#like hopefully I'm moving soon anyway but 😬
aleksa-sims · 8 months
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The next day D. & I went to my parents to pick up our cat and some of my stuff.  Last night, we talked again. We decided to just stay together for now, to see..... how things will turn out.
There was also something else D. told me. Since he was getting better while he was away, he thought about starting his own business, bcs he quit his job. My Dad offered to help him.
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The two had this in mind anyway. They talked about it months ago and now it was time to inplement things. I don’t want to go into too much detail rn. It will explain itself over time.
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Mom: You have to take your pills regularly, D. This is important! The same goes for you, A.! The more time passes, the better you’ll be and hopefully..... forget what happend. 😞
Dad (to Daniel): The main thing is that you are safe & fine. Soon we have a lot to do and distraction is always good! But one thing I want to mention again. No matter what probs you two have, even if you relapse, talk to us!! None of us will blame you for asking for help. We want you two to be well, okay?
Daniel: Yea, I got it. 😔
Dad: And what about you A.?
Me: Yea, ok! But I want you to help D. with that job thing.
Dad: Of course I’ll help him. And actually we could start immediately, but if we proceed as planned and discussed, it may be that you and Daniel have to move. 😕
Me: Um... okay. I am prepared to do whatever it takes. 🙂(😟)
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Daniel (to me): You...are really ready to move? To.... my house!? 😯
Me: We’ve talked about it before, and..... now that I’m pregnant, why not? You, me and.................. our Baby? 😳
Daniel: I love you, so I’ll love your Baby, too. Our Baby! And well, N.'s Baby. 🤨
Mom: Are you serious about this, D.? Can- and do you even want that?? 😟
Daniel: Yes!
Me: We decided to try and I have to talk to N. about it too.
Dad: However you decide to continue, together or .... separately, I will help Daniel. I’m just clarifying this, so you don’t make your decision dependent on that.
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My Dad and Daniel kept talking about their new plans, while my Mom couldn't stop asking me questions.
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Mom: You really wanna move? You know what kind of... strange things his mother did there. In that house! 😟
Me: It's a pretty house. I like it there. And she moved out, it's all fine. Besides, I have other worries rn, as you know.
Mom: That’s what I’ve been trying to make clear to you these past few weeks. But well, now you're pregnant. Either you two accept this and move on, or you’re really getting a divorce.
Me: He wants us to stay together. And actually I want the same. I don't wanna lose him.... I’m moving back to our apartment with him for a short while, see if Daniel and I can make it? And, I'm gonna talk to N. I don’t want to disappoint N. or hurt him. I have to come up with something. A soloution! 😟🤯
Mom: In other words, it's either/or? There is no other way out, A.!
Me: Who says that? You?.... I’m gonna do what’s right for me, Daniel and Nico, not for you or anyone else. 😒
Mom: What are you trying to tell me?.... You can’t do the same thing you did back then. This isn't normal!.. And you were unhappy! That’s not what you want! And I’m sure Daniel won’t agree with that. 😦
Me: I'm going to do what I got to do.
Mom: I know you A.! You won’t do anything. You will wait until one of them.......... goes nuts.
Me: I don’t think so. 😒
Just before Daniel and I wanted to leave, Ana also had some questions for me.😩
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Me: Everything you are about to say, drop it pls.
Ana: Um.... ok! Have you had makeup sex? Or, no! I’d rather call it... homecoming-sex.🧐 I mean, you didn’t really fight, he just... took off.🤷‍♀️
Me: No, we didn’t!! We talked!
Ana: Then it's obvious! You want N.! With him you couldn’t wait even 24 hours. Plus, he knocked you up. 🤷‍♀️😬
Me: Ah...yup. You know, we'll see S. later. Are you joining us?
Ana: Nah! Sounds like a double date, I really don’t feel like it. I have other plans. And now go and have fun with your..... man. 😏
Me: Who are you having fun with, Ana? 🤨 Dennis?
Ana: Are you jealous of me for Dennis? 😜
Me: Ugh!... NO! 😖
Ana: Don't worry, sis. I’m not dating Dennis, a messed up guy. NO thanks! I have fun...... with myself. 😄
Me: Hmm?... I know you Ana! You have a secret. And you know me, baby sis. I'll uncover it. 😏💁‍♀️
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Ana: Weirdo!
