#like getting 100 lego pieces but not having the box or instructions
remysgamingsideblog · 3 months
one thing i really appreciate about gbf is that whenever i decide i wanna take grid building more seriously, it feels like the game awards me with good rng
anyway i just got michael from my 100 free pulls today
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minuy600 · 4 months
LEGO On A Budget 2024 #6: 60400 Go-Karts and Race Drivers & 71428 Yoshi's Egg-cellent Forest
You'd be surprised to know- It seems as if we will end this series on exactly 10 blog posts. We've got 6 normal sets left to cover after this, then 4 more that I can only nab online. I didn't think it would go by this fast! Of course, i'll make new posts covering whatever comes out after March as well, though those will most likely be sporadic for a while, with LEGO's tactic of releasing most of their stuff in January and July and whatnot.
LEGO City - 60400 Go-Karts and Race Drivers
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God, this one. You wouldn't think 2 dinky karts would have 99 pieces total, but I suppose it does. It didn't particularly feel that way though. As you possibly could've guessed, both of these builds are close to identical. Why they felt the need to make two seperate manuals for both karts, I have no clue. They are VERY thin.
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Thankfully though, I actually do like the designs. I think the colors are more unique than a lot of what City has put out, especially the neon colored one. My personal bias also takes some joy in the small racing car builds in general, I think i've mentioned here before that I was a big Lego Racers kid in the 2000s. Been a bit since i've seen these small wheels that throw me back big time. Still, i'm not sure if this should've been a full set, this could've rather easily been two seperate polybags in my opinion.
LEGO Super Mario - 71428 Yoshi's Egg-cellent Forest
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And here we go. Wahoo. Yippee, mamma mia, let's a go. It's LEGO Sup Mama. The franchise I have the most embarrassing feelings for, after all, it's Super Mario Advance 2 that introduced me to non-PC gaming after all. I was never TOO interested in grabbing these sets untill now, but this set may have convinced me to change my mind.
Now there's some odd choices made with the way this one's been packaged. This is the *smallest* box i've yet seen so far, or at least it's among the smallest. And that whiie it's the first box with over 100 pieces contained inside AND has a pretty thick instruction book with 3 sacks included. Weird, makes it seem less significant while it's decently substantial. At least when compared to the frickin' Goomba's Shoe set.
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For what it IS though, hoo, this is a nice set. Building these Yoshis was verrry satisfying, they look great and have a good amount of heft. I am not sure if I like the fact I had to effectively do the same thing twice though (sound familiar?). The tree canopy and the egg top it all off to make it remarkably faithful to the funny hoohoo man's franchise, and pleasant to the eye and hands.
...If it wouldn't fall apart so damn easily. I had so much trouble lifting this one into my cabinet cuz the green piece that attaches the platforms together would keep getting loose, and more frustatingly, the Yoshi duo also wouldn't be too stable on their little stand pieces. That does put a bit of a damper on things, though I wouldn't call it a dealbreaker, moreso something you need to be mindful off when holding it in it's entirety.
Current rankings:
Go-Karts and Race Drivers is ultimately decent. It's not something I am dying to do again, I better hope there ain't another car set coming up, though it's got some merit in subtle ways, particularly those aforementioned unique colors. For that, it tops the 'lower tier', aka anything below the Fire Rescue Motorcycle.
Yoshi's Egg-cellent Forest (haaaaaaaaa) is certainly the most visually pleasing set, and hey, it's from a franchise I really hold close. I don't think it deserves top marks because of it's fragility and has you build the same thing twice. Gets pretty close though. This is gonna be the new number 4, beating out Mateo's Off-Road Car.
City - 60411 Fire Rescue Helicopter
Marvel - 76275 Motorcycle Chase: Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock
Ninjago - 71805 Jay's Mech Battle Pack
Super Mario - 71428 Yoshi's Egg-cellent Forest
DREAMZzz - 71471 Mateo's Off-Road Car
Friends - 42607 Autumn's Baby Cow Shed
City - 60401 Construction Steamroller
City 4+ - 60410 Fire Rescue Motorcycle
City - 60400 Go-Karts and Race Drivers
Friends - 42612 Cat Playground Adventure
Minecraft - 21251 Steve's Desert Expedition
City 4+ - 60399 Race Car
Time to climb back into Kruidvat's walls and get grabby with this new sale they're having. See ya next time!
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demobatbricks · 30 days
LEGO Walt Disney Tribute Camera Review
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Lights, camera, action! With the release of the Disney 100 dedicated sets, so too came a camera dedicated to the history of Disney with its' many references.
Does the camera recapture Disney's history and Walt's hard work or fall short of the mark? Let's find out.
Design & Build
Consisting of 811 pieces and six bagged instructions, the build starts with the Walt Disney minifigure, the clapperboard display stand and the mirrored image display that attaches to the stand. For the most part this section is fairly simple and turns out great once completed.
Bags 2 through 6 is where things get interesting. Instead of starting the base of the camera with the legs, the build continues with the middle section of the camera that holds both the legs and the upper portion of the camera together.
The middle section is built using a mixture of system and technic parts and was an interesting choice to start with that instead of building from the bottom and going up as the build goes on along with the rest of the minifigures consisting of Mickey, Minnie, Dumbo and Bambi. The black & white look of Mickey & Minnie match the feel of the old timey camera which is an added plus instead of recycling the standard Mickey & Minnie minifigures seen in other sets. They all sit nicely on the clapperboard with the exception of Bambi which wasn't molded like a traditional minifigure.
The next part of the build is the legs and the stand that the legs clip into to hold everything together. The legs are a tad simplistic and repetitive but that works into the build's favor as while you build three of them, it's pretty much the same steps to build them with the same piece count needed for each step. The small stand is build using a nice mix of system and technic pieces which give the previous sections the stability needed to be locked into place.
Bags 4 through 6 are the construction of the actual camera which holds some nice features which include the option to place Walt into the camera itself which is an awesome touch. The construction of the lenses is unique as there's the mini rotating lenses an old school camera would have along with the main lens.
The final section consists of the building of the "100" (The 1 is removable as well to make it look like a standard camera) atop the camera and the attachment of the film strip on both the top and bottom ends and contains references to classics and recent Disney films like The Little Mermaid, Fantasia, The Lion King, Frozen and Encanto. The film strip is an awesome addition to the set as it pays homage to Disney's history. The strip can be a little finicky to attach but it isn't anything overly difficult.
Final Thoughts
At $99.99, this is an excellent value for what kind of build you get whether you're a Disney fan or not. The build isn't too overly difficult by any means nor too repetitive with the exception of constructing the tripod legs. The clapperboard and mirror picture mini build turn out excellent and give a spot to display the minifigures. The film strip which comes in a separate box is a neat nod to Disney's history with a quality selection of films.
