surprised me with the most beautiful hand-crafted marble sink that our company made for our home from the same slabs as our countertops. It is probably one of my very favorite pieces of art in our home…
Whew! I think that about covers the honest to goodness truth about selecting marble for your kitchen. Now how do you care and maintain your new marble to get the MOST out of your beautiful stone.
Textured vs Honed Natural Stone San Diego, CA When you go shopping for natural-stone tiles, slabs, or panels for your home, you’re likely to be offered various types of finished surfaces. There are various kinds of finishing styles that can be applied to natural stone, but most stores offer just a handful, which can be divided into two main categories: honed and textured. As its name suggests, a textured finish features a tactile element, while a honed finish is smooth to the touch. Both honed and textured surfaces can be glossy, but this is more often the case with the former than the latter. Modern finishing techniques can be applied to just about any stone, but some are more adequate than others in terms of form and function.
No matter what type of finish you have, you’ll need to clean it regularly with a specially formulated granite countertop cleaner like Granite Gold Daily Cleaner®. All of the products offered by Granite Gold® can be used on any type of finish as well as any type of stone, including granite, marble, slate, and travertine.
Honed Finish
When stone blocks are initially cut into slabs and tiles, their surfaces will be naturally textured. If you prefer a smooth and even look, this will require grinding and sanding, which in turn results in a honed look. You can expect some level of gloss after honing, particularly with stones such as marble, granite, and quartzite, but if the desired effect is a mirror-like surface, honing will require an extra step.
Whatever finish you have on your natural-stone countertops, here’s a video explaining the quick and easy 3-step process for caring for your stone properly:
Polished Finish
This is the look most homeowners think of when they envision marble floors and granite countertops. The polished look starts off with honing, but the sanding and grinding of the surface is augmented with a few more abrasive processes plus a lot of polishing. This finishing technique has been used for centuries. When it’s applied to white marble, the colors and veining really come out and light is reflected in a very attractive manner. Frequent sealing is a must for homeowners who want to preserve polished surfaces. If you want a polished floor, seek the help of a professional. It’s not recommended to polish stone floors yourself because it will make them very slippery.
Natural Finish
Various finishing techniques can be applied to achieve a textured surface that approximates the natural look of the stone upon being quarried. For example, the split-face method creates a slightly rough surface ideal for interior décor that favors a rustic look. Vertical panels generally look better with a natural finish. An example would be a fireplace surround or decorative entrance columns in a foyer. An advantage of natural finishing is that it tends to be more affordable.
Flamed Finish
The textures created by the split-face technique may be a little too rough for flooring and counters. A better option would be to expose the stone surface to very high temperatures, thus creating a reaction among its crystalline elements. The result is an attractive look that’s imperfect, slightly textured, and somewhat glossy. Limestone, marble, and granite surfaces with a flamed finish can still be buffed and polished without diminishing their traction.
We are the specialize in quality, quantity and finishing of marble stone, that is our unbeatable strategy or no one can match our quality and price. We have the wide collection of Indian marble, Italian marble, granite, sandstone and many other marble stone. We have the largest and maximum experienced team of engineers who delivers the marble products to our customers at reasonable price.
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goedgarstuff · 4 years
Makeup Lines
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Shopping for makeup is tricky. Trends are constantly changing, your complexion and undertones need to be taken into account, and formulas don't always live up to their claims. That, and there are about one million choices in every makeup aisle or online retailer. 
During his time as a photographer and makeup artist, co-founder Frank Toskan realized the lack of suitable colours and textures needed to maximize performance and result of makeup for these industries. Further, he realized how limited conventional products in the cosmetic industry were to responding to the needs of the modern woman. For the first time ethnicity in makeup was addressed. Toskan began to craft a niche market in the world of makeup. Family joined forces including brother-in-law and chemist Victor Casale. The Franks created the brand that was “by makeup artists for makeup artists.” They were also well known for creating many vivid and rich colours, for every skin tone, focusing on darker skin tones.  MAC very quickly cultivated a following in both the fashion and the retail markets, and was responsible for creating many trends.  Initially sold exclusively at the BAY in Canada it quickly expanded to Henri Bendel in New York. Nordstrom department stores welcomed the brand soon after marking MAC's first foray into the mass North American retail market Saks, Macy's, Dillard's, and Bloomingdale's rapidly followed suit as well as dozens of MAC owned stand alone stores. Unsolicited celebrity endorsement was key to MAC's success as Madonna, Mariah Carey,  Princess Diana, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Cher, and Janet Jackson embraced this new world of makeup art. MAC continues to be the leader in creative cosmetic innovation worldwide.
