#like everyone forgot about meeeee
gworlinterrupted · 1 year
been cryingg and realizing how many sore emotional spots being in quarantine is hitting lmaoo
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nillachoco · 5 months
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can't stop thinking about (whatever sport that is but I guess it's rugby?? correct me if I'm wrong)!riki x topstudent!reader (NOT PROOFREAD)
- like imagine your school is having one of the most important matches of the year, against SM, the two school known as rivals since God's knows when
- there are only few minutes left till the end, and altho you're not fond of sports you found yourself sitting at the bleachers, anticipation within you as you wait to find out the winner between the two schools.
- the only reason you're here it's because the guy who has been courting you for the past months was playing on the court at the moment.
- within the last minute, your school managed to score the final point, making themselves the winner of the season, the students from Hybe cheered, as you went down to the court you try to reach for Riki but he was surrounded by tons of girls congratulating him.
- finally Riki's eyes found yours as he tried to make his way to you "Hey" he says softly, smiling down at you, "Hey, congrats for the win, sport boy",
- "Soooo, about what you said earlier," you almost forgot about the promise you told him
"if you win this game, I might actually consider being your girlfriend, sport boy"
- "oh about that- I was just kidding", you said playfully as you look away, huffing, "What? no no no- listen Y/n, I know I've probably been annoying you a lot the past months but can't you see how determi-"
- you shut him down with a kiss on his cheek, "alright I'll be your girlfriend, Mr. I'm so determinated but also so desperate for yo- RIKI?!" you couldn't finish teasing him as he lift you up spinning you around
- "NO, YOURE FINALLY MINE" you giggle at his silliness.
a/n: idk man, this dude just be bias wreckering the living shit out of meeeee. also this is really shitty, and spontaneous.
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months
Not a bad decision
Summary: Dresses are stressful.
A/n: A short lil blurb like thing which was supposed to be posted during @/starfallweek, but i decided the other fics were better, so you get this now
(also i feel like i wrote this when i was sleepy even though i did not because this fic's writing feels a lil different from all my other ones 🤷🏻‍♀️)
well well guess who forgot to name the fic. IT WAS MEEEEE
anyways, Enjoy!
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Dresses were not something Y/n was interested in, that much would be clear to anything with a pulse and a brain.
They were something everyone around Y/n was interested in though, and she felt like a rabbit among deers as Feyre gushed about the new seamstress the high lady had hired with her sisters and Mor.
"Oh mother, I am telling you Mor, she makes the most wonderful dresses. The dress I wore last week that you loved? She made it."
Y/n tuned them out, or tried to anyway. They were too loud, so loud that even the mother would have begged them to shut up.
Y/n blinked, glancing up from where she was sharpening her daggers to keep them ready for if she had to go to a mission in the near future.
"Elain asked you what you were going to be wearing to the party." Mor told her, a knowing gleam in her eye.
"Oh." Y/n straightened, clearing her throat as she tried to think of an excuse to what she knew was coming. "Um, I think I'll be getting some new leathers, maybe a new shirt-"
"A shirt?" Nesta questioned, her eyes incredulous.
"Uh yes?" Y/n's cheeks were blazing, and she understood why it was shocking to the newer additions in the Inner circle like Nesta and Elain as they had only recently been made fae, and even then it had been rare for the to attend family parties.
"Y/n hasn't worn dresses in centuries." Mor explained, making Y/n deflate a little in relief.
"But why?"
"That, I don't know."
Y/n rolled her eyes at that. "Wearing a dress is not convenient. I can't fight in it."
And she looked weird in them. She never thought herself beautiful enough to look good or even begin to compare to the other beautiful females, so she never tried to wear anything other than her trusty leathers.
Nesta gave Y/n a look, and having become very close with Nesta to the point where Y/n had even started to consider her a sister, Y/n knew that look meant no good.
"No one is going to try to rip out your throat at a high lord's party you know."
Y/n smiled at Nesta, playing coy as Feyre announced that the seamstress had arrived and was waiting for them in the sitting room. "You never know Nesta, you never know."
"You are wearing a dress for this party. I won't take no for an answer."
Y/n's eyes widened when she realised Nesta was not bluffing. "I- I can't-"
"You will." Nesta muttered, her sentence ending in Y/n's cry of shock as Nesta grabbed Y/n's arm and dragged her over to where the other ladies had disappeared into the sitting rom.
Mother help me.
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Nesta knew about Y/n's harmless little crush on Azriel. Of course she did. She knew everything.
She also insisted that this crush was not harmless, giving some stupid reason how Y/n was getting shyer and more concerned about what Azriel thought about her, leading to her becoming more secluded.
Y/n did not believe Nesta's wild accusations though. She was sure this little infatuation would go away with time, even if it hadn't in the past three hundred years.
"Y/n, are you coming or should I arrange your funeral?"
Y/n rolled her eyes at Nesta's absurd statement as she began walking towards the door.
"And why would you do that?"
Y/n found Nesta glaring at her when she opened her bedroom door.
"Because it sure seems like you were taking your time dying in there."
Y/n laughed, but the sound was short lived as her previous insecurities came rushing back as she glanced down at what she was wearing. She was so scared of how weird she would look she hadn't even glanced in a mirror, and now felt like it was a bad idea to be completely unaware of how she looked because now, she wished to die.
Maybe Nesta should arrange a funeral.
"How do I look?" Y/n questioned, and by the soft look on Nesta's face, Y/n knew her concerns were clear in her voice.
"If I were Azriel, I would kill myself if I wasn't the one removing that dress tonight, I'm just saying." Nesta muttered, shrugging. Y/n gaped at her.
"What- I- I don't even know what to think-"
"Good then. Stop thinking and just enjoy the party. You're already late. All the guests have arrived, and starfall is about to begin soon. We need to hurry."
Y/n nodded, and with a last skeptical look at her dress, she hurried after Nesta.
Starfall was considered a sacred night, and more so in Velaris. Plus add to that the extra and huge show off that was Rhys. The party was bound to be extravagant.
And sure enough, when Y/n stepped into the main ball room where everyone was gathered, drinking and chatting and dancing, Y/n's eyes widened in amazement. It should not have been a shock, considering Y/n had been attending these parties as part of the inner circle for the past three centuries. But this was a party thrown by Rhys, and he had an unbeatable streak of always shocking Y/n with his over the top arrangemens.
"Y/n!" Came the whining voice of Cassian, and Y/n turned to find him running towards where Nesta and Y/n stood, his head turned to look at someone behind him.
Y/n smiled. "What happened?"
At that, Cassian turned to look at the two females, an adorable pout on his lips. "Azriel is not being very nice-"
Cassian's eyes were fixed on Y/n, wide and shocked. She blinked at him, glancing down at herself, doubt again creeping in before she made herself meet his eyes.
"Cass?" Nesta mumbled, a self satisfied smirk on her face.
He blinked, glancing at Nesta for a moment before turning back to Y/n. "You- you look good."
Blood rushed to Y/n's cheeks at that. "Thank you."
He nodded, his eyes running down her frame quickly before he seemed to remember what he came here for. "Azriel. He's fighting with me."
Y/n blinked. "Fighting? For what?"
"I begged him to drink with me, and he said no. And then he was being mean and not nice at all."
Y/n laughed, patting his shoulder. "I'll take care of him, don't worry."
He seemed satisfied. "He is right next to the refreshments table."
Y/n nodded uncertainly, then went off to find Azriel.
She found him exactly where Cassian had said she would, and she walked up to him with a deep breath.
"I heard you were bullying Cassian."
He turned to meet her eyes, then froze. Y/n had to stifle the urge to cover herself somehow with the way he was studying her form. He himself looked ravishing, clad in a tight shirt and a coat.
To get some semblance of control back, she snapped her fingers in front of his unfairly handsome ace, and he startled.
That in turn startled Y/n.
She, a mere fae, had managed to startle the spymaster of night court? This was certainly new.
"I- what? Did you say something?"
He... was he... blushing?
No why would he blush?
Was he?
"I heard you were bullying Cassian?"
His brows furrowed. "I haven't seen him since this morning though."
Y/n blinked, then whipped around to glare at where Cassian and Nesta were standing, off in a dark, secluded corner, and giggling among themselves.
Y/n folded her arms across her chest, feeling betrayed, but before she could think more about that, Azriel's voice broke her focus.
"Um, Y/n? Will you- can I have a dance?"
Y/n stared at his nervously shifting form, speechless. "You- you want to dance... with me?"
He nodded, his confidence seeming to increase as he extended his hand, his gaze boring deep into Y/n's eyes. So deep it seemed to touch her soul.
Blushing, she slid her hand into his scarred one, and, in a burst of boldness, ran her thumb over the back of his hand. The move seemed to shock him, but still, he led her to the dance floor, his back straight, wings high.
As she followed behind him, she could not help but glance around in search of Nesta, a wide smile on her face when her best friend gave her a thumbs up.
Maybe this was a good idea after all.
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria @girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings @azrielsmate3 @celestialend @stqrgirlies-blog @tele86 @bakananya @xyzmeh @st4r-girl-official @caraaaaugh @nacho-nat @allllium
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hockeyboysimagines · 1 year
Drinking alone
Warnings: Alcohol, some sexual content, vomit, fluff, angst.
This was supposed to go somewhere in the middle chapters, of All good Boys, but I wrote it first, as in before I wrote anything else and forgot it even existed. I only just found it so I figured why not post it. Let me know if you like it🤍
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Hallie sat at the bar staring at the shot glass the bartender had set in front of her, as she had been for the last five minutes.
“Are you planning to actually drink that or-?”
She looked up to find the bartender smiling at her while she polished a glass with a bar rag.
“I’ve never seen anyone stare at a shot for so long. Well except the AA people. They come in now and again, order something and stare at it, and then leave. But this doesn’t feel like that. So it must be about a guy.”
Hallie smile a little “Am I that obvious?”
“Kind of. The only time I see pretty girls so sad is when it’s over a guy.”
“I don’t like him. I hate him.” The bartender stared at her until she sighed “No I don’t.”
“I didn’t think so.”
“I want to hate him. I should hate him….why don’t I hate him?”
“I couldn’t say without knowing him, but if he’s causing you to drink then I’d say it’s the opposite. I’d say you L-“
“No!” Hallie slapped the bar and shook her head “Don’t you dare say the L word.”
The bartender started to laugh “Okay I won’t say it. But based on that reaction alone I’m pretty sure I’m right.”
“Ugh! You sound like everyone else I know.” Hallie finally picked up the glass and downed it, nose scrunching “That was terrible. Give me another one.”
As the minutes turned to hours, Hallie kept drinking, hoping that the alcohol would make his stupid face melt from her brain. It did not work.
If anything she felt more inclined to think about him than ever. While her senses had been numbed, her thoughts now moved freely without boundaries. She fiddled with her phone as she sipped a drink, scrolling through her contacts until she found his name. She hit the call button and heard it ringing until he answered.
“Hey. Just wanted to let you know that I’m mad at you.”
“What the hell did I do?”
