#him stopping by the bar and surprising her after all his adventures?? the two of them visiting museums and reading together??
whiskyanndboots · 2 days
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Summary - You were kicking yourself, you were a coward, a hopelessly unrequited mess hung up on a time traveling genius who didn't end up with normal, boring girls like you.

Pairing - Five x Reader, OCxReader (briefly)
Warnings- Swearing, sexual innuendo, alcohol, canon divergence, pining
A/N - I didn’t edit this, sorry, but I got a little fic idea and ran with it. I’d never heard of Umbrella Academy until about a month ago when the series ended and the community was on fire, I only write for series 4 and Five is aged up in this one because it’s a travesty we didn’t get his family making jokes about him legally being able to drink now. Sloane is alive because so she should be.
You tilted your head back and finished your drink while the bartender was already making your next one, the pleasant buzz of alcohol thrummed through you easing the anxiety you'd had in coming here earlier tonight. 

"He won't stop staring" Charlotte whispered in your ear, leaning into you so much you stumbled into the bar. 

Charlotte was your favourite co-worker, she didn't seem to care much about your vague answers and the distance you kept from everyone at work. 

"Who?" You answered with fake interest, you knew who. 

"Oliver!" She exclaimed laughing into her drink still way too close to your face. 

She was right, Oliver had been staring all night, aswell as flirting and buying you drinks. Oliver had asked you out once a few months ago and you'd rejected him, he took it on the chin and you'd been friends ever since. But you weren't blind, you seen the way he'd look at you, eyes flicking over your body before darting back up to your face when you'd walk by, his gaze always drifting to your mouth while you spoke.

The only difference was that for the first time tonight you were flirting back. 

"Come on, let's go dance" Charlotte tugged on your arm lightly gesturing at the packed dance floor. 

"I'll get my drink and I'll meet you out there" You told her, she dropped your arm and practically bounced into the crowd, your gaze caught Oliver’s and you gave him a quick smile, ducking your head and turning to face the bar. 

He was handsome, smart, funny, successful and he was very, very into you, you should have been over the moon, but there was one very crucial thing he was lacking when it came to your feelings. 

He wasn't Five Hargreeves.

You'd been living with Five for two years now, you'd been surprised when he offered up his apartment while you were still reeling from having somehow, inexplicably, jumped timelines. He had said he was away working all the time and the place was empty anyway. 

Considering you'd been staying with all the other Hargreeves siblings on a rotating roster the offer sounded like a dream. Five had eventually warmed up to you after he'd decided you weren't secretly trying to screw over him and his family, it took a few months longer than this siblings, you thought living with him would be awkward and you’d have this semi silent co-existence type of roommate relationship. 

As it turned out living with Five was easy. Yes, he was snarky, bossy and arrogant, but he was an old man at heart and he acted like one. When he wasn't working he was home reading about things that made your brain hurt, watching jeopardy and random documentaries, he’d recently found his new hobby in building these little complex car sculptures he'd painstakingly put together for weeks at a time. 

He liked walking too, the two of you often went for strolls, getting fresh air and finding new things to see, you were always excited about these little adventures and finding another hidden gem in the city. Five also had a love of classic cars and driving them very fast whenever he had occasion, the first time he asked if you wanted a spin in a 1983 Pontiac Firebird he’d acquired for a Saturday drive you spent most of it holding on for dear life. Five was an entirely sensible, though impatient, driver in the city, but he let loose when you traveled onto open roads. He liked to go see some of the weird wonders America had to offer, he had a list.
It was so easy to forget he was an old man on the inside while simultaneously forgetting his body was so young on the outside too. 

Your favourite thing by far was drinking scotch at home on the couch just talking, laughing and listening to music as he tried to help you understand some complex theory on physics or his own time travel ones, he also told you stories of his life. Most of the time they were funny, but some nights it got somber and they were nights where you were brave enough to reach out and squeeze his hand as a comfort, he wasn't normally a very physically affectionate guy, but he always squeezed your hand back. 

This was a problem because you'd very quickly fallen for Five, so quickly it was embarrassing, and Five had zero inclination towards you romantically. 

You were helpless really, his tenacity, how incredibly intelligent he is, his arrogant charm and quick wit and how much he loved his family all made your heart flutter. There were times when he'd look up at you with mischievous green eyes, a slight smirk tilting his mouth and his dark hair falling so perfectly in his face that your heart would slam against your ribcage. 

But as you had pointed out, this was all completely one sided. 

Five saw you as a friend, a close friend, but there was nothing more. He'd never once made a move or even hinted at seeing you romantically in the last two and a half years you'd known him. 

It was fine at first, it was enough for you just to be in his orbit, to live in your home together drinking coffee in the morning while he did crosswords in the newspaper and asked for your help occasionally, to be at family dinners or events and stand to the side to watch his incredible and weird family laughing and shouting while the both of you stole a moment for each other in the, usually, happy chaos.

It was enough to be cooking dinner and have Five come home muttering about the idiots he worked with, shrugging out of his jacket and coming to see what you were making. He'd lean against the kitchen counter venting while you were getting everything ready, he'd eventually sigh loudly and ask about your own day. You'd try not to get too distracted when he'd reach up and loosen his tie, long, tapered fingers plucking the knot expertly apart. 

He'd always stand there until you were done cooking, hair messy, a slight smile on his face, sometimes teasing you as you tried to one up him with playful insults, you never could, but you still tried and the wide grin he'd give you when you inevitably were lost for words against him made your face flush.

It was all so domestic and you were far too comfortable with it. 

The longer you indulged in the bubble you'd created with Five the deeper you were falling in and the more it was going to hurt when it ended.

You'd been thinking lately about the future, you wanted someone to love, maybe even a family, you'd spent over two years now in a kind of limbo not willing to accept you weren't going home to your old life. But you were getting older, you were watching everyone else's lives change and grow while yours stayed the same. 

You dreaded the day Five told you he met someone, it was bound to happen eventually, if anything you were surprised it hadn't already. You'd see the way women looked at him, but he always brushed them off if they were brave enough to approach, atleast while you were with him. You didn't like to think about what happened when you weren't.

So you pushed yourself to do this, to have some fun and get to know your co-workers better, let your walls down and maybe even give Oliver a chance. Lila had even called and invited you out tonight and although you would much rather have spent time with Lila, Diego, Klaus, Luther and Sloane you declined. Lila sounded happy you were getting out of the house and making other friends.
You were glad you came, you were having fun and the more alcohol you drank the more free and giddy you felt. It felt amazing not to care so much about your problems.
You hadn't been with anyone since you found yourself stranded in this timeline and all the pent up frustration from living with the man who made your pulse quicken on a daily basis felt like it needed to be let out. 

You grabbed your drink and made your way over to Oliver, he smiled widely as you approached, it felt good to have someone interested in you.

"Wanna dance?" He asked, there was a relaxed demeanour about him, he'd been drinking as much as you and you wondered if he could feel the same adrenaline about you as you were about him. 

You nodded taking his outstretched hand as he led you onto the dance floor. The pub you all decided to visit had a band playing tonight, doing some pretty decent covers of some 80's rock and roll, you'd been here before with the others, it wasn't far from your apartment and Lila and Diego's house. 

You saw Charlotte out there, swaying her hips with her arms around a mans neck, she winked at you with a wide smile when she saw Oliver pulling you further into the crowd of people.

You danced and sang , laughing and spinning around, everytime Oliver touched your skin it sent butterflies into your stomach, you don't remember the last time you felt this kind of nervous excitement, this exhilarated. 

A lie.

You absolutely do remember. 

It had been their birthday, all of their birthdays, but it was Five's second twenty first birthday, so naturally there was alot of alcohol involved. Five endured endless teasing about finally being able to drink and watching his cranky, snide banter with his family had you grinning all night. 

You shook your head, you wouldn't let yourself think about that night. It was a year ago and you'd filed it firmly in the do not open part of your brain, you saved it for late nights when you couldn't sleep and you let yourself take a pathetic hit off the memory. 

Oliver pulled you closer to him and out of your head, his hands were on your hips, he had an easy, boozy grin on his face while he held you tighter against his body, you could feel muscle and warmth, your breath quickened.

"You're so beautiful" He yelled over the music his hand sliding up to cup your face. 

Your heart was racing as he leaned in, you'd been waiting for this all night.

His mouth clumsily pressed onto yours, you kissed him back with a vigour you didn't even know you had. This was what you needed to do, you had to get Five out of your head which was ironic considering its all you could think about now. 

The kiss was messy, not unpleasant though, he pulled back to smile at you before smashing his lips back onto yours more forcefully now, his hands sliding down your body as you swayed to the music, 

Your stomach turned flipped on itself, a sick feeling of guilt winding through you. It felt like cheating which was stupid, you weren't dating Five and Five wasn't in love with you. Five couldn’t have cared less you were doing this. 

Suddenly everything was too overwhelming, you pulled back, but stayed in Olivers arms. His face was flushed and a goofy smile was plastered across it. You weren't sure you could do this, a kiss was one thing, but more felt like too much more. 

You were kicking yourself, you were a coward, a hopelessly unrequited mess hung up on a time traveling genius who didn't end up with normal, boring girls like you.

You were abruptly pulled out of your mid makeout crisis when your arm was roughly yanked backwards and out of Oliver's arms. The alcohol made you unsteady and you'd almost tripped over stumbling into another body.

"Lila?" You blurted out confused when you turned to see the culprit, she looked furious.

"What the hell are you doing?" She barked at you loudly, you furrowed your brow at her, your mind trying to catch up with where Lila had just come from.

"(Y/N)?" Oliver asked moving closer, hand outstretched in concern. 

"Back off wanker" She spat pulling you roughly through the crowd. 

"Ow Lila!" You exclaimed, she was squeezing your wrist too hard. You quickly sent a reassuring wave and smile at Oliver behind you while Lila practically dragged you with her, your boozy legs not wanting to cooperate properly. 

As you made it off the dancefloor you were greeted with a few of the other Hargreeves family members, you smiled before realising they looked didn't look happy to see you at all, Diego in particular looked furious. 

"We're going home" Lila turned her head to tell you, not bothering to stop as she passed her family, even Luther and Sloane didn't meet your eye as you were tugged past. 

"Why?" You tried to pull your arm back. 

Lila turned to look at you with so much barely restrained fury you flinched, she didn't answer and you didn't fight her as she continued to pull you into the cold night air.

"I said I'm driving" You heard Diego arguing with Klaus as you tried to catch up with what the hell was happening. You were sitting in the back of Lila and Diego's van with Klaus, Sloane and Luther before you knew which way was up. 

Klaus sat beside you, the side of his mouth lifted at your confused gaze, but his expression was pinched. 

"Wait, I didn't tell them I was going!" You exclaimed looking back at the bar as the car jerked away from the curb throwing your body against your seatbelt.
“That’s what you’re worried about!?l Diego yelled, turning in his seat to glare at you, it made you flinch. You'd never been on the receiving end of a Hargreeves wrath before.

You looked over to Luther and Sloane, their mouths were tight and they were pointedly not looking at you. You were so confused, you were willing your brain to sober up a enough to make sense of this. 

"I can't believe this, how could you do this?!" Diego continued on driving the car faster than he should have been, white knuckle gripping the steering wheel, Lila was staring straight ahead seeming deep in thought. 

You were definitely missing something because you had wracked your brain several times over and you were pretty positive you hadn't done anything at all to warrant this level of outrage.

"Are you gonna say something?" Diego once again turned to look over his shoulder at you. 

"Just lay off, Diego" Klaus interjected "wait until we're home, she's drunk" 

"Lay off?! I haven't even started" Diego fired back. 

The car turned sharply and you grabbed onto the seat to steady yourself, you looked over to Klaus who's expression wasn't angry as he gazed down at you, it was worse, he looked disappointed.

"Has something happened?" You finally spoke up, as the words left your mouth you had a sudden scary thought "Is Five ok?" 

"Oh, so now you give a damn about Five, huh?" Diego sounded exasperated even though he let out a chuckle, shaking his head muttering things you couldn’t hear. 

The car pulled up in their driveway with a harsh jolt, you felt like the journey hear was way quicker than it should have been. You let yourself be led into the living room by Klaus who sat you down on the couch, the Hargreeves filed into the room each taking a seat, Lila pulled a chair from the kitchen into the room and planted herself down infront of you, Diego however was pacing back and forth looking like he was struggling not to explode. 

Klaus appeared beside you with a glass of water, you hadn't realise how thirsty you were, "Thanks" you muttered taking a long gulp. 

No one had answered you about Five yet and anxiety was building in your chest. 

"How long?" Lila asked, the way she was staring into your eyes was intimidating the hell out of you.

"How long what?" You asked back creasing your brow. 

"How long have you been fucking that guy?!" Diego exploded making your head snap towards him in surprise

"Diego, let me do the interrogating honey" Lila reprimanded, but turned to you expectantly.
"Oliver?" You asked quietly, what was their problem with Oliver?

"That the assholes name, huh? Oliver what a dumb ass name" Diego was muttering to himself. 

"Well?" Lila widened her eyes at you expectantly. You suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable being stared at under a spotlight like this , this was your personal life and you could do whatever the hell you wanted. 

"I don't see how thats any of your business" You replied steadily, Lila looked like she could have slapped you, the twitch in her hand made you pretty sure she wanted to. 

