#like he can be anywhere from like 15 to 28 tbh
jellycreamjammedart · 11 months
dont mind me im just trying to add timestamps to events in the FNAF movie since dates of events are currently left vague (NOT SPOILER-FREE!)
(feel free to correct me if i misremember or got something wrong, or add to it!)
ok some bits that likely will help:
the movie takes place in the year 2000
mike is... 28 years old, right?
he claims he was about 12 when garret was taken
abby is 10
william says the pizzeria was very popular in the 80's
freddy's opened in 1979... i think? idk i might be wrong tbh
vanessa says the missing children incident is the reason the pizzeria shut down
more will probably come down the way but yeah
ok so...
if mike is 28 in the year 2000, that'd mean he was born around 1972. i dont think we know garret's exact age when he was taken but mike was about 12 when it happened, meaning garret's death happened around 1984.
if freddy's opening in 1979 is correct then we can safely assume the place was already running when garret was taken.
when vanessa reveals her secret to mike, she shows him a picture of her child self with william in a pristine-looking springbonnie suit in what appears to be a still open and running freddy's, with garret's toy plane now in vanessa's hands. if the missing children incident is what caused freddy's shutdown then that'd mean: garret was the first victim and taken before the other five kids, as the presence of his plane in an old photo in an open freddy's means it wasn't shut down when he was taken.
william said freddy's was popular in the 80's, which might suggest the latest it could have been shutdown at to be 1989-- though it maybe could have been open into the very early 90's, but likely not enough for it to be memorable against its popularity in the 80's. with garret's death being around 1984, that'd make the missing children incident and og animatronics possession (and the shutdown of freddy's) possible within the span of 1985 to1989 (so mid to late 80's,) give or take. or even 1984 to 1989, if garret's death and the five kids' deaths happening in the same year is possible, with garret's coming first.
by the time the movie takes place (2000,) that'd mean the five missing kids have been dead for at least 11 years to 15 years at most.
while mike is 28 in 2000, abby is 10, meaning she was born when he was 18, in 1990 (SHE'S A 90'S KID YESSSSSS!) with mike being 12 when garret was taken and 18 when abby was born, that puts a gap of 6 years between garret's death and abby's birth-- so no wonder there was no infant abby in mike's recurring dream of the day garret was taken
ok now to try putting this in a more chronological order...
1972- mike is born 1979- freddy's opens 1984- garret is taken/killed anywhere from 1985 to 1989- the five kids are killed and considered missing, possessing the og animatronics, freddy's shuts down as result 1990- abby is born 2000- movie takes place (and mr. cupcake's reign of terror begins)
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skiasurveys · 2 years
i did this survey 5 years ago and thought i would retake but keep my old answers so i can see if i even changed lmfao
1: - Who was the last person you texted? 
2017: Jennifer
2022: Krystal
2 - When is your birthday? -
2017: dec 5 1996
3 - Who do you want to be with right now? 
2017:Connor but he’s at my house and I’m at “work” haha
2022- any of my friends honestly
4 - What sports do you play? -
2017:I used to be in volleyball
2022: none
5 - Who is the first person in your contacts? -
2017: Adina 
2022: addy
6 - What is your favorite song as of the moment? -
2017: idk
2022: Little dark ages 
7 - If you were stranded on an island, who do you wish to be with? -
2017: Connor
2022: someone who can survive well
8 - What do you feel right now? -
2017: bored
2022: kinda sleepy
9 - What chocolate is your favorite? -
2017: milk
2022: milk or semi sweet or even dark
10 - How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have? 
2017: 4 including the one I am in
2022:  5 
11 - Why did you create a Tumblr account? -
2017- I created this account like 6 years ago .. omg Tumblr was new at the time and it was cool but there was no real reason
2022: i made this blog specific for surveys but my orignal one was cus i thought tumblr was cool and it was newer 
12 - Who is your favorite blogger?
2017: Baseddrphil
2022 i dont have any
13 - Where do you want to be right now? 
2017: Anywhere
2022: new york
14 - What do you want to be in the future? 
2017: Artist
2022: happy
15 - When was the last time you cried? Why? 
2017: Yesterday cus I’m stupid
2022: the other day bc of trauma
16 - Are you happy? 
2017: Meh
2022: no
17 - Who do you miss? 
2017: Connor lol
2022: me
18 - If you were given a chance, would you like to have a different life? -
2022: yes 100% 
19 - What was the best thing you were given? 
2017:-Connor even tho he wasn’t given to me LOL
2022: ^ screaming he abused me. i think the best thing i was given was free tickets to disneyland!!
20 - Who was the last person who called you?
-2017: think mom
2022: mom. lol nothings changed for that
21 - What is your favorite dish? -
2017: roast beef
2022: wingsss
22 - Who is your bestfriend? -
2017: Jennifer and Kyra and Connor too
2022: kyra 
23 - What is your biggest regret? -
2017: meeting Alan and quitting my last job
2022: dating my ex
24 - Have you ever cheated on your partner? -
2017: no
2022: nope
25 - Who do you spend crazy moments with? 
2017: kyra
2022: still kyra tbh
26 - Name someone pretty. -
2017: Olena
2022: me
27 - Who was the last person you hugged? -
2017: Connor
2022: i dont remember 
28 - What kind of music do you listen to? -
2017: all types
2022: still same but i would say alternative 
29 - Are you over your past? -
2017: no
2022: nope
30 - Who is the last person in your contacts? 
2017: yana
2022: zach
31 - What kind of person do you want to date? -
2017: the one I am dating ;)
2022: someone who can make me laugh, and is kind and gente with me.
32 - Do you have troubles sleeping at night? -
2017: if I’m distracted heavily or Connor talks to ficking loud
2022: yep. trauma sucks.
33 - From whom was the last text message you received? 
2017: Kaylie
2022: Krystal
34 - What do you prefer, jeans or skirt? -
2017: jeans
2022: jeans still haha
35 - How’s your heart? -
2017: it’s chill
2022: lonely
36 - Did you ever have a girlfriend/boyfriend whose name starts with a “J”?2017 & 2022 : no
37 - Do you like someone as of the moment? 
2017:-my boyfriend
2022: nah
38 - What would you want to say to your latest ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend? - 2017: I have nothing to say honestly
2022: i hope you rot
39 - Do you have any phobias? 
2017: -rape , suffocation
2022: being stuck or being crazy and not knowing lol
40 - Did you try to change for a person? -
2017: yes
2022: yes, never again. 
41 - What’s the nicest thing have you given to someone? 
2022: my heart
42 - Would you go back to your previous relationship? 
2017: no
2022: fuuuuuUUUckkkkk noooOOO000
43 - Are you in a good or bad mood?
2022: kinda nothing mood
44 - Name someone you can’t live without. -
2017: my bf
2022: my friends
45 - Describe your dream date. 
2017: were both happy , the food is good, doesn’t have to be expensive , we connect well
2022: something fun and chill
46 - Describe your dream wedding. -
2017: I haven’t really ever thought about that
2022: i dont worry abt that stuff anymore
47 - How many roses did you receive last Valentine’s?  
2017: I don’t do valentines
2022: none 
48 - Have you ever been kissed? -
2022: ^
49 - How long is your longest relationship? -
2017: the one I am currently in
2022: 5 years
50 - Do you regret your past?  
2017-some of it
2022: yeah but whats the point ..? it happened.
51 - Can you do something stupid for someone else? 
2022: if they ask and need me too...sure
52 - Have you ever cried over someone? 
2022: oh of course
53 - Do you have a grudge against anyone? 
2022: yea my ex
54 - Are you a crybaby? -
2017 I can be
2022: oh 100%
55 - Do people praise you for your looks? 
2017 - sometimes
2022: sometimes ig? but not like randomly
56 - Did you fall for someone you shouldn’t? -
2017 no
57 - Have you ever done something bad but you don’t regret? 
2017 -yes
2022: yepppp
58 - Do you like getting hurt? -
2017 no
2022: no lol
59 - Does anyone hate you? 
2017 Maybe
2022: probably hahah ive made a few enemies 
60 - Did you slap anyone whose name starts with an “R”? -
2017 never slapped anyone before
2022: no
61 - What hair color do you prefer? -
2017 : on me blonde on a man brown
2022: dark brown
62 - If you can change anything about yourself, what is it? -
2017: my clingyness I hate it
2022: how i perceive myself 
63 - Do you love someone as of the moment? -
2022: Not romantically 
64 - Have you ever thought of killing yourself? -2017: every night
2022: yep
65 - Do you have issues with somebody in your school? 
2017: Not in school
2022: nah
66 - Can you live without internet? -
2017: I could… but. Do I want to …
2022: nah,. i used it too much. also i need it for school lol
67 - What’s the song that remind you of your special someone? - 
2017: I can’t help falling in love
2022: i dont have anyone so no songs i guess
68 - Are you good at holding back your tears?-
2017: to a point
2022: yes
69 - Are you a crybaby? 
2017: You just asked this
2022: ^ lol
70 - Have you ever experienced being hysterical? 
2022: yea
71 - Are you a KPOP fan? 
2022: not really but i like some songs 
72 - Do you study hard? -
2017: I can
2022: i try my best 
73 - Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love?  
2017-not rly
2022: yes.
74 - Did you ever had a kiss under the moonlight? -
2017: no
2022: no :(
75 - Have you ever ridden a boat?  
2022: yea
76 - Did you have an accident last year? 
2022: nope
77 - What kind of person are you? -
2017 dumbbitch
2022: traumatized
78 - Have you ever thought of killing someone? -
2017: yes but not literally
2022: yes
79 - Have you ever been jealous?-
2017 yes
2022: yeah but i wish I wasnt a jealous person, but i am
80 - How can you prove your love to someone? 
2017 By showing them or words
2022: actions 
81 - What are you thinking right now? 
2017: About how much longer I have to do this job
2022: how tired i am
82 - Who is the 6th person in your contacts? 
2017: Colin
2022: ayana 
83 - Do you have any memories you want to erase? 
2017: Yes
2022: always 
84 - Have you been hurt so bad that you can’t find words to explain how you feel?
2017: Yeah
2022: always, man
85 - Did you ever badmouth someone? 
2017 Probs
2022: who hasnt
86 - Have you ever had an argument with someone? 
2017: yes
2022: ^
87 - Do you have trust issues? 
2017: Yeah
2022: very badly 
88 - Are you broken-hearted? 
2017: No
2022: yeah
89 - Who’s the person who first comes to your mind when someone mentions “love”? 
