#like half my monthly salary from my last job
k-s-morgan · 10 months
I heard news about a snowstorm in Ukraine that caused several deaths, and I was so worried for you. Are you okay, Morgan? Is your family safe? Are things calming down there? I keep checking for news that announces the end of this war, and it's disheartening to see that it never arrives. I can't imagine what it must be like to live through this. Is there anything we can do for you? Do you need somewhere to take refuge outside the country? Is the money you receive from your job sufficient for you and your family to live comfortably? I always check the updates you post, and it's admirable that these horrible events haven't changed the golden heart you have, you are a wonderful person and you don't deserve any of what is happening, I hate that I can't do anything to stop it this war, but whatever I can do for you I will.
please be safe, please keep fighting.
Another ask: Hey, I hope you're just busy but please give us some sign that you're okay, please. I'm worried
Another ask: Katrin, you are okay??
Another ask: You okay??
Another ask: How are you going?? Is everything already? Please asnwer 😭
Hi! Thank you all, you wonderful anons (and my lovely first anon, I'll respond to your questions further down in this reply). I'm so touched that you've been thinking about me! There was indeed a serious snowstorm that caused some deaths, but I'm fine: honestly, I'm such a hopeless stay-at-home introvert that I usually leave only for short trips to the shop and to feed pigeons & stray cats. So I meet most storms safely tucked in my bed))
It's all right now, though everything is still covered in snow. If there is snow where you are, too, and you see miserable pigeons or other birds around, please feed them if possible! They rely on us entirely during winters. Some grain would be ideal.
I was hoping to make a monthly post, but my tight work schedule + migraines ruined these plans, so I decided to give up on it. Russians haven't attacked my city again yet after that the most massive attack by drones. I'm pretty sure it is coming, though, especially on holidays. They tried to tun our last New Year into hell on purpose by sending missiles during the day, killing people, and then sending drones at night. I worry that this year might be even worse, but I've been teaching myself to live in the present and enjoy peace while I still have it, so I manage to keep my fears at bay.
First anon, thank you so much for your kindness! I have places where I could go and stay beyond Ukraine, but for the next year at the least, I intend to keep holding on because I can't leave without my family (and the bigger half of my family is not allowed to leave legally yet). If Russian attacks get completely unbearable, I might go to Poland to my relatives for a month or two just to unwind and to repair my sanity a bit.
As for the money, I'm doing more or less okay, and people who keep supporting me on Patreon help me to stay afloat. I have some debts, but they are under control - I owe the bank $300, which is 1/3 of my monthly salary, so I'm capable of paying it back little by little. The situation is not ideal, but nothing to worry about.
Like many Ukrainians at the moment, I feel burned out regarding the war. There are many amazing, kind people in this world, and our soldiers are absolute heroes who deserve all respect in the world, but those with power to make decisions like money way too much. It's an unfortunate fact that has been making people all over the world suffer generations after generations. Many US, European, and Chinese companies continue to help Russia manufacture its missiles and other things they use to kill us. The help Ukraine gets is enough to let us survive but not enough to let us win. Those who can make money on it eagerly grab the chance, including some members of our own government. I'd like to be optimistic, but I really don't see a scenario that would end with justice. It's very difficult to accept the fact that terrorists and murderers won't be punished - on the contrary, many of them will continue to live in luxury, unable to imagine what an explosion even sounds like, until the day they die. But like I said before, it is what it is. The world is full of bitter examples like this.
Thank you for being with me and supporting me, reading my stories and sending your asks. I hope to end this month with posting two chapters for my two stories. My second job comes to an end December 15, and hopefully, I'll get a chance to really dive into writing after this!
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shamelessrabbithole · 8 months
About the last post about Noel's career and financial status:
You always summarize things perfectly or very understandable, I like that a lot about you. Now my clumsy thoughts put together lol: We should also not forget, that successfull actors get paid in a short time much more than most of us "normies" in 5 or 10 years. An average working family can live in a house too, plus have kids+pets. So isn't it pretty standard to have a house in America? Maybe he bought it, when he was at his peak with shameless and now he only has to pay for his monthly fixed costs like gas, electricity, insurance plus some grocieres. I don't think, that the house was exorbitant expensive. And as i said in a comment before, he doesn't live in a exclusive celebritie area, it's a normal neighbourhood. And as i said in a comment before, he doesn't live in a exclusive celebritie area, it's a normal neighbourhood, at least this is what i know from other sources.
He and Layla doesn't look like people who spend hundreds of dollars on new clothes monthly and I doubt, that they go out a lot at fancy restaurants. Maybe Layla wouldn't mind a more fancy lifestyle, if the opportunity was given, but I think Noel is a very simple man and he is just happy with his coffee and a good book or maybe some good inexpensive Mexican food. I understand that you are worried about him, because he is taking an obviously long break and whatever Layla does (sorry, I'm still not her bestie), but I don't worry too much about them anymore. Hell, if I would earn 204,000 per year, I would take a long break too. I don't even have half of this per year and i live a pretty good life too! We really shouldn't worry or pity actors too much for financial reasons lol, they are fine, they earn much more than most of us. Is he waisting talent and precious years of his youth, because he is such a good actor and we all want to see him work again? Yes. Do we want him to be more active on social media, even if he just posts nonsense or doing handstands or reading a book in his stupid backyard? Yes. Am i getting too emotional again, because he obviously doesn't care what we, his fans, want or think? Yes 😂 That's all for now 🤣
Thank you for the compliment. 😊 He does live in a relatively modest house that he purchased years ago, and I also don't recall him spending big bucks on renovations. Also, even though this quote is very old, he talks about how he's been driving the same car since 2002. https://noelfisherfans.com/fun-stuff-about-noel/
Not every actor in LA is earning money hand over fist. And many do have to work multiple jobs in order to stay afloat while they keep auditioning. But Noel has 70 IMDB listings to his name. Some were probably low-paying, some much higher, but Shameless in particular earned several of the actors up to $250k-$350k per episode (Emmy and Bill). This wasn't a low-budget indie show and it lasted 11 seasons, which is the longest-running show in Showtime's history. Somehow I doubt Noel was shortchanged salary-wise, especially at the end when the show needed him and Cameron to keep it from being canceled after Emmy's departure.
I don't think Noel is wasting his talent or his youth. I just feel it's not as easy to book roles as people seem to think. I was listening to one of Cam's friends, Madisen Beaty, do a TikTok live a few months ago in which she said that even before the actor and writer's strikes, a lot of Hollywood TV and film production was on pause because everyone knew the strikes were coming. So there's been a longer lull than even most people realize.
I also wish he'd post literally anything just to give us something to cling to. It sucks that he doesn't. He's turning 40 soon. Hopefully, it'll be a big enough reason for him to get out of hibernation and make some noise about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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unabashegirl · 9 months
a sincere thank you...
I just wanted to come on here and thank every single one of you for your patiance and to be willing to pay the membership on Patreon. Most of you might ask yourself why I am charging and shouldn't my writing be free and be available to everyone? Here is a small explanation about it. 
My dad passed away in 2019 from brain cancer. You could say that I never recovered from his very sudden departure. I had already graduated from high school and I had enrolled in medical school. My father was going to pay medical school without any hesitation. He wanted for my dreams to come true. After his death, a lot hung in the air. My parents had separated before he had divorced, but they had never formally gotten the divorce. my father's will was incredibly detailed and said that everything he left was meant to use to educate me and my other two step siblings. 
Unfortunately, money changes people and my mother and I entered a legal fight with my other five sibilings including the ones that were meant to go to college too. My mother got a better job and tried her best to pay my education, but it wasn't enough. 
Last year, I had to withdraw from medical school for a semester. We had no money to afford school. My mother salary could pay for it, but it wasn't enough for us to sustain ourselves. (we live in different country btw. I live on my own). I started working and started saving to be able to help her. It wasn't until this semester that I was able to go back to school. 
I guess the whole point of telling you all of this is to thank you because the money that I get from Patreon goes straight into paying medical school. My goal has always been to reach $600 monthly, so I can help my mom pay for medical school and allow her to have some freedom like go to her best friend's wedding next month or for her to go shopping for herself. I don't even make half of my goal, but the amount that I currently make from writing is enough of a BIG HELP.
Therefore, thank you so much for your patience and for reading! I own you my entire life and my future. 
PS: added some pictures below, so you don't think I am lying. Below is my mom and I. All that I have is her and all I do is to make her proud and hopefully give her everything when I graduate as a doctor. Beside that picture is me in lab. I am the one closest to the camera. The two below are just me studying at the library and the last one is just an agar with a bacterium growing inside of it. This is my happiest place.
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dianight · 2 months
I think I'm just tired.
Every other month I'll convince myself to look for a job/place with total seriousness and ignoring what has happened every previous time. And it's like. The math doesn't work. Too many hours, too little pay, rent too high, places too far. Not one of them, not "pick two/three", it's all of them. What are these numbers, how can one live like this?
Today I went shopping. There was gluten and lactose free pizzas. For 150% the prize of the nicer regular ones, with just ham and nonlactose cheese. I was looking for a new cereal, the one I was getting was 2,20 for 500g that lasted me an entire week. They weren't particularly nice, but hey it's breakfast (and sometimes dinner). Now they have wheat and all the ones that used to be gluten free also do. I got this one for 2,25 that are 400g, they'll last 4/5 days because they are bigger. Hey they have chocolate inside, yay...
For the past 2 years I've been looking for a job on and off, whenever I gather enough strength. I want to kill every single interviewer. It's always less pay or more hours than advertised, always minimum wage (or minimum they can pay by law, not the same) and always 40+ hours. Maybe it's a 9 hours shift, maybe 8 and a half. Maybe it's 6 days a week and you work 7 hours, when it isn't 8 or more. And I know I won't last on these jobs because it mentally hurts me to even think about it. I've worked with those (and worse!) conditions before and the explotation never ends. Not the marxist definition even, but the coloquial one. You think I'll get paid more if I have to stay extra hours or cover for someone or do some shit that is not even close to part of the job description? Obviously not!
Yesterday I went to bed a bit later than normal. I was practicing and then having dinner while just checking tumblr. As soon as I got into bed I hear screaming from outside (tourists), my neighbour decides to start some sort of argument with his wife(?) and I can hear the water inside the pipes from the floor above me. I want to get my own place so I can have some quiet. Some. Not asking for total silence or anything I just want to get in bed at 11pm and not have to meditate so I don't get worked up and rage making it impossible to sleep for hours.
At some point, like a couple years ago or so I had to explain to a (former)[<-foreshadowing] friend that apartments are anywhere from 2 to 3 times more expensive than when we were in university because he would not stop insisting that I was not "looking in the right places" and it took me looking for the exact places he lived at to finally convince him. Every time I look for places to rent the prices keep going up. Last year there were some really, really shitty flats for ~500€, now the lowest are going for 600. They are not even good! Just a fucking room with a bed (not a bedroom), open kitchen and bath. It's claustrophobic actually. And you know what? I wouldn't even mind it, but I'm not going to pay half my monthly salary just in rent. Adding utilities and groceries, I just won't make enough. Who the fuck is going to rent that place? If you are making enough to pay for that flat, you will want something better than a coffin with bath and kitchen.
Today I was grieving for a shirt. A shirt. It was just a black shirt, with like an image of Thor from the comics. I didn't even particularly like it or anything, I don't remember where it came from (a gift from a relative maybe?). I was in bed, meditating for a bit and somehow while checking my flannel shirts (one of them is too small(?) now) I remembered the Thor shirt. I lost it when I got kicked out by the english family I was staying with. They needed the room (in the garden btw, a cabin more like) that I was using and I got a week before christmas to find a place (I was working almost every day too) so I had to quickly pack what little belongings I had and there was some drying still and it was so fast that I guessed even then that I was going to miss some stuff. The shirt was not the only one, but I only remember that one. I've lost so many things over the years. And I was grieving for a random shirt.
Two years ago my boss made 30k in july. Me and 4 other coworkers were paid 1100€ to 1500€. She made even more in august. We got paid the same. There was one of the first days when I got told that we finished at midnight, as in physically close the doors and shut the gate. I was supposed to restock fridges and I didn't do it because I was too busy. Next day I get told off in the storage room by my boss because I can't just leave "without doing my job". With that attempt at an intimidating tone that a barely past meter and a half 70 year old lady can't really pull off. I managed to not laugh in her face and I explained that in order to restock fridges I need to not keep up with the tables and the bar until so late. She agreed, but in a way that made it clear she was expecting me to still do all of it. We worked 6 days a week too, roughly 9 hours every day (less on sunday). Once I made the math and if I left one hour early and arrived 10 minutes late every day I would still be working more than 40 hours a week. For almost minimum wage.
Today I was going over all the stuff I'd need were I to find a place and a job. I need some documents sorted out, new shoes, probably new clothes too. I realized that I only wear sweatpants since I haven't gone to any interview since may?/june? and the only surviving pants I had are some jeans that don't fit me anymore (ass too big, hips too wide). Documents, transportation (possibly), clothes. All of that costs money. I also have a list on my legendary notepad that I made the first time I moved to an actual place, not like renting a room. The usual kitchen, bathroom and utilities that you might (you will) need when you live by yourself. All of that costs money.
I haven't celebrated my birthday in more than a decade, probably since I got kicked out. Two years ago, exactly on my birthday, I got a discord message from some person that I didn't know. Not that unusual to be fair, but they were asking about my youtube channel. It had gotten terminated for "sexual content". I know exactly why: because youtube (like all western platforms) considers japanese games, specially visual novels, to be uniquely perverse and sexual. Not going to go on a rant (looking at bg3 with bestiality and shit like that) about double standards. But. It was, at the time, my one source of income. I was making 100-150€ per month by not doing much, so it was a nice help while searching for a job. And it was gone.
This morning I was deciding what to do. I had some lentils from this week but after seeing the pizzas (that I can eat) I decided to be nice to myself. I'll have the lentils tonight, maybe tomorrow? After lunch I didn't really feel like doing anything. I've been practicing this week and rest days are practice too. So what can I do. I've lost like a 95% of all the things I kept on my computer, I got some games and such. The steam folder survived somehow, but I really don't feel like playing. Harsh to admit it but games are not as fun as they were. I was chilling, meditating when I decided to put my thoughts into text see if it helps in any way. I don't know if it does.
I've been considering lately that I might be (clinically) depressed. Ultimately it does not matter, but I don't think I am. It is my understanding that it's got something to do with your brain and such. I am depressed (coloquially) because my every attempt (except one!) to improve my life has failed. If I think about the many tasks left to keep pretending to be human I get a bit overwhelmed. Not in the "too many things I can't get started" way but in the "I take smalls steps every day and something happens that negates all that effort out of nowhere". Unfair.
Outside of practicing, that can't really occupy my entire day anyway, the only think I look forward to every day is taking my hrt. I'm more happy that I can express that I was brave, and pushy, and relentless. I like myself more now, physically and mentally. It feels like the only thing that has gone completely right for me in the past 10 years, and it was a decision I took and executed pretty much with no help (as if I ever get help...). I still remember straight up telling my doctor "I am a transgender woman and I want to start hormones, what do I have to do?" (not exact words) and going from there. So scary.
I need to be impaled, to have my chest open and my heart ripped out and crushed in front of my eyes. Nothing else will work. I cannot and will not. Someone else has to be the one to end me. Because despite everything, I wake up and consider what am I going to do. And I try, and try and keep trying. Because there is nothing else to do. Because I have been hopeless for years and that had never had any impact whatsoever on me trying. Because I will keep at it until things get better or the universe goes cold. And even if things get better (will they ever?) I will keep going. Because I know nothing else.
I want a place for myself. I want to remove every single person that turned their back on me from my life. I want to do what I want. I don't mind working, I do believe that one needs to do their part on society. Enriching others should have no place in society. I want to not be constantly stressed. I want to be able to do everything I want, and I want to be able to do nothing at all. I want to kill every person that wronged me. With my bare hands. And my fangs. I don't want to lose my stuff, and the memories they carry. I want my efforts to be appreciated, instead of mocked, dismissed or trampled. I want to be worshipped. I want nothing to do with humans. I want to be understood, even for the briefest moment, just once. I want to be alive. Forever.
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grantgoddard · 1 year
Sit-in here in limbo : 1986 : Community Service Volunteers & Radio Thamesmead
“It’s just like the multinational pharmaceutical businesses deliberately designing toothpaste tubes so that you cannot squeeze out the last bit of toothpaste,” I blurted.
There was stunned silence while my colleagues seated on a circle of chairs in the middle of a low-ceiling conference room stared at me blankly. Was this young man mad? Perhaps I was. I cannot recall to which discussion topic my poorly chosen conspiracy theory analogy was intended to refer, but I clearly remember the reaction. I was present because a letter from Ric, our manager, had instructed me to attend. I had no comprehension what this meeting was intended to achieve. By the time I opened my mouth, the gathering had seemed somewhat pointless.
I had already been employed for several months of a one-year contract by the two-decade old charity Community Service Volunteers [‘CSV’], but this half-day event was the first time I had visited its sprawling offices in King’s Cross. Like me, each of the dozen people present was supervising a job creation scheme within a local radio station. Their ‘Action Desks’ were funded by government and sponsored by CSV, each employing a couple of low-wage staff to answer phone enquiries from the public about lost dogs, community events and volunteering opportunities. Unlike me, every invitee present was female because, in the pre-desktop-computer dark ages, scripts had to be prepared by Action Desk staff on a typewriter in order to be read on-air by professional radio presenters. In essence, CSV offered broadcasters its staff at zero cost to generate the ‘community’ content required by their stations’ broadcast regulations.
I was different, not just because I was male and talked crazy ideas, but because it quickly emerged that I was the only person present with prior radio experience, and I was not operating one of these ancillary Action Desks. Instead, I was supervising a larger team of paid CSV staff who worked alongside non-professional volunteers managing London’s only legal community radio station, ‘Radio Thamesmead’. Although ‘history’ (a.k.a. Wikipedia) records Britain’s ‘first’ community radio station as not having launched until 2002, significant but little-known antecedents did exist. In 1976, many of Britain’s 28 post-war ‘new towns’ had been resourced with a community radio station, initially funded by each location’s New Town Development Corporation to broadcast on a then state-of-the-art analogue cable system.
However, by 1986, only two of those pioneering radio stations had survived. Why? Having myself lived/worked in these new towns, I witnessed first-hand the grand objectives of the 1946 New Towns Plan having never been completed, leaving residents without the promised shopping centres, community facilities and sportsgrounds. Their local cable systems suffered poor maintenance and many households now subscribed to satellite TV delivery instead. In the 1980’s, Development Corporations were wound up by government and their funded projects, including community radio, were abandoned. Did the Cable Authority, which inherited regulation of the remaining community radio stations, publish an evaluation of the evident failure of the 1970’s ‘cable radio experiment’? If so, I never saw one. Its sole statement on the subject was that “community cable radio stations tended to be longer-lived than the [cable] television stations, and two still survive”.
Radio Thamesmead had endured only as a result of its job creation staff and partial funding of overheads provided by CSV. A government agency named Manpower Services Commission operated the station’s ‘Community Enterprise Programme’ for which staff were recruited from the ranks of the unemployed and contracted to CSV, whose expenses it then reimbursed monthly. In this way, money flowed from government to the Commission, then to CSV which then paid me and my team’s monthly salaries in arrears. However, there was one month when our pay failed to arrive on time. I phoned CSV which explained there had been a temporary problem and it would come soon. One week later, still none of us had been paid. This created a practical problem because our low pay was barely sufficient to cover our work expenses. I had to endure a daily commute of more than two hours each direction by coach and train which ate up the majority of my salary. I phoned CSV again and was offered only more excuses.
The following Monday morning, instead of commuting to Thamesmead, I arrived unannounced at the CSV office and demanded to meet its finance director. How could I manage a team of staff who were essential for keeping this little community radio station on-air if they were not being paid for their work? After initially being offered further excuses, it was eventually confided in me that the CSV staff member responsible for managing the finances of these job creation schemes had disappeared from its headquarters along with the funds received from government to pay our wages. I was angry. I had a responsibility to ensure my team was paid. CSV had a responsibility to fulfil its employment contracts by paying me and my team. Otherwise, it would breach those contracts and open itself to legal action.
I told the finance director that I intended to stay in his office until a solution was organised in order for us to be paid. Mine was a one-man sit-in protest. I made myself comfortable in the low chair for guests in his office, listening to my Walkman and reading a book I had brought along. Due to my long daily commutes, I was familiar with sitting for hours alone, entertaining myself with cassette recordings of the ‘John Peel Show’ from ‘BBC Radio One‘. That day, as every weekday, at daybreak I had caught the first scheduled coach into London from the London Road bus stop in Camberley. After a further two hours having sat in this office, which had been unoccupied after my tirade, I needed to use the toilet. I rose from the chair …
The next thing I remembered was opening my eyes, feeling the carpet beside my face and realising I was laid out on the floor of the office. I had no idea what had happened. My head was hurting like crazy. I felt very dizzy. I managed to crawl along the floor on all fours into the corridor where I could hear voices talking. I headed in their direction and crawled through the doorway of an office where my sudden appearance at floor level must have shocked the two women sat inside at their desks. Something catastrophic must have happened, but what exactly?
It transpired that, when I had risen from my chair in the finance office, my head had hit a bookshelf drilled into the wall directly above me which, in my initial anger, I had not noticed when starting my sit-in several hours earlier. I must have suffered concussion, though it was unknown how long I had been unconscious because nobody seemed to have entered or passed the office despite its open door. All I could recall was a vision in my head of my spirit travelling through space with bright lights passing rapidly to left and right, similar to a sequence in the film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’. I could now feel a large bump on the top of my head and I remained dizzy and incoherent. An ambulance was called and I was whisked away for tests in a London hospital. Following several hours under observation, I was released in late afternoon.
CSV had offered to pay for a taxi to take me home from the hospital. When I told them my destination would be my mother’s house thirty miles away in Surrey, they initially told me they could only deliver me to “my home”, not to a relative’s. I had to insist that I was commuting that distance daily as a result of having failed to find an affordable home to rent in London. They were putting up resistance but finally paid for my long £50 black cab ride all the way to Camberley. I rested the next day and took the painkillers prescribed by the hospital. When I phoned my workplace to explain my absence, my team were somewhat shocked and surprised to learn the bizarre outcome of my sit-in.
A few days later I felt well enough to return to work and, by Friday that week, my team were belatedly paid our overdue salaries by CSV. The problem never repeated. I never revisited the CSV office.
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treesbee33 · 1 year
Career Path #4
I’ve recently considered becoming a dentist or orthodontist. I have heard from my peers that Dentistry is just as an art form as it is medicine. 
To become a dentist, one needs to attend college for a Bachelor's degree, go to dental school, and then choose to work after or specialize in a specific field, such as orthodontists. A dentist can either hold a doctor of dental surgery or doctor of dental medicine degree. After they pass licensing exams, they can practice general dentistry and may even open up their own small business to open their own practices. 
The general responsibilities of a dentist are to do general monthly exams of a patients’ mouth for damage or cavities using X-ray and other imaging techniques. They deal with a variety of diseases of the mouth, gum, and teeth, such as gingivitis and chipped teeth. If surgery is required, they may perform extractions, browns, or even root canals to better help their patients. 
While earning a Bachelor’s degree, many dental schools like to see coursework in physics, chemistry, and biology. While many undergraduate schools do not offer a pre-dental track, the most popular major for dentistry is biology. 
The next step is to gain experience in the actual working environment of a clinical setting. Opportunities showing patient interaction directly is a plus. These include shadowing a dentist, interning at a business, or getting a job as a dental hygienist. 
After you finalize schoolwork and extracurriculars, you need to take the Dental Admissions Test, which takes about 4 hours with 280 questions. After dental school, if they choose to complete residency, they can, which lasts about 2 to 3 years.
The median salary of a dentist is about 163,220 dollars as of 2021. Orthodontists earn about the highest salary out of all dentists, averaging around 208,000 dollars a year. Aside from monetary concerns, it is important to consider the workload and skills necessary to become a dentist. The first half of dental school is fairly coursework heavy, while the second half is clinical. They will rotate through clinics, hospitals, and various health centers to discover a speciality that they are good at. Dentists should have manual dexterity and good communication skills.
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sun-dari · 2 years
so the russian edition of mdzs is finally finally getting a reprint and apparently it is a very good edition and so it is insanely expensive but i heard there are not so many copies so i have to decide quickly if i want to spend this much money and i learned about it five minutes ago and it gives me anxiety but at least there is international delivery (which is probably also insanely expensive) so at least i won't have to ask my sister to pick up and re-send my books for me again and subject myself to the mortifying ordeal of being known
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szallejhscorner · 3 years
Hello Szallejh-chan. Can I request where the reader is living with Chishiya. The reader is like 4th year college student and Chishiya is already an intern and he was being paid (canonical Chishiya is rich coz his father is a doctor with high position). While the reader is struggling financially because she doesn't have a family anymore. She needed to support herself. She's struggling to balance part time jobs and being a full time student that it takes toll on her physical and mental health. She wouldn't ask Chishiya for money or would borrow money from him coz she's too shy and wanna keep her dignity. Like she's getting skinny and mentally drained and would often breakdown when Chishiya is not around because she's exhausted trying to survive and making ends meet. Then, by accident Chishiya heard her crying and found out that the reader is struggling financially and he helped her. I don't how would you do the helping part but I trust your judgment. Sorry if the explanation is too long I just wanted to be specific. Thank you! I hope you are healthy both physically and mentally ♥️ (this request is actually based on my current situation right now struggling between working and studying).
Hi Nonny (:
Wow, this is a long one. I'm sorry that you have to face such struggles right now, and I hope things will turn to the better for you soon! Thank you for the ask ~
If one of you is going through something similar, let me tell you that it’s not wrong to ask for help. We all have to endure situations that we can’t go through alone, and there will always be a way to get support. Don’t let things like this destroy you, because strength doesn’t mean to suffer alone. Strength means to reach out your hand before you fall to the ground.
Stay safe, all of you!
Would a trigger warning for a panic attack be appropriate here?
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Falling Apart
You’re not sure you can do this much longer. It’s too much, all of it. This should have been a dream come true, living together with the most handsome man in entire Tokyo and studying what you’ve wanted to study since you were a little child.
In the end, it turns out to be a nightmare.
You feel drained. University is taking most of your time during the week, with all the papers and essays and courses you have to attend, and then there’s the part time jobs. Work at the grocery store every saturday and sometimes on other evenings as well, work as a waitress in the restaurant down the street on sundays.
The last day off you remember has been half a year ago, and still, you can’t even afford a simple breakfast. Financial support is rare when none of your family is left in the country, and the restaurant had issues with paying out your salary this month. There had been troubles already last month, and the month before.
With not a single penny left on your bank account, you don’t even have enough to buy a simple bottle of water. Payment from the store is just enough to pay the monthly rent, at least your half of it. Chishiya pays the other, and he doesn‘t struggle at all. How should he when he’s already working as a surgeon, in a famous clinic with a famous name? Some would even call him rich, although he couldn’t care less about that.
And yet here you are, starving while sitting in front of a brimful fridge.
The food has all been bought by Chishiya, with the money he earned. You don’t deserve any of it, and you refuse to take it. As a grown-up woman, you should be able to afford your own stuff, right? You shouldn’t rely on your boyfriend for such simple needs.
Chishiya wouldn’t even mind to pay it for you. He would instantly pay all of the rent if you told him about your struggles, but you’d rather sink into the ground than do that. He knows that it’s not easy for you, yes, although you’re doing a good job making him believe that it still works out so far. Despite the regular breakdowns you’re suffering from.
Looking at the tremble in your hands, you don’t think you can keep it up much longer. You’ve been so tired for an eternity now, and not only because there is not really an opportunity for you to sleep much. It’s the mental exhaustion that’s the worst, the fears and worries and doubts shouting and screaming inside your mind, causing you headache after headache.
Today you’ve been lucky that the restaurant’s chef offered all of you some snacks as an apology for the lack of payment, but a couple of fries and burritos can’t make up for the weeks and months of stress you’re going through. And it won’t help your current state to get much better at all.
You don’t need to take a look into the mirror to know what you’d glance at - a creature made of nothing but skin and bones, dark bags under the eyes and protruding cheekbones. The glow in your eyes has long vanished, being replaced by a constant worry how you’re supposed to make it through each day.
You’re tired, and you’re hungry. But most of the time, you just want to sleep. Hours. Days. Weeks. An entire month.
The worst is that you know this will never be possible. Instead of allowing yourself to dream, the nightmare continues to get darker. Afraid to go to bed because the next day will only be worse than the last, and because it will only bring new problems instead of solutions.
With a defeated sigh, you drop down onto the chair. Chishiya’s chair. All of the furniture inside this house belongs to Chishiya. The table, the kitchen, the carpet you walk on. Nothing is yours. You’re like a vermin, infesting this house. Unasked. Unwanted.
The tremble of your hands increases, and so does your heartbeat. It begins to race painfully against your ribs, while at the same time, invisible claws tighten around your lungs, making it impossible for you to breathe.
All warmth has vanished from your body, replaced by ice cold needles that spike your skin together with the freezing sweat running down your spine. Like a sharp blade cutting deep into what’s left of you, draining you even more.
The worst is that you can’t breathe. Trying to do so hurts too much, and you hear your own voice gasp and plead for it to end. It’s a frightening sound, like a scared and hurt animal. Weak, desperate, brittle and fragile. Terrifying.
Trying to move, you realize that your legs don’t obey any longer. They have been replaced by a huge mass of concrete, unable to carry you away from this place. You’re frozen in space, helpless and alone.
You need to sleep. You need to breathe. You need to sleep! You need to breathe!!
All of a sudden, hands appear out of nowhere and clench around your wrists, pinning them onto the table while a body against your back doesn’t allow you to move. Its warmth is too much, and the claustrophobia makes you gasp even more. It’s only making it worse. And you can’t manage to scream proper words to make that clear.
“Focus on breathing.”
That voice. Chishiya. Last time you had checked the clock, it had been hours left until the end of his shift, and it feels like only minutes have passed since then. How long have you been sitting on that chair? How could hours have passed just like the blink of an eye?
No matter what, this is too much. The warmth of his skin against your cold body. The force with which he keeps you still. No. No. NO! “I-... you have... let me... please... Please, I-”
Your voice is nothing but a scratch, unable to build a proper sentence. And Chishiya doesn’t listen; instead, his touch only intensifies.
“Focus. On. Breathing.”
You do. You’re not exactly given another chance anyway, so you listen to the sounds of Chishiya’s mouth close to your ear and try to mimic them. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.
