#like i can't actually imagine seeing a famous person on the street and trying to get them to sign something etc
lascapigliata · 11 months
my brother's gf works at [insert famous talk show here] and every once in a while i'm like. should i keep track of who's going to be on the show so if they come on i can get tickets to be in the audience and try to meet them which i think she could do! and then i remember that most of me actually does not want to meet a celebrity at all in that kind of capacity
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fanneyxxx · 3 months
My little #OoD Au hcs:
About the whole AU:
- Both are in the yakuza, Kenshi is the oyabun (the leader of this whole organization). This organization is spread all over Tokyo and every other gang is afraid of them.
- They deal with all types of crime except r*pe, because Kenshi considers it unforgivable, Johnny too. No matter how dangerous they are, they never k1ll innocents.
- One day, Johnny was in danger while leaving a bar drunk, and Kenshi saved his life. They stayed together and it turned out that Johnny suffered from depression because his wife left him. He was in Tokyo because of filming. Slowly, Kenshi fell in love with Johnny and started helping him in every way he can, so lovesick Johnny was slowly absorbed into Kenshi's fledgling organization. Everything was kept secret.
- Kenshi and Johnny are both very rich, so they live in a huge house in a hidden part of Tokyo.
- Kenshi taught Johnny how to help him run the business, and it turned out that he could also be of great use as an assassin due to Johnny's brutal fists.
- Johnny gave up his entire career for Kenshi. He disappeared from the TV screens and forgotted his name with the wider world.
- He also changed his name to Johnny Cage from John Carlton because of that
- Kenshi is not completely blind, but he needs Sento's help to see normally
OoD Johnny:
Johnny was an actor, he also had a wife who left him. After that, Johnny tried to move on by filming in new places, so he chose Tokyo. Just like other usual evenings, one day he got drunk there and got into a fight with a couple of street guys, who beat him bloody. Kenshi noticed this on the way home and immediately went to help Johnny. He took him home and started treating the wounds that Johnny got. He stayed with him all night, not knowing what to do, and the next morning they discussed what had happened. Johnny was very grateful to him and Kenshi insisted that they keep in touch. Months then years pass like this and Johnny slowly got into Kenshi's heart and then into the yakuza too.
- crazy villain but still emotional
- He completely changed after meeting Kenshi
- He makes decisive and well-planned decisions, he is actually a genius
- Funny and always joking in serious situations
- Deep down there's an insecure John Carlton but just very very deep down
- He gets angry easily, and when he's angry, he creates a lot of drama
- He never cared about homophobes, he always knew that he was bi, a very confident and romantic person
- His love language is physical touch, but he is easily gets flustered when Kenshi flirts with him with gentle and kind words
- Not a morning person
- he loves to bathe with Kenshi or just alone, I imagine they have a huge bathroom with a big gold ornate bathtub and a chandelier, plants everywhere. He thinks its so fancy.
- Definitely a cuddler, but he doesn't talk about it because it's not a badass thing
- He likes to party with or without Kenshi
- His fav drink is malibu with pineapple juice
- He also does the paperwork since Kenshi can't see properly, he also loves cooking
- Kenshi is usually very busy, so he also does the laundry when the cleaners can't do it
- He never makes mistakes when it comes to m*rder. He doesn't proud of it but he loves Kenshi too much to care about these things.
- He is very harsh with people, even his own close friends in the gang
- He likes the color blue, but since Kenshi's fav is red, sometimes he wears red as well too
- He loves fur coats
OoD Kenshi:
He never had a lover as he was too busy trying to take over the organization from his father. He didn't want to be a gangster, but fate wanted it that way, which led to the fact that he became the most famous among the other gangs. When he met Johnny, something changed in him.
- He is so badass like a true oyabun
- He knows no mercy, only because of Johnny he holds himself back sometimes
- He is better with words than actions
- He was born visually impaired, he hates that sometimes he needs help he finds it annoying (but there's Sento for him)
- hates pity ofc
- Not very emotional, only with Johnny. He thinks that in a profession like this, it is better to turn off your emotions sometimes.
- he always preferred showering, but he loves bathing with Johnny for hours (he has to because Johnny wants the princess treatment)
- he has been smoking since he was 17 years old. Johnny only smokes when he is upset or when he just wants to be in heaven for a while
- He slept like a statue until now, but otherwise he likes to cuddle with Johnny late at night (he doesn't have a choice)
- morning person because he has a lot to do every day
- If he's not sending Johnny to take care of someone, he'll go with his katana himself
- A very silent killer, everyone is afraid of him
- He loves red, even his mansion is red themed and fancy
- in love with suits
- At first it was very new to Kenshi
- Johnny didn't fully trust Kenshi at first because he thought he would just take advantage of him. But Kenshi quickly showed him that he could trust him and that he loves him with all his heart
- Their love is sometimes very chaotic and romantic at the same time
- They form a very iconic pair among gangsters, many people only refer to them as the blue-red couple
- They are ready to die for each other at any time
- Kenshi never thought about whether he was gay or not, freestyle, he just fell in love
- Kenshi is the more dominant partner of the couple although it doesn't show, Johnny likes to take the lead when it comes to discussions with others
- Kenshi was obsessed with Johnny at first it was almost scary
- Both of them are crazy but so lovelydovley
- Kenshi is often very busy and doesn't have time for Johnny, so Johnny feels ignored
- Kenshi also has a hard time showing his emotions, mostly only succeeding in bed
- Johnny doesn't like being called a wh*re (only likes it when Kenshi says it)
- Johnny only had one breakdown where he actually cried when he had a big fight with Kenshi
- Kenshi sometimes hates the things he has to sacrifice or do
- Johnny is a power bottom and Kenshi is a top, obviously okay
- When they do it its never meaningless, Kenshi likes to show his love for Johnny
- definitely had hate sx
- Kenshi often speaks japanese when they're at it
- One of the things that made Johnny fall more hopelessly in love with Kenshi was the aftercare every time. Kenshi thinks that this is very important even after all the aggressiveness
- doesn't matter where are they
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mister-eames · 11 months
2/? comes from but more to separate arthur BD (Before Dreamshare) from Arthur AD (After Dreamshare).2. Similarly, is Eames from a wealthy background?3. Secret talents or hobbies? (I have a tendency to imagine Arthur as being extremely acrobatic & musically/rhythmically gifted. Thanks, JGL! Also I once read a fic where arthur could do parkour & the brain went BRRR! Good, yes, thank you.)4. Pet names given to arthur by eames that arthur (secretly) likes? Eames' favourite pet names for Arthur?
2. Ahhh Eames, Eames, Eames. Eamsie. I love all headcanons on his background, from wealth, to nobility, to very humble beginnings.
Eames is interesting, that way. When I'm trying to write Eames, in my head I try and justify how he got to where he is and which parts of him are a) parts of his personality that developed as an adult, and b) which are just quintessential, born-this-way 'Eames'. You know, like, he's a self-deprecating, underachieving over-achiever who gladly goes under the radar. Middle child. Has always been a shit-stirrer.
I think he walks and talks like old money and that is not a front or an act he's put on. I also don't necessarily mean that makes his family ostentatiously wealthy, or that he grew up in a mansion or whatever - but I think he grew up, at least for a time, financially comfortable. Middle-class, maybe, or what used to be middle class - could afford hobbies and take-out and movies on the weekend, could take annual vacations without straining the family budget. He learned the value of money the hard way later in life.
3. Secret talents/hobbies: Arthur I can definitely see as being talented vocally, something he doesn't have to work very hard at. He's insanely good at Jeopardy and trivia. Sucks at actual human languages but is a whiz at computer coding and taming machines, like car motors and PASIV's. Hobbies? He loves getting his hands greasy in a motor and making a car purr. Baseball. Loves going to a game at Citi Field and hearing Eames lovingly complain about how cricket is better. Avid collector of knick-knacks and could spend an entire day at yard sales and markets.
Eames - I mean, art is the obvious one, fanon wise and in my heart. I don't think he's an art snob by any means, I think he'd pay a street artist what someone else would pay for a famous painting (that Eames would steal). As the chronic underachieving over-achiever Eames has hundreds, if not thousands of his own paintings that he considers 'incomplete' but can't bring himself to finish. I'm taking this from Tom but has a genuine passion for animals, dogs in particular, not that he lets anyone know, but he's never met a fluffy animal he didn't want to pet. Will watch any animal documentary ever.
4. Look, I am such a sucker for pet names, no matter the fandom/OTP. It doesn't have to be 'babe' or 'pumpkin' it can just be a play/shortening on their actual name---still valid!! Love is STORED in the pet names/nicknames!! And Inception fandom is a bountiful trove for this and it makes me so happy!! Anyway!!! Back to your question!! 😂
Pet names given to arthur by eames that arthur (secretly) likes? - 'Darling', of course. 'Sweetheart' because most people, including Arthur, don't think there is anything sweet about Arthur - but there is at his core, under a lot of hair gel and a surly attitude and strong work ethic, etc. I think Eames favourites are the ones he says when he is least serious, most insincere sounding while trying to annoy Arthur: "my dove, my dear, my beloved" things he says in a bored drawl just to get an eye roll out of Arthur (and to hide the earnest feeling behind them). They always be pulling pigtails these two.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
You are slowly slowly turning again like other jkkrs here. You are well reasonable some weeks ago. But now my question to you is...do you feel it's strange or not that jk hanging out alone or with other people on the same day jimin came back after 2 weeks and after that too he seen for lunch alone? If they are actually a couple...don't you think any couple surely spend their time together if one partner comes back after so many days? Isn't it weird? From past year... there just so many things which continuously indicating atleast a gap in their relationship. It seems like now normal friendship and nothing beyond that. Jimin was the last one to know about floods too...you can't compare a romantic long term healthy love relationship to some normal friendship by saying his friends didn't tell him either. I admire u more seriously when u talk about facts some weeks ago but now u again seems like really trying to like... forcing urself to believe in jikook romantically. You are talking about negative points too about them openly before...and i admired u for that but now u seems changed. But still....ur thoughts on my question above???
Dear Slowly Turning,
Exchanges like this are getting exhausting because I consistently say the same things over and over, and folks keep dismissing my points because it’s not what they want to hear.