2017: Connor
2022: no one
90 - Do you think all the pain is worth it? 
2017 : Some of it
2022: not really, you can make it worth it i think 
91 - Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? 
2017 Yeah but I also believe if you want it you have to chase it
2022: yes
92 - Who do you want to marry? 
2017 Connor
2022: no one hahahah
93 - Do you believe in destiny?
2017 Ehhh
2022: i think so 
94 - Have you ever thought “I already found my soulmate”?
2017: Yes
2022: no
95 - How do you look right now? 
2017: Shitty
2022: bed head 
96 - Do you believe that first true love never dies? 
2017 Yeah but who knows Connor is really my first true love
2022: no
97 - Have you found your true love? 
2017 Yes
2022: no
98 - What should you be doing right now? 
2017 Nothing rly
2022: sleepingnow hahah
99 - Name one of your ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends. 
2017: Jack
2022: connor
100 - Did you ever feel like you’re not good enough? 
2017: Yes
2022: all the time 
0 notes
ashenberry · 2 years
the oc ask post. give me all of them. give me a long post answering every question on one oc of your choice GO!!!
fuck you. (its all under the cut)
Favorite child AJ wins so this will be on him
The Basics
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign /// Age is vageuly in the 17-22 range because i wont commit to ages for the main trio after i grew older then them the first time i had set ages Birthday is vageuly the october/september range star sign is completely off vibes idc if capricorn is from december to january. capricorn.
2. Gender Identity /// Nonbinary
3. Orientation and Relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?)) /// Bi/Aro & single
4. Race and Ethnicity /// white ig.
5. Height and Body type /// Average height ig? 5'7ish. Not proficient enough in body types to answer the second half
6. Headcanon VA /// everything all the time ever happens vaguely in my default reading voice in my mind so no VA
7. Occupation /// outside of school i think streamer would be really funny
8. Weapon of Choice(?) /// Revolver <3
9. Hometown and current residence /// oh yknow. the vague concept of a town this all takes place within in my mind. around.
10. Do they have any markings, piercings or scars? /// Ears are pierced & this a pretty sizeable scar on his face & neck
11. Do they have any notable features, like horns, tails, or so on? /// This question seems geared towards more supernatural ocs so i dont think its applicable here
12. Own any pets? /// Orange cat named Rummy and husky/corgi mix named BlackJack
13. Have any kids? /// no
14. Can they cook? Can they bake? /// I would say they can cook decently. Passable. better then me. probably cant bake tho #cringefail
15. Can they sing? Can they dance? /// Cant sing (mute) could probably dance t b h
16. Can they drive? /// Physically? Capably? yes. Legally? uuuhhhh
17 Can they fight? /// yes
18. Have any special keepsakes? /// I dont think so?
19. Hobbies /// Local nuisance
20. Clothing/Aesthetic /// problem is i dont have a good grasp on that so idk if my characters do. i would say u can just look at his tag but tumblr is a broken fuckin mess and i think theres only 2 post showing up under his tag rn
21. Fave food(s) and drink(s) /// burger and a sprite
22. Fave Color /// Oramge :]
23. Fave Genre /// question maker. favorite genre of what. idk horror probably
24. Fave Season /// Fall
25. City or Country? /// City
26. Guilty Pleasure /// Shitty horror movies
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them? /// No clue on the parent situation but hes the middle child with a younger sister (Dee) and an older brother and their relationship is pretty good
28. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level? /// Atleast highschool level idk but college
29. What was childhood like? /// good, fairly non-tragic. nothin too interesting there to the best of my knowledge
30. What was adolescence like? /// mid.
31. What’s their current main conflict? /// please hes the stable normal one his main conflict is getting enough couch time
32. What steps have they taken to overcome this conflict? /// alas. despite his best efforts he cannot escape the Plot
33. How have they changed over time? /// I guess my answer really boils down to Maturing? honed his craft. Fucked around and found out.
For Fun
34. What’s their room look like right now? /// A mess but its been worst
35. What are they like as a friend? /// Hes the one that will commit to the bit to his grave. tbh hes a bit of a jackass but he'll always bail everyone out of a bad situation
36. What are they like as a partner? /// Fuck if i know
37. Do they have any phobias? /// nah
38. Did/do they go anywhere special for vacations? /// honestly his family is probaly the type to go to national parks.
39. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order? /// A bagel. maybe even two
40. What time do they go to bed, usually? /// Midnight-ish which isnt even the worst in the trio
41. What’s their morning routine like? probably waking up, laying in bed on his phone for a couple of hours, hygine shit and then f o o d.
42. What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done? /// any act of hubris really. getting standed in Cincinnati is up there tho
43. What pokemon would your character be (if they’re already a pokemon/gijinka tell us what they are, and how that’s affected them)?/// Questions that suck ass to answer when the only pokemon in my heart is totodile. anyways the answer is typhlosion
44. What’s their pokemon team? Try to pick all 6. /// skipping i do not know pokemon deeply enough to not just say what i would want. which is the crocodile team.
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!) /// skipping
46. If this character was in a musical, what would their motif be (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, ect). skipping these last couple questions kinda suck
The Deep Lore™
47. What was this character’s biggest turning point in their life, something that changed them almost completely? /// Would definently be the night he got his shit kicked in protecting his sister getting your shit kicked in an inch of your life does tend to change a man
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story? / 50. What are some motifs associated with your character? /// rebirth in a sense ig.
51. What were some inspirations for your character (people, movies, games)? /// Well there is the Origin :tm: which at the moment i think only 2 people know who that is but uhh. hawks bnha and sissle ghost tricfk also have similar vibes to him. in my heart
52. How are you and your character the same? How are you different? /// thats some introspection neither of us are getting
53. Expectations vs Reality: what did you expect and what did you get with this character? i didnt expect SHIT this asshole came to ME and started making demands and now hes my favorite guy to overdesign
54. What does your character want, and what do they need? /// he wants to just sit back and observe wants going on around him but he needs to intervene.
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? When happens when these all interact with each other? /// ok i have been sitting on this one for a couple of days and i am just. not good enough with words or explaining myself to answer it i REALLY hope the other 55 answers at least gave you an idea.
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults? /// In this story hes gonna get a happy ending but i cannot guarantee his safety in the next one or the last one, but thats true for most of my characters
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vingtiemes · 2 years
@aspirinqs​​ inquires:  ✿ hehe
Tumblr media
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mine’s ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours’ ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muse’s side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mine’s wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours’ wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other
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avinaccia · 3 years
A Completely Objective and Logical Ranking of Every Hetalia Character Song
New character songs are dropping,  I have too much time on my hands, let’s go. 
Also here’s a Youtube playlist for the ~✨nostalgia✨~
Bring it on in the tags 
71. Ah Legendary Class⭐The Awesome Me Highway [Prussia]: Absolutely tearing it up on the drums and on the vocal cords alike (I pray for Atsushi Kousaka). Great for the memes. 
70.  Happy Thoughts Museum [???]: This is listed as an official song but I had literally never heard of the title. Then I listened to it and BAM! Smack back to 2013 watching the teasers for the show on Funimation. Not sure I’d count it as a character song though...
69. (Nice)  My Song that is written by me for me [Prussia]: Deafened me but I can appreciate the industrial grind.
68.  My House is...Quiet. ~With the Trolls~ [Norway]: I have never heard this song, nor can I find any version of it online. By default it goes here and I am so sorry Norge.
67.  Make a Wish to Santa♪ [Sealand]: The discordant notes and childish exuberance only serve to make this sound like a demonic plea to Santa to eliminate the singer’s enemies.
66.  Heaven and Hell on Earth [Rome]: Rome sounds like he’s been in the corner of a restroom. Extra points for the metal version, minus points for the fact that the beach scene was replayed like 1764 times.
65. Canada Complete Introduction [Canada]: Quiet af until Kumacheerio shows up and blows out your speakers. they did you dirty my darling 😔
64.  It’s Easy!!! [America]: I don't think any video of this has ever stayed up for more than 20 seconds. Sounds cool, but like I was listening to 20 different genres at once, someone make him calm down.
63.  Bù Zàiyì the Small Stuff ☆ [China]: I cannot for the life of me find the complete song anywhere, clips have a cool beat though
62.  Let's Boil Hot Water♪ [Italy]: Exactly what it says on the tin..though a bit too close to elevator music for my tastes.
61.  The Fragrance of Early Summer [Japan]: Very ‘from the books’ Japan-esque song
60.  Peace Sounds Nice…[Baltic Trio]: All well and good until the radio demon shows up
59.  W●D●C ~World Dancing~ [America]: How a song can sound like it’s from 4 different decades at once is beyond me
58.  Overflowing Passion [BFT]: This is just drunken karaoke and I have 0 clue what’s going on #iconicforallthewrongreasons
57. Ren●Ren●Renaissance♪ [Rome+Chibitalia]: Wholesome Grandpa with Grandson content - barring the fact that Italy sounds on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Rome has had too much wine.
56.  Roma Antiqua [Rome]: Similar energy to any one of China’s songs - there’s a part of the song where it sounds like he’s singing in the shower, and I will never not laugh at [CENSORED]
55.  Country From Where the Sun Rises, Zipangu [Japan]: Very chill, very Japan, but just meh for me.
54.  Moon Over Emei Shan [China]: Good message, okay song.
53.  My Friend [England]: What a mind palace you must have Mr. Kirkland
52.  With Love, from Iceland [Iceland]: Three words: Heavy. Metal. Puffin.
51.  Having Friends is Nice...♫ [Russia]: Russia is the cutest thing ever
50.  Mm. [Sweden]: Smooth transition from WWE Smackdown to shopping at IKEA.
49.  Why don’t you come over? ~Beyond the Northern Lights~ [Iceland]: I don’t want to be mean but...this does sound like the second closing theme to an anime whose first closing was much more popular (à la Soul Eater)
48. Gakuen☆Festa [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Sounds like a 60s song of the summer but oh dear their voices do not go together. Hella cute though.
47.  Wa! Wa!! World Ondo [Main Cast]: One time I travelled 10 hours in a coach bus with a bunch of teenagers to a city of note in my country, and the only souvenir I bought was the fucking PAINT IT WHITE DVD. Perfectly chaotic, UN ĐĕùX~~
46.  In the Bluebell Woods [England]: In the album cover for this song he’s holding a guitar but this is not a rock song. Still has ‘running through the hills’ levels of dramatism though.