"Our brother is our business" Diego stalked forward towards you "I never would have picked you for something like this, we all thought of you like family, Five worships the ground you walk on" You leaned back into the couch, Diego's voice was measured, but it felt oddly like being yelled at. 

"It stops now. You tell him when he gets back or we will" Luther spoke for the first time, all business and no nonsense, nothing like the goofy big guy you'd come to know over the last few years. Sloane locked eyes with you before dropping them, a sullen look on her face.

"I'm sorry" You closed your eyes for a moment raising your hand up before running it across your face "why are you all so pissed?" You turned your confused gaze to Klaus.

"Well, I imagine it was having our night interrupted by our brothers girlfriend playing tonsil hockey with some guy who's definitely not our brother" Klaus answered, his delivery was light, but his tone was clipped. 

"Five's gonna be devastated, is this what do while he's away at work? I just- I just- I just can't figure out why you'd do this to him, you guys are happy, aren’t you happy?” Diego was pacing again.

Your brain short circuited. 


"Are you talking about me?" You asked bewildered. You weren't sober enough for this conversation because clearly you were missing something here. 

"Well as far as I know there wasn't anyone else out cheating on Five tonight" Lila answered back sarcastically. 

"You-" You couldn't even find the words, what in the actual hell was going on "I'm not Five's girlfriend" 

The room went silent.

"You can't be that drunk, if this is your idea of a ruse, it's a shit one" Lila raised her eyebrow looking annoyed.

"Let me get this straight" you leaned back in your chair closing your eyes for a brief moment to organise your thoughts "you think I'm Five's girlfriend and you caught me cheating on him" You glanced at all the faces around the room.

"Yeah, obviously" Lila's face scrunched up in confusion. 

"Well, you're missing one very important piece of that puzzle, I'm not his girlfriend" you shot back.

"You live together" Sloane suddenly piped up

"We're roommates" 

"You're always together, you went on a date last Saturday" Luther joined in. 

"We're friends, it wasn't a date it was a classic car show"
“You’re like a boring old married couple, I saw you arguing over whether to have blueberry or chocolate chip muffins with your afternoon tea last week! ” Klaus looked at you imploringly.
“I’m not boring” You spluttered
"You're definitely knocking boots" Lila raised an expectant eyebrow. 

"No, absolutely not. Wait, you know that" You shook your head confused and turned to look at Sloane who also definitely knew that. You remembered the conversation with them about how you were most definitely not sleeping with Five despite everyone believing the contrary, but you cleared that up a year ago and no one ever brought it up again.

"But our birthday" Klaus sounded mystified, your heart started pounding. 

How did they know about that night, did Five tell them what happened? You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole. 

"What about it?" You feigned innocence. 

"Our master plan to make sure you two emotionally stunted sweethearts finally admitted you wanted to jump each others bones" Klaus looked at Lila who looked panicked at his admission.
“What plan?" You swivelled your head between them.

"Well, we thought Five was being a cowardly little shit and needed a nudge in the right direction " Lila's smile grew cheesy and fake, you were sure she could feel the anger and embarrassment radiating off you.

"It seemed like a giant success, I mean, when I drove you both home Allison and I were worried you were going to get it on in the back seat if I wasn't quick enough" Klaus replied laughing and nodding at his siblings, you were definitely red in the face.

"No!" You said borderline hysterical "that definitely did not happen" This was hands down the most embarrassing moment of your life. 

"Wait, hold on, you aren't cheating on Five?" Diego asked with a hand in his hair.

"No, we're just friends" You desperately wanted to end this conversation “you can ask him if you don’t believe me” you offered. 

"Holy shit" Diego looked equal parts stunned and horrified.
“But you two-“ Luther looked like he was struggling to find words “you’re both- you always-you know!” he exclaimed, his hands waving in front of himself. 

"I need more water" you muttered going to the kitchen. 

What an absolute nightmare, clearly the way you felt about Five was so obvious his own family thought you two were together, you were absolutely fucking tragic. You had to do damage control, the single worst thing you could think of happening in your life right now was the idea of Five looking at you with pity in is eyes if he found out about your feelings. 

"Hey" Lila and Sloane both slunk into the kitchen as you were downing your water "I think we need to talk" 

"What was this master plan Klaus was talking about?" You raised an annoyed eyebrow in their direction.

"Well, it all started last year on the twins birthday"