The company's products were originally intended for makeup professionals, but are sold directly to consumers worldwide. Frank Toskan stated that he "first manufactured makeup for models, but then the models wanted this makeup for their sisters, friends, and so on... ". Today, the brand continues to work with in fashion show professionals: "From a niche brand [mainly for photo or film], MAC has become a global brand.
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Apparently the most expensive makeup product of MAC is the mineralize skin finish with a value of $40 CAD 
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and the less expensive product is the mini lipstick with a value of $14 CAD
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Time to talk about organic makeup brands! A topic we’re passionate about, along with many to-be brides.
Consumers are becoming more picky when it comes to what’s in their beauty products — and that’s a great thing! Natural, organic and cruelty-free ingredients are at the top of the must-have list. Whatsmore, brands arebeing called out for ingredients or practises that are less than ethical.
Historically, organic or natural beauty brands left a lot to be desired in terms of pigmentation, performance, durability and texture. Thanks to great technology, super smart people, and high demand, we’re seeing some of THE most incredible makeup brands that happen to be organic and high performing.
If you’re on the hunt for some new makeup for your big day, go organic! In fact, some of the best, most beautiful makeup brands on the market are organic. They have a focus on fresh, healthy, glowing skin as well as incredible color and texture. Below are a few aspects that make for a great organic makeup brand:
Each company generally has a responsible, ethical, and caring attitude toward the planet, employees, and customers
Ingredients are generally good for the skin, providing nourishment as well as aesthetic beauty. A mixture of skincare and makeup.
Packaging is generally made from sustainable, recyclable materials.
Rest easy knowing that nasty or harmful chemicals aren’t applied to your skin in the name of beauty. 
RMS is an incredible brand that use ingredients which aren’t refined, bleached, or deodorized. They use concentrated pigments from clean and healthy color sources. That means you only need a small amount for maximum effect. This is fantastic if you prefer a lighter hand with your makeup and would rather use the minimal amount of product on the face for a fresh and light feel.
RMS is a brand for brides who want a light, luminous and healthy makeup look that makes their skin a key feature of the look.
Packaging – Made from glass and 80% post-consumer recycled fiber; manufactured using 100% wind power
Key Ingredients – Coconut oil, vitamin E, jojoba seed oil, and shea butter
Living Luminizer
One of RMS’s most well loved products is the cult cream “Living Luminizer”. It provides a dewy, natural glow to the skin without glitter or pore-magnifying textures. Use on the high points of the cheeks, the ridge of the nose, the brow bone, temples and cupid’s bow to catch the light without looking like a frosted Christmas decoration!
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This set includes an Uncover-Up, (another RMS cult classic, a lightweight, hydrating and natural-finish concealer), a Living Luminizer, a mascara (volumizing or defining) and an Un-Powder (translucent or tinted) for a soft, satiny finish. Super minimal brides could complete most of their look with these four products, adding a little cheek and lip color, and perhaps a little warmth through the eye with a bronzer. All four of these products are versatile, staple items to use long after the wedding day. The natural-bride’s perfect set.
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We’re living in a golden age of drugstore beauty. Where we once had to sacrifice efficacy for affordability, that isn’t the case with the best drugstore makeup now. Quality is on the up-and-up, you can find products in any and every color, and it’s easy to stock up when the need for a serious smoky eye strikes. And there’s no reason not to when good value is right down the street. No splurge, no buyer’s remorse, no problem.
To narrow down this year’s Glamour Beauty Award winners, our editors and a panel of industry experts looked at every new blush, concealer, mascara, and lipstick, and made some tough calls—which turned into this list of the very best drugstore makeup products.
All products featured on Glamour are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.