Ana really had a secret. At first I thought she was back with Adam or something, but no, it wasn’t Adam. Just that much, I get why she kept it a secret. 🤭
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aria-ashryver · 5 months
hows the chap in the works going?
Ooh I wrote another 1500 words for it yesterday! I made myself emotional so hopefully its good haha. No idea when it'll be done, but god i want it to be soon lol
Spoilers for Starlight CH42 "Snow In Crimson" under the cut 👀
I am so GLADDDD Joaquin is finally back in the picture!!! We are picking up in the midst of battle, and I'm including the bit where Lewyn uses silver shrapnel bombs at the hospital and some of the Clements get hit -- so in that moment, Luca snaps to action
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‘One chance,’ the guy snarled, leaning close. Human though he was, his words had an inhuman edge to them; the anger in him lethal. Owl sucked in a careful breath.
A firm pressure at his abdomen told him the kid had a knife pressed to his hunter leathers.
‘He loves you.’ He cut his eyes at Gabriel, his voice strained with fury. ‘He misses you every fucking day. I will give you. One. Chance. To make this right. Come with us, or take your chances here on your own. Libby, move!’
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And they actually wind up fighting the rebels together for a little bit! Its tense, but its the start of something Joaquin hadn't considered possible: that maybe there is a chance the hunters could work together with the vampires in some capacity.
(The vampires that aren't killing humans all the time, anyway)
We get to see Luca's utter dumpster fire of a father -- there is a scene with Terri, Wayne, and Seth, and Seth hates him immediately.
There is also a scene of Astoria duelling the Supreme One with Joel and Nathaniel.
We are also following the "inject vampire blood in the human and get the Creator to take a bite" route, but with some canon divergence 👀. Joaquin is actually the one to suggest it.
(I like that regular vampires can drink each other's blood in SICSIG, but I'm holding onto the part where Creator vampires can't drink of their progeny. Its a nice power check for all the ungodly power they've been handed, natures way of keeping balance etc etc.)
Luca has a conversation with the Supreme One! (Oooh its fun and weird to write these ancient and powerful vampires)
Gabriel tells Cas he loves him 🥺
Aaaaand Luca nearly dies, like in canon. Only, this time, they are not getting turned straight away 👀
It will probably be a bit of an angsty chapter (I'm actually killing off minor characters for the first time 😬), but then the FOLLOWING chapter is the Christmas chapter!!
And its hopefully gonna bring so much fluff to counterbalance the action, and Viktor will be there, and Morag will be there, and Gabriel makes coquitos to have on Christmas day at the O'Rinn's house, but then he leaves the container in the fridge, so he ducks back home to pick them up, and who should he find sitting all broody and introspective on the porch but Joaquin????
Good times good times 😊💖
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pedrospatch · 1 year
I felt so many emotions with this latest chapter from A Safe Haven that I don't even know where to begin with.
I'm so glad for Joel finally taking some action, and it was right in the beginning of the chapter although it was rushed - I found it really lovely, I'm was 😍😍😍😍 the entre scene for them and for Ellie and Dina as well.
But Luke oh, I hate him so much. He reminds me of David in some aspects and I'm hoping Joel will soon kick his ass along side Tommy when everyone find out that he's an abusive prick.
Anyway, I'm been keeping up with this story for a while but only now I found the guts to come and say something, sorry 'bout that 😅 I'm been enjoying this fic so much, your writing it's endearing and I can't wait for more!
Have a nice weekend 🥰😘
aw don’t be sorry, thank you so much for taking the time to drop by and leave me your thoughts, you have no idea how much I appreciate it! 💗
oh yeah, it was rushed lmao. tbh the kiss originally wasn’t going to be this chapter, in my first outline of this fic I was going to stretch things out and the entire series was gonna be like 15+ chapters long and then I worried it would be too boring or too much of a slow burn so I went a different route where from this point on it’s gonna move pretty fast but hopefully I can write it in a way where even though it’s fast it’s not awful 😬
plus I have another series I’m writing so I was like I gotta get the ball rolling 😂
yeah unfortunately Luke does give off certain David vibes doesn’t he 🤢
thank you so much for reading and for taking the time to leave me feedback! ❤️
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itshyuka · 1 year
I think I'll use this little guy as an emoji 🦜
First off!! What did you think of do it like that? It still hasn't grown on me 😭
This is gonna be a long ask 😬
How did you get covid?? Glad to know you're better now!!