+ Film strip is an awesome addition with quality Disney films
+ A simplistic enough and yet fun build
+ Walt, Mickey & Minnie minifigures look dedicated to time period
+ Awesome value for what you get
-Camera can be a little wobbly if touched or moved
Design & Build: 5/5
Difficulty: 2.75/5
Fun Factor: 5/5
Final Score & Grade:
12.75/15 (85%) (B)
Recommendation: Buy
0 notes
nichknack · 5 years
Irondad where Peter get’s in an accident that requires him to have his own arc reactor (temp or perma). Or alternatively for something less ‘intense’, Peter ropes Tony into building a lego set with him via challenge that it would be too difficult for the Invincible Tony Stark.
BOTH OF THOSE ARE SO GOOD OH MY GOD. But I will never pass up the opportunity to geek out over lego modules. I also ended up making this christmas-y? Because it may be nearly 100 f where I am right now, but fuck it. It’s December. 
Peter was practically shaking. He stared down at the massive box balanced in his arms, the cover only just visible through the strip he’d torn through the wrapping.  
When he’d suggested a Secret Santa, Peter had done so expecting his fellow Avengers to swap boxes of chocolates and gift cards and badly knitted socks. Standard Secret Santa Affair. Now that he was holding a Lego Millenium Falcon–a module he knew cost at least $1200–he realised just how naive he’d been. 
“Merry Christmas, Kid,” Tony said, his voice muffled slightly by the chocolate Rhodey had bought him. 
Peter swallowed hard and carefully pulled away the last of the red-and-green wrapping paper. Suddenly, the hand-decorated mug he’d made Natasha (black with spider-pals carefully printed in red paint) seemed entirely inadequate. “This…this is amazing, Mr Stark.” He hugged the box close to his chest. “Thank you so much!” 
Tony waved his hand. “It’s no big deal.” 
No big deal?! “Mr Stark, it’s over 7000 pieces.” It put Ned’s Death Star to shame. 
Tony popped another chocolate into his mouth. “That’ll take you, what? An Hour?” 
“That, plus a couple more.” It was taking all of his self-control to not rip open the box and get started there and then. However, Happy and Aunt May chose that moment to announce that the turkey was ready, which meant that the Millennium Falcon had to wait on the coffee table. 
Aunt May had insisted on cooking a “proper turkey” for the Avenger’s Christmas party. It felt so strange for Peter to think those words. It was only a couple of years ago that he’d been just another kid from Queens, and now Captain America was passing him Mash Potatoes while the Norse God of Thunder argued with a talking racoon over who got the last Turkey Leg. It felt weirdly surreal. 
By the end of the hour, the plates and bowls had been well and truly picked clean. Vision (and by proxy, Wanda) offered to take care of the washing up, despite Pepper’s insistence that it would be taken care of. Natasha and Clint succumbed to a food coma and Peter Quill insisted that JARVIS find a way to play Frosty The Snowman on the Avenger’s massive TV screen. Slowly, but surely the Tower began the slow wind down into a relaxed Christmas haze.
Peter tucked the lego box under his arm and retreated to the workshop he and Tony shared. He had a room in the Avenger’s tower, but it lacked the personality of the other member’s. Which made sense, he supposed. It wasn’t like he lived there full-time like some of the others. 
He cleared his workbench opened the box–which, as it turned out, contained a further five smaller boxes. The sheer number of pieces laid out before him Peter want to jump with joy. 
A sharp whistle echoed around the room. “I’ve seen misles less complicated than that thng,” Tony said, peering over Peter’s shoulder. 
“75192 pieces,” Peter said proudly. “But…I mean, you’d already know that. You bought it.” 
As he spoke Tony picked up the building manual and start thumbing through. “I’d have killed for something like this when I was a kid.” 
That struck Peter as a little odd. He’d figured that the son of a billionaire would be able to afford a few lego sets. He swallowed hard. “You could help me,” he offered. “Me and Ned usually build them together.” 
Tony didn’t look up from the instructions, but he made a small ‘pft’ noise. “It’s your toy, kid. I’m a bit too old for them.” 
Peter raised an eyebrow. “It’s not a toy,” he said before actually thinking. “It’s a module kit.” 
There was a loud flutter as Tony flicked the book shut. “My mistake.”  
Peter held up the box, tapping the 16+ label with his finger. “Lego isn’t just for kids, you know?”
Tony frowned at the box. “I guess I’m gonna have to send it back then, you’re too young–”
“I’m sixteen!” 
“Right, right.” Tony walked over to his own workbench where one of his gauntlets lay in pieces. “Do you mind if I work on my grown-up project while you play with your toy? Quill’s singing and I don’t want to lose my hearing.” 
Peter twisted his lip. “You know, Mr Stark, the Millenium Falcon is supposed to be the hardest lego set ever released.” That just earned him a hum in reply. So, Peter leaned back on his heels. “I’m getting the feeling Tony Stark is intimidated by lego.”
Tony looked up from his workbench, his eyes narrowed. “I know what you’re pulling, kid,” he said. “I’ve fought monsters from outer space. I can handle a children’s toy.” “I know, I know.” Peter put on his best and most innocent smile. “I’m not saying you can’t. I’m just wondering if a man that could would be so militantly against giving it a go.” 
For a long moment, Tony didn’t move, his eyes locked with Peter’s. “Fine.” He threw up his hands. “Don’t tell anyone I don’t care about the fans.” 
Peter’s smile became a full-tooth grin. “Cool!” He quickly caught himself and cleared his throat. “Cool,” he repeated, a little gentler this time. 
Tony dragged a stool over to Peter’s bench and reached for the instruction manual again.  “JARVIS?” he called out. 
“Yes, Sir?” the robotic voice echoed around the room. 
“Put some music on for us, would you? And keep it PG, I get the feeling we’re gonna be here a while.”
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andysawesometoybox · 2 years
A-Team Van and Figures. Playmobil. 2021
Growing up, I was never really a Playmobil fan. I had a couple of the figures and maybe a set of theirs, I was more of a Lego kid. But overall Playmobil were never really on my radar both as a kid or an adult.
However, a few years ago, that all changed. Playmobil started putting out various vehicles, playsets and figures based on popular classic licences. It was a bold and interesting move to be sure. Lego, for example, have delt with established licences for decades now and although they are no stranger to the more focused classic licences, it always felt like they stayed closer to the more popular and current brands: Star Wars, Marvel etc.
For a company like Playmobil, that was very much always known for kid’s toys, to venture into very specifically retro and classic brands, felt like they were taking a gamble by so clearly shifting their focus to the older, grown up collectors’ market. And considering that I am very much in that demographic, it’s a move that suits me fine.
As for the brands themselves, I believe Ghostbusters was there first real go at it (that’s a story for another time), but steadily, they’ve created some really interested pieces from the various classic licences that they’ve acquired. 
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One such piece is the A-Team Van and accompanying figures. This is a really good example of the rather bold change in customer focus. The A-Team, for those that don’t know, was an American action/adventure TV show from the early 80s about a ragtag group of former army misfits who were on the run from a crime that they didn’t commit. Each week, while trying to lay low from the authorities, they’d help some town, or people in need from whatever low life bad guy or gang were terrorising them at the time. It was awesome, I loved it. It started Mr-T, who was massive at the time and my first real hero.