“You know what you did.” She hiccuped loudly and coughed “You’ve disrupted my whole life. I was doing just fine until youuuuu came around.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Am I drunk? Yes obviously. Who are you my dad?”
“Where are you?”
“None of your business.”
“You have no idea where you are do you?” He sighed on the other end of the phone, and shook his head.
“Ha…no I don’t. I’m so tired. I gotta go though. Byeeeeee.”
“Hallie don’t-“
But she’d already hung up and was back to sipping on her drink. After a while she felt warm, and her vision got cloudy but she felt so relaxed sitting there at the bar, no one bothering her or stressing her out. Until she heard it.
She turned slowly, eyes closing and opening again before she focused on him. She was trashed.
“What the fuck are you doing? Ever heard of alcohol poisoning?” He looked a little mad, which she’d seen before, but never directed at her.
It wasn’t like her to be this irresponsible. In fact, while he could remember her drinking he had never actually seen her drunk. But tonight she was so drunk he wasn’t even sure she knew who he was.
“What are you doing here?” She asked squinting at him.
“You called me remember?”
She blinked and shook her head “No I didn’t.”
“You did. I think it’s time to go home-“
“No way I’m having fun!” She smiled and closed her eyes spinning on her stool. She downed the rest of the drink that was in front of her.
He caught the eye of the bartender and frowned “Ever heard of ‘your cut off’. What’s the matter with you?”
She shrugged and turned away. He threw up his hands and looked exasperatingly up at the ceiling.
“Have a drink with meeeee.” She said, slapping his arm and pointing at the stool.
“I think you’ve had enough for both of us. Let me take you home.”
“Haha! You wish!” She jabbed a finger in his chest and giggled.
“Good lord-“ he mumbled as she continued giggling.
“Alright fine. Take me home!” She stood suddenly and almost fell forward, but he caught her around the waist. She looked up and waggled her eyebrows at him.
“Take your opportunity to feel me up now.” She slurred loudly. Several people glanced at him and he felt his face get red as he attempted to help her out of the bar. The air was frigid, and he was hoping it would sober her up a little.
“Where are we going?” She asked from his side as they made their way down the street.
“I’m taking you home.”
“Nooooo let’s do something fun!”
“Your already having too much fun. Here’s my car.”
“I don’t wanna go home.” She whined head falling back. As it did it caught too much momentum and she almost fell back with it. She hiccuped again and steadied herself “Let’s go to your place! “
“Okay fine we’ll go to my place, don’t hit your head when you get in.” He steered her towards the passenger side door.
Hallie gripped his arm as he opened the door, squeezing it and looking up at him “Damn. Have you been working out?” Her hand slid down his arm, across his chest and down his abdomen, sending a shiver along with it.
“What are you-“
“You’re so hot.” She slurred, hand still resting on his abs.
He was taken aback for a second. She was either drunk and not thinking, or she was drunk and thinking too much. Whichever one it was, it was amusing to say the least.
“Okay Hallie let’s just get you home.” He chuckled a little, maneuvering her into the front seat of his car. As he made his way around the front he heard music explode from his speakers and a loud “Woo!”
It was going to be a long car ride.
To his surprise though, she turned the music down when he got in and was quiet for a while while he drove. She had her eyes closed, head against the window and he thought she might have fallen asleep, until he parked in front of his apartment, and she coughed and sat up “It’s so hot in here I’m getting nauseous.” She peeled her jacket off, and then her sweatshirt, and turned to him looking him dead in the eye, before she pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her only in a bra in the passenger seat. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair was a mess, and her eyeliner was smudged but he’d be damned if he wasn’t getting totally turned on. He’d thought about her naked in a multitude of ways, in his car included, and for a minute he was ecstatic his real life fantasy was happening, but then he realized he was parked on the street, which wasn’t secluded.
“Hallie what the hell are you doing?” He picked up her shirt and handed it back to her “Put this back on.” He looked everywhere in the car but at her. While the weather was cold, it was Friday and there was enough people around that someone could walk past and see a half naked girl in his front seat. HIS. That would definitely make it to twitter and would involve a lot of explaining to his mom.
“I don’t want to. I’m hot.”
He had never seen her in anything but work clothing and he was really trying not to stare but it was hard “I agree but people will see you.”
“Ugh. Fine.” She pulled the shirt on, backwards and made to get out, half standing before falling back in it again. He helped her out, noting that the apartment was dark through the window, thankful that Noah wasn’t home. Getting her up to the apartment was a nightmare, she kept falling and laughing, and he was exhausted by the time he got her inside. He held her up with one hand and turned a lamp on with the other. He felt her hand on his arm and turned to find her alarmingly close to him. Before he could speak or move, she slid both hands under his jacket, pressing herself up against him.
“Wanna make out?” She whispered against his neck, tongue sliding over the exposed skin that wasn’t covered by a hoodie. It was just enough to turn him red, which didn’t happen often, and make his hair stand on end.
“Tempting, more than you know, but no I don’t wanna make out.” He tried to gently peel her off of him. He knew as he did it there might never be another chance of her making any type of advances towards him, but it just wouldn’t be right.
“Booooooo.” She said sticking out her tongue “Your borinnnngggg. Your always trying to get into my pants every other day, and not tonight? What gives?” She tipped her head up to look at him and pushed out her bottom lip.
“What gives is your drunk off your face and I’m not going to take advantage of you that way.”
“But I really want you to.” She whined gripping the front of his sweatshirt and leaned forward lips connecting with his throat again.
“Hallie-“ he warned trying to gently push her off by the elbows. The absolute last thing he wanted was to turn her down, especially since he’d been trying for so long to even get her to admit she even liked him. This was alcohol talking, not Hallie and it would make him feel worse to know that tomorrow she would regret it.
She made a noise somewhere between a whine and a gag, as she attempted to pull him down lower by the neck of his sweatshirt until he was even with her face. In an instant she seemed to sober up momentarily as she stared at him. This was the closest he’d actually been to her, and now that he could see her face up close, he realized he had he been missing out.
“Matty.” She said softly, eyes burning holes into his. Before he could stop himself he leaned forward and kissed her. It wasn’t like when he kissed her in the bar, or when he tried to kiss her when he was drunk. It was heavy, the kind of kiss that made you weak in the knees. The kind of kiss you have someone when you liked them. It felt right. He threaded a hand through her hair as she pushed her jacket off and tugged at his sweatshirt. His brain was screaming at him to stop, knowing how inebriated she was and that she would wake up tomorrow and probably hate him for it, but he just couldn’t. He’d waited so long, forever it felt like, and now that he was kissing her he never wanted to stop.
She pulled his shirt up, and moved to unbutton his jeans, grabbing one of his hands and placing it on her lower abdomen.
“Touch me.” She breathed out, head falling forward, hair spilling over her shoulder. But before he could she stopped, turned pale, and vomited right over his arm and on to the floor. She looked horrified and covered her mouth.
He took an immediate step back and held her at arms length steering her towards the bathroom both stumbling as he hurried.
“Bathroom bathroom bathroom.” He said frantically, steering her into the bathroom and flipping the light switch on just as she started gagging again.
She fell forward, almost hitting her face on the side of the toilet, had he not caught her and threw up again. He grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his hand as she continued to throw up. She gasped and sat backwards looking over at him.
“Don’t look at me.” She moaned swatting her hand in his direction. If he hadn’t been so focused on keeping her hair off her face while she threw up he might have laughed “I don’t want you to see me this way.”
“Get a grip Hallie. I don’t care about this.”
She sat back and closed her eyes, before opening them and looking at him with a small smile “You know. Sometimes you can be really sweet.”
“Only for you.” He pushed a strand of hair off her face.
“Oh stop. That’s not true.”
“Kinda is though.” He said with a shrug. She frowned.
“Really? You’ve never been this nice to another girl.”
While this wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have while he was in a bathroom with her and she was throwing up he felt the need to be honest. Especially since she wouldn’t let him get this out when she was sober.
“I’m nice to a lot of girls, but not like I am to you.” He pulled a washcloth from the bathroom drawer and wet it, leaning forward to wipe off her mouth and forehead.
“You know why.”
“I do. But you shouldn’t feel that way about me. I’m not good enough.”
He leaned down to look at her “First of all, don’t ever say that about yourself, and second of all it’s me who isn’t good enough for you.”
She shook her head sadly “No it’s me. Trust me.” He head lolled to the side and her eyes closed “You deserve someone who can give you what I cant.”
“Nah. I’m good.”
She pushed herself up and crawled over to him on her hands and knees “I can’t love you. You know that right?” She was peering at him through mascara smudged eyes, and looked almost like she might cry “I want to though, but I just cant.”
“Well I could love you. So I guess that’s good enough.”
She opened her mouth to speak but immediately turned and started throwing up again. He started rubbing a hand across her back, when he heard her crying “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“For being such a bitch all the time. And for being this drunk. And for throwing up everywhere oh my god ew.” She threw up again, and cried some more.
“It’s okay Hallie really.”
She sat backwards wiping her mouth and sighed turning to him “I wish I could have met you earlier.”
“What do you mean?”
“I could have loved you before. In another life. Maybe even in this one.”
“Well since you won’t remember tomorrow. I’ll say this now. I love you in this life. Right now. And I think you love me too, you just won’t admit it.”
She looked dumbfounded for a few seconds before she nodded “I think your right.”
His heart felt like it might explode, even though he wasn’t sure she meant it. It could be the alcohol talking, but it could be her being truthful.
“I think you should try and get some sleep.” He helped her up off the floor, catching her as she stumbled and handed her an extra toothbrush, assisting her in brushing them. He eyes were opening and closing and she was slouching a little.
“Im so tired. Can I sleep here?”
“Of course. I’ll get you into bed and sleep on the couch.”
“Pffffft. Don’t be ridiculous. Just sleep in bed with me. You’ve seen me almost naked now anyways.”
He felt his ears get hot “I don’t think that’s a good idea-“
“Why not!?”
“Do you promise to keep your hands to yourself?” He asked leaning down to pull a shirt out of his drawer.
“Do I have to?” She mumbled, taking the shirt and attempting to pull hers over her head. It got stuck several times before he reached over to help her, sliding the shirt over her head, fingers brushing against her waist. He felt her shiver as he instructed her to raise her arms above her head and he slipped a new shirt over them. She stared at him for a minute, mouth slightly open before she smiled “Your kind of beautiful you know.” She paused and her smile got wider “In like a really annoying way.”
“There’s Hallie.” He laughed pulling the T-shirt down over her head “Feeling better?”
She nodded and closed her eyes “A little.”
He followed her to the bed, helping her shed her leggings and tucked her into bed, before getting changed himself and sliding in next to her. He listened to her breathing for a second, assuming she was asleep, and settled in.
She turned over, facing him and her eyes opened “Hey. I meant everything I said Matty.”
“Even the part where you love me?”
“Especially that part.” She stared at him, unblinking for a long time before she said softly “If I wasn’t drunk, would you kiss me right now?”
“I would. Ask me again tomorrow.”
