#like he blames himself so much what if he like??? didn’t and directed it elsewhere????
akkivee · 2 years
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televised-eyes · 4 months
It really saddens me to see Aziraphale get the full force of everyone’s contempt over his reaction to the kiss & here's why:
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What do we know about Aziraphale's true character? What they we been shown? Well, he’s a silly angel, who cares too much, loves his partner Crowley and truly wants to do what he believes is the right thing!
Don't get me wrong, I can see why a lot of people side and identify with Crowley after the final fifteen, given his trauma and the fact that he was the one making himself vulnerable by initiating the kiss.
But here the thing: it’s not like Aziraphale acted out of character after hearing Crowley’s proposal. We, as the audience, have been shown multiple times when Crowley has begged for them to run away together and every time we’ve seen it, it has been in a situation where Crowley wants to abandon all responsibility. It’s a trauma response and I don’t blame Crowley for being traumatized by Heaven and Hell. Just like I don’t blame him for not wanting to go back to either.
But Aziraphale has never responded positively to this proposition before. The only difference this time was the kiss. A beautiful, desperate, awkward kiss!
Aziraphale has always been wired to take responsibility and direct action even when he shouldn’t. For him, Azi’s personal code is to always do what he believes is the right thing to do, even if it might not end well. He gives the flaming sword to humanity, he saves Job’s children, he discorporates himself to stop the apocalypse, he does the thing with the halo.
I just don’t buy the narrative that he chose Heaven over Crowley. I think Aziraphale chose Heaven *because* of Crowley. He knew as long as he was in charge, he could keep Crowley safe.
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Azi clearly loves Crowley despite his cognitive dissonance at all times. He can talk all the livelong day about how they "aren’t friends," but his actions speak the opposite. He cares deeply for Crowley. Azi trusts Crowley, he lets him get “plenty of use” out of the bookshop, he turns a neighborhood association meeting into a cotillion ball so that he can dance with him, he risked an eternity in Hell by wearing Crowley’s face.
He also knows that Crowley always comes back especially his angel needs him. Unless Crowley does a 180 and returns to Hell to actively thwart Heaven out of spite (which ngl that would great television & a theory I’d like to dwell deeper into elsewhere) this was just another disagreement and they will work it out somehow by working together. And hopefully learn how to communicate clearly!
The very root of the argument was misunderstanding and failure of communication on both sides.
The more I think about the “I forgive you” line, the more I think it may have just been Azi’s gut reaction to read the kiss as one of Crowley’s “temptations.” It’s a loaded word, but I think most people read the kiss as a last act of desperation to convince him to run away. In the past, we have seen Azi’s automatic response to what he feels like is a temptation from Crowley has always been to “forgive” him.
Is it irritating? Yes. Is it good communication? No. Is it a trauma response? I think yes.
I think that’s why the ending of season 2 didn’t upset me as much as it has upset others. I feel like I understand both sides—both how and why Crowley and Aziraphale make their decisions—because the writing is so damn good.
*Aziraphale did not reject or abandon Crowley.*
That last look at Crowley before stepping into the elevator was not a “good bye” or a “fuck you.” I truly believe he looked back to remind himself why he’s doing what he’s doing in the first place!!!
Aziraphale is protecting Crowley because he loves Crowley and believes their relationship is not only worth making sacrifices for, but also strong enough to withstand them!
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hailcelestia · 1 year
Hi I'm not sure if you'll get this request but if it's okay can I please ask for a yandere killua with a quiet darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because of their abandonment issue's /mental health issues and because it's cute
It kind of makes me think of it as a coping mechanism
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🖤 Thank you for the request! I apologize for the inactivity.
Finally got a break from school. I love Jirai Kei, so this was pretty fun.
I made his side of the post blue to contrast with you because I thought it was cute
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While he is perceptive, I don’t think he would notice something so constant about you being an expression of your mental health.
Unless he saw the you incorporating the more injury-like aspects such as bandages (if excessive), or fake blood, he wouldn’t question it in the slightest. He knows better than to mistake it for real blood, but the bandages might catch his attention, mostly if they were new or looked dirtied.
He doesn’t suspect much of your self-expression until he sees something that could indicate or directly display your specific issues. Questionable drawings, a journal, or maybe a stuffed animal mimicking injuries you’ve had before.
Of he doesn’t go out of his way to search your room, but if he does end up finding something, that’s what would make him start second-guessing your overall behavior. You’ve always been like this, sure, but he started to question if your silence was caused by a lack of self-expression that you found elsewhere. That leads him to thoughts telling him he must’ve done something wrong for you to not mention your issues. This is the first time he will ever take your quiet demeanor personally.
If you’re a more open or direct person, you would easily give him the honest answer. However, that might make him even more suspicious, as he wouldn’t go out of his way to confront you about something that wasn’t really your fault.
He’d start blaming himself for any lack of communication on your part, he’d start to overanalyze what he previously perceived as just your regular behavior in his state of self-doubt.
Eventually he’d also start suspecting other people around you, even if they weren’t the cause of your issues. What if they were making it worse? Though even during spiral of paranoia, he’d prioritize being kind to you, whether or not he’s there for you is most important.
He will not make his issues yours, you might never know he was worried about you. That is, if his behavior didn’t already change by this point. You’d notice normal household items that could be used as sharp objects either stored neatly where you couldn’t see them or missing altogether. He’d hold onto you more frequently, and for once he’d actually be concerned if you saw something that could influence you.
He wouldn’t stop your self-expression of any kind, despite his tendencies, he does believe in your freedom. This is yours and he won’t ruin it. He’d just be even more involved in your life.
He loves you very much, please don’t forget that. ⚡️
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Hobie is not having a fun time right now. (>.<)
Also sorry for the delay in this, I got stuck elsewhere, hahaha.
@hobiesgender @royallydivinelesbian
Hobie was far from mad; he was furious. Enraged. So overcome with a burning, molten anger that he couldn’t figure out what to do with it right at that current moment.
He tilted his head back against the surprisingly cool stone of the cell, glaring up at the ceiling. The stone didn’t provide a lot of light, obviously, that was coming from the setting sun hitting the window just right, but that didn’t particularly matter to Hobie right at this moment. He had been put in a holding cell, all by himself, a temporary place to stay until either his death sentence or his permanent relocation to an actual prison; apparently the Royalists weren’t entirely sure what to do with him just yet. There was no physical evidence, apparently, of Hobie managing to kidnap the prince from the castle, no video evidence either; just the word of some scientist who clearly wasn’t even sure if she’d seen Hobie or not, and couldn’t even remember roundabouts when she was supposed to have seen him.
And the kicker was, Hobie never went near the palace! He hated the place with a passion, the obvious riches that went to the Royal family while the city closest to them suffered from poverty, the way it fell on him and his crew to keep their people from going hungry or giving them directions to keep them from sleeping on the streets. There was no way he would ever go anywhere near the place, and no way he would have any idea what to do with the prince if he’d ever found the kid in his possession (so to speak) —
Except, apparently, he had had the prince running with him and his crew.
That was the thing, wasn’t it, that was the whole thing that sort of tore Hobie up the most. He’d trusted Michael, let him get close. Not even just close to him, but close to his family. Showed him their hiding spots, got him involved in his community, let him be a part of their group with welcoming smiles and open arms. Hobie had considered the possibility that the kid was some kind of sheltered, some kind of worker for the palace, because it was obvious; it was obvious in the way he’d interacted with the people, with the way Michael had stared around them as they walked the city, there was no way he’d grown up anywhere but in comfort, and Hobie had been fine with that. He’d had something in place to keep Michael with him, with them, long term, because despite his obvious naivety Hobie had actually really liked the kid, but all that went out the window the second Miguel had pinned him to the ground. It was one thing for Michael to have come from a serving family in the castle, but for him to be the actual prince —
The door to the left from him clanged open. Hobie didn’t move. Footsteps made their way briskly down the hallway, and he closed his eyes as if that would put off whatever was about to happen. He wasn’t in the mood, he didn’t want to deal with it, but he didn’t have a choice; the footsteps stopped in front of him, silence echoing loudly between him and whoever was in front of him currently. Hobie kept his eyes shut.
“You’re not even going to look at me?”
“Nah.” Hobie shifted so he was a little more comfortable against the wall. She didn’t sound mad, or annoyed; she actually sounded kind of amused, and so Hobie decided that his full attention wasn’t necessarily needed. Miguel would’ve been spitting, he knew that much, or he’d be overly gloating about the fact that he’d finally caught Hobie. “No need, is there? News’s gonna be bad either way. Don’t gotta look at you for that, do I?”
Honestly, he blamed Margo; she was the one who pointed out his luck would run out, that little brat, and it looked like it finally had. He was gonna miss her.
(He had to blame Margo; it was the only surface level thought that kept him from blaming Michael — Miles — because he didn’t want to focus on anger right now, in what could potentially be his last minutes. He wanted to think about his crew, the good times he had with them. He blamed Margo because it was easier, because he didn’t actually blame her for the situation he’d gotten himself in at all.)
“What if it’s not bad news?” Hobie’s eyes drifted open at that, but he didn’t look down at the woman in front of him. He stared up at the ceiling, frowning as he took in the words and mulled them over. She pressed her advantage as he did so, he could hear her leaning on the bars now. “I could help you out, get you out of here. You don’t have to go down for this.”
“No vengeance on the renegade teen who kidnapped your precious prince?” Hobie sneered, his eyes flickering as he forced himself to keep staring upwards at the ceiling. He wouldn’t look at her, he wouldn’t; listening to this woman was likely only going to get him into more trouble, and nothing was worth that. “No righteous judgement upon the poor, lowly kid who dared to even look his way for the smallest of moments?”
“We both know that wasn’t what happened, don’t we?” His eyes dropped at that, staring at the woman through the bars she was leaning against even as he didn’t move a muscle; she had big, bushy hair that was barely being held back by a headband, dark clothes and boots on. She looked thin, in that way people get when they get too engrossed in their work and forget to eat, and she was staring at him intently through big round glasses. His mouth went a bit dry at the implication she was tossing his way oh so casually. “You’ve never come within a fifty foot radius of this place before now, have you?”
“How do you know?” Hobie asked, but his defiance was dwindling the longer she stood in front of him. She smiled, but it wasn’t kind or friendly in any sense of the words; it set Hobie’s teeth on edge a bit. “I could be here every other night, just skulking around.”
“But you’re not.” She pulled a file from seemingly out of nowhere, standing up straight as she leafed through it. “Hobart Brown” and he gagged at his name, obvious and loud and echoing in the space between them, but she kept on, “wanted for misdemeanor things. Squatting, petty thievery, some defacing public property — ”
“Oi, hold on,” Hobie dropped forward now, leaning his elbows on his knees as he stared her down, “there was no defacing any sort of public property — ”
“The point,” she said as she snapped the file shut, “is that all that little stuff? Not important, in the long run. Not in any way that really matters, right?” Hobie fell silent, pressing his lips together. She took his silence as an answer and pressed on. “Any other thing you’d get caught for, you’d get a slap on the wrist and nothing else. Maybe a day or two, in holding, but that’s it. That’s nothing, honestly, back out on the streets with your friends in no time. But this.” She leaned on the bars again, staring down at Hobie. “You could potentially hang for this, kid. This is some real trouble you’ve gotten yourself into here.”
They sat in silence for a moment, the lady staring down at Hobie, who mulled everything over in his mind. His jaw worked as he thought, tongue playing with the ring circling his lower lip. The kicker was, she wasn’t entirely wrong and he knew it; he just didn’t want to give in so easily because he wasn’t entirely sure where this was going or what she wanted from him. It made him uneasy, but…he didn’t really want to face the consequences of “kidnapping the prince” when his only real crime was taking in some random kid he’d found off the streets. It wasn’t his fault that he was so willing to help his community.
“What’s the catch?” He asked, and the lady smiled.
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mothguillotine · 7 months
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The tension present on the rooftop was unbearable. You had known that Merle was a fucking idiot but the fact he cut off his fucking hand was insane. Daryl had drawn his crossbow on T-Dog and in exchange Rick had pulled his gun out in Daryl. 
“I won’t hesitate.” Rick tells Daryl, “I don’t care if every walker in the city hears it.”
Daryl sees the look on Rick's face and knows he isn’t bullshitting. So he lowers his crossbow from T-Dog.
“You got a do-rag or something?” Daryl asks T-Dog.
T-Dog passes Daryl one, he picks up the hand and places it in the rag.
“I guess the saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs.” Daryl says, “Ain’t that a bitch.”
“I’m shocked he didn’t bleed out,” you tell the group.
“He must have used a tourniquet… maybe his belt.” Rick explains, “Be much more blood if he didn't.”
You wanted to say how you thought Merle was too much of an idiot to know how to use a tourniquet but you didn’t. It would have gotten Daryl too riled up. So when Daryl notices a trail of blood he doesn’t hesitate to follow it.
“Hey, Daryl you might want to prepare yourself for what we might find.” you tell Daryl.
“Naw, Merle is too stubborn to die like that.” he tells you, but you know that there is a likely chance that Merle will be dead.
We all follow the blood into a kitchen with the stove still lit. You all find a lot of burned skin, but no Merle. And no body. You all soon realize that Merle had taken his chances out on the streets with the geeks.
“Daryl you can’t just leave us,” you tell him, “It’s much safer if we stay together and search for him.”
“Just like how y’all left him?” he argued, “You can’t stop me.” 
“I don't blame you. He's family, I get that. I went through hell to find mine. I know exactly how you feel.” Rick explains to Daryl,  “He can't get far with that injury. We could help you check a few blocks around but only if we keep a level head.”
“I could do that.” Daryl tells Rick.
“Only if we get those guns first.” T-Dog says, “I'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions, okay?”
So there you all were listening to the plan Glenn made to get back the guns. 
“You're not doing this alone.” Rick argued with Glenn. His plan would have sent him by himself with no protection
“Even I think it's a bad idea and I don't even like you much.” Daryl says.
“Yeah Glenn,” you agree with Daryl and Rick, “This seems like a bad idea.”
“It's a good idea, okay, if you just hear me out. If we go out there in a group, we're slow, drawing attention. If I'm alone, I can move fast.” Glenn explains. He draws a map of the street on the ground and marks the tank and the bag of guns. 
“Look. That's the tank, five blocks from where we are now. That's the bag of guns. Here's the alley I dragged you into when we first met. That's where Daryl, Y/N, and I will go.” Glenn continues.
“Why us?” Daryl asks Glenn.
“Your crossbow is quieter than his gun and Y/N can handle a knife pretty well so she can watch your back while you watch mine. While Daryl and Y/N wait here in the alley, I run up the street, grab the bag.” Glenn tells Daryl.
“You got us elsewhere?” Rick asks.
“You and T-Dog, right. You'll be in this alley here.” Glenn says pointing to an alley a few blocks down. 
“Two blocks away? Why?” Rick asks.
“I may not be able to come back the same way. Walkers might cut me off. If that happens, I won't go back to them. I'll go forward instead, all the way around to that alley where you guys are. Whichever direction I go, I got you in both places to cover me. Afterwards, we'll all meet back here.” Glenn says, finishing his grand plan to get back the guns.
“Hey, kid, what'd you do before all this?” Daryl asks Glenn.
“Delivered pizzas. Why?” Glenn tells Daryl.
So there you, Daryl, and Glenn were. Standing in an alley preparing to get the guns.
“I just wanna say that this seems like a bad idea still.” you tell Glenn.
“Why?” Glenn asks.
“You are going out there with no one to watch your back and no offence you aren’t the best fighter.” you tell him.
“Well this is how we get the guns back and nobody else had a better plan, so…” Glenn stated.
“Whatever, just be safe.” you tell Glenn fearing for his safety.
“You got some balls for a Chinaman.” Daryl tells Glenn, you roll your eyes at his racism. 
“I'm Korean.” Glenn tells Daryl.
“Whatever.” Daryl responds, and then Glenn runs into the street. 
“Daryl just so you know I am sorry for leaving Merle there. I may not have liked him but he didn’t deserve to have to cut his own hand off.” you tell Daryl hoping to at least keep some kind of good relationship with him.
“I just don’ understand how you just left him there.” he says, “y’all didn’ even try to get him out.” 
“I was gone with Rick and Glenn,” you tell him, “I didn’t want to leave him there as soon as I found out but it was too late for that.”
“Whatever.” Daryl tells you.
Then another person came out from the alley and you alert Daryl. He targets his crossbow onto the kid.
“Whoa, don't shoot me! What do you want?” he asks.
“I'm looking for my brother. He's hurt real bad. You seen him?” Daryl questions
“Ayúdame!” the kid yells.
“Shut up! You're gonna bring the geeks down on us.” Daryl barked at him, “Answer me.”
Instead of shutting up the kid keeps on shouting for help. That's when two other men start running toward you in the alley. Then Glenn comes back with the bag and a hat.
The men run towards Glenn and try to take the guns, but they are unsuccessful. They instead take Glenn. Daryl then shots one of the men in the ass.
“Get off me! Get off me!” Glenn shouts, “Daryl! Y/N!”
Then a van pulled up and the men shoved Glenn into the van. The van then drove off with Glenn but with no guns and no whoever the fuck this is.
Daryl was pissed. He started kicking the kid and yelling at him. Normally you stopped this behavior but you liked Glenn, and Glenn was taken by his friends.
“Whoa whoa whoa. Stop it.” Rick told Daryl.
“His friends took Glenn Rick,” you tell him, “he’s fucking gone.”
“Chill out.” T-Dog tells you.
“They took Glenn. That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends. I'm gonna stomp your ass!” Daryl shouted at T-Dog and Rick.
“Guys! Guys! We're cut off!” T-Dog shouts down the alley.
“Get to the lab. Go.” Rick tells you.
“Come on. Damn, let's go.” Daryl says making the kid move.
Rick grabs the bag of guns and the hat that Glenn brought back.
“Those men you were with, we need to know where they went.” Rick asks the kid.
“I ain't telling you nothing.” the kid says. 
“Jesus, man. What the hell happened back there?” T-Dog asks Daryl.
“I told you, this little turd and his douchebag friends came out of nowhere and jumped us.” Daryl says fuming. 
