#like i got those vibes from the movie but the book its front and centre
asdcats · 1 year
So I've been reading Pride and Prejudice and God Mr Darcy is such an autism
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wilsons-striped-ties · 5 months
may tc challenge (days 1-31 one shot)
original post here!
by @icouldbeyourprettygirl
1. How did your relationship start? Was it you who did most of the initiating?
mango: I guess we really became closer in year 1 because I was the female rep for his class, and I would stay back to let him sign the class journal and we'd chat, and he'd text me regarding class stuff and afterwards in year 3/4 I just grew bolder
passion fruit: I was in the front row, right in front of the place he would always stand to teach, and I would whisper the answers to myself and he would always pick on me to answer/do stuff, and I guess since I was most participative, we just became closer
2. How often do you think about them?
mango: every waking moment for a long period of time, before collage started and I became too busy but yesterday I started to think about him again and it's consuming me again
passion fruit: sometimes! I just hope he's doing well most of the times, and wonder how he's doing, I would kill to sit in his classes again
3. What kind of weather matches their vibes? What about yours?
mango: he fits the sunshine after a storm vibe, his resting face is literally scarier than whatever there is, but when he smiles it feels like the clouds parting and warm, bright sunshine breaking through to grace the universe
passion fruit: i think his is more of a complicated stormy weather, but the rain isn't hitting yet. like when the sky's all grey and the wind is whipping into your face, but there's the chance of the sun peeking through, or getting hit with a tornado, there's no in between
me: I'd like to say that I'm when its winter but the sun is still out in a nice way? mostly because it's my favourite season but I feel that I may come off as cold to people, but around friends and people comfortable with me, I'm someone they like to hang around with and there's just those winter days that are warmer rather than freezing? I can be quite unpredictable too, and I change around different people
4. May the fourth be with you! Do they have a favorite movie franchise? Do you?
mango: I have no idea :' he looks like a Lord of the Rings buff maybe
passion fruit: hmm his daughter adores Harry Potter, but he doesn't say much about himself, I do get Lord of the Rings vibes with him too though HAHA
me: ...Lord of the Rings BAHAHAHAHA but hot take: I prefer the Hobbit. I also love Star Trek!
5. Do you have a playlist dedicated to them? What are your favorite songs on it?
mango: FOR SURE. I'm currently listening to it right now. Some of my favourite songs from it include: Nonsense (sped up), Still into You, 我有很喜欢的人了 (I have someone I like), 是梦吧 (it's a dream), Need You Now, Why Don't You Love Me, Mr Watson etc
passion fruit: I don't have one, but it would be similar to mango's
6. What's your go to fantasy/day dream about them?
mango: silly but him driving me home, or just me being in his car, me hugging him and him hugging me back, going to an amusement park with him, and sitting on rollercoasters with him
passion fruit: reading books with him, grabbing movies and fancy dinners with him, us just having deep conversations under the night sky and his attention is fully on me
7. If you had the opportunity, would you go on a date with them? (If they're married/taken, imagine their partner is out of the picture) If so, what would you want to do?
mango: 110% would. definitely will grab dinner with him, hold hands, walk around aimlessly in the shopping centre before going for a late night movie and the date ends with him driving me home
passion fruit: DUH. suddenly got hit with the idea of bowling with him? and maybe grabbing a movie with him before going to dinner, and a late night ice cream snack
8. Do you dress up on the days you see them? How so?
mango + passion fruit: my high schools do school uniforms so I don't really have a say in anything much
9. What's your favorite memory with them?
mango: I think prom, me and my best friend went up and we were all gathered outside the banquet hall of a hotel and we were at those standing tables eating peanuts and nonsense and the table next to mine had him, talking to other teachers. I was standing opposite him and it felt like those drama stuff because there was nothing blocking my view of him and vice versa, and I looked at him and got hit that it's the first time I've seen him in six months and suddenly everything felt lighter and I looked away before looking back, and he chose that exact moment to turn and look at me and our eyes met and I swear I SWEAR his smile pulled wider and his eyes lit up and his eyebrows raised before waving to me really fast and I waved to him and grinned and it was the most wonderful feeling ever
passion fruit: every time he singles me out from the class and asks me to answer a question or do something. he's one of the first and only person to make me feel significant and seen, in a crowd of everyone else that always makes me just another face
10. Have you ever thought about a future with them?
mango: every fake scenario I make up always somehow links to him
passion fruit: not really, its a little harder to imagine
11. Does your tc give you physical affection?
mango + passion fruit: I wish :'
12. Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate! Have they ever told you anything about their family? Have you told them about yours?
mango: he's really secretive, so nope
passion fruit: first day he told the class about his family but I wasn't there because I was facilitating orientation with the year 1s
me: I have told them that I have a sister in the school but that's about it, was going to have a long talk with mango about my very toxic family dynamics but he kinda bailed so
13. Do any of your classmates have a crush on your tc?
mango: nope but almost all female year 1s would have found him attractive on the first week of school if he was their teacher, but would stop afterwards HAHA
passion fruit: nope
14. What’s something you wished they knew about you without you having to tell them?
mango: I wish he would know my feelings for the day, like if I was in a good/bad mood and were having a good/bad day or maybe like over the weekends if I had a good break etc
passion fruit: I wish he would know how much I really enjoy his lessons
15. If your tc was invited to a wedding and asked you to be their plus one, what would you wear, and what would you want to see them in? (Theme of the wedding is up to you, so you can choose your outfits)
mango: formal weddings, I would probably wear a dark blue/black gown? No specifics but I would match him. For him, THREE PIECE SUIT DARK BLUE/BLACK + WHITE SHIRT PLEASE and not any checkered/plaid nightmares please maybe top button off or something *giggles like the degenerate I am*
passion fruit: same wedding theme, I would wear the same thing and also match. For him, ooo would like to see him in a three piece as well because he always wears a dress shirt and pants anyways, if he'd throw on a jacket, it would be perfection mmm
16. Do you have any photos of them? Either those that you've found on their social media or ones you've taken yourself?
mango: YES I've taken sneaky paparazzi photos of him, created a facebook page to stalk him, his instagram and school website pictures (one of them is insanely hot) and also have taken photos with him (I somehow manage to look atrocious in every picture I take with him)
passion fruit: some photos off the school website, and photos with him!
