#like i will froth at the mouth for y'all
basementgirlmusk · 1 year
why are my mutuals so damn hot
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silvers-starrway · 4 months
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Putting up these guys onto my artfight and all of my characters have animated icons like these so of course I had to do them for all 10 of the au characters. Feel free to bookmark them on either mine or Cher's account!
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bumblebeebats · 2 years
Wow, Guillermo del Toro really said You know what my animated kid's musical needs? Catholicism. War. Death. Alcoholism. Fascism. Frankensteinian undertones. A haunting meditation on mortality and grief. Cate Blanchett making monkey noises. And he was so fucking right
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absentlyabbie · 9 days
let's add some dimension to the "no such thing as too much garlic" aphorism
HEY! don't be a dick in the replies, comments, or tags about other people's preferences, alright?
just because you have strong personal feelings about something doesn't mean you can't behave yourself like a decent person and appreciate the vast spectrum of human experience
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andromeda3116 · 2 years
god but everyone needs to read the daevabad trilogy
it's got everything! it's high fantasy set against a rich, islamic-golden-age backdrop. it's both political and action-oriented without getting too into the weeds with politics or so into action that it becomes shallow. the relationships are deep and mature and complicated, and don't fall into cookie-cutter cliches. the characters are deep and mature and complicated, and even the very worst of them has vestiges of goodness: the Evil King was once a good man who tried to foster cooperation among the warring tribes of his city, who genuinely did -- and does! -- care about the well-being of the people he rules.
but he always puts the city first, and that means that some people get crushed underfoot, and he becomes more and more willing to crush in order to protect order, and...
even his worst enemies admit that he was not a bad man, at first. he had good intentions. at first. and arguably, even still. he just got twisted, too caught up in the brutal politics. it's not for nothing that his eldest son -- a genuinely good man -- shows strong signs of becoming like him. because, as he was taught, "daevabad comes first." before yourself, before family, before love, before compassion. you don't have to be an evil man to do evil things. and at the end -- without spoiling anything, did muntadhir descend to "evil" depths? it's a hard question to answer. he did what he believed was best for daevabad. it was horrific, but it was undeniably effective. it worked. right or wrong, good or evil, it worked.
and the ultimate villain of the series was brutally abused and imprisoned and controlled, and turned to ever-darker paths in her desperation to be free and in control of her own destiny. she is what she was made to be, and even at the very bottom of things, she still loves. she still has the capacity for love and heartbreak and the desire to make things right, by her own twisted definition of right. she is a shining example of "the ends do not justify the means." she was willing to descend to any depth to fulfill her vision for daevabad, but those depths destroyed that vision. but she still had sympathy. she suffered, horribly, and she deserved better than the lot she was given at the start -- she's sort of a greek tragedy: if she could have walked away, disappeared into nothingness with her son, she would have been free. but she couldn't. not just because ghassan was holding her brother prisoner, but because she couldn't let it go. she had to make him pay.
and it's hard to blame her for her hate! he tortured her little brother to keep her under his thumb, he was obsessed with her, he trapped her in a gilded cage! her hatred is completely justified! in another world, she's the hero of the story, bringing her legacy back to its proper glory. but she descends ever-deeper into darkness in pursuing her revenge, until it consumes and controls her, and she becomes the villain.
it's not a simple tale of good-versus-evil. there is good and evil in both sides, in every character. the closest you get to an unambiguously good character is ali, but even he can be judgmental and short-sighted, too obsessed with what is Moral to notice the harm he's causing. and that's not a criticism! it makes him a well-rounded and full character. he's flawed. he's real.
and even so, it's a positive story. things get unspeakably terrible, but they come through it all the clearer. the happy ending is earned, and so, so deserved. it's a satisfying ending, where there's a lot of awful shit, but there's also a lot of goodness and kindness and love. nothing and no one is either wholly good nor wholly bad. but things are getting better, at the end, and there's a bright future ahead of them. it's a perfect ending for the story.
it's such an intricate and mature story of politics and magic and faith and fear and rage and hope and courage and love. it's phenomenal, everyone needs to read the trilogy.