“You're the one who jumped me, puto, screaming about trying to find his brother like it's my damn fault.” the kid says.
“They took Glenn. Could have taken Merle too.” Daryl reasons.
Merle? What kind of hick name is that? I wouldn't name my dog Merle.” the kid says. Daryl goes to start kicking the kid again.
“Damn it, Daryl. Back off.” Rick says, stopping Daryl.
“Want to see what happened to the last guy that pissed me off?” Daryl asks the kid, then he pulls out the severed hand, “Start with the feet this time.” 
“Why don’t we hang him by his hands and cut off pieces of his feet then feed it to him? The only way that you will get out of it is when you've eaten so much of your own body that the shit doesn’t come out of your ass anymore, but it comes out of where your lower body is supposed to be.” you tell him taking the hand and shoving it further into his face.
“The men you were with took our friend. All we want to do is talk to them, see if we can work something out.” Rick says trying to reason with him.
Later the kid decided that protecting where his people were was not worth risking his life. He took you straight to where they were.
“You sure you're up for this?” Rick asks T-Dog.
“Yeah.” T-Dog assures him.
“Okay.” Rick confirms.
“One wrong move, you get an arrow in the ass. Just so you know.” Daryl tells the kid.
“G's gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours. Just so you know.” the kid tells Daryl.
“G?” Rick asks
What kind of nickname is that?” you ask the kid.
“Guillermo.” the kid tells you, “He's the man here.” 
“Okay then. Let's go see Guillermo.” Rick tells the kid pushing him forward towards the door. When we get closer the door slides open and out comes a man. You can only assume that he is Guillermo.
“You okay, little man?” Guillermo asks the kid.
“They're gonna cut off my feet, carnal.” he tells Guillermo, “That lady even says she will feed my own body to me.”
“Cops and ladies do that?” he asks both of you.
“Not him. This redneck puto here. They cut off some dude's hand, man. He showed it to me.” the kid tells Guillermo.
“Shut up.” Daryl tells the kid. Then another man walks out of the building, you recognize him as the man who Daryl shot in the ass.
“Hey, that's that Vato right there, homes. He shot me in the ass with an arrow. What's up, homes, huh?” the man tells Guillermo.
“Chill, ese, chill. Chill.” Guillermo tells the man, “This true? He wants Miguelito's feet? That's pretty sick, man.” 
“We were hoping more for a calm discussion.” Rick explains to Guillermo.
“That hillbilly and the lady jump Felipe's little cousin, beats on him, threatens to cut off his feet, Felipe gets an arrow in the ass and you want a calm discussion? You fascinate me.” Guillermo says to Rick.
“Heat of the moment. Mistakes were made on both sides.” Rick tells Guillermo looking at you and Daryl.
“Who's that dude to you anyway?” Guillermo asks Rick, “You don't look related.”
“He's one of our group, more or less.” Rick says, “I'm sure you have a few like him.”
“You got my brother in there?” Daryl asks Guillermo.
“Sorry, we're fresh out of white boys.” Guillermo tells Rick, “But I've got Asian. You interested?” 
“I have one of yours, you have one of mine. Sounds like an even trade.” Rick says.
“Don't sound even to me.” Guillermo replies.
“G. Come on, man.” Miguelito begs Guillermo.
“My people got attacked. Where's the compensation for their pain and suffering? More to the point, where's my bag of guns?” Guillermo asks Rick.
“Guns?” Rick asks Guillermo.
“The bag Miguel saw in the street. The bag Felipe and Jorge were going back to get. That bag of guns.” Guillermo tells him.
“You're mistaken.” Rick declared.
“I don't think so.” Guillermo says to Rick.
“About it being yours. It's my bag of guns.” Rick tells Guillermo.
“The bag was in the street. Anybody could come around and say it was theirs. I'm supposed to take your word?” Guillermo asks Rick, “What's to stop my people from unloading on you right here and now and I take what's mine?”
“You could do that. Or not.” Rick says as he points to the wall. When Guillermo looks at the top T-Dog has the sniper rifle pointed at him.
“Oye.” Guillermo shouted to someone. Two men then appear on the roof with Glenn. 
“I see two options. You come back with Miguel and my bag of guns, everybody walks.” Guillermo suggests, “Or you come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood.”
The men then walk back into the building and so do the men who are holding Glenn. 
“Rick what the fuck are we gonna do?” you ask Rick, “We can’t exactly give them the guns  but we can’t just leave Glenn.”
Rick doesn’t answer you and instead starts passing out guns to the three of you. 
“Them guns are worth more than gold. Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table. You're gonna give that up for that kid?” Daryl asks Rick.
“If I knew we'd get Glenn back, I might agree.” T-Dog says to Rick, “But you think that Vato across the way is just gonna hand him over?”
“You calling G a liar?” Miguel asks you.
“Are you a part of this? You want to hold onto your teeth?” Daryl says to the kid before slapping him upside the head.
“You guys can’t be serious about leaving Glenn here?” you ask them, “Glenn risked his life to bring back them guns.”
“Yeah, but we don’t even know if after we hand over the guns Guillermo will even give back Glenn.” T-Dog tells you.
“Question is what are you willing to bet on it?” Daryl asks Rick and you, “Could be more than them guns. Could be your life. Glenn worth that to you?”
“What life I have I owe to him. I was nobody to Glenn, just some idiot stuck in a tank. He could have walked away, but he didn't. Neither will I.” Rick tells Daryl and T-Dog.
“So you're gonna hand the guns over?” Daryl asks Rick.
“I didn't say that. There's nothing keeping you two here.” Rick tells Daryl and T-Dog, “You should get out, head back to camp.”
“Yeah you both don’t have to stay here and risk your lives.” you tell both T-Dog and Daryl.
“And tell your families what?” T-Dog asks both of you, “What am I supposed to tell Jesse? That I left his sister in Atlanta?”
“Come on, this is nuts. Just do like G says.” Miguel tells you.
So you all go back to the Vatos hideout and prepare to fight them. You had a gun in your hand and you had your knife in your back pocket. Rick pushes Miguel to the sliding doors and you walk in.
“I see my guns but they're not all in the bag.” Guillermo tells you.
“That's because they're not yours.” Rick says to him, “I thought I mentioned that.”
“Let's just shoot these fools right now, ese.” the guy who Daryl shot in the ass says, “All right? Unload on their asses, ese.”
“I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation.” Guillermo tells Rick.
“No, I'm pretty clear.” Rick tells him before he cuts Miguel free, “You have your man. I want mine.”
“I'm gonna chop up your boy. I'm gonna feed him to my dogs. They're the evilest, nastiest man-eating bitches you ever saw. I picked them up from Satan at a yard sale.” Guillermo tells Rick, “I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?” 
“No, my hearing's fine. You said come locked and loaded.” Rick then points his gun at Guillermo, “Okay then, we're here.”
Everyone prepares to start fighting. You raise your gun pointing it at one of the Vatos. Then an old woman comes out from behind the group of men.
“Felipe! Felipe!” she shouts.
“Abuela, go back with the others… now.” Felipe tells the old women. 
“Get that old lady out of the line of fire!” Daryl shouts to the Vatos.
“Abuela, listen to your mijo, okay? This is not the place for you right now.” Guillermo tells the old lady.
“Mr. Gilbert is having trouble breathing. He needs his asthma stuff. Carlitos didn't find it. He needs his medicine.” the old woman tells them.
“Felipe, go take care of it, okay?” Guillermo tells Felipe, “And take your grandmother with you.”
“¡Abuela! Ven conmigo por favor.” Felipe says to his grandmother.
“Who are those people?” she asks.
“Por favor, ven conmigo.” Felipe begs his grandma.
“Don't you take him.” the old woman begs to Rick.
“Ma'am?” Rick asks, confused.
“Felipe's a good boy. He has his trouble but he pulls himself together. We need him here.” the old woman tells Rick.
“Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson.” Rick explains to her. 
“Then what do you want him for?” she asks.
“He's… Helping us find a missing person. Fella named Glenn.” Rick tells her.
“The Asian boy? He's with Mr. Gilbert. Come. Come, I'll show you.” she says, grabbing Rick's hand leading him deeper into the compound, “He needs his medicine.”
“Let 'em pass.” Guillermo tells the other Vatos.
You follow the old woman into a large gymnasium where there are other elderly people. As you approach the other old people you see a man having an asthma attack.
“All right. All right. Nice and easy. Just breathe. Just breathe. Just let it out. Just breathe. Just relax.” Felipe tells the old man.
“What the hell is this?” Rick asks.
“An asthma attack. Couldn't get his breath all of a sudden.” Glenn says.
“I thought you were being eaten by dogs, man.” T-Dog tells Glenn.
“But don’t get us wrong we are happy you are safe.” you tell him.
“Y/N?” someone says from behind you. When you turn around you are surprised.
“Carla?” you ask, looking at her in shock.
“Yes! Oh my god! I can’t believe it! I can’t believe that you are alive.” she tells you.
“Is Meghan here?” you ask her.
“Yes! I brought her here to come and get my mom, but we stayed when we realized that it was safe.” she tells you.
“Hey, Y/N. Who is this?” Daryl asks you.
“This is Carla. She was one of the moms of the kids at the daycare I worked at.” You tell him.
“Wait are you the guys that took Miguel?” she asks you.
“Uhhhh… yeah. We are.” you say cautiously.
“Guillermo said that you guys threatened to cut off Miguel's feet and feed them to him?” she says wondering why you would say that.
“Well I was just trying to intimidate Miguel. I promise that I wasn’t actually going to.” you tell her hoping she understands.
“Carla, you know this lady?” Guillermo asks her, coming up to where you were standing.
“Yeah, she used to teach Meghan at her daycare.” she tells him, “She was one of her favorite teachers.”
“Why, don’t you stay here? We have a few other kids that still need to be in school.” Guillermo offers you.
“Oh, no. I have family at my camp and I like the group I'm with.” you tell him, “Plus if I’m being completely honest I hated working at the daycare. It was only so I could get through school.”
“Well you know where we are if you change your mind.” he tells you.
“I doubt I will,” you say, “but thanks for the offer.”
You follow the rest of the group into a back room with Guillermo and Rick. They start talking about the guns and such.
“How was I to know? My people got attacked and you show up with Miguel hostage… appearances.” Guillermo says.
“Guess the world changed.” T-Dog says to him.
“No. It's the same as it ever was.” Guillermo explains, “The weak get taken. So we do what we can here. The Vatos work on those cars, talk about getting the old people out of the city. But most can't even get to the bathroom by themselves, still, it keeps the crew busy, and that's worth something. So we barred all the windows, welded all the doors shut except for one entrance. The Vatos, they go out, scavenge what they can to keep us going. We watch the perimeter night and day and we wait. The people here, they all look to me now. I don't even know why.”
“Because they can.” Rick tells Guillermo.
After that we leave. As we are walking back to the van you and Daryl start talking.
“I didn' know you were a teacher.” he says to you.
“Not a lot of people do.” you tell him, “It was just to get me through school. I really hated the teaching part of the job.”
As you all approach the train tracks where the van was something is wrong. The van was gone.
“Oh my God.” Glenn says.
“Where the hell's our van?” Daryl asks.
“We left it right there.” Glenn insisted, “Who would take it?”
“Merle.” Rick answers. 
“He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp.” Daryl tells you.
All of you start running back to camp hopefully to beat Merle there and warn the rest of the group. You continue to run for what feels like hours until you are back in the quarie. That's when you hear it. A gunshot.
“Oh my god.” Rick says running faster to get to the camp.
“Go. Go.” Glenn tells you to rush you faster.
When you arrive back at the camp you hear a lot of screaming and you see a lot of the dead. That's when you realize that a whole group of zombies has attacked the camp when you were gone. You start killing the geeks with the others in your group.
“Baby! Carl! Baby!” Rick shouts for his family
“Dad!” Carl shouts back at his father.
“Carl!” Rick shouts and runs to his son.
“Jesse! Gracie! Adi!” you shout for your family.
“Y/N!” you hear Jesse shout.
You turn around and see him holding Gracie and you don’t see Adi.
“Where is Adi?” you ask him, “Where is she!”
“Y/N?” you hear from behind you.
“Adi?” you ask, “Are you hurt? Did you get bit? You get scratched?”
“No I’m fine.” she tells you.
“You need to stay with Jesse and Gracie,” you tell her, “You can’t get hurt. Okay?”
“Yeah, I will.” she tells you and you draw her in for a hug.
“Y/N what happened?” Jesse asks you, “Where is Merle?”
“It was not what we expected.” you tell him.
After that the rest of the group starts bringing all of the dead to the front of the camp where you can properly dispose of the bodies. In total you count 15 deaths including Ed and Amy. 
The rest of the night was spent burning the bodies of the geeks and making sure the group that was dead stayed that way. 
Daryl was standing with you destroying the brains of the dead. Glenn had convinced the group to bury our dead instead of burning them. Daryl was about to raise the pickaxe he had to smash Ed’s brain when Carol came over.
“I’ll do it.” she tells you, “He’s my husband.”
She takes the pickaxe from Daryl and swings at Ed’s head. His head splatters all around where he was.  She swings again at his head.
Later you help Daryl get all the bodies into the truck to the gravesite that Jim had dug up the day prior. When you both arrive at the gravesite you could tell Rick and Shane were arguing with each other.
“I still think it's a mistake not burning these bodies. It's what we said we'd do, right? Burn 'em all, wasn't that the idea?” Daryl asks Rick.
“At first.” Shane tells Daryl.
“The Chinaman gets all emotional, says it's not the thing to do, we just follow him along?” Daryl asks, “These people need to know who the hell's in charge here, what the rules are.”
“There are no rules.” Rick tells Daryl.
“Well, that's a problem. We haven't had one minute to hold onto anything of our old selves.” Lori says, “We need time to mourn and we need to bury our dead. It's what people do.”
After the group holds a funeral for Amy, Shane suggests that some of you sweep the forest for the dead. You volunteer to go with Shane, Rick, and Dale. You and Dale are in a group while Rick and Shane go off on their own.
After a while of not finding anything Dale suggests that you head back to find Shane and Rick. When you head back to where they were you see Shane but no Rick. Shane is pointing his gun at something and when you get closer you realize that it was Rick.
“Jesus.” Dale says after Shane notices the both of you. Shane chuckles.
“I know. Gonna have to start wearing reflective vests out here.” Shane says, covering up what you and Dale both know he was doing, “Seriously. Come on, man. Come on, man, let's go. Nothing out here.”
You and Dale make eye contact. Like a mutual agreement that what you had just walked up on was not Shane confusing Rick for the dead. 
When you all get back to camp Shane starts a meeting deciding on what to do next. 
“I've been, uh… I've been thinking about Rick's plan. Now look, there are no… There are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that.” he tells the group, “I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together. So those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning.”
“Okay?” Rick asks.
You all go to your individual campsites for the night. Jesse ignores you, Gracie goes to sleep easy, and Adi chooses to sleep on her own with a blanket next to your cot.
The next morning you leave the campsite but not before Rick leaves a note for the ever mysterious Morgan and Morales and his family decide to leave the group.
“You sure?” Rick asks him.
“We talked about it. We’re sure.” Morales tells the group.
We split off from the family after giving them a gun and some ammunition. You and your family are split up into different vehicles. You and Adi are in the RV when the radiator hose bursts again.
“I told you we'd never get far on that hose. I said I needed the one from the cube van.” Dale tells Shane and Rick.
“Can you jury-rig it?” Rick asks him.
“That's all it's been so far. It's more duct tape than hose. And I'm out of duct tape.” Dale tells him.
“I see something up ahead. A gas station if we're lucky.” Shane tells Rick.
Shane, Jesse, and T-Dog go ahead to check out the gas station. While Rick deals with Jim. Jim decides that he doesn’t want to continue on the road anymore and chooses to stay where the RV brokedown.
When Shane, Jesse, and T-Dog get back to the RV Shane and Rick move Jim to the side of the woods. Everyone says their goodbyes and we leave to go to the CDC.
When we arrive at the CDC we see dozens of dead bodies. Some of them military and others civilians. We all move towards the building to attempt to get inside. When we get to the door it is locked. Shane pounds on the door to try and get anyone to see you.
“Walkers!” Daryl shouts alerting the group to the fact that there were in fact walkers heading over to where the group was. Daryl and you take down a few walkers that were getting too close to the group. Walkers kept coming while the rest of the group argued about what to do next. Rick wants to stay and try and get in while Shane and Lori both want to leave and head toward Fort Benning.
“The camera… it moved.” Rick says.
“You imagined it.” Shane tells Rick.
“It moved. It moved.” Rick says repeating himself.
Rick and Shane continue to argue eventually Shane had to get Lori to help drag Rick away from the door. Rick escapes out of their grasps and continues to bang on the door.
“Please help us. You're killing us! You're killing us! You're killing us!” he shouts at the person who may or may not be there.
Just when the rest of the group is about to go back to the cars, the unthinkable happens. The doors open.
<Previous Part/Next Part>
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ageofnations · 2 years
Marigold // jmk // Pt. 9
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Summary: After staying behind while Danny goes on tour, you do everything you can to salvage your relationship. Will you be successful? Or will you find refuge elsewhere?
Word Count: ~5.4k
Warnings: slight angst but nothing bad! the fluff makes up for it (lmk if i need to add any <3)
A/N: thank you guys for being patient with me. i hope you enjoy! feedback welcome :)
playlist // Chamomile Masterpost // Marigold Masterpost
Part 9
After Josh’s departure, things went back to normal, for the most part. You went back to work at the shop, spending time catching up on what you missed while you were out. You devoted a lot of your time to bonding with the other employees Gil had decided to hire, who were mostly other young adults out of school for the summer and needing a little bit of extra cash. Although the title didn’t necessarily mean much, you were promoted to ‘Manager’ since you were the only other person with enough experience to oversee the others when he couldn’t.
You didn’t do much other than work. You had befriended some of your new coworkers, going out with them occasionally for drinks or small excursions. When you weren’t busy, you tried to find live streams of each of Greta’s performances, which wasn’t as difficult to watch as you anticipated.
