#like i dont want to tag this destiel because it is Not. the whole point of it is that its Not.
quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
Let Jack do some biting and exploding as a little treat. He needs it for enrichment in his environment! Alternatively this is his “hormone driven teen age rebellion/angst” phase. Or he’s threatening to run away and live with Sam.
Assuming you’re referencing my anti-domestic destiel au: yeah 🥰 jack is in just the worst situation here, and he put himself there, sure, he agreed to it, thought it would be okay. but crucially, to me, he also thought it was temporary. and that the love he would experience as Dean & Cas’s actual baby wouldn’t differ that much from what he gets as himself. And when it actually is different, when they treat him different, (maybe there’s more kindness in Dean when he’s holding someone that looks more like a child, maybe Castiel’s more attentive and knows how to handle him better because after all, he planned, he took classes, for a baby) that’s rough! horrible and frustrating!
and since they’re all pretending this is fine and makes them happy, he spends more time than he should playing along and feeling worse and worse about himself. I think things should start breaking around him. His toys all crack and twist into terrible shapes. Blood stains show up on his baby blankets. He cries and glass shatters. (He’s trying so hard to keep it in, but it’s not working, he’s upset and he doesn’t even have an outlet to talk about it or anything because Dean and Cas are fully treating him like the toddler he’s taken the shape of.)
I really think Sam would be his saving grace here because Sam is a reprieve from having to keep up that appearance and act. Sam treats Jack as his son, yes, but also as an adult, because that is what Jack is, fast growth cycle and odd birthday count or not. He doesn’t want to be a child. The window for that has passed. He’s grown up.
(I swear that Jack’s part in this isn’t just me being frustrated with his literal infantilization in popular fanon as a character who’s very obviously (to me, anyway) coded as autistic. I swear. It’s not all that. Just. Most of it.)
Jack running away with Sam would be such a way to kick off the falling apart of this “perfect” life that Dean and Castiel have constructed. Their son up and fucking leaves, goes to live with Sam because he can’t stand how neither of them look at him and actually see who he is rather than who they’d prefer him to be. Maybe jumpstarts a few realizations about the fact that they aren’t seeing each other truthfully either, that they’re both miserable and need to split up before they lose their friendship that’s so important to them as well.
(and of course, for extra drama, Jack should burn their house down. What better way to signify that the Normal Apple Pie Life is coming to an end then a housefire. Dean walks in to check on Jack during the night and instead of a baby, there’s Jack standing there next to his small bed, eyes burning gold and neither of them can say anything before the whole room explodes into flame. (Which Jack is very upset about. He didn’t mean that to happen. (He’s glad that it did.) He just lost control.)
but also just in general even outside of this au, jack should be allowed to bite people <3 it’s good for him <3 he gets his bloodthirsty urges to tear out people’s throats from his dad! (sam)
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
So you've angered the haters. Lol. The gc called Anti Destiel LMAO is bitching about you rn. Like you assholes literally put anti destiel in your name, and now you're mad people are calling you out?
Yeah I saw someone sent me a screenshot lol. I'm a notorious heller apparently. Which I find extremely amusing. You know, most of the time I'd expect people to get notoriety for actually being hateful and abusive, like, that's why special K and in this case, inkbleeder, are notorious. They focus their energy on hate.
If I'm the top example of a "hateful heller" then we "hellers" should be quite proud. Aside from the few times I draw attention to problematic areas of fandom (like that now out of control post) I've never created a hate group chat, I've never used anti tags, even for w*ncest which I despise with a fiery passion. I've never sent anon hate, and i dont ever call people nasty names or generalise against a whole group. (The point of my post was to warn nice megstiel and sastiel shippers against hate in public gcs... as well as making a point about destiel shippers (at least the well known bloggers) never being hateful.)
But I'm notorious because I write meta about the show which tends to draw destiel based conclusions in the text. I'm notorious because no matter how much people have screamed at me in the past I've brushed it off. Because anyone who has ever debated me on the canon validity of Destiel has lost, or given up and resorted to name calling.
The people who hate me most, are the ones who debated me and failed, so blocked me, and now call me a deluded heller for not being shaken by the screams of some nasty little person on the internet who tries with all their might to bring me down. Its not going to happen.
So yeah, let them slag me off all they want. I'll still be here, enjoying the show, and the Destiel love story, and smiling through it all, no matter how much they stamp their feet.
If that makes me notorious then I'll damn well take it. :P
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tinkdw · 6 years
hi tink ^_^ was wondering if you think both endgame human!cas and endgame angel!cas are both valid interpretations? im genuinely interested as I can't see the whole human!cas being a thing, and I'm open to learn more if you think that's what is actually going to happen. idk his experience as a human was miserable, i feel like maybe im missing something?? :0 u dont have to answer this if u dont want, as it may cause wank. ty
Here’s my “overall” Cas meta from a while ago, nothing’s changed and a few other meta writers added to it so it’s a good view I think as to the whole concept:
It’s a really crappy topic for divisiveness, in my experience the people who have, relatively, as much as possible, objectively analysed the author intent in the show have come to a pretty solid conclusion within the meta community that Human!Cas appears to be endgame based not on his experience as a human but the outcome, his overall arc since season 4 and the Chekhovs gun style flamingly blatant reminders throughout the show such as the repeated asking him if he wouldn’t rather be human, his choosing to be an Angel to go into battle powerful enough to save the people he loves and putting what he wants to one side and his clearly not wanting to be a soldier anymore.
It’s kind of like saying endgame Dean is for him to be emancipated and being able to openly watch Oprah and Disney etc even though on the surface he says he doesn’t like that stuff. Because the pretty obvious sublimation is there.
With Cas the sublimation isn’t quite as clear but it’s really all there. Yes he suffered as a human but he literally came out of it and said he missed it, while previous to being human he was curious and wanted to try human things (eg kissing meg) and afterwards we’ve seen him actively choosing to act more human, smiting less and fist fighting instead, acting more human, I mean the big one for me was when Dean asked him “and you’re okay with that?!” When he told him he got grace back to be able to fight and he just totally brushed it off saying he needed it to fight:
He later takes more grace which he had been previously rejecting but only to save Dean and then took his own grace back when again it’s needed for a fight whilst telling us the quote that the craziest thing a man can do is die.
He’s literally saying he’s killing himself / his wants for the greater good.
He needs grace for the fight and to be a good useful soldier and to save his family but does he want it?
Want v Need.
One of the biggest themes of the show.
Cas needs his grace to be useful when times are hard but is that what he wants?
In my opinion the show has repeatedly emphasised that it isn’t. I also think it’s clear he doesn’t want to be a soldier anymore and these things go hand in hand.
Others may use canon to say they think it is. Both interpretations are totally valid as long as they are based on canon and actually analysing the canon in a consistent manner.
The issue I have is certain people cherry picking and projecting their stories into it and claiming it’s an overall Cas’ arc since inception meta. That’s just not how meta writing works.
You can absolutely write that stuff but you can’t claim it’s objective and fully inclusive of canon and logical when it is just picking parts that fit your own desire for the character. Like, I didn’t want Lucifer to be centre stage in s13 but I didn’t just ignore it when it was.
Cherry picking things ie the one time Cas said “I just wanna be an Angel” when he was depressed, distraught at Dean’s death and wanted to stop feeling things as proof it’s what he really wants isn’t what I’d call meta writing of the whole story. That’s like saying Sam really wants to be a hunter and tag along beside his brother in the impala on the road for the rest of his life because he was a depressed, vengeful mess after Jess’ death and said ok let’s go. Is it really what Sam wants for himself and the rest of his life though? No way! That’s been clear too.