17. Have you ever listened to break up songs/love songs and thought of them?
mango: UH DUH
passion fruit: not really
18. What style/haircut/tattoos/facial hair/etc do you think would suit them best?
mango: his look now is wonderful but clean cut/a little stubble would be enough, he doesn't really rock facial hair. would be interested to see a tattoo though
passion fruit: oof some white streaks is HOT in his hair and he has that already, he rocks with and without facial hair, a tattoo would be interesting too
19. Which color would you assign the feelings they give you? (Ex: happy -> yellow or something bright)
mango: he literally gives me yellow, he never fails to make my whole day awesome and bright, and it's a painfully wide smile on my face whenever I'm with him, but its always genuine and never fake
passion fruit: whatever colour I'm feeling, toned down to a soft, calm and yet strong colour. he adds a sense of security and makes me feel wanted around him, I feel happy but it's more of a calm joy
20. Which decade would they be best in? How about you? (Based on fashion, technology, art, music, the fun stuff.)
mango: maybe 90s, but I don't really know much about him and his fashion taste is atrocious HAHA but he always calls himself a boomer
passion fruit: old money, he would rock those roaring 20s, if not maybe 80s, but anything with extravaganza and stuff he would fit in
me: would like to think I'm 90s-early 2000s, especially in terms of music, but I'm absolute crap with technology, but I'm an old soul and I love older stuff (art, music, men, aesthetics HAHA)
21. Have you ever run into them in public? (Or tried to?) How did it go?
mango + passion fruit: I WISH
22. What pushed you to create your blog?
mango + passion fruit: honestly, I've had this blog soley for the whole ooo tumblr with all my interests and the communities and stuff and just started to post about my tcs because I had fallen even more madly in love with mango and wanted an outlet and found a community for it too
23. If you could know anything about your tc, what would it be?
mango: his everything. morning routine, day to day what does he do, his life, his interests, his hobbies, his preferences, what he likes and dislikes, his goals, dreams, aspirations, favorite things, EVERYTHING
passion fruit: his everything, but I would like to hear his whole life and preferences from his point of view, his perspective. he just has such an interesting perspective on life
24. How do you think you’d react if they confessed their feelings to you?
mango: stunned speechless, drop dead to the ground kinda reaction
passion fruit: a kind of smile that I try to suppress but fail to, I would be surprised but would have expected it secretly hehe
25. Have you ever done/read/watched/listened to something you may not have been interested in because they like it?
mango: I've literally fallen in love with running because he runs (though he short distances and I prefer long distances), and literally becaome more invested in sports and stuff because of him
passion fruit: I've paid more attention in his class and turns out my favourite and best subject is history, which he teaches
26. If your tc was your age, would you date them? Do they have any red flags?
mango: oh for sure. red flags wise would probably be that he's sometimes distant for no reason, or he's forgetful to a point that it's kinda annoying sometimes
passion fruit: hmm maybe. he doesn't really have any red flags that I can think of
27. If your life was a book series/tv series/movie and you had a fan base, would your fans realistically ship you and your tc? (Got this one from TikTok lol because I love the thought)
mango: ooooo maybe, we've got that romantic tension and stuff
passion fruit: probably, actually, we've got quite good chemistry and he does make it a point to show that I'm his "star history student" and make me feel special LMAO
28. What’s something that always makes you think of them?
mango: sports, running, everytime I see neon/red shirts, mangoes
passion fruit: passion fruits, history, red cars, gold chains, black/dark blue dress shirts
29. Let’s chat for a sec! What’s something you’ve been dying to talk about regarding your tc?
mango + passion fruit: they literally don't know that they have me wrapped around their fingers bruh
30. Do you flirt with them? If so, how?? 👀
mango: I don't dare to
passion fruit: I had a chance to but chickened out
31. What’s something you’re manifesting happening between you two? (If you don’t manifest, what’s something you hope happens?)
mango: I HOPE HE NOTICES ME LIKE SERIOUSLY IM RIGHT THERE SAY HI OR SOMETHING I hope he talks to me when I go back to school and I hope he remembers that he owes me a picture with him and I hope he doesn't just say hi but has a proper conversation with me and ask about my life and that he talks more openly please :'
passion fruit: man I wish he can sign my history guidebook like I forgot to bring it to the results collection and I don't have any other chances to ask him to sign it so when I go back to school I'll bring it and see if there is an opportunity to ask him to sign it because I've poured my heart and my soul and cried on it a couple times, you can't even see when the text ends and where my notes start, it's insane and I wish he acknowledges that
(Andddddd that's it!!)
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momo-de-avis · 3 years
Hello, my lovely uncle is going to Lisbon for the first time ever at the age of 71. What are some things that you would suggest he see, that aren't in most of the tourist books? He's quite active for a 70yr old! He mentioned the Gulbenkian and I thought you might know some other art museums that are less well known. Thank you :)
(I'm going to link something to every suggestion, and if possible, in english so you can check more)
Gulbenkian is a great choice, beautiful garden, lovely place to have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea or a cake or whatever, and the museum (the main museum, I believe the Modern Art Centre is currently closed but am unsure) is one of my favourites (and there's currently a temporary exhibit on Hergé, about Tintin, if he is interested). It's a REALLY good Museum, it has a fantastic collection, I highly advise him to go see it, guarantee he will love it.
The Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga is also a safe bet, it takes quite a while to see it whole but it's got a great collection and an amazing view.
I think a lot of people skip Museu do Fado, but it's genuinely one of the loveliest museums I've visited, and since it's in Alfama, you can have a lovely walk in the neighbourhood, have something to eat there and overall enjoy a nice afternoon. The museum, in my opinion, does seem small but it requires some time. There's a lot of interactive stuff because it's about music, so things to listen to, clips from movies, etc. And it has some great art as well. The staff there is also lovely, I genuinely loved my experience there.
This one might not be news to him, it generally isn't for tourists because it's a common suggestion in like booklets and stuff like that, but I say this because for us it's a well hidden gem that not many portuguese people visit (or even know of) and it can be a bit confusing to reach (there are buses that stop right in front of the museum's doors, they have that info available on their website too). I mean Museu do Azulejo.