Now, as awesome as that show was, and it’s definitely achieved cult status in some areas, I would hardly call it current. In fact, aside from a reboot movie in 2010, which was awesome by the way despite not setting the box office on fire, the A-Team has been pretty dormant for the better part of 35 years. So, this particular piece from Playmobil has a very specific demographic that they’re aiming up. Again, luckily for me, I’m it!
So, let’s talk about the toys themselves.
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The big show of this release is the van itself. The van was almost treated like a character in the show. For those that know the show, its design is pretty iconic and Playmobil have NAILED it here. Playmobil have beautifully recreated the GMC Vandura van that they used in the show, complete with the black and metallic grey colour scheme and iconic red stripe and spoiler. Everything about the outward look of this piece is 100% on point here, I cannot fault it at all. Like most of the Playmobil sets, it comes with a small amount of assembly and decal applying, but it’s nothing too difficult. It all snaps together pretty easily and the instructions are really clear and straightforward. The decals are a little bit fiddly, but that’s probably more down to me than it is the actual stickers themselves. 
One of the things that I do find odd, and this has been my experience of all of the Playmobil sets that I’ve gotten so far, is that some of the decals are already on the pieces when you take them out of the box and some of them aren’t. That always slightly confuses me. Also, I do feel sometimes that they add a few too many, and slightly pointless decals onto their pieces. For example, the white parts the lights sticking out of the front grill, are stickers. That felt a little unnecessary but maybe that’s just me. Overall, though, as stated, the assembly of the piece is pretty easy.
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Once everything’s all together, you get a sense of it. The back doors open to show the internal mobile command centre of the A-Team, that also has the back passenger seats as well as a good number of little accessories that go it in (more on that in a bit). Similarly, the back section has a sliding door on the right side of the van, that opens outwards, although, this doesn’t not open very wide and I feel like this is more decorative than it is functional. I am into it, but it does have a tendency to pop off if you pull it a little too hard, however, it’s easily to reattach. These two opening entrances, however, are not the only, nor are they even the main ways into the back section of the van. 
The roof itself is removable and gives you far better access to the back section so you can easily place the figures inside. You can also get a much better look at the back section as well and see all the fantastic detail that’s gone into it. It’s really great and can even serve as a way to display it if you want to. This part, in particular, really reminds me of the A-Team van that Galoob released back in the 80s when the show was on. That version too had a similar removable roof and was also a similar size to Playmobil’s version. The Galoob version though is very, very rare and is usually very expensive when it does appear on the secondary market.  
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(Photo from www.lulu-berlu.com)
Once the roof is off, you can then easily remove the front of the drivers cab to access the two seats in the front and place your figures into said seats and have them appear to be driving. Once again, a good amount of detail has gone into the sculpt of the driver’s cab, although, there looks like there are spaces for decals of the various dials behind the steering well, but there were none. A little odd when you consider what they DID make decals of. The figures fit neatly into the driver and front passenger seat and stay seated quite nicely, unlike the back section seats where they slide all over the place. The feet of which ever figure you want to drive, fit neatly under the steering wheel. Again, this is a wonderful testament to the clear mission statement of Playmobil with their recent licenced pieces, that they really care about providing incredibly detailed products that respect the brand that they are emulating. Once you have your figures where you want them, the various removable sections easily pop back into the place and once again, you have a whole looking A-Team van and it’s out of this world brilliant.
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This brings me to the accessories and, really, my only real downside of the piece. I say downside, it’s more of me probably being a bit nitpicky. The accessories are cool but there are WAY TOO MANY OF THEM…for me anyway. It comes with a toolbox, but SO.MANY.TOOLS. They don’t all fit in and there’s no cool compartment in the van itself to put them in. So you just sort of throw them in there, but then they rattle around. Or you put them somewhere like an accessories box where they may get lost or whatever and it all just feels really unnecessary. It also comes with an air canister that sort of fits behind one of the seats. There also various small bits that clip to the inner wall in the back section, like various sticks of dynamite, walkie talkies etc. That’s pretty cool. By far, the most out there and probably the deepest cuts when it comes to possible easter eggs pretending to be accessories is the milk cartons. In the TV show, Mr T’s character, B.A (Bad Attitude) Baracus, was famously afraid of flying. Each week the show writers would think up more elaborate ways of the rest of the team knocking B.A out so they could get him on a plane. One such way was spinking some milk. Of course, I am only assuming that this is what these particular milk cartons are referencing but seeing as they came with their OWN decals that needed applying, I felt they were pretty important.
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The set comes with four figures representing the four members of the A-Team.
B.A Baracus (Mr-T), Hannibal Smith (George Peppard), Face (Dirk Benedict) and ‘Howling Mad’ Murdock (Dwight Schultz).
The figures are clearly Playmobil in style, yet they perfectly capture the look of the characters from the show. B.A sports Mr-T’s trademark mohawk and gold jewellery, Murdock comes with a sock puppet accessory for his hand and Face and Hannibal just look perfect in their get ups. Playmobil really did a beautiful job with these figures.
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This is a wonderful piece, and an absolute must have for any fan of the A-Team. I was very lucky to get this as a birthday present from my wonderful wife. I absolutely love that Playmobil took the chance and made this. I have no idea how well this has sold but I have one and it’s brilliant.
Score: 9/10
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pleasantblazepatrol · 3 years
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mandimormon-blog · 7 years
Once upon a time in a village named Covington.  A vibrant, young housewife polished her floors to reduce pathogens transmitted by bodily fluids (primarily vomit).  She scrubbed and scrubbed the tiles with a brush assuring each square was meticulously cleansed and free of germs.  She mopped the entire home, freshly.  Just then, the smaller, younger, less feisty girl on this given day, entered the bathroom, and in a blink of an eye explosive diarrhea splattered across the bathroom, covering the girl’s clothing, the bathtub rug and virtually every square of tile in the entire room. 
We’ll call this story Monday. (In case you were wondering, I repeated the process of sanitation.  Names of persons have been protected.  If you don’t have children and you find this story gross or inappropriate, good luck in your future.) Since the morning routine had been unusual, getting just two kids ready for school, while trying to separate them from the illness occurring in the same little cottage, when my son arrived home after school, and had been hanging out for over an hour, Remi realized he'd worn his pants backwards, all day long, and the zipper was unzipped in the back, displaying the perfect view of his Big Hero 6 undies.  Wow.
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On Tuesday morning, my oldest daughter said to me, “Mom, I want to make a unicorn for my Valentine’s Day box.”  Admittingly, I was up for the challenge but a part of me thought back to simpler times, when I was an elementary-aged child and Pinterest didn’t exist.   We didn’t get samples of the best of the best Valentine boxes ever made in the history of crafting.  