45.  Poi Poi Poi♪ [Taiwan]: You’re telling me that Taiwan, someone whose has *ONE LINE* in Beautiful World (which is criminal tbh what kind of representation-) managed to get an eNTIRE CHARACTER SONG???????
44.  White Flame [Russia]: There’s something to be said for a song that is 3x the length of any Hetalia episode
43.  Ich liebe… [Germany]: Baking cakes for your friends has never been so wholesome.
42.  We Wish you a Merry Christmas [America, China, England, France, Russia]: Nice to see they’ve gotten their shit together since United Nations Sta-hmm.
41.  Ah, Worldwide à la mode [France]: Sounds like a Disney Princess song, hard not to picture France frolicking in a field of flowers.
40.  Che Bello! ~My House is the Greatest!⭐~ [Italy]: Would not be out of place in an advertisement for Sea World.
39.  May You Smile Today [Japan]: THE feel good song of the summer
38.  Let’s Look Behind the Rainbow [Italy]: I will protect you.
37.  I'm your HERO☆ [America]: “Anyone who’s sad or sullen will be arrested” did NOT age well.
36.  Mein Gott! [Prussia]: Alternating headphone effect at the beginning is cool, so is the confidence...the actual singing on the other hand...
35. Nihao⭐China [China]: Listen, all of China’s character songs are great, I just can’t vibe with this one like some of the others.
34.  Pechka ~Light My Heart~ [Russia]: I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that this and Winter were released at the same time.
33.  Pukapuka⭐Vacation [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Seems just a bit too much like they’re running on a treadmill that’s picking up speed and trying to sing at the same time. Peppy.
32.  Santa Claus is Coming to Town [Germany, Italy, Japan]: This is unironically the best song sung by this trio; can only vibe with for two months out of the year though.
31.  Excuse Me, I Am Sorry [Japan]: Japan’s character traits speedrun. Gives me barbershop quartet vibes for some reason but is catchy as hell.
30.  The Story of Snow and Dreams [Russia]: A superhero anime opening in the making
29. England’s Evil Demon Summoning Song [England]: Sir that is not how you roast a marshmallow, don’t cut yourself on that edge.
28.  Moi Moi Sauna♪ [Finland]: Exactly the type of song you’d expect and it’s wonderful
27.  United Nations Star⭐ [America, China, England, France, Russia]: This isn’t as much of a song as it is a four minute struggle for everyone to sing without America yelling every 5 seconds...Like a particularly musical episode of Hetalia.
26.  Paris is Indeed Splendid [France]: Paris-pa-pa-pa-paris
25.  Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman [England]: Poppy, rocky, polka-dotty
24.  Vorwärts Marsch! [Germany]: To quote the comment section: “This sounds like a German version of I’ll Make a Man out of you.” There’s some truth to that.
23.  Hamburger Street [America]: The product of America’s rapper phase. 8/10 because he’s trying so hard and because I can unironically sing along to all of this.
22.  Hoi Sam☆Nice Guy [Hong Kong]: A song that would absolutely destroy the ankles of anyone in DDR.
21.  I Am German-Made [Germany]: There was once a version that had Germany and Prussia singing at the same time and it sounded positively demonic and Broadway could never
20.  La pasión no se detiene ~Unstoppable Passion~ [Spain]: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping...
19.  Fall in Love, Mademoiselle [France]: Sounds like it should be in Mozart Opera Rock, I have kiss kiss falled in love.
18. Embrace the Très Bien Moi [France]: This is the definition of SELF LOVE PEOPLE. 
17. Carrot and Stick [Belarus&Ukraine]: Absolutely DRIPPING in 2000s power ballad energy. The type of song that plays on repeat in the mind of the widow whose millionaire husband ‘mysteriously disappeared’ (and the only legit character song ever acknowledged by the anime)
16. C.B.C (Cowboyz Boot Camp) Vol. 1 [America]: AH MAH GAWWDDD
15. Winter [Russia]: Heavy metal fever dream and the perfect song for an angst-ridden teenager
14.  Seychelles Here ⭐ Vacation Island [Seychelles]: UN👏DER👏RA👏TED SONG👏OF 👏THE 👏SUM👏MER👏
13.  Nah, it will settle itself somehow [Romano]: One day I aspire to reach this level of chill
12.  Let’s Enjoy Today [England]: I will never not feel happy when listening to this.
11.  Einsamkeit [Germany]: Ludwig manages to air every single one of his worries about not being good enough compared to his friends and always being perceived as mean or uptight when he’s actually just a softie and now my heart hurts. 💔
10.  Aiyaa Four Thousand Years [China]: A very poignant and beautiful song about the passage of time and the inevitability of its passing; comparable to an ancient ballad complete with explosive crescendos and meaningful lyrics.
9.  Bon Bon Bon❤️C’est Bon C’est Bon! [France]: Peppy, cheerful, adorable, groundbreaking; has been my alarm tone for six years and I’ve yet to tire of it. 9/10 The moaning interspersed throughout has been an interesting wake-up call.
8.  Let’s Enjoy! Let’s Get Excited! Cheers! [Denmark]: This is on par with Everytime we Touch by Cascada in terms of rage potential unlocked (the good kind)
7.  Dream Journey [Japan]: Whoever’s playing the shakuhachi is absolutely KILLING IT. Dramatic, wonderful, great metaphors.
6.  Gourmet’s Heart Beginner Level [China]: Absolute banger, I’m a vegetarian but this would inspire me to eat shumai.
5.  Always with you...Nordic Five! [Nordic FIVVVVVEEEE]: Everyone harmonizes beautifully except for Denmark. Extremely catchy, number placement seemed appropriate. 
4.  Pub and GO! [England]: I love this trash man
3. Maji Kandou⭐Hong Kong Night [Hong Kong]: If you thought Denmark’s song was a banger JUST YOU WAIT. I WILL BLOW OUT MY SPEAKERS LISTENING TO LO-HA-SU.
2. Steady Rhythmus [Germany]: THIS SONG IS METAL AF. Seriously, if it can be classified as ‘hardcore’ by my father and his group of 50-somethings who have decided to single-handedly gatekeep the metal and hardrock genres, it can do anything.
1.  The Delicious Tomato Song 🍅 [Romano]: Beautiful, absolutely awe-inspiring, poignant, catchy lyrics with an extremely deep meaning that only years of meticulous research and analysis can unlock, Romano I love you.
BONUS: Closing Songs
5. Hatafutte Parade (World Series) 
4. Hetalian⭐Jet (The World Twinkle): The song is good, the dancing is cursed 
3. Chikyuu Marugoto Hug Shitainda (World⭐Stars)
2. Marukaite Chikyuu (Hetalia: Axis Powers): nE NE PaPA
1. Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo (The Beautiful World)
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babblable · 3 years
SO, I am so sorry, but I can't decide what to ask for the character ask meme, so I'm asking EVERYTHING for Jackie pls forgive me ;w;
1. How likely are they to have a stuffed animal? What kind? How many?
They currently only have one stuffed animal atm. Their Sheepy Sleep Sheep. Or Fluffy as Jackie calls it!
If they had any more stuffed animals, they'd name every one of them. They do not though, only got the one.
2. What does their bedroom look like?
Currently, unless they're bunking with Abbigull in her captains quarters, it looks like your regular Salty Squabble barracks. I don't know if they're able to personalize it or not, due to the barracks being for crewmates hired for short voyages rather than long staying family.
Regardless, their room has always been pretty empty. Jackie doesn't have a lot of belongings. They didn't have enough to fill their studio apartment and what they had there is all being abandoned due to Reasons™️. They certainly don't have enough to fill a room right now.
3. Do they collect things for themselves? What do they collect?
Things to chew on, mostly? And Jackie, the child brained dumbass that they are, will put damn near anything in their mouth. They also like to collect gears, bits, bobs, screws, small pieces of metal and tools, though! Also anything dinosaur related. They LOVE dinosaurs.
4. Do they cuddle/snuggull/hug in their sleep? Do they talk in their sleep?
Jackie is the kind of toon that needs pressure when they sleep and thus snuggulls Very Much Into Things, but really only allows two birds, a dog and maybe a rat they've known for a while to be PEOPLE they snuggull into. Otherwise, they mostly just burrow into blankets and hug Fluffy.
5. What are they most afraid of? Does it cause them nightmares? How bad?
Haha, Listen to Warships for your answer to this one! :D
6. How do they respond to stress? Any habits they have when stressed?
Oh boy. They respond to stress mostly by becoming irritable and itchy. If it gets bad enough, they begin to stress molt and combined with their scratching? Depending on what causes it as well, they have gotten physically ill and lost their lunch before. Not Good. Tbh though, Jackie is easily prone to stressing out. They may not look/show it, but this penguin is a ball of anxiety with damn near no skills to manage it, yet.
7. Do they prefer warm, mild or cold baths/showers?
Warm baths, tbh! Showers are nice but they're small and sometimes the strength of the water from the showerhead hurts. Also, they can't splash around as easily in a shower, so not as fun! Don't expect them to come out actually clean though. They learned how to bathe from their dog Todd.
8. What's their view on socks/shoes/pants?
They wear pants usually anyways, so their viewpoint on those is just: [Meh!]
Socks and shoes though? That's a different story. They can't wear socks bc of their talons, but they can wear shoes! It's a learning process, tbh, but they're doing it! They can't figure out how to tie them though. Hmm...
9. Do they like ice in their drinks? how much?
Yes and no. Depending on the drink. They don't drink as many cold beverages as they used to anymore, but when they do, it's usually either icy cold or has plenty of ice in it.
10. Do they have a comforter? What is it?
Yes! Fluffy! Their Sheepy Sleep Sheep!
11. Favorite article of clothing/accessory? Favorite home decoration?
Hmm... Probably their light up sneakers! As for their favorite home decor... they don't really have any.
12. If they could live anywhere, where would it be? What kind of house would they have?
A lighthouse by the shore! With a sunrock to lay on!
13. Favorite game to play with family/friends?
Any game! Even dangerous ones!
14. Favorite moment in their life right now?
Hm... Perhaps their Mama Abbigull holding them til they fell asleep in the nest in the drifting cube. They had never felt more safe than in that moment, in the arms of their Mama after such a frightful day.
15. If they could have any pet, what would it be?
A frog! But they really really do love their dog Todd. He's a very good boy! The BEST Boy!
16. Chili, Soup, Stew or Other? What kind is their favorite? Why?
Soup! Jackie gets colds easy and soups are lighter on their already sensitive belly than the other two.
17. What's their opinion on their childhood, if they had one?
:'D Haha! Warships!