You expected it to be hard at first. Seeing and hearing Danny do what he loved, what he chose over you. You were afraid that your past with him would ruin the music for you, but you were pleased to find that it didn’t. In fact, it didn’t pull any heartstrings, it didn’t make you sad, and it didn’t even make you angry. If you wanted to, you could even forget it was him behind those drums. With Josh in the spotlight, you were encapsulated entirely, but that’s also what brought on the most distress to you.
You missed him more than you could say. Every time you saw him in pictures and videos, your heart swelled. It baffled you how fast you had fallen for him and how deeply in love with him you were. You wished you would have realized under different circumstances, but you were also thankful for how things came about.
In those few days, you had been lucky enough to experience a hint of the domesticity that Josh was capable of. Throughout your friendship, it was rare that you two were ever left alone, so it was difficult to focus on Josh by himself, especially with his brothers around. But with him at your home, away from all of the others, you were able to think of nothing but him. You got to see what life would be like with him by your side, and you wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything in the world.
You replayed the last full day you had with him over and over in your mind. You thought about every touch, every broken phrase, and every truth shared with him. One part of his admission stood out to you the most, though.
He had always felt this way about you.
You couldn’t blame yourself for not realizing it. Even in the beginning, Danny had almost always been an interest of yours. You were closer to him than the others, so it seemed only natural for you to fall for him first. After that, you were unable to see past the heart eyes you made for him.
Josh was one of the first people you told about your crush on Danny. You two even bonded on that premise. He was always there to vent about your frustrating feelings that you obviously couldn’t talk to Danny about. He was the one to encourage - and enable - every flirty advance you made in Danny’s direction. Once you had made things official with the drummer, Josh was the first one to celebrate on your behalf.
Now, you realize that his support wasn’t simply because he was excited for the new couple. It was because he wanted you to be happy and satisfied in any way possible. Even if he couldn’t be the reason.
You hated that he had to go back on tour right when you began to figure out your feelings for one another. It made you nervous to think the distance might tear you apart, too. Just like it had done with you and Danny. Your relationship with Josh had just started; you didn’t want to drift away before you could make up for lost time.
He made sure that he didn’t let the distance define the bounds of his love for you. He called much more often than he ever did before Danny interfered. There were many times he’d call you in a giggling and panting mess from running to hide away in closets, rehearsal rooms, and backstage nooks so he could talk away from the others. He’d ramble about every minuscule detail of the tour, and you’d listen attentively. It was almost like you were there with him.
“Speaking of being here,” Josh paused as he zipped up his jumpsuit, checking himself out in the mirror his phone was propped up on. “You’re running out of time if you wanna see this ass in a jumpsuit, babe. You’ve got a few more weeks and then we are closed for the season.”
You giggled at him. “You’re a dork.”
He shrugged and picked up his phone before moving through the dressing room, presumably going to sit somewhere before he had to head to the stage. “Not my fault you like my ass.” He shot you a wink and a sly grin as he sat down. “Seriously though, I really miss you and wish you were here.”
“I know. I miss you too,” you responded. His sudden sincerity made your cheeks run a bright shade of red, and you almost couldn’t hold back the smile eating away at you. But as you spoke, your words seemed to sit in the uncomfortable air that thickened.
You knew that Josh was hoping his reminder would convince you to come see him, and under other circumstances, that wouldn’t be a problem. Now, however, you would have much more to worry about on top of trying to enjoy your time there with him.
He had been adamant about not revealing the extent of your relationship to Danny until you both were present and ready to talk to him. Jake and Sammy knew, but they also knew not to say anything. It wasn’t too hard for them to do, but if you were to be there with Josh, you’d have to try to not be too affectionate with him in front of the others so they weren’t put in a weird position. And you’d especially have to avoid doing so in front of Danny.
“I’m just nervous, I guess,” you continued.
Josh looked down and away from the camera. You could imagine he was picking at his cuticles as he debated on pushing the subject. “Because of him?”
“Yeah, I’m scared he’s gonna suspect something before we’re ready to have that conversation.”
He sighed. “I know. But truthfully, you don’t owe him that conversation. Neither of us do.”
“What if he throws a fit about it? Hurts the chemistry of the band or something?”
Once he looked back up, his eyes were promising. “We can figure that out as it happens, if it happens.”
You let out a long sigh. “I’ll think about it, Josh. I really miss you. I just don’t want to cause any problems.”
“You just say the word, I'll get a flight for you, have someone come pick you up, you can stay in my room, anything. I just want you to know that the offer is there.”
You had spent a lot of time contemplating on taking the offer, too. As much as you wanted to see Josh, you didn’t know what to expect from Danny, and that made you more nervous than anything. It’d be the first time you were around each other since things went downhill, and you felt that before you put yourself in that situation, you needed to figure out how you’d handle things if they blew up. However, Josh was right - you were running out of time. Above all, you knew seeing your boyfriend was the top thing you wanted. Which is why you were now getting off of your flight to go see their last two shows of the tour.
You and Josh had a more in-depth conversation before you agreed to fly out. You both put your worries, insecurities, and expectations out in the open to one another to make sure you both were on the same page. After that, the plan was simple. Josh arranged a flight for you, someone to pick you up and take you to the hotel while he was at soundcheck, and after you were done dropping off your things in his room, you’d spend some time sight-seeing until it was time for the show that night. You wished you could have more time with him, but you were thankful you’d be reunited soon.
You exited the plane as quickly as you could while remaining considerate of those around you, not forgetting to thank the crew before you stepped off. Luckily enough, your luggage was among the first in the baggage claim area when you arrived, so you were able to continue your hurried pace. Your last step was to find someone that you recognized from the band’s team, or at least some professional-looking individuals that may have been hired on.
Instead, you found a very familiar face in the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones. He was staring back at you with a wide smile and bright eyes. His presence was a pleasant surprise, and you immediately picked up your pace to shorten the distance.
You saw his security get closer to him as you approached, and you giggled as they eased up when they noticed Josh was taking hurried strides to meet you with open arms.
Your bodies collided with a thud, and it almost knocked the breath out of you. You heard your bag skid across the ground as you let go of the handle, but couldn’t care less. You were just glad to be in the arms of the man you loved most.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Your words were muffled in his yellow jacket, but you knew he heard you loud and clear once he laughed loud enough for the whole airport to hear.
“You didn’t want to see me?” He teased, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You pulled away from him enough so you could see his face, but you kept your arms around his neck. “You said you’d be at soundcheck. Why aren’t you-”
“I lied,” he chuckled. “Soundcheck isn’t for another couple of hours. I wanted to surprise you.”
You blushed and smiled up at him, speechless at his thoughtfulness. Your fingers traveled across his face to brush against some of his curls and caress his cheeks, almost as if you were making sure this was actually Josh in front of you and that you weren’t dreaming.
“And as much as I’d like to stay like this, you’re tempting me with that smile of yours,” he tsked with a cocky smile. ”I’ve been thinking about kissing you since I left your place.”
“You have?” It was a silly thing to ask, but you were glad to hear that he had missed your lips as much as you had missed his.
Josh leaned in, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear to whisper “Yeah, I have.” His warm breath made you giggle. Your laughter only increased in volume as he nuzzled his face into your neck, leaving loud and obnoxious kisses across the skin. You worked to detach from him before you accidentally caused a scene from the tickling sensation, and so you could get to the privacy of his hotel room.
The plan was for Josh to leave from the hotel straight to the venue for soundcheck. You hated that you’d be in the room alone for a couple of hours, but you still didn’t think you were ready to be that close to Danny yet. He had already started to suspect things between you and Josh before he left you, so you knew what conclusion he’d jump to once he saw you both together. You wanted to extinguish that fire before it started.
It didn’t take you long to get your things up to Josh’s room, especially with him carrying the bags himself. The trip could’ve easily been done within minutes, but once you had gotten inside and seen Josh’s belongings tossed around the room, you were flooded with the same feeling of comfort as you had been while he was staying with you.
He had dropped the bags beside his and turned to you with his hands on his hips. It was all setting in that he was actually right there in front of you. Here was your boyfriend, who you hadn’t seen in months, back at arm’s length.
You needed him closer. You had gone much too long without him, and you wanted to soak in every minute you could with him. Especially before he was supposed to go to soundcheck and leave you again.
You had quickly closed the short distance and wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He was slightly surprised by the gesture, but he melted into it shortly after it began. You felt his arms snake around your waist and hold you as close as they possibly could.
You both had been standing like that, in silence, for god knows how long. There was absolutely no rush, and you were convinced Josh would’ve skipped soundcheck if you let him, just to stay there in your arms.
After having him away from you for so long, you weren’t sure you would deny him if he asked to stay behind, either. You knew you didn’t want to be away from him now that you were finally with him, but you’d also feel silly for going against your own word. So you hesitated before you asked your question, keeping your words at a volume that would soften the blow if he happened to turn you down. “Can I… come with you?”
“Huh?” His added chuckle indicated that he had heard you but was taken aback by your question.
You decided to repeat yourself, showing that you were serious in your inquiry. “Can I come with you? To soundcheck.”
He pulled back from the hug you were still in, holding onto your hips and looking in your eyes. “A-are you sure? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. You know Danny’s gonna be there-”
“I know,” you cut him off. “I just don’t want to be away from you for too long. I don’t care about anything else anymore.”
He nodded with an enthusiastic smile. “Then yeah. Of course you can come.” He resumed the hug, holding you much tighter this time and giving you a kiss on your head before starting again. “But if you ever wanna leave-”
“I’m not going to leave.”
Being in the same vicinity as the others filled you with nostalgia, especially since you were there with them while they did something they loved. It felt like it had been forever since you were able to hear them work like this, away from the crowded room of fans. You bathed in the sentimentality of it all.
Jake and Sammy had noticed you as soon as you had arrived. They had hurried over to you, giving you countless hugs while they doted on you and Josh. You caught up and updated each other on all the small changes that had happened since the last time you saw them. It was pleasant, especially since Danny had been nowhere to be found.
Sammy had said he was still backstage, talking to some of the other techs about his setup, but there was an edge to his voice that you couldn’t quite place. You knew it was best not to ask, you were simply thankful to have a moment of peace with the others before you had to see Danny.
Josh had walked you to the lowest level of seating so he knew where to find you when he was done working. The seating wasn’t very far from the stage, but you still chose a seat directly in the center, one where you could easily see him without being too close, just in case. He promised to be back after a few songs to sit with you while the others ran through whatever they needed to do to prepare for tonight’s show. In the meantime, you busied yourself with a book you had downloaded before your flight.
Once Danny arrived on stage, though, you couldn’t focus on your book. Aside from the obvious noise he added into the mix, his presence kept calling to you. This time, he was the elephant in the room, and you couldn’t ignore him for much longer.
When you looked up at him, you were taken aback by his appearance. He looked just as he had in the pictures and videos you had seen, but his body language just looked… sad. He no longer had the cocky grin or beaming glow that he usually did when he played. You knew him well enough to find it obvious that he was focusing much too hard on his instrument, he was trying to avoid something.
You sighed, but looked to Josh for comfort. Since Danny had come in late, the others were taking short breaks while the drummer caught up on his pre show tasks. When you searched for Josh, you saw him at Sammy’s side of the stage, talking to him and huddled around his phone. They were whispering things to one another after pointing to whatever the youngest brother had on his screen, and you couldn’t discern the expression on Josh’s face from concentration or from worry.
The crew called to everyone, indicating that they were ready to check a few more things as a group. You shook the uneasy feeling that had settled upon you and looked back to your book, but shortly after you did so, you received a message that immediately pulled the tension back to your shoulders.
Josh: *Attachment: 1 image*
he knows, but i promise it’ll be okay. i love you
It was a screenshot of an Instagram post, one that Danny had liked. A picture that you weren’t aware had been taken.
In the picture, you were at the airport. Josh had his head tucked in your neck, arms around your waist, and hands on the swell of your ass to pull you in close. Your mouth was open with a big smile, and your eyes were closed. You could replay the interaction just by looking at the image, and you could almost feel Josh’s lips on your neck. In a way, you were thankful that someone had captured the moment. But you were also a little disappointed that this is how the information was released about your relationship.
You should’ve expected it, but you had been so overwhelmed with Josh surprising you at the airport that you didn’t think about the possibility of others recognizing you, knowing you had previously been with Danny, and seeing you in the arms of the band’s frontman.
It amazed you, just how fast paparazzi worked to get their findings out to fanbases. Of course, the picture was somewhat grainy and definitely not taken on a professional camera, so it was obviously another fan that had seen you. But you were just baffled upon seeing your picture, in such an intimate moment with Josh, everywhere online.
Against your better judgment, you went to the fan account that had posted the image, looking to see if it was as real as it looked in Josh’s message. But as you looked at the comments, you soon regretted your curiosity.
The nasty remarks were unexpected. “Homie hopper” and other slang terms, slurs and derogatory names, other creative insults. They were almost all you could come across. Aside from the fact that some fans were upset about you “breaking Danny’s heart,” it seemed that Josh had been single in the public eye for so long that people were upset that he wasn’t anymore.
The nice comments did well at making up for the damage the others had done. Many people commented on how happy Josh seemed with you in his arms. Some even reflected on the fact that you looked happier with Josh than you had with Danny.
Josh: are you okay? do i need to come up there?
You realized you hadn’t responded to his message once the second one appeared at the top of your screen, snapping you out of your daze. Your head jerked up to look at Josh, who was staring right back at you with what appeared to be a look of concern. You shook your head and mouthed an ‘I love you’ to respond, hoping that he could see it. His bright smile that followed indicated that he had.
You returned to the book you had been reading, not too interested in trying to see the remaining insults people threw your way with your new relationship. Thoughts of Josh were enough to get your mind away from the criticism of others, but you were still slightly afraid of what would happen now that Danny knew.
If the news upset him, he didn’t let it affect his performance on the drums. He was still very focused on making sure everything was just right for the show tonight. It was rare that he even looked up at Josh throughout the time he was there.
Once Josh was done, though, Danny’s eyes followed the frontman every step that he took. With the distance between you, you couldn’t read his expression, but you could tell he wasn’t blinking. Making sure he didn’t miss a beat.
Josh made his way towards you, going up stairs and weaving through sections as necessary. Eventually, Danny saw where he was heading and locked his eyes on you. You stayed frozen in your seat, unable to move and unwilling to let him know he still had an effect over you. As Josh got closer, the stare bounced between you both, even once Josh turned around to see what you were staring at.
Your boyfriend sighed and turned to you, sitting on the ground with his back to the others and leaning against the railing.
“I don’t think he’s mad about it.”
You looked at him incredulously. “What bit of that makes you think he’s not mad about us?”
“Sam said he thinks Danny is more sad than anything.”
You scoffed and looked back at your phone. “Sad? Yeah right.”
“At this point, Sam knows him better than any of us. So I think we should believe him,” he stated firmly. You didn’t look up from the words on your screen, but you weren’t reading any of them anymore. You were simply trying to process everything happening all at once.
Josh leaned forward to put a hand on your ankle, another attempt to establish a stronger connection with you. You could see him scratch lightly at the cloth laces of your shoes. His eyes were big, and you almost couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. But you did so anyway, immediately softening at his gaze, just as you knew you would.
“There’s nothing we can do about it now other than hope for the best,” Josh all but whispered.
“I know, but I’m just tired of him acting like I’m the bad guy here. He broke up with me.”
“You have to at least entertain the idea that he’s hurting from it all, too.” Josh was trying his best to be gentle with you, knowing the last thing you needed was to feel patronized. “I’ve said it before. I still don’t know what he was thinking in the final days of your relationship. I’m not even sure he knew what he was thinking. But I knew Danny before all of that, and it was obvious that… he loved you so fucking much. He’d be an idiot to not love you, Bip. Maybe he didn’t think about how bad it would hurt to not have the solid foundation you provided for him. Yeah, you lost him, and you have every right to be upset about that but… he lost you, too.”
Josh’s sincerity brought tears to your eyes. You could hear the pain in his voice from talking about another man being in love with you
“He shouldn’t make me the scapegoat then. That’s on him,” you rushed out before the tears choked your words.
“He shouldn’t. But… he’ll come around, okay?” When you didn’t respond, he hurriedly scooted closer to you, his chin right at the same level as your knees. He placed his hands just above them, but lightly traced a gentle line up the outside of your thighs to your hips where he let them pause and rest. “If he starts anything, we���ll handle it. But now he knows, so we might as well live as if nothing is different. We’ll do all the things couples are supposed to do, and he’ll live with it, okay?”
You smiled at his gestures and nodded, letting a single tear slip in the process. He quickly wiped it away with a chuckle.
“You’re okay. We’re okay.” He dropped his hand to clasp into yours that wasn’t holding your phone, bringing your knuckles to his lips. “I love you. So so much.”
You had tried to do as Josh had said: forget about Danny, do what couples were supposed to do. But he seemed to make his presence - and everything that had happened - known no matter how hard you tried to ignore him. Before the show, you walked with them to the side stage as they waited for the introduction to conclude. Josh had held your hand the entire way, and once you made it to the entrance, he stopped to pull you in close. He was relishing in the moment of admiration for you and preshow adrenaline that the crowd had induced.
You tried to bask in each touch and kiss that Josh gave, but it was hard to focus on him alone. Aside from the other Kiszkas making exaggerated and lighthearted gagging noises at your PDA, you could feel Danny’s spiteful gaze before you even pulled away from your boyfriend.
He was propped against the wall with his drumsticks in hand, shamelessly staring at you both with a look that could kill. You noticed he had done his makeup in the same style that you used to do for him: simple with a stripe of silver liner. However, this time he had added rhinestones in a line under his lower lashes, just like Josh usually had.
When the time came, you wished all of the band, including Danny, good luck - even though you only received three responses back. Josh was the last one to leave your side, planting another kiss on your lips and whispering a last “I love you” before he jogged off.
You had a blast watching them perform their hearts out, as always. The show was full of solo dance sessions on your side of the stage, which Josh would sometimes catch on to and chuckle at you from the main stage. He’d frequently look over to you and send a smile, as if he were making sure you were still there and glad when he found you.
As Danny’s drum solo ensued, you saw Josh get a sip of water before making his way towards you. After making a few drumming motions to elicit a laugh from you, he joined you to catch a breather away from the eyes of the crowd.