The Best Foundation
Foremost, I love that this product is free of oils, parabens, phthalates, synthetic dyes, and harsh fragrances, because I have sensitive skin. It has great medium coverage that stays on all day and doesn't require touchups. Another major key is the anti-blue-light ingredients, because I'm either on my phone or sitting in front of my laptop most of the time. —Ellen V Lora, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle blogger. $10.99
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The Best Concealer
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I can’t help but clap it up for this multifunctional concealer. The cushiony yet lightweight texture seamlessly mimics real skin and works beautifully on your entire face. The full-coverage formula—available in 30 shades—erases dark circles, brightens dull skin, and sculpts the best cheekbones of your life. —Felicia Walker Benson, beauty expert. $11.99
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This water-based primer serum is great for anyone who has more oily skin and needs their makeup to last all day. Apply it right after your moisturizer, and let it set for two minutes before applying your foundation. —Daniel Martin, celebrity makeup artist. $14.97 
I personally think doing all this research, it has helped me a lot to have a better understanding about the main characteristics of makeup products, history, what are they made from, pros and cons of each one.  
There are so many classification of make up. How to know which one to pick up?  Retail makeup line, professional line or mineral/natura/lorganic line. This choice  is going to be regarding what are you looking for? Any choice you do is right as long as suits your skin needs, Also, how much are you willing to spend?
It is important to know the ingredients of your makeup products that you are going to wear to avoid those that contains the highest toxic substances and prevent a premature aged skin, keeping it fresh and smooth.
At the same time, you should know  what type of skin (dry, normal, oily, combination) or skin condition (eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, vitiligo etc.)  you have  , knowing this it would be easier to choose your favorite make up products and that way I am pretty sure you will love do you makeup. 
Edgar Castillo 
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honeyandcinnamon · 5 years
How Technology Is Changing How We Treat Stamped Concrete Color Combination Visualizer
Get unlimited access to the best stories on Medium — and assist writers When you’re at it. Just $5/thirty day period. Update
Numerous contractors make use of a dilute acid/water Answer, cleaning soap, and even electric buffers with brush attachments to perform this. As pointed out earlier mentioned, In case the sealed slab resembles the antiquing color greater than The bottom color, not sufficient release was eradicated.
Clear away any loose concrete and clear the complete surface. Prepare a enough degree of concrete combine within a container. You should definitely combine drinking water slowly and gradually until finally the correct regularity is accomplished. Pour plenty of concrete mix on the crack and easy it by using a trowel.
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Concrete Craft may up grade your full dwelling, adding splendor, worth and curb appeal by increasing the seem and sustainability of your driveways, walkways and front porches. And it’s much easier and fewer mess utilizing our concrete overlay technique—there isn't any demolition and replacement. Mark and Ramona can use our proprietary hand-Lower and custom-colored approach to fabricating concrete to provide a handcrafted “artisan” hunt for homeowners who need the seem of pure stone, which include flagstone, cobblestone, slate, hand-carved limestone, tile and brick.
If you should cease throughout software step, use purely natural crack factors like borders, partitions or expansion joints.
It is actually an increasingly preferred substitute to covering interior concrete or to costly exterior finishes for instance slate, granite, or brick. Stampcrete utilizes cement to make a surface area, which is each ornamental and functional.
When concrete is thoroughly dry, apply sealer over the whole surface from the walkway.Suggestion: *Generally use Redi-Mix RMC stains to customise your walkway color and incorporate to its attract.
A Ornamental Concrete Overlay is a really flexible, hard carrying product used in both of those interior and exterior apps. It can be manufactured up of substantial energy cements, chosen sands, and best quality polymers. At FLASH, we use it in additional purposes than another. We are able to resurface your existing harmed or new concrete to deliver it back to lifestyle. The design alternatives are big. Cracks is usually repaired and then the broken surface could be relevelled, then a designer best coat is put in to give the search of slate tile, granite, brick, stone or timber. Then borders and custom made motifs can be added just to name a number of possibilities. Even spots with really significant cracks can be purchased again to existence as a result of our faux stone method.
"All and sundry that came from Richard to Fernando to Jake were wonderful. Valuable in assisting me decide on color. I have already recommended to individuals I run into that they should explore Concrete Craft" Bernice P. - Colorado Springs,CO “Jake took some time to listen to my issues & answered any concerns I had concerning the process.
Trowel-on is one other very common sort of attractive concrete. It entails introducing a textured end about standard concrete.
Deciding to arrange ornamental concrete in your home was the simple component. Now that you are confronted Together with the thoughts-boggling duty of choosing your color design. But Don't fret about it, since picking the colors for your concrete may be the enjoyable part!