Even worse when some people claim to be bullied or triggered by other view points. Someone even screenshotted a few sentences I wrote that if you took away the top and bottom sentence looked like I was making no sense and anti Cas (me anti Cas. Lmao) but in the context obviously made sense and decided to create a wank storm about it because they didn’t like human cas meta and wanted to make me look bad. People need to grow up. This isn’t a meta discussion about interpretation it’s being a dick and being unable to contemplate another interpretation.
It makes a discussion totally impossible which moots the entire point of blogging on tumblr in the first place.
Absolutely all interpretations are valid, it’s just a case of how you pitch your interpretation. If you want to state your interpretation of a character absolutely go for it! I used to be all up for Angel!Cas meta until a few utter assholes decided to be personal and ridiculous about it. Now I don’t touch it with a barge pole. Same as M*gstiel.
But that doesn’t invalidate anyone’s good, thought out, canon analysing endgame Angel!Cas meta.
For example my own interpretation of the siren episode is different to many other meta writers, we can discuss it and have polite and great conversations without getting triggered / defensive because we aim to discuss author intent, our own interpretations and do so in a civil manner. There’s one meta writer in particular I’ve had altercations with in the past over some differences of opinion on speculative things and ways of writing meta but who I get on well with, admire and like talking to because we are adults and literally get over it.
There’s also a few people who unfortunately though I agree meta wise about things on the show have been so nasty irl to myself and others that I’ve cut them off completely.
Interpretations are interpretations until they are canon, I’m lucky that most of mine have become so or are clearly on their way but I can also be wrong ie I thought Asmodeus would be more important to character exposition than he was, life moves on. I also didn’t realise quite what it would mean that he would be a Bucklemming own concept and not really used by anyone else, I thought perhaps he’d be used by others by the wasn’t, now I have that knowledge in my pocket meta on anything that sets up for Bucklemming use is kinda meh don’t bother analysing it much it’s probably not hugely important to the overall story being told by the showrunner, ie Nick.
All interpretations are valid is very true. Eg. I can interpret Cas’ story as a metaphor for a queer kid (and in particular trans) coming from a conservative family and emancipating themselves and someone else can interpret it as an immigrants story.
If the show starts changing this then I will change my meta, because my meta is an analysis of what the show is doing, not what I want. For example I never wanted Dean to be queer representation, I was totally heteronormative and would have been totally cool with him ending up alone or with a woman, it’s the show that made me want something different for him through consistent and repeated canon blatant hints at something else. Same as Cas, I was totally ready in season 4 to just like him as a cool character and for him to bog off back to Heaven after being useful but he was captivating as an ally and it grew from there. For ages I would totally have put to one side the hints at a romantic part of his story and loved for him to become the third brother, it’s the show that made me see more between him and Dean, I never would have imagined that myself, I was a boring heterormative adult more interested in the individual characters’ stories than shipping, I thought shipping was just maritime transferral of goods before I was like wtf and googled Destiel after 10x05 cos I’d finally found a name for what I’d been seeing evolve for 6 years.
Sam goes for Cas’ own individual arc and what he wants. I never had a clue what I wanted from him until the show told me what I should want by repeating something clearly over 10 years. If they suddenly change any part of the story then they change it (and I’ll be annoyed they changed something so entrenched but I’m not going to bitch @ tptb for it or whatever, it’s their choice, they’re the creator and once it’s changed I’ll meta that) but so far it’s been the same, clear story to me for 10 years.
An interpretation is an interpretation but it’s when you start, as I do and some others do, saying you believe this one is the authors intention that you have to be more careful about backing it up with canon and logic and not getting #triggered when someone disagrees.
If you’re going to pitch it as what you believe the author intent is then you have to leave your personal projections at the door and work solely based on the canon, the production, what the author may have said outside of canon etc. It has nothing to do with your own wants for the character or show.
It also means when someone has valid canon supported arguments to the contrary you can have a really interesting discussion and I love that.
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thedogsled · 6 years
Hi anonymous gencest person in my inbox! First of all, I wanted to reply to you thoroughly, I just happened to not be online at the time that you sent your first message, and as a result it’s taken a little time to write this reply. You seem to be really hurt by this, but the tone of your message is understanding and kind, and you deserve to be spoken to with the same respect that you did in your messages to me. I’ve put your message under the cut to protect you a little bit (I hope that you find it).
For the folks on my dash, please don’t think this is me jumping back into it. Mostly that’s because, as you mentioned in your message, I feel like everything has gotten very out of hand. The tone of the original conversation changed underneath me, because while my issues were only with tagging, I feel like some people perceived it to be something else. I’d like to clear that up. Ad hominem attacks are always unnecessary, and they derail reasonable conversation. I also think that a lot of this jumped off the back of already raised tensions and preconceptions, and the divisions in fandom are wholly responsible for that. So that’s mostly why I haven’t mentioned it on my blog since the scuffle happened, and why I’m happier putting the rest of this under a cut. I don’t agree with what this turned into (kink shaming, and making genfic people into some sort of commodity to be shot across the battlefield like human cannons), and it’s left a bad taste in my mouth how the whole thing was handled, much as it seems to have done with anonymous.
This post is about that.
Anonymous said:The gencest wank is reaching new levels. Now people on twitter are claiming that participants "support child abuse" (which child?) and are "grooming" other people. There is disagreeing with the ambiguity the term gencest imply and there is straight up calling content creators who just want to write on their favorite characters predators. Now I feel even worse about writing Winchester Gen fic and I'm not even a participant! Are yall even going to care about that?
Anonymous said:(same g*ncest wank anon) Look, nevermind. I dont really expect anything. I was hurt by both sides when I'm at a low point and just wanted to write some S&D gen fic to cheer me up. I came to vent but it wasn't called for. I'm sorry. Have a nice day. 
I’m going to start right back at the beginning. This wank started on Twitter, and it’s still continuing over there. I think a lot of the reason why things are never let go of on Twitter is because the format has a toppling effect. With things only loosely dated, and Twitter sending you notifications for things you might have been interested in, it tends to keep fires burning a lot longer. The viciousness of the conversations is one of the reasons why I’m not a very big presence of Twitter myself, not to mention block and let block isn’t considered to be a social default. People just engage with material no matter the consequences, forgetting that other people on the internet are living breathing emoting human beings.
Part of it, too, is Supernatural fandom’s divisions in general. If you look just at the wank that crossed my dash just in the last week - one week! - there’s the gencest wank, wank from old meta writers about new meta writers, wank at people who wish Cas had been in this episode, wank about Danneel--it never ends. And instead of those wanks being considered as separate incidents, they instead build one on top of another, so people come into conversations with a lot of baggage, which they aim at each other in quickfire succession.
It’s not okay. That’s part of the reason why I try and avoid engaging in ‘antis do this, antis do that’ drama, fandom dividing into sides etc. because it’s draining, it’s tiring, and it stops you from doing things you want to be doing. Trust me, I know all about the pain of just wanting to write/draw/reblog so and so, and feeling like you can’t because the fandom is a trash heap. Other multishippers feel the same way, like they can’t reblog content from certain bloggers because it’s only going to cause drama. I haven’t written or drawn anything but Destiel (apart from that one Sabriel fic for the RB last year) since I started this blog, despite being a multishipper at heart myself, because I don’t feel like that content is welcome or will be engaged with. 