“What was that?” You asked in regards to a very specific noise Josh had made into the mic after his last few verses, almost like a growl of sorts. It had sent a shiver up your spine and a blush transpire on your cheeks, and you wondered if that was what he was trying to do all along.
Josh shrugged and started to fan himself. “Just giving the audience what they want.” He grinned at you, noticing your raised eyebrow as you fixed some of his hair that had been tousled by the performance. He leaned in closer to you, pausing just a touch away from your face. “Or what you want.”
“You’re sweaty.” You scrunched your nose and tried to lean back and away from him, but he wouldn’t let you. You rolled your eyes at him, giggling at his cockiness. “Plus, you have no idea what I want.”
“I think I do,” he mumbled to you, grabbing your hands and draping your arms on his shoulders. He grabbed your hips and closed the distance, giving you a passionate kiss just as Danny’s solo was coming to an end. The kiss seemed to suck the breath out of your lungs as he pulled away, making you eager for more. “We’ll talk about it tonight though, won’t we?”
You blushed at his suggestive tone, but you still nodded in agreement. The adrenaline of the show seemed to have upped his confidence somehow more than it had ever been, and you quite liked this side of him.
“Enjoy the show, mama. I’ll be back in a bit,” he said before hurrying back on stage. You made sure to give him a quick swat on his ass before he got too far away.
The crowd was electric throughout each song, and the boys finished the show with a bang. You yelled and cheered for them as if you were standing in the pit alongside the other fans. You were so proud of them all, but especially Josh. Seeing him in his element made you swoon even more, and you were convinced you couldn’t be any more in love with him than you were at this moment.
There was a time in which you felt this way for Danny. You had watched him turn into the musician that he was today, and with each concert and gig, you had fallen for the art of drumming just as much as you had fallen for him. But with all that time spent on him, you realized you hadn’t admired the others as much as you should’ve. You knew Josh was always a wonderful performer, but you were just now becoming aware of how excellent he was at his craft. He could work a crowd as if it were nothing, and he made sure there were always plenty of intimate interactions with the fans to make the experience even more memorable.
Like now, he was working on passing out the remaining roses to more fans to end the night, stopping occasionally to hold short conversations with a few of them. Sammy had been the first to return to the wing with you, and Jake was well on his way after giving a few of his guitar picks out to those in his section. They both gave you sweaty hugs as they reached you, and you congratulated them on another great performance. You weren’t sure when Danny arrived, but you caught his eye from over the shoulders of the others.
By the time you separated from the others, Josh came prancing towards you. He picked you up in a hug of his own and spun you around, kissing any part of you accessible to him. You were sure your giggles could be heard by anyone who was listening hard enough.
“You did amazing, Josh. You all did,” you praised as he sat you down. You grabbed one of his hands and squeezed.
He looked down at you with a charming smile that made you weak in the knees. His free hand went to your cheek as he pulled you closer to kiss the top of your head. “All because I had the best cheerleader.”
You all were instructed to wait on the security team so you could walk cohesively back to the dressing room, so you spent a few more minutes to savor how perfect this portion of the night felt. But that perfection soon started to crumble when Danny presumably had enough of your displays of affection for Josh. Instead of waiting, he pushed past you both, silently walking away from everyone and tossing a pair of broken drumsticks in his wake.
>>>part 10
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casitafallz · 1 year
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Pariah AU | A Small Spark of Warmth | P3
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Agustín didn’t leave his mother’s house until after Julieta had dropped off to sleep, leaving a few hours before he was required to have dinner with them so he didn’t hesitate to head straight to Casita where he saw Camilo walking ahead with a skip in his step
It wasn’t often he felt anger, let along directed at anyone, let alone at his own sobrino… but now he felt justified because how dare he do this to his own Tia. She didn’t deserve that.
“Camilo Madrigal.” He called sharply, not caring with the pulls of attention to those helping or anyone of their family who was in range; all he saw was Camilo.
The teen froze in surprise before turning to face him, his eyes widening in alarm but that didn’t stop him as he took long, surprisingly graceful matching steps towards him.
“How dare you!”
“Agustín.” Felix appeared alarmed, slipping out of one of the houses with an empanada in hand. “What did he do now?” There was no other questions ‘what was wrong’, ‘what happened?’ Nope, Felix was smart to jump straight to a very correct assumption.
Agustín glared heavily, his hands clenching but he forced himself to take a breath; to be an adult here.
“Camilo here thought it would be a good idea to share our family’s situation of what happened to topple Casita with the rest of Encanto.” He stated coolly, “Gossip and rumours are already spreading and where do you think the blame of it all is being landed on now?”
As he spoke, Felix’s face lost all light-heartedness, replace with a serious look of quiet anger as he turned his gaze to his middle child.
Camilo’s face remained pale, but he didn’t make a run for it, which was smart despite Felix grabbing him by the arm and like the other day, led him away for privacy. Agustín wanted to follow; wanted to shout and say his peace.
But… Camilo wasn’t his son. Camilo wasn’t his responsibility.
Which was unfortunate because he certainly was going to drag him for his behaviour... Not impossible but he sure as hell he was going to make sure Julieta wasn’t left alone with him. Given his own mother had concerns about his wife’s mental wellbeing, he wasn’t going to make her go through ordeals every time she left the house and not from her family.
“Pepa!” Felix’s voice carried before he heard Camilo whine but then they were gone.
Agustín remained standing there fuming before He forced himself to take another breath, then head further into Casita’s frame.
Dolores was the frist to greet him, shadowed by Mirabel and Luisa.
“Is she okay?”
“What happened?”
Luisa was the only not to not say anything. Agustín reached forwards, his hand coming to touch his daughter’s arms though gave a nod at Dolores.
“We’re no longer at the Rios’s home. We’ll be staying at your Abuela further down the plaza by the church.”
“They were kicked out.” Dolores piped up to the other two. “You two were elsewhere when your Abuela raved at our Abuela about town behaviour, then then she shamed the family mostly.”
“Ay, Mi Mama has her way with words.” Agustín agreed.
“Si, but I doubt she’ll have much of an impact in the long run. From what I could see, other family’s may have done the same thing.”
Mirabel frowned. “Why are they taking this so personally? I was the one most affected here.” She had no bitterness to her voice, more confused than anything.
“They’ve concluded your mother brought down the miracle.” Agustín spoke, frowning but he hated how those words left his lips… because that didn’t feel entirely true, there’s a lot of factors here
“The Miracle gave Encanto protection and us lot as their tools” Dolores added, “They feel robbed.”
“They should mind their own business!” Mirabel cried, scoffing and shaking her head. “My issues with Mami aside here, it’s not like Mami knew what was going to happen.”
“Irrelevant.” Dolores shrugged, “People believe what they want to believe to justify their actions.”
“I don’t want a witch hunt to happen!”
“It won’t.” Luisa jumped in first, “I certainly won’t let that happen.”
“It’s careful treading.” Agustín squeezed their arms assuringly, “Right now, your mother’s sleeping. I don’t want to disturb her.” He knew Julieta wasn’t sleeping well but he also knew Julieta wanted him to keep that…private. Not worry them more than necessary. Julieta didn’t want Mirabel or their daughters to feel guilty on their need of space from her. He didn’t fully agree but he could respect the wished of both his children and his wife, even if it pained him to see both pulled away from each other like this. Right now, any rest was better than none.
Mirabel nodded, sparing a look with Luisa. “As long as she’s okay…” There was no mistake the conflict across her face, it itched at him to suggest for her to go see her. Perhaps Mirabel would…but she was holding herself back?
“When you’re ready to see her, you know where she’ll be.” He went with. “She won’t be making appearances up at Casita any more until the gossip dies down or until Casita is complete. I’ll bring you lunches up instead.” He had to let his mother know to stock up; Julieta was probably going to stress bake and fill their cupboards.
“Do you know where Abuela is?”
Mirabel shook her head and opened her mouth only to be interrupted by Pepa’s voice bellowing, enough to stop the construction around them; the only thing missing now was the thunder and lightning to really make a scene.
Dolores winced in pity but relived. At least, Agustín realised, she wasn’t suffering with enhanced hearing. The part that wanted justice was partly satisfied; Pepa was not a woman to cross… this time, Agustín hoped the kid would finally listen.
“Tio,” Dolores started, “I think it’d be best for Tia to stop making Camilo’s lunches too. He’s…” She hesitated, but carried on as he raised his eyebrow at her to continue, “he’s been tossing his lunches of food over the bridge then buying his from a local stall.”
“Oh come on!” Mirabel groaned in frustration, “Why is be being such a jerk!”
“He has issues.” Dolores replied, “Can we not tell Tia about that, please?”
“Agreed.” God knew how she’d react knowing that. She made food to feel useful; she didn’t need this on top of today and her current foreseeable future.
Mirabel didn’t answer, looking more conflicted than anything before she turned and stormed into the house Felix had dragged Camilo into.
There was a lowering of voices before a heavy thunk.
Ten seconds later, Mirabel reappeared, shaking out a fist with a hiss. Blood seemed to ne on her knuckles too.
“Did you punch my brother?”
“Yes I did.” Mirabel answered with no regrets.
“In the nose?”
“I think I broke it. Worth it.”
“Did you punch him in front of his parents?” He could feel his lips twitch in amusement. Mirabel didn’t need to be told off for this.
“They let you?” Dolores’s eyebrows raised
“I told them what else he did so… I’m perfectly justified in their eyes no doubt.” Mirabel wiped her hands onto her skirt. “I’m going to get ice. I think I still bruised a knuckle. I didn’t think it’d hurt me.”
Agustín nodded, watching her go with Dolores before he turned to attention back to his middle child.
“Is Mama really alright, Pa?” Luisa asked, “I… I don’t want her to feel ashamed to come to us…I do miss her.”
Agustín’s mood deflated, expression falling. “No.”
Luisa’s shoulders sagged. “What can I do to help? I don’t mind taking a day off…to see her.”
Agustín reached back for her, pulling her into a hug, which was off given how much taller she was but her arms wrapped around him soon enough.
“I think… your mother needs to know you’re there. This…experience for her now is going to be extremely isolating. You don’t have to forgive her or anything but she needs us in the long run.”
Luisa pulled back with a nod, swallowing back tears. “I can do that. I just… I want her to be okay. I don’t want…something to happen.”
“It won’t.” Agustín felt the fear Luisa had and it made his heart thud. He had only entertained the darker actions Julieta might do before he pushed that away because he damn well intended to make sure she wouldn’t follow through. He’d not let her hurt herself or worse.
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ksyn-taylor · 10 months
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“Distrust All, And What She Did To You”
This is a story of heartbreak. This wasn’t an ordinary one to tell as this is arguably the last one this boy ever dealt. After this one he never saw hope in people. It wasn’t a “woman” or “love” thing to subject the blame to; it was people. Anyone is capable of hurting; as a cause or the effected. It just so happened to be this catalyst was a woman.
This boy’s name is Sincere.
This girl’s name is Star.
There’s fair history between the two friends as any story would go. They were friends until they weren’t. They’d find each other texting at random hours of the night even far passed when they should be asleep. It could be 3AM and either would text back, and either would respond.
It’s their senior year, summer is on its way and everyone’s setting their plans in motion for college. Sincere’s unsure of his future, as his academics for the year wouldn’t speak for him in an application to any school. Covid and social distancing did a number on the mind the first lockdown can we blame him? Yes. We have to.
He’s out to Michigan with his mom for his birthday. He originally planned to hang out with his friends that week but all had planned ahead of time and his parents missed him gravely. There wasn’t much room for argument as he’d hoped this trip would ease him out of the anxiety the next few weeks he’d have to endure.
Throughout his trip he’s texting her, consistently. She’s the only person he’s centered his gravity toward during his trip which wasn’t a wise thing to do.
One day she texts him “I love you.” out the blue. As much as he wants to believe she meant it the way he would; there was doubt. But the romantics overrode and he replied “hold me accountable should I forget.” The doubt only grew days after the initial message.
Sincere’s curiosity peaked and he asked this time “What did you mean by that?” He waited for a response for what seemed like an hour as the typing bubble appeared and disappeared. Star must’ve been trying to word it properly until;
“I meant that I have love for you.”
Sincere was still confused by this statement; it didn’t seem like a true let alone direct answer. She’s never said it to him before at any other occasion. So why now? His thoughts overwhelmed him for a night of emotion. He didn’t want to think about it, but the innate dumbness of a boy is always seeking more answers.
The next morning, Sincere wakes up to the house door open. His mother is on the porch getting work done with some breakfast. He’s quiet, the unsettling muteness you’d see from someone after crying.
“Hey, you okay?” His Mom asks.
He nods his head slightly as he lets his head drift elsewhere. Then somehow back to Star’s reply.
“Momma what’s it mean when someone says they have love for you?”
His mom sets her laptop down and pauses to think.
“It means that whoever this is; is wasting your time.”
“What do you mean?”
She pauses again.
“When someone says they have love for you, It doesn’t mean they don’t love you. But it means that they just want to keep you near, rather than confront what they feel for you. Which is why I say they’re wasting your time, because I know you. I know how you love, and someone saying that to you is just a rude awakening for you.”, she finishes.
His stomach sinks as he sits with the thought. He’s overthinking now. There’s too many thoughts. He can’t stop them. If there’s anything he doesn’t enjoy; it’s being played. He’s been played before and he promised himself never again.
He’s scrolling through Instagram; trying to distract himself. It’s apparent he can’t avoid seeing her either. She pops up on his feed, at a party that most of his friends are at. He’d heard about the party but wasn’t invited initially so he played it off. It didn’t seem like any of his business cause he was busy himself. He thought to himself with assurance and tried his best to enjoy the rest of his trip.
He’d come back home to a mess of drama; so and so is talking to this guy. So and so is leading people on…he’d inadvertently inserted himself into a separate situation altogether, which lead him meeting up with his friend to talk about it. They decided to meet up at the school the day before graduation. The girl he was meeting up with is Hope.
Hope was an on and off friend with Sincere given her own interests from time to time. However I t seemed imperative she explain her side of the story in the situation. She comes up in a car full of their friends, all squeeze together. Some sitting on another’s lap; Star included. The cars too full for him to hop in so she offers to meet up at a local diner.
Star is sitting across the table next to a guy she’s rather close to. Too close. There’s an itch along Sincere’s neck, his stomach twisting. The thought of eating is making him sick, not only; but the jealousy too. To atop, the others at the table were recalling what happened at the party. And more specifically what she did. Sincere grows pale, and stiff.
Hope is in his left ear trying her best to explain her situation to Sincere, but sound isn’t the medium in the room. Not a decibel heard as he’s reading the face of a new stranger across the table. Her face shows guilt but there truly is none. He knows it.
He got his last and final answer, after all had paid for the food; he got up and left the diner in silence.
There was shame, and more importantly humiliation in thinking about any of what he thought towards her. There was rage, but it was misplaced and acting as a mask. He knew better than to direct his emotions to anger. His mother taught him better. His rage was sadness and his sadness was naivety, realization and distrust. A rude awakening into the adult world.
It’s been two years since, and Sincere is fearful of making connections with anyone. He’s fearful that with those you choose to be vulnerable with will hold it invaluable and loosely. He doesn’t trust anyone anymore. He’s so mistrusting so much so that his guard is always up now, and he’s scared. He’s scared to let it down not once. He’s had his chances and opportunities at love since. And that catalyst…oh man she sped up a fear he had way before it started. Sped up, enhanced, confirmed.
But just It’s a situation. That’s all it is. No bad guys, just misdirection and ire stupidity of my own undoing. And as subjective it is to tell this story, I just want to express how it made him feel. He doesn’t hate her for what she did; we have free fucking will.
He just felt worthless after that.
I still do.
©Ksyn Taylor
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snowywanderer · 1 year
He Who Walks in the Shadows, and He Who Loves the Dark
Chapter 4: Rain or Shine, I Don’t Feel a Thing
Words: 749
Warnings: Depictions of abuse
Description: Lore.
The streets of the city are gray and cold. Few spare so much as a glance in Dianthus’s direction. Even when he pauses at a restaurant, most people seem to keep to themselves or the group they came with. It’s a far cry from Mondstadt’s taverns at night, or even just Good Hunter around mealtime.
Dianthus still doesn’t know exactly where he’s going, but he figures he’ll be able to find something out.
She’s screaming again.
He manages to pick up certain things from hushed conversations in the streets.
“You’re not good for anything!”
He cringes, barely able to prevent his stinging eyes from spilling tears. She seemed fine just moments ago. All he wanted was to try and speak to her. It’s al he’s ever wanted.
Instead, she escalated everything. It’s something she seems to be good at lately.
The snow is piled up by the sides of the roads. He’s heard Dragonspine is pretty cold, and despite never having been there he thinks it’s take compared to this.
He shakes his head. He’s found information on how to get into the Fatui, and that’s what matters. He’s going to find the man.
She won’t. She tells him it was a mistake to fight all these years to keep him. She says thing after thing with what feels like the sole intent to hurt him.
People in uniforms ask him a million questions and have him perform a million tasks. His head is blurry but his mouth and body move on their own.
She doesn’t mean it, right? That’s something he’s been telling himself for a while now, but he’s not sure anymore.
“Shut the fuck up.”
He knows he didn’t do so well on the physical tests, but he feels in his heart they’ll find something for him.
“What did you say?”
His eyes are wide open, a smile spread across his face. “I said—“
“Are you serious? I’ve done so much for you and I get this? You should be grateful I’m allowing you to stay under my roof.”
He’s still a kid! It’s her duty to do so.
He finds a hotel to stay at for a while.
He’s not sure if the Fatui have a certain place they stay while they remain in Snezhnaya. He doesn’t know if they’ll let him in for that matter.
“If you don’t want me around,” she continues icily, “then I won’t be.”
He’s accepted.
She slams the door. He trembles like a leaf.
Sure enough, he has a place to stay with the other Fatui. They’re giving him a desk job rather than one in the field. It makes sense to him at least. Still, they’re going to train him to be ready if he’s needed elsewhere.
He isn’t sure she’s even alive until she returns hours later.
A tall ginger man talks to him and the other recruits about expectations and battle. The man’s eyes don’t shine, but fighting seems to awaken something in him. He asks the recruits, one by one, to fight him. Many are breathless by the time they’re done, but the man doesn’t seem affected.