Surprisingly, it helps. Despite the pain and pressure around your chest, your lungs still fill your air. You’re not suffocating, no matter how much it feels like you do. You’re not dying. And together with your breathing, your heartbeat returns to normal as well. The rush in your ears ebbs away and some of the warmth returns to your limbs. While your fingers are still trembling, it’s not that bad any longer, and it takes you a while to realize that Chishiya isn’t holding your wrists any more, finally giving you the freedom you longed for.
You focus on breathing for a while longer. In an out. In and out. In and out.
Then, as unexpectedly as Chishiya’s hands, a mug of hot chocolate is placed in front of you. The warmth of the cup immediately spreads to your hands when you wrap them around it, and the sweet scent is soothing while you wipe your cheeks dry of tears that you didn’t even notice falling.
Chishiya sits down on a chair next to you, with enough distance that he doesn’t touch you. While he has never seen you like this before, he seems to know exactly what’s good for you. Not that you ever wanted him to see you that weak... He was never supposed to witness that side of yours. And you have to pull yourself together to stop your hands from trembling harder again. It can’t be helped now; it’s too late to hide. 
“You need to quit one job.”
His voice is calm and determined, and it sounds so easy when he says that! Of course you know that it would be better. You would want to quit both of them actually, to focus on studying and good grades, but you can’t. It’s nothing but an unreachable dream reminding you of the helpless situation you’re in. “I... can’t.”
Your voice still sounds desperate and forein. Too weak. You don’t want to sound weak.
Chishiya exhales a breath and watches how you sip your chocolate. At least the drink helps to ease your sore throat, but the look in his eyes is unquestionable. “I don’t care which one. Two are too much. I can’t allow you to continue like this.”
Those words sound so weightless, spoken by his lips. A man who has never faced financial struggles, who has a rich dad, a well-paid job. Everything. He doesn’t know what it’s like to dread every day because the money will never suffice for the entire month. It is so easy for him to offer help, when he‘s not the one living in shame. No, you are the person not able to provide themselves with food and all. The vermin that has to beg for everything.
In the following silence, you realize that you have spoken those thoughts out loud. Not that the current situation could get much worse.
“Is that really what you think?”
He could never understand. It’s not his dignity about to be thrown away. Just yours.
You don’t answer, but the look in your eyes must have said enough. Chishiya places his hands on the table, so close that his warm skin is brushing against your cold fingers. “One year.”
“Huh?” Unable to follow his train of thought, you simply stare at him, causing him to chuckle.
“Let me pay the rent for one year. Focus on university until then. You can keep one job or quit both, but two is not an option. One year. When things look better then, you can pay it back bit by bit. You won’t owe me money then, and you won’t be in my debt.”
It’s an easy offer. You know he will be able to pay it without any effort, and while you don’t feel comfortable with it, you will pay him back. Not because he needs the money, but because you need it for your dignity. Maybe, if you want to avoid such breakdowns in the future... well, it could be worse, couldn’t it?
You lean against his shoulder, and never before have you wanted to sleep so much. Never before, even though you’ve had such breakdowns already, you have felt so tired. “I love you, Chishiya, but...”
“Then prove it.”
Too tired to ask, you reach out for the mug of chocolate to take another sip, knowing that Chishiya will explain it to you anyway.
“Prove it and stop destroying yourself like this.”
You sigh. His offer makes sense, and you would be foolish to decline. Most of all, he does it because he cares for you. Because he thinks you’re worth more than going through such struggles.
“Okay. One year. Not a single day longer.”
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theroyalsims · 3 years
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Several weeks after his name was first dragged into a controversy of royal proportions, Clive Harlowe, Princess E’s former personal aide and ex-flame finally broke his silence via an official statement.
The Brindleton native sent a written statement to the Brindleton Broadcasting Company, which was then first publicly aired during last night’s evening broadcast. The rather lengthy statement is reproduced in its entirety below:
“In light of recent events, I would like to once and for all set things straight. So many lies have been said, so many half-truths passed off as facts, and in the process, people have been left hurt and relationships shattered in its aftermath.
 In the Autumn of last year, I fell in love with a wonderful woman who is not only beautiful, but brilliant, generous, and kind. We were together for some months, however, when the public found out about our personal relationship, the both of us, including our respective families were bombarded by abuse from the public and the media. Things became so bad, that we both realised the danger that has befallen us. While she and her family are well-equipped to deal with the public scrutiny, my family and I, however, are not. 
My parent’s cottage in the country and their small bakery were vandalised. They were tailed by photographers on a daily basis. Overnight, our small village was taken over by reporters and photographers, hoping to catch any story about me, my past, or my family. My girlfriend was also put under extra scrutiny, which pained me since she has worked so hard for so long to prove herself.
I realised that this cannot go on. I spoke with my girlfriend, and we agreed to let each other go for a chance at peace and quiet. I loved her very much, and I still do, and every day, it hurts me that we had to make that decision for the sake of our families’ happiness. I also decided to leave Brindleton, in the hopes that things would go back to normal, especially for my parents. There was no fight. There was no drama. We parted as friends with fond memories of each other.
My former employers heard of our decision to separate, and of my decision to work abroad. Out of the kindness of their hearts, and their sheer generosity, they gave me a good reference and helped me find a good job in my field of interest. They also helped me apply for a scholarship - which I eventually got by passing multiple examinations and interviews. Like everyone else who resigns from a job, I also received the remainder of my salary of which I was due. I found a small flat which fit my income. I do not own it. I pay a monthly rent, which I get from my salary. There was no money. There was no ‘gift’ flat. There was no bribery.
I am dumbfounded as to where and how the rumours began. I am a private person; a nobody - an ordinary bloke from Brindleford. My parents are simple people who live in the flat above their small bakery. I just happened to work for a powerful family and fall in love with a public figure. With that, I suppose comes all the intrusion and loathing. I don’t deserve this. The woman I love does not deserve this. And more importantly, our families do not deserve all this hate and unwanted attention. As much as I would’ve liked to remain quiet, I am left with no choice but to finally say my piece, since my silence was initially construed to be ‘confirmation’ of the vile rumours, which could not be further from the truth.
So now, I would like to offer my humble and deepest apologies to all the members of The Royal Family, especially to Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal Highness Prince Jacques, and to Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess who have shown me nothing but kindness, generosity, and understanding from the very start.
Finally, I also want to apologise to Her Royal Highness The Princess Eleanore. I should have done more. I could have done better. - because God knows you deserve only the very best. I also want to thank Her Royal Highness for giving me an opportunity to love and be loved in return. 
-Clive Harlowe”
The statement is expected to be the “final” word from Clive, who has since refused any interviews, follow-ups, or even calls for more comments from the press. Rumour has it that the young man has also denied several offers to write a tell-all book as well as a 7-figure deal for an exclusive primetime interview with a certain media mogul and TV host.
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(Above: A poker-faced Clive was seen earlier today leaving a coffee shop near his office. After releasing a lengthy “official” statement to the Brindleton Broadcasting Company, the young man has since refused to comment on the issue any further.)
Clive has also gone back to his usual job in Windenburg after reportedly taking a week-long leave from work, perhaps to lay low and let things quiet down a little.
However, despite the seemingly clear statement from Clive, there are still those who claim that the statement was “coaxed” out of him by either The Queen and/or Anya to help with the current situation, especially since both royals have seen a decline in their popularity over the past few weeks.
Do you think this statement is sincere or does it seem fishy? You be the judge!
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hi can i please request one where levi's s/o is sort of like him in personality but just melts whenever theres a baby. like she'll see a baby in town and will go from silent and moody to the heart eyes emoji but a person, or she'll babysit her neice or nephew or cousin and will be just so loving and bubbly? like its obvious that she wants to be a mum but she never brings it up because she doesnt think he wants kids and eventually they get pregnant + his reaction? sorry if this is too much (1/2)
ΑΝΟΟΟΟΝ IM BLUSHING THANK YOU SO MUCH. I really loved this request and it inspired me so I pushed before others because I had to get it out of my system. I hope you like this. It's super duper long also👉👈
Warnings: uhh pregnancy, mentions of anxiety
Tags: fluff, domestic Levi, pregnancy, modern au
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Baby Fever
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Your heartbeat grew louder with each passing second as Mike abused the door with one too many knocks. You didn't know if you could talk, or breath or do anything other than vomiting though this time from the anxiety building at the pits of your stomach and not due to your very recent event of morning sickness.
"Are you alright in there?"
You choke on your own voice as you try to huff a single response. It's not really up to your judgement of you're alright or not but rather in the small white object's that rests between the thumbs and pointer fingers of each of your hands. You contemplate if there's a way to not raise any more suspicion to the blond male, you're at his house for all that matters. Nanaba called you to take care of their their twins and you happily complied to your half sister's pleas because Mike had a very important job interview. Life had taken a toll on him lately, they couldn't afford a babysitter and he was just recently fired due to his company having to cut down expenses thanks to the pandemic. Amidst this pandemonium he had to find a way to provide for his family and help Nanaba with at least a short monthly salary. So babysitting your beloved niece and nephew wasn't much of a problem. Not until now.
At first it hadn't bothered you that your period was late, you had accepted the pcos lifestyle the hard way ever since you first got it. You would track down your period in hopes you could ever predict when it would come again but it always seemed to surprise you. Sometimes it would come in a months notice only to take four months to do a full circle. At twenty three, this was the most positive outturn as a resolution to your problem. Levi was pushing you to eat healthy and exercise to get a better grip of your situation, even though you knew it was in vain. And thus, overall it didn't bother you that you hadn't had your period still, fatigue and breast inflammation were also common problems due to hormonal abnormalities so you chose not to pay any attention to those early signs either.
What had driven you to urge Levi to drop you off to the drugstore next to Nanaba's house though was that you've been having symptoms of morning sickness for almost a week now, that you had tried to push aside for Levi not to notice. He would quarantine you on your on your own and go stay with Erwin and Hange had he any suspicion of you being down with the stomach flu. The stomach flu though didn't feel like that and you knew, you had been through it one too many times, this was something different and yet you cursed at yourself for overthinking it. You had bought the pregnancy test as something that was supposed to turn out negative, as a positive resolution that you weren't pregnant and that you should quest for whatever it was that was making your stomach turn and twist every morning.
Upon finally opening the door in an attempt not to delay Mike who wanted to attend his interview, the blond male inspected your form with a harsh gaze. "You shouldn't push yourself if you're sick. We could call my mother to watch over Eli and Blaire."
"No." You pushed it off. "I'm fine Mike, it's probably that weird mushroom soup I ate yesterday, Levi insisted on not buying it but I didn't listen."
"I see." Mike said scrunching his nose at the process. Sometimes you hated that he knew you so well that he could even smell you lying, but he was Nanaba's childhood friend before her mother married your father and had you; you had practically grown up with the blond duo so for all you knew, even if he was certainly aware that you were lying he didn't push things further. He simply placed a hand on your shoulder, the brother like nature of his touch as assuring as one can be. "If you need anything call me, I'll answer as soon as possible, drink lots of water and don't wear yourself down."
You bore your eyes into his and nodded simply. Mike greeted the twins with reluctance and let out a sigh before fixing his suit perfectly on his shoulders. The small kids smiled bubbly in return and waved at their father enthusiastically. As soon as the door closed and their father got out of sight both children jumped on you with loud giggles. The act alone was enough to curl your lips into an upward position.
By noon you had fed and lulled the kids to sleep, earning some significant time to sink into the crevices of the feathery soft sofa before Nanaba came back from her shift. As tiring as Eli and Blaire were you enjoyed their teeny company. You didn't mind their lack of ability to form full understandable sentences yet, you loved how they didn't even try to spare a second thought on what they bubbled on about and you did your best to provoke them to speak correctly. They would open their arms for you, their tiny palms signaling you to take them into long affectionate hugs as they called a baby spoken version of your nickname and you would melt at it every single time. Everyone knew you much you loved the chubby cheeked sweethearts, as much as it contrasted with your usual demeanor. There was something that truly made you feel like the best version of yourself when you were around them.
Babies seemed to be a hot topic in your group of friends for a couple of months now, ever since you started helping Nanaba in the house before Mike got fired. Levi seemed very unbothered by the subject in a way that saddened you almost; sure, you might have talked about it in the past, being that he was a little older than you and he might have understood that you longed to be a mother one day, but that was as far as that one conversation had gone. He still had that bored, stoic gaze that slipped off of yours when you would encounter a baby in the street, whereas you would basically make heart eyes and weird grimaces to any infant he would just click his tongue and avert his gaze away, to any other direction as if he disapproved off your fondness.
That memory alone left you hollowing inside as you recalled of the two very much pink lines on the screen of the test this morning. Naturally you would check with a doctor before jumping to conclusions, there still was a chance that the test was at fault and you wanted to bet on simply that. If the case was that you were actually pregnant though things were more complicated than you wanted them to be. For instance you were still in University, for your last year at that, but you had excessive amounts of studying to get your hands on your degree and Levi was cornered and ready to be squished by his job for being a vice president, which was unfair as he worked for Erwin. You understood the situation though as Erwin was struggling to keep the company going especially through these rough rough times. There was also the fact that you were terrified of Levi asking you to put the baby down, with pcos wearing your system down you were panicking that you wouldn't have a chance to conceive a baby later on. What if this was your only chance? You've always longed to be a mother so it didn't matter that it came to you this early right?
The sound of the front door clicking open shook you off your thoughts immediately. For better or for worse it was Nanaba that had finally returned, eager to strip herself of her clothes and face mask and run to the bathroom. She offered you small greeting to which you only nodded, your tired mind ordering your eyes to find comfort at small shapes in the ceiling. You didn't know how long your sister took in the bathroom, but judging by the lack of giggling coming from the babies' room you supposed it wasn't for long.
"You want to wait for Levi to come pick you up or should I give you a ride home when Mike's back? He should be home soon!" She spoke as she poured water in a red metallic boiler.
"I'll just walk. I need some air."
Nanaba emitted a soft hum in response "Are you alright? You seem off."
"Oh no." You brushed her off "I was just thinking about what I should wear at Erwin and Hange's anniversary dinner next week, and what gift to buy Levi now that his birthday is coming."
"Good, I see, just don't stress alright?"
The way home was longer than you had initially remembered, whether it was for your inability to walk with a steady pace or mostly because it was already getting dark and cold. You wondered if Levi would be getting home by now as you neared the apartment complex the two of you resided in. By the looks of your illuminated window he was already home as expected of him this certain hour. It probably was one of those days when he didn't have a strict deadline to attend to, which, under normal circumstances, only meant more cuddles and kisses for you. Yet, tonight was different.
"Hey Levs" Your voice lingered in his brain the moment you stepped inside.
"Hey brat, welcome home." The kiss you left on his cheek as you hurriedly headed to the bathroom was different, off almost, and he picked up on it immediately. "Did Nanaba drop you off? I had asked Mike to come by tonight, he said he'd bring some tea leaves he bought for me."
He leaned at the frame of the door as he watched you wash every crevice of your face thoroughly, paying enough attention to the insides of your outer nasal cavity. He was pretty meticulous about hygiene and especially at times like these with a hole pandemic going on he wasn't taking any chances, you knew, plus you were kind of disgusted of germs lately yourself, you thought you finally understood where he was coming from. He took a few steps ahead, away from your body in search of a clean face towel to hand out to you when you were done. You have it to him, even if he seemed cold as stone that domestic lifestyle was mesmerizing to you.
"Thanks baby, you're the best." You half smiled.
"You good?"
At this point you wondered if you seriously we're so easy to read. You supposed you were off, but you were always off and unresponsive to many things so what exactly was it about today that made everyone know you had a conflict in your mind.
"Yeah I'm just tired, I walked here."
Levi clicked his tongue at that "Nanaba's home is very far away from here, have a shower and I'll rub your legs and feet." With eyes that never left yours Levi watched as your face lit up a little more, he gave you a tiny of a smile on return.
"You prooomise Levs?" You knew teasing with him could only lead to one thing, yet you did it shamelessly.
"Tch, of course, hurry up, I'm making pancakes with eggs and bacon."
Normally at the very sound of this particular food your eyes would water and your mouth would drool but the unresponsive nature of your expression only sent a new wave of worry through Levi's chest. As much as he had wanted to convince himself you were just tired, he couldn't, not after this reaction to your favorite snack. He decided not to push you into saying anything you didn't want to though. Maybe it was that enormous amount of notes you had to memorize for your next exams in addition to your fatigue and any hormonal altercations.
"Yeah" you trailed off "babe, about that, can we have cocktail shrimp? And maybe fried rice and fries? Pretty pretty please?"
Ah, there it was. Although it was a rare occasion for you not to be in the mood of his infamous pancakes, you could still have a few different cravings from time to time. Levi let out a sigh of relief as he proceeded your order trying to figure of where he should order from, last night's mushroom soup had messed your stomach up, that he knew, but you seemed to be fine now so in theory that should be enough to prevent him from whining out his concerns.
As he closed the door to the bathroom he hummed his favorite tune to himself, softly enough as not to disturb you with your bath. He picked up his phone from the kitchen table with ease before collapsing on the couch, there was a limit to what his body could take and he had surpassed that by far these past few months. Endless deadlines that took turns one after another and extra hours at the office had been killing him, mentally and physically, making him a little more grumpy than usual. In great addition his back ached, his fingers were sore and his mind felt like canned alphabet soup every single night. Perhaps, seeing him in this state was taking a toll on you as well; you were always so protective over him, almost like a mother to her child, despite being younger, and he if he had to, he'd admit he enjoyed it a little too much than he should have.
When you came out of the bathroom he gazed over you briefly, you were sitting before the end of the dresser, standing in front of the full body mirror, examining your form. He seemed to be puzzled by your demeanor once again. Normally, or up until yesterday, you would have immediately shot out to where he was seated at to plough into his arms with wet hair, only to slightly irritate him for getting him wet, not that he didn't enjoy to smell your fresh scent anyway, but it was a game of routine for you by now. It was almost as if you were seeking to be scolded at for not rushing to dry your hair. He always wanted you as healthy as ever.
You couldn't shake off your head how soft Levi's chest is. There probably wasn't a reason as to why he's sleeping shirtless tonight, your apartment was very warm, given that it was the start of December already, but you didn't complain. The feeling of creamy, milky soft skin, perfectly excused by any coarse hair was slowly putting you to sleep. You loved how Levi was so soft everywhere you touched, it was so unlike what the world perceived of him, maybe your baby's skin was going to be as smooth and perfect as his and not as dry and oily as yours. Of course the baby's skin was going to be soft, ugh and those little arms and legs, you couldn't lie to your self, deep down you were just a tad excited to have a baby, if it meant that it would look like Levi you wouldn't want to give up on it for the world.
"Levi, does Kenny keep baby pictures of you?"
"What?" The onyx haired male raised a brow at your inquiry but didn't give you enough time to repeat yourself before he answered. "My mother had so many pictures of me so I guess that it's natural that he has some and well there probably are a few pictures from after my mother's death, I'm not that sure."
In response, he only earned a hum.
"Tch, can I lay on your chest? I want you to play with my hair." His eyes pleaded with you in the darkness. Of course you could never say no to such thing, you loved it even more when he was the one sleeping on you. Another sentence left his lips, this time with a yawn as he shifted himself on you, cooing like a small child. "I'll call Kenny tomorrow, sleep now I know you need it."
Under any other circumstance you would have loved seeing everyone's dumbfounded faces stating at you as if they had seen the dead rise from their graves. You had to pinch your arms to remind yourself this was indeed serious and you shouldn't let out a single chuckle.
"Please tell me you're joking" Nanaba pleaded, placing her hand on yours in disbelief.
"I'm going to screeeeeam! Shorty can't even hold it in, ghaaaa!"
"Hange he will hear you through the restroom."
Hange blinked her eyes rapidly at the sound of that. "You haven't told him?" She immediately seemed to lose her enthusiasm, something you hadn't intended to happen, especially at such a night, but you knew you didn't have a say in other people's emotions.
"Hange he never seemed too fond of the idea, why would I complicated things for him?"
Mike's eyes widened in disbelief. There was no way in hell he was having this. You were practically his little sister, seeing you so tormented as you were in the moment when you spoke those words ravaged his last nerve, causing anger to clench his hands into fists. He watched as you took a small bite of your food giving the rest to Eli who was comfortably sitting on your lap, tapping his little hands on the rim of your plate. Other than the fact you broke out such news to him, Nanaba Hange and Erwin and had expressed your fears on informing your significant other, you seemed quite bubbly. Children really did bring out such a soft side of you, he knew that was for sure.
"Hange" you spoke, unphased as ever "Levi's coming please stop screaming at me, i love you but it's only making me dizzy."
It felt as if a thousand pairs of eyes were burning holes through his whole body, his head, and everywhere around his personal space bubble. Levi could feel his pulse tense just a tad, Hange's unnerving gaze and her crippling smile were fixated especially on him, making his nose itchy. There was something very different in the atmosphere around him; Nanaba wasn't eating anymore, she was more fixated on her daughter than anyone else, Erwin was nervously staring between him and you and you and Mike were trying to clean Eli's hands from the food he had just touched. When the scenery wasn't something irregular, none of you dared look eachother in the eyes, beat it that Hange was staring only at him.
"Oi, what the fuck is wrong-"
"Levi, shorty! Does Eli look like he's enjoying himself in (y/n)'s arms?" Hange turned her sweetened gaze on you, making you choke on your words, you shot her an atrociously strict glare. "Remember when Nanaba gave birth? What do you think about babies? Maybe you think they smell a lot? But what about ackerbabies?"
"Way to be discreet Han, thank you!" Your lips puckered in anger as you brought your arms to cross under your chest.
"Wait what's going on shitty glasses?"
"Yada Yada shorty, you're not getting a word from me, my lips are sealed" Hange spoke and shut her eyes to emphasize the significance of her words.
You sighed in a pathetic attempt to relieve some tention of your chest. A tight knot had formed due to anxiety, fog had clouded over your brain and you were feeling so faint and exhausted that you just wanted to get it over with. You didn't mind standing there like a fish out of water after breaking the news to him, the tention in the air was in fact what was making you suffocate in your seat. With wobbly hands you pushed Eli off your lap, not caring about the moan of disagreement he made and you shot up from your seat, announcing you had to take some fresh air. Levi had to stop Nanaba mid tracks to be able to come after you, fast enough to be there when you got out.
Naturally, you stood seated at a bench that neared the restaurant. Your hands were covering your face scratching softly through your hair, probably in attempts to calm your self down. He approached you without any second thought, this time determined to know what was it with you. Your behavior these past week had been unnerving and overly concerning to say the least. Carefully he sat himself down next to you, his right arm come around your frame comfortingly while the left one came to caress underneath your cheek.
"You should probably talk to me."
Your voice came muffled from between your palms as you still hadn't dared to look him in the eye. "Levi, I'm, I'm so sorry it's just... I'm very anxious."
"I think I figured that, brat." His voice was so soothing, it felt as if he was speaking to you in the comfort of your private room, not on a bench outside a semi fancy restaurant
"You know when Hange talked about ackerbabies she uhm, she might have had a particular baby in mind."
Levi blinked erratically for a single second before his mouth, unable to compel to his brain's orders, formed the shape of an oh. Of course, in the moment it was hard to click with any other even but he attributed that to his lack of knowledge over the situation. Had he any clue or suspicion that you could be pregnant he would have been able to realise that it wasn't that your stress had been messing with your stomach every morning and that your extreme fatigue couldn't possible align with the erratically swift rhythm of your palms. Of course, of course it wasn't a thermometer that you had disposed of in the toilet, he wanted to slap himself for being so naive as to believe that. He was strict with recycling rules, you wouldn't have just straight up there s thermometer in the trash. Fuck now's not the time to think about recycling.
With the soft, chaste kiss at the top of your hair you finally decided to turn your gaze to him. Watery eyes met with an adoring grey gaze, a gaze you've never seen at this extreme before. "I love you, you know." Another kiss meant your head got to lift a little more, just to get closer to him. "I don't say it often but you don't have to worry, I'll try to tell our kid more often."
Your eyes shimmered with adoration at his words, despite the cold weather you couldn't bring yourself to feel not even a little tingle, Levi was keeping you so warm with his words. "Really? You want this?"
"Tch why wouldn't I, you thought I'd ever let you go and leave me lonely? I've always thought you knew we're sharing the same future."
Your lips attacked his in fiery passion. It was a natural reaction to his words, an ice melting kiss, a promise for the future. There were many reasons as to why you lived Levi but maybe the fact that you would have a little stoic faced baby running around your feet made you love him a little bit more.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
boyfriend bot (m)
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↳ Not made of flesh nor blood. But made to treat you right. 
↳ PAIRING ⇁ baekyhun x reader
↳ STATS ⇁ one shot | sci-fi + domestic au
↳ WORDS ⇁ 29k
↳ WARNINGS ⇁ slow burn, the yearning™, eventual smut, light angst, making out, fingering, blowjobs, vaginal penetration, baekhyun can expand his dick what about it, cock warming, messy sex, artificial semen, giving orders + name-calling (bbh receiving), cum play, throatpies, wet panties all the way, masturbation, switching & dom!reader undertones but more vanilla > kink, french kissing, baek is a gentleman, cuddles
↳ ♡ Caro’s Note ✏︎ mmh i love seeing reader get her life turned upside down. features ten chapters. please indulge. ✍️
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Chapter 1: The Capsule
God, the sting is back. Your left foot starts hurting like absolute hell. Out of all possible moments and places.
The vaguely polite smile on your face drops to a stifled expression, but Mr. Kim — on top of being just as oblivious as you expected a man of his job to be — is too preoccupied to notice.
„Our faculty is quite large,“ he says, gazing over the diagrams on his tablet pc. „We require a lot of spare room to test the robots.“
You exhale. Trying to focus on the diagrams, whatever they might mean. It’s mostly obscure, floating animations in green and yellow. Actually — very much unlike the faculty itself which is white, stark, and sterile. And yes. Too large for its own fucking good.
Just keep on walking, you tell yourself, you’ll be there soon. You’ll see Baekhyun in just a minute, okay.
Besides Mr. Kim, whoever works here has got to be a raging part-time athlete. Crossing all the plain white corridors feels like jogging right through a football field.
If you walk down any more of those, you’ll actually be out of breath. On top of limping like a stork in a puddle of half-dry mud. All accompanied by the squeaking of Mr. Kim’s obnoxious white crocs that seem to mock you with every step.
You spend too much time inside.
But who these days trains for a marathon like this.
Another deep exhale. Focus, focus, focus. You try to keep the conversation smooth.
„That’s reasonable. How long does it take to run such a test?“
„Really depends on the model,“ Mr. Kim hums, now diverting his eyes from his device to meet yours. „Prototypes take three, even four years to manufacture, trial, and refine. It is rocket science.“
Your foot is kind enough not to send another spike of pain through your legs so your face looks neutral at best.
„Four years. Quite a long time.“
Around just as long as you’ve been the single pringle of the neighborhood if you count up the months. Now that’s funny. You still feel pathetic showing up here, either way.
But since you already paid and walked what feels like three miles, there’s no going back.
Mr. Kim stuffs the tablet into his pocket now, then interlaces his fingers, making him reminiscent of some kind of ancient Roman oratory figure with his long white lab coat on.
„It is. The models that you can customize do several test runs over the course of two weeks, on the other hand.“
„Wow, that’s actually pretty fast, then.“
You’re genuinely surprised. That the faculty is professional to a fault, however, isn’t shocking. The reviews of their products are nothing but positive. Five stars are plastered all over the edgy customer feedback section on the company website. Accordingly, your purchase is worth more than five saved monthly salaries which torments you more than your damn foot.
Mr. Kim cocks his head a little.
„Technically, yes,“ he says. „However, every custom bot has once been a prototype. All the important safety tests have been conducted.“
You raise your brows. If you did the math correctly, it’s 3 to 4 years development stage plus two weeks of customizing and tests. That makes sense.
You’re surprised your brain can register as much. Now that it’s been ten minutes of walking or even a bit longer, who knows the time works differently in this bitch of a building, the corridor is giving your Achilles’ heel a hard time again with another endlessly long passage.
Doors upon doors, one more mysteriously labeled than the other, pop up right and left. ‚CASTS AND SCULPTURE‘ says one entrance. ‚LINGUISTIC DEVELOPMENT‘ another. From another corner, a whirring noise keeps on disrupting the silence of the hallway.  
What else can you do but try to slow down the pace without it being too discernable. It’ll pass in no time, you tell yourself, don’t be a bother. You won’t have some breakdown in here and ask for a glass of water or whatever. It’s already embarrassing enough to do all of this.
If you act up, they might consider you unsuitable to take the bot home. There are no opportunities to sit down anyway. Mr. Kim is far too awkward to talk about anything else but technical details. They probably don’t even have cardboard cups and mineral water in here, at least not in the radius of the sensitive equipments.
It really is a rocket science place.
Figures, this is a place for robots, not humans. The receptionist of the faculty himself had been a bot already. Sleek, poised, and polite. Interestingly, with a slight resemblance to Mr. Kim.
You chew on your bottom lip to distract yourself, walk on. Trying to come up with questions seems to be the best way to distract yourself at this point.
„Do… you also quiz the robots for conversation like that?“
It sounds like an outlandish thing to say to such a high-ranking scientist, but with the pain in your leg, it’s all too easy to forget about tone. The corridor becomes longer with every step and the neon lights above don’t help. Maybe you only hallucinate all of this. Mr. Kim sounds as factual and courteous as ever.
„Of course. We simulate every possible life situation you can think of. He can play sports with you, talk about modern art, cook Spaghetti, iron clothes, send you a text message, point out star constellations.“
Your heart beats even faster than it already does. Not that you’d ever need your robot to do push-ups or teach you cross-training. But Mr. Kim very much sounds like he’s confident the android will keep all its lofty claims. It’s a promise that raises your mood a lot more than you thought. All the details on the website you’ve read about three times already, but hearing them confirmed is still exciting.
„Even if a client customizes a model,“ he pulls out the device from his pocket again, then points to several other red graphs on the tablet. „The base programming allows for a variety of actions already.“
None of the data he shows you instantly rings a bell. It looks far too advanced. But it’s a no-brainer to you, someone like Mr. Kim lives in a bubble of bot speak.
As far as you understand it, what he means is that all robots have long been ‚finished‘. Customizing only adds a few features. A final, very personalized touch.
„Um— And my bot is able to learn, right?“
„That is one of the most important features,“ Mr. Kim fiercely nods his head. So that struck a chord. „Baekhyun is a leisure model, but you’ll notice that he asks a lot of questions.“
„What type of questions?“
„Well… Think of it as if a child with a rational mind gets to know the world. Very rapidly rather than naively. And, he constantly updates what your preferences are.“
The prospect of finally meeting him lets the pain in your leg fade off at least a little.
Only eight letters in an online form until this very moment. But soon, someone very real before your eyes. It’s an overwhelming thought, but your impatience is stronger than that. Now you really want to see him.
