#like i sqid
malusienki · 10 months
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gorillaxyz · 4 months
i wish my mum wasnt so quick to offer me a cider when im upset😭
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papaya-twinks · 4 months
ideas seem better when they’re just ideas - l.n
Warnings: Obsessiveness, manipulation, dark Lando, stalking, 18+,
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Summary: Idk what to put :(
The idea of Lando Norris and working with him was enticing as shit. He was hot and he was rich, what’s not to love? As one of his many adoring fans, people would think you’d be overjoyed to have the chance to work with him. Wrong. It started out okay, he struggled to remember your named as you ran around collecting and informing him of events to do.
And then, he fired every single other assistent, til it was just you.
There was a period where you were also worried you’d get fired too, but you didn’t. It was like the hunger games to stay in the job, except the winner was already determined. You felt proud that you’d kept it, but also uneasy. Why has he asked you to stay? He didn’t even know your name. 
But you lived with it, because Lando was nice. He’d let you have holidays when you wanted, but not for longer than a few days. And you liked your job. “Lando, you have a PR meeting in a few minutes,” you said, walking into Lando’s driver room and peering at my notebook. “S-Sir,” you stuttered, looking up at Lando. “What is it?” he asked shortly. “I-I’ve been meaning to ask…” you trailed off slightly, unsure to how to phrase it. 
Then, you realised you were being stupid. Lando let you off early whenever you asked, why was this different? Just provide a reason and he’ll let you go. Simple. “Sir, I have a date in an hour,” I said, watching as he looked up from his phone, “and I was wondering if I could get off an hour early?”. 
“No,”. His voice was calm yet demanding. “No, sir?” you asked, confused. He’d never refused you. “I said, no,” he repeated. “But, I…” he interrupted you. “I said what I sqid, now get me something to eat,” he commanded, making you sigh. “Sir, I’ll do extra work, tomorrow, please?” you asked again. “If I get to not hear your continuous whining, then alright, go. And cancel that meeting, I have…other occupations,” he said shortly. 
You nodded eagerly, and, in an hour’s time, left for your date. He was a nice guy, and you were interested in him as well. “One sec, I need to touch up my make up,” I smiled to the guy as he nodded, letting you leave for the bathroom. As soon as you’d left, Lando sat down in your space. “Uh, can I help you, mate?” your date asked, eyebrow raised in confusion. 
“She’s taken ‘mate’,” sarcasm dripped from Lando’s voice. “I don’t think she is, or she wouldn’t be on this date,” he said defensively. “Oh yeah? Well if you don’t stay away from her, dude,” Lando leaned forward threateningly, “I’ll make sure you never see her, or anyone again,” the Brit smiled sweetly. “I advise you leave,” he added, watching as your date trembled slightly, before slamming a wad of notes onto the table and scrambling away. 
“How’d the date go?” Lando asked, knowing fully well how it went. “Bad. He ditched me halfway through,” I sniffed, wiping your mascara off my cheek. “Oh, darling,” Lando cooed, helping sit down. “He just doesn’t appreciate a pretty girl,” he held you to his chest as you left the tears flow. Little did you know…
“Let me take care of you,” Lando whispered, holding your shaking body. 
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fallenwhumpee · 1 month
"I'll try."
• Masterlist •
Warnings: abandoning, rib injury, knee injury.
Ten year was a short time.
Spent with their sincere feelings, bundled with joy and naive victories, those years passed in a blink. Memories, maybe the only good things circling in their mind, were precious, sincere. Each built up warmth in their chest and fluttered their stomach.
Thinking back, Right Hand knew they were lucky. They were the luckiest person in their small world. They had a chance to work with people they could laugh and cry together. They were lucky that even while bleeding on the floor, they were thrown jokes with worry hidden. They were lucky that each time after work, they were fretted over like a mother cat would do to its kittens.
They were lucky that a decade had passed with their family. And ten years, for that family, was too short. Life was always fast when they were laughing.
But ten years was also too long.
