#like i need to apologize to everyone cuz im a fucking annoying piece of shit and i Know that i just don't know how to Fix It
lonelyplanetfag · 2 years
next person to ask me if im okay is getting hit with a truck i swear to god
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shinsouskitten · 3 years
Okay so hc’s of Hawks, Dabi, Bakugo, and Shinsou with an outta pocket s/o plz! She just oozes crackhead energy and says the most funniest most wildest shit. (Hawks:*teasing her* S/O: Ah, so you think cuz your balls drag across the floor, you got jokes huh? ☺️) Sis could come up with the most immaculate of roasts (S/O: Mineta, you waste of sperm! I will rip your spine outta your ass and make it into fine China before sending it to your parents 😡) and do the dumbest things just cuz she wants to (Monoma’s on his bullshit and S/O just suplexes him without saying a single word). Imagine their faces when she breaks the fourth wall a couple of times, says some freaky shit with a straight face, or she’ll just go “Nope” and jump out of a window with no hesitation (she don’t care how high the drop is, she heading out). Need them to be with someone who just has “I woke up and chose violence” energy.
I POSTED IT TO THE WRONG ASK 😭😭😭 i still have the other request saved on the actual document so at least i didnt completely fuck it up
still, im gonna go cry in a corner so brb
i had a stroke reading this 😅
but like i read this out to my buddy @grapefantaenby and we both were like BRO I LOVE THAT, even if my writing of it is subpar at best lol
also that m*neta insult is actual perfection. might send it to my ex
Warnings: chaos, some swear words, m*neta exists 🤮
Hawks/Keigo Takami: 
🍗 Keigo loves it
🍗 He especially loved when the two are you are partnered up, simply because of how terrified the villains are when they see you. You’re not even that scary, they just have no idea what you’re going to do
🍗 You could either decide your weapon of choice that day is a chair, or take a bag of popcorn from a nearby store and just sit there eating it while Hawks does his job (heroes don’t steal so Keigo always makes sure to go back to the store and pay for you if you forget)
🍗 He’s used to you jumping out of random windows. He was absolutely terrified the first time, and jumped straight after you to catch you, but now he just sends a bunch of his feathers to make sure you make it to the ground safely 
🍗 You don’t bend over and accept everything the commission asks you to do, and it’s quite common for them to demand that Hawks keep an eye on you to ensure you don’t get into too much trouble. It’s also quite common for you to just walk out mid meeting with a middle finger to the rest of the conference room and a scream that you want food
🍗 The fourth wall breaks. Oh God the fourth wall breaks. Hawks literally just stand there like ‘what the fuck’ when you turn to an empty piece of sidewalk and mutter something about villains being too hot for their own good (legit thinks for a moment you mean temperature-wise, but is still confused anyway)
Dabi/Touya Todoroki:
💙🔥 Oh boy. If there’s one thing that gets on Dabi’s nerves it’s chaotic individuals. He deals with Toga and Twice on a daily basis, so you’d think he’d know how to tone out the craziness. Alas, he does not
💙🔥 Sometimes he wants to throw you against the wall and just tell you to shut up for a goddamn second, and other times he wants to praise you for showing some low level villain that the league was not to be messed with. Maybe you did it with an insult about his mother, but it still worked, and the villain left you with an apology quickly enough
💙🔥 Not that Dabi would ever actually tell anyone that he thought they did a good job, so he usually just ignores you, attempting to stay out of your way (he also doesn’t really want you to insult his mother)
💙🔥 Eventually he becomes more accustomed to your… uniqueness, and occasionally you actually manage to get a half smile from him with one of your numerous insults aimed towards Shigaraki. They can get pretty creative
💙🔥 If Dabi is ever at odds with the rest of the league for some reason (there’s not really a reason, he’s just being Dabi), they - usually mom Kurogiri - sends you in an attempt to cheer him up. If you don’t manage to cheer him up, you still manage to annoy him enough to force him back to the rest of them. Either way it works out
Katsuki Bakugou:
💥 ‘Wow you’re annoying’ is the first thing Bakugou thinks when he meets you (he should meet himself) so he plans to just ignore you. After all, he’s not there to make friends. He’s there to be the best hero
💥 Annoyingly, even with your naturally chaotic energy, you still manage to stay right on his toes. That’s what finally gets him to notice you (notice me senpai), and to his frustration, you’re barely even trying to beat him, and yet you manage to remain hot on his heels