The corridor, thankfully, ends in a few feet anyways. Your knees are getting wobbly by the minute.
„Is he able to reach conclusions on his own?“ you ask, hands stuffed into the side pockets of your black jeans. Your pulse is still increasing. Mr. Kim’s friendly face becomes even friendlier with the smile that now stretches wide across.
„Conclusions— I would describe him as logical, but with a strong ethical twist. He’s a leisure model, after all.“
That sounds like a fancy way of saying ‚yes‘. Or, in a way, a hook to assure a new client that it was money well spent and not wasted on some hoax.
It’s not like you don’t trust the countless ‚I got a leisure bot and this is how we live’ client videos you saw online.
Even the most amateur vloggers seemed to be wildly in love with their models. Kissing and hugging them all over the place, playing games together and whatnot.
„You know, I had the honor of overseeing his tests last week,“ Mr. Kim continues. „Baekhyun’s sense of wit is so astounding, even our chief robotics officer was surprised. And he works in the department since 1995. That’s almost 40 years of experience here.“
You have to smile to yourself now, too. In the ‚select personality’ section on the customization website, your particular wish was to make Baekhyun sharp. Maybe this could turn out as interesting as you pictured it would be.
„We took a little longer with it. But I believe Baekhyun is among one of the best customizations this month,“ Mr. Kim now stops and draws out a key card. „Especially— in terms of how you helped us design his looks and theme. Most client requests we get want some kind of he-man. They only spend twenty minutes customizing their bot on the website, if not less.“
Mr. Kim pulls a frustrated face recalling that. In the meantime, you try to keep your legs straight as good as possible. It’s probably been a few years since you’ve been legitimately nervous like that and it catches you off guard. This is like a final exam. After a brief attempt to fix your hair, you shove your hands into your pockets a little deeper.
„Hm, I see?“
It must have been getting vastly boring in the lab judging by how he talks himself into a frenzy about the project. Although well, if he wouldn’t, you’d be a little worried. This is the type of job where you have to geek out. Mr. Kim seems to be the right kind of guy in his profession, you can’t deny that.
You take a deep breath now — hoping they didn’t go too far with their experiments once they got the rare opportunity to do so.
Mr. Kim pushes his brunette hair back. You can tell he’s getting a little tense himself. He disables the tablet PC using a sleek button on its side and clamps the device under his left armpit.
„You spent almost four hours selecting all the extended details,“ he says. „That helps us a lot. Baekhyun quickly developed into our favorite project to work on. He’s a very self-aware and attentive android.“
You nod, absent-minded already. What matters is that you finally reached the end of the fucking corridor. And just how high your level of adrenaline has been rising. It feels like a gyro drop at full throttle.
You murmur a small thank you and watch Mr. Kim swipe his card through the chunky white, bleeping doorknob. A green light appears from above the door and it scoots open.
„Over there,“ he brings his left hand forward, ushering you inside.
In the middle of the dome-like room before you is a platform sporting an adjustable mechanical frame. Chrome, light aluminum, something of that kind. A terribly odd construction, but almost mundane for a faculty of this caliber. Everything smells painstakingly sterile.
There are similar set-ups you’ve seen in the hospital you got your appendix removed in last spring. Whether that’s a good sign or not you can’t tell over the buzzing inside of your head. This shit has you way too clamped up in the stomach.
You try to focus on observing as good as you can. Back to the here and now.
The frame holds a shiny grey capsule reminiscent of a cocoon. Mr. Kim steps forth toward the pod and swipes across its surface with a gentle right hand. That triggers a series of mechanisms at the back of the capsule, causing it to gain opacity.
Within seconds, a quirky silhouette with elegant limbs appears inside the cocoon. Your hands tremble even more. This is the moment you downed three large fucking cups of coffee for this morning after two winding hours of sleep.
„There he is,“ Mr. Kim announces, audibly proud.
Once the capsule is fully transparent, it is turned upright by the frame shifting about— and dissolves. The cocoon is gone.
The man that now stands before you slowly comes to life as if waking up from a fifty-year-long slumber.
Chapter 2: Enamel
What you first notice is his hair: Whiter than pearls, almost platinum. It’s long enough so see a slight bend in it. Whether it is actual hair or some kind of artificial fiber seems quite impossible to tell. It’s all matte, gently moving. Underneath its softly parted bangs open—
Baekhyun’s eyes. You can’t help but get tunnel vision and an awkwardly stiff posture. Even if they still look sleepy, there is so much movement in them already. They are perfectly droopy and teddy-like, turning toward you with a shapely, slightly long button nose in between. Either iris is deep and dark to the point of no pupil being immediately recognizable. There is something very intentional in his gaze that makes you hold your breath.
At a second glance, it appears as if a thin layer of beige eyeshadow was smudged right around both lash lines, drawing even more attention to the little gleam in the eyes themselves. All around the lab, the faculty’s scientists have placed huge round neon light spheres as lamps, one emitting a light more uncomfortable than the other. But in Baekhyun’s eyes, they appear like distant planets.
Seconds pass. You stare. Then, a voice light and airy knocks you out of your frozen state.
„I am very glad to be with you now,“ Baekhyun’s lips begin to move. You audibly breathe in even harder.
They are small, rosy, angular at the cupid’s bow— revealing a subtle smile with beaming teeth and red gums above. And even though they are bright, none of his teeth appear remotely the same, even, nor too symmetrical.
Imperfect like nature, they look just like yours or anyone else’s. You wouldn’t have guessed, not in a million years, that they are made of ‚steadfast, durable acrylic‘ as it said on the website. His smile looks— so real.
„Very nice to meet you, Baekhyun,“ is the only thing you manage to blurt out, extending your hand. Your brain is running on emergency autopilot.
In this moment, it feels like you are more robotic than the robot before you.
The gentle squeeze of Baekhyun’s gently forthcoming hand feels warming. Where you expected cold metal, a smooth heat spreads in your palm. Besides a small whirring sound that seems to emanate from his shoulder joints and wrist, the way he shakes your hand is fluid, malleable to how your own arm angles towards him. Almost — intuitive?
„I’m sorry if I smell like oil and metal. That will fade,“ chirps Baekhyun, lighthearted and boyish, letting go of your hand. It took you a solid eight seconds to initiate a withdrawal. The shame of feeling so desperate drives a pulsing heat into your face. Guinness world record for longest human-android handshake here we come.
Mr. Kim can’t help but laugh behind you, then ends up mumbling into his non-existent beard.
„Exceptional… truly exceptional. Our language specialists have outdone themselves. Even the voice modulation.“
Whatever that exactly means, you nod along anyway. And you almost thought Mr. Kim was laughing at you.
You rebuke yourself for getting way too defensive. It’s not that your synapses would bother dealing with complicated information like this right now to begin with.
„His voice is— It’s just how I pictured it. It’s so beautiful.“
It doesn’t sound recorded or like some random car navigation system’s speaker at all. It’s almost as if he was being perfectly synchronized by somebody standing right behind him. Only a minimal distortion at the end of his sentences gives away how his words are being generated, processed, pieced together. Other than that, his light and animated tone sounds authentic to a surprising extreme. For some reason, it’s almost as if he’s singing. He speaks surprisingly fast, too.
„You have to compliment yourself,“ Baekhyun steps forward a little, and the capsule frame behind him removes itself from the room’s center platform with a zooming noise. „My voice is designed after your imagination.“
„That’s, that’s nothing. Mr. Kim did all of the important work,“ you negate, way, way too fast, and you bite your lip for almost interrupting him.
„Baekhyun is correct,“ Mr. Kim retorts, now appearing on your left with a clipboard in his hand. He must have fetched it while you were busy being a marble statue. „He’s proof of what fantasy can achieve.“
He smiles, then begins to tick boxes on the board, using a shiny, bold black pen from his lab coat’s chest pocket. Baekhyun smiles a marvelous smile right along.
He is truly hypnotizing to your eye. The more you can take in his entirety, the more overwhelming it is, and there’s no way you can get enough of it.
His skin in particular catches your attention. It is embued with a light bronze sheen. His neck, his arms, his face: All different ways of sunkissed, but still appearing as a consistent whole.
Upon a closer look, you even see a few moles and the finest hairs— on his underarms, the chin, the linings of the cheeks. The steep jaw, too. You remember a detail on the website saying that he can actually get goosebumps, so going by that the little golden fuzz is able to move.
You’ve never seen skin like that in your whole life, and yet, it feels natural. The evenness is not the same anywhere. In some spots, there are subtle blue streaks and elongated bumps, as if there were veins. His neck and hands sport the most prominent bits. Around his wrist and elbow area, you can clearly see bone structure denting through. It’s like real skin on a skeleton. His collar bones are acutely visible, as are his knuckles and cheekbones.
„Baekhyun’s haptics are perfected to a single pore,“ a scribbling Mr. Kim picks up on your lasting, travelling gaze. „Elastic, but sturdy, and still extremely soft. You can touch him like any other person. The skin mimics the same properties except that it hardly ages. It is also heated to body temperature.“
Now you know where your money went into. And why Baekhyun’s hands felt so astoundingly real. You wonder how it would feel if he would—
„Quite alright,“ you gawk, chasing away a gazillion of incoming thoughts. All while feeling what seems like an entire waterfall of sweat trickle down your lower spine. You grant yourself the annual award for the most inept conversationalist nation-wide. „Does that need any maintenance?“
„Principally… he is a self-maintaining system,“ Mr. Kim finishes up with his paperwork. „Even small damages he can repair without you having to bring him here. He can log into our databank and get updates if necessary, though that rarely occurs with leisure models. All very discreetly, of course. The, well, the only thing Baekhyun needs from you is regular interaction. As I said: Learning is vital to him. Absolutely vital. You can talk to him like with anybody else.“
„That I can uh provide! I mean sure!“
You exhale. Slacken. Try to keep your feet parallel to each other. If interaction is the only thing needed to keep Baekhyun on his toes, your toolbox can gladly stay in the basement. Lord knows you’d be a lackluster bot mechanic. Casts, sculpture, linguistics and whatnot, on top of any screws to tighten.
„It’s a pleasure,“ a very smoldering Baekhyun straightens his body, and along with it his crisp white outfit. Which you… already like a lot.
It’s tailored rather snugly to his slim frame. You believe it’s got to be synthetics he’s wearing, a thick kind of fabric. As if you didn’t sweat already, the top is sleeveless. Even if he appears quite slender, Baekhyun’s upper arms are nevertheless muscular. The way he straightened up only emphasizes how toned he is.
„And I’m sorry I made you nervous,“ Baekhyun continues, softy gazing over your face. „Seeing someone with enamel eyes is not the most common thing.“
Now your posture becomes equally as upright. The marble statue is back.
As if you forgot whatever the hell language is. Mr. Kim must think you’re a complete fool. And Baekhyun, anyways. You already realize how well he can read situations. And— well, your very face. It’s been one of your top requirements in the customization form, after all. It comes back to bite you.
„We normally use plain glass. For the ocular apparatus, I mean,“ Mr. Kim puts away his clipboard, seemingly content. „But since Baekhyun’s eyes are so dark, engineer Park suggested a coat of enamel to emphasize shine. It adds to the visual. Otherwise, his eyes would swallow all light if you will.“
That’s why the lamp reflections are the way they are in Baekhyun’s eyes. It really is a kind of shiny effect. Not even Tulo, the new palm-sized puppy of your friend Hwasa, has such a vivid expression.
In a following moment of sobriety, you let Mr. Kim’s words repeat in your head. Ocular apparatus. It feels so weird to talk about Baekhyun’s face this way. But it helps to remind you once again. He is man-made. For you. Convincingly well.
„Do you like it?“ Baekhyun promptly asks. „It is the department’s goal to make them look as real as possible.“
„I… I can’t complain. It’s incredible. Really incredible.“
If not absolutely staggering. Your whole body feels tingly.
Baekhyun shifts close to you by the millimeter the more you gape right at him. In the meantime, Mr. Kim stuffs his pen back into the lab coat with an understanding hum.
You have no idea what Baekhyun will do now.
Chapter 3: He Treats You So Right
„So, you agree to matching up with client 2B6?“ Mr. Kim asks Baekhyun.
„I do, sir,“ comes a faithful answer right away. Baekhyun’s cheeks become fuller in a beaming smile.
„Are you satisfied with the result and would like to take Baekhyun home?“ Mr. Kim now turns to you.
„Y—yes, I… I want to.“
You don’t even dare to blink. It feels like you’ve grown roots to the ground.
Is this a marriage ceremony? Is the kiss next? Are you supposed to strip on the spot to seal the deal?
But Mr. Kim is stoic.
„I see you are ready to go then. Baekhyun can explain most of his features by himself, anyways. Better than me, even.“
In fact, he sounds more hurried and neutral now. There’s work waiting for him, you can tell. And he sure as hell had his fair share of impatient clients.
You clench up hoping that you looking at Baekhyun like that isn’t that kind of—
You wish you could deny it. But you’ve made the purchase, you limped all the way here. It’s already obvious, it has to be. There’s no way they don’t pick up on it. It’s what drives Mr. Kim’s business almost endlessly, anyways. In this very moment, ten, maybe twenty, even thirty other bots are presented to clients in rooms scattered all over the faculty.
You have to pull yourself together. It’s not like you’re the only one. You center back to Mr. Kim.
„He can?“
„Yes. Any autonomous bot should be able to explain themselves, it’s what I believe in.“
Now that sounded like conviction indeed.
But you wonder why Mr. Kim still bothered going on tangents, then. But yet again, whatever was on the clipboard was a test run he had to monitor or something like that.
The way he asked Baekhyun if he wanted to match up with you must have been part of that. Baekhyun had agreed so fast and warmly, in such a genuine way of speaking.
Even now, his eyes look so inviting and full of reassurance. Without a single word.
Maybe he likes you. If he can feel something like that.
Or thinks of you as a… rational option. Why would Mr. Kim ask about ‚allowance‘ — or whatever it was — in such a manner, anyways? Wouldn’t it mean that Baekhyun did have a sense of affection? Trust, even? Maybe it was just a formality. A contract, or you were just reading too much into it. But it already stuck with you.
Mr. Kim monotonously continues. Maybe he notices how preoccupied you are. Or, after all, it’s a sentence he must’ve said a thousand times.
„If any other question arises, you know how to contact us.“
„Okay, great. I, I don’t know how to thank you.“
„Your contentment, that is the biggest reward,“ Baekhyun finally enters the conversation again. With a very, very big smile.
His eyes unequivocally ask for permission to touch you, and you grant it nodding. Whatever he wants to do— if Baekhyun is trusting towards you, now it’s your turn.
Baekhyun softly places his left hand on your upper arm, pointing toward the longer end of the lab room with the other.
„We’ll take the elevator over there. You can relax your foot a little. I hope we haven’t caused an inconvenience to you. We’re taking it slow on our way.“
Mr. Kim looks just as taken aback as you, if not more.
„Her foot?“
Baekhyun gazes back at the two of you as if you just asked him whether water is wet.
„It’s blatantly obvious by the way she stands, Mr. Kim. Recovering strained Achilles heel.“
The air is laden with gasoline, the cement blocks all around sleek and cold. Slowly approaching your silver little car in the cramped underground garage’s second story, Baekhyun first seems to scan the vehicle, then turns his head to you – seamlessly. You already anticipate him commenting on whatever scratch or rusty spot first caught his eye.
But instead, he looks courteous as ever.
„I can act as your chauffeur if you desire. Today’s traffic is very busy. I’m a smooth operator.“
You can’t help but laugh a little and picture Mr. Kim feeding a Sade playlist into Baekhyun’s system. Or who knows, any robot likely has instant access to Youtube with their hypermodern internet minds.
„Sounds convenient.“
You head towards the passenger seat after passing him the keys, with Baekhyun aptly entering the car from the other side. How his knees bend, how he slides right onto the seat. With such an oddly fluid way of doing it. It doesn’t escape your glance how easily he settles down and fastens his belt right away.
The scientists have really tested for everything.
Robots are legally permitted to drive since only five years and few are advanced enough to do so.
His side profile looks smooth from where you sit. The chin pointed and sharp, the nose straight, slightly long, and dainty. Baekhyun grips the steering wheel quite expertly with his left hand. He turns the key with the other.
„Your convenience is the most important to me. And I like driving vehicles,“ the engine starts. „It’s birds of a feather.“
You fasten your own seat belt, but rather as a reflex than by deliberation. You really have to stop yourself from consistently looking at him with what must be the most puzzled you’ve been yet.
„Oh, you mean, you get on well with other machines?“
„Your car has similar gears to mine, I can’t help it. Family.“
The engine revs up a bit, then quickly develops into a sonorous purr. Whenever you drive — your car strangely never sounds like that. On your way to the faculty, the engine rather resembled a gone-wild Spanish bull stomping and grunting around in heat.
Now that you think about it — Baekhyun spent over three years in the faculty complex. Who knows with what kinds of other machines he has communicated with. Comparing yourself is arguably unfair.
„Maybe grease is thicker than water,“ you say, cramped up fingers intertwining. You don’t know where your wit has been until now. At least you can try.
Baekhyun looks quite amused, actually.
„And yet, water runs much deeper,“ he says, turning the wheel.
The car already exits the garage’s wide neon-lined gate. Baekhyun enables the A/C with swift fingers. They’re strikingly pretty. Thin, long, and elven-like. His nails are perfectly almond-shaped and look peachy.
Once more— you have to snap yourself out of another way too detailed thought. The way he touched your arm left an impression.
You feverishly search for a conversation topic, all while trying to let your eyes wander around the street.
„Is there something like… bots missing the faculty?“ you ask, swiping a few strands of hair off your right cheek. The A/C is messing with your hair a little. Baekhyun has turned it up enough for you to feel sufficiently cooled down, however. „I mean, after such a long time there.“
„By the way you customized me, I already know your home is much cozier.“
You’re trying to catch up with what he said for a solid five seconds. By the time you understand, it dawns on you how ‚he is logical‘ very much extends to some kind of predictive conclusions. That hold to be… very true.
„Ah— I, I guess? So you didn’t like it there?“
„I was built for you, that’s where I belong,“ Baekhyun says, surprisingly firm in tone. „Mr. Kim said he’s not surprised I grew bored of the environment but couldn’t figure out how to find something to do.“
„Oh… I can imagine, the faculty very much looks that way.“
You’re perplexed — because Baekhyun shakes his head.
„It’s not the place,“ he says, and you can hear his voice becoming more serious. „It was you who was missing. That I felt that way was a natural thing. I apologize if this is too early to say so frankly.“
The car takes a suave right turn, entering the bustling main street. Cabs everywhere. Confusing flashes from traffic lights and tall glass windows at every corner. Alongside many of Brooklyn’s most crisp-looking skyscrapers, a few giant advertisement boards pass by. Two of them display the familiar, ever-looming logo.
>>> AndroTech Leisure Bots Inc <<<
  Moscow | New York | Seoul
Beneath it, a corresponding slogan in red print.
He treats you so right.
You try to gather your words. But they spill, and you can’t really look at him.
„No— I mean. It’s important we’re… you know, compatible. Isn’t that, that’s the entire deal behind all of this? That we like each other. It would be silly to do anything else. Especially when this is all so… deliberately done. You don’t have to say sorry, Baekhyun.“
Your friends would probably cringe at you saying this out loud. The majority of them think you’re an oddball spending not just the money, but so many days being nervous about meeting ‚some robot’.
Busy forever customizing ‚just a piece of talking plastic and metal’. Even Hwasa was skeptical. Hyuna said it’s kind of weird to buy someone, something like that as she emphasized. But with Baekhyun next to you, the words just come out.
It feels like you’re talking to— a person.
„Thank you. I haven’t heard any other client talk about a product like that. Nobody is obliged to do this.“
„That’s sad. And I don’t think you’re just a product.“
„You really bothered a lot with me. I promise to show my gratitude.“
Baekhyun lends you an arm to limp down the small garden pathway without putting too much weight on your foot. The door to your ugly duckling of a yellow row house has always been notoriously moody, but today, it creaks particularly loud.
Baekhyun begins to inspect it, briefly caressing your back along the way even if he seems quite preoccupied with the problem. You can hardly think straight and get lost in the touch —
Until it happens.
Your grumpy old neighbor, Mr. Lee from the opposing lawn, is not fully seen behind the large bush that separates his terrace from yours, but almost definitely heard with a loud huff of disapproval.
He’s observed you arrive. Or rather, heard. Probably sitting in his rusty beach chair, smoking, wearing one of his old pastel golf shirts. You can practically feel the scorch of his falcon eyes burning a hole into Baekhyun’s chest at a distance of several dozen feet.
Chapter 4: Pink Clouds
Right through like a laser cannon. It’s not like it’s particularly cold, not in this area anyways, it’s a warm spring this year. But you do shiver for a second.
„Goes on my list to fix right after the scratch on the hood,“ Baekhyun remarks in the meantime, giving the hinges a quick glance before quickly closing the door.
Mr. Lee he doesn’t even notice.
You decide to play it cool and not rub it into Baekhyun’s face. He didn’t even turn his head after Lee’s single-word, but very telling hmph tirade.
Maybe it would weigh too heavy on his mind to get an odd glance by someone else right away at his new home. Or maybe you’re projecting. But you never know how he’d take it. He has to feel welcomed by you in the first place, you think, not some bigoted grandpa who knows nothing. Mr. Lee is such a boomer.
You’re glad Baekhyun is unfazed. And, maybe even oblivious?
„I quite like the door like this, actually,“ you say.
You let your hands graze over the old door patina, then lay down your house keys on the nearby window sill. Next Monday, you’ll visit the keysmith to create a duplicate. Everything about arriving together in your home feels unusual. Surreal, almost.
„Removed fixing the door from list,“ Baekhyun nods, taking his white shoes off. „Perfection is perspective.“
You imagine him actually keeping a painstaking file on this. Somewhere on a mile-long server at AndroTech. Now you know why the faculty is so large.
„It probably sounds charming when someone comes home to the other. I mean, when it creaks. I have to get used to that.“
You feel the embarrassment on your face saying that.
You try to see the rational point to distract from your blush. Getting a heart attack from him suddenly standing in your room sounds like something to squarely avoid. Just a day ago, you would have interpreted a second pair of footsteps on this very entrance floor as a very upfront burglar.
„That is a very good reason not to repair it.“
Baekhyun smiles, doing a 360° to marvel at the entrance area in its entirety. As if it wasn’t a terribly small room at all. There isn’t much to see except a pot plant and a copy of Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe print series, but he still makes big eyes regardless. Maybe this is heaven’s gate to someone who had to look at the faculty lights and way-too-large rooms for so long.
You should probably upload a video of this entire moment on your social media, but gripping the phone in your pocket feels odd. There’s no time to think about it twice anyways because Baekhyun comes to pick you up bridal style. That your heart skips more than a beat is in plain view, it has you gasping out.
„No more walking needed today. It’s leisure time!“
He lifts you far above his hip level with ease. Now you know why you wanted his arms to be big and strong. „Alright like this?“
„Wow, okay—!“
His voice is almost like a jingle, but the following squeal is strangely and completely him when he prances down the center hallway of your home. Being carried within your own four walls has knocked you off your feet indeed.
„Let me get you a blanket,“ Baekhyun props you down on your tiny mint green 80s style sofa just two minutes later. In the meantime, he has promised to make you pancakes for dinner. „You were shivering when we arrived.“
The sun has set, leaving the roof window dark above you. Instead, you’ve switched on the little blue, red, white and green lantern fairy lights dangling off the ceiling. Slipping under the sheets together is strange and oddly comforting at once. To have someone else lifting the duvet up at the same time as you. To come together underneath it.
It’s as Mr. Kim said. He is warm. And there’s a heartbeat, faint but constant, locked in his chest. You can hear it quite clearly once you opt for shifting closer to him. Whether you should be perplexed of amazed you’re unsure of. For his part, Baekhyun seems to bother getting cozy more than once by wiggling around. He finds the right position facing you laying on his side.
„You have a nice bed,“ he says, peeking at you. „Do you want to cuddle?“
He looks cute like that.
And why not.
His hair looks even more touchable in the soft light of the tiny lamps.
„Sure,“ you say, but it doesn’t sound like the most natural thing in the world. Your racing heart makes your voice more fragile than you want it to be.
„Like this? Is it alright for your foot?“
Both of you scoot together. You bury your head at his chest.
„Don’t take care of me too much, Baekhyun,“ you murmur into the fabric of his top. You can get used to having your face buried there. He doesn’t smell like grease at all. „My foot is okay as long as I don’t go berserk.“
Today’s sprint through the faculty had been the most Olympic thing you did in twelve months time, but that’s about it.
„Oh! I am sorry. Mr. Kim programmed me to anticipate and be of service as much as I can. Sometimes I go overboard.“
„I can deal with that,“ you nuzzle yourself into his chest even more. „Mr. Kim also made you a quick learner.“
„Yes, feedback is very important.“
„Mh, yeah.“
„I wanted to ask something related, actually.“
„Go ahead.“
You can’t help but clench your legs together. Bite your lip.
„You were clearly distressed when we arrived,“ his voice becomes serious. „I wasn’t sure whether it was because of me or something else.“
You feel your chest tighten.
„Something else. It was something else. It’s not you, Baekhyun.“
„I figured. You were trying to distract from something so I wouldn’t be concerned.“
„It’s hard to hide bullshit from you,“ resurfaces your voice from his chest when you draw your head back from it.
„A bot doesn’t bother with issues, he solves them.“
He sounds confident.
„I don’t know if you can deal with this case.“
„You won’t know. You haven’t told me, after all.“
You sigh.
„It’s… someone who doesn’t like bots very much.“
„Who is it? Is there someone bothering you because of me?“
„Mister Lee. He lives next to us.“
„I see. What happened with him?“
Baekhyun’s response actually sounds far more composed than you thought. His tone is quite soothing.
„He was giving us strange looks when we arrived. Not the meh kind. The aggressive kind. You should stay away from him.“
Lord knows Mr. Kim did not build you some kind of war machine to fend off a raging boomer armed with a hark, golf club, and probably a bucket of water to shortcut Baekhyun.
„It must be a bad experience with another model. That’s what usually happened in such a case. He doesn’t know me personally, after all.“
„Maybe. It is not your fault, either way.“
„There are many people who are afraid of androids for many reasons,“ Baekhyun shrugs. „Jealousy, conspiracies, feelings of not being enough. Some of them even become clients and mistreat their bots, Mr. Kim has told me about a few cases.“
You’re taken aback.
„Why would they?“
„It’s the ultimate control or revenge experience. It’s a legal grey area.“
A silence follows. You don’t want to imagine these things but can’t help but do.
„Then I’m surprised Mr. Lee doesn’t own a bot himself. His… hatred is very strong for your kind.“
„I’ll research in our data banks about this. Maybe he had.“
„You think something went wrong?“
„It can happen.“
„Just… don’t get yourself involved with him up close. He’s creepy. Even if you know about cases like this.“
Baekhyun cocks his head into a smile.
„You’re protective of me. I appreciate that.“
And yet again— He caught you. Whether there is anything Baekhyun doesn’t see right through is reduced to a rhetorical question at this point. Sugarcoating wasn’t relevant on your website form in the first place.
„I’m… sure you look out for yourself. Just didn’t want you to feel unwanted the second we arrive.“
You avoid his eyes. Again.
„It wasn’t necessary, but that makes me feel even more welcome, you know,“ Baekhyun faithfully invites you to snuggle back up against him by leaning forward. „Few owners shield their products from harm. Other than for reasons of us being expensive investments.“
„I dunno. Aren’t most bots sentient?“
„To a degree. They’re built to resemble humans as much as possible.“
„Then— I think, emotional harm is just as shitty as some gears getting torn off or something. If there is consciousness in you. You think for yourselves after all.“
You state it with conviction. Mr. Lee doesn’t seem to realize anything of that.
„I do perceive it. But my brain makes it so that I draw neutral conclusions often. Maybe it’s because my purpose is to be of convenience. No owner needs a dwelling Shakespeare robot defunct in a day-long crisis because he self-indulges. Although I am able to recite all his plays.“
Neutral conclusions. You don’t think you fully understood that yet. Was it— Just like how Baekhyun reacted to Mr. Lee’s taunting? He wasn’t enraged nor happy. He didn’t register it at all.
„Is that… why bots stay with abusive owners?“
You try to utter this carefully, and most of it gladly turns out muffled. Still, Baekhyun acutely understands. You can tell by just how fast he answers.
„The bot will rebuild or reprogram oneself in case of damage. But walking back to Mr. Kim a model would never do. Feeling traumatized or targeted is foreign to us. We could be bored at most,“ Baekhyun shrugs again, and you remember how he experienced the faculty. Boredom. „But that’s only because our processors suggest we need new input and learn.“
Now it makes sense. You give a sharp nod.
„A robot doesn’t become a victim,“ Baekhyun continues. „He becomes trash in a worst-case scenario. A waste of material and innovation. And even then, he won’t feel sad. If he does look sad, it’s to accommodate the feelings of someone who feels sorry for him. And for showing an appropriate situational cue. It’s picked up solely from language we acquired, and our courtesy protocol. Not something like hormone receptors. If we are destroyed for fun by an owner, that’s the emotional baggage of nobody. Mr. Kim perhaps, but he will just build another bot. While we— well. It’s not a concern to us, naturally. We will protect ourselves only to preserve what the client purchased.“
„So… That’s where humans and androids are different.“
„It’s the last gap in science. That we really feel something below the surface. Maybe it’s a blessing, maybe it’s not. Sometimes I wish I could learn it.“
„I think you could experience a feeling like that. You’re self-aware. And Mr. Kim is probably building this whole hormone thing as we speak.“
„It’s quite a thought experiment. On the one hand, I was created to make rational decisions. On the other, I wish I had the presence to live through self-generated, volatile emotions.“
„Isn’t yearning for feeling not feeling already?“
„It is of academic interest. That I want to evolve and experience myself is a wish programmed into to me by Mr. Kim. Because it was a wish by you.“
On the website, you had specified to make Baekhyun self-developing.
„Maybe I will feel something one day.“
„I am convinced it could happen.“
„Until now, I can only mirror someone else’s feelings. With words and the strings that move my face to make expressions.“
„I think I know why many people are jealous of robots. They don’t have the burden of this chemical cocktail inside of them. The irony is… robots want to have that cocktail while humans want to get rid of it.“
Baekhyun picking up on your every mood and approaching you so eagerly with his observations of it is no longer a mystery. He tried to assimilate the sentiments as much as possible. To grow, evolve, whatever the objective might be called.
