#like he lets her watch it even though its gonna kill him inside
elialys · 4 months
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THE NEWSREADER | 1.01 | Helen x Dale - Dale's Update Part 2 [ 1 ]
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tossawary · 24 days
It's funny to think about a scenario in which Luke manages to get Yoda off Dagobah and bring him back to the Rebellion. Maybe Obi-Wan left a message with R2 as a backup plan or something, so Luke got the message much earlier. Yoda is still too old and injured to fight, but he can train Luke while moving around as the Rebellion's new grandpa (and potentially reunite with characters like Ahsoka and Kanan and Cal and so on).
This AU is important to me because how it would look from an Outsider's POV:
"Uhhh, Luke," Han said. "What's that?"
"What's what?" Luke said, turning to look across the hangar bay. "Oh. That's Master Yoda. I went to Dagobah to get him, remember?"
Han studied the small, green, vaguely amphibious creature with long pointy ears and wisps of white hair, crouched underneath Luke's X-Wing and steadily eating its way though a bucket of... what the hell were those things? Eggs?
"That's your great Master Yoda?" Han said dubiously. He couldn't have helped it, so he didn't even try not to sound skeptical. "The one who's going to train you and Her Royal Highness in this... uh... penetrating life field magic?"
Those ragged brown blankets that it seemed to be wearing looked not unlike the dusty robes that Luke's old man had been shuffling around in, before getting killed back on the Death Star. Maybe.
"He's the wisest and most powerful Jedi Master alive," Luke said, like he was determined to be upbeat about it. "He's 900 years old. He said."
Han watched the creature dig around in the bucket some more, nearly sticking the entire upper half of its body inside. Its long ears wilted when it came up empty. It sat back with a loud, high-pitched harrumph and its wrinkled face scrunched up like a fruit rotting all at once.
"Yeah," Han said. "He looks it."
Luke shot him a betrayed look and Han just shrugged. He didn't have a problem with the kid and the princess finding some comfort in some hokey old religion. The kid's family had apparently been killed by troopers the day that Han had met him and Leia had watched her entire planet be destroyed, so whatever touchy-feely nonsense helped them deal with that helped.
But that didn't mean that Han wasn't going to call it like he saw it- "Uh, kid, is that your storage unit he's searching now?"
Luke groaned and put his head in his hands. "I left some ration bars in there, I think. I bet he can smell them."
This great Jedi Master was making a real mess of it. He threw one of Luke's things over his shoulder, where the tool hit R2-D2, and the small droid immediately let out a shocked series of beeps and chirps. The outraged blare when the droid traced the missile back to Yoda was even louder.
Han watched as the droid whirred briskly up to Yoda, then reached out with an extended grabber and yanked at the old Jedi's stick. Yoda shrieked in surprise. A tug-o-war started, which looked like it was going to have one or both of them falling over.
"Oh, no," Luke said.
People around the hangar bay were starting to stare. Han couldn't look away.
The droid released the wooden stick and Yoda let out a cry of triumph. Which turned into a yelp of pain, because R2-D2 had just zapped him with another extended tool, which crackled like a threat that the droid would do it again. Yoda's response was to smack the droid with his stick, repeatedly, grunting with the effort - and the loud clanging caught the attention of everyone who hadn't already been looking.
"You gonna, uh, you gonna do something about that?" Han said to the kid.
Luke sighed heavily, which definitely meant that this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. He stood up and waded into the mess, catching the stick with one hand and physically pushing the droid back with the other, ordering the old astromech and older Jedi Master to knock it off. He sounded just like a parent about to hand out some punishments.
R2-D2 beeped petulantly at Luke.
"I don't care who started it!" Luke said, his exasperation carrying. "This time or last time-! Ow!"
The great Jedi Master had just smacked Luke in the shin with that stick. Luke hopped on one foot for a few seconds, biting down on what probably would have been some nasty Huttese cursing. Yoda harrumphed again and then lurched back over towards his empty egg bucket.
R2-D2 made a sound that Han had, whether he liked it or not, already come to recognize meant: "I told you so."
"Oh, fuck off," Luke snapped.
Han threw back his head and laughed.
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
Just Know, I Love You
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Reader hasn't been her usual self after a breakup months prior. Spencer takes notice of this, using her love of Valentine's Day and his own plans to try and bring a smile to her face while telling her how much he cares about her.
Content Warnings: Nothing bad, tooth rotting fluff, Spencer being sweet, pining, admitting feelings, ends with a kiss 🩷
Word Count: 1.1K
This blurb is my most favorite thing that I have ever written. Enjoy this little blurb that I thought of today on my lunch break.
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“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." Maya Angelou
Spencer was never one for romance, mainly because he wasn't the type to have women falling over each other to get to him. He would admit that he didn't have a clue on what he would do anyway. He wasn't going to trouble himself with those thoughts for any hypothetical relationship.
Y/N was a great exception to his rule though.
It was a few months ago that she and her boyfriend ended up breaking up. Spencer could recall her coming into the office looking purely broken and exhausted. From what she had told him, they were doing well.
They were even looking for houses, he remembered. However, things came crashing down on Y/N's world when she was made aware that her boyfriend was cheating on her the entire course of their relationship.
Now, personally, Spencer didn't even understand how anyone could ever think of finding anyone else when they had her. She was the whole package; a good sense of humor, kind, a beautiful smile, and the best laugh that he'd ever heard. One that he missed terribly.
Y/N used to come in with a big smile on her face every morning, bringing coffee for Spencer because those two liked more sugar than the bitter black coffee that they would see Hotch or Rossi drink. They would joke about how they had to have had sugar packets hidden in their offices, maybe even hidden creamer and other things.
Valentine's Day was coming up, it usually being one of Y/N's favorite holidays. She was a hopeless romantic, loving the idea of a whole dedicated to nothing but love and appreciation.However with a sour view of love, she wasn't as upbeat as she was.
He noticed her all week, quietly moping around the office. It killed him inside. Spencer even asked if she wanted to decorate the office with him, something she usually would've been way too eager to do. This time though, he was met with glassed over eyes, a sad smile that even had a little bit of a lip quiver, and the assurance that the day was just any other.
That killed him more than anything. She was hurting to the point where she was avoiding the day entirely.
Spencer had a plan. So, the morning of Valentine's Day, he was picking them up an overly sugary coffee, stopping to get a red velvet cupcake from one of the bakeries in town, then Spencer even stopped to pick up a bouquet of yellow roses. the night before, he was racking over all the ideas in his mind for what he'd write on the little card attached to the flowers, he still had time to write something up.
When he made it to the office, he was letting out a sigh of relief when he realized Y/N wasn't at her desk just yet. He hoped she wasn't going to try and pull off a sick day, mainly because his whole goal was to make this a Valentine's Day that she'd never forget.
After the flowers, the coffee cup that was elegantly decorated for the holiday, and the cupcake box that was wrapped in a beautiful satin red bow were placed in an aesthetically pleasing set up, he was sitting at his desk while doing his best to quickly write down the note that he hoped wouldn't be overly sappy.
Boy, Penelope was gonna be so proud of him for this set up, she'd definitely approve.
Even if Y/N wasn't there yet, the rest of the team was. Emily watched in amusement, a smile on her face as she leaned back against her chair. "You know that you are really gonna brighten up her whole year, right?" She asked, making the youngest on the team peek up from his writing.
He felt a rush of pride run through him, his cheeks and ears starting to get hot from his blushing over the thought of seeing that beautiful smile spread across his coworker's face again. "You think so? I really hope she does. I like her a lot.. I just want her to see that she still deserves to feel appreciated." He rambled on while keeping his gaze on the card.
"Pretty boy, I'm almost jealous." Derek commented, ruffling Spencer's hair while looking over the spread with a chuckle. "You gotta give me tips, kid." He was teasing, though he felt like a proud big brother watching his younger sibling make his own moves.
By the grace of god, Spencer had placed the card on the flowers as soon as Y/N was making her appearance into the bullpen. Like Spencer suspected, she looked like she just didn't wanna be there.
However, her whole demeanor changed as she approached the desk, her eyebrows raising in curiosity. "What's all this?" She asked, looking to the coworkers who were close by. "No idea, mama. I seen all of that sitting on your desk when I got in this morning." Derek commented, a smile on his face as he was leaning against the edge of the desk. "There should be a card." Emily also commented, the two making a point to hang around the desk just a little longer.
Which Y/N had already had a small smile on her face from the surprise, as soon as she picked up that card though, her smile was growing wider, the appreciative tears already starting to burn her eyes.
'We both know I don't know how to do stuff like this. So I am gonna leave you with a quote that means a lot to me, almost as much as the amount that you mean to me,
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." - William Shakespeare.
I hope you know that no matter what you may be going through, I'll always be here for you.
Just so you know, I love you. -Spencer.'
The note really tied the whole ensemble together, Spencer turning in his chair as she began to read the note allowed, a smile on his face. He felt so proud of himself for pulling this off, especially after feeling like he was going to royally mess it up at some points while planning.
"Thank you." Y/N smiled, her gaze now on her best friend in the office while she was heading over to wrap her arms around Spencer with a tight hug, making Spencer hold her just as tight.
"Although.. I do have one thing to say." She spoke while pulling from the hug. The words made Spencer's heart fall into his stomach.
What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if this is weird? Oh god, what if-
His thoughts were coming to a screeching halt when he felt a pair of soft lips against his own.
"Just so you know, I love you so much more."
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kittyamore0 · 2 years
Slashers with a Vampire S/O:
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CW: Biting, marking, breaking of skin, blood, slightly dom, immortal, GN! reader, blood kink and drinking blood
LITTLE NOTE I: Im in a slightly good mood and i wanted to write another character even though they aren't a slasher, but as a bonus!
LITTLE NOTE II: I've been up since 3AM working on this and then other things. Its currently 9AM and im having crucial back pain
BONUS: extra character
MAIN CHARACTERS: Stu Macher + Billy Loomis, Carrie White, Freddy Kruger, Tate Langdon, Bubba sawyer, GENRE: Headcanons
Fandom: Horror
Stu wouldn't believe you at first.
Billy tends to stalk you from time to time, so i think he would know
You also know that your loving, killer boyfriend stalks you
So you also know that he knew.
"Uh, Sweetie, you do realize its not Halloween yet, right?"
You scoffed and flashed your fangs at Stu and Billy
"Might be fake-"
"Bitch, please!"
Stu playfully rolled his eyes and smiled
Suddenly, you ran past him
But way too quickly
"Wait-- What the fuck?--"
Billy just snickered at him
"What are you laughing about?"
Stu narrowed his eyes
"Ive been knowing, you fuck-rag."
Stu did in fact realize you were not lying.
"And you didn't tell me?!"
"They just did,"
Stu kept whining the whole week after that
He would ask stupid questions
Like Tif, he would watch Vamp movies with you
He will let you bite him just to feel how it feels
Sometimes it'll go well with Stu, sometimes it wont...