The next decade, spent without any of it, was taxing. Being deprived of the warmth of their captain's arms, their rookie's pranks and their cmo's constant prodding was like a slow acting poison, rotting their mind from inside.
Right Hand would give everything to get those back.
But here they were, sitting in a cafe the team used to hang out, waiting for Youngest— or a call from them. It had been a while. Five years, eight months, eleven days, and seventeen hours to be precise if they counted from their last call with them. But it had been even longer face to face. The team's disbanding was always going to be Right Hand's biggest regret.
The waiter eyed Right Hand once more. Right Hand ordered a coffee just to get rid of that look. Their intention wasn't to invade the space. They were just too early, unable to sit still in their house.
Right Hand stared. They subtly eyed around, but the customers changed from head to toe at least two times. Looking down, they checked their phone once more.
"No coffee today. You're only getting a lemonade."
Right Hand flinched, shooting a glare to the waiter only to see it was Youngest.
Older, different. Even that smile was foreign. How could Right Hand assume they'd meet the same energetic person when it had been too long?
"I didn't think I'd treat myself today. I don't have enough on me."
The handmade lemonade with ridiculously big size was the times of what they'd pay for coffee. They couldn’t afford this— the lemonade and changes on Youngest. Right Hand's will to form a connection was now gone. They didn't think they could accept that this was not the Youngest they remembered. They didn’t want change. Be it their order or their now distanced sibling.
"I don't either," Youngest grinned, drinking half of their lemonade in one go. "But anything we order is pre-paid." The smile faltered. "It was, always. Medic and Leader's arguments about who was gonna pay was always one-sided. This cafe won't make us pay one penny as long as we dont eat the whole buffet. This place owes a favour to Leader, but you know them—"
"They never collect those favours, so the shop sqid its on them every time," Right Hand completed with a bitter smile.
"Yeah. Even though I'm sure they came back every time without us and paid the order." Youngest muttered. They fidgeted a little, hitting their fingers to the glass a few times.
"I missed... I missed the action," Right Hand confessed, their voice tinged with a mixture of longing and reluctance— they didn't know what they were supposed to feel. They glanced at Youngest, trying to gauge if they would grasp the weight of their words. Would Youngest understand what it meant to just... sit back? To watch the people go on with their jobs, to... to just get the news from a few messages every now and then?
"Me too. That's..." Youngest drew a sharp breath, their eyes darting to the side as if searching for the right words. They let out a slow exhale, their shoulders sagging. "That's why I'm here."
Right Hand frowned, a flicker of unease settling in their gut. "What do you mean?" they asked, their tone cautious.
"We... I need you back," Youngest breathed out, their eyes digging into Right Hand's for a positive answer desperately. Youngest leaned forward, their hands gripping the glass. "Officially, I'm asked to see if any of us wishes to return, but I need you. I will refuse the offer if you do, too."
Right Hand hesitated, their gaze dropping to the table as they mulled over Youngest's words. "It's been a while," they murmured, unsure of what to say.
"I know," Youngest admitted, averting their gaze..
"You know why I didn’t stay," Right Hand sighed.
Youngest nodded, their expression faltering. "But I need you. Especially now with Leader missing—"
Right Hand's head snapped up, their eyes widening in shock. "What?"
Youngest's face paled, and they almost shouted in their panic. "You... you haven't heard?" they asked, their voice rising with alarm.
"Youngest," Right Hand warned, their voice low and firm. They were tired of beating around the bush. "Tell me what's going on."
Youngest shrunk back slightly, their voice dropping to a near whisper. "When you decided to leave, we got assigned to calmer positions.. Except Leader," they muttered, their fingers nervously tapping against the glass.
"Get to the point," Right Hand urged, their patience wearing thin.
Youngest swallowed hard, their voice trembling as they spoke. "Leader had been acting like a mercenary, and we lost contact almost a year ago."
Right Hand felt their heart skip a beat, a cold dread settling in their chest. "Maybe something went wrong in their last commission," they suggested, though they didn’t believe it.