💥 He’s surprised you’re not suspended from all the shit you pull, but you always manage to get yourself out of trouble one way or another. Even if that way is jumping out of a second story window and claiming they can’t kick you out when you’re injured (how that actually works he has no idea)
💥 He’s wanted to throw a chair at that stupid copycat Monoma since he first met him, so when you actually throw a chair at the guy, Bakugou laughs. Like really laughs. Kirishima thought he might’ve been possessed for a moment, but Monoma’s expression when he finally got back up was priceless
💥 It takes a while but he slowly manages to respect your skill as a hero - as much as King Explosion Murder can respect anyone. And even though your personality is… unusual, you’re not Deku, so he can deal with you
💥 Besides, anyone who can and will suplex Monoma without any warning is a worthy friend for him
Hitoshi Shinsou:
💜 The first time he met you, you were screaming like a banshee running through the halls of school, chasing after a small purple speck some way off in the distance. He didn’t get involved
💜 He saw you next being held apart from Bakugou with help from Aizawa’s scarf. You were screaming again, but this time at least you sounded human. He heard something about an ‘angry pomeranian’ before he decided to leave you to it
💜 You’re part of 1A, so Shinsou doesn’t pay you much mind other than the infuriating need to prove himself to everyone that ever doubted him. He’s surprised when you don’t act like the others in your class, and first gets to talk to you after you barrel into him in the hallways mid lesson (you were both skipping so he didn’t call you out on it)
💜 He asked if you were okay, and your exasperated response of ‘Bakugou’ explained enough for him. You sat together for a while. Okay, you refused to get up from the floor. He got tired of standing and decided to join you
💜 You get your first smile from him after you’re almost caught by a teacher looking for you, when you grab his hand and make a mad dash to a darkened classroom currently unused by anyone else
💜 Your first laugh comes when you flip off Denki after he tried one of his many pickup lines on you. The blond’s reaction was great, and Shinsou couldn't help but chuckle at how you managed to twist Denki’s pickup line into some distorted insult to his… nether regions
💜 Your chaos is a nice contrast to how nonchalant Shinsou usually is. You bring some much needed joy to the purple haired insomniac, and he helps to calm you down when your usual energy might be unneeded in certain situations. You know what they say; opposites attract
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Rewatching Eclipse
Thoughts and shit
"Marry me" "No bitch"
Bell clearly doesn't/isn't ready to get married
"It's called a compromise" stfu
"Knocked up" oof
Ew I'm skipping cuz this cutesy shit ain't for me
Stop being a bitch to Charlie
"Edward is in my life" i think your seventeen and you're an idiot. He's a guy.
Jake wasn't a dick when Bell was in her time of need
He really broke something from her truck to stop her from seeing a friend what a piece of shit
Love that Mike/Ned/Nate
Jasper got a new haircut
"That's what you said last time" ouch, he's right there Bell
With each passing movie, everyone gets prettier
How come they don't bother with contacts? Golden eyes aren't normal
"Super. That makes me super happy." poor Charlie
Why was she staring out into the water like that??
Her mom's cool
She looks fifteen with the sunglasses
Cool gift. She's not gonna need it lmao
Y'all look like a cult standing like that
Why'd they change the actress for Victoria? It's so obvious lmao
Half of the movies is just running
Rosalie looking out for her man
Emmett and Paul should've been friends
Wtf is that intro song for Jake?? Lmao
Bella and Jake always have angsty moments in bad weather
Stfu Ed
She deserves to know
Jake lmao
He's always lying to you Bells
Jake looked really confused when Bell said she called him
I like the boots Jake
Soundtrack *chefs kiss*
All of them rushing out is so cute awe
I love them
I love HER
Emily owo
The boys really are like children
Jake don't be a dick Leah's cool
Sam and Leah should've talked
Imprinting is brought up. Finally.
Her her her her what about the gays, Jake?
Wait... I thought Jake did imprint but it was somehow... Not really
He has a point. She hasn't even lived.
Jake is a dick but he has some fair points.
PRETTY BOY finn? Or was his name Riley?
Leave pops alone pretty boy
His eyes?? IM SO LOST
Rosalie is so 💕💕💕
She has Jake
Aye ya girl was right
You need them Ed
Same here Bella. Both of them are annoying
Emmett and Alice look so dumb standing there lmao
Flexing on these hoes
Oof he kisses her just to piss him off
"Hey beautiful" stOP
Council meeting? Oh oof
History to make her not trust vamps lmao
OwO i love Seth. His voiceeeeee
Your as cold as ice
Nice shift there buddy.