“I won’t be like this tomorrow, so I’m asking you now.”
He leaned forward and kissed her very lightly, pulling away from her just as she started to move her lips, but she pulled him forward again.
“Don’t. I might never do this again. Just let me.”
She pulled herself forward, tugging him over her, mouth moving against his. This was all wrong, not how he planned it, but as she said there might never be another moment like this between them. When they broke apart her eyes slid closed.
“I love you.”
He felt for a second like he wanted to cry. Both because he loved hearing those words from her, but also because he was only hearing them under the effects of alcohol. He wasn’t sure which hurt worse.
He didn’t say it back, partially because she fell asleep but also because the first time he said it, he wanted her to be sober and aware so she knew how he really felt about her. He would keep those words locked away for another time when they meant more. When she actually understood that they weren’t just words. He sighed and leaned back in bed, arm coming up behind his head.
He most likely wouldn’t sleep, as his mind was racing a million miles an hour, thinking about her, the kissing, and her confession about loving him in the bathroom. While he knew he annoyed her, he had always been sure that she loved him at least a little bit. She wouldn’t put up with him if she didn’t. But to know that maybe it was a lot, made him feel good. Great even. But it also made him sad to know that it was her who was preventing it from happening. He’d always thought it was his own fault that Hallie wanted nothing to do with him, but it was actually she who had convinced herself she didn’t want to be with him.
He wouldn’t tell her about any of it. He’d keep it to himself, for a rainy day, a lonely night, a time when he needed to remember something good. He also didn’t want to embarrass her, so it would be a secret that he would keep and she would forget.
He heard her sigh and turn over in her sleep, head resting on the pillow near his shoulder. He closed his eyes and wondered if she was dreaming about him, like he dreamed about her every night.
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sapphicherri · 9 months
jdhdhsb hi completely random but i think i broke myself 😶
i used to be a real life HORNDOG (i’m talking abt cumming like 2x a day lmfao my pillow was SICK OF MEEEEE) but for whatever reason like 2 weeks ago i just stopped and haven’t been in the mood since ?? i’m on my period so i’m too lazy to do anything lol but i’m just so like.. shocked? i haven’t been not-horny in SAUR LONG and i’m kinda frustrated now like i forgot how to even do it 😭😭
that’s all i just needed to spill this.. strange tea
i love being in everyone’s business thank you for sharing + the way you type is cute<3
BUT i kinda feel like this sometimes too😭 i definitely go through dry spells where the thought of having sex or masturbating is completely unappealing for a while and sometimes i am absolutely insatiable for weeks on end and all i can think about is wanting to get off LMAO
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“FUCK ME???? WHAT? FUCK YOU! WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!” I screamed out, facing him with my one good eye, the entirety of my face red.
Maaan!!! The facepalm I made for this😭😭🤌🤌
1000/100 in a 1 to 100 scala with 100 being full on idiot /affectionately
While Bob had the build of a wrestler and was part of the wrestling team at his local high school way back when, as he’s told me many times…. I was never one for physical activities, and Bob could probably snap me in half had a fight broke out between us.
And you secretly love it Ted🤭😏, tell us the truth you are not telling yourself Ted~
YES YOU ARE!!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Omgosh Ted...🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I heard a stifled gasp, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sun, Moon, and their handler…staring at us… and were all eating popcorn
No. Fucking. Way. You just did that😭😂🤌😭😂😭😂😭😂😭🤌🤌
I am howling🤣🤣🤣🤣
Who want some?🍿🍿
Despite my better judgment, I handed Bob my phone with no hesitation. Maybe I should have rethought that.
Ted... your actual feelings are dripping through your "I don't care mask"🤭😏🤭
"Actually!!!!" Moon spoke up, causing me to jump. I forgot they were watching this whole interaction with rapt interest. "His shift just ended, can you walk him to the doors, Bobert?"
I never ever thought Moon would be such a good matchmaker😂💞 Go Moon gooo!!!
“Uncle Bobert’s maaaaaaaad….” Moon drawled out.
Same Ted same😂😂😂🤌🤌🤌🤌UnCLe???
“You would die without us~!” They announced in unison as Moon dramatically fell into Sun’s arms, seeming to sprout a white funeral Lilly in his closed hands out of nowhere
The ☆theatrics☆ 😂😂 I love this 2 so much♡
I should slap him back.
Nuuuuuu!! Ted! TED!!! *shakes him*
We love you!! They all love you!! Don't be a moron like meeeee!!!!
“I’m not that old! I’m only twenty-nine! ”
JUST 29??? Did I read that correctly??😧
Agree with the reactions of everybody else!
“Pshhh... Easy. Thirty-four!” I replied cockily.
No...no.nononononununuuu🥺 oh our baby💔 he is just a baaaaabyyyy🥺🥺🥺 poor thing
Aww♡ the ending notes♡ thanks for the meal🥺💞🥺🥺😊🥰
I want everyone to remember that Ted is bad at reading people, so if he says someone looks like they're feeling a certain way, it's probably wrong. XD
And yes, Ted does love that Bob could crush him with his arms.
Moon and Sun are both trying to push Ted on Bob. Just cause they kinda knew about Bob's crush for awhile, but didn't ask to confirm. LOL well, now they know, and they figure even if they don't get together Bob would be better at Talking to Ted then they can. Sometimes they just don't have the spoons for dealing with their Dad.
Yup Our Teddy is 34 years old. Bob is only five years older and has a birthday approaching.
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justablah56 · 11 months
TJ anon here again. It is the middle of the night and I have to be up in 3 hours, so of course that makes it the perfect time to share some more headcanons. I'm glad you like them so much because I have a whole extended universe in between seasons 1 and 2 that exists for no one other than me. This time, it's the s2 spouses edition!Of the spouses, Rebecca has known the kiddads the longest. She was at their middle school, and befriended them a year or two after Faerûne. I think that she came from a very conservative family, and the kiddads are all pretty squarely not that, and since girlie hadn't developed her critical thinking skills yet she just decided that centrism was a good way to negate her confusion and internal conflict. I also think she was a cheerleader! Normal really does take after her. She knows that Nicky is a demon, having seen and pieced together a few things, but no one knows this because she told Terry Jr that she knew and he asked her not to tell Nicky, because this was in the middle of Morgan and Jodie's divorce and he was super stressed out, and then they both just forgot that she knew that and that that would be a suprise to everyone else. She's also well aware that something Weird™ is going on with these four families (there is no reason why the great axe in the Wilson family hallway has permanent changing "fake" blood splatters, or why any injuries the kiddads have seen to vanish after they visit the Oak-Garcias) and has ultimately decided that she's just not going to question it. She has a vegan ice cream company to run, and if her friends happen to have very specific arcane knowledge, well they must just be hyperfixated on a niche fantasy IP. Or maybe wizards. One of the two, maybe both. It can always be both.Cassandra and Marco both met the kiddads at college. I've already mentioned how Cassandra and Terry Jr met (theatre classes), and then Terry Jr slowly integrated her into the group. Marco and Grant shared a subject in first year (in my head it's psychology for some reason) and Grant fell FAST. Marco actually met the rest of the group because they would not stop teasing Grant about his crush, and thus took every opportunity to show up and be weird in front of him to embarrass Grant (and subtly sus out if he can handle being around them). Once, at a New Years party, Marco got absolutely wasted and kissed Terry Jr, thinking he was Grant, at midnight and then promptly passed out on the stairs. Terry and Lark (the designated driver) were the only ones sober enough to remember this, but Lark filmed it on his phone and they played it and Grant and Marco's wedding reception. The best part is that Grant and Marco weren't even together yet, and it took them another 5 months to start dating.Cassandra has sent someone to the emergency room with a pool cue before. No one knows how. A group of physics and med students sat down to try and work out what exactly she did, and gave up after a few months. The kid was fine, but Cassandra payed his hospital bills anyway. Being the campus cryptid for a while is still her proudest moment.Veronica meet Terry Jr at the dance classes he helps teach. Scary, then Terry/Terri, had a long soccer practice on Saturdays so she decided to go out and meet some new people. They got chatting, found they had a lot in common, started sending memes to each other, and things just grew from there. Terry's boss would pair them up for demonstrations suspiciously often, which might have helped.When the other spouses meet her, they are going to adopt her into their friendship group immediately. When you're married to people as bizarre as the kiddads are, you form your own little support group of comparatively normal people, to remind yourself that you aren't crazy but also you are.
ok first off sorry this took me a couple days to get to , I was out of town lmao- bUT AHQHJDJSKSKS ALL OF THIS IS SO SPECIAL TO MEEEEE I love cass and her low-key chaotic energy sbndnsndn she's so <333 aND MARCO KISSING TERRY THINKING HE WAS GRANT QBSNNWKSM I love them so fuckign much , your honor <33. and Rebecca just being like eeehhhh I guess they're just kinda weird ok . and just . choosing not to be curious abt it LMAO like . she just knows so much shit and is just so casual abt it sbjsjsnsm like yeah no that guys a demon and I'm p sure at least one of my bfs friends kills . something . that's probably fine . anyways time to go make some ice cream . dbjsnsm but just ahhh all of the kiddads testing everyone's partners to make sure they're a good fit 🥺🥺 they're so <3333
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The next night, Kisara and Ohma made their way towards the port, and they met with Kaede and Yamashita. There, Kiryu with his employer and her secretary came by to say hello - Same with Hatsumi and Nogi. Apparently those with the official invitation were allowed to go on the huge yacht that looked like the Titanic, while everyone else was forced to go on what looked like a beat down cargo ship that would sink the second people step on it. Awful.
Kisara felt absolutely sea-sick and she had to cling onto Ohma's arm - She loved going at sea, but not on a death trap ship! "Hatsumi Senpai, save meeeee~!" she wailed, getting dragged on that god-forsaken ship. "I think I feel more at place on this one" Ohma shrugged, patting her head simply. "But where are they gonna take us on this ship?" Yamashita asked, confused as he looked around. "No idea... I'm sure they'll make an announcement soon enough." Kaede sighed, trying to assess the situation as professionally as always. "Do you have any idea?" Ohma asked someone. "Uh, Ohma? Who are you talking to?" Yamashita asked, looking back with dread. "Huh? Who? I'm talking to her. Why?" Ohma pointed towards a girl shorter than even his partner. "Oh, hello! Nice to meet you!" she greeted the group cheerfully. "She's been following us around for a while now." the fighter spoke nonchalantly. "Oh, sorry - About that - Kind of missed my chance to introduce myself. Pleased to meet you! My name's Kushina Rin! I'm here on Mr. Nogi's orders to work as your secretary, Mr. Yamashita! So, Mr. Yamashita, I hope to serve you as best as I can!" she spoke very cheerfully. "S-S-Secretary?!" his jaw dropped to the ground, stunned out of his mind. "A secretary, eh? You've really made your way up in the world, Yamashita Kazuo." but before the poor man could protest, an announcer told the fighters to go through one of those doors, while everyone else was to go up the stairs. "Huh?! Does that mean that Ohma's parting ways with us now...?!" the old man was worried about his fighter. "Yeah, looks like it. Bye, Yamashita Kazuo. Hasashi Kisara, take care of them." with one last pat on her head, Ohma left through the door.