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secretsolarsystem · 2 years
Sith!Obi-wan finding out that Qui-gon just got a new Padawan and thinking “huh, I could pull a Xanatos and kidnap the little one, in all honesty I’m making him a favor” just to then discover that this is not a little initiate, but an ex-slave how’s mother is still a slave and he is just done with his former master’s bullshit
friend!!!!!! bestie!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure how true to the prompt I ended up staying BUT I really hope you like reading this as much as I loved writing it, omg it was so fun!!!
pls enjoy this 2.1k canon-divergent, Sith!Obi-Wan, padawan!Anakin, Fallen!Anakin, obsessive Anakin, mentions of a murder and the uhhh aftermath <3
Sitting in his booth, Obi-Wan took the last sip of his drink, sighing at how the smooth whiskey went down his throat, immediately warming his veins. Maybe he was stupid for drinking whiskey on the hottest planet he’d ever been on, but he’d never been one to choose convenience or comfort over quality and taste. His many white layers proved that.
He really had no desire to be on this Force-forsaken planet at all, but when his master gives an order he is to obey, unless he wants to deal with Lord Sidious. That was how Dooku kept Obi-Wan in line, since he knew there was little else actually keeping Obi-Wan loyal to him as an apprentice. Obi-Wan had learned enough that Dooku was no longer relevant to him, but, apparently, Dooku was to play an important role in Sidious’ plans for the big war that was about to break out, so Obi-Wan and Dooku circled each other just enough to keep the other alive.
Because Obi-Wan had a role to play, too. Sidious knew how good he was at negotiations, and so while Obi-Wan wouldn’t necessarily be a general like his master, it would be his responsibility to ensure they had the weapons and resources they’d need to fight this war. Which was how he found himself here, decompressing after the first day of negotiations with the Hutts, some of the most unpleasant sentients Obi-Wan has never had the displeasure of speaking with.
The one drink definitely was not enough to compensate for what he’d been through that day, so he made his way to the bar for another. As he waitede for his second drink, a tall, gangly thing burst through the cantina doors, face contorted into a scowl and cheeks glistening with tears. Obi-Wan took in the sight before him, and immediately realized he knew this tall, gangly thing. This was Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn’s padawan.
Yes, Obi-Wan knew Anakin Skywalker – knew of him, at least. Obi-Wan had been in his early twenties when he learned of Anakin’s arrival to the Temple and the Jedi. When he found out that Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan’s former master, had taken Anakin on as his new padawan, Obi-Wan had considered taking the boy for himself. He’d be doing him a favor; Qui-Gon Jinn practically ensured that no one flourished under his guidance, what with his cold demeanor and palpable indifference towards his pupils.
That was Obi-Wan’s experience, anyway.
But Obi-Wan didn’t. Sidious forbade him, and it would’ve gotten messy with Dooku, considering the Rule of Two they abided by as Sith. Plus, as much as he was loathe to admit it, Obi-Wan did still hold respect for Dooku. The man took him in and taught him power Obi-Wan had never believed he could wield when he found Obi-Wan, freshly Fallen and awfully torn up about it. Under Dooku’s tutelage, Obi-Wan harnessed the Dark with finesse and confidence he never would have gained with Qui-Gon.
Now, looking at Anakin in this cantina, Obi-Wan can see that Qui-Gon had failed him, too. His tear-soaked face and still trembling lip were proof that Qui-Gon had neglected to acknowledge his padawan’s apparently very strong emotions, and therefore failed to teach him how to channel them to his benefit. Not to mention, the boy’s Force signature was emanating Darkness; it felt fresh, it felt suffocating, it felt never-ending.
When Anakin locked eyes with Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan gave him a once over before taking his drink back to his booth. Sitting down, he was unsurprised to find Anakin there, looming over him like a dark cloud. Taking a sip, Obi-Wan glanced up, waiting for Anakin to speak. When he didn’t, Obi-Wan said, “Hello. Can I help you?”
“Yes,” Anakin said, voice thick and hoarse, surely from the crying.
When Anakin didn’t explain further, Obi-Wan set his drink down with a roll of his eyes. “I can’t if you don’t tell me with what.”
