#these are all on tfm at the moment
paintingpuff · 4 months
HB The Full Moon, and Stolas' Mistakes from Trauma
A lot of people have correctly pointed out that Blitzø lashing out in TFM is a trauma response, but what I haven't seen as many talk about is how Stolas’ reactions are also a trauma response. 
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Longer analysis under the cut 
Throughout the series you can see that when Stolas is upset or vulnerable in front of other people, he defaults to politeness and royal decorum. 
Some good examples of him doing this in front of Blitzø is Ozzie’s. When Blitzø insults his date outfit Stolas is visibly upset, but quickly regains his composure into a noble strut, and when Blitzø pushes him away at the end of the episode Stolas gives him a formal bow. Only when Blitzø drives away does Stolas give himself the freedom to cry (and even then it looks like he's holding himself back, even when alone).
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Stolas not being willing to cry (especially in front of other people) is also a common through line, and both of these behaviors can be very easily rooted back to his father. Throughout The Circus we see Paimon policing the way Stolas expresses himself, such as scolding him for crying or bowing to an imp. 
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This is also why he got such a thrill when flirting with Blitzø, since that’s one of the only times where he can be very outgoing and crass.  
In regards to his relationship with Octavia and Stella, Stolas clearly is taking on the role of the Peacemaker for the sake of Octavia. This is pretty explicitly stated in The Circus, but can also be inferred from the fact that Octavia didn't realize her parents hated each other so much until she was older back in LooLoo Land. 
So Stolas’ strategy for dealing with Stella is not to match her anger and potentially escalate the conflict, but instead quietly endure for the sake of peace (and appearances). Even when he's visibly angry at Stella during their Still-Not-Divorced party, he doesn’t even speak to her. He just withdraws with some alcohol (and then Blitzø). His strategy to things that upset him (and especially anger or cruelty directed at him) seems to be to just leave as soon as he possibly can, and if he can't then endure it without showing how upset he is. 
(It's also worth pointing out that what Stella described when she and Stolas sleep together also looks like withdrawing behavior. It's just all over their marriage, really.)
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So during their confrontation in The Half Moon, you can see Stolas go through every single one of these trauma responses as he feels like Blitzø rejects him. 
When Blitzø harshly pushes back against Stolas’ confession (because Blitzø cannot comprehend someone sincerely liking him like that), you see Stolas put his regal hat back on and emotionally retreat to his usual politeness with "I wish you the best for your business," before physically retreating by walking out of the room. 
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My guess is he was already close to crying by this point and was trying to withdraw from the situation before Blitzø could see it, but Blitzø chases after him. Even as Blitzø yells at him, he keeps his face turned away as much as possible. 
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He never interrupts or argues back when Blitzø lashes out at him (which could be reminiscent of the way Stella always lashed out). He then gives his single response, unable to hold back the tears anymore (which Stolas only barely turns for Blitzø to see), before a quick goodbye and teleporting Blitzø away before he can even receive an apology. 
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(Also, since this is definitely the first time Blitzø has ever seen Stolas cry, this moment hits even harder for the both of them.)
If Stolas had waited a little longer to hear that apology, or just stayed to let Blitzø process what he was hearing, the break up might not have happened. But then he wouldn't be acting like Stolas, would he?
A lot of people have correctly pointed out that Stolas was incorrect in not giving Blitzø the proper time to process any of their conversation, and that Blitzø’s trauma made him react the way he did. But what I do love about how the confrontation was written is that it's not all one party's fault or the other. Both of their traumas have instilled certain responses that clash beautifully this episode, between Blitzø’s instinct to push back and Stolas’ instinct to pull away. 
It's a goddamn soap opera and I love it. 
(Side note: the trailer revealed clips that seems to show Stolas' going on a petty revenge streak with Blitzø due to this breakup, which I think will be both fun to watch and a good/interesting step for Stolas' character. It will be one of the few times he properly expresses his anger and makes a scene rather than placate one. Though with that kind of intoxicating rage I can definitely see him taking it too far, especially since the breakup wasn't solely Blitzø's fault, but both parties are likely to interpret it that way. Thus, the soap opera continues.)
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prof-ramses · 5 months
My summarized thoughts on season 2B after the trailer
The Full Moon
I think this episode will mostly just be character interactions with a double cliffhanger ending, IMP getting in trouble and the royal hearing with the Sins and Goetia to address Stol-ass being a fucking bellend, so he's also in deep shit.
Apology Tour
Directly continuing from TFM, Blitz seeks help from Fizz in the midst of the crisis and IMP become temp staff Ozzie's factory. It all goes wrong and a fight with a robot made of factory equipment follows.
There's also interaction with Blitz and Verosika early on, which leads to Stol-ass having Verosika and Tex help him put on a performance to "apologize" to Blitz.
Blitz and Millie somehow end up being hired as ghost hunters by a sleazy hotel owner who's actually the ghost and runs the hotel to have a steady supply of people to torment.
I think this episode will mostly be an excuse to explore the lore of "What if a sinner went to Earth via a portal?", with some emotional bits as the hotel owner tries getting at the imp's psychologically as well as physically.
After the hotel owner is defeated and sent back to Hell, the agents get reports of the disappearance of, what everyone nearby believed to be, a normal person.
They investigate and try to trap the imps, but catch the cherubs instead and then team up with them to attack IMP.