There are a lot of places downtown you can just discover by having a walk. You can climb up the Triumphal Arch in Rua Agusta (I personally think it's more worthwhile than the Santa Justa Lift, the queue is simply not worth it and the view of the arch is better anyway).
There's the Lisbon Story Centre, which is like a compact, flash history of the city but done, I personally think at least, very well and in a kind of fun away at times. I actually REALLY enjoyed this museum, and it's pretty small, you can see it all in like 1h-1h30.
Still downtown, you've got Church of São Domingos, which as opposed to the Cathedral, you don't have to pay to get in (though I still advise going there hehe) and it's a super interesting church because it got WRECKED during the 1755 earthquake but through time they decided to let the church stay the way it, well, remained after the earthquake, and it's got a grim vibe inside (and I'm pretty positive it's got one of these MFs inside, and looking at a Senhor dos Passos up-front is an experience). It's also next door to this absolutely iconic place, and I highly advise your grandpa to stop there, ask for a Ginja served in a chocolate cup, and enjoy the bliss.
There's a lot to see in the downtown area: you've got the oldest running bookstore in the world; the famous and historic café Brasileira, in front of which sits Fernando Pessoa, a place associated with the modernist circles of the early 20th century; the Maria II National Theatre, which is just an interesting piece of neo-classical architecture to see, especially how it fits into the urbanism of the area, especially with one of the few (to me) valid examples of portuguese calçada (the first one ever built) in the square; up in Carmo there's the Convent of Carmo with its Archeological Museum, which is another of those places that looks unfinished I believe because the earthquake also fucked it up but it was never restored, and right in front of it there's the memorial to Salgueiro Maia (if he visits Lisbon in April and happens to be there on the 25th, it'll be covered in red carnations because people still leave them there on the day to honour him).
Speaking of the 25th of April, I almost forgot, now THIS is a true jewel to visit in Lisbon. It's a fairly new museum (it's like.. 5 years old I believe?) and not so very well known (hell, even I haven't been there yet), but it's about a very important piece of our history which is political prisoners and the State Police's abuse during the dictatorship. I'm talking about Museu do Aljube (it's in Alfama).
I feel obliged to add the Castle in here, but I generally don't advise it unless the person has got time and money. I only think it's worthwhile if there's some event going on, otherwise the only thing I believe is worth your time seeing in it is the old ruins of the Alcáçova and its archeological remnants from the Moorish occupation. But going up there and just kind of enjoying the view (there's an amazing viewpoint right next to it) is definitely worth it. The walk can be tiring (I mean, it fucking annihilates me lmao) but there's tramcars and a tiny bus, so not to worry about it.
Still near Alfama (I'm actually not sure if it's within Alfama or not lol) you've got the Roman Theatre. It's not just the roman theatre, there's a small archeological museum beside it.
This one is part of the Lisbon Museum, which itself is located far outside of the downtown area (the Pimenta Palace, in Campo Grande), and I'm going to be very honest, it's only worth visiting it depending on what the current exhibits are. HOWEVER, the museum is located within the Bordalo Pinheiro gardens, it's free, and it's an incredible place to see because of its sculptures (do mind the dumbass peacocks over there, they are EVERYWHERE). These are a part of an often forgotten museum that stands across the street from the gardens, called the Bordalo Pinheiro Museum, and as a fan of the Bordalo Pinheiro brothers, I always recommend it, mostly because you get to see their lesser known artworks like caricatures, drawings and sculptures.
Back to downtown, there's a museum I've been avoiding mentioning because, to be very frank, I used to love it but I genuinely hate how it's being run these days, and they turned it into a dumbass place. It's the Contemporary Art Museum of Chiado (or Museum of Chiado for short, you'll find that everyone calls it this instead). First of all, the name is deceiving. It's not about contemporary art per se (if you want to see true contemporary art, there's MAAT, which has two buildings and it's enormous. I actually really liked this one, but I have yet to visit one of the buildings (the modern one), but this one is in Belém. I'll get to Belém in a second haha). The museum is actually about 19th and 20th century art, but they changed the policies around there and there is no "permanent collection" anymore, meaning that, they arranged the museum to only show temporary exhibits, which, in my humble opinion, is dumb as fuck. To if you're looking to get in there and see what 19th and 20th century art looked like, generally, in Portugal, you will be disappointed. It truly pains me to say this, but I don't suggest this museum because it's being run by a bunch of idiots. However, do check the exhibits they have going on, occasionally there is some good stuff in there, and it might be worth it.
In Alfama again, if your grandpa is interested in literature and is a fan of Saramago (or not and just wants to get to know him), check Casa dos Bicos (again, you just walk right by it on your way to Alfama, these are things you can just accidentally discover, but a lot of people miss them, and I actually understand why). The Saramago thing though is only part of it. Casa dos Bicos used to be a governor's palace in the colonial era, so you'll find a lot of history to go through there.
In Terreiro do Paço, there's a spot people don't usually visit or even know exists, but they sometimes have some kick ass exhibits over there, it's the West Tower. I've only ever been there for a Goya exhibit, but I think the whole thing is more focused on military history and such.
Speaking of the military, there's (right outside Alfama) the Military Museum. I'm personally not a fan, and I've heard some complaints about it, but for people who are interested in military history, weaponry and such, there is some great things to see, as well artworks by some great artists.
Adding a few people don't generally visit or aren't aware of them: the Saint Vincent Monastery (if you want to be literal, Saint Vincent of the Outside lmao), the Madre de Deus Convent (the website is not translated, but you can see photos), and I'll add a few Miradouros: Santa Luzia, Graça, Portas do Sol.
Now, outside of the downtown area:
I know you asked for hidden corners, but I can't leave out the Tower of Belém. Going inside can be worth it, but expect it to be a little full. I say it's worth paying a ticket to go inside because you can see up-close the incredible details of its architecture.