A/N - thanks for reading if you got this far, most of this was a set up for another, hopefully, two parts to this series.
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Ace, Shanks, and Robin reacting to their female S/O saying “I love you” for the first time (Scenerios)
So I had a lot of fun writing the first one I went and wrote the second one but with a different setting and different ideas on how one would confess their love and made it in to scenarios. I hope you enjoy Headcanon
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Word Count: 263
The first time she confessed left Ace speechless, he had been sipping his drink after such a hot day of training and taking the cool drink she offered him. His best friend and crush for years he watched as took a seat next to him whipped the sweat off her brow and panted.
“You still get hot even with your Devil Fruit?” she questioned a bit amused glancing away from him. There was something on her mind, he knew her enough to know this, and she usually had better eye contact with her.
“I do get cold too,” he finally answered, “I just have to learn to regulate my body temperature,” she was playing with her hair and not looking at him she was nervous and that made him a bit anxious too. Normally she would have joked and teased him but right now, “Hey-“
Before he could say anything she turned to him, “ACE,” she almost shouted his name,  “I LOVE YOU,” she blinked surprised at her actions before standing up. Ready to run but Ace caught her arm stopping her.
“You…you love me?” he questioned his mind was rushing at the unbelievable sense of rush he was feeling. Her cheeks were red, and she was avoiding eye contact with him he frowned trying to figure everything out. Did she really love him, despite knowing his past, knowing who his father was?
“I love you too,” he blurted out his own feelings on the line. Wrapping his arms around her shoulder and pushing her close.  She only smiled before pushing him into a kiss.
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Word Count: 294
She had been avoiding them all day, whenever he headed her way, she would run in a different direction. It left him a bit confused and the lighthearted man a bit frustrated as he tried to remember what happened the night before that left her so scared of him.
The red-haired man ignored the aching in his heart while she shrugged it off, whenever he asked his men what happened. They would only chuckle a bit and tell him something good happened. But he had a hard time remembering what happened.
He would see her whisper to his crew before his crew men would chuckle, when they made eye contact with him they would act like they were doing something else.
Shanks tried not to let it bother him, secrets in the crew were normal. But was hurting was the woman he loved seemed to be holding on to a bigger secret that everyone knew about but him. He sighed annoyed but continued his day till late at night when his crew invited him to a drinking party.
He found it unusual when he entered the bar and it was empty except for her. She stood at the end of the bar with two drinks in hand. But he relaxed a bit when she smiled at him and handed him a drink.
“There is something I want to tell you,” she whispered, she spoke of last night and how he got drunk and confessed his love to her, “I love you too,” she finally admitted leaving Shanks speechless as his crew slowly rolled in cheering for them. He smiled wrapping his arms around the woman he loved and cheered as well holding the sake cup up before kissing the side of her temple.
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Word Count:262
Robin had been in a relationship with the beautiful woman for a while. While Robin herself wasn’t expressive, she did love sitting with her lover in silence while they read their books or watching the Straw hats shenanigans. But expressing emotions of deep seeded love or evening saying the word as foreign for Robin.
When her lover first expressed that she had a crush on Robin it left Robin confused but, in the end, accepted, feeling the same thing.  When her lover planned beautiful romantic dates for them it left her feeling strange, but she could only smile and chuckle as they spoke of their adventures. Gifts or praises left Robin feeling pleasant as she would always smile and accept spending her next day shopping for her lover as well.
But what she didn’t expect was her lover to confess her love to her one day. She sat in her chair blinking a bit confused, she had no idea how to react. She could feel her heart fluttering in her chest from…excitement?  She watched a nervous twist on the woman’s face as she fidgeted in the seat next to Robin.
Robin blinked a bit before a smile came on her face and she hugged her lover’s shoulders pushing her closer. She wasn’t sure if she could ever feel this way, a sense of peace and belonging but knowing that the woman in her arms loved her the way Robin loved her she couldn’t help but feel at ease.
“I love you too,” she finally answered placing a soft kiss on the woman’s forehead.
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m-musings · 11 months
HELLO, can I request Mihawk, Buggy, and Shanks dating or married to an elderly fem reader (late 40s or early 60s) hc's? Basically, the reader is genuinely so sweet and protective and rocking like she is in her early 20s. Despite her kind nature, the reader is also surprisingly strong-willed. And is also insecure about being too old and tries to convince them to move on and find someone else who is the same age as them. (also she ate a devil fruit that gave her teleportation powers and is a teacher and teaches fencing to young children).
Headcanons: The One Piece Old Men with an Older Fem! S/O
A/N: I fr had no ideas for this so I'm really sorry if it's not exactly what you wanted sdfghjkl
Word Count:698 Warnings: nada, all fluff here
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• K so, the first time Buggy meets you is when he happens upon your fencing class during an exploration of your island.
• When you see him approach, you instantly teleport in front you students to try and protect them from whatever he may do.
• Once he realizes that you're also a Devil Fruit user, he's almost instantly enamored with you.
• Initially, it's just because he sees you being useful to him in some way but as he gets to know you more, he grows to genuinely love and respect you.
• After getting together, Buggy revels in the affection you show to him and his crew. He can't recall the last time anyone saw them all as actual people, let alone get to know them like you do.
• He also respects the fact that you don't hesitate to call him out on his bullshit or straight up kick his ass when he needs it.
• And while he might give you crap about teaching sometimes, he still gives you the all the regard you deserve for doing a rather tough job like that.
• When you get insecure about being older, he makes sure to remind you that he is also kind of an "old geezer" and that he'll still love you when you're both as old as the sea itself.
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• You met Shanks when he and his crew pulled into port where you were staying, them needing to restock supplies and rest for a while before going off on another adventure.
• He meets you in a small bar where he sees you chatting and laughing merrily with some of the staff as you sip on a fruity drink of some kind.
• With an intrigued smile, he struts over and introduces himself with all the usual charm.
• As you two idly chat for about 15 minutes, you stop mid-sentence when the girl you mentor hurriedly runs into the bar asking for help with something quick.
• You excuse yourself with an apologetic smile before suddenly vanishing from sight, surprising Shanks as he confusedly looks around the room for you.
• A minute or two later, you pop back to your original position and continue on the conversation like nothing happened.
• Impressed at the discovery of your powers, he begins to ask all sorts of questions about it, which eventually leads to a friendship and later, a relationship!
• He loves being with you! Seeing how kind and helpful you are with most anyone you come in contact with is so refreshing for him to see in a world where other people seem to not care about anything but themselves.
• Shanks also admires the friendship you have with the girl you mentor, it reminds him of his relationship with Luffy.
• And when it comes to your age, he couldn't care less! As long as you're a truly good person, he'll love you with all his heart no matter how you perceive yourself.
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• You meet Dracule when he arrives to an island near yours while on a bounty search for the Marines.
• Having been hired alongside him due to your powers and skills with a saber, he is a little hesitant to be around you due to him preferring to work alone.
• But once the job is done and he's spent more time with you, he actually finds himself enjoying your company a lot!
• He likes how headstrong you are and how you aren't afraid to let someone know exactly how you feel.
• And that combined with the fact that you teach a very useful fighting style to the next generation, he's sold on the idea of the two of you being something more than friends rather soon.
• Mihawk also adores just how sweet you can be with those you care about. Whether that's with your students or with him, he's absolutely smitten when you're being your typical, cuddly self.
• There are for sure times when you convince yourself that your age is a problem and that he'd be better off with someone more youthful.
• When you have those doubts, he's right there to assure you that he doesn't mind at all. He's glad to be around you because you're you, older than him or not.
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justporo · 7 months
Dumb Ideas
"Staeve's arm was around the vampire’s shoulder who - like every night - acted like he was disgusted by all the affection but leaned into it as soon as one of you tangled their limbs with him. You had one arm slung around the pale elf’s mid with your head on Astarion's shoulder. Which also had the advantage of Staeve being able to caress your cheek and play with your reddish-brown hair - or pinch your ear. Meanwhile you were in the perfect position to nudge the half-drow's side whenever he got too feisty."
Staeve and you decide it's a good idea to pierce each other - while Astarion can't stop commenting on how idiotic that is...
Author's Note: So uhm, @velnna has allowed barbies being smashed with his Staeve and... my brain started to think of a sweet polycule with Staeve, Astarion and my own girl, Tav (the hero to almost all my fics)... how could I resist? And you might be saying "Poro, isn't this very self-indulgent?" to which I would agree, but have you considered that I am down bad for this half-drow? So, @velnna, big thankies again for letting me borrow Staeve again, he's wonderful as are you! <3
Pairing: Astarion/Staeve/Fem!Tav (You) Warnings: well, they pierce each other, so don't do this at home, kids? Wordcount: 4,5k
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In today's spoils from taking out the occasional bad guys on your way to bigger fish you had to fry in Baldur's Gate, there was something a bit peculiar.
Quite obviously just before you had gotten to these bandits they must've relieved someone else of a lot of jewellery: beautiful golden necklaces, amulets adorned with shimmering stones of all colours under the sun, delicate silver bracelets - and a surprising amount of piercings.
Back in camp now after a full day of adventuring, the party had started sorting through the valuables.
Staeve was just inspecting the pieces when you came over to him and the vampire. He was turning them around in his fingers while Astarion was captivated by a collier with rubies that matched the colours of his eyes very nicely.
When the half-drow saw you coming out of the corner of his black and teal eyes he looked up and threw you a grin: “Looks like I got myself an upgrade for my ears.”
He winked and immediately pocketed a few golden earrings - just to be sure to have them. You raised an eyebrow at the rogue: “Who says it's only you getting some new ones, eh?”
Stepping closer you grabbed Staeve's hand which still had some more gold rings and bars in it. And then while getting so up close and personal with him that the tips of his forest green hair almost tickled your face you wrung the remaining pieces out of his hand. He let you. And grinned benevolently at your audacity - thieves among each other.
“Sharing is caring, love,” you whispered and mimicked his wink from before exaggeratedly and stood on your tiptoes to press a quick peck onto the half-drow's lips. You felt the corner’s of his mouth curl up more as you kissed him. 
“Oh, don't worry, there is plenty to go around!” Staeve declared cheerfully and opened up his other hand with much more loot.
You narrowed your eyes at him while he rewarded you with a shit-eating grin. “There should be enough for all of us, even for Karlach. Although I'm not quite sure how many she might have,” Staeve mused and looked around to find the barbarian enthralled by Gale explaining to her in excruciating detail how to recognise a real diamond over a fake one.
“Or maybe we could do new ones. Especially since I don't know what these are for,” he held up some half-moon shaped pieces with a bar connecting the curve.
You just shrugged.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, Astarion had snuck up behind you in the meantime. Having - just like Staeve - secured his more than fair share of the spoils already.
“If you're intending to pierce your nipples, darling, I'd be more than interested to see that. Because that's what those are for,” he explained and pointed one of his long fingers at the thing Staeve was still turning around in his hands.
“Or maybe our sweetheart Tav would like to try that out?” Astarion teased as he stepped up even closer  behind you and you felt his hands suddenly cupping your breasts for a short moment and squeezing them upwards - making you yelp. “I'm sure it would suit you terribly well and would make for some extra fun for Staeve and me,” he haughtily whispered close to one of your pointy ears while he tried to make eye contact with Staeve. But the half-drow was too mesmerised by the sight of long elegant fingers presenting a quite alluring view of you exactly in front of his face.
And before you could swat the vampire’s naughty hands away he had already disappeared again with roguish quickness, just laughing. But you wouldn't let yourself be treated like that - not in public anyway. So you went after him, trying to get some revenge.
Meanwhile Staeve held the supposed jewellery for a nipple in front of his chest and looked at it curiously, his lips pursed. Then he simply shrugged and went after his two lovers who were hissing and swearing at each other somewhere at the back of today's campsite.
The rest of the party had split up the loot with everyone humming contentedly about the sudden wealth you had fallen into. Astarion had put on the ruby collier to everyone’s entertainment and Karlach had been happy about the still huge amount of new piercings she could take her pick from. Quite some more jokes about how other companions could adorn different parts of their body were made over a generous dinner. The wizard had thrown in a little extra effort and ingredients to celebrate the unexpected financial triumph for it to everyone’s delight.
And once everyone had had their fill of food, laughter, amiable companionship and the sun had set, everyone had retired to their tents - or each other’s for some.
Astarion was languidly laying on the pillows in front of his tent reading, one leg casually angled, the other splayed. He hadn't stayed solitary for long.
Staeve and you had bundled up with him like it had become second nature for all of you: Astarion in the middle, all smothered by you, the other rogue and your joint, multiplied love for him.
Staeve's arm was around the vampire’s shoulder who - like every night - acted like he was disgusted by all the affection but leaned into it as soon as one of you tangled their limbs with him. You had one arm slung around the pale elf’s mid with your head on Astarion's shoulder. Which also had the advantage of Staeve also being able to caress your cheek and play with your reddish-brown hair - or pinch your ear. Meanwhile you were in the perfect position to nudge the half-drow's side whenever he got too feisty.
On top of that you had hooked one leg around the vampire's while Staeve had one of his threaded through the angled one. Effectively you had all immobilised each other as you lay there all knotted.
You were talking about and presenting each other the pieces of jewellery you had saved for yourself, talking about which fit whom better. Or, Staeve and you did. Passing the delicate golden earrings between you, just over where the vampire held his book.
Astarion just occasionally threw in some teasing commentary and eyed the glinting ornate pieces - more than once trying to swat them out of your hands when he got too annoyed with the two of you disturbing his peaceful reading.
Having two lovers so eager and physically affectionate was surely a blessing for the tortured soul and body of the vampire - but it still took him some getting used to. So his usual coping mechanism was to be sassy about everything. Staeve and you knew that by now and usually took it as a hint to give your third a bit more space - however that may look like in the moment.