Up the stairs, there was a glass wall that remembered Kisara of the Louvre museum pyramid, and they could see the fighters from up there. Ohma looked pretty lonely out there, standing close to a corner - But he spotted them up there, and made a motion that he was thirsty. The manager realised that he forgot to return his drink, and wanted to hurry getting it back to him, but Kaede, with her dignified secretary look, said she'd do it. 
"Ohhh, so cool~ Hey, Mr. Yamashita, do you think they're... An item?" Rin got close to the old man and pretended to whisper. "Huh?! Miss Akiyama and Ohma? I really don't --" Yamashita blinked, looking in surprise at her. "You think so...? Well, I think they'd make a cute couple..." the smaller secretary spoke, making Kaede's eye twitch at how she was so shameless, speaking about her love life in front of her. "No, wait, you're right - It might actually be possible...!" the old man's eyes widened in surprise. "Will you two stop talking about things like that?" the blonde glared at the two.
Kisara bit her lip and nonchalantly took the bottle from the old man's hand, going on ahead without another word. She wasn't jealous, and she definitely didn't think any differently of Kaede or anyone else who felt attracted to Ohma, nor would she blame them, considering the two of them never came out and expressed their relationship directly. It didn't mean that she was happy hearing that someone else would look cute as her partner's girlfriend. It kinda stung, but at the same time, she really couldn't blame them. 
The door was pretty heavy, but Kisara had no huge trouble opening it and tossing the bottle to Ohma - He drank that drink in a blink, and he seemed pretty happy... And pumped up. "You're a life-saver." he smirked, crumbling up the bottle. "Ha, thank you, dear." she hummed in amusement. "Y'know - Rin and Yamashita Kazuo said that you and Kaede would look incredibly cute together. What do you think~ ♪?" she chuckled, teasing him. Ohma snorted, looking at her enigmatic smile. "Yeah, so? Let them think what they want." this typical him answer made her chuckle even more. "Well, darling, anything else I can do for you?" she asked, getting her hands in her pockets, swaying back and forth on her feet. "Nah, I'm good - But don't go yet. What do you think of this situation?" he asked, that cocky grin plastering on his face. "Well - Remember all those battle royale anime I've watched? That's what I'm thinking. You'll be fighting until there's only few of you left. So - You'll have lots of fun~ ♪!" she matched that grin of his, as hyped up as he was. "So you're thinking what I'm thinking. This is gonna be quite the show." that devilish look of his was making the red head feel heat on her cheeks - How handsome this man was, and he was all hers.
As they shared that mischievous look, the doors were slammed close, and the captain explained that they won't open until only 5 remain standing. Kisara slapped her forehead in disdain, and shrugged her shoulders - Nothing could be done about this tragic situation, so might as well enjoy the ride.
"Well, sweety, I guess, there is that! Protect thy fair maiden from the foes that threaten her life!" she laughed, stepping to lean back on a wall and watching her partner laugh at her words. "Ha, you've got a lot of nerve for someone who could easily beat these guys up in no time!" in that instant, two men jumped up, bashing Ohma for bringing 'a chick', and were ready to punch him - But he easily redirected them to punch each other. "Alright, then! Get ready to be protected, Your Majesty." he got protectively in front of her, while she merely smiled tenderly at him. "O, my knight in shining armor, purge this world of these puny weaklings that have deluded themselves into thinking they stand a chance against your might~♥️ !" she was having way too much fun with this. "More fancy words, and I'll throw you as bait." she simply pouted at his answer.
Still, as she watched Ohma get in a fighting stance, she heard his last name being yelled out rather passionately - Rihito has revealed himself, saying he's missed Ohma and all that - But that was irrelevant. He perfected his Razor's Edge... Not that he would ever be a threat or anything of the sort. 
"Hey, aren't you that chick I saw before at the fight?" Rihito's eyes widened greatly, as they trailed up and down Kisara's outfit, mostly, that black crop top of hers that looked so good with her 'neo-samurai girl' aesthetic of high-waisted black pants, boots and a black and red haori with spider lilies that was staying loosely around her form, and a fox mask next to her sword.  "Uh - Yeah, you did. I brought Ohma his drink, and - ... You're not even listening, are you" Kisara sighed, sweat dropping at the blond. "Are you single?" she wasn't even able to answer, she just hit hear head back on the wall. "No, she's not." she heard Ohma answering in her stead - It was the first time he ever said anything like that before. Frankly, it made her pretty happy. "Don't worry Miss Kisara! Rihito's here to protect you!" it's as if he didn't listen to anything either of them said. "No thanks, I'm fine." she replied immediately. "She says she's fine." he seemed as bored as she was about the obnoxious blond. Still Rihito was pretty hell-bent on 'protecting Miss Kisara' and getting Ohma to the main act, so they could have a match again. "Stand back, Miss Kisara! There's gonna be a bit of a blood rain tonight!" he was pretty hyped up, while Kisara could only hold her fist up in the air and say a monotonous 'yay'.
She's seen significantly better, granted, and she never thought Rihito was ever that great to begin with. Still, considering everything, for a preliminaries show, the most she can do is pick out any person with any above average skill that may get on to the main act of the tournament. Out of nowhere, the red head heard a bunch of really weird and completely non-sensical English curses, along with the sound of people getting knocked to the ground. From nowhere, a pretty tall guy with a huge grin was doing pelvic thrusts into the air. He was kinda creepy, and that mustache didn't help.
"Hasashi Kisara, is THAT a fighter too?" Ohma asked the girl. "Looks like it - But his curses kinda freak me out. Oh - He's looking our way. Great." she sighed, shaking her head in disdain. "He looks like he can entertain me a little." he smirked, confident that he could easily defeat him. "Oh! Are you my next target?!" thus, the American extended his arms forwards , fists closed, and propelled himself forwards, looking like a weird Superman, springing forwards towards Ohma. Kisara, just like Ohma, were looking with surprise at this man - His leaping was really weird and definitely something they've never seen before. He could pride himself for being very fast, like a missile... Though, this speed was nothing compared to theirs.
Ohma got his hands and fingers into position and waited until this man was close enough, so he completely changed the course of his phlight, with his Redirection Kata: Weeping Willow move - And he was thrown into the wall - Still, at that high speed, he was able to avoid collision and he redirected himself, as if he bounced or just like a diver in a swimming pool. "You're more fresh than mama's apple pie!" he cried out, triumphant with his technique. "Someone, please, knock him out already - I can't deal with those awful one-liners!" Kisara groaned, only for her eyes to widen, realising that he was charging in her direction. "When I said I wanted to die, I didn't mean in this fashion, and definitely not in this garbage bin of a ship." she sighed, crossing her eyes and waiting. The American tried to pull the breaks of his charge with his feet, but it was to no avail - He couldn't stop, nor stir in another direction other than Kisara's. He simply smiled in embarrassment and guilt. "I'm sorry, girl! This probably won't kill you, so please, forgive me for this!" The time she blinked, a flash of black found its way in front of her. "For God's sake, at least scream or something. You're not making yourself worth protecting. You could have knocked him out with a simple kick." he chuckled, looking past his shoulder and down at her. "O, my knight in shining armor, have you forgotten thy duty? Protect Thy Majesty, till death do us 'part? That and - I just like seeing you show off. You're very attractive when you do." she laughed nonchalantly, making his smirk widen. "Ha! You took at heart what I said four years ago. I really do have a thing for strong girl who're honest with their feelings."  saying that, he flexed a bit, getting in a fighting stance, something that was similar to the way he stood like a shield, before her - Kisara couldn't help but bring her hand up to her mouth, stifling an amused giggle. "Well then - Will you tell me what was that you just used? I never saw you using that technique before." she pointed out, stepping sideways to get a better look of his stance. "That's because it's fucking lame - And I can't control it. Guess I don't really have an option." his cocky smirk was ever present. "So confident with something you can't control - I aspire to get to that level of self-assurance." she grinned, leaning back on the wall. Ohma used his elbow to block and then hit the American's face, knocking him out immediately - But, unlike before, he complained about his arm and side hurting, because of the technique he can't control properly. Still, once this opponent was done for, Kisara counted the remaining fighter - Just five remained. The captain called out that the preliminaries were over, and thus, the doors were opened. Once the two met up with Yamashita and the two secretaries, the ship reached the great Titanic-esque yacht, and the winners were directed towards the S.S. Kengan.
The five members of the Yamashita Trading Company were assaulted by Rihito, mainly Kaede and Kisara, who couldn't stop his perverted comments, and how he tried to play off touching them by 'giving them a shoulder massage'. "Where do you live?" No. "Wanna go for dinner?" Don't touch me."At least give me your number?" Go kill yourself. "At least just let me get your pussy!" Okay, that's it -
Kisara was on the verge of turning around to sock him in the face, but much to that idiot's luck, Ohma grabbed her wrist and dragged her in front of him, his hand protectively on her shoulders. "Shouldn't you be with the people from your own company right now?" his voice was lower than usual, and annoyed as well. "It's just me. Ah, you wanna know? Fine, I'll tell ya! As a matter of fact - I AM the president of S.F. Cold Storage." thus, as he continued grabbing away at poor Kaede, Rihito proudly told everyone that, after working at Nogi's storage company, the CEO came over to him and made him a president, as long as he voted for him as a chairman. Although, a smart political move on Nogi's part, he didn't really choose this chess piece well... Rihito was the bottom of the bunch without a doubt, and he had no way of even coming close, when it came to Takeshi, Hatsumi, or even little Cosmo! Not to mention Ohma - Also, some of those preliminary fighters weren't half-bad either, especially that mysterious arabian guy, or the old man. Rihito had absolutely no chance.
Still, with this conversation going, Rin was able to explain that not only Rihito, but Yamashita was in the same situation, so basically, this tournament was a battle of wits between the puppeteers... And even so, the ones doing the fighting are equally important. Well - All Ohma and Rihito cared about was... All they gotta do is win. Easy as that, and honestly, not wrong either.
The Chairman was then presented before all of them, with a ton of bodyguards all around him, and rightfully so. At that moment, he might just be THE most powerful man in the world, without any exaggeration. The old man explained everything there was about the basics of the tournament, only for the mysterious fighter to get pissed off and step forward, complaining that the ones in the preliminations didn't deserve to be treated that way, and that they were in no way inferior to the 28 or so that received the special invitation and went straight to the main part of the tournament... And into the luxurious yacht.
The Prince stepped forward, ready to go up to the chairman, but he was easily defeated and thrown into the ocean... By a simple bodyguard - Not even one of the main, important ones, just one of those basic ones. Pathetic. Is this the level of competition that Ohma has? Because if so, his win is in the bag.