Youngest shook their head, their expression grim. "No... They abandoned us. Not— not like that, but they... Leader left. Told us it was their last job and disappeared."
Right Hand kept their head down, trying not to draw attention in the bustling tavern. The dim lighting cast long shadows across the room, and the low murmur of hushed conversations filled the air, adding to the tension in Right Hand's chest.
Right Hand could feel crippling worry crawl its way into their mind. If Leader had gone back to acting like that...
They didn’t know how all these annoying missions kept finding them, but they had to get this one done. There was no room for error, not now. Not when the higher ups were breathing on their neck.
A single figure sat there, huddled in the furthest corner of the room. While Right Hand couldn't see the figure's face, they recognised the ring on the table. A simple silver ring that acted as only identification even in the agency's detailed file.
Right Hand walked over to the table, tapping it lightly before sitting down. The sound was enough to draw the attention of the person across from them, who slowly looked up, eyes wary and cold.
"I don't have enough on me for a company," Leader muttered, their voice rough, as if it hadn’t been used much in recent days. They glanced at Right Hand, and for a moment, Right Hand though they were being read like an open book.
"You only drank water so far," Right Hand retorted, their eyes narrowing as they assessed the person before them. Leader was thinner, gaunter than they imagined. There was a hollowness to their cheeks, and dark circles framed their piercing eyes. They looked like someone who hadn’t slept or eaten well in days, maybe weeks.
"Is that a problem?" Leader asked, the edge in their tone sharp enough to make Right Hand flinch.
Right Hand shook their head, leaning back slightly in the chair. "No."
"Then what is the problem?" Leader asked, their gaze boring into Right Hand’s, as if daring them to speak.
Right Hand hesitated, choosing their words carefully. They knew how fragile this situation was, how easy it would be to lose any chance of getting Leader back. "Is it your working hours?"
Leader’s expression remained neutral. "Depends."
"Up for work?" Right Hand pressed. They needed this answer, needed to know if there was a chance to bring Leader back into the fold.
Right Hand felt a flicker of frustration rise. They bit back their first answer filled with insults. "Is this the only answer I'll get?" they asked instead.
Leader smirked, though it didn’t reach their eyes. "You won't get a good answer if you don't ask the right questions."
Right Hand let out a slow breath, trying to remain calm. "Ever tired of working alone?"
For a moment, Leader didn’t respond. They simply stared at the glass in front of them, their fingers tracing the rim absentmindedly. Finally, they spoke, their voice barely above a whisper. "Is that an interrogation or an offer?"
"I thought I'd ask questions here," Right Hand scoffed.
Leader chuckled, a sound devoid of real humour sending shivers down to Right Hand's spine. "Not everything goes as we would like. Do you pay well?"
"Oh I—I'm not the employer. I'll probably be in your team," Right Hand admitted. They didn’t want to push Leader too hard, didn’t want to drive them away.
Leader raised an eyebrow, their scepticism clear. "My— is your employer, by any chance, an idiot? I'm not taking responsibility for other people. I don't do office jobs exactly,  y'know. Can't give people insurance."
"You have the experience," Right Hand shrugged.
"And a bad record of completing jobs as I'm asked to," Leader shot back, their tone bitter. They crossed their arms over their chest defensively.
"Yet you do nail the job with your way," Right Hand countered, refusing to back down. They knew Leader’s reputation, knew that when they committed to something, they saw it through—no matter the cost. And possibly with methods that drove the employers mad.
Leader’s eyes narrowed. "Now you're just telling this to get to my good side."
Right Hand didn’t flinch under the sharp tone. "Did it work?"
For a long moment, Leader didn’t respond. They simply stared at Right Hand, weighing their options. The silence stretched on, thick and heavy, until finally, Leader exhaled and shook their head with a resigned sigh.
"Yes," Leader admitted.
“Youngest... no,” Right Hand began, their voice laden with the weight of the years they had carried alone. They shook their head, looking down at their hands as if they might find the right words there. “You… really don’t want me - or Leader - back.”