Right now you had each picked out several pieces and were getting bored anyway. The conversation drifted off. Peaceful silence spread between the three of you.You were toying around with the laces on Astarion’s shirt while Staeve had stuck his nose in the vampire's curls and pressed soft kisses to his scalp.
With your other hand you fidgeted with one of the piercings, letting it wander around your fingers. And while it made another turn around them, a thought slowly formed in your mind. But before you could voice it, someone else broke the quiet moment.
“You two are terribly silent - it's disturbing,” Astarion burst out after a while of neither you or the half-drow saying anything. Sassy, just like you were used to.
“First you're annoyed by us talking and now of the opposite. Make up your mind, darling,” Staeve muttered flatly and softly bit into one of the vampire's pointy ears.
Astarion hissed and snapped his face around to his insolent lover. Pushing him away with his long fingers splayed over the half-drow’s face, his pale skin contrasting with Staeve’s darker skin.
“I was annoyed at you for passing things right in front of my face while I am trying to read,” Astarion snapped back. “Also usually when the two of you are silent like this one of you is about to come up with a really dumb idea that will come back to bite us all,” he snarled in response to the other rogue’s complaint and Staeve grabbed his hand off his face - but not without a small kiss to it.
“You're one to talk Mr ‘I-am-not-a-details-person’,” Staeve gave back, unwilling to be called out by someone with so little talent for coming up with plans himself.
“Rich coming from someone who repeatedly almost got himself killed with his stupid need to throw himself at every blade pointed at Tav or me, my love,” Astarion snapped back again.
The two of them kept bickering and teasing each other playfully until Astarion rolled his crimson eyes and decided to end the argument by grabbing Staeve's face and kissing him. Up until both men were merely softly humming and moaning, content with being wrapped up in each other.
This so far had always ended any dissonance between the three of you for good. No opportunity for arguing when mouths were occupied otherwise.
You observed the scene as those two turned more to each other, laying on their sides. You moved so you were basically spooning the vampire, your head still on his shoulder but now from behind. You let your hand wander from Astarion’s waist to Staeve’s hand that was cupping the vampire’s cheek along with the kiss. Letting your fingers softly trace down his freckled arm and eliciting a light shiver from him. His eyes flew open, gaze softening at you and your soft caress. The three of you stayed like that for a long time, making you almost forget your idea.
“But what if we actually got some new piercings?” you posed as a question when the two rogues finally broke their kiss and stared tenderly at each other after.
Staeve's gaze immediately snapped to you and he began grinning, face lighting up with some radiant energy. You could always count on him for a quick and probably somewhat stupid idea.
“Absolutely not,” Astarion exclaimed though and huddled around so he lay as before, picking his book up again and forcing both you and Staeve to readjust positions again. Well, his standpoint on the whole thing was clear.
But Staeve and you were still grinning at each other in agreement.
“You do whatever you imbeciles want but no one is touching me with a needle!” the vampire reiterated and shimmied himself around deeper into his pillows. A steep wrinkle formed between his furrowed brows as he made a show of focusing on his book again, basically making the pages snap as he opened it up at his bookmark. But Staeve was already up and about to grab supplies for your endeavour.
“Your loss then,” you whispered to Astarion and leaned over for a quick kiss to take the frown of his face. It worked quite nicely.
“Don't let Staeve poke your eye out, darling,” Astarion purred when you pulled away again, raising one of his eyebrows.
You stuck your tongue out at him and made to get up. But the remaining rogue quickly grabbed for your wrist and pulled you back onto him for a longer, deeper kiss - arm around your waist so you couldn’t so easily escape.
“Don't poke out his either, sweetheart,” Astarion mumbled when you withdrew “I like my lovers each with both their pretty eyes.”
You gave him a peck onto the tip of his nose.
“Well, who says I'm not doing the nipple piercings after all?” you retorted and jumped up to go after the half-drow while Astarion offered you a fiendish grin at the proposition.
Shortly after, you and Staeve had returned with supplies: needles out of your packs, strong liquor from the camp supplies and of course some suiting gold rings.
Despite the expressed interest for something else, you had decided to let Staeve pierce your bottom lip so you could put a ring through it. And now after he had poured some alcohol over the needle you were sitting in front of each other with crossed legs - while Astarion watched from the back with a perpetually raised eyebrow.
“Have you done this before?” you asked the half-drow as he bit his lip and obviously didn't know how to get going.
“Of course! I've done all my piercings myself. Also pierced others before,” he answered and kept inspecting your lips as if there was something new to see. As if he wasn’t staring enough at them every single day already.
You eyed Staeve's ears and the rings dangling from them. Some of the spots had healed a little roughly it seemed. “And all your victims so far still live?” you asked sceptically and grabbed the bottle of liquor that Staeve still had beside him to take a good swig from it. Staeve pressed his lips into a thin line as he watched you drink, clearly not even thinking the question worth an answer.
“Having second thoughts, darling?” Astarion threw in sarcastically, staring at you from under his brows when he had seen your questioning glance at Staeve's answer.
“I'm surprised you'd let him put a needle into you. Some days I'm surprised he remembers to use the pointy end of his dagger,” the vampire continued while letting his eyes drop to his book again and pointedly turned over to the next page.
Staeve puckered his lips and stared down Astarion who must've felt it and lifted his gaze again to stare right back. “Just leave me something to kiss,” the pale elf concluded and went back to reading.
The half-drow sighed and grabbed the bottle of liquor from you and also downed a fair amount - not exactly adding to your trust in him. But with some liquid courage within him he cracked his neck and made to get to work.
He softly grabbed your bottom lip between his index and thumb, softly tugging. His teal eyes flitted over it while he hesitantly brought up the needle to it. Meanwhile your silver eyes remained firmly on your partner, watching as his lips slightly parted and a light frown formed on his face. Silence spread for a few long heartbeats.
“Your hands are trembling, love,” you muttered, with as much clarity as your caught bottom lip allowed for.
Staeve's eyes jumped to yours, a hint of desperation lit up in his eyes.
“How am I supposed to do this with you staring at me like that, sweetie, hm?”
One of your eyebrows jumped up, lips curling into a smirk.
“So what you're saying is I am distracting you with my piercing eyes?” you teased.
Staeve rolled his eyes at you but smiled. And both of you heard how Astarion clicked his tongue at you.
“I don't want to hurt you,” the half-drow whispered once he had shaken off your stupid joke.
“Surprisingly this doesn't seem to be a common problem with you,” you gave back slightly breathy and watched a soft shade of pink colour Staeve's cheeks.
Then he tugged harder on your lip, making you whimper slightly in the process. “Well, if you say so, Tav,” your lover teased in a low tone, leaning ever closer to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes, biting his own lip now.
“Please, don't have too much fun without me,” Astarion commented from the back in a mockingly dry and bored tone.
Your eyes jumped to the vampire who wasn't even looking at you.
And suddenly you felt a sharp sting that caught you off guard. A single yelp left you, then you looked back at Staeve and - blinking a few times to manage the pain - realised that he had pushed the needle cleanly through. He grinned triumphantly at you.
Without letting go of the needle he grabbed the golden ring you had picked out and carefully threaded it around your bottom lip once he had pulled the needle out. Then he softly dabbed off some blood with some clean cloth.
You didn't even further react to all of it until he finished his job with a very delicate kiss on your lips (that still sent another sting of pain through the wound but you barely minded).
“There you go,” Staeve grinned at you. “Looks hot!”
You grinned back and flinched only a little when you felt some pain from the movement.
“Turn your head for me, darling?” Astarion demanded back from his vantage point. You obeyed and underlined your new accessory by adding a playful wink. The vampire rewarded you with his signature smirk and hummed approvingly: “I have to agree with you, Staeve darling, it does suit her.”
The half-drow puffed out his chest in pride, extremely satisfied with himself and his work. He kept looking at you, eyes wandering over your new piece of jewellery again and again.
Then, while pain began to slowly throb through your lip you got up from your cross-legged position.
“Now your turn,” you said as you got up and grabbed a fresh needle. Staeve's mouth moved silently as you quickly poured some of the alcohol over the needle and were already reaching for one of his ears. He had opted for another earring for a longer row down his pointy ears.
What he had not opted for was how fast and eager you were to get to it now that you were already dealt with. He lifted his hands defensively and leaned away from you.
“Don't you just want to take a break first, see how you are with the pa-” “Don't chicken out on me, darling,” you immediately interrupted him and grabbed for his ear with a wicked grin and glint in your eyes.
Staeve yelped and still tried to lean away from you despite you already having a grip on him. This went on until he lost balance and toppled over. You had no problem with this and quickly followed him, climbing onto him until you were straddling him - his ear still in your grasp and in your other hand the needle.
“Love, I'd really appreciate some of the restraint I showed towards you,” the half-drow pleaded, one hand still held up to guard himself and with the other holding himself slightly upward to not fully lose control of the situation.
“Looks like someone delights a lot more in pain than you do, Staeve love,” the vampire once more threw in. This time he had actually lowered his book. This was all way too entertaining now.
You answered your vampire with another fiendish grin, then looked at the rogue beneath you once more.
“Have mercy, darling!” Staeve pleaded once more but you saw now how he could barely contain a grin himself. The twitching corners of his mouth gave him away.
“This is going to be it, Staeve? This is how you'd beg when she basically has you by the balls? Pathetic,” Astarion teased ruthlessly and then clicked his tongue again. Staeve and you shared a glance. Both of you knew the vampire would make much more of a fuss would he be in the half-drow’s position now.
The rogue beneath you made a slightly despaired noise, then took another breath and looked you straight in the eyes: “Alright, you know what. Tav, ge- wait a second!” He interrupted himself and grabbed the bottle of liquor again, downing the rest of it with impressive speed.
“Get it over with,” he finished and then turned his head slightly to give you better access to the side of his head. He was still eyeing you cautiously.
And as you moved in until the needle was almost touching his ear, his free hand snapped up and grabbed your hand: “Count to three? Please?”
His eyes were genuine this time when he asked that of you. Your gaze softened, your hand with the needle dropped slightly. And with your other you softly let your thumb wander over your lover's much darker skin.
“You don't have to do this, Staeve,” you whispered and let go of his ear to softly cup his cheek and turn his face around to you. You softly pressed a kiss to his lips, biting through the pain immediately shooting through your lip doing this. Staeve let go of your hand to mirror you, the pad of his thumb softly stroking over your cheek as you kissed.
But when you lifted your head up again you saw the determined glint in his eyes, being sure he wouldn't pull out of this, no matter what.
“Hells no, I want to do this. Just - count to three,” he asked of you. You simply smirked and grabbed his chin to turn his head back to the former position.
“Ready?” you asked and felt how some nervousness welled up inside you too as you carefully aligned the needle with your partner's ear.
Staeve slightly nodded as he looked at you. He trusted you after all. Even Astarion was still watching right now.
You took a deep breath - as did he. Your eyes were firmly on him.
“One,” you said - and pushed the needle through the half-drow’s ear.
Naturally, you took him fully by surprise. His mouth opened, ready to let out a yowl of pain but then realised it wasn’t nearly as bad as he thought. “Oww?” he made, more question than exclamation of pain, while you already pulled the needle through and fiddled with his new earring.
“Well, I could do that again anytime,” Staeve boasted afterwards and leaned forward - until he had to wrap his arms around you to stop you from falling off his lap. You grabbed a cloth and cleaned up his ear while he kept grinning at you insufferably and you pouted at him for how easily he swatted away his hesitancy from before.
“You like it, darling?” he shouted towards Astarion fishing for a compliment like you had gotten and meanwhile fully ignored your attitude.
The vampire rolled his eyes then nodded in exaggeration at Staeve, putting on some massive histrionics. Then he rolled his eyes again and went back to reading.
“Are you guys done now? Can I finally read in peace again?” Astarion spat towards you as Staeve let his hand wander up your back and rubbed the tip of his nose against yours.
“Still no nipple piercings for you?” the half-drow suggested cheekily and threw his other lover a glance. But the addressed vampire just stared at him in annoyance for his insolent proposition and shook his head - moving up his book to block both of you out of his view while he muttered something under his breath. Something about what he must have done to end up in this situation.
And while he kept softly muttering to himself, Staeve looked back at you, softly motioning towards Astarion with his head and a slight grin on his lips. You immediately fully understood his intention.
Without further need for communication the two of you dashed back towards your third and smothered him in between you: showering him with kisses while wrapping all of your limbs around him. Basically giving him not a single chance to escape your joint affection. The book was quickly wrestled out of his hand and discarded to the side.
Of course the vampire took it with hissing and many very verbal complaints but he simply couldn’t resist his partners showering him with the love he deserved. In the end he let himself be happily swept up between the two of you. All of the affection making him almost forget that it hadn’t always been like that.
It took a while before the tangle of limbs calmed down again. By the end you were almost in the same position again as you had started the whole night with, neatly wrapped up in each other.
Astarion looked at the two of you softly since you had seemingly used up all of your chaotic energy for the day.
When he took in your face, one of his eyebrows jumped up as he looked down to your freshly pierced lip. By now you could certainly feel it swell up and how it began to throb in pain.
Before you could question his intention, Astarion leaned towards you and softly licked up a fresh trickle of blood from the wound. All while retaining eye contact with you and sending shivers down your spine. Afterwards his lips stayed for a kiss - cautious of course, to not cause you more pain. You would have loved to deepen the kiss more and see where it could possibly lead. But you knew the pain would make you regret it and so it remained quite chaste.
When the kiss ended, Staeve immediately inserted himself back into the situation: “And are you taking care of my ear too, or…”
“I’m definitely not going to lick your godsdamned ear, Staeve!” Astarion answered with a snarl.
The other rogue pouted.
And that surprisingly was all that had been needed for Astarion to give in despite himself. With a loud sigh, he turned over and softly pressed some light kisses to his lover’s new earring. Staeve grinned at him contentedly and drew him back in for another open-mouthed kiss that went on until all of you slowly felt the exhaustion of the day finally catch up with you.
Slowly the three of you settled into serene silence: only the campfire still crackling, soft breaths drifting off into the aether and the sound of two hearts beating for three filled the night now.
It would have been perfect to just drift into your dreams now - if only it hadn’t been for the pain that now really kept bothering you.
You caught Staeve’s gaze and saw the same agony mirrored on his face - especially since he was laying on the side of his freshly pierced ear. You made a face towards your half-drow partner. He answered you in like.