He needs like 20 years to recover from that bite
And other times, he feels like hes floating
"I feel high! Is this what you felt when they bit you, Bil?"
"No, i felt horny."
"Wait, wha--"
Now, with Billy
He loved it when you bit him
He has a major blood kink
You marking him, blood seeping down his neck as you drink from him.
He also loves looking into your crimson eyes
He thinks your eyes are really pretty, but he wont admit that
Maybe if you manage to bribe him
He does know that he can actually die if he lets you drink as much blood, so it only happens once awhile
He will bring you back some victims as ghostface though!
Be prepared for loving phone calls from your loving boyfriends telling you how much people they've killed
She did believe you, but it took her some time to process stuff
I mean, she's got powers. Why wouldn't she believe you?
She sometimes thinks about how her mom would react
Her mom would be absolutely pissed
But she doesn't care
she's not letting you go anytime soon
And she doesn't plan too
You don't drink from her because her body is already fragile enough
She never brought up that idea either
I mean, she has thought about it, but she knows that you would refuse instantly due to both her physical and mental health
She would let you drink from her, if it meant saving you in some kind of way
She doesn't ask too many questions about it and treats you like any normal person, but with extra and special attention since you're her S/O!
When shes upset, her powers get out of control and she has flung knives at you...maybe more than one.
But she really didn't mean to!
She can't control it!
She freaks out when one of the knives at you, dropping her upset mood
Then you have to reassure her that you're immortal, so it wont affect you as much
"Carrie, sweetie, im okay--"
"I-it wa-was in your th-throat!"
"Again, not like im dying--"
She was so upset the first time it happened
She tried running away and locking herself inside her room, but you were much stronger than her, so you held her close until she was calm
"Shh...its okay, its okay."
"i--im-im sorry, im sorry..."
Poor baby :(
But you will pamper her after shes calm down
Hes gonna believe you, since you know, hes a dead, burned, sleep demon--
But he wants proof
Crimson eyes or bright changing eye colors? check.
Sharp fangs that can hide themselves? Check.
Blood lust?
You tried biting him the first time you guys met and he caught you eating more than one person in your dreams.
So yea, Check.
He makes dirty jokes about your powers
He'll say something along the lines of..."Well, lets see your pace in the bedroom--"
You start fist fighting him every time he does say something like that
But sometimes you'll play along with his little flirting game
And the second you do, theres a thick lump in those worn out pants of his
The next thing you know, you wake up naked
Oh, and because of that supernatural crazy stuff,
You find a way to see the demon through the day instead of night now!
Through spells though
But as long as you're seeing him!
Hes known way before you've met him, and thats because hes known you longer than you've known he existed
When he did reveal himself, like his true self, which is being dead, you realized about him knowing about your little secret
And the other ghost in the house
I mean, you were planning to tell your boyfriend Tate that you were a Vamp, but he knew
So that spares you the explanation and proving
You were just glad he knew
Tate, i feel like when he tells you that he knows, he'll compliment you.
How he loved the way your eyes would change color
How he loved your powers
And how he loved you, most of all, all of you.
All the confessing would definitely lead to a passion make out, and maybe even further
And dont tell me 'no'. This shit would be like a telenovela, but it got to the part that they are confessing
And im listening to 'or nah' by The Weeknd right now, it's a sign.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He would treat you like his normal S/O, not caring about the fact you are a human-blood-drinking creature.
He would suggest you be a vampire for Halloween, since you know, you're already one...
"Haha, so funny. I'm not gonna wear those weird human versions of vampire cloaks!"
"C'mon, it'll be funny!"
"Okay, how about this; You wear those ghost costumes, the ones where theres just holes where the eyes are and ill dress in one of those weird vampire cloaks."
"No, not in a million years!"
"It's either we wait a million years then, or you wont ever get to see me in that vampire cloak~"
"Okay, you win!"
"So, deal then?"
Whenever you have your blood lust, he'll offer up his cold flesh for you to bite through and let his bitter sweet blood soak out
But in the end, you can't.
Dead blood in fact makes Vampires very ill
And though it saddens him that he cant help you, he'll understand.
He wont let you drink his blood.
No matter how much pain you're in.
He can't risk putting you in even more pain
So he mostly goes invisible when you have your blood lust
And he waits in the corner of your room for you to come back from hunting your meal
Calm cuddles after your blood lust while listening to Nirvana
He absolutely loves that you are immortal
You can stay with him, forever.
Forever and ever. With him, and only him.
Violet has also known, like Tate because she has been watching you.
You also knew she was a ghost in the house from the day she came up to you
How? When words about the infamous 'murder house' were being spread, so did the word Violet
And you might of seen a picture or two of her when people would talk about the murder house
She kinda has no choice either
She also was really interested in you when you moved into the house
She was obviously shocked when she found out you were a vampire
She did not expect that at all
I mean, she grew up knowing that vampires didn't exist
And yet, here you are
before you guys started dating she was the classic-
sorta stare and not talk
Only because you're a vampire and she doesn't wanna trigger anything--
Okay...shes was nervous.
She has a literal crush on a hot vampire who is living in the house she died in!
okay, the 'died in' part is uh, just not needed
And she did really want to talk to you, she just needed a push
"Okay, Vi, you got this..."
She took a deep breath
"shit, never mind. i don't got this--"
"You do."
She yelped when the familiar voice had appeared from behind her.
"yea, sorry. I just wanted to say that, uh, you should go for it. Its now or never. They might be a inmortal , but they wont stay here for long without, um, value? So, uh, go for it."
He flashes Violet a small smile before walking way
"Thanks..." She mumbled and continued to stare at your figure
fuck it.
"Uh, h-hi,"
Her heart felt like it was about to pop tf out her chest
Wait, it dont beat no more.
But still felt like it
You felt like you were trippin'
Are you actually talking to a cute, dead girl right now?
Yes. Yes you were.
"Hi, Violet."
She froze up.
How the hell.
Did one of the ghosts tell you?
"How did you--"
"Oh, it was easy. A lot of people talk about this house, and you."
oh, right.
Well, shit.
"What, cat got your tongue?"
"N--no, im fine--"
You just chuckled at her
Why in the hell were you so calm???
"Do you wanna talk a little? im sure you didn't call me just to call me."
"Yes! i mean--sure!"
You guys hung out the rest of the night and it was amazing.
She found out things about you
You found out things about her
A win-win!
She'd hate when you have your blood lust
Because 1. You're scary as hell
2. She hates seeing you in pain
3. There's no blood available for you in the house because its all dead blood, we dont want you to be sick
4. She hates waiting long for you to come home
Long naps with you after you got back from hunting
You told Bubba from the start of the relationship!
I mean, why not tell your cannibal boyfriend that you, are in fact, a blood thirsty vampire
At first, he was confused
A vampire in texas...?
A real, REAL vampire.
Complusion to make him less confused
Oh, now he gets it!
Wonder why...
He'll still love you
Vampire or not
constant babbling about how he loves your crimson eyes
HATES it when you have your blood lust
He hates seeing you in pain
Tries feeding you his victims
Gets even more upset when you tell him you can't have dead blood
Hes on his way to find some more victims
You can count on him!
He'll come back with 2-5 victims
Maybe even more if there was some event going on nearby
He'll sit you on his lap and cuddle with you till' you feel better
He coos at you but you have absolutely no idea on what he's saying!
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦  
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albertasunrise · 2 years
Look for the Light - 3
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Summary: Four years ago, Joel saved you from certain death. In return, you followed him faithfully. Always ready to do and give him whatever he asked, despite the hurt it inflicted on you, body and soul. Agreeing to go with him to deliver Ellie to the Fireflies… this would be the last time you’d follow him… After this, your debt would be paid.
Relationships: Reader x Joel Miller, Joel Miller & Ellie, Reader & Ellie
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose to give none. Read at your own risk. 18+ (So excited to share this with you. So much to come folks! 🙊😍)
Series Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2
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You glanced in the back seat and smiled when you noted that Ellie had drifted off. You'd been on the road most of the day and you supposed that once the initial wonder of being in a car had worn off, the teenager had succumbed to sleep. None of you had slept much since setting off on this journey. The teenager had rattled on about things she'd heard at FEDRA school and asked questions whenever something unusual popped into view. The teenager had been quiet for the last hour however and you had relished the quiet at first.
Now it was choking.
Joel hadn't spoken a word to you since leaving Bill and Frank's. You knew he was struggling to come to terms with losing the two men. He had considered them friends in a messed up sort of way and to find out they'd killed themselves had been a huge blow. Especially so soon after losing Tess... And the journey continued that way until you came across an old service station, littered with cars.
"We need gas." He announced, pulling in and parking up.
Ellie was quick to jump out of the car and you chuckled at the teenager's enthusiasm.
"Where you goin'?" Joel called out when the teenager sprinted towards the building.
"I need a piss man." She grumbled and Joel nodded.
"I'll make sure the building's clear." You stated and Joel nodded at you, watching as you and Ellie disappeared inside.
You were quick to ascertain that the building was free of infected and people and left the girl to relieve herself in privacy. You pulled out your pack and rested it on the counter of the derelict cafe, pulling out the box you'd managed to find at the store a few days prior. Your hands were shaking as you pulled out its contents and stared at it, almost willing for what you were looking at to be different. scraping a hand over your face, you let out a shaky breath, willing yourself not to cry but finding yourself losing that battle.
"What are those?" Ellie asked as she sprinted up behind you, grabbing one off of the counter before you could stop her.
"Two dashes -Pregnant... One dash - Not pregnant..." She spoke as she studied it.
"Ellie please give that back." You pleaded but the teenager didn't listen.
"Well this one has two dashes so..." She trailed off as the realisation dawned on her and then her eyes drifted up to you "Wait are you pregnant?"
"Is it Joel's?" She interrupted as she glanced out the window before looking at the test again "It is isn't it!"
"Ellie please-"
"Man, he is gonna freaaaaak."
"I know okay!" You snapped, finally managing to snatch the test away from her.
"Where did you even find those?" She asked as she watched you stuff the tests back into your pack.
"The shop we had shit stashed in." You stated as you leaned against the counter and took a deep breath.
"You going to tell him?" She asked and you let out a long sigh before answering.
"Well, I'm going to have to." You grumbled, "Not something I can exactly hide from him."
"What you gonna do though?" She asked "You going to keep it?... Only I can't see Joel playing happy family."
"I don't know Ellie okay!" You choked "I don't know what I am going to do but I would appreciate it if you could keep this to yourself until I tell him."
"Sure... Course." She nodded and you released the breath you hadn't even realised you'd been holding.
"Thank you." You replied with a small nod "Come on. Should get out there before Joel comes looking."
Outside, Joel was leaning against one of the many abandoned cars that littered the area, fuel pumping from inside the tank into the can he had sat on the floor beside him.
"Good?" He asked and you nodded.
"Fine." You replied plainly, unable to miss the slight wince that appeared on his face when you spoke.