What courses you failed? Was it because it was hard or it was getting too much? I think I'll become a villain if/when I fail 🦔
That talk about immune system reminded me of a cousin who was working in a kindergarten and she was telling about the kids coughing in hers and the teachers face 😭
Didn't know you are from Australia!! The accent is everything! I hope that in the future I can visit there, after I (hopefully) graduate and start working.
True!! Life truly is full of surprises
My crushing life always sabotages me!! For real. So the first one is from my class 😶 and he's super smart, really cute and is into this one thing that I'm really into too!! How fantastic! But after watching him I saw that he wears a ring and after, you know, some stalking yeah he's definitely taken.
The 2nd one is from another course. Now, I remember seeing him during the first week there and thinking damn he's really cute!! After making some friends in class this other girl, my colleague, was talking about her crush on him to our group slsjskks and I was like well not like I was gonna make a move anyway. But!!! Turns out he's taken too 🫠
There's probably a lot other more, there's this one so far I have only seen twice, at the bus stop. He wears glasses /actually all three of them do!!/ And god such a cutie, no idea if he's taken or not, but with the way my lucky works if he's not he's gonna be soon. All the guys I end up liking get a gf after some time.
Don't know if this is worth noting, I feel like a teenager but I'm actually over 21, and definitely a late bloomer, still waiting to bloom!
hahaha that’s okay, love a long ask in this house 😌 also ahhhh i'm so sorry this is like a 3 month old ask HAHAHAHHA
anyway to summarise really quickly! do it like that was okay, it wasn't my favourite. the recent collab though! that's a bop. also i think i got COVID on the flight back home from a holiday asjdfh it affected me for like a solid two weeks after i recovered as well 💀 also yes to loving the australian accent hasfjkashjkf i love having it even if mine isn't the strongest.
i completely failed one of my tax courses and then i bungled a finance exam or two hahahahahah it was all becoming too much at this point bc i KNEW i didn’t want to be an accountant anymore, so my motivation to study was blah. but i’d already committed 4 years, what was one extra year…. so i decided to just finish it and move on to a masters 🥲
ANYWAY THE IMPORTANT PART!!! I saw your update about ring guy being actually married which sucks but oh well. it's always the cute guys that are already taken zzzz HOW ARE ALL THE OTHERS????? I'M IN NEED OF UPDATES 💖 also it's okay to be a late bloomer!! i wish i was single more in my early 20s askdjfh (but i feel like that also comes from a wacky place of privilege to some.... maybe...... either way wholesome authentic friendships are also AMAZING relationships too!!!! i'm only now realising how important friends are to me vvv late in the game)
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Maybe Zlatan should've appeared in HT instead cause that S*cc*r movie looks strange kshshdhshsdhhsjs
Listen, it was my friend's idea, he always got us in trouble 😭 girl I was bleeding, the bucket hat was red though lmao. Thankfully didn't get a concussion or anything.
Ahhhh tbh I agree with mama Baek. Ofc I feel bad for Meghan, they way the Royals treat her and the royal suckers... the racism and misogyny jumped out. Harry was always the black sheep, so good for him for being a decent person. On one hand I enjoy they're airing the royal's dirty laundry, on the other hand they're definitely profiting off this drama and it's a bit 😬
Someone please edit Pepe dancing to Wa Da Da 🥰👌🏻 Bestie my life is a constant battle, I have many more stories. Proof I can survive without water, I'm invincible. Decaying, but still standing!