Most people don't know this (I suspect not even tugas), but the Jerónimos Monastery encompasses THREE different museums and exhibition spaces, it's how fucking big that thing is. There's the Archeological museum (the webpage doesn't have an english version, which reinforces what I was going to say about it, which is that, however a museum full of extremely interesting pieces, when you step inside, you're pretty positive that thing stopped in time around 1978 or something), the Marine Museum, and the actual monastical complex of the monastery. Just a thing about Jerónimos: you DON'T pay to get into the main church, you only pay to visit the monastic complex, but the church is still active, as in, there's mass and weddings and baptisms there, so it closes at like, 5.30 or 6 for the 6.30 mass.
There's also Museu dos Coches, the famous café where you can get Pastéis de Belém (absolutely tell him to go there, and tell him not to worry about the long ass queue he'll find outside. The people there are used to it and they have a system that is so efficient you don't actually have to wait long, they're super fast about it. But please, tell him to try those motherfuckers cause they are divine). There's CCB, inside of which is the Berardo Museum (it... can be a good collection, on some things at least. Others, not so much. And trust me, I want to talk smack about this museum, but they have incredible works of art in there, despite the fact that the collection itself is very... eh. Weird)
Also, there is a new Art Deco museum (I think it opened last year?) but I just checked and.. it's only guided tours and requires a reservation? And also includes wine tasting? Idk man Joe Berardo is off the shits, just skip this one.
I'm going to just. Risk it. But there's Museu do Traje, which is dedicated to the history of fashion. The last time I was there I was like. 7, idk. And it's located in (I have to say this) the fucking ugliest part of Lisbon possible. Like, absolutely nothing attractive in there. It's so painfully ugly. But it's got a good collection, and it saddens me more people don't know about it
Okay, these are just from the top of my head. Lisbon is the kind fo place where you'll kick a stone and find three churches under it lmao. I always advise people to have a walk on foot around the downtown area, but especially around Alfama and Mouraria. Forget about the tuktuks, unless there's a mobility issue (which, from what you said, doesn't seem to be the case).
Also, since it's your grandpa, I'm going to leave a restaurant suggestion here. I went there years ago, so I'll be honest, I don't know how much it costs, if it's too expensive, or even if it requires a reservation. And to be honest, finding a spot to listen to Fado in Alfama/Mouraria is fairly easy. But I loved that place so much. The lights dim every 15 minutes and a new fado singer comes along, and they switch between Fado and Fado Corridinho (happy fado). But again, it's a bit upscale (and I think it got even MORE upscale in the last few years, unfortunately).
I hope this long ass post helps hahaha if you have any questions or anything, don't hesitate to shoot me another ask, I'll gladly provide! I hope your grandpa has a kick ass time here and really enjoys the city!!
Edit: God fucking dammit you said UNCLE not GRANDFATHER, what the fuck man. I’m sorry for mistaking it or, well, not knowing how to read 😔
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circe-poetica · 5 years
Venus Pluto
Venus is about relating to others and Pluto makes this area of life intense, obsessive and controlled. Pluto energy is intensely intense, deeply deeply emotional and plays for keeps ... that’s forever yours and forever mine when coupled with Venus! When Pluto is with Venus it’s not about just getting a partner or having a partner its about owning each other.
The ownership is not made by having an expensive party called a wedding or the ceremony with “I do” at the end, it’s not even about the contract that gets signed in the back room they call the marriage certificate. NO, the bonds of partnership are formed during intimacy, during sex, during that moment of orgasm when the bond between you is at its most emotionally, sensory and immediate present and is being FELT both BOTH OF YOU.
You may very well have the party, do the wedding and sign the contract but the real marriage and union of two happens in the nuptial consummated act in the honeymoon bed. Yet it’s an “as if, that’s ever going to happen!” Venus Pluto isn’t going to marry anyone under contract of law unless the sex is good! These people are the try before you buy types: especially in the area of intimacy, sex and relating. If they don’t feel the spark, the vibe ... that feeling of absolute connectedness during intimacy and if the bliss zone is not reached they will distance away from the relationship.
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Pluto and Venus are the two planets connected to money which puts the personal finances and cash flow front and centre of any friendship or relationship of any kind. It’s always going to be about the money. These people will seek out wealthy friends or at a bare minimum those who are at the same level of financial ability. Pluto is also a planet about control and along side Venus is adept at controlling the money and running a tight budget. Even if these people live in a low socio economic demographic they will still manage their money effectively and cunningly so as to achieve as much as possible with what they have, which will leave others wondering how they could afford to buy that or take that holiday. This position understands that it’s not about how much money, it’s about how you control that money that counts and makes the difference.
This is also a position of a person who will tend towards marrying into money and only considers those with prospects of a good income worth dating. If these people grow up in a family with no money they will push all their passion and intensity towards doing whatever it takes to be a wealthy adult and will pursue a career that pays well or pursue relationships with those who are paid well. It’s the stuff of the rags to riches stories of film and literature but these are the types who fully endeavour to live it in their real lives.
Venus is pleasure and when it’s involved with Pluto fun gets shifted to extreme and their inner party animal comes out! They play hard and when they play: bingeing goes to excess, whether that comes by staying up far too late, drinking far too much, exposing too much or making love for so long they feel numb all over ... its intense, it’s full on, its top gear or go home! As it’s Pluto it can all be done in secret or in the dead of night in a smokey seedy basement in some back block dark alley full of shady deviants in trench coats. These can also be the themes of their entertainment in literature, films and YouTube habits as can an allure for horror movies and any genre that explores themes of the underworld, crime and mysteries.
Pluto is associated to the underworld and when paired with Venus this can be a situation of being attracted to darker, heavier emotional types. Equally they can tend toward books and films that explore these themes in the characters and they are actually married to a balanced and charming spouse. It does indicate that they do prefer to keep their partnership very private and their inner sanctum of primary friendships private.
Trust is very important to these people and if it is broken then so is the relationship. It will not be a situation of remaining friends, it’s a situation of becoming an instant enemy as soon as the broken trust was discovered and you are not only dead to them at that point you just got put on their reprisals hit list that sits dormant until revenge can return the favour: of the hurt and damage that the betrayal of trust felt like. You can’t take back a feeling with these people they will not believe that it wasn’t meant to be said that way or you really didn’t mean to do it! No, they see it as the revelation of what you are really like and again you are dead to them at that moment after utterance or discovery.