18. What's their view on their siblings?
They haven't quite adopted any yet, so I couldn't tell ya. Although one person is close enough to start being considered...
19. Who do they miss the most right now?
Their best friend, Legs and friend Bilgerat. Legs deserves an explaination the most out of all their friends and Bilgerat deserves to be told what went down, but also to enjoy his vacation.
20. What kind of touch do they need the most right now? Forehead kiss? To hold someone? To be held? [Insert other options here]?
To be held or hugged. Always. Tbh, more specifically from Abbigull and Legs.
21. What do they think their base needs are?
Water, Play, Attention, Todd, Fluffy, Sleep, Food. In that exact order.
22. Opinion on touch in general?
They Cannot Handle. It causes them severe physical pain if from a stranger, unprepared for it, and/or it lasts for too long.
23. Soft, stiff, normal or fuzzy blanket?
Soft and fuzzy!
24. Do they have a secret hideaway they retreat to?
There is a garden hidden away in one of the parks they like to go to...
25. What is their deepest desire right now? Will they work to achieve it?
To get away from Mortis. They'll do their best, but really, they have very little faith in themself and for good reason when compared to him.
26. What's something they're in denial of, if anything?
Wanting to be Bilgerats sibling. And also their worth.
27. What's something they're starting to admit to?
Abbigull being Mama Your Honor.
28. What would they do if they could go back in time?
Dare I say... leave the Glacier Rider.. They had plenty of opportunities to just. not go back to her. But they did.
29. Their favorite color?
30. Do they celebrate their birthday? How do they do so? How would they like to?
They've never celebrated before and honestly wouldn't unless the one person who knows when their birthday is threw them a party or did something to initiate the celebration.
31. How often do they get sick/injured? How are they when they're sick/injured? Sleepy? Needy? Bored? Fussy? [Insert Something Else]?
Jackie gets lethargic as hell and incredibly needy. Growing up a sick kid, their immune system isn't the greatest and combining that with what else they went through? Yeah, no, they're pretty prone to getting sick. It doesn't help that they really don't know what to do other than eat soup and sleep to make it better.
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tropicalfield · 3 years
All of them? 😉
Omg now I have a lot of work to do, haha. Thank you<3 (skipping the ones I already answered)
1. What’s your sexual orientation? Idk, just not straight lol 3. Ever done any drugs? Yuppp 4. What piercings do you want? I am planning to get my ears pierced 5. How many people have you kissed? Lol I am sitting here, trying to count...maybe 12 people? 6. Describe your dream home. I want a small house somewhere where it's always warm and sunny. I want white walls and wooden floors and some hippie furniture. Maybe a little garden where I can plant some fruits and veggies. Maybe something like this
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7. Who are you jealous of? Celebs that are kind, good-looking and rich, haha. Like how does it feels to be God's favorite? 8. What’s your favorite show to binge? American Horror Story 9. Do you watch porn? From time to time, yes. 10. Do you have a secret sideblog? No, just my backup 11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Oh, I would like to be in thailand rn 12. What’s one of your fantasies? Idk probably getting my shit together 13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? No, I don't think that would look good on me. 14. How would you spend a million dollars? I would get myself a house, a cat, a dog and a cow and some clothes on top of that, haha 15. Are you in a relationship? Yes, I am 16. Do you follow porn blogs? Nope 17. Are you angry with anyone right now? With myself most of the time 19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to? I would (and will sooner or later in my life) change it to Lyss which is a shortform of my real name 21. Describe your best friend. I don't have one 22. Tag someone you think is hot. @cinnammon 24. What are three places you want to travel? London, Guernsey, Bali 25. Describe your perfect Friday night. Hanging out with friends, doing yoga, study, smoking and playing video games lol 26. What’s your favorite season? Summer! 27. What’s your pet peeve? Idk tbh 28. Who is the funniest person you know? My bf 29. What’s the most overrated movie? To The Bone wasn't that good sorry 31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? Paper Books! 32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick? Hogwarts/Harry Potter 34. What’s your coffee order? Just black coffee with sugar 35. Do you have a crush on anyone? Nope 36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? Yes, but I just still care for some of them 38. Do you drink? Yes, but not that much 39. Are you a virgin? No 40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals? Yes, you guys are so cute <3 41. How many followers do you have? XXX 42. Describe the hottest person you know. My bf is really handsome. He has really short hair and a nice beard. And sometimes his eyes look green and sometimes they look brown. I also love the moles on his face. 43. What’s your guilty pleasure? Bratz Dolls haha 44. Do you read erotica? Nope 45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? Wasn't a date but when I turned 18 that guy followed me inside and kissed me. It was the worst kiss ever. He almost ate my face lol 46. How many people do you follow? ~ 200 but so many people aren't active and I need to sort out but I am lazyyy 47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? Joaquin Phoenix, because he is such a good actor and he is a vegan activist 48. Describe your ideal partner. I would need to describe my bf again. 49. Who do you text the most? My bf and a friend from university 50. What’s your favorite kind of weather? I just love really hot and sunny days
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gavillain · 4 years
1. Who kissed the other first? That’s probably a Riku move tbh. Sora’s kind of oblivious and spends so much time talking and getting distracted that I think it’s gotta be Riku’s job to kiss him lol
2. What was their first fight about? As a couple I think it was probably about Riku still feeling insecure around all of Sora’s shitton of friends and being a little petty about it. But they worked it out I think and got to a more comfortable place with Mr. I Make Friends Everywhere I Go and Mr. How Do I Social Life finding a happy medium where they both could feel comfortable.
3. Who sleeps in the couch more often? Sora. I feel like he can sleep anywhere.
4. Who drinks coffee and who drinks tea? Sora likes tea and tea parties, and Riku indulges him because he secretly loves it too.
5. Who goes grocery shopping more often? They go shopping together. By which I mean Riku sticks to the grocery list and Sora buys a bunch of shit they absolutely do not need because the box looks cool.
6. Who brings breakfast in bed? That’s probably a Sora move tbh
7. Who sleeps first? Again, Sora can sleep anywhere whereas I think Riku’s a real night owl and tosses and turns a lot more.
8. Who watches the other sleeping? They don’t really do that.
9. Who met the parents in law first? They grew up together and both know each other’s parents quite well long before they started dating.
10. Who does the laundry? Riku.
11. Who washes the dishes? Sora.
12. Who cleans up the house? Both. Sora likes to make a game out of it because Mary Poppins taught him how to do that with a spoonful of sugar. Riku just whistles while he works like Snow White said.
13. Who washes the car gummi ship? Probably both together which inevitably evolves into a water spell and soap battle XD
14. Who brings take out? Whoever is out and about.
15. Who calls the other to ask if they want something from the street? Riku tends to be more thoughtful about that, so him.
16. Who’s more likely to make plans? Riku. Sora likes to wing it.
17. Who dreams about a big wedding? Neither one. I think they both want something more intimate and private.
18. Who breaks the cups? SORA DAMMIT XD
19. Who holds the umbrella? Riku. He’s always the prepared one of the two lol
20. Who takes the other to the dance floor? Sora drags Riku out to dance with him.
21. Who does the big romantic gestures? They both do this for each other. Sora’s the one who does the BIG gestures more often whilst Riku’s the one who’ll do something really thoughtful and nice
22. Who’s more likely to serenade? Sora. Please don’t let Riku sing. The boy can’t hold a tune.
23. Who forgets the wet towel in bed? Neither.
24. Who doesn’t pick up things when they fall? Neither. They’re good boys lol
25. Who keeps losing the keys? If either one of them loses their Keyblade, it’d be BAD XD I don’t think they actually can anyway lol
26. Who sings the rap part? Sora. Sora handles all the singing.
27. Who pretends to be sad just so the other will cheer they up? Neither. If one of them is down, it’s always legitimate.
28. Who wakes up ready for a marathon? SORA. 100% Sora.
29. Who buys them tickets for shows? Riku more often, but both will.
30. Who chooses the movie? They alternate. 
31. Who says ‘I love you’ more often? Sora by a very slim margin
32. Who keeps waving at people after they got engaged? Sora, of course
33. Who uses the most ridiculous nicknames for the other? They don’t do this
34. Who’s responsible for date nights? They alternate. They both have so many nice ideas.
35. Who wakes up one day and decides to stay in bed? Sora again.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
For the otp asks, are there still numbers you haven't been asked yet? Every singlenone of your answers has been amazing to be honest.
Awww, thank you, nonnie, I’m glad you’ve liked my answers. ❤️
Okay, let’s see which numbers I haven’t answered for Malex yet:
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
Neither. They just enjoy the ride and the view. 🎡
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
They both did in the past when Alex came to the Airstream whenever he was on leave. One afternoon, Michael had managed to take a picture of Alex who’d fallen asleep after their intense and somewhat desperate reunion sex. Michael took the pic not knowing whether he’d ever get to have this again: Alex, safe in his bed. After Alex had left, Michael got a printed copy of the photo at the drugstore and put it in his wallet. It’s still in there.
Alex took a photo of Michael asleep whenever he had to leave, desperate to drink in the sight of Michael, all sun-kissed skin and wild curls. He never dared to get one of the pics printed, but he has a special folder on his phone where these pics are stored.
When they get back together, they don’t need to take pictures of the other asleep anymore because they know, that from now on, they have “the real deal” right by their side for the rest of their lives.
10) Who is more likely to cheat?
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
Neither. The “kitchen” in the Airstream is too small, and Alex’s kitchen is so pristine, the mere idea of getting it all dirty in a food fight is absurd. They do enjoy cooking together, though, feeding each other bites of whatever they’re preparing.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Alex is the singer in the family, that doesn’t keep Michael from singing in the shower, though. He also loves to sing in the car, along to whatever’s playing on the radio. And Alex joins him, happy to share this with Michael.
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist?
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
Sometimes Michael wakes up in the middle of the night. Not from nightmares or anything, he just wakes up and lies in the dark, listening to Alex’s slow and deep breaths right next to him. And he’s just so grateful that he gets to have this, that they get to have this. That they finally figured out how to be together without hurting each other.
And sometimes he just has to tell Alex, even though he’s asleep and won’t hear Michael, but Michael tells him anyway. How much he loves Alex, how much he loves their life together, he tells Alex about his hopes and dreams, just all the little things he sometimes forgets to tell Alex when they are awake (although they both make an effort to talk to each other, to tell each other how much they love the other etc, there’s no lack of communication between them these days).
