#like helping in major ways but ones that involve the doctor directly instead of saving them
khrysos-karnifex · 10 months
There’s been a lot of different companion roles in doctor who so i’m curious
Doctors 9, 10, 11, and 12 all had companions who undertook massive roles, most of which directly influenced the fate of the world. Almost all of them became inhuman in one way or another. Rose became the Bad Wolf to save the doctor and leave warnings, Jack became immortal and hung around to take part in key world events + torchwood, Martha walked the earth to spread the doctor’s name, Donna saved the world during the Dalek Empire rise, Amy and Rory had the pandorica business and also created River who then went on to do as River Song does, Bill had the cyberman thing, and to even touch on Clara would eat up my word count for the foreseeable future (which i would gladly do cause i love her by restrictions are restrictions).
13 companions on the other hand are very grounded where the three of them are human and stay human and influence the doctor but not really the world. That’s not a bad thing obviously, since being there for the doctor is a pretty big role, just different to the scale of the previous companions. they also have much nicer leaving notes than companions from classic and new who alike.
I’m personally torn because i adore the drama of seeing an average person become something so much more, undergoing a transformation that shocks and awes even THE DOCTOR, of all beings. but it’s also nice to have a human who is and stays entirely human. important in the way that all humans are but nothing that causes them to single-handedly hold the universe in their timeline.
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werewolfetone · 3 years
📖📕🖋️ (- @mcximilians)
Warning these answers are Longer than I intended
📖 Tell us about your NaNo project(s)! (Title, log-line, WIP page, etc.)
The title it’s going by right now is Leitner, which is the name of one of the main characters. I don’t have a wip page or anything for it because this isn’t really a writeblr (I’m going to get one soon! but this isn’t it), so I haven’t done one. The main plot involves Ernst Leitner, a promising young German doctor who negotiates a contract with Lord Leonard Tateley, an ambiguously supernatural English duke, to act as his patron in his endeavour to find a way to “cure death,” which is a goal he (originally) pursues out of a desire to help people, and anger at the medical technology of the Napoleonic era and the fact that doctors keep killing people instead of saving them. He moves to London and is given access to Tateley’s prestigious library, where he works with graverobber Richard Asadi, former whaler Francis “Monty” Carter, and his neighbours Sylvia Pernet and Deirdre Mannick to achieve this goal, and eventually, through trial and error, they manage it. For a while everything works fine and everyone benefits, until Ernst’s increasing recklessness towards death causes the accidental death of a worker who also happens to be heavily involved in the kidnapping of the son of a recently killed MP. Suddenly powerful figures are very interested in Ernst’s actions, including, most pressingly, a young criminal who was also involved in the kidnapping, and is very eager to keep the worker’s death covered up. There’s also the fact that the allies Ernst chose all have ulterior motives on their own, which range wildly from “trying to con him out of money” to “trying to use his work to summon Lovecraftian monsters,” and may not all be completely (or at all) trustworthy. The main theme is the idea of when someone crosses the line from “noble goal with maybe some bad things” to “Jesus fuck they might have had good intentions but need to be stopped,” and it’s illustrated in the three most major characters: Ernst, who has a goal of “helping people” that is considered near universally good; Tateley, who has a goal of “making the world ‘right’” that is considered good from his perspective; and Deirdre, who has a goal of “destroying everything” that is considered near universally bad. All three go absolutely off the rails bonkers and cross the moral event horizon, but the central question is where that happens and why we identify it as happening there in particular.
🖋️ What is the “origin story” of your NaNo WIP? (Where did the idea come from? What motivated you to write it?)
Oh god... okay, so, the idea actually came from the show Penny Dreadful, which is a crossover between gothic lit characters including Dorian Gray and Victor Frankenstein. After I finished it for the first time around this time last year I was thinking about it a lot and was like “man they really should have put Lord Henry in there along with Dorian, I’d love to see him and Frankenstein interacting,” which along with my theory about TPODG that Lord Henry is some kind of demon who directly grants Dorian’s wish for eternal life, made me think of Faust, and I was like 👀👀👀 that’s an idea. so I kind of started working on it as simply “evil demonic aristocrat + mad scientist in a soul-selling temptation story,” which was at first, you know. kind of a fanfiction. It started outgrowing itself almost immediately, though, and definitely had by the time I decided to expand the character of Deirdre from “Ernst’s love interest” to “main character who is trying to summon Lovecraftian horrors,” and at this point you would never know that any of this happened except for the fact that it’s retained the Faust-type temptation arc.
📕 Tell us about the main character in your NaNo WIP. (What’s their age? Ethnicity? Sexuality? Affiliation? Occupation? Whatever you want!)
There’s three main characters and I’ll give some basic info on each.
The first one is Doctor Ernst Johann Leitner, who is German with Indian ancestry on his mother’s side, bisexual, twenty five years old, and for a living is a medical doctor. He can be fairly arrogant and also loves running away from his problems, but is completely devoted to helping people with his profession. He cares about people too much, which is both a great trait and a flaw. He’s overly devoted to his principles and to being the force of good- though he determines what that is, not any law.
The second is Deirdre Mannik, she’s Irish, straight, twenty two, and works for a shipping company. She’s also the woman who’s trying to summon ambiguously real Lovecraftian monsters because she was raised by a man who may or may not be one and is fucking sick of the way people are running the world, so she’s decided to let the monsters have a go. She’s a very nervous person, very quiet and very polite, though she can suddenly become frighteningly ruthless if she needs to. She tends to latch on to people and is also hiding. well. a lot. behind her smile. namely, she has a very traumatic past that may have involved her being trapped under a rock for 400 years.
The last one is Lord Leonard Arthur William Tateley, an English/possibly supernatural duke, who is bisexual and a politician who leads his very own made up political party that’s also heavily involved in the story. He’s also a cane user! In personality he’s very, just, disgusted with the world around him 24/7, always making fun of it never taking anything seriously. “I thought it would be funny” is an acceptable explanation to him, as is “I didn’t care about the consequences.” He also wears this all on his sleeve and is like oh yeah. I’m an asshole. what about it. he doesn’t want you to know that he cares about his wife, Serena, or his adopted son messenger boy, Brownie.
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Twilight Headcanon: Everyone is a Thriving Adult
I wrote a brief version of this headcanon, but the post I just reblogged inspired me to write the whole thing. 
Bella is currently finishing up her last year of graduate school. She received a bachelor’s, master’s, and is working on a PhD because she’s driven and she’s that bitch. She started out majoring in literature, received her master’s degree in something to do with literature but also maybe history idk, and a PhD in something else related (y’all I’m lazy and don’t want to do the full research for this, I’m not a writer lmao). Anyway, she goes on to become a literary historian. She partied it up in college, dated around, had a few relationships. Made some mistakes. Dyed her hair a few times. Got some tattoos. Like a bitch was really living. As she is getting older and is around 26, she decides to move in the same town as her father as he has retired and is getting older. Bella gets an amazing job working as a literary historian in the area and becomes the most sought after literary historian in the pacific northwest (and arguably, the entire country). 
Edward was changed at 28 years old. It still happened the same way. Prior to being changed, Edward had taken a few classes at the local college and was working as a bookkeeper for a local newspaper company and played piano at the local theatre. Seeing as Carlisle rescued him from certain death, he desperately wanted to follow in Carlisle’s footsteps and be a doctor. He always admired Carlisle’s self-control and his ability to help save lives. Despite this desire, he never fully trusted himself to work with patients directly, so Edward decided to instead major in archaeology. This has allowed him to study humanity throughout the ages as well as their cultures and customs. He has been able to learn about various types of medicine through the ages. Though he usually does not go out on digs, due to the direct sunlight involved with many of them. When his boss asks him about it, he chalks it up to a skin condition which would undoubtedly put him in the hospital if he had too much direct sun exposure. No one ever really questions it, seeing as he’s so pale in the first place. Edward is able to share his findings with Carlisle and the two often work together to try to find new cures and understand more about what makes humans tick. 
Bella and Edward meet when Edward is trying to analyze some old writings, but he has no cultural context for them so he can’t truly make sense of their intent. Hearing about this young and impressive literary historian, he seeks out Isabella Swan. She is able to find several books which will help Edward to analyze the writings that were discovered. The two meet up at a little Italian restaurant in Port Angeles where they share ideas. Over conversation, the two realize that they have much in common. The main thing is their compassion for humanity. This is what drives them to be successful at what they do. Bella strives to do so through education, whereas Edward tries to do so through discovery. They also connect over a mutual love of history. They decide to meet again and continue to get to know each other more and more. They fall in love naturally, as if both of them were human. After their initial meeting, though, Bella recalls a recent conversation she had with a client named Jacob Black (who was also a dear childhood friend) (also they’re just friends and there’s no love triangle and that’s that). He was discussing some of the Quileute legends with her and asking how to best preserve them while ensuring they are protected under intellectual property law. Briefly, she thinks he may have mentioned the name Cullen, but Bella brushes it off as a coincidence, though it doesn’t stop her from piecing the facts together over the next few months. 
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curiousconch · 4 years
No Clear Skies Ahead
Chapter 1 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU). Read the prologue here. 
Chapter Synopsis: An investigation is launched after a threat was sent to the DA's office. In an attempt to protect Heather, Rafael zooms in on the case but stumbles upon an inner struggle which leads to dire consequences.
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) 
Words: 3k+ | Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: Mature (16+) / sex, mental health issues
Author’s Notes: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song. There are also small references to canon, so spoiler alert for those who haven’t played OH 2 yet. This specific chapter was inspired by Bruno Mars' It Will Rain (Live version - X Factor).
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Rafael dropped his bag on the apartment floor, an exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he waded his way to the kitchen. 
On a normal day, Rafael wouldn't be this ill-tempered. But today wasn't normal, normalcy went out the window since they received that threat. 
Two weeks has passed since, and both of their lives are imploding. He shook his head as he recalled their conversation that night, while trying to have a peaceful dinner for once. 
"I need to go, Raf. This is groundbreaking cancer research that may help some of our patients," she explained while she unwrapped her bibimbap. 
"How long will you be at Johns Hopkins then?" he asked, while he himself took a bite from his beef patties. 
"The initial plan would be at least a week. I'll fly out to Maryland on Monday, so I won't be back until Saturday morning. We want to be able to lend a hand to the planning of the clinical trials. Edenbrook wants to participate," her voice sounded excited. 
"I don't think it's a great idea right now, Heather," he shook his head gently, a genuine look of concern in his face. 
Heather wasn't entirely enthused by his response. 
"What, I can't live my life now because of that stupid note?" she said in a vicious tone. "If I let this thing hang over my head for the rest of my life, there's no use of all of this fuss."
"I'm just trying to look out for you, Heath," he replied, not wanting to spend this rare quality time arguing.
She got awfully quiet, as she averted her gaze. She was stubborn, but her behavior told him she was on edge. 
Resigned, he just nodded and expressed his agreement. He reminded her to come back as soon as possible, and made plans to pick her up at the airport.
He spent the rest of the night sucking up his frustration. They individually came up with an excuse and parted early, even the idea of sex was off the table. 
He grabbed a beer from his fridge and padded his way to the living room, switching on the TV to watch some late night news. 
A special report was playing, covering much of the recent developments in the case. It briefly mentioned Heather, making him frown. 
They only knew a few things about the note, including the fact that it was emailed directly to Bryce Lahela, the same prosecutor who executed Travis Perry in court. He suspected that It was meant to hit two birds in one stone - to threaten the DA and the doctor who reported the ruse. The mastermind is informed who was involved. 
The IT team were able to trace where the email was sent - it was from a terminal in a nearby public library. This was expected, and Rafael wasn't wrong to ignore his gut that told him this was just the start. 
A week after, a second note came. This time, faxed to Senator Ed Farrugia's office. But unlike the first message, it was wordless.
Instead, it contained two images - two shots of the politician meeting with associates at a nearby hotel. The office of the senator confirmed it to be taken the same day the fax was sent. 
The whole Boston field office was on full gear, with the Senate presurring the agency to reopen the case. The stakes were slowly becoming higher. 
This wasn't a childish prank, he concluded. It's the beginning of a well-planned attack. 
He waited for another move from the faceless sender. His training told him that this is going to be a slow burn. If the perpetrator waited months to put this into action, they wouldn't hesitate to wait for the perfect time. Raf's whole team were still clueless to the most important matter at hand - the when and the how. 
He wished hard for it to be nothing but empty threats, but he knew better. He struggled to stop himself from taking this too personally, convincing himself that he had a job to do. But he can't help himself. So he spent the past two weeks leaving no stone unturned. 
Meanwhile, Heather drowned herself with work. 
Rafael knew it was an effort of her taking control. In the few months that they were dating, he learned how she had to hide anything that was wrong. She was a doctor, and she was required to smile at her patients every single day. That's also how she coped - pretending that there's nothing wrong and pushing everyone away. 
His own attempts to comfort her proved futile as most of his time was also occupied by the investigation. 
It's not over, Dr. Song. Every single word in that short sentence cast a long shadow over his every move, beckoning a hidden resentment he never knew existed. 
The rising anxiety within him got amplified as their shifts ended in irregular hours. For two weeks, they barely saw each other. He would call her at the end of his day, but he felt that she involuntarily withdrew from him more over time. He knew it was her defense, Rafael himself a stark reminder of the threat that just overturned her life. 
Her shielded independence irked him greatly. He wanted her to rely on him, now, more than ever. He wanted to share this with her, and his concerns only grew every single day. 
He never thought  that there would ever be a distance between them. He hated the thought of Heather wanting to tend to herself. 
Did she not trust him enough? Didn't she want to rely on him? Can't she just lean on him, especially during this time? What else is this relationship for then? 
He knew she grew up independently, she was forced to rely on no one but herself for most of her teenage and adult years. She was strong and not fragile.  But he desired so much to protect her, to save her, just like the same way he did the year before. But he knew she wasn't that kind of girl. 
And when Heather shut him down another time tonight, he felt cornered.  She'll be out, indefinitely. Will she even miss me? His head hurt just thinking about it. He had a hard time sleeping that night, feeling an emptiness he didn't feel ever since he met her. 