Thankfully, they were finally allowed to step inside the S.S. Kengan, and Kisara's eyes widened and she remained speechless. If she could describe this opulence with anything, she would think of Jay Gatsby's parties - She's been dreaming of being able to attend something like this ever since she was a little kid, watching Disney movies. She felt so out of place, dressed like this... At least she has a cute dress in her luggage and tomorrow, she won't be sticking out like a sore thumb anymore.  Hopefully, at least. She never had any reason to buy an elegant dress, considering she never had expensive events to attend, so... This was something else entirely.
Ohma immediately took off to find some food and he was nowhere to be seen, Rihito, thankfully, was lost in space, looking for girls, and Yamashita and the two secretaries were going towards a table. Kisara was alone, and freaking out internally. She was average height, but she couldn't see any of her friends from that spot, and she was afraid she might get herself lost in this huge place if she ventures too far away.
Oh, no, she was wrong. How could she not see Sekibayashi, even from the other end of the world? Kisara grinned and skipped towards the giant pro-wrestler, only to see, at the table, little Cosmo. Her smile grew ever larger. "Cos! Seki! Hi~ ♪ !" her whole mood changed to one much chirper and happy. "Ah! Kisara-nee-san! I should have known you'd be here too! Senpai and bro will be so happy when they see you!" the blond boy, still munching on food, jolted up from the table and hugged the girl tightly, swaying her a bit before allowing her to sit down next to him, pushing one of the plates towards her so that she would eat a bit too.  "Woaw, Cos, what a warm welcome. I'm so happy to see you two, and I can't wait to see them as well! I missed you, guys." she chuckled softly, making the smaller boy grin cheekily, yet his face was a tint pinker. "Ever the charmer, little princess. Glad to see that Tokita boy made it through. I hope to face him again and see if he's improved at all." the wrestler chuckled lowly. "As long as I don't see any back-breakers again, I'll be very happy. You really put on a great show, I can't wait to see you guys fighting. Actually... I don't think I've seen 'Tsuki-san fight before, have I? It's been four years and nothing. That's going to be exciting." she blinked, surprising herself with that realisation. "I've only seen him fight once or twice, but they're always very quick. Senpai's matches always end in less than five hits. He's a real pro, you'll love it!" Cosmo praised senpai.
It was already close to 2 or 3 in the morning, and Kisara was getting tired, but had no idea where she could go sleep or something... And she'd rather not do what kids do on a trip and use someone's shoulder, that would be embarrassing.  Her saving grace, however, came in the form of Ohma himself, who just swooped over, not greeting anyone - As always - And simply sweeping his partner to follow him. Apparently, after a filling dinner... And even more, in the plate he was holding, he asked a butler where the dormitories for the fighters would be, so he could crash. The Yacht will be arriving in about 27 hours, so it was enough time for a deep sleep... And even more food afterwards!
Getting inside the bedroom, Kisara quickly went to take a shower and dress in her nightgown so she could finally rest her exhausted body - She couldn't even imagine what the fighters would be feeling after that fight, and frankly, she didn't want to know either. Getting on the bed, she ate what remained from Ohma's dinner, dinner that he kept for her, and let out a deep sigh of content. Next to her, Ohma rolled to his side and extended his arms towards her, pulling her close to his body. Kisara smiled tenderly and hugged his head to her chest, playing with his hair. "You're gonna fuck them up, sweety~♥️ " she kissed his forehead softly. "It won't be easy, but you're gonna show them who's really the strongest man out there." Ohma let out a small hum of amusement and something that resembled a peaceful state that he rarely could achieve... Only in her arms, in that warm, loving embrace of hers, with those encouraging words and whatever woman-magic thingy she was doing to him. He never felt addicted to anything, nor attached to thing in general. He only needed his body and his wits alone to survive and finish any objective he wanted. Despite all this, he couldn't deny... The past four years have been the most 'emotionally happy', as she'd say.
He always remembers her rambling on the phone, when she'd comfort her dysfunctional friends about whatever relationship they had, he'd find himself agreeing with most of the things she'd tell them. He knew she liked him, but unlike what all her friends did, she never pressured him into anything - Hell, he never even called her 'girlfriend' or 'lover' or whatever other pet names normal people did. She was fine, as long as he was comfortable and at ease around her. She wanted him to trust and respect her, and that's what he did. Kisara is the only person alive that he trusts and cherishes. He won't name any word around the way he was feeling, but even if she doesn't ask him to, he will protect her.
She was so small and fit so well in his big arms, yet here she was, holding him like he was a little child seeking for comfort. She was cute back then, when she was more timid, but she's just as cute now, after gaining her confidence boost. Although until the kickboxer incident he's never seen her fight before, he was impressed that the girl who only survived on coffee and 2 hours of sleep was able to achieve, in such a short time, great speed and techniques. He was proud of his speed, but thanks to her petite frame and for weighting half of his kilograms, her great reflexes became unbelievable. He's never fought women before, and he had no idea what they're capable of, but her confident smirk and taunts were turning him off. Maybe that's why she always tells him to show off in front of her and gives him compliments. He knew he was declared universally 'attractive', but that mattered little to him. He wasn't like his stupid master, who told him to hit on any pretty girl he found. He couldn't care less about that.
And now, more than ever, in this tournament where only the strongest were present... He was going to show everyone that he was truly on top of the world. "That's right. And you're gonna be there to watch and cheer on me all the way to the top."
The next day, Kisara dressed in that cute blue summer dress of hers that flower around her ankles like the ocean waves, and her hair was falling down to her waist like a crimson cascade, and a cute bow was holding two small braids on the back. Most of the time of the day, she spent around Kaede and Rin, as Ohma was being pestered by Rihito and he wouldn't stop flirting around, but at night, she went by herself to get one of those really good cocktails, and on the way back to the dormitories...
She got lost.
I'm such a dumbass - Kisara thought to herself as she stepped forwards, hoping to find something to pin point her location. Lucky her, she heard the familiar voice of Cosmo. Smiling in relief, she walked a bit faster, hoping to still catch him. And he was with Wakatsuki too! "Hey, you two~ ♪ !" she called out cheerfully, lazily waving her arm around. "Ah, 'Nee-san!" Cosmo was the first to turn around, only to widen his eyes. "Behind you!" he cried out, but it was too late. Someone roughly slammed their hands on her shoulders. Kisara let out a small 'eep' sound, startled by the manhandling... But more, by the fact that whoever that was, made her spill some of that ice-cold drink on her hand, and it was going to get sticky. "Guess we've got our hands on a good bait, huh?" a dark voice called out from behind her. "Let go of her!" Cosmo stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "Yeah, you heard him! I'm wearing my pretty dress and you're dirtying it with your gross hands." Kisara called out, reaching out in her purse to get some tissues, but before she could, she got shaken. And she dropped the glass on the floor. "Well, now you've done it! And it was really good too! You guys are jerks!" she groaned, looking down at the spilled cocktail with disappointment. "This bitch has no idea who she's talking to. Maybe we should teach her a lesson before we get to that small fry, eh?" the same voice growled and spun Kisara around so she'd face them. They, however, weren't expecting that the perpetrator would be feeling the heel of her thick wedged sandal in his chin. "Don't make me fight, I'm in a dress! What are you, perverts? Don't you know - Girls like being pretty around handsome men." she mocked the two idiots, and this time, by her own accord, she spun, making her cute dress fly around her gracefully, and she grabbed the other lackey that was lunging at her, and flipped him down, slamming her shoe down on his face... Down on the glass shards. "If you were trying to take down those two, but got taken down by me in two moves... You're even worse than those guys at the preliminaries. How pathetic." she scoffed, stepping on their bodies so she wouldn't be getting in the drink, and she made her way towards the two fighters. "Tsuki-san, could you please fix my bow? It always moves." she chuckled, turning her back to him, and she felt his fingers clumsily working around her hair. "Haha, Nee-san was so cool! You know, I really wanted a good workout, I was getting pretty bored of this voyage - But I guess you had all the fun to yourself! Well, I wouldn't call that fun, but still." Cosmo laughed, giving her a thumbs up. "You can still have your workout, kid - Look, they got up. So, have fun~!" she grinned at the younger one. "To think that I got Cosmo here, hoping to stay away from those guys, but they found us here too... How annoying." Wakatsuki sighed, stepping in front of the girl. Whilst the guy with a beanie went over to fight with Cosmo, the silent one went directly to the older fighter.
Cos got hit with that guy's brass knuckles - How unfair. He must be an assassin. No, she was wrong. That guy said he just needs to get Cosmo's fighter spot. He's in it for the money, but considering they came in a group of two... It didn't seem like he was just some stranger. "Cosmo, be careful. These guys aren't just thugs, they were hired by some company. Remember the Chairman's words. The one who wins gets to NOMINATE the future chairman. They're definitely working for someone who's in the tournament." Kisara called out to the younger boy. "Yeah, I see. I got it now. I really don't want you becoming a fighter." and with a simple grapple move, Cosmo got behind that guy weilding another baton weapon, and got him in a python hold, knocking him unconscious. "Don't worry, Kisara. I'll finish this quick. This isn't a place for girls to be at. We'll escort you back to your room." just after saying that, Wakatsuki stepped in front of the silent attacker. Before the enemy could even move, Wakatsuki, without getting in a stance... Or even bothering to blink or move a muscle, extended his arm... Or, punched, rather said, the attacker. He was slammed into the wall behind him. At the deafening, sudden noise, both Cos and Kisara jumped in their skin, only to look, more or less surprised, at the disaster the senpai made. "I... Think you went a bit overboard, senpai..." Cosmo chuckled awkwardly. "Pathetic. He broke after just one punch." Takeshi's voice was low and bored, completely unimpressed. Considering his 306 win record, and how long he's been fighting in the association, this must have been one of those stupidly easy fights. Well, if even Kisara could destroy them, it was no wonder Wakatsuki could blink and pulverize them. "That. Was. Absolutely. AWESOME!" Kisara cheered on the man, stupefied at the destroyed concrete wall. "THIS LOOKS LIKE IN CARTOONS - THERE'S NO WAY -- YOU'RE FUCKING FANTASTIC! See, I told you! YOU are the real Superhuman!" she laughed, unable to take her eyes away from the wall. "It's no big deal. Come on, let's go sleep, it's getting late." with an amused exhale, Wakatsuki walked ahead, followed by the two younger ones. "Ah - Before that, I want to go get myself another drink, I hope you don't mind. You don't have to come, I don't want to bother you!" she spoke quickly, not wanting to burden the two. "You already got lost once, who knows where you'll end up next. It's fine, we're men, that's what we do." he reassured her, not looking back even once. "Yeah, Nee-san, he's right, you know! So relax and enjoy that drink of yours!" Cos put his arm around her, and together, they rushed ahead like silly children. "Those two... I swear..." Takeshi shook his head, the ghost of a smile on his face, watching them being so innocent and cheerful. It was good they didn't yet lose any of that positivity of theirs. Hopefully, they never do. Not Cosmo, for being a fighter and having to go through all the ups and downs, the harsh training and all that beating, nor Kisara, who worked so hard to get stronger, and can only watch from the sidelines as her lover and all her friends, that became akin to her family, get constantly beaten up, while she can do nothing but worry and pray for their victory.