Anyway, sometimes Michael talks to Alex while he’s asleep, these moments are very dear to him and they help him to fall asleep again eventually.
(Sometimes Alex will wake up from Michael whispering sweet things to him, he pretends to still be asleep and just let’s Michael’s love wash over him.)
19) Who drives and who has the window seat?
During their first summer together they’re going on a road trip. Alex insists on driving because he wants Michael to be able to soak it all up. The view, the landscape, sights, animals on the side of the road, everything.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
Ouch, this is a touchy topic for both of them.
Alex is maybe a tad better at talking himself out of thinking like that, but sometimes it’s still hard to shut up and dismiss Jesse’s voice in his head. Michael struggles more tbh . Undoing the damage of more than two decades of abandonment issues requires a lot of work.
But the longer they are together, the easier it gets, and the faster one of them will pick up on the other “going there” and then they’ll talk, and there’s always the reassurance of “I love you, you are good enough, you are my forever, I’m not going anywhere.”
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
When they cook together, there’s always music playing in the background, and Michael loves nothing more than to hug Alex from behind, kiss his neck, and sway with him to the rhythm of the music. Eventually, Michael will turn in Michael’s embrace, put his arms around Michael’s neck and kiss him (while they’re still swaying to the rhythm of the music).
26) Who kissed first?
Alex tried, but Michael wasn’t ready.
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Didn’t take him long to get there, though
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27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
When Alex is really (REALLY) in the mood for fries and milkshake one night, Michael drives to the Crashdown and gets them fries and shakes just before Arturo closes for the night.
Neither of them‘s afraid of the dark, though, and if someone’s thirsty in the middle of the night, it’s usually Michael who gets up so Alex won’t have to use his crutches.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
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29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
No stunts for these two, especially stunts that will earn them a trip to the ER (Michael wouldn’t go there anyway, and Alex has spent too much time in a hospital, he really doesn’t need more of that if he can help it).
It’s more likely that alien shenanigans will get them in trouble, and since they’ll both do anything to protect the other, chances are, things will end in a way that requires medical attention, it’s usually Kyle or Liz who’ll patch them up.
One day, Alex gets hurt quite severely during a mission to another secret facility, though. Michael finds him after fighting off a group of soldiers. Alex is lying on the floor of the server room where he was hacking into the main computer, a red stain in the shape of a poppy slowly growing on his chest. He’s been shot and his breathing is getting more and more shallow. Michael cradles him in his arms, yelling at him to stay awake, but he knows if he doesn’t come up with an idea real quick, he’ll lose Alex.
There’s no way in heaven or hell Michael will let that happen. He rips Alex bloody shirt open and places his hand right over Alex’s heart. He closes his eyes and lets his instincts take over. His hand starts glowing a familiar red, and the lights in the room are flickering. He feels a boost of something building up inside of him, and with one final push, he presses his hand down on Alex’s chest. It’s like he’s shoving life itself back into Alex’s limp body.
Seconds later Alex starts moving in his arms. He coughs, then he looks up at Michael, his dark hazel eyes shining with so much love, it takes Michael’s breath away.
“You did it, Michael, you saved my life!” He grabs for Michael’s hand (that’s still glowing a faint red) and presses a kiss into the open palm. Michael cups Alex’s face and Alex nuzzles into the touch. The intimate contact blows a connection between them wide open and all of a sudden it’s like they’re outside in the bright sunshine, there’s so much light, but it doesn’t hurt their eyes, it just surrounds them, pierces right through them and warms them from the inside.
Then there are pictures, they feel like memories but how can that be? There they are, kissing, but they are clad in what looks like primitive fur clothing. Another picture, Michael is wearing a toga-like garment, while Alex is sporting the golden armor pieces of a Roman general. They are lying on the floor a luxuriously decorated tent, feeding each other with grapes. Another picture where they are wearing medieval clothing, and so it goes on and on. It’s like there’s always been an Alex and a Michael in every century since the beginning of time.
When the picture show ends, they gasp and with that they’re back under the harsh neon light of the server room. They look at each other and although they hear noise in the distance, they hug tight and sink into the most intimate kiss they’ve ever shared.
When the noise comes closer, they stop kissing, and Alex grabs Michael’s hand.
“Please help me up. I have everything I need downloaded, also one push of that button over there and the facility will blow up in 15 minutes. Let’s get out of here, and then I want to go home and make love to you four weeks in a row.”
Michael grins, helps Alex up and on their way out, sets off the self-destruct mechanism with a mere thought.
When they get home, their friends don’t see them for an entire month ;)
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tinytigerrrr · 3 years
11 for 11 may 🙏, 15, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 38, 45, 48 😉 & 49!
11 for 11 may, my god bless you my friend!! <3 And Also THANKS FOR THE ASKS!! <33 Sorry it took so long I really wanted to take my time hehe c: 11. Describe your ideal day. I think my ideal day is sleeping in late, what for me is normal, around 12pm. Then I wake up, eat a good breakfast, sit with my cat on my lap for smtn like an hour. And then I go outside, bcs the sun is shining. I meet my friends and we go picknick somewhere in the sun beneath a few little trees. I buy smtn to drink somewhere because its very hot and ofc I forgot my drink. Its so refreshing and I feel so alive and the world is so beautifull. Me and my friends, we laugh a lot and just enjoy the good weather, the nice day and the little foods. And than at the evening we bbq or eat smtn else nice, and have a good evening. We sit outside for a while, feeling the summer evening becoming cooler. We watch as the stars come out and think to ourselves if we ever looked up at the same stars together in another life. And then when it’s really late, I go back home, feeling the cool breeze against my skin while I ride my electric bike. At home everyone is asleep so I walk in very softly and there I see my cat sleeping in the chair so I walk to her and bent over giving her a gentle kiss on her little head. She makes mmrrr sound and I tell her I love her and that I had an amazing day. After that I give her some food and I go to bed. Maybe take a showe bcs it was so hot today. And then I lay in my bed, tired but very fufilled after such a wonderfull day. Storing the happy memories in my head thinking how blessed I am with my life. As I fall asleep I feel gratefull for today and all the beautiful things that brought it.  Yeah, I think thats mu ideal day. Friends, good weather, sunshine, little food, laughter, love, my cat lucy, summer - yeah smtn like that c: 15. What is your favorite compliment to recieve? I like all kind of compliments. Im a sucked for compliments. I know I do a good job most of the time, but there’s just smtn in me that really likes the validation? I know I don’t need it. But it just makes my soul shine like: Ohmygawd thank you so much this makes me so happy D:. But If I had to think, I think I like the compliment saying I have a good energy or vibe the most. Bcs its so pure and real and not everyone can sense/say that. And you’re energy is not smtn you can fake or make more beautiful. So its such a sincere compliment, that I think thats my favorite compliment to recieve c: 21. Tell us about your music taste. Bro, this is a long one HAHAHA. But I will keep it short: ‘Diverse.’ I think that describes my music taste the best. Because I listen to A LOT of different things. Just what I feel like or in what mood I am. And one thing I also like a lot is when a song makes me feel ‘free’. As if im totally cut off from the world. Thats a really nice feeling music can give you. And ofc songs that make me feel things. Bcs often then I can use it as inspiration. So yeah, thats abt my music taste haha c: Also! I like it when songs have a deeper meaning. Idk why, but thats just megical c: 23. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid? OH I already answered this one so I will just copy and paste it here! c: ‘’ YES! I HAD. AND I STILL HAVE IT! I dont sleep with it anymore but it has a honorable place among my other stuffed animals. It is a cow, that is formed like a teddy bear so its more cartroony instead of animal like, her name is Koetjeboe and you could play a musicbox song of A Small World from Disneyland. It was my favarite soung and whenever I felt anxious as I child I would play it and it would sooth my soul and fill me with happyness. Aaah good times c: I also had a cat, named, Poes, she is very very very soft, well was, nowadays she aint HAHA she looked like my cat when I was younger, Sjimmie, I loved the plush. Mom bought it for me in England in the Harry Potter castle. It was amazing c: So, I kinda had two, but Koetjeboe the cow is rly my birth stuffed animal haha c:’’ 25. What dream trip would you take with your wife? Honestly, anywhere with her would be a dream. And if she has somewhere wehere she really wants to go, I would just go with that c: Seeing someone you love happy is such a gift so I totally wouldn’t mind going anywhere. That is also because I have so many places I want to go, and almost every place interests me. I can’t think of a country or city or place I am not interested in visiting. I always loved to travel, and still do, so anything would be good c: But if she’s like: Hey what do you want badly? I would probably say somewhere with a beach. I love the sea and I love the beach. So that would be a thing I would love too hahaha. But yeah, anything rly, and the beach c: 28. What makes you smile? Oh boi, what doesn’t?! HAHA. A lot of things make me smile tbh bcs I get happyness out of almost everything. I can remember that I was crying and felt sad, and even then I smiled because it was such a special experience haha. But if I had to say some things I would say; My cat Lucy, cant help but smile whenever I see her, my friends, you super included <3, sunshine, good food, baby animals and honestly just life in general c: 31. How do you show your love? Again, how don’t I? I learned at a very young age to show love in different ways. Bcs I wanted to be a good person. And one of those things is showing love. So I do it with words, saying I really love someone or giving them compliments, thats a big one for me haha. I also like to really support my friends through words. Just supporting them for whoever they are! I also like to give things. It can go from small presents to food to many or big presents on their birthday. Also I like to help people, to give them advice or agai support them any way I can. I also show it through physical contact, as in hugs ans such. And I even sometimes lean toward just really cuddling up to someone HAHAHA But I don’t do that tbh, bcs at the same time it makes me feel uncomfy, but at the same time im like: Ohmygawd I love yo uso much just lemme huddle up against you to share my love with you and ahfgs. So amny ways HAHAHA some more difficult for me and others really easy. Like presents or food, hit me up, imma get you some nice flowers or some sweets or a book you really like bcs I love yu!
38. Who do you admire? Myself *smirk* HAHHA no kiddin. I admire my friends. Because those people have been through hell, or still going through hell, and still decide to be genuine good persons. I’ve seen from upclose what they have to deal with. And they still give so much love tot he world and people and want to help. Its really a blessing to have people like that around me. And I thank the heavens for that. So I would say my friends. Yes. (pls know you are in this picture too. Hello, going through hell still being super good person, ok.) 45. Do you have tattoos or want any? Yes, I have one underneath my feet. HAHA oke jokes, sorry HAHA. No I don’t have any. And I would like one yes. Im not sure what I want tho. I am always thinking of a tiger. Or a lotus flower. Or a little symbol on the inside of my left wrist. That last one I smtn I’ve had for years. I dont know why but I would really like that. A small thing on that place. But what that is gonna be, I have NO idea. OH and I want a smilie face underneath my big toe! Thats just one for fun, but I would rly like it haha.