But neither of you would have bothered to get up and do something about it. Especially not if it meant letting go of your vampire for only a second.
But Astarion noticed anyway.
“Regretting the consequences of your actions, darlings?” he teased with a bit of bite in his tone. But when both you and Staeve made big eyes at him, he simply sighed. Then he tried to detangle himself with quite some effort and got up.
“Where are you going, Astarion? You can’t just leave us here, not if we’re hurting!” you exclaimed and immediately shimmied over into Staeve’s open arms since the spot between you was empty now.
“I’m going to get the druid to fix you up. I can’t have you die of an infection because of this. Not before either the tadpole or I get to you,” Astarion responded with some annoyance masking his actual care for the two of you as he was already stomping away.
“Or do you rather want me to get Shadowheart?” the vampire teased you.
Staeve and you looked at each other. Both of you could imagine the amount of judgement you’d receive from the cleric.
“Halsin,” you exclaimed in unison and heard Astarion laugh slightly in response. And then you waited until your temporary missing piece returned to make the three of you whole again.
Taglist (DM if you want to be added please): @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon @hereliesblackdragon @ayselluna @ajokeformur-ray @i-cant-get-into-my-other-account @rikuyrk06 @marina-and-the-memes
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crownjewel123 · 4 months
Not a Reader/Fifteen request, but I am STARVED for Fifteenth Doctor/Jack Harkness!
Some sort of scenario where they meet up again somehow and this time… this time something in this Doctor wants Jack. And Jack is shocked the Doctor is flirting back finally, and he is not at all complaining, not in the slightest. Wherever you wanna take it after that 👀
Bet! Do forgive if it’s not the greatest I’m still trying to flex my creative muscles out of their dormant state.
Another day, another adventure.
Ruby Sunday was glad she had followed the Doctor out of her mum’s flat on Christmas day. Different eras, saving music, meeting space babies, stopping goblins, the mysterious Timelord never seemed to stop moving. It was nice, after having lived such a mundane life after so many years.
Not that she would complain, she loves her family. She loves helping people, seeing new people, saving people, seeing new things.
This though, this was new.
She hadn’t seen the man flirt since the colony of horrible dot users. Wasn’t even sure he was completely capable of it in a face to face setting, before this moment.
They were on a planet, 500,000 light years away from earth and 4000 years in the future. The Doctor called it Talbot, a society that existed outside of the capitalist sphere ‘for about a hundred or so more years before the colonists arrived and ruined it’… or something like that.
It was so intricate, the cities design. And the people, welcoming, helpful, kind. And incredibly charming- well, this man was.
He strode over to her with a smile, holding out a hand. “Hello, Captain Jack Harkness.” He winked at her, and she felt her cheeks warm, before she was wisked to the side.
“Jack, always a pleasure,” the Doctor spoke, raising one of his hands to his lips to press a chaste kiss. He stepped back with a flourish of his coat. A mix between a bow, and a curtsy. “I’m the Doctor, and this is my companion, Ruby Sunday.”
Jack gaped at the man before him a moment, blinking before his smile split into a grin so wide she wondered if it hurt.
“Doctor, you look good,” Jack remarked, shrugging off his coat and tucking it into his elbow. “To what do I owe such a pleasure?”
“Well, you’re breathing aren’t you?” The Doctor winked with a chuckle, “Would you care to catch up with some refreshments?” He too, shrugged off his coat, revealing his colorful shirt beneath that revealed a bit of his barren chest. Jack’s eyes filtered over his form a moment.
Ruby suddenly felt quite misplaced. Though, she didn’t say it as she watched owlishly. She found herself interested in finding the connection between the two.
The Doctor offered a hand to Jack, who looked at it with some sort of suspended disbelief. Before, relief seemed to overtake him.
“Oh Doctor, I thought you’d never ask.” Jack took his hand, trailing beside him as they sauntered toward the nearest bar.
Ruby’s lips parted in her silent surprise, before she smiled, following behind them.
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francis-writes · 9 months
I have a request for Alex delarge😋 If the brother of the girl Alex was interested in had the biggest and most powerful gang around And the leader of this gang is of course the brother of the girl he likes. 💂‍♀️
Can you write something about this 💂‍♀️
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A/N: i should be studying for my exams but i know i won't be able to focus with my family
Alex usually wasn't interested in his enemies' families except for a few times he considered attacking and abusing them, purely to annoy other leader. But even if he didn't know that you're Billyboy's sister, when he met you, he found out soon enough. He saw you one night in a bar, but before he managed to approach you and convince you to visit his bedroom, Georgie stopped him and whispered: "Watch out, brother. She's a Billyboy's sister, better stay away from her panties"
But Alex was never the one to deny himself anything, so he just shook his hand off his shoulder and came to you, starting his usual smooth talking that could bring anyone into his arms (especially when combined with a stare of his icy blue eyes)
Of course, you knew who he was. Your brother often complained about Alex and described him carefully, so you knew whom to avoid. Billyboy already forbade you to date any gang members (even from his own gang) because he knew too well what these boys are capable of. You appreciated his care (and his apparent hypocrisy), but as you listened to Alex, your doubts melted away. It could be dangerous, but he looked like a snack served for you on a silver plate. After all, perhaps the possibility of your brother's brutal revenge would discourage Alex from any risky ideas (he could also abuse you just to show his power to Billyboy, but this thought somehow didn't cross your mind). But for now, you weren't going to mention your adventure at home. You would rather avoid hour long lecture about sleeping with the enemy.
You carefully made sure that Alex knew well who you were. He did, so you ended up in his bedroom. It was to be expected, but what surprised you was that he asked you to meet again. He was rather known for sleeping with one person two times (sexual marathons lasting for hours were counted as one time).
To be completely honest? At first, Alex decided to seduce you and date you purely because you were Billyboy's sister. Pretty, for sure, but not much different from other one night stands. He wanted to be able to spit in Billyboy's face that he fucks his sister. Maybe show him a video to humiliate him further.
He knows this dating game, so Alex pulls all his tricks. Takes you to dates, gives you gifts, and even listens to you (sorry, it's new for him to care about what his lovers have to say). But in the way, he imperceptibly falls in love with you (fake dating trope, my beloved). He discovers that you have other advantages than your body and that he actually likes spending time with you.
But it can't be so easy, right? Eventually, Billyboy finds out about your relationship, and man, he's P I S S E D. You can't blame him tho, for all he knows, a violent rapist and his enemy is dating his sister (hypocrite)
He tries to lock you in the house so you can't meet with Alex. Chaos ensues. A few possible solutions, none is normal. Probably Alex breaks in with his drougies and kidnaps you so you can live in his house. Billyboy wouldn't call cops. First of all, they are cops. Second of all, you live with Alex willingly. So there's gonna be a small war of trying to get you back home. It ends when Billyboy gets bored and decides that you can go to hell for all he cares
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happilychee · 9 months
juvia and lisanna headcanons pt.2
♡ when lisanna sees gajeel rock up to the guild hall for the first time with pantherlily at his side, she grabs juvia and asks how well she knows gajeel. all it takes is one word from juvia and the four of them are off on a guild mission. pantherlily asks lisanna how she's adjusting and suddenly they're recounting all of their edolas adventures to juvia and gajeel. the two, in turn, talk about their phantom lord days and how they joined fairy tail. to their surprise, lisanna laughs her ass off.
♡ after that, lisanna finally feels a semblance of normality. she goes on missions with juvia the most, sometimes with mira (if the job is simple and close by), and she even goes with gajeel and lily without juvia.
♡ the talking-to-everyone-again pipeline goes juvia -> pantherlily and gajeel -> levy and team shadowgear -> lucy (which lisanna still feels a bit weird about) -> wendy -> natsu and erza. when she finally, finally talks to natsu and erza again, lisanna finds that it's not as scary as she thought it was. they're both rather protective of her, but she supposes it's okay in the guild hall. less flying tables come her way.
♡ lisanna is the one who hypes up juvia to try to talk to gray again. or just get her to stop avoiding him. lisanna gets the deets from erza and cana, learning that their initial interactions were... less than ideal, and after gray flat out rejected her, juvia totally avoided him for fear of straining their relationship more. lisanna, regaining her mischievous streak, straight up shoves juvia to the table when she hears gray talking about the local sea life. awkwardness be damned, marine biology gets both of them talking. later, juvia thanks lisanna for helping her repair her friendship with gray with a small grin on her face.
♡ they gossip sooooo much. it's common to see lisanna and juvia seated at the bar, whispering and giggling to mira as they look over their shoulders at the guild hall.
♡ juvia didn't grow up around a lot of people, so she's very gullible about mundane things. lisanna decided that this is the one area she won't exercise her mischief in. she turns erza levels of scary when natsu convinces juvia that bunnies can hop high enough to get into trees.
♡ juvia likes to bake for her friends; lisanna can't bake to save her life. juvia tries to teach lisanna how to bake and they start a kitchen fire. erza scolds them but she's placated when juvia offers her a piece of homemade strawberry cake.
♡ lisanna is the more sociable of the two, and she's the one who drags juvia to any party going on at fairy tail. juvia usually sticks to gajeel and sometimes levy, but lisanna is elated when juvia agrees to play beer pong. they destroy cana and gray and all four of them end up very, very drunk.
♡ juvia and lisanna team up to tease gajeel. natsu always watches them in slight horror. gajeel usually pulls lisanna into a headlock, ge-he-he-ing.
♡ juvia also feels more acclimated to fairy tail. all of them are, in a sense, "outsiders," but coming together has strengthened their bond as a whole. so when the s-class trials roll around, juvia is both shocked and honored to be considered for it. everyone is cheering, but no one can beat lisanna's or gajeel's energy. they have to choose a partner to help them, and who does juvia choose to help her achieve s-class? her best friend, of course.
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theshittymarimo · 5 months
Dreams and Daemons
Prologue: Romance Dawn Fandom: One Piece Summary: In another vast world of adventure, devil fruits, and diverse islands, everything may seem similar. But in this world there are also daemons by their side through it all. This is the introductions of the daemons. Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
In Makino’s bar, a black and white monkey with a striped long tail sat in Shanks’s lap, poking at a gem that he had brought for her from their latest trip. “Hey, Luffy”, Shanks called out to the happy boy who was scarfing down food next to him. “Yeah?” Luffy responded distractedly, fully focused on his second lunch. “Can I ask Meggy a question?” Shanks asked, aware that it wasn’t common for people to speak to other people’s daemons unless they were close to each other, as in considering each other almost like family. It was considered polite to ask the human first if someone wanted to talk to someone else’s daemon. Luffy looked at him with bulging cheeks, like he had asked him a stupid question. He glanced down at his daemon, who was right there in Shanks’ lap. “She’s right there”, Luffy responded, like he was weird before returning to his food. Shanks sighed, he should’ve known that Luffy would answer like that. Those two weren’t exactly like others and had been that way since Shanks first met them. “Hey, Meggy”, Shanks began again, looking down at her in his lap. “Yeah?” Meggy answered, quickly losing interest in the gem as the pirate captain shifted his focus to her. She let the gem fall down on the floor with a clatter and without waiting for an answer, she climbed onto his shoulders, letting her long tail curl around his face. She seemed oblivious to the fact that it tickled his nose and made it harder for him to continue. Instead, she seemed intent on leaning over Luffy to see if there was any food left for her, using her tail around Shanks’s face as an anchor. “Meggy”, Shanks sighed again, blowing some fur out of his mouth. “You know, most daemons don’t climb all over other people like this.” “Huh?” Meggy said in surprise, stopping what she was doing and looking back at him in surprise. “You don’t feel uncomfortable?” he asked curiously. He knew from his own experience that when his daemon touched someone else, it required immense trust for letting someone else touch a part of your soul. There was something very exposing in letting yourself bare for someone else to touch as people could get a flash of the person’s inner self and feelings. Most people felt fear or embarrassment from it. But all he could feel from Meggy was curiosity. “Why would I?” she tilted her head in confusion. “… I don’t know”, Shanks responded after a moment with a quirk of his lips as he returned to his drink. “Shanks is weird!” Luffy laughed loudly for the whole bar to hear as he finished his food. “Ah! You didn’t leave anything for me Luffy!” Meggy shouted in distress. “You little brat”, Shanks’s brow twitched as his crew around them laughed.
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deepdisireslonging · 1 year
Some Old Favorites
I was reminiscing, looking back through my masterlists, and I wanted to reshare some smutty fics. They didn’t get a lot of love back in the day because I didn’t have many readers yet. Some of you have found them and loved to read them as much as I loved to write them. But I wanted to share them with some of my new friends/followers too. Happy Reading!
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DC Comics:
Two Hoods, One Revenge: The reader has nightmares of the day that turned her into a vigilante. Jason helps her keep them at bay; first with soothing words, then with something more hot and heavy.
Hickey Victory: Dick gets his hands on a marshmallow gun… but he forgets about your nerf gun stash. Shenanigans occur.
A Night at the Theater: A mission demands the public appearance of Bruce Wayne and yourself at a theater. The mission is quickly put to rest, which leaves you plenty of time to appreciate your husband during intermission.
A Nightly Affair: Nightwing keeps mistaking your apartment for his and you two grow very close. Very. Close. So close as to put you in danger, unless Nightwing can find you first. [Series Masterlist]
In the Eye of the Beholder: Part 1 | Part 2 : The reader gives an unexpected lap dance. Bucky approves.
All in a Night’s Work: The reader come face to face with the sniper that has been evading them for years. When things don’t go according to plan, Loki distracts them till they can get some much-needed rest.
Dirty Lips: When Y/N introduces a swear jar to the team, Steve takes it upon himself to fill it all by himself.
To Love the Sea: Y/N is the daughter of a sea-side innkeeper. The area is known for its draw for pirates, but one pirate is feared above all others: Captain Loki. He offers to take her on adventures; is she willing to take the plunge? [Series Masterlist]
The Pointy End: You are research headquarters at the bunker while Dean, Sam, and occasionally Cas, are on cases. Dean comes home to you after a very long case, with a surprise. (My very first fic!)
Deep in the Archives: Sam takes the reader to a rare books library while they look for a spell book not at the bunker. The reader is focused on the task, but Sam’s roaming hands are a distraction.
Satisfied: An imagine of Castiel using his grace on you.
SPN History Challenge: A Werewolf in Whitechapel:  The Winchesters and the reader go to London during the Whitechapel murders, also known as the Jack the Ripper murders, with the theory that the perpetrator is not human. They are correct, but when the killings don’t stop, the team has to retrace their steps and riddle out what stone they left unturned. Written for @kittenofdoomage and @saxxxology-main  SPN History Challenge.
Boxer!Dean AU: Consequences: Y/N gets dragged to a boxing match by her friends where she meets Dean  “Raisin’ Cain” Winchester, a boxer who is forced to win or lose depending on how much money his bosses want to make in matches. Can their combined effort break the fixed boxing ring?  [Series Masterlist] (No smut, but still a favorite)