Youngest’s eyes widened, but they got a hold of their face quickly. “I don’t care how things have changed. I need you. And I need Leader. If you know anything about them, please—”
“If I know anything about Leader,” Right Hand interrupted, their voice growing quiet, almost distant, “they’re not the Leader we know anymore.”
Youngest blinked, taken aback by the finality in Right Hand’s tone. “What do you mean?” they asked, their voice tinged with a mix of confusion and concern.
Right Hand met Youngest’s gaze, their expression hardening. “I mean, don’t ask me this,” they said, their voice firm. “You don’t want to find the person Leader might have become.”
“But I need to,” Youngest insisted, almsot yelling. They took a deep breath and continued more calmly. “I know you. You won’t let me down. Neither you nor Leader ever did. Even if Leader changed, you can get them back. You... you tamed the monster once.”
Right Hand suprassed a flinch and let out a long, weary sigh, their shoulders slumping. They hated that Youngest was right— not in tamsing part but still. No matter how much they wanted to walk away, they couldn’t. Not from this. Not when it involved the people they once called family.
Right Hand finally gave up. “I’ll try,” they said, their voice carrying a quiet determination. “But you need to be prepared for what we might find, if we find anything at all.”
Youngest swallowed hard but nodded, their lips pressed into a thin line. “Just… bring them back,” they said, their voice cracking slightly.
Right Hand paused, their gaze softening as they looked at Youngest. “I’ll do my best,” they promised, though a part of them wondered if their best would be enough.
Right Hand had lost count of how many dead ends they had followed in just three months. Every lead was colder than the last, every contact more hesitant to speak. The trail that Leader had left behind was barely more than a whisper—scattered rumours that always ended absurdly, as if it was purposefully set up.
But Right Hand wasn’t ready to give up. Not when they had seen the look in Youngest’s eyes, the hope clinging to the edges of desperation. Not when they owed it to themselves, to the family they once had, to find Leader and at least try to bring them back.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally found a lead that seemed promising—a small, rundown apartment on the outskirts of a forgotten town. The odd tenant paid rent in cash, kept to themselves, and was rarely seen except for the occasional late-night trip to a nearby convenience store. If Right Hand wasn’t so desperate for a lead, they could've overlooked it.
In the blink of an eye, Right Hand stood outside the door, their heart pounding in their chest. They had no idea what to expect on the other side. They weren’t even sure they were ready to face whatever—or whoever—they might find.
Taking a deep breath, Right Hand knocked on the door. There was no answer. They waited a moment before knocking again, louder this time. Still nothing. Anxiety gnawed at them as they fumbled for the set of lockpicking tools they hadn’t used in years.
They moved in after breaking in, their footsteps heavy on the worn wooden floor. In the dim light, Right Hand could make out the remnants of someone’s life—an unmade bed, a table cluttered with empty bottles, a chair knocked over in the corner.
Right Hand's eyes darted around, taking in the sparse, almost desolate surroundings. There was something about the place that felt wrong—a heaviness that hung in the air, pressing down on them as they cautiously stepped forward.
A faint rustling came from the couch, the backrest blocking Right Hand's view. Their breath caught in their throat as they turned toward the sound, their heart pounding louder with each passing second.
"Who's there?" they called out, their voice steady despite the fear gnawing at them from the inside.
The rustling stopped, followed by a low, pained groan. Right Hand's grip tightened around the handle of their gun, their eyes straining to see through the dimness. Slowly, a figure rose and turned back, and Right Hand's heart sank.
They looked different— worn down but not completely defeated. Their clothes were rumpled and faded, as if they'd been worn for days on end. Their hair, still mostly neat, was streaked with grey that hadn’t been there before. And their eyes - those once bright, determined eyes - were clouded with exhaustion and something else Right Hand couldn’t quite place.
But despite it all, Leader still held themselves with a certain dignity. Even the hollowness in their cheeks and the dark circles under their eyes told a story of sleepless nights, there was still a spark of the person Right Hand once knew— or Right Hand wanted to see it that way.