If it seems like I’m slowly becoming like other Jikook fans, it’s because I’m slowly growing from a baby Army into a more seasoned Jikooker. And when older Army tell me it takes time to know where Jikook are at with each other, I’m starting to see they have a good point.
You say that Jungkook didn’t speak to Jimin while he was in Los Angeles. How do you know?
How do you know they never communicated?
Because Jimin didn’t know how severe the weather was in Seoul? He was 16 hours behind, totally focused on his work. NO ONE told Park Jimin about the flooding, not the staff with him in LA, not his collaborators in LA, not his family in Busan, nor his company in Seoul, not his news apps, and apparently not his members. Either no one spoke to him, OR he just didn’t check his phone for a while because he had his head down, trying to make a fantastic solo album. He was ONE DAY behind knowing about the extent of the flooding. That’s not evidence that he and Jungkook are not romantic. That's evidence he was preoccupied.
How do you KNOW in all that time, he and JK didn’t text or chat about other things even once?
Then you say JK went to lunch on the day Jimin arrived home, so they didn’t see each other. How do you know?
How do you know they didn’t see each other?
How do you know JK’s autograph was posted on the very same day he went to the restaurant? (Or that the photo with the fan in the street was posted in real time? Sometimes folks hold that stuff back to avoid them getting swarmed.) How do you know JK didn’t see Jimin before or after these things happened? How do you know they didn’t make plans to hang out several days later, when Jimin was no longer exhausted or could be sure he didn’t bring back COVID again?
And let’s imagine they DIDN'T talk much or immediately hang out—why does that negate what seems like years of a loving relationship? They are busy; they are allowed to do things on their own without it meaning they don't love one another.
How can you say you KNOW there’s a gap between them, when you aren’t privy to all the details of their days?
Look, it’s not unreasonable to say: “I haven’t seen any evidence of Jimin and Jungkook hanging out 1:1 in their personal time for a while now, so I conclude that they MIGHT NOT BE as close as before and probably aren’t dating.”
That is not unreasonable, because that is based on the data you have right now. It is your HYPOTHESIS.
But the data you have right now is of such a limited sample size, I really have to wonder if it’s enough to draw any valid CONCLUSIONS.
I haven’t seen photos of the inside of Jimin’s home, nor of him hanging out with non-famous friends, nor of him talking to his family, nor of him preparing for the Busan expo concert.
It’s reasonable to assume that Jimin likely has a home, and sees friends, and checks in with his family, and is working on upcoming performances—but he hasn’t spoken about it and I’ve seen no photos or videos about any of that.
It would be premature for me to say that because I haven’t seen it, it doesn’t exist.
To give some examples, I had no clue Jimin was working on English lessons until he said it in the walnut Vlive. I didn’t know that Jimin was dealing with his insurance premiums issue for months. I had no idea he commissioned a billboard sign for Sungwoon’s birthday and then showed up at his house and dragged the poor guy to go see it until Sungwoon told us. I never would have known Jikook went out on White Day if fan photos hadn’t leaked. I didn’t know Jungkook and Jimin hung out after quarantine during the Grammys until Jungkook said on his Instagram “Have I seen Jiminie? OF COURSE! I ran to his room. 'JUNGKOOK-AH!'” *mimicking embracing* I hadn’t the smallest notion that Jimin recently had his wisdom teeth out until he mentioned it in his Vlog. I didn't know if JK liked the song With You for months until he sang it on HIS Vlog.
Jimin and Jungkook don’t post selcas together (though sometimes they are in the background of each other’s concert-related photos) and they don’t talk about every single time they hang out. Because despite what the cult is desperate to believe, their relationship is not just for the cameras. Sometimes we find out about ice skating and escape rooms and shopping and traveling with friends and mom’s kimchi and Bam sleeping in Jimin’s elbow and watching Marvel movies or anime or K-dramas together… long, long after it took place.
Jimin is playing it way close to the vest these days—far more than he did prior to the pandemic, that’s for sure. It’s not reaching to say we are getting carefully curated content when it comes to Park Jimin.
Listen, if my registered mail were tampered with not once but FOUR times… and photos of that mail with my exact home address and government-issued ID number were posted online so I could get stalked… and my home was “seized” by the government… and news of this “shame” was carefully held back to hit the press on the SAME DAY my first OST dropped… I’d look at all that sabotage, likely from an inside source, and I’d think twice about my closeted homosexual relationship in a conservative country that was debating the terms of my mandatory military service where gay sex acts can land me in prison… and at the very least, I’d cool it on the PDA. I’d share a lot less of myself and my lover.
If it were me, personally? I might go so far as to say, “I love you with all my heart, Jungkook, but until we are out of the military and done with our idol careers, I’m not dating you or anyone. The potential for blackmail and harassment is just too high. Let’s just be good friends.”
And making that call would be absolutely tragic, but not irresponsible or out of the blue. So yeah, it’s possible they are just friends now. Absolutely possible.
Do I think Jimin and Jungkook are dating? I genuinely do not know. I HOPE so. But hoping is not knowing.
We’re SEEING less touching, less compliments, less staring, less evidence of hanging out one-on-one since Vegas. (I would argue that we might be being shown less by design because Jimin’s “scandal” broke after Vegas.) So no one in good faith can say they are 100% sure they are together right at this moment.
But we also aren’t seeing any anger, awkwardness, stiltedness, sulkiness, disdain, or dismissal between then, nor tension among the group with regard to them. So we can’t say it’s likely they broke up, either.
My stance is “Let’s wait and see some more.” I need more content; I need to see the vibes consistently over time. (I reserve the right to change my stance at any time with new evidence.)
It’s okay if my stance is not your stance. If you’re in a rush to pronounce the Jikook ship is sunk, I’m not out to convert you to my way of thinking. You don’t need to walk by faith instead of sight; it would be unfair to ask that of you. I will still be civil with you, so long as you’re respectful of all members and other fans.
In fact, I appreciate perspectives that are very different from mine, because it helps me refine my own way of thinking by challenging any biases I might have. So long as the tone is respectful, we can talk about anything.
But please hear me when I tell you honestly where my head is at:
What I sense now between Jimin and Jungkook is affection, warmth, comfort, familiarity. I am not seeing much of boyfriend vibes, sexual attraction, pining, or deep intimate knowledge of each other’s day to day. I’m not seeing it, maybe because I need a bigger sample size. Sometimes we get evidence months or years later, and not directly from them, either.
There were people who were convinced Jikook broke up in 2020, only to find a bunch of cute moments in Memories a year later. As older Army keep reminding me: IT TAKES TIME TO GET A CLEAR PICTURE.
So please stop pressuring me to “see the light.” I really don’t care if you respect my opinions or admire my blog—I’m not out to please you, or anyone (even myself). I promise to always give an honest account of my fan experience and to discuss my ideas in good faith. But what impresses other people doesn’t factor into my choices one whit.
In the end, it’s Jimin and Jungkook's relationship. They have a right to guard it or flaunt it however they like. I have always been in love with their love, but it’s not my place to make demands on them to act a certain way just for my enjoyment or reassurance.
I hope Jimin and Jungkook are together—and if they are not, I hope they are at least happy and fulfilled creatively. I will always support them and all of BTS no matter what.
Now, this has to be the last time we go 'round about this. If you keep insisting that the flood or eating out separately means Jikook can’t be together, I’ll just delete your asks and block you. I hate to do that, but this cyclical argument is not productive.
In fact, it’s getting toxic. It’s almost like you’ve got a solo or Taekooker agenda or something. I’m not sure why you’re so dogged about the idea that Jikook just can’t be together.
So, from here on out, I won’t be typing up three pages of refuting perspective.
If you don’t believe in Jikook, that’s 100% fine by me. It truly, truly is fine by me. I really have nothing to prove, here.
But I’m reserving judgement, and you’re just going to have to make peace with that. I promise to let you know if I ever feel like I have enough data to make a call either way.
Meanwhile, go in peace and have this cute compilation of Jikookery to take with you:
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Extremely tired but trying to kindly be yours,
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sagechan · 1 day
Ratatouille has so many fucking layers to it. most Pixar movies operate on multiple levels at once, but this one is just. incredible. it's about a rat that talks to us the viewer, but not to in-movie humans. he can understand human speech though, and even read. the movie starts with a philisophical conflict between the rat and his dad about rats being thieves. the rat gets struck by lightning and lives, shot at by a shotgun and lives, nearly drowns and lives. that's all in the first 10 minutes. then he starts hallucinating a dead chef who scolds him for stealing and speaks in riddles about cooking. the dead chef's son shows up and is ordered to kill the rat after he catches the rat dancing over a pot of soup. he doesn't know he's the dead chef's son. his name is Alfredo Linguini. this guy can see that the rat understands human speech and rather than be totally freaked out by that or, like, taking the rat to the news to tell everyone in the world that an animal can understand human speech, he immediately devises a plan to keep his job by hiring the rat as his puppeteer. the man who runs the kitchen is the only person who sees the rat once the dead chef's son starts working there. he believes the rat and the secret son are going to steal his restaurant. he's correct. an hour into the movie the rat runs into his brother who takes him back to the rat colony and the movie becomes a story about chasing your dreams vs staying with your family. but it's still a story about making vs stealing. but it's also still a story about trying to fit in and finding you can fit in with other outcasts. the rat's dad takes him to see dead rats hanging in a window. imagine if your dad said "come with me I want to show you something" and then took you to see human corpses hanging in the window of a butcher shop. the title drops exactly halfway through the movie randomly during the chef's secret son's drunken rant about rat-patooty. there's a food critic who lives in a room shaped like a coffin. he despises the dead chef's claim that "Anyone can cook." we as the audience know it must be true because we are watching in real time as a rat successfully holds down a job as a cook in one of the most famous restaurants in Paris. the rat is still haunted by the dead chef this entire time, who keeps reminding him it's bad to steal. simultaneously, yet never commented on, the chef's secret son is technically stealing from the rat by taking all the credit for his overnight success as a cook. the evil chef who is actually just perfectly sane has lawyer who thinks his evil chef client needs psychiatric help. the lawyer is probably right. the rat is chased and shouted at by humans in the street and we are reminded that he is, in fact, a rat. the movie is about, maybe, loneliness and isolation vs fitting in. when it's revealed the rat has been controlling the human son's actions, everyone in the kitchen quits, which is the first logical thing anyone has done in relation to a rat cooking in a human restaurant. this also means that the story of fitting in with other outcasts can't apply to the rat, who is too unacceptable for the kitchen crew of outcasts. the last time the rat hallucinates the dead chef the dead chef tells the rat he was never pretending, strongly implying the dead chef hallucination was actually literally the dead chef's ghost. the food critic who lives in a coffin becomes the rat's number one defender, and he delivers possibly the single greatest contemporary monologue about criticism, art, and creativity. also the critic is gay. and the rat is trans.