It wasn't long when the void that he felt over her abrupt absence got filled by someone else. 
The week Heather flew to Johns Hopkins, a childhood friend came back to Boston. An ex, in fact. Sora, his high school sweetheart. It all began with a seemingly innocent chat, an invitation to catch up. 
But it soon escalated to him being more involved with her, volunteering his spare time to help her reacquainted to their neighborhood. With Heather dismissing him in every turn, he diverted his energies to spending time with Sora. For a few days, he didn't know why he kept her company, but as time went on, he understood. 
It was Sora's consistent need of him, asking small favors from him every chance she gets. It was the total opposite of what Heather was doing. 
She was familiar with Rafael, so she it was easy for her to feed his uncontrollable need to be someone's savior. Superman needed his own fix. 
It's partially the reason why he ended up being an FBI agent himself. It was his innate need to save someone from practically anything. He lived and breathed to be someone's hero. 
With no desire to spend another night at Donahues, he asked his high school friends to come over to his place on Friday after work for some movies and beer, a mini reunion, for Sora. He persuaded himself that it was nothing else but an effort to help a friend out. 
That night became full of nostalgia, as friends who showed up exchanged stories of their adventures from their childhood and teenage years. Over the next few hours, their friends left one by one, eventually leaving him and Sora alone. They each had a few more beers than they usually drank, and their chat unsurprisingly catapulted towards the end of their high school love affair. They talked about what attracted them to one another, eventually venturing to the regrets Sora had when they broke up.
"I think I never got over you, you know," Sora casually teased him, chugging down another bottle of beer. "Our breakup felt forced, and I hadn't been able to feel the same way with someone else..." her voice trailed off, her hand gently hovering over his thigh. 
He didn't push her away. Although he wanted to, but he melted in the attention she was giving him. 
He just nodded in reply, drinking from his own bottle, his mind racing, his heart beating uncontrollably in his chest. He knew he had to stop this, but he lacked the willpower to do so. 
With Rafael's pent up frustrations and Sora's voluntary prodding, they ended up kissing. Their hands roaming each other as they tried to rediscover their past, their clothes carelessly discarded one after another on his living room. Rafael's head screamed opposition, but his body cannot resist the contact. Shutting down the shouting disagreement in his mind, he let his hands take over him. 
He let his hands roam, feeling electrified by someone familiar, who knew his flaws, his body. He sensed that Sora felt exactly the same.  In the heat of their bodies, they didn't hear the keys jingling and a door creaking open. 
A sound of glass breaking made them look up. 
"What the hell?" 
There, standing in his dim entryway, was a flushed faced Heather. She held a suitcase, staring daggers at him and Sora as they were sprawled half-naked on the living room couch.
Sora followed his gaze, and a mortified look of shame filled her eyes.  Heather instantly fled, slamming the door closed behind her.  Rafael rose from the couch, cursing under his breathe as he retrieved his clothes and covered his body. 
He shot Sora a look of apology, and she understood. Grabbing his jacket and his keys, he followed Heather, running like he was being chased by death.  A bitter taste formed at the back of his tongue as his mind raced with the number of possibilities how this night would end. He shook himself out of his thoughts, surprised as rain fell over him the moment he stepped out his apartment building. November is Boston's wettest month. 
Despite the lack of visibility, his eyes shot in different directions, trying to find a trace of Heather. He saw her black suitcase just as it disappeared in the nearest street corner.
His shoes dug heavily on the wet sidewalk as he followed her sprinting shadow for two full blocks. He called out to her, unfazed by the fact that the pouring rain could mute him. 
At last Heather stopped. He saw as the lights of the stream of traffic shining at her small figure. 
He called her once more. But panic instantly filled him as he saw her advance the street in front of a fast-approaching car. 
He rushed towards her, pulling her back in time. 
"What the hell, Heather?" he looked down at her with fury and concern.  He was surprised with her strength as she pushed  him back, freeing herself from his grip. 
"I asked you first," she gave him an accusing look, poison in her words. He instantly remembered why he chased her. 
His stance immediately got defensive. Without thinking, he dragged Heather, ignoring her protests. He found an alley with some sort of roof, saving them from the downpour momentarily. 
"Meu amor," his raspy voice breaking as he struggled to make Heather look at him. He reached out to her, touching her shoulders. Her face filled with pain crushed his soul. 
"I don't have any words except I'm sorry." His whole body shook, his strong arms wrapping around her as he began to sob. "Heather, I... I made a mistake. I was weak," his hands gently cupped her face, his voice lowering to nothing but a faint whisper. "I just missed you so much, but I swear, I didn't mean for this to happen."  
Rafael felt stupid at the lame excuse he could muster, knowing full well how horribly he fucked up.
Being soaked through the bones did not numb the pain he was feeling. Her silence became more unbearable by the minute. He attempted to kiss her, but failed the moment she  avoided it. 
"If you wanted to give up, you didn't have to pretend." she hissed, with tear-stained cheeks and a gaze haunting back at him, speaking volumes. "If you didn't want me around anymore, you should have just told me." he saw her bite her lip, her voice filled with contempt. 
His chest constricted, realizing the damage he had done. "I want you, I still want you. I want no one else but you," he pleaded, wishing that there was a way to reverse what he had done. "Forgive me, meu amor, give me the chance to make this right, please," his voice shook as he begged her, his lungs about to give out, heavy of guilt. 
Her silence stung more than any word. Her rigid body, motionless against his shivering chest. When he couldn't take her refusal to speak anymore, he took one last attempt to pound down the walls she was beginning to build. Fueled by nothing but desperation, he took her hands in his and knelt in front of her, waiting eagerly for an answer.
But as he gazed up at her, the small glimmer of hope in him dissipated. The eyes that once shined like the whole universe was in it, turned empty, dark and desolate.
She retrieved her hands from his grip, Rafael's face twisted in horror as he felt her slip away. He knew right then that he just lost her.  "I can't, Rafael. I just can't right now."
In those few words, his world tumbled over. He watched her turn around and walk away, helpless. Once that he can no longer see any trace of her, his knuckles pounded the ground until it bled. 
The rain outside crept its way inside him. It will be a long time before it stopped.  
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So people love to say that America doesn’t have free healthcare because the quality would sink and the waits would go up. Now, while those are valid worries despite being no excuse for the atrociously high prices of even minior procedures, I’d like to share some bullshit that I’ve experienced involving normal US hospitals and medical branches alike.
My root canal is going to cost 2500 dollars because it is not covered by most dental plans despite it being a completely necessary procedure that directly affects my health. Absorb that then absorb the fact this plan covers some of braces. The crown alone is costing over 1200.
I almost died in a hospital waiting room because my ‘stomach ache’ that was causing me so much pain I was sick with it wasn’t severe enough to qualify for immediate attention. Undiagnosed Appendicitis.
My nephew and sister almost met their end because an incompetent doctor misdiagnosed my sister with a URI. She had type A flu.
My cousins father had a doctor who refused to diagnose him despite him coming back constantly because of lethargy. Said he couldn’t find anything wrong. Her father was poor and had really bad insurance. Finally he went to another doctor and was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He could have lived if he had been diagnosed a year or two prior before it spead but by the time he got his diagnosis, it was too late. He died, I believe, a few months later but I was young so he might have made it a year or longer.
I suffered from chronic nosebleeds as a child to the point that blood didn’t even scare me anymore. The doctor told my mother that it was coming from wounds inside my nose and I was most likely picking at it and there was nothing medically wrong with me. My mother, knowing even as a child I knew not to waste her money, took me to another doctor. Severe Anemia. Still suffer from it too this day. Have to take those horrid tasting red pills🤢.
My aunt constantly butchering her budget because she needs her insulin and it’s cost keeps getting higher despite it remaining relatively the same. Luckily my state is looking to cap it at 100 though if that will actually go into effect isn’t determined yet.
My mom, bless her, repeatedly going in for her back aching only to be told pain was normal for someone of her weight and age. Nope, she is a nurse and turned people that were 300 pounds or more. She had completely blown her back and had a pinched nerve that was so severe she could barely stand without pain. The doctor that diagnosed her was surprised she could even walk.
My sister, having a grand mal seizure in the nurses office of a high school. They told her to stop faking. That bitch wasn’t even a real nurse so this one doesn’t count but I had to mention this because why the fuck wasn’t a registered nurse hired?
My (other) aunt having minor chest pain then suffering a heart attack in the waiting room because they had her wait so long since she didn’t seem serious. I’m sure that’s going to have lasting damage that could have been easily prevented.
My sister giving birth and getting a 28,000 dollar bill for a room and care for her and the baby. She was there for a day and a half. She didn’t even have a long or complicated delivery.
My mother being told she was completely fine to continue working despite having an off feeling about her third pregnancy(about 24 years ago) the doctor told her there were no complications and she could go on as normal. She miscarried her seven month along daughter three days later because her placenta was underneath the baby and tore. That doctor is still in practice.
The nurses in my mothers delivery room ignoring both her and the monitor. Which, if they had been looking at, clearly desplayed my older brother with his umbilical core wrapped tight around his neck. He lived because my moms main doctor walked in and had a conniption fit when he noticed the vitals dropping. He’s the doc my sis uses now. A good man.
(Same bro)My older brother turning blue everytime he cried being brushed off. Hole in his heart that has since closed.
When I was younger, I slipped in the shower and hit my head so hard against the metal lining of it(stall shower) that the skin split open and abscessed. My doc treated the abscess but did no further testing after a 4 hour wait. As we were leaving, I don’t remember much of this week my mom told me, I vomited and passed out in the parking lot. Had a concussion.
My brother being misdiagnosed with the flu, strep, and a few other things over the course of a few weeks before one doctor finally tested him for HIV. It was positive. Luckily he only had one partner. Unluckily, the partner was the one that gave it to him via cheating on him.
Me, almost dying of a violent case of strep throat because they said I had a sinus infection. My fever peaked at 104 then, blessedly, broke. I do not remember this as the memories of the days I was sick are incredibly fever burned but I remember wrapping blankets around me because I was so cold.
The strep attacked so quick and harshly that if I had lived alone it probably would have killed me since I wouldn’t have been able to get help and I would’ve kept trying to get ‘warmer’ and helped raise my temp over 106. You typically don’t come back from that one unharmed. If at all.
My older bro(cord baby) being told suffering from auditory hallucinations was a common thing(not wrong but they should have actually asked about his family history and idk, did more??) he had undiagnosed bipolar disorder. He is medicated and much happier now.
Me breaking my gotdamn pointer knuckle and the x-ray person getting blurry x-rays that she used despite the fact that they weren’t accurate. Thank you bitch, now my abnormally short pointer finger clicks because it began to set wrong.
Theres a few more but I’m currently giving my bro a hard time for texting me a text meant for his bf so imma bounce for now. May add more later. The whole point to this was to show people that don’t want free health care because the ‘quality would go down’ or the ‘wait would be too long’ that the wait is already long enough for you to die anyway and the quality already sucks ass if you’re poor because they will not diagnose you correctly.
Or They will misdiagnose you then blame YOU when you sue(happened to my mom in that miscarriage one but because he hadn’t wrote a release back to work she had no actual proof he’d told her she could.)
Or They will overcharge you for things that have a far cheaper value simply because they can and you can’t do anything about it because you need that procedure or medicine to keep your health good.
I can understand things like heart surgery or transplants, you know, the big major stuff not being free because yeah that shit takes a fuck ton of resources and care so I get it, I do. I can reasonably say “Yup that should cost thousands.” I mean, I’m don’t even avocate for fully FREE healthcare, I just want a limit on their overpricing bull shit to where it matches with economic standards.
You can’t expect someone with an average 7-4 job that pays 10/hr(oooh ya, y’all think I’d go higher? Guess what, young people starting out their careers also get sick!) to drop thousands upon thousands of dollars for whatever. The sad thing is I can say ‘whatever’ and you can actually think of multiple things that aren’t that major or that resource draining yet still cost thousands.
Even someone making 15/hour couldn’t do that and I’d be hard pressed to say even 20-25/hr could do that. They may have it better and be able to pay it off faster but they’d still be in debt for a while or have to work years after their planned retirement to make up for the lost savings if they were lucky enough to have them.
I’ve also heard people complaining about it raising taxes but you’ll spend way more getting something done at a hospital then you’d spend on those taxes in a year.
Besides, if you’re so pissed about taxes then to even it out protest the stupid taxes. Your house? Taxed. Your inheritance that you gain but also leave behind to care for your family? Taxed. Your property that you bought 100% full price paid? Taxed every year. Your car? Taxed.
How bout getting pissed about those instead of getting pissy about people getting their health fixed? There are plenty of ridiculous taxes so I don’t know why people are so against having one that actually helps people.
Sorry for this rant, I know it’s not centered around my profile theme but I am majorly pissed off that I’m about to have to let a tooth rot out of my head because my insurance decided that: covering something cosmetic like braces? Yeah! Covering a completely necessary surgery that can actually harm/kill the person via infection if left untreated? Nope, that costs us more!
I can’t drop two fucking grand on dental surgery. It’s just not happening. I don’t know anyone who can do that shit. Anyone who gets pissed off about me posting this: go slam a hammer against your tooth until it cracks down the middle, exposing your nerve to the harsh unforgiving world then let it develop a cavity around it.
Afterwards, try to eat literally anything: hot, cold, hard, soft, it doesn’t matter. You’ll cry, I promise. Now imagine being told the only way to fix that is to cough up over two grand and if you can’t well then oh fucking well? Kinda hurts ya a bit. Not nearly as much as the tooth but still.
Hell, I know dental probably wouldnt even get covered if they made healthcare reduced or free but this whole situation has reminded me just how fucked you are if you get anything remotely wrong with you in the U.S
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Agent H’s AOS Rewatch
Season 3 Pro’s and Con’s 
We’re done with the season 4 rewatch, and I’m over here still trying to process season 3. First time watching, it was my least favorite season and I nearly stopped watching the show because of it. Second time watching…it’s still probably my least favorite just by comparison, but I have infinite more respect for it. Anyway, I needed to sort out my thoughts on this, so it’s all under “keep reading” and don’t get mad at me.