48. Did you know you’re actually a gift tot he world, for real? IM NOT CRYING YOU ARE *SOB* Thank yo uso much frend!! It means so much to me to hear that I just can’t. My gosh. When I see yu imma hug ya big time. SOB 49. What’s your favorite memory? Ooh this is a hard one. Mostly because I have many good memories and also because Im actually pretty bad at remembering things HAHHA thats two opposites I know xD But uuh, oke I thought about it, but im so sorry i cant think of one RIP. But if I had to choose I would choose smtn that made me smile. That made me really happy. So one with Lucy, many with Lucy, or one with my friends, many with my friends, with my mom, traveling, and so fort. There are a lot and I wish i could show them all to you. Sadly I can’t. BUT We can make our own favorite memories. So lets do that, okay? <3
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jellycreamjammedart · 10 months
dont mind me im just trying to add timestamps to events in the FNAF movie since dates of events are currently left vague there-- now corrected based on another different age for mike since it's used as reference for the math at least half the time
This is the second version of it with Mike's age being 25, the first version based on him being 28 is here.
(feel free to correct me if i misremember or got something wrong, or add to it!)
ok some bits that likely will help:
the movie takes place in the year 2000
mike is apparently 25 and not 28 like i previously thought?
he claims he was about 12 when garret was taken
abby is 10
william says the pizzeria was very popular in the 80's
freddy's opened in 1979... i think? idk i might be wrong tbh
vanessa says the missing children incident is the reason the pizzeria shut down
more will probably come down the way but yeah
ok so...
if mike is 25 in the year 2000, that'd mean he was born around 1975. i dont think we know garret's exact age when he was taken but mike was about 12 when it happened, meaning garret's death happened around 1987.
if freddy's opening in 1979 is correct then we can safely assume the place has already been running when garret was taken.
when vanessa reveals her secret to mike, she shows him a picture of her child self with william in a pristine-looking springbonnie suit in what appears to be a still open and running freddy's, with garret's toy plane now in vanessa's hands. if the missing children incident is what caused freddy's shutdown then that'd mean: garret was the first victim and taken before the other five kids, as the presence of his plane in an old photo in an open freddy's means it wasn't shut down when he was taken.
william said freddy's was popular in the 80's, which might suggest the latest it could have been shutdown at to be 1989-- though it maybe could have been open into the very early 90's, but likely not enough for it to be memorable against its popularity in the 80's. with garret's death being around 1987, that'd make the missing children incident and og animatronics possession (and the shutdown of freddy's) possible within the span of 1988 to 1989 (so late 80's,) give or take. or even 1987 to 1989, if garret's death and the five kids' deaths happening in the same year is possible, with garret's coming first.
by the time the movie takes place (2000,) that'd mean the five missing kids have been dead for at least 11 years to 12/13 years at most.
while mike is 25 in 2000, abby is 10, meaning she was born when he was 15, in 1990 (SHE'S A 90'S KID YESSSSSS!) with mike being 12 when garret was taken and 15 when abby was born, that puts a gap of 3 years between garret's death and abby's birth-- so no wonder there was no infant abby in mike's recurring dream of the day garret was taken
ok now to try putting this in a more chronological order...
1975- mike is born
1979- freddy's opens
1987- garret is taken/killed
anywhere from 1987/1988 to 1989- the five kids are killed and considered missing, possessing the og animatronics, freddy's shuts down as result
1990- abby is born
2000- movie takes place (and mr. cupcake's reign of terror begins)
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Long ass post ahead. TL;DR I found an old set of questions and decided to answer them again 7 years later because why not.
1: What are you wearing?
2014: Some Shorts and a shirt I accidentally stole from my brother.
2021: Panic! at the Disco shirt and some running shorts
2: Ever been in love?
2014: Oh yes, sadly...
2021: pfft.
3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
2014: Not technically, but I once had my homecoming date hook up with another girl.
2021: hahahahahaha. Yes.
4: How tall are you?
2014: like 5 foot 1, maybe 2? I dunno.
2021: 5’4”, apparently
5: How much do you weigh?
2014: How about no...
2021: Who’s to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6: Any tattoos?
2014: Yes! I got one on my left shoulder blade not too long ago. I often forget I have it, actually lol.
2021: I’m up to five, and six is planned.
7: Any piercings?
2014: I do. I have double lobe piercings, and my left ear at the top. No non-ear piercings. Those seem uncomfortable to get, tbh.
2021: Uh...double lobe, helix, forward helix, tragus, nose, and septum.
8: OTPs?
2014: Marshall and Lilly on HIMYM. I mean, I think that's what this is asking. Right?
2021: I’m still not 100% sure what this means but I’m doubling down on Marshall and Lilly.
9: Favorite show?
2014: I'm still recovering from the ending of How I Met Your Mother, but I also love Criminal Minds, and the Big Bang Theory.
2021: HIMYM, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, and Masked Singer.
10: Favorite bands?
2014: I pretty much love anything, so I'll try to shorten it to Love and Theft, Newsboys, t.A.T.u, Beast, and Fun.
2021: My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the Disco, twenty one pilots, Maroon 5, Relient K.
11: Something you miss?
2014: Going to the park and just lying in the grass with my friends or crushes. I know, I'm Cheesy.
2021: Not having responsibilities or bills to pay.
12: Favorite Song?
2014: ...why do they even bother asking this? Tbh, “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain, and “Hello, My Name is” by Matthew West
2021: “you should see me in a crown” by Billie Eilish and “no body, no crime” by Taylor Swift
13: How old are you?
2014: Nineteen. I feel old.
2021: ...twenty-six.
14: Zodiac sign?
2014: Aries, barely.
2021: (not) shockingly, I’m still an Aries.
15: Quality you look for in a partner?
2014: Just someone who's willing to go on cheesy dates at the park, and love me for who I am. And a Christian. Yea, I'm one of those people. Sorry...
2021: dude just someone who’s gonna stick with me.
16: Favorite quote?
2014: It's actually a verse. I love Jeremiah 29:11. It's actually part of what's tattooed on my shoulder; right below a cross.
2021: “it do be like that sometimes”
17: Favorite actor?
2014: Uhhhhh. Matthew Gray Gubler, or David Tennant. I love them both :)
2021: Matthew Gray Gubler.
18: Favorite color?
2014: Green, or pink. Depends on the shade and whatnot.
2021: pastels. mostly green.
19: Loud music or soft?
2014: If I'm alone in the car? loud. Anywhere else I enjoy my soft music.
2021: If I’m by myself loud but if there’s others I like to keep it low enough so we can still talk.
20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
2014: My Room, or the park not to far from me. I like parks, if you haven't noticed.
2021: My room
21: How long does it take you to shower?
2014: Uh, probably about 10 minutes.
2021: Either 10 minutes or 45 minutes. There is no in-between
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
2014: About 30 minutes. I like to sleep tbh.
2021: Maybe 20 minutes at the most. Cutting off all my hair really took some time off my getting ready list.
23: Ever been in a physical fight?
2014: heck no.
2021: hell no.
24: Turn on?
2014: Cute shy smiles, and geekiness. I love someone who I can be comfortable with.
2021: dorks with a lame sense of humor. I am all about the dad jokes.
25: Turn off?
2014: Those guys who try to make you uncomfortable, or act like they're super cool. I guess that would be douches, huh?
2021: the “oh you should smile more” men.
26: The reasons I joined Tumblr?
2014: I was trying to find a place where I could post stuff without my parents seeing it tbh. I like having a place where like 2 people actually know me.
2021: Because where else can I release the true psychotic chaos within me?
27: Fears?
2014: Being abandoned. And darkness, for sure.
2021: Finding out people only stayed in your life out of obligation and not out of their own choice. And spiders.
28: Last thing that made you cry?
2014: The guy I liked totally looked past me and started telling me about this other girl, after I told him how I felt (not RIGHT after, it had been about two months...but still).
2021: My mom manipulated me into showing up to something I didn’t want to because “I should really go visit family”
29: Last time you said you loved someone?
2014: My best friend and I say I love you after we hang up the phone Lol.
2021: Other than normal parent “Love You”’s, it’s probably been about 3 years.
30: Meaning behind your Tumblr name?
2014: I'm short, totally socially awkward in new situations (and with old friends, now that I think about it) and Idk about the fox. I just like foxes, I guess...
2021: There is no meaning. I like pancakes, space, and dragons.
31: Last book you read?
2014: If you don't count my English Lit book, then it was probably "Only the Good Spy
Young" by Ally Carter, but I don't remember.
2021: oh geez. It was probably “George” or “Rick” by Alex Gino
32: The book you’re currently reading? 
2014: Nothing yet. I do have that last Gallagher Girl book to read though. I'll probably start it this weekend.
2021: Nothing. But I never got to that last Gallagher Girl book...
33: Last show you watched?
2014: The Big Bang Theory.
2021: The Masked Singer
34: Last person you talked to? 
2014: My dad lol. We were watching the NFL draft.
2021: Guy friend of mine. I went to his place for dinner and some video games.
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 
2014: Good Friend
2021: hahahahahahahaha. We’re just friends.
36: Favorite food?
2014: Cajun. Blame my grandparents, that's what they cook a lot lol.
2021: Pasta
37: Place you want to visit?
2014: I wanna go to Alaska. Even though I know it's super cold.
2021: Europe. Specially Spain or France.
38: Last place you were? 
2014: I honestly left home like twice today, to bring something to my brother at the High school, then to bring him to a friends house. He has a better social life than me.
2021: Friends place to hang out. We played Stardew then ordered wings and watched a movie.
39: Do you have a crush?
2014: Yes. See question 28 lol. Also, there's this other guy who I got close to last year, but I haven't spoken to him in weeks, and it's killing me.
2021: See guy referred to in 34, 35, and 38.
40: Last time you kissed someone?
2014: Never. I have never kissed anyone. Well, besides like a kiss in the cheek from family. Yeah...
2021: wow it’s probably been about three years.
41: Last time you were insulted?
2014: Recently lol. I guess... I don't really pay attention, or care...
2021: I don’t know. Probably recently.
42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
2014: I'm just gonna act like this doesn't exist, cause idk what it's asking.
2021: Chocolate.
43: What instruments do you play?