Leader blinked, as if trying to focus on the figure standing before them. For a moment, they looked confused, as if they weren’t sure if Right Hand was there. But soon, Leader’s expression shifted from confusion to something more guarded— almost defensive.
"Right Hand," Leader rasped, their voice rough from disuse. They straightened up slightly, trying to pull themselves together, though the effort seemed to cost them dearly. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Right Hand replied carefully, trying to keep their tone neutral, non-threatening. "I’ve been looking for you."
Leader let out a short, humourless laugh, though it sounded more like a cough. "So you finally found me," they muttered, running a hand through their hair in a weary gesture. "Congratulations. You can go back now and tell people that  I’m still alive. Just what I needed."
Right Hand shook their head, refusing to let Leader brush them off so easily. "That’s not why I’m here," they said firmly. "I’m here to bring you back."
"Back? Where?" Leader spat. They stood up, their body bandaged. Right Hand could see a makeshift rib corset peeking under their shirt, and Leader's knee was properly braced— more of a mobility choice rather than caring about their health, in Right Hand's opinion.
Leader’s sharp tone cut through the stale air, the bitterness in their words evident. They leaned heavily on the back of the couch, trying to steady themselves as they stared at Right Hand with a mix of anger and disbelief.
"Back where?" Leader repeated, their voice lower but no less biting. "There’s nowhere to go back to. The team is gone. That life… it’s over. It was never my life to begin with."
"No, it was!" Right Hand snapped. "Leader, we are from the same fabric. I know what must be done, and I know what's really eating you alive. You have to take what is yours. Will you let Youngest think you abandoned them?"
Leader's gaze hardened, their posture stiffening as they straightened up, wincing slightly from the effort but also stepping closer, towering over Right Hand. "But I did leave them behind," Leader almost snarled. "You’re delusional if you think I can be any help. Look around you," they gestured vaguely at the rundown apartment, their eyes narrowing. "I'm in no state - and mood - to play the same game. I'm not interested in anything you have to tell."
Right Hand clenched their fists, frustration boiling beneath the surface. "You don’t get to decide that," they said, their voice steady but firm. "We need you, Leader. Youngest needs you. And deep down, you know you need us too."
Leader’s expression wavered for a moment, a flicker of something—regret, maybe, or doubt—crossing their features before they quickly masked it with anger. They scoffed, turning away. "Need is a dangerous thing, Right Hand. It makes you weak. It blinds you. You don't need me."
"And what I need, then?" Right Hand pressed, refusing to let Leader retreat into themselves again.
"You ned to move on," Leader began, their voice so quiet it was almost a whisper, "I’m not the person you remember. I’m not the leader you followed. And I won't be that person again. You need to move on and forget."
"I don’t believe that," Right Hand said with a determination that cut through the tension in the room. "And I don’t think you do either. We’ve all changed, Leader. None of us are who we were, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find a way forward."
Leader shook their head, exhaling a shaky breath as they rubbed a hand over their face. "You don’t get it," they muttered, their voice wavering. "You’re holding on to a ghost. The person you’re looking for… they’re gone. There’s nothing left to bring back."
"That’s not true," Right Hand insisted. "I can see it in your eyes—there’s still a part of you that wants to fight. You never back down from your duty."
Leader’s eyes darted away, unable to meet Right Hand’s gaze. They looked like they were carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, the burden of their own self-loathing almost too much to bear.
"Why did you run?" Right Hand asked, their voice gentle. "Why did you leave and get away from what made you happy?"
Leader’s jaw clenched, their fists tightening at their sides as they wrestled with the question. "You were keeping things together. It was always you." they admitted after a long, painful silence. "When you decided to back down, i tried. I really did, but... things fell apart."
"Running away didn’t help anyone, least of all yourself," Right Hand replied, their tone softening with understanding. "I had to leave. You knew, and I'm grateful you never blamed me for it. But it wasn’t me. You kept us together when I couldn't. For years. You tried, and it didn’t work. But that doesn’t mean we should give up on each other— or ourselves."