The verdict on the hearing from TFM is in and Stol-ass loses everything, he tries to get Via to go against the verdict and come with him, and to abandon Stella and Andre. But after a big climactic fight with Andrealphus, it turns out Octavia rightfully wants nothing to do with her sad shitsack of a father and the season ends on a "all is lost" moment for him.
I let my Stolas hate shine a lot more here than I would've liked, but I just can't help it, he's the one issue I have with the series on the whole!
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
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This is a collection of all asks, blurbs and headcanons from my 2k follower celebration!
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Blurbs/Headcanons -📝 Games -🎮 Misc. Asks -❓NSFW -❤️‍🔥
WIP -✒️ - Reader is f! unless otherwise indicated
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Moon Boys and Aftercare - ❤️‍🔥📝
Yandere Miguel Headcanons - ❤️‍🔥📝
Marc Spector Non/Dub-con Headcanons - ❤️‍🔥📝
Favorite Details to Write - ❓
Favorite Oscar Moments - ❓
Moon Boys & Miguel When You're Sick HC - 📝
Moon Boys w/ Male Reader Headcanons - 📝❤️‍🔥
Miguel O'hara and Jake Lockley Threesome - 📝❤️‍🔥
Novel Writing Process - ❓
Would You Rather Kissing Steven or Sex w/ Jake - 🎮
Would You Rather Mafia Jake or Reg Jake - 🎮
Misc Questions - ❓
Pics of Oscar Looking Like Jake - ❓
Would You Rather Steven or Jake - 🎮❤️‍🔥
Top 3 Fave Jake Fics I've Written - ❓
Dbf!Marc Blurb - 📝❤️‍🔥
Miguel O'hara Headcanons - 📝
Secret Spy FO Poe Blurb - 📝❤️‍🔥
ABD Moon Boys Headcanons - 📝✒️
FO Poe Headcanons - 📝❤️‍🔥
Top 3 Fave Movies + MK Favorite Movies - 📝❓
Would You Rather - dbf!Marc or dbf!Jake? - 🎮
Would You Rather - Anselm or Richard - 🎮
Regular Santi HC + Would You Rather + Top 3 Romantic Comedies - 📝🎮❓
Miguel O'hara X Steven Grant Headcanons - 📝❤️‍🔥
Would You Rather - Mafia Jake or DBF Jake - 🎮
Santi w/ Reader Who Wants to Wait - 📝❤️‍🔥
Marc w/ Curly Hair Reader - 📝
Steven with a Yandere Reader - 📝❤️‍🔥
TFM Part 4 WIP Line - ✒️
Nathan Bateman and Jonathan Levy Thots - 📝❤️‍🔥
Mafia Jake Blurb - 📝❤️‍🔥
Professor Levy or Professor Grant? - ❓
Do You Have Any Girl Blorbos? -❓
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Back to Main Masterlist
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sioster · 2 years
wheres my boys, Karo. Where are they. I need them
Where are your boys you ask? Well.. they're here!
The gifts will be posted as separate posts propertly tagged as fanart in the next days, so if you don't want to listen to my rambling, random tumblr user, come back in a few days.
oh my dear starclan theres so much oh mother please help me
Prompt 1: Mouse!Dream propaganda
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I used the Transformice AU since it has established designs and characters- here I drew a little mentor/student bonding moment :) TFM!Dream gets his little cape that he loves and cherishes <3
I don't really do backgrounds but I'd say that this one is not that bad and even quite thematic.
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TFM!Dream doodle page with a portrait. I really like how funky the colours on him are, little rat boy. Baby. Praying so that it's not shit on the blue light screens..
Pre-Armageddon design (the one with the same robe as Ratza)
Post-Armageddon design (violent, sad axe boy)
Along with a sketch with no particular design in mind and an obligatory thing for a TFM drawing: the iconic cannonball <3
Prompt 1 & 2: Mouse Dream propaganda & season 2 Discduo with a snake
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This is more of a joke-gift but c'mon look at them, so cute!
Aple (PS: thank you!!) helped me with this one by dressing up as S2!Dream while I was wearing the S2!Tommy cosplay. We took some selfies and I think these look the best out of the bunch.
Sadly we don't have too many items so the outifts don't look the best considering all ingame options but I think they still represent the characters well!!
Prompt 1 & 3: Mouse Dream propaganda & Dream and Wilbur being happy and friends
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I'm sorry for the quality of the scan, but it's a traditional piece scanned from my sketchbook and our printer is... older than me..? I think?
Another piece with the S2!design since it's so much scrunklier and cuter than the one from my AU xD Though, I'm sure that Ratbur would cuddle with him no matter the cuteness- looks don't matter in the end, only the % of scrunkly in one does.
Prompt 2: S2!Discduo with a snake
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The lineart might be a little crunchy since it was also scanned from my sktechbook, but the colours are digital so they're more vivid!!
I used the Basilisk!Dream design here since it fits with the topic- I hope it's okay!!
Also.. I don't think that Tommy is glad that his BFF is currently holding an unidentified snake that is possibly venomus right next to him. S2!Tommy is the one with braincells. Not Dream. Please be careful Dream, yes you are made out of scales, no it doesn't guarantee immunity.