Venus is creativity, styling and design and when paired with Pluto is very artistic and can benefit from any creative activity. Pleasure is found creating beauty and in the intense focus of creating a picture, playing an instrument, performing in a play or colouring an adult colouring book. Pluto is also about transformation and regeneration and when applied to creative processes this pair is adept in repurposing, recycling and coming up with creative solutions to fit the purpose. Any of these type of pursuits as hobbies or avenues of income or pleasure are beneficial to the person with Venus and Pluto paired in the chart.
When Venus and Pluto are paired in the chart the person is intense, focused and in control with an inner strength that knows how to face the darkness strait on! Eye to eye and an eye for an eye, for they know that place where evil can reign, they know that dungeon, they know that place where hell resides in all of us. These are the people with the inner emotional fortitude to face what others turn from. They make excellent therapists and are the person you want beside you when life takes one of those types of turns that destroy lives. Here the intense emotional relationships part of this pair steps up to the plate and their ability to empower and support others is operating at its premium level. When these types of employment are pursued the Venus Pluto pair tends to have a lot less drama and less darker problematic issues in their private life at home.
The charisma and charm is high when Venus and Pluto are paired in the chart. They will have sexual appeal to others as their intense energy radiates around them. As Pluto is about control: they can turn it off or they can turn it on and when they turn it on: it is powerful energy which can charm, persuade, manipulate and influence who ever they beam their alluring temptation upon. Venus is how we attract others to us and when it’s with Pluto: its sexual energy, its power, its control, its money, its often hidden and if it’s secretive the thrill factor rises significantly for them. Charisma, charm and persuasion are the skills of effective negotiators, politicians and company directors and as they say “Sex Sells!” This pair do have some of the mysterious qualities of the “X” factor that makes a celebrity have that edge, that a politician gets elected by or the negotiator who achieves more than anyone expected. When Pluto takes control of Venus by Aspect the result can be very appealing to mass groups of people as they work their charming ability to woo others, gain supporters and attract followers: especially when also in Aspect to the Nodal Axis, Angles &/or Luminaries.
How these all things play out in the context of a whole Natal Chart must be taken on a chart by chart basis as to how this is played out in a real life. When assessing its operation in the chart one needs to look for what other planetary combinations would support these things or what planetary combinations would halt, hinder or limit these things.
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Sant Jordi (World's Book Day)
Summary: Shawn falls for a Valencian girl who's an enormous bookworm.
A/N: as today (well, it's past 12, so technically it was yesterday) is Sant Jordi (a festivity in Spain, specially in Aragón and Catalonia), a day commemorating the World Book Day (because of the anniversary of the death of Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Garcilaso de la Vega), I thought of this little idea. I'm from Valencia (where the girl is from), so it's just almost 2k of publicity for my city and my language (Catalan). So, if anybody is going to visit or would like to visit the city, I'll be happy to answer any questions. Also, I'm a big bookworm, which is why it's about books and St. Jordi. Anyway, hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 1795 words
One of the first things Shawn learned about Anna was her unending love for books. She didn’t mind when it happened, where she was or in whose company, she always had a book between her hands. She couldn’t leave the house without something to read, and Shawn had learned that the hard way. During Christmas he had flown out to Valencia, her hometown, to spend some time with her, as he would be starting tour soon, so he wouldn’t have the time to see his girl, who was busy with her classes. One night, between Christmas and New Year, he took her out to have dinner and watch a movie. They arrived late to the restaurant, because she realised she didn't have her book with her when they were on their way for 10 minutes.
It isn't surprising, though, considering where he met her. She spent the summer in Toronto, studying English, and she went to a little book shop next to Shawn's building two or three times a week. Shawn saw her one day, roaming the aisles full of shelves and talking to Leonard, the owner, as if she were an old friend, and was intrigued immediately. He noticed she usually was there between 18 and 20, so he went outside around those hours, hoping to see her.
He looked at her black hair, her dark-brown eyes hidden behind considerably thick glasses and her tanned skin. He knew her features so well that he saw her when he closed his eyes. At one point, he started feeling like a stalker, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. He noticed that she wasn't Canadian three weeks after he saw her for the first time, when she left the shop one day talking on her phone. He didn't recognize the language, though he was sure it wasn't French (he surely would've recognized some words). All he knew was that it was beautiful and melodic, so it had to be something between French, Italian and Spanish. He realised that she would be leaving soon (he asked Brian when college started generally, as she was giving off some big nerdy college girl vibes), so he decided he had to talk to her before she did. One day, after he checked she was inside, he entered and talked to her, pretending to be looking for a gift for Aaliyah. He asked for her advice, which she gave very excitedly, and, after 30 minutes, he found the courage to ask her out to have a drink.
If Shawn loved the idea of her, after “stalking” her for three weeks, he fell for her the moment she talked to him. He was surprised when she admitted she knew his music, because she was completely cool with the fact that Shawn Mendes himself asked her out. She talked about her dream to become a writer, or, at least, an editor, and he talked about how much he loved writing music. They kept on seeing each other every night after her classes for the last 10 days she spent in the city.
By the time she had to go back to Valencia, the both of them were deeply in love with each other. The only thing stopping him from buying a ticket to go see her were the multiple commitments he had for the next months. The first time he could go see her was end-October, for her birthday. When he got to Valencia and she showed the city to him, he understood her personality. She mirrored the beauty of her city perfectly. He quickly noticed the duality of it: it's got the characteristics of a big city as well as of a small provincial town. It combines century-old history in the centre with a modern and vibrant side more outside. Just like he expected (just by knowing her) the people were nice and welcoming. For the first time in ages, he could enjoy some time without being “the Rockstar” all the time, as people seemed to be very chill about him being there.
As tour started in Amsterdam in March (she didn't have so much work around that time), he made sure she was there for the two first shows. She didn't have any classes for a whole week afterwards, but as she quickly explained to him, “It's Fallas, I can't miss that. Plus, I've already said yes to a billion plans, I won't even be free.”  So, from the 15th till the 20th of March, he would find after every single show pictures of his bookworm girlfriend at parties, in front of statues that, according to her, were “a form of art, and satire” (he would have to see them with his own eyes, and maybe actually understand her language to conceive that very deep meaning she was trying to explain). She sent him awfully long videos of fireworks displays, every night longer than the previous one. Through her camera and his screen he was dragged into the festivities of Fallas, something he definitely needed to experience by himself.