However, as soon as they got back up on the deck, and Kisara got her drink, she noticed Ohma and Rihito kneeling before Kaede, who was scolding them... For whatever reason, as if she was an angry mother reprimanding her children. Chuckling in embarrassment, she said goodbye to her two friends and stepped in front of Ohma, extending her free hand for him to take and get up. He was a fighter, his spot wasn't on his knees in front of anyone.
Well, maybe in front of her and her alone, but that was something that no one else should know.
"I wasn't done with them yet, Kisara!" Kaede was thoroughly ticked off at the interference. "Although I'm not opposed to expressing your feelings and what has bothered you, I don't think that putting fighters at respect by making them behave like guilty, submissive and obedient dogs would be in their, or the company's benefit, considering they will be seen like doormats. So, I'd like to know, Kaede... What did Ohma and Rihito do to incur your wrath like that?" she asked, subtly pulling her brunet partner behind her. "Well! First of all - This idiot lost EVERYTHING he had at the casino! Imagine what would have happened if I weren't there to shoulder his debt! And him - He had all those w-women waiting on him at the casino! What were you thinking?!" she yelled, pointing angrily at the both of them. "Dunno. They just came up to me." Ohma shrugged unphased. "I see... Well, I don't see what's the problem here. If they had fun and nothing happened to them, then it's no big deal. Besides... Rihito is more or less a slave anyway, I don't think anyone cares what happens to him." the red head chuckled, but it only made the blond confused at her words. "Kisara, it's not alright! What if they'd been targeted? The future of the Nogi group is in their hands as much as that guy's!" the secretary pointed out, earning a nod of approval. "Yes, I know - In fact, I have been targeted myself." this made everyone let out various sounds of surprise. "Y-You?! But you're not a fighter or a CEO, so why --" she gasped, her eyes widening from fear. "Well, I suppose I was the victim of circumstances. I wanted to go sleep, but I got lost. I found two fighters with whom I am friends with, but they got attacked by two guys sent by some company. They wanted to take their fighter spot so that their CEO would name their boss as the future chairman. So, yes, in this aspect, Kaede is right in her worries. You can be targeted at all times - However... If I can knock them out... And if my friend can defeat them in a single punch... Ohma will have no problem with them. I can't vouch for the SuperDumbass, but whatever." she explained, seeing the concern on the blonde's face. "Are you sure you're alright? That must have been frightening." she muttered nervously. "Oh, yeah, of course - Though, I'm not a fan of playing around in a dress. Still, the greatest damage that I took was that I dropped my cocktail... Hence, why I'm here. For a new one!" she showed off her brand new and very delicious drink. Seeing the familiar colour of the liquid, Ohma leaned down and sipped from the straw. Yep, it was his favourite, the same one from back at Nogi's office. Nice.
He was glad that Kisara came when she did, he wasn't sure how long he could take Kaede's annoying nagging, and for what reason? Was he supposed to throw all those girls off and injure them for climbing on him like a tree? Sure, he could see why his partner would be upset, but why a secretary? Was he actually right whenever he made fun of her for having the hots for him? And did Kushida Rin's and Yamashita Kazuo's conversation make her think weird thoughts about him? Not that it mattered. He just really couldn't stand all this stupid scolding. He did nothing wrong, and just like Kisara said, if he were to get attacked, he'd crush that poor idiot.
As he absent-mindedly tuned out the conversation between everyone present, still leaning on Kisara's shoulder and twirling a soft strand of her hair and sipping from that delicious drink - Until, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a presence closing in at a remarkable speed. That small bastard lunged at the spot him and Kisara were. Unfortunately for this jerk, he was too fast and weathered by combat, so he jumped away with his partner in his arms, and the drink not having spilled even one drop, and they were away, at safety.
"Ohma, he's targeting you!" the red head called out, watching as the attacker easily jumped up and stomped his boot in Rihito's face. Once again, even some hand-me-down fighter like this assassin could beat Rihito. What a surprise.
As expected, once he was done with the blond dumbass, the dressed in that hooded winter jacket found his way attacking Ohma at great speed and easily evading all of his attacks. He even used Ohma's leg as a spring board and showed him the middle finger, sticking out his tongue, tauntingly. As Ohma launched one more attacked, the enemy dodged and grabbed a strong hold of Ohma's shirt, bending him down, one leg coiled behind the back of his knee, while the other was over his shoulder. "... I'd have killed you if I hadn't noticed... Brat." Ohma stopped attacking - Instead, he took off the hood of the attacker, revealing a beautiful young girl, yet her eyes were different from anyone else. Instead of the normal white sclera, it was jet black, and her pupils were light of colour. "Don't try to hide it, I can smell it on you. Now, what the hell do you want?" he asked, and in that instant, the girl grinned widely, and tightened the grip of her leg around his neck, bringing him dangerously close to her face.
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hello this is my take on the tea theory (insert tooth emoji)
400 hp is huge crush you are aware about. susie isn't aware about her crush on noelle (she doesn't know she's allowed to have feelings) so she's just hell yeah
120 hp is hell yeah as illustrated by our lord and savior susie. everyone loves susie and susie loves everyone. ralsei heals 120 for both kris and susie because he doesn't have favorites both of them are the cool guys from the legend and susie apparently doesn't have favorites either. kris is the exception here
70 hp is kris & noelle who don't really know if they're friends anymore...... i think after chapter two they're going to be friends again and the tea will heal accordingly
60 hp is Hi We Met Yesterday And I Think You're A Bit Weird. kris does not hate ralsei but they met yesterday. they like susie more because 1. of course 2. they actually knew susie for i'd say atleast a month. how you feel about someone you just met and is nice vs how you feel about someone you wanted to befriend for a long time and already know atleast something about is very different!! also based off the noelle blog post i think kris already thought susie was their friend so
50 hp is strangers. noelle and ralsei do not know eachother. smash like and this fact will change tomorrow morning at 2 pm when toby fox will release an update for chap 2 and it's a secret ending where ralsei and noelle become friends
10 hp is omg! meeeee :3 i don't think every single character hates themselves to the point of not tasting the tea. they don't because it's how they taste. they're used to it. and yes they probably all hate themselves but that's not what the tea is referencing (it was very probably based on a book. i forgot the name. the cooler theorists already found it. this isn't my theory)
as my final statement if two characters were to actually hate eachother i don't think it would heal them... ❤️ everyone is friends
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spacedhead · 10 months
homestuck reread #10: BEGINNING OF ACT 6
the first thing im doing is watching [s] act 6. i like this song a lot! it is called homestuck anthem. this is a cool intro sequence
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i feel this way . about MY media. not all these random movies
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you have liked EVERY MOVIE YOU HAVE EVER SEEN??? JEEEEEEZ. yeah i am one of those people giving him a hard time.... you need to be studied
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hes so meeeee i need to meet him already
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both of them talk in such a way that i just do not like very much. its like theyre 60 years old or something
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.....but i did it anyway. LOLLLLL
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poor auto responder :(
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me with everyone i know
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i do like this panel though. he looks nice here
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i forgot he has lususes on his island for some reason. lusi? whatever the plural of that is. also in this previous conversation he just had with roxy he was completely aware of janes romantic feelings for him. this will be important later
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holy shit its lil sebastian from parks and rec from homestuck
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i mean huggy bear. i guess?
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this is a cool panel
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ok reference secured. lil sebastian has been born. i guess i just knew his name because of my prophetic dreams.
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i love his little sword. he is JUST like me
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so many boondollars. life players are SOOOOOOOOOO rich. she hasnt even played the game yet!!! how is this even possible
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wait i really like this panel too. i think i like when the characters are in big full environments. if that makes any sense. plus i love these little bulls. they remind me of.... a different page.... of the story!
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oh shit
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look at my children
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how i feel every day in call with my friends (they constantly call me delusional)
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and this shit just looks fucking swag
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this is so real
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noooo :(
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LOLLLLLL yes. its true. but also its important to note that every thief in the story is a major character
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REAL I LOVE RAINBOW DASH dirk is so based for this. he is just like me
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calliopes art is so good....idk who ACTUALLY drew it but i dont think it was hussie
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this is so funny
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thats the image limit... things are getting interesting! slowly but surely. all of them are pretty chill thus far but i have a feeling that things are about to get bad.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
you know what, you're so right. forget the pancake emoji. pls call me porco fucker! that's me, right here! loud and proud! it's my government alias actually!
ALSO, i saw you talk about how you always struggled with not knowing if you were a gemini or a cancer and i share that same "struggle", but i think because of my birth time, i think i am cancer!
but back to the music, you've got some bangers up there. i love shinee a lot. i also love seventeen (they are my favorite group)!
i wholeheartedly understand your distaste for the industry. jonghyun's passing had an immense impact on me at the time, and i was reminded of that when moonbin of astro passed as well. i'm hoping that idols will start speaking up and advocating for better treatment and more support from their agencies.
also, i know it's a lot to add on, but i loved the prompts from that emoji ask (i forgot which emoji it was and i've already written too much in this ask to go back 😭) and i wanted to ask if you had a favorite time of day to write!
~ porco fucker 🥞
please know that you're only further encouraging my unhinged drunken tiff behaviour rn 💀 i read the first part of your ask out to my fiance and explained the context and he was like 😑 and i was like you just don't get it ok??
right?? like our birthdays are on the cusp of gemini/cancer and depending where you look you're either one or the other. it's funny you identify more w cancer because i feel like i'm more like a gemini 💀 unhinged, chaotic, toxic -- that's meeeee lmao
thank you!! i haven't heard of seventeen which is really strange because it looks like they debuted around the time that i was into kpop so i should've heard of them?? (i also love that they have a song called f*ck my life 💀 i stan them already) i'll check out some of their stuff tn!!
i agree 100% and, idk for sure, but i feel like w the popularity of bts things are changing? i have no basis for this assumption but i just feel it, yknow??