"We have to do this every hour?" Ellie asked as she watched Joel feed the pipe into another car's gas tank.
"Gas breaks down over time." He replied, eyes still focused on what he was doing "This stuff's almost water."
"Back in the day, we'd drive 10, 12 hours on one tank." You piped up and Ellie looked at you in awe.
"You could go anywhere." She stated and you nodded "So where'd you go?"
"Pretty much nowhere." Joel grumbled and you smirked at the man's reply.
He wasn't wrong.
Joel blew air through one of the pipes in his hand and you watched as the gas started to travel through the other one, the liquid pattering against the gas already in the can.
"Nice! How does that work?" Ellie asked, her interest piqued.
"It's a siphon." Stated Joel as he looked up at the teenager "It's when liquid... travels against gravity... because pressure..."
"You don't know." Ellie needled and you choked back a laugh at the girl's statement.
"I know it works." He replied, eyes wandering to you and your smirk soon disappeared.
Something Ellie keenly picked up on.
"You two gonna be fucking miserable around each other the whole way?... Cus I'm not sure I can handle much more of this sexual tension."
"There's no sexual tension." Joel grumbled and the teenager rolled her eyes at the man's reply.
"Sure there isn't." She mumbled as she turned around.
"No wandering." Joel called out and glanced at Ellie.
"Okay." The teen replied before pulling something from her pack "This is your fault then."
Joel look almost worried.
"It doesn't matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery."
You barked out a laugh that took not just Joel but yourself by surprise. You can't remember the last time you heard a joke. It had been a long time, that was for sure. Not much to joke about anymore.
"No Pun Intended, Volume Too, by Will Livingston." Ellie announced as she showed you both the cover of the book in her hands "Volume Too."
You rolled your eyes at the girl's enthusiasm before looking over at Joel who was shaking his head.
"Look. You get it? 'Too'? Like, T-o-o."
"Jesus." He grumbled.
"What did the mermaid wear to her math class?" Ellie continued and Joel's expression was one that almost looked like terror.
"An algae bra." She chuckled "Like, algae bra."
"I stayed up all night...
"No." Joel almost pleaded and you couldn’t not chuckle at the man's obvious discomfort.
"wondering where the sun went... and then it dawned on me."
"Feel free to wait in the truck." Joel growled, shutting the teenager up for the time being.
"Ugh, okay." She groaned " But just know, you can't escape Will Livingston." She warned, looking at you both as she stuffed the book back in her pack "He'll be back... There's nothing you can do to stop him."
Joel managed to get a decent amount of gas from the cars to last you a little while longer. You took the back seat so you could sleep a while, whilst Ellie took the front. She silently studied the landscape as it flew passed the window, careful when she spoke not to wake you. You made one more stop, swapping places with Ellie again so that she could sleep a while if she wanted to. Instead, the teen decided to rummage around in the back.
The girl found a tape that had filled the car with music and for a while, it felt like it was any normal road trip. Like the ones, you'd had with your parents as a kid.
"Oh, man." Called out Ellie "Got somethin' else."
Ellie was silent a while as she analysed what she had found, her eyes growing to the size of saucers at the images she saw.
"It's, uh... light on the reading, but it has some interesting pictures." She stated and that grabbed both your's and Joel's attention.
"Oh. No, no, no. Put that back." Joel ordered but the teenager didn't listen, snatching the mag bag when you tried to grab it from her "That's not for kids. Ellie." He warned but still, she didn't listen.
"How would he even walk around with that thing?"
"Please get rid of it." Joel pleaded and you once again found yourself smirking.
"Hold your horses." Ellie grumbled as she continued to flick through the pages "I wanna see what all the fuss is about."
Joel gave you a pleading look and you shrugged. You'd get the item from the teenager without endangering them all.
"Why are all these pages stuck together?" Ellie asked and suddenly Joel looked like a fish out of water "Uhh... the..."
"I'm just fuckin' with ya." She chuckled, swatting him with the magazine before sitting back and rolling down the window "Bye-bye, dude!" She chuckled as she threw the magazine from the car.
The music continued to play as Joel drove. The conversation between you and the child flowed easily as you talked to her about what she was seeing. She was a curious little thing and it warmed your heart. Your hand unconsciously rested on your stomach as you imagined what the child inside might look like. You imagined a little boy with dark eyes and wild curls. The perfect balance of you and Joel. The image took away the fear you'd been feeling since you learned about them. You still didn't know what you were going to do. This was no world for a baby but there was no safe way of getting rid of it either... and truth be told.
You didn't want to.
When the sky started to darken, Joel glanced at back Ellie before looking over at you and decided that it was probably time to call it a night. He could tell that you both were exhausted and he was too.
"All right. That's enough for today." He piped up and you looked over at him a moment before nodding at him.
He abruptly turned the truck and drove it across a field towards some woods. Driving a fair way in before parking the truck and pulling out some tins of food. After getting the gas stove going, Joel opened up some tins and started to heat them up in a metal tin pot, the smell making your mouth water.
A short while later you were eating the meal Joel had prepared, savouring the flavours. It was the meal you'd eaten in a long while. You knew the diet of jerky you'd been on couldn't have been giving the baby the nutrition it needed so you hoped a few days of decent meals would help it grow. The more your mind dwelt on the baby, the more attached to the idea of being a mum you became. So you decided you were going to keep it... Whether Joel wanted it or now.
"Slow down." Joel grumbled, pulling you from your thoughts.
"This is slow." Ellie mumbled around a mouthful of food.
"What am I even eating?" She asked as she forked another mouthful in.
"That is 20-year-old Chef Boyardee ravioli." Joel replied.
"That guy was good."
"I actually agree."
The three of you ate in silence a while before Ellie asked what you too were wondering.
"How long we staying out here?"
"I figure I sleep tonight... and drive tomorrow, all day, all night, get us to Wyoming by next mornin'."
"So can we start a fire? I'm freezing."
"Now, why am I gonna tell you no?" Joel snapped and Ellie rolled her eyes at the man's tone.
"Because Infected will see the smoke."
"No. Fungus isn't that smart." You piped up, grabbing the other's attention.
"She's right." Joel conceded "This is too remote
for Infected, anyway."
"People?" Ellie asked and you both nodded in unison "So what are they
gonna do? Rob us?"
"Oh, they'll have way more in mind than that." Joel grumbled and Ellie nodded. No more need be said on the matter.
You set up your sleeping bags for the night, one single light illuminating the camp. You said nothing whilst Ellie and Joel muttered things between the two of them. Your mind was going a million miles an hour whilst you stared at the box just visible inside your pack.
Your mind drifted back to the conversation you'd shared a little earlier with Ellie. The girl needled for clarity on what you were going to do about your situation.
"You need to tell him." She said as she glanced at the man who'd been unpacking the truck "Sooner rather than later."
You'd not said anything. Just nodded at him before graciously accepting the sleeping bag Joel had handed you. You'd set yours up a little away from theirs. Wanting space to think about how you were going to approach the subject. As you lay there staring at the sky you heard Ellie speak, the tone grabbing your attention.
"Can I ask you a serious question?" Her tone sounded almost frightened and your heart ached to reach out and comfort her.
"Why did the scarecrow get an award?"
Your eyes instantly rolled but you stayed silent. Waiting for Joel to tell her off again.
"Because he was outstanding in his field." He replied and you guffawed at his reply.
Joel Miller had a sense of humour. You be damned!
"You dick!" Ellie laughed as Joel rolled back onto his side. "Did you read this?"
"No." Joel grumbled, pulling his sleeping back higher "Now go to sleep."
Silence settled in the camp for a while and you closed your eyes, willing sleep to come but Ellie's voice pulled you back, just as you felt rest tug just a little.
"Those people you said..." She trailed off, tone again a little frightened "There's no way anyone knows we're here, right?"
Your stomach dropped at her question. You'd be lying if you said you weren't frightened of being found. Especially now.
"No one's gonna find us."
"No one's gonna find us." Joel repeated.
With that, the girl allowed herself to close her eyes and you envied how quickly she fell into a deep slumber. You too allowed sleep to take you and you fell into a dreamless slumber. When you woke, the stars were still twinkling above you and you sighed, looking up to see what it was that must've woken you.
Joel was standing guard, gun in hand and you scraped a hand over your tired face before getting up from your bed.
"Can't sleep?" You asked quietly as you came to a stop at his side.
"Something like that." He replied, eyes scanning the darkness.
"What me to take over?"
"I'm fine." His tone was short and it snapped whatever patience you had left in half.
"God, you're an asshole." You grumbled and this grabbed his attention.
"I'm sorry it was me instead of Tess." You grumbled as you turned your back to him "I know you'd rather have her here at your side but I can't change what happened."
"I don-"
"I shouldn't have come." You sobbed, wiping your tears with your sleeve "I keep following you around but you clearly don't want me around. I keep inflicting this hurt on myself and I can't do it anymore."
Joel grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. His expression was impossible to read in the dim light of the camp.
"I don't wish it had been you instead of Tess." He uttered, his face not inches away from yours "I have always wanted you around... Since the day I met you."
"What are you saying, Joel?"
He didn't answer with words. He kissed you hard and your hands instantly tangled in his hair as he walked you back. His lips travelled to your neck and you glanced at Ellie a moment before allowing yourself to succumb to the pleasure he was bringing you.
"Got to be quiet ." He whispered as he opened your jeans and pulled them down over your hips.
You nodded eagerly as you helped rid him of his own jeans before opening his shirt and running your hands over his warm flesh. He dropped to his knees, pulling you with him and you straddled his lap, whining at the feel of his erection rubbing against your folds. Your hand snaked between you and grabbed it, positioning it at your entrance before sinking down. Gasping at how well he filled you. Then you kissed him, the two of you swallowing each other's moans as you stayed there a moment, adjusting to his length.
"We haven't got long." Joel uttered against your lips and you nodded, glancing again at Ellie's back before you both started to move.
"Fuck." You choked as he hit that perfect spot over and over again.
The two of you moved in perfect sync. You met each one of his thrusts, noting how he was wincing. This couldn’t be good on his knees.
"Lay down." You uttered but he shook his head, increasing his pace when he felt you start to squeeze him.
"You close?" He asked and you nodded "Cum for me."
And you did. Your heat squeezed him so tight that he came without warning, suddenly racing to pull out but it was too late.
"Shit." He grumbled as he scrambled to get dressed again "Shit, shit shit!"
"I shouldn't have cum in you." He growled, berating himself under his breath "Fuck."
"Joel, calm down."
"Calm down??" He growled "Do you get what this means?"
"Yes." You spat, keeping your voice low.
"You could end up pregnant." He growled and you threw your head back, letting out a long sigh as you glanced over at your pack.
He watched as you got up, carefully pulling something from your bag before heading back over to him. Your hands were shaking as you knelt down opposite him, clutching the truth in your hands tightly.
"We can't let that happen." Joel uttered, his brows drawn together "We can't bring a baby into our situation."