Wrestling Fics:
Chiffon in the Streets, Lace in the Sheets: The reader and Elias are newly married and ready to enjoy their first night as man and wife, but a few things get in the way first. (WWE)
Dangerous: After defending herself at a bar, Y/N impresses the dark figure sitting in the corner booth. Prince Devitt further impresses her. One thing leads to another, and she welcomes knowing him better. (NJPW)
A Reflection of Us: The reader gets a slight injury in a match. Roman takes his time making sure the reader is safe but very satisfied. (WWE)
Troublemaker: The reader ran off with something belonging to Kenny Omega. He makes sure she pays for it. (NJPW/AEW)
Doubt Comes In: While Rosemary battles Su Yung in the Underworld, Y/N meets and welcomes a new face to TNA. But two battles are raging instead of one. If Y/N is victorious, can she settle the insecurities in Rosemary’s mind? (Answered request) (TNA)
Sister in Arms: Finn can’t seem to shake the effects of his feud with Bray Wyatt, so an old friend comes to help. Then Y/N finds herself battling on two fronts: in the ring and in her mind.  [Series Masterlist] (WWE)
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spyderlondon · 27 days
Could you try and write a complete triad poly ship (where all parties feel love for each other) with Jax Caine and Pomni?
Maybe one where Caine has just a terrible day dealing with the developers of the game giving him grief and he is just going through it, so Pomni and Jax decide to spend an entire evening doing their absolute best to make their boyfriend feel better (could be spicy could be fluffy…it could be BOTH…whatever you pick!)
If this sounds too cringey tho you can skip it 😅
A/N: Never done a polyship before and *definitely* never even thought about this ship before! But, hey, I'll try it! Not gonna be anything like Scarlet's XD
Dance the Night Away
"Caine! Are you even attempting to get those humans freed?!?" The co-CEO, Adam, snapped at his AI creation who was currently floating around silently, frowning in irritation.
A woman, the co-CEO and co creator of Caine, Eve sighed, "Look, Caine, we know you're doing your best to keep the humans' spirits high but maybe we should send in your brother?" She suggested more gently than her husband, "His been able to keep the game he's in from going insane or even trapped, in general."
"NO!" That made the AI stop floating around and shoot straight up to the screen, slamming his hand against it as he actually became a bit disheveled in his anger. The way he reacted made the developers jump back before beginning to mumble to each other about if Caine was the right for this game or not. The ringmaster went silent as he watched and listened before gripping his cane tight in his frustration and floated backwards, "...please give me more time. I'll figure something out."
Eve and Adam looked at each other before letting out a sigh, "Three months, Caine." The man responded, "If you can't successfully make an exit then we're sending your brother in." He warned before turning off the meeting but not before the AI heard the developer mutter under his breath to his wife, "Able was always the better iteration..."
"POMNI! JAX!!!" Ragatha yelled out angrily after she slipped on a bar of soap that slid her straight into a net awaiting the arrival of a victim to enter its trap.
Jax's ears perked up and his smirked widened in pride as he highfived his girlfriend as they both stared up at the ragdoll that was struggling in the trap up high in the air. The rabbit snickered, "That was a nice soap placement, Poms~" He grinned the jester, "Too bad our favorite ringmaster was too busy to join us."
"You know he doesn't enjoy these pranks as much as us, Jax." The girl leaned back, ignoring the shouts and scoldings from the woman above her, "Besides, he said that he had some important meeting with the developers that created him- those usually drain him." She sighed, placing a hand against her cheek.
Jax hummed as he rubbed his chin in thought, "We should do something for him once he returns. Something special to cheer the guy up." He mentioned, glancing at the jester, "It would suck if we were the only two in this relationship to be happy." He kicked his foot a little.
Pomni glanced over with a head tilt, "I agree but what exactly would you suggest we do? A special adventure for just the three of us?" She offered with a light hum.
"You got it, chick!" He grinned as headed off in a direction, "Could you ask Ribbons if she could design some ballroom attire for the three of us?" He requested, "I want to get our 'adventure' set up as a surprise for him. Meet me in the forest after a bit, okay?"
"Wait! Jax!" She called after him, "How will he know where to find us??" She questioned.
"Oh. Good question." He stopped in his tracks and tapped his chin in thought before chuckling as he looked at the trapped Ragatha, "Ya don't mind letting our boyfriend know where to find us once he frees you, do ya, doll?" He smirked at her.
The ragdoll glared at the rabbit, "If I didn't think what you two were doing was so sweet, I'd say no in instant but..." She sighed in defeat, she couldn't help but be weak to kind gestures like that, "...fine." She grumbled as she crossed her arms.
"Appreciate it, doll!" With that, Jax and Pomni ran off in different directions.
Although, Pomni paused to look at Ragatha, "Sorry about leaving you trapped..." She mumbled, always the only one of the two that had a tinge of regret for making the others mad. Not much since she started learning from Jax but some.
The rag doll sighed, "Oh, it's alright. I know he's been doing this more often to keep you happy and calm... It's annoying but rather he wants to admit it or not- he has good intentions. At least towards you and Caine. That's enough for me."
That made the jester smile before running off to find Gangle.
Caine took a moment to breathe and relax out of bounds- just being reminded of his 'younger brother' irritated him more than anyone or anything else. He closed his eyes for a moment as he forced a happy face on- he couldn't let his circus troupe see him all angry like this. He took one more breath before teleporting into the main with a grin on his face as always.
Only to stop as he saw the trapped Ragatha, "...Jax and Pomni?" He guessed rather easily with a flat tone,
"Yuuup." She deadpanned in response. She grunted as she fell out of the net and hit the ground, "Oww... Thank you, Caine..." She rubbed her butt as she stood up.
"Where are my two troublemakers anyways?" The pair of dentures questioned as he looked around, surprised not to hear anymore pranks being played on Gangle or Zooble.
Ragatha gave herself moment to pat herself off before responding, "In the forest, waiting for you." She shrugged, "Said something about some type of surprise."
"Surprise? Huh..." He didn't wait for her to explain more as he prepared to teleport away-
"Waaaait! Caine!" A young girl yelled out to him, making him freeze and look over at the red, silky ribbons that ran over to him- her comedy mask miraculously still intact.
He floated over to Gangle, "Why, yes, my dear? You need something?" He tilted his jaw before noticing the dark red suit with a dark purple flower in the blue and red striped lapel being held out to him, "...is that for me? Why?" He blinked taking the suit in confusion.
"Pomni asked me to make you a suit that went along with dress and Jax's own suit." She explained as he snapped his fingers and the suit was now on his body, replacing his ringmaster outfit.
Caine stared at the suit in a mirror he conjured up from thin air and grinned, "Gangle! This is magnificent! You truly outdone yourself this time, my dear!" He praised happily, "My! I can't wait to see what you made for Jax and Pomni!" He teleported away to the forest quickly, not wanting to show how he exhausted he felt by playing into his normal, excited persona.
The first thing he heard when he entered the forest was some music that he could tell was a waltz song and a bit of girlish giggling as well as a deep chuckle he recognized from a certain purple bunny. He floated nearby, behind a tree to see that the two of them were dancing to the music. Jax wore a soft, vulnerable smile that he reserved only for Pomni and himself which made the tension he felt begin to melt away.
He examined their outfits as the danced- not wishing to interrupt yet. Jax was wearing a dark purple suit with red and blue lapels like Caine's had but the flower was red like Caine's normal ringleader jacker; while Pomni wore a blue and red dress that went down to her knees with a piece of dark red fabric wrapped around her waistline and a light purple flower in her hair. The pair of dentures almost swooned at how good they both looked but stayed silent.
The song slowed to a stop with Jax dipping Pomni low before kissing her gently on the lips, making her giggle more. She always did enjoy it when either men dipped her like that. They paused as they noticed a certain AI floated behind the trees before they both laughed.
The rabbit moved away from the jester and changed the song to a tango, "Mind if I go first, doll?" He asked her with a grin.
"Go right ahead, sir~" She chuckled softly, gesturing to the trees.
The rabbit was quick to hop over to the ringleader and pulled him out from behind the tree, "C'mon, handsome! Your turn!" He smirked at him as he immediately began to dance the tango with the smaller man.
Caine blinked before laughing a bit as he changed his height to be barely shorter than Jax, making the dance far easier on both of them.
Jax didn't seem to mind, just happy to have his dancing partner, but Pomni's jaw fell, "You can do that???" She let out a gasp in surprise.
The ringmaster laughed a bit but this time both of his partners could hear the hoarseness of it but neither said a word, only making a mental note, "Well, I can do anything in this realm, Pomni." He answered as the rabbit brought him flush against his chest which made him flustered, "I-I do this to help me be closer to our boyfriend." He cleared his throat as he looked up at the man that suddenly kissed the top of his jaw, making him blush.
Jax chuckled, "C'mon, Ringmaster~ Keep your eyes on me~" He purred as he tilted his chin up, "She'll have her turn next~" He grinned at him, kissing him again to keep his focus on him. The rabbit smirked as he saw the man he was dancing with basically melt in his arms.
Pomni sat on a tree stump with a warm smile, enjoying the dance between her boyfriends as she hummed along with the song.
A few minutes passed and next thing Pomni knew, she was suddenly floating in the air as her, now back to normal height, AI boyfriend began to dance a foxtrot with her with Jax turning the music onto a fitting song.
The jester smiled as Caine and her danced in the air while the ringmaster began to kiss her neck gently to make her giggles increase in volume- it was music to his non-existent ears! He knew Jax loved hearing the giggles just as much so he showed her no mercy!
Once the dancing ended, the three of them sat on that surrounded a small fire that Caine created for them and began to roast marshmallows to make s'mores with. The rabbit and jester knew something was up but neither of them asked, they knew better that Caine wouldn't tell them. Not because he didn't trust them but because it hurt him too much.
They didn't mind. They were just happy that their mission to cheer up their boyfriend was a success.
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yikes-00 · 2 years
Hat Trick
AN: this is for @karlmschwartz🥰 thank you for letting me yell at you and thank you for letting me write this for you!!!✨
Tags: Blow jobs, Mentions of sex, Daddy kink (very light), drunk adventures and getting together.
Rating: E/Explicit
WC: 2702
Summary: Bradley gives Jake a baseball hat and Jake takes a shot of tequila.
Jake smiles. 
It’s loose and goofy and he hangs his arm over Nat’s shoulder as he leans in for the pic. The baseball hat is still firmly on his head where Bradley put it as soon as he walked in. 
Their eyes met and Jake prayed that he was drunk enough that the flush that crawled down his neck could be disguised as the alcohol. Bradley had walked over and slid the backwards hat off his head and settled it on Jake’s with a smirk. 
So Jake hasn’t touched it. 
Nat leans away and looks down at the pic and shakes her head. 
“You look drunk,” she says as she looks over at Jake. Jake snags a shot from the random hand offering and throws it back. 
“I am,” he slurs slowly, resting a hand on her shoulder, “drunk. I’m very drunk. In fact, I’m too drunk to care.” 
Nat bites her lip trying to hold back the smile. Jake smiles wide. 
“That was funny,” he says. Nat nods slowly. “It’s ok, you can laugh, I won’t tell anyone.” 
Nat chuckles and cranes her neck to look around the crowded floor. Jake twists and tries to follow where she’s looking. 
“What?” Jake asks as he turns his attention back to her, “looking for Javy?” 
Nat shakes her head. She twists in the other direction before facing Jake. 
“No, I’m looking for your other half.” 
Jake’s brow pinches. “Tequila?” 
“Bradshaw you ninny,” Nat says fondly. Jake tilts his head to the side. “You don’t know.” 
“Don’t know what?” Jake asks as he reaches for another shot. Nat snatches it from his hand and throws it back as Jake lets out a surprised squawk. 
“I was-“ 
Nat grabs his wrist and spins him around weaving through the crowd. Jake stumbles after her trying to keep up with her speed. The Hard Deck whirls by him and Jake’s head spins as he stumbles forward smiling at the people passing him. Nat pulls him to a stop in the corner where all the sober pilots are sitting. 
Bob, Javy and Reuben all look up as Nat gently tugs Jake towards them. Javy smiles wide. 
“Nice hat, Jake,” Javy says as he lifts his water glass. 
“Yeah, dude,” Rueben smirks nudging Bob, “didn’t know you were the type.” 
Jake’s brows pull together. He looks over at Nat and Nat’s trying not to laugh. She shakes her head and looks over at the group. 
“I don’t think he’s seen the hat yet,” Nat says slowly. 
Bob chokes on his drink. His eyes are wide and his coughs wrack his frame. Javy turns and pats his back as Bob tries to right himself. 
“So he’s been walking around with it on his head for the last two hours without knowing?” Bob asks in a reedy voice. Nat nods. Bob glances at Reuben. “Huh.” 
“So?” Reuben asks, glancing at Javy, “that’s your man.” 
“Is he?” Javy throws back smirking, “doesn’t look that way to me.” 
“Is it a custom job?” Bob asks as he settles himself back onto his chair, “I mean that’s not a common design.” 
Jake reaches up and Nat grabs his arm. Jake looks at her lost. 
“What does it say?” Jake asks, reaching up for the brim. Nat’s fingers wrap around his wrist and tugs it down with a smile. 
“We need to find Bradshaw,” she says, twisting again, “that’s why I came over. Do you know-“ 
Javy points to the back door. Jake turns and the familiar colors of Hawaiian are on the beach staring out over the water. 
“Brooding as ever,” Nat says with a sigh, “Jacob, let's go.” 
She tugs him lightly and herds Jake out of the bar. The door slams behind them and Bradley turns. A soft smile covers his face and Jake can’t help pulling himself from Nat’s grip and running over. Bradley smells of cigar smoke and bourbon. A heady smell that makes Jake bury his face into Bradley’s shirt. 
“He’s drunk,” Nat says dryly from behind him, “you left him alone and he and tequila became friends.” 
“I can see that,” Bradley murmurs softly. His arm wraps around Jake’s waist and pulls Jake in tighter. His arm is warm and his palm rests heavy on Jake’s hip. “Thanks for keeping an eye on him.” 
Nat barks out a laugh. “I didn’t have to. Your hat did all the work.” 
Bradley chuckles. His chest rumbles and Jake lets his eyes close as he sinks into the warmth. Bradley’s thumb is somehow under Jake’s shirt, dragging a callus over the skin. 
“I’ll get him home, Nat, don’t worry.” 
Jake’s mind barely registers the words. His arms wrap around Bradley’s waist and he holds him tightly. 
“Ok, call me if you need anything.” 
Footsteps fade and Jake lets his body start to become lax in the strong hold. Bradley chuckles again and nudges Jake back enough to look down at him. 
“You really are drunk, aren’t you?” Bradley asks fondly. Day old scruff covers his face and the dogtags on his chest shines in the moonlight. 
“Too drunk to be true,” Jake says, smiling up. He reaches up and traces the scars on Bradley’s face. “You’re pretty.” 
Bradley smiles. His eyes crinkles and he lets Jake draw random patterns on his face. 
“So are you,” Bradley says quietly. The world narrows and Jake’s never noticed how long Bradley’s lashes were. 
“I’m going to kiss you,” Jake says quietly. The sound of the sea is washing over him and somehow Bradley’s face keeps getting closer. 
“Ok,” Bradley replies gently. 
The world is just them. Jake’s head spins a little as he tilts his face. Their noses brush and Jake shivers at the warm feeling of Bradley’s breath on his lips. He flicks his tongue to wet the skin. Nerve taking over. Somewhere deep inside Jake’s mind there’s a voice, a quiet one, telling him to cut and run. 
But he can’t. 
Because this is what it all amounted to, right? All the pining and wishing, hoping and waiting. All the words, looks and fights. Everything led to one shot at the right time, at least ten shots of tequila and a baseball hat. 
Bradley’s lips are chapped. They’re soft and tentative, a gentle press of something that’s leading to nothing. Jake shifts. His fingers end up in Bradley’s hair, twisting into the curls. Bradley makes a low noise, it’s not anything but pleasure and it makes Jake’s blood scortch through him. 