His favourite moment of March, though, was the show in Barcelona. She didn't answer the phone for hours, making him anxious, but she appeared out of thin air backstage, sharing a mischievous smile with Brian. Later, he found out that they had been plotting against his sanity for the past hours. That day he saw her really get into the show and the atmosphere. She was fluent in both French and English, but in Barcelona she could speak her native languages, Spanish and Catalan. She surely didn't notice, but he did: she opened up, she chatted with fans and won them over with her charming personality. After all, she was talking to her people. She freaked out when Aitana came backstage and asked for a picture with her “please, please, please” . That day, he knew that the love for her culture would always be enormous.
She couldn't make it to the final show in London, because she had an exam on Thursday and the combination of trains, flights and busses was simply impossible, so she just watched it from a video call with Brian. She saw her boy be sick and told him to stay hydrated, she told him how proud she was, but she couldn't help but feel awful because she wasn't there, with all his family and loved ones. When he announced, after the show, that he was going back to Toronto in the morning, she couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. One part of her understood him completely. He had been away for such a long time that he needed to be in his own bed to recharge. He had studio sessions and SNL coming up, so she shouldn't be surprised that he wasn't coming. He still called her every single day and night, he asked about her classes (didn't she tell him they had 2 weeks of Easter Holiday?) and about the city (the weather was awful, so she didn't leave the house).
The one subject he seemed to avoid was the most pressing one considering the time of the year. To Anna, the most important festivity (even though it wasn't a national holiday, it should be, in her opinion) was St. Jordi. She remembered with a smile the story she heard every year at school. And, even though there were two official days to celebrate love in Valencia (the historical one, Sant Dionís, on October 9th, and the globalised one, Saint Valentine, on February 14th), she considered Sant Jordi, on April 23rd, the one true lover's day. The traditional gifting of a rose and a book was, in her opinion, the most romantic gesture in a relationship. Well, she didn't really care about the rose (although she couldn't deny the fact that she was a hopeless romantic and she loved to get a rose), she was always eager to know what the book would be. It was also the first Sant Jordi since she started dating Shawn, so she was terrified. Hadn't she made it clear how important the day was to her? He didn't have to fly over, he could just ship a book, or even send her a gift card so she could buy the books herself.
When midday passed on the 23rd, she decided she wouldn't be waiting for him to call alone sitting on her couch. Even though it was raining (surprise, “En abril, aigües mil” (in April, it rains a lot)), she took her umbrella and raincoat and walked to the book fair. All the stress she had been building for the past weeks vanished when she saw the thousands of books in front of her. She quickly started to look (not buy, that's her strategy: first looking and then deciding on the purchase), and she almost forgot about her boyfriend who'd forgotten about this special day.
But, the same way she kept quiet for the entire day when she went to see him in Barcelona, he didn't talk to her while he was getting to Valencia. Even though he didn't think she'd be at home, he tried, and his suspicions were confirmed by her sister. So, he immediately left for the book fair. With the help of her sister, he found her without attracting too much attention to himself. She was reading the first chapter of a book she seemed to be considering, a second one in her hand to check up on later. He slightly chuckled, because she's the only person who would stop to read the first chapter of a book before deciding on buying or not. He immediately froze, but relaxed rapidly, as his chuckle didn't give away his presence. When she finally was done, she returned one of the books to its place and turned to take her wallet. That moment, she was met with the view of Shawn Mendes with a red rose, her favourite, and a copy of her favourite author's new book. At first, she couldn't believe it, until he walked up to her and whispered in her ear, “it's not that funny to be kept in the dark for so long, isn't it?” She laughed, knowing he was talking about her's and Brian's stunt in Barcelona, promising herself she would never do it again. “It's not. I thought you didn't remember.” She confessed. “That was my whole idea.” She couldn't help but glare at him, but he quickly pressed his lips onto hers, smiling in the kiss. “Feliç dia del Llibre, amor”. (Happy Book Day, love) Shawn said, proud of himself for remembering the phrase completely. She chuckled (he didn't understand why, though, his pronunciation had been excellent), and answered. “Feliç dia de Sant Jordi, amor.” (Happy St. George day, love).
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fuse2dx · 4 years
September ‘20
Paradise Killer
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Putting it out there front and centre that I know some of the folks involved in creating this, and clearly I’m devoid of sufficient integrity to be impartial. You know, it’s best to get these things out there, with the internet being what it is. 
It’s a whodunnit set in Paradise, with your character having been brought back from exile and tasked with solving who’s responsible for the mass-murder of the island’s core council. There’s a clear set up with one guy already due to take the fall, but it quickly becomes apparent that the island’s populous of weird deities - who perhaps have too much time on their hands - clearly have more of a stake in this than they’d like you to know. You’re left to investigate at your own pace, poking around crime scenes and places of interest, but also soaking up the island and its vibe as a whole. Getting reacquainted with its residents is a massive chunk of this, and if their out-there names, colourful outfits, and eccentric behaviours weren’t enough to draw you in, there’s more serious manners such as allegiances and motives to start peeling back the layers of. Titbits of info gleaned will often give you the opportunity to eke more out of someone else, and although the game does a great job of subtly nudging you to where loose ends might best be chased down, you’re given the freedom and ultimate responsibility on when to start wrapping things up at trial.
Given the potential for disorder in its narrative structure, the game’s job in cataloging all of your gathered information is crucially neat in its execution. The free rein that allows you to be as orderly and meticulous as you choose is welcome, as is the gentle push towards the truth of things. But there’s also just enough space to sink into convenient falsehoods - even to present them at trial and make them stick, if you can pass on that conviction - and it’s this freedom that really sets it apart from its contemporaries. Helping this is a fully realised island you can move about in and investigate, rather than doled out chunks of  exposition by chains of talking head sequences. More salacious secrets are typically locked behind puzzles or specific items, but there’s also a particularly inviting nature to the architecture that suggests playful acrobatics - dashing, double-jumping and the like - be used to explore out-of-reach areas. 