She acts like nothing happened. Days on, he expects she’ll talk about it eventually. She doesn’t.
“You got your assignment, right?” A woman asks in hushed tones in the dining hall. “I’m so lucky— I’m not entirely sure what Sandrone is like, but at least it wasn’t Scaramouche.”
His heart sinks. “What’s he like? And if, hypothetically, I were assigned under him, how fucked would I be?”
The woman tilts her head, not expecting his apparent lack of knowledge. Still, she hesitantly fills him in.
He’s an adult now, and her episodes have fizzled off in frequency. Still, they left wounds in him that he isn’t sure will ever heal. People around him speak kindly of her and he’s too scared to correct them. She doesn’t speak of the events after all, so who’s to say he didn’t just imagine them?
People seem to fear and despise Lord Scaramouche. From the stories, he doesn’t blame them. Yet, when they meet, his eyes widen. The man has as sharp a tongue as he was said to have, but there’s something else about him.
Indigo hair frames his pale face. His eyes sparkle brightly enough to make up for the ginger’s dead ones. Most importantly, his outfit and hat give away who he is.
Who would’ve thought the man he met in the woods weeks ago was a Harbinger?
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beccascribbles · 4 years
can you please do an omegaverse fic with inarizaki having an omega manager that goes into heat during a game and she tries to leave but some guys from another team stop her and harass her but the bois pull up and protect her <3
a/n - right, just a warning, i’m a big atsumu simp and this became abundantly clear to me when i was writing this... it’s less inarizaki and more miya twins (with the addition of kita). whoops
warnings - harassment (unwanted touching, sexual implications)
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In hindsight, leaving the house without packing heat suppressants, or at least being aware of your own condition, was reckless of you. It wasn't your fault you had woken up late and had to rush to ensure you looked presentable by the time the twins came by to collect you. Though you would have loved to make the twins late (considering it was their fault - they didn’t have to get you hooked on a new TV show and leave the call midway through the season finale), you weren’t so keen on having any of Kita’s disappointment directed towards you. Therefore, when the twins arrived, Atsumu with a wide smirk at your slightly dishevelled self, you settled on directing a swift punch to their stomachs as revenge.
“Ouch,” whined Atsumu, rubbing his stomach with a pout. “What was that for, stupid?”
“Obviously she’s pissed off that we let her stay up late,” Osamu grumbled, also rubbing his stomach, though, instead of a pout, his lips were tugged downwards in a frown. “Although I don’t see how her terrible sleep schedule is our problem.”
“Don’t get me hooked on a new show next time,” you muttered, looping an arm through Osamu’s and beginning to pull him down the road. In your other hand, you held a cool bag with some snacks for the team. The only reason you had grabbed Osamu with your free arm was to prevent him from peeking into the bag. If he had hands free to look, he had hands free to eat the food within. Atsumu was less likely to eat the food, though that didn’t stop him from unzipping the bag and peeking inside.
“Oh, tasty!” he exclaimed, zipping up the bag and making eye contact with Osamu, whose head had turned in his direction once the words left his mouth. He was clearly pleading with his twin to reveal what was in the bag. Atsumu simply stuck his tongue out. “Why don’t ya use your nose to figure it out? You always boast about having a better sense of smell than me anyway.”
“Because I do,” snapped back Osamu, quickly becoming irritated, muscles tensing as he prepared himself to leap towards his twin. Your arm tightened around his, and you shot him a look, eyes holding a warning. With care, you let your scent wind through the air around the three of you, the twin alphas calming at the subtle shift in the air.
Atsumu looped an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, the bag you were carrying bumping awkwardly against his legs in the process. This action almost caused your arm to slip from Osamu’s, but he quickly tightened his hold. Atsumu was not going to pull you away from him. Almost in sync, they both turned towards you, noses nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You let out a slightly frustrated sigh, but let them continue scenting you. After all, when they were able to do this, they were at their calmest, and you still had a long bus journey ahead of you where keeping arguments to a minimum was preferable.
When you began to approach the school gates, you pulled out of their grasp, walking ahead of them. You began to walk faster, shooting a look over your shoulder to see the pair of them watching you with confused expressions. It was when you finally broke into a sprint, hefting the bag holding the food at a weird angle, that they realised what you had in mind. Letting out a laugh, Atsumu took off after you; Osamu quickly followed. If you had managed to get a bigger head start, you might have won. However, on this occasion, both twins pulled ahead of you, darting around a bewildered Kita and launching forward to touch the bus with their fingers.
“I won!” they declared in unison, an argument breaking out between them that you tuned out in favour of focusing your attention on Kita. Aran had already walked over to the twins, grabbing them by the backs of their jackets and hauling them away. It was this sudden movement that jerked them from their argument.
“Hey,” you greeted, giving Kita a weary smile as he reached forward to take the food from you. Together, you walked towards the bus. Kita, having arrived ridiculously early, had already packed away everything that the team would need. The only thing not within the bus was most of the team, their individual athletic bags, and whatever you had brought with you. You climbed in, reaching up to place the bag on the overhang above you. Once you had finished, you turned to face Kita. “I think we’re going to win for sure. I did some research on this team and they’ve put forward a series of underwhelming performances in official games, as well as practice matches. They’re no match for Inarizaki, especially with our captain ready to step in if the second years on court get too excited or lazy.”
The latter comment was directed towards Suna, whose head poked up from behind a seat near the back of the bus. He raised his middle finger up in response before refocusing on the phone he was holding in his other hand. You yelled over at him, “Good morning to you too.”
“Whatever, y/n,” he sighed, looking up at you once again. “Just sit down somewhere, preferably a place where the two idiots can argue over who gets to sit next to you.”
You just rolled your eyes, taking the seat you were planning on claiming originally. Kita stood in the aisle, giving you a small smile. “I’m glad you’re confident we’re going to win, especially with all the practice everybody has been putting in.”
“I know,” you grinned. While continuing with the conversation, you motioned towards the seat beside you, indicating for Kita to take it. You’d rather sit next to Kita than have to deal with the twins for the journey anyway. “Everybody has been putting in so much more effort. I swear I’ve had to physically drag Atsumu out of the gym most days.”
“He just doesn’t listen,” sighed Kita, resting his head against the headrest. “I keep telling him practicing too much is bad for his health. He even got a fever because he was practicing too hard.”
“He’s stupid like that,” you shrugged, a yawn cutting through whatever you were about to say next.
“You better be talkin’ about Samu,” interrupted Atsumu, taking the seat in front of you and turning around to face you. Osamu collapsed into the seat beside him, flicking him in the forehead.
“She was obviously talking about you, dumbass,” he quipped.
Osamu turned to you for confirmation, only to see your head resting against the captain’s shoulder. He questioned, “y/n?”
“Of course she’s asleep,” laughed Atsumu, nudging Osamu with his shoulder, previous comment forgotten in favour of teasing you. “She can’t take the late nights.”
“Keep it down,” Kita said, adjusting your head so that it was rested against him more comfortably. In response, you moved closer to him, an arm sliding around his waist to hug him as you mumbled something incoherent in your sleep. A furious blush spread along his cheeks, and he ducked his head to hide from the twins. Luckily, their attention was fixed elsewhere, on a video Suna had sent to Osamu, too lazy to get up to walk down the coach to show him. Kita let out a sigh, dropping his head to rest atop of yours. He chided, not that you could hear him in your slumber, “You should really try to sleep earlier.”
It was fortunate for you that you slept for most of the journey. You missed Osamu moaning about being hungry, and then proceeding to search up pictures of food to drool over. Consequently, you also missed Atsumu hitting his twin and being scolded by Kita, something that always made you laugh. However, Suna had got up to draw on your face, which would have been an unfortunate consequence. Luckily, it was only to shuffle back to his seat sheepishly, the sight of Kita beside you a deterrent.
“You had to fall asleep on Kita,” grumbled Suna, walking along beside you as you entered the gymnasium. You trailed behind the rest of the team, your footsteps unusually sluggish. You blamed it on your late night. “Why couldn’t you have fallen asleep on Atsumu? He would’ve let me draw on your face.”
“Yeah, well, I’m glad you didn’t,” you responded, transferring the food bag to your other hand. The weight, though it wasn’t abnormally heavy, was beginning to make your arm ache. In fact, your whole body ached. Eyebrows furrowed, you continued switching the bag from hand to hand. It made no difference. You still ached.
“You look constipated,” observed Suna, though he took the food from your grip. You gave him a thankful smile, which he waved off. “I’m not being nice. I just don’t like walking beside someone with such a stupid expression on their face.”
“I didn’t ask you to walk beside me,” you snapped, crossing your arms over your chest. They still ached, even without the bag. All you wanted to do was collapse on the bench at the sidelines.
“It’s not my fault you decided to walk so slowly today,” replied Suna, glancing over at you briefly. Something about you was off, though he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It was probably a consequence of your late night, but even when you had stayed up late before, you were never this sluggish. Usually, you walked at the front beside Kita, or with the coaches. It was rare for you to be at the back unless you wanted to annoy him, which evidently was not the case this time. “I didn’t voluntarily choose to accompany you.”
“Leave me then,” you snapped, eyes narrowing in a glare, your scent suddenly spiking. He let out a grumble, releasing some of his pheromones in the air to soothe you. Suna hated being on omega duty, one of the reasons why he was glad you usually opted to walk at the front.
“You know I can’t just leave you,” he sighed, placing a hand on the small of your back to urge you forward. “The sooner we get to the gym, the sooner you can leave me and sit on the bench.”
That caused you to perk up somewhat, which also had the effect of pulling your scent back to its’ ordinary level. Your scent may have regulated, but the ache in your body persisted, each movement making you fight back a wince. It was with gritted teeth that you sat on the bench, and pulled your clipboard towards you. Suna gave you one last assessing look before beginning to warm up.
Your gaze was unfocused as you stared down at the words you had written on the page. They swam in front of your gaze, coming apart and then joining again in dizzying confusion. As you stared, you found your mind wandering, nose twitching as you found yourself seeking out any scent that felt comforting, felt familiar. Your head snapped up from the clipboard, falling on a pile of discarded jackets. From the pile, and wafting towards you in the air, was Atsumu’s rich scent that made you recall moments where you were held in his arms and shielded from the rain, Osamu’s that brought forward memories of laughing in the kitchen and collaborating on random food creations, and Kita’s that filled you with comfort, reminding you of his quite support.
Before you could process what you were doing, you were moving towards the pile, hand clutching the first jacket you found. You buried your nose into the material, breathing in Atsumu’s scent, a soft whine escaping your lips. Your own team, too engrossed in warming up, missed the sound. It did, however, attract the attention of the team on the other side of the net.
You were unaware of the sudden, and unwanted, attention, shrugging off your jacket and pulling on Atsumu’s. You turned your head into the collar, taking in a deep breath. Though the scent satisfied you emotionally, the joy at being wrapped in Atsumu’s scent, caused you to release your own pheromones, made you feel slightly dizzy. A sudden spiking heat rushed through you, and a quiet ‘shit’ slipped from your lips. Hurriedly, you began to head towards the exit, keeping your head ducked and trying desperately to stop sending pulse after pulse of pheromones into the gym. You figured that, once you were safely in the confines of the bus, you could send a message to one of the coaches, apologising for having to leave and explaining that your heat had suddenly started.
A large hand wrapped around your wrist, causing you to come to a jolting stop. The owner of the hand yanked you back into his chest and you let out a surprised squeak. His arm wrapped around your waist, holding you close to him as he let out a pleased hum. His nose ran along the scent gland at your neck, making you stiffen suddenly. Fear made you kick out, knocking against one of his teammates who was standing beside him.
“Get off me,” you panted, weakly thrashing in his grip, a sharp and bitter scent escaping from you. Across the gym, Atsumu and Osamu’s heads snapped in your direction. “Just want to leave. Need to leave.”
Twin growls ripped through the gym, sending shivers down the spines of many people in attendance, including the male currently holding you. All you could feel was relief. He looked over his shoulder, making eye contact with the furious twins. Their fury had caught the attention of the rest of Inarizaki, who all suddenly stood to attention.
“No need to be aggressive,” chuckled the male, though he made no move to release you. “I was just going to take care of this omega.”
“Like fuck ya are,” spat Atsumu, lunging forward and grabbing the male by the back of his shirt. His eyes were dark, expression twisted as another growl ripped from his throat.
“Get the fuck away from her,” growled Osamu, who had taken the distraction Atsumu provided to step in front of the male. The rest of his teammates had wisely backed off. One who had been about to pull Atsumu away had been stopped by Kita, his grip tight as he had pulled the man away by his shoulder. Despite the warning, the male’s arm remained around you. Despite Atsumu at his back and Osmau at his front, he had the nerve to push his nose against your scent gland and breathe you in deeply. A nervous whimper escaped your mouth, all Osamu and Atsumu needed for any last bit of restraint they had to evaporate. He muttered darkly, “I gave you a warning.”
Osamu’s hand curled around the male’s wrist, yanking it upwards harshly and twisting. His other arm went to catch you, pulling you away as Atsumu finally snapped. His arm wrapped around the male’s throat, his muscles prominent as he tightened his grip, crushing his windpipe. It was clear Osamu was frustrated too, eager to leap at the male. Yet, you were beside him, looking up at him with fear, and his first instinct was to protect you. He pulled his gaze away from the scene in front of him, scanning the gym until he finally found Kita. Kita was already walking towards you, anger prominent in the lines of his body. He took you from Osamu, letting you wrap your legs around his waist and snuggle your head into the crook of his neck as he held you. Kita left Osamu with a nod, giving permission the other man had not needed, but appreciated, to attack the male who had harassed you. He would let the coaches break it apart. Right now, you were his concern.
Kita walked from the gym, heading towards the bus. It was fortunate he was always prepared. Though he was certain you would be responsible enough to bring your own, he had packed heat suppressors in the buses emergency kit just in case. You let out a soft whine, hands curling into the material of his shirt.
“Atsumu… Osamu… Are they okay?” you questioned, needing to know. Kita let out a comforting purr, coupled with a release of soothing pheromones. The scent wafted around you, easing your racing heart, though it did little to cut through the haze of your heat.
“They’re fine,” he reassured, hand rubbing a soothing circle into your back before he placed you gently on a seat in the bus. You wrapped your arms around yourself, nose immediately pressing against the inside collar of the jacket, breathing in Atsumu’s scent deeply.
“Want the twins,” you whimpered. It was normal for you to want to be close to them. You had been with them since you were born, the three of you inseparable as soon as you were able to toddle. It was their scents that made up the majority of your nest, with the occasional addition of something Kita or Suna or another member of the team had scented.
Kita ignored your comment in favour of grabbing the heat suppressants from the bag. He turned towards you, grabbing a water bottle from where the spares were kept. Deciding it might be better for you, more peaceful and less painful, he also decided to include a sleeping pill. Kita handed them to you. “Have these. It’s heat suppressants and a sleeping pill.”
He watched as you took the medicine, carding his fingers through your hair affectionately. He gave your fingers a reassuring squeeze, “I’ll be back, along with the twins, when the match is finished.”
You nodded, barely registering his words as you let sleep overtake you.
When you woke up, strong arms were wrapped around you, holding you against a chest. You snuggled into the warmth, letting the distinct scent of Atsumu wash over you. Fingers stroked your hand softly, tracing its shape before sliding between your own. Your hand was lifted up, soft lips pressed against it before a face nuzzled into your palm. Sleepily, you looked up, blinking up at the twins. Even in your half-awake state, you could see the slight bruising that peppered their skin. Despite it being two-against-one, the male had landed a few solid hits before the coaches got involved.
“You’re awake,” cheered Atsumu, brushing a kiss to the top of your head as his fingers ran up and down your back, sliding beneath his jacket and your t-shirt to rest against your bare skin. Osamu gave a small cheer as well, a warm smile overtaking his features as he gazed down at you. That warm smile didn’t stop him from scolding you, something you were expecting from Kita and not him.
“And an idiot for not realising you were starting your heat,” he said, reaching over to give your hair an affection ruffle.
“We always know when our ruts are so you should know when your heats are,” chimed in Atsumu, ignoring the weak punch to his chest that you gave him with the hand not being held in Osamu’s.
“That’s because I always remind you,” you grumbled in response, though your anger was short-lived. The pheromones they were pumping out were so distracting any emotion but bliss was hard to feel, let alone hold onto.
“Considering how long you’ve known each other,” said Suna, deciding to add his two pence to the conversation, “I would’ve thought you two dumbasses would know what her pre-heat symptoms are.”
“You’re her friend too,” protested Atsumu, the only thing stopping him from engaging in a fall-blown argument was you in his lap. “Maybe you should have realised.”
“I did realise,” smirked Suna. In a quieter voice, he continued, “I just thought she was tired.”
“Can you all shut up?” snapped Aran, to which Kita was quick to agree, explaining that you would appreciate the peace and quiet.
That put a stop to any argument that could have broken out, both of the twins refocusing on you. Osamu resumed lazily playing with your fingers, while Atsumu nuzzled into your neck, rubbing his face against your scent gland. You let out a content sigh, finding comfort in their touch and the scents of the team wafting around you.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
There was a Girl...
Pairing | Jace Wayland x reader
Summary | When Clary becomes a shadowhunter, she notices how cold and ruthless Jace is. Every one seems to relate to his pain, not resonating at quite the same level. They’re all mourning nevertheless.
Warnings | Mentions of death, brief smut (handjob), angst, heartbreak, unrequited feelings (for Clary)
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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Opening your eyes, you awoke to Jace's chest, his blonde hair falling over his face. You preferred how it looked when it was a little bit scruffy instead of slicked back, and you reached for one of the hanging strands. They were like seams of gold, reflecting from the light that hid within him.
Most people had the wrong perspective on the young man, they only saw a well skilled shadow hunter. But they ignored the smart and witty, yet simultaneously charming person that he was underneath all of his runes. His parabatai Alec was familiar with the set of abilities that his brother figure had, and all that he would accomplish. People thought, because of Jace’s distorted, and confusing past, that he was just another warrior to serve whatever institute that he was sent to.