Leader’s shoulders slumped, the fight draining out of them as they sank back onto the couch, the weight of their guilt and despair pulling them down. "I can't do it again," they whispered, their voice trembling. "I don’t even know how to help myself, let alone the team."
Right Hand sat on the table in front of Leader. "You’re still here," they said firmly, gripping Leader’s hands in theirs. "And that’s enough. We’ll figure out the rest together. You’re not alone in this, Leader. We will all try this time. You won't have to keep us together."
A tear slipped down Leader’s cheek, and they quickly brushed it away, but not before Right Hand saw the vulnerability in their eyes—the pain, the fear, the longing for something they thought they had lost forever.
For the first time in a long time, Leader allowed themselves to lean into the comfort Right Hand offered, the warmth of their touch grounding them in a way they hadn’t felt in what seemed like an eternity.
"I don’t think I can do it," Leader murmured, their voice trembling. "But… I’ll try."
Right Hand nodded, their own eyes misting over as they squeezed Leader’s hands. "That’s all I’m asking."
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bloodyvelseb · 9 months
reasons i think my cosuin shoe is secrelty kanaya
1,shes a virgo 2,shes a lesbian 3,she hates me n i like eridan so 4,shes tall n i h8 her 4 it i am right because i sqid so
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kaydeedoll · 1 year
Your top 3 favourite things about yourself?
Umm brfore i would havr sqid my uhh brains but now maybe like my aense of humour umm my being a nice perqon and my butt!
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aria0fgold · 5 months
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SO WAS THAT THE CONTEXT OF HIS SR CARD?!?!?!?? My guy really just THREATENED Akira ohmygod, I love Akira seeing this terrifying guy block them and just go "Nevermind--" and then just tried to turn around. They really went and tried a "nope" but Mithra cut them off already.
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The way Cain can easily switch between threatening to friendly in the span of seconds needs to be studied. He does the same time in the og universe too (he's esp guarded there too with his injury from The Great Calamity).
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Honestly, Akira being able to take on All of that so calmly needs to be studied too. Like, sure they have remnants of nostalgia and all that from the og universe considering that this AU takes place in a dream but also, they have NO MEMORIES OTHER THAN NAME in this world and they really was just THREATENED by a STRANGER but yeah no, "I got a feeling he wasn't really a bad person" sure. (I mean, yea he Isn't but also like considering the circumstances...)
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OOHHOHOYNYOFNFMGMYGOD!!! OHMYGOD!!! CAIOWE MEETING!!! Owen with his grand entrance, love that for him and ofc Cain's first reaction being reassurance that the guy is alive like OUOUOUOUOGHHGHG??????
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ououoghjghhghg aauughguhguhug... That's soooo sweet actually awwwwwww Heath....
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From Heath sweet moment to Cain and Mithra guard dog moment LIKE GAAAAAAYUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!!! OHMYGOD!!! I LOVE THIS ACTUALLY!!! This event giving crumbs to the mithcain shippers out there and honestly... their dynamic is REALLY good too. I just have caiowe in my heart but I can see myself getting into mithcain as well. (Pararoid nearly got me into bradcain but alas! I have bradnero for that instead. Honestly my fave events giving Cain dynamic to the rest of the sanbaka, I love it...)
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UOUOUOUOUGHGHJGUHGHHG OUOUOUGGHGH!!!!! THE!! THEHTHEEH THE!!! THE DIALOGUE!!! THE!!!!!!! DIALOGUE!!!!! OUOUOGGHHGH HE SAID IT!!! He sqid it..... He said it-- he said the!! the thing!!! I LOVE THAT!!! He said something similar to that during Pararoid too and it's always such a GREAT moment seeing Owen just say That.