Cons (because let’s get the bad stuff out of the way)
-I really dislike revenge stories, so all the revenge stuff with Hunter and Coulson and Ward and all did not sit well with me and felt even OOC. 
-Speaking of, from the S2 finale through most of this season, there’s this theme of the men protecting and revenging their wounded or fridged girlfriends. It’s not super fun because this is a show where the women are clearly just as, if not more, competent than the men, but they’re not given the same opportunity to protect/revenge the men, much less given the same importance even in their own stories. I’m blanking on what MCU movies were going on around the time of this season, but I remember seeing this even in the movies. If I remember correctly there was a head of MCU who was later removed, but was apparently responsible. 
-The use of Ward is muddled. I’m cool with his takeover of HYDRA, that seemed natural. But you expect it to lead to a huge standoff with SHIELD because he, their worst enemy, is now head of their worst enemy organization. Instead, he gets converted to the HYDRA religion and literally becomes a vessel. Which is fine, but the transition was really hurriedly and poorly done. This is a man who has complex views of loyalty (Garrett not HYDRA. Skye and Coulson but not SHIELD), so I’m gonna need a lot more convincing that he’d believe Gideon’s HYDRA.
-This will be on both lists: I’m disappointed about how after three seasons HYDRA is taken out so quietly and quickly.
-I don’t know where to put this, but: I didn’t actually hate the space boyfriend arc as much the second time around, but the potential overall got squandered and I dislike that. 
-Rosalind’s death and possibly her whole arc was pointless. She was literally created and killed to serve Coulson’s character. Gross. And it’s a shame because it would have been really cool to use her as an actual foe-turned-friend for SHIELD throughout the season; she could have easily taken Mace’s place in S4 and that way at least would have been important for two seasons
-Okay, this is ABC’s fault not AOS’s. But like I remember how hard they advertised for Secret Warriors. Like that was the name of the arc. And. Then. They were a team FOR AN EPISODE.  Imagine my disappointment. Also, there really weren’t enough Inhumans this season to suit me.
-Bobbi and Hunter leave for a failed spinoff and I will never forgive Marvel for doing that.
-I mean…I appreciate that they give Andrew a noble death, but like…was it really necessary to have him turn and later die? Really? It gives Ming Na Wen and Blair Underwood opportunities to do extraordinary acting and they nail it, but like maybe don’t kill a guy to solve your inevitable ship? Don’t kill off your second black actor?
-The time jump in the season finale is too sudden. Like we barely get to grieve over Lincoln and they hit us with a time jump and Daisy on the run and new director in charge. Uncool. 
-This was the season I started to dislike Fitzsimmons. Don’t hate me. To me there’s an undercurrent in the writing that seems to favor Fitz over Simmons. FS’s subject to the same sexism that I mentioned in the first bullet. Like the story post-Simmons’ return focuses a lot more on Fitz’s feelings than on hers. He’s the one who has to stop her from getting tortured. He’s the one who saves Will, when it makes way more sense for her to go. He’s the one they all turn to for answers, when it should be both of them combined. And Simmons just gets a little pushed aside in her own story arc, but she just goes along with it anyway. 
-I had to write this last because this is the thing that hurts the season the most for me: Lincoln’s treatment. Okay, first, he’s a great character who got a major personality change between seasons. I don’t like the personality change, but I’d be okay with it if they didn’t do worse. For starters, we barely know him. His life and backstory are so vague, the guy he visits in 3x03 is just “a friend”, and like we get zero information on how they know each other. They spend the entire season having everyone in SHIELD (except Daisy) be against him, dislike him, belittle him, and mistrust him WHEN HE DESERVED NONE OF IT. Like they make it really obvious that Coulson dislikes him father-style because of his relationship with Daisy. They make him petulant and act out to prove that Mack and May are right to mistrust him when really given the fact that he was an Inhuman guide and a medical doctor and a recovered addict, he’d be a lot more under control. They make Fitzsimmons talk down to him just because no one can be smart except Fitzsimmons, when clearly he would know more about Inhuman biology and medicine in general THAN THE BIOCHEM PHD (sorry that one will always bug me). Like they make some work on him with Coulson and May, and that’s good, but overall he is not allowed to have a solid relationship with anyone but Daisy. I think the writers 1) knew he was gonna die and decided not to invest in him or his relationships. 2) were trying to get a moody bad boy in the cast, and decided to cast him as it when it didn’t really make sense. Also, while talking about Lincoln, I really wish they did some more interesting things with his powers than lightning blasts. He has electric powers!! There’s so much you can do!!
-Okay, this one is just real personal. LINCOLN IS A MEDICAL DOCTOR. Or at least a medical student or resident or fellow (I mean, he’s in the hospital doing rounds). TREAT HIM AS SUCH. HE WANTED TO HELP PEOPLE, LET HIM HELP PEOPLE. LET HIM DO THE SURGERIES AND KNOW THE STUFF ABOUT BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. LET HIM RETURN TO HIS OLD LIFE AS A DOCTOR. You had such a good character who turned himself around from addiction, dedicated his life to saving lives, got thrown multiple curve balls, and now has to decide how will he continue to serve others. Yes, he’s a hero in the end. But all that in between time, he could have been saving lives too.
Pros (because there is good stuff, I promise) 
-Someone mentioned that this is the first season to have a unified storyline throughout, and that’s so true and it’s so well done! 
-There’s a good natural continuation of the HYDRA and Inhuman storylines from S1 and S2. I think we can look at AOS as two large arcs: S1-S3 is about powered people and HYDRA. S4-S7 is about bending the limits of reality with Ghost Rider, LMDs, Framework, Space, and Time Travel,. S1 was about introducing us to powered people and HYDRA, S2 was about developing the history and politics of them respectively and how they relate to SHIELD. S3 is when Inhumans get involved with SHIELD and with the world directly and the fallout from that. For HYDRA it’s when we get the history and reasoning of the group, and even if it’s a retcon, I appreciate that it introduces the background of HYDRA as a way to end this arc
-Overall, I really do appreciate how this season fills out a lot of worldbuilding. We get a complete history on HYDRA, and we get way more info on Inhumans, but we also get to see how the human world is reacting to and divided on Inhumans, which carries over into the net season
-On both lists: It’s good that they take HYDRA out so quickly and quietly. That plotline had run its course, and it was so bittersweet because they finally had defeated their biggest enemy, but now they had even bigger problems to deal with it. That scene of Coulson and May watching HYDRA fall is one of my favorites because it mirrors that S1 scene of watching HYDRA takeover, but it’s so quiet and not celebratory like it should be.
-Like I said, I hate revenge arcs, but I do appreciate how it came full circle at the end with Coulson admitting his mistake and regret in seeking revenge. That’s much more on brand with Coulson and MCU even I had to sit through a painful arc just to get to that point. 
-Episode 1, Daisy’s entrance and, for that matter, Fitz’s entrance. HOT DAMN.
-One of my favorite things about AOS is the way that they mix up pairings and everyone feels like friends and family. This season did a fantastic job on that with like Fitz/Bobbi, Mack/Daisy, Hunter/May, and way more.
-I complain that there wasn’t enough Inhumans to suit me, but also I really enjoyed the ones we got. I expected them to do Inhumans with basic powers like water, fire, plants, shrinking. But AoS writers were like nah, how about a guy who melts metal?? How about Medusa eyes?? How about a guy who can predict deaths? Like they just went straight to the extremes and I respect that. And yes, we have our typical speedster and fire guy, but the sheer joy that comes from those characters makes up for the predictability of their powers.
-We get Joey and Yoyo who are the effin’ best and deserve the world. And with Lincoln and Daisy we got SECRET WARRIORS!!!!
-First time, we get introduced to Charles and Robin and manipulating time, which obviously becomes important later, so I like that they introduce it so early in the show.
-I also love the way things come full circle with Lash. I wish he didn’t die, but the reveal of his true purpose was amazing 
-THAT FITZ vs MONOLITH SCENE. That is top like five moments of the show for me, and I’m gonna need the Emmys to give Iain de Castecker his belated Best Actor award any day now.
-4722 Hours was a work of art, and Elizabeth Henstridge, I will be getting you that Best Actress Emmy one way or another. 
-Brett Dalton’s acting. This rewatch served to highlight how brilliantly he developed Ward’s evilness over the course of the three seasons and then the way he flipped the switch and played a completely different character as Hydra. You can feel it in his voice and mannerisms, it’s a totally different person even if it’s still technically Ward’s body. And to top it off, that finale where he pulls of a brilliant two-minute psychotic breakdown and a kickass fight scene. Standing ovation, good sir. I miss you.
-After S2 fridged three women of color, I do appreciate how this season chooses to take out four of its white characters even if I’m sad that they had to go.
-The Star Wars references were so effin’ funny
-Spy’s Goodbye. I will never be okay about this.
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Imagine that you were put in charge of a modern, high-budget, well-written Animorphs TV series. What changes to the plot/characters/world would you make while adapting it? (Books that you'd skip, arcs that you'd rearrange, things you would add or outright alter...)
[Important caveat: I have ZERO experience in set design, directing, editing, camerawork, or any other processes involved in TV production, unless we’re going to be super generous and count the bit of scriptwriting and stage-acting I did in high school.  Ergo, these ideas might make no sense in practice.]
Animate it.  I would much much prefer to see an anime-style show to a live-action one for a handful of different reasons:
Battle scenes, morph sequences, and alien appearances wouldn’t be constrained by budget realities.  Although we’ve come a long way from AniTV’s practical effects, in 2019 Runaways still minimizes Old Lace (the sentient dinosaur) and struggles with her somewhat less-than-convincing appearance while she’s onscreen.  I’d like to see real-looking battles between exotic animals and highly unusual aliens.  I’d like to see Ax portrayed as a deer-scorpion-centaur with no mouth who also has complex facial expressions.  I’d like taxxons and hork-bajir that match their descriptions in the books.  CGI for a moderate-budget TV show can’t do that yet.
The characters’ appearances could match their descriptions in the books.  I don’t really care about AniTV’s Jake having blue eyes or Marco having short hair.  I do care about the fact that Cassie is described as short, chubby, dark-skinned, natural-haired, and androgynous in self-presentation… whereas AniTV’s Nadia-Leigh Nascimento is (through no fault of her own and 100% the fault of Nickelodeon) none of those things.  I’d like to see all of the characters drawn in a way that matches their canon racial heritage, and voiced with actors of those ethnicities as well.  For bullshit marketing reasons of bullshit, that’s not as likely to happen in a live-action show.
I’d want the show to convey the frequent mismatches between characters’ physicality and their personalities.  It’s an important motif of the books.  It’s part of the reason that Tobias has been claimed by the trans* community.  It’s a major plot point, lest new viewers think that the vice principal of the school is actually trying to kill his own students.  It doesn’t come off in AniTV, for all that I commend them for even trying (casting Shawn Ashmore’s twin as controller-Jake, portraying Chapman as straight out of Stepford), just because the nature of controller-ness and nothlitization are difficult to convey literally.  Animation has a lot of tricks, from deliberately distorted drawings to screensaver-like “mental space,” that can actually convey concepts like mind control or body dysmorphia pretty well — Alphonse in Fullmetal Alchemist and Aang in Avatar the Last Airbender great examples of body-mind mismatch and multiple consciousnesses in one body, respectively.
Use a cold open for every episode.  I am a sucker for Batman cold opens or any other opening scenes that pick up in the middle of the characters’ everyday lives, because they work so well to convey that there is a crapton of life happening outside of the plot of any given episode.  Several Animorphs books (#9, #14, #35, #41, #51) open this way, to great effect, and I love the way that it gives us slices of life we might not otherwise see (morphing to cheat on science homework, completing entire offscreen missions, having dinner with the family) and help build these characters’ worlds outside of individual episode plots.
Introduce James sooner (and have better disability narratives).  There are several aspects of Animorphs’ social justice consciousness that age okay (Rachel shutting down Marco’s constant flirting) or not well at all (Mertil and Galfinian).  One important way the series could update Animorphs is through having canon disabled characters like James, Mertil, and Loren have bigger roles and not resorting to kill-or-cure narratives.  Maybe James could come in sooner and form a Teen Titans West-esque team with the other Auximorphs so that he and Collette and the others could be recurring supporting characters with unique plotlines.  Maybe Loren could still gain morphing power, but remain blind and brain-damaged so that the hork-bajir need to work with her to figure out accommodations while sleeping rough.
Modify Jake’s and Cassie’s parents to account for the contemporary setting.  The fact that the kids so often disappear all afternoon or even overnight without anyone worrying just wouldn’t translate to a contemporary reimagining of Animorphs.  Tobias and Ax are each other’s only family on the planet whereas Marco’s dad and Rachel’s mom are both overworked single parents.  Jake’s family, however, and Cassie’s…
Cassie’s parents are so freaking cool in canon that they would definitely start to worry if Cassie went for an entire “weekend at Rachel’s” without answering any texts or calls.  Maybe there could be some scenes with them talking about how they have this super-mature responsible daughter whom they can trust not to get into trouble even if she does hate cell phones, but oh well because they’re not big on technology either.
Jake’s parents are… less cool, but they still try their best.  The show might explain their lack of concern about either of their disappearing kids through upping the hippie factor from his mom, maybe until she practices Free-Range Parenting.  (Why yes, it is true that Jake’s family would have the necessary privileges to get away with free-range crap while Cassie’s family would not, because yes it is the case that black families have been arrested for leaving kids alone for 10 minutes while white families are allowed more passes under the law.  Yes, that is a steaming pile of racist bullshit.)  The other way it could go is by having Jake’s parents completely checked out, which could get in the way of plots like #31 that hinge on them genuinely caring about their kids, but could also introduce an interesting dynamic if it partially parentifies Tom.
Include at least one Rashomon plot.  The TV series would by necessity lose the first-person narration, with all its brilliantly subtle shades of bias and misinterpretation.  One way to try and bring that back in would be to convey the same events from multiple points of view with subtle differences in the way that each person perceives what happened.  This could happen somewhere in the Visser One plot, with Rachel interpreting the scene as a straight Animorphs-vs-yeerks battle, while Visser One interprets it as Visser Three incompetently sabotaging her as Animorphs ruin her life, while Marco interprets it as a struggle to protect his mom and also save his friends, while Visser Three interprets it as the andalite bandits flagrantly plotting with Visser One, while Jake interprets it as Marco going off the rails from stress… and the only witness who has a sense of what actually happened is Eva.  Other possibilities abound.