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bi-bard · 3 years
Chick Flick Moments - Sam Winchester Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: Chick Flick Moments
Pairing: Sam Winchester X Reader
Requested: by an anonymous reader
Word Count: 2,363 words
Warning(s): violence, cussing, Sam embarrassing himself, spoilers for any movie/show listed in the author's note
Summary: (Season 11) Gabriel takes a break from hiding to teach (Y/n) and Sam to forgive each other.
Author's Note: I had so much fun putting this request together! Also, if I remember correctly, this reader wanted to remain anonymous.
Here are links to all the scenes that inspired parts of this imagine:
1 (Princess Bride), 2 (8x12 Criminal Minds; can't find just the scene to link), 3 (Moulin Rouge), 4 (The Notebook), 5 (The 10 Things I Hate About You), 6 (Gilmore Girls), 7 (La La Land)
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
I rolled my eyes as I walked through the bunker.
Sam was still ranting about the most recent hunt. I was just tired of listening to it. Dean had long since given up trying to control his brother, who had shown no sign of listening to anyone.
"You can't just throw yourself into every single enemy," Sam yelled. "Fun fact, you're not Superman!"
"Oh my god," I finally, turning around. I had been halfway through the library at this point. Dean continued through the bunker, ignoring us. "I ran up to one extra vamp because you were about to get your throat ripped out! Yes, I put myself in danger but it was to save you!"
"Why are you so desperate to be a hero," he asked.
"Why are you so pissy that I saved you," I shouted back.
I let out a yell before turning and leaving.
"Where are you going?"
"To bed," I shouted from down the hall. "Maybe you'll be nicer in the morning! You're welcome for saving your ass!"
I stormed into my room and slammed the door shut. I changed quickly, throwing my old clothes into the corner before curling up on my bed. My emotions got the better of me. I started crying into my pillow.
Imagine saving the man you secretly loved... and then he got mad at you about it.
I fell asleep crying that night.
--time skip--
I shot awake, cringing at how bright it was.
I looked around, letting my eyes adjust to the light.
I was on a hill. I was on a hill, lying in the grass with the sun shining on my face. This is not good.
I stood up and did a circle to look around the long stretches of grass. Nothing looked even slightly familiar.
"For fuck's sake," I muttered.
I decided that the best option would be to try to climb down and find a person... somewhere.
I was just about to start making my way down the hill when I felt a hand grab me.
Out of pure fear, I grabbed the person and pulled them from behind me. The person went flying down the hill.
"(Y/n)," I heard Sam's voice yell as he rolled down the hill.
I put my hand over my mouth. He soon stopped rolling and then he stood up, scrambling to pull the black mask off of his face. I sighed, dropping my hand when I saw he was alright.
"Sam," I called.
"Your instinct is to throw some down a hill," Sam asked.
"When a masked man tries to grab me, definitely," I replied. "Fun fact, Sam, I can actually defend myself."
He gave me a sarcastic smile. I shot it right back to him.
Sam looked down at his outfit before sighing and shrugging at me. He had just started to move back up the hill when my visions went dark.
I opened my eyes a few moments later.
What had been an open field was now a dark warehouse or factory. I saw Sam across from me, but also a group of people behind him. I recognized them. They were characters from Criminal Minds, a guilty pleasure I watched when we weren't hunting.
I tried to figure out what was happening.
Then, I became all too aware of the barrel of a gun pressing into my neck.
"No," Sam yelled.
It clicked.
Sam was supposed to be Spencer. I was Maeve. This was Zugzwang.
My heart dropped.
"Wait, please, don't," Sam yelled as the gun pressed harder on my neck.
"Sam, shut up," I snapped.
"Me for (Y/n)," he shouted.
"You would do that," Diane- the unsub of that episode- asked.
"Yes," Sam replied.
"No," I yelled. "Sam, shut up."
"You shut up," Diane growled at me.
"One difference between me and her...," I growled back.
I grabbed the gun, pushing it forward, away from my neck. The bullet she tried to fire hit the brick wall. I turned, bringing an elbow down on her arm. Her hand dropped the gun into my grasp. I pointed it toward her.
"...I'm not scared of a simple gun."
The others walked over and arrested her. I looked at Sam.
"If you continued, she would've killed herself, which would've killed me," I explained. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I watch this show when we aren't hunting."
He walks over, going to hug me before the scene changes again.
"Holy...," I trailed off as I looked around.
Around us, we could see the tops of roofs and a beautiful night sky. It was almost a dreamy setting.
"Where are we now," Sam asked.
"Only the great Moulin Rouge," Sam and I both twirled around to face... Gabriel. "I know, I know... I'm not dead, anyway!"
I rolled my eyes.
"You two need to learn a lesson," he pointed at us.
"It's like back in 2010," I mumbled. "Play our roles to get out. Probably why we were pulled out of the last two."
"You'll fall into them naturally, I promise," Gabriel smirked. "And yes. Stop ignoring the plotline."
"Alright... sure, I was gonna get shot for your crappy game," I snapped sarcastically.
Then, he was gone. I rolled my eyes.
"So, what are the roles," Sam asked as I walked around the top of the elephant.
"Well, Christian and Satine," I pointed between us. "Maeve and Spencer. The Princess Bride and Westley. It's all romance."
"Why," Sam scrunched his face up.
"Because Gabe wants to get his rocks off," I said sarcastically, "I don't know, Sam!"
I walked down the stairs of the elephant. It was gorgeous here. It was just as vibrant as the movie made it look.
"Wow," I look back at Sam. "This is awesome."
I chuckled and nodded.
"What seen is it?"
"The Elephant Love Medley," I said. "Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman sing this mash-up of famous love songs as his character tries to convince her that there is nothing more important than love."
"I'm not gonna sing," Sam shook his head.
"I was not gonna ask you too," I chuckled. "I've heard you sing."
I just shrugged.
I looked around at the room, trying to figure out how to play these roles without the singing.
"Wait," I said. "Come on."
I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the stairs.
"What is it," Sam asked as we made it to the top.
"At the end of the medley, Christian and Satine are dancing and they walk out onto this field of clouds and are held up in the sky."
"This whole movie feels like a fever dream the first time you watch it."
"Come on," Sam held a hand out to me.
"Can you dance?"
"Not well," he chuckled. "The role didn't say I needed to be good."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.
I tried to lead his steps and laughed as he stumbled into a pattern.
"Come on," I moved back so I could grab only one hand.
I led him a few steps forward and onto- what seemed to be- steps in the clouds. I let out an excited laugh when it worked. Sam looked at me and grinned at my excitement.
As soon as got to the top of the steps... it was gone.
We were in the middle of the street now.
"Aw, that was just mean," I mumbled. I glared at Sam when I heard him laughed.
He held his hands up jokingly before extending one toward me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"I know what movie this is," he shrugged. I motioned for him to continue explaining. He walked over, hand still held out to me, "The Notebook. Noah and Allie dance in the street. So... will you dance with me? Even without the sequence where we dance in the clouds."
I bit my lip as I smiled.
I took his hand and let him pull me into the street. I laughed as I stumbled into his chest.
We fell into the scene naturally.
Sam held one of my hands in his and held my waist with the other. I placed my free hand on his shoulder. I looked up at him. It felt strange that we so casually fell into the scene but I was happy.
Sam jokingly twirled me around before pulling me back to his chest. I closed my eyes and chuckled.
"What," he asked.
"Nothing," I shook my head. "I just never saw you as such a romantic."
"Well, don't tell anyone, you'll ruin my reputation," he said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes.
Sam spun the two of us in a circle before going to dip me. I didn't think I'd ever get to experience something like this. It always just felt like something I should forget about as a hunter. I was starting to forget why I was so angry with Sam in the first place.
I barely noticed that Sam was leaning in before the scene around me changed.
I was on a football field.
I looked around.
There was no sign of Sam.
"Crap," I mumbled, trying to figure out where to look first.
Then, there was a voice going over the field's speakers.
"You're just too good to be true... can't take my eyes off of you..."
I looked around toward the stands to see Sam walking with a mic. Can't sing, my ass.
"You'd be like heaven to touch... I wanna hold you so much"
"Oh my god," I muttered.
"At long last love has arrived... And I thank God I'm alive... You're just too good to be true... Can't take my eyes off of you."
I tried to bite back my laugh. He shrugged at me with an embarrassed smile and stepped into the actual stands.
We both jumped when the marching band started playing. I looked to see Gabriel smirking and leading their march.
Sam and I shrugged at each other. He continued on with the act.
Now, Sam Winchester pretending to be Patrick in "10 Things I Hate About You" was a treat... and was exactly what you imagined it would be.
He was almost stumbling down the steps as he continued on with the act. I was laughing hysterically by the time I saw the security guards starting to run in.
"Sam," I yelled, pointing behind him.
"Crap," I heard through the mic (which made me almost double-over in laughter) as he tried to take off running.
As soon as he was grabbed, the scene changed.
We both took a deep breath when we realized we were sitting together in a car.
"Thank god," Sam mumbled.
"That was a great performance, by the way," I said, still chuckling.
"Shut up," he muttered, laughing along with me. We fell silent after a minute. "So... what scene is this?"
"I have no idea," I replied.
"It's Gilmore Girls, dumbasses," we heard Gabriel's voice but saw no sign of him. "Season 1, Episode 16... absolute idiots."
"Didn't peg him for a Gilmore Girls fan," I said. Sam laughed.
"Me neither."
We fell silent again.
"I'm sorry," Sam said, looking over at me. "You were right. You can defend yourself and you were just trying to help me. I'm sorry for being such a dick about it."