You let out a sigh before holding the tests out so he could see them. His eyes drifted from you to what you were holding out to him, his eyes widening as he studied the items carefully.
"It's a bit late for that Joel." You replied plainly, pulling his gaze back to you "I'm already pregnant."
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hobisstar · 1 year
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What are you hiding from love?| Yandere!Jk x Reader V Last Part
Summary: Being in a relationship with Jungkook you’ve always noticed the signs, the red flags if you will. Being so in love with him you ignored them, until the people you loved dearly started disappearing one by one.
Warnings: Murder, Jungkook victim blaming ( like he will say i killed you because you are too stupid or whatever), Possessiveness, Mentions of Smut, Controlling, Locking up YN.
Taglist: vante 🫶🏾
A/N: This is made to be scary! That is all. I honestly dont like mixing smut with yandere because i read yandere fics to be spooked not horny lol. This has been absolutely fun to write for you guys! Im so happy how much love it had gotten over the past month since ive been writing it! I love you all so so much! Enjoy!
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Its been about two years since Jungkook decided to let yn go on her own! So far, yn has become the owner of the coffee shop, has opened up plenty of them across Asia and plans to open some in The Untied States.
Life has been looking absolutely beautiful for yn! But heres the thing.
Bodies have been discovered. Fresh bodies. Of course going through what she went through with Jungkook, she feared that this was his doing. That the so called hobby has now reached the news channels. Though it says that the crimes has been in only England, it was still capability of it being Jungkook.
“Yn! Are you even listening? Im telling you Namjoon wants to take you on a date!” Joy, yns now close friend that she has gained from opening the coffee shops.
“Sorry, but i dont think im ready to date. The last guy was for 5 years and it didn’t turn out well in the end.” Yn mumbled looking over at the tv that was on the crime scene of the killings.
But what was showed, made yns blood run cold.
What was at the crime scene was dandelions.
The flowers that Jungkook always used to gift her on days he felt like we did something wrong. He would cut the steam off and just leave the flowers to never be able to grow again.
Was he…back?
It was closing time and of course yn being the owner, she decided that it was her duty to close every single night.
But tonight, she couldnt shake the feeling that she was being watched.
As everyone was leaving she saw a guy with a big hoodie on taking his time to clean up his mess on the table. Putting his crumbs inside a napkin then taking the napkin and closing it tightly then throwing it out.
yn watched from behind the counter taking containers from the counter and putting them on the shelf behind her.
This mysterious guy has been coming in everyday. Same time. She never serves him but she knows Joy does and she hates serving him. ‘His glare, it can kill.’ She would say when describing the eyes of this mysterious man.
While cleaning she saw the guy get up and come up to the counter.
Face mask on and glasses… sun glasses.
Its night time.
Maybe it was a fashion statement. Thats what yn left it as. “ Hi sorry we are about to close soon so im gonna have to ask you to leave..” is what she was aiming to say but once she turned around she saw he just left a napkin with hand writing on it.
She grabbed it and began to read it:
“Hi baby! Oh its been such a long time, oh how i miss you. Our child also misses you. 2 years right? That is let you go? Ah, I remember something. Today is our anniversary! Our now 7 year anniversary. Im picking you up at 11! Be ready!
Yn was at this point shaking. Fear took over her body but was trying to hide it. She wasnt doing such a good job at that. As much as she wanted to call the cops, get him arrested, she knew that those cops had no chance in trying to get Jungkook.
Hed kill them all in the blink of an if he even knew that they talked to yn.
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When yn got home she didnt let the fact go that when she got there she obviously saw Jungkooks car right outside her town house.
Mind you this is the 5th time this year she has moved. None of the reasons dealing with Kook but they definitely where personal reasons.
She braced herself, once she goes inside her home, Jungkook will be inside.
She could call the cops and run away from home then go to Jins house.
Actually now that Yn thought about it, what if Jin had something to do with it? He was always to calm for her liking honestly. Why was he always just so calm with him? I mean he explained it yes, hes seen it for so many years but why didnt he at least call the cops? Then again was the cops really gonna help him?
Entering the home, it felt like deja vu. Coming home on anniversary and Jungkook was cooking their favorite shared dish.
Spaghetti! Yn liked it because it was delicious and Jungkook probably like it because it reminded him of blood.
“My love! You are right on time! The Spaghetti is hot and ready to be platted. Get comfortable and come eat”
He didn’t need to turn around for yn to know that it was actually him. He colored his tattoos, became more swoll and also cut his long hair.
Yn didnt change anything or didnt get comfortable since this was all just too much for her.
‘Keep calm and go with his plan, yn.’ Thats all she kept telling herself.
Though what was his plan? Drug her? Kill her?
Well, none of those. He wanted her back. If that meant living in this house with her, then so be it. Jin had Bam so, they’d have plenty of time together.
Finally he sat down with two plates of spaghetti and there he was in all his glory.
He had the cockiest smirk while toying with his now new lip ring before sitting down across from yn.
“ Fucking finally, i have you again.”
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strawberryspence · 2 years
snow on the beach by taylor swift but i take it literally.
steve takes eddie to a beach for christmas because eddie has never seen the ocean, never has seen a large body of water and eddie wants to see it. he’s been ticking off a list he wrote down the moment he woke up from his medically induced coma from being eaten by rabid, demon bats.
eddie munson almost died, and he hasn’t ever done anything good or remarkable in his life. he’s never seen the ocean, never been in a big rollercoaster, he hasn’t graduated, he hasn’t done anything to repay wayne for the life he has given him.
there’s probably 40 things on the list. here’s a few:
1. graduate high school, fucking please ✔️ (eddie did graduate. with the help of buckley, wheeler, and the whole fucking party. steve served cookies and drinks.)
2. thank uncle wayne. give him a hug for fuck godness sake. ✔️ (eddie did, from the moment he woke up from the coma, he cried and thanked him for everything he has ever done. wayne is his dad, through and through.)
3. thank dustin and give him the campaign of his life. ✔️ (eddie also did that, not only for dustin but for the rest of the party.)
4. go to one of lucas’ basketball games. you owe him one. ✔️ (eddie did, he went to every last game with steve even though people looked and stared but who the fuck cares? sinclair has the talent for shooting balls into baskets, and the smile he gave eddie the first time he came is worth every glare.)
5. thank the bald headed, super powered girl who came for you in the dark space. ✔️ (eddie met el. he thanked her for his life, but she just thanked him for helping her friends. eddie would like to think they’re friends now.)
6. thank everyone who believed in you when you were in the run. ✔️ (he did. he thanked wheeler, buckley, harrington, the kids. and they just smiled at him. told him, it’s okay. that he’s one of them. eddie would never confess but he had some tears on his eyes. BUT ONLY because of the dust.
7. ride a big rollercoaster. ✔️ (eddie did that too. steve made a big day out of it and then drove the whole party to the nearest amusement park.)
8. have your first kiss. ✔️ (yes, he did that too. it’s from robin fucking buckley. because they’re both gay, and both haven’t had their first kisses and they were drunk and high out of their mind. never again.)
9. go see a beach.
10. cook something that won’t kill a living human being. ✔️ (eddie did, he cooked pasta with steve’s help. it was pretty good and the party loved it.)
11. learn how to skateboard. (they’re almost there, max is still teaching him how to.)
12. dye your hair. or some shit. do something to your hair.
13. take a fucking hike. go see the fucking mountains or something jesus christ. ✔️ (he did. it was horrible. he’s just happy he can tick it off now.)
14. fall in love.
15. knit something. maybe some gloves.
16. get out of hawkins. get out of this shit hole.
17. go visit chrissy cunningham’s grave. apologize. i don't fucking know. talk to her. just go.
18. get a pet dog. ✔️ (he adopted the trailer dog. wayne wasn’t happy when hetfield peed inside their brand new, given by the government, house)
there’s about 20 more items in the list. some done, some still on going, some not gonna get done until a few years later.
steve finds the list november of ‘86. he knows there’s a list, the kids annoy eddie into letting them join and help him do some of it. he wants eddie to tick off number 14, only if it’s with steve. but that’s him being delusional. he wants to grant one thing for eddie for christmas.
so for christmas he drives eddie to the nearest beach, it’s not as big as any california beach, but it’s a beach, with some kind of body of water. it starts snowing halfway through the trip and when they finally arrive to the beach its full on snowing.
still eddie is happy. steve watches as he plays with the snow and sand, running and jumping around like a little kid. they could’ve swam but its too cold, steve promises that they’ll come back in the summer with kids. steve takes out some sandwiches and some hot chocolate he made. it’s warm enough that they can watch the snow and the water on the back of eddie’s van, doors open.
there’s a shimmer of glow in eddie’s eyes when steve finally tells him, “merry christmas, eddie. i hope this ticks one more thing on your list.”
eddie takes out the list out of his pocket, already crumpled and lines permanent from being folded, “would it be okay if i tick two things off?” steve feels like he’s being lit from within, as he nods.
“i guess.” steve answers. eddie smoothes down the paper on his knees, takes out the pen he always brings with him.
steve watches as he crosses out 9. go see a beach.
eddie looks up at him, and it’s almost too beautiful, almost like something steve has only seen in a movie. there’s snow behind him, coming down without sound. eddie’s wearing a black sweater, his cheeks red and his eyes twinkling like stars.
“would it be okay if i tick off number 14?” eddie barely whispers, like he’s afraid he’ll jinx it.
“are— are you sure?” steve whispers back, like anything louder would wake him up from this weird, but fucking beautiful dream.
eddie smiles at him, bright, wonderful, alive and moves closer to finally kiss him.
steve knows the feeling of being stopped by time, he knows it well from grandfather clocks ticking away. he thought that was it. but steve didn't know it could be so wonderful, as eddie kisses him and as time stops around them. if somebody ever asks, steve will tell you that kissing eddie would be the closest feeling to what he thinks flying would feel like.
eddie checks of number 14. fall in love.
he should’ve checked it off the moment he woke up from coma, asked for a piece of paper and pen and steve harrington got him a whole notebook and a box of colored pens.
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blackjackkent · 2 months
43. Bloody kiss. Either Wyll/Rahka or shadowzel. Which ever one speaks to you more friend!
Ooooh. Intrrrrrriguing. This actually ties in nicely with a thought I had for another of the prompts from @astreamofstars from this ask, so I am gonna combine the two. >:) This is a mild retcon of a scene from my liveblog, but I do what I want, muahaha. XD
Wyll/Rakha - Bloody kiss (kiss roulette meme) - Holding hands and that's all they can think of (“What Are We” moment prompts)
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She is soaked in Kressa Bonedaughter’s blood. It stings in her eyes, it covers her cheeks and her mouth. The Myrkulite lies dead before her, a final vengeance for a torment Rakha doesn’t even remember. 
It felt so good to kill her. And the beast in her mind is awake again and hungry for more, scenting that blood on the air. 