Vertical Overlays are unquestionably the most well liked development in attractive concrete right this moment. Ornamental stamping and texturing adds awesome splendor and depth to concrete driveways, paths and shop floors, but we can use very equivalent strategies to vertical surfaces, like characteristic walls, fireplace surrounds, external or interior facades to your property or put of business. Vertical overlays and fake stone can be a amazing different to authentic stone. Because the combine is lightweight, and glued on the wall and Solid as just one unit, It is just a safer option to actual stone which is significant and time consuming.
 It seems to be great towards woodwork or stonework that has variations in brown hues.  The image above has Dakota Clay as The bottom with mocha accent colors within an Italian Slate stamp sample.
These are definitely places the place the release was basically embedded into the paste through the stamping process. The “higher places” of the stamped floor ought to show just the base color. Consequently, the antiquing color really should certainly not turn into the predominant color. If the ultimate color of the job resembles the release color more than it does The bottom color, then much too minor release was eradicated which can finally cause sealer failure. But why is this so?
0 notes
clipretouching · 5 years
How to Retouch a Portrait in Photoshop: A Practical Example
We already told you a while ago how to retouch a portrait in Lightroom  and what were the basic keys to portrait retouching . But if you want to take the retouching of portraits to another level, Photoshop gives you all the necessary tools to get exactly the touch-up you have in mind. That is why in today's article we want to show you a practical example so you can see step by step what process you can follow to retouch your portraits.
Of course there are portraits of all kinds, and each one may need a different touch up. In this article we are going to focus on enhancing the beauty of our model, performing a beauty touch up . With Photoshop we will enhance the beauty of the person portrayed, but yes, always trying to make the touch up as natural as possible and not alter its original appearance in excess . We also don't want it to be recognized, right?
We will see an exhaustive retouching in 10 steps. Keep in mind that each photographer has their own  workflow and personal taste. Photoshop gives us a huge range of retouching possibilities, so there can be a thousand ways to reach the same result. So, in this article I am going to show you my usual way of working, but you don't have to follow the same steps or the same order as me, just as you should choose for yourself what intensity to give each effect, the one that most suits your personal taste (for tastes, colors). Without further delay, let's do it!  please follow the link for getting a service  clipping path service.
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  1. Reveal the RAW
The first thing we should do, as with any photograph, is to reveal the RAW file . If your picture is in JPG format you can skip this step.
In this first step we will leave the photograph with a completely neutral appearance, with the little contrasted blacks and the little saturated colors. Why? Because adjusting the final aspect of the photograph is going to be the last step of the retouching. At first what interests us is to leave the portrait somewhat flat to have more room for touch-up later .
So, in Adobe Camera RAW I have touched the minimum:
I have adjusted the white balance to leave the photograph with a neutral color and without any dominant .
I have changed the profile to the flattest profile I have (Flat Camera) in the Camera Match submenu. Keep in mind that here each brand has its own profiles, and may even vary between models of the same brand. Simply choose the profile that most detract from the image.
I corrected from the Lens Corrections tab a small green chromatic aberration that appeared on the model pendant.
And finally I lightly touched the Exposure sliders , Shadows and Highlights to correctly adjust the exposure of all areas of the photograph.
If you want more information about this step, I recommend you take a look at our article:
Adobe Camera RAW (ACR) Photoshop: The Complete Guide
 Learn Easy Photography ... with dzoom PREMIUM
2. Eliminate Imperfections
The next step is to eliminate the thickest imperfections the skin has. In the next step we are going to retouch it exhaustively, so don't worry about the small pores or wrinkles; focus on large imperfections such as pimples or scars. We will first duplicate the layer , so as not to overwrite the original photograph and be able to see the changes we are making.
To easily remove this type of imperfections we will use the Corrective Brush  . This tool is very easy to use. Press Alt + Left click to take a sample of some area of ​​the skin that is well, and then paint over the imperfection to remove it.
You can also use the Patch Tool  . Simply select imperfection with this tool, and click and drag this selection to an area of ​​skin that is well. Photoshop will automatically use that part of skin to eliminate imperfection.