I grinned, "Thanks... I forgive you. I know you were just worried about me."
Sam smiled back.
"I... umm...," Sam looked down for a moment, clearing his throat and collecting his thoughts. "I just... I love you."
My heart leaped up into my throat. I blinked at him a few times and forced a chuckle out. Which was the wrong response but I panicked. Hunters... we could face the devil but emotions were a no-no.
"(Y/n)," Sam's smile dropped slowly when he realized I wasn't responding.
I was just about to respond when the scene changed again.
Sam was gone again and I was on a city street.
"Dammit," I muttered.
I ran down the street, turning the corner. I looked at the wall of the building I was by. Was this a jazz club?
I walked through the door and was guided to a table so I could sit down and watch the performance.
"La La Land," I said.
Sam and I watched this together. Dean had gone to bed. We weren't tired and just turned this movie on because it looked like it was mostly happy.
Big dance numbers, beautiful effects... and the epilogue that made me hide tears from Sam.
I looked at the stage. Sam was sitting there, wearing a suit, looking at the audience nervously. He hesitantly reached toward the piano. It was like it was a prerecorded track. It sounded just like the movie.
I smiled.
I just wanted to talk to him.
Soon the performance ended.
I stood up and started walking over, seeing Sam starting to walk out.
I grinned at him, "Sam-"
He cut me off by cupping the sides of my face and kissing me softly. I touched his sides lightly, smiling against his lips. It was... magic. Absolute magic.
Then, I shot awake, back in my bed in the bunker.
The game was over. Thank God.
"(Y/n)," I heard yell through the bunker hall.
I ran into the hall and ran toward his room.
We stopped as soon as we saw each other.
"Please tell me that wasn't a dream," I said. He shook his head, smiling widely at me.
I ran over, pulling him down to kiss him again. It was softer than our last kiss and I loved it. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer. I buried my hands through his hair.
"Woah, what did I miss," we pulled away when we heard Dean.
I could basically feel Sam chuckle against my lips before he moved to look at his brother. I turned around in Sam's arm.
"A chick flick moment," Sam answered.
"Alright," Dean gave us a weird look before leaving without another word.
I looked back at Sam with a smile, "I love you."
"I love you too," he grinned and leaned in to kiss me softly again.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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drwcn · 3 years
Hello~ may i ask you something about Chinese culture? i'm a white person and i know that wearing traditional clothes from other cultures (for example as a street wear) simply because it's beautiful is disrespectful because it's also a form of cultural appropriation. A few months ago one of my friends and i were talking and exchanging facts about our cultures and lifestyles and i made a comment about how stunning some hanfu she showed me were and her first reaction was " oh you like it? what's your favorite color i can buy you that one! " and she was quite gleeful and seemed to be unaware of the ethical problem behind me wearing these clothes.. i kindly refused but it's been puzzling me for some time now and so I'd like to know a bit more about it so i can maybe educate myself on this matter and explain my position better next time such as why I can't wear these clothes. i'm really sorry to drop this important and not so simple ask on you but i actually don't know anyone else i could ask, also know that you don't need to answer this if you're uncomfortable or anything tho! it's such a long text omg again sorry for taking up so much of your time aldhsks i hope your day will be great 💝
Hi friend! 
From where I stand if you want one, you should get one, especially if your friend is willing to help you pick a nice one. :) 
Here’s the thing about culture appropriation - everyone has a different opinion on it, so even if I say something, another Chinese person can disagree and that’s valid. 
I have a feeling, just a feeing, that if you go to China and buy a hanfu and put it on and walk around in it, most Chinese people aren’t gonna come up to you and say hey! this is cultural appropriation! In fact they might ask to take pictures with you.
That’s gonna be different if you did the same thing in New York, or Montreal, or Sydney, or London. 
I’m not a sociologist or anthropologist or political scientist, but I am a young person who has a lot of incongruous feelings towards cultural appropriation. There are obvious answers. Any action whereby an item/accessory from a certain culture is used in a mocking or offensive way, or is used as a costume or a gimmick, is of course entirely inappropriate. This is the obvious answer. But, the question that is often asked, and the exactly thing you are getting, is: what if I’m not intending to be offensive? What if I just like it? What if I want to honour it and support it? 
And the answer to that is complicated. 
I am a CN diaspora, and from what I’m seen and experienced, the term “cultural appropriate” comes from a place of fear and feeling of threat. For countries like the US where the population is very diverse and there’s a pressure to assimilate and fit in, there used to be a time when immigrants felt they had to do everything in their power to be more integrated into the new community they landed in and that meant turning their backs on the culture that they’ve left behind. 
The movement we see more and more nowadays is the reclaiming of some of that lost culture and the embracing of every aspect of one’s identity. However, the part of us that’s not quite “white enough”, that we’re just starting to build up the courage to be proud of, is still so tender, so raw, so vulnerable to any kind of assault from outside forces. The fear that we used to feel, the fear of being completely ourselves, it never truly goes away. It’s in the memory of being embarrassed to bring cultural food to lunch at school and wishing your mom could just pack you pizza. It’s the awkward moments when you can’t wear the shorts you want like the other girls in your class because your immigrant mother/father says it’s not appropriate. It’s loving a wuxia story and having no one to share it with because all your friends are non-cn and you’re 14 and everything is embarrassing. Imagine carrying that your entire life, that heavy mixture of shame and fear, and waking up one day and suddenly some pop artist is using aspects of your culture in their music video. Just for the aesthetics. And for that they’re getting millions of hits on youtube and making a fuckton of money. 
The very thing that had caused you so much grief, so much mockery and stress, is being used and monetized. How could you be okay with it? Especially when commercialization often comes with sexualization and objectification as well.  Now what if it’s not some famous person, what if it’s just a random citizen who wants to put on a kimono or a hanfu? Is that okay? Then it really depends on who you’re asking and what their relationship is with their cultural identity. Personally, I don’t really care because the community that I grew up in was very accepting of my culture. I never experienced as much cultural threat as other cn disasporas in other communities. So, like your friend who is CN (I’m assuming), I don’t feel as though my own identity is being infringed upon if you were to wear hanfu. In fact, I would take it as you being interested in my culture.  But imagine someone who comes from a community where they weren’t allowed to freely express their unique cultural idiosyncracies, where they felt much more pressured to assimilate and fit in. I would think that you wearing hanfu would be absolutely seen as cultural appropriation in that case. Because the bottom line is, if they wore hanfu in their community, they would’ve probably been mocked for it, and so a person who is non-cn wearing hanfu just for fun, cheapens the struggles and the pain that they must’ve experienced ongoingly in their life. In simple words: imagine an unpopular kid at school had a mole on their face, a mole which earned them constant mockery from the popular kids. One day, however, one of the popular kids decided having a mole is “cool” and “sexy”, and drew one on their face and began sporting it around. Suddenly everyone is doing it. That kid with the mole is probably thinking having a mole is my thing, it’s part of who I am, I can’t change it, and you made my life hell because of it. Now, not only are you being a complete hypocrite, you’re also taking away a part of my identity. You’re removing the mole from it’s origin, from its context, and you’re drawing it on your face just because you like the look of it. 
There’s a reason why Chinese people from China don’t care if you go to and buy all the hanfu you want. A) it’s generating business, but more importantly B) Chinese people in China are secure in their cultural identity. Being Chinese is their every day life, it’s their norm, their background, their default. By you wishing to try Chinese clothes, eating Chinese food, to them you’re simply going with the flow of their society. Diasporas on the other hand have a completely different relationship with our culture. We’ve had to fight to carve out a space that’s just for ourselves, and no diaspora’s experience is going to be the same as another. Therefore, our relationship with our culture, and with the term “cultural appropriation” is going to be very different. 
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hematomes · 3 years
ive never had hot boba actually! well the bubble tea place in my area is mostly famous for their tea-slushie w bubbles concoction and i usually get something with mango or raspberry flavor. glad to see you're a fellow mango enjoyer😌
i hope it goes smoothly with the nice barista<3
honestly the only adult i ever looked up on was my older sister (cheesy ik). and goddamn is she someone who should not be an example to kids💀 but that's probs why she always seemed so cool to me:') idk in the end i did end up resembling her edgy nature but i chose most of it yknow? but that's just kinda a different thing. overall setting a good example is important to kids but some ppl like to act as if it's every random person's on the street job. most ppl are just desperately trying to live their lives💀
idr if i mentioned that this Sunday's exam is history so latin is next week,,, but im so glad somebody said it latin is hard!!! why are there so many random rules!!!! why have i still not learned how to conjugate verbs properly!!! am i dumb!!! (probably)
right back at you! take it easy today<3 i just finished cleaning my room i can't imagine how tiring it is to clean a whole flat alone:') i wish good luck to both of us✨
honestly i tried out hot boba like this year and it changed my world bc until now i had to wait until april-may to get a bbtea but now? nothing's stopping me except for my bank account
mango is a superior fruit i love it in l'île. every form. and also weird thing but if you like sweet and salty things then ill have you know that mango in poke bowls with salmon and avocado is GODLY like wowie epiphany
ziwkzks dw all younger siblings look up to their older ones at some point, and sometimes it sticks and shapes them 😩 but yeah exactly, at the end of the day im just a shitposter on the internet talking abt a game that could very well induce an early gambling addiction. this ain't a healthy role model thingy
oof history!!!! good luck for today <3 ans fr latin is. SIGH tbh i have issues with the 3rd class of nouns like. there are too many things to learn stop (you are not dumb)
akskaks THANKS you are vv sweet 😌
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baka-writings · 4 years
Forgiveness - Owen Ovadoz (mkit rain)
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of depression, anxiety, panic disorder, language, drama & sadness, language
Summary: You are dating Owen, but after some time you realize his work is more important to him so you break up. However when you see his depressional IG lives, posts, too much hate you decide to help him and be with him despite past events even though the trust between you is broken.
A/N: I have tho thank this anon for the ask, because even though it happened in past I still remember what this is about and I could never really talk about this w/o being attacked so I'll try to include my own emotions and views in this. I hope you'll enjoy it :)
(i was listening to LOOPFLA- Ex just sayin)
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You checked your phone, but nothing. It was silent. You looked through your apartment. It was silent as well. Your whole life was silent now. The person you loved more than anything else didn't love you; well he did, but unfortunately you weren't what he loved the most. You couldn't blame him, you're a normal person, he is a rapper, he is famous, you are not..or could you blame him? Honestly you didn't know anymore. You still recall those words in your head.