But in fact, he was not. His duty would always be, to put his family and friends first. He liked to put you on the top of the list, but you always felt the need to scrap that idea, claiming that you could not be his priority from start to finish. It was as though you knew what you future held for you, and how indeed, he could not manage to protect every person that he cared about. The prospect was a great responsibility, far too much for one shadow hunter, even if they be among the best of their kind.
To put such a weight on your own shoulders was defiantly cruel, it would always end in failure, no matter what was done to prevent said downfall. There was never a possibility of saving everyone, that was insanity. The monsters had to kill, in order for you all to remain outside of Idris, and continue on with your heaven sent duty.
“Jace?” You could tell he was awake from how he smiled at the sound of your voice. “Come on.” It was an attempt to encourage him, but you were quick to realise that it wasn’t working. He didn’t like mornings all that much, for good reason too, after all you were shadowhunters.
“Jace.” Your voice became louder and clearer, up to the point where it no longer sounded like your own. He looked away from the screen, to see the new girl watching him. She had an expectant glaze to her green eyes, which were much different from the shield that was covering his own. His pools were surrounded by a shadow of grief, pulling down the entirety of his face to the point where it looked as though he no longer wanted to live.
And that wasn’t entirely incorrect, he struggled at life, often never finding a moment of happiness, and if he did, then he would paint a smile upon his face and wear it to satisfy everyone else around. He had tried to cope with the loss that burdened his heart so gravely, yet nothing made it feel okay. You’d want him to move on, whether it be to lose his vengeful esteem concerning your passing, or find someone else to confide in late at night, to stay up with talking as his head rested upon the pillow, that he needed to wash, so it didn’t smell like you.
Or even, if not to share a bed with this new person, your overall plan as you sat with the angels above would be to find some kind of peace. But that appeared to be the last thing that he wanted as he digitally scoured the city of New York for monsters to uncover, and kill. If he couldn’t protect you, the love of his life, then he would settle for doing so with humans, after all, that had been the way that you had gone. The job had been your passion, yet simultaneously your downfall, and he’d be fine if one of these days he failed to tackle a beast, and it got to him first.
“Clary.” He greeted her, wanting to remove a dangerous monster from the streets by decapitating it. In memory, he would use your favourite blade, spilling blood upon its glowing stake to keep your legacy continuing, although, it did not do much but serve to release Jace’s frustrations. It was a day in which he wanted to speak to nobody, have nobody following him, nor asking him mundane questions about what it meant to be a shadowhunter. Hell, he didn’t even know! To him, the lifestyle was nothing more than accommodated anguish, though, he had been told not to promote it using those words, otherwise, there wouldn’t exactly be many people lining up to join the adverse fight.
And one of the people that he had in mind concerning excitement over a dire and ‘exciting’ lifestyle was Clary. She was naive, and whilst she didn’t know everything, today wasn’t particularly the day in which he wished to explain it to her. It, being predominantly anything. Whilst he had managed to be nice to her during the first few days, it was out of courtesy, considering Alec had an instant distaste towards the wide eyed redhead; he wasn’t sure why, but he supposed that Clary could see a detail of himself that was hidden from the others.
However, even through Jace’s welcoming exterior, was in pain. The feeling tormented him, denying him a break from the patronising pressure, leaving him to hold blame to nobody but himself. The hurt was cemented into his eyes, reflecting as he watched all other tragedies with a stone cold expressions, them hardly affecting him, because he had and was experiencing the worst routine of torture that was possible to him. He had watched you die, and nothing could take those horrific memories from him, no matter how much he wanted them gone.
That was the last time that he saw you. When you passed in his arms, a large wound in your abdomen pouring out with blood, drowning his desperate hands as he tried his utmost to put pressure on the life threatening injury. He wanted to save you but he didn’t know how, his training had always claimed that killing the monsters was more important than saving the life of a shadowhunter from an unknown bloodline. There had been nothing to prepare him for that day in the field, he was a fighter, and taught to be so, not a healer; he wasn’t a medic, he was just a warrior. “What do you want?” Blatantly fell from his round lips as he cast an eye towards the newbie, unimpressed by her timing, or her presence at all.
Clearly, she hadn’t received the memo to leave him be, especially today out of all the rest. Alec, having the personalised intel as to why Jace was emitting a solitary rut understood why he wished to be alone, and respected the space, granting him as much time to himself as he wanted. And whilst Alec was your friend also, he could feel the deep longing that was stabbing his parabatai in the chest, and it killed him too. Your death had been so unexpected, and now without you, there was a void within the institute. And the archer felt as though Clary was trying to fill it, and he saw that as nothing more than disrespect, though she was probably ignorant to the history that wandered the halls.
Her face revelled back at his tone, but nevertheless she continued on with her prying. “I was wondering if I could join you on the hunt, I’m getting better, Izzy even said so.” Jace refrained from rolling his eyes, and contained the feeling that was trying to burst out of his chest. It was anger, directed at everyone that was still alive, including himself. There was no fairness in it, to say that he was sad was an understatement, he was eternally devastated, the death of you had broken him, crumbled him into a figure that he no longer recognised.
“No, you can’t Clary.” He dismissed her, walking away, and going to grab his seraph so that he could hunt this sucker down, and bring upon the same kind of pain to its family as its kind had down to him. God, did you look badass as you swung it, and the thought alone had tears resonating in his unmatched eyes, thinking of how it was the last relic that remained of you.
Walking casually into the armoury, Jace had his hands prized in the depths of his pockets, as his expert and quick fleeting eyes focalised on you, and the weapon within your hold. Your body leant in harmony with the blade, the sound of it woosh-img in the air satisfying to all that could hear; that being only you and the Wayland boy.
“Can i not train in peace?” You groaned, lowering the blade whence you realised that you were being watched. The eyes trailed up your side where your shirt had ridden up, raking over the rune that you had drew upon your skin only this morning. A light laugh fell from Jace’s lips as he stalked forward, taking your seraph out of your hand, and going to lob it upon the ground, but the stern look in your eyes stopped him. Instead, against his nature, he placed it down as though it were made of glass, and rose to stand before you once more.
“Not when you look that good.” The blonde retorted with a sly smirk, sliding his hands up the sides of your hips, finding absolute solace in the feel of your skin. He could be against you forever, and he would not complain, so long as it did last for such a time. “Makes me want to do things to you y/n y/l/n. Terrible things. What would the heads think?” He asked, in reference to those that were in charge of the institute.
Stifling down remarked laughter at his sensually intended words, you raised your forefinger to the space above his brows, and poked him with enough pressure, so that he would pay attention to the notion. “That you’re not thinking with your own.” You went to cross your arms, but instead, Jace grabbed them, moving down to cast his hand over your own.
“Oh, I’m not.” The shadowhunter confirmed, placing your hand upon the crotch of his sweats, applying enough force behind his grip so that you could feel him twitching. “I am indeed having thoughts from elsewhere, would you like to see my sweet?” Licking your lips, you nodded, watching as he peeled the layer away, wrapping your hand around his base, and giving him a few jerks, feeling his pulse race through his cock.
“Tell me more about what you’re thinking my love.” You bit your bottom lip, fluttering your eyelashes up at him, only to reverberate a groan from the blonde male. He panted as your pace quickened, and he was almost certain that he was going to spray his jizz all over the floor if you did not uphold your sexual administrations. His head leant back, as pleasured sounds broke through the clenching of his teeth.
And then, it all stopped as a voice, dressed in absolute disgust, written over with unmotivated shock, interrupted your little exchange. “Really guys, this is a gym, not your damned bedroom. The two of you really are disgusting!” It was Alec, and he cringed at the fact that he had seen his best friend’s cock being stroked in your grasp. Yeah, he wasn’t going to be training today, or at least, not in the asserted place for it.
“Clary.” Izzy called her name, wearing a short lived smile. Whence she studied the expression of the redhead, she was quick to pay attention to the disappointment upon her face. There was confusion laddered in her skin, masking it with creased that made her look worried all at the same time. “What happened?” The Lightwood woman asked concerned, bracing a hand upon said girl’s shoulder.
“Jace snapped at me.” The newcomer informed her, frowning at the prospect, and then after all that, he had stormed off, as though she didn’t even matter. She felt well and truly rejected, like a newspaper that had been tossed in the street, and ending up in a horrible puddle. “I thought he might have liked me, but his attitude says otherwise.”
Izzy twitched her nose; she knew what day it was. There was no way to break it to Clary easy that Jace had no amorous emotions towards her, and so instead of being blunt with the new resident at the institute, she decided to tell the woman a story. “There was a girl...” she began, knowing that after all was explained, that Clary would understand.
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Been Loving You
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: After never having the nerve to tell each other how you feel, an opportunity presents itself even if it takes a little work.
Requested by Anonymous: Hi! Since your requests are on. Can you write a fluff/angst dean and reader fic, they both have feelings for each other and they're too insecure to admit it. And dean flirts with another girl and introduces her to the reader, reader acts like she's fine but then cries??
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: angst, flirting, mild heartbreak, jealousy, arguing, little bit of swearing, fluff, kissing
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July, 2005
The day was breezy and warm, the clouds having lessened the heat that came with being in the midst of the summer season. Even if the clouds did nothing to stave off the effect of the sun you’d like to believe it actually had been, and you refused to think otherwise or else you just might break another sweat. You were tucked away in the middle of Bobby’s property amongst a lot full of cars ranging from totaled to rusty to salvageable should he feel like getting his hands dirty that day. He didn’t.
But one person that did was Dean Winchester.
You stood with your arms crossed over your chest, staring out over the dozens of car roofs, each one holding their own story as to just how it was they got there in the first place.
“Wrench,” Dean called out at some point, an instruction you only half heard. It was growing increasingly obvious that your mind was elsewhere, that your attention was directed at the puffy gray clouds in the distance. He’d noticed, peeking his head around the Impala from where’d he’d been working under the hood for an amount of time you lost track of. “Sweetheart, wrench.”
You turned your head at the nickname, a brief look of confusion crossing your face before you realized what it was he’d said. You rolled your eyes at the look on his face, one that softened to a smile as you handed over the wrench grasped in your hand. He took it with a shake of his head and a laugh not quiet enough for you to miss, and you breathed out a sigh.
“You’re a terrible helper, you know,” he jests, voice muffled from where he stood.
“Pretty sure I didn’t ask to help you, De,” you say, leaning back against an old truck.
“Too bad,” he says, flashing you a smile all while you furrowed your brows and pursed your lips at his words.
“Why not have Sam help you? I’m sure he knows more about cars than me.”
You heard him laugh again, head shaking at your assumption that Sam had any form of a clue on how to fix a car, let alone Dean’s car. The thought of Sam under a hood had him chuckling, the idea all too humorous. He pulled back to look at you. “First of all, he definitely wouldn’t. Second of all…”
He trails off, looking at you with a half smirk on his lips.
“What?” You inquire, amused curiosity in your tone.
“Sammy’s just not you,” he shrugs, a glimmer in his eyes as he leans back over the engine.
Your smile falls for just a moment as your heart skips a beat, that very smile returning once you realize just what it was that he had said. He’s just not you. You turned away and looked over your shoulder, a pitiful attempt to hide the way you couldn’t stifle your smile, your cheeks burning at what it was that could mean. Maybe it meant something and maybe it didn’t. But either way it’d surely be stuck on your mind for a ridiculous amount of time.
But soon your attention turns back to the very person that it’s always been on, and you were bound to be teased if he’d caught you staring but the thought didn’t sound quite so bad at that moment. In your defense, it was hard not to think about much else other than the way his brows furrow when he’s stumped on just what he wants to fix next, or the way his cheeks flushed ever so lightly under the sun, his freckles all the more prominent across the bridge of his nose. Smudges of grease had stained his t-shirt, painted across his knuckles and smeared on his forehead each and every time he’d wiped the sweat off with the back of his hand.
Maybe it was that, or maybe it was the way his necklace had dangled down and swung there until he finally got irritated enough to tuck it in his shirt with a mumble of a swear and a clench of his jaw. That was something, though—no matter how frustrated repairing this beloved car of his made him, no matter how much he huffed and puffed and tossed his tools down with a bit more force than necessary. It was the way his anger seemed to melt each time he’d looked at you, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile before he turned to try again with a better attitude.
Yeah, that was it.
You hadn’t realized just how distracted you’d been until you felt a hand on your cheek, calloused and warm, and when you looked up your eyes met the taunting green gaze of the older Winchester staring down at you. Your breath caught in your throat as the pad of his thumb brushed along your cheek, cheeks that burned under his palm and the way he’d been gazing had your heart pounding in your chest. Racing until you saw the familiar quirk pulling at his lips.
“Got a little somethin’ on your face,” he says, smiling an all too knowing smile.
You roll your eyes, turning away from him with a huff as you begin to walk away. “I’m eating the last slice of pie for that.”
You heard the metallic clink of a tool leave his hand and hit the ground, “no—no you’re not! That has my name on it and you know it.”
You shake your head as you quicken your pace, a smile on your lips as the butterflies in your stomach remain.
October, 2005
You stood in the small, one person bathroom, back to the mirror as you leaned against the small porcelain sink. The tears were already rimming your eyes as you stood there, having been at that same restaurant for forty-five minutes waiting for your date to show up even though you knew it’d been a bust after you’d waited the first fifteen minutes. You were miserable and embarrassed, and this was the exact reason you didn’t like going on dates in the first place.
Your hand was shaky as you pressed Dean’s name, holding your phone up to your ear as it rang all but two times.
He’d make a joke when he answered the phone, something you more than expected by that point each and every time you called him, especially when he knew you were on a date with a guy he’d been poking fun at the whole ride to the restaurant until he’d dropped you off. You couldn’t blame him, maybe you could, but that was just in his nature and there was no changing that.
“Was brown eyes that boring?”
His laugh sounded on the other end, lighthearted and upbeat in a way that had a soft huff leaving your lips as you rolled your eyes at his words.
“Dean,” you grumble, letting your eyes fall closed for a moment.
“Oh, come on. You know I’m not wrong. I just—”
The simple use of his name that time had effectively cut him and his teasing short, leaving a beat of silence as you swallowed thickly now that you had his full attention. You didn’t even need to see him to be able to picture just what kind of expression he’d been wearing at the moment.
“Can you come pick me up?”
You hated how fragile your voice sounded, something you immediately cover up as you clear your throat in a pitiful attempt to distract him from it. You knew it wouldn’t but it was worth the effort anyway, anything to ease the fact that it must have been obvious that you were hurting.
It’d been all of ten minutes before the rumble of an engine came into earshot as you sat on the curb that bordered the restaurant, gathering more than a few stares of people showing up with their dates in tow. You knew it must have been obvious what you were moping about. The headlights were near blinding as he pulled up next to you, and you were on your feet in an instant as you sulked to the car and slumped in your rightful seat. Your misery was more than evident to him as he sat in the parking lot for a minute much to your dismay.
“Are you okay?” He asks, louder than he meant to be as he gave you a once over.
He rolls his eyes. “Are you hurt?”
“Just my ego,” you mumble with a huff, though you soften at the concern sounding in his voice. “‘M fine, Dean.”
His jaw tensed as he looked at you, lingering on the glimmer on your cheeks from the fresh tears you’d tried to wipe away. At the way your bottom lip quivered in a way that was all too telling that you weren’t peachy, you couldn’t be farther from it.
He hadn’t even wanted you to go on that date in the first place, jealousy having simmered in the pit of his stomach since the moment you told him about it. He didn’t even need to see the guy to know he wasn’t good enough for you, that he was up to no good. He hated the tone of your voice when you called him, he hated that he was right. Not that he thought he was good enough for you, not even remotely did he think that, but when you told him about brown eyes, he wanted to be selfish and have you to himself for the night. He wanted to be the one to take you out on that date.
“He’s a dick,” he said quietly, anger woven around his words as he looked at you. “And he damn sure doesn’t deserve you.”
You looked down at your lap, picking at the loose string of your dress. “Can we please go?”
He looked at you as you went and looked out of the window, jaw clenching even tighter as he gave you one more glance. He put the car in drive without another word, tires squealing as he sped out of the parking lot, headed back towards the motel.
March, 2006
The sticks cracked beneath two pairs of muddied boots, the sound near deafening in contrast to the silence amongst the woods you and Dean had found yourself in. It wouldn’t have been quite so bad if you knew where you’d been going even just a little bit, and it wouldn’t have been quite so bad if the sun wasn’t dipping lower and lower into the sky. Not to mention the fact that Dean was simmering in his own anger, and you were fairly certain that you were the cause. In fact, you knew you were.
The light rain that sprinkled over you ever so slightly through the trees hadn’t done very much to work in your favor, though you don’t think anything could at this point. Especially not the scrape grazing your cheek.
“Would you quit huffing? We’ll find a way out of here,” you finally say, nearly smacking into his back when he stops in front of you.
“Right, because we’re totally not stuck in the middle of freakin’ nowhere. If it weren’t for you we’d be out of here by now,” he snaps, brows furrowed deeply as he looks down at you.
“Oh, so this is my fault now?”
He laughed then, humorless as he looked away and shook his head, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek. You knew he was dangerously close to snapping, more than he already did, but even then you couldn’t find it in yourself to tread lightly.
“If I recall correctly, it was your brilliant plan to go and run off and chase a werewolf all by yourself in the woods. You went and got yourself hurt and you nearly got yourself killed. That seems a lot to me like how we got into this mess, doesn’t it, Y/n?”
“You’re lucky you only came out of there with a scrape on your cheek and a busted lip.”
Your brows knit together and your fists clench, nearly on the verge of tears with how frustrated you’d been at the green eyed Winchester fuming in front of you. “Why are you so mad? I’m here aren’t I?”
He looked as if you’d asked the most ridiculous question he’s ever heard in his life. “Mad? Why am I so mad? You went out there today like you’re invincible. I’m angry because I—”
He cut himself short then, shaking his head as he looked away from you. Those three words were so close on the tip of his tongue he nearly made a fool of himself, his heart pounding and a huff puffing through flared nostrils as you nearly watched him unravel in front of you. The crease between your brows deepens as you watch his inner turmoil, fists relaxing at your sides.
“Forget it,” he says, just as frustrated as he plays it off and looks down at you just briefly. His jaw clenches once more before he hikes his bags up further in his shoulder, grabbing your hand and turning his back to you. “Can’t have you getting lost on me again.”