Screaming match
She couldn't have cut her palm or some shit? But whatever! Love the story
Way to guilt trip Jake lmao
Finn/Riley looks so disgusted but he's so attractive 💕
Emmett has so much chaotic energy i love it
So his name IS Riley aight super cute
Charlie is such a good dad
you're already selfish for constantly lying to her Ed
Mkay truth. Options.
In love or did you imprint?
She just rejected you wHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND
Lmao ain't for long
She wants to change. Ask Ed lmao
Bell is so uncomfortable poor girl
The way Jake explained it is so funny
Oop Rosalie 💕
Bonding time
I AM TEAM ROSALIE fuck Ed and Jake
Rosalie deserved better
Jesus so silent and then just screaming lmao
Riley uwu
Alec and Jane 💕
Damn his back must hurt like a bitch
Jane's voice is so soft
Jessica's speech is *chefs kiss*
Nice party outfit Bell
I wonder if anyone stole anything lmao
Right hook lmao
Highly doubt he made anything
Did they kick everyone out??
Oh no nvm
Yeah no shit they're after her
They were made for fighting Bell
Ooh the training scene
You've never met a newborn Bell lmao
Jake you ass
The whole ride there and he didn't notice the bracelet??
They look so soft
Sam noted Carlisle's words lmao
Mr. Jasper Hale
How come the wolves didn't train? Like with each other?
They look so soft
She's bait good to know
Jaspers backstory is so... Oof
He suddenly got an accent
My apologizes ma'am
As a spanish speaker, hearing that over and over again was uncomfortable
Why is he so pretty????
Ooof Victoria
as bAIT
Bella looks kind of like Elena lmao
Jake tried to be funny but got pissed off
Jasper tried to be nice with the scent comment
"Since I let Sam"
Thanks for mentioning it Bell
But uh, Sam would beat Jacob's ass
It's called a poly relationship, Jake
She broke her hand, If I were her I'd be nervous too
Alice and Charlie.. It's uncomfy
"Like.. Alone?" you're not getting any dick Bell
Charlie said Alice x Bella rights
Charlies attempt at the 'talk'
Old school sounds... Terrible
"I'm a virgin!" "aosjaiauha glad we covered that" "Me too!"
Just say you got jelly and go Ed
Pretty bed
She thinks she's gonna get some
"Anything you want is yours" "yoUR DICK"
Ed is a good Christian boy
Bell is super thirsty holy shit
Ed is saving it til marriage good for him
Courted you ugh
That is one ugly- Oh it's your mother's? Wow it's so cute
So she's lying to him
The talon clan was what I heard lmao
She's pretty too
Put a bandaid on it sweets
What she's trying to say is "it's an ugly ass ring"
They can feel the weather??? Huh??
"Same old same old" you don't even knOW
Aaljaiaha i can imagine them fucking power walking underwater
"What can I do?" stay the hell away
I wanna know what Jake was thinking lmao
"She's in love with me too. She just won't admit it to herself" no Jacob, you're supposed to be her bestie
They're bondingggg
Jake ruined it
Ed seems really sweet and genuine in this scene
The shared smilesss
A flannel in the snow. Lit.
He did deserve to know. He's not fighting lmao
"Maybe I'll get myself killed and make it simple" Go ahead and jump off that cliff/mountain your on Jake
"That's not good enough" bitch-
Jacob your a little bitch for actually kissing her
She's engaged oml lmao
He was gonna go anyways-
More like heard
He's her best friend dude
Does nobody understand platonic love???
We love a good power couple
Seth is babey
Poor Riley he's babey
Victoria is a good villian. She had a good reason to attack the Cullens.
Riley should've been adopted and become best buds with Seth
You could've just pricked your finger Bell lmao
Her eyes were open in one shot and closed in the next
Only you can prevent forest fires
Lowkey ship Jake and Leah
We can see your faces, no need to take off the hoods lmao
Billy, Carlisle, Charlie, and Sam should've started a 'Done with my children' club
Lmao Jake says Ed isn't as bad as he thought and then said he wasn't as perfect as she thought what??
Give. It. Up. Jake.
The romance field is back. Sigh.
"Like literally stumbling through my life" lmao meee
At least she didn't say I'm not like other girls
Ugly ass ring won. Yay.