Yes maybe my music is more important for me and you know why?
You were already sad from his actions, couldn't he see it? Or maybe he did but didn't care at all. You knew nothing nice will come out his mouth, it's not like you will hear an I love you from him.
Because music brings me joy, fame and money, but what do you bring into my life?
You remained silent, was he serious? After all you've done for him? So the nights when you didn't sleep, because he was frustrated from all the hate he gets and YOU stayed with him, confronted him. All those times you tried everything you could, many times forbidding things you used to love just because of him.
Exactly, nothing.
Did you expect him to actually love you? Yes you did, but all of that was a lie. You were curious how long he felt this way, but you knew. It was best to be quiet and leave. There was no point in wanting to get hurt more.
That's the past. It happened not a long time ago. It's only one month, but you still recall these words everyday. However you feel a lot better now. Is it weird? You were telling yourself that you had to move on and forget it. Deep down however you still cared about Owen. For the past month, exactly the time you two are separated, he was getting more and more hate and not gonna lie, you were getting worried.
The worst thing about it was that some said things were extraggerated. Let's be honest, you were not proud of things he's done in the past. Neither was he. However he was getting hate for things that didn't happen as they were described. That pissed you off more than it should've. You just wanted to scream to the whole word that the bullshit they are saying is wrong. You've seen people calling him a rapist and those who defended him- such as you were called rapists too. You weren't scared of the hate on you, but you were scared about Owen If he saw what people are saying about you.
Owen's POV
I can't believe I told Y/N those things. I don't know what I was thinking, I loved her now it's all gone. All because I'm a loser. All these awful things were going through my head as I was reading the hates.
It's already a month, but why do I feel even worse than when I told her those horrible things? I know I deserve it, all of the hate I'm getting. I wish Y/N was here. She always knew what to say or do to make me feel better. Now when I lost her, I'm also losing my will to live.
These thoughts slowly killing him more than anyone could imagine.
Your POV
You opened your phone and there was a notification from instagram. It said that Owen is live. You wouldn't watch it, but you still cared and you were worried so you went to his live.
Oh shit.
Was that all you could say? Oh shit?
You've opened the live and there he was, crying. Your eyes were watering as you listened to what he was saying.
" I'm so sorry .. please everyone forgive me" there was no hope, only pain in his voice. He was not okay and you knew it well. There were many people telling him not to cry and being nice to him. How pathetic. You thought to yourself. Where were they when he needed them the most?
All you could here now was only Owen, taking deep breathes and crying. Enough.
You got up and quickly hurried to his place. You knew it might be too late If you don't hurry. Not once he told you he wants to end it all and seeing him in this state made you wish he doesn't do it. That's not what he deserves. I forgive you. This one sentence made you cry as you were running through streets and through people to his place. You wanted to tell him that you forgive him. If he died, you'd however never forgive yourself that you could never tell him that you forgive him.
You used the key he gave you when you were still dating. There he was, laying on the floor, having a panic attack. You quickly rushed to his side and hugged him.He looked at you, surprised. You were the person he'd expect the least after he hurt you so bad. You remembered the last words from his live
I'm sorry...please everyone forgive me
"I forgive you" you told him while still hugging him, your soft voice making him calm down.
How could she forgive me? I hurt her so much.
"Thank you .. I..still love you" he said hugging you back. You stopped hugging him and looked straight into his eyes. Yes you forgave him for hurting you, but you could believe his i love you anymore. He told you many times before, yet there was no sign of it.
"I forgive, but don't forget" you gave him a last kiss and left the apartment.
He was looking at your back as you were walking away from him. He wasn't surprised, he wouldn't trust himself either. But now he knows that you care. He wanted to change. Not only for you, but for himself as well. He also knew that it will take a while, but now all he wanted was to be a better man and renew your trust, because he's realized that no career or money can give him what you gave him, love.
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
Ma and Pa James's Second Biggest Fan (we plough a lonely furrow) continues to find Ma Jess's appeal mystifying, since everything about her is negative:
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1. Signing up for Team Rocket suggests someone of a morally dubious character to start with, but the truth lies in the clothing, and she's in black!
It's code for her personality:
• Jessie wears white:
Pure, beautiful, innocent, sweet-natured, not really bad, dealt a severe hand in life but a fighter.
• Cassidy wears black:
Speaking of which:
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2. She was Madame Boss's best agent.
You don't get there being kind.
To reach that standing requires hundreds of successful heists, and we aren't talking nicking gold bars. It's living things.
How many Pokémon do you imagine she stole with merciless efficiency?
How many children did she set upon, pinching every animal they had?
How many innocent lives did she ruin by depriving kids of the pets they loved, never to see them again, eaten away with the not-knowing and the false hope?
The glory of her reign ran on the fuel of blood and tears.
What fate do you envision awaited those Pokémon? It's not exchanging one master for another, it's entering slavery.
Jessie and James aren't the epitome of Team Rocket. They are minnows on the outskirts, despised and mocked by most of their fellow members. The actual group isn't particularly famous for prioritizing Pokémon welfare.
The preferable outcome is being handed out to agents to help catch other victims. Otherwise it's transformation into a war machine, forced to fight on and on to the point of exhaustion and death, no doubt tortured and tested on to boot.
What happens if they don't come up to scratch or are pushed for years until too aged and broken to be of any use? Are Team Rocket ready to pension them off to animal sanctuary?
As if. It's euthanasia or on to the streets to waste away, if not fed to the strongest first.
Ma Jess knew this and worse occurred thanks to her, yet paid it no mind, and felt not a single twinge of guilt in that time of service, then met her end trying to draw another Pokémon into imprisonment.
Some might say it was a case of what goes around, comes around. As her behaviour led to God knows how many Pokémon dying alone, leaving their loved ones to wonder and grieve, so in turn did she die alone in the snow, and Jessie had to carry on without her.
I'm not against Ma Jess, I neither feel like or dislike, but I don't understand how so many fans can happily overlook her murky past of inflicting pain, instead elevating her to a semi-divine tragic heroine, yet apparently Ma and Pa's heinous offences of not stealing and treating Pokémon well are beyond forgiveness.
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3. It's the Red Ribbon Army! Save yourselves!
Jessie joined Team Rocket to follow in Ma's footsteps. James went with her. Both moved (upwardly in scale, downwardly in morals) from Sunny Town's gang of petty thief kids to a complex Mafia organisation stretching its wriggling tentacles around the world to crush the air from its lungs.
Why? Ma Jess's baleful influence led the two down that path.
Of course Jessie wants to copy Ma, how and where else can she feel close to her?
There's not even a grave to visit!
Rising in the ranks and Giovanni's favour is both to strike it rich and take her place, becoming Ma in essence. That would make her proud, which is all Jessie ever wanted.
What alternative is there? Stay with Chopper and Tyra forever, ekeing an existence pickpocketing and shoplifting, until mortality comes calling sooner than is welcome, or get loaded quickly and retire early?
James theoretically could've gone home at this point, but when it came to which angry redhead he preferred to beat him up, he chose Jessie.
He was henceforth obliged to go whenever she led, even if it meant following the ghost of her mother into the jaws of evil.
They have an excuse, but what was Ma's for getting involved?
However much they boast and revel in their wickedness, the motto proves the couple still believe themselves on a noble quest, despite everything to the contrary, and why?
Jessie isn't about to accept that Ma Jess, whom she's probably idolized as one of few people to love her and a role model of how a woman should be, was nasty or unpleasant. If she was in Team Rocket, it must be good, whatever the outer appearance.
Except Jessie and James are bad at being bad. They are not master criminals. All their plans fail, rendering them poor and starving in consequence. The inner circle of Team Rocket will always be barred to them because they lack the inner darkness it requires.
The joke is they flourish in any other occupation, whether that be Salon Rocquet, reporters, or flogging merchandise and food at the League. If employed elsewhere they'd be better off, but they have to stay because Jessie can't let go, or bear the thought she might be a disappointment to her mother's name. A different career looks unworthy by comparison.
What, so Ma and Pa have got no son because of Ma Jess? They just wanted him to be a gentleman!
If she hadn't set such a terrible example to her daughter she might have an increased quality of life, but then had she done so Ma wouldn't be dead in the first place.
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4. Can't pick 'em can she?
What was it that first attracted Ma to Windy Miller? Does she go for the rustic charm, or the promise of a lifetime's supply of bread to feed the abundance of babies planned?
Don't do it, Ma! He's an alky!
Some birds are like that you see. It's the maternal instinct gone haywire. They find a local reprobate and somehow decide he's really a damaged soul crying out for love, the scapegoat of a cruel society.
He's not evil, he's just misunderstood!
This is why you get nutters wanting to marry the Yorkshire Ripper: they put his 'mischief' down to bad women mistreating his gentle heart, but they of course are devoted to his happiness. They can change him.
You don't know him like I do!
In their fantasy, under the influence of a 'proper' woman he'll transform in to a flower-picking hippie, but not too much, they still like him to be dangerously 'manly' (keeps 'em on their toes), then they can feel smugly superior and more truly female than the 'lesser' breed who failed to tame his sexy pashuns.
And if there's one thing Windy has in abundance, it's raw animal magnetism.
Stop it, Ma! You can't help those who don't want helping!
She put up with the boozing, the flour dust and his somewhat limited communication skills, but what really let him down was the company he kept.
Ever after she would insist Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub led him astray. That's firemen for yer.
Cuthbert? That name's died out.
Sure enough, some point after Ma Jess was stuffed up the spout, old Windy legged it back to Camberwick Green, like the rascal he is, and not a sweet penny piece did she receive in maintenance, the bastard.
At least Ma James got pregnant by a man who stood by her.
She wasn't married to Windy Miller!
Oh, you mean they were living over the brush? I see.
It's all in your head!
Do it my way, and we have Pa Jess. Do it yours, and we're back to a cavernous emptiness. Unless you can supply a picture of the 'real' (pffft) Pa Jess, this is the best available.
Anyway, 'Jessie Miller' just sounds right.