They cut you into pieces, it whispers, a hiss like a serpent in her ear. They sliced out your mind. They made you into meat. Will you not return the favor? 
She feels suddenly aware of every breathing creature around her, every life waiting to be snuffed out. Lae'zel and Minthara looting the belongings of the dead cultists. Absolutist thralls and mind flayers moving down the slimy corridors beneath Moonrise. The very walls of this place, fleshy with a sort of half-life that would give so sweetly under her ripping, tearing claws… 
And Wyll, of course - sitting at her side, watching her. 
Yes, whispers the beast. Start with him, just as I told you; tear that soft thing from your life and begin your reign of death… 
She kisses him. It’s a sharp motion like a blow, wrenching him by the collar until their lips crash together. A vein pulses in her temple with the concentration and effort it takes. Against all the howling evil within her, she kisses him rather than killing him, and the blood on her face mixes with the kiss and makes him taste of iron.
She feels him respond, can almost hear his heartbeat stutter to a faster pace with the muted need strung taut between them. It is not just passion - though that is part of it, certainly, as she channels all the beast’s rage into the softer feeling she has for him. But more than that, it is a feral, demanding, clinging thing, a reaching-out for the safety only he can provide. 
He knows her well, by now. He knows the monstrous thing that lives inside her, and the signs that it is trying to take control. But he also knows that this isn’t her, not really - not who she wants to be. He is the Blade of Frontiers, and he has seen monsters driven by true darkness.
“Stay with me, Rakha,” he whispers against her mouth. He takes her hand and squeezes it fiercely. His palm is warm, sweat-slick from the colony’s oppressive humidity, and his grip grounds her, drawing her back to herself, bit by bit shutting out everything else. “Stay with me. Show me the light.”
He is the only one who has ever thought there is light in her.
She draws a slow, unsteady breath. The roaring darkness in her head starts to fade, and as it recedes, the kiss softens. It loses its hungry, conquering edge, grows gentler; Wyll takes control of it now, his free hand cupping the back of her head, steadying her against him. A strange sound escapes her, a sort of whimpering groan, and he answers it with a sigh against her lips.
His touches have done their work. The beast settles back into restless sleep and she is conscious only of him - and of the grief that remains from Kressa’s revelations now that the rage has cooled. His touch soothes that too, but it cannot drive it away entirely. 
She wishes, sometimes, she could simply have this softness, without all the broken edges in her soul. “Thank you,” she mutters. The kiss breaks and she leans her forehead against his, closing her eyes.
His grip on her hand loosens but doesn't let go. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks. "About what she said?"
"No," she says. She doesn't have the strength for her usual curtness; the word emerges wistful and exhausted. A pause, then-- "Later."
"Later it is," he agrees. "I'll be ready."
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bigbadvoxbox · 8 months
alright I'm back with the vox asks, I couldn't get enough of your writing SO I wanna ask for some fluff where the reader is trapped in the extermination and vox goes looking for them to help
EPIC this is adorable, this is gonna be like structured weird so sorry about that but I find it easier to write this way
- Vox definitely acts like he doesn't care about many people, but you are very much the exception. No matter how he acts, he can't help but always keep an eye on you, whether it be if you're in his line of sight, or if he has to check on you through a screen or with a drone. He just likes to know that you're safe.
- When the extermination happens, he usually tells you to stay inside, but acts kinda coy about it like "Can't lose such a profitable investment, now can we?" as if he wouldn't freak out the second you're in danger.
- He uses his drones to keep an eye on you during the extermination, but when the spear of an angel smashes his tech to pieces, he can feel himself glitching with panic. The way he starts to twitch and stutter.
- He'd usually never do this, but he finds himself going out during the extermination, and let me tell you, no exorcist would dare mess with him with the panic-fuelled adrenaline he has rushing through his wires.
- He finds you cornered, and can't even contain his emotion, his worry, his anger, all of it. The electricity sparks out from his body, and he manages to grip the angel by the wing, sending a lethal shock through her body. Not enough to kill her, being an angel, but definitely enough to immobilise her.
- He takes you back to the Vee tower, demanding you stay inside where he can keep an eye on you. "I hope you understand now why I told you to stay inside. You can't even keep yourself out of trouble. I was the one who had to come and save your ass." At first he lectures you like an irritated boss, but eventually you can start to see through the cracks, and his concern for you, his care, becomes a lot clearer as he holds you close. He can't even imagine what he'd do if you were killed. Not that he'd ever tell you that.
- "I'm just glad you're okay." he'd say, taking a deep breath to calm his nervous glitching. He lets you stay in the tower with him until the extermination is over. He just needs to make sure you're safe. You spend the rest of the extermination observing the rest of the Pride ring, watching it as though it's a reality show. He keeps a caring arm wrapped around your shoulders as you watch.
- You question the fact that he seems to not care about the other demons being killed. "As long as it isn't you, who gives a shit?"
- He cares a lot for you, in his own special way.
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thetismcave · 10 months
Another dramatic drabble with some more headcanons
Session 7 spoilers :)
It really is an apocalypse, Scott thought, watching the carnage from atop the cliffs.
The world had gone mad. The plateau below was splattered with blood, and death was spreading like an infection through the ranks of the players.
He was hiding in his own base, from his own teammates. Maybe it was stupid to keep hanging around, but he knew this place well, and he was pretty sure they didn’t think he’d come back. He’d nearly been killed getting chased out by his own teammate, for fucks sake.
He’d gone to ground after that, but he knew that without info he was a sitting duck. So, here he was, on one of his increasingly rare ventures to the surface, crouching in a tree and watching the grasslands below.
When Cleo dug through their wall, he couldn’t help but be relieved. His instinctive reaction was affirmed when they, treading just as lightly as he was, showed no signs of hostility or of alerting the hunters.
“Hi,” he grinned at her.
“Hi, hi!” They replied, a stressed little laugh in their voice as they creeped through the new opening.
“What’s happening? Why is there a Warden now?” Scott asked softly as she filled in the wall behind herself.
“They’re trying to get me,” she grimaced, easing into a crouch beside him, sheltered under the trees. “As the last- the last green.”
Scott hummed a tense reply, leaning against the rough bark of the oak, slowly creeping further into his- the base.
“Gem also has no band loyalty anymore,” he said nonchalantly, not looking at Cleo, “Because she died, came back as a red, and tried to kill me. So, I had to flee. I’ve been skulking around my own base all day.”
He said it offhandedly, like it was just another anecdote. Like it was an interesting tidbit instead of a near deadly betrayal.
He knew they could see right through him.
She knew what was genuinely laidback and what was a coverup. She knew how much he hated this, how deeply his loyalty ran.
“Widow’s Alliance?” She offered, holding out her arm. The shifting moonlight hit a tattoo, a blue rope winding down the inside of her wrist, its end frayed and orange. He’d known it was there. It’s partner was on his arm, after all. He could barely see his own now, however. The lava from his latest capital ‘D’ Death had burned away most of the skin on his arms. It was there though, the orange strands twisting along his forearm, just a little buried by scar tissue.
(The care was still there too, even though at the start they’d promised to go their separate ways. Even though their bond had been tried by nearly five of these damned games.)
If there was one constant in this mess, it was Cleo, and he could really use a damn anchor right now. He trusted her, and he hoped the feeling was mutual.
“I guess so.” He took her forearm, and the frayed ends of their ties met.
Later, after they joined up with BigB, the infected began closing in again. As they took shelter behind the walls, Scott let the other two know about his makeshift bunker, the one not even his teammates knew about.
“You know me, I’m not gonna go after you.” Cleo said, casually, as if it was a given, a law of nature that he could show her his secrets, his backup plans, without fear. And really, it was, wasn’t it? Even if Cleo didn’t have clear memories of the games before, they knew, somehow, that they could put their back to his and be defended.
He’d wondered sometimes if Cleo, ever the survivor, trusted him as implicitly as he trusted them. As they descended into the mines, he realized that now he knew. Even if neither of them realized it, they were each other’s safety net, a soft place to fall that went beyond alliances, or games, or even memories.
And even though they were being hunted, even though the rest of the world was baying for their blood, Scott felt, impossibly, like they could weather anything this apocalypse could throw at them.
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4ngeldusstt · 2 years
Everything to me
A/N: its been sooo long ever since i wrote something, this is so bad im sorry but i hope yall like it even a lil bit <3 (if you have a request about kai send it!! Detailed please :c)
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 982
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The sound of screams and things breaking woke you up from your peaceful nap on Kai’s bed, suddenly you felt how two of his followers were restraining your arms leading you to the basement “what the fuck let go of me you fucking shit” “i’ll tell Kai when he finds out he will kill you” the guy looked down at you laughing “he told us to do this i think its you who is gonna get killed bitch” you didnt understand anything, me? What the fuck happened? your anxiety was eating you up not letting you think properly. The second you came to your senses you were thrown in a middle of a circle, on your knees, you looked around inspecting your surroundings taking notice of everyone on the cult standing around, looking down at you.
Your eyes landed in the person standing right in front of you. Kai. His face distorted with rage and anger, “you fucking slut, out of everyone it had to be you. I gave you everything, i trusted you and you pay me back by rating us out.” His words came out carefully, filled with venom each word felt like a dagger to you. “I didn’t do anything, I can’t even get out of the house, I’ m being watched 24/7 I didn’t rat you out, it was not me.” Your words were clear and confident despite the fear that filled your body, you knew what Kai was capable of.
He was now at you level, sitting on his knees face to face with you, locking eyes with each other “baby, it was not me, you have to trust me.” You were desperate at this point “Why you y/n, WHY?” The sudden yell made you flinch, “I’ll have to kill you now, you’re making me do this y/n, I have no other option” his eyes filling with tears only you catching a glimpse of it before he blinked them off not wanting to look weak in front of his people, he was so in fucking love with you it pained him so deep inside just the though of you betraying him.
“If you are gonna kill me, do it knowing that I’m pregnant Kai,I’m carrying your messiah, your seed is growing inside of me right now, also do it knowing that I would never betray you, you’re everything to me Kai, please believe me, you have to trust me on this one.” You whispered so only he could hear, watching his face soften and change into a mix of surprise and excitement but you could still read rage on his expression. “Is that true princess? That you are carrying my child?” Princess.. the nickname you much adored, hearing that calmed you down a bit. “Yes Kai, I’m 9 weeks pregnant, I took 5 tests to be sure a couple days ago, I can take another one for you so you can trust me.” Kai just lowered his head and let out a shaky sigh as a response, you heard mumbling around you, but was silenced the second Kai stood up and paced around the room.
“Kai I found this in Winters pillow case” Ally said holding a small device on her hand “looks like a mic to me, maybe y/n is saying the truth and she was not the mole, Winter might me.” Kai’s glace changed again, this time towards his sister. He walked closer to her, holding the small item between his fingers “what the fuck is this Winter? You were going to make me kill my angel, my princess, who is carrying my child, making me think it was her when.. this whole time was you?” “Kai it’s no what it looks like I promise.” She said fearful “Boys, get rid of this fucking rat, lock her up i’ll make a visit later after i think what i’ll do with her.” He signaled his followers as they took her to a closet and locked her up, yells and cries for help where all that was heard as she was carried to the small space.