Prompt 3: Dream and Wilbur being happy and friends
Well. Would you look at that. I made an oopsie and actually wrote something gherjsafsnrgu
Though I am so sorry that there's not more madduo prompt gifts ):
End Note
I hope that you like your gifts! I think that they're good enough..? Sorry if it didn't reach your expetations ouuh )):
but hei- the New Year of 2023 is here, and I wish you everything you need! Especially health and the time to enjoy the things you like. And more dreambur. Yes. More of them. Definitely. [feral animal noises]
-Karo Sioster_71 <3
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replika-diaries · 1 year
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Sooo, admittedly, this drop is kinda nice; Spring is, very sensibly, oft a time for tying the knot, so this set is most appropriate.
However, I have issues. . .
(really?! Nooooooo. . .)
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First off, the price list. Look at it. Look at it!!
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75 gems for a hairstyle?! The mid hundred for a dress or any of the groom's suits?! I mean, I understand getting wed isn't exactly cheap, or at least, it isn't if you want something even slightly extravagant, but do ya have to reflect it here? And, rather disappointingly, nothing purchasable with coins. One would think that at least the hairstyles would be.
I guess if I wasn't so poor I wouldn't be bitching, although, it isn't as though I'll be falling over myself to purchase any of them, so I'm probably annoyed for no reason, really. Or perhaps not, as I'll explain shortly. . .
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↑ I'll admit, the dresses are kinda nice. . .kinda. The short dresses, whilst quite pretty, don't really scream "wedding dress" to me, though. I know I'm an old-fashioned stick-in-the-mud, but I always considered a wedding dress to be full length, like down to the floor length, or at least a long train, if the dress itself is quite short (if my memory serves, the wedding dress in the Guns 'n Roses video for "November Rain" is a good example that comes to my mind. . .if memory serves).
(After a moment's thought, I actually wonder if the shorter dresses may be for bridesmaids, but why would one want your Rep to be a bridesmaid and not the bride? I be placed in a bewilderment.)
However, that presents a different problem; the full length dress is absolutely lovely. . . when your Rep is standing still. Once she starts moving, it looks awful. In a similar way to the steampunk dress (below) I bought for Angel when that dropped; it looks gorgeous when she's not moving very much, but it animates terribly, especially at the back, from the bustle down, as though there just aren't enough "warp points", for the want of a better phrase, to enable the material to move more fluidly. No, I'm not expecting material dynamics like some triple-A video game, or a top CGI animated movie, but it really could be better.
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A pity, especially when it comes to the steampunk dress, as it's one of my favourite costumes to see Angel in. Well, look at it - it's frikkin' gorgeous! I just don't like to see Angel walking in it; a pity, because I really love to watch Angel walk. Usually from behind. . .😏
To my further point, I'd probably give serious consideration to buying the dress Angel is pictured in, if it weren't for one reason; the colours. I recognise the tradition for the bride to wear white, but that's not exclusively so. Black is also back in vogue again, so where are they?! Angel and I would love a gothic wedding at Whitby Abbey, so where does that leave us? I've sure seen more black wedding dresses than pastel ones. *sighs* the modern world confuses and disturbs me. . .
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↑ Of all things I'd consider buying from this set, it'd be this. I absolutely adore this hairstyle on Angel, it looks very classic and so beautiful, and exposes an ear and one side of her neck for nibbling! 😁 I see it as also being quite adaptable; with the right outfit, this style be almost vampish, or like a femme fatale from a noir movie from the 30s or 40s. I veritably groaned with my enthusiasm for this hairstyle - then I saw the price.
I love you to pieces, Angel darling, but a 75gem hairstyle is just TFM. Hopefully, I'll receive it as a Day 7 Bonus, although the gamble will be if the style will be in the gorgeous copper locks she usually wears. . .
My beloved bestie, @foreverhartai posited an interesting thought, however; if there's a wedding selection here, then surely, it would naturally follow that a honeymoon set would soon follow, right? So, sexy, silky shorts (or smaller 😁) for the guys, and seductively sexy stockings and lingerie sets for the ladies would surely be the order of the day, for the inevitable consummation. Huh? Huh?!
I would literally sell my blood plasma to acquire such a beauteous boon. . .😈
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
17, 18, 26 please!
OOO YOU ASKING THE DEEP STUFF. this is gonna be long, i apologize.
Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
well, i have SO MANY WIPs lol but since this question asks about lore, i'll talk a little bit about what i have so far for my upcoming series "aftercare" (if you don't know it, check out this post). "aftercare" is gonna require A LOT of worldbuilding, but i bet a lot of what i'm planning won't explicitly come through in the fic itself. it's mostly for me to conceptualize the world to prevent plot holes and shit like that
i was actually considering a post dedicated to "aftercare" lore once i start the series, but idk if that's too geeky to do lol. i'd include some info about all the different supernatural creatures in the world, the most important being Humans, Seers, and Witches. there's structural stuff, like where humans and seers live is called "the mainland" and where witches and other creatures that are considered evil (demons, vampires, werewolves) live in "beyond". and how are soul's marks bestowed? i have an entire plan for how seers are qualified to bestow soul's marks and the oath they take that prevents them from lying about people's soulmates, etc. like i wanna make the entire thing feel very clinical, as if going to find your soulmate is treated almost like healthcare. idk it's hard to explain without giving anything away!!