Coincidence? I think not.
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5. She went to look for Mew dressed like this.
I could forgive it had she gone in her normal uniform, that's just whimsy, but to have made some effort emphasises that it's not enough!
Some part of her understood a mountain might be a bit parky out, but this was deemed sufficient coverage!
What happened?
She bloody died didn't she?!
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6. Ma Boss points the way to doom.
Ma Jess was at least loyal to the mistress she served, but it was a wasted dedication. She squandered her life obeying a heartless virago who could cast aside apparently valued staff without a qualm, whatever thanks she owed them.
The millions Ma Jess accumulated for Madame are probably uncountable, yet she was so worthless that, when dispatched to the mountain, on her own, expected to catch a Legendary Pokémon, by herself, which many doubted even existed, and wasn't likely to come quietly, or put up with orders, but then didn't come back, Madame Boss allowed her only child to sink into poverty and the infamous 'care' of the State.
Everyone knows what goes on there. Entering a home has replaced the workhouse as the place of dread.
Jessie might have been killed or attacked and it didn't remotely concern Madame Boss, unwilling to spare a meagre fraction of her massive fortune to give the girl she made an orphan any comfort or security.
What did she matter? Her mother failed. Why reward that?
In her turn, Jessie became just as obsequious to an undeserving master, who went further than his mama and actively tried to murder her, and still she suffers to please him.
Team Rocket devoured her mother, and now it's swallowed her.
Oh, and Madame Boss got her way upon discovering Mew's fossil, so Ma Jess died for nothing.
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7. This.
I'm not surprised Mew wouldn't go with Ma. She probably sensed the vivisection awaiting, and didn't give a toss about the avalanche in revenge.
Mew hasn't got where she is today falling for any old shallow promises from a stranger, thank you.
Suppose the mission had worked, with Mew caught and gift wrapped for Madame's delectation: what then?
Perhaps Mew's power, proving so impressive, would've pushed any cloning scheme aside, leaving Mewtwo unborn and Mew as the mightiest weapon. Or in greed Madame Boss demands more, and in arrogance the scientists promise the earth, the seas and the heavens.
Mew I could see subjected to some non-lethal form of dissection, just to understand how she ticked, that is if they could build the cage to hold her.
As they couldn't, and catching Mew was never a possibility, then Ma Jess's sacrificed herself on a fool's errand, which was obviously one from the outset. If Mew was easy to handle she'd have been captured long before now.
Either Ma dies, Mew's safe, but Madame Boss starts the cloning scheme anyway, or Ma's victorious, Mew is a tool of Team Rocket and the scientists have more sample to experiment upon. Mewtwo is still made, alongside short-lived creations and dozens of unseen freakish abominations preceding.
Now Mewtwo isn't what you call at peace with himself, nor has he received a particularly wholesome experience. One could think Ma indirectly caused that. Her branch of the project may have fizzled to cinders but she still played her role.
What would her legacy have been but to help bring forth the being that wiped out mankind? Where's the future for Jessie when there isn't one?
It's not her fault, but she died in the name of cloning a biological disaster, the creation of synthetic life leading to the destruction of it all.
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8. Let's have a gander at Ma in the anime:
• Can afford rent.
• Can afford a tray.
• Can afford crockery.
• Can afford condiments to add flavour to food.
• Can't afford any actual food.
Something's wrong there.
I intended to include affording clothes too, but now I'm not so sure.
I never took Ma to be a brown-all-over kind of woman. At least she gave the fancy stuff to Jessie.
For years I've assumed she wore a brightly coloured jacket, but now I suspect it's a red one heavily patched up, because buying a replacement isn't an option.
Really old clothes are being mended with whatever can be salvaged from even more worn-out clobber.
Best agent Madame Boss has and she's practically living in her own filth.
Team Rocket takes care of its own, eh?
Oh no, let's not get a proper job, one that allows me to provide for my daughter and doesn't ask for my life. Let's stay in this one!
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9. Look at Jessie's face!
By her own admission, being tricked into eating snow is the best thing that ever happened to her during an 'otherwise wretched childhood', to the extent she doesn't know it was wrong!
I don't hear Ma and Pa doing that. The only ice James got was an ice-cream sandwich.
What kind of infancy did Ma Jess give the girl for her to be nostalgic about almost dying of malnutrition?
If we say that's a foster mother as in the sub, it means Jessie's fondest memory is after Ma died, which is too brutal for me.
Yeah, thank goodness she's snuffed it.
You think Ma might have taught her not to eat snow! She left her so ill-prepared!
Consequently the sub version makes Ma Jess an awful creature, although I don't see why that Jessie would so desire to mimic a mom she apparently doesn't care about.
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10. She's not even bloody here!
I have no picture to signify absence, therefore I must show whom she left behind.
Ma Jess is Pokémon's answer to Bobba Fett: background figure, barely involved, no information, dies early, yet became a fan favourite nevertheless.
If nothing really exists, what is there to like? Why are you contented weaving smoke?
When Rocketshippers put forward the manga as proof, the Anti-Ships used to insist that it 'didn't count' for being set in a 'separate universe'.
If that still goes, and only the contents of the anime apply to the anime, well then it's bye-bye to Ma Jess and Madame Boss, because they aren't real either.
I sometimes think that's true. However traumatic, would Jessie not have acknowledged her mother by now otherwise?
We grasp the characters all had two parents in a nebulous fashion, although not being real people means they don't 'technically' need them, but Ma Jess is the only one who vanished to be granted a face. Why is she then ignored?
She's briefly glimpsed in a passing scene of a single episode of the first series and is never seen or referenced again. The sub doesn't even have that. Where was the use in creating her if only to leave that thread of the tale billowing in the breeze?
We may decide her actions affect Jessie's but we're only imprinting assumptions. She might as well have remained unwritten for all that's made of her.
What we can glean doesn't bode well, irrespective of things left unmentioned.
Her one redeeming deed was dying, thus at least she didn't choose to abandon Jessie. We may presume she'd have stayed with her girl given the chance.
By my reckoning that puts her as Fifth-Best Mother Of Pokémon, behind Ma Brock, Ma James, Dame Ketchum and Ma Boss, in that order.
Then they're those who claim she never died, so she just pissed off like everyone else, rendering her devoid of a single positive quality.
This is the woman you sigh and agonise over for decades.
Ma and Pa are right there, man! Show 'em some love!
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xladymalice · 7 years
Guys, respect is a two way street. If an artist shares their art with you with the only rule being "please do not use/repost/etc" those are pretty simple requests. Ones that you really don't have to do anything extra to RESPECT. The artist doesn't have to share with you, doesn't have to produce for you. They do things because they enjoy it and they want to. Just like with musical artists. When you pirate their music, you hurt them, some of them have to stop creating because they can't keep 1/2
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Last big talk about Art Theft and “Minor/Hater/Whatever thiefs stuff”
I’d say most of them are minor thought. They’ve never learned about copyright nor the idea of creative property.
Take a good look at the reasoning of my follower and friend. This explains everything I tried to explain in the previous posts but it seems that many still don’t understand it.
It’s not hard. It’s easy.
Here have an example:
Imagine I tell you to show me your money.
Since you’re a good guy, you show me your money because you want to share your happiness. (You are happy to have some money).But I take away the money, because you SHOWED it to me. Why? It’s not your anymore, right? I can take it. You showed it, so it’s mine. 
The idea of money isn’t yours right? You didn’t create money, but you decided to make money. Also, you decided to show me that money you made (by work, got gifted etc). That money is because of that mine. It’s not yours.
Now I have money. We all know, people with money are fame. So I take money of others and become famous.
Do you see the reasoning that happened all the time? It’s absolute bullshit.
You take away other’s goods because you are pathetic. There is no good intention, if you hurt the artist with that. It’s so much worse because you disrepect this artist (clamin
I am explicitly talking about repost or other use of art/stories/whatever WITHOUT PERMISSION of the RIGHTFUL OWNER.
More stuff below.
So. I am thankful for everyone who supports me and understands me. It’s not like I am desperately trying to get attention, on contrary. I am just stating my point of view and refuse to accept the dump reasoning of some people here in tumblr.
I faced so many posts where artists suffer because of art thefts. People who repost and even SELL their art. (sometimes even stories of writers get reposts or rewritten and claimed as theirs. It’s awful).
Why would I stay quiet about this fact? People will never learn if they don’t face this. And a single person cannot do much, but if we fight together, we might change some things and make the world a better place. Little by little.
Honestly, I am amazed that my first “haters” are actually about my statement and view of Art Theft. I was positive, it would be about my personality or art: no, it’s about this hot topic that shouldn’t be even a problem.
I mean: I’ve never pointed out who exactly I was talking about, until the person srsly started a war with me. I tolerate a lot but there is a fucking line that one shouldn’t cross.
Don’t call yourself “a follower” who “loves me” but “cannot accept my opinion on art theft”. I didn’t say YOU are the thief. But if you feel like this post is directed at you, I would wonder about that if I was you.
So Mali seems aggressive and stressed. I will tell you why.
I’ve been in trouble for a while now. This considers RL. As you noticed, I’m having tons of job interviews because after studying Computer Science I found no good company to work for.
I am working part time, but this is no solution for the future. I decided that I will move back to my hometown near Hamburg. That’s why I am trying to find a good company there.
And I did. I have high hopes that the second interview will solve their decision and make them choose me.
This involves me moving and me having more work and less free time. This is not that bad, I can finally push away SOME of my sorrows and worries. Maybe I will draw even more with being less depressed and worried about life.
There are huge changes awaiting me and my future. (And I have troubles with my family too, but this is personal stuff I don’t talk about.)
Usually tumblr is my little home with my friends. I don’t see the most of my followers as strangers but friends. That’s why I want you to call me Mali. We’re on the same level, ok? I am no better than you and vice versa.
But it seems every time I leave the save ground and state my opinion people just don’t get the point or feel offended. Actually 2 came along and told me “I’m crying, I hope you’re happy!”
Sorry, but... why? Just because I tell you the truth? How old are you?
Back to the point: I’ve been stressed. My parttime job is sometimes a pain in the ass too. I want to have fun... reading negative stuff like I’ve been facing the last days were really draining my mood.