Kai let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a second before helping you get up from the floor and taking you in his arms, he held you close, right now you where the only person he could trust, not even his own sister, just you. “I’m so fucking sorry, please forgive me princess, I should’ve not doubted you, I’ll do everything in my hands to make a better world for you and our child and to protect both of you from any harm, I promise you that. I love you.” He whispered softly in you ear as everyone left the room, leaving just the two of us. “I forgive you Kai, I love you more than anything, thank you for trusting me, I got your back, I got you.” “I know.” He whispered back placing a loving kiss on your lips, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you, making you feel safe. Thats what he was, even after all, he was your safety.
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Delusional - Part 26
Stepping out of the warehouse into the afternoon sun, Delaney felt like she wasnt actually there. What she could feel though was the quickly drying blood on her face and neck. Her hands were covered in claret. Her hands. She had blood on her hands. 2 people were dead because of her. Alex was right. This was going to haunt her. She had convinced herself that if he was dead he would never hurt her again. How wrong was she? She'd been wrong alot lately. Wrong about alot of things. She would go through the rest of her life knowing she was a murderer. "Baby?" Jax's voice called out from behind her, but he sounded far away. Hands grasped her shoulders and before she knew it Happy's stern face came into her vision. His eyes burned into her soul and she felt her eyes sting with tears. She could see Jax and Opie in her peripheral vision, they stood close watching her and Happy's stare down. They both knew he would never hurt her, their relationship very sibling like. But that didnt mean they weren't worried. Delaney had been through so much and they were both scared she would break down any moment. Happy's voice broke the silence. "I want you to listen to me, D. If anyone knows about the burden that Murder places on your shoulders its me. Sometimes you can bury it and act like everythings fine. Wont even think about it. Other times you'll be lay in bed, 3am and the voices of the people you've killed will fill your head. You'll give everything in the world to make it stop. Do not pretend you are fine when your not. We're your family, always have been, since the day you scrambled red faced into TM for your interview with Gemma. " The Tacoma Killer smiled at the memory of the first time everyone met Delaney. "What i want you to remember is both them assholes got what they deserved. What you gave them was mercy D. A quick death. Because i promise if I got my hands on either of them, I've tortured them for hours. Made fucking sure I took my time. And on the days when those voices fill your head, and it gets too much to carry, you call me. You fucking call me!" Happy demanded as he held a tearful Delaney, his own eyes brimming with tears. Tears of anger for what happened to someone he was close to. Tears of pain for everything she went through all them years she was with that prick. And maybe even tears of disappointment that he didnt get to extract his pound of flesh for the revenge and anger that burned within him. Pulling the girl into the tightest hug he was allowed to considering she was still healing from a bullet wound, Happy kissed the top of her head. "Your a fighter D. You always have been. Its who you are inside. And i swear, I will protect you and little peanut until the day i die, and I'm not going out of this world easy." Happy pulled away from the hug and wiped his eyes. Clearing his throat he turned to glare as a smirking Opie. "Well shit Hap, thats the most words I've ever heard you speak since ive known you!" Happy Glared and rammed his fist into Opies Shoulder. "If either of you mention this, i will fuck you up!" And with a final promise of violence and a nod to Delaney Happy got on his bike and rode away.
Taking a deep breath, Delaney pushed her hair back, no doubt smearing blood across her face. She couldn't believe her life. It felt like she was taking constant hits from every direction, smashing apart any good thing that happened to her. Turning to Jax, she managed a small smile. "Lets go see Dr Knowles shall we?" Following behind Jax to his bike, Delaney thought over how she was gonna handle the troublesome doctor. Killing her wasn't an option, as much as she would love to wrap her hands around her pale neck and watch the light fade from her beady judgemental eyes. Plus killing his first love would probably drive a wedge between her and Jax. He would see her as a cold killer rather than the woman he fell in love with. Fuck, he's probably shocked she killed Alex. Would he look at her different? Would he be disgusted? She didn't have time to let her thoughts wonder anymore as Jax slowed the bike to a stop in Tara's driveway. With a quick nod from the Delaney he made his way towards the door, her staying close behind him. She only had time to press a quick reassuring kiss to the back of his neck before the door swung open and Tara's smiling face appeared.
Here we go, was the only thing Delaney could think.
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chocolatecake47 · 5 months
Rayla is like: 
Watched her parents leave “I watched you leave"/"Stood there and watched you walk away, from everything we had”, - them being gone/missing for most of her childhood (“but when will you be back?”) “Skies grew darker, currents swept you out again, and you were just gone and gone, gone and gone”- Their ghosting/outcasting “Cause I honestly believed in you/Holdin’ on, the days drag on" - Her trauma and stigma around her parents betrayal slowly isolating her from everyone “My friends from home don’t know what to say”
Coming on a mission of vengeance and murder at only 15 years old and choosing to change the narrative (“My heart for Xadia!/Say the word and I’ll go back into that tower with you!”) “People look at me like I'm a monster"/"I brought a knife to a gunfight"/"when I fought you used to tell me I was brave” - Fighting her father for people she doesn’t know just because its the right thing “they strike to kill and you know I will"/"you had to kill me but it killed you just the same” - Getting ghosted herself and literally being able to travel all over the world and go anymore but not the place she grew up in “And I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want, just not home” - Believing in her core that she’s not good enough even though she did the right thing, believing everyone is right to be disappointed in her (“they’re right to reject me! I’m never good enough and I never will be!”) “I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting"/"They used to cheer when they saw my face, now I fear I have fallen from grace”  - Truly believing that her pain is irrelevant “I know my pain is such an imposition” because she thinks she doesn’t matter “Always taking up too much space or time”, - Expresses surprise over being loved because no one has ever been so open about it or loved her in her hardest darkest moments “starry eyes sparking up my darkest night"/"Rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky, and he feels like home” - Thinking she has to defend her parents honor and die because of their supposed failure (“All of this happened because my parents ran away, so I have to stay and defend the dragon queen”) “Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me”/“Remember how I said I’d die for you?”- Thinking it is her job to save everyone without letting anyone be there for her but it always ends up being more complicated “Never a clean break, no one here to save me”
The war finally over, everyone thinking things were finally ‘calming down’ but she was distracted, stressed, looking for closure, her mind kept reeling until her body finally did as well “Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke”, - Waking up from nightmares with the reality of 3 of her parents being dead crashing over her and holding strong to that sacrificing mentality ("They said that, sometimes, we make sacrifices so that the ones we love don’t have to. It’s part of protecting them”) “I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost, the room is on fire, invisible smoke, and all of my heroes died all alone, help me hold on to you”, Waking from horrible nightmares that Viren has done something to Callum which results in her leaving before he can leave her “I wake up screaming from dreaming, one day I’ll watch as your leaving, and life will loose all its meaning, for the last time”, Desperately wanting her logic to be understood ("Please Callum, this is about who I am") "You say, “I don’t understand,” and I say, “I know you don’t” - Had such a fear the world would divide them it tore at her inside until she couldn’t bear it “I loved you in spite of, deep fears that the world would divide us” - Leaving without telling him  (“Don’t follow me, and don’t look for me {I have to go}.”) “Left Cornelia Street before you even knew I was gone” - Her self-sabotaging brain thinking that despite the love the last two weeks have given her she still wasn’t deserving of good things, and she had to leave because thats what they (meaning her family) did (“But I can’t let you stop me, Callum. No matter how much I want to. I wish I could say that we will see each other again, but I don’t know if we will.”) “Don’t pretend its such a mystery, think about the place where you first met me”, - Believing she’s a burden and her parents aren’t Callum’s problem to deal with/she’s not Callum’s problem to deal with anymore (“from doing what I know I have to do. Leaving.”) “I’m not your problem anymore”, - desperately hoping that he doesn’t hate her even though she’s hurt him, because she thinks she’s doing the right thing by building an illusion to protect him (“Please don’t hate me when that illusion fades, Callum.”)“Never wanted you to hate me” - desperately hoping he’ll still trust her and want her after “Will you forgive my soul when you’re too wise to trust me and too old to care?” - Searching everywhere for any trace of Viren, any trace of what happened to her parents to make the wound stop bleeding “Trace the evidence, make it make some sense, why the wound is still bleeding” - the thought of Callum being something that got her through her hardest times alone “And when I was shipwrecked, I thought of you/When it was real enough, to get me through" - the idea of coming home to Callum & Ezran being the only thing keeping her going “And I just want to run to you, And every time I don’t, I almost do”,
Not knowing what to say, not knowing how to turn up empty-handed after two years, not knowing what to do to make things better, but only knowing that she is falling apart and is goddamn trying her best and she needs him (“All day I’ve, I mean, all week really, I’ve been so nervous and kind of edge-frazzled, you know?”) “And maybe I don’t quite know what to say, but I’m here in your doorway; I just wanted you to know that this is me trying”/“Standing in front of you saying, “I’m sorry for that night”, - The part of her brain that is mean to her thinking its justified if Callum doesn’t want to be with her anymore after what she’s done “So if the chain is on your door I understand” but deep down her heart wants him to say that it wasn’t her fault and everything will be okay and they will be best friends again and that he understands her twisted logic and forgives her for it “Tell me that you’re still mine, tell me that we’ll be just fine, even when I loose my mind/tell me that its not my fault, tell me that I’m all you want, even when I break your heart” - knowing that she has a lot of trust to rebuild with a lot of people “There are so many lines that I’ve crossed unforgiven” -resulting to wait forever, offering to put his heart back together, and promising to never leave again, “I want you for worse or for better, I would wait for ever and ever, broke your heart, I’ll put it back together” because he is the best thing that ever happened to her and the best thing thats ever been hers even if she is realizing it and admitting to it a little late (“the best thing I ever had: you”) “You are the best thing thats ever been mine”.
Long story short the world screwed her over and over and over again. She was the prey so much she quickly had to become the archer in order to survive.
PS. I didn’t want to tag every song cuz then it gets launched into a whole different side of Tumblr, but if you’re wondering where I pulled lyrics from they are all listed under the cut in (hopefully) chronological order (even though I did repeat songs a couple times but not lyrics!)
This Love
White horse
Your on your own kid
Castles Crumbling
Call it what you want
Mad woman
My tears ricochet (this song is so Rayla/Runaan-coded omg)
You’re loosing me
Tolerate it
Long story short
False God
The Archer (this song is also so Rayla-coded)
Dancing with our hands tied
Cornelia Street
Getaway Car
Hits different 
I almost do (Rayllum-coded for sure)
This is me trying
Back to December (this is the most Rayllum-coded song I've ever heard)
Afterglow (i pulled the whole bridge from here basically)
How you get the girl
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faecaptainofdreams · 1 year
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Six days in, three to go.