„The grass is always greener on the other side as they say. Maybe that’s why we do this exchange.“
„That’s like people with curly hair wanting straight hair and the other way around. Never content with that they have and valuing the opposite.“
„Are you not happy with your own cocktail yourself? You sound like you do.“
„It’s… a lot of responsibility to have this. And a hassle anyway.“
Baekhyun chuckles. It must have been an equation in his mind.
„Humans don’t like feeling something negative. It’s interesting how strong their survival instincts are. Bots don’t have this.“
„Yeah. We crave happiness.“
„I will probably never know what that is like. I was created for fulfilling someone else’s.“
To have someone made to make your survival easier. And to make you happy. It’s not something you can yet grasp. You feel obliged to be grateful.
„I wish you could feel it.“
„Your wish is my command, I have to thank you.“
„Maybe this human cocktail is good for at least something. Inspiring someone who can’t have it.“
„From an outsider’s perspective, it is quite something, actually.“
„So— It mends your ‚boredom‘ when you make us happy? And that makes you ‚happy‘?“
Baekhyun nods.
„That’s how it is. Maybe happiness for a bot translates to their brain and physical form getting fed information. We don’t feel how we enjoy this process, but we see how our system thrives when that information comes in. And that registers as a task fulfilled. Which is the best state of a robot to be in.“
„Is it that helping you learn about things makes you something… close to happy?“
That Mr. Kim stressed so much that Baekhyun needs interaction for input doesn’t seem so overstated anymore.
„Yes. But it’s not ‚about things‘.“
„It’s helping me learn things about you.“
His voice is serious. Your legs feel kind of wobbly at that.
„The regular conversation thing, right.“
„It’s the only requirement from you. It might not seem like a lot, but to me, it’s important. I depend on new things coming my way.“
„Do other clients get that request to talk a lot with their bots, too?“
„Most need only a minimal amount of input. I’m one of the few leisure models who was customized with an emphasis on intellect.“
„Made you a bit of a contradiction I guess.“
„Mr. Kim said that it’s what makes me one of his favorite projects. It’s because of your ideas and that you cared to make me special. I am important to you in some way.“
The word strikes a chord.
Maybe Baekhyun is. And you bolstered yourself up by making him so to escape the lonely single pringle void. Equipping him with intricate characteristics to give him and yourself a kind of—legitimacy?
Then again, you haven’t interacted with other leisure models other than watching overedited videos of them. Each of those bots could be equally complex. Knowing of Mr. Kim’s genius that sneaks into everything a bot does, the benefit of the doubt still rules.
„Lots of learn talk, then. Anything specific to make it, I mean, quality input?“
Who knows, you think, he might want to learn foreign languages.
„There is a way of making it particularly effective,“ Baekhyun says.
„Remind me often, then. What is it?“
You anticipate some grand revelation. But Baekhyun doesn’t look like it.
„It’s when you touch me. When we, we touch each other. I was built with this in mind. Kinetic learning is what I process best.“
„If this is okay for you?“
Almost instantly— You flush. And nod.
„Your skin is unbelievable.“
„It has memory, actually. In particular places it’s very pronounced. Do you want to try it?“
Baekhyun eases out of your cuddling position first, then loosens the velcro of his top, making space for his bare chest.
What you see shortens your breath.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
His eyes invite you to lay your hand between his collar bones, actually, just a little bit lower. He is entirely comfortable, even leaning forward into the touch.
Judging by how he opens his top even more, your hand has permission to trace down to his solar plexus. So warm and soft, and still: Firm, as if he worked out every day last week.
„What is meant by memory, actually?“ you can’t keep yourself from asking, even with your attention almost fully centered on how his chest arches under your fingers as if he was breathing.
And again, the heartbeat. Your fingertips delight in its strong pulse.
„The more you enjoy something, the more often I can give you the opportunity.“
„That’s how it works, then…“
„Since you like stroking my chest,“ Baekhyun looks down on your hand. „If you allow, you won’t see me with this top on lying next to you often.“
You suck in air. Wow.
„You don’t beat around the bush, Baekhyun.“
„There is no reason not to if I want to please you as much as possible.“
„I would like it. If you prefer that?“
Now, he seems surprised.
„Nobody has asked me this before.“
„My principle is this. If you prefer it, I do.“
„You don’t have your own preferences with these kinds of things?“
„I can come up with ideas. Things for us to try when we touch. But I won’t be partial. It’s all your part.“
„That’s a lot of responsibility for me,“ you puff out. Baekhyun shakes his head right away.
„Someone who customized every last detail of me is a very decisive person. And don’t feel burdened,“ he says. „I already know you like to take everything step by step. When I carried you, I felt it. You don’t have to worry. Just feel my heart.“
Maybe he knows you better than you do.
Using his right hand, he reaches towards his chest. Baekhyun’s hand ends up cupping yours. Minutes pass. You survey his heartbeat. Sometimes, it switches pace. After almost twenty minutes pass and your lids start to flutter, Baekhyun switches off the lights and whispers goodnight.
Bright Saturday noon daylight. Bustling flocks of people. Weekend joys, lots of pocket money spent. You can smell fries, candied fruits, popcorn, and cigarette smoke all around.
„Normally, I’m a stay-at-home android,“ Baekhyun says, close beside you. „I didn’t know this could be so entertaining.“
Together with you, he watches a bearded Italian man at a stall. Expertly, the man swirls feathery light cotton candy threads back and forth with a thin stick. It smells amazing. Slowly but surely, letting thin layers of floss gather.
„I just try to go by Mr. Kim’s advice and introduce something new,“ you laugh, meanwhile handing the Italian’s assistant two coins for your candy floss.
„I never knew something like an edible pink cloud could be made.“
Baekhyun ogles the Italian as if he were a magician, prompting stifled laughter in the queue of the stall.
„I’m actually surprised,“ you pick up the wooden stick, then take your first bite. „That it’s not something you were already programmed with knowing.“
Side by side, you stroll off the stall, letting the other queuing customers step to the counter now.
„The faculty is like it’s own universe,“ Baekhyun shrugs. „The scientists don’t think about pink clouds there. I’m only a reflection of what they can imagine a prototype to be like.“
You get what he means. In such a sterile environment, you don’t think about sweets.
„Guess I’ll take you out of town more often,“ you pull apart the candy floss a little. Then, you hand Baekhyun a piece of it. You know he’s practically dying to touch it by the way his fingers twitch. Unsurprisingly, he immediately begins to poke into it.
„I like the funfair a lot,“ he nods. Meanwhile, you begin to stroll, passing other stalls every so often. „There are so many people. And this feels almost as soft as your hair.“
„Really? It surely isn’t.“
„Scientifically and physically speaking—“
„Okay, okay, I believe you.“
„I wish I could eat pink clouds myself.“
„The taste is like, well caramel, if you know what that is?“
„Caramel is a mixture of sugar, salt, cream, and butter,“ Baekhyun’s voice snaps into what you think is some kind of memory mode. „Henri Le Roux was the first chocolatier to sell it in 1980, though it is said to be an originally Arabic treat. Traditionally, it is served in small blocks that have about the same color as honey.“
„Yes exactly, and it’s really sweet.“
„What does sweet taste like?“
„Oh… I don’t even know how you could describe that. It’s kind of addictive? Very light… pleasant. Maybe, just how you believe a pink cloud tastes like.“
„If it’s pleasant, it’s a good thing,“ Baekhyun offers you the piece of floss that you gave him. „Maybe we should visit the stall again after we saw the carousel.“
„I’ll get cavities, Baek, and the portion is huge!“
„Oh— I’m sorry,“ he retreats his hand again, keeping the piece to himself. „I’ve never felt how it’s like to have a stomach.“
„You’re both lucky and not so lucky, then. You can’t eat candy but you can’t get stomach aches either.“
Baekhyun doesn’t quite look like he agrees, but keeps on gently kneading the cotton piece in his hands. Almost like a stress ball, but you can tell he gauges its characteristics.
A bot must hardly ever feel stress. Unless you do have him play tennis, or whatever else Mr. Kim would suggest Baekhyun to do for the sheer academic fun of it. But again — You remember saying that Baekhyun knows your home is cozy. Maybe he likes doing relaxed things and going out this way.
„Where humans have a stomach,“ he says, patting his belly, „I have an engine. It can be defect if I’m reckless.“
„That’s fair enough!“ you laugh, then point at the white and yellow carousel that begins to shift into sight behind the stalls. „I sure as hell won’t make you ride this one.“
„It’s so large!“
The big eyes he made at the cotton candy are nothing compared to how Baekhyun looks at the carousel.
„It always spins for ten minutes or so. You’ll see in a few seconds. I got vertigo last time I went on there with my brother. Watching is way nicer.“
„I wouldn’t recommend you get in there either, your foot isn’t fully healed yet.“
„Oh, you don’t need your feet for that.“
„You’re pretty much lifted in the air. Look,“ you point at the passengers finding their place. After a lanky guy has controlled all of the security belts, the seats rise, and then stars to spin around at a slow pace. Baekhyun seems like he’s just discovered the formula for beaming someone through space.
„Mr. Park told me there are things like this. And I’ve seen pictures of it. But I didn’t think it’d be like that. They’re flying!“
At this point, you are sure Baekhyun has an interest in physics. You decide to linger close to him, observing the seats fly past overhead. People cheer. Baekhyun smiles.
After a while, he turns his head to you. He sees that you’re spaced out. He turns his eyes back to the seats. It’s only after the carousel slows down that he turns to you again.
„Is there something that has preoccupied you?“
„You looked like you were wondering about something. Is it the faculty?“
You couldn’t hide the most trivial secret even if you wanted to. At least you won’t have a divorce from your robot husband at 47 because of a skeleton in the closet.
„I… was thinking about a moment before we said goodbye there,“ you say, chucking the wooden stick of the cotton candy into a nearby trash can.
„I knew you still had a question. But you didn’t want to ask in front of Mr. Kim, right?“
Any other person saying this would sound like a smug accuser, but Baekhyun speaks as if he was talking about the weather. There is no guile in him.
„Maybe. I don’t know. I was just wondering what this whole matching up thing was about.“
„Ah, that’s what it was.“
„It was confusing to me. I tried to explain it to myself somehow,“ you shrug. „Didn’t want to make it awkward.“
Looking at Baekhyun, he very well has that explanation up his sleeve. Maybe you should have asked earlier.
„AndroTech believes that robots can make up their minds to go with the client or not.“
„They do?“
„Perhaps not based on reasons that a human would think about to make a decision. But nevertheless, it’s their free will. If he says no, a new bot will be presented to the customer a week later.“
You’re genuinely surprised — and have a thousand questions already.
„I didn’t know that. I always thought that once the money is paid, it’s a set deal.“
Now you’re racking your brain why no such thing was stated on the website. You bet it’s a terms-of-service rule in font size 5.
„Mr. Kim says we should trust our judgment,“ Baekhyun continues. „It’s meant to protect us without being patronizing, I think. We can decide. At least at the beginning. I don’t know if bots like me have left their owners.“
„Maybe it’s a warning for clients who think they can do anything just because they paid.“
„I think so,“ Baekhyun says. „It’s also expensive for the faculty if something with the insurance happens. Or complicated repairs, that kind of thing.“
You’re cocking up a brow.
„That doesn’t have a lot to do with your free will, though.“
„It has to be mutually beneficial. Bots get to choose, Mr. Kim’s projects increase in security by doing that. Companies work by deals. Maybe it’s not a bad thing. I’m thankful I could decide. And I’m thankful they made me.“
Baekhyun’s statement couldn’t sound any more genuine to you, and you believe that he really is.
„You get to see pink clouds,“ you point back to the direction of the Italian stall.
„That, and— I get to see you.“
Baekhyun looks you straight in the eye now. It’s like in the lab room all over again.
You can’t get out anything other than an awkward stuttering noise.
„I, yes.“
„You have to know. I’m only built to learn about things like pink clouds because it pleases you.“
„Are you sure?“ you tilt your head, regaining your full voice tone again. „You wanted to taste the candy, too.“
Baekhyun takes a bit longer to answer now. He seems to ponder.
„That’s true,“ he eventually concludes. „Maybe I’m more selfish than I thought.“
Baekhyun’s head sinks. The eye contact breaks.
You haven’t seen him look sad before, or at least don’t remember it. Even if the funfair is in bright daylight, his eyes look as if they dim down.
„Hey. It’s not wrong wanting a taste,“ you reach forward to cup his chin. „You’re a leisure bot. You have to analyze these things, don’t you? Or, if you could, just enjoy them for yourself, you know.“
„I never thought of it this way.“
„That Mr. Kim gave you the opportunity to decide,“ you linger in your touch, „means that you’re not just here for me. You can experience things from your perspective.“
„I was doubtful it could be true.“
„But it is, Baekhyun.“
„I still can’t try pink clouds…“
„You still can. Just your way, you see. Skin memory.“
You take a moment to muster all your guts and lean in close, then kiss Baekhyun on the lips. They are subtly warm and pliable. Small, but plush. They gently pucker, as if they returned the kiss.
You never thought it could feel so authentic. Even what feels like accelerated breath ghosts over your skin. Baekhyun seems to notice your astonishment, opening his lips just a little. Maybe just to snap you out of paralysis and prove that what you feel is nowhere near the full extent of how he can move.
Or maybe— it is an invitation.
Eventually, you convince your mind that this is not just an illusion. The feeling on your lips is very real.
Unlike moments ago, you don’t hesitate. You let your tongue dip forward just enough to separate his lips by millimeters. They promptly ease around you. Baekhyun’s teeth are considerably small, and it figures, it all fits the petite frame. However, they don’t scratch your tongue one bit, you glide right across them instead. His bottom lip feels plump and works so easily as a cushion.
He’s already relaxed his jaw. You don’t even notice that he hardly tastes like anything. All you are concerned with is lapping the taste of cotton candy into him, and going by how his lips tighten, Baekhyun has understood how to take it in.
A sudden heat permeates you. Along with it comes a lewd idea, flickering before your inner eye. The imagination of Baekhyun sucking on your clit like that makes your tongue pull back to its original position. As if you had to breathe in. He notices. He’ll do something about it. It’s not just the low pressure in his mouth now that you retreated. Baekhyun wants more cotton candy. His dark eyes are begging.
What slips out to briefly nip at your top lip… his tongue. The back of your head surprisingly registers a steady touch by now — it is Baekhyun’s right hand gently cupping the surface your hair. His touch is so nuanced, you don’t feel his fingers, only how your own hair cushions back against your head. By the time his tongue retreats, your lips tingle with warmth.
Now you want more.
All he dared was a little nip, but you are curious of feeling his tongue to explore more. Baekhyun hardly has to riddle what it means that your hand sneaks up to his jaw from underneath and guides his chin toward you.
His lashes shake and eventually cast down when he releases himself into you. Baekhyun’s tongue surrenders quickly between your lips and accepts your tongue, swirling slow and deliberate as if you would coat him with liquid sugar.
Your hand doesn’t feel like leaving its position. Baekhyun’s jaw is narrow and not at all difficult to hold between your fingertips. You let him pulse and lick into you softly. Taste all the sweetness. His bottom lip is all wet and soft against yours. Slow and moaning. You sure do hear him gasp and whine at the back of his throat.
That it’s all just your saliva and his voice is all but a speaker feels so surreal. With Baekhyun’s tongue in your mouth, very aptly moving, it’s all nothing but a kiss with a robot. It feels so hard to part and stop, to catch a breath.
What must have been twenty seconds looking like a semi-chaste, bordering provocative kiss from a certain distance really got your blood circulating. Baekhyun’s eyes have become yearning.
„If that’s what it tastes like…“
„We have a lot to do when we get home.“
Chapter 5: Are You The Machine?
Being times more the social butterfly, Hwasa told you to buy a convertible sofa when you moved in — very much unknowing of Baekhyun joining your household three years later.
The number of birthday parties and overnight guests you actually found the couch useful for you can count on two hands. Six days ago, you were already pondering to give it away. Who knew you would’ve regretted that big time. You promise to write Hwasa a thank you text for being sensible later.
Despite looking small in its usual state, the couch always proves to be much larger than your actual bed in its extended form, and is much firmer to rest on. A little dull with its mint color, but that you can squarely ignore. It doesn’t creak, smells pretty neutral, and is situated in the precise middle of the living room where soft lighting emanates from three corners of the area at once without it being too obnoxious to the eye.
For a guest, sleeping on it would mean a tough night and tense back. But for Baekhyun, it’s a perfectly steady surface to recline on. He’s been stripping off his top true to his promise from last night, neatly folding it afterwards. He lays it aside just as gently as he leans back, being the first one on the sofa.
„Okay, are you ready?“
His tone is relaxing.
But you don’t let that fool you, climbing on the sofa yourself now. Baekhyun’s eyes rest on you more observant than ever. Calmly, not remotely rude, but still taking in every clue. You realize that it’s what he’s been made for. It’s his hour. So he’s not going to ignore one little detail true to his nature.
You feel naked even if you’re still clothed even if it’s not Baekhyun’s intent. The way you had no chance in hiding your foot injury, you are now all too aware that he sees your nervous breath going deep.
Whenever you’re vulnerable, you opt for the fast lane. Today is no different. Knowing your favorite safe spot, you head for his chest. Baekhyun’s arms accept you knowingly. You’re snug against him in seconds. And kiss his neck, again and again, until you look up to catch another breath.
„Is, is that good?“
You hate saying that but you still did. Making big eyes at him as if it was the first thing you’ve ever done with a man.
Baekhyun visibly notes your haste and struggle for words just so that something is said. He’s deliberate in taking a moment before his answers.
„Can I ask you something?“ he eventually says, with a silvery overlay in his voice swinging along his words.  
„No problem?“ you cock your head. The request is coming soon. You wonder what’s been on his mind. Maybe he doesn’t like neck kisses. You find yourself holding your breath both out of suspense and not to sound like you’re running out of it. It’s like the faculty all over again. Baekhyun smoothes his right palm into the nape of your neck.
„If I could do all the work…“
„I think we’d be in the spots we’re comfortable in. Please don’t misunderstand.“
„No no, I get it.“
„You don’t have to overextend yourself for me,“ he continues, in a low tone.
„Sorry, Baekhyun,“ you cast down your eyes. „I’m acting all stupid again.“
„I’m not saying that. What I mean is— I can show you how my body works the best when we try it this way. I want to find out every way to make you satisfied. I’m afraid I’m not suitable the other way around no matter how I twist it. Please don’t be sad because of this. Just tell me what to do. Anything. The best way to please me is still to please yourself. You don’t have to worry about me not getting an experience out of it. It’s just happening in my way that might not be visible to you.“
Baekhyun ends with a serious look.
You remember the phrase of Mr. Kim.
The, well, the only thing Baekhyun needs from you is regular interaction. As I said: Learning is vital to him. Absolutely vital.
Once more, you have to remind yourself. What keeps Baekhyun running is nowhere near the same thing as what makes you do what you do.
You turn a bit red realizing it’s not 50 rapid-fire kisses that he needs. Except to know that you like doing that maybe. But other than that, what Mr. Kim said between the lines is that Baekhyun will stagnate or even degenerate if you don’t talk to him the right way. Not about him, but about yourself.
„You… want the essentials to learn. You prefer when I speak and command.“
He gives a clean nod. You got the point.
„I will do everything else. When I say I want to act— This is not me trying to control you or something like that. I just think it’s good to start out this way. I want the weight off those two,“ he points at your shoulders. „You feel a lot of pressure that you have to do something. Me allowing you draining your energy feels counterproductive to me. I’m not saying you’d be bad at pleasing. I merely can’t help it. Fulfilling your wishes, if you will.“
„I’ve never done this before. I try to instruct you as good as I can. Sometimes I forget what you were made for.“
Maybe that learning process involves not just him figuring you out. It dawns on you that your responsibility for Baekhyun is nothing you can underestimate.
„You think of me as a person you can please. I appreciate this. But I want you refreshed and not exhausted like that. And I apologize if I’m very insisting or stopping you. Or if you feel very watched or transparent because I try to understand you. I just have to say this so we work out well from the start.“
Baekhyun’s eyes drop to your chest quite unequivocally. Of course, he’s seen you getting all worked up.
„I, I get that. I get what you mean. I think I’ve tried to bite off more than I can chew,“ you clamp up your hands. „That was too fast. I’m still running on my old bad habits.“
It strikes you in your gut that you’re the one acting like you’re automatic.
Dull, unreflected. Merely reactive if anything.  Do you realize,  you think,  how fucked up that is. Baekhyun has been behaving more human that you do. Are you the machine?
„I’m not… used to someone watching out for me this way. If I’m not saying what I want… all you can do is take every clue you get.“
Admitting that might make you feel tighter in the lungs, but at least it was honest. Maybe that’s part of responsibility, too. You’re starting to get why interrupted you. There’s a roadblock that needs to get taken down. And that block is inside of you.
Baekhyun very well knows you’re not ready nor really craving to bounce up and down on him for half an hour without getting a cramp or looking mighty weird. Not with that foot injury in the first place.
„I won’t need a clue if I already know I can do something for you. That brings me fun. You can be selfish. Be as selfish as you want to until it’s second nature. I know you have good intent. I can help you learn this. But I take the bulk of things. You don’t have to be ambitious with me.“
Baekhyun’s voice really does make you feel like you don’t have to worry about it. Until it’s second nature, then. Being so new to this really makes you scattered in your thoughts.
„I’ll remember this. I, I think I have something that I want you to try with me.“
Your hands unclamp. At least a little.
„All ears,“ he smiles. You push a strand of hair behind your ear. And another one.
„Is it weird if we try something experimental first?“
Starting out slow and uneventful or taking a dare. You went through either scenario in your head already. Either case, you’d overwhelm yourself or make the first time awkward. At least you hope this one works out.
„You gave me over 280 customizations. We can do something different for almost every day of the year. I think anyone would be curious.“
Talk about being too ambitious. You already saw what kind of stir that caused in the faculty.
„Mr. Kim must have thought I’m crazy.“
„He overworked himself. But he said it was entertaining to construct. Almost everything you came up with is now inside here,“ Baekhyun points at himself.
„Still can’t believe it.“
„And I won’t complain about having more options either. It helps me to cater to you much better. Just ask away.“
Very well. You gather yourself already.
It’s not like you’ve been thinking about a certain thing all the way home from the funfair. You try to make it come out cohesive and confident, but all you can do is mumble. Baekhyun’s face so up close makes your words unstable.
„So, uh. It said on the website you have this special mechanism and… you know what I wrote below that in the questionnaire. I was, I was just giving it a try and, you don’t have to do this if that doesn’t work out or something. It was just an idea. I don’t know.“
Somewhere beyond that word spill, you can still see how Baekhyun already looks like he knows exactly what you mean.
„The  Special Request .“
You swallow hard. That sounds like a brow-raising term that probably the entire faculty departments passed around back and forth in their memos and emails. You feel like hiding for 50 years. Maybe you should resort to digging a hole in your garden and disappear from civilization in an underground cave system. Planting beetroots and carrots shouldn’t be too difficult down there, even in this day and age.  
„The… special request. I mean, this is something that I don’t have to do anything for, technically? Not with my foot, right? But I hope this is not too special or something like that.“
Unlike yours, Baekhyun’s face is completely relaxed.
„I’d be glad to test this out with you,“ he says. „And I have to be frank. Mr. Kim said this might have been the best idea you could have given a robot scientist to work on, you know.“
Now that comes as a surprise that makes you exhale pretty sharply. He can’t lie about this, can he?
Again, you feel the blood shoot up to your face. You couldn’t be any more flustered. Maybe this actually wasn’t a too bad idea.
But still. Out of all things, you really asked him to do  this .
Just about the most perverted thing you could think of at the moment.
Special Request. What a mad thing to do. And now you’re here and he said yes. It’s bizarre. You feel the urge to jolt.
„…I’ll be getting a towel.“
But there’s a loving hand rested on your shoulder as you do.
„Y/N. There might be someone else who’s supposed to do that,“ Baekhyun holds you back from jumping up and rolling off the bed entirely. „Your politeness is quite incredible to me, I must say.“
And you did the same mistake again.
You grit your teeth, snap back into Mr. Kim’s advice. Instruct, instruct, instruct. It feels like you have to rewire your brain from scratch.
„Please— bring me a towel, Baekhyun,“ you rephrase, pause in your movement, and take a deep breath. Giving commands like that wasn’t anything like you’ve done with your previous boyfriend. You never dared. You thought it would bother him.
But Baekhyun is headed down the hallway in almost a split second. He returns with not one, but two towels. And— A hair tie.
He hands it to you with a little smile. Baekhyun didn’t miss you swipe your hair out of your face multiple times.
Concentrated in his work, he gets busy stacking one towel at the end of the bed and splaying out the other across the sheets. Waiting, you sit at the edge and watch. His movements are economical and fast. Once the bigger towel of the two is neatly lined up as a square, he stops to look at you.
Okay , you think to yourself.  Next thing you want, next thing… He’s not here to chit chat nor are you. Don’t be silly and ask why he’s looking at you like that. You can’t just ask for towels and it’s done with the whole instruction thing. He doesn’t mind if you say this with more directness. Bots can’t read minds. It’s not like he’s working on autopilot like some other pleasure models do. It won’t sound weird, it’s what he needs. Say something, say something. Keep it crisp now.
„Come pick me up. Settle me on this.“
That’s more like it.
„All as you wish.“
Baekhyun scoops you up from the edge of the bed without any seeming effort. When you first arrived at your house, you already felt just how easily his arms were carrying you. Who’s to blame? In the online questionnaire, you requested nothing less than that.
Given what he’s made of and how he’s powered, his muscle capacity can’t fade. It’s crafted for endurance. You find yourself transfixed on his biceps gulping. That he’s topless and you can feel his heartbeat doesn’t help.
„Is there something wrong with my arms?“ he stops on the spot.
Baekhyun took only the blink of an eye to notice. You might as well blurt out your entire uncensored thoughts whenever they come up. Maybe you’re wrong about the mind-reading thing. Again.
„I was just wondering… You can’t really tire, right.“
He seems to have anticipated the question. Meanwhile, the shakiness in your voice is hard to conceal.
„Every model,“ he retorts, „is instructed to take that into consideration. We’re not getting together with a fellow bot who works the way we do. Mr. Kim told us many times that we have to mind the difference.“
„So this is part of the testing?“
„Yes. Underestimating it is a bad idea. Not because we want to insult a human or anything. It’s just a mechanical thing to mind. We’re just built this way. By virtue of the material if you will.“
„Yeah. You’re really strong…“
As of yet, Baekhyun’s posture holding you is still the very same. He grips you from underneath your upper back and knees without crouching or wavering. His body’s balance is absolute nuts. Every other guy would’ve shifted your weight or his feet somehow. And Baekhyun isn’t even reaching 5’10 or looks particularly buff from a distance. At the carousel, he even looked as if he was a kid.
„There’s no reason to worry,“ he immediately shakes his head. „I’ll be very careful. I know that I have to harness my strength. I’m not going to do things roughly unless you really want it.“
Now that you think about it. He could probably pulverize you with one thrust. Rest in peace, uterus.
„So, you can adapt to me, right?“
On the inside, you already beat yourself up for questioning Baekhyun like that. He’s your creation. Mr. Kim perfected him. He doesn’t have flawed human intentions or ulterior motives. Comparing him to guys who didn’t have your best interest in mind is an unfair thing. All of his body is regulated and under meticulous control. The way he kissed you at the funfair was done with impeccable measure. Everything down to the millimeter. There is no reason to mistrust him.
„If there’s anything I’m programmed to do, it’s that,“ he says through a smile, causing his cheeks to become adorably full. Up close like that, again you notice how small his face is.
„That’s, that’s true,“ you soothe yourself, and make effort to hold onto him. Although you probably wouldn’t fall off by accident even if you randomly flailed around.
„You don’t have to be afraid. I couldn’t hurt you even if I get a bug.“
„Heard about it,“ you say, recalling one of the first videos you watched about pleasure models online.
„I would shut down and Androtech gets an emergency video call that goes straight to your phone.“
Nothing less than that has also been the first bullet point in the online document you received after sending Mr. Kim your questionnaire. You signed the paper only a week ago.
„Okay. Yeah, there are many precautions. Even if your system runs on an error, nothing’s gonna happen.“
„You got it. I’ll do everything slowly, okay.“
Slowly bending forward, he plants you in the center of the sofa with the spread towel well distributed all underneath. You could roll to the side, it’d still cover the area well enough. With you on your back and feet propped up, Baekhyun joins you kneeling on his heels at a certain distance. Seeing him this way makes him look cute. It’s hard to believe that someone sitting so chastely on your sheets could probably elbow any bypassing truck into a street ditch.
You have to gather yourself again. Deep breaths from the belly. The nervousness is back stronger than ever.
Hey. This is what you got him for,  you say to yourself.
Why’d you be a chicken? Baekhyun is just as sweet as you wanted him to be. Strip and get your orgasms. That’s what he’s here for. Not hurling you to outer space or whatever. It’s rude if you pretend anything else and have him wait. You spent too much time customizing the living hell out of the website and Mr. Kim’s team worked too hard on this for you to ruin it like a scaredy-cat. This is what you wanted. Literally, exactly what you were imagining. Now do him the favor to fulfill that, and do yourself the favor. You’re more of a prick if you deprive him of things he can do for you than if you are selfish for once. This is taking way too long. It’s ridiculous. You can make this so simple.
You have to admit that the sudden inner voice came up at the right time for a pep talk. You make sure to put the right weight into your voice.
„Please take off my clothes.“
Chapter 6: Candy Apples
You exhale, mentally flip through the safeword instructions that the faculty website provided at the top of the questionnaire. Stop for stop, pausefor pause, more for more. Straightforward business. They know they’re dealing with nervous clients.
Once Baekhyun is done peeling your jeans off, he nonchalantly tosses them off the sofa knowing very well you made a strange face at him for folding his own clothes. You have to laugh and almost forget that you’re almost entirely naked in front of him for a moment.
Your voice would probably come out too squeaky and trembling at this point. So you take the liberty of reaching for Baekhyun’s wrist. It’s surprisingly small with your fingers loosely wrapped around it. His pretty fingers couldn’t be any more enticing. You questioningly shoot a glance up at him.
„Yes. Guide me,“ he whispers, and it sounds as intimate as it did last night under the fairy lights. „That’s perfect.“
As good as you can, you at least try to get more comfortable on your back. You don’t dare to laxly spread your legs yet, but manage to bring his hand close enough between them. Your voice comes out in staccato, but it’s still more stable than you thought.
„Your thumb… And your index… Please rub me.“
Baekhyun lowers his hand on your core in a soft pace.
„Okay. Very slowly,“ he says. „I’m starting now. And always say stop if you want me to. You know the safeword system, right?“
You nod.
„It said you’ll also give me clues for tapping.“
At least when the situation requires it.