Here came the moment I’d been waiting to happen for months.  Which ‘recycled’ or ‘repurposed’ boxes from my storage closet would be utilized and which ones would be truly “recycled”?  If you missed it, several weeks ago, I wall-posted a friend of mine who happens to be the blogger behind “Save Time, Make Time”.   My predicament was – I long to be a minimalist.  I dislike clutter and too much “stuff”. But I’m not a true minimalist, because I will occasionally buy paper products for convenience and drink out of a plastic water bottle.  I have my shortcomings, as we discovered in ‘Purgeney 2017’.  Regardless, Lamora wrote a spot-on-topic blog focusing on how to organize these items that seem to get tossed into my utility closet into an unruly heap.  Things like plastic bags, used gift bags, grocery sacks (ALDI shoppers unite!), and cardboard boxes.  
After her inspiration, I organized this closet.   I even put a couple of nails into a board 1) to hang my grocery sacks on and 2) to manage clothes to be donated < #organized  - I give a half laugh at that because of the current status of my closet upstairs, it’s better.  After recycling two ginormous bags full of paperwork, but FAR from perfect.  Another side bar, I hate staples.  I broke two nails in the process from ripping staples out of schoolwork.  After I was finished with hours of sorting, organizing, and recycling, there were probably 57 (no joke) staples I had to clean up.  
Did you know you could create a unicorn out of two empty cereal boxes, an empty oatmeal box, and a square kettle box?  You can. Magical crafting supplies include duct tape, a white roll of paper, a variety of colorful crepe paper, and a Sharpie.
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I’d done extensive Pinterest research on choice Valentine’s Day boxes.  I had even found a few unicorns but Reis wasn’t impressed she wanted a very specific head-shape, like the unicorn emoji.  So, on her handy, dandy Chromebook (I wonder if modern-day Steve from Blue’s Clues would have a Chromebook?), she pulled up Google Images and showed me.  Maybe I’m not remembering accurately, because it was a few days ago now, but I think at that point there was the sound of dramatic scissor chopping, duct tape tearing, and my eyebrow lifted slightly higher on one side, as I glanced back and forth at my cardboard and at the screen of the “perfect unicorn representation”.
As did my thing, Reis did hers.  She chopped three strips of crepe paper, out of each piece of approximately 18 inches, in each of her desired colors.  She was very particular over this.  She also chopped hearts out of the glitter duct tape, printed her name, and cut small pieces of “frayed” white crepe to add texture on a couple of the sides of the box.  Very clever.
It only took a couple of hours, start-to-finish, and a Dollar General Run for tape, glitter duct tape, and more crepe paper, and it was done.  Voila!  Presto!  
The crown of the unicorn head, (I’m guessing it’s the crown - like a human head), there’s a flap we taped, and double taped, and triple taped  - in every direction – maybe 22 times – to allow entry for Valentines!  
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Too much detail?  I apologize.   Let me briefly explain Remi’s Valentine Box (which is actually a bucket).  Sure, this isn’t in chronological order, Remi went with me to the Dollar Store a couple of days before unicorn crafting, to select her supplies.  She, too, had found a great example of a cupcake on Pinterest. She loved it!  The thing is, this pinner somehow had access to a rounded piece of foam and was able to shove all of her pieces of tissue paper into that to secure it.  We had no such luck with a rounded piece of foam.  But while shopping Remi came up with the idea we could probably use a bowl. Best suggestion ever.  We found a cheap plastic bowl, a plastic bucket, tissue paper (ripped into strips), a red bouncy ball, cardstock for the cupcake liner, and about 24 glue sticks to secure the tissue paper to the plastic bowl. Thanks to my husband’s handy work, he cut the perfect circle in the bowl for the “cherry” or the red ball to fit on top. Kids insert their cards and candy through that, and it falls into the “cupcake”.  
This project, too, was a little bit time consuming.  I had a meeting on Monday night so after getting about ¼ of the way through it with Miss Remi, I had a short recess but came right back to hot gluing the night away, when I returned.  Remi helped by gathering a couple of strips of tissue paper in the color she wanted (she wanted a pattern, friends), and folding those, using a small elastic to tie around each piece and fluffing it.  Then I’d place glue and she’d carefully stick it down to the bowl.  She was happy to be able to take it to school the next morning.  
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A piano lesson, a basketball practice, a choral performance of the Star-spangled Banner, a basketball game, a trip to the Temple, an afternoon enjoying PERFECT weather, and The Lego Batman Movie.
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This was just the latter-half of the week.  A few time slots in our schedule were double-booked.  For example, baseball camp.  Oh, baseball camp.  
I will never be prepared when unexpected tantrums arise.  I have two examples from this weekend.  
This first concerning baseball camp – we arrived on Saturday morning a few minutes later than our goal. There was much scurrying around the house, beforehand, it didn’t help I, personally, was running behind after running. So much so that I didn’t shower… yeah, that happens, a lot.  I sometimes have to blow the sweat dry in my hair, because that’s the only option I have. Saturday mornings seem to be notorious for my children turning off their listening ears.  I only said, “Please get your shoes on.”  or “Get your shoes on.”  or “GET YOUR SHOES ON NOW!” – only like 18x.   I asked my oldest daughter and her friend to straighten up her bedroom and get into real clothes, as opposed to pajamas, because the day was expected to be glorious, as my two youngest and I shuffled out the door, to my younger daughter’s first basketball game of the season.  
Back to where I deviated from when beginning that last paragraph, we had to round up a jersey, go change into it, and by that point, the bleachers were almost full, so Jude and I opted to sit on the floor.  At this moment, Jude realized it was Saturday.  He realized Baseball Camp is on Saturdays.  Then he got really frustrated because he was upset I was prioritizing Remi’s first game over Baseball Camp.  He began to sob stating in between gasps, “I want to go to BASEBALL CAMP!”  Then he began to hit me every 15 seconds or so, out of anger.  He was clearly throwing a tantrum, which I hadn’t seen in months, not even in the privacy of our own home.  Being a child you always pick the most in-opportune moments to breakdown and give the illusion your parents suck and you don’t have to obey rules. There were only like 100+ other parents, grandparents, siblings, and kids, there, witnessing my child’s tantrum.
I didn’t speak under my breath, while gritting my teeth, (although I’ve used that method before, come on, we all have), I just ignored him.  I told him we couldn’t make it this week, we will try to make it next week. I didn’t threaten him (I’ve done that before, too).  I didn’t bribe him (this is my favorite choice while in public).  I just patiently waited until my husband arrived. Usually, I vocalize, “Your dad will be here in five seconds, cut it out.”  But I refrained.  He naturally quit when my husband arrived and said the exact same thing I said to him. “We couldn’t make it this week, we will make it next week.”  
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Why does it work for him and not me?  The world may never know, but this is how the dynamics are.  I’ve been told I lack a follow-through.  I threaten but it’s white noise, because my kids know I become soft and don’t follow through with punishment.  It’s honestly because I start considering how my children really are good kids, the choices they’re making are just because they’re independent. Should they respect their parents? Absolutely.  There’s a fine line, friends.  
Remi did great at her first game.  She was a little nervous but she made a couple of baskets and did a good job of listening to instruction.  She loves sports and physical fitness.  