This fandom cultivates that kind of unwelcomeness, in my opinion, to almost everyone in it. It also prevents people from blogging on their own blog, because again people feel they need to seek out and engage with content (even untagged content) that they disagree with, or they’re not interested with, instead of just blocking it. I like talking about ships, and I like discussing how problematic some of them are. I like discussing dark fic. I like discussing tagging practices, and how to keep people safe from being triggered in a fandom which is full of people carrying their traumas with them. While I like engaging with the dark potential of characters, I do my best not to do so at the expense or harm of others. All of those things lead to conflict, and conflict I avoid so much I don’t end up using my blog as I want to. For example, just last year I got involved in a Megstiel conversation which ended in people saying rude things about me and wearing it as a badge of honor that I blocked them. I like Megstiel. I have RPed it and I like the potential the two characters have with each other. It’s not my OTP, and I’m not a relentless wave of positivity about it, but that’s okay. That’s my opinion, and not an opinion I should have to defend, and it’s okay to block people rather than argue needlessly and spread ill feeling around even more.
Staying out of other people’s opinions didn’t happen, this time. Blocking didn’t happen (the gencest mod did use her block later on, which I wholly support, when I was still following the drama, but the block wasn’t respected. When people log out to get around blocks, it isn’t respectful, and it’s part of what fans the drama higher). Not to mention all this drama came in at peak level because all this fandom is is Us Vs. Them until everyone is in a frenzied final battle situation during every incident. Sometimes the drama is being exacerbated and misrepresented, and there are absolutely trolls trying to stir the other thing to being much worse than it is “for fun”. Fandomwank and the anon comms on Dreamwidth (formerly LJ) and to a certain extent Reddit, love making Tumblr and Twitter fans go at each other, and even if we’re pretty shitty with each other already, that’s being driven and exacerbated constantly by forces unseen. 
(Note: People may accuse me of making this up, I suppose, but we’re a powderkeg and people love to start fires. The fake Cas stan on Twitter from this summer is a GREAT example of this, they had Misha’s name in their URL and dropped shit on the writers and cast for a long time just to make people froth at the mouth “How could they say that to Jared” etc. I think people really underestimate how much rubberneckers love drama, and if there isn’t any they will happily start it. That said, a fair amount of drama starts organically, and I’ll concede as much, but if you think cackling supervillains are crazytalk let me introduce you to MS Scribe...)
Rambling about drama aside, because I’m quite passionate about how stupid this fandom gets, I want to get back to your ask. I haven’t touched your actual comments yet, and that does a disservice to them because this drama has genuinely hurt you. Fandom should know that. Their words hurt real people. The bickering hurts real people. It drives people away. It drives people I know away, and it’s hurting this anon as well. It’s like anon says: are we going to care about that? Because we should. We should be making this fandom a better place. We should be mending bridges, not distancing people and telling them their pain doesn’t matter. It matters. At least it matters to me. I want you to know that, anon.
That it matters, that’s why I got so passionate about the tagging issue. We should care for everyone’s comfort in this fandom, and that matters to me too. We shouldn’t shout names at each other. And maybe if people hadn’t been at a default level of at each other’s throats, we could have had a conversation about this. I honestly believe the gencest mod came at this from a reasonable position originally, with no ill intent. I may not have made that clear in my previous posts, but I was determined to give them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think their definition was even that wrong, given that they weren’t trying to redefine the brodependency, imo. My issues only came from a need for fandom itself to invoke the terms Wincest and incest where necessary to protect the people who seek protection from those terms, who are harmed by it, and blacklist it. So that their blacklists work, and continue to protect them. That’s okay, I think, to ask for that, not at the exclusion of the gencest tag, but alongside it where it’s necessary. Incest isn’t what the exchange is about, as I understand it, but obviously the inclusion of ‘wincest’ in the portmanteau does make the real intent cloudy, and excludes people who might otherwise have been interested in it. You mentioned in your ask that the term was ambiguous, and that was my only issue with it, not whatever it’s gotten turned into, especially if that negativity is explicitly anti-Wincest. If the mod wants to use a term that invokes incest for her non romantic gen fest, then that’s the mod’s prerogative. Re. tagging, I think it matters, but tagging is different to the challenge. I’ve tried to be clear on the difference I feel about it since the beginning.
I think that when you are inside the bubble of a ship, it becomes difficult to see the issues with that ship. Let’s take it outside of the fandom and look at Buffy, for example. The fair and honest truth is that Spuffy is an abusive ship. It was literally abusive, then framed as love, Joss Whedon’s gross projection of being able to creepily stalk women and do whatever he wants to them because ~love~ and the woman will ultimately forgive him for being a ruthless monster and they’ll get together. (coughMarvelcough). It’s my OTP for Buffy, but it is what it is. In SPN fandom, Wincest has a similar problem, because it’s been around right since the beginning of the show, and there’s some people I feel who have forgotten that it’s an incest ship, you know, and forget that other people don’t say “It’s just incest” in real life. Only on the internet. (The response to poor Jason Fisher’s defense of Superwiki from the GA made that disconnect really clear to me. The GA literally have no idea why this show would defend incest, because how we speak about incest within fandom is wholly different to how it’s discussed in the real world.)
That said, boy oh boy. I’m about to open a whole other can of worms here.
Wincest folks get constantly attacked. Like I said, it’s an incest ship, and between the GA and people who are triggered by it and purity culture, you’ve got these people who just wanna write their ship and they’re constantly on the toe of everyone’s boot getting a right kicking. I’m not going to argue about the moral rights and wrongs of writing incest, because it’s none of anyone’s business. Writing incest isn’t a gateway drug to performing it any more than if you write stories about murder that’s what you’re setting up to do next yourself. No matter why someone writes it, generally speaking that’s between them and their catharsis. People get uppity about other people’s ships and kinks when they should stay in their own lanes, really.
Tagging is the key to that. Acknowledging your ship has issues and then making sure you tag those issues responsibly. That’s important. It protects us. It protects me when I write darkfic. It protects people who write darkfic because they’re survivors, and helps people to deal with those things when it’s tagged properly, when it’s given the name of what it is, rather than sanitized. That’s my issue with gencest as a tag (not as a fest), because it felt like sanitized incest. You need to call that what it is. You need to identify it. Your older brother climbing into bed with you naked and without permission isn’t gen. To some people within the ship, the identification of it is half the battle. When we tag considerately, we are being kind to people we don’t know, as well as protecting ourselves. Tags make fandom better and safer.
With the way things have unrolled, it’s made it so engaging in either fest seems like picking sides. That’s not okay. That’s not just this battle; this is just another casualty of the whole ship war, something which has sucked the fun out of many things people enjoy doing, and driven many many people out of fandom. I’m sorry that this one hit when you were already feeling so low, not least because we all deserve to have nice things. Fandom is supposed to be the place to go to when life is shitty, to give you fun and relief. It’s not meant to feel like getting sent back to the trenches. Not for anyone.
We need to mend our bridges. We need to keep making our content, and stop seeing it as ride or die. We need to keep our nasty opinions to our own blogs and stop calling each other names when we don’t agree. We need to stop seeing blocking as unreasonable behavior and not proper curation. We need to stop raiding ship tags for wank, or dumping our crap on other ship’s tags in the first place. We need to give more people the benefit of the doubt, and engage on conversational levels about out fandom and our ships. We need to call out issues from within our own fandom, so when drama is getting splashed around we need to say “hey, they have a bit of a point, here, maybe we can talk reasonably about it”. We need to stop shadowboxing with an enemy we think is the boogeyman, when in reality we’re punching real people in the face. We need to tag proactively, and kindly, and keep our fandom corners clean so that when people come to visit we can say “hey, we take our tagging really seriously, you can’t call us out on it.” That’s the fandom I want to be a part of.