That’s why I didn’t put of the nice mask, but answered straight foward and aggressive.
Sure, I am not always in the right. But why would I hide my true thoughts about a topic like this one? Especially by the use of my own stuff.
Luckily, I am not alone with this. That’s why I want to thank all of you who understood me and know what I was trying to do, even by being “the bad” or “the jerk”.
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Anon*takes everything and purrs* I tried tot ake breaks, especially with my sickness. I am finally getting better and recovering. Also... life’s not that bad at the moment. Just annoying peepz D: Aah, a blue flower
@skeletalegastertalevoidtaleThis is sympathy. You feel, what I feel. You understand it. They don’t. They are probably kids with their own issues and attention deseases meanly said. If they understood the work and the time we invest into projects like these, they wouldn’t just abuse it. This is the idea of creative property. Swapfell Dawn is my story. My interpretation of the original idea of the term “Swapfell”. Toby Fox created Undertale, but he enhanced the possibility of creating AUs. There were many people before me who did this. So I don’t get the point for this being even an argument against me?
Look at my “money” example. That’s the same reasoning.
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AnonThank you for understanding. But thank you even more for stating that I am doing good things too. I wanted to find friends and motivate others. I know how hard it is to motivate yourself to draw... to keep going... not to give up.I want to show that it’s possible to reach unbelievable heights as long as you fight and don’t give up! So I’m really happy for you!
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AnonThat’s life. Nothing new to be honest. Everyone loves me as long as I keep quite and do not say my opinion out loud. Once I did, I am the bad guy.You know what? I’m fine with that. I like being bad anyways.
Anon:Aw, thanks for worrying. I accept the hug this time!
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@adorable-lil-shitWonderful sarcasm there. -10/10
AnonThat lady is unfortunately not the only one. I met some of these bitches (sorry) and the most are minor. What’s even worse. They shouldn’t be on my fucking blog. The thing is, these people destroy my view of others. I am so frustrated with the russian fandom, that I don’t allow anyone to do anything with my art except I know them. And even that is too much. I don’t want to see my art somewhere else. It’s mine.I took my time to read some of the comments below my images and srsly, people don’t get the point. Why? Because they don’t get answers by ME. The dudes who upload my stuff have no idea... they are just dumb farts.
@dragoonmaster1212Thank you. But I am not that well at handling things like that. I do vent and I can vent alot about it. Somehow the steam needs to get out. You see, I had a very shit time at school being the number one dude to get bullied. I know how it’s like to shut up and just take whatever bullies give you. But I learned to stand up and stand my ground. No fucking kids will tell me what to do and take away what’s mine. Even if it means acting radical and punishing all. There are no easy ways to solve a serious topic like art theft.
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AnonIt’s totally fine to go on Anon. I don’t want you to get in trouble just because I am not hiding myself. Totally fine. Thank you for saying this. I truly cherish people who say they respect me.
I treat people like I want to be treated. If they hurt this rule by hurting me, I will hurt them.
That’s how I work. Involving Toby Fox is a desperate attempt and trying to make me feel bad for their mistakes. They don’t know how to argue, so they use the idea of “Toby Fox has the copyright”.Yes, but Toby Fox has not the copyright of the story and design of Swapfell Dawn. They don’t get this obviously.
@flamefiendsYeah, sounds good to me. So you will offer yourself to me?
AnonYeah, absolute kids in my view. I am positive, they are not adults. Thank you for supporting me.
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AnonThanks :) I am happy that I am not only the bad guy. But I am, I guess.
@babypizzawonderlandI won’t give up. These freaks won’t bloody win over me. I won’t shut up. If it’s annoying people, feel free to leave. This topic is a serious one. I won’t back down.
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@buttergriffin332Yeah, that’s life again. But I won’t surrender. Thanks for staying with me.
@aussieevyWell, I lost my patience somewhere along the way too. I think these people think I am bad because I am telling them off like their moms did?Besides, I am trying to exlain shit.... and they still don’t get it. So I think they are stupid or kids. I don’t know any other reason why they don’t get it’s bad. (Ok, there are egoistic attention whores too, but ye... still kids).Thanks for saying that thought. I appreciate that.
@al-surfaceThank you, cookie Q.Q It’s hard not to get worked up. After all they attack my as a person in the end too. It seems hard to face the truth about thievery and what they do is wrong. They don’t worry about consequences... so many great people leave because of this bullshit. I won’t do that.
AnonYeah, totally my rage inside my mind there.That’s what I was thinking when I tried to talk some sanity into them. Helpless cases. I had to block the ones I know and move on. They don’t accept the fact it’s mine: even worse! They say my comics wouldn’t be that popular without them. YEAH OF COURSE; BITCH.
AnonThanks. I am happy that I am not the only one who thinks this. Glad to have you on my side. You get the point... so it can’t be that hard to understand right?
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@loutoblogYeah... *sighs* Humanity’s stupidity is endless. It seems like it’s a crime to demand fairness and respect. It’s fun. They would cry and rage even louder, if I took their personal pictures and posted them on CumWhoreDotCom.Thanks, sweetie... it’s a bit hard, but I’m a fighter.
@fairytail78foreverI think you could say it’s jealousy. I think also attention whores who are mad they don’t get any likes. So they take away other’s goods and become fame. Low. Super low. I despise people like that.
Anon“Fans”. Yeah. Sadly. I will be bad in their eyes forever. Because I “hurt” them for being rude and selfish shits. Exactly. So I won’t just allow them to see my shit like that. There will be a fucking way to punish and I will find it. Until then I will be in war with them. But okay... I think argueing with idiots is truly an endless circle.
AnonI won’t do that. They know who they are, if they ever come to read this. I am not the type to make my friends attack others. Instead, I want everyone to state their opinion so others MIGHT LEARN from it.Thank you for your kind words. I just hope this will end anytime soon, so we all can enjoy the stuff we love the most!
Respect Artists. Be fair. Don’t be a rude, selfish fuck.
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@angrywolflandThanks.... that’s what I hoped for.
AnonThis is a very good example. Take your time reading it. It explains why it’s wrong too. It’s just sadly funny how stupid people are.
@emilys-fandom-trashbinThat’s what I am saying all the time. But they ignore this fact? That it’s my property? That they cannot use it? I mean, I could take their money too. It’s not their property. Money is not their idea.Thank you for the compliments and your sympathy. This helps.
@pizzataleauPlease call me Mali. I am on the same level as you.That’s a nice offer, but I think it won’t help? These two are kids probably. They use Google Translator, misunderstand things because of the language barrier and blame me for being a “mean person”. Both of them are liars and selfish fucks. I hope karma will settle this for me. Thank you very much. Especially for worrying for me >///chuchuchuuuu*
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@dearestdanger I know that the most understand... they are writers and artists themselves. It’s just weird how they try to justify their actions. If I would take away their stuff, they would cry the loudest.But they also cry, because I showed them, they did something bad. Geez, it’s so annoying.Thanks for the support! I won’t give up!
@silver-is-hereOhh, sweetheart. You’re sure doing the right things in the right time Q//QThanks... my day was okay. Work’s been hard and troubling, but I survived it. I will make myself some hot chocolate, get some cookies and play some league of legends. Or I will watch a movie... mmhmmm... I haven’t watched animes in ages... D:I love you too
AnonThank you... reading an ask like this makes me feel better a lot of times. I do worry about my other fans... how they will react to my personality and stuff. But... I don’t consider art thiefs as friends? Nor do I want them to be as my followers? I don’t need them? Since they harm me and my friends?Thank you :) That’s the way it should be. It’s my right, not theirs.
Some older asks considering the russian fandom:
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I will as strong as possible. I don’t give up... I enjoy being here and sharing my stories and ideas. Some fucks won’t make me stop doing that.  However, I will really stop publishing stuff, if they don’t back down. Last time they understood because of a friend. I hope this won’t be in vain.
Thanks @cinnamon4wolfy. I appreciate your worry and will take a good rest later
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@pandorica101Yeah. That will be probably a hard topic for a while. People forgot how to respect... how to treat each other well. It’s sad. Thanks for being with me tho... I also hope it won’t repeat so much anymore.
To the rest of the Anons. Thank you for your support and worry. I was happy you wrote me because it helped me to stay determined.
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My wrath is limitless.
And Thank you.... here is my request to all russian watchers:
If you see my or other people’s art reposted, please... just please... tell them not to do that. Especially on VK. I will stop uploading Swapfell Dawn, if anybody uploads and translates it there. Please spread a good message. Please tell them to visit the original websites for the pictures.... don’t spread hate, spread love and respect.
Last AnonYeah... thanks. I think it is annoying to reblog “do not repost” thing.... or just post so much vent and negativity....
I will not stop being myself, tho.
Deal with it.
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nameasart-blog · 5 years
(spelling saved)
- How old are you, where do you live and do you have an art education?
- I am fifty years old, I live in Jesi, a small town in central Italy. I have been drawing since the age of five, I was a teenager and I attended in the State Art Institute of Ancona, the capital of the region in which I live. Later I graduated in Visual Arts at DAMS in Bologna
- What do you think about academic drawing school?
- The school of academic drawing is an excellent gym, where you learn to handle some necessary tools, but it is important that it does not turn into a cage, the risk of turning into virtuous without expressiveness and language is always high. The technique must be at the service of the expression and the construction of its own pictorial language.
- What inspires you?
- My pictorial research is centred on the expression of time, generally I take my cue from banal episodes of my everyday life: they can be roads that I usually travel or even moments of family life.
More recently, in the series entitled "Dissolution", I paint portraits of people I know, friends or students, or of famous people, writers, painters, scientists, politicians, etc., always placing behind them streets. So the road becomes a metaphor of the meaning I want the subject to assume portrait. The road, after all, I think is an excellent metaphor for life, we follow a road as we walk through life, we do not know where it will take us or what it will bring us together, but certainly we are In an artistic journey I believe that the most difficult thing is, using a metaphor, not to lose the way. Do not be tempted by the easy and short ways, if it happens, the research disappears and is produced for the market and in that case you can only make paintings insignificant and ugly. To a lot of art, since the eighties of the last century, this has happened, it has become a phenomenon and a product of the market totally unrelated to the purposes of research.
- Do you have a hobby besides creative activity?
