#like every goddamn time
dailytomlinson · 2 years
Louis pointing to a fan with, allegedly, a pride flag - 11/11
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temporarywoundz · 4 months
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hi.. have some trolls.. i may like them..... a lil bit........... maybe................
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sea-buns · 4 months
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SO insane that Sam has seen AND liked this... I'm so cozy in my little tumblr corner that I forget my words can escape containment and be perceived beyond Aabria Iyengar
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I know this has been talked to death but holy shit did Gideon think Harrow was coming on to her. Likeeeeee
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Besides the obvious, what are you bringing up chaperones for, girl? Why would you and Harrow need them in this moment?
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stefisdoingthings · 15 days
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also this is from Wolfwood's POV (in case it isn't clear) i have 0 normal thoughts (every song ever is VW)
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emblazons · 4 months
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"Do you remember when we were kids? How you'd—you know— always be looking at me?"
Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart Admiring the View • Final Fantasy VII (Rebirth) + part ii
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yugsly · 7 months
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The TV star must look his best!
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
Trying to listen to podcast to calm down to sleep -> loud as fuck ad. Trying to check something quick from a youtube tutorial -> first gotta watch 2x 30 second unskippable ads. Trying to go to a website -> 2 popups and an ad video automatically start to play. Trying to listen to the radio while driving -> 7 minutes of uninterrupted ad time. Every single free app with those shitty game ads with the stupid annoying ass king. I’m tired !!! I never wanna buy anything ever again !!!!!!!
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spicyvampire · 6 months
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Dreams do come true
THE SIGN (2023) EP. 4 // EP. 7
+ Bonus :
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cloudysarts · 5 months
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this show would be good if literally everything about it was different
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rookflower · 1 month
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oh you people have NO fucking idea
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sarucane · 7 months
Why was finding Stede's letter so important for Ed?
Real talk, I adore the season 2 finale and to me the rush is worth it to have a safe ending place. But this episode is so overpacked, and Ed goes through such an incredible character arc and I love it, so here goes my rant on why he burst into tears and screamed at the forest when he read Stede's letter.
Ed is all goddamn over the place in the first part of this episode, tossed about by his insecurity and baffled by what is safe and what is unsafe. He has a voiceover about how amazing being a fisherman is, then ends up regressing into childhood trauma when another father figure freaks out over dinner. Ed doesn't even choose to leave the fisherman fantasy: the fantasy gets shattered and he gets fired in a high-speed parallel of Stede trying to go home (return to a safe, simple life) and finding he doesn't belong there in S1E10. At least Ed does manage to not drown in self-hatred on the way out.
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And then Ed returns to the pirate safe space, only to find that it's been invaded and taken over. And that his selfishness, the low self-esteem that distorted his view of reality and his relationship, may have had real consequences for someone he loves (another parallel with Stede, this time early season 2). Ed may have been off pretending to be a "dirty old fisherman" while Stede died.
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What was safe is now unsafe. All Ed has left is himself--so he really looks at himself.
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At the fact that the kraken is always there, no matter what clothes he wears or how deeply he tries to bury it. He can fight that and run from it, and end up losing everything. Or he can embrace it, and figure out what comes next. Be what he was made by his past, however dark that past was.
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But Ed's past wasn't all darkness. Ed walks onto the beach and gets a letter from the past, and suddenly there is something safe again in his world. Something worth killing for.
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Ed first started falling for Stede through the stories Stede built around himself, stories formed by boastful encounters with Izzy, muttered hallucinations, and trinkets decking his ship. Back then, Ed didn't believe he himself was a good person, didn't believe he could have friends. But Stede told him stories about friendship and treasure maps, and Ed took these to heart and told stories to match, and Ed found truth through the fiction.
Then Stede left, and those stories fell away for Ed. Ed embraced the story of the kraken, of Blackbeard. Instead of a story about love or survival, he wrote a story about an impossible bird, a raiding record, and a treacherous crew--and mourned a story about lost love.
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But Stede kept writing stories. He poured himself into his letters, poured his heart into sustaining his connection to Ed in spite of all the obstacles.
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Ed didn't believe in this story after Stede came back, even though he wanted to. He kept emotional distance from Stede, avoided risks, and bailed after two days. Because Ed didn't trust that their bond was solid, that their story was something that could survive Ed's darkness, insecurities, and damage. Didn't trust that what Stede said this time, he had truly thought about, and meant with all his heart.
Stede didn't get how insecure Ed was in all this, because Stede was just so sure of Ed, and of their love. Stede believed in his story with his whole soul, and Stede's stories have a way of creating reality--after all, the whole crew of the Revenge became "real boys." But he couldn't figure out how to communicate this to Ed, to let Ed believe it too.
And then, at a moment where his identity is fractured and re-forming, Ed finds this letter. And just like that, there's a solid ground of story beneath his feet.
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Because there was, in fact, solid ground beneath his feet all along.
Ed's and Stede's relationship, like all relationships, is hard. But they formed a real bond of love in season 1, and like Mary Bonnet said, being in love is easy. Ed can trust it--like he did before, but for real this time.
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Ed's figuring this out ruddy late. He and Stede didn't communicate these things to each other when they had the chance, and now the chance may have slipped away. So now, Ed yells his feelings at the world and runs off to try to find his person.
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When Ed finds Stede again, he doesn't hold back anything. He doesn't hesitate to kill, and he doesn't hesitate to drop his sword when he reaches Stede. They're finally face to face, in every way. Finally balanced, and seeing each other clearly, and able to communicate.
And, for the first time since he and Stede reached each other this season--for the first time since his vision in the Gravy Basket really--Ed is utterly vulnerable.
And entirely safe.
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seance · 11 months
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two birds on a wire / one tries to fly away and the other / watches him close from that wire / he says he wants to as well, but he is a liar (insp.)
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pseudophan · 15 days
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im friends with like half the gilmore girls cast on facebook cause i was super annoying when i was 12 and so now this app just gives me the funniest notifications. sure man, me and the bestie
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zuble · 8 months
i don’t understand people who think mephisto is some joyless asshole. he’s the man responsible for the Princess Diavolo and Unicorn Lucifer emojis. he really saw the man he hails as a god and king, and his arch nemesis, and went “what if i made them cutesy and chibified actually”
also he’s very loud and noisy. he’s been stated to spread rumors like a catty old lady. he’s a journalist; he knows all the hot gossip and he LOVES it. he’s constantly bragging about his family because he loves them and is proud of their accomplishments. the man’s got energy and passion and goddamnit he WILL use it.
he’s so talkative but he is also lonely. he’s so lonely. for the love of god give him some better social skills so he can make friends.
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mymarifae · 1 year
the project sekai fandom as a whole will never get akito's characterization completely correct because a fundamental part of his character is that he's hopelessly head over heels in love with an, kohane, AND toya. he LOVES all three of them so so so so so bad. and too many people insist on labelling akian and akikoha "Bad" because they're not akitoya. which is just too bad... because you literally will never fully understand akito as a character until you can admit that he's in love with everyone in vbs
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