Bradley’s tongue slides over Jake’s lip and Jake whimpers softly. Bradley’s arm loosens enough that Bradley can pull back and he looks into Jake’s face. 
“We don’t have to go anywhere,” Bradley says quietly. His hand cups Jake’s face, thumb swiping over his cheek. “I just want to kiss you.” 
Jake nods and then shakes his head. A new pressure is building up in him and he can't stop it. He pulls away and turns, right as he empties his stomach into the sand. 
The sun is bright behind Jake’s eyes. He grunts and shifts, burying his face into his pillow. His head throbs. He groans softly trying to cling to the last bits of sleep that are slowly slipping away from him. His body feels heavy. Like he got in a ring and lost a round to Cuervo, which essentially is what happened. 
The smell of coffee and food mix in with the spicy smell of shampoo that’s ever familiar-
Jake pushes himself up. His head spins and he rubs his eyes. He opens them looking around and he’s not in his room. It’s a plain military room. Nothing fancy or decorated. Just a bed, a dresser and a rug. 
Jake rubs the sleep from his eyes and pushes back the blankets. The cool air hits him and he shivers. 
He’s not wearing a shirt. 
Jake flushes and rolls to the edge, standing up. His feet sink into the soft carpet as he stands and walks to the door. It opens and Jake squints against the bright sunlight that bathes the whole living space in golden rays. 
Jake walks forward, following the smell of food and coffee until he finds the kitchen. 
Bradley is standing there, back to Jake. The tan skin covering the large expanse of his back, covered in the thick muscle. Jake yawns and lets his eyes wander over the tapered waist rising higher, drinking in the sight before him. Bradley’s basketball shorts are slung low on his hips and his brown curls are covered in a baseball hat-
“Oh my god,” Jake gasps softly. His face burns as he stars at the SnapBack. Bradley turns, looking over his shoulder. “I was wearing that hat. Last night.” 
Bradley turns back to the stove. “Proudly from what I hear. Wouldn’t let people take it off you.” 
“It says daddy underneath a giant rooster,” Jake says slowly. 
“Cock, Jake,” Bradley turns and winks at him, “it’s technically a cock.” 
Jake nods. The events of last night are fuzzy at best. Jake showed up. He took some shots. There was noise, laughter and music. Maybe a game of pool. More shots. Bradley. Then darkness. 
“I wore a cock on my head,” Jake says drily, “is that why-“
“You didn’t get laid last night?” Bradley supplies. He turns. His body is still wet with sweat from his morning workout. “That or the black out drunkenness.” 
Jake’s mouth opens and then closes. Bradley leans against the counter, his palms flat as he smirks. He looks smug. Like there’s a joke that Jake hasn’t gotten yet. Jake lets out a short breath. 
“I’m missing something aren’t I?” He asks after a beat. Bradley smiles wider. 
He winks and turns back to the plates. He scoops food onto one and then the other and Jake stands in his kitchen. 
“You gave me the hat to wear,” Jake says slowly. The night slowly is starting to fall into place. “People were looking at me weird and then looking at, you?” 
“You were grinding on me,” Bradley says casually. Jake’s face burns more. “And not in a subtle way.” 
“As I wore your hat,” Jake says quietly. 
Jake swallows thickly. “Look, I’m sorry-“ 
“You kissed me,” Bradley says quietly. Jake freezes. His heart slams in his chest as Bradley turns to face him. There’s a look there. A blurry one from last night. “You kissed me and then you hurled-“ 
“Jesus Christ,” Jake hisses, “Bradley, I’m so sorry-“
“I want to kiss you again,” Bradley cuts him off, “I’m sorry it took me almost dying to finally say it but I’ve wanted to kiss you for sometime.” 
Jake freezes. The only sound is the grease cooling in the pan. Bradley is looking at him again. Soft and sweet like it might mean something. That one drunken kiss and Jake not being able to not get near Bradley and have him under his body meant something, anything. 
“Why’d you give me the hat?” Jake asks. His mouth is dry and there’s a lump inside it that makes it hard to talk. The smell of Bradley that clings to him makes Jake’s head spin and harder to think. 
“Because I wanted everyone to know that you got yourself a daddy for the night,” Bradley’s voice is rough. There’s an edge that clings to it, like the honesty that Bradley can never leave from his words. 
Their fights were full of honest words, too sharp and true, to be anything but a weapon. 
But now it feels like a balm. Something that’s made to build the bridge and not burn it down. 
“Did I?” Jake asks roughly, “I think Nat took care of me. You were on the beach.” 
“Talking to Mav,” Bradley says and somehow he’s closer. That’s a pattern. Bradley’s face always seems closer. “Tying up loose ends and asking for advice.” 
“Anything life changing?” Jake asks. His voice low in his throat. 
Bradley’s closer and breakfast is forgotten. There’s a small pain behind Jake’s eye but it seemingly disappears the closer Bradley gets. Jake’s back hits a wall he didn’t even know was there as Bradley crowds in closer. 
“I’m about to find out,” Bradley says. His hand reaches up and knuckles hook under Jake’s chin tilting his face up. Bradley looks into Jake’s eyes. 
“Do I call you daddy cock?” Jake asks and Bradley smiles. 
“Baby, you can call me whatever you like as long as you scream it.”
Jake moans as their lips meet. There’s a small part in his brain, very deep, that remembers this. Remembers the sand between his toes and Bradley’s body pressing against his. Jake moans softly. Bradley’s lips are chapped and he swipes his tongue over Jake’s lips. 
Jake opens his mouth and lets Bradley devour him. 
It’s everything Jake knew it would be. Bradley’s hands run over his body. Blunt nails dig in and hold, keeping Jake still as he swallows all the noises Jake lets out. They break apart, gasping for air and Jake blinks his eyes open. 
“Daddy,” he says in a thin voice. He’s hard from just a kiss and Jake really wants to know what else will come. 
Bradley’s eyes darken and he slides the snap back from his head before settling it on Jake’s. He sinks down. Jake’s eyes widen as Bradley hooks his fingers into Jake’s boxers and tugs. They go down easy. Jake’s cock hard and ready, tip glistening with precome already. 
Bradley wraps a hand around the base and slides his mouth over Jake’s cock. Jake moans. His eyes roll back as he feels tight warm heat surrounding his cock. Bradley’s tongue runs up the underside, sending sparks up Jake’s spine. His toes curl against the tile. Jake reaches out and ends up tying his fingers into Bradley’s curls. 
He tugs softly and Bradley moans. The vibrations make Jake’s cock twitch in Bradley’s mouth. 
“Not gonna last,”Jake huffs out, “B, I’m not.” 
Bradley looks up at him and Jake loses whatever’s left of his composure. 
Bradley on his knees. Hazel eyes dark with lust, lips wrapped around Jake’s cock. Spit and precome make his lips and the corners of his mouth shiny and Jake can’t stop his hips from bucking forward. 
Bradley takes it in stride. His throat loosens and Jake sinks in. Jake moans again louder. His fingers tugging hard and Bradley reaches up and rubs a dry finger around Jake’s entrance. 
Jake whines high in his throat as he cums. His hips bucking forward as he spills into Bradley’s mouth. Bradley bobs his head, working Jake through it until it becomes too much. 
“Off,” Jake says softly, “B, I need you off.” 
Jake’s cocks slides from between Bradley’s lips. Jake gasps for breath as Bradley slowly stands kissing his way up Jake’s body. Jake shivers as Bradley ducks his head, running his lips under Jake’s jaw, over the racing pulse. 
Bradley runs his mouth higher until he can press a kiss to Jake’s lips. Jake sinks into and lets Bradley slide his tongue back into Jake’s mouth. Jake moans at the taste of himself. Bradley presses him into the wall, his hard cock grinding into Jake’s hip. 
“B?” Bradley asks softly with a smile as he pulls back. 
“You like it, daddy?” Jake replies. Bradley laughs and shakes his head. 
Jake links their fingers together and gently tugs Bradley to the room. It was a blur after that. Clothes hitting the floor, Bradley on his back. Jake never looked away from the soft hazel as Bradley prepped him and then slid into him. Jake’s fingers dug into Bradley’s pecs as he rode him, the snap pushed back on his head. 
They lay tangled together after, legs intertwined and Jake holds it up. 
“Custom job?” He asks. Bradley reaches over and brings Jake’s fingers to his mouth. 
“Yeah,” Bradley says with a soft smile, “best twenty bucks I’ve ever spent.” 
Jake twists until he’s resting on Bradley’s chest. “And the advice? Worth listening to?” 
Bradley smiles. He reaches up and cups Jake’s neck bringing it down. 
“Every last word.” 
Jake smiles as he leans down and lets Bradley slide his tongue into his mouth. 
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cxncordia · 5 days
@oceanicxeyes - When the Sun met the Sea
It started when they attacked that girl during the sports event.
Two weeks ago, Toño and his friends saw how one of the students from the Infinite Academy pretty much transformed into a scaly abomination in front of them and with great bravery and strength stopped her. In the nick of time, Toño was able to undo the spell that had been placed in the poor girl. It was a whole ordeal but it was doable, she got to be healed from the horrible experiment placed upon her.
This had made the Teporingos, a group of five mages and Toño, become alert about the situation. Regina had mentioned having had premonitory visions about the arrival of the new enemy and Moises had his sights set on the Infinite Academy, a school for the rich elites that was heavily secured and, behind closed doors, dedicated to the pursuit of dark magic.
The Teporingos were the protectors of this city, the Verbena mages who took care of the land and protected it from evil that sought to take it away. Moises had tracked one of the professors of said Academy and after having investigated her, it seemed that Professor Yuri Aparicio, in charge of Etiquette and Decorum of the Academy, was also one of the Cinco Brujas that belonged to the group of Nefandi that Toño and los Teporingos were trying to elminate.
Tracking her by the whole city, Toño finally stopped when he saw the red-haired woman enter the bar. He had to follow her, to pursue her and to gather all the information necessary to stop this new enemy.
However, when he stopped the motorbike only a block away from the bar Tacho realized of a particular situation that the young Mage had not come to consider.
"And how do you think you are going in?" The small talking chihuahua scolded Toño from his back pack. "Do you want a disaster for us? Don't be a fool!"
"Disaster? But what do you want, Tacho?" Toño asked, frustrated by the small dog's scolding. "I told you that we need to investigate!"
"Investigate from afar, Toñito." The chihuahua explained. "This is an adult establishment and they won't let you get through."
"Well, I could disguise myself as an adult, you know?" The boy explained to his companion. "We are supposed to hide our powers in public! An adult will have no trouble entering and seeing what is going on." Toño took the backpack and adjusted it over his shoulder, the leather jacket squeaking when the straps were pushed back. The young mage found a place to disguise himself, sliding in the back alleys where the stench of urine and trash was almost nauseating.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop...You can't make a spell like that!" The small chihuahua practically barked from within Toño's backpack.
"Why not!?" Toño huffed. "Just wait and see!" Toño focused his energies, trying to imagine how he would look when being an adult and words in Nahuatl flew from his mouth. "Huapahua," Toño pronounced in a whisper. He had learned these from his Mentor, Huey Tlanextli. Taking a deep breath and soon Toño could feel how his height and his hair was growing. How his muscles got firmer and his clothes were getting tight around him.
Being a mage really made all these experiences so interesting.
When looking himself at the reflection of the window, Toño couldn't believe it: that really wasn't him, those were now more the face of an adult. "Hehe, nice..." He cooed, touching his chin and starting to notice how different his skin felt.
"What are you doing!?" Tacho scoffed in surprise. "Magic should not be used for fun!"
"Relax, Tachito. I got it all under control." Toño responded with more confidence than he would have. He then moved away from the narrow space and back to his bike. He took the helmet and put it back on the motorcycle, starting to look back towards the location, and once again thinking of a plausible and reasonable line for this adventure. He took a pair of glasses that Moises had given him, so that the Teporingos could see what he was seeing, set them on his face and walked towards the establishment, this time, pretty sure that nobody would notice him. Or the dog in his back pack.
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As he approached the door, a sound, beautiful and enigmatic was heard. The light tone of a humming echoed with delight. Toño could not help but to try to follow the origin of the song with his eyes, completely forgetting that he was supposed to approach the front door, right at the entrance. A beautiful blonde man, with flowy hair and blue eyes was singing in the establishment. The boy's eyes met him for an instant as Toño grew enraptured by the tune.
For a second he felt as if he was carried by the waters themselves, the feeling of the breeze enveloping him and the gentle embrace of the water surrounding him. He remembered those days, one summer break, when he and his Dad got to visit the beach back when he was only ten years old. What a beautiful and soulful tune this was!
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oillydiya · 6 months
Things Between Us | Cillian Murphy x OC
Chapter 11 : Clear the air
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Talk: Sorry for the delay in updating I've been swamped with adventures at Hogwarts. Note: This chapter might be a bit shorter, forgive my brevity. I promise to bring you more of our journey without delay.
Sansa had been busy exploring the gallery for her much-anticipated final art exhibition happening next week. After wrapping up her quick chat with the gallery representative, she made her way back to the apartment.
The elevator dinged open, and she stepped into the apartment space.
"I'm back," she called out to him. She spotted Cillian lounging by the sofa, absorbed in something on the screen.
"What's up?" she queried.
He swiveled towards her, his face breaking into a warm smile. "How'd it go? Do you like the gallery?"
"It was amazing. Roomy, can fit a crowd, super reachable. Thanks a ton. But what are you getting into?" she asked, driven by curiosity. Instead of replying, Cillian walked up, scooped her up, and sat her on the bar.
"What's the plan here?" Sansa chuckled, thrown off yet amused by his antics. Cillian responded with a playful tap on her nose, making her laugh at his teasing.
"Two weeks ago, I met a woman. She walked into a restaurant in total disarray, laden with things, looking utterly chaotic. And she just sat down next to my table,"  he reminisced, hands gently framing her face.
"I think she was pretty cute until some dude tried his luck. She wasn’t having any of it."
"Wow! She sounds interesting! I think she's pretty unique for being able to sleep in the middle of a restaurant without caring about who's watching. And I felt absolutely great when she stopped her friend from taking pictures of me, saying it was too intrusive. She's so adorable for that. It's something most people often forget - respecting others' privacy."
"I love when her started making that little kitten sound, begging her friend in the middle of the restaurant. It was so cute, I couldn’t take my eyes off her -- her friend was right when she said others should see how adorable she is. Especially when she was talking to the cheeseburger, she looked so cute and quirky."
Sansa burst into laughter, "I must have seemed so crazy then."
Cillian laughed, "Seriously! When she started singing, her voice enchanted everything around, making it impossible for me to stop thinking about her. I wanted to know who she was, what she did, where she lived --  and just like that, luck was on my side when you needed someone to give feedback on your art. It let me dive deeper into knowing her - she's really one of a kind, he paused, playfully pinching Sansa's cheek.
"All my buddies were dying for her contact info, but no way. I wanted it all to myself. Yeah, I'm kinda greedy like that!"
She laughed at his boldness.
"When she was like, 'How about we meet at her apartment?' I literally yelled out loud in the coffee shop. It was my ticket to getting to know her even better. The more we chatted and got to know each other, the more I just wanted to hang out with her!"
"That kiss? Totally not an accident. I meant to do it," he said, raising an eyebrow with a cheeky grin.
Sansa's eyes widened in surprise... "You're nuts! I was freaking out, worried you'd think I was flirting too hard," she said, playfully smacking his shoulder.
"Who could resist? You're drop-dead gorgeous," he replied, cool as a cucumber.
Before Cillian continued, pouring his heart out, "I really liked that kiss of her, awkward as it might have seemed, like she was about to choke at any moment." She doubled over laughing at his description because it sounded like the worst kiss ever.