Start with a plan to make one episode per book… and modify as necessary.  There are areas of the series I’d like to see expanded (#50 - #54 covers a lot of ground in relatively little space) and areas that I think could afford to be compacted (#39 - #44 feature a whole lotta nothin’).  But instead of adding or discarding an entire book, I think you could spread out many of the plots by simple virtue of TV shows not being constrained by first-person narration.
Certain books just wouldn’t get straight-translated today anyway (#40, most notably). I don’t think any books are so bad or useless that they couldn’t be modified into decent television episodes.
The ramping-up that leads to open war happens mostly in the background of #44 - #51, but a bunch of scenes with just controllers talking to each other could go into that process in a lot more detail.  This content could help fill out plots like #44 and #48 that frankly don’t have a lot else going on.
The entire plot of Visser happens over a nonspecific period of time between #30 and #45, so instead of getting one book we could get an entire running Yeerk Empire subplot with major consequences for the main plotline.
Similarly, the andalites’ decisions happen mostly offscreen but have major consequences for the Animorphs.  The consequences for the Electorate after the events of #38 could also run for a whole subplot that sets up their decision to nuke Earth in #52.
The biggest absence from the last couple books is Rachel.  Her last book is a friggin’ dream sequence, she acts out of character in #52 especially, and the narration order cuts off directly before giving her one last book.  It wouldn’t be necessary to add an entire episode just to rectify this oversight, when #51 could still be Marco-centric but also show her and Jake on their sabotage mission, and #52 could have the same rough plot but with a few scenes between her and Tobias thrown in for good measure.
Anyway, maybe the various Chronicles could be a handful of Doctor-lite episodes where the Animorphs themselves are incidental and Elfangor or Aldrea has the helm.  Maybe the events of the Chronicles could come out organically over the course of the show, for instance by expanding the memory-dumps Tobias gets in #1 and #33 or having Jara tell Dak’s story in #13 or #23.  The Megamorphses, on the other hand, could pretty easily just occur as regular-series episodes, albeit possibly as two- or three-parters.
Lean into the comic-book aesthetic.  Animorphs is written very much in the style of a graphic novel, from its “teens with superpowers save the world from aliens” plot to its heavy use of onomatopoeia.  Even the use of hypertext symbols around thought-speak hearkens back to the comic book convention of using pointed brackets around alien languages to convey translation.  The show could homage this motif through having dramatic transformation sequences, “uniforms” of multicolored spandex the kids use to morph, an opening credits sequence that emphasizes the power of each animal, and other superhero-comic elements throughout.
Have the violence be consequential.  To keep the examples from earlier: in Fullmetal Alchemist, as well as in Avatar, characters that get hurt stay hurt.  A character getting shot or stabbed is portrayed as a potentially life-changing event.  Characters’ injuries do not disappear between episodes, and even alchemy and waterbending are not portrayed as total fixes.  Characters scar, they become disabled, they spend entire episodes in recovery, they accrue trauma, and they do not shrug off life-ending injuries.  Animorphs helps to justify the idea that six kids could (mostly) survive (most of) an entire war against a friggin empire through making the protagonists nigh-unkillable thanks to their healing abilities, but it nevertheless shows that shooting someone will result in that person bleeding and screaming and possibly dying.  Having a sci-fi or action show meant for children isn’t actually a valid excuse for portraying violence as cool or funny or inconsequential the way that (Avengers Assemble, Teen Titans, Kim Possible, Dragonball Z, Pokemon, etc.) too many children’s sci-fi/action shows opt to do.
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scumgristle · 5 years
You’ve been vocal about your hate for My Chemical Romance’s Gerard Way, what is it about the guy that gets under your skin, because Boneyard Press published his first book “On Raven’s Wings”?
HDF:Short answer? Gerard Way is a liar and a fake who devalued Boneyard Press products and implied I was a liar by his deceits and instead of owning up to his deceptions he kept on lying and set his fans loose on me for an online hate campaign that hurt my wife’s recovery from Chemo and Radiation therapy to combat her ovarian and cervical cancer.
In order to inflate orders on his upcoming comic book, “The Umbrella Academy”, Dark Horse, editor Scott Allie & Gerard Way made a major press push stating the falsehood that “The Umbrella Academy” was Gerard’s first published work in comics, which they knew was a lie.
Gerard’s first published work was done over a decade earlier when Boneyard Press published his series, “On Raven’s Wings”. Issue #1 was published in April 1994, written by Gary Way, drawn by Jose Santos with inks by Dana Greene and a fully painted cover by Rob Nemeth. Issue #2 was published in September 1994 with Gary writing, Jose & Dana on the art, another great painted cover by Rob Nemeth. When Gary couldn’t hold his art team together, we canceled the series, but that didn’t stop me from schleppin’ this kids books to convention after convention telling everyone what a great new writer this kid was and that yeah, he’s got the goods. I did this for YEARS.
Dark Horse and its editorial staff knew all about this but decided to pump the numbers up with the lie about ‘first published work’. They were even lying about it when directly asked by some members of Gerard’s fan club. They claimed that Garry Way was not Gerard Way. According to Dark Horse, they were two different people.
Why did they do that? Because any comic geek worth his salt can tell you, an artist’s first published work is generally the most valuable, knowing this, fans will invest in a new book so they can have that “First published work” tag. Dark Horse & Gerard lied about it all to inflate their sales on the book.
They kept right on lying even to Rolling Stone. Dark Horse’s Scott Allie said, “Hart published Gerard’s first comics when Gerard was fifteen. I don’t think we’ve ever said Umbrella Academy is the first comic Gerard did.” Funny thing was, the very day this was quoted in Rolling Stone the Diamond Preview catalogue came out with a full page add proclaiming that The Umbrella Academy is Gerard Way’s first published work. Full page ad. Big ass bulletin points. Dark Horse and Scott were full of shit and they knew it but they threw me under the bus in the press anyway.
Ripping off your fans like that, gaming store owners, that’s some pretty low shit to pull, but it was going to get a lot lower when he sicked his fans on me & I was unable to keep my wife from reading the hate mail, which just wrecked her. I mean, she was already emaciated from the Chemo & the Radiation… Watching her crying, reading that shit he sent my way because he wasn’t man enough to own up to his own actions…
This shit is personal.
You ready for the background on why this is such a burn? Because here’s the long story…
So it’s the early 90’s and I get a submission packet from a high school kid named Gary Way. He was a big fan of mine so he sent this comic book that he & his buddies were doing together to me. I thought it was pretty good. So I decided to invest my money & publish it. That’s when I got to know him, when I took him under my wing.
I did this with a lot of the lost souls & angry young kids who found their way to me. I wasn’t just their publisher, I was their friend, I cared about my guys. They were important to me and I wanted them to get stronger, to be stronger, to do the best work they could do. My philosophy at Boneyard Press was give me your stragglers, give me your battered & cast offs… I would rebuild them… I would forge them into wolves and together, we would own the shadows.
Gary was one of these kids.
I used to have talks with his mother about how to keep him from getting beat up & bullied at school where he lived in Jersey. I talked with Gary quite a bit too. This was before email & texting, so people actually talked to each other then… So… after Boneyard published the first issue of his on going series, I took a liking to the kid so much I got him on the Sally Jesse Raphael show as an “Official Boneyard Press Writer” and he got to stand up & ask a question on the air.
Pretty cool for the school punching bag, right?
Gary gets out of high school & stays in touch with me through his days in college. A lot of my interns & guys did that as they were growing up. When he called me from the offices of DC & told me about his new job at Vertigo, I thought, Fuck yeah, now one of my guys is rising up! Kick Ass!
911 happens, I don’t hear from the kid again. Me, my life moves at light speed, so I don’t think twice about it… a few years go by, I’m working full time in Adult films, then I get the youtube/mail from a fan who tells me all of her friends are calling her a liar over my book, On Raven’s Wings, and it’s author Gary Way.
You see… Apparently there was a Gerard Way with a new comic book coming out from Dark Horse comics & they were marketing it as the first published work of Gerard Way, the frontman for My Chemical Romance, which will have more value in the collectible comics market & would help them get a sales bump. My fan said to her friends, “Hey, that’s not his first published work, he did a series for Boneyard Press as Gary Way, that’s his first published work.” She contacts me to get the truth. I go fucking ballastic.
No motherfucker is going to make a liar out of one of my fans. Fucking no one.
I write a blog on my Live Journal account wondering if Dark Horse is a knowing partner of Garry Way’s charade to game the fans & the retailers or are they unwitting pawns. I was very, very, very angry. Then I got my hands on the My Chemical Romance video interview with all grown up Gerard Way telling people that he wished someone had taken a chance on him & published his comics when he was a teenager, that only someone believed in him enough to publish his work back then.
I’m fucking LIVID watching this & listening to this. I watched it over & over.
Then when Rolling Stone get’s involved, the press goes nuts, my lawyer tells me to shut the fuck up for once and since my wife was recovering from ovarian & cervical cancer, which nearly killed her… and the chemo turned her into a walking skeleton… I mean… I’d go to rub her feet, and there was no meat on the bottom of her foot. It was all bones.
Since the doctors in Japan had told me her cancer was stress related and that too much stress would kill her… I had to shut the fuck up & do my best to keep Waka from reading all the hate mail & hate memes on the web. That didn’t need to happen. Gary could have just owned up to the truth.
Only he didn’t.
Instead of manning up and owning his lies and deceptions, he chose to hide behind a bunch of clueless emo twits and chose to sick his fan base on me… On my wife. Who cried & cried reading this shit. She doesn’t want me to talk about this, she doesn’t want to acknowledge how this puke & the scum bags online got to her, but she was vulnerable back then. I was her only caregiver. The only one. Her family was back in Japan. And I couldn’t stop her with from reading this… I could only shut up, try to let it blow over while I consulted with my lawyers about what to do.
For what Garry Way did to my reputation, to my company and most of all, what he did to my wife… in the midst of her suffering… When I was only speaking the truth. If he wasn’t lying why did he call my office from the middle of his south American tour, when this whole thing blew up, he sure was able to find my number and communicate with me AFTER the truth came out. It didn’t have to go down the way it did. My wife should have been able to focus on recovering from cancer, from never being able to have a baby. But no, this asshole put us through the ringer to save his own pride when caught in a lie.
For that… For what he did to my wife… I hate that motherfucker.
I hate that motherfucker like you cannot even put into words.
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afishlearningpoetry · 6 years
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Looking Closer at How The Abominable Bride Foreshadowed and Can Be Used to Chronologically Decode Series 4:
Almost halfway through TAB, John and Sherlock are on their way to deal with the Carmichael case as John inquires about the possibility that the bride is a ghost. Sherlock dismisses it and him before the scene turns towards how John’s stories have made him a hero in the eyes of the public for years, and Sherlock is forced to admit he was being harsh to John. At the end, Sherlock says the only ghosts in this world are the ones we make for ourselves as his mind drifts back to Moriarty.
Almost halfway through TLD and series 4, John and Sherlock are on their way to deal with the Culveron Smith case as he asks them to tell an audience a story. Sherlock dismisses him and says no before the scene turns towards Sherlock showing off in front of everyone about his heroics. At the end, John speaks directly to Sherlock through Mary as her ghost gains more presence through this scene.
[Continue below the cut for more ➤]
See also: 10 Revealing Things From The Six Thatchers That Haunt You Late At Night, 10 Revealing Things From The Lying DetectiveThat Haunt You Late At Night, and 10 Revealing Things From The Final Problem That Haunt You Late At Night. (#tw blood #tw suicide)
Bonus: John knows:
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The two major themes of these scenes are ghosts and John’s authorship, including how both Sherlock and John feel about the way that John’s blog expresses his feelings. That authorship has also brought about fame for both versions of Sherlock, so the way that John has written his stories and chosen to capture his feelings about Sherlock also effects the way they interact with each other in private vs. public.
In TAB, they’re alone together. Sherlock has already compartmentalized the Emelia Ricoletti case, unable to solve it, and are on their way to investigate the Carmichael case. Sherlock is imagining all of this in the wake of Moriarty’s return, so everything takes form around Sherlock’s fear and denial. The second case inevitably has to do with ghosts as well and eventually feeds back into the first, so when John is about to bring up the idea of it bring true, which Sherlock is imagining himself, he’s quick to dismiss it. “You don’t know what I was going to say.” But it’s only at the front of his mind and the conversation because Sherlock is afraid of the meaning of it being true; he’s in denial about him returning, but ghosts aren’t real, so it means he didn’t die, but he saw it happen; this contradiction repeats over and over in the back of Sherlock’s mind throughout the episode until whenever Moriarty confronts him and forces him to face the truth.
“You were about to suggest there may be some supernatural agency involved and I was about to laugh in your face.” The real John would never consider that ghosts were a real possibility; this isn’t about Sherlock laughing in John’s face for being wrong or superstitious, he’s talking to himself. He knows the idea is ridiculous and can’t be true, yet here he is imagining two cases about him. He maintains a cool exterior about the the whole thing until his John eventually starts pushing back against what Sherlock is saying, because it also has to do with the nature of John’s blogs and their relationship.
In TLD, they’re in public. John is right about the way Sherlock is quick to dismiss anything that doesn’t immediately interest him, he hates dealing with the press and being in public, and only agrees to share his stories with them after John pressures him into doing so. This is also seconds after the scene where a random citizen assumed the blog was Sherlock’s for no other reason than this is a false narrative that inevitably incorporates John’s insecurities about being second to Sherlock, and secondary in Sherlock’s heart, so when Culverton introduces Sherlock and then says, “oh, and Doctor Watson, of course,” it’s echoing the same thing. And because John’s blog is the focus of his insecurity in this scene, Sherlock not wanting to talk about the cases at first is also about John perceiving Sherlock’s lack of interest in his work, which is the closest John has ever come to admitting how much he cares about Sherlock, openly, to the rest of the world reading it. And no matter how famous they become, John thinks that Sherlock still doesn’t get it and he never will.