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
right after work/before dinner or late at night!! right after work i'm super motivated after my workday so i feel the most productive, but also late at night when everyone is asleep and i can work in silence lmao
ask game questions
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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godhoodandgirlhood · 2 years
my opinions on danganronpa thh characters (spoilers duh lol) and character theme songs because my opinions don’t matter in this batshit crazy fandom.
sayaka: she walked so ms. ludenburg could RUN. queen maizono is the rachel berry of the danganronpa cinematic universe, which is an issue but idrc for my queenie babez. her theme song is literally any red velvet song or teenage dream but the warblers/glee version.
leon: hey hey hey lover (⑉♡﹏♡⑉) no but fr, he pretty awesome but he also objectifies women >:/. also his fucking loafers are so musty girlie… leon is literally so gender though, like give me some of that??? theme song is last friday night lmfao
chihiro: icon. absolutely made me have my “im not cis” awakening. when chihiro practically got crucified i almost died with them like bitch i- one thing, chihiro is super naive and way to trusting. you’re in a KILLING GAME BRO, don’t trust anybody… anyways theme song is if i were a boy by beyoncé
mondo: batshit insane in a you’re a severe closet gay and the closet is those covid glass mask things. what kind of straight man has a pompadour (sorry jjba fandom ig). traumadumping in a sauna? kinda gay tbh. ima hurry tf up with mondo bc i could go on forever with him so his theme song is bohemian rhapsody but the vocal adrenaline/glee version.
taka: get therapy babes. his backstory was too traumatizing for danganronpa? the game with incest, mass murder, necrophilia, and mass suicide? what the fuck. give this man a million kisses while i steal his hot asf boots because zamn those boots are the moment. his theme song is somebody i used to know because gotye solos.
hifumi: i kin him, but i swear i’m not a freaky perv. he literally killed on the basis that he thought celeste was being sa’d which is so <33 standing up for us king. i hate that he’s such a fucking pervert but i’ll disregard that because he probably has the best taste in anime. i want him to watch blend-s with meeeee. theme song is the toilet bound hanako kun theme song because that’s the best anime theme song ever.
celeste/taeko: i hate her but i also want to commit marriage with her :0. like she is actually out of her mind with the manipulation shit but also…….. pretty lady. her hair coils are the ugliest shit though. she could probably spin one and cause a cyclone across the globe lmfao. her hair coils are so large for whatttt??? her theme song is poker face but the glee version because both are mid as hell.
sakura: amazing, fantastic, beautiful, superb, stunning, phenomenal, perfect. all those words describe that of sakura ogami. i need her to gently hold me and reassure me. i need her to love me. SHES SO RESPECTFUL OFKDNSJDB <3333 her theme song is marry you because i want to live a fulfilling life with her.
mukuro: i have never seen the danganronpa anime and never plan to, but from danganronpa zero (aka the one where makoto gets stabbed instead of muks), she’s an icon. i cant lie she’s doing too much with the incest shit, but i can fix her u guys. i lowkey forgot everything about her but that’s okay because she is still what everyone aspires to be. her theme song is how will i know (best whitney song) because of her crush on mac and cheese.
kyoko: her back was literally crushed to dust after carrying thh you guys. makmaks here would’ve been screwed as fuck is kyoko wasn’t there to save his quirked up white boy ass okay? she hopped off the plane at lax with a dream and a cardigan, alr??? also, girlboss. if you say girlboss girlboss girlboss into a mirror she shows up. her theme song is lotta true crime for obvious reasons.
makoto: he’s an overhyped quirked up white boy. every time he opened his skinny lips i wanted to staple them shut and bury him in the average. “i’m the most average of the avera-“ SHUT THE FUCK UP. i don’t care and i hope you burn makoto james charles peter hunter henry weston naegi. his theme song is loser like me :|
hiro: anyone who headcanons hiro as someone who smokes is racist. HIS HOUSE WAS FUCKING BURNT DOWN BY CIGS BITCH! y’all only hc him as that because he’s brown. “togamins” gay. homosexual. man lover. male representing individuals kisser. he looks like a palm tree but i don’t mind. i don’t care if hiro is as smart as a pile of dirt on fire i want to hand out with palm tree man. theme song is the cult of dionysus.
booyakooya/byakuya: stupid bitch [affectionate]. what was the purpose of crucifying best character? none. but you still did it anyways you fucking icon. byakuya deserves the worst but i’ll give him a big smooch after all of it but then i’ll shoot him. he’s a terrible man but i still love him half the time. theme song is bills bills bills but the glee version A-FUCKING-GAIN
aoi: she is so fucking forgettable i cant. she is absolutely incomparable to sakura so i won’t compare her to sakura. instead i’ll compare her to ME. im better than hina. she can eat her fucking donuts in hell for all i care bitch. theme song is ocean eyes for haha irony.
toko: SO FUCKING ANNOYING OH MY GOD. “y-you probably t-think i-i-i-m so annoying…” i do. shut the hell up while i remove your intestines and turn them into your pelvic bones. with your previously stated pelvic bones, i will crush them into a feces soup to feed you and when you die, your dung beetle or whatever tf will eat you. theme song is panic room by au/ra
syo/jack/jill: now syo is SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER THAN TOKO OMFG. i would give anything for syo, my bank account, my heart, my soul, by whole fuckjng body, ANYTHING FOR SYO. she made gen z. she is the baddest bitch and i will regularly kiss her. icon icon icon icon icon icon icon!!!!!! i love syo so much istg. i have an unhealthy attachment to syo and idfc if u say it’s unhealthy she is what’s keeping me holding on. her theme song is every insane clown posse song
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bradenthompson · 2 years
Writing down my thoughts on Disney’s Sneakerella as they come to me
Too hot, cannot sleep. Forgot this movie was coming out, and shame on me bc I was excited for it. But I also get the feeling Disney+ kinda wanted people forgetting it was coming out, I don’t remember a single peep on the film after that trailer dropped. 
00:07 I hate those fucking pencil towers in Manhattan they bug meeeee
00:30 “Once upon a pair of sneakers” oh this is gonna rock
06:18 movie has a way of focusing on shoes that are objectively not special. Doesn’t mean they aren’t cool. Just not interesting enough to get a motion track. Will reserve that the movie might make a point about this later, like “yeah but aren’t all shoes special? Aren’t they all worth rocking?”
07:35 always a bummer when you notice the Cinderella movie is 2 hours long, because the og story cannot fill that time on its own so there’s gonna be 2313356 side characters that do not matter at all
09:08 Disney’s first* openly Gay character :))))))
09:43 protagonist has a mind palace so deeply wired into sneaker history that he can correctly identify that the Vans logo is old. lmao.
10:17 sorry of this sounds gatekeepy but I just do not believe sk8 hi’s qualify for the sneaker moniker
12:00 characters in movies categorized as “artists” always have this same artstyle I’m just gonna call “doodlecore.” ooh strange monster thing, UFO, fire, etc. People who do custom jobs on blank sneakers do exist and make cool shit but they also have unique artstyles unto themselves. Idk wtf this guy is going for when it comes to his own stuff. Maybe a little Jeremy Scott? I only say this bc I’m already detecting some Adidas bias in and around this movie.
13:01 main kid is plugged in enough to say things like “sneaker drop” but is still stunned to see the line is long.
14:44 the writer is struggling to communicate that the main kid is knowledgeable on sneakers because they themselves do not know what that means. So they just give him things to do that nobody does, like pulling the Myers Briggs on strangers based on the shoes they’re wearing. He unpacks why a man is wearing 1s as if that unravels his whole personality and never once considers it’s because that is still the most popular Jordan by a wide margin.
16:02 don’t wanna dump on this kid’s custom shoes too much, but I’ve been to sneaker releases just like this and am decently confident he would get bullied
21:53 editing is really doing something here. A charcacter will be sanding still and, between shots, 1/24th of a second, they will be in a full sprint.
22:12 New Yorkians really think they invented living in a city. “Ey you never been to da corner store? It’s da corner store! You buy things! Bada Bing.”
22:54 CGI spray paint CGI spray paint
22:54(cont) “hey girl, lil Manhattan belle, let me pull you away to a new world; type of living you never thought possible: Queens” hahahahahahaha
25:17 compelling protagonist 101: person is already a fully realized person who impresses everyone and always has the cool thing to say and their only weakness is not living in Manhattan.
28:32 this soundtrack is telling me 97% of viewers aren’t subscribed so be sure to uppercut that button and hit the bell
32:00 doing a Cinderella story has gotta be one of the tougher prompts to make work for 2 hours. Even though they definitely went “what if instead of a glass slipper it was a SNEAKER huehuehue” and figured out the rest from that. Just inevitably a very boring story because you’re beholden to the handful of things that absolutely have to happen but need to space them all out over 2 hours. Have I mentioned enough times this movie is 2 hours (I’m rounding up and accounting for blogging time).
35:16 going to assume right now the writers think they made up a Sneaker Con and do not know there is a real Sneaker Con, only because I don’t think Disney would want to directly associate with whatever the fuck Sneaker Con has mutated into this past year.
37:10 this girlfriend character’s sister is not doing a good job here, lol, I’m sorry
37:10(cont) girlfriend character has been tasked with finding a new designer for her family’s signature shoe. Time limit is 2 weeks. Shoes take just slightly longer than that, conception to execution, just like a day or two longer I think
39:31 *holding a beaker of science juice* finally. Straight male character with Lesbian Best Friend
42:48 always interesting when you can notice the exact moment in a scene where dialogue was cut. Character just jumps from slightly distressed to wildly upset on a reverse shot.
43:41 does the stepfather character deserve a redemption arc? It’s Sneakerella on Disney+, man, drop the sword sometimes.
44:47 sometimes I feel bad in these scenes where young actors are trying really hard. Not because I think I’m being harsh on them, I feel bad because they’re doing it in the name of a concept one degree removed from an SNL skit.
46:32 unclear whether main kid has a) given up sneaker designing because his mom died, b) given up sneaker designing because of self confidence issues, c) given up sneaker designing at all because he’s already done it like three times now
50:40 “pretty weird fit for stocking shelves” is a good line
53:17 at a point this movie stopped trying to convince me this kid designed cool shoes and is now asking me to just take their word for it. Odd quality for a visual medium to have.
54:30 the magic carriage in this version is just a pretty nice car. Getting the feeling Disney didn’t spend much on this.
56:47 they either explicitly referenced the Disney splash logo or reused animation assets. Don’t know enough about animation to call it but one of these possibilities is funnier than the other.
57:43 a gay character being in this movie constitutes homophobia
1:00:00 this script works in sneakerhead nomenclature about as well as an undercover cop trying to smoke some reefer with you cool kids
1:03:19 okay hold on: girlfriend character was tasked with finding a talented new designer for her families shoe brand and just didn’t ask the one sneaker designer she knows? Did I miss something. Why the fuck didn’t she call him. She remembers who he is, remembers his name. Am I just stupid.
1:03:19(cont) hey, set designer, come over here. *CDG converse behind a glass case? Are we serious? Are you being for real? That’s what you think a grail is? Did you get that from tiktok?*
1:04:55 okay so she just didn’t know he designed shoes, just thought he was big into them. 
1:08:00 their stand in for cinderella being a fake princess is main kid being a fake... famous shoe designer? People at this gala think he’s like this super secret yet already accomplished sneaker designer. I ask, who cares. If you all like the shoe so much what does it matter.
1:09:05 “How will I find you again???” YOU WENT TO HIS HOUSE
1:14:41 they couldn’t get one person actually involved in the sneaker business to cameo in this? Jeff Staple could not have been busy.
1:16:31 the choreography in these songs needs to be seen to be believed.
1:17:00 in this version, it is not a matter of who fits the shoe, because the girlfriend knows exactly what he looks like. Literally just a matter of her glancing at someone and being like “no not you.”
1:19:50 the third act of every Cinderella story movie is such a chore. Its a trial and error thing by this point but no we 34% more shit going on
1:21:47 step brother characters are the best in the movie, no contest. Every face these guys make I’m weak
1:23:23 okay I think I like this villain song. It’s not good but also it’s very good. Also bizarre to have the villain song be the last song but do you, movie.