Most of all we need to be kind to each other. Be better. For this anon and for everyone else who’s ever been hurt by fandom. Enough shittiness is enough.
To anon. I’m sorry you’re hurting. It fucking sucks, and I’m so sorry things got driven to the point they have now. I’m sorry you got stuck in the middle of it. That said, I want you to write. I want to read your content. Shippy or not, I love the relationship that Sam and Dean have, and seeing all parts of it, fluffy and dark and codependent and cute and playful and snarky. I love G rated fic as much as I love dark NC-17 fic, and I don’t care for people who gen shame, like fic isn’t interesting if it doesn’t have sex in it. Screw that noise. I hope you write. I want you to write. As part of a challenge or not. I hope you will. Everyone I’ve spoken to about this tells me they want more gen S&D content.
You, and anyone else, are welcome to send me any content you want, any time you like. I don’t reblog NC-17 content that isn’t under a cut, or content that attacks other fans, but you can send me any ship, anytime - anyone who loves any ship in this crazy fandom, regardless of what circle of affiliation you usually sit with - and I’ll share your content. With the right tags, of course! We don’t have to be this dysfunctional with each other. We can cooperate and coexist.
To anon: write it. Write it just for you. Write it to make yourself feel better, and write it to stick it in the eye of everyone who’s made you feel bad about it. When you feel powerless, doing it anyway is the power that you have, and you don’t need anyone to give it to you; it’s yours entirely.
I’m sorry this took me so long to post back to you. As you can see I wrote a little more than I initially expected to, and it took a while. If it makes you feel even a little bit better to read it, then it was worth it.
Thanks so much for your ask, for your patience, and for your respect. I hope next time you want to drop me an ask, it’s in happier times.
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Love is in the Air Chapter 6
Jared Padalecki x Reader
1300 Words
Story Summary:Jared is a Flight Attendant, one of the best in the country. Y/N is one of the hottest Hollywood stars. Both intensely attracted to each other, but prejudices get in the way. Can Jared get past his idea of how Y/N should be? Can Y/N show Jared that she’s not the normal actress, but one who is shy and down to Earth, giving them a chance at love?  
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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Your good mood stayed the entire cab drive as you made your way to the studio. You were so glad things were better between you and Jared, and you hoped that dinner with him would go well. You really liked him. He was kind, and handsome, and he didn’t seem to like you because you were a famous actress. It seemed like all your recent boyfriends had been interested in your social status more than who you really were. It had been that fact that made you weary to new relationships, wanting something real. And that seemed like it could happen with Jared.
Stepping out of the cab, you walked into the busy studio, waving at the secretary who buzzed you right in. Taking a deep breath, you stepped into the main office, which bustled with life. You could see the writers in their own little conference room, going over the final script, their fingers covered in ink as they crossed out words and argued over what was better.
Across from them was your favorite department, the costume department. This movie would have amazing dresses and outfits, and you couldn’t wait to see them. Towards the back was where the producer, director and anyone else in charge of the movie kept their offices, and that’s where you made your way.
This movie was unique in the fact that everything was happening in one building, but that’s what had made you interested in it to begin with. Everything about this movie seemed to draw you in, and even if it bombed in the theaters, you hoped that it would be something you could be proud of.
“There’s our girl!” Andy, the producer of the show exclaimed, coming forward to air kiss your cheeks, holding on to your shoulders. “Even prettier than I remembered!”
“Hi Andy,” you smiled up at him, the smile quickly disappearing when you saw Tony in the main conference room, winking when he noticed you staring at him. “Andy, how long does Tony have to stay?”
“Oh, that’s right! He said the two of you flew in together,” Andy muttered, running his hand along his beard. “He says you’re totally into him.”
You felt comfortable enough with Andy that you knew you could tell him anything, and it would go no farther. “I think he’s into me. But Andy, he’s kind of threatened me, blackmailed me into a date with him. Is there something you can do?”
Sighing, Andy frowned. “Y/N, he’s our main sponsor. If we make him mad, this whole picture could go down in the drain.”
“But Andy, he can’t treat me like this!” You argued, just as the conference door opened, and Tony, along with Simon, the director.
“There she is!” Tony exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. Feeling awkward and uncomfortable, you stood there stiffly until he pulled away and Simon shook your hand.
“You are right. She is the perfect Abigail,” he stated, looking you up and down. But his look didn’t feel predatory, like Tony’s did.
“She’s absolutely stunning,” Tony agreed.
“Come on Y/N, we have some drawings of the costumes we want to show you,” Simon insisted, pulling you into the conference room, with Tony and Andy following behind.
The rest of your day was spent in that conference room, going over the script, the costumes, adding any ideas as they problem solved. It felt good, to have your voice be heard, to be a part of the process and not just the actress who followed her queues.
You hated how Tony’s gaze seemed to follow your every movement. There were times he would come to stand beside you, his hand resting on your lower back as you glanced over something, making your skin crawl. You wanted nothing more than to slap his hand away, to kick him out of the office, but you couldn’t. Andy had seemed to make that clear.
So when Andy and Simon left, leaving you alone with Tony, you tried to stay on your side of the table, as far away from him as possible. As you peered down in amazement at the costume design, you noticed the room darkening, and you glanced up to see him lowering the blinds, locking the door.
“Tony, what are you doing?” You asked him, but he just smiled your way, continuing on his mission to lower all the blinds. “I’m going to go get a cup of coffee,” you muttered heading to the door, but before you could reach it, he reached out, grasping your arm, halting your movement.
“I don’t think so,” he insisted. “This is our first chance alone together, and I’ve been wanting to do this all day.”
Pushing you until your back was flat against the wall, he trapped you with one hand above your head. Licking his lip, he leaned down, pressing his slimy wet lips to yours as you struggled to get away. “Tony, stop!” You exclaimed, fighting harder when you felt his hand on your waist, moving up your skin, dangerously close to your bra. “No!” You screamed, getting enough strength to push him away.
Breathing heavily, you raced across the room, throwing open the door, running into a startled Andy and Simon. Pointing back to Tony, you stared at them with wide eyes. “Get rid of him, now!” You insisted, drawing the attention of the entire office.
“Now Y/N, whatever happened, we can deal with this. Just calm down, and we’ll talk.”
“No,” you spat. “I don't need to calm down. That man can’t keep his hands to himself, and I want him removed from this office!”
“I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Tony argued, coming out of the conference room, staring down at you with a wicked glint in his eyes. “She threw herself at me. Probably after me for my money, but who was I to say no to a nice piece of ass.”
“That’s not true!” You argued, your voice rising. “This man has pushed himself on me, not once but twice. He’s degrading, and has been nothing but rude to me. If you don’t remove him, then..”
“Then what?” Tony prodded? “You remove me, and this movie won’t get made. No money, no movie. Make your choice.”
Heartbroken that it was coming to this, you felt a tear slip down your cheek. “Andy, please,” you pleaded with your friend, who stared at you with guilt in his eyes. “You know I wouldn’t lie.”
“I know Y/N, but we need his money,” he answered, sealing your fate.
“I was looking forward to working on this movie,” you told them. “But I can’t work in an office that allows a man to harass the women in here. It’s not right, and I wish I had proof so I could have this guy thrown in jail where he belongs.”
“Y/N, what are you saying?” Simon asked, his arms crossed as he stared cooly your way.
“Looks like you’re going to need to hire another actress. Because I won’t stay here. I can’t, and risk the chance that this asshole can’t keep it in his pants. So, I quit,” you muttered, before shoving past them and walking out the door.