2014: I can play the French Horn and Mellophone! I also want to learn the flute, but I can't unless I have something to practice lol.
2021: French Horn, Mellophone, and Ukulele. Still want to learn the flute.
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
2014: My purity ring. If I forget to put it on, I can seriously feel the emptiness, and it bothers me...
2021: My septum ring! I feel like it’s the first piercing I got for myself, and not just something I thought others would like on me.
45: Last sport you played?
2014: Maybe Soccer? Idk.
2021: pfft. Sports.
46: Last song you sang?
2014: “I'll Be” by Edwin McCain. But I really don't sing well, so it doesn't happen much, unless I'm alone.
2021: “You Belong with Me (Taylor’s Version)” by Taylor Swift and I 100% sang it to my dog.
47: Favorite chat up line?
2014: I don't have one
2021: It’s been 7 years and I still don’t have one.
48: Have you ever used it?
2014: Since i don't have one, no.
2021: Nah.
49: Last time you hung out with someone?
2014: I hung out with my future roommate before I left college yesterday.
2021: When I went to the previously mentioned Guy’s house earlier today.
50: Who should answers these questions next?
2014: Well, I guess any of my followers can choose to, if they want.
2021: Bold of you to assume anyone’s actually going to see this.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? - If you're talking about aliens or ghosts, yes lol
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? - 3. I can manage but sometimes I get unnerved, especially if I'm alone in the dark outside
3. The person you would never want to meet? - Anyone who could hurt me
4. What is your favorite word? - Wonderstruck. I also like the word 'elegance' bc I like the way it sounds.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? - cherry blossom tree
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? - 'Ew'
7. What shirt are you wearing? - I'm wearing a blue sweater
8. What do you label yourself as? - A few things: a romantic, writer, daydreamer, perfectionist, etc
9. Bright room or dark room? - Bright
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? - Heading to bed
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? - I think I liked being seventeen, but I can't really remember
12. Who told you they loved you last? - My mom probably lol
13. Your worst enemy? - My sister's abusive ex
14. What is your current desktop picture? - A forest
15. Do you like someone? - No one in my real life, but I've developed a sudden crush on Evan Peters in the last 24 hrs lmao
16. The last song you listened to? - The Last Great American Dynasty by Taylor Swift, I think
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? - My sister's ex
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? - My sister's ex
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? - Idk if I'd have a slave tbh lol
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) - My hair, I guess
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? - I'd probably look like myself, but maybe taller and obviously more masculine. I don't know what I'd do. I don't think I'd be a writer, because maybe my experience would be different. So...not sure.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? - This is weird and if anyone asks me, I'll deny it, but I can make stomach grumbling noises without opening my mouth. Honestly not hard to do, but I think I'm really good at it lmao
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? - I don't really have a unique fear. I think what I'm afraid of is normal. I'm super afraid of failure, loss, and getting older bc I feel like growing old comes with loss. Terrified of spiders and most bugs. Deep water bc I can't swim well. So...Pretty basic I think.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. - A standard PB and J.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? - I'd probably just take it to the bank and put it in my bank account, which would most likely end up going towards makeup, books, skincare or clothes.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? - Maybe NYC? Or totally the opposite and going somewhere super quiet and beautiful, like a countryside in England or France lol.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? - I feel like an angel wouldn't offer me that, but maybe a dessert wine. I'm not really a fan of alcohol so Idk what else I'd choose lol.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? - Everyone listens and loves Taylor Swift, if not, you're going to jail
29. What is your favorite expletive? - 'bitch' I think lol
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? - My laptop
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? - Probably an embarrassing moment. I would want to erase traumas but then I feel like that would actually end up messing everything up. i.e., would lead to confusion or misunderstandings about love, etc.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! - Interesting. I'm not sure what the question is, but if I could move anywhere else in the world, I'd probably move to a big city like NYC, Vancouver, or LA OR I'd go the opposite and move to a super cozy cottage in a countryside somewhere.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? - My dad
34. What was your last dream about? - Last night I had this bizarre dream that I was camping with Matthias from YouTube and he was being super mean to me lmao. Then all of a sudden I was in Calgary with my sister and we were just like wandering around.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? - I feel like you're asking if I'm a good person, to which, I think yes.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? - No
37. Have you ever built a snowman? - Yes
38. What is the color of your socks? - I'm not wearing any, but they're usually white or black.
39. What type of music do you like? - Pop, Alternative/alternative pop, folk, country, country-pop, some 80s stuff, acoustic, etc. I span through a few genres, but I think I like something with a catchy melody and good songwriting.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? - Sunrises
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? - Vanilla, bc i'm basic
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) -I don't watch football oops
43. Do you have any scars? - A few. Mostly acne scars rip, but also a big scar on my elbow from when I fell off my bike when I was a kid. I have a few chickenpox scars on my forehead that like to peak out every now and again too.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? - I already graduated High School, but I just applied to college so the plan is to be a Copy Editor and a novelist on the side.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? - That I had a flat stomach
46. Are you reliable? - Tbh no. I think I'm pretty flaky :/
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? - How did it turn out?
48. Do you hold grudges? - Yes, unfortunately
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? - Maybe like a bird and a chinchilla or a fox or something so it would be like this flying fox thing. Idk. I saw a fantasy drawing on pinterest of a bird/something-else and it was super cute.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? - I don't know actually lol
51. Are you a good liar? - No, because I get super nervous and can't make eye contact or I start smiling. Even worse, sometimes it's both.
52. How long could you go without talking? - I'm pretty quiet, so a long time. Maybe a day, but not two days lol.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? - I got a perm when I was in the sixth grade and everyone laughed at me so.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? - Yes
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? - Not well, but sometimes I like to butcher a British and Australian accent. Usually happens when I'm alone which is worse.
56. What do you like on your toast? - Usually I'll just put margarine on it or jam. If I feel like being fancy, I'll put brown sugar and cinnamon on it.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? - I probably doodled some hearts not too long ago
58. What would be you dream car? - Probably a red 1960-70s chevy convertible.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. - I talk to myself in the shower a lot which is weird but i'm just kinda processing my thoughts out loud lmao. Sometimes I'll sing or hum to myself.
60. Do you believe in aliens? - That would be a hard no.
61. Do you often read your horoscope? - No, unless it's in a fun meme like the signs as tv shows or something
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? - I have never thought about this before tbh. Maybe S? or R? or C? Idk
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? - Dragons
64. What do you think about babies? - Cute
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If you're lazy everything of value will be in color or in BOLD
Yo so I don't agree with wikipedia it's dumb
I base the ages of the Sonic characters off of Sonic's age which by MY terms goes by how many years since the first game came out.
(Aka- The ages of the Sonic cast if they were aged up properly every year)
So Sonic is currently 29. (According to the Wiki sonic is 15 and Tails is 8)
Tails and Sonic have a 7 year age gap so
Tails would be... 22.
In 2006 Sonic was 15 and Silver was 14. So Silver and Blaze are 28. Oh my sweet babies--
Sonic was 15 at the same time Amy was 12.
That's a 3 year age gap.
Amy Rose is currently 26. (Silver is older than her woah that just occurred.)
Despite crackhead google saying Shadow is 15 on a quick search, Shadow was actually 50 at the time Sonic was 15 even though physically Shadow appears to be anywhere from 15-20 because he's the ultimate life form (Technically immortal, like vampires).
That puts Shadows age currently at a WHOPPING 64. Okay daddy PHEW.
Apparently Rouge is 18 and Knuckles is 16 according to the Wiki (aww we love that Knuckles is younger than Rouge).
So age them up properly and
Rouge is 32 and Knuckles is 30. Shadow is literally TWICE Rouge's age. Let that sink in. 🤣
But we'll count Shadow as ageless tbh.
Let's seeee I'm curious how old Cream is.
According to the Wiki she's 6.
So Cream is currently 20. (wiki Vanilla could be anywhere between 17 - 46, though I think she's somewhere in the middle so by my terms she's currently 31-54.) That leaves a 2 year age gap between Tails and Cream.
Now, incase anyone cared about their birthdays
Sonic - June 23 - gemini - Alexandrite/Pearl
Amy - Sep 23 (?) - Virgo - Sapphire
Tails - October 16 - Libra - Opal/Tourmaline
(Tails' birthday was yesterday :D)
Knuckles - Feb 2 - Aquarius - Amethyst
Rouge- Unknown (Though her first appearance was on June 18th In SA2 meaning she would have the same stone and sign as Sonic)
Silver- Unknown
Blaze- Unknown (I'm going to match their personalities to zodiacs if I can, because I'd rather not have them both be November babies)
Cream - Unknown (There seems to be a theme. Cream made her first appearance in The sonic collection which came out on Nov 10th. That would make her birthstone a Topaz and her zodiac a scorpio)
Shadow - Unknown (His first appearance was SA2. So his birthday would be June 18th , the same month as Sonic's. Let alone the same day as Rouge's. Prepare for trouble and make it double. I can see Shadow sharing a birthday with Rouge even if they didn't know hers. "Piss off, Faker. Go celebrate Rouge she doesn't have a birthday. Just leave me out of it.")
Y'all I had to do some mean number crunching and math pease appreciate me 😂
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justanalto · 4 years
i was tagged by the wonderfully sweet @besidemethewholedamntime -- thank you so much!! <3 <3 <3
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
I have a wet brush that’s bright blue, but I also have a hairbrush that’s red!
2. Name a food you never eat
uhhhh...olives, but only when they’re on their own. 
3. Are you typical too warm or too cold?
I’m always too cold. always, always, always. my fingers are currently freezing and so are my toes. I think it’s because there’s a loose draft in my room here somewhere, TBH. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
roses are red // 45 minutes ago // i was writing poetry // and answering all my asks in a row
i’ve been sending people asks in poetry form and they’ve been responding, LOL -- so there’s been a lot of poetry brain going on!
5. What’s your favorite candy bar?
either a nice dark chocolate bar or a green tea kit kat bar!
6. Have you ever been to professional sports event?
I’ve been to a few professional baseball games! gotta get out there and have some mass sports pride. one of these days, my american football team will be good again and I will get those tickets. 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
some half-hearted mumble-harmonizing to pentatonix’s be my eyes, so something along those lyrics!
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
either black raspberry (s/o to campus!!) or mint chocolate chip :) 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
a couple of sips of water, hehe
10. Do you like your wallet?
I do! It’s the first “grown-up” wallet I feel like I’ve ever had -- I bought it from camden market last year when I was in london, and it’s a nice pine shade of green and made of cork. unfortunately, because i bought it in london, it also means that it doesn’t hold american currency quite as well, but it’s okay, i make do, LOL! 