Also yeah there's now the explanation for his other eye changing colours and as expected-- it is honestly SO INSANE for Owen's other eye to change into the same golden eye he saw from Cain being the last person he saw during that near-death (or... actual death???) experience. Like, yea sure, okay, you loved his golden eye soooo much your other eye just changed colour upon you waking up. Like, okay Owen.
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seraphimsinful · 6 months
And you know What? I don't think it's fair you can tell me to my face that everyone thinks im some volatile animal that you get praised for entering its cage. I dont need to know everyone else thinks im unlikeable. I don't need to know that you need permission to talk to even talk to me like im some inmate or patient thats in a program where if im good enough or on my best behavior i get to have a friend. Maybe i dont want a friend. Mayne everyones right and theres always going to be this invisible timer that goes off and i get bad and mean again and youll see im not worth it. Maybe i dont deserve connection just like everyone else says. If its such a burden to even be my friend why are you here. Maybe it hurts to hear how many people believe im some volatile monster and that no one has faith in me. Besides you. Cause you're a saint. I should be thankful. Should be on my knees for you begging forgiveness. But i wont. Do you even see me as a person? As someone besides the pity case youve picked up? Maybe im overreacting. But i feel just like that. And if you fucking cry cause im upset youve sqid hurtful things then fuck you too because ive never been ablr to express how i feel without it getting thrown back at me. Damnit.
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dogboycolumbo · 1 year
i don't really have an opinion
i know ir sqid post without comment but umm. okie i guess… Walks away sadly like snoopy
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purrble-archive · 2 years
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hyunknow · 4 years
crazy how much i miss minho i keep saying it I'M SUFFERING RN MY POOR HEART 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
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slvertongues · 3 years
lots of affection for mark fr
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babygirldennis · 3 years
I hate that people expect me to officially come out to them and are bothered when i just tell them about a girl im hooking up with.
Theyre like "why didnt you tell me you were bi? I dont mind :( i feel hurt that you couldnt trust me with this :("
Im literally telling you about a girl i fucked. What, did you want a big emotional moment so u could flex how woke u are? Shuttup.
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p0ssywhippedcream · 2 years
ophe please ime crying the worm thing i-, qm.
oh my Jesus so, I thought if it after thinking of the "would you still love me if I was a worm" question and I was like 'hMMMmMmm what if L had a significant other that was a worm' AND Y9U JUST SQID YOUD IGNORE ME
babe i promise you that i seriously thought you meant a s/o that was an actual earth worm, i had reason to say that.
however i feel like if he was typing away on his little computer, all focused and shit, and your breathing suddenly goes out of the way it normally is (because he definitely listens to the way you breathe and memorizes it) and you turn to him to ask the stupidest shit on planet earth, he’d question your sanity.
“Babe, would you still love me if i were a worm?”
L looks at you like you’ve grown two heads.
“No. Because you’d be a worm.”
“Well yeah but i’d also be me so you’re saying you wouldn’t love me?”
“You wouldn’t be you, you’d be a worm, or did you start human and turn worm? How would i know which worm was you? Why would I fall in love with you if you’d been a worm from the start?”
It sparks an entire argument where he keeps asking questions about it, demanding to know the philosophy of it and the terms and conditions and you just keep saying that he doesn’t love you because real boyfriends love their girlfriends even as worms. Then he asks you what makes me real and not real, is he fake or non existent and you give up and stuff a strawberry in his mouth with a eye roll and a mutter about your worm being realer than his logic.
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iknownparadoxi · 2 years
I imagine Skuids (Sqids? Kuids?Squid Kids?) have a solid jello-like consistency, they can concentrate and 'loosen' up and turn to ink, in that loosened state they can do stuff like reshape their tentacles into new styles, do easy piercings, trans their gender, and then go back to normal in that new shape.
It's just a matter of loosening up, molding yourself a bit, and then going back to the new normal in your optimal form.
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Thomas sqid that what happened to Chloe wasn't abuse or neglect which it CLEARLY is. What do you think will happen if Thomas has a kid?
He actually does have a kid, but I highly doubt he intentionally neglects and belittles her like Audrey does to Chloe.
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