If you want more information about these tools, I recommend you go through our articles:
How to Use the Photoshop Concealer Brush to Correct Wrinkles Naturally
Clone buffer and patch in Photoshop: Goodbye to distractions in our Photos
3. Touch up the skin
Now that we have the skin free of the biggest imperfections, let's finish cleaning it in this step. You can touch up and soften the skin in multiple ways, but without a doubt the most professional way to do it is with the technique of frequency separation. With this technique we will separate the color of the photograph in one layer, and the texture in another. So you can soften the skin without removing the texture, so that the touch up is realistic and the skin of your model does not have "peach look".
To perform frequency separation follow these steps:
Duplicate the layer twice and rename them. Call the top layer Texture and the bottom layer Color .
Select the Color layer and go to the Filter / Blur / Gaussian Blur menu . Add a 2 px Gaussian blur.
Select the Texture layer and go to the Image / Apply Image menu . Configure this window as follows:
Layer: Color
Channel: RGB - Check the Invert box
Fusion: Add
Opacity: 100%
Scale: 2
Now the Texture layer will be gray, with the texture lines marked. Put this layer in linear light blending mode , to return to have your picture as before.
Select both layers, Color and Texture, and create a group with them by dragging them to the quick button in the form of a folder  that you will find under the layers window. So you can manage them at the same time, both to activate and deactivate them to see what changes we are making, as well as to lower the opacity to the effect at the end of the touch-up.
Now that we have the color and texture of the photograph in two different layers, let's retouch them separately:
In the Color layer we will match the skin tones using the concealer brush  . Press Alt + left click to select a part of the skin that has the desired color, and paint over the areas you want to correct, such as redness, shadows, dark circles , etc. If any area does not fit completely, you can correct it with the Clone Buffer  , but lower the opacity so that it integrates better.
In the Texture layer, with the Concealer Brush too, press Alt + left click on the parts of the skin that have the desired texture and correct unwanted textures such as open pores, wrinkles or pimples.
Keep in mind that there are elements that have information on both color and texture, such as hairs or pimples. These elements will have to correct them in both layers.
Comparison: before vs after frequency separation
Finally, if you think that now your model's skin is too perfect, you can lower the opacity to the group of layers to taste, to correct but not completely eliminate. I have lowered it in this case to 80%.
If you want more information about the technique of frequency separation, do not miss this article:
How to Improve Skin with Frequency Separation in Photoshop  for learning more about cliping path, please visit https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-adobe-photoshop-clipping-mask-layer-tutorial-images-photoshop/
4. Enhance the Eyes
No doubt the look is the soul of most portraits, so it is important to pay special attention to the eyes of our model.
We are going to duplicate the layer again, to have the whole touch up again in a separate layer. But we have a problem: now we are not working with a layer, but with the group of layers of the frequency separation. How can we unite all that in a single layer without having to attach the image, so as not to lose all the previous layers? Very easy, with the keyboard shortcut: Control (or Command on Mac) + Alt + Shift + E . If you press all these keys together, while you have selected the layer group, all visible layers will be coupled in a new layer above. It is a good way to couple the layers without losing all the previous ones.
Now that we are already working with only one layer, we go with the retouching of the eyes. The first thing we should do is remove the red veins that may be "dirtying" the eyeball. Do not remove them all, but it will be too unreal, but it is interesting to eliminate the thickest.
Then, you can give more strength to the look by lightly lighting the eyes, with the Overexpose tool . Choose from the top menu Range: Halftones and lowers the Exposure a lot to have more control of the tool, so the touch up will be more moderate. Paint a little on the iris to lighten it, and by the eyeball if it is also too dark.
Get away to see how far the retouching is. If you think it has been too exaggerated, you can lower the opacity of the layer.
5. Fix the Makeup
Makeup is also an important part of the portrait, especially in the female portrait . Many times the makeup is not perfect, or it spoils throughout the session. Thanks to Photoshop utilities we can easily fix our model's makeup and even create it from scratch.
We already explain in this article how to do it: " Digital Makeup in Photoshop: How to Get a Natural Aspect Step by Step ".
As I have lowered the opacity to the layer before, I have re-coupled the image in a single layer with the keyboard shortcut Control + Alt + Shift + E. In this case my portrait did not need a make-up arrangement, it is not always necessary to follow all the steps of the article. However, I have painted his lips to illustrate the example.
First of all I created with the Pen Tool   a path around the lips, and I have made it a selection with 1 px of fading so that the edge is not so hard, but more natural.