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In TAB, John connects the two cases, “Emelia Ricoletti, again”, and in TLD, Sherlock starts talking about the “iron chain of reasoning” is more interesting than the “sensational” nature of the crime. The idea of a ghost is the “sensational” part; Sherock thinks he’s imagining it because he needs to figure out how he did it, the iron chain of reasoning behind how Moriarty could be back. But like Mrs. Hudson says, Sherlock isn’t about thinking. He’s more emotional. The dream is not really about figuring out how Moriarty faked his death and could be back now. Sherlock figures by the end of the dream that all you need is some fake blood and maybe outside help. He confesses to Mycroft that his body was never recovered; so it’s not really debatable that he’s back. The dream is about Sherlock accepting that. Logic is not the thing that really interests him here. He could just recreate the scene of the crime on the rooftop like a crime scene and figure it out if he wanted to focus on the iron chain of reasoning, but he creates an entire world based around his denial, loosely related to a case from the past that doesn’t have anything to do with what’s happening beyond the sensational aspect; the idea of ghosts. The contradiction is at work here again; Moriarty can’t be back, but he is, so he must be a ghost, but ghosts don’t exist.
John doesn’t pick up on what Sherlock is feeling emotionally during the plane ride and he doesn’t understand what Sherlock really values here. He writes Sherlock saying that the “feature of interest” is the iron chain of reasoning; but Sherlock has only used the phrase “feature of interest” exactly one time, when describing John. During his best man speech Sherlock is describing the case of the perfect, impossible murder; the man who was killed while alone.
Sherlock: There was one feature, and only one feature, of interest in the whole of this baffling case, and quite frankly it was the usual. John Watson – who, while I was trying to solve the murder, instead saved a life. There are mysteries worth solving and stories worth telling. The best and bravest man I know – and on top of that he actually knows how to do stuff... except wedding planning and serviettes – he’s rubbish at those.
John: True!
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Sherlock saying the feature of interest is John means Sherlock using it in any other case is immediately a red flag. John is writing this scene. It also means that even when Sherlock is adamant about his feelings in every other way except being explicit that he loves him, John will still find a way to deny it. The crimes are not the story here. The crimes aren’t the point of the scene; Sherlock goes on to spoil all of them. The real story is the the one that everyone else devalues, even John himself; the story of their relationship. Their love for one another that invigorates them, that guides them, that makes themselves and their lives with each better for it.
Sherlock is also aware of this inconsistency: in TAB at the morgue, Molly points out some “features of interest” in the crime, and Sherlock notes he never says that, and Watson corrects him to say that he does, actually, quite a lot. But he doesn’t; it’s still just in the one scene. But his imagined John hears it all the time because there’s a complete disconnect in how they perceive each other through John’s blog. Sherlock thinks that he’s open with his feelings about John all the time; that he’s open about how John is the feature of interest in every case, but John thinks that he only cares about the details of the crime. Similar to other things, like Sherlock noticing Mary’s perfume, it seems like a contradiction, and that’s because it is. It takes on a different meaning in Sherlock’s mind. Not a literal one. He doesn’t say “features of interest” out loud, but he means it about John. John doesn’t understand that; his blog is inaccurate about Sherlock’s heart.
In TAB, Sherlock chides John for his lack of imagination. This also isn’t a literal meaning; every conversation is Sherlock talking to himself or a projection of someone else. He’s talking about John focusing on the literal moment by moment case that Sherlock is working on and not noticing Sherlock’s feelings. He’s chiding John’s stories about lacking the imagination to think that Sherlock loves him back; in TLD, this proves true as Sherlock says that the cause to effect solution of the crime is the “only truly remarkable aspect” of the affair. But the remarkable aspect, the “feature of interest”, is John himself. This is also where Mary starts to creep into the background in the scene as the camera pans to her, blurry behind John’s frame. Similar to TAB, John is thinking that ghosts are real. John, in his story anyway, has an easier time imagining that Mary’s ghost is real than the remarkable aspect being himself. Of course, they’re happening for very different reasons.
In TAB, Sherlock imagines John pushing back, saying that he managed to convince the “the reading public that an unprincipled drug addict was actually a gentleman hero.” Remember that this is happening after HLV, where Sherlock suffered his relapse because of John’s wedding; the meaning here isn’t just him being an addict, but the reason why he relapsed. And there is no blog entry about HLV. John skips it in his story and just fast forwards to updating present day. He convinced the public that that side of Sherlock doesn’t exist. The part of Sherlock, the whole of Sherlock that loves John doesn’t exist. At the same, John holds a very idealized view of John in other ways, and as we see by TLD, the public is convinced that he’s a hero. A legend. A myth. All that matters is the myth, the legend.
In TLD, Sherlock immediately trips over himself explaining the stories, spoiling the ending. He’s relapsing and completely tripping in front of an audience of sick children and nurses and doctors and everyone still captured by him. They think it’s just part of the show, who he is, but again, the reason that he’s relapsing is because of John. To save John. No one here knows any of that, they only know what they’ve heard and what John has written.
Sherlock admits in TAB that he was being too harsh; that John’s prowess is a testament to himself, even if it isn’t entirely accurate. It’s not that John lacks imagination, but that hes focused on the wrong thing, which is largely Sherlock’s fault at this point. Ever since he found out about John’s feelings in ASIB he kept John at a distance until the threat of Moriarty was gone. When he came back in series 3 and thought they could be together, that John was still living in the flat (he wasn’t, and he didn’t check), Mary entered the picture. Now Moriarty’s back and here they are. Sherlock is lambasting himself here and lashing out at John for something that he could have put an end to years ago. And despite all of Sherlock’s mistakes, John still convinced everyone he’s a hero.
In front of everyone, John is starting to enjoy himself in TLD despite the circumstances. Sherlock starts blowing through the cases that John has carefully archived, but he doesn’t even care, because Sherlock spoiling the cases doesn’t matter to him. His blog has always been about Sherlock. As the camera lingers on John and Mary behind him, the camera almost comes into focus and cuts to a giddy Mary on the other side of the room, laughing and smiling at Sherlock. With the subtext in series slipping to the surface and becoming text, since this is John’s story, he explicitly links Mary to being him. “You’re talking to yourself.” John isn’t showing it but this is how he really feels when he’s with Sherlock. He expresses it in a fashion he don’t think he’ll ever be able to do in any real way. This is how much he loves him. The hero that John writes on his blog is something that he rally believes.
The conversation shifts in tone when Sherlock brings his feelings back into focus. “Rest assured, there are no ghosts in this world.” He wants to remind himself that, but he does it through John. It’s also Sherlock telling himself that the ghost is flesh and blood. The contradiction starts drumming up in him again. Moriarty is coming back. In TLD, the conversation takes a similar shift; Mary smiling and laughing isn’t just an expression of John’s true feelings, she’s also a ghost, and ghosts don’t exist in this world. The case Sherlock is talking about; ten suspects, all of them guilty, a confession of what happened in the last episode.
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This was a lie that they all had to. Sherlock, John, Mycroft, Lestrade, even Molly; they all had to keep their story straight to coverup Mary’s murder. This isn’t the only case referencing it; Sherlock and John then reference Murder At The Zoo. Murder At The Aquarium. Because as Sherlock says, there are no ghosts in this world, “save the ones we make for ourselves.” John made his own ghost and now she’s haunting him. She’s the abominable bride, the figure of Death in the Samarra story, and Moriarty’s post-humous revenge.
John has to write that Mary haunting him is part of his character arc; that the invented cheating subplot in the last episode, made to sublimate his emotional cheating with Sherlock and hide his communication with him to take Mary down, has pay off in the form of resolving a character flaw. When John set out to craft his original story, he used Mary’s death to invent flaws for him and Sherlock that have to resolve by the end of episode two before he loses control. TLD as the second episode brings the story to a close in a way that no other second episode does in the show.
Mary’s ghost becomes John learning his lesson; the grief and anger that he feels in this episode, the morgue scene where he attacks Sherlock, is really about him and Sherlock. He doesn’t care about Mary because he tried to kill her in the last episode and now Mary is keeping him trapped in his house, drugging and manipulating him. So Mary’s ghost in this episode has nothing to do with him grieving her; when he sees her ins his story, she was either there to some degree, alive, because there are no ghosts in this world, or John is selling the lie by wrapping it up in the truth. He saw her, sure, but it’s because he was grieving her loss. It’s also part of John’s larger plan to fake his own death and draw Mary and Moriarty out into the open, but in this moment, John is using Mary to express what he feels about Sherlock. John is talking to himself because he’s writing her.
John nails the correlation in TAB by asking Sherlock, “Sorry, what did you mean? Ghosts we make for ourselves, what do you mean?” This version of John doesn’t understand yet; Sherlock doesn’t answer him, closing his eyes and trying to hold his dream together for as long as he can. John doesn’t understand how much Sherlock haunts him because John, and his imagined John, don’t understand that Moriarty is the thing that’s been keeping them apart. But John in series 4 learns. Similarly, Sherlock doesn’t understand how much Mary is haunting him. After the coverup, Sherlock calls him, goes to his house, and is turned away after being given a note. “It’s from John.” John lies to his therapist about them not reaching out to each other the next episode. Sherlock has to figure out how to save him without knowing the full picture.
Much of that has yet to happen. In this moment, Mary is just a presence creeping into John’s mind. John uses her to express how he feels, but at the same time she’s the very thing keeping them separated. Her goal, her vengeance as the abominable bride, is to maintain that silence. To isolate John. To push him over the edge. To burn Sherlock’s heart out of him forever. Her ghost hangs over them, looming in the final shot as their legacy is cemented as the myth, the legend. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
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For Sherlock, the feature of interest is John. For John, the feature of interest is Sherlock. When Sherlock is tripping out of his mind, hanging by a thread and totally botching the delivery of John’s stories, John doesn’t even care. The cases are just a pretense. He’s so happy to be back with Sherlock again.
By the end of it, John tells Sherlock that he loves him by using a ghost.
“You should be wearing the hat. The kids would love the hat.”
The camera cuts, as it did with her laughing, between Mary in front expressing how John feels and Mary looming behind John, her visage out of focus. When John and Sherlock reconcile at the flat, she’s still an intruder. Even when John is happy, Mary is waiting for him, ready to meet him again.
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solartranslations · 6 years
Nova 4/29: Tears
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They saved Nova’s father but is he really alright? And Nova is…
~*Scene: Felicita's Room*~
Felicita: …
~*Flashback: Chalices’ Waiting Room*~
Nova: You were told that my parents had a serious illness and were bedridden, right?
Nova: But that’s not the truth
Nova: They’ve been sleeping. For an entire seven years
Nova: I was the one who put them asleep
(*dramatic effect) Nova: With the power of “Death”
~*Flashback: Hallway*~
Liberta: Or do you think your father’s in the way, or that you don’t care what happens to him?
Nova: Of course not!!!
Liberta: Then why won’t you go!!!
~*End Flashback*~
(*knock knock)
Luca: Ojou-sama, excuse me. About today’s schedule…
❤≪Luca≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: Ojou-sama seems to be thinking a lot lately…
Person: Resolving her worries is also by job
Person: ???
Luca: What’s wrong? You look a little down…are you worried about something?
Luca: If you’re worried about something, please talk to me
Luca: I might be able to help
>Are Nova’s parents alright?
>I’m worried about Nova
Luca: Well…they were returned to Nova’s home right after so I don’t know much…
Luca: Sorry
Luca: He has been on edge lately
Luca: Having his father abducted must have really…
Luca: Ojou-sama, if you’re worried about Nova, how about you go talk to him directly?
❤≪Luca≫ Seems concerned
Person: I’m worried about Nova too
Arcana: Thinking and worrying is a sign of growth
Person: Resolving her worries is also by job
Luca: Just worrying won’t solve anything
Luca: Making sure of things yourself is also very important
(*smile) Felicita: Okay
Luca: That’s exactly what makes you my Ojou-sama
Luca: Go on then, Ojou-sama
~*Scene: Chalices’ Waiting Room*~
(*knock knock)
Nova: It’s you. You’re not to accompany the Chalices today but…
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Daily: I’ll leave today’s patrol route to Albero
Pain: I’ve been seeing dreams of the past lately…
Person: ???
>I wanted to know more about your parents
>I wanted to ask you something
Nova: And then what?
Nova: You shouldn’t have the time to talk about that
Nova: You should do your job as an Executive instead
Nova: Nothing will change with you knowing anyway…but
Nova: Ask me something?
Nova: I’ll make a guess…is it about my parents?
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Nova≫ Seems as usual
Pain: Not knowing is better for her…
Daily: I can’t work like this
Person: ???
Pain: It’s not like…I can’t guess…
Daily: I can’t work like this
Person: ???
Nova: Well, you are family
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Person: They would be her uncle and aunt
Pain: I was the one who told her half the story
Daily: She seems to have gotten a good handle on the Swords’ work
Nova: You do have a right to know
Nova: I’m going to my house now. You come too
Nova: I’ll tell you about my parents
~*Scene: Nova’s House*~
Felicita: !
Nova: Why are you surprised? Didn’t I tell you before?
❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it
Pain: Time is stopped in this room…
Person: She hasn’t seen my parents since they were introduced
Arcana: ???
Nova: They’re just asleep
>Why did this happen?
(+20 Amore)
>…That’s so sad
(+10 Amore)
>Won’t they wake up?
(+10 Amore)
Nova: Why?
Nova: It certainly might sound strange to you
Nova: You were raised with love by Papa and Mama so you might not be able to understand
Nova: Sad? You’ve got some nerve saying that even though you don’t know anything
Nova: It’s true that they were put to sleep by their own son
Nova: I guess it might sound sad to someone who doesn’t know the circumstances
Nova: Wouldn’t they have woken up a long time ago if they could?
Nova: They’ve been asleep for seven whole years
❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it ❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it ❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it
Pain: She wants to know the details…but
Person: Time has stopped in this room ever since then…
Arcana: It’s my fault
Pain: Time has stopped in this room ever since then…
Person: I know, she’s just saying that based on what she sees…
Arcana: ???