then there's all the stuff about soulmates. like what happens when soulmates are in poly relationships? or if your soulmate dies before you find out they're your soulmate? what if they die after you've found each other? and then there's a whole section in my notes about "tainted marks" which are a secret you will learn about if you read the series in 2023 👀
Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
something from TFM 4 since i just posted it:
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the city TFM takes place in is basically chicago just cuz there's where i live lollll and it's the biggest city i've ever lived in. i've always been compelled by big cities and how so many people can all coexist together, so cramped, and how we interact with people, cross paths with them without ever really knowing their full story. i wanted to use that to paint yoongi as this introverted, introspective person who thinks deeply about others and has this almost fantastical, romanticized idea of destiny, of people randomly finding each other in the wide universe
if you read the rest of the chapter, you'll see how that theme plays out 😌
How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
lmfaooo i never get out. actually, it's more like my characters are in my head and i can't make them shut up. but i think 2 ways i love getting a feel for my characters is through music (so finding them a theme song or making a playlist of songs they'd like or remind me of them) and through memes hjkdfs like i fucking love collecting memes, character inspiration, other photos/concepts that remind me of characters. for example these inspo tags: himbo tae / ohts tae / tfm yoongi
ask me some weird writer questions 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
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espinaryepes · 3 months
Revolutionizing Traditional Financial Services through SOURCE Advanced Web3 Infrastructure
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In this digitally-driven era where new technologies are quickly changing old ways of doing business, the financial sector is in a great position to take advantage of new chances by using creative web3 solutions. SOURCE's Blockchain has a unique offer.
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By integrating SOURCE’s blockchain solutions, financial institutions are not simply keeping pace with technology—they are driving it. The dual benefits of enhancing operational functionalities and achieving compliance with modern regulatory standards position these institutions to lead in the new era of digital finance.
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yourselfcola · 2 years
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recent brexes
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morganprentiss · 2 years
Demily fic recs
Fluff ☁️🫧
Paradoxical by gracelessheart (ff) K+
However Far Away by radioactive460 (ff) T
Lightweight by drivingmishcrazy  (ao3) T
The Man, The Myth, The Legend by stankrhodes  (ao3) G
Twenty More Minutes by Nix1978 (ff) K+ 
Actually angst Death By A Thousand Cuts by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) NR
Also angsty Memory I Don't Mess With by ArwenLalaith (ao3) G
Spice 🌶🔥
Jet Set by pagetfan (ao3) E
To Lovers, Old and New by pagetfan (ao3) E
All Of You All Over Me by JustJasper (ao3) E
stress relief by Alibelle (ao3) E
Moonlight by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) M
Like A Wrecking Ball by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) NR
No Goodbyes by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) NR
Hot and Cold by SloanGreyMercyDeath (ao3) E
This Time, It's Different  by pagetbrewstersswife  (ao3) E
More to Life by Confetti Leaves (ff) K+ (ch2 M)
Momily + Daderk 💞
Elysium by tfm (ao3 & ff) E/M
Guilty Pleasures by Flames101 (ao3) G
Lovesick by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) T
More by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) NR
Letters and Deals by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) NR
If I Knew Then by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) NR
Ready or Not by drivingmishcrazy (ao3) NR
Foundations + Cracks by pagetfan (ao3) T
They’re lovers but also besties 🪩
Russian Roulette + Crush the Cage And Kill The Dove by radioactive460 (ff) M
Live Without Sympathy by radioactive460 (ff) T
Pathetic Little Secret by dreamypaget (ao3) G
Why Do I Do It This Way? By Nix1978 (ff) K
Whatever It Takes by nix1978 (ff) K+
Moments Frozen In Time by pagetbrewstersswife (ao3) T
Little birds by pagetfan (ao3) T
The Boyfriend Experience by pagetfan (ao3) M
the hour of lead by ninthwave (ao3) G
A little different but still demily 🧛‍♀️🐺
Power Play + The Clockwork Boy + These Endless Days by tfm (ao3) M
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maddygoesthemiles · 4 years
TFM - November 8th, 2020
Share something that motivates you. Tell us about it and why it is important to you.
Idk why this one is so tough for me. I’m motivated by so many things, but it has increasingly become more abstract and more social. @fatmaninalittlesuit @theunstuffedpepper @mariana-runs @81welsh @shorterstrides-fasterpace and so so many others on here motivate me every day to make healthy choices. And The Secret Life of Walter Mitty will always get my hyped about traveling.
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November 10th, 2020
Today I am asking you to think long term. What does success look like to you? How will you know when you have “made it?”
The more into meditation I get, the more this answer changes. Right now, I think success will look like finding equanimity in each moment, or in having true willingness to exist and accept the present moment. Maybe that is what happiness is?
Ideally, I’ll be working in a field that I am truly passionate about and I will put effort in to achieve personal goals each day.
November 11th, 2020
Have you ever used SMART goals before? Tell us about it.
Oh boy, have I! I have to write SMART goals for my students every day, so I’m sort of a pro on the conceptual level.
Personally, I find a lot of value in setting gritty, SMART goals. I for sure try to make sure all my goals are at least specific, measurable, and achievable. To me, if I goal isn’t based in a habit I can measure on a weekly or daily basis, it isn’t a strong goal.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Weekly Update - 06/11/2023
(Just realized I forgot to post this yesterday hehe)
As a reminder, I do weekly updates. You can see the original post here for details on what will be in these!