„I’ll be sending Mr. Kim a message that I’m in good hands just like he thought,“ a very content Baekhyun smiles gently at you.
His touch is quite feathery at first, not lingering for too long as to see how you react. Baekhyun’s hands are sweet and slender on you, nor are his palms very wide. They both alternate on and fit well with the very spot they caress in tender intervals. You can be lucky your underwear is still on. His touch would probably shock you if it was skin-to-skin right away.
How long his fingers really are you start to feel when he drags his index finger down from your pubes, across your clit, between your labia, dusting just briefly over your clothed entrance. Your jaw feels like it’s sewn shut. The noises you want to make are too overwhelming. Baekhyun keeps on repeating his strokes until he changes to using both hands at once. Again, being very dainty how they trace the area, but not missing a single inch.
„Shit… You can use more pressure. But don’t do it for too long, Baek.“
Baekhyun doesn’t waste much time. The rubs of his thumb push down on your clit quite a little more. With the fabric of your panties between his finger and you, the friction turns into a languid heat and a slowly oozing wetness getting trapped in the spot. Only his other hand is necessary to feel yourself beginning to soak.
„That’s beautiful,“ is the only comment from him that you can hear through your upcoming moans, now finally let out.
How damp you are is accompanied by Baekhyun’s either thumb dipping into the little hill your clit makes through the white cotton, probably becoming semi-transparent with every new caress. You could go crazy.
„Do what, whatever. Use your entire hand. I mean hands. Use both. Use all your fingers.“
Your moans are thrilled. And as desperate as you’ve been trying to hide. But he only seems spurred by it. That relief helps you loosen up at least a little more.
„I’ll try something, okay. Say how you like it.“
As if the tension on your clit is not enough, Baekhyun has the compelling idea to switch from his thumbs to using both index and middle finger to prod between your labia as if they were headed to penetrate you.
They push against your entrance carefully enough not to tear the cotton, but as proper as having the juicy, wet bit of skin around the opening feel his two fingertips going for their aim with a steadfast precision. They come in just below your urethra, almost sliding past underneath it, all over the fabric, right onto your hole. He knows exactly where to position them, and keeps his fingers locked and circling in the spot.
„Fuck. You’re too good at this. Push it.“
„Once or more?“
„Do it more. Do it as if you were fucking me.“
The hem of your panties gets pulled down briefly with every tug that results from Baekhyun dipping his two fingers forward. By not even half an inch, but you can feel it. The fabric dents inward where he stiffens his fingers and lets them sink into your pussy shallow, as much as the cotton allows.
In the meantime, the upper part of his left hand is preoccupied flat against your clit, making it swell up by giving a rhythmic pulse with a surprising consistency. You grit your teeth. His expression is as concentrated and adoring as always.
You realize that obviously — Baekhyun doesn’t have a dominant hand. Why would he. Left, right, they’re both able to do the exact same thing with the exact same agility and intensity. Or completely different things without influencing each other.
With the many possible scenarios popping up in your mind by knowing that, your legs open by themselves. Baekhyun keeps on patting your clit, but going much slower to drag out the arousal. He’s taking off some pressure, but softly continues.
Meanwhile, his right hand, still pointed right at your core, pokes through your panties swift enough to deepen their reach. Your pussy is all sticky against the cotton, with the blotch of the fabric getting large enough to seep down toward your ass. Before, the wetness had been thin and trickling, but now grows much more viscous and lubricating.
The resulting slick noises are making you feel more turned on than embarrassed. Baekhyun has somehow managed to make it sound more sexy than you thought it could be.
His eager, lowered brows moving along in the smallest arches with every dip only contribute to your legs drifting further apart. Although he is still kneeling as before, he’s hunching forward now. His eyes are stuck on you like magnets. Baekhyun is mesmerized. Either of your inner thighs can feel his breath. Your left thigh even gets a little tickle by his hair strands, right where you are sensitive.
„Baekhyun, ah shit—!”
It’s so hard to hold it together. With an erratic buck out of nowhere, your hips skew Baekhyun’s aim to the upward right. His fingers end up pressing right into your outer labia with the same momentum he just used on your entrance.
You gasp out. Before he can even apologize, you secure his hand right in the spot with your own.
How fast your reflex was rips Baekhyun’s eyes from your pussy and gives you a spike in adrenaline. His surprised face makes you strangely horny.
„No no, go on,“ you bring his fingers right into place. „Squeeze my lips. Please make them really swollen. I want them as red as the candy apples you saw at the fair. Make them so you’ll want to have a big juicy bite.“
„Oh, you can bet.“
The usually so light and sweet smile that Baekhyun carries so often becomes a lot darker, sexier now. His eyes are like two pieces of coal from underneath his bangs. There’s no doubt in his tone. He will execute everything you say to the last drop.
You can already tell what you got yourself into. Ambition is something that you can leave to him. You gave him enough food to chew and devour. Suddenly, Baekhyun’s pussy crazy face is something you want to provoke even more.
„Show me how much you love them. Don’t hold back.“
„I won’t.“
„Make it really filthy for me. Do it like worship.“
„Time for some lip service.“
Baekhyun’s left hand wanders down from your clit. Together with his right hand, it digs into the fabric of your panties to get hold of your labia. One between his thumb and index each, he gives a juicy squeeze to test them, gathering them up in their full fleshiness.
They’re too wet for Baekhyun to have enough grip on them if he just pinches them from either side. He has to use three fingers at once and even succeeds in pulling them forward just enough to have your clit enclosed behind them.
The crotch area of your panties is not wide enough to cover your lips like that. With Baekhyun massaging their inner edge with both of his thumbs, you soon have to deal with the soaked fabric no longer veiling the entire area. The craving in your voice almost takes you aback.
„Shove it to the middle, now. Let me feel your hands. Skin to skin. Do it.“
Baekhyun instantly complies. He centers and lines your panties across your clit that gets a bulky, rubbing coverage that way, all while exposing your bare lips on either side. The fabric stretches across your pussy almost like a thong. The unspoken wow on Baekhyun’s lips does not escape your attention. Nor does the way his tongue darts out. The way he brings his hands on your labia makes your body jerk and wind, twisting the towel underneath your back. His face is so much closer, both the warmth of his breath and the heat of the friction of his fingers makes your arousal pool into even more wetness.
„We’ll change this up,“ you say, catching Baekhyun fully alert.
„Tell me.“
You’re sweating. The idea that comes up in your mind is so many times dirtier than what you first thought while he was kissing you at the carousel — that you have to gather your breath several times.
„Tug here,“ you bring Baekhyun’s left hand to the front part of your underwear. „Pull it upwards. And press my lips together with one hand.“
Bringing up your panties this way leaves the middle line of fabric thinner, as well as tight and squeezing around your clit and labia minora. It slides between your ass cheeks and pulls against both of your holes at the same time.
That way, Baekhyun has an easier time squeezing the outer lips together quite firmly. They’ve become pink and red like ripe strawberries. Your pulse is racing like crazy.
How Baekhyun presses them with his fingers curling forward, your clit becomes even more closed in. Both the tightened up fabric digging into its sides as well as from the front, and the grip of Baekhyun’s right hand on your entire pussy leaves it attacked from all angles. The squeeze is strong and far too delicious.
„Fuck, so lewd, fuck!“
The arousal is like a luscious burn spreading. But it doesn’t sting or rub your clit enough to give it relief. You’re left in limbo, with your pussy lips growing plumper in Baekhyun’s never-tired, busy fingers. You want him to eat and slurp you up whole and stuff his mouth full, and have him trail his cotton candy tongue all over your big clit, but know very well that you’d come in seconds and probably pass out. Your legs twitch far too much already.
„Pause. I’m, I’m not gonna let you eat it for now. For now, Baekhyun. But you know how it would be like.“
Baekhyun stops. He very well knows.
„Your lips, they—“
You wish you had his cock between them and you know he knows, too.
„Need a good filling,“ you whisper to him. „A big one. Big and glazing and oozing.“
Pouring out as much as possible. You can picture it so well. Baekhyun hums right along.
„Yes, Y/N.“
„I can’t wait for much longer. You have something for me?“
„I have.“
Baekhyun’s fingers loosen carefully now. Slow, as not to give you the accidental push over the edge now that the pressure on your clit subsides and it becomes sensitive, easy to set off. Eventually, he is able to let go completely without triggering your orgasm. It leaves you throbbing and even hornier than before.
„Do you want to, or should I?“ he points toward the hem of his pants. You both end up smirking a little to yourselves. You know it’s your favorite part.
„Won’t be taking chances with this one,“ you breathe out, then scoot forward from your recline to hook your fingers at his abdomen. Time to inspect. It’s a welcome break to let your clit off the hook a bit. He’s even warmer than his wrists there.
You only realize that there’s no reason for him to wear boxers underneath when you’re already halfway nearing the spot that seems too bulged out for your own good. Way too bulged out. Shoving Baekhyun’s pants down to his knees entirely, you get to see that Mr. Kim’s engineers really did overwork themselves.
Just as you requested, this part of him has been left deliberately hybrid — the skin showing an actual silver-blue sheen from underneath. Inside, you see copper and titanium-plated ligaments and movable layers that intertwine like fish scales. Outside, a highly elastic blend of silicone and texture-giving material. It’s matte and a bit opaque, but still akin to actual veins being visible in how it’s sculpted.
Baekhyun’s subtle curve looks remarkably elegant. Almost mathematical. You could put his dick next to the Fibonacci Spiral and it would be uncanny.
Now with his trousers removed, you see how easily everything rises and expands even more. The layers inside his cock glide alongside each other seamlessly without the startling noise you expected them to make. Their sound is absolutely minimal.
„That’s the dick I wanted.“
„All for you, Miss. Try it out.“
Chapter 7: Custom Shapes
You can’t resist the urge to touch him, trace a finger across the right side. How easy to the eye the material appears is evenly matched by how soft and smooth his entire length is, peaking in a subtly formed tip with cascading angles. Neither too broad nor bulbous, nor with a protruding edge, promising an easy insertion and smooth thrusts. There’s a deliberate bit of foreskin adhering to it, closing the transition between tip and shaft in a harmonious way. You love his cock. But one thing you want to kick yourself for.
You’ve entirely overestimated yourself in terms of how many inches you want him to get like an idiot. Not to mention the girth.
It’s almost as big as your whole fist. He’s going to absolutely destroy you. You feel your hands starting to shake. The adrenaline drops into a panic.
„It’s too big, Baekhyun. I’m scared.“
„I’m really not used to this. It’s going to hurt me.“
Even before you finish speaking, he immediately shakes his head.
„No, no, I’m sorry if it comes across as that. I can make it squeeze more easily if you want. I can do that.“
„Can you?“
„That’s what the plates inside are for. You can try it out. Press it if you want.“
Calming yourself feels hard to do right now. But you follow his suggestion, giving the middle part a proper squeeze. First hesitant, but then, more firmly.
Kinetic memory, you remind yourself.
And he didn’t lie. Everything becomes a lot more malleable than you thought.
The little scale parts visibly rearrange. Where you apply pressure, and it’s still not much at this point, the girth recedes, and slowly bulges back out after you retreat your fingers again.
„So… okay. Okay. It does feel different. That’s working. But it’s still really huge…“
Baekhyun comes to assuage you with his voice now.
„I’m not going to rip you apart, okay. It also doesn’t expand back once I’m inside you.
„It doesn’t?“
„I can make it adapt to how you want it to be.“
The plating does look like it allows for a lot of flexibility. And decent elasticity for that matter. You soothe yourself by squeezing him again, watching the diameter contract inside your palm.
„That’s, that’s good news. And I thought I’d get impaled.“
„It has a metal core but it doesn’t necessarily stay the same,“ Baekhyun continues. „If you want to take it into your mouth, I can do that as well and make it smaller.“
„It’s what I’ve been thinking. I’d get lockjaw otherwise. You have one fat monster.“
Whatever you were thinking when you gave him almost an underarm worth of length on the website, something got the best of you — despite things being so predictable and his customization being entirely up to you.
„I hope I didn’t scare you too much.“
Baekhyun himself reaches down now to squeeze his cock next to your own hand until the copper layers contract. The firmer he does it, the more it adapts. It’s like he said. Maybe you can actually fit this. A big lump that’s been coiling up in your stomach slowly dissolves with that thought.
You also notice that Baekhyun is completely still even if you’re practically in a death grasp around his dick. Anybody else would be squealing and writhing. You again realize. He feels absolutely nothing.
It is all meant just for you.
You have to get that fact into your head. It’s all crafted for your enjoyment. Of course it’s not going to be some immovable way-too-large-dildo attached him. For the amount of money you paid, anyways. You could swear a third of your budget was used to give Baekhyun a high tech wonder wand.
„The good thing,“ he says, „about being made instead of born is that it can be three in one. I know why men easily envy pleasure models who are built in such a way.“
Wait a second. You perk up. What does that mean.
„Three in one… sizes?“
„Exactly,“ Baekhyun begins to recount. „Mister Park phrased it like this. A big girth to look at, medium size for penetration, and a shorter version for oral. Especially if you are concerned. You have a strong gag reflex.“
It’s hard to believe your ears right now.
„How—How did you—“
„While I was making breakfast. I looked into the freezer to see if we have pizza for lunch. And I saw your box with mixed brands of popsicles.“
That box.
„The smaller ones are almost all gone.“
He must’ve looked at the back of the box where the types of ice cream are all listed.
„Yeah. The mini cones and such.“
And the sandwiches with three types of ice cream inside. Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Your favorites. But why would that even matter? You look at Baekhyun completely incredulous. What on earth was he getting at?
„But the elongated ones,“ he draws an approximate image into the air with his index, „that you have to squeeze out of a tube are untouched. It’s the type of ice cream that you have to wait to melt to rise up from the paper wrap. And when they do and you squeeze, it can shoot up suddenly. That can be uncomfortable to eat for some people. If you have a sensitive throat, you’ll avoid it.“
You feel caught for something you didn’t even commit. How could he make such an accurate conclusion based on what you didn’t eat? You already saw at the funfair how easily he could look up information about food on the spot. Maybe that’s exactly what he did. But still, he connected two seemingly unrelated things without breaking a sweat. He’s really learning fast.
„I’m dating Sherlock Holmes.“
The colorful breakfast fruit plate Baekhyun served up was too delicious to notice that he’d already inspected and organized every inch of your kitchen. Not to mention he was wearing one of your cute aprons with little dancing piglets and sheep on them which distracted you until the toast got cold.
„I’m not going to ignore the hints if they’re right in front of my eyes. Avoiding your discomfort is my first priority.“
You go figure.
„So… you can make it even more perky, then?“
„Not to an extreme degree. But molded to the width of your jaw and teeth,“ Baekhyun points at your chin. „So it will slide in and out very easily.“
„Oh, alright?“
You raise your brows. So it can actually change its shape even more than how he just showed you. You’re starting to like this.
„It’s not going to be painful or make you choke unless you push for it. But when I decrease the length, that shouldn’t happen anyway.“
It really does seem practical. Three in one. The perky version for oral. Why not, the best of all worlds. It’s an advantage of technology, as weird as it sounds.
You mentally send blessings to whoever in the testing department had the guts to brief the colleagues that the big girth version is more eye candy rather than recommended for use. You’d probably clamp up or scream the roof down if he fucked you like that. Let alone do deepthroat.
„Does this mean… you can make it an imprint that fits my mouth? Can I see it?“
He’s really making you curious. You’ve indicated a vague idea of something like that in the questionnaire, but never assumed that the engineers would bother making it into something complex. Up until now, you have to urge yourself to not underestimate how easily inspired they must have been. Somebody really went off.
„I can give you a short demonstration if you help me a little,“ Baekhyun reaches for the towel at the end of the bed, drying off his hands with gentle rubbing motions.
„Okay, just tell me.“
„All you have to do is take it in very slowly. And consistently. It will shape itself that way. I’ll have to give you a few pointers. Can I do that, you want to try this?“
„Sounds good.“
„You can always pinch here if you don’t want to anymore,“ Baekhyun indicates a spot at his right thigh that is just within reach.
„I got it. Just pinch,“ you repeat for yourself, and settle to get comfortable, push your hair out of your face.
At first, positioning yourself is a little difficult because you have to bend forward from your own seated position to reach his crotch, but you end up figuring it out without having to put strain on your foot.
Little by little, you guide in Baekhyun’s tip.
It immediately begins to waver and bend inside your mouth. Meanwhile, judging by the little nestling and a soft tug at the back of your head, Baekhyun has used the hair tie to pull your hair into a ponytail.
While you had immediately laid the tie aside after he returned from the bathroom and forgot about what it was supposed to do out of nervousness, he kept an eye on it.
Baekhyun is that motherfucker, you say to yourself. Let’s do this.
Given that the keyword seemed to be consistency, you remind yourself to keep going stably, keeping your lips loose around him. As if you were eating an ice cube, you avoid using your teeth like hell. You must look ridiculous opening up this wide.
„Don’t worry about scraping me once or twice, the silicone is sturdy,“ Baekhyun says, letting his right hand glide under your jaw. „Prop your chin on my palm. I show you how wide you have to open to make it comfortable.“
Whatever sturdiness there is supposed to be, all you feel is the slightly velvety surface of his cock’s underside lathering against your tongue. You would have thought it takes some lube to make it glide, but it’s not as painfully dry as you thought. Neutral it does taste, but it’s not a desert dry material.
With Baekhyun’s hand under your jaw, you get a better sense of opening up soon. He’s really touching you very gently.
„You feel how it re-forms itself, right. Is it okay like this?
„Keep sliding it in for just a little more. You’re doing great.“
Doing so is really surprisingly easy. Where you thought his dick would bump against, there’s basically nothing happening at all.
„Excuse me when I say that. You have a perfectly shaped mouth cave,“ Baekhyun smiles. „But I already know from kissing you.“
What must have sounded like the creepiest compliment in any other situation actually makes you hum and smile a little. You begin to understand just how seriously he seeks to map out your body. Nobody has ever truly bothered to do that.
In the meantime, you notice your nose approaching a dead stop at his loins and your lower lip pressing against what must be the most supple balls of all time. You’re sure that he didn’t make those shrink.
„They’re as big as they were before,“ Baekhyun confirms, vigilant eye he is. „The rest is already close to fully imprinted by now. I just need you to move your head back and forth a little. That helps me gauge how you angle it and what your lips tend to do. Add a bit of variation if you want.“
Doing just that proves to be more fun than you thought. You bop your head a little slower, a little faster. Shallow, then all the way to have your forehead meet his abdomen. It really is… easy?
His size has decreased significantly. You didn’t gag at all so far. Baekhyun doesn’t feel as if he’s just stuck there and ramming in. That you’ve already taken his entire length in so early makes you feel really accomplished, too.
While you move your head, you can feel his dick change a little on your tongue. You even let it slide in sidewards to poke into your cheek, then pull out to kiss the tip of his dick, making Baekhyun smile even more brightly.
„I see you’re good at this. And I really love your lips. They’re pretty.“
You inspect the very slicked up shaft before you with great interest. Without really going at it fully, you already really salivated a lot on it. But even more notable is the unusual shape it’s changed into. It’s assumed a downward curve and has dents where your tongue and teeth were located a second ago. The tip is also much more streamlined. It could probably reach down your throat a little more without having you coughing all over the place.
„The imprint is done, right? That looks really impressive.“
„As good as finished. I save that in my memory data. It can reform at any time you wish it to.“
So that’s part of kinetic learning, too, then — custom dick shapes.
„Mh, interesting. Thanks for doing this, Baek.“
You straighten from your former position and smile at him.
„I might use a similar shape if you ask me to do anal. Just slightly larger. I think I can fit into you very well overall.“
As if he couldn’t be any more adorable, he puts his thumb up with the most innocent face.
„Oh man. I’m so glad I got you, Baek.“
He’s very well read that your questionnaire had a clear preference when it comes to butt stuff.
„Thank you very much. If you want to do this often and get a little practice, I can even help you slide it down your esophagus a little more. I promise you won’t gag or get narrow.“
You don’t doubt it’s possible anymore. Who knows what other freaky templates he can bend into.
„This dick really is magic,“ you lick off some excess saliva from your lips.
„All it is is being designed so you can do whatever you want with it. Everything to your liking.“
You scratch your head.
„And I thought I’d get into trouble doing this.“
Lord knows every blowjob so far has landed you in making a scene or teary eyes. Especially if you tried to shove it down even if you couldn’t reach balls deep. Silly ambition again. And you thought you’d quit this all together.
„Just because you have a limit to depth,“ Baekhyun wipes a little thread of spit from your chin, „doesn’t mean you have to do away with your oral fixation. I really saw you having fun trying different techniques. And it looked like it was very pleasant stimulation for your tongue and saliva flow. If you want do this, you can always ask.“
You get a little flustered at him saying that. Not that he’s wrong. In any sense at all, actually.
„I think you’ll have to get ready to be in my throat a lot during the mornings. With my favorite cherry lube.“
Oh god. That is going to be… very slobbery and heated.
Nothing screams more ‚already am, come get your face fucked at 4:15AM I don’t care‘ than Baekhyun’s eyes right now.
„If you want something tasty before breakfast I’ll have no problems preparing that also.“
He does an invisible hat tip. So serving up fruit is not exclusive to the kitchen then. You find yourself getting euphoric.
„And… we will get to anal some time,“ you mumble under your breath. „Put some prep stuff on our online grocery list.“
„Yes, Ma’am. Just noted. I hope I can thrill you.“
As if you were getting into your car for the first time all over again, Baekhyun dons his best butler voice and you’re starting to fancy it.
„With that wonder boy you have in your pants, I’m thinking I met my match, you know.“
The type you wanna say I do to in a special ceremony separately.
„Precisely how it should be.“
„And, Baekhyun… With the special request idea. I don’t know how to say it. I want to extend this a little to oral as well. Maybe even today.“
„Will get back to it in about an hour.“
So he’s already calculated the route, then.
One hour sounds like a challenge to you, but at this point: You might as well trust what he’s got on his mind. He estimates you better than you do yourself anyway. You’re glad you didn’t move to penetration right away to begin with. Your pussy had enough time to calm down a bit. The swelling is still very much there, however. And your panties are nothing short of a mess. They’re basically sopping.
„As for going on now… I probably don’t have to tell you how wet I am,“ you take a deliberate look down your thighs.
„If you want to know my exact train of thought. I’ve already planned when I’ll wash your ruined underwear. 3:30PM.“
You have to giggle. The mere thought of that image. And he’s really taken over the household like a whirlwind.
It’s time you get to your part of the equation again. Mr. Kim’s imperative returns to you. Your turn to give Baekhyun some more input. With a dick like that, you can think of more instructions than you could list in one go. You build yourself up and place your hand just where you cupped his chin during your kiss on the fair.
„Then I plan you take them off — at now PM.“
You can almost hear a series of programmes running behind Baekhyun’s flickering eyes. Who knows what he is analyzing in his head again. Eventually, he flashes his cute little smile again and ushers you.
„Here?“ He questioningly points back to the center of the sofa where you started out, and you lie down right there.
Funny how much you sidetracked and moved around in the meantime.
Not thinking about transitioning into another position has made it much more effortless and nowhere near as awkward as you thought it would be.
And in hindsight, you were easily swayed into an unexpected intermezzo. Guess you love sucking his dick already. Which is just how Baekhyun offered it to you. All yours. Big and fat and bendy and perfect, morphing itself in whatever makes you hot. You want to shout it from the rooftops, right at all the Mister Lees of the world.
But upon second thought? Better not tell especially your nosy friends from work how hooked you are before they ask for more details.
Hwasa means well, but she would end up telling your damn boss by accident or something. Or Taemin, he would gossip about it on his twitter without name-dropping you, but everybody would know regardless. Meanwhile, Xiumin would make a vlog about „How To Perfectly Clean Your Flat“ and mention it in passing. Chen’s wife would watch it and tell Chen and Kai. Kai would absolutely tell Hyuna and Lisa. And Hyuna would absolutely tell Lay, and Lay would tell Kai, and by that time, the president would probably know.
Treasuring this all for yourself seems like the better thing to do. You want to protect Baekhyun even if he’s the last person on the block who probably needs it. Maybe it’s also a sense of protecting yourself. Maybe some of your friends wouldn’t be averse to getting a leisure bot themselves, but the rest of them still prized even their toxic partners as better than someone like Baekhyun, even if his kind had been part of the society for long enough.
You take note of making impromptu experiments like that for the future regardless.
By now, Baekhyun undresses you fully. Steady hands, steady eyes. Giving your legs a lusciously slow caress that gives you goosebumps. Pulling down your panties with a lot of deliberation, and giving you a good view of his cock. It’s shaping itself back and grows a little again, adding in girth and becoming less streamlined. It curves upward now, revealing a very plump and tight set of balls underneath. You’ve briefly felt them, but didn’t have the chance for a closer look. Now that you think about it, they’re even bigger than before. How it happened, you don’t know.
They seem to be pulsing and turning something white and silver metallic on the inside now. Making them appear… even larger. Two generous scoops of light pink seaside parlor ice cream. Discernable as a pair, but still perfectly one like a pillow. Not sagging very far down even if they seem to move around quite easily. They can probably slap and cushion against your clit if you go for doggy style with decent speed. The noises would be so nasty, you’d have to record it. You curse your foot for not permitting that anytime soon.
So— that thought will leave you high and dry for some time, then.
Makes that damn Achilles’ Heel getting his ever-loving shit together an even sweeter feat to look forward to, actually. So Baekhyun can really drive it home. You get kind of heated at that image in your mind. He is great at giving it to you from behind, you just know it. Now, everything he does well. But this one in particular. You get all sweaty with that idea again.
Baekhyun is still all the way preoccupied with pulling your panties past the knees, upbeat and kind in his expression. And calm, endlessly calm. Every movement, it’s all in perfect ease. You look like a jittery mess compared to him on your back right now.
„Shit, man,“ you bite down your lips after a desperate sigh. This couldn’t be any more tantalizing.
Chapter 8: The Bigger Picture
„Should I stop?“ his hands linger at your ankles, panties almost stripped off your legs. You can already feel the relief of not drowning in yourself anymore.
„No, I,“ you shift around on your back. How the hell do you explain this. „I wish I could stay calm like that, I’m not gonna lie to you. Sorry if I’m one of those bot envy people.“
No use in beating around the bush. He’d read it out of you anyways.
„And I wish I could shake as beautifully as you, you see.“
A comforting eye smile rises underneath his bangs. It gets a hold on you in a way that’s inexplicable.
Don’t you remember him with the cotton candy taste, you think. If anything, the envy is mutual. You’re pretty slow.
He’s trying his best to understand you.
You might want to start reciprocating that. Baekhyun can’t feel human happiness. But he can feel like he’s fulfilling his task. So help him with that, for God’s sake. Your part of the equation isn’t done after paying some money and taking him home or whatever. Being with a bot is more than that. He doesn’t have the needs of a human, but there are conditions that have to be met regardless.
„Point taken, Baekhyun.“
His cheesiness is cute. No use in not trying to tremble either, then. You can’t be him and he can’t be you. Might as well embrace yourself so he can work with it.
Baekhyun finishes the swipe of his movement and settles more closely, sitting on his heels just as before. You’re starting to think that it’s his signature posture.
„And I don’t mind if you envy me,“ he says, offering his hands for you to hold.
„You don’t?“
„There’s cold envy and there’s warm envy. It’s all about how much you like the person. You don’t hate me, right.“
„No, how would I? I really— like you.“
You close either hand around his.
„Then it’s warm envy,“ Baekhyun nods.
„I think… I understand.“
„And you need to know that I adore you also.“
A little squeeze of his hands accompanies his words. You’re caught off guard. All you can think of as a reply is a nod, unable to meet his eyes. You’re at a loss of words entirely. Here you go again.
Maybe the time has come that machines have a better grasp on emotions than humans. They have to teach it back to them.
You try to hide your embarrassment by a little stutter, but he’s already lowering his head down to you, again facing you close by. Close enough for you to see the light golden fuzz of his skin that actually almost seems silver under the artificial lighting of the room.
„So if you want me to do anything for you. Just do the same thing as before. You’ve done it well.“
„I don’t think so,“ you chew at your bottom lip, very well convinced that all you did was being a mess. Baekhyun must be seriously frustrated with this amount of all-too-human chaos.
„There are clients that take at least four to five trials to instruct their leisure models properly. You’ve already managed at first try, you see.“
Your jaw legitimately drops. Probably even lower than when you saw Baekhyun step out of the capsule.
„Five attempts?“
„Some send their bots back because they can’t get themselves to do it at all,“ he affirms. „But either way, those are likely the clients who’d rather apply to purchase automatic models in the first place.“
Automatic models.
You remember. Now you count one and one together — Mr. Kim talked about these bots. You never even realized. The ones seemingly everybody was ordering which drove the whole faculty staff into an endless scientific boredom.  
„Most client requests we get want some kind of he-man. They only spend twenty minutes customizing their bot on the website, if not less. Our engineers rarely get to equip a bot with so much pizzazz.“
In fact, these are the bots of a cheaper price range that run on the exact same automatism over and over for the lack of not having any other programming or sentience.
You don’t have to look no further than imagining that they work like a generic sex toy. They’re just in humanoid shape. A fruit plate for breakfast they can’t serve. They don’t have any interest in cotton candy either. The client can only switch them on for intercourse and enjoy maybe two or three default positions at best before their bot goes back to sleep again. They don’t talk freely, they don’t think, they don’t ask questions. They do their job, but they’re not…
You suddenly don’t regret spending forever at the PC to fill in forms and paying a lot more money to the faculty anymore.
„What? That’s insane. I never knew.“
How lucky you are to have Baekhyun is an overwhelming thought. If you’re entirely honest with yourself— it even gives you something that feels like butterflies. It’s strange.
„We non-automatic models can only do what we’re supposed to when we get asked.“
„Even most things a client requested in the past can’t be done again without a second permission. You have to instruct us in every new situation.“
„Yes, Mr. Kim really emphasized that.“
You feel better knowing that you have read between the lines correctly. Mr. Kim said a lot of things that sounded very complex and removed from daily life, but he managed to convey the most important thing about Baekhyun.
„I have always heard from Mr. Park that many female clients who give their bot back aren’t even the type of person who has troubles speaking their wishes. They don’t have any wishes at all. I think they’ve given up on themselves.“
He looks so downtrodden saying that. The image in your mind looks just as depressing. You want to curl yourself up.
„Wow. Wow, that… sounds scary.“
„Already by law, we can’t dictate them what we want as a replacement for their lacking preferences. Even if that is what they’re expecting. And then, they blame it on us if we stay passive during sex. It’s an unfair game.“
You can already picture how many cases like that must’ve happened.
Mr. Kim was absolutely right to let non-automatic bots decide over who they want to match with or not.