1:25:26 main kid is so reluctant to participate in his own movie they invented a friend character to drag him everywhere. Just noticed how frustrating this is. Whole movie he’s just “oh, i dunno, what if they laugh at me :(((”
1:26:10 “you lied to me!” “no, it’s a misunderstandng” there are twenty minutes left plz we dont have time for this i wanna go to bed
1:30:12 nearly ninety minutes later and the narrator is back for one line. Editing marvel, this.
1:32:32 the only “hrm unrealistic much” thing I subscribe to is characters waking up with makeup on, shit’s so stupid
1:35:36 once you notice there’s only two exterior sets you can’t go back
1:38:28 in the universe of this film, Sneaker Con takes place in the lobby of an apartment building
1:38:28 “they’re 1:1...just like you :))))))))))))))))))))” I’m very tired
1:41:20 the best musicals have you forgetting its a musical until the next song happens
1:43:44 this writer is a Hamilton fan, I can sniff out these things
1:47:10 jury’s out on whether this writer knows what a Yeezy is. Couldve done with some deep cuts like, idk, British Knights. Or Rick Owens, those are in right now. But I also buy they had literally only heard of Air Jordans before committing to make this movie.
1:49:31 counting returning writers, this was written by nine people.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
AirLock Anon 
Collage AU shits 
You could swear up down and sideways. It was completely OUT OF YOUR HANDS. They didn’t give a shit, they never did. 
“Y/nnn it’s your favorite coffee drinker heeereee! How are you my lovely maiden?” Actor hummed opening the cafe’s door and falling on the couch. “Hm debatable.” You sighed as you grabbed a large coffee from the back. Already made to his liking. Picky ass-
“Awe have you been expecting me? Really am I that common!” He laughed at his own joke as you returned to the counter slamming your head down on the shelf. 
“Your lucky it’s free and the Manager likes the collage-“ you sighed and walked to the back grabbing a blanket and tossing it over yourself. “Blankie time.” You hummed and waddled your sassy self back out front. 
You heard another bell as you walked out. “Hello Googs, Bong.” You snicked at your joke as Google [his nickname since you forgot his actual name. Same with Bing] Bing only really reacted as Google just sat down and started studying. 
Bing on the Other hand was one of Google’s siblings, almost equally smart, just more- Teen then Google allowed himself. “Here ya go, and give Googs his? I’m literally so tired because someone if I mention his name he will appear decided not to leave. So I just had to stay the night so he didn’t appear in my house.” 
“WHOO?? Meeeee?” Wilford Appeared from the back making you jump. “YES-“ you yelped as he walked from the back and pet the dogs. 
“Alrighty! GOOGLE haha I GOTS YA COFFEE!” You sighed and just tossed off your apron to your poor coworker and laid down next to Google and Bing. “Are you alright?” “No.” “Sounds right.” You stopped a laugh keeping the blanket on your lap but spread it to Google’s and Bing’s. 
“My coworker can get me if they need help THAT bad.” You mumbled leaning on Google’s shoulder yawning. He froze up and you mumbled a quick. “Explain those thingies again? Smart shit makes me sleep faster.” 
Google sighed and started talking about the periodic table. [my favorite other then geology <3] you closed your eyes and just listened to him speak as he also studied for a quiz. Knowing him he probably found out about a pop quiz before everyone else. 
You just sighed falling more and more asleep. So what if he was probably hella buff and sassy, and smart. He was a pillow for now if you could help it. 
Yessss college au time!!!
Imagine Actor being all jealous you feel asleep against Google and not him gjdhgh
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: Your boyfriend (Bokuto, Lev, Oikawa) is like a giant toddler when you’re involved
Genre: Fluff
A/N: Hi guys! I don’t think people really read these so I just wanna say Requests are Open, KITHES ❤️
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• You knew your boyfriend was a little childish but right now as he wines at you, you smacked your forehead
“Please let go to the store with you!”
“Bo, you can’t! You should stay here and shower you’re all stinky from practice!”
• He pouted at you calling him stinky
“I’ll shower fast and then can we go?”
• He gave you his puppy dog eyes before you screwed your eyes shut to not look, but when he wrapped his arms around you-
• He jumped excitedly kissing you before running off making you smile
• You pulled out your list and looked around the house, trying to think of more things you might need but forgot
• Once Bokuto came back down he smiled
“Ready? Let’s go!”
• Dragging you out, you followed laughing at how excited he was. You never usually took him to the store because you would go when he had practice but today you were busier so settled for later in the day
• As you two entered the big store you smiled at how big his eyes went before you grabbed a shopping basket
• Automatically Bokuto followed you wherever you went
• It wasn’t until you got to the fruit isle that you looked around, your boyfriend not behind you anymore
• You smacked your forehead sighing
“I should probably go look for him... he’ll get sad if he’s lost for too long.”
• While you looked for your boyfriend, he was settled on the floor, hugging his legs to his chest at amazement of the little Owl figurine that held a little bowl for keys and such
• He grabbed a box
“Y/n can we get one!”
• You were gone... now he was scared and looking around frantically for you hugging the box with the owl figure inside to his chest
• He started walking trying his best to find you but couldn’t, a pout starting to form on his face, his Spikey hair now deflating at the thought that he lost you
• As you looked around you heard the intercom speaker go on
“L/n Y/n, your boyfriend is waiting for you at the front of the store, I repeat, L/n Y/n, your boyfriend is waiting for you at the front of the store.”
• You giggled, of course someone found your boyfriend and asked him what was wrong
• You walked over to him, seeing him hugging a box sadly looking down at his shoes
• Holding your basket in one hand and brushing his hair up, you leaned down you look at him smiling
“Hi baby, you get lost?”
• He automatically lit up and smiled at you
“You found me! Look at this!”
• He showed you the small owl figurine, to which you smiled at him nodding to let him know you’ll get it
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Atsumu: So... now Bokuto is scared of going to the store?
• Bokuto nodded at his team mate, while you laughed
Sakusa: That’s to be expected...
Bokuto: Sakusa :(
• You hugged Bokuto making his smiled again while Sakusa laughed silently too about the story
“I swear, one second I was looking at the cool owl and the next y/n was gone!”
“She left you on purpose.”
“Shut up corn head!”
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“Y/n, I need you to find a way to calm your boyfriend.”
• You looked at Kuroo with a confused face before seeing your boyfriend running around the gym chasing Inuoka
“Give it back!”
“But that ball is mine!”
“It doesn’t have your name on it!”
• You sighed before walking into the Gym, This caused Lev to take a U turn and grab onto you
“Well at least I have Y/n! She’s mine!”
• You smiled patting your boyfriends head placing a kiss on his cheek
• He gasped in excitement - although you found this extremely adorable he seemed a little hyper
“What’d you eat today Lev?”
“Candy! I ate a lot of it! I went to the store earlier to buy snacks and I saw a bunch of candy on sale!”
• The whole team groaned, Lev was sugar high
• You sigh at your boyfriend in front of you trembling with excitement
“You know if you eat too much candy you’ll get a cavity.”
• He smiled and shook his head
“I don’t get cavities!”
• Everyone was now looking at him like he grew two head, Yaku marching up to him and grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him
“Are you an idiot?! I hope you get a cavity you dumb beanpole!”
• Lev dizzily hid behind you while you looked back at him
“He’s right my love, and your tooth could get a hole in your tooth.”
• His eyes widened staring at you
“Does that mean if I have holes in my teeth you wouldn’t kiss me anymore?”
“Lev n-“
“Yeah! And she’ll come date me because I don’t have holes in my teeth!”
“Shut up Yamamoto.”
• You shook your head but your boyfriend was already pouting at you, you placed a gentle kiss on his nose
“Y/n from now on I won’t eat candy for you!”
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
“So now... he doesn’t eat candy?”
• You shook your head looking at the young first years, your own second year boyfriend being kicked around by Kenma now
“He does, he had a secret stash I found a month after the incident but I don’t tell him I know because he’ll probably cry.”
• The first years nodded and tried to understand but they really didn’t
“Yeah I don’t get it either, he made that whole thing up himself but whatever.”
• At the pounding of feet of the gym floor you look over only to be attacked in a hug by your boyfriend
“Y/nnnnn! Stop paying attention to them and pay attention to meeeee!”
“Okay okay.... you big baby.”
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• Right now you were being dragged down the hall to the gym by Iwaizumi
“Where are we going Iwa?!”
“Where are we going?! YOU are going to the gym to fix your boyfriend!”
• He stopped and raised his eyebrow at you
“You two didn’t break up?”
• Your heart fell at the thought, making you worry
“Didn’t- no we didn’t break up? Is he going to?”
“He was running around the gym screaming he’s not practicing because you don’t love him anymore?”
“Why would he say that?”
• Iwa shrugged as you thought back on your day, you two were fine earlier? He was walking you to class, he kept calling you cute, and you gave him a few kisses but-
“Oh my gosh...”
“I know what it was it was-“
✿ *Earlier That Day* ✿
• You stopped your walk to school to see your boyfriend jogging up to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder
“Hi my love, how was the rest of your day yesterday?”
“Good! I went to get my haircut, got home and took care of my nephew, I taught him a few new tricks to playing volleyball!”
• You smiled, you loved how he took the time to teach his nephew Volleyball
“Oh! Last time I saw him he was kind of dreading playing because he wanted to play his new game, how’d he go this time?”
• Oikawa pouted at you before replying
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• Iwaizumi face palmed
“So he’s upset because-“
“Because I didn’t compliment his haircut and went on to ask about his nephew.”
• Iwa sighed at this and shook his head
“I’m sorry, I thought you broke up because he said ‘she cares about him more than me’ but I guess it wasn’t your fault.”
• As you two entered the gym Kunimi smiled at you and waved shyly while Kindaichi glared at you, you sighed
• I guess that they all are upset with me, you thought as Mattsun and Makki approached you
Makki: Why is flattykawa pouting
Mattsun: Yeah I cant take it anymore if he blows his nose in my shirt one more time I’m curb stomping him 😘
• You laughed lightly before explaining the situation to them making Makki nod and Mattsun grumble in annoyance
• You patted his shoulder and saw a sulking Oikawa in the corner, head in his knees that are hugged to his chest and face looking at the wall
• You walked up to him and hugged him from behind
“I like your haircut my love.”
• Oikawa beamed, knocking you back as he stood up, you looked at him smirking down at you
“I know huh? It’s really nice, of course you’d like my haircut-“
• You kicked his legs making him fall, the boys now cackling at their captain groaning on the floor
“Say I don’t love you again and I’ll get Mattsun to curb stomp you.”
• Oikawa laughed lightly before you crawled over placing a kiss on his cheek
“Because I love you, I don’t wanna hear you say I don’t.”
• He sat up carefully grabbing your face, and kissing you
• You giggled looking to see Mattsun and Makki shielding the first years eyes and Iwa groaning at the two of you
“You’re annoying shittykawa.”
“Am not!”
“You really are, I was dragged here for this.”
“Y/n! ☹️”
• You and Iwa got an earful of complaining that day on the walk home from school :p
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