When we returned home, I went to check on the oldest girls and guess what?  They were in their jammies, the room was a disaster, and they were watching a video on the Chromebook.  I reminded them 7x more (give or take), the room needed straightened up and they needed to get out and get some fresh air, but it was like I was speaking a foreign language.  
I bobbed and weaved around the house as I picked up shoes, and random items, wiped down counters, and threw laundry in.  I was trying to expedite the cleaning process so I, too, could get outside and enjoy the beautiful day.  My personality type will not allow me to “enjoy” anything until my tasks are done, otherwise, my stress levels rise.  I don’t think I’m the only one.  
I reminded my oldest, again, and again.  So, I sent my husband a text and said, I’d like for her to get outside but not until her room is cleaned up and she’s ignoring me, Ignoring me while I beat on the door over and over, again, because it’s locked.
A few minutes later, he walked through the door with a drill.  Without saying anything, he unlocked the door, and took the door down, as in removing it.  That was the moment crap it the fan.  This was the most ultimate punishment in the entire world, friends.  You would think that we grounded her for all eternity. Nope, just removed the door.  She had a complete and total meltdown.  The reason I’m saying this isn’t because it’s funny, (it’s a little funny because as an adult human, we know this is minor in an eternal perspective) but to shed light for other parents, sometimes something seemingly subtle can make the biggest different in obedience.  Through the complete meltdown, my husband told her if she changed her behavior he would put the door back on that night, but not until she changed.  
It worked!  It worked!  If you have a tween or an 11 going on 25 year-old, this could help you, too. You’re welcome.
Let me back all the way up to last Sunday, because I finally posted the last blog on Saturday.  Last Sunday, we had our Second Annual Sabbath Bowl!
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What is Sabbath Bowl? It’s exactly as it sounds.  We prepped some amazing superbowl-inspired appetizers, quite the spread.  We turned our dining room table into a football field and created two teams. This year it was the Lumpers v. Jedos. A set of Elders (or boy missionaries, as Jude calls them, usually 18+), and a set of Sister Missionaries (girls 19+) that are serving our Ward currently, or the church  building we attend, participated.  My mother attended this year, too.  She has vast knowledge of the Bible and that is our basis, a bible trivia game.  We began with our mini football on the 50 yard-line.  Coin toss gave possession to our starting team who answers questions until they can’t answer or answer incorrectly, gaining 10 yards with each correct answer.  If the question isn’t complete, the other team can intercept the ball.  Gram was on fire.  She carried her team to the lead and maintained a tie.  In fact, they were more than generous during a question for the other team (consisting of all males), or else the girls would’ve clinched the victory.  When the score was tied up the final question was a written question to see how many of the original apostles they could name, accurately.  The Jedos ended up with the win on this one, but Gram was still our Sabbath Bowl MVP for her biblical accuracy.  
This is such a great time that we feel like adding in an Olympic Games or Final Four version of this would be super great.  As soon as it was over I was ready for the Third Annual Sabbath Bowl, next year.  Is this how football fans feel about the Superbowl?  I wonder if next year we should add in some gospel-related commercials, like a mix between Taboo and Charades?  I enjoy doing the sports announcing for this activity.  It’s great to witness this game going down, so much passion! 
Here we are to Sunday, again.  The sun is shining gloriously outside.  I love the sun.  In my mind I wanted to take a family walk, but the wind is crazy out there.  I’m on a gluten-free cake pop kick, not for myself, I can’t eat that on AIP, but for anyone else.  I’m been making them like they’re going out of style.  Also, I found this yummy snack mix recipe that my children enjoy and I gave to our Young Women, at church, today, as a Valentine gift.  It’s super easy to make and it’s gluten-free!  Win-win.
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Do you remember that mantra kick I was on a couple of years ago?  Yeah, I think it was right after Time Out for Women, which is coming up, woot-woot! 
Anyway, in my head, I create mantras all of time like self-talk.  Sometimes it’s something like, “You can do hard things” or  “Just breathe.” or “Brussel Sprouts are good. You should like them.”  To be brutally honest, I was on a Brussel Sprout kick and now to think of them makes me want to gag.  Everything in moderation, even Brussel Sprouts.
There is a point, I promise.  The point or quote I recently have discovered and felt impressed to focus on is, “Nothing changes until YOU change.  Everything changes once YOU change.”   Apply that to everything.  To give you a visual or more personal example, consider these areas: Fitness, Health, Diet, Occupation, Education, Church Experience, Work Relationships, Marriage, Personal Relationships, Parenting, Budgeting - I could go on but those encompass a lot.  There’s a video circulating about how blaming lack of motivation is complete crap, as in it doesn’t exist.  This isn’t my advice to you, this is my advice to me.  I just wanted to remind everyone life isn’t perfect, my life definitely isn’t perfect and change is what’s going to make a true difference.  I don’t want to have a perfect life that’s not what I’m striving for, but I am trying to be better than I am, now (note: not better than anyone else but myself).  Progress is important - it’s growth.   Choices are what determine destiny.  