It wasn’t until you were back in the sunshine, waiting for another cab to rescue you, that what just happened dawned on you. With tears streaming down your cheeks, you slid into the cab, giving them the address of your friends house.
It was hard, knowing that you had done the right thing. You had given up your dream role, but you couldn’t stay there. Not with that man who wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Sam/Jared Tags:@a-girl-who-loves-disney @barbedwireandbubblegum @imagine-inc @kay18115 @musicalsarelove @lenaabs @lovesamwinchester @mereka18 @sadmac356 @shadowhunter7 @shawnsassymendes-main @sireennotsiren @sizzlingbearpolice @sortaathief
Love is in the Air Tags:@deansgirl215 @eleven-eleven-make-your-wish @i-is-for-inspiring @iamnotsaneatall @imascio08 @is-that-a-gas-leak-or-a-demon @jordannicole56 @kay18115 @lizmalfoywayland @luciferslucille @phoenixia67 @pjofangirl18 @shaelyn102 @shamelesslydean @tiffanycaruso @that-really-awkward-dinosaur @troubletrumble
Forever Tags: @16wiishes @4401lnc @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @camelotandastronauts @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @createdbybadappreciation @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @hms-fangirl @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jbbarnesgirl @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @luciferslucille @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @newtospnfandom @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman @sunskittlex @superbadassnatural @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @teamfreewill92 @thebikiniinspector @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @wildlandfox @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @worldwidehansum @zombiewerewolfqueen
168 notes · View notes
georgialouisea · 7 years
Death Points
Characters - Dean X Reader, Sam. Word Count - 1300 A/N - Written for @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms ‘ Halloween movie night challenge, I got the film Scream. 
The bunker was quiet for a Saturday. Sam was off doing something on his own, you really weren’t listening to whatever he’d said he was doing, you were half asleep when he’d spoke.
You were bored, it was 2 pm and you’d been in your room all day. Padding down the halls you went in search of Dean, even annoying him would provide some amusement. As you reached the kitchen you watched him grab a beer from the fridge.
“You want one?” He asked without even turning to face you.
“Yes please.” You smiled as you rested against the door frame. “Do you want to watch a film?”
“Yeah sure, your room or mine?”
“Well, my laptop is already on so…”
“Yours then, I’ll bring the beers,” Dean announced as you turned and walked back to your room.
“Dean, we’re not going out today are we?” You shouted down the hall.
“No why?” He yelled back.
“I’m getting changed.” You spoke as you sifted through your drawers. You grabbed some PJs and walked to the bathroom to avoid Dean walking in on you changing.
Returning to your room Dean was already sat on your bed a bottle of whiskey and two glasses on the bedside table, legs crossed at his ankles as he sipped on his beer. His eyes followed you as you walked around your bed.
The way his eyes roamed your body made you blush, you and Dean were never a thing, could never be a thing you were best friends nothing more, he’d never like you in that way.
“Something I can help with Winchester?”
“You look cute.”
“You look nice.” A blush crept to his cheeks as he looked at you.
Glancing into the mirror you had on a new pair of burgundy pyjama shorts which had a white trim, your shirt was a simple grey v neck and your hair was up in a messy bun.
“You’re kidding right?”
“No, but shut up and get in here so we can watch something.”
“Let’s watch a scary film.”
“Y/N, our life is a scary film.” Dean raised his brow at you as he pulled the covers open for you to get in. Crawling under the covers you reached for your laptop.
“What are we watching?”
“Scream.” You looked up at him and caught the end of an eye roll. “What? It’s nearly Halloween.”
“It’s fine I haven’t seen it in a while anyway.” Dean sat back as you set the laptop and the end of the bed. Grabbing your beer you settled against Dean and rested your head on his shoulder as his arm slipped around you.
The beers were long gone, your legs were now across Dean’s and his arms wrapped around you, your head resting on his chest.
“These people are idiots,” Dean observed as he shifted his arms around you.
“And how would you deal with this if you lived in a real house and you weren’t a hunter?”
“I’d lock the doors for one.”
“Sure but if the killer was already in, then what?”
“Run to the kitchen grab all the knives, if you have more than one you could throw one at them.”
“True but what if you missed and then they’d have more?”
“Eh, I’d deal with it, you?”
“Same, lock doors, grab a few knives, any form of bat or maybe a rolling pin, mobile and phone.”
“I think we’d be okay then.”
“Yup.” You smiled up at Dean as you hugged his waist.
“Also if you have sex you’d die so that’d be off the cards,” Dean spoke up.
“Sucks to be you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Out of the two of us if we weren’t hunters you’d reach more horror movie death points.”
“You think?”
“Oh yeah.” You nodded as you paused the laptop with your foot, Dean handing you a glass of whiskey as he held another.
“Let’s make it a game.”
“Let’s play who’s more likely to in horror movies, we’ve had in scream not lock the doors, talk to a creepy stranger on the phone, have sex and get drunk.”
“Dean I think we’re pretty even on those.”
“Suppose.” He shrugged as his hands released you slightly.
You and Dean spent another hour or so watching the rest of scream both playing the game and coming up with your own situations, your glass discarded on the side. Your grip on Dean tightened as your head snuggled further into his chest. You felt yourself falling asleep in his arms, your laptop ignored at the foot of the bed.
Blinking as you looked up your chin rested on Dean’s shoulder, shutting your eyes again you noticed Dean had been watching you.
Opening your eyes again you watched as his beautiful green eyes looked down at you, his lips forming a smile as he rested his head further into the pillows.
“Hi.” You whispered.
“How long have I been asleep for?”
“About 20 minutes.”
“Why didn’t you wake me?”
“Didn’t want to.”
“Dean.” You whispered as your hand reached up and rested on the back of his neck.
“You’ve been watching me sleep for 20 minutes?”
“Maybe.” As the words left his mouth your lips were on his, pressing a featherlight kiss to his lips, pulling away you looked at him, his whole body moved towards you as he searched for you.
“Y/N…” He whispered this time his lips found yours as his arms held you to his chest, your hands grabbing his hair as you pulled him closer to you.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you as you kissed Dean.
“What? You know laughing during our first kiss is a real deal breaker.”
“No Dean, I …” You grinned as you kissed him again.
“What?” He questioned as he pulled away from you.
“I’m just happy.” You grinned up at him. “I’m happy we’re okay, because I’ve loved you for so long.”
“I like you too, I have forever, today I just… realised I’m in love with you.”
“I’m glad we’re okay.” You punctuated with a kiss. “Do you want to watch another horror film?” You questioned as you looked for your laptop at the foot of your bed.
“It fell on the floor a while ago, you didn’t move when it fell so I left you to sleep,” Dean announced as he kissed you again. “If you want to watch another film, I’m up for it but your laptop may need repairing.”
“Stuff it I’d rather spend all afternoon in bed with you.” You smiled up at Dean as you kissed his lips again, you were too comfortable and happy to move.
“That has so many meanings.” Dean raised a brow at you.
“It means I want a nap, and I want to nap with you or watch a film.” You whispered as your head fell back onto his chest.
“We didn’t get a chance to watch the rest of scream, want to watch it then get some food? I’ll make us burgers.”
“You’re spoiling me.”
“So? I want to.” Dean whispered as he kissed you again.
As your door flung open you pulled away from Dean and shoved your head into the pillow.
“Sorry!” Sam mumbled as he slammed your door shut.
“Damn it, Sammy.” Dean groaned as his arms wrapped around you again.
“Someone needs to move and get my laptop off the floor.” You groaned as Dean’s hands covered your ears.
“Sammy!” Dean shouted as he winked at you.