The hockey lady got a concussion 💀 yeah it looked baaaaad, like wtf
It can't be a SuJu member, I think SM isn't that stupid.......... exactly, everything about GOT is bad, except the ladies themselves. Taeyeon's promo photos?! 🙏🏻
That's my gripe with people, I don't like lipsync, but sometimes it happens so let's not lie, especially if you can clearly SEE them lips moving differently or not moving at all lol. But if Atinys on the blue bird app say the mics were on, they were on 🔫
My Way is so underrated, I'm glad it's on the setlist though I won't experience it live again anytime soon 💔💔💔💔 Promise my beloved! 3 years.... that's not right
Just pay Hwa to stand there and stare into the camera idc at this point! Hire him!
I was iffy about LSF choreography in Fearless as well, the floor work hmmmm idk about that. Their concepts are definitely a bit too mature for a minor. But Baby Monster oh no it's gonna be bad and I know it 🤡
Why would you remind me of Seonghwa showing off his hands on Showterview?!?!
Men are disappointing "dancing is harder with longer hair" bestie it's not even that long and female idols are good, suck it up! Yeosang can lift dumbbells, but some hair is stopping him, ffs 🤬 and when will San grow his hair again 😭 hopefully Seonghwa doesn't get a bowl cut or goes bald anytime soon, because that's always a slap in the face
Uhm Hoshi, Taeyong and Wooyoung should be bad shoes besties lmao. Though TY in heels? A slay if you ask me.
I HATE LOVE TRIANGLES, but this time I'm actually a bit torn... someone said the main guy looks a bit like Taehyung 😶 anyway the triangles haunt me. I saw Serena yes, my friend started reading it on a different app some time ago. I saw long haired guy and clicked so fast
I knew it'd be Tomorrow before even clicking. <3 Yesterday I actually recommended it to someone because they wanted a drama with minimum romance, lmao
Yeah I can't believe this hoery. LIVE ON TV?! Thots?
Hold on what now BOXER?! And a kitty boy 😭 That was his fan sign look? 💀 also they're starting their fan signs era again, woooo can't wait to see the same bitches post photos and videos. Actually the last photos are from a shitty fansite 🔪
BAEK WHAT IS THIS QUIZ me: has never been in a relationship - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Maybe Zlatan should've appeared in HT instead cause that S*cc*r movie looks strange kshshdhshsdhhsjs //// Listen, it was my friend's idea, he always got us in trouble 😭 girl I was bleeding, the bucket hat was red though lmao. Thankfully didn't get a concussion or anything.
aND I WOULDVE ACTUALLY WATCHED IT IF HE WAS IN IT FBFBF,,, i think theres two of the most american things in that movie, the word soccer and superman lookalike <//3 I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST A BUMP BUT U WERE BLEEDING???? 😭😭😭😭
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Ahhhh tbh I agree with mama Baek. Ofc I feel bad for Meghan, they way the Royals treat her and the royal suckers... the racism and misogyny jumped out. Harry was always the black sheep, so good for him for being a decent person. On one hand I enjoy they're airing the royal's dirty laundry, on the other hand they're definitely profiting off this drama and it's a bit 😬
not even mama baek its the whole family who thinks the same fbwndhh tbh whatever part of what meghan’s saying is actually true, then its absolutely disgusting, the news outlets are really going to 🔫🔫🔫 but i do think harry has lost it bECAUSE I DO NOT WANNA KNOW IF HIS COCKADODDLE WAS FROSTBITTEN OR HOW HE LOST HIS VIRGINITY OR WHO WAS CIRCUMSIZED AND WHO WAS NOT 😭😭😭 everything i have learnt about them is against my will,, i think they should just stop atp and live in their mansions drama free, u left the royal family but u definitely didn’t leave it with the way ur profiting off of them 😭😭😭 like harry i like u but pls, shut up 😭😭😭
Someone please edit Pepe dancing to Wa Da Da 🥰👌🏻 Bestie my life is a constant battle, I have many more stories. Proof I can survive without water, I'm invincible. Decaying, but still standing! //// The hockey lady got a concussion 💀 yeah it looked baaaaad, like wtf
LMFAOOOO STOP him being in a kpop edit would actually end me 😭😭 pepe having daughters is so funny bc how will their bfs ask for their hand when a whole monster is sitting in front of 😭😭 YOU NEED TO WRITE A BOOK WITH ALL THESE STORIES WITH THESE CONSTANT SURVIVAL MISSIONS U GO ON 😭😭 decaying but standing 😭😭🤚🏻 a living breathing archaeological find truly
It can't be a SuJu member, I think SM isn't that stupid.......... exactly, everything about GOT is bad, except the ladies themselves. Taeyeon's promo photos?! 🙏🏻
TAEYEON HERSELF??? 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻 my lord and saviour, but seulgi kang 😭😭😩 hopefully no suju member and just max but i heard from twt that they might bring lookas back and its 🔫
That's my gripe with people, I don't like lipsync, but sometimes it happens so let's not lie, especially if you can clearly SEE them lips moving differently or not moving at all lol. But if Atinys on the blue bird app say the mics were on, they were on 🔫
the ive one had me crying 😭😭 me pretending to be an idol singing in a concert would do a better job at lip syncing than them WHAT WENT WRONG !!! the lips and the way a face moves when they sing, u COULDNT SEE IT 😭😭 twt atinys got the last word in every damn thing
My Way is so underrated, I'm glad it's on the setlist though I won't experience it live again anytime soon 💔💔💔💔 Promise my beloved! 3 years.... that's not right //// Just pay Hwa to stand there and stare into the camera idc at this point! Hire him!