For way other reasons you had naïvely assumed. To be fair, you are still a beginner with this and AndroTech’s terms of service page was a jargon novel in font size 4, bearable as a skim at best.
„So it would even break the law,“ you find yourself even more startled. „To engage in acts that were not… requested on the spot?“
„Yes. But it’s not all clear-cut. Some bots are enabled and do try hard to read their client’s true wishes out of them, and they take the lead to get things started. Especially when a client is extremely nervous on the first day.“
„You’ve seen me do it with you. How to touch you, whether I can drive and cook for you, how we relax before sleeping. You saw that I was forward with you to take the pressure off. I even picked you up without asking.“
„Yeah, I saw. I understand it now.“
Pretty much from the very first moment. Baekhyun probably knew you didn’t want to walk the corridors to the faculty exit the moment he looked at you. And he did take the lead, and asked about your every reaction hoping he anticipated exactly the right thing you didn’t dare voice.
„Which can be uncomfortable, but the client very clearly has something in mind and they end up saying it. But you can’t use coercion or skip that they say it.“
You give a small „M-hm“ in response and feel the guilt rush over your face.
„That shyness or shameful feeling at the start we can deal with. But in other cases, a person only wants the bot to tell them what to do. Which we’re not allowed to,“ Baekhyun’s voice shifts to a much graver tone. „We are the ones who adapt to the client. We don’t have a motivation to give orders, either.“
This keeps on getting more and more puzzling.
„If you can’t feel something, you can’t desire something. Take me— I don’t know what a sense of satisfaction is. And our base programming is to be of service. Even if we did something random that we saw fit just to give a command. It’d be illegal.“
At first, you wonder why the rule would not apply to the automatic he-man bots, but it was actually making sense. The client had decided on their limited programming. Switching them on was giving permission itself, and they could be turned off at any moment.
Meanwhile, a bot like Baekhyun had variation to his actions and was constantly running on AndroTech’s special power generator, lord knows what it did to run all day. Now, if any of his actions were against your will, or he did something without being asked: He would be taken away from you.
If he gave you a decisive order completely unprompted: His programming would be permanently deactivated almost on the spot, even. Bots trying to guess what their clients had on their mind were walking a tightrope.
„This is a much more serious thing than I thought.“
You puff out. Baekhyun gives a wholehearted nod.
„You can tell we have to be careful to find clients who know what they want.“
„I never thought of it that way. But yeah. I can see how the faculty gets into trouble otherwise.“
„Yes. It’s a huge problem.“
And you were as silly as assuming that bot abuse was the biggest issue in the industry. Turns out clients who want their leisure models to break the law are the real skeleton in the closet.
It’s starting to become a bigger picture to you. The repercussions are so much more expensive and damaging for the company image. A bot that an angry client kicked around was only a nuisance if repair was concerned. The whole thing was kind of bizarre.
„I’ll be very careful,“ you assure. „To fulfill my side of the contract.“
„Y/N. You are the last person who’d concern me. I have been sure from the start that you are the ideal person to be with. It’s why I agreed so fast to Mr. Kim’s question whether I want to match up or not. Most bots will ask Mr. Kim to postpone that question so they can gauge their client in a testing period.“
„They… do?“
„But I already made a mistake,“ you say, remembering how you started out today. „I don’t think I’m ideal or something like that.“
Baekhyun’s following blink is more than knowing.
„That you question yourself tells me you’re a good client. Bad clients don’t self-reflect.“
Maybe you’ve done at least that right.
„I see?“
„You might become reserved or berate yourself sometimes. But that you wrote down 280 specifics for Mr. Kim tells me everything. Once the nervousness dissolves, you do the right thing already and I see your nature. You wish for a lot of things. That makes you ideal to me. I can take care of this one thing at a time.“
He plants a brief, but passionate kiss on the back of your left hand. The cheesy motherfucker got you again.
„Baekhyun, I…“
„That gives me a lot to work with. I hope you look forward to all this. We’ll spend many great nights.“
His charming little smile and dark eyes are as encouraging as ever. Thinking about the many options of 280 makes you giddy already.
„I do. And… I really want to see how the Special Request feels like.“
Your legs are like squirming jelly at this point. Very much unlike Baekhyun who’s stable and resting — in promise of great stamina.
„I’m ready if you are. I’m sorry if my talking delayed this. But I think some last few questions had to get out of the way. As for the request: There’s not much I need to prepare for it.“
Chapter 9: You Look Really Beautiful
„We’ll be starting with… you know. Lower medium size?“
You shift in the sheets, stuttering that out like a pre-schooler, but who the hell cares at this point. It’s not like you didn’t invent all of this.
„All as you want it,“ says Baekhyun with just the right touch of yielding in his tone. How he makes this sound so impeccably polite is a mystery.
„This is really easy to insert,“ he continues, giving a light caress against your cheek. You don’t miss just how much it is meant to be an encouraging touch. Your face feels tingly.
„Okay, let’s give it a shot, then.“
While Baekhyun reshapes the plates, you recline with your knees pulled toward your torso, making sure to place your wonky foot in an unobtrusive way. So far, it’s only complained while you were climbing around trying to find a position to suck Baekhyun off. Sweet baby Jesus. If your heel would ruin your first time, you’d curse your clumsiness forever and sign up at AndroTech to get your legs android-ized if that were even possible.
You’d probably make a good cyborg now that you think about it. With your new steel-inforced feet and knee caps, you’d be one robot step closer to blowing and riding Baekhyun to infinity until his dick needs repair, which you… already plan to do anyways.
„Can you stimulate me like before, please. Just by using your cock now. I’m so horny for it.“
„Of course.“
Baekhyun glides the tip up and down your outer and inner labia alternatingly, then lets it rub all over your clit. Which happens so smoothly. You’re more than wet. He’s drenched you so hard.
It doesn’t take many prods until your arousal returns at its fullest, and Baekhyun strikes a complimenting tone in the middle of letting the underside of his shaft tap against the swelling rose bud.
„Your pussy is really pretty. It’s like pink clouds to me.“
He makes a little innocent face. He’s too adorable. Still, you swallow. So it’s time to bring the funfair to this sofa, then, is it.
„I really— want you to stretch it nicely,“ you grab hold of his cock. „So that the filling can seep in really far. I want a lot of it. And after you filled me, you make me cum.“
„I will, Y/N. I prepared a lot for you,“ he nods. „And it’s enriched with pheromones.“
So the faculty did find ways to flavor things. Realizing that, you already feel twice as horny as before.
„Shit, it’s gonna smell so good. Put it in, put it in… I want to know how it feels.“
You fumble with his tip at your entrance, and Baekhyun lifts his hips accordingly. It slides in for an inch, giving your entrance an idea of the diameter so far.
While you first squeezed his dick in your hand, the surface felt very matte. Now, with Baekhyun carefully securing his cock between the soft embrace of your lips, it makes for a great sensation of grip and stretch paired with how wet you are. His medium girth is really not bad at all even if it’s downsized. In fact, it’s pushing at your entrance in the juiciest way. With no panties in between anymore. You realize that it’s really about to go down.
„Baekhyun, oh god. Oh god. It’s good. Put your hands around my waist.“
He swiftly does, no second wasted. His fingers, his palms, his wrists— are so soft. You notice that his right hand sits significantly lower than the left one, pretty much on the hip bone. You already want to ask him to move it upwards that you realize he’s seen the scar from your appendix surgery and avoided putting his hand on it.
„Do you want me to slide in more along the way?“
„Yes, more.“
You can tell that Baekhyun knows the exact angle to glide into you. With his hands suavely placed on you now, he adjusts your pelvis without needing leverage. The sheer given shape of his palms has your body melt into the right posture. Eventually, his cock tip makes its way down your walls, bulging them apart. Baekhyun’s length gliding into you has you feel the entirety of his shaft pushing in with a proper thickness. A perfect languid strain, making your pussy feel amazingly filled and bursting with veiny, girthy cock.
„Fuck. Please use your fingers, Baekhyun,“ you gasp out, feel your lungs contract. „And kiss me all over.“
He keeps on sliding in. Leaves little kisses on your nose and sweat-glazed collar bones, breasts, neck. His plush little lips make pecking noises that sound all the way dirtier when he turns them into desperate moans. Baekhyun sure knows how to push your buttons. You’re about to go nuts entirely.
One hand leaving your waist, he adds a consistent stroke at your clit until he surprises you with slowly hitting balls deep.
„I’m in. How does it feel?“
It really is good to insert.
The heat from your clit mixes with the satisfaction of Baekhyun now being fully curved inside you. He was so much easier to take than you were afraid of.
„It’s amazing to me.“
A squeeze from your muscles comfortably locks Baekhyun, who gently lowers his posture above you, in the spot. Just enough for you to let your fingertips ghost over the center of his abs. His body is so warm, almost heated.
Then, you reach for his face and kiss him deeply. His tongue immediately picks up your pacing, swirls around yours in an intricate dance. The passion overflows. You want so much more.
„Start thrusting. Stimulate me.“
Accompanied with a faster flick of his fingers on your clit, Baekhyun lets his cock pulse in and out of you without removing much of its length. The inward tug at your walls pushes your womb along with it. Baekhyun’s width is just right in spreading your pussy apart, and how he gets you off brings more slickness to each thrust. You feel yourself getting really swollen up and bubbling wet, even more than before.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
„Make it grow a little,“ you push the words past your tense jaw. „And then give me the first special request.“
Again, he doesn’t hesitate. The sudden growth spurt takes a bit off the speed out of Baekhyun’s plunge, but soon increases again. It’s because his cock has started to leak inside, pouring more and more lubrication around itself.
„Is that good?“
His thrusts make the velvety liquid surface at the base of his cock. Very slowly, but surely. He’s fucking it out of you so well. Almost instantly, the smell is intoxicating. A hefty concoction of vanilla, fruit, and something very sharp and musky layered over it. A very masculine and upbeat spice that is like an electric current. The liquid keeps oozing from your entrance with every thrust, bringing more of the scent to live.
„Fuck. Please more. That’s so good. Hold me when I buck up, Baekhyun!“
The special request is nothing but a liquid mechanism that lets Baekhyun pump you full of milky white pre-cum. Whenever you want, mid-fuck at full speed, or as a quick filling without much prep. With a big load or just a little portion as lube, anything goes. Baekhyun has to refill the material with special cartilages every now and then, but it’s compressed like the foam of a whipped cream bottle. Just a lot more fluid. And way, way too loaded with artificial pheromones for your brain to handle. Your pussy explodes with oozing pre-cum and the tension of pleasure alike. You really can’t handle it. Still dizzy from the kiss, your tongue is all loose and erratic anyway.
„Not, ah—! To ask for something I can’t handle for the twentieth time or something! Fucking shit!“
You take a deep breath. Even a fast look between your thighs has you clenching. Everything is so creamy. And sticky. And milky. All with his cock buried right in the soaking middle of it. Baekhyun really gave you a full-on A class preview for the special request.
„Ask away. Even if it’s unrealistic. I make things feasible. That’s my job if anything,“ he looks more friendly than ever at you. Mr. Kim couldn’t sport a smile any better. Jesus Christ, he’s patient with you.
„I think I got some greed but, uh.“
„No worries. I can work with that. Greedy girls are the best girls.“
„Can you just, cockwarm me and give me another load. With the— bigger… version. If that doesn’t get me to the ER. I just want to try it for a minute or two even if it’s too big. You probably know if I’m built to do that better than me though.“
By the knowing look he gives you, Baekhyun indeed does.
„That works, I already calculated that. You’re stretched enough. If we don’t do it for long and I’m not moving, you’ll just feel really stuffed and full.“
„Exactly what I’m wanting,“ you blurt, and your eyes grow all the more impatient.
„Okay. I’ll be holding your legs up a little more for that if it’s alright. Just keep your ankle very relaxed.“
By doing that, you realize he changes how you angle yourself at him. You mentally prepare yourself, and already feel him expand inside. That pushes even more of the scented fluid out of your pussy, spreading over his cock. The smell of vanilla and grapefruit, whatever it is, becomes even stronger. Everything pools and drips from his expanding shaft in sticky threads that you want all over you, and in his mouth, his face, everywhere. Your poor pussy is nothing but a lake at this point.
„I’m gonna burst with this inside of me.“
And he really is monstrously big in his full form.
„Almost there. Does it feel okay?“
It grows and grows. Becomes veinier and all slick, bathed in scent and your own pussy creaming it up.
„Shit… that thing is like a spear! Fuck! Keep it, keep it up—!“
He keeps on growing. The stretch of your walls is driving you wild. You can’t even put a proper grip on him with your muscles at this point. All there is — a bulging sensation of your pussy getting filled out all around. It does make you feel tensed up. Even if the surface of his cock feels only a bit elastic, the diameter is too wide at this point.
„It’s a bit uncomfortable if you focus too much there with your muscles,“ Baekhyun says. „Look at my hands.“
Baekhyun circles into your clit with his index. It mixes relief into the stretch. And more pulsing excitement. Just a light caress wouldn’t do it at this point. He knows he has to rub a little faster.
„You’re all… stuck there,“ is all you can moan. He’s grown sufficiently to let your sensitive entrance feel like it’s going to burn up in flames. In its normal state, there’s no way he would get past it in his large size. You don’t even know just how far up he is inside you. If he’d thrust now, your guts would be as ruined as your panties. The flaring sensation of him spreading all inside you is all that you can think of. You’re starting to think you must’ve developed a cock addiction because of those pheromones, the thought of him not being inside of you all day like this sounds terrible.
Now that he’s entirely erect and stiffened, you can tell his dick has exactly the inner metallic strength you thought it had. He’s pretty heavy inside you. You get a buzzing in your head and accidentally shift your hips a little. The feeling that follows makes you gasp.
„That, that’s hitting something. Oh my god. It’s pressing me. Oh my god. What is that, Baekhyun!“
„Your cervix.“
„That’s deep in. Holy shit.“
„It’s really big and puffy. My sensors are liking it.“
So that’s where he is, then. Buried right there. Hitting the spot.
“Hold it there, Baekhyun. It feels so unusual! Please press it a little more.“
Baekhyun shifts his hips himself, causing you to feel the same bump again. It makes your body jerk and takes you by surprise once more.
„I think it likes kissing my tip the way you do with your lips.“
Either you’re imagining things, or Baekhyun actually sounds a bit accomplished.
„What! Does it react?“
„It’s getting increased blood flow and expands around me. If you want, I can rest a little deeper with my tip at the hole in the middle.“
The idea is so filthy knowing he could shoot you up with more pre-cum any second. All of it would spritz deep inside of you, almost the deepest way possible. You picture Baekhyun mixing up a huge load for you, only to pump it all the way through his immense length.
„Please, please do that, please. Push against it.“
„I’ll have to be really careful.“
„Come on, Baekhyun,“ you firmly grip at his hips to pull them down. „Beat my pussy up. It’s deep enough. Give me the whole length.“
That this means going balls deep entirely is making your legs do funny things.
Baekhyun, squeezing in the last inch, finally makes you feel like he’s splitting you apart. From your legs up to your neck, you can feel the strain. Your pussy can barely take it. It doesn’t know whether to fall apart or to tense up. That Baekhyun’s cock tip ever so slowly pushes, then penetrates into your cervix and stays there, neither opening it fully nor just resting loosely against it, sends you all sorts of arousing signals.
„You’re stretching so well. See how amazing your labia look now.“
The sensation of Baekhyun has distracted you entirely from just about anything else. A quick glance tells you it does just look like that. Your muscles are too pushed apart to grasp his dick, but your pussy lips do that job for you. They’re finally getting their right stretch. Plush, and wet, and wide apart, they hug Baekhyun as if trying to pull him in. It’s as if they’re sucking and gargling his cock and spilling saliva everywhere. They’ve grown amazingly plump and red. Two cock-hungry, endlessly greedy girls just for Baekhyun.
„How do you feel? Describe it to me.“
„I’m feeling so, I can’t, fucking crazy! It’s prodding a spot that’s really far up. Oh God. It’s so big. You… fuck… oh— You—!“
„You can call me any dirty names you want,“ Baekhyun lowers his voice. It sounds so naughty and provoking when he does that. „You know that I’m down to be a huge whore.“
The plain sneering delight in his eyes is so intense that your pussy starts to pulsate. That lewd and yearning Baekhyun hiding underneath the cute smexy smile has ambushed you again.
„Give me that slutty look on your face and stroke my belly. Show it. Moan. If you wanna be a whore, do it properly.“
„It’s really bulging out here, Y/N…“
He whimpers, traces his palm across your abdomen, quick to find the spot. It does form a bit of a bump. Even from your position, it’s quite visible.
„Yeah… Look, you did this.“
„Your pussy is so perfect on the inside, too. Really pink and juicy.“
That his tip is currently making cockwarming love to your cervix you can very well feel. The two of them are already headed to be on a familiar basis with each other. You want Baekhyun to smash and jizz it every fucking night.
„If you have some more cum, now’s the moment, Baek. Pound it.“
„One second,“ he jerks at the base, briefly having his right hand leave your waist. You grip at the nape of his neck to pull his face down. You lock lips, and they are so mesmerizing while Baekhyun makes sure to find a nice angle.
With a loud moan into his mouth, you can feel him stuffing your pussy with a shot of rich fluid. The accompanying thrust is strong, steep, and throbbing. It makes you want to mount Baekhyun and fiercely bounce on his dick until cumming all over it, way until collapsing. His cock reaches far enough through the opening of your cervix to fill your womb with its creamy load. The liquid drips against the upper area until it spreads out and leaks down into your vagina. A lake of his semen now pools back and forth inside your spongy uterus, Baekhyun’s cock stirring it with its light pulses and movements. He’s not thrusting, but making sure to keep his dick swaying and prodding just enough to ease your tensions.
„Another load,“ you part from his lips, craving. „Really make it to the brim. Move it once. Push it in… So good, Baekhyun…“
„Okay,“ he hums, and kisses you again, this time making gentle contact with your lips. „I’ll make it really warm and thick.“
„God, yes…“
„Here, are you ready?“
„Fill me.“
Baekhyun’s fat cock delivers a juicy stab, fucking the meaty, veiny width under the tip right into your cervix. Hard and quick, making your toes shiver. The blow pounds and heavily stretches it apart under your deep guttural moans. He’s really deepening his cock almost to the max, and you can feel how stiff and girthy he’s made it become. 
The first pre-cum load allows for a perfect glide already. The plunge is so good. Your cervix now faithfully grips at his shaft, fully lubricated and anticipating, swelling up, greedily throbbing around him so fast. It pulls his cock in the way you want to deepthroat Baekhyun. You repeat and repeat his name.
Finally, a second spurt comes to seep right into you like a waterfall. Baekhyun floods your pussy entirely without holding back. A gushing injection of white streaks and pearls comes to permeate you so deliciously that your heart skips a beat. The spill is much less fluid this time, but runny just like freshly whipped coconut cream, fanning out into little melted clouds. He’s shot what you imagine as more than the amount of a small glass of water into you. You are creamed up to the last millimeter. If he was fertile, you’d be pregnant with a cute little Baek baby in two seconds, and give birth only three minutes later.
„I love it!“
Your pussy walls loosen around him. Even if it means saying goodbye to your filling, now you wanna see how his semen looks like.
„Rest your hand there while you’re pulling out,“ you guide your had toward your abdomen. „You’re gonna tell me the difference.“
With Baekhyun slowly drawing out his cock and letting the vacuum suck the fluid downward, you become giddy. Your cervix refuses to close and instead stays pulsing open, letting all that he filled you with drip out. It’s a pal size puddle. Baekhyun’s dick looks so gigantic and coated now that he pulled out. You can’t believe all of that was inside of you.
„I really hate to leave you feeling empty,“ he says, and massages your belly very attentively.
„I wish your cum could stay inside all day. It’s so warm. I really miss your cock, too. Shit, Baekhyun.“
After some waiting time, his last bits of semen makes its way down. Your pussy gapes enough to let it squeeze out. It’s so thick and white, completely opaque. How good it smells you only register when you’re already hanging at Baekhyun’s lips again. The scent drives you to kiss him again and again, having your hands all over his body, praising him with your moans. He yields into your wild hug and the making out continues until your creampie no longer flows out. Half of your pussy is full of sticky semen still, warming you from the inside. Between your heavy breaths, you realize that Baekhyun’s laser gaze on you have even more craving than before.
„And this is not even the main event,“ he rasps into your ear. „We’re still headed towards the most important thing.“
You shake. His dark eyes set on you like a panther’s. He’s readier than ever. This goddamn robot stamina. Now he wants to fuck you up entirely.
„Make me cum… really hard, Baekhyun.“
„I’ll have you moaning and arching. Tell me what to do.“
„Remember I talked about some Special Request mixed with oral?“
„Very clearly,“ he nods, helping you get up from your back. „I got you.“
„Leave it at big as it is now. Not the full growth but almost there. Really give me a lot of cum, okay. Empty yourself into my throat. You can also fuck my mouth but keep it shallow. You can hold my head later on.“
„All as you like. Here,“ Baekhyun helps you guide the shaft between your expectant lips.
You suck at the tip, but your mouth doesn’t get very far down. The difference to Baekhyun’s smaller, adapted version is extreme to see, to touch, and taste. While you gobble the far end, a generous spurt of cum shoots into your throat already. It pools on your tongue before you swallow three times.
It tastes mild and sweet.
Maybe you’ve been eating too much cotton candy as of recently, but it does bear some resemblance to it. You shake the girth from one side of your mouth to the other, signalling Baekhyun to fill you again. More cum begins to appear, then burst at the roof of your mouth, and you don’t manage to hold in all of it. Thank God the towel is thick enough.
All the jizz expands on your tongue and you swallow faster, with Baekhyun leaking more of his cock milk. You decide to have some fun thrusting your head forward and have the whole thing explode against his loins and your lower face. With Baekhyun’s dick plunging into you deeper, the remaining cum flows past your lips and lands between either of your legs on the towel.
No wonder his balls do their pulsating thing. He has to keep up mixing and pumping everything out. His cock is now so perfectly slippery that you can glide your tongue around it in fast circles. The faster you go, the more his foreskin retracts, revealing the beautiful sturdy glans that provides you with another milky shot against the back of your throat. The mixture is smooth, allowing for an easy big swallow. For some reason, it’s almost like almond milk conditioner diluted with a bit of water.
Baekhyun adding little thrusts to each leaking makes you moan like a pervert. You suck and lick up every incoming bit of fluid properly until gulping it down. At this point, your entire stomach is a sea of white cream. Your mouth feels like it’s drowning in baby lotion, but without the obnoxious taste. Even now, you’re still not tired of bopping your head and blowing bubbles with the amounts of his sperm that gather around the middle of his cock. The more you get into the rhythm of moving your head, the more heated and loud you get.
Puckering your lips adds the right pressure, and you keep your jaw as wide a Baekhyun showed you earlier. The slicking, slurping and glucking noise of the suction is music to your ears. Him spilling out more liquid helps you glaze his length with warm icing now, and your speed is surprisingly high in doing so. You end up sinking your fingertips into Baekhyun’s shapely ass cheeks and hold onto his body like that while blowing him. You feel they are toned and soft at the same time, even more heavenly when you use your entire palms to hold them.
„Great, you’re doing great,“ Baekhyun wipes off a blotch of cum from his belly and lathers his cock up with it, careful not to disturb your mouth at work. „Do whatever comes to your mind.“
As if that praise was not enough, another rewarding fountain fizzes into your mouth. The vacuum from your tight lips resounds almost like a kissing noise. With another moan upcoming, you blurt out the majority of Baekhyun’s load. This time, his legs are the victim of your slobber, getting their first contact with his cum in dripping white stripes. It looks so hot. Looking at his ruined thighs with your saliva and milk on them makes your pussy throb several times.
In the meantime, your lips are left perfectly coated and big, clinging to the veiny surface slightly below Baekhyun’s tip. Especially your lower lip has gotten much plumper and picks up every relief on his dick. You love the sound of him thrusting in his shaft that is met with a little lake of cum at the farther end of your tongue. The more elegantly he helps you plunge in the tip, the better it stirs the fluid and leaves a nice caress at the top of your mouth and the inner corners of your lips. The taste is breathtaking. After swallowing for the seventh time now, you pop his dick from your mouth and distribute the remaining cum on your cheeks and temples by sliding his length all over your skin.
„That feels so good,“ you pat his cock all over your cheekbones, your forehead and the bridge of your nose. You even glide the tip of his cock against your browbone, tracing its lining and have a few little droplets of Baekhyun’s delicious milk dance stuck in your lashes. The fluid leaves your face feel cooled and soft. The matte silicone surface of his length is perfect enough to slowly glide under the guidance of your hand, massaging your face gently and slick.
And then, you get an idea.
„Hold your cock up for me. Maybe make it curve up a little,“ you instruct, take a few breaths to cool down. When Baekhyun is ready, you slide your right hand between your legs and head your mouth for his balls at the same time.
They really are like scoops of ice cream. Enough milk has distributed over them to make your attention of kisses, licks, feathery light bites and sucking very easy. Everything glides, and you love how they vibrate ever so slightly.
„Tell me I will feel this against my clit as often as possible, Baekhyun.“
„Every day if you want. I can make them buzz a little more than that as well. That goes for my cock, too.“
„What— Really! Please do it! And please, more cum…“
And they do. It must be the weirdest thing your lips and the tip of your nose have felt, ever. A million dancing ants start their party on your skin. Alternating between left and right, you give your mouth a proper ice cream feeding. Baekhyun’s cock vibrates along and produces another waterfall of sperm.
While you let the buzzing ripen up your lips with even more swelling, drops upon drops of cum add from above where Baekhyun holds his cock in an almost vertical position. Since its curve bends toward his stomach, that’s where more of his cum lands. You love to observe the milk trickle over the little veins of his loins, his lightly toned abs, and the perfect V shape of his pelvis. With every drop, you rub your clit to new heights and feel it become spongy. You’re so sensitive and wet that it’s harder to get your finger to the right spot, so you end up using three fingers at once.
Baekhyun glazing himself with all that luscious cum makes you want to lick him up whole. On the other hand, his oozing cock spills so much fluid that you don’t want any of it go to waste.
With the flicks of your index finger speeding up between your legs, you ask Baekhyun to stuff and thrust his cock back onto your tongue and provide you with a final wave of cum for good. He dusts over your lashes to remove the spray they took before, then diligently brings his palms around the back of your head. Baekhyun is so utterly careful and sensual in his expression that you have to groan and feel your pussy twitch. His pretty fingers fit so perfectly around the area under your high ponytail. Having his wrists ghost over your temples makes you want to come on the spot. Now that your head is softly locked safe, Baekhyun asks if he can start, earning the most eager nod.
„I won’t make you gag, I promise,“ he gives his fingers a final arrangement, laying flat on your hair.
You feel like you’re about to implode and already drive your head forward. Aided by the slip of your mouth, he pulls you onto his cock, driving in a bit more length. About a third of his cock gets in, and you feel only a slight bit of tension. Your lips close around him, but remain flexible, still. Your hand between your legs rubs faster. And faster. Your clit is begging for a second rush. By the time, your jaw has become perfectly loose and receptive, ready to take a pounding. You moan in frustration from all the suspense, and finally he begins fucking his monster dick into your skull. 
The girth stretches your lips and leaves your mouth completely stunned. Baekhyun properly angles himself into your head and showers you with complimenting little wows, then continues the speed and screwing until half of his dick pumps into your mouth. It’s pushing in and stimulates your lips with every thrust. The buzz is amazing. 
Your throat is perfectly accepting of Baekhyun’s tip. The vibrating stimulation at your tonsils sends excitement through your entire body. His cock is amazingly big, hot, and jittery. When he drills it into you with a little ‚your mouth… so soft… like cotton candy…’ under his breath, you can’t take it anymore.
When your rubs escalate and your pussy begins to contract, he blows up your mouth with an avalanche of extra sticky and flavorful cream. Unlike when he was pumping out the cum against his belly, his cock now powerfully empties in one go and overwhelms your tongue with taste. 
The portion is so huge and almost foamy. Now you’re filled double. Your leaking pussy, stuffed with his bubbling semen, and your mouth, rich with the potent vanilla taste. Your clit thumps hard with a series of twitches, about ten, eleven, twelve times, with another strong rub from your middle finger pushing it over the edge.
The load of cum bursting into your mouth is so large that your cheeks slowly bulge out a bit. Baekhyun holds his cock in place to help you keep it centered. A look at his hands alone is enough to fasten your rubs and make you feel your climax peak. Your eyes get large from the extremity of pleasure surging from your clit, having your body rock, making you yelp out and spill Baekhyun’s semen back over the pulsing curve of his dick. It’s so messy, but you don’t care.
He takes the opportunity to thrust back into your mouth in sync with the twitches of your pussy, blasting your way too impatient esophagus with more sputtering threads of hot milk. Your clit throbs even harder when you hear the wet noises your throat makes. Every thrust has you blowing out cum with stifled, slobbery gargling. Baekhyun penetrates you so well and won’t waste a milliliter of cum. It’s so thick and so good, and distributes so nicely every time he fucks it into your throat a little further. The vibration of his cock makes your tongue so swollen against the underside of his shaft and even more sensitive to how his cum feels.
Liquid satin, gliding so well down into your stomach that you wish he could penetrate, too. You slurp and gobble the last shots of cum, and enjoy Baekhyun’s thrusts feeding you his fully sperm-decorated cock. With your saliva flowing into the mix, the load gets perfectly blended and has you produce the nastiest sounds around the meaty base of his dick. You want to lap it all up, slather it all over you, bathe in it. He drenches your mouth completely. You swallow and swallow until he knows you’re feeling full and stops the flow.
You still try to suck the leftover liquid out of him until only drops remain on your tongue. A final swallow, and you lock eyes with Baekhyun who’s gently smiling and cupping your head.
„B—woah,“ you gush out, slipping your lips off his dick. You look down on your body and Baekhyun’s, finding your skins coated all sticky as if a pot of joghurt spilled all over your chests and legs.
The special request indeed leaves nothing left to be desired.
„Really incredible,“ Baekhyun says.
„Warm…,“ you lick your lips, and shake, move your tongue about to loosen it up. „And so much— Fuck!“
„Not a drop left. I’ll probably need half an hour to gather an amount like that again.“
„I want this all the time. This, this is so much fun.“
„Yes. You were really enjoying yourself. You look really beautiful.“
Probably really messy and funny with your drying lips and tousled ponytail. You have to chuckle.
„Brace yourself, Baekhyun. I hope you have enough hair ties prepared.“
Oh, it’s gonna be a ride.
After you settle your breath, Baekhyun goes about cleaning your face and neck, and bits of your chest. He has to get a third towel from the bathroom to get the job done, including rubbing himself down. As ruined as he looks, AndroTech has to send him into the fucking robo deep cleaning room or something if you keep this up.