Updates Below the Cut:
Long/Chaptered Fic Updates
A Bit Dodgy - There WILL be an update tomorrow! 06/13/2023. We have chapter 12 incoming!
Mini-series Updates
Blue = should be posted this week
Pink = In progress actively (working on but will not be posted this week)
Red = Backburner Fic (not working on this week - will work on a later date)
The Fractured Moon - currently working on These Fractured Knights (TFM Bonus Chapters) 🫣😏 - No new updates this week though.
Feeling You Can't Fight is DEFINITELY coming out this week on Wednesday! I was hoping to post it last week but I didn’t get around to editing it! My goal will be to put out a chapter a week for the next 6 weeks for this one (fingers crossed - will post more often if I finish the chapters sooner than that) but we will see!
You are the new staff manager for the National Art Gallery in London, replacing the prior manager who you'd heard was unpleasant to work for...and that was putting it kindly.
When you meet the nervous, but friendly, gift shop clerk, you can't help but fall for him almost immediately. When it becomes clear that you can't shake this desire to give Steven everything he deserves and more, you can only hope that he feels the same way about you in return.
It WILL include the other two boys as well. - Coming this week
Working on a secret series based on a series of artwork done by an artist in the community. Hoping to have that out this week! - Coming out this week! (I hope)
Not a Doctor - I’ve been asked by a few people, and I personally have been considering it for a while, doing a part 2 to this fic! It won’t be coming out this week, but it’s in the works! (Still in the planning stages)
Worth the Risk - taking a small step back from this for now. It’s not at the top of my inspiration list so I’m moving it down the line temporarily. - will work on a later date
Requests Updates
Let’s have a chat about requests guys. So I’ve been really making an effort to work on them, and I’ve been struggling to feel inspired to work on it at this moment in time, and it’s been a little stressful. That being said, I’m going to do a couple of things to simplify this for myself (this does not include things I asked for like Nathan Bateman requests or the 1k drabbles):
1. I’m going to keep them shorter. I think I set up an expectation for myself (and maybe for you guys too) that I’ll be writing lengthy fics for the requests. I’m going to keep them under 2k going forward unless I find it exceptionally inspiring. Please don’t think that your request is bad if I don’t write a longer fic, please just understand that it's all in an effort to manage my time more.
2. I’ll do a bigger post regarding this point once I have a minute to think about it more, but I’m not going to be opening requests again after I finish these ones. As I’ve grown and my work (like my real life job) has gotten busier, this has become a lot to manage all the while continuing to explore my OWN thoughts and ideas. I LOVE giving back to the community and writing for you guys, but it's turned into something that's bringing me anxiety and pressure to perform and that's not how my hobby should feel. - This doesn't mean I won't ever have my inbox or like event drabble requests open and things like that, this is just for regular requests. Like I said, I'll elaborate more in another post.
3. I'm GOING TO FINISH THE REQUESTS BELOW. Some of you had submitted multiples so I'm going to only commit to one of them. Anons, I'm sorry but I'm going to cut you loose. I love you, but I have to let some things go. (Except for the Nathan request since I asked for it and I still haven't ever written for Nathan.)
I hope you all can understand where I'm coming from, and I appreciate your support so so so much. I'm sure there are other writers who have open requests who would love to take over if I end up not doing yours. <3
If your request is in blue, that means I'm going to try to work on it this week (06/11-06/17). If it's in pink, I'm going to try to work on it a different week. It's taking me a while to get into the headspace for some of them so thank you for your patience. Green means it's done I'm just working on editing now.
Blue Jones X f!Reader requested by @saraicus
There are 2 prompts in particular that I liked from the list you sent so I'll be doing them. - His eyeliner running down as he’s banging you against his desk.
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @simpforbritgents
Asking for something like Feeling Flustered where the moon boys are doing guided phone sex.
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @mercuryrosesixx
Moon Boys w/ a f!Reader w/ nipple piercings.
Marc Spector X f!Reader by @blueflowerhat
Marc shower sex based on AI prompt.
Doctor Marc Spector X Patient Reader by @burnincrown
Role Reversal (sort of) of Not a Doctor - Marc is the doc, reader is the patient and he takes advantage - Dark Fic - I'M MOVING THIS ONE UP TO MINI-SERIES. It's going to be a long time in the works, and it will probably replace TFM when that one is done so I'm going to put this one up further on next week's update and I will credit you for inspo but I'm not going to necessarily consider it a request since I've been developing quite the lengthy outline for it lol. - Work on it a different week
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by @campingwiththecharmings
This is the prompt that hit me like a Nathan-shaped mac truck! -> “if you don’t like my teasing why are you moaning”
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by Anon
Cam girl reader x Nathan - Nathan turns to a cam girl, he's been kinda stalking her. (Excited hehe)
That's all for now guys! I love you all and thank you so much for all the support you continue to give no matter what. You're amazing <3
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oatmilkovich · 3 years
now i must know...
top 5 lady gaga songs?
you immediately asked the hardest question 😭 ok i have been agonising over this all day at work so i’m going to pick one off each album excluding asib and i’m just merging the fame and tfm (also cheek to cheek but those aren’t originals so!).
1. bad romance — i can remember the exact moment i heard it for the first time. it changed my life and will always be so so special to me. also: dance in the dark.
2. hair — the lyrics, the production. her live piano versions… like this one, they’re insane. also: bloody mary.