Pain: Time has stopped in this room ever since then…
Person: They’re “asleep” today just like yesterday
Arcana: ???
❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it
Pain: It’s better that I tell her myself
Arcana: Arcana powers…huh
Person: I guess Papa and Mama didn’t tell her
Nova: I told you about how I put them asleep with the power of “Death”, right?
Nova: My father is Papa’s older brother
Nova: But, he wasn’t chosen by the Tarocco
Nova: He lost his position in the organization because of that
Nova: My mother did contract with the Tarocco, but the host was me when I was inside her at the time
Nova: Then, I was born with a stigmata
Nova: My parents were determined to raise me as a person suitable of being a member of the head family and a holder of a Major Arcana
Nova: But, I thought that love was in order to make me an upstanding person
Nova: I was determined to answer to their love
Moreno: My precious son, Nova. You will be the top of this organization one day
Moreno: That is for your sake and that of this island
Nicola: My beloved Nova, have patience for now, study hard, and gain wisdom and power so that you will not be a shame to the head family. That is for your sake
~*End Flashback*~
Nova: Yes, my parents always told me that it was necessary for my sake
❤≪Nova≫ Seems to want to cry
Pain: I believed it too
Arcana: Why did the Tarocco choose me?
Nova: But, it wasn’t true. That wasn’t love or anything like that
Nova: I understood that when I saw how you were loved by Papa and Mama
Nova: That was family, that was love
Nova: It was completely different from the love my parents showed me. That’s how I noticed
Nova: That I wasn’t loved by my parents…
❤≪Nova≫ Seems to want to cry
Pain: I don’t want to believe it
???: I can’t see very well here
Nova: Using me to gain power in the organization was their goal right from the beginning
Nova: My parents only thought of me as a tool to gain success
Nova: And not just that…, I overheard a terrifying plan by chance
Nova: They were planning on assassinating Papa and Mama…
Felicita: !?
Nova: Guh
❤≪Nova≫ Seems to want to cry
Arcana: This is also because I was chosen by the Tarocco…
Pain: I don’t want to remember…
Nova: I wanted to protect Papa and Mama
Nova: And above all, I couldn’t forgive my parents…before I realized it my parents had gone out of control
Nova: I didn’t think they would be asleep for this long though…
Nova: But even though I lost control, it was what I wanted
Nova: What I did wasn’t wrong. That’s what I believe
Felicita: …
Nova: Why are you making that face?
❤≪Nova≫ Seems to want to cry
Person: How does she feel…?
Pain: It’s like I’m being chased by something…
Arcana: ???
>Because you won’t cry
(+10 Amore)
>…I can’t say it in words
(No Amore)
>Because you look like you’re suffering
(+20 Amore)
Nova: But, there isn’t any need for you to cry, right?
Nova: Don’t cry. It makes it look like I did something bad
Nova: You’re strange
Nova: Wha, why are you hugging me! Let go!!
Nova: Seriously, I can never understand your actions
Nova: I look like I’m suffering?
Nova: Even if I look that way, there’s no need for you to be sad
❤≪Nova≫ Seems nervous ❤≪Nova≫ Seems nervous ❤≪Nova≫ Seems shocked
Link: If you cry, it hurts me
Arcana: Talking didn’t solve anything, but it did become easier
Pain: I’m not at the age where I cry when I’m in pain anymore
Person: I don’t need her sympathy
Pleasure: This is embarrassing
Link: ???
???: I can’t see very well here
Pain: This is suffering…
Link: I don’t want you to cry
Arcana: Talking didn’t solve anything, but…
❤≪Nova≫ Seems nervous
Pleasure: This is embarrassing
Link: ???
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: Well, well. Am I interrupting perhaps?
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems as usual
Daily: It’s about time…
Arcana: I wonder how that experiment turned out
???: I can’t see very well here
Nova: Jo, Jolly!? Why are you here!!
❤≪Nova≫ Seems confused
Person: How much did he hear!?
Person: The matter of his research expenses is still unresolved
Jolly: *chuckle*, that’s obvious. I just came to observe their progression
❤≪Nova≫ Seems confused
Place: Why did he come here now?
Person: Jolly is suspicious
Nova: So it was that. My parents’ clinical records were found in your room the other day
Nova: They have their own doctor. Reports should be coming from them
Nova: So why do you have their clinical records? Explain
Jolly: Certainly if it was a normal illness, having a doctor care for them would be sufficient
Jolly But, this is no illness. The Tarocco is involved
❤≪Jolly≫ Tarocco
Arcana: The “Death” Tarocco…
Daily: It’s about time…
???: I can’t see very well here
Nova: …
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Person: So Jolly’s goal really is…
Arcana: The Major Arcana, “Death”…
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: Since the Tarocco is involved, the doctor said that they wanted to borrow my power
Jolly: I have knowledge of medicine, and I research the Tarocco. So, you can consider me to be qualified
Jolly: I came to conduct a routine exam on your parents
Nova: You’re saying something convenient just to gather data from them as research subjects
❤≪Nova≫ Can't seem to handle it
Person: Like I’d believe that!
Arcana: He looked into my powers from “Death”…?
Nova: You probably just manipulated the doctor
Jolly: *chuckle*, that’s some way of putting it. But, no matter
Jolly: I’ll leave it to your imagination
Jolly: But, I am interested in the power of the Tarocco
Jolly: Don’t you want to know too?
❤≪Jolly≫ Tarocco
Daily: If you don’t experiment, you won’t know if you succeed or fail
Arcana: The “Death” Tarocco…
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: For instance, if there was a way to wake up your parents…?
Nova: Stop it, I never asked you to do something like that
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Person: Is that…!?
Arcana: I haven’t heard of a way to do that
Pain: ???
Jolly: I’m joking. There’s too many unknown variables of the Tarocco anyway…
Jolly: I’m not omnipotent. Of course there are things that I can’t solve
Jolly: But, things have been clarified…
Jolly: Now, I came to do my job. So can you get out of the way?
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: You just have to master the power of “Death”
Person: I’ve spent enough time with them
???: I can’t see very well here
Nova: No. I can’t trust you with my parents
❤≪Nova≫ Seems irritated
Person: Jolly is suspicious but…
Arcana: ???
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: …That’s unfortunate. I suppose I have no choice but to leave for today
Jolly: Just tell me if you ever need my power, I’ll happily cooperate
Nova: What? What does that mean?
Jolly: Well, I’ll take my leave then
Nova: Wait
Nova: What does that mean
❤≪Nova≫ Seems confused
Person: A way to…wake them up?
Arcana: There are many unknown factors about Arcana powers
Pain: ???
Nova: What kind of research is Jolly even doing
Nova: Is it possible that Jolly knows a way to wake up my parents?
Nova: No, there’s no way
Felicita: …
Nova: Sorry. There’s some things that I want to think about
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: If there really is a way…
Person: Those people…are scary
Pain: I don’t want to see that dream anymore
Nova: I don’t know what kind of people my parents were to you but,
Nova: This is all I can say about them
Nova: I apologize for my late report
Nova: That’s all I have to say. If you understand, then leave
Felicita: …
~*End of Scene*~
You have one Heart Voice. It can be heard within SPECIAL
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quillovesdbz · 6 years
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Week 4 Submission for @tpthvegebulmayhem (3/3) Chapters: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
Chapter 7: Deadly Conclusion
Rating: M
Genre: Cloak and Dagger, Fantasy, Fairytale AU, Dark Fiction, Mystery,
TW: Psychological abuse, physical abuse, homophobic ideology, depiction of intellectual disability, vomiting,  depiction of sickness, strong language, revenge violence, major character death
Summary: Bulma is saved! The traitors pay for their crimes. Yamcha has a slight mix up. Bulma discovers a new secret, and Vegeta breaks his promise to the Duchess Suno.
It was early morning when Bulma was pulled violently from her bed. She had crusted vomit on her cracked and dry lips. Her hair was a sticky, greasy mess. And worst of all, she smelled like death. She was a living ghost, the result of two weeks starvation added to freezing cold temperatures and an unknown illness to boot. She had never been worse for wear.
Toma picked the nasty, scummy skeleton from her hay bed and threw her over his shoulder. What a sick way to die. And Bardock had doomed her to this fate. Toma knew her crimes. She cross dressed and nothing more, maybe lay with the prince but that wasn't likely. She didn't deserve the punishment she got, at least not in Toma’s eyes. He shot a quick glance at Bardock. He was cuffed on both wrists and bolted to the wall. He was stripped of the fancy garb he wore and now had only a long white shirt that barely covered his manhood. Toma mourned the Bardock he once knew, but that Bardock was no more.
Vegeta paced back and forth in his chambers. What would he do? How would she ever forgive him? Would she be well? Prisoners were known to catch cold and die in their sleep in the winter. He prayed she was strong enough to survive. What was he thinking? Of course she was strong enough… she was the strongest woman he knew…
There was a knock at his door.
His heart racing, he opened it up. Toma. And? A foul smelling skeleton of a woman he once knew. Toma pushed his way past the king and laid the woman on the  bed. She was still, her eyelids at half mast. Vegeta could barely stand to look at her in such a state.
“Who did this to her?” he demanded. When Toma fell silent, he didn't know what to say, the king became furious.
“WHO DID THIS TO HER?!” He yelled, grasping the plainclothes clad general by the chest. The look in the king's eyes was that of a madman. The veins in his neck and temples bulged with anger. Vegeta's eyes began to swell with liquid. He was so furious he had started to cry.
Toma looked down to the floor.
“Bardock ordered her arrest. I was only following orders.” the tall general explained. Though he was outraged, he knew this wasn't Toma’s fault. The regent had superior power than the prince, at the time of her arrest. It was within his power to keep such a thing from the prince, even though it may not have been morally acceptable.
“Her charges?” he interrogated, fists shaking with the rush of adrenaline.
“Cross dressing, sodomy, lewd and lascivious behavior, and… witchcraft. Although I don't know the  basis of the last accusation.”
“Accusation? Who accused-" he almost finished when he remembered a certain blue haired kitchen rat that had walked in in them that fateful day. The day of her arrest.
The king dropped his fists from his grasp on Toma. He turned to the unconscious woman on his bed. He pressed his ungloved fingers to her neck. Weak, but she still had a pulse.
“Send for the best physician in the kingdom. I am going to get to the bottom of this and punish those responsible.”
“This is by far the worst case of neglect I've ever seen. Where did you find this woman?”  the physician was a short man with light hair, and his eyes told the story that he was much older than he looked.
“She was wrongfully sentenced and placed in our prisons. The care of criminals is not of utmost concern to those in power.” Toma replied bluntly.
The old man understood his explanation and began to get to work. She was severely malnourished, her stomach sunk low and her ribs were visible to count. She was pale white and nearly translucent. Her toes, ears and the tips of her fingers had early signs of frostbite. Her small toe on her left foot was dark, it had already begun to decay. He noticed signs of vomit on her mouth and determined she may have contracted a cold or worse, pneumonia.
She had begun to lose hair because of the lack of care and not getting enough nutrients.
The doctor contemplated given her morphine to lessen her pain, but he was sure it would kill her due to her weight. Instead, he ordered that the girl be fed hardtack biscuit soaked in water or milk, as many times as she could stand. And if she had energy to chew, fruits, vegetables and cured meats for balance.
Toma agreed to the order and immediately went to the kitchens to fetch some maids for the task.
The king had one thing and one thing only on his mind. Destroy the maiden Marron. As the prince, he was known for his downright evil scowls. There was almost never a time his brow wasn't pushed together in anger. Today, as the King, he had the blackest look he ever had. His eyes, though deep brown, burned with the fury of a thousand fires. His stride was confident, furious and ambitious. He was ready to inflict real punishment.
As he rounded the corner to the kitchen he saw her. Her long blue hair disgusted him, the fact that she looked so similar to his Bulma disgusted him. He approached her swiftly, catching her by surprise.
“The prince will never know,” he whispered in her ear.
Marron felt a stinging chill run down her spine as she knew it to be the King standing directly behind her. She froze in fear. Her entire body stiffened, her mind was blank, and her heart had never beat so rapidly. She felt as if she could die, then and there. But she would not have that luxury.
Vegeta twisted his gloved fingers through her hair, anchoring himself. Then he pulled so hard that several large chunks came out, and the girl was forced to the floor. She yelped in agony.
“But the King knows now. And I will make good on my promise to you.” and then he kicked her hard, in the ribs, she could not scream, she only felt the air from her lungs be forcibly expelled from her body. She gasped for breath, but it was only let in with tiny bursts. Even more so now, she felt like she could die. And again, she would be afforded that luxury.
The King picked her up by the collar of her apron, choking her. He turned her face toward himself. She was a pitiful sight, and he knew she felt remorse for her actions. But remorse was not enough punishment. He wanted her to see what she'd done to Bulma. And after, he wanted her to share the same fate. So with a firm grasp on her collar, he drug her out of the kitchen and headed toward his chambers.
It had been several weeks since Bulma and the prince left for the castle. There were whispers of a coronation, and an unexpected arrest that happened at the coronation. Yamcha knew it had to her, though why would he have kept her in the castle for nearly a month before her arrest? His mind went to dark places when he thought about it.
There wasn't a day that went by that the children didn't ask about Bulma. And each time Yamcha had no idea what to say. Once, Goku told Launch that Bulma was in prison and she would never come back. Yamcha had the most trouble that day, trying calm her down. Launch thought of Bulma as her mother, and Yamcha was a most shitty replacement. He'd never had such a difficult time with them as he did without Bulma. But she left him in this predicament. And for that he was almost glad she was serving her time.
Bulma was only partly conscious when Vegeta and Marron had arrived. She noticed that Marron was crying profusely, and held her sides in pain. She also noticed that the girl had large chunks of hair missing from her head, not unlike herself. Bulma lacked the energy to even greet them.
Toma had passed the two on his way to kitchen and informed the King of the doctor's orders. He would be arriving back shortly with another kitchen staff and the necessary food.
Vegeta had Marron by her collar in one hand, and moved closer to Bulma so he could put his other hand on hers.
“I am so sorry,” Marron sobbed at the sight of her once friend.