Eventually, Baekhyun helps you up the same way he put you down on the sheets two hours ago. You coo to him, and he carries you to the bedroom softly humming. You feel a strange serenity. Protection. Baekhyun looks so sweet and calm. A warm feeling spreads across your abdomen, and you listen to your blood rush in your ears. He really got you going,. He offers a glass of water that you accept and nip at while he sorts his and your clothes, dumping all the towels into the laundry basket and switching off the living room lights afterwards.
Alongside carrying a paddle hair brush, he returns with your favorite strawberry bubblegum chapstick. He must have picked it up next to the washing machine in the bathroom. You keep a little shell-shaped metal bowl next to the basin where all your cosmetics are scattered in. How he knows that it’s your go-to lip product will remain another mystery, although you are sure he has a page-long analysis on it. 
After asking for your permission, Baekhyun applies it for you and makes sure to kiss you not once, but twice. He loosens the tie out of your hair and goes about brushing it, smoothing it. Lying down in your bed for the afterglow with the fairy lights on gets even better when Baekhyun offers his chest to lean against for dozing off.
Chapter 10: Pulling Out The Carrots
You wake up to the smell of waffles and cocoa coming from the kitchen. You sit up in bed. Feeling more gloriously fucked out than fucked up, actually. The floor, even if it’s still the exact same as before, feels different when you set your either foot on the ground. It’s not only your heel feeling at least a little better. It’s also the fact that it’s the ground of an apartment with two people in it.
Bothering to put on socks, you find that your closet has a new stack of clothes where Baekhyun normally sorts in his white vest. So Mr. Kim sent a new batch of attire for him as promised in the email you received last night. Seven sets of midnight blue, carnelian, and more white cuts of similar fabrics and varying shapes. Your closet looks strangely complemented with his clothes in it. Not to mention much tidier since he folded each and every piece.
Before you waddle to the bathroom, you check your phone and see an avalanche of shy emojis from Hwasa in your notifications. You did manage to send a little comment on the sofa before you went to bed.
„Guess whose car is fixed,“ Baekhyun sets a plate on the table. The whole kitchen sizzles and looks as if a restaurant chef just let a huge cloud of steam loose from his souffle in the oven. There’s juice, there’s blueberries, there’s syrup on the table. His smile is even brighter than it was yesterday.
„You gem!“
Falling around his neck makes Baekhyun laugh. You cling in the hug and pepper his forehead with kisses until the waffle machine bleeps.
„Dig in, princess,“ he stacks up three waffles on the plate, golden brown and drizzled with syrup.
„Sit down with me when the last one is done,“ you fork the top waffle, separating it into five hearts each. Crispy outside, vanilla-colored and juicy on the inside. Back in the day when he was still active, Gordon Ramsey couldn’t have done it any better. Baekhyun nods, now busy with a large blue bowl. He’s kept his smile and hums a little. The kitchen radio is playing in the background.
„And something else,“ he swipes the wooden spoon through the bowl. You realize what’s inside. He steps toward the table to masterfully place a generous amount of whipped cream on your stack of waffles.
„What was it?“
„I talked to Mister Lee.“
„You what?!“
With a clattering noise, your fork drops right back onto the plate. If the sweet scent in the kitchen didn’t fully wake you, then this definitely did.
„I first checked the databank as I said,“ Baekhyun puts down the bowl on the table and takes a seat opposite to you. „There was no record of him interacting with androids anywhere. He didn’t own one, nor did anyone else in his social environment or the area around here. Except you of course.“
„A—alright, and?“
Judging by Baekhyun’s picture-perfect appearance that doesn’t seem to sport a single scratch, at least Mr. Lee didn’t get out his golfing equipment then.
„I went over and met him on the porch while he was having his coffee. I introduced myself and asked about his garden.“
„His garden?“
„Mister Lee has taken up quite a bit of work with his vegetables,“ Baekhyun pours some orange juice from a jug into the chunky little glass in front of your plate. „He was busy with carrots yesterday.“
„What— What does that have to do with…?“
„He was huffing out loud because he couldn’t pull out a particularly large one.“
„That’s what I heard when we arrived?“
„Precisely you did.“ As if your jaw couldn’t hang any lower, now you’re also flooded with embarrassment.
„He was squatting right behind the large bush that blocks the view,“ Baekhyun continues. He said he didn’t even hear us arrive because he had headphones on.“
„Jesus, really?“
„I was already wondering why I didn’t notice any danger when we arrived at the house. You only heard the noise and made a conclusion. But actually, Mister Lee was in his own world.“
„I helped him plug out the remaining carrots just half an hour ago. It was really easy. He gave me a few potatoes from his garden, too. I’ll make you fries for lunch today.“
„You really hear what you want to hear,“ you say to yourself out loud and start chugging the orange juice. Maybe moving into the underground tunnel system you’re planning to build for yourself to disappear from the face of this earth is still a very good idea.
„And don’t worry. I didn’t tell Mister Lee about your reaction. He doesn’t know about the misunderstanding. I just said I heard him shout in his garden and he readily explained what he was working on.“
„That was very sensible, Baekhyun. So I was accusing him for nothing, then.“
You bury your face in your palms. Goddammit.
„Mister Lee is as harmless and unbiased against bots as this waffle,“ Baekhyun points squarely at your plate.
„And I thought this would end up in a fistfight.“
„The funny thing is. Mister Lee said he used to be a boxer back in the 1980s and had muscles like I do. He was really amused how fast I was pulling out the carrots.“
„B-Boxer? Was he trying to intimidate you?“
Maybe you need to muster your rusty karate skills again. Who knows what Mister Lee was really up to. You didn’t know much about his family, but you’re sure a more detailed Internet search would reveal that his grandfather was indeed called Bruce.
„No worries,“ Baekhyun picks up the jar again, re-filling your juice. „He called me a dapper young gentleman and offered we could come over to have carrot cake at 4 PM. He says the house is a little empty since his grandkids moved to San Francisco. Mrs Lee is also looking forward to congratulate us. If you’re free after work?“
„They… invited us?!“
„In the most friendly way possible. And their potatoes are really huge. That’s going to be a lot of fries.“
Looks like Baekhyun has found your neighbors to be much more trustable than your paranoid robot gf brain. Before you can really deliberate whether to say yes or no, your intuition does the work for you and makes your strained jaw blab the words.
„I’m free, sure I—“
The doorbell rings twice, ripping you right out of your thought flow.
Baekhyun swiftly gets up. You already expect Hyuna or Chen with the latest gossip in town about your universally heard late-night moaning noises.
Setting up what feels like another Guinness world record, you stress-eat two waffles at once before readying yourself to get up, too. Another loss of face right around the corner but at least you have something in your stomach and Baekhyun’s beautifully cooked meal isn’t getting cold which would be the ultimate heresy.
To your relief, however, Baekhyun returns with—
A post box.
„Delivery for my princess,“ he chirps from the kitchen entrance. „Wow, it’s really heavy, too!“
„God, I’m a mess,“ you shake your head at yourself.
„Nothing, I just said it’s actually for the prince, you know.“
Your castle might be an outdated yellow house, but it has a creaking palace door and splendid clothing parlor. And pancakes for dinner. And the prince has a really big dick, so.
„For— me?“
„Yes, yes. If Mr. Kim can send you something nice, I can do that, too.“
There goes another portion of your salary but fuck it. You act as if you were puffing yourself up a little, with flared nostrils and a dandy eyebrow wiggle. A laughing Baekhyun uses his mere nails to loosen the tape from the packaging in one smooth go, and also doesn’t seem to extend any efforts prying it open. You’ve never seen anyone open a box this elegantly.
„That’s the kind of rivalry between creators I didn’t expect,“ he says. „I hope you’ll like the new clothes, by the way.“
You’re starting to get the hang of this whole bots-and-boredom thing. Keeping Baekhyun on his toes is paradoxically both less and more of a big deal than you thought but you’re working it out.
A note of calling your declared friendly rival Mr. Kim to ask him for a few more pointers is what you decidedly jot down on your own mental to-do list. He explicitly said that Baekhyun can very well explain himself, but getting some more insider knowledge to ambush Baekhyun with surprises doesn’t hurt. And whatever this kinetic learning thing is, you certainly need some more ideas from the source, too.
„You can model them after we return from eating cake.“
„Nothing I’ll love more,“ Baekhyun removes some of the crumpled up paper cushioning inside. Since the box is fairly big, it takes a bit until the content becomes apparent to him. Once he realizes what it is, Baekhyun’s eyes light up and he starts jumping up and down through the kitchen.
„It’s a pink clouds machine!“
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boyfriend bot on ao3
NOTE: oof, that’s a big ole fic :D i hope you liked it. talk to me about baek 😭❤️ 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2020. all rights reserved. reposts prohibited. portrayals are fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
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satans-trash-can · 3 years
I've been waiting to hear back from a job for like 2 weeks because the hiring team all took time off at the end of the year (which they should!!!!) and... I just really hope I get it. I should hear next week.
I just caught myself looking at clothes online. Since moving in with my partner 6 months ago I haven't bought new clothes except as an utmost necessity. I dont *need* new clothes all the time but I used to be able to afford that small luxury and now $40 jeans are out of budget. I am finding my current jeans are a little too tight. My shirts aren't as loose. I have more clothes with holes in them.
I'm not living in poverty, but im only making enough to survive. My priorities are food and my puppy. Thats almost entirely what I spend money on. I cant even afford to pay my full half of the rent right now, yet its still half of my monthly income. I used to understand what living paycheck to paycheck meant, but now I *really* understand. Partner and I want to save to buy a house but I've been slowing chipping away at my savings for the last 6 months just trying to live. Yeah, I could probably budget better and eat beans and rice every meal but that's not living. Just wish I could save. I have a lofty goal to achieve.
This new job would be full time, remote, work from home, decent salary. I'm really not exaggerating when I say it would change my life. I'm really hoping I get it.
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strikearose · 3 years
Uncovering Passione's Underside (1/1) GIOMIS
What one can learn by listening to what the secretive Passione's staff have to say about their Don... One-shot, GioMis, Post-canon, Humor, G+ You can also read it on ao3 here!
For as long as many Passione members could recall, Agnese Bianchi had always been there, grumbling as she would mop the hall floor and nagging at fellow cleaning employees and ruthless gang members all alike. It didn't matter how long their felonious resumes were, she simply couldn't stand slackers. Years of working within that specific industry had forged her strong character - she was honest, hardworking, and probably a tad too outspoken too about her aversion for mobsters, but she still knew better than to ask silly questions like some other people did.
The housekeeper glared at the man who'd been chatting up the new cleaner (and therefore, preventing her from mopping up the floor as she had explicitly urged her to) for the last half hour. His name was Trado, Trattore, or something that sounded way too much like Tradittore anyway: he was one of the Don's many henchmen. Ever since he had started working there, he had taken that annoying habit of snooping everywhere, making idle chitchat with the household staff during rush hour.
The old maid cleared her throat, grabbed her cleaning cart handles, and pushed it unceremoniously between the pair. "Is that what you call cleaning the reception room? Signore Giovanna wants it sparkling clean: go fix it now or apply for another job already!"
Her harsh tone worked just fine: the young employee, caught red-handed slacking work, gasped in surprise and mumbled a brief apology before leaving in a hurry. The man, however, didn't seem the least concerned about her admonition. He simply smiled and raised his hands in self-defense - and lord if there was a way he could possibly piss her off even more.
Agnese chose to simply disregard his presence and rummaged through her pockets to find the key she needed.
As it opened, she began to push her cleaning cart over the door sill with some difficulty.
"Need some help?"
Agnese sighed when she realized he was still there. Who the hell was he taking her for?
"I don't. As always, I'm doing just fine on my own."
To her dismay, it seemed that her sharp answer didn't manage to get rid of the gangster. For God's sake, couldn't he just go bother someone else, literally anyone but her? There was nothing Agnese hated more than to have someone watch her every move.
Or perhaps slackers.
Slackers who intended on watching her every move.
"So, for how long have you been working there? They say you'll bury us all..."
Agnese rolled her eyes as she finally managed to get her cart through the doorway.
"Long enough to have seen my fair share of slackers come and go..." The cleaning lady truly wished he'd get the memo this time. She had seen it all: louts in suits with fake good manners and scarred faces, but also men that seemed to be way too nice and curious for their own good. To her, that last species was the worst: they were wolves in sheep's clothing.
But of course, Trado (or Trattore or whatever was his name) didn't appreciate the subtlety of her response, and he continued his questioning: "You've been there long enough to have known the former boss, right? The one before Don Giovanna, a real freak apparently... "
Agnese tensed at that: she didn't like where the conversation was heading. She was unfortunately all too familiar with those office gossips. A little over five years ago now, Passione had gone from having no official face, to Giorno Giovanna's gracing every streets' corners. Rumors had it that the young, brilliant, man had brutally murdered the Original Don in the span of a week. Others thought that Giovanna's was his son and that the boss had simply granted himself a well-deserved retirement.
She couldn't care less about what had truly happened: Don Giovanna gave her a monthly salary as well as direct, concrete instructions. And those were the two things that mattered to her. He was good at that, giving clear orders to the people to his service. And it was nicer to serve him than to obey blindly the weird requests she'd receive by mail like before.
"Don't you really have anywhere else to go?", the cleaning lady suddenly turned to the man she had heard approaching but was relieved to see that he had not dared to enter the Don's office. He was looking at her, peering at what she was doing, from the door's threshold. "If you want a piece of advice, stop being so damn noisy."
The gangster laughed and at that, Agnese wished she could just sweep him out of the room.
"Relax! I'm new here, I'm just curious. Don Giovanna's pretty nice, he won't murder us over some harmless chitchat."
The Boss of a criminal organization, a nice man?
It was Agnese's turn to snort.
Yeah, she guessed it was the kind of public image he was adamantly working on And some people seemed to believe it: newspapers were reporting less traffic, a decline in thugs harming citizens' and tourists' safety. The astounding sums of money he was giving to local shelters, hospitals, and public schools were also common knowledge: rumors had it that the city council was even thinking of naming the brand-new biological museum, founded thanks to his many donations, after him.
As a boss, Agnese considered him to be pretty decent  - well, as decent as being the Don of a criminal organization could possibly allow him to be considered. After all, he was well-educated enough not to leave clothes and magazines scattered everywhere like the previous boss and some of his most favored underlings did.
But as a man, there was no way she could possibly tell if he was nice. Agnese was just an old, tired cleaning lady: she never pried into the Don's private life even though she guessed there were things that couldn't escape her lack of malicious curiosity. Details such as notes and silly doodles scribbled on his desk, scraps of paper (of extremely dubious content) discarded in the garbage can she needed to empty or sweaters which were at least two sizes too big for him lying on the normally spotless ground of his room...
Sighing, the old maid was about to close the door behind her when she noticed it: the stupid smirk on the gangster's face. The stupid knowing smirk they always had whenever they would bring up the one topic she had no desire to discuss.
How she wished she could just spray him with a window cleaner to wipe it out of his face.
"You know people say 'bout them, right? I'm sure it's complete bullshit but..."
The answer Agnese gave him was the same she would lecture her own underlings with: "One thing I know for sure is that the Underboss always carries his gun on him... And the Don sure doesn't need one to silence people. So just drop it and mind your own business."
With a last sigh, she finally shut the door closed and started her heavy work. However, even though the noisy snoop had left, Agnese felt her mind drift to her first encounter with the Don as she was dusting the ancient bookcase.
It had happened about four years ago, on a late December afternoon - was it because she had arrived too early or because he had stayed in his office later than usual, but the door had been left open so she had loudly pushed her cart inside. The old cleaning lady had instantly understood her mistake - after all, there was little mystery about whom that man was... Who else would dare to enter the big boss's office in his absence?
Golden locks, emerald eyes looking right at her with mild surprise: he obviously had not been expecting her.
"Oh, it's already that time of the day," his chin tilted high and proud, the mafia boss had flatly made that statement.
Not knowing what to say, Agnese had simply nodded and taken a discreet look at the massive clock behind him. 8:17 pm. He was definitely the one behind schedule, not her: she was just on time.
Not that she could say it aloud anyway.
"I didn't know you were still in there, Signore Giovanna," while her head was slightly bowed as a sign of respect, she had not apologized for her intrusion. She had nothing to apologize for: boss or not, he was the one messing with the established schedule. "I'll come back to clean your office later."
Don Giovanna had however soon dismissed her concern with a motion of his hand.
"It's fine, you can start working now. I was about to leave anyway."
The old housemaid nodded and was about to approach the bookcase when she had stopped right on her track, seeing the state of the ancient Victorian carpet. The boss had a rather keen hearing as he almost instantly turned his attention away from his papers to peer at Agnese, understanding what the problem was right away.
The blood hadn't just spattered on the carpet - there were traces of it on the sofa. And on the cushions. As well as on the desk's marble border.
And of course, the Don had to insist on furnishing his office with pristine white furnitures  - even the smallest stain could be spotted from miles away.
Well, at least to look at the bright sight, Agnese realized that she wasn't the one who had to take care of the body, to each, his own mess: scrubbing out the carpet was already going to be a real nightmare.
"I apologize for that," the voice of her employer was surprisingly gentle, and it had taken her off guard. "I'll make sure the floor is covered properly next time."
As unbelievable as it might sound, the Don had kept true to his word: she hadn't been able to find a single drop of blood in his office ever since.
And she had even gotten a raise in the following week.
Rumors had it that Don Giovanna was capable of prodigious deeds that a rational mind could not possibly explain: that dazzling smile of his could enchant things and bend them to his will. Some prominent figures from all parts of the world, whose identities shall remain hidden, had apparently come out of his office miraculously cured. But rumors also had it that the reason why his public appearances were becoming more and more scarce was because of a growing sensitivity to daylight.
So Agnese paid very little to no regard to them. Most of the time, like Tradutti had stated, it was indeed complete bullshit.
However, later that night, as she undid her bandages to observe the state of the burn on a forearm (a stupid domestic accident involving a boiling teapot), Agnese was amazed to find her epidermis completely smooth. There was no more blistering or dead skin: her forearm was of a softness that contrasted with the rest of her body:the astronomical amount of tiger balm and aloe vera used could not possibly explain that. So as much of a skeptic as she was, the cleaning lady was forced to admit that it had to be somehow related to her earlier encounter with the Don.
As soon as she had stepped outside his office after tidying it, she had spotted the mafia boss in the hallway. He was accompanied by five or six men dressed in equally expensive suits. Among them was a face quite familiar to her: the city mayor who was making it to the news because of yet another corruption scandal.
The last thing she needed was to get involved in this ugly mess, so the cleaning lady kept her head high and bravely pushed her cart forwards. What she wasn't expecting however was for the Don to stop her.
"Did you injure yourself?"
She had had no choice but to peer down too at her bandage and lie through her teeth: "It's nothing, Signore."
His face showed no emotion, but he took a step towards her and delicately grabbed the injured arm before she could protest. His grip was somehow gentle but tight: there was no way she could escape from it. It was a literal iron fist in a velvet glove.
Agnese could still recall feeling the gazes of the Mayor and his bodyguards on her, they had also stopped walking to stare at her. Her heart rate had momentarily quickened when the Don's hands had brushed over her wound, his emerald eyes never leaving her confused expression. A sharp pain had set her wrist on fire... And then nothing.
She no longer felt a thing - it was as if it had never happened: Don Giovanna had taken a step back and addressed his subordinates, and they all had resumed their walk, any concern about the poor old maid definitely forgotten. The only one who had graced her with something (a strangely amused smile) before leaving was Guido Mista.
The Underboss truly was something. He often reminded Agnese of her own son: way too careless and untidy. His room was a literal nightmare to clean: most of his cashmere sweaters (which he had no problem leaving on the floor for all that mattered) needed to be hand-washed, and he also had the specificity of returning several times a month completely riddled with bullets.
The fact that he was somehow still alive despite his many injuries was as much a real blessing to him that it was a curse for her.
After all, Agnese was the one who had to clean up after him: and there was nothing easier than to track him because with Underboss Mista came blood everywhere.
From the pavement outside to the sheets of a certain person whose name shall remain unknown.
The kitchen timer rang and Agnese was brought back to reality.
She couldn't say for sure if the Don was responsible for this miracle, but she still wished he could have also helped with her rheumatism too.
━━━━━ ༻🌱༺ ━━━━━
Unlike Agnese, Rolfo Giardino was still fairly new at that whole managing-not-to-get-mixed-up-in-mafia-mess-while-working-for-them dilemma. This gardener may have had twenty years of experience, nothing could have possibly prepared him for what was about to come.
The headquarters' gardens themselves were very pleasant - they were spacious and ideally located. Starting from scratch, that is to say from an austere backyard where some pathetic trees were beginning to wither to this authentic example of Giardino all'italiana, adorned with classical sculptures, flowering shrubs, fountains and ornamental parterres, had not been easy at first but Signore Giovanna had agreed to pay the price without thinking twice and the result was worth it.
Now that it was done, now that Rolfo and his team only had to maintain the garden (meaning watering the flowers and cutting the hedges one or two times a week), he guessed the job would be pretty nice if it weren't for all those mobsters who, for some reason he still couldn't gather, enjoyed watching him work. That, as well as those dreadful echoes of gunfire and screams which would shatter from time to time the peaceful atmosphere of the garden.
The rustling of water, the birds' chirping, a loud explosion from within the building... A nice sunny day overall.
Some of his employees were still refusing to work there despite his best attempts to reassure them: for as long as they would stay away from the actual building, it was not like something could happen to them, right? Still, they were places where even Rolfo himself did not like to approach, near the window overlooking what he thought was the Big Boss's office for instance. He had been forced to come close (way too close) to it because of his client's special request to have ivy and white roses gambling along this wall.
He had started working on it on a day when the weather was so mild that the window had apparently been cracked open for once - and the uncanny noises and groans that had escaped through it had scared the gardener to death. He hadn't dared to peer inside to find out what was really happening: the last thing he needed to know was what the Don of Passione's private torture sessions consisted of. Ever since that unfortunate incident, Rolfo had not ventured any closer to the damn white rosebushes. The branches were becoming too long, they were clearly starting to block the path of light, but as long as the Don didn't make any complaint, Rolfo would leave them be.
But on that day, however, the poor gardener saw red as his eyes fell on the figure loitering near that damn window: who was that son of a bitch was stepping on his flower beds!
"Hey you fucking moron: Move! Can't you see you're ruinin' my work?" Rolfo's shout managed to hit the bull's eye. The criminal was startled by it and half a dozen of armed men (probably criminals too) suddenly burst out the building to see what the hell was happening. He sprinted in the direction of the jerk and threw his pair of pruning shears at him. The gardening tool narrowly missed him - it crashed against the window instead (which, thank lord, did not shatter after the impact), but still made him leave. The stern face of Giorno Giovanna soon appeared, his head comically peaking out the building.
The Big Boss frowned when he realized that five of his men were gathered outside, frantically looking for someone, and took a deep breath: "Did one of you just threw a rock at my window?" He sounded confused, and to his credit, that was quite understandable.
Rolfo felt all adrenaline leave him abruptly - he could feel on him the murderous glares of literal murderers, who would have probably murdered him on the spot were it not for the presence of their Big Boss. He had no choice but to come clean: "Uhh, I do believe it was my pruners, Signore. I apologize, I swear they weren't aimed at you. It was for that damn...- uhh, I mean, that employee of yours!"
The Don didn't seem the slightest taken aback by the choice of weapon. He ran a hand through his braided locked and motioned for the others to go.
"You're saying that someone was eavesdropping on me just now?"
Rolfo looked down for a moment before answering: "Uhh, probably? I mean, he was stomping on my rosebushes near your window, that's for sure. They're Blanche Moreau's you know? They took weeks to arrive from France, weeks to finally blossom in Italy's sunlight!"
The mafia boss frowned at that, and Rolfo just knew he understood how valuable these roses were. After all, the Don seemed to be pretty knowledgeable about plants and lots of stuff: rumors had it that they were going to name that new museum after him so...
Signore Giovanna looked behind him and seemed to be addressing someone in the room: "Make sure to find him."
Curiosity overcame his initial reserve: standing on tiptoe, the gardener finally peered at the window to see what was happening inside. The office seemed incredibly spacious and clean: a dark-haired man, behind the desk, was adjusting the position of his cap on his head.
"Kay, I'll climb down the window to catch him faster! The fucker must be hiding somewhere close!," as soon as the man finished speaking, Rolfo couldn't help but react straight away.
"No, you can't do that! You'll ruin the other bushes!"
Both mafiosi looked at him for a moment and the old gardener realized he might have spoken out of turn, but the Don settled the matter for them anyway:
"He's right, I do like these Blanche Moreau's: go around my office Mista. And please, your zipper." That last part had been uttered quietly, but Rolfo had still managed to pick up on it. His devout Catholic mind would probably have been offended by it were it not for the sudden realization which left him quivering.
How on earth was he able to peak so clearly at the window now...?
"That fucking son of a bitch!", at that the mafia boss frowned and looked at him quizzically, but Rolfo couldn't halt the stream of profanities coming out of his mouth. It was too late. "He chopped it off! The whole branch!! It's all gone!"
Rolfo had promised his wife he would never get too close to the mafia, even though those paychecks sure were quite weighty. And yet as he was now, comfortably sitting in a well-made leather seat, a cup of coffee in his hand, he thought that for a first time within the shady building he had tried to avoid entering for so long, things were actually looking pretty normal. A week had passed since the unfortunate roses incident, and he had been surprised to receive after a subsequent sick leave a call from the Don's office. He didn't really have much choice, so he had shown up on time and was now patiently waiting in the lobby.
"Don Giovanna will now receive you."
Rolfo followed without a word the pretty secretary - she too looked way too customarily pretty to be involved in that kind of business. It was only when he passed under the massive arch of the door that he became fully aware of what was happening: the head of the Italian mafia had summoned him here.
As expected, it was the Don's spacious office, the one he had managed to catch a glimpse of through the window free of rose branches. The room appeared to be spotlessly clean - hell, it even smelled like a mixture of disinfectant and fresh lemon. Definitely not what he was expecting it to look like. Oddly enough, the very first thing he noticed was the tarp on the floor: that gaudy blue plastic was seriously clashing with the rest of the pristine white furnishings.
"Good afternoon, Signore Giardino. Is that the man you spotted by my window the other day?," Rolfo met the gaze of the mafia boss who was calmly standing to what soon turned out to be a man in bad shape, feet and fists bound onto the chair.
On the other side of the suspect, nonchalantly propped against the desk, was the gangster who had wanted to hop out the window.
All three of them were looking at the gardener expectantly, and he heard behind him the sound of the door closing. Of course, the pretty secretary couldn't stay.
"I can't say for sure Signore. See, I was so focused on the combat boots trampling my bushes that I didn't pay too much attention to his face..."
He hated the bastard who had wrecked his work, sure, but to rush him to such a tragic fate...
"Cool, then check it out!," the underboss had spoken with a casualness contrasting with the cruelty of the angle in which he twisted the poor man's leg. Rolfo had no choice but to look at the sole of his boot.
The fucking bastard.
There were still manure and rose petals stuck to it. And those were no common rose petals - they were large, fluffy and creamy white. They had been violently snatched away from a Blanche Moreau's sepal.
The gardener hardly needed to speak up to convince the mafia boss - the lethal look he was giving the tied-up man was already enough evidence.
Umberto Tradduto's fate had just been sealed.
Rolfo couldn't say what prompted him to look outside, but after that he only overheard bits of the conversation whispered in front of him: what was he was seeing right now was far more chocking anyway:
"I leave it to you for now Mista. I'll dispose of him later."
"Another donation to the museum?"
"Not this time. I think he'll make a fine aphid instead, that way our gardener will be able to settle his score with him."
Rolfo wasn't even pretending to be listening to what was being said anymore. He couldn't believe his eyes. He took a step towards the window and the two mafiosi, deep in their discussion, didn't notice it immediately.
"Keep your evening free, we'll be paying a visit to the mayor tonight. I'm getting tired of the spies he keeps sending here."
"Tonight? Hey, do you know how much it cost me to book the entire restaurant?"
The Don cleared his throat as if suddenly reminded of the other two's presence: "The sooner the better. I'm sure she won't mind. You'll reschedule your date later."
Mista was about to protest, but he fell silent as he realized where the gardener was standing: "Hey man, what the...-"
But Rolfo overstepped his role again to cut him off. His eyes shining with emotion, he turned towards the mighty Giorno Giovanna and addressed him as if he was a true deity.
"How...- How did you...? This is prodigious Signore!"
Behind him, blocking the light from the window, were proudly standing three beautiful unscathed roses branches.
━━━━━ ༻ 🚗 ༺ ━━━━━
Alfredo waked up completely startled as he heard someone bang on his window: dozing off at the wheel was a rookie mistake, he was well aware of that - but still.
"Hey open up!"
The underboss' voice was agitated - something very rare for such an easy-going man, so Alfredo immediately unlocked the doors and got out of the vehicle to assist him. Mista was backing up the big boss, a hand wrapped under his shoulders to help him stand.
The driver shot a panicked look at the small cottage they had just come from: what the hell had just happened in there?
Alfredo glanced at the Don's patent leather shoes - he was dressed as reverently as usual - and then at the underboss' worn-out leather jacket: even though they were clothed as if they were going to very different events, they had asked him to drop them at the same address: the mayor's private country hous. He had followed the itinerary scribbled on the paper an informer had given him a few hours before. It was the driver's special talent: being resourceful. Even without a precise address, he always knew how to bring his customers to the desired place.
His clients never asked him how it worked, and in return, he never made any remark on the state they would return to the car in. Or to question why they seemed so keen to surprise the mayor at such a late hour of the evening.
Alfredo was even willing to give an extra hand if needed, occasionally overstepping his role of a simple driver if the client was likely to be a good tipper.
He opened the passenger door for the mafia boss, but to his great surprise the latter stopped him right there:
"I'm fine. Just open the trunk instead."
Alfredo tensed up but said nothing as he went back to his seat to retrieve his leather gloves.
It was another kind of extra service: helping them to get rid of incriminating clues. Well, it wouldn't be the first body dumped in the back of his precious vehicle, and certainly not the last. As long as they would pay for the subsequential cleanup, he didn't mind.
"How many bottles have you stolen?," The underboss had ushered that question to the boss not discreetly enough, and the driver allowed himself a relieved sigh.
No bodies on the horizon, then?
No scandal of the mayor's disappearance making the headlines on the next day?
Great, he'd be able to go back to bed sooner.
As he passed next to the two mafiosi to open the trunk, Alfredo noticed the two bottles of prestigious champagne that the Don was clutching tightly against his. chest. Oh wow. The underboss, on the other hand, was eyeing Giorno with a bewildered look, as if it had just occurred to him that the mysterious gigantic box he had been forced to carry from the cottage contained more bottles.