You roll your eyes but not once did you pull your hand from his.
July, 2006
Your eyes rolled for what had to be the millionth time that night as you slumped further down in your seat, your eyes lingering on the older Winchester and the girl he’d been flirting with at the bar counter for the last half an hour. Sam had caught on to the source of your misery not long after it began, but between the pout you tried so desperately to hide and the way it started right around the time his brother started talking to the pretty girl serving drinks just a few feet away, it wasn’t hard to figure out.
“Am I boring you?” Sam jests, closing the book of notes and newspaper clippings he’d been working from for the next hunt. Your gaze lifts from the table to meet his gaze, unamused by his teasing. “You know, instead of sulking, you could tell him how you feel.”
You snort as you sit up in your seat, dragging your hand down your face. “Sam, that might be the stupidest idea you’ve ever had.”
“Oh, come on. Would it be so bad?”
One glance over your shoulder had your stomach churning and twisting in knots, your gaze moving back to the brunette with the bad ideas. “Yes Sam, it would be terrible.”
The more you sat at that table the less you wanted to be there, the music having grown far too loud for your liking as a headache began to form. This wasn’t the first or the second time you’d been to this bar, it was the third because Dean had eyes for the beautiful bartender. Your food was nearly completely untouched and your drink the same, though you were starting to think it might be a good idea to go ahead and down it but there wasn’t nearly enough time to do that and get another argument in with Sam before that ever familiar voice got your attention.
“Everyone,” he starts, smiling ear to ear as his arm wrapped around her. “I’d like you to meet Julie.”
His grin was beaming as she laughed into his neck, whispering something in his ear that you surely didn’t want to know. Sam’s smile in your direction was as empathetic as ever, your heart sinking down to your stomach as you swirl your straw in your drink. The room was rapidly becoming more suffocating and stuffy, the commotion near nauseating as the pressure behind your eyes deepened. You couldn’t be there another moment.
“I’m feeling a little tired, I—I think I’m gonna go,” you say as you swallow down the lump in your throat, sudden as you rise from your seat and grab your bag.
The smile on Dean’s face fell slightly, brows furrowing. “You okay?”
“‘M fine,” you say, offering a smile as you brush past the pair in favor of making your way to the door.
The outside air, though not very much cooler than the bar, felt better on your skin as you clutched the strap of your bag. The tears that welled in your eyes wasted no time in spilling over your cheeks now that you were alone, lip quivering pitifully as the hurt in your heart seeped out in waves and made your tears fall faster. They rolled down your heated cheeks and raced along the length of your neck, gathering on the collar of your shirt one after another.
Falling in love with your best friend doesn’t seem so bad until it breaks your heart.
September, 2006
Of all the people to be trapped in a storm with, Dean Winchester isn’t one you’d wanted it to be. The rain had been coming down so hard you could barely see the Impala parked outside the motel room. The wind whipping around had cut the power, effectively stealing your chances of busying yourself with some tv to take your mind off of anything other than the man you shared a room with.
Locking yourself in the bathroom would certainly be an option you’d weighed over more than once in your mind, but the thought of sitting alone in a small room with absolutely no source of light hadn’t been something that enticing to you. The only light in the motel room was the frequent flash of lightning and Dean’s flashlight before the batteries died.
“When’s this storm supposed to die down?” He asked from his bed, getting up to peek out through the blinds.
“Why? You late for a date with Julie?”
It’s quiet for a few moments, the blinds snapping back once he lets go of them and you could feel his stare on you as you looked up at the ceiling from your spot on your bed. Your jaw clenched as another flash of lightning illuminated the room, a booming crack of thunder soon to follow it. You were just waiting for what he had to say.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” There it was.
“I think it’s pretty clear,” you say, tone as witty as it’d been for the last who-knows-how-long.
“We broke up a month ago, Y/n. ‘M surprised you don’t already know that. You know, since you’re the know it all of the friendship.”
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see you, a huff falling past your lips. “Quit it, Dean.”
“What is your problem, Y/n? You’ve been actin’ funny for weeks and it’s driving me crazy. You’re taking every chance you get to get away from me,” he says, anger woven around his every word as his voice raises over the thunder.
“I can’t exactly do that right now,” you say, rolling over on your side as you avoid his question and turn your back to him instead.
You heard him laugh to himself, one void of humor as the springs of his mattress squeak under his weight as he sat down. Your jaw tenses once more as you huff through your nose, loud enough for him to hear as you tried your best to make yourself comfortable for the night.
The emotions clouding your mind were bound to boil over at some point before the night is over now that you’d been stuck with the source of your heartache and you weren’t sure if you’d rather stay or walk through the downpour coming down outside. The more you thought on it, the more you thought better of it despite how tempting it may have been.
The simple sight of him had tugged at your heart, making you think of just how foolish it was to fall for your best friend, or perhaps even more so that you hadn’t told him before. You couldn’t get Sam’s words out of your head no matter how hard you tried. If Sam of all people thinks you should have then maybe it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to put your heart on the line. Maybe you should’ve said it, you certainly had plenty of opportunities to do it. But it didn’t matter anymore, not really, your heart was heavy and your mind was heavier as you sulked and moped in your own misery.
You pushed away your own best friend and it was time you’d never get back, all because you had feelings you couldn’t swallow down. But they were always there, and now they’d gone and boiled over.
“You wanna know why it didn’t work out between us?” He asks, sudden as his question cuts through the quiet in the room save for the ongoing storm. You don’t say a word, laying still as your gaze is fixed on the wall and your back remains to him. You don’t know what he could possibly say or what it was supposed to make you feel but you couldn’t find it in yourself to press for an answer. If he told you, fine, but if he didn’t—
“It didn’t work because she wasn’t you.”
You stilled even more if that was possible, your heart skipping more than a few beats as your brows furrow. You were utterly baffled, unsure if you’d even heard him correctly or if it was some dream you’d been having that you were bound to wake up from. Your movement was sudden as you sat up and turned around, the faint bit of light illuminating the expression you held.
He sat across from you on the edge of his bed, brows knit together in the dim lighting. He laughed softly as he looked at his hands, shaking his head. He stood to his feet and ran his hands through his hair, pacing a bit before he stood still.
“You’re my best friend, Y/n. You’re a pain in the ass, sure, but you’re my best friend,” he starts, your lips pursing as he cracked a smile. “I don’t know how I didn’t see it lately, I really don’t. But I’ve been lovin’ you since I was sixteen and it took me ten years and a month full of you ignoring me to see it. She’s not you, Y/n.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He laughed softly, rubbing his face and releasing a sigh.
“Because, my life isn’t exactly a chick flick where the guy gets the girl of his dreams, is it, sweetheart? It’s more of a tragic Lifetime movie where the guy’s best friend falls for someone else,” he says, the corner of his mouth quirking up as he looked at his feet.
You swallowed thickly as you looked at him, cheeks burning and stomach filled with butterflies that raged in your stomach. You were at a loss for words as you sat there, starting to wonder for the second time that night if what you were hearing was a dream. Dean Winchester, your best friend, the one you’d spend the better part of ten years pining after, was in love with you. You couldn’t grasp that thought. Not that you had much time to before he spoke up.
“Sweetheart, please say something. I know you’re mad at me but right now I’m starting to feel a little bit like a complete idiot and I—”
Before he could finish you’d already stood to your feet and grabbed the collar to his leather jacket, your lips on his without second thought. It took him by surprise for just a moment before his hands settled on your face, his smile pressing into your lips. You pulled away for just a second, his lips lingering over yours in hopes you wouldn’t stray too far. You wouldn’t, just enough for you to say one more thing.
“You are an idiot.”
He huffed out a soft laugh as his breath brushed warmly against your lips, hands dropping from your face in favor of pulling you closer before he dipped down and kissed you again.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @dean-is-sams-apple-pie @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes
410 notes · View notes
I haven’t really had a chance yet to reflect on my thoughts after watching 6x02 (I did post a speculation that managed to get a few things right, lol), but I’ve been stewing over an observation I don’t believe I’ve seen discussed much elsewhere (if I missed anything, please direct me to it since I love reading others’ takes). I put my thoughts below the cut because (as usual) they’re kind of long.
(As always, I recognize that the writers are who they are and are almost assuredly not thinking about anything this deeply. I just enjoy speculating and analyzing things)
To me, the “haunted” apartment feels like it could potentially be read as a metaphor for Jughead’s mind/heart. He’s allowed Tabitha into this space, but it doesn’t really seem like she has full access, or that she even spends a lot of time there or feels completely at home. There were a few moments that led me to this conclusion.
Early on in the episode, when Tabitha confronts Jughead about withholding the fact that their new abode was the site of a murder-suicide, she asks why he didn't tell her “the truth.”
Jughead’s responds, “Because when you saw (the apartment), you fell in love with it.”
To me, it seems like he’s concealing aspects of himself from Tabitha, or that she’s not willing to look too closely because she’s fears what she might find. Or maybe (most likely), it’s a bit of both.
A similar theme is evident in the (slightly earlier) discovery of the secret nook/closet inside the apartment. Someone had effectively papered over it long ago, hiding it from sight. Inside, Tabitha and Jughead see many Scotch bottles cluttering the surfaces (”Isn’t that what you used to drink?” Tabitha asks). But now, instead of liquor, they each contain model ships. The bottles themselves are dusty, but the ships themselves are perfectly preserved. Much has already been said about the symbolism here (not exactly subtle there, Riverdale), so I’ll move on (although Tabitha referring to them repeatedly as Jughead’s “boats” was an interesting word choice).
The newly uncovered nook seems to “awaken” something in both Jughead and Tabitha. For Jughead, it manifests in the first real creative spark he’s had after years of battling writer’s block. It’s almost like the closet is a vault where he keeps his innermost self locked up or walled off. He’s now able to access and write down his thoughts and ideas while he’s in this space (I personally don’t believe this is due to the influence of “Sam the Ghost,” although it could perhaps be related to an entirely different type of “ghost” haunting our hero).
For Tabitha, however, the nook’s discovery causes her to spiral further into seething resentment, jealousy, and rage. This is later largely blamed on the “ghosts,” although any supposed “ghost” interference seemed very minimal to me, especially when compared to what Toni and Betty were dealing with in another storyline. Eventually, this all comes to a head in the now infamous and disquieting typewriter scene. That incident, in turn, leads to one of the saddest first “I love you’s” I’ve personally watched, with two dead-eyed people kneeling defeatedly on a debris-littered floor in lighting I wouldn’t exactly describe as auspicious. Again, much has already been said about this, so there’s no need to elaborate further.
But, for me, the worst moment actually comes after these scenes. Instead of talking through (or even giving name to) the very real and legitimate issues that triggered the meltdown (and there were many), Jughead and Tabitha apparently decide it’d be better to simply wall off the nook again. They do this despite believing the supposed “ghosts” vacated the apartment after the “I love you” exchange. They don’t clear out the remaining bottles and other items left inside, they just hide the evidence from their sight. But it’s all still there with them, lurking behind the walls. (However, the typewriter remains on the outside and is taped together and somehow functional in the next episode)
As they’re blocking off valuable square footage in their apartment, the pair has a depressing conversation in which Jughead remarks that love might just be “a series of tests.” While this notion isn’t entirely off-base, I’m not sure I’d consider “surviving” their first fight in the manner we were shown and told as worthy of passing any “test.” 
Jughead then proceeds to say that he knows it’s “kind of bleak, but...” 
Tabitha finishes his sentence with “...Kind of sweet.”
To me, that sentiment about sums up their relationship. They both deserve better (everyone deserves better than this).
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers Getting Possessive at the Club
… I can explain. Or, well, no I can't. But this exists now anyway so enjoy?
Warnings: Possessive Behavior, Yandere-ish, Violence
Intro: The MC and their favorite demon were just trying to have a fun night out at The Fall. The lights were going, the music was blaring, and the two of them were by the bar but there was a problem. Their demon noticed a sketchy creep who'd been eyeing their human all night long… and that simply won't do. So when their human left to use the bathroom…
It was time to take care of the problem.
Though Lucifer was usually less than into the club scene, the MC wanted a change of pace from their usual dates and he did so want to make them happy… At first, he thought he'd just be dealing with the loud noise and crowded atmosphere but then he noticed something else…
A demon had been following them through most of the night, always keeping his distance but staring at the MC far too much for his liking…
This put Lucifer in a bit of an odd position. He didn't exactly want to leave the club because the MC didn't look tired yet, but he also didn't like seeing that cretin following them around…
Yet, of course, it also rubbed his pride the wrong way to go tell him to stop directly. Lucifer would never admit to feeling bothered by some pitiful lesser demon… Never.
But by the time the MC left him to use the restroom, he was at his wit's end. He could see the man had taken a seat at the other end of the bar just to watch them and he was growing irritated… So he had to devise a new strategy.
It's unusual for demons to walk around in their true forms. It's not that it's frowned upon or anything, it's just that it's normally something reserved for big events… or for displays of dominance and control.
So when Lucifer slipped into his demon form in the middle of The Fall, it turned quite a few heads. Truthfully, there was only one head in particular that he wanted his way, and once he got it, he stared the guy down…
It was a taste of the lowlife's own medicine, but so much worse coming from him… The feel of Lucifer's bloody-onyx eyes and chillingly cold smile from across the bar could have made even the strongest men run for the hills…
Needless to say, the demon didn't last very long under the eldest brother's gaze. In fact, he wilted almost immediately before slinking away as quickly as he could… 
A guy not even able to stomach the firstborn's stare? Truly a pathetic coward if Lucifer ever saw one.
He was totally back to normal by the time the MC returned and went back to dancing with them like nothing ever happened… Though his human couldn't help but notice the crowd kept their distance from them for the rest of the night... 
Eh, Hell is just weird sometimes isn't it?
Look, Mammon had been trying to have some fun the whole night and for the most part he'd been succeeding except for one thing…
He could sense that asshole still hadn't left them alone. He'd just hover near him and his MC like a hellhound stalking prey… It was annoying. It was creepy…
And it was reeeaaallly getting on his nerves.
When the MC left for the restroom, he was leaning back against the bar scanning the room for their abhorrent admirer while using the tint of his sunglasses to hide his eyes.
It didn't take him long to see the gross fuck sitting alone at a table. Who knew what he was planning... following them home? Taking candid shots of MC? Either way, he wanted to sock him in the jaw…
But, of course, Mammon knew he had to play it just a little smoother than that to stay in the club.
Mammon sauntered over to the man's table and invited himself to sit, kicking his feet up to look casual but knocking his boots against the surface so roughly it made the guy jump... Pathetic.
"Oi, so I've seen ya lookin at my human… Real work of art, eh?" He flashed the guy a fanged grin and watched him sweat for a second before cutting off any answer.
"-'course they are. Don't need to tell me. But I gotta say, you're really ticking me off, bud… We're just tryin to enjoy ourselves but I keep seeing your ugly mug wherever we're at."
He pulled his legs back from the table and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a deck of playing cards.
"Tell ya what, I'm feelin oddly generous so let's play a game. You and me. If ya win, I'll let ya have a night with'em…" He fought the urge to punch the guy when he saw his eyes light up, "but if I win…"
Mammon put the deck on the table then leaned in real close, "I'll flay your skin off and gild ya skeleton in the 4th circle myself… Gold skulls are selling like hotcakes right now." He put every bit of malice he could into the threat, even barring his increasingly sharpening fangs.
The guy must of had a good head on him because he paled immediately before getting up and running from the table. If there's one thing everybody knows about Mammon, it's never play cards with him if he can make even a single Grimm… Chances are, you're gonna lose.
When the MC came back, Mammon flagged them down to their new table and pulled them onto his lap for a little chat before getting more drinks. They're his human. His.
Of course Levi noticed this creep the second that they walked in. He's Envy. He had been hyper-vigilant of all the attention the MC had been receiving since their first step inside. But this guy was… persistent.
He'd been tailing them all night, always finding spots with good vantage points, which of course was sketch as hell but...
Honestly? Levi just didn't like him looking at them. Not at all. In fact, he'd hazard to say he truly hated this complete stranger for how much real estate his eyes were taking up of his precious MC… What gave him the right??
By the time the MC had to use the restroom, he was sitting at the bar seriously contemplating whether or not to just carry them home… He didn't like night clubs anyway, but they seemed to be having fun and they always looked so cute while dancing…
No. He couldn't just take them home. But once they left, he had a much better idea.
It was easy for Levi to slip away from the bar. The asshole was leaned back against a nearby wall and pretty much pulled his phone out the second the MC was out of sight. From there, Levi only had to do what he did best, blend into the background, until he was right next to the guy...
He didn't say anything. He didn't give him any warning or threat. No, no he was far too ticked to be that charitable…
The only indication the man got of how royally he fucked up was the searing pain of Levi's fangs digging into his shoulder, the thirdborn's gloved hand muffling his screams until the venom took hold of his prey.
The last thing that man ever saw, propped up and paralyzed against the wall, was the MC coming back to their docile otaku, who now pulled them into his arms… still shooting the occasional smirk in his victim's direction.
And the last thing he ever heard was the same word his killer whispered to him after his throat became too tight to scream… "Mine."
This always seemed to happen whenever he took the MC places… They could be walking together in the park and he'd still see lesser demon eyes following them around...
Frankly, it did piss him off to a degree. He knew they never asked to be stared at like a piece of meat, but if he'd go on a rampage every time it happened then they'd never have a quiet date again. So he learned to put up with it… to an extent.
The demon that had been following them that night was really testing his notoriously short patience...
He had tried several tactics to shake the guy as they were dancing but he'd always come right back. He even got more handsy than normal to show, "Hey, this one is mine!" but that had gotten him equally dismal results… It was bordering the line of disrespect now.
He did his best to keep up a friendly face while the MC was with him, but they must have noticed he'd gotten tense. They told him to try and relax a bit before they left for the bathroom…
Oh, he was going to relax alright.
The second they were out of sight, Satan's smile broke into a glare he leveled right at the offending scumbag's table. Of course, seeing the MC had left put the guy's attention elsewhere, but that was his funeral.
Satan knew his time was limited, so he skipped the pleasantries and marched right over to him, slamming his foot down onto the edge of the table with such force it threatened to tip it over then grabbed him by the neck.