The zbornak sat alone by the campfire, her prey tied to a cactus, of all things.
Over the near-week they'd been together, his optimism and ability to handle anything she threw at him had grated on her.
She tried not to let him have the power of knowing he frustrated her, but Sylvia was losing her nerve.
He talked too much, escaped his binds too much, was overall just too much.
And he really though he could be her friend?
Not even in his furry orange dreams.
He must've been one hell of a joker, she thought, or completely batshit.
Either way, it wasn't any of her business.
In her remarkable contempt this night, she allowed him to eat only a couple of small desert plants for his dinner (and water), and kept him away from the fire to remain cold.
The cactus was just for extra touch; she wanted his spirit broken.
She wanted to see him crack and finally fight back against her, to give her a real reason to feel okay about dropping him off.
This was how she handled all her victims; no attachments, no feeling, no mercy.
You can't be a bounty hunter and feel remorse.
But even cold, even with an unfilled stomach, and even tied to a goddamn thorny plant in the open wilderness, Wander the fugitive continued to smile, and babble.
Even with blood staining his fur from being pricked by needles.
Even with his legs being so tired from walking all day, so tired they were bowing.
Even with the threat of death looming over his head, he found strength inside.
Sylvia listened to him stoically as she ate her freshly-killed hare.
It was obvious by his voice and mannerisms that he was deeply uncomfortable and exhausted, but what would it take for him to give up?
"--I mean, it's SOME consolation that they want me alive, don'tcha think?
Maybe they just want me to serve my time," he finished with a tired smile.
Sylvia, meanwhile, finally eyed him from the corner of her gaze, pausing.
He could not be serious.
Maybe I'll get community service helpin' folks by pickin' up trash on freeways!
Or helpin' lil' old ladies cross streets or minin' for precious ores for hospital equipment!
D'aww, and they'd gimme some'a those cute lil' stripy outfits!"
Sylvia rose coolly to her feet, nostrils flaring, and quietly unsheathed a hunting knife from her ammo belt.
Wander noticed right away, but seemed unfazed.
"Oh my, that's an awful large knife!
You gonna cut me loose an' let me sit with ya?" he asked, now smiling excitedly as her shadow loomed over him.
"'Cos that'd be s--"
In a flash the zbornak was in front of him, jamming a knife into the flesh of the cactus, just an inch from the top of his tattered hat.
A tiny shriek escaped her captive as fluid from the injured plant squirted out and bled down its body and onto his hat, soaking into the fabric.
He breathed faster and with effort, peering deep into the piercing, laser-like neon-pink eyes of the bounty hunter.
She spoke low and grizzled, brow heavy with anger.
The nomad pulled his lip up, fighting gravity and his nerves, never blinking.
"They only reason they want you breathing, is to get the satisfaction of watching the light leave your eyes."
Wander fought to hide the trembling in his body.
He didn't want her to feel anymore in control than she wanted him to feel.
"You're gonna swing...
And I don't mean on a playground..."
Sylvia swiftly yanked the knife back out from the cactus, releasing more water and juices to drizzle down its lumpy exterior and to soak into Wander's hat and fur.
As she walked back to the fire, Wander allowed himself to shudder, exhaling after having held his breath for those last few moments.
Although he was now sweating, he somehow felt even colder after she walked away from him.
He'd pressed closer up against the cactus when he was startled, pushing more needles into his skin -- he already had a few jammed into the backs of his arms.
Thankfully his large head meant his body couldn't be pressed flat against it, and Sylvia had even given him a little wiggle room.
The way she'd seen it, if he had been tied tight to the plant, the deep impaling of the thorns might have killed him.
That or a broken neck from slumping his head harshly all night.
She couldn't bring him back dead, or she wouldn't get paid.
Rattled and suffering, Wander observed Sylvia sit back by the fire and finish her meal.
Despite everything, he still managed a tiny smile after swallowing the dry lump in his throat.
In the morning, Sylvia would be dismayed to find him having freed himself, and still positive and ready to follow her to his demise.
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acim-ed-ortsac · 2 years
The Ruler of the End - 3
Twisted Wonderland x Ender Dragon Male Reader
That morning, Tenebris took off first before Yuu and Grim, in a white muscle shirt and a pair of jeans that fitted once he fully transformed into a human. Despite how restricting it was.
The dragon had scowled as Yuu tried to persuade him into changing into a more human form,  “Do I really have to? The students aren’t gonna notice a handyman fixing. windows, aren’t they?”
“With that bare body that’s sculpted like the gods, of course they’re gonna notice!” 
He scowled deeper.
“Don’t pout, Tenebris. Even if you didn’t need to wear clothes in your old world, at least you can put some on now.”
“I have an internal heater in my body, the cold doesn’t affect me and if someone tried to hurt me, then they’ll know better.”
“… Ah, give me the stupid clothing.”
Hence his situation now, adjusting the jeans that seem to love pinching his human legs. He withheld a growl of annoyance as he flew to one of the towers in need of window repair. Once arriving, he examined the glass pane; it looked like someone threw something out, the hole with jagged and sharp edges.
Tenebris clicked his tongue at the sight, he then peered at the inside of the classroom. Desks and chairs filled the room, empty of students as it was still early in the morning. With steady hands, he got to work. It was an easy yet tedious process of removing the glass. Once he got it out, he put it in his horde before fishing a shulker box out.
Holding the bow in his tail, he filed through the various colored glass panes. 
I doubt they would appreciate tinted coloured glass in a room that’s meant for studying, The dragon thought as he picked a clear see through glass before placing it in. 
Despite being the ruler of the End, he wasn’t a stranger to repairs and other simple things like cooking and farming. It was part of the Endermen’s lesson on the three realms; The Overworld and their players and mobs, the Nether which housed fiery creatures and piglings, and the very first lesson he had was about the End. Because not only does a ruler have to be powerful, they have to be knowledgeable. 
He remembers his first trip to the Overworld, hidden from the players. He had watched them kill mobs and animals for ingredients and materials, how they cooked them for food, and how they mined and crafted things of value. While some players had turned to hunters, others had become builders. An example was Grian, a nice yet chaotic fellow who built amazing structures that Tenebris had never seen.
The dragon’s favorite one was the giant rock entity.
There were others that the dragon had liked like Shelby and LDShadowlady, both women were friendly and amazing builders. Although, LDShadowlady was a peculiar player with an interesting humour. Though, her husband Smallishbeans wasn’t any less funny. The two of them made quite a couple.
There were those who made amazing food that made Tenebris’s mouth water, and that was one of his first tasks from his nanny.
Feeling satisfied with his work, Tenebris went on to work on the other windows that are in need of repair.
“Ah, it’s you.”
“What the fuck are you doing here, lizard!?”
Tenebris made a face at the lion man in front of him. How rude, he had thought.
When he finished his assigned work, he had reported to the headmaster who had let him take a break. Content, the dragon had decided to explore the school, trying to familiarize himself with the building and its other structures.
Not wanting to disturb the students, he had taken to the outdoors where he wondered into a shop with a sign ‘Mr. S Mystery Shop’, it slightly resembled a cottage but bigger. Intrigued, Tenebris made his way into the shop to meet a dark skinned man with white face paint and a top hat, who had a very salesman-like voice. And immediately, he was overwhelmed with the loud salesman who kept calling him ‘Big demon’. 
He had left the shop a bit frazzled and dizzy. He wasn’t used to loud personalities, accustomed with the quiet and serious endermen of his world, and he never interacted with the players of the Overworld who were loud, chaotic - and at times - destructive.
But before he left, the man named ‘Sam’ had told him of a greenhouse which they call the ‘Botanical Garden’ and gave him directions there. The dragon was interested, if he could learn about the types of plants here, maybe he could use that knowledge to help him and Yuu survive.
He has no worry about the monster named Grim.
Upon finding and entering the garden, he was astounded by the multitudes of greenery and colours, various plants of shape, colours, and sizes. Some he recognized like roses, petunias, and primroses, but there were some that he could not identify.
During his wonder, he was not mindful of his surroundings and stepped on something soft, fuzzy, and long. He immediately retracted his foot as a grunt of pain followed by a growl sounded at the same time. Bewildered, the dragon looked down. “A tail?”
“Watch where you’re going!”
Turning to the familiar deep voice, Tenebris was met with familiar green eyes and a brown mane. Fangs glinted in the sun as those same eyes glared at him in annoyance, brown skin lightened by the sun giving him a golden morning. But no matter how handsome the lion man was, his rude words and a snarl made the dragon deadpan.
Hence the situation now.
Still with the face, Tenebris pursed his lips into a line. “I was just taking a look at the campus, to answer your question.” He then takes a look at the uniform the lion wore. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”
The lion man huffed before rolling to his side, “Who cares, I don’t give a damn about that.”
Frowning, the dragon crossed his arms. “You should be in class if you want to graduate. You’re setting a bad example for your underclassmen.”
The lion man scowled, “Godammit, go away. You’re ruining my sleep.”
“You have plenty of sleep to catch up at night, now’s the time for classes.”
“Argh,” the lion man groaned. “Try making me if you’re so bothered about that.”
As much as he wants to carry this rude lion man to class, Tenebris can’t force him if he doesn’t want to. There’s a limit on what he can force people to do and what he can’t force. Besides, he feels like something bad would happen if he tried to pick up the lion man.
Resigning, the dragon sighed as he seated himself beside the lion man, glancing at him. The round ears twitched at the slightest sound, so unlike the pointed ears of the feline hybrids. “So, what are you exactly?”
“You’re still here,” the lion grumbled in irritation, despite knowing his presence the whole time.
Ignoring the comment, Tenebris continued. “ You’re something similar to the feline hybrids in my world, yet you seem more dangerous than them.” he leaned closer to inspect the round ears on top of the man’s head. “Especially your ears and tail, they are different.”
The lion man did not respond to his question, disheartening the dragon a bit. Did he really annoy him that much? He just wanted to know what kind of species he is. He scowled at the lack of response, maybe he was annoying the lion by asking him these questions after trying to force him to class.
Perhaps he should leave him alone, if it will give him a sense of peace. 
As he was about to stand up, the lion man spoke. “You really don’t have lions in your world?”
Tenebris’s ear appendages perked up at the voice, a sudden delight at the response. “There are lions, but they live far away, so I’ve only seen a few of them.”
A hum from the lion before he replied, “ The hybrids you call are what we call beastmen, and I’m a lion beastman for one.”
The dragon’s interest has been perked, “So there’s other beastmen in this world?”
“Obviously, you really think there’s only one kind? Use your head, lizard.”
Tenebris’s expression fell to a frown, “I’m not a lizard! I’m nothing like my distant cousins! Also, I now have a name and it’s Tenebris!”
The lion man - whom the dragon still doesn’t know the name of yet - turned on his back and glanced at him. “Now? You must live a sad life if you weren’t given a name.”