The look is tinged in pinks and blues, giving a suitably welcoming glow to Paradise. It’s warmth is helped massively by the soundtrack that runs throughout it, bringing pleasant, jazzy saxophones and subtle, warm electronics into its city-pop inspired stable. There’s a great voice running through its veins too - one that operates in its unspoken thoughts, the descriptions of its collectables, even the interface and the sub-headers as you enter new areas - just about damn everywhere. It’s smart, it’s cynical, and it’s snappy, and is a regular factor in keeping a smile on your face even in the moments that get closest to being downtime. Bias be damned! I can say, hand-on-heart, that it’s a game that not just nestles in comfortably among its peers, but stands tall among them. 
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Cult status can be a double edged sword. For anything cult - movies, albums, games, you name it - there’s that risk that if put under a modern lens, they can be painfully of their time. Cherished by those that were there, perhaps, but impenetrable - or even worse, alienating - for those without that context. Previously a Japan-only PS1 title, Moon has held such status for 20+ long years, but on its return, lets you know very quickly that a lot of what it had to say was timeless.
Its sending-up of RPG tropes is pretty spot on - the game-within-a-game that your character boots up got a big belly laugh out of me almost immediately, and then leads into a montage of a hero’s journey through a world that you’re then later transported into to pick up the pieces. See, the ‘hero’ in the game is kind of a jerk - barging into people’s homes, taking things out of their cupboards, killing all of the wildlife, and so on - and while this likely sounds very familiar, Moon prompts you to remove that filter of normal game behaviour, and instead asks that you try and be a bit more conscionable and pleasant. Acts of kindness to others are repaid in love, a tangible currency that grows your love level, allowing you to spend more time in its world before you need to rest and begin your day’s busy-bodying anew. Observing the routines of the world’s inhabitants is key to making good on its many grievances, and although these are straightforward enough at the start, some of the later challenges relied on some more tenuous thinking - to which, I’ll put my hands up and say that I turned to a walkthrough. These more patience-testing moments might have been a good way to pad things out in ‘97, however it’s a bit steeper an ask today, when I daresay most people will be visiting this as more of a curiosity. Accepting a helping hand doesn’t stand in the way of these scenarios delivering on the charm, surprise, or humour they originally aimed for, though. Labelling it a parody or a spoof might work as a descriptive shortcut, but it’s never mean spirited, and clearly loves the subjects it pokes fun at - there’s a wonderfully self-effacing humility throughout it.
Given Final Fantasy 7 - often cited as a common entry point for many modern western fans of JRPGs - didn’t even arrive in Europe until after this originally released, it’s not hard to understand why it wasn’t considered for localisation at the time. The audience certainly didn’t exist at scale, and simply wouldn’t have had the gaming experience or vocabulary to appreciate it. Not only can we now better appreciate it as the tongue-in-cheek love letter it is, but the message of compassion and thoughtfulness is something that’s more essential today than arguably ever before. 
Spelunky 2
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This was always on my radar as a likely ‘game of the generation’ contender. I’ve been playing the original game on and off now for around 8 years - it’s followed me as a regular part of my gaming diet across 4 different platforms, and crucially, all the way up until the night before this finally landed on my PS4. Without getting too philosophical about it, it’s a very important game to me. Despite all of the time playing it, thinking about it, talking about it, or even reading the gosh darned book about it, I never once thought to assume I had the answer for what would make a fitting sequel. Thankfully, the team behind it had more ideas, and the faith in their convictions.
All of the crucial components of the original are here in abundance, and added to with a restrained modesty. Its randomly generated levels are more complex, and offer more distinct ways of hiding secrets, all while a subtle but slick graphical overhaul does great work in making them look more organic than ever before. More complex fluid physics allows for more transformative ways of opening up levels, and mounts might add some quirky new dynamics to things, but crucially, things under the hood beside this remain largely the same.
Perhaps more importantly, Spelunky 2 understands the fervent player base centred around the original game, and uses their knowledge and familiarity to challenge them anew with clinical precision. Things are just similar enough: the title screen, the tutorial, many of the enemies, and the stages that you find them in - they’re tweaked, yes, but still familiar. On top though, there’s enough that’s new, or changed in a minute yet specific way that makes it very clear that things are going to be uniquely dangerous all over again, and that your muscle memory is more of a liability than a crutch. The curve of learning the game - understanding and tempering its dangers, and the slow, cautious, pulling back the curtain of its newer secrets - is still pitched in the same utterly compelling way as before, though. Rather than being harder outright, or just more lumped on top, it finds a way to make new players and familiar faces alike to learn to play Spelunky all over again, and it’s a total joy to have that opportunity. It’s everything I didn't realise I wanted in a sequel, and it’s breathed a new lease of life into a game that I wasn’t even bored with in the first place. 
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 & 2 Remastered
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The original THPS was proper lightning in a bottle stuff; while its countless sequels eventually drained every good idea bone dry, and it left countless half-baked spin-offs in its wake, it’s hard to be mad, or surprised, when the original formula was so potent. Underpinned by a brilliant combo system that called back to arcade-style score chasing, in tandem it also nailed the kind of goal-based mission objectives that became so common after it. This is before you even get on to the way that skateboarding’s irreverence, fashion, and music were curated and presented in such a way that they left a mark on an entire generation. Sports titles are often glossed over from a critical perspective, but there is no escaping the quality and impact of this series. 
This remaster tries to capture it at its zenith - and although they’re arguably off by a game or two, depending on who you talk to - it’s generally welcome that some of the ideas from later games are pared back. What it does with these first two games is for my money, the gold standard of what a remaster should do - it makes them look and feel like you imagined they did at the time; smooth, detailed, and responsive. Please, don’t make me go back and look at what the originals actually did look like, because I don’t think my poor brain could take it. The kitchen sink has been thrown at everything surrounding the game, with more relevant and diverse skaters brought into the fold, menus upon menus hiding a wealth of additional challenges, and a soundtrack that celebrates the older, punkier roots of the game, but also shines a light on some musical features that are perhaps more relevant to today’s youth. It’s all handled with a surprising elegance.