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psychotic-spectrum · 6 years
Namaste ^^ So I have a question…is it a schizo thing to not be able to talk to your friends? Like we all be chilling, everything’s fine but after some time I just kind of forget how to have a conversation. It often happens when I “embarrass” myself by messing up words or even whole sentences, that upsets me so much my heart starts beating like crazy sometimes it’s so intense my vision starts to get blurry and i feel like I’m in slow motion. In that case it’s Level 100000 uncomfortable but like I said it happens as well when we just be chilling. Even in my own place where I feel really comfortable and everyone else also. At some point I just can’t think of anything to say and it makes me anxious ( if I’m not already anxious because I “embarrassed” myself). I’m then usually trying to force a conversation, which just leads to me asking dumb questions and realizing how dumb they are the second after they left my mouth. I also have bpd so I notice the slightest change in someone’s tone or their facial expressions so basically I just sit there, asking dumb questions and watching my friends first get irritated then bored and finally annoyed. They never laugh at me or make rude comments they’re literally so sweet and kind but idk I guess it’s the borderline that makes me realize all the details that show what they’re thinking and feeling. Like they be glancing at each other for 0.1 second after I just said some dumb shit and someone without mental illness probably wouldn’t notice. I, on the other hand, am waiting for shit like this to happen every second of every day. It’s like I have a seventh sense for stuff like that (thx bpd, I see what ya did there). After a while the whole vibe just dies and everyone starts getting uncomfortable and kinda bored. That, sadly it’s even possible, gives me even more anxiety and I’m one step from going bananas (one time I had to throw up and sometimes I even fucking dissociate in front of other people)!!!! So at this point there’s absolutely nothing I can do, I’m just a bundle of stress and anxiety, like there’s no calming down or getting over it, every attempt to do that is making it worse. My friends are now full on bored and confused and kind of having they’re own conversation, they’re just still there cuz once again they’re too kind and would never leave me sitting there feeling like shit ( little do they know I’m already on my bullshit and I wouldn’t be surprised if they just left lol) sometimes this state lasts up to 3 hours and you can probably imagine how awful that is. I’m constantly thinking about stuff to talk about and when I find something I rehearse it in my head a million times and guess what? I just end up talking shit again. Ok, so I accept the fact that I’m not able to bring up a topic or something so I’m just trying to drop a few comments here and there but nope, I suck at saying “oh” or “yeah I’ve heard about that”. It’s not in my head, like I see the way they look at me when I say something and at some point they even avoid eye contact, like I know I have bpd but ITS REAL IM NOT KIDDING. My anxiety is now on level 10000000000 ( and by that I mean I can’t even control my mimic I can literally feel it I DONT wanna know what it looks like) and my friends are obviously annoyed. Yup. That, I don’t know for a fact, but I’m always feeling like they start texting each other about how they wanna leave, cuz they happen to get a text from their mom or gotta catch the last subway home at the exact same time and the goodbye is like soooo awkward I’m just such a piece of shit I swear I sometimes even fucking apologize to them for being boring or weird or annoying like who the fuck does that omfg I’m 20 years old that’s hilarious. like it wasn’t enough i manage to make it even more uncomfortable and fucked up. When they leave I often start to cry, cut or burn myself or freak out like a little child and toss shit around and kick my Inventar it’s unreal. I think about it constantly for days sometimes weeks and the anxiety is also not leaving, in fact growing day by day because of my overthinking. I really don’t know what to do anymore, it’s making me sick and worst of all, really lonely…I’ve lost lots of friends because of this shit and the few close friends I still have (besides my 2 best friends, I can totally be myself around them, no anxiety whatsoever) will eventually get tired of me and my behavior soon too. I can’t blame them honestly. I think I wouldn’t like me If i met myself. I’m just creeped out, weird, awkward and psycho to the bone. Some of them even feel sorry for me I think. They always go like “sweetie you can always hit me up with whatever, that’s what friends are for” and they be the ones making fun of me in group chats later. Sad thing is they don’t do that because they’re assholes like that (well kind of maybe) they do it because there is basically nothing else you could do but LAUGH AT ME. The point I was trying to get to is: Is that a schizo thing ? I’ve been diagnosed a few months ago and I’m also bipolar and like i said i suffer bpd. I just wanna know if anyone with schizophrenia can relate or if I’m really fucking casually sliding into another goddamn mental illness???