Your door opened again and Sam stood in the doorway, “What?”
“Can you get us the laptop off the floor? Y/N kicked it off the bed.”
With an eye roll, Sam walked around the bed and picked up your laptop and threw it onto Dean’s stomach. “I’m not your damn maid.”
“Thank you, Sam.” You smiled at him as you flopped your head back onto Dean’s chest.
“You two are disgusting.” Sam smiled as he closed the door.
“Sammy’s secretly happy,” Dean mumbled as he opened your laptop and clicked play, placing it at the bottom of the bed.
October became special for once, yes you’d always loved Halloween but October now held a new place in your heart, it was the month Dean told you he loved you. The month your life with Dean Winchester loving you began.
Tags -
Forever Taglist - @mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @ginamsmith @donnaintx @emoryhemsworth
Dean Taglist - @akshi8278 @awesomestperson22 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @michellethetvaddict @dramaqueenrolf
Dean Fluff- @dr-dean @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @spn-fan-girl-173 @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @jpadjackles @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @deantbh @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @revwinchester @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @winchester-family-business @4401lnc @teamfreewill92
@mrswhozeewhatsis Taglist Dean - @thinkwritexpress-official @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @littlegreenplasticsoldier @gryffindorable713 @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @fandommaniacx @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien  @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @fangirling-instead-of-working @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @kayteonline @spnsimpleman  @mamaimpala @winchesterfiesta @sleep-silent-angel @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @skybinx-blog @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @tia58 @sams-little-toy @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @saving-things-hunting-family @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @i-dont-know-how-to-write @everyday-supernatural-af @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @babypieandwhiskey @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish  @hexparker @atwistoffate @evilskank-inthemegacoven @there-must-be-a-lock
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revwinchester · 7 years
Centerfold - Part 4
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Summary:  Dean stumbles across an interview and photoshoot starring his high school crush (and younger brother’s friend) Castiel.  He decides he’s going to stop at nothing to get back in touch with the boy with the blue eyes who used to sit in front of him in homeroom.
Genre: Mostly fluff with a touch of angst
Pairing: Destiel
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Word Count: 1218
Series Warnings: AU - No Supernatural, Porn Star Cas, Mentions of Sex (but no depictions), Bastardization of SPN Lines, Scenes, and Episode Titles
A/N: This whole series came out of a prompt for @thinkwritexpress-official‘s Back To School Challenge!  The fic is based on the J Gelis Band song “Centerfold” in which a man finds his high school crush on the pages of his favorite porn magazine.
Find it on AO3
Centerfold Masterlist
Centerfold - Part 4 - 
Over the next few weeks, it seemed to Sam that Dean was back to himself and his regular schedule, all thoughts of Cas pushed from his mind.
So, when Cas texted the younger Winchester one Friday to tell him he’d be in town, he didn’t think much of it.  The pair set up a dinner and, just to be on the safe side, Sam didn’t tell his brother.  He often stayed at the office late, working on some case or another, so he knew Dean wouldn’t think twice about his absence.  
As Sam and Cas caught up over an appetizer, Sam contemplated telling the man that he knew what kind of modeling he had been doing.  The right moment never seemed to present itself, though, and ‘Hey, Cas, how’s the porn industry been treating you?’ felt way too abrupt.
Their meals arrived and Castiel’s entire demeanor shifted as he cut into his steak.  “I hope you don’t mind, but I have an ulterior motive for this dinner,” Cas confessed.  “I am in need of some legal advice.”
Sam leaned forward, going into “lawyer mode” as Dean liked to call it.  “Sure Cas, what’s up?”
Cas took a deep breath and confided, “I think I have a stalker; it’s part of why I came back here this time.  I’ve been getting weird phone calls for the last month.  It’s always the same number at about the same time each day and there’s always a person on the other end but they never talk, not really anyway.”  The words were pouring out of Castiel’s mouth and he couldn’t have stopped now if he had wanted to.  “I’ve been zealous in keeping my professional life and my private life separate but all of the calls are coming from Kansas to my work phone.  There have always been some weird fans of my work but nothing that raised any red flags before.  
“Only one of my brothers knows that number and he swears that it’s not him and he hasn’t given it to anyone or talked about the, uh, finer points of my career with anyone.”  Cas paused and took a deep breath, looking his friend in the eye, “Sam, I work in the porn industry.  On camera.  I’ve made a name for myself on screen.  It’s not something that I’m ashamed about but I know that the majority of my family would not be able to handle that knowledge so you and my brother Gabriel are the only ones from my Kansas life that know this.”
Sam let Cas get everything out with what he hoped was a supportive look on his face.  When his friend finally stopped talking, Sam held his gaze.  “I already know, Cas,” Sam admitted, “and I think I have an idea about who your stalker is.”
Castiel’s eyes went wide with surprise but Sam didn’t find any embarrassment in them or in his voice when he spoke.
Sam wasn’t sure if Cas was asking how Sam knew about his career or how he already might know who his stalker was but the answer was essentially the same.  “Dean, my brother, he came across your spread in, uh, Hot Rod Hotties and he recognized you from high school.”  Sam noticed a small smile on his friend’s face at the mention of his brother.  Deciding to use this to his advantage and hoping to get Dean out of some of the trouble he could - deservedly - end up in, he leaned in conspiratorially, knowing his brother would kill him for what he was about to share.  “He was really excited to come across the interview, Cas.  I’m pretty sure he had a crush on you in high school and seeing you in one of his magazines rekindled some of that.”
Sam braced himself before he told Cas the rest of the story.  How Dean had pestered Sam for his number for a few weeks before trying something more drastic and how he had followed his brother into the city and listened in while Dean had managed to sweet talk his way into getting Castiel’s phone number from the magazine.  Sam was glad when Cas laughed at the part where the receptionist had mistaken him for a model but he steeled himself for the end of the tale.  Sam confessed that he had overheard Dean’s first call to Cas.
“I should have told you right then, Cas, but he floundered so much and then never brought it up again so I assumed it was over.”  Sam looked down at the table, staring at his meal.  “I’m sorry.”  Sam fidgeted for a moment, feeling uncomfortable with the silence that lingered between him and his friend.  When his eyes returned to Castiel’s, though, Sam found that the man had an incredulous look on his face.
“Dean had a crush on me in high school?” Cas asked, his voice full of awe and disbelief.
If that was where Cas was going to focus his attention, instead of on Dean’s creepy behavior, Sam wasn’t going to stop him.  “Yeah,” Sam confirmed.  “I mean, he wasn’t out yet and he never really talked to his kid brother about it but he’s always been awkward with the guys he’s liked.  With the girls, he can be super cool and smooth but the guys get him flustered.  I remember the stories you used to tell me about how he’d act towards you and they fit his M.O., I just didn’t realize it as a kid.”
Cas sighed.  “I was practically in love with your brother,” he shared.  “My first film… The script was great, or as great as it gets in porn, but one of the reasons I signed on to Lazarus Rising was because the lead reminded me of Dean.”  Cas was blushing and, if he was being honest, Sam was too, but for a completely different reason.  
The conversation had not gone where Sam had been expecting and, while Sam had no issues with knowing his friend was working in porn, he didn’t care to imagine Dean - or someone who looked like Dean - having sex.  Sam turned the conversation back to a topic that was both safer and more volatile all at once.  “Cas, let me see the call log on your phone?  I want to make sure that it was Dean who was calling you.”
Cas fished his phone from his pocket and held it up so that the facial recognition software would unlock it.  He tapped the screen a few times and then passed the device across to Sam.  