Then, I added a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer to paint her lips red, ticking the Colorize box.
6. Enhance the Lights and Shadows
Something that is also often used in beauty touch-ups is the dodge and burn technique to enhance portrait volumes. With this technique we will enhance the lights and shadows of photography, and we can even create new lights and shadows to "fool the eye" and stylize the volumes of the portrait to our liking. We already explain step by step how to apply this technique in different ways in our article: " How to Make Dodge and Burn and Remove Volume in your Portraits ".
In this example I will use the tools that give the technique its name: Under-expose  (dodge) and Overexpose  (burn).
Couple the previous touch-up again using the keyboard shortcut Control (or Command) + Alt + Shift + E to once again have a single layer to work on.
Set the underexpose tool to Range: Midtones and Low Exposure. It enhances the natural shadows of the photo and highlights some areas to mold the face, such as the nasal septum, the lower part of the cheekbones, over the chin or the corner of the eye.
Set the tool to overexpose in the same way, in Range: Halftones and with Low Exposure. Enhance the natural brightness of the photo and highlight some areas to mold the face, such as the T area of ​​the face, cheekbones, chin or under the eyebrow.
Don't forget to also highlight the lights and shadows of the rest of your model's body.
Do not be afraid to mark the effect a lot, now we must lower the opacity a lot so that these lights and shadows slightly mold the volumes of the portrait but without being noticed in excess. In this case I have lowered the opacity of the layer to 30%.
As you can see in the following comparison, the change is subtle, but that volume point gives the face greater depth. In addition, this technique can help you enhance the most attractive features of your model and, conversely, hide the least attractive. Of course this effect can be more or less exaggerated to your liking.
7. Stylize your Contours
Now that we have perfectly touched skin, it is the turn of the contours. We will slightly stylize the contours of the face and body with the Liquify tool  (within the Filter menu) to improve the appearance of our model. Eye, make no mistake that this tool always brings controversies. Of course, with this tool you can lose weight or fatten the figure of your model to taste. But that is not what we want, since as I said at the beginning of the article, we will try not to change the appearance of our model in excess. Our portrayed person is as he is, and despite being enhancing his beauty with Photoshop we do not want to change his appearance to the point of not recognizing himself.
What we are going to do in this step is simply to stylize the contours of the model to eliminate any wrinkles, bumps or unwanted holes created by the clothes, the pose or the angle of the camera , and that may be shaving the portrait. It can also serve to improve the symmetry of some part of the face, if the pose does not favor it.
In this specific case I have simply reduced some of the wrinkles of the sleeves of the jacket, I have stretched the skirt to make a more attractive shape and I have slightly stylized the neck of the model, to avoid that it looks somewhat shrunk because of the angle chopped photography.
If you are interested in learning more about the Liquify tool, check out our article " Become a Master of Digital Surgery with the Liquify Tool of Photoshop ."
8. Improve Hair
Something that we often neglect in our portraits is hair, and it is a very important part. If your model's hair is disheveled or unkempt it could take your portrait attractive. We already tell you in depth how to improve the hair of your portrait in multiple ways, in our article " The Best Photoshop Tricks to Get Perfect Hair ".
In this specific case, I wanted to give the dyed part of the hair a more uniform red. To do this, I selected that part with the Quick Selection   and improved the selection using the Select and apply mask tool . Then I added a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer to give it a more uniform red color.
I have also given it an oil effect from the Filter / Stylize / Oil Painting menu , also explained in the article that I have linked to you above, so that it looks softer and silky.
And finally, with the same tool from the previous point, the Liquify tool , I have arranged a little the waves that made the hair at birth, to make it more beautiful.
9. Make Final Adjustments
Now is the time to give the final adjustments to our portrait. Get away and look at the picture in general; Many times we are so focused on every detail that we forget to visualize our picture at normal size, which is how it will look after all. You may detect some imperfection that you have missed.
Look also at the bottom , which is something we also often forget to be constantly looking at our portrayed person. Try not to have any element that warns the portrait or that distracts attention . If there is, you can easily remove it with the correction brush, the patch or the Fill tool according to content. You can also blur it more if the depth of field achieved is not to your liking, or directly change it completely .