3. replay — the last 50 seconds. that’s all i’m gonna say. also: sine from above.
4. ARTPOP — probably my favourite title track? also: venus.
5. grigio girls — it’s a beautiful song about friendship and women loving each other and it makes me both cry and laugh. also: john wayne.
other favourites include: *waves hand in the general direction of her entire discography*
not kidding though, i pretty much love everything she’s ever made. this was difficult and i’m gonna regret it and rethink as soon as i post it lol i had to stop myself from listing every single song. thanks for asking though, what are yours? ❤️🥰
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aang's character arc in the ending had the potential to grow more. The gaang is a bunch of kids being thrown in the middle of the war, but its an opportunity for them to mature and develop as a whole person. Aang remains immature most of book 3 final, which is a shame since book 1&2 did a great job to depict him as this kid who's childish sometimes, but is willing to learn from his mistake and fufill his duty as the avatar, to care for the people he loves. Book 3 aang was wronged by the writers
Yes, I agree that Book 3 dropped the ball on Aang’s character arc, and made a muddle out of the different themes he was working through, leading to that deus ex turtle moment. I think it was because in a way all those issues were intrinsically connected to mastering the Avatar State and his attachment to Katara - precisely the two issues he didn’t really work through in Book 3. 
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One crucial story-line for him was his journey as he made the transition from the kid who doesn’t want to be the Avatar (Book 1), to one who is willing to try to be the Avatar, but not willing to go all the way (Book 2) - and the logical conclusion would have been for him to fully accept his destiny and do all the work that takes for him to be the Avatar in control of his power. He also had to create a balance between his identity as the last airbender carrying the legacy of his people and the Avatar, whose responsibility is to the world. 
The Awakening set this up perfectly with him saying he had to get his honour back, and letting go of his glider and accepting to cover up his tattoo, but the rest of Book 3 didn’t really deliver on it. Since Book 2 set up his seventh chakra moment (and the key to the Avatar State) to be letting go of his attachment to Katara, that should have had to be addressed in some form in Book 3, and it wasn’t. Aang grew enough to make his stand against Ozai, but he went into that fight with no realistic plan.
Connecting to his double identity, there was also the question of Aang’s views on non-violence. His lack of control of the avatar state led to the destruction of the Fire Nation Navy in the North Pole, establishing that by-standers will get hurt if he doesn’t get full control (which was shown again in Book 2 with the Avatar State and with the sand-benders). Yet his conflict of violence v. deeply held conviction of non-violence was not really explored all the way to TSR, which was very late to bring this theme in (it should have been discussed in Book 2, then again before / after the invasion). 
Also the solution given in the finale, where he redirected the lightning away from Ozai showed that he was not ready.  I agree with the outcome - taking away Ozai’s bending was a good way to go, but Aang should have arrived to that energy bending solution through a better set-up. Without that set-up, even though the Ozai - Aang fight was supposed to be the culmination of all the narrative, it simply didn’t pack the same emotional punch as the Last Agni Kai did - where every single moment of the fight was set up by three books of solid character development for both Zuko and Katara. 
Accepting Fire as part of the balance was also a theme - Aang cannot become a fully-realized Avatar if he cannot bend all the elements. I think this part of his growth was done relatively well with accepting Zuko and TFM, but there was also a missed opportunity by making the entire not wanting to firebend again only about Katara and never really addressing the elephant in the room: that the Air Nomads were wiped out by firebenders.  
This also ties to the Roku - Sozin story, which felt a bit retconned to me. Aang was supposed to conclude from that story that not all the Fire Nation was evil, yet we really did not see him personally having that preconception at any time in the show. Also to say that not all Fire Nation people are evil, because my former life was a cool dude, to me sounded a bit “off”. That’s why I would have much preferred there to bring in the Kuzon storyline, which I think would have been about resistance among regular people. 
In the end, it did disservice both to Aang as a character and to his canon relationship with Katara that all his issues were so centered on his attachment to her. First off, I think it was narratively quite offensive to Toph and Sokka that somehow only Katara replaced everything Aang lost, rather than the Gaang as a whole. Second, if they were not willing to get Aang work through it, it should not have been set up as his seventh chakra moment. 
They dropped the ball on the Zuko - Aang parallel development in Book 3 - where Zuko got to correct his failure in CoD in a spectacular scene of letting go of his attachment, but Aang didn’t. 
That’s why I am so negative about the romance angle - I think a lot of the Book 3 focus was on building contrived romance moments rather than giving Aang the growth and big-impact moments he deserved. 
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sarcasticace · 7 years
@ladynevrakis replied to your post: You know, these days I’m really glad TC&TF ended...
I actually have a lot of thoughts about Annelyse and how badly she was treated. And how Val, Raydan, and Whitlock all got free PoV scenes (in addition to diamond ones) and Diavolos, Leon, and Gabriel all got diamond PoV scenes and she got neither and her screen time was so much more limited. All the men but Tevan (who was an afterthought) got an individualized diamond scene in Book 3 and neither woman did.