its such a dreamy song! and the lyrics truly are one of their best <33 NO ATEEZ CONCERT?? NO PROBLEM, GROUPS ARE COMING BACK WE WILL SEE THEM FIRST!! need promise on the set list bc not having it play on every concert is a disgrace,,, 3 years to answer and 10 years to igab 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ NO SERIOUSLY JUST HIRE HIM, GIVE HIM ONE CHANCE
I was iffy about LSF choreography in Fearless as well, the floor work hmmmm idk about that. Their concepts are definitely a bit too mature for a minor. But Baby Monster oh no it's gonna be bad and I know it 🤡 //// Why would you remind me of Seonghwa showing off his hands on Showterview?!?!
oh ur right the floor work 💀💀 bestie just when i thought things would not get worse, we see this baby mon will start their songs “im so cool, so different ain’t no one like me” with a use of every aave term ever,, FBWMDBWMHDKSJCJC HOW COULD I NOT
le sserafim who???
Men are disappointing "dancing is harder with longer hair" bestie it's not even that long and female idols are good, suck it up! Yeosang can lift dumbbells, but some hair is stopping him, ffs 🤬 and when will San grow his hair again 😭 hopefully Seonghwa doesn't get a bowl cut or goes bald anytime soon, because that's always a slap in the face
sigh,,, men. ITS NOT EVEN THAT LONG EXACTLY IT REACHED BELOW UR EARS!!!!! GIRLIES GOT HAIR REACHING BELOW THEIR ASS COME ON 😭😭😭 when will san, when will he grow his hair i need to feel something, its a dangerous request but im ready to face it 🫡,,,, and if he goes under cut <3
Uhm Hoshi, Taeyong and Wooyoung should be bad shoes besties lmao. Though TY in heels? A slay if you ask me.
U ARE CORRECT!!! I WOULD ALSO ADD HOBU BC SOME OF THEM ARE QUESTIONABLE !!!!! ty in heels?? ty in general is a slay 💓💓
I HATE LOVE TRIANGLES, but this time I'm actually a bit torn... someone said the main guy looks a bit like Taehyung 😶 anyway the triangles haunt me. I saw Serena yes, my friend started reading it on a different app some time ago. I saw long haired guy and clicked so fast
the guy look like who 👀
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I knew it'd be Tomorrow before even clicking. <3 Yesterday I actually recommended it to someone because they wanted a drama with minimum romance, lmao //// Yeah I can't believe this hoery. LIVE ON TV?? Thots? //// And???