Sam scrolled through Castiel’s incoming calls.  Every day right around 5:15 there was a call from a number that was nearly as familiar as Sam’s own.  It was Dean, alright, and he seemed to be calling Cas while he was on his way home from the garage.  As he looked at his brother’s number repeated daily in Castiel’s call log, Sam began to form a plan.
“Do you want to get back in touch with Dean?” Sam asked.  He knew the answer already but needed to hear Cas say it.  His friend agreed readily and Sam continued, “I think you need to mess with him a little first, to get him back for freaking you out with all of his calls.”
If you would like to be added to (or removed from) one of my tag lists, please send me an ask and let me know!  The lists I’m tagging for this fic are story specific and then my forevers and my Destiel tags (if anyone signs up for that one).
Centerfold Tags: @shutupiminlooove
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official @atc74
Destiel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @deandoesthingstome @manawhaat @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @fangirling-instead-of-working @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @skybinx-blog @purgatoan @impossible-box @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @dr-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @jotink78 @i-dont-know-how-to-write @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @hexparker @rockhoochie
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chiisana-sukima · 7 years
@elizabethrobertajones​ commented:
Aah this post is long and off-topic-y so I’ll just comment quickly this way - I think we all know Sam has an endless well of goodness in him and cares for others a lot and he has SOME empathy, just maybe that sympathy is a stronger force for him, also a positive caring emotion, and situationally, when he’s frustrated or angry & in a dark place he overlooks how others feel because he has a greater good that will help in mind…   
Dean sometimes seems to have supernatural or almost unbelievable empathy, like the 5x16 scene with mary as a 4 year old talking to her like that (writing issues? idk) and again to balance the characters, if Dean’s the one with OTT empathy, then Sam might see things a different way and be sympathetic but not off the charts empathy… Though Dean sees him that way like in Tall Tales :P  
 I never thought of this as a negative trait - the long explanatory meta I read used it exactly as the point of balancing them and showing their different strengths, but I guess without reading that 1 long meta and knowing that, it looks worse out of context, especially yelling the phrase at random examples :P
(And from Dean-centric blogs or at least Destiel ones where Sam doesn’t seem to be the focus… Okay I’ll stop replying now >.>)         
(God, tumblr, why you gotta suck so bad? I cleaved this off, because the other post was getting so unmanageable long- and also, you’re right that discussing the example specifically is kind of off-topic, although I now think I accidentally hijacked the post some with it, so apologies about that)       
I do think you’re probably right that the phrase without lengthy context can be off-putting, but mostly I feel like it’s just shorthand for a way of looking at a big chunk of meta theory without having to re-explain it every time (which is how I was using it too).   
The meta theory it’s attached to appears to me (please correct me if I’m wrong) to be:
Cas and Dean can’t get their act together enough to admit to loving one another for various reasons, one of which is that Dean is stuck in a performance of a certain kind of character that doesn’t represent both his actual self and his best interests ->
the performance of that character is related to the role John cast him in as a traditionally macho “manly” hero/provider for his family, but with the added piece that he was also expected to take on the traditional woman’s role of caretaking, like a mother, for Sam too while still also maintaining his “manly” facade->
in order for Dean to be happy and live the life he deserves (which includes openly loving the person he really loves), he needs to both resolve his internal issues around role and self-worth, and also Sam and he need to resolve their issues around how much it is or is not appropriate for him to function as Sam’s parent ->
Sam can sometimes exacerbate the second problem by undermining Dean’s attempts to escape his original family role, and by responding to his performance as if it is either his real self or is preferable to his real self.
(The empathy piece of this is that Sam doesn’t have an accurate picture of Dean partly for self-protective reasons, and partly because John and Dean protected him from learning just how sucky Dean’s family role really is/was, but also partly because he doesn’t have the, as you say, almost supernatural ability that Dean does to see past a performing lie to a person’s real self)
Assuming for the moment an in-universe explanation for why Cas and Dean aren’t rolling in the sheets every night, I agree in part with this analysis and disagree in part. I think a big piece of where the anger comes from for more Sam-focused fans is when examples are given that over-attribute Dean’s internal issues to Sam. I hesitate to give specific instances, because doing so is *so* specific that it then feels uncomfortably to me like I’m picking on a particular post and/or poster, which is not my intent at all. But suffice it to say that this is a very common and longstanding piece of analysis, and pretty much any random day’s dash for someone who follows a bunch of destiel blogs will contain multiple examples.
The whole surrogate-parenting issue is fraught with minefields, so it’s easy to see how people can get angry and fucked up about this issue, and I am certainly not immune. I wonder sometimes how much, on one side, people are dealing with irl attitudes about severely unhealthy family dynamics, and on the other, people are dealing with irl attitudes about both that and also issues around coming out.
@elizabethrobertajones, your explanation here is very helpful to me, and reading it, I wonder now too if some of the empathy/sympathy thing is a response to both a canon and fanon tendency at times to act as if Sam is always empathetic and Dean is not. Like you, I feel that Dean is almost unnaturally empathetic, but I also feel the same about Sam, and think it’s just expressed in different ways. 
One of my friends brought up that because Sam is more emotionally distancing, maybe the way he expresses his reactions to peoples’ distress is not as obviously “empathy” as it is with Dean, who is very emotionally expressive. That seems like it could be on-target to me as well.
(btw, I wanted to second @wingstocarryon‘s observation that she enjoys your Sam meta, Lizzy. I do too, and I want to emphasize that I‘m not trying to downplay anyone’s affection for Sam. I know you’all feel protective of and caring towards Sam too.
@tinkdw, I hope it’s okay that I’m tagging you too, partly because my original reblog was in response to a post of yours and partly because I enjoy discussing things with you and am interested in your opinion if you feel inclined [but no worries if you dont])
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herosdoexistsblog · 4 years
Ok so we need to have a talk. I love this family but there is some serious toxic shit that has been going on for over a decade. Most of you know what I’m talking about. Bi dean is NOT canon. Destiel is NOT canon. Stop treating it like it is. Me and you can believe and ship all we want but need to stick to our corner better. Those who call us Destielhellers you are kinda doing the same thing we are and I don’t blame you. With all you have put up with it’s easy to go into attack mode. I myself have acted like it is canon and been a little bit if any at all hateful. When I notice this I feel horrible and apologize if I voiced it. This is me apologizing for myself and others. While the destiel fandom + the bi dean fandom are extremely toxic some of us just happen to ship it or have that head canon. We try our best to stay in our corner. I apologize to anyone who doesn’t ship it or has left the ship simply do to the toxicity of the fandom. I really don’t blame you. As for the queer baiting I think it is a thing. If it is in supernatural, yes, BUT this is because we want it sooo bad they feel the need to throw us a bone. Or we simply look into things too much, not all things but some things are too much. We are hurting ourselves. I’m a multi shipper and I find it hard to do that in this fandom I can’t read a lot of good dean/anyone to be honest because there is so much cas! I love cas I really do but the bringing him back so often I just recently realized is doing him a disservice and just not honoring him. The show is about two brothers, not two brothers + an angel. Now yes for a lot of characters death is not permanent, but they are not our “main” characters. No one stays on the show forever. Amd to the Wincest shippers,I really really hate your ship, BUT only because they’re brothers. If they weren’t brothers the ship would be so much more popular. Also I don’t care what you ship or how much you ship it, DONT BRING IT UP TO THE ACTORS! It’s not canon you shouldn’t do that I mena maybe a joke or small question here and there but that could seriously make them uncomfortable. It also has almost nothing with the plot of the show or them which is the whole point of the panels. They are to connect and learn about the people who are responsible for our entertainment and in J2Ms case saving some of our lives. They are also about the plot and our show in general which yes does include ships but by now we know what’s ok and not ok to bring up. If I’ve missed anything let ,e know but I am genuinely done with ship wars and just hate from BOTH ends. I hate that I partake in it sometimes. I leave you with this: be nice, tag properly on here (meaning tag it as ONLY the ship and not the characters involved and tag if it’s an incorrect quote). Let me know if I missed anything. Sorry for ranting and I LOVE YALL!