Bulma was highly confused as to what was happening. She mustered as much energy as she could to ask what was going on. “What is happening?” she breathed, directing the question to Vegeta.
“Shh, rest. I will explain it all when you are lucid.”
She wasn't entirely sure if she could trust him, he had gone back and forth between her enemy and her lover so many times. But she had no choice this time, so she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
“Attention Citizens!! In one weeks time, there will be a public execution!! All citizens are invited to attend, and encouraged to ridicule the prisoner as much as possible. Their crimes include murder and conspiracy, and even betrayal and treason! Bring the children for extra hands to throw rotten produce!”
Yamcha stared wide eyed at the poster advertising an execution. His heart sunk when he knew. It had now been three months since Bulma was taken from her home and her family. He hoped she had been comfortable for that time. But this… this was madness. He felt his rage boil within his chest. He had to do something. Anything! She was a good person, an innocent woman just providing for her family. He had to do something. So he went to a man he knew would give him sage advice, Master Roshi.
“I see. You want to stage a rescue for this woman, who you love.”
“Well I'm  not in love with her, but she has a family and she's innocent!” Yamcha corrected the old man.
“Well I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll help you. I'd go to the ends of the earth if it meant you would get a nice piece of tail!” the old man said with a cackle.
Yamcha sighed. Hopeless. He lamented.
“I would rather not involve the boys, in case we get caught… they will be the only ones left to care for their siblings.” Yamcha said, worried the old master would want to include them. They were strong, there was no doubt about that. But the risk was far greater than the reward.  I'm sorry Bulma, he thought as realized he had equated her to ‘the reward’.
Bulma had been recovering for nearly two months, though she was still having trouble keeping her food down. The new King had waited on her hand and foot. He told her every day how sorry he was for his harsh words, and how he would never let her go again. She was glad to hear it, but she stayed angry with him for some time. He broke her heart, and it wasn't easily repaired. But in the last couple weeks her mood had vastly changed. She thought it was a side effect of her new found energy,  though his spoiling may have had an effect as well. She was beginning to remember what it felt like to love him. And she could picture herself doing so once again.
She lay in his bed, relishing the scent of lavender and the feel of fine satin sheets. She smiled in delight and thanked God for saving her. She would surely have been dead if she was not rescued when she was.
There was a tap at the door before it opened to reveal the old physician. She had called him for a very specific reason, and hoped he had the answer.
“Miss Briefs,” he greeted her with a bow she surely did not deserve.
“Oh please I am no lady nor anyones wife. Just call me Bulma.”
“Yes of course. You said you had some concerns?”
“Yes, though I have been gaining weight and energy rapidly, I still vomit almost daily. This illness is not related to my neglect in the prison.”
“Yes it seems you are right. For a woman you are very well educated in medicine. When was the last time you menstruated?”
Bulma heard his last word and her stomach began to feel ill once again. It couldn't be. But it could! She placed a hand on her abdomen.
“I… I can't remember.” She admitted truthfully. “Alright, dear, I'm sure you can put two and two together for a diagnosis, but to make sure…” He pulled what Bulma identified as a stethoscope from his medical bag. He placed the long wooden tube to her abdomen, and laid his ear on the other end.
“And there is the proof. A tiny heartbeat as clear as day. May God bless you with a healthy and happy child. For the remainder of your ailment I will check on you frequently. Please stay in bed as much as possible to ensure your health as well.”
Bulma had thought it a possibility once before. But she quickly put it out of her mind.
Now, this was real. She would birth the king’s child. She was terrified to tell him.
When the time came for the public execution, Goku would not take no for an answer. And then Tien and Krillin began to beg. All three boys were hitting and kicking Yamcha, screaming at the top of their lungs. They wanted in on the rescue mission, and the more he said no, the more they protested.
“Who will care for the girls and Oolong if we are caught? They need you, more than anything. You cannot come.” the scar faced boy insisted.
But they insisted back, threatening to come anyway and execute their own rescue plan, though it was likely much less thought out than his.
If only to stop their incessant crying and attacks, he caved in.
“Ok,” he said. “But if things turn sour, promise me you will run. Even if I'm in trouble, leave.”
The boys immediately stopped and nodded their heads.
Yamcha knew this was a bad idea, but maybe they could be of some help.
So the two men and three boys made their way to the town, to the execution. They were dressed in their plainclothes, so as to not draw attention. They adopted the role of participants for the execution they believed to be of their dear friend and sister. Goku carried a basket of overly ripe tomatoes. “So we just throw these at Bulma?” he asked.
“No! Not actually! Just pretend!” Yamcha whisper yelled at the boy.
“Oh!” Goku said confidently, as if he knew exactly what Yamcha was saying. “What does pretend mean, Yamcha?” Goku asked, completely undermining his so confident expression of understanding.
Yamcha feared their plan would not work, but he had no choice.
Marron was roused early on the day of her execution. Because of her crimes the king sentenced her to public humiliation before being hung. The same fate was to befall Bardock, the once trusted regent and long time friend of the crown.
It was a cold morning, it had just snowed the night before. It was a wonder Marron had lasted this long, but then again she did not suffer from the ailment of pregnancy like Bulma did. Marron’s feet and most of her fingers had succumbed to frost bite she was beginning to develop an infection in one foot. She was thinner than before, but not emaciated. She was able to keep her food down, most of the time.
Bardock had the constitution of an ox. He was hardly different at all, save for slightly skinnier and a small amount of frostbite on his toes. He had found it easy to keep himself warm by using the friction of rubbing his hands together, and placing them on any part of his body that felt numb. He lost some sleep over the cold, but not much. It was enough to conjure dark circles under his eyes.
He tried so hard to provoke Broly to his favor. But the tall burly man would not budge. It saddened him to see his friend and father figure in such a state, but his conviction to performing his job as close to perfect as humanly possible. Even though he had no one to make proud of him if he lost Bardock, he still honored his duties.
Bardock was not pleased with this behavior. No matter what he bargained or promised, he never got what he wanted. Even when all he wanted was an extra blanket.
Bardock awoke to Toma, fully armored,  pulling him by the hair on his head.
The two criminals were brought to the streets and cuffed to a horse drawn carriage, led by a single armored soldier. The two had no shoes, and only their dirty prison shifts on. The roads were muddy with partially melted snow. It was freezing cold outside, where most were wearing several warm layers of clothes, the criminals did not. The wind howled an agonizing cry. Today was the day.
Yamcha and the others could see the prisoners beginning their road to the gallows. One tall, black haired man, and one short blue haired girl. Bulma! Yamcha squinted to get a better look but alas they were too far away still.
Vegeta wantonly dressed in front of her. She was the intruder in his bedroom, even though he wanted her there. So he used his room as he usually did, and that included stripping naked to bathe, and dress. She admired his physique, every crevasse in his sinew was delicately carved, as if he was made of marble. The small white scars on his body made him even more handsome to her, a symbol of his strength and perseverance. She reminisced the only time their bodies had connected, and wanted so badly to relive those moments. With the news, of course, they would have to wait until it was safe for the baby. Which made her want him even more.
When he turned his head to glance at her, he noticed the look in her eyes. It was that of insatiable hunger, the craving call of a lioness in heat. He smiled slightly at her vulgarity.
“Go easy on her,” Bulma pled for the small girl who would lose her life today. “Make it quick and painless. For him too, afterall he raised you.” Her bleeding heart had gotten the best of her as she begged her king for his mercy on them.
Vegeta looked down to the ground and finished lacing his tall black boots. He said nothing, but nodded to her as he left the room.
In the street the cries and shouts of the entire kingdom could be heard. The people were like wild animals, calling names and throwing food all about. They enjoyed the spectacle, however disgusting and uncivilized it may be.
When Yamcha and the old master had attempted to make their way to the front to see their friend, they were kicked and shoved out of the way. This angered them both, and a fists were thrown. A fight broke out among the citizens in the confusion, and it spread like wildfire. Soon the entire street was in an all out brawl, people were hitting and kicking people they didn't even know, and in turn those people hit back. It had gone from riotous fun in one instant, to actual full on riot the next.
Yamcha decided the boys needed to leave, he could carry this out on his own.
“Roshi!” he yelled as loudly as he could, the crowd drowning out his voice. The old master turned to him and acknowledged the call.
“Take the boys and get out! This is my burden to bear!”
And although the old hermit hesitated, he accepted the order and scooped the boys up.
Yamcha tried to watch and make sure they made it out of the violent pit, but he lost sight of them. He hoped for the best, and swiftly took a dive into the crowd, toward the gallows.
When Vegeta arrived to the large wooden structure, aptly named the gallows, he was shocked at what he saw. His people were behaving like animals. They were turning on each other, and even his own guards. It was a horrible mess, an it was a wonder that the prisoners actually made it to their destination, and not gotten stomped into the cold mud.
They were escorted onto the platform, where the executioner placed the nooses on their necks. Bardock was solemn and said nothing. Marron was inconsolable, every cry seemed to choke her. It was pitiful, but to Vegeta and most of the kingdom, they were getting what they deserved.
The horns blew in rapid succession in attempts to gain the crowd's attention. The mob calmed down dramatically as the anticipated the main attraction.
The executioner read from a scroll each prisoner's crimes and their punishment before reciting their last rights.
Finally, they were asked for any final words.
Bardock remained silent, his eyes dark and face hollow. He was already dead on the inside, and he prayed for death to come quickly.
Marron chose to deny her crimes.
“I am innocent, as God is my witness. He will harken to me with open arms,” she recited through ugly sobs.
Yamcha had made his way to the structure, just in time to hear her voice. And he knew this woman could not be Bulma. Though they shared a hair color, her voice was completely wrong. He began to wonder what was going on.
The king gave a nod to his black clad executioner, who nodded back.
And as if in slow motion…
Their bodies fell hard, snapping their neck in harmony, like fragile glass slippers.
And they were gone…
After it was all said and done, Yamcha shoved his way to the king. There were many guards who held him back, but he shouted and pushed still.
“Vegeta! Prince Vegeta!” he yelled at the top of his lungs. It was just barely loud enough and disrespectful enough to catch the king's attention.
He turned his head toward the boy. He recognized him as Yamcha, the boy who had helped him when Nappa was dying. And who helped bury him as well. This peaked his interest so he signalled his guards to let the boy through.
“Where is she?!” he demanded.
The king was not in the mood to correct his atrocious behavior, so instead he said, “Follow me.” And the two headed back toward the castle.
Bulma had fallen asleep shortly after her king had left. She awoke to the sound of the chamber door opening…
Vegeta entered, in all his glory, and made his way to her side. He grabbed her hand and held it tightly.
“ You… have a visitor..” he said to her.
Even in their intimate moments, he refused to relax his scowl. But she didn't mind.
“A visitor?” She inquired.
Just then she saw Yamcha enter the room. She had never felt such happiness in her life. She was so grateful to be in that room at that very moment, and not swinging from a rope like her less fortunate friend.
They talked for what seemed like hours. She told him every detail of her stay, including her stay in the cells. And he told her all about what was happening back home, though it wasn't quite as exciting.
And when the time was right, she broke the news to both Vegeta and Yamcha. And together they celebrated their happy endings…
But there was one person in the castle who was not celebrating.
Suno had packed her bags, and gathered Zarbon to head back to France. She was tired of waiting for the king, and the fact that he had a whore in his bed every night since they had become engaged had angered her to no end.
In the middle of the night, the duchess and her ambassador fled the kingdom.
Several weeks later, Frieza declared war on the kingdom of Sadala. He was outraged that the new king would play around with his niece, only to break off the engagement and send her home like used tissue.
The king had a choice to make. Rally his army and lead them to victory, or stay with his heavily pregnant lover, and risk not being with his men.
He chose the former, thinking it would be wise to be with his men to boost their morale. Never had a battle been lost when the king fought side by side with his men. And this was no exception.
The war raged on at the French border for nearly seven months. The weather had gone from winter to spring, spring to summer, and summer to fall. It was nearing time for the arrival of his son.
Long ago, Vegeta had made the mistake of deciding to bring Bulma to the castle. It was a decision that would ultimately lead to her death, and that was true. While her king was away there were many complications with her pregnancy. For the last two weeks she bled near constantly. The physicians and midwives watched her round the clock. And then he decided to come early.
Trunks was born to his mother nearly three weeks too soon. He was small, and beautiful, with eyes just like his mother's. She fawned over him. Her very own baby, a perfect amalgam of herself and her lover. And the doctor had declared him healthy. His head was covered in light lavender hair, a feature that would be sure to please his father.  His tiny premature hands grasped at her breast when she fed him. And he ate ravenously, just like hia father. She hoped one day, he could learn to be gentle and intelligent like her, but courageous and confident like his father. She hoped that he would learn and become a great scholar… and that he wouldn't have to bear the burden of taking the throne at such an early age… like his father. She sighed as she brushed her hand on his uniquely soft face. She had never seen anything more perfect.
In three short days, she was dead. The doctors declared it death due to childbirth. She looked like a porcelain doll, motionless and pale. She had faded in her sleep, due to significant blood loss. It was both a beautiful and horrific sight.
The first to know were her family. The message took much longer to get to King Vegeta.
Victory. They had pushed back the French and won the war. Vegeta had slain the emperor on an open battlefield,  for all to see. The French soldiers submitted to him immediately.
It was over.
He could go home.
When he arrived home he wanted to see her, and their son. When he opened his chamber doors there was nothing. No Bulma in his bed, no son in the bassinet. His servants surrounded him, headed by the general Toma. Their somber faces said it all. She was gone.
She was gone.
His pained and blood chilling scream echoed through the silent halls. Even in the furthest reaches of the castle, servants heard his anguished wails.
She was gone.
It took a very long time for him to overcome his depression. Sometimes the sight of his beautiful son worsened the condition, sometimes he lessened it. But one thing was for sure. Trunks was all he had left of her. And King Vegeta would ensure he would protect the boy with everything he had. And when Trunks was old enough, Vegeta told him the story of his mother. A tragedy to be sure, with a bittersweet fairytale ending.
The end
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ketosmoothpills · 3 years
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For the tens of millions of overweight adults, losing weight is a seemingly impossible task. Even worse, for many overweight dieters, diet and exercise just simply don’t bring desired results. This causes dieters to seek out alternative solutions to lose weight, which often involve dangerous diets or exercise programs.