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: There is no room that I apologize for more than this one
And while I know we are all done apologizing, I physically can’t help it because I’m TRULY regretful that I can’t seem to figure this one out. When new people walk in I immediately distract them to the left, into the living room with a ‘nothing to see over there!’ vibe. It’s gotten better, thank god so today you are going to see where we are at now, and how I’m stuck and another epic DIY fail. When I started this playroom, the kids were 2 and 4. They are now 3 1/2 and 5 1/2 and if I don’t start speeding this up I will have two tweens no longer interested in playing ‘horsies’ or ‘inventor’. But I was distracted by the mountain house and at such a loss of what to do here that I just couldn’t. Here’s where we started: BEFORE: When we bought the house, it looked like the above photo. Sure, easy enough. It would be the playroom, er, TV room, er both… But I’d make it cozy…paint it really dark, not realizing that it would chop up the house so much and make it feel so much smaller. That was makeshift, obviously, with leftover furniture, not actually designed, but you get the idea. So we painted it light and got a sofa that was better scale for the space, but it was still a TV room with some toy storage in the back. (The sofa now lives in the apartment of our last Feel Good Flash Makeover. But then we realized that the kids really needed a playroom, a space just for them. We nixed the sofa and TV and brought in a bunch of toy storage. We made the same mistake that a lot of new parents make—too many toys, not enough that they actually play with or engage with for a long time. Bins of balls, action heroes and garbage that they pull out all day every day but they don’t really engage with. They liked the play kitchen, but the rest was mostly for other kids to be enamored with, not them. As much as I begged them to play dollhouse with me, they weren’t old enough. Even that adorable workbench that we got for them for Christmas sat totally untouched unless we did it with them. What they love are two things: arts and crafts and building things (think Legos). THE CHALLENGES: It’s a long skinny room that needs to function as the playroom (for now) but you see it IMMEDIATELY when you walk in. I actually wanted to put in some glass doors and somehow figure out how to decrease its importance and give it its own space (because someday it would be a great home office) but Brian wasn’t on board as he thought it would break up the space too much and make it feel smaller (it would). It has an architectural break in the wall, almost creating two different spaces, but it’s awkward. You can see it from many rooms on the first floor so it can’t scream TOYS and instead, should look pulled together. You know, as if an actual designer lives here, but I still want it to be playful and fun, you know, as if it’s an actual playroom. Additionally, the lighting felt too big. It doesn’t look like it in the photos, but I just wanted to simplify it a bit. After trying a million different layouts, I drew inspiration from, well, our preschool and had the idea that maybe where the wall juts out should be its own “room,” with cubby dividers creating walls and a sense of privacy for them. Not because they need privacy, but because creating zones seems like what little kids like, and areas where they can imagine and play felt right for their age. I was right and this was a huge hit with them. The good news: MURAL: I love that mural so much. I ordered it from Rebel Walls and you can size it exactly to your wall so it fits perfectly. And yes, we put it over the plaster wall because we didn’t want to skim coat over the original pretty plaster as we knew that someday we would likely remove it and then we’d have one flat wall. We customized the color to be a nice muted navy blue and white. It’s graphic yet exciting, as it’s not too busy and it’s playful in an old-world way (matching our 100-year-old English Tudor). LIGHTING: I switched out the lighting so that the sconces matched the living room (we stole two from the living room over the bookshelves and instead put in horizontal art lights—I’ll show you soon). They project less into the room but still provide nice lighting (the house has no can lighting and we didn’t put any in except for in the kitchen and bathrooms during the remodel). We switched out the ceiling fixture to be glass (from Rejuvenation) so it took up less visual space. It is raw brass so it will age really nicely. I love them both. RUG: The round rug really helps that space feel brighter and more playful. Obviously a round white rug in a playroom seems a bit nuts, so I bought an inexpensive one in hopes that if it only lasts for a couple of years, I’m at least not wasting too much money. The other options we considered are a darker round rug (which might have been a better choice long-term) or using Flor tiles. But out of desperation on a Saturday morning, I pressed “purchase” and you know what? It’s been TWO months and it still looks this white. It’s cheap, 100% polyester or rayon and for some reason, maybe that it’s such a high pile, it hasn’t stained at all. I came up with a genius rule that there are not paints in the craft room, which they don’t miss (remember we can play/paint year-round outside in LA) so it’s actually GREAT. ART TABLE: I bought the table a year ago and put on the taller legs that came with it so it’s a great height for them (and us) to sit at. I used Target stools that come with a different table that was too small, but we had leftover from another project. I wish they sold them on their own. Elliot sits here for HOURS a day. She spends more time drawing than I ever knew a child could. It’s amazing. BOOKCASES: I used that architectural break to divide the room with bookcases. They each take a side. On Charlie’s, he has his Legos (the kid is SUPER into Legos, guys) and he displays them on the top shelf. Birdie has a ton of beads, treasure boxes, princess crowns and horses. I already had these Pillowfort bookcases/cubbies from Target that were functional and great but the back of them had a wood/white detail that was too busy to be seen from the back. So here were our options: Make it look more “built-in” and cover it with with the same white as the molding and even add trim pieces like a baseboard and a trim piece against the wall to make it look “built-in.” That is a lot of work though for two pieces of furniture that are definitely NOT built-in. Make the back of the shelves functional (as in create some sort of feature for them). The Pottery Barn shelving (from the “befores”) is now upstairs in their room (not all of it—some is in storage). After thinking about it for a while, we realized that we would be spending way too much time/money trying to make a piece of furniture look built-in. If it were something we could do ourselves (Brian and I), that would be different but paying someone (our handy PA, Shade) to do it could take hours and add up to hundreds. So instead, we had this idea that we would put a pegboard on the back that could be a few different interactive things, such as: Rubberband art: images: left via instructables | right via kara paslay designs Marble run or tubes that you snake around the pegs: images: left via frugal fun 4 boys | right via frugal fun 4 boys You can use cardboard tubes like they did on the left, or really bendable tubes, or PVC pipes like they did on the right. We do need more art storage for more maker supplies so we also thought that one of them could be styled out more like this: image via cup of jo This is where it all started going/rolling downhill. Because we are perfectionists, we felt that we couldn’t use something readymade. WE don’t just buy pegboard, no, and certainly not a system from IKEA that would, well, create the most perfect and functional art wall. NO, we have far too much time and money to waste to do a simple solution! Instead, Shade would buy some plywood, cut it perfectly to size and drill each hole INDIVIDUALLY, then attach it to the back of the shelves (after bolting them together).  Sounds easy, but this did, of course, take time and time is money. I think he spent a day and a half on it, which is about $350 in labor (not including materials). We ordered some marble run stuff and attached the pegs to them so they could move it around and create their own creation. The problem is by customizing our own holes, it fits no art system because they aren’t spaced apart in a standard way. I’ll remind you what it looks like: We found these raw wood marble run pieces and glued pegs into them, with the hope that they can be rearranged on the peg wall and be an interactive game that our kids will spend hours quietly playing with. The kids came home that first day, got excited then realized that they are VERY hard to take in and out and went back to Legos and art. Even when I sat down to do it, I got frustrated. It could be that they are too young, but it’s frankly just more annoying and the payoff (a marble rolling) isn’t worth their frustration. Admittedly, it does look fun, but for whatever reason, they don’t like it. It’s kinda hard and again the payoff isn’t worth it. Around the same time, we bought an art system for the play attic at the mountain house that was awesome (update on that space with photos coming soon). I then realized that we had gone through all this trouble to create a custom system that already exists readymade and affordable, only better and more functional! It would be like spending months designing a chair that already exists. Cool. Sure, it’s white and plastic and ours is raw wood and pretty, but I actually think that white would work better in here anyway. Why didn’t we just do this in the first place? Honestly, because I haven’t been to IKEA in years and didn’t know it existed. I was hasty. Too busy to research. Preferring instead to spend time and money customizing something that doesn’t work. Additionally, after ours was done, I thought we couldn’t find pegs that really fit easily because the ones that we bought for the marble runs were too big and tight. Then last week, I decided to, you know, measure