This is one long ass text but I needed to get this off my chest and I have no one to talk about this. Also your blog has helped me so so so much with realizing that the things I do and feel are “normal” I guess when you’re mentally ill. I’ve found many people, who struggle with the same shit i do and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one. Thank you for creating this little comfort zone where we can share our struggles, experiences and coping mechanisms. I’d be the happiest girl if you took some time to reply to me <3 Or maybe you could post it on your blog so that other people can share their opinions, Im pretty sure there are many people out there that experience similar situations. Even if you don’t share this or answer me I’m still very very thankful that your blog made me feel like it’s okay to just rant about my feelings. Who- and wherever you are I hope you’re doing okay and feel loved today and everyday!! Stay strong !!! Peace and Love, M
Hi, first of all, thanks for trusting me with your situation… look, I’m not sure if this is a schizo thing, in schizophrenia you have disorganized speech and that can cause problems in communication, but what you’re experiencing seems more like anxiety to me, or connected to bpd. I relate because for the longest time I had anxiety communicating with people, I think it’s only decreased in the last three years and I’m lot older than you, I also have bpd and I remember when I was 20 it was a torturte to communicate with people and the anxiety was through the roof, but I link that to my bpd more than my schizoaffective disorder. You’re still very young so you can work on this through therapy, therapy helped me alot to overcome this fear of not knowing what to say. A piece of advice a therapist told me is that, when I don’t know what to say, ask questions to the other person, people love talking about themselves, and you know what, it works!
I wish you the best and I hope you can find the help you need
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tanginae · 7 years
Modern!Tropang Nerds Headcannons, Part I
this ended up longer than it should be... also, yes i know it’s weird ‘cuz it’s in English but trust me, i realized that mistake too late and i apologize
anyway, it’s under the cut because i got  little carried away 
His eyes are black, but theyre anything but boring: his gaze can pull even the toughest of people in, either fascinating them or scaring them; and Isagani's probably written a verse or two about them after he sees how gorgeous they are (Basilio probs thought it was weird, but he still found it flattering nonetheless). Actually very expressive, you just have to know how to look. Has permanent eyebags (from late-night study sessions) and long eyelashes framing them (he gets it from his momma). They may be deep, dark, and mysterious, but the way his eyes light up when he laughs, getting all crinkly and stuff is just… beautiful.
His nose isn't too flat, just enough to hold up his glasses so it doesn't slide
His bottom lip and top lip share the same thickness, and are plump enough to make one wonder how kissing them would feel like. Also, he'd probably have the habit of biting off the skin when it gets chapped (dammit basilio get some lip balm)
His usual, stoic face looks otherwise to other people; he gets really surprised when they tell him he scares them. He often gets told he looks like he's going to slice open the next person who bumps into him. He's confused, most of the time, because "im literally not mad, guys?? What??" He also gets told he looks hot. He doesn't know how to react to that
If he looked hot wearing his normal face, he's pretty fucking cute when he's joking around, smiling and laughing. He looks all boyish, easygoing, and mischievous, a far cry from what people see when they first meet him
He's never going to admit this, but he doesn't have to because it shows: he loves dressing up real good. He won't spend too much on clothes, but it's just enough so that he looks like he stepped out of a magazine or something
He looks especially good in hoodies, probably because he rarely ever wears them
His blood is 75% coffee
Loves horror and gore movies only because he gets to point out its scientific flaws, they're practically a weird mix of reviewing and comedy to him
He probably keeps an old picture of him, Crispin, & Sisa for motivation, he looks at it whenever he feels taxed by the shit he's going through
He isn't religious or superstitious, though being raised in the province means he knows a considerable amount of folk tales and urban legends
Science Nerd
He's actually lowkey talkative and loves scientific discourse, get him started on it and he won't be able to stop. Probably loves biology and chemistry
Surprises people by his encyclopedic knowledge of obscure and morbid topics such as the best weapons to kill someone quickly, the most venomous substances know to man, etc. Isagani digs this. He's like a fountain of knowledge for when he needs something scientifically accurate for his writings
Has the patience of a saint
Hates fights and arguments; only a handful of things ever piss him off and it's when a) people use his past against him (the only people who can do this are Simoun and Isagani, and there is no way in hell Isagani's going to do that to him) and b) when people hurt/talk shit about the people he loves and cares for
Has ridiculous big brother instincts; which means he's very protective over his friends and close peers (even more so when they're younger than him)
Probably good at reading people; can detect whether they like him or not
He's that one student who starts assignments and projects weeks early
Never procrastinates