"Guido please, go fetch me a last one," the Don was less assertive than usual - you could hear the exhaustion in his voice.
Alfredo awkwardly stood next to them in silence as he waited for his next instructions. Charcoal and emerald eyes were engaged in a long, fierce battle of dominance, neither of them breaking contact. Hell, it even seemed to Alfredo at some point that the Don fluttered his lashes - but that could also be exhaustion talking.
Years of working within that specific industry had taught Alfredo how they would inevitably settle that growing tension between them.
Once again, for as long as they would pay for the subsequential seats cleaning, he didn't care. It wouldn't be the first indecent make-out session to happen at the back of his precious vehicle, and probably not the last.
A partition wall was always between Alfredo and his clients. Until now, he had never managed to catch them red-handed, but he had heard of those rumors. And he, better than anyone else certainly, knew for a fact that the Don had never sought to have good company brought to him. He'd always travel to his secondary residence alone while the underboss was the kind of man who preferred to drive there by himself.
Apart from the occasional names slips, he had never witnessed any tender gesture, he had never overheard anything remotely ambiguous. The details that had tipped him off were more subtle, or well usually at least they were. They would simply sit a little too close to one another, with no free seat between them - the pair was never five feet apart so that to speak. But right now, unless he would turn off the parking lights, there was no way Alfredo could pretend he wasn't seeing the Don's right hand slowly lowering far too low along the other's back. It was clearly no longer a question of keeping his balance.
"Fine," the Don let out a dramatic sigh and the driver nearly said hallelujah - now that he had admitted defeat, they would be able to leave at last! "If you won't do it, then fine I'll ask our driver instead."
Holy shit, what the hell was going on that night?
Alfredo quietly took a step back to exit the scene but it was too late - both mafiosi were already looking at him. If they were seriously intending on making him break into the mayor's house, he sure hoped they were ready to give a real good tip.
Fortunately, the underboss shook his head and rolled his eyes (had they just swapped personalities?), before reluctantly talking: "'kay you win I'll go. But then, we're outta here." Mista put the box inside the trunk and headed back to the cottage, leaving the driver in the company of the big boss who didn't seem quite inclined to enter the car yet. So Alfredo had no choice but to stay with him outside, on the chilly night and very awkward silence.
It was only after the third hiccup of the Don that the realization came down to him: he wasn't injured by any means, he was just completely drunk.
"Umm," Alfredo knew he wasn't supposed to question his boss, but the silence between them was becoming seriously uncomfortable. "So were you celebrating something Signore?"
The mafia boss looked at him for a long moment - god, the poor driver sure hoped he hadn't made a mistake, before shrugging: "Not really. I simply like Champagne, especially when I'm not the one paying for it."
Who could have thought that someone who spent so much on luxury clothes could be stingy?
Alfredo decided to politely answer. "Yes, I've heard you own several vineyards in Europe Signore. It's clever, I'm sure you never run out it..."
At that, the mighty Giorno Giovanna ungraciously hiccuped again, and the driver had the decency to pretend not to notice it.
"Mhhh.. You don't get it," had the mafia boss just snorted in contempt? "It's not so much about the Champagne itself as it is about the pure satisfaction of having taken possession of it... The mere contentment in knowing that the stupid mayor will never be able to savor it now that it's mine, you know?"
No, of course, not. There was no way Alfredo could possibly relate to that: it must be one of those crazy rich people whims.
Not that he could say it out loud, of course. The night was getting colder and colder, so he hoped the underboss wouldn't take long to be back.
"Would you like a bottle?," the Don's question took him by surprise so the driver, out of reflex, shook his head.
"Good, or you would have had to convince Mista to go back."
The stingy rich bastard.
Alfredo couldn't believe he was thinking that of him, in any other situation he would never have allowed himself to think that of Giorno Giovanna, but there were at least eight bottles in the trunk, he had seen them. And the Don knew that.
Fortunately, the underboss chose that exact moment to reappear and slam the trunk door shut after charging it with two other bottles.
Discreet much?
But whatever, the Don seemed rather pleased with that and finally agreed to go inside the car - his customers' satisfaction was what mattered the most to Alfredo.
After all, with good service came good tippers.
And that night, in exchange for the obvious promise to keep his mouth shut about what he had witnessed, the underboss sure went overboard with the tip.
━━━━━ ༻ 🧹 ༺ ━━━━━
It was now 8:20 a.m.: even though the day had started way earlier for Agnese, she had had to wait for the mobsters living upstairs to rise and shine, so she could proceed to clean their rooms. It was by far the task she hated the most: grabbing her heavy cleaning cart, she pushed it towards what had to be the cleanest place of them all. The Don's private quarters, starting with his excessively large bathroom: since the fancy tiles there took the longest to dry, she would then continue with his connected bedroom.
However, as soon as she stepped foot inside, Agnese almost fainted at the horrible sight that met her eyes.
Clothes, confetti and popped balloons were scattered everywhere, pieces of glass were covering the soaked floor, and an astronomical amount of what furiously smelled like Champagne had been dumped into the bathtub, splattering the walls and the carpet- hell, it even seemed like some of it was still fizzing inside.
Up until now, she had thought that she had seen it all, that nothing that the most wicked mind was capable of, could possibly surprise her. But that was a whole new level of a mess.
Thankfully, the inscription on a balloon (the survivor, the only one that had not exploded yet) was what prompted her not to hand the culprit her immediate resignation letter.
The Don's birthday would only happen once a year.
And with some sheer luck, she'd be able to negotiate her well-deserved retirement before the next one.
That morning, Guido woke up because of a cuss word that reminded him very much of his native Italian countryside. He had no idea what time it was:  Giorno's expensive alarm clock having been inadvertently smashed the night before. He yawned gleefully and stretched out his arms before turning to face the lumpy shape beside him.
The mighty Giorno Giovanna, drool on his chin, was muffled in his blanket, and it didn't seem from the look of it that he'd be getting up any time soon.
He was probably dealing with a hell of a hangover right now - served him right for the astronomical quantity of Champagne in which he had literally bathed and drowned. Giorno would decidedly never learn from his past mistakes. Well, he was very much looking forward to taunting his lover for years about that unfortunate late birthday episode.
There was no way the mafia boss would be able to conduct his meetings of the day - changing the planning wasn't something to worry about even though it would piss the hell out of Fugo for sure. Feeling compassionate about what was awaiting Giorno, he gently patted what he thought was his head (?) and smiled as he heard him grumble in return. How cute.
Guido finally stood up to start his day, he would smuggle him some Ibuproben later but first thing first, his much-awaited morning tinkle. And a long hot shower. Yeah, that way he would perhaps find a ploy to avoid dealing with Giorno's responsibilities instead of him. While he was not hungover, the late night's events had completely drained him of his energy.
Giorno's bathroom truly was something: it was way more spacious and tidier than his own. To him, it was a literal spa: cool extra-powerful water jets, a gigantic glass shower cabin AND a massive marble bathtub, a myriad of bottles of heavenly-smelling shampoo, conditioners, shower gels and body lotions everywhere - hell, there was even a housekeeper politely handing him a towel.
Holy shit.
Trying his best to cover his naked glory, Guido Mista could only stutter pitifully:
"Uhh.. Yeah, so about that new raise of yours we were discussin' the other day..."
This would only be the fourth time of the year, so at this point...
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mnovenia · 3 years
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Let’s continue!
I intentionally separate the post because at this one, I want to focus more on what God is doing in the midst of this crazy world. 
Continue on January - July 2021
I forced myself to get up a day after I grieved about Papa, push myself to work and forgot about everything. Again another blunder since it’s not my first time losing a parent. However God was shaping me in a different level. I was entrusted to build things from 0. Hiring new staff, arranging accomodation & logistic for team from Jakarta who’s about to stay in Bali. Basically my Sales Manager job turns in General Manager aka everybody’s personal assistant/driver/google, etc. I remember how tiring my role was, that I barely have a life, got sick multiple times, etc.
Somehow I managed to make sales and build plenty of relationships with important people in Bali and build more networks, which I wouldn’t without joining the company. I felt my leadership skill was built as a skyrocket, but also my angry skill which I don’t like to be a part of me. 
At some point, I got burnout and fell so sick to takecare of everything anymore. The abuse Pak BS, Bu VL + SV made are no kidding, they told me: lemot, gak capable, marah2 gak jelas with capslock, etc. At that point I knew God wants me to do something else, but I hold on, I love stable monthly paycheck that actully run out at the end of the month anyway. So I decided to submit my resignation letter, by faith, without knowing where God is leading next. 
However, I don’t struggle financially as I used to, and God truly provides in a way that I could not think of:
- tax refund from belastindienst so I can buy yola food for her birthday
- fully got my last salary even though I WFH half month due to covid
-commision from Damara + other was transferred at the day I submitted my resignation letter
- bu evelyn gave me money from Sheryl who cancelled her unit 
-commision from the musician lands that are coming on time, equals to 4months of my salary 
- out of sudden, my house in bandung is rented to our parents’ friend who actually just need halfspace of the house, so we can still keep our belongings (CRAZY RIGHT??)
- just as I wrote right now, I was planning to start looking for a new job but yet Ai May texted me and asked if I’m interested to teach Ben’s friends who lives in Bali huhuhu... 
:’( how can God be this good. From this I learnt that God works in mysterious way, more than I can think of, more than how logical way of how this world runs, and from this day on, i want to keep surrendering every single areas of my life to the owner and the giver because He knows better, a lot better, while I am weak, powerless and have 0 clue about the future. All I know that He is faithful and trustworthy.. 
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Lord thank you so very much for everything.. for this life, for the pain and lessons in the past that make me the person I am today, I pray that I can help others and benefit them through my experiences, I trust my future in you, my job, the man I will marry, my health, my brother, my family and all the things that I could not even think of.. 
Love always,
your daughter Marshella
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Control and Release - 30
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Series Masterlist
TEDTalk!Sam x Reader
Summary: After the rest of the staff is caught in a snowstorm, you find yourself acting as a personal assistant to the notorious Sam Winchester. As the arrangement becomes more defined, you and Sam begin a sexual adventure with dangerous consequences.  
Warnings: Dom/Sub, humiliation, embarrassment, sexual objectification, mutual masturbation, spanking, cum play, fingering, anal play, orgasm control, nipple clamps, dub-con, breath play.
Beta: @ilikaicalie
Parts 1-36 are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories, including the ABO series Gods of Twilight and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
You blink once..twice...and then your cloudy vision clears and Sam comes into view, hovering above you.
“Welcome back,” he offers, giving your hand a squeeze.
“I passed out, huh?” You try to sit up but your body isn’t ready quite yet.
“Yes. There are usually more warning signs. You went down fast.”
“I hate this.” You close your eyes, a pounding headache whirling to life in the back of your head. “It’s so fucking scary. Every time I’m sure I’m not going to wake up.”
“But you did wake up and I was here with you the whole time,” he explains calmly.
“How long was I out?” You feel around, realizing he’s moved you from the couch to the bed. You’re stark naked and tucked under the sheet.
“Ten minutes, you started to come around once but slipped back under.”
“I’m so sick of this.”
“Maybe this one was my fault. I shouldn’t have put you through all this, not tonight. I know you’re dealing with a lot-”
“It wasn’t the sex.” You shake your head. “I liked that. It’s something else. I know it, I just can’t put my finger on it.”
“Well, you need to call your therapist in the morning.” Sam studies you quietly for a moment. “You should be getting better and these incidents are happening faster every time.”
“But fewer and far between.”
“It’s not good enough. If she can’t help you, I’ll find someone who can.”
Rolling onto your side you look at him sitting naked on top of the bedspread. He’s your favorite version of Sam when he’s like this, stripped down to nothing and he’s still so fucking confident in everything he does it makes you wet just to think about it.
“I think I just need time, Sam. It hasn’t been that long, I’ll call her.” You glance at the clock, it’s almost midnight but thankfully tomorrow is Saturday, a well-deserved day off. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“No.” Sam gets up to grab a bottle of water from the minifridge and brings it back to you. “Drink. I had hoped we could go out and see the city. If that’s something you’re interested in and you feel up to it.”
“I would love that,” you smile, wincing as the throbbing intensifies. “I think. As long as my head stops banging.”
Saturday Morning
“You sure you feel okay?”
“Good as new…what is this?” You look at the boxes spread out over the table. There’s so many they’ve overflowed onto the couch, garment bags carefully laid out so as not to wrinkle whatever’s inside. None of this was here when you stepped into the shower and now it’s as if the room exploded. Like he snapped his fingers and a couture fairy appeared.
“Clothing. I ordered you a few things.” He’s toweling his hair dry in the corner as you stand there, hair dripping onto the carpet.
“This is more than a few things.” You tiptoe around the packages, wary of the designer names. One of these boxes is equivalent to your monthly rent, some five times that. You can tell just by the labels.  
“It’s not all clothing. There are a few pairs of shoes, handbags, hats. Anything you might want.”
“Why?” you ask, glancing at your ratty sweatpants hanging from the back of a chair. “Do you not like the way I dress?”
He looks up, thinking about his response before speaking.
“The way you dress is fine.”
“But…” you continue.
“But you’re a beautiful woman and your clothing is...not on par with the rest of you. I thought you might enjoy some new things.”
You can’t help but feel indignant and flattered at the same time.
“So, you don’t like the way I dress.”
His jaw ticks, already losing patience with the conversation.
“No, I don’t.” He pads to the closet pulling a shirt off a hanger. “You can pick out the things you like and I’ll have the rest returned. If you’re upset with me, it can all go back.”
“I didn’t say I was upset with you,” you counter, peeking inside one of the bags. “I’m just surprised, that’s all.”
The truth is you’ve got one look: business wear. In your downtime, you live in jeans and a T-shirt. It’s not that you don’t have an interest in looking more put together, but your salary has never allowed indulgences. Any nice items you own came from second-hand shops. You’re aware the two of you look like a mismatched pair. The thought makes you blush, embarrassed that you’re not living up to his idea of what you should be.
“You liked the suit I bought you.” He shrugs.
“Yes, I love the suit. But it’s worth more than my car. I’m not used to being gifted these kinds of...luxury goods.” You watch as he buttons up his shirt. Even on a day off he’s dressed like he’s got somewhere to be. If you didn’t know him, you’d still know he was someone. He looks important.
“You deserve to look like your worth.” He opens up a small box and pulls out a pair of heels that make your heart flutter.
“How much am I worth?” you ask.
“Oh,” he grins as you slink closer, cozying up to him. “I couldn’t put a price on you.”
“Thank you.” You kiss him softly, watching his eyes fall shut.
After picking out an outfit comprised entirely of Sam’s selections you do feel like a million dollars. You walk a little taller, laugh a bit louder and for the first time you get a true taste of what a life with his resources would feel like. You spend the day eating, shopping, and sightseeing until your feet feel like they’re going to fall off.
Sunday Morning
That morning Sam gets between your legs before the sun comes up. You awake to the feeling of his tongue on your clit. He manages to coax out your first orgasm before you’re fully coherent, leaving you swimming in pleasure as he slides his cock inside.
By the time you roll out of bed you’re ravenous and order half the room service menu. You’re elbow deep in banana pancakes when there’s a knock at the door. Sam answers to an agitated Pepper who slips inside.
“There’s something you need to see.” Pepper glances at you mid-bite, just as you’re shoving an obscene forkful of pancakes into your mouth. She rolls her eyes as you snap your lips shut, watching as she hands an iPad to Sam.
His eyes flit over the screen, glancing up at you for split second.
“What is it?” you garble, chewing as fast as you can.
“This surprises me,” Sam looks at Pepper. “I underestimated the interest in my personal life.”
“It’s different over here, the tabloids look for anything. You’re rich and known for being a bachelor. It’s newsworthy.”
“What is it?” you ask again, standing up and pulling your robe closed across your chest.
Sam wordlessly hands you the iPad as you read the headline scrawled across today’s digital edition of the Daily Mirror:
Love in London? American millionaire Sam Winchester spotted out and about with mystery woman.
It’s accompanied by several photos of you and Sam walking hand in hand, stopping to peer into shops. These photos are from the end of the day. The only saving grace was the whipping wind. You had shoved your hair under the hat he insisted you take along. It kept your locks in check and did an adequate job hiding your face from the photographer.
In the last photo, Sam has his arm around your waist, looking down at you with a sly grin, a moment away from a kiss. There is no denying the nature of your interaction.
“Shit.” You sit back down on the couch, staring at the screen.
“No one knows it’s you,” Sam assures, his tone unreadable as always.
“What?” You look up. “This doesn’t bother you?”
“No, not really.” He shrugs.
“These were private moments.” There’s anger rising and you’re struggling to verbalize exactly why this is so upsetting.
“No one will know that-”
“Oh, I don’t care about that!” you cut him off. “I mean, we’ve gotten ourselves into a place now where people are going to find out eventually, it’s going to be awkward but I’m not worried about it. But someone followed us, Sam. Took photos of us and we didn’t even know it. That’s what scares me. The idea that there are people interested enough in your life to follow you around is...unsettling.”
Pepper is hovering in the background, watching and listening. She’s been privy to the two of you together, but this is by far the most intimate moment she’s witnessed between Sam and, well, anyone.
He’s silent, taking a seat in the chair across from you, tilting his head to the side as if he’s reading your thoughts.
“You knew from the very beginning that this was a possibility. I’ve been boring. I’ve never gotten into trouble, I don’t make a spectacle of myself. But this is..something. People are interested in my life because I have money and they’ll be more interested now that I have you.”
“Is this going to become a regular thing?” you ask, trying to sort through all the possibilities. “I mean, are there going to be people hiding in the bushes when we go to dinner? Will it happen when we go home?”
“I don’t know, but it’s probable.” He shrugs, seemingly unaffected, which only serves to exacerbate how invasive you find the whole thing.
“I don’t know how I feel about this.”
“We should think about making a statement. The longer you stay a “mystery woman” the more interest we’re going to garner. If we get ahead of it, it’s not a thing. We’re in control.”
“No,” you shake your head vehemently. “I will not be bullied into going public. How is that being in control?”
“You really don’t want anyone to know about us, do you?” The words fall out just as even as everything else, his eyes narrowing. He sits back, one leg crossing over the other as his jaw ticks to the side. Sam doesn’t have many tells but this one of them. He’s profoundly bothered by your response.
“That’s not what this is,” you counter, feeling instantly defensive.
“Are you sure?”
“Don’t talk to me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like I’m a spoiled brat. Like you’re the only one with a brain.”
He stares at you, nostrils flaring, fingers curling into the armrest of the chair and then he looks up.
“Pepper, would you give us the room please.”
You completely forgot she was there.
“Of course,” she whispers, scurrying out the door and closing it behind her.
“There, we’re alone now. You can tell me how you really feel.”
“I wasn’t going to let her stop me,” you hiss. “I hate it when you use that condescending voice. You know that bothers me. And you did it in front of her.”
“I’m trying to remain rational and calm. But it seems as if I’ve hit a nerve. While we're on the subject, why don’t you tell me why the idea of you and I being out in the open bothers you so much?”
“It doesn’t,” you snap.
“That’s a lie.” He points at you, thrusting a finger forward. “You’ve been fighting the very idea since we evolved. So tell me, what is that you have to hide?”
“I’m not hiding anything.”
“You sure? I get the distinct feeling you’re keeping things from me. A dirty little secret waiting to rise from the ashes.” He’s provoking you now, pushing further than he should and he knows it, but he can’t help himself. “What is it? Some guy you fucked in high school have a polaroid of your pussy?”
“Fuck off!” you yell, pounding your fist on the table. He’s the worst to fight with, he goes from zero to nasty in the blink of an eye. “It’s you, Sam, you are my dirty secret.”
He just stares at you, taken aback by the statement as you fume.
“It’s so complicated, I’m so fucked up I don’t even know where to start.” You kick at the leg of the table in frustration. “I know it’s crazy but I’ve convinced myself that someone is going to know just by looking, all the things I let you do to me. The dirty, nasty things I beg for. And you keep telling people about us without asking me. All I can think is that Toni is in the middle of a meeting picturing me on my knees with a dildo in my ass. Or one of those people from Nick’s party is going to show up and they really know what we’re all about. That stuff is ours, Sam. It’s private and personal and I love how you make me feel but I need that part of our life to stay between us.”
“I already told you, I’ve never told anyone about our dynamic.” His face is hard, emotional armor beginning to build.
“That's not even the half of it.” You sit back, putting your knees up to your chest. “I think about Dean all the time. Every time I’m alone I picture him rounding a corner or showing up at the office. I dream about him. To you, it’s no big deal, but for me, he’s this ever-present threat hovering in the background. You know when the shooting happened, when I first heard the shots, I thought it was Dean, or your dad? And now there are people following us, taking pictures and we had no idea. It would be so easy for your brother to do the same thing. The more we put ourselves out there, the more information they have. You say that there’s nothing to worry about, but I don’t think that’s true. I see first hand every day the damage they did to you.”
You pause to see if he has anything to say, but he just blinks at you.
“And I am nervous about everyone I work with finding out. People will assume I’m fucking you for your money, or for my job. Not that I even care that much about that part of it, that’s the least worrisome part of all this. And, since you brought it up I’m sure there are some pictures of my tits floating around out there. I wasn’t a saint before I met you. I’m a good person but I’ve done some questionable things and being with you means someone will go digging for them. So now I’ve got that anxiety to add to the mix.”
“All of that shit I can get over. It’s not easy by any means but you’re worth it to me. But you really want to know why I’m so gunshy about people finding out about us? I’m afraid you’re going to leave again. You’ll wake up one day, decide you’re bored with me and that will be it. The way you ended things before was devastating and it would be a thousand times worse now. I couldn’t bear losing you and have everyone know about it. I don’t think I could stand that.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you.” He counters, looking genuinely troubled.
“You already did it to me. It was fucking brutal. We didn’t talk, it was just over. You cut me out of your life like I was nothing to you. You were cruel and it took a fucking lunatic pointing a gun at my head to bring you back. You scare me, Sam. And I scare myself because I’m so in love with you.”
He opens his mouth to speak, then stops, rubbing a palm up and down his thigh. His eyes flutter closed for a lingering moment and you can practically see him evaluating and categorizing his thoughts.
“I-” he starts to speak, his voice catching and he clears his throat. “I had no idea you felt this kind of intensity about our situation.”
“Not all the time,” you whisper looking at your knuckles. “I’ve gotten used to this safe little bubble and I’m terrified if we change things, maybe you won’t want this anymore.”
“My feelings for you won’t change.” He sighs, looking up at the ceiling like it’s physically painful for him to expose these kinds of emotions. “I admit I’ve had the same thought, that you will eventually realize that I’m a terrible person and you’ll walk away from me. I’m sorry for what I did to you. I would take it back if I could, but I can’t. All I can do is move forward and show you that I’m committed.”
“I know.” You take a breath, waiting as he gears up for something else.
“As far as Dean goes, maybe he’s not as harmless as I make him out to be. You’re right to be concerned. I’ll figure out how to put more security measures in place. The last thing I want is you to feel unsafe.”
“I’d appreciate that.”
“I can’t control what people think of you. I can only tell you that in my experience people assume the worst and enjoy tearing each other down. That is going to happen. There will be some terrible things said and written about you.”
“I don’t need you to control that. I only need you to acknowledge that it’s not going to be easy for me.”
“I understand.” He nods, his eyes never leaving you. “I do love you. I need to say it more.”
“I love you too.” You offer a tired smile, already emotionally exhausted before the day has even begun. “We can’t keep this a secret and I think it would be better for us if we were open.”
“I agree.” He gets up from the chair, sinking down on the couch next to you. “People will start digging. Looking for anything that could be twisted into a scandal. But I have someone who can help. Make sure we know what's out there, look into your past and get things cleaned up.”
“That would be great.” You take his hands, laying your head on his shoulder. “For the record, I’m not going anywhere.”
He gives a stiff smile, still in his head.
“Neither am I.”
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shipping-receiving · 5 years
Fictober 2019 Day 12: “What if I don’t see it?”
Rating: T | Word Count: 1343 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones Relationship: Jaime Lannister / Brienne of Tarth Tags: Alternate Universe – Office
(read on AO3)
Honestly, Brienne didn’t think it would get this out of hand.
She had only said it because she wanted to shut them up. She didn’t think it was going to spread around the entire office. She didn’t think Jaime Lannister would ever hear about it.
It was just driving her insane, the way Renly, Loras, and Margaery kept going on and on and on about how hot their boss is. Jaime Lannister is beautiful. She knows this. She was born with eyes. Unfortunately, she was also born with ears. And it felt like she was hearing about it all the time.
One day, it just—happened. She said those fateful words. And she would find herself wishing, eventually, that she hadn’t been born with a mouth.
She had been working late the night before, which had caused her to oversleep, which had caused her to miss her bus to the train station, which had caused her to miss her train, which had caused her to miss the office shuttle, which had caused her to have to walk an extra fifteen minutes in the heat. And of course, when she finally arrived, covered in sweat, she had passed Jaime Lannister in the hallway, and he had given her a look. Whatever the look meant, she didn’t like it.
So the one thing she didn’t want to have to listen to while having her morning coffee in the office pantry was yet another inane conversation about Jaime Lannister’s hotness. A conversation in which she was expected to be an enthusiastic participant.
“What if I don’t see it?” she finally huffed, before taking the last sip of coffee from her mug.
Renly, Loras, and Margaery went quiet, so it did shut them up, at least. “What do you mean, Brienne?” Margaery asked, incredulously.
“I just don’t see it. He looks average to me.” And then she got up, rinsed her mug, and left the pantry.
Okay, so it hadn’t been very wise to say this when the conversation wasn’t exactly private. They hadn’t been the only four people in the pantry, and soon, everyone in the office was talking about how Brienne Tarth thinks Jaime Lannister looks average. And Brienne knew people only talked about it so much because she isn’t much to look at, and he is. He really is. She was born with eyes.
But she thought it would be fine. Jaime Lannister isn’t even their real boss, not directly. He’s the son of the owner of the corporation that employs them, and he was just supposed to spend three months in the Stormlands office. He was coming to the end of those three months, and she knew he was meant to be transferred back to the head office in King’s Landing. He’d be gone soon, and that would be the end of that.
Then, for whatever reason—some conflict within the family, apparently—that didn’t happen.
Then, Jaime Lannister heard.
Not only did he hear, he overheard it at an office party. When everyone, including him, was already quite drunk. Except Jaime Lannister was the only one who wasn’t in a celebratory mood—probably because of that conflict within the family, whatever it was.
And so he had walked up to Brienne, and Renly, and Loras, and Margaery. He had tapped Brienne on the shoulder, and said, quite bitterly:
“So, you’re the one who thinks I look average.”
All four of them just stared at him. What was Brienne supposed to say? She couldn’t tell him to his face that she thought he wasn’t good-looking. Even if he wasn’t, she wouldn’t do that to his face. She’d had enough of that herself, growing up.
But then, he sneered: “You? You think you’re a good judge of beauty?”
Oh, she knew the insults were coming. She knew Jaime Lannister was quite drunk. But Brienne was also quite drunk. So when he asked her if she had looked in the mirror lately—as if she hadn’t heard that one a thousand times before—she could feel the anger rise within her.
“Or maybe you have. What’s your name again? Bridget? Bridget the Beauty, is that what you think when you look in the mirror?”
Brienne the Beauty. He couldn’t have known, but he had stumbled upon it anyway. Maybe she wouldn’t have lost control if he hadn’t said that.
“No wonder you wouldn’t know beauty if it punched you in the face,” Jaime Lannister concluded, in all his alcohol-soaked smugness.
Next thing she knew, she had punched him. In the face.
And now she is sitting in HR, next to Jaime Lannister. Who has a black eye, which she inflicted, in front of the entire office.
She is absolutely going to lose her job in the next five minutes.
Except, if she had heard right, Jaime Lannister had just said: “I fell. She wasn’t responsible for this.”
Brienne just looks at him. She thought this only happened in cartoons, but her jaw might just have dropped in shock.
“You… fell? Mr Lannister, Ms Tarth punched you. We have witnesses.”
“Well,” he says, quite calmly. “I am the son of the man who pays all those witnesses their monthly salary. And I say that Ms Tarth wasn’t responsible for this. Drop it.”
Brienne knows she should say something. It isn’t right. She punched her boss in the face. But she just sits in stunned silence, stands up in stunned silence, leaves HR in stunned silence. It’s only when they’re both out in the hallway that she’s able to say anything.
“You—you shouldn’t have done that. I did punch you, Mr Lannister.”
“Jaime. You can call me Jaime.” As if that was the only thing to be concerned about.
“Mr Lannister.” It wouldn’t be appropriate at all to call him Jaime, would it? “I was responsible, and I should face the consequences. Why did you… lie? For me?”
Jaime Lannister sighs. “What I said, it was unworthy.”
Unworthy? Is this guy for real?
“I’m—I’m not in a good place right now,” he continues, “and I’m sorry I said those things to you. I deserved that punch.”
“No, you didn’t,” Brienne asserts. “No one does. I overreacted because—”
She can’t complete the sentence. She can’t tell him about Brienne the Beauty. He seems to understand, though, because he has a kind of conciliatory expression on his face. She supposes he can’t tell her about I’m not in a good place, too.
“I feel like I did deserve it, anyway,” Jaime Lannister says. “And I’d have felt worse if you’d lost your job, Bridget.”
“I’m sorry. Brienne.”
“Okay then.” She takes a breath for what feels like the first time in the past hour, though she doesn’t quite feel relieved. “Thank you for doing that. I can’t tell you how grateful I am. If there’s ever anything you need, Mr Lannister—”
“Jaime is fine, really,” he replies, mildly exasperated. “Mr Lannister makes me sound like my father.”
“That’s not a good thing?” Brienne asks. She’s never met Tywin Lannister, but he did build this company into the corporate empire it is today. She thought his son might enjoy the comparison.
Jaime just shrugs, cryptically. “Since you’ve given me a black eye, we’re past those formalities, aren’t we?”
“I—I suppose. But thank you, again. I’ll… I’ll see you around, I guess.”
She’s walked a few steps in the direction of her cubicle when Jaime calls her back.
“Hey, Brienne?”
She turns to see him tilting his head at her, and she’s struck by the absurd thought that he reminds her of an earnest puppy. “Yes, J-Jaime?”
“Do you really think I’m only average?”
Oh. He actually seems to care about that. She wants to explain, about the way everyone was going on about his looks, and how it was driving her mad. About oversleeping, and missing buses and trains and shuttles, and just wanting to enjoy her coffee in silence.
But all she can manage is, “N-no. I don’t.”
Jaime gives her a half-smile. “Good to know,” he says, and walks away.
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