the holes. From there, I Googled pegs that size, ordered them and boom. The morning of the shoot, I set up the rubber band activity and it looked cute. I couldn’t find rubberbands so I used Birdie’s hairtyes to show you the function. PLOT TWIST: When the kids came home from school on Thursday (when we shot this), they started playing with the rubberband wall and proceeded to play for a while (I’d say around 25 minutes which is a long engagement time for a 3 and 5-year-old). Birdie wanted rubber bands on her side so we took out the marble run and they put the pegs in where they wanted them, moved them around and made patterns, letters and shapes with the hair ties. We then found our actual rubber bands, started playing with those and guess what? It’s a really fun guitar wall and they played with that for a while. So now I’m thinking that maybe it wasn’t an epic DIY fail but only time will tell. Part of me wants to fill the holes and paint it white and then attach the art organization system I mentioned we already have at the mountain house. I did, however, buy them a cart full of garbage to play with in the meantime. We call it the “makers cart” or the “inventor cart.” It’s full of recyclables (plastic containers, cans, paper towel rolls, newspaper), different tapes (I need to buy stock in 3M or Scotch because the amount of tape we buy for them to make things is INSANE), magnets, screws/bolts/brackets, strings, pipe cleaners, etc. Hell, we put all takeout materials in there—chopsticks, plastic forks, etc… Like I said, LITERAL GARBAGE, but it makes us feel way less bad if they at least get some creativity out of that waste. Charlie LOVES it. Birdie is much more into art and coloring, but Charlie loves inventing things and our neighbor (my best friend’s son) tortures her with bringing home his “inventions” daily (riddling her house with our garbage). So there’s one success. I also LOVE this art wall. Like nothing makes me happier than when they finish something and ask me if they can put it on the wall (not sure why they ask). So the next challenge is making a big bulletin board that is actually pretty. Here are my ideas: Put it in an interesting shape, like a house. Have it lean or start on the floor so that they can reach and add their own finished pieces. Use masonite (a soft composite) and cover in a fabric (likely a pretty linen or maybe a subtle pattern). Mount a thick roll of cork to plywood then paint it a color or white. Frame or trim it out with thin wood. Like so: image via live loud girl I’ve tried to think about different shapes that make sense, to try to reinvent this but I haven’t come up with something that would be easy to execute that makes sense for art. I love the graphicness of the house, and remember that we have a big moment, the mural on the opposite side of the room. Okay. This room also needs to kinda function as the kids mud-room. So we brought in that bench that has great storage, but also provides a great drop place for the kids’ bags and shoes, as if they put them there, EVER. HA. They are getting better, but the first week of school they dropped them within inches of the door, on the floor. The drawers right now hold more art supplies and paper, but will be great for either shoes or homework stuff later. We had it at the foot of our bed for a while (which we loved) but we needed it down here more. I was going to get a bigger mirror, possibly pill-shaped because its 2019 and evidently we DON’T do rectangles in 2019, but then I found this vintage Thonet mirror at a thrift store near the mountain house and couldn’t not buy it (I think it was like $45) and so one day I put it up on an already existing nail and realized that I actually might love it here. Side note: I never bought or installed nice grate covers. I meant to. I have had it on my list for 2 years now. It’s a long list but above it are things like “raise children” and “stay alive” which are taking more time than I had predicted, so the bottom of the list sits there unchecked. Instead, we have the $3 ones that I feel like you could buy at 7-11. I really need to replace them and will, I promise. (I have a personal assistant now so maybe it will happen before 2025!). Now I need to decide if I want to add hooks for bags and make it look like a proper Pinterest-worthy mudroom or just call it and let them put their bags on the bench because that is more likely to actually happen. So I’d love any and all opinions on what to do in here. I know I want to create a more awesome art wall. I know that Birdie would like easier access to art supplies, but we could just do another cart full of supplies and tools and keep the rubberband art. Also right now she is super into colored pencils because that is what is in front of her, why do I need to add more? Less is more with kids, right? Resources: Toy Cubbies | Table | Stools (similar) | Rug | Bench | Wall Mural | Ceiling Flushmount | Sconces | Supply Cart | Marble Run Set | Play Kitchen ***Update photos by Veronica Crawford The post Our LA Playroom Update With Solutions That Work For Us + Another DIY Fail appeared first on Emily Henderson. #Playroom #Kids #MyHouse
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/there-is-no-room-that-i-apologize-for-more-than-this-one
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djgblogger-blog · 6 years
Molecular Robotics at the Wyss Institute
This programmable DNA nanorobot ‘patrols’ the bloodstream and releases its payload of drugs in response to the presence of its target, much like the body’s white blood cells. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
By Lindsay Brownell
DNA has often been compared to an instruction book that contains the information needed for a living organism to function, its genes made up of distinct sequences of the nucleotides A, G, C, and T echoing the way that words are composed of different arrangements of the letters of the alphabet. DNA, however, has several advantages over books as an information-carrying medium, one of which is especially profound: based on its nucleotide sequence alone, single-stranded DNA can self-assemble, or bind to complementary nucleotides to form a complete double-stranded helix, without human intervention. That would be like printing the instructions for making a book onto loose pieces of paper, putting them into a box with glue and cardboard, and watching them spontaneously come together to create a book with all the pages in the right order.
But just as paper can also be used to make origami animals, cups, and even the walls of houses, DNA is not limited to its traditional purpose as a passive repository of genetic blueprints from which proteins are made – it can be formed into different shapes that serve different functions, simply by controlling the order of As, Gs, Cs, and Ts along its length. A group of scientists at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University is investigating this exciting property of DNA molecules, asking, “What types of systems and structures can we build with them?”
They’ve decided to build robots.
At first glance, there might not seem to be much similarity between a strand of DNA and, say, a Roomba or Rosie the Robot from The Jetsons. “Looking at DNA versus a modern-day robot is like comparing a piece of string to a tractor trailer,” says Wyss Faculty member Wesley Wong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (BCMP) at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Investigator at Boston Children’s Hospital. Despite the vast difference in their physical form, however, robots and DNA share the ability to be programmed to complete a specific function – robots with binary computer code, DNA molecules with their nucleotide sequences.
Recognizing that commonality, the Wyss Institute created the cross-disciplinary Molecular Robotics Initiative in 2016, which brings together researchers with experience in the disparate disciplines of robotics, molecular biology, and nanotechnology to collaborate and help inform each other’s work to solve the fields’ similar challenges. Wong is a founding member of the Initiative, along with Wyss Faculty members William Shih, Ph.D., Professor of BCMP at HMS and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Peng Yin, Ph.D., Professor of Systems Biology at HMS; and Radhika Nagpal, Ph.D., Fred Kavli Professor of Computer Science at Harvard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS); as well as other Wyss scientists and support staff.
“We’re not used to thinking about molecules inside cells doing the same things that computers do. But they’re taking input from their environment and performing actions in response – a gene is either turned on or off, a protein channel is either open or closed, etc. – in ways that can resemble what computer-controlled systems do,” says Shih. “Molecules can do a lot of things on their own that robots usually have trouble with (move autonomously, self-assemble, react to the environment, etc.), and they do it all without needing motors or an external power supply,” adds Wyss Founding Director Don Ingber, M.D., Ph.D., who is also the Judah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biology at HMS and the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, as well as a Professor of Bioengineering at SEAS. “Programmable biological molecules like DNA have almost limitless potential for creating transformative nanoscale devices and systems.”
The 3D model of the computer-designed bear shape shown on top was fabricated into the nanostructures visualized with transmission electron microscopy (below). Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Molecular Robotics capitalizes on the recent explosion of technologies that read, edit, and write DNA (like next-generation sequencing and CRISPR) to investigate the physical properties of DNA and its single-stranded cousin RNA. “We essentially treat DNA not only as a genetic material, but as an incredible building block for creating molecular sensors, structures, computers, and actuators that can interact with biology or operate completely separately,” says Tom Schaus, M.D., Ph.D., a Staff Scientist at the Wyss Institute and Molecular Robotics team member.