11. What is the last thing you ate?
my dad made spaghetti bolognese and I ate that with a hecking ton of bread. it was fantastic :) 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
unfortunately, no :( i can’t remember the last time I bought new clothes. maybe january? february? before the pandemic started. 
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched?
I think...I know it was definitely a pats game, and I’m pretty sure we lost, so it’s somewhere along the lines of pats v. ravens, I think
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
extra buttery, even though it would probably murder me :’)
15. Who is the last person you send text message to?
@aleksandrachaev, and it was two thumbs-up emojis, LOL. 
16. Ever been camping?
I have! I went a long time ago, like nine years ago long ago, I think somewhere out west? I slept on an air mattress, went to an outdoor bathroom, all that fun jazz! and the bug bites, LOL. 
17. Do you take vitamins?
my mom: so you’ve got the probiotic, the vitamin c and the biotin...
18. Do you regularly attend a place of workship?
I don’t -- my dad used to go to church regularly, but other than that, I’ve never been to church and we’ve never been as a family. 
19. Do you have a tan?
i don’t know how this happened but I literally still have shorts tan from like, august. it is the middle of november, someone tell me how I got here. a couple of years ago, I burnt so badly on a trip to LA I was still seeing the tan months later, LOL. and most of the time, I have some fair flip-flop tan!
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza?
chinese, because pizza has the ability to murder me
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw?
it it’s a takeout cup, then odds are good i’m drinking it through a straw, but other than that nope :) 
22. What color socks you usually wear?
white or grey, I think? i have some funky colored ones but i’m trying to change that
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
i’m having flashbacks to a conversation I had with a friend who laughed at me for going five miles above the speed limit -- yes, I do, but only the allowed five miles above the speed limit and none more
24. What terrifies you?
oh, no, you don’t want to ask me that, we’d be here all day...being abandoned, I guess? being left by the people I care about, becoming too attached to people because they can leave and hurt me, spiders, heights, the pandemic, being hated, being alone...my own emotions, sometimes. 
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
my tubby nugget! he smiles at me, and I feel a lil better :)
26. What chore do you hate the most?
i literally could not tell you how much I hate cleaning the grout in our bathroom tile. it is a CHORE. 
27. What do you think when you hear Australian accent?
the hemsworth brothers, but also someone I met abroad who was from perth and had the same name as me, LOL
28. Whats your favorite soda?
ginger ale! 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit drive through?
depends on where I’m hitting, tbh -- if i’m in a hurry, we’re going straight through the drive-thru. but if it’s an event, then we’ll go in! have a fun time. sit for a while and talk. 
30. What’s your favorite number?
i don’t think I have one, actually?
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?
my dad, I’m pretty sure -- we talked about pandemic unemployment assistance :)
32. Favorite meal?
sushi, or whenever my mom makes steamed chicken. (i’m realizing it’s been so long since I’ve had that chicken and now I’m sad) 
33. Last song you listed to?
for real by lana condor
34. Last book you read?
confucius jane by katie lynch, just to see if the lesbians stood up to the pedestal i’d put them on -- and hell yeah, they did! 
35. Favorite day of the week?
right now, thursdays, because thursday is grey’s day! 
36. Can you say alphabet backwards?
probably, if you gave me enough time to think about it
37. How do you like your coffee?
like i like my men -- from afar, some of them are pretty, but do I actually like them? no
38. Favorite pair of shoes?
either my gray ankle boots I got a couple of years ago or my ‘gay lesbian snow boots’ that I use when it’s snowing something awful out, LOL!
39. Time you normally get up?
i’m supposed to be up at 8 am, but I’m usually up anywhere between 9 and 10am. I...need to change that, LOL. 
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunset?
i love both! but I like sunset because I’ve never specifically woken up to see the sunrise, i’ve only seen it out of coincidence because I pulled an all nighter to do work
41. How many blankets on your bed?
three, at the moment -- a costco blanket, my college blanket and a five-below blanket
42. Describe your kitchen plates.
white with a floral border
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment.
it’s lived-in -- we have a side table that’s always at the risk of a collapsing, a power strip that runs a kettle, microwave and toaster oven (you can never run two of them at once otherwise the strip shuts off), kitchen mats that will never get rid of their crumbs and a healthy, healthy pantry!
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
either pink moscato wine or a rekorderlig cider! 
45. Do you play cards?
i used to a lot, when I was younger! when I got older I stopped finding people to be able to play them with, unfortunately. 
46. What color is your car?
silver! (even though I share it with my sister)
47. Can you change a tire?
no, but I’d definitely like to learn :)
48. Your favorite state or province?
new york or california, honestly. probably california. it’s the place I’ve felt the most free :) 
49. Favorite job you’ve had?
i’ve had a lot of internships but not a lot of jobs, but I’d probably have to say it was the one I had at dunks -- so many funny things and stories came out of it, and now I have enough barista experience to power my coffee shop fics for a lifetime! 
tagging: @agentmmayy @nazezdha321 @sadtunes @a-biochemist-not-a-bird @browneyedgenius @daisylincs @aleksandrachaev @missinglittlebritishfriend @hannahxowen @genderfluid-and-confuzled and anyone else that I missed -- you’re it!! (i’m truly sorry if I forgot you, I haven’t slept a lot in the last couple of nights fhdskjfhs) 
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Fuck yeah let's do it
Time to get personal
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1) What song makes you feel better?
Honestly a number of songs make me feel either happy or pumped but Goldfish Crackers by Gold Revere and Sunday Best by Surfaces are the sure-fire way to kickstart the serotonin production
2) What's your favorite feel-good movie?
Honestly probably any Disney movie. They just remind me of simpler times
3) What's your favorite candle scent?
Anything that smells like flowers or nature! I especially love scents that remind me of water for some reason. My favorite perfume smells exactly like a lake and I ritually soak myself in it
4) What flower would you like to be given?
It's guaranteed that I will cry if anyone gives me any flower, but my favorites would have to be orchids or lilies
5) Who do you feel most you around?
Honestly my dad, we're pretty much carbon copies of each other and share the same humor so I feel 100% comfortable with him. I even recently came out to him that I was Bi and he was so supportive about it that I cried about it later that night. We're even planning on getting matching back pieces eventually
6) Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
Oh geez, my self worth is non existent so this took me a while
- my eyes
- my hair (when it's not overgrown like it is now)
- my calves weirdly enough
- my work ethic
- my humor
- my attention to detail
7) What color brings you peace?
Honestly blues and purples make me relax for some odd reason, bonus points if they're iridescent
8) Tag someone or multiple people who make you feel good
Oof obviously @thebo0knerd, @honestcactus, @prussianengel, @americanbeautea, and all of y'all
9) What calms you down?
Just being alone listening to music tends to calm me down, but the binging of Tik Tok and ironically creepypasta/scary story asmr helps too
10) What is something you're excited about?
My laptop! I'm almost able to buy it! It'll probably take a couple more paychecks but here's to an upgrade!
11) What is your ideal date?
Honestly just a trip to the mall followed by binging an anime, I'm a simple girl
12) How are you?
Honestly I've been in the dumps for the past month and a half. I've been working a lot with the public so that's always a fluctuating factor. I think I just need to move somewhere out of this godforsaken town and start somewhere fresh. Without the past constantly bringing me down
13) What's your comfort food?
Mozzarella sticks! In particular Denny's mozzarella sticks. My father would take me to Denny's as a treat whenever he got me for the weekends. He knew how bad it was when I was living with my mother and there's just a lot of comfort in those little artery cloggers
14) Favorite feel-good show?
Honestly a few animes! Right now its Haikyuu, Fire Force, and now Avatar. They're all just so inspiring and funny; they're all a great mood lifter
15) For every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word
🥺 @1a-imagines Direct Ray of Sunshine
🥺 @honestcactus Mood of 2020
💕 @americanbeautea Deity Goals
💕 @awkward-tension Angst Lord
💕 @desperatelittledemon CEO of "Shut Up Val"
16) Compliment the person who sent you this number
All of y'all mean the world to me and I'm always here to listen if y'all want to talk 🥺💖
17) Fairy lights or LEDs?
Why not both? I feel like LEDs are nice but nothing can beat fairy lights above your bed on a stormy day
18) Do you still love stuffed animals?
Of course! I still have most of my childhood stuffed animals and I still mourn my favorite one my mom threw away when I was 9
19) Most important thing in your life?
Oh jeez, I'm not trying to sound edgy or anything but I don't think I have anything important in my life. Obviously I value my sister friends but depression makes shit hard
20) What do you want to do most in the world right now?
Launch all the boomers and Karens into orbit
But honestly I want to start living for myself.
Like I feel like I've only been doing what people tell me to do and going wherever they go and I'm tired of it.
It's time I forge my own path
21) If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
"Blood doesn't bind you, friendship does"
22) What would you say to your future self?
"Ayo bitch good luck"
Just kidding
"It's okay to give yourself permission, no one is holding you down anymore, it's okay"
23) Favorite piece of clothing?
Honestly nothing yet, all of my clothes are either hand me downs or plain clothes. I'm planning on doing a complete wardrobe change so I can dress how I want
24) What's something you do to de-stress?
I'm an avid gamer so I'm always playing some game, anywhere from PS4 to switch, to phone games. They just help get my mind off of things
25) What's the best personal gift a person could give you? (Playlist, homemade card, etc.)
Honestly anything! I've never really gotten anything that was handmade, Book made me a couple paintings and I treasure them
26) What movie would you like to live in?
Avatar tbh (AND YES IT UNFORTUNATELY COUNTS) just the idea of a simple life with a bit of elemental powers is just appealing to me, I feel like I'd be a water bender
27) Which character would you like to be?
Oof all of the dead ones
I mean
Ms. Kobayashi
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A normalish life with dragon waifus? Sign me up!
28) Hugs or hand holding?
Hugs, honestly I'm so touch starved I'd probably cry if I got a genuine hug
29) Mornings, Afternoons, or Nights?
Late nights and early mornings, basically times where everyone else is asleep are just especially peaceful to me
30) What reminds you of home? (Things that remind you of the feeling of home)
I've got a very fucked up idea of home. I was raised in a military household so home was never a location, neither was having long-term friends. Not to mention after I lived with my ex for a year I've got an even more corrupt understanding of home.
But if I had to summarize it just anywhere I feel the safest, which generally means my bed
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