"To be honest, I swore under my breath countless times whenever I saw her. Seriously, she's just stunning, perfect in every way."
"When she told me she never had sex before, it drove me wild. I had to remind myself to stop right there because she was too innocent for me. But when she looked at me with those eyes and asked if I could teach her, I lost all control. I just couldn't resist anymore," he explained, softly touching her face. "That turned out to be the best sex I've had in ten years. I'm crazy about her and feel so lucky to have found her and to be with her right now."
"Sansa! Meeting you at that restaurant might have been coincidence, but falling in love with you was completely intentional."
"I'm sorry for the last few days, for upsetting you. I've realized I really don't want to lose you. Please forgive me, Sansa," he said, feeling guilty, while lovingly holding her hand against his cheek.
"I promise, I won't make you sad, and this isn't just about having sex for a while. I want to be in a relationship with you. Let's be together, okay?"
In that moment, Sansa felt overflowing. She looked into the eyes of the man in front of her, Cillian! His words felt like magic, making her believe everything he said. She had forgotten all the sadness from the past few days, even forgetting that he was married!
"I stopped being mad at you since I saw your face last night," she replied before pulling him in for a kiss.
'I'm hopelessly falling in love with him!' Sansa thought to herself.
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firaloveatea · 5 months
Buggy and Della Part 2
Buggy found himself following Della to her little village after they dried off in the afternoon sun. They released all the frogs they had caught. When Della offered dinner.
"You want to be seen with me?" Buggy asks her for the third time as they enter the town. Already, the people are giving him odd looks due to his nose.
"Is there something wrong with being seen with you?" Della counters.
The words clog his throat. She didn't see his nose the same way as the rest of the world. This woman isn't seeing things the way he does or how people laugh at his nose. Going with the clown theme has helped him deal with it but it doesn't stop all the cruelty.
"You sure are something else," the pirate comments with a sigh.
Della leads him into a busy tavern. Music and chatter fills the air mixing with the delicious scent of a hardy meal. Most of the tables are crowded with people. Several bar maids race around carrying trays of food and drinks to their costumers.
"Right on time, Della!" A young woman with green hair greets. "You brought a friend, so a table for two?"
“Yes, please, Makino,” Della grins.
The green-haired woman lead them to possibly the only empty table in the whole place. Which surprised Buggy, how everyone greets and compliments Della. It isn’t hard to see she is loved by the people who know her. They are going to think he’s some sort of charity case.
“Here’s the menu,” Makino hands the menu. “I’ll be right back with some drinks for you both.”
“Order whatever you want, it’s on me,” Della tells Buggy. “I did drench you in the creek, so I owe you.”
Buggy wants to accuse her of some trick, he usually can tell when someone is playing him. Yet, Della doesn’t come off as disingenuous. The only other person Buggy has ever met to be like that was that red-haired bustard.
“Say, I gotta ask…” he trails off as some spark of nerves takes his voice.
Her ruby red eyes glitter in the lights of the tavern, completely focused on him. “I may have an answer,” she smiles.
Heat creeps into his cheeks, as he tries to avert his gaze from her, “Why, uh, why are you so nice?”
“You think I should be laughing at your nose, finding you a sore sight, and thinking lowly of you because you’re a pirate,” she states his thoughts very clearly, almost like she read his mind this whole time. “That requires me to be a shallow person.” Makino comes by with their drinks and takes their orders before going off to tend to other guests. “I see you, Buggy. A brilliant mind that could do a lot of things if you actually put some effort into it.”
Now his ears burn from how easily her affirmations hit him. “That… I never thought of that.”
Della smiles and leans on her hands, “tell me about your adventures, Buggy.”
That is a request he couldn’t turn down. Going on and on about his years as Rodgers’ pirate. How he came to gain his chop-chop abilities. Everything he could think of, until the bar emptied. Della hung on his every word. Nothing bored her, his jokes landed, and she was impressed with his feats no matter their size.
“Come home with me, Buggy,” Della cuts off one of his tales. “The pub is closing and I am sure you’re not ready to cut our time together short.”
His body is still firmly planted in his chair but he felt like he is soaring above the clouds. This amazing woman not only listened to him all night long, but isn’t ready to say goodbye. With an eager nod, he stood up and followed her home. Unaware of the days he would spend with her before returning to the seas and what would result from it.
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greenlantern94to04 · 9 days
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Green Lantern-Related Titles Round-Up (July 1994)
This month: Guy learns about "warrior water"! Ollie learns about Hal! John learns absolutely nothing!
Guy Gardner: Warrior #22
After the ass-whooping he got from Hal Jordan last issue, Guy somehow finds himself in a weird land where he and a woman named Heather are being chased by an even weirder bodybuilding monster. We'll later learn that the monster's name is "Dementor," and I'm surprised he hasn't been brought back for one of those Metal crossovers, because look at him. He's pretty metal.
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Just after Heather (who Guy seems to know, but we don't know how yet) is swallowed by Dementor, Guy wakes up in the hospital. Turns out Hal's beating left him in a coma for three weeks. A nice doctor gives Guy the latest Daily Planet to catch him up on what's been going on since then, which includes "the world ending" (see the Justice League section below). Guy, however, seems more interested in a story about about "famed scientist-adventurer and Texas oil billionaire Buck Wargo" looking for some sort of "warrior water" in a South American jungle. This is interesting and all, but I'm not sure why it qualifies as front page news when the world is ending.
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(Does Ron Troupe hold that much sway at the Planet?)
Since Hal destroyed his yellow ring and he's feeling rather useless, Guy decides to go searching for that water too, on the off chance it'll give him powers. Guy travels to South America and finds Cargo and his crew in the middle of a bar brawl, which seems to be their permanent state. Besides Buck himself, the crew includes two PhDs, a guy who's "a walkin' John Woo movie," and a guy who turns into a tiger (Desmond "Tiger-Man" Farr, who I just learned had previously appeared in a 1965 issue of Tales of the Unexpected).
Buck, a fan of Guy from his Green Lantern and college football days, lets him join the expedition -- but before they can leave the bar, they're attacked by a Nazi riding a T. Rex and some swastika-sporting velociraptors. Once the Nazi dinos are neutralized, the gang attempts to interrogate the Nazi human, but he reveals he's wearing a dynamite vest and blows up the whole bar. CONTINUED!
Darkstars #22
As seen last issue, a Controller came to visit the suddenly powerless John Stewart at the Mosaic planet and promised to tell him what happened to his Green Lantern powers if John came with him. As they fly across the universe, the Controller is like "psyche, I ain't saying shit about Green Lantern stuff, here's some Darkstars drama instead." The Controller tells John that one of the Darkstars' superiors, Huvah Jeddigar, owns a baby universe and is trying to use it to replace all of reality with one more "to his liking" (lots of that going around in the DC Universe lately).
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Meanwhile, in order to cover up his schemes, Jeddigar frames Earth's Darkstar, Ferrin Colos, for crimes he didn't commit, but he already has a replacement ready: ex-Teen Titan Donna Troy, who has agreed to have lasers surgically attached to her hands and join the Darkstars because she's just that desperate to have powers again (lots of that going around too).
Green Arrow #88
This is the issue where Oliver Queen learns what his good buddy Hal has been up to lately. Ollie is passing through New York and decides to "look up some of his old friends from the Justice League," only to be ignored by Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman as they fight supervillains, have his car stolen, and get knocked out by common muggers in an alley. Ollie wakes up in the hospital and hears a ruckus: it's Guy, who just came out of his coma and wants to check out early.
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Guy informs Ollie about Hal's murderous heel turn and correctly points out that "bow 'n' arrows just don't hack it" when it comes to stopping an insane person with the power of 3600 Green Lanterns. The interesting part is that Ollie recalls meeting Hal right after Coast City's destruction in Green Lantern #47, an issue that clearly wasn't written with the Parallax plot twist in mind, but his description of it here almost makes it seem like it was.
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Anyway, the point of the issue seems to be that Ollie is kinda useless because he has no powers. I haven't read the following issues, but I'm gonna assume they involve him drinking warrior water and/or getting lasers surgically attached to his hands.
Justice League Task Force #14
No GL-related characters in this issue, but it does include an important event in the life of Guy Gardner: the death of his beloved Tora "Ice" Olafsdotter. An alien called the Overmaster, who goes around the universe judging planets and destroying them if he deems them unworthy, is about to do that to the Earth. The Overmaster has taken control of Tora and forced her to betray her friends, but after a pep talk from Martian Manhunter, she becomes herself again. She leads the charge against the Overmaster... only for him to kill her with a single blast. (Well, two blasts, since he's using both hands.)
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The League would defeat the Overmaster the next week in Justice League International #66, and his effects on the world would be undone, except for Tora's death. The saddest part isn't in either of these issues but in the GG:W one I covered up there: Guy mentions several times that he needs new powers to go help Ice as fast as possible, but she was most likely already dead by then. He'll have to go to porno theaters all by his lonesome for now on...
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yoongisugaagust · 2 years
HOME: The Beginning
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•Summary: Min Yoongi meets his forever.
“Sara!” You called from your bedroom as soon as you heard your best friend walk into the apartment. You’ve spent nearly two hours trying to choose a suitable outfit for spontaneous plans tonight.
“What?” She popped her head in to see clothes strewn all over. It’s been about two months since you two moved to Seoul which led you to adventuring through the city earlier in the day. You bumped into a guy who introduced himself to you as Seokjin, literally bumped into each other sending the coffee in your hands to hit the ground splattering around your and his shoes. As compensation, he offered to show you around the area pointing out the restaurants and cafes worthy of trying. He also extended an invite to you and your best friend to go over to meet him and his roommates for a bbq. You would’ve declined the offer but you felt nothing but safety and comfort from him so you agreed.
“Help me choose,” you pleaded with her and she got to work with a chuckle. Having a fashion designer as a best friend always came in handy even though she assured you you didn’t need help with how to dress. It took a lot more enthusiasm and effort to get her to agree to be your date to the dinner.
“Come in, come in,” Seokjin urged you two. He met you at the door and escorted you to the backyard. Once you stepped foot out of the door, there were about ten faces looking in your direction. A few people stood beside the outdoor bar, some gathered around the fireplace.
“This is my roommate Yoongi and my cousin Namjoon,” he introduced you and Sara. The shorter man offered the smallest smile to her and finally looked over in your direction. “And over here,” Jin flagged over another man. “This is Hoseok.”
“Just call me Hobi,” he flashed a smile. “I have to steal Namjoon. The skewers are ready if you two are hungry.” Both men waved goodbye. The night went on with Jin introducing you to every attendee with hints of Jin trying his best to flirt with Sara. For about the hundredth time she had to remind him that she was already seeing someone but did agree that Seokjin was a very handsome man.
“He’s been glancing over to you all night,” Sara spoke low to you. Her sight went over to the bar where Yoongi stood. “Go talk to him,” she nudged.
“And leave you unsupervised? Nope.” You laughed.
“I may flirt a little but I am a faithful woman,” she laughed back. “He’s cute and he seems to think you are too.”
“He’s..intimidating. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s wondering why were here.”
“Hey Seokjin?” Sara asked out loud. “Do you think Y/n should get us more drinks?” She motioned to the bar where Yoongi was still standing all alone. Jin picked up on what she was alluding to and heftily agreed. “Yeah you know what. Yoongi makes a special drink for me. Can you go over there and ask him to make it for me?” Sara and Jin looked waited for you to get up and make your way over.
You walked over begrudgingly almost coming to a complete stop when you see Yoongi start to walk over towards you. Your breathing might’ve stopped for a second or two before it became clear that he was actually planning on walking past you.
“Yoongi?” You asked and he stopped right next to you. The questioning look on his face pressured you into speaking to him again. “Jin said you make the drinks he really likes and asked me to ask you to..make it?” Yoongi’s gaze then went straight to Jin who sported a knowing look.
“You know he doesn’t really want a drink, right?” Yoongi spoke up after adding ice to the cup first.
“I’m very aware,” you admitted. A smile actually appeared on your face. “I’m sorry if that makes you feel awkward because I definitely am.”
“Surprisingly, it doesn’t.” Yoongi added soju to the cup then looked around in the mini fridge for his mixer. “He’s been telling me all about you since he arrived back home earlier. I knew it was a matter of time before he had us talking.”
Yoongi handed you the cup. “Yogurt soju drink.” You grabbed it and took a sip then eyed the cocktail. “That’s actually pretty good.” Yoongi guided you over to the bench swing set where you talked for a while.
“So you live with Jin? But you were friends with Namjoon first?” Yoongi nodded his head “Mhm. We ran in the same circles in high school, just a bunch of music guys, you know? He invited me to this club with underground rappers that he really wanted to check out. He had high ambitions of becoming a rapper so I went with him and he continued inviting me and we just got along really well. Namjoon moved out here to Seoul with his girlfriend and mentioned he had a cousin that was planning on moving out there too but whoever it was bailed on him. I took Jin up on his free room and it’s been..interesting ever since,” he chuckled. “Namjoon and I wanted to start a rap group and we were introduced to Hoseok. We were signed to this small company..”
“Wait. Signed?” You questioned.
“Yeah..Cypher? You know?” You shook your head. “I don’t know whether to feel disappointed or relieved,” he laughed. “Have you not heard of us? Jin didn’t mention that at all? Or anything about his group?”
You shocked your head continuously feeling speechless.
“Namjoon, Hoseok and I are the idol rap group Cypher. Jin is in an idol pop group along with Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook. The idiots over there putting their hands over the fire,” he motioned to the three standing too close to the bonfire. “They’re the Kosmos. I’m surprised Jin didn’t say anything he’s always talking himself up.”
“Oh no he definitely talked about himself a lot,” you laughed. The drink was starting to get to you as you felt your cheeks warm up. “He’s probably doing that right now we should probably head back.”
“Yeah before he tries to get her to fall in love with him.” Yoongi stood up from the swing. You stood and tried taking a step but your balance was thrown off. Yoongi acted quickly grabbing you by your waist. You grabbed his arms and steadied yourself and almost as soon as you looked up Yoongi’s lips were on yours. Not sure whether it was the alcohol or the little chemistry that lingered but the sparks you felt were enough to have you in a daze.
“Sorry Yoongi-“ he cut you off with another tormentingly slow but passionate kiss.
“I should be sorry but I really liked that,” he whispered. “As much as I would love to continue this somewhere a lot more private, I would like to take you out first. On a date just the two of us.”
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