Many of the early projects taking advantage of DNA-based self-assembly were static structures.  These include DNA “clamshell” containers that can be programmed to snap open and release their contents in response to specific triggers, and DNA “bricks” whose nucleotide sequences allow their spontaneous assembly into three-dimensional shapes, like tiny Lego bricks that put themselves together to create sculptures automatically. Many of these structures are three-dimensional, and some incorporate as many as 10,000 unique DNA strands in a single complete structure.
The reliable specificity of DNA and RNA (where A always binds with T or U, C always with G) allows for not only the construction of static structures, but also the programming of dynamic systems that sense and respond to environmental cues, as seen in traditional robotics. For example, Molecular Robotics scientists have created a novel, highly controllable mechanism that automatically builds new DNA sequences from a mixture of short fragments in vitro. It utilizes a set of hairpin-shaped, covalently-modified DNA strands with a single-stranded “overhang” sequence dangling off one end of the hairpin. The overhang sequence can bind to a complementary free-floating fragment of DNA (a “primer”) and act as a template for its extension into a double-stranded DNA sequence. The hairpin ejects the new double strand and can then be re-used in subsequent reactions to produce multiple copies of the new strand.
This ultrasharp Exchange-PAINT image simultaneously spots microtubules (green), mitochondria (purple), Golgi apparatus (red), and peroxisomes (yellow) from a single human cell. Credit: Maier Avendano / Wyss Institute at Harvard University
Such extension reactions can be programmed to occur only in the presence of signal molecules, such as specific RNA sequences, and can be linked together to create longer DNA product strands through “Primer Exchange Reactions” (PER). PER can in turn be programmed to enzymatically cut and destroy particular RNA sequences, record the order in which certain biochemical events happen, or generate components for DNA structure assembly.
PER reactions can also be combined into a mechanism called “Autocycling Proximity Recording” (APR), which records the geometry of nano-scale structures in the language of DNA. In this instance, unique DNA hairpins are attached to different target molecules in close proximity and, if any two targets are close enough together, produce new pieces of DNA containing the molecular identities (“names”) of those two targets, allowing the shape of the underlying structure to be determined by sequencing that novel DNA.
Another tool, called “toehold switches,” can be used to exert complex and precise control over the machinery inside living cells. Here, a different, RNA-based hairpin is designed to “open” when it binds to a specific RNA molecule, exposing a gene sequence in its interior that can be translated into a protein that then performs some function within the cell. These synthetic circuits can even be built with logic-based sequences that mimic the “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” system upon which computer languages are based, which prevents the hairpin from opening and its gene from being translated except under very specific conditions.
Such an approach could induce cells that are deficient in a given protein to produce more of it, or serve as a synthetic immune system that, when it detects a given problem in the cell, produces a toxin that kills it to prevent it from spreading an infection or becoming cancerous. [toeholds] “Because we have a thorough understanding of DNA and RNA’s properties and how their bases pair together, we can use that simple machinery to design complex circuits that allow us to precisely interact with the molecular world,” says Yin. “It’s an ability that has been dreamed about for a long time, and now, we’re actually making it a reality.”
The potential applications of that ability are seemingly endless. In addition to the previously mentioned tools, Molecular Robotics researchers have created loops of DNA attached to microscopic beads to create “calipers” that can both measure the size, structure, and stiffness of other molecules, and form the basis of inexpensive protein recognition tests. Another advance is folding single-stranded DNA into molecular origami to create molecular structures, rather than traditional double-stranded DNA. Some academic projects are already moving into the commercial sector. These include a low-cost alternative to super-resolution microscopy that can image up to 100 different molecular targets in a single sample (DNApaint), as well as a multiplexed imaging technique that integrates fluorescent probes into self-folding DNA structures and enables simultaneous visualization of ultra-rare DNA and/or RNA molecules.
We’re trying to push the limits of these really dumb little molecules to get them to behave in sophisticated, collective ways – it’s a new frontier for DNA nanotechnology.
Justin Werfel
One of the major benefits of engineering molecular machines is that they’re tiny, so it’s relatively easy to create a large amount of them to complete any one task (for example, circulating through the body to detect any rogue cancer DNA). Getting simple, individual molecules to interact with each other to achieve a more complex, collective task (like relaying the information that cancer has been found), however, is a significant challenge, and one that the roboticists in Molecular Robotics are tackling at the macroscopic scale with inch-long “Kilobots.”
Taking cues from colonies of insects like ants and bees, Wyss researchers are developing swarms of robots that are themselves limited in function but can form complex shapes and complete tasks by communicating with each other via reflected infrared light. The insights gained from studies with the Kilobots are likely to be similar to those needed to solve similar problems when trying to coordinate molecular robots made of DNA.
Individual kilobots have limited abilities on their own, but can collectively form complex shapes by communicating with each other autonomously – akin to molecules of DNA self-assembling into structures that can perform functions. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard University
“In swarm robotics, you have multiple robots that explore their environment on their own, talk to each other about what they find, and then come to a collective conclusion. We’re trying to replicate that with DNA but it’s challenging because, as simple as Kilobots are, they’re brilliant compared to DNA in terms of computational power,” says Justin Werfel, Ph.D., a Senior Research Scientist at the Wyss Institute and director of the Designing Emergence Laboratory at Harvard. “We’re trying to push the limits of these really dumb little molecules to get them to behave in sophisticated, collective ways – it’s a new frontier for DNA nanotechnology.”
Given the magnitude of the challenge and the short time the Molecular Robotics Initiative has existed, it is already making significant progress, with more than two dozen papers published and two companies (Ultivue and NuProbe) founded around its insights and discoveries. It may take years of creative thinking, risk taking, and swapping ideas across the members’ different expertise areas before a molecule of DNA is able to achieve the same task on the nanoscale that a robot can do on the human scale, but the team is determined to see it happen.
“Our vision with Molecular Robotics is to solve hard problems humanity currently faces using smaller, simpler tools, like a single loop of DNA or a single Kilobot that can act cooperatively en masse, instead of bigger, more complex ones that are harder to develop and become useless should any one part fail,” says Wong. “It’s an idea that definitely goes against the current status quo, and we’re lucky enough to be pursuing it here at the Wyss Institute, which brings together people with common goals and interests to create new things that wouldn’t exist otherwise.”
Click on the links below to explore research from the Molecular Robotics Initiative.
Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute Develop DNA Nanorobot to Trigger Targeted Therapeutic Responses
A 100-fold leap to GigaDalton DNA nanotech
Autonomously growing synthetic DNA strands
High-fidelity recording of molecular geometry with DNA “nanoscopy”
Programming cells with computer-like logic
Democratizing high-throughput single molecule force analysis
Single-stranded DNA and RNA origami go live
Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components at once
A self-organizing thousand-robot swarm
Discrete Molecular Imaging
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