It’s a great new way to introduce the series to people, and also a nice outlet for old hands, with my only real criticism being that I had blasted through both of the original tours within a day of dropping the disc in my system. Yes, I could chase high scores endlessly, and yes, there’s a park builder and an abundance of multiplayer modes - but if you’ve finished these games before and just want to revisit them with a new lick of paint, don’t be surprised when it dries out fast.
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wikitopx · 5 years
From a great modern art scene to yummy home-grown food and home-brewed drinks, here are the best things to do in England.
England is enchanting, eccentric, endlessly fascinating and offers a variety of things to do. In England, dotted with natural marvels, lush National Parks and rural vistas that are begging to be front and centre on a postcard, you can explore the width and breadth of the tiny isle while discovering myths, legends and traditions, castles, ruins and landmarks with hidden histories. It’s the land of Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, The Beatles and an iconic Royal Family, but it’s not a country that is stuck in its past. Not forgetting London, the country’s vibrant, multicultural and thriving capital city, which has been leading the way for over two millennia. Discover all the best things the country has to offer with our guide to England.
1. Channel your inner druid at Stonehenge
This mystical stone circle in the Wiltshire countryside attracts hundreds of curious visitors a day (and an incredible 1.4 million in 2017). Made out of rare stone from 160 miles away, the construction has sat proudly on the Salisbury Plain for over 5,000 years and no one knows how it got there or what it was first used for. A solar calendar or a site for sacrifices? Go to come up with your own theories. You can visit at sunrise on the summer solstice for a totally mystical experience but it’s pretty special every day of the year.
2. Watch one of Shakespeare’s plays in his hometown
Shakespeare’s Globe on the South Bank in London is a pretty special spot to watch one of the Bard’s beloved plays, but there’s nowhere better than Will’s hometown in Warwickshire. Head to Stratford-upon-Avon to see a performance at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre on the river’s edge. Stick around to visit Shakespeare’s birthplace and the church where he was laid to rest before rowing along the river Avon in a boat named after one of the writer’s famous characters. Bagsy Ophelia.
3. Feast on fresh seafood in Whitstable
The pretty town of Whitstable in Kent is picture-perfect for a day by the seaside, with colourful painted houses, a wide pebble beach, cool shops and some great coastal art galleries. Whitstable is the place to indulge in seriously fresh fish ‘n’ chips and incredible seafood. Have a pint at The Old Neptune before heading to The Lobster Shack. As well as doing a nice line in the shellfish it’s named after, it serves stunning Whitstable oysters.
4. Stroll along the South Bank in London
There’s so much to see in central London it’s hard to know where to start. We’d recommend setting off from the gardens beneath the London Eye, with views of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, and walking east along the South Bank. You’ll pass brutalist beauties like the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall and Hayward Gallery and the National Theatre, a sprawling book market under Waterloo bridge and the OXO Tower. Keep going to wander past Shakespeare’s Globe and spy St Paul’s Cathedral across the Thames. Pop into the totally free, world-class art gallery Tate Modern before ending up in the culinary paradise that is Borough Market for a well deserved treat.
5. Follow in the footsteps of The Beatles
Take a magical mystery tour around the city of Liverpool in north-west England. It’s where the famous foursome first met. Step inside the National Trust-owned homes where John Lennon and Paul McCartney spent their childhoods. Head to The Beatles Story, the world’s largest permanent exhibition devoted to the musical icons and their history. Finish your trip with a visit to the rebuilt Cavern Club, which sits near where The Beatles first started to play in the early ’60s, and live your best psychedelic life.
6. Admire the views from Glastonbury Tor
On a clear day you can see for miles from Glastonbury Tor. It might be a bit of a steep climb, but a visit to the Grade I-listed tower at the top, which is steeped in history and legend, makes for a magical day out. Afterwards wander back into the tiny Somerset town of Glastonbury. It plays host to the iconic music festival most summers, but it keeps those hippie vibes going all year round. Shop for crystals and spells on the high street or stop by the Chalice Well Gardens for a sip of healing water.
7. Wallow in Bath’s famous thermal waters
Bath’s thermal waters have attracted visitors for hundreds of years. The Romans were the area’s first big fans, and the extravagant baths they constructed using the naturally heated springs can still be visited today. They are not for swimming in, though. Once you’ve seen The Roman Baths, head to the Thermae Bath Spa. Here you can soak in mineral-rich springs and look out over the honey-coloured Unesco World Heritage city that author Jane Austen called home from the rooftop pool. Bliss.
8. Play the penny arcades on Brighton Pier
The seaside town of Brighton, just an hour south of London, is the perfect destination for a day by the Great British seaside. The town is crammed full of creativity and culture. Wander around vintage shops on the Lanes, marvel at the exotic-looking Royal Pavilion, spy bold street art, dip into independent art galleries and pause for a Mr Whippy ice cream and a play in the arcades on the Pier. Brighton’s nightlife is legendary, so stay put for a wild night out in the town’s quirky pubs, bars and clubs.
9. Wander around West Yorkshire like the Brontës
Read Emily Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights’, or at least sung along to Kate Bush’s musical version? Head to the pretty village of Haworth in West Yorkshire, where the vicarage Emily, Charlotte, Anne and their family lived. The weather-beaten building has now been turned into a museum, documenting their lives. Afterwards explore the cobbled streets, tea rooms and old-fashioned railway station before heading off on one of the walking trails to waterfalls, rugged moorland and ruined farmhouses, like Top Withins, which is said to have inspired Emily’s gothic novel. Walking boots recommended.
10. Fly a broomstick at the Harry Potter Studio Tour
Potterheads the world over will know England as the home of The Boy Who Lived. There are filming locations dotted all over the country, but true fans will want to head straight for Leavesden Studios, where the majority of the movies were filmed. Set off on the ‘Warner Bros Studio Tour London: The Making of Harry Potter’ to wander around the Great Hall, peek into shop fronts on Diagon Alley. No trip would be complete without a pint of butterbeer and the opportunity to ‘fly’ your very own broomstick. UP!
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-england-701909.html
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