- I like to read and study, but it is not a hobby, I consider study an integral part of my pictorial research without which I could not progress or express myself. I spend my free time with my children and my partner.
- How does your family relate to your creativity?
- My children have always seen me paint or draw or teach things about images, so I think it's normal for them. I'm a normal father who does this instead of doing anything else. My partner has known me for so many years that I think it's normal for her too, it's something that is part of me. Of course it can often have been difficult for her, she has always been with me, in difficult times and in good ones and I can only thank her for her patience and perseverance.Mine is just a normal family life, at least that's what it seems to me.
- What was the most difficult in your profession?
- A question that is difficult to answer, I must first of all ask myself if the success of a work of mine is to be referred to the public or to myself, to the path within my pictorial research. Generally I tend to consider, out of unconsciousness, only this second aspect
- In the countries of the former Soviet Union, there is an opinion that the artist should be hungry, how do you feel about this?
- I'm mainly hungry for curiosity, I can't stand still and I need to discover new things that I don't know, I need to see what I already know from another point of view. The Russian opinion that you mentioned, I imagine, is due to the difficulties experienced by different artists during their career, episodes more related to aspects of their pictorial research that tended to detach themselves from the taste and fashion of the times to which they belonged.The last period of Rembrandt's or Goya's life is a clear example of this. For this reason, they are all the greater, especially when compared to the softness of so much of today's painting, designed more for the market and its needs, than as research processes in relation to the development of society.
- What would you like to achieve next?
- The objective on which I am working in this period is actually an aspect on which I have been working for some time, I think about the end of 2012, when I started looking for and archiving a whole series of painters around the world who do things similar to mine.
So I tried to trace the historical and pictorial roots and social reasons. In short, to give a historical reconstruction that I carry on in my blog and that I consider an intrinsic aspect of my own pictorial research. It would be wonderful to be able to bring them together in a single exhibition, but it is an idea that I don't know if it can be realized.
- Your most successful work, in your opinion?
- The aspects that give me the greatest satisfaction are the esteem of painters that I consider "great" painters, or the esteem of ordinary people who have nothing to gain from my work, but who still feel the need to write to me, communicate their feelings about my paintings. This is the most interesting thing, the fact that one of your works has induced someone to talk about it.
Of course, public recognition is also a pleasure: the prize received, participation in important exhibitions, the mention by a person in charge of the work, but, as if to say, the person who writes to you or says something about your work because he felt the need, seems to me a more valuable gift. But, as already said, I tend to be unconscious.
- What are your favorite artists?
- I have so many favorite artists, I'll just say a few: Leonardo, Titian, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Salvator Rosa, Füsli, Guardi, Goya, Géricault, Constable, Turner, Bonnard, Munch, Schiele (especially the landscapes), Kirchner, Giacometti, Bacon, Diebenkorn, Ajmone, Cremonini, Morbelli, Boccioni (even the pre-futurist works), Ernst, Fautrier, it is impossible to list them all, past and recent, even living, even living. I have written about many of these painters in my blog, highlighting above all the different use of the pictorial matter and trying to explain the reasons, reconstructing an uninterrupted path that reaches up to the present day.
Danilo Santinelli "The streets of Istanbul 2012"
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Danilo Santinelli "Breakfast at sea" 2012
- The objective on which I am working in this period is actually an aspect on which I have been working for some time, I think about the end of 2012, when I started looking for and archiving a whole series of painters around the world who do things similar to mine.
So I tried to trace the historical and pictorial roots and social reasons. In short, to give a historical reconstruction that I carry on in my blog and that I consider an intrinsic aspect of my own pictorial research. It would be wonderful to be able to bring them together in a single exhibition, but it is an idea that I don't know if it can be realized.
- Your most successful work, in your opinion?
- The aspects that give me the greatest satisfaction are the esteem of painters that I consider "great" painters, or the esteem of ordinary people who have nothing to gain from my work, but who still feel the need to write to me, communicate their feelings about my paintings. This is the most interesting thing, the fact that one of your works has induced someone to talk about it.
Of course, public recognition is also a pleasure: the prize received, participation in important exhibitions, the mention by a person in charge of the work, but, as if to say, the person who writes to you or says something about your work because he felt the need, seems to me a more valuable gift. But, as already said, I tend to be unconscious.
- What are your favorite artists?
- I have so many favorite artists, I'll just say a few: Leonardo, Titian, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Salvator Rosa, Füsli, Guardi, Goya, Géricault, Constable, Turner, Bonnard, Munch, Schiele (especially the landscapes), Kirchner, Giacometti, Bacon, Diebenkorn, Ajmone, Cremonini, Morbelli, Boccioni (even the pre-futurist works), Ernst, Fautrier, it is impossible to list them all, past and recent, even living, even living. I have written about many of these painters in my blog, highlighting above all the different use of the pictorial matter and trying to explain the reasons, reconstructing an uninterrupted path that reaches up to the present day.
Artist's page and our page in the instagram
0 notes
wedadatef · 7 years
We can be predictable ونحن يمكن أن تكون قابلة للتنبؤ فلى بلا ما تحكى ما بدى اسمع صوتك الكذاب ولا دمع ولا ضحكة الله معك ردى وراكى الباب دمعك على خدك خرج علم على عتبات الدرج دمعات عينيكى قلبك على غيابى انجرح معلش انا قلبى اندبح من حرقتة عليكى الله معك ردى وراكى الباب انتى وهم انتى والغدر طبعك والطبع غلاب غلطة عمرك انتى انتى معك كل شئ بيصير غياب دمعك على خدك خرج علم على عتبات الدرج دمعات عينيكى my senior year in a agriculture and biology Unique name سنتي كبار في الزراعة والبيولوجيا اسم فريد 8 مارس 04:42 ص https://twitter.com/GomezSource 14 مارس 10:24 م is that really the truth or u try to play with words to make it dirty chat her friend was forcefully rubbing my dick in school i tried to stop her but when i am stopping her i don't like that but that's the truth why are you reacting like that i just be carefuly i said that before it's nothing just a game so be open minded okkk forget it don't be that narrow mind please ok have you ever steal something? me yeah you answer me okk the signal is not good oh no problem yup i did it's silly answer when and why? i was stole my phone from my mom what you stolen phone from mom? cuz she take it away from me the reason why she ask me for something and i didn't do it i told ya it's silly heheh hahahaha ok your turn i'm not god in that game u choose truth or dare just ask me truth ok what is the most thing that you ever told anyone about it maybe a secret remember u say the truth nothing actually i don't know open your mind and think oh wait wait wait i'm here to listen and we are alone here no one see us when i was young i pisssed in pants ohh ur turn have ever slapped someone? mannnnny okay u can't count ur turn what is the thing can meke you sad last break up ok ok have you ever kissed someone? nope truth? yup it's truth have desire to kiss some one? no yes haha i don't know no is impossible yes yes yes how it feel Wonderful What is the position that make you hated the people? when someone people shy to open up what are your desires? first it's working to be a singer and married oh cool your turn A song with emotion in you? centuries imagine dragon what's your boobs size? I'm sorry if I'm being too intrusive no comment and no answer no you have to there nothing bad in that question no i don't have too my rurn What is the position where you feel you are weak?when i was beaten in the street and one man it a base ball bat hitted my head and i feel unconscious but you haven't answered my previous question and what bad in that i don't like that just ask me its not about likeing it's just a game will you belive me if i said i really don't know ok that's not true no it is then how did you bought bras? own eyes i can see it's fit to me or no how's that possible? forget it no no you have to answer the truth then we'll go ahead if u don't belive so it is not my broplem ok so tell me big or smal?small not big not small r u feel comfort talk openly i said if openly like that way i don't wanna talk openly oh come on we're adults so we can talk about each other for Knowledgeلمعرفة cause both gender are different not personality hey please be open minded i don't know who you are and you don't know who i am so you can ask me about my self anything and i can ask you about anything it will gives us confidence to meet new peoples just accept me like who i am i will never change ok ur turn tell me if you told me that _____ this is your boobs size what will happen after that nothing then ohh sorry i send it wrong what's that? cool girl dancing oh ok she is famous youtuber too cool ok so tell me if you ever been to canada or new york i want it sooo bad what will you do if you want buy a how do you buy it? just tell me you bra size if i ever went to Egypt i will gift you undergarments hehe come on Don't shy tell me medium size no in number and cup size we don't have numbers in egypt or cup? cup? yeah a cup b cup or dd cup idk lol hahahaha now ask me btw you have got nice boobs What is the right age for Engagement for you? 23 sorry ?? but you didn't reply when i tell you that you have got nice boobs cuz i don't like what u said عادة متحفظة في الكلامUsually conservative in speech John Afleck http://2001.forumegypt.net/t5-topic cool ok ask me about something d i don't have any question not any more and feeling sleppy ask ok ok i am asking have you ever seen a man or woman naked? bye i'm gonna scape that chat no wait was nice to meet ya even ur dirty open ming mund hehe mind openly no fuck why are you getting me wrong? it was just a game i asked that It was funny even i feel like u are an arab too i don' know why i feel like that ok see ya when i wake up no Study do not miss any lesson so you do not accumulate Population issues.. Even i am getting indians so listen be open minded don't hesitate to answer any question and ask me anything about my self without any hesitation dependent no that's the rule we're alone here so we can share our secret our favouritism and many more her friend was forcefully rubbing my dick in school i tried to stop her but when i am stopping her why are you reacting like that don't be that narrow mind please ok have you ever steal something? silly actually when i was young i pissed in pants have ever slapped someone? والاستماع يكون منفتح لا تتردد في الرد على أي سؤال وتسألني شيئا عن نفسي دون أي تردد يعتمد لا هذا هو الحكم نحن وحدها هنا حتى نتمكن من تبادل لدينا لدينا سرية المحسوبية وغيرها الكثير صديقتها كانت فرك بقوة ديك بلدي في المدرسة حاولت منعها ولكن أنا عندما وقف لها لماذا أنت رد فعل من هذا القبيل لا يكون هذا العقل الضيق الرجاء طيب هل من أي وقت مضى سرقة شيء ما؟ سخيف فعلا عندما كنت صغيرا كنت سكران في السراويل وقد فرضت من أي وقت مضى شخص ما؟
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