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Since its’ launch, Keto Smooth has already helped tens of thousands of adults reach their weight loss goals. If you’re someone trying to kickstart the jump start your weight loss journey, have hit a plateau, or just need an extra push, then Keto Smooth Reviews could be right for you.
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What is Keto Smooth?
Keto Smooth Reviews belongs to a group of supplements known as “keto supplements.” These supplements are designed to force your body to enter a metabolic state known as ketosis.
This process significantly changes how your body operates. Instead of converting carbohydrates into glycogen, your body craves ketone bodies – which come from the fat in your body. This provides you with steady energy all day and can help you shed massive amount of fat.
Thanks to its’ potent combination of ketosis-inducing ingredients, Keto Smooth has quickly become the #1 weight loss supplement on the market. It was specifically formulated to help you enter ketosis and since its’ inception, it has helped thousands of adults achieve their weight loss goals in a safe, non-restrictive manner.
But why is the Keto Smooth supplement any different than the hundreds of other ketone formulas on the market? The answer lies within the high profile ingredient list, where the Keto Smooth supplement facts reveal a BHB proprietary blend of over 1,100 mg per pill, making this one of the most explosive ketosis boosting formulas on the market today in 2021.
How Does Keto Smooth Work?
As previously mentioned, Nutra Empire Keto Smooth is designed to force your body into a state known as “ketosis.” This metabolic state forces your body to convert stored fat into usable energy, thus causing you to lose weight. So how exactly does ketosis work?
Under normal circumstances, your body prefers that it fuels your cells by converting carbohydrates into glucose. This adequately supplies you with the energy you need to function. However, when you starve your body of glucose your body has to scramble to supply your cells with energy. It does this by converting fat cells into ketone bodies.
When your body starts burning fat and converting it into ketone bodies, you are in a state of ketosis. As long as you continually starve your body of glucose by avoiding carbohydrates, then your body will continue to burn fat and use it for energy. Best of all, studies have found that the longer you stay in ketosis, the “deeper state” of ketosis you will enter.
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Ingredients in Keto Smooth
Nutra Empire Keto Smooth Reviews contains a blend of ingredients that are specifically designed to help your body enter a state of ketosis and to enter this state much faster than it otherwise would be able to do.
There are five ingredients in Keto Smooth, each of which is essential to helping you lose the weight you desire. These ingredients include:
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB): BHB is an exogenous ketone body (one made outside of the body) that helps your body jump start the ketosis process. BHB helps your body get rid of the excess glucose in your bloodstream and influences your body to start preferring ketone bodies for fuel.
Calcium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate: This is another form of BHB bonded to a calcium ion. It is meant to support BHB and help your body use it more efficiently so you can enter ketosis much more quickly.
Magnesium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate: This third form of BHB provides metabolism support and helps ensure your metabolism is burning fat all day long. It works closely with calcium-BHB to make sure your body stays in ketosis as well.
Medium chain triglycerides: Commonly as MCT oil, this form of fat derived from coconut oil helps your body accelerate fat loss and provides you with a stable source of energy. Some studies have found MCT oil can increase weight loss rates by as much as 10-20%.
BioPerine®: BioPerine is a patented chemical found in black pepper that helps your body absorb other nutrients. It may also support your body’s metabolism and energy levels.
In addition to these four high powered blends, Keto Smooth ingredients consist of potassium BHB, L-Tyrosine, Green Tea Leaf Extract 4:1, green coffee bean extract, raspberry ketones, dandelion root and the patented black pepper extract (BioPerine).
Together, all of these ingredients work to help support your body’s metabolism and to help your body maintain ketosis. When combined with a low carbohydrate diet, Keto Smooth can truly spark a transformation that no other weight loss supplement can provide.
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As you can see, there are huge discounts offered on multiple bottle orders, which is why it is encouraged to take advantage of those generous offers. However, no matter what package you purchase, you are free to request a refund within 30 days of purchasing the product. If for any reason you are dissatisfied or unhappy with Keto Smooth, you can request a full refund – no questions asked. That’s how confident the manufacturer is in Keto Smooth.
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Benefits of Keto Smooth
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Steady, safe weight loss: The main benefit to Keto Smooth is of course it’s ability to help you lose weight. However, Keto Smooth isn’t one of those products that will cause you to lose 30lbs in a month then gain it all back. Instead, Keto Smooth helps you maintain a safe level of ketosis so that you can lose a few pounds of weight each week and steadily trim your waistline. This is why it can provide the long-term results that so many other diet products cannot.
Higher energy levels: While some people do experience feelings of the “keto flu” during the first few days of entering ketosis, ketosis is actually designed to boost your energy levels. After the first few days, your body will be burning fat all day long, flooding your body with energy. No longer will you have the 2pm crash that so many people experience. You should feel energized and ready to seize the day every single day.
Better mood & cognition: MCT oil is directly absorbed and utilized by the brain, which is why it is said to improve cognition and mood. Some studies have found a remarkable link between MCT oil supplementation and an improvement in various cognitive functions like memory, focus, and concentration.
These are just a few of the additional other benefits you may experience with Keto Smooth. Of course, there are several other benefits you may experience as a result of weight loss like lower blood pressure and cholesterol but these are the main benefits as reported by real users.
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Side Effects of Keto Smooth – Is Keto Smooth Safe?
Not only is Keto Smooth an effective supplement – it’s very safe too. In fact, there are zero known side effects while taking this incredible supplement. Thousands of users can attest to just how safe Keto Smooth is. It hasn’t caused any major side effects in any of its’ users and is tolerated well by an overwhelming majority of users.
The only thing you should note is that because Keto Smooth is a “keto” supplement, it can cause the “keto flu” for one to two days as you enter ketosis. This is a temporary effect which may cause some sluggishness as your body adjusts to using ketone bodies instead of glucose. It’s a very temporary effect and doesn’t affect everybody and is not terribly common, but it can occur.
Overall, Keto Smooth is incredibly safe and it does not pose any risk to your health. If for some reason you do not feel like it is right for you, consult your doctor or a medical professional before buying. However, there’s a good chance they likely attest to the safety of ketosis and tell you Keto Smooth is perfectly safe to try.
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How Long Does it Take to See Results with Keto Smooth?
While Nutra Empire Keto Smooth USA has already helped thousands of adults get slimmer and healthier, it is not a miracle pill. It will not work overnight and thinking that will only leave you disappointed. Having realistic expectations will go a long way while taking this product.
Most people begin to see results after the first few weeks of taking Keto Smooth. However, results can take longer depending on how long it takes you to truly enter a state of ketosis. Obviously the longer it takes you to enter ketosis – the longer it will take for you to see results.
In general, the manufacturer recommends giving the product between 30 and 60 days before you make a judgement on the product and whether it’s the right diet product for you. This gives your body enough time to adjust to ketosis and should give your body ample time to start converting fat into ketone bodies.
Of course, there are things you can do to speed up the process. Most importantly, you need to avoid carbohydrates. Consuming carbs will prevent you from entering ketosis because it will supply your body with glucose, which will be used as the main fuel source over ketone bodies. Avoiding it is a must if you want to see real results.
Secondly, some exercise is recommended both for its’ weight loss benefits, as well for your overall health. Just some simple cardiovascular exercise and some slight weight training can go a long way to help you reach your fitness goals much faster.
In general, how long it takes to see results with Keto Smooth depends entirely on you. While it is proven to help you enter ketosis faster, if you don’t put in a little effort, you will still struggle to see the results you desire.
Final Thoughts
Simply put, Keto Smooth is arguably the best keto weight loss supplement on the market. It has a proven history of helping dieters reach their weight loss goals without nasty side effects of so many other products.
If you’re ready to get slimmer, are tired of feeling sluggish, and want to finally reach your desired weight, then you need to head over to the official website of Keto Smooth and begin your weight loss journey today!
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wazafam · 4 years
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Now that Agnes has been revealed as WandaVision's real villain Agatha Harkness, how is she linked to notorious Marvel demon Mephisto? Many comic book readers have speculated on his involvement in the show, and while there have been several Mephisto references sprinkled throughout, it is not entirely outside the realm of possibility that the Marvel menace may make an outright appearance. To explore Mephisto and Agatha's potential impact on the MCU, we must first look at their comic book origins.
Long-suspected by viewers to be comic book sorceress Agatha Harkness, Agnes finally introduced her true magical self on episode 7 titled "Breaking the Fourth Wall." Wanda is at her wit's end, having disrupted the already established boundaries of her fantasy world to save Vision. In a homage to classic sitcoms Modern Family and The Office, Wanda sends the kids off with Agnes and takes the day to unwind – that is, until Monica Rambeau confronts her about Westview. Agnes whisks Wanda away for tea at her place, but instead of finding the twins, she discovers the basement lair of Agatha Harkness, whose intentions in Westview are insidious at best.
Related: Why WandaVision's TV Signal Dies In Episode 7
Wanda can hardly react before Agatha takes control of her with a wave of her hand. Agatha's role in WandaVision seems to vary dramatically from the elderly part-time governess of the comics, as it leans more into her being the big baddie of the series. That said, Mephisto could still make an appearance in the last two episodes and wreak havoc well into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Let's take a look at how their connection is developed in the comics as opposed to on television.
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While Agatha Harkness and Mephisto do not work together in the comics, they share a connection through Scarlet Witch. Both characters have been around for millennia, but Agatha has been decidedly less evil than Marvel's version of the devil. Agatha works as a governess for Reed Richards' son Franklin and as a mentor and teacher to Wanda. Her main villainous act in regard to Scarlet Witch in the comics is wiping any memory of Billy and Tommy from her mind, thereby causing Scarlet Witch to go insane, enact the "House of M" events, and kill Agatha.
Mephisto, on the other hand, is a staunch demonic presence in the Marvel comic universe. He's menaced the lives of several Avengers and has a hand in Tommy and Billy's birth. Unbeknownst to Wanda, the energy she uses to bring the twins to life includes fragments of Mephisto's being. Later on, supervillain Pandemonium, who has made a deal with Mephisto after losing his arms in a car crash, kidnaps and reabsorbs the twins into his new arms, which are revealed to be extensions of Mephisto's soul. Billy and Tommy are erased forever, at least until they're resurrected as Wiccan and Speed in later issues. Mephisto and Agatha may not have been planning anything together explicitly, but their characters prove detrimental to Wanda's sanity and tie directly to her twins.
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Agatha masks her identity throughout most of WandaVision, appearing simply as an overly helpful, busybody neighbor. In her official theme song "Agatha All Along," Agatha manipulates several characters and secretly changes the narrative's course. She even admits to murdering Wanda's dog, Sparky. It seems a bit like Agatha and Mephisto's characters were fused into one terrible villain, judging by her actions. While both versions of Agatha maintain a friendly relationship with Wanda, WandaVision's portrayal is decidedly more deceptive.
Related: WandaVision's Hidden Credits Message Explained
Though there have been several hints to Mephisto's inclusion in the show, like a blink-and-you'll-miss-it 666 in the Stark toaster commercial and Wanda's pregnancy, he hasn't been officially confirmed yet. This is a major change from the comics, since his role has not been made apparent. Fan theories have floated around linking Mephisto to Agatha's absent husband Ralph or the very entity responsible for making Wanda's fake reality possible. Establishing a clear and definitive relationship between Agatha and Mephisto would be a nice deviation from the comics.
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While Mephisto has not appeared in the flesh, "the devil is in the details" as Agatha says in an earlier episode. Perhaps Agatha's mysterious magic book in the basement could be linked to resurrecting Mephisto, since Tommy and Billy are a part of him in the comics. It could be that Agatha is also working with him to feed off the cosmic energy that is powering Westview. An image has also been circulating showing a demonic face carved into one of Agatha's underground columns. If Mephisto isn't there yet, he's surely on his way.
Another hint at Mephisto's possible involvement is the green cicada Wanda spots on the curtain at Agatha's house. While this insect is traditionally a symbol of rebirth and transformation, it could also be a stand-in for Mephisto's comic book appearance as a fly. Additionally, Agatha's pet rabbit may have demonic ties, since Señor Scratchy shares a name with both Agatha's villainous comic book son Nicholas Scratch and Old Scratch, the devil's nickname. Whereas Agatha's comic book counterpart owns a black cat who can morph into a fearsome wildcat, only time will tell if Señor Scratchy possesses similar abilities.
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There’s also episode 7's Nexus commercial connection. While not necessarily a link to Agatha, it does provide insight into where Doctor Strange 2 may be headed. The Nexus is a cross-dimensional gateway to other realities. In alternate reality Earth-12101, for example, Dreadpool, a crazier and more unhinged version of Deadpool, shows up and kills Doctor Strange and Wong. As the sequel does explore the Multiverse of Madness, Agatha's big reveal and her manipulation of Wanda likely form the main conflict Doctor Strange must contend with.
As WandaVision draws to a close, it is entirely possible Mephisto will have his proper introduction. With Agatha's rising control over Wanda and likely Westview, there is no doubt that some greater evil will threaten to destroy Wanda's fantasy world. As her family is already splintered, it'll be compelling to watch how Agatha and Mephisto fit into the grander scheme of the MCU.
Next: Who Is Agatha Harkness? WandaVision's Real Villain Explained
WandaVision's Real Villain's Link To Mephisto Explained from https://ift.tt/3qIWEm6
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How to choose a car insurance company in Nashville. One of the biggest determinants of your rate is your record of driving. According to the NAIC, in Nashville, an insurance company is looking at you as high as you are to determine how high they are to determine how likely you are to make a claim. One of the factors that insurance companies consider is your credit history or driving history, and your premium. Even though you’re probably a new driver, your driving record can impact what you can expect to pay for car insurance. In Nashville, for instance, drivers who maintain speeding and distracted driving tickets could pay around $500 more per year than someone with a good driving record. In Nashville, however, drivers with a clean record could pay as little as $1238 annually while those with a speeding ticket could pay anywhere from $1,500 to $2,400 annually. The best way to get the cheapest car insurance rates in Nashville for you and your family is to compare quotes from the insurance companies involved in your search..
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