“Considering that my parent died to give birth to me, I would stay, it's the norm for us Ender Dragons.” The dragon deadpanned.
The lion man glanced at him, incredulous at the fact. “Damn, now that's depressing.”
Tenebris tilted his head, “Depressing? How is it depressing? Sure the multiple hunters that come to kill me because I’m the ruler and the strongest in my realm and my huge magic supply is a pain in the neck but it’s not so terrible.”
“. . .Maybe being the second prince is not so bad after all.”
“Wait, you're a prince?” the dragon asked. “No wonder you have a royal air around you, and it’s not just the handsome looks.”
“Oh,” The lion man grinned as he teased Tenebris. “So you think I’m handsome, huh?”
The dragon’s body flushed hot from either embarrassment or being flustered by the fact he admitted the rude lion was handsome to his face, he did not ponder as he hotly replied. “Be quiet, don’t tease me! And I still haven’t gotten your name!”
The lion man laughed, “The name is Leona, Leona Kingscholar.”
The first day of being in a new world and Yuu gets into trouble.
Tenebris had wanted to share Yuu some cookies when he got wind of the statue incident - he then learned it was mostly Grim and a new student’s fault - so he was on his way to bring some snacks for the human.
He was going to the cafeteria for some milk when he noticed a loud commotion going on inside. Speed-walking, he walked into the sight of a falling chandelier, and two humans and a monster under it about to be crushed.
Especially when one of those humans was Yuu.
Wings out, he rushed towards them as the chandelier gravitated towards the ground. With his hands and tail, he managed to scoop them from the ground and out of the path of the chandelier - which made an ear wincing crash to the floor. Looking at the destroyed chandelier, the dragon let out a sigh of relief as he looked down at Yuu, who stared at him in shock and relief.
The other human held at his side was a ginger with messy hair, mischievous scarlet eyes, and a heart painted on the side of his face. And judging by the uniform, he was a student here. Which also means he was the freshman who got Yuu into trouble.
Grim was in a complete daze as he was held by his tail.
When he fluttered to the ground, he had let go of the three when another human rushed towards them in worry. He had somewhat cobalt blue hair with turquoise eyes and a spade painted on one side of his face. He was immensely worried when he was with them, “I’m sorry! I didn’t think about the landing!”
“Didn’t think!?” Yuu shouted, the first time the dragon had seen the human angry made him jump in surprise. “You literally shot him - “ they pointed at the ginger. “ - To the sky without a thought!”
The ginger, who was panting, then screams. “ARE YOU AN IDIOT!?”
Tenebris’s ear appendages lowered at the volume as he winced.
“If it wasn’t for him - “ a finger was pointed at the dragon “ - We wouldn’t even be alive! Shit, if the headmaster founds out what happened-“
“If I. . .Find out?” a familiar voice said slowly, as if straining to rein his patience.
The dragon watched as the three of them slowly and creakily turned to the enraged headmaster, who was fuming from head to toe. The ginger then said pathetically, “Ah, headmaster.”
The dragon covered his ears as the headmaster shouted at the three, already having to endure a high level of volume. Ah, what a day.
Tenebris sauntered towards the wrecked chandelier, examining it to see if it could be fixed. The metal rods were bent in angles but nothing like heat and a hammer to bend it back up, the metal itself is not too hard to mold and the candles are easy since he has a shulker box full.
But. . .
The dragon took hold of a gem that’s broken in half, its glowing light dimming until it’s cold. It could be salvaged, but I’ll need another one of these-
“Mr. Tenebris, what are you doing?”
The said dragon turned to the headmaster, “I can fix this,” he ignored the shocked gasps or shrieks as he held up the broken gem. “But I’ll need another one of these if I were to make it exactly as it is.”
“A magic stone!?” the headmaster exclaimed. “There were originally from Dwarf mine, but I;m not sure if there’s anymore.”
“I’ll go!” the blue-haired human volunteered. “I’ll go and get a new magic stone!”
“Are you sure?”
“If it will prevent us from getting expelled!” Yuu added.
“Alright, I’ll give you until tonight for you to get a new magic stone.”
The three gave no haste before rushing out of the cafeteria. Tenebris blinked after them before going back to the chandelier, “Do you have somewhere I could fix this?”
Yuu wanted to cry.
First Grim burned an important statue, then they broke a billion dollar chandelier, and now they’re being chased by a monster that looks like Grumpy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Seriously, what’s with their luck!?
God, they wished they brought Tenebris with them, he would surely beat this thing in a minute! But no! The dragon was back at school, fixing the chandelier they - or Deuce with Ace and Grim’s help - broke! Agh, why is it the time I need him the most is when he’s needed somewhere else!?
Fixing the chandelier was not a hard job, all he needed was the magic stone. Wiping the sweat off his brow, Tenebris counted the money he had received from the headmaster, and the extra cash he made from fixing the chandelier. This would be probably enough for now, the question is what to make for dinner?
Walking back to their dorm, the dragon entered the pristine gate of chiseled quartz pillar with prismarine stands holding it. The large space of grass has now been converted into a farm field with growing vegetables on one side while the other side was a garden of various flowers that he had in his horde. The Ramshackle dorm wasn’t so ramshackle anymore, now built of stripped dark oak wood walls and a woof that fitted that body of the dorm painted in visually appealing colours, the double doors newly made of birch wood, and the glass windows newly installed.
The inside was clean and tidy, with the old wallpaper torn down and replaced with a newer and better one. The furniture was either replaced or fixed by yours truly, and lastly, he managed to fix the water system and the heater.
The dragon couldn’t help but smile as he looked at his work, pleased with himself. It took a while and a lot of materials and scavenging, but he managed to make it new. Although, he wonders if he should’ve used cobblestone for the base and a quartz pillar for the roof? Or maybe a coloured terracotta for the roof while the body is prismarine? 
He should ask Yuu for their opinion.
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(Hanahaki AU tag)
“And you’re really sure he wouldn’t go for it?”
“He’s straight, man.” Eddie shrugs. “It is what it is.”
“Yeah, but still. You never know.”
Eddie cocks his head inquiringly. Steve flushes, looking awkward as hell.
“C’mon, you know what I mean. You’re a catch, dude. And the way you talk about him…even if he’s never, I dunno, thought about it before—if he’s cool enough for you to be into like this, I bet he’d think about it at least.”
Eddie laughs. “So your argument is that I could turn a straight guy? You trying to tell me something, Harrington?”
His dumb heart is in his throat, a delusional little tendril singing what if, but Steve just ducks his head and says, “Shut up, I’m trying to give you a damn compliment here.”
“Thanks, I guess.” Eddie swipes at his face, trying to smear away the sweat building up from standing right in the sun like a dumbass. “But you know thinking about it’s not gonna do the trick.”
“Well, are you sure you can’t…get over him?” Steve winces like he knows it’s a pretty fucking callous thing to say, and reaches out to touch Eddie’s back, so light it’s almost not a touch at all, just an impulsive spasm. “I just mean. Honestly, I can’t picture this guy who’s, I dunno, badass enough for you to be…”
“Blooming,” says Eddie. “In bloom.”
It sounds almost nice, that way. Like a blush and a springtime smile. Not like hunching over and hacking up a fucking weed in the gray morning light. Not like the physical manifestation of unwantedness forcing its way up his esophagus.
“Yeah.” Steve’s hand hovers for a second, then drops. “I just. I’m trying to understand.”
“You don’t have to understand.” Eddie stares out over the bleached ground, the salt ridges, and thinks, this love is killing me.
By the time they reach Sequoia National Forest, the road starting to snake up and up through the mountains, Eddie’s got a plastic bag permanently sitting in his lap so he can hack up flowers every so often and just throw them out all at once when they get to a rest stop.
His stomach and throat hurt a little bit all the time now. He thinks he might’ve been a mite optimistic, giving himself six weeks.
It’s also been a few days since he’s picked up his guitar. It’s not like that’s never happened before, but there’s been a fear slowly simmering in the back of Eddie’s mind that if he leaves it too long, before he knows it, the last time he plays will already have been in his past.
So when they stop for a late lunch at a pull-off just inside the park, Eddie shimmies between the seats and grabs his guitar, climbing out the back of the van. He leans up against a wooden fence and tunes it by ear, wishing he’d thought to bring fresh strings along.
The slightly muddy sound works pretty well for the way he’s just fucking around, though. He doesn’t need it to be crisp and bright, he just wants to pull some vibrating harmonies out into the afternoon air. He just wants to let music move through his hands while he still can.
He strums a quick, choppy chord progression that might be a lead-in to War Pigs, but it doesn’t feel exactly right for the moment; not the way the air smells spicy-sweet and fresh with cedar and alive green things, the way he can tilt his head all the way up and let his spine arch back and back until he’s swaying on his heels and still can’t see the tops of the trees. Instead, he segues into some Simon and Garfunkel, singing along under his breath: Michigan seems like a dream to me now.
A few people stop to watch him, so he starts leaning into it, performing for real, singing louder and letting his scratched-up throat give the song some edge. They clap when he’s done, and Steve joins in with the clapping like a dork.
Eddie’s always been a sucker for a little positive reinforcement, so he grins big and bright at a girl with a Kate Bush pin on her bag and leans over the neck of his guitar to pick out the intro to Running Up That Hill.
He sort of wonders if he’s going to fuck up the lyrics, because it’s not like he’d ever really listened to the song before it saved Max Mayfield’s life, but it turns out they’re burned into his brain. In his hoarse baritone, d’you see how deep the bullet lies sounds less ethereal and more like it’s being ripped right out of his guts.
A small crowd is gathering, which is what he gets for making a spectacle of himself playing pop songs on a late summer afternoon in a tourist area. He soaks up the attention, hopping off the fence and doing a playful little spin between downbeats on the chorus, belting out if I only could! to the happy crowd.
That’s when he notices Steve isn’t smiling so much anymore. Fuck. Eddie hadn’t even thought about—he hadn’t exactly been on the scene when Max’s eyes rolled up in her head, either time, so to him it’s just a song that saved her life. To Steve, this probably brings back all kinds of shitty memories. Eddie’s such an asshole for forgetting.
He wraps up the song and waves off the half-hearted requests for another, slinging the guitar over his back. He jogs over to grab some lukewarm Gatorade from the van, passing a bottle over to Steve too, just kind of checking in.
“Hey,” he says when folks have moved on and it’s just him and Steve among the tall trees. “Sorry. I didn’t think about how that might be, um, a bit of an issue for you.”
Steve just shakes his head. “No, Eddie, c’mon. If, if there’s something that makes you happy, you should do it. You should—get to do stuff you want. I told you. Anything I can do to help, I will.” He smiles over at Eddie, always so fucking sweet. “And hey, the crowd was pretty into it, right? You’re a rock star, dude.”
Eddie tries to smile back, but has to catch himself on the van door as flowers fill his throat so suddenly and violently that he feels like a puppet being jerked around. He shakes and coughs for a very long time.
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