"Back. OFF."
It really didn't take much, his reputation preceded him. He felt the guy's pulse skyrocket between his fingers before he let him go.
It was hard not to get a little satisfaction when watching the worthless creep scramble away from him like his life depended on it (as it very much did). He almost considered giving chase just to amp up the fun, but the MC returned sooner than he expected…
A pair of arms around his waist and lips against his cheek were enough to evaporate his anger right then… but it didn't settle his sudden need to mark them in the slightest.
Ultimately, the real question was whether he could wait until they got home to show the world that they were his or if they needed to find somewhere… quieter. No promises, MC.
Asmo had dealt with his fair share of admirers, the stalking kind included. Fortunately, dealing with them had always been relatively easy for him (he is a ruler of Hell after all) but one targeting his beloved human…? That was far less acceptable in his eyes.
He caught sight of the beady eyes of the creep while he was dancing with the MC. At first, he thought the guy was looking at him (who wouldn't?) but then he followed his eyeline right to his lovely human companion…
Though he couldn't exactly blame him for staring, he and MC made a fantastic looking pair, he definitely couldn't sit idly by either. People like this are usually bad news and he refused to let any harm come to his MC…!
He was as tactful as ever, though. He liked The Fall and would rather not be banned from returning… He waited patiently for the MC to go to the bathroom before making his way over to the creep, his perfect smile still sitting on his face.
"Excuse me, cutie." He waited for the stalker's eyes to leave his phone and settle on Asmo's own. "Ah, there you are! Good. I had a question for you, I think… oh no, I must have forgotten it! Silly me."
Though he could see the demon was growing annoyed, Asmo stalled for just a few moments longer… just long enough for his bewitching charm to set into his victim's mind.
"Ah! Now I remember. Do you like dogs?" He smiled in satisfaction to see the creeper's head nod slowly. "Oh good! Because I know a very hungry dog right now… Cerberus is his name and I don't think he's had a meal today. Would you be a doll and go feed him for me? He lives in the cave behind the House of Lamentation. You can't miss him."
The demon's head nodded slowly yet again as he rose from his chair and walked out of the club quietly. Quick, painless, and with no messy cleanup!
Well… none that Cerberus wouldn't clean up for him anyway. Asmo returned to the bar with a newly giddy grin on his face... His MC wouldn't be seeing that man ever again~!
Beel is very patient. Beel is very kind. Beel is very forgiving. Beel is… really not about this right now...
Unlike his brothers, Beel's easygoing nature made him less quick to pick up on the lingering glances that the MC gets from others. Even when he does notice, he can usually let it slide if looking is all they do (he's the only one who can touch after all).
But even he couldn't miss how wolfishly that demon was staring at them… It made him uncomfortable and the guy just refused to leave them alone…
By the time the MC left Beel at the bar to use the restroom, he was on a level of irritated usually only reserved for when someone denied him food… It was like that jerk had taken a cheese grater to his patience and it was wearing thin…
As much as he knew he could deck him, he didn't want to get them kicked out… The MC was having such a good time, despite the creep's ogling, so he used a different approach…
Being so high up in Hell had its perks and one was that anywhere in town that offered food also had a secret menu… A Beelzebub Only menu (as a precaution so that he wouldn't wreck the place whenever he stopped by). Anything on his menu always had huge portions and The Fall was no exception.
The bartender didn't seem too surprised when he ordered a Drakon Leg, but he was very surprised when he asked to get the full bone too… Not with the meat on it. Just the bone.
Fun Fact: the bones of Drakons are supremely thick and strong enough to be used as clubs.
Even More Fun Fact: it takes an incredible amount of force to snap these bones…
...which Beel did without breaking a sweat… and maintaining eye contact with the creep The. Entire. Time. The sound of the bone snapping in two was almost as deafening as a gunshot and he didn't even flinch.
The demon went running out of the club with his tail between his legs and quickly got swapped out for the MC running back, worried about what made such a loud noise…
Of course, by that time Beel had the bone thrown away and was chowing down on the meat like nothing ever happened so they dropped the subject soon enough...
He may not be as open about when he claims someone as the rest of his family but that's because when push comes to shove, who in their right mind would want to challenge Beel anyway...?
Nope. Nope. Nope nope nope, he's not having this. Not one bit.
Belphie lacks a lot of the good-natured patience of his twin... Chances are if there's something happening and he's not stopping it, it's just because putting up with it is the path of least resistance…
But there are always exceptions and those are usually reserved for the MC.
Strangers trying to get close or even imagining themselves being with MC really makes his blood boil… He knew them the most. He loved them the most. On just what grounds did some random moron think he could take his place?? Wishful thinking? Keep dreaming, buddy.
So, of course, he wasn't happy when he noticed some asshole staring at the MC like Beel does when he sees a havoc roast...
He kept his poker face up while he was with the MC, but he was devising a plan to take care of him the entire time… One he finally got the chance to enact once the MC went to the bathroom.
He's even better at going unnoticed than Levi, so sneaking his way over to the asshole was a piece of cake. He didn't notice until Belphie casually draped his arm around the guy's neck, hanging his clawed hand dangerously close to the scumbag's heart...
"Having a good time…?"
He could feel a shallow swallow against his arm as he began to slowly apply pressure to his trachea.
"I bet you were… and I was too until I saw you following us… Care to explain yourself?"
"I-I uh-Gah!" 
The guy's voice gets cut off by Belphie's arm getting even tighter, the sharp tips of his claws drumming directly over the man's thundering heart.
"Ugh, that's what you actually sound like? Never mind, it's not worth knowing…" His fingers stopped drumming and slowly began to dig into his skin...
"I'm only going to say this once… If I ever see you tailing my human again, you won't be needing this-" his claws drilled a little deeper into his chest, "-anymore. Am I clear?"
The demon's head nodded as much as his strangled throat would allow and Belphie finally retracted his claws, wiping the blood off on the guy's shirt before letting him go. He fell forward onto all fours before attempting to scramble away as fast as he could...
Belphie watched him go with disinterest on his face, but satisfaction in his heart. Yet another threat to his human dealt with… And they could go back to enjoying their evening together. Alone. Just where his human belonged...
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celsidebottom · 2 years
Yes I know I have other prompts to post however I’m on a zevwarden kick and Zevran just said ‘mi amor’ to my Warden for the first time this playthrough, so here’s Leliana telling him to fess up and admit to Nelka how he feels about her
“Zevran, you said ‘mi amor’ to me earlier.  I assume that’s Antivan.  What does it mean?”
If Nelka noticed the way Zevran froze at the question, she didn’t let on.  He composed himself quickly enough, and replied, “Ah, yes, it is Antivan.  Just a greeting for a good friend, that sort of thing. I don’t believe there is a direct translation.”
Nelka smiled and let out a fond, yet skeptical, murmur.  Then, she added, “Okay, Wynne wanted to talk to me earlier and I should go before she gives me another lecture about punctuality or something.  I’ll be back later.”
She trotted off to the other side of camp.  As Zevran watched her go, he barely noticed Leliana sidle up to him.
“We both know you’re full of it,” she said.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I learned a fair bit of Antivan back when I was a bard in Orlais,” she explained.  “We both know that ‘mi amor’ isn’t meant for any old friend.”
Zevran sighed.  “Do you have a point?”
“You need to tell her how you feel.  Why keep it hidden?”
“Because… because…”  He gestured briefly in Nelka’s direction.  “She has more important things to worry about.  And it was I that suggested this be a one day at a time, no emotions nor strings attached sort of affair when we began our ‘relationship.’”
“Just because things have changed, that does not mean you were dishonest with her.”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Zevran, please.  It’s clear she’s mad about you.  Look at how she keeps glancing this way, just to look at you, while she’s listening to Wynne.”
“You think so?”  His hope was clearly audible in his voice.  He had wondered if Nelka cared for him in the same way, as something besides friendship and the benefits they shared, but he could never tell for certain.  If Leliana saw it too, then perhaps…
He shook his head.  “Now isn’t the time for such fancies, regardless.”
“Now is exactly the time for fancies and feelings,” Leliana rebuked.  “With the Blight bearing down on us and Loghain conniving in Denerim, who knows how long any of us have?  Surely it is better to be honest with her now, than to regret it later.”
Zevran scoffed.  “I have plenty of regrets.  What’s one more?  Besides, what if she does not feel the same way toward me as I do for her?”
“I’m pretty sure that she would let you down easily.  I confessed that I had feelings for her, and she was so kind in stating that she wasn’t interested in me like that.”
“Wait, wait,” Zevran interrupted, a smirk on his face since he now knew a secret.  “You have feelings for Nelka?”
“No, no, no, you don’t get to turn this around on me,” Leliana insisted, promptly ignoring him.  “She also told me that her affections lie elsewhere.  I wonder where else that might be, hm?”
Part of Zevran wanted to tease Leliana again, but how could he blame her for caring about Nelka?  Instead, he let out a heavy sigh and allowed himself to be serious for a brief moment.
“I am generally good with my words,” he said.  “But with her… whenever I try to say how I feel, my words get caught in my throat and it’s all I can do to remember how to speak at all.”
“Well, maybe you don’t have to directly tell her that you love her.  Maybe you can show her.”
“Hm.”  He wondered what gesture would possibly show Nelka how much he cared.  But it was something to consider, in any case.  “I suppose.”
“You should think about it,” Leliana said as she turned to leave him with his thoughts.  Then, she spun back around to face him.  “And if you make any sly comments about how I had a crush on Nelka, then I will tell her myself what ‘mi amor’ actually means.”
Zevran held up his hands in mock defeat.  “Fear not, your secret is safe with me.”
With that, Leliana left Zevran alone.  He took a seat on a log near the fire and stared into the flames, playing with the earring he took from his first job as Crow.  Occasionally, he glanced up to watch Nelka check in with everyone, and he knew that Leliana was right - Nelka did deserve to know the truth.  But Zevran couldn’t help but feel that he didn’t deserve her.
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Why are you here?
Pairing: Kaneki x reader (x Ayato)
Warning: Fluff, Language, smut, fingering, oral,
Summary: She likes Kaneki and wants to know why he joined Aogiri Tree. She gets her answers and more .
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Why was he here?
Ken Kaneki it was obvious he was here for his own personal reasons and benefits. But what were they? Why join Aogiri Tree the people who kidnapped and tortured him? Why?
These were what thoughts ran through (y/n) head every time she saw him. At first, she didn't care but the more she saw him and got to know him the more the questions nagged her.
why was he here?
Her reason was obviously, Ayato, her best friend she followed him like a lost puppy. She had no one else. But why was Kaneki here? It seemed as if everyone but she knew.
Why was he here?
I can smell your brain frying from here. Just go talk to him." Ayato said seating on the window seal (y/n) sat on her bed she had a dumbfounded look. "oh don't give me that look. I can see your head turning. Your wondering why again. How about instead of wondering YOU GO ASK" Ayato had watched (y/n) drive herself mad putting theories of why together. He knew why Kaneki was here, to get stronger simple as that. To reach his true form. Weird sentimental shit.
"you think he'll answer me" (y/n) stood from her bed
"why shouldn't he, it's just a question" Ayato shrugged and (y/n) nodded as she left the room Ayato watched her go.
He didn't like this obsession (y/n) had with Kaneki it made him uneasy. He thought Kaneki a bit unstable though respected him for his strength, goals, and ability to protect his sister. Ayato thought himself almost equal to Kaneki, ALMOST.
(Y/n) stood in front of Kaneki's door hesitate to go in. Alright, alright you got this. She went to knock on his door then opened it not waiting for a response.
"I wondered when you would come in?" Kaneki said standing in front of a window.
"why are you here?" (y/n) jumped straight to the question. Kaneki looked over his shoulder. Did she really not know? Everyone else knew even the higher-ups who allowed him to join knew. But she didn't know. Guess you could blame Ayato for that. Even as a goal he kept her very clueless and innocent.
He was bored maybe this would be fun.
"what, you don't know?" Kaneki turned around. "no" she looked so adorable. "I thought it was obvious, apparently not. Why do you think I'm here?"
"Just a theory but...maybe Ayato. I mean he's Touka, your friend's, brother. Maybe you're here to convinces him to go back. Or... you' re a spy here together secrets maybe you' re part of the CCG. Oh, or you're here to work up the ranks then kill the one eyed ghoul, The leader".
(y/n) took a seat on Kaneki's couch as she rambled on and on somewhere in her rambling she switched from theories to books to movies. She didn't even notice when Kaneki handed her a cup of coffee. Kaneki found her rambling and how she easily switched between topics adorable (y/n) didn't even notice how comfortable she had made herself until she took a sip of her coffee.
Shoes off, curled up on his couch, coffee in hand, Kaneki sitting across with a small smile.
"oh my gosh, I am so sorry" (y/n) tried to get up seeing as she had made herself too comfortable.
"no, no, no" Kaneki stopped her "it's fine it's fine"
"I was rambling then got comfortable"
"I like it. It's adorable" (y/n) blushed settling back into the couch. The only person that enjoyed her rambling was Ayato. It was flattering to have someone else enjoy it.
"Did any of my theories come close" Kaneki chuckled "yes and no". "well are you going to tell me what I got right"
"tell me" (y/n) whined leaning against Kaneki "why"
"I want to know why you're here"
"Why do you want to know so badly that you're begging for it" the tension in the air got really but it wasn't scary tension but something else.
" I ... because. I want to know when you're going to leave" she pulled away and looked down. She hated to have to say it but she had developed a small crush on Kaneki in his time being here. She liked him since the day they kidnapped him. That was fun.
Kaneki leaned in a little closer setting her coffee cup elsewhere. "why do you want to know that?"
"I... I don't want you to leave" Kaneki wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap.
"and why is that, (y/n), why don't you want me to leave?" oh this boy was playing dirty like the devil.
"I enjoy you're Company and I like you and - I just want you to stay. Who will I have to talk about books when you're gone?"
"Don't you have Ayato?" Kaneki asked as his lips ghost across her skin. She shivered. "I'm sure he'll be happy to listen to you" he kissed and sucked on her neck as she whimpered and whined under him.
"Ayato, h-he doesn't really listen. I- I aaahhhhhh" (y/n) moaned as Kaneki's hand moved up and grasped her breast through her shirt. Kaneki leaned back (y/n) still in his lap and put his arms behind his head.
"You want me to stay then make me stay. Show me you want me to stay."
(y/n) slid off of Kaneki's lap and got on her knees in front of him. She made direct eye connect with him as she unbuckled his pants and pulled out his cock. (y/n) leaned forward still making eye connect with she kissed the tip of his cock. "you're going to need to do more than that if you want me to stay"
Licking for the base to the tip (y/n) took all of Kaneki's cock in her mouth in one got quickly hitting the back of her throat. She had most defiantly done this before. Kaneki groaned but kept his hands behind his head as (y/n) sucked and bobbed up and down on his cock. He continued to hit the back of her throat as her hands massaged his balls.
"Fuck. I'm not going to last long with you doing all that. As good as the view it I'd like to finish elsewhere." Pulling her back Kaneki stood her up and helped her pull off her dress and panties, thank god she when braless today. Pulling her back down into his lap Kaneki hand found it's between her legs feeling how wet she was. "looks like you enjoyed that as much as me"
(y/n) moaned as his hands spread her folds and slipped inside of her. She leaned forward gripping his shoulders as he pumped his two fingers inside of her and had his thumb working her clit. She moaned as she clawed at his chest.
"yes, yes, yes"
Kaneki fingered her until she was brought to the edge clenching around his fingers then he pulled away. (y/n) whimpered as she felt the emptiness. "don't worry I'm giving you something bigger". And in one swift move, Kaneki thirsted up into her.
(y/n) screamed and fell on to him as he filled her in one go. He didn't stop to let her adjust but continued to pound into her. It took a moment but soon the  pain became pleasure and (y/n) moaned as Kaneki thrust into her. Arching her back massaging her breast with one hand and her clit with the other.
"I'm I'm so close... please, please, please"
Kaneki speeds up as he gripped her hips tighter and pounded into her harder. (y/n) screamed as she came clenching around Kaneki triggering his end. Feeling Kaneki fill her made her moan and almost come a second time.
Kaneki twisted them so they were laying down on the couch. (y/n) whimpered as Kaneki gripped her ass and lifted her so that he would slip out of her.
Kaneki drew soft circles on (y/n) back as she laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat it was like a loud yet low drum. It was something she'd never get used to, but like to hear.
"Touka," Kaneki said. (y/n) looked up yo see Kaneki looking at the ceiling " I'm here for Touka ... and everyone else at the Café. I want to get strong and better so I can help and protect them. So nothing will ever happen to them. I'm not here for beliefs I'm here for strength".(y/n) sat up
"you could've just told me that we didn't have to do ... this" she waved around to her clothes on the floor and her naked body. Kaneki managed to stay dress the whole time.
"To be honest I was bored" Kaneki chuckled (y/n) scoffed "well I'm glad I could entertain you".
Getting up (y/n) dressed herself leaving Kaneki she heads to her and Ayato's room.
Entering the room she found Ayato in his bed and collapsed on him. Her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat it was nice and soft like a piano. It was something she was already so too and couldn't go a day without hearing.
"did you get your answers" he had one hand on a book and the other combing through her hair. "Touka... and strength. But mainly Touka" he threw his book
"Thought so"
Ayato pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. As he rubbed her thigh he felt a wetness "something tells me you two did more that talked" he said as his hands dipped down into her folds. Shit, she knew she forgot something.
"yeah" (y/n) sighed "He wouldn't tell me at first. Plus he was bored. He wants Touka not me, it was just a waste of fucking time. and he didn't even last that long"
Ayato laughed as he pulled her closer and kissed her cheeks." That's okay I want you. You're my slut best friend."
"who are you calling a slut" (y/n) said sitting up and straddling Ayato
"you, the girl who left then waltzed back in 30 minutes later with no underwear and cum dripping out of her. You are literally dripping ."
(Y/n) pulled up her dress to reveal her clean shaven pussy that was indeed dripping. This was no the first time he had seen her naked nor the last. Ayato laughed. (y/n)pulled her dress down looked directly into his eyes and said
"shut up"
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