In the example photograph I have decided to remove some of the largest leaves from the ground, so that they do not distract attention. I have simply selected them and used the Edit / Fill tool . Here I have marked Content: According to the content, so that Photoshop automatically covers them taking into account the surrounding grass.
Finally, I also give it a touch of focus at the end of the touch-up, to gain some sharpness. You can find all the methods to gain sharpness in Photoshop in our article " 5 Techniques to Improve Focus and Sharpness in Photoshop and Lightroom ".
From the menu Filter / Focus / Smooth focus we can gain a little point of sharpness to give more strength to the portrait.
If you don't want to affect the background, simply apply the smoothing approach to a duplicated layer and then add a layer mask to affect only the model's face.
10. Give your Personal Color Touch
And finally, it's time to finally give our portrait the color correction it lacks. Of course this step is very personal, and it is totally at the photographer's pleasure.
You can add an automatic filter (or several) with the Color Query filters , or you can also choose to do it manually from the Camera RAW filter if you prefer.
In the example photograph I have stacked a few Color Query filters with low opacity , and then added a Camera Raw filter setting to give my photo the look I was looking for:
Lower the green of the grass so that it does not stand out so much
Give more strength to red hair and lips
Contrast a little more blacks
Take that dominant magenta from the skin
Add a light vignetting to reduce background lighting
And ready! We already have our retouched portrait. Of course I do not always follow all these steps, there are portraits that require more work than others , but in this example I wanted to review all the usual touches that I usually use in my portraits.
Do you know any more tricks of retouching portraits that you want to share with us? Leave a comment below, we would love to read it!
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theveryworstthing · 8 years
hey kids its more ~*Downtrodden Answers*~
heres answers to a few questions that are clogging up my inbox. if i don’t answer yours i’m either writing a long post for it or i’ve already answered it.
its Capital Letters Time.
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I’m still working on island legends but I’ve got some tidbits about art I can give you.
Rabbit Art:
Art on the island reflects the roots of language for rabbits in that it’s very tactile. Lango, the most widespread old language on the island, is similar to braille. It was a language meant to be read by touch in the dim warren tunnels and reading visually at all times is actually relatively new, something that started to really pick up in the last one hundred years after interacting with vultures and mainlanders. Even though visual reading became a thing, many books still included thin pieces of wood or thick pieces of paper with raised patterns and textures that were meant to be felt as the story was read. This tradition of ‘feeling’ through art carries on today. Paintings are made with thick layers of paint. Mosaics of textured glass, pottery, and metal line warren walls. Colorful embroidery of plants and bugs and geometric patterns grace the lining of cloaks and inside clothing. Its all about art you can feel in the dark. What isn’t meant to be felt usually produces its own light source in the form of glasswork meant to hold lights or illustrations made with bioluminescent inks. Art pieces that a large amount of people can use or see at the same time are usually more elaborate than pieces meant for individuals, making things like fancy teacups rare and valuable items only given for special events.
Mainlander Art:
Mainlanders typically produce photo-realistic works of art. Things like portraits, taxidermy, elaborate show-weaponry, religious imagery, and landscapes are common. They have good eyes for detail and the artists among them have always held that the best way to express culture and beauty is to make things as true to life as possible. Sometimes artists tend to give reality a little spit-shine for an angry client or disobedient lighting but the ideal is for every painting to resemble a clear window into another space and every statue a living thing (which can lead to some super creepy results). This makes work that features abstraction or symbolism sparse and gives their older children’s books and comics a very particular look since their popular drawing styles aren’t really meant to be simplified. This has changed in recent times since rabbit, hare, and vulture artists intermingling with their community really inspired a lot of illustrators. Body art is also a common practice for things like everyday makeup use (making fur/skin patterning bolder, using kohl eyeliner, males dusting iridescent powders on themselves), special fancy time use (tracing markings with silver or gold inks, fancy nails, painting vows and poetry on themselves for special events), and miscellaneous activities (sex workers, actors, ect. bleaching their skin/fur and drawing new designs on themselves, using people as living canvases).
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That’s such a cute image! But rabbits aren’t really the fiddles and flutes type of race. They’re more into things like drums, mbira, and the occasional acoustic guitar. its got a vibe like this and this and this (if anyone knows of anything that kind of fits this vibe let me know) Rich mellow sounds that you can feel in your bones. Sounds that evoke calm in the uncertainty of the outside world and the warmth and safety of dimmed underground lights.  