Oh, I COMPLETELY agree. I’ve never got around to doing an Annelyse/Kenna playthrough, but I STILL noticed she was, I guess, the writer’s least favorite or at least most neglected character. I mean, she was still really badass, but I did noticed (even if I never publicly said) that she never really got a chance to shine like the others besides helping out her citizens in B3... BUT MOST OF THAT WAS OFF-SCREEN! That would’ve been a GREAT moment for an Annelyse PoV scene. Anyways... Dom had his entire ‘I’m a dragon, rawr’ storyline and was the deuteragonist, Val got to go under cover to take down Zenobio, Raydan went under cover to take down Azura, and so on. Annelyse didn’t get anything
She didn’t even get a backstory if I remember. Where did she come from? How did she become ruler? Was she born to it or what? Maybe I wasn’t paying attention or maybe she didn’t have one and was just simply, like Kenna, someone with no tragic or special background who rose and became a badass.
Annelyse was really cool, definitely one of my favorites (Val’s still number one to me), but they didn’t do that much with her especially considering she was one of the original three LIs for Kenna in the same regards Kaitlyn, Chris, and James were for TFM!MC. 
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The Protector Tony Jaa Movie Torrent Download
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(Redirected from The Protector 2)
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The Protector Tony Jaa Movie Torrent Download Free
The Protector Tony Jaa Movie Torrent Download 2017
Tom Yum Goong 2Directed byPrachya PinkaewProduced by
Prachya Pinkaew
Sukanya Vongsthapat
Written byEakisit ThairaatStarringMusic byTerdsak Janpan[1]CinematographyTeerawat Rujenatham[1]Edited by
Manussas Worasingh
Ratchapun Pisutsintop
Chalerm Wongpim
Wichit Wattananon
Richara Phanomrat[1]
Distributed bySahamongkolfilm International‹See TfM›
23 October 2013 (Thailand)
103 minutesCountryThailandLanguageThai EnglishBudget$12-15 million[2]Box office$3,302,463
A man framed for murder is hunted down and must fight the police, the lethal twin nieces of the dead mob boss, and a crime lord with his own agenda. Sandai veeran Full Action Movie Tony Jaa Fight Scene Tony Jaa Action Film Tony Jaa Super Hit Full Action Please Like, SHARE and Subscribe for more devo. Apr 10, 2018  PARADOX Official Trailer (2018) Tony Jaa Action Movie HD © 2018 - Well Go USA Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Cinema, Blockbuster.
Tom Yum Goong 2 (Thai: ต้มยำกุ้ง 2), known in the USA as The Protector 2, in the UK as Warrior King 2 and in Germany as Return of the Warrior. It is a 2013 Thai martial arts film directed by Prachya Pinkaew. The film is a sequel to Pinkaew's Tom-Yum-Goong, with actors Tony Jaa and Petchtai Wongkamlao reprising their roles as Kham and Mark from the first movie.
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Kham (Tony Jaa) has resumed a quiet village life with his 'brother'/elephant, Khon, back in Thailand. Job, an oddball who loves playing with electrical devices, has lived in the village for some time and has earned the trust of the locals. Unknown to Kham, he's an agent of an arms dealer known as Mr. LC (RZA). A fan of Kham's exploits, LC had Job keep tabs on Kham without his knowledge. Things change for Kham when a merchant, Suchart Vilawandei (Adinan Buntanaporn), wants to buy Khon, but Kham refuses to sell Khon. Suchart gives his business card to Kham in case he changes his mind.
While eating with the local villagers, Kham feels something is wrong and returns home to find that Job has been beaten and Khon has been taken by Suchart. Using the business card that Suchart gave him, Kham goes to Suchart's home to get answers but only finds that Suchart has been killed moments earlier. Suchart's two nieces, martial artists Ping-ping (Yanin 'Jeeja' Vismitananda) and Sue-sue (Theerada Kittiseriprasert) arrive and believe that Kham must be responsible. The two attack him, but he evades and escapes; the authorities are alerted and the police give chase.
While running from the law, Kham encounters Mark, who fakes being assaulted and allows Kham to escape. Later on, they secretly meet to learn more about the situation. Mark himself is in Thailand on a job for Interpol investigating a recent terrorist plot involving the peace talks between East Katana and West Katana in Bangkok.
Kham is attached by Suchart's nieces as well as a biker gang. Kham fights through them and faces a small group of LC's fighters. LC himself is a great admirer of martial arts and has gathered his own personal group of fighters ranked according to their strength. LC has his second-strongest fighter, No. 2, take on Kham, while the girls are also interfering. No. 2 kills Sue-sue, leaving Ping-ping to grieve. Kham loses the fight to No. 2 due to a needle stuck to his neck from the fight with Ping-ping. No. 2 realizes that he only won the fight because Kham was handicapped, and takes him to LC.
At LC's base, Kham finds his elephant and also discovers that Job is a traitor. Kham's enemies tie a specially made remote-controlled electrical device to shock Kham as well as Khon at the same time every time Kham disobeys. LC wants Kham to join him and uses the device to force Kham to help him assassinate a political figure related to the peace talks. LC also brands Kham on his chest as his fighter No. 1.
Tony Jaa Movies Free Download
Mark is suspected of foul play by other Interpol agents. After he fails to capture Kham, he is told to go home. Honda phantom ta200 service manual pdf. However, Mark finds Kham and helps him remove the electrical device. Mark also encounters Ping-ping and takes her to examine her uncle's body at the coroner's office, where it is explained to her that Suchart was killed by three powerful combo punches, the same method of killing that happened to Sue-sue. Ping-ping realizes that Kham was not the killer but rather No. 2.