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katymacsupernatural · 7 years
Love is in the Air Chapter 3
Jared Padalecki x Reader
1200 Words
Story Summary:Jared is a Flight Attendant, one of the best in the country. Briana is one of the hottest Hollywood stars. Both intensely attracted to each other, but prejudices get in the way. Can Jared get past his idea of how Briana should be? Can Briana show Jared that she’s not the normal actress, but one who is shy and down to Earth, giving them a chance at love?  
Catch Up: Masterpost 
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With your carry on over your shoulder, and your purse on your arm, you made your way out to the main part of the airport, knowing exactly where you needed to go. Standing there impatiently, waiting for your suitcase, you pulled out your phone, letting your friend know you had made it to the airport, hoping she was already waiting to pick you up.
You could see the man from the airplane around the suitcase terminal, and you made sure to stay away from him. He had turned your flight into a horror show, and if it hadn’t been for that nice attendant Jared, you would have gone crazy.
Your friend texted you back, just as your suitcase landed with a plop, saying she was just waiting outside. Taking your suitcase, you were about ready to make your way through the crowded terminal, when the familiar nasal voice spoke up behind you. “Let me walk you to your ride,” he insisted.
“No thank you, I can manage,” you muttered, trying to leave when he reached out, grabbing you by the upper arm.
“As one of your sponsors, I insist,” he said with a sneer.
“One of my...what?” You stuttered, his grip almost bruising, and you wanted to stomp on his foot, elbow him in the gut. But if what he was saying is true, then you couldn’t afford it. This role was your big one, the one that you had been waiting your whole life for.
“You didn’t know, did you?” He seemed extremely happy now. “I’m one the men giving money to make this movie work. So you better make me happy, or I’ll make your life a living hell.”
Trying to take deep, calming breaths, you pasted on a smile, one that you often used in your roles. It hid the fact that you were frustrated and annoyed, and wanted nothing more than to push this guy to the side.
“That’s better. Let’s go,” He exclaimed, pulling you along with him as if he already owned you. And if what he said was true, he already did.
Jared’s POV
It didn’t take long before the plane was cleaned up, and I was grabbing my small travel bag. I was laying over for the night, no new flight for a couple of days. I just wish it had happened somewhere other than Las Angeles, my least favorite town of all. It could have happened anywhere else, and I would have relaxed, spent my time enjoyably. But now, I would just be hoping that I got called back into work early. Anything to get away from this greedy town.
Tossing my bag over my shoulder, I exited through the staff door, mixing with the passengers that had just left planes, or were getting ready to board. This airport was always busy, with a mix of wealthy and tourists, and I couldn’t wait to get away.
Brushing past angry people running late, Mom’s trying to comfort nervous kids, and the rich who looked down on the rest, I saw a familiar person around the corner. Stopping suddenly, I watched as the passenger from C1 walked by, with the man in B1, his arm around her shoulder. Frowning, I could see the triumphant smile on his face, but he was blocking her from my view.
“Of course,” I muttered. Of course she ended up with him. After all, she was just another spoiled celebrity, no doubt looking for the next hand up.
“Did you just see Y/N Y/L/N? I can’t believe I just saw her! Do you think I could get an autograph?” This girl next to me squealed, jumping up and down as she pointed towards the woman from the plane.
Finally, I had a name to put out the face. And it was beautiful, just like her. It seemed like no matter how many times I tried to tell myself she was just another rich actress, my attraction continued to grow.
Shaking my head, clearing those thoughts, I turned and went out the side entrance, planning on making the trek to the bus station, knowing getting a cab at this hour would be hard, if not impossible. Missing the way Y/N struggled against the man’s hold, the clenching of her jaw.
Your POV
Feeling as if you had no choice but to go with the man, who turned out to be Tony, you couldn’t believe the grip he had on your arm. It was probably tight enough to leave bruises.
“So, I know you have a friend picking you up. But I will be at the office bright and early in the morning. And then, we can finalize our dinner plans for that night. You do need your beauty rest tonight after all.”
Grinding your teeth together, you finally pulled away when you saw your friends compact car in front of the airport, with Stacia waving madly at you. Raising an eyebrow at the man who was still beside you, she came running forward, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, easily pulling you away from Tony.
“Y/N, it’s been too long!” She exclaimed, taking your suitcase and shoving it into the tiny trunk of her car as you slid into the passenger seat. “Who the hell was that?
“He was in the seat in front of me. A real jerk, but I guess he’s supply the budget of the film. So I guess I have to put up with him,” you muttered.
“Y/N, you do not have to put up with him,” Stacia insisted. “Just because he’s throwing his money at your movie doesn’t mean he can get away with things. The second he pushes too far, you need to stop it. Tell somebody, do something. Y/N, you’re sweet, and even a little naive which is weird in the world you work in. But promise me, you’ll let me kick him in the jewels if something happens.”
“I promise,” you told her. “This is just my big break. The movie I’ve been waiting my entire life for.”
“A role isn't’ worth getting sexually assaulted by some asshole.” Stacia muttered, rushing through the heavy traffic with ease. “But enough about that. I haven’t seen you in over a month. I was thinking pizza, beer and a night spent talking and watching cheesy romance movies.”
“That sounds like an amazing night,” you agreed. “And once again, thank you for letting me stay with you.”
“Of course. Your my best friend. And even though you could definitely afford one of the nicest suites in this town, I’m glad you decide to bunk with me in my crappy little apartment.”
“You just say the word, and I’ll move you to a nicer place,” you offered for what had to be the tenth time. “After all, you have a room for me, it’s the least I could do.”
“And I’ve told you,” she muttered. “I want to do this on my own.”
“As you wish. But I’m buying the booze and pizza.”
Read Part 4
Sam/Jared Tags:@a-girl-who-loves-disney @barbedwireandbubblegum @kay18115 @musicalsarelove @lenaabs @lovesamwinchester @mereka18 @sadmac356 @shadowhunter7 @shawnsassymendes-main @sireennotsiren @sizzlingbearpolice @sortaathief
Love is in the Air Tags:@deansgirl215 @eleven-eleven-make-your-wish @i-is-for-inspiring @iamnotsaneatall @is-that-a-gas-leak-or-a-demon @jordannicole56 @kay18115 @lizmalfoywayland @phoenixia67 @shaelyn102 @tiffanycaruso @that-really-awkward-dinosaur @troubletrumble
Forever Tags: @16wiishes @4401lnc @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @bemyqueenofdarkness @bohowitch @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick @camelotandastronauts @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @captainemwinchester @createdbybadappreciation @darthdeziewok @destiels-new-girl @donnaintx @dont-you-dare-say-misha @dslocum89 @duckieburns @docharleythegeekqueen @dontslurp @emmazach @emilicious-7 @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @essie1876 @generalgoldfishldrm @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @imboredsueme @internationalmusicteacher @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @keelzy2 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @newtospnfandom @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @spnbaby-67 @sunskittlex @superbadassnatural @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @thebikiniinspector @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @totallovelesson @tunadean @vvinch3st3r @winchesterbrothers-inc @winchesterxtwo @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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