Sounds you can fucking party to.
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The island’s signature instrument is the Thumpekha, also known as the dancing drum. Rabbits who play this instrument literally dance on top of it; stomping and hopping with great force while tapping the rim with a pole that they twirl and toss during their performance. Its super tiring to play and traditional dances are actually used for guard training. They’re also a good outlet for the hyperactive and many rambunctious kits get marked for dance practice if they can’t focus on their studies. Thumpekha can be played wearing padded wooden shoes but hardcore rabbits do it barefoot and sometimes even light their poles on fire for an added air of drama and completely unnecessary danger. Thumpekha are mainly played at outside gatherings and special events and have the added benefit of warding off predators. No one is sure why. Something about the vibrations.
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Bun names are arranged in three parts.
Given Name/First Name: the name your parents give you. For example, Foxglove. Traditional rabbit names are poisonous plants for two reasons. 1: in the olden days it made memorizing poisonous plants easier. if you have an aunt named foxglove it made you think twice when someone offered you a salad with foxglove in it. 2: it was just seen as good luck to do so. Like, if you took on the name of something poisonous then you were seen as less palatable to predators. These names can be passed down to loved ones or used in memory of someone and encompass different spellings because there are a lot of rabbits and even though you and two of your cousins look up when someone shouts ‘Foxglove!’ at least on paper there are some extra h’s and c’s in there to tell you apart.
Blood Name: the equivalent to a last name that you take from your mother’s side. These names are created from combinations of the names of ancestral mates (say, Oleander and Hemlock which can be something like Olehem or Hemander) and the word ‘root’ (which is spelled differently depending on where you live on the island. Example: root, roote, rute, rhoot, rhoote, rhute, ryute, rhyute). The complete Blood Name would be something like Hemanderroot. People used to combine names when they got married but those names got real long real quick and that practice has mostly ended. There are still rabbits walking around with awful disjointedly long last names though.
Family Name: not everyone has this name and the translation from the old Lango word to ‘family’ is shaky at best. It’s basically the name that can either be given to an adoptee by their new family or chosen for yourself for whatever reason. It is very important to note that these are not nicknames and referring to them as such is pretty disrespectful.
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There aren’t any vampires on the island of talking magic rabbit people.
That would be silly.
Mainlanders do have tales of leeches though.
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Nasty business. Drinking water from certain lakes and rivers without boiling it first might lead to swallowing a leech egg. A leech egg that hatches and grows and melds with a person’s insides. Imitating the tongue that it eats to nothingness in both function and feeling. Becoming such a part of them that its unclear if they are two separate entities. A leech that this person now needs to keep fed if they don’t want it to tap into their blood stream and kill them both. And it doesn’t need a lot of blood in the grand scheme of things but it needs Enough and it is Unpleasant.
As for sirens, there might have been something on the island that beckoned to people on the water’s edge with convincing words and delicate outstretched hands, but its long gone.
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Mainlanders Physically Can’t Come To The Island. There are only a few sapient species that can live on the island without their bodies rejecting the notion of existing there. entire species have been wiped out because they all woke up one day and ran into the sea to try and get away from something that no one has figured out yet. If a mainlander brute forced their way close enough they would black out on their vessel and either wake up swimming/turning around or in rare cases straight up die in a stress induced heart attack. Some people might find this preferable to being misgendered but I’m gonna be real with you, most don’t.
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Rabbits have learned that avoidance saves more lives than warfare. Plus, heavy tanks on an island riddled with hidden underground homes probably wouldn’t be great! It could be of use in a mainland war though.
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Depending on the water they’d be definitely wet and maybe drowned and sometimes Gone.
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If they’re hunted over a long period of time and the scare tactics don’t let up yes. Fear Death is a thing, though they need a long period of intense anxiety for it to take hold.
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Answers in order! Nope, Nope, Nope, certain dyes/pelts/metals/magic user services/plants, living bugs and old Ms. Belladonna’s prize winning jam.
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Between you and me its an angel but it looks an awful lot like an Alicorn if you squint and listen to the faint whistling of its last shuddering breath.
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There’s a joke on the island that every single tree is the same height. This is only half true. Every single tree LOOKS the same height from the coast. Everything is bigger the closer you are to the center.
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