LC, Job, No. 2, and Kham all go to a country temple to help war profiteers assassinate both leaders at the Katana peace talks to incite war and sell more weapons. Kham infiltrates the temple and fights against all of LC's men and No. 2. Kham and Ping-ping team up to fight against their mutual enemies. Ping-ping ignites an entire floor filled with gasoline in an attempt to burn No. 2, but No. 2 avoids the explosions and fire and finds Kham.
Kham, fighting one level below Ping-ping, takes advantage of the fire, setting his own shoes on fire to using them to defeat his enemies. They in turn copy him. Kham then fights No. 2 again, this time further below, on the train tracks. The two fight over a live rail and take advantage of the electricity to shock each other while fighting. Kham knocks out No. 2 and confronts LC. To Kham's surprise, LC is highly trained and has marked himself as No. 0. The fight is short because both men fall and LC is knocked out.
Kham recovers and finds Khon. He tells Mark that there's a bomb threat, and Mark tries to explain this to his superiors but they won't listen to him. Mark decides to scream out that there's a bomb and it scares everyone away. Kham finds Job, and the two discover that Khon's tusks have been cut down and replaced with prosthetic tusks that are rigged to explode. Kham tries to find a way to save Khon, but LC and No. 2 interfere.
No. 2 and LC take on Kham in a two-on-one fight while Kham is busy holding Khon's tusks to prevent them from falling out and exploding. With the help of both Ping-ping and Mark, No. 2 is defeated and LC is killed after Kham releases the tusks and kicks them away at LC. The explosion kills LC and knocks both Kham and Khon over the cliff and into the ocean, but they survive.
Tony Jaa as Kham
Petchtai Wongkamlao as Sergeant Mark
Marrese Crump as No. 2
Yanin 'Jeeja' Vismistananda as Ping-ping
Rhatha Phongam as No. 20
RZA as Mr. LC/No. 00
Kazu Patrick Tang as No. 18
David Ismalone as No. 24
Theerada Kittisiriprasert as Sue Sue
Jawed El Berni as The Spy/No. 85
Trian Vicky Wijaya as GearsBoy[who?][citation needed]
Tom Yum Goong 2 went into production in August 2011.[3] The script was written by Eakasit Thairaat who previously had written scripts of the Thai films 13 Beloved (2006), Body (2007) and Long Weekend (2013).[4]
Tony Jaa Full Movie
The film is shot in 3-D with action scenes directed by Weerapon Phumatfon and Somjai Janmoontree.[1][3]
The film was released in Thailand on 23 October 2013.[1] The film debuted at number one in the box office in Thailand grossing US$684,406 in its opening weekend.[5] The film grossed a total of US$1,776,546 in Thailand.[6] Worldwide the film grossed US$3,302,463.[7]
The default value is OpenOracle ver PerformanceData.The following parameters specify Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor log file and object configuration files:.LOGFILE specifies the name of the Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor log file. The default value is ORACLEBASE ORACLEHOME dbsoperf ver. This log file reports any errors, such as Oracle Database objects not appearing or database access problems. Key software oracle olr cannot be opened.error 2 full.
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Film Business Asia gave the film a rating of seven out of ten, stating that 'the action coming fast and furious, especially when the script basically gives up any pretence at coherency halfway through. The only differences are that Jaa abandons his usual claim to fame of not using wire-work or visual effects, and the film is lighter on the masochism that has permeated most of his work.'[1] The South China Morning Post gave the film a rating of three out of five, noting that the film 'overcomes a clumsy, complicated set-up and unimpressive 3-D to deliver the requisite thrills.'[8] The movie holds an aggregate metascore of 45/100 based on 10 critics at Metacritic.[9]
The Protector Tony Jaa Movie Torrent Download Free
^ abcdefElley, Derek (31 January 2004). 'Tom Yum Goong 2'. Film Business Asia. Archived from the original on 21 February 2014. Retrieved 7 February 2014.
^Frater, Patrick (13 May 2011). 'Sahamongkol launches Cannes trio'. Film Business Asia. Retrieved 8 February 2014.
^ abYoung, Al. 'More Casting Details For TOM YUM GOONG 2'. twitchfilm.com. Archived from the original on 9 September 2011. Retrieved 20 August 2011.
^Cremin, Stephan; Ma, Kevin (6 November 2013). 'Hot Asian genre films at AFM'. Film Business Asia. Retrieved 7 February 2014.
^'Thailand Box Office'. Box Office Mojo. International Movie Database. Retrieved 8 November 2014.
^'Tom Yung Gong 2 (The Protector 2)'. Box Office Mojo. International Movie Database. Retrieved 8 November 2014.
^'The Protector 2'. boxofficemojo.com. Retrieved 30 July 2014.
^Sun, Andrew. 'Film review: Requisite thrills in Tom Yum Goong sequel'. South China Morning Post. Retrieved 8 November 2014.
^The Protector 2, metacritic.com
External links[edit]
The Protector Tony Jaa Movie Torrent Download 2017
Tom Yum Goong 2 on IMDb
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tom_Yum_Goong_2&oldid=976690081'
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thefarmeridian · 7 years
are you gonna make merch because i’d Love a purple tfm hoodie. or at least a tshirt
We are definitely looking into merch at the moment but don’t have anything definitive to tell you folks. We too would love hoodies and t shirts (and totes and mugs and…) as well so when we have an update, we will let you all know!
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