The type to obsess over something (a particularly difficult concept, a lengthy and complicated lesson, etc) until he knows it like the back of his hand
Nervous ticks: it's hard to tell when he's nervous since he's cool as a cucumber, but you'll know it when he fusses over stuff and people a lot more than he usually does
Has ridiculously steady hands that probably never tremble
Probably plays Amateur Surgeon for shits and giggles. He probably also gets four stars on every level, too
Great at handling money; really thrifty and frugal
Lowkey makabayan
Tends to show his affection through the little things; like getting them the food they like, sticky notes with sweet nothings on them, Jollibee burgers with the said sticky notes, stuff like that
He would make sure anyone he genuinely cares about never feels alone or lonely
He takes a little while to get past the initial awkwardness at the beginning of a relationship (any type of relationship, tbh), but when he does he's lowkey clingy as shit. He's going to fuss over them to no end until the other reminds him he has to take care of himself too
Probably gets detached as a defense mechanism when he feels as if people are about to walk out of his life
Highkey independent
He deserves all that is good and pure in this world
Tall as fuck and bulky as shit, just enough muscle to make my panties drop
Probably has no abs. he's pretty soft and hard at the same time
And because he's bigger than most people, his hugs are The Best™
His eyes are probably a dark brown, framed by perpetual eyebags and rich lashes. Highly expressive, you can always tell what he's feeling just by looking at his eyes. It practically lights up whenever he laughs, smiles, talks about something he loves, that kinda stuff
HE WEARS GLASSES because of all the reading and writing he's doing
His lower lip is thicker than his upper lip, making him look like he's perpetually pouting. He always, always smiles with his teeth showing, and it's pretty much enough to charm the shit out of anyone
He has chubby cheeks (because I'm assuming he DOES have a little chub), but that only softens his otherwise harsh features
Really nice and likable to everyone he meets, but will literally verbally whoop people's asses when the need arises
Has a low tolerance for bullshit, you know he's pissed when he's dead set on roasting the other person until they're nothing but a pile of ash
He's pretty impulsive, sometimes acting without thinking of the bigger picture (or thinking, in general)
His hands almost always have pencil lead  and/or ink stains
Probably owns a fountain pen. That dweeb
Owns a journal where he writes down his writings, but the said writings still end up on loose pieces of paper, café tissues, hell, even his own hand
He keeps his school notes poem-free, but they're anything but immaculate--his handwriting is probably messy and scrawl-y, especially when he's writing down things in a rush
He's only sociable when he needs to be. Otherwise, he's really quiet, preferring to observe people rather than talk to them
He indulges himself in coffee shops (he hates Starbucks, though); he's that one person you see actually reading and writing and/or studying there for hours and hours on end
He can and he will lose days of sleep over his assigned readings
He won't stop until he's finished everything and/or until someone tells him to stop and take a nap or something
He would most likely be a debate team member
He recognizes the oppression of minorities and will actively fight the said oppression; dreams of equality for everyone
Nothing annoys him more than people who claim to be against oppression but end up creating some form of oppression themselves (kinda like those feminists who are, in reality, just misandrists; those kinda things)
Legitimately wants to make his country a better place, and every time he feels exhausted in all aspects he just thinks of the future of his country, the one he's actively working for, and he finds the will to fight and continue
He will literally die for this country when he needs to
Highkey loves the sea and always, always feels at home there
He's a huge beach person
He is definitely the jealous type. However, he never manifests his jealousy in the form of violence, he just cries and/or sulks somewhere
Will willingly lower his pride and apologize even if it's the other person's fault; he almost always wins his arguments but when it comes to his special someone, he would gladly lose bless his soul
Definitely a blusher and would get nervous as fuck over meeting/talking to the person that he liked
He's the type to stumble over his words and sentences whenever he talks about something that he likes; it's a joy to talk to him about the things he enjoys because he's practically vibrating with happiness. It's adorable and contagious
He would be the type to take his bf/gf out on a beach date. If it were in the day he'd organize a little picnic, if it were during the night he'd probably just show them the stars and hold their hand and tell them random little stories he's never told anyone before. He'd make them laugh and it'd be the most disgustingly sweet thing ever
(help I just died writing that)
He's also the type to just… stare at his special someone when they're sleeping, reading, or doing something mundane because he thinks they’re just so damn beautiful and he's lucky to have them
He's also the type to tell them they're beautiful when they least expect it
He can be blinded by his own optimism, and when he's disappointed, it just crushes him
When he stands for or against something, there's no shaking it. His principles are as tough as stone
He's brave, never failing to do what he thinks is right. He's pretty reckless, though
part ii 
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