hehe tomorrow’s ship is forever superior but hyungsik in strong women do bong soon ☺️☺️ LIVE ON TV !!!!! TO THE KOREAN AUDIENCE !!!!!! NO SLEEVES JUST BUFFY BICEPS !!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED !!!! thots? thots. stop that’s so cute 😭😭😭 when will someone do this to me
and this! and this one is correct 🔫
Hold on what now BOXER?! And a kitty boy 😭 That was his fan sign look? 💀 also they're starting their fan signs era again, woooo can't wait to see the same bitches post photos and videos. Actually the last photos are from a shitty fansite 🔪
BOXER FJQKHDKWJDKS U TRIGGERED SOMETHING IN ME FOR A SECOND I HAD TO WALK IT OFF BFMWBDKS the fansign era starting im already seeing the online ones 😭😭😭 and we’ll see them for the entire month
BAEK WHAT IS THIS QUIZ me: has never been in a relationship - DV 💖
LMFAOOOO STOP ANONNNNN WHAT A SURPRISE 👁👄👁🤚🏻🤚🏻 god bless me for this one
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he is majestic
tell me 🔫 cillian murphy & heath ledger are the only correct answers
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
god apparently my landlord is doing an inspection on tuesday but he doesn't know that I have pets so on top of having to clean my entire apartment I'm going to have to hide all evidence of rabbits and find a place for them to go for the whole day -_-
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend and I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the RNM premiere soon!! My spoiler free review is 🙄😒🙄😒. For fun, thought I'd share something from one of Hollier's many interviews about this season. When talking about exploring the Isobel/Kyle vs. the Isobel/Anatsa dynamic, he specifically mentioned looking at "What happens when you have two great choices?",which is the closest we'll get them acknowledging that the S2 "triangle" involved one not great choice. Happy viewing!
Given what we got for the season 3 premier (that 🤢🤮 “dream girl” line denying Alex any agency to be angry and setting up the character assassination of Soft Elementary School Greg, m*ria lashing out at Michael and being purposefully mean about his relationship with Alex, knowing they weren’t together, the cringy “men have needs” line and f*rlex sex, etc), this episode was SO much better. Yeah, I’ve got issues with some things but this episode is the first one I had a mostly good time watching in quite a while, so I’m taking the win because I doubt the rest of the season will be the same.
I am planning on doing my sparks/did not spark joy posts this season but I’m behind this week and will be out of town the start of next week but after that I should hopefully be getting them done by mid-week, so stay tuned for that! I'll have gathered more of my salty thoughts by then, I'm sure! (WHERE is the mention of my girl Rosa? How is she doing? Who knows! Not fucking us, that's for sure. Is Sanders okay or is he still laid out in the junkyard where they left him in the finale and then never spoke about him again? Let me see my grouchy old man-dad! I want to hear what he has to say about Malex moving in together! ANYWAY)
I am cackling at that quote because it’s definitely got some shade! I mean, we all been knew, but it's nice to hear all the same. BUT, I am soooooo tired of this show that in the very first episode set the alien soulmate premise when Isobel told Max that it had been 10 years (of no contact mind you) and he needed to move on and he said “if I could have, I would have”, and then spent the rest of the show trying to pair these people up with others! Stop it! Now, I’m fairly ambivalent about Anatsa, but I am clocking that “reporter doesn’t care who could be in danger as long as they can break the Big Story” thing that is surely coming and I JUST got rid of one soulless reporter on 911, I don’t need to deal with another. Also, she slept with Max which is STILL WEIRD and her showing up to Max and Liz’s house is 😬😬😬 especially because they just, refuse to address these things on the show. That said, I have always enjoyed the scenes Anatsa is in as their own things and I don’t dislike her, I think the show made some poor choices but I’m not going to skip her scenes or anything. But love triangles are played out and my soooo little sense in destined soulmates stories unless the story wants to focus on fighting destiny but RNM is flaky about that at best. Also, while I think flustered Isobel is cute, after spending so much of her life being in relationships with lies and being uncomfortable, she deserves a relationship she can relax in. Also also, this is the last season and I want cute moments with her and Kyle and instead we are getting another love triangle and Sad Kyle for likely most of the season. But at least her and Anatsa’s scenes are watchable and cute!
Thanks for the ask and I know you’re busy moving and stuff and I’m going on vacation vacation on Friday (not just to see family but going to an ocean-side condo in TX) so if you don’t have time to send a song this week that’s fine! I am unsure how much I will be online, it depends on how early my mom goes to bed because I am a Night Owl when I’m allowed to be, but if you DO have something, I’ll do my best to get to it before Monday! Always good to hear from you bestie!
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