“Teach me the ways of the Dark Side,” Anakin said, hands balled into fists by his sides. His shoulders were rising and falling with harsh breaths, and his red-rimmed eyes looked like they’d fall with fresh tears at any moment. He was the visage of a boy ready to Fall, surely much like how Obi-Wan must have looked when Dooku took him in.
Still, there were too many of Sidious’ plans in motion for this to be feasible. That, and the fact that Sidious had specifically forbidden Obi-Wan taking on Anakin specifically as his apprentice.
“No,” Obi-Wan answered, turning back to his drink. As expected, though, Anakin did not move. “Go back to the master you already have, little Jedi. I’d like to enjoy my drink in peace.”
Taking the seat across from Obi-Wan, Anakin splayed his hands out on the table with a hard smack, jostling Obi-Wan’s drink in his hand from how Obi-Wan rested his elbow on the table. Anakin was impossibly lucky none of the liquid spilt from the commotion.
Looking back at Anakin with an incredibly unimpressed and quite annoyed look, Obi-Wan set his drink down. “I won’t say it again.”
“So don’t,” Anakin bit back. It was now that Obi-Wan could see the gold starting to swirl in Anakin’s blue irises. Obi-Wan wondered what had happened – what had just happened, because this was all too fresh – to make Anakin Fall so hard and so quick.
“Then I have nothing to say to you,” Obi-Wan responded, though it wasn’t said with much finality. He was growing more and more curious about Anakin – a dangerous thing for both a Sith and the object of their curiosity.
“If you won’t say yes, then tell me how to get you to say yes,” Anakin pressed, his eye contact unwavering. It was intense, the kind of gaze one could drown in if not careful.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was nothing if not careful. “You know what I am.” It was not a question. Anakin nodded once. “Then you know of the Rule of Two.” Anakin nodded again, but with a bit of hesitation, now. “I’m afraid there’s already two.” Well, technically three, but it was accepted that Sidious was an exception.
For the first time, Anakin broke their eye contact, looking down at the table. But Obi-Wan could tell he did it not in disappointment or acceptance of defeat, but in thought. He was trying to think around the one rule the Sith abided by. It intrigued Obi-Wan, so he continued to drink as he watched Anakin think.
Eventually, by the time Obi-Wan’s drink only had one sip left, Anakin looked up, brow furrowed with new determination. “Who is your apprentice?”
Obi-Wan cocked an eyebrow, the corner of his lip quirking up. “Why?”
“Because I’ll kill them,” Anakin answered immediately.
Barking out a laugh, Obi-Wan downed the rest of his drink before standing and straightening his clothes. If he had an apprentice, Obi-Wan considered, he just might tell Anakin who they were, just to see if he’d really do it. It sent a sick thrill of satisfaction through Obi-Wan’s being, but he kept that to himself.
“I’m sure you will, little Jedi,” Obi-Wan said. “Until then, my answer stands.” Then Obi-Wan made his way towards the bar, paid his credits (only because he needed to keep the Hutts somewhat appeased), and left, all while feeling Anakin’s eyes boring into his back and his Force signature doing its best to wrap around and keep Obi-Wan.
It is not until three years later, when Obi-Wan is staying at some terrible inn on some terrible planet to negotiate with some terrible people, that he sees Anakin again. It starts with a knock on his door, to which Obi-Wan calls out, “The sign says ‘Do Not Disturb.’”
The knocking continues, so Obi-Wan closes up his notes from today’s talks with an irritated sigh and walks over to the door, opening it with a scowl. “Can you not read-”
The jab dies on his lips when he sees Anakin Skywalker staring back at him with completely golden eyes.
He steps aside and lets the boy – no, the man – in, watching him stalk inside as he closes and locks the door. Anakin is taller than before, which is quite the feat, and his Jedi attire is filled out by bigger arms, broader shoulders, thicker thighs. His hair is no longer in that Force awful padawan cut, but now falls in long curls. When Anakin turns to face him, Obi-Wan notes the scar running through his brow and eye, his one gloved hand, and the bag in his other hand.
Obi-Wan has many questions, but what he says is: “Congratulations on your knighting.”
Anakin huffs, his face as severe as the day Obi-Wan met him on Tatooine. “Doesn’t matter now.”
“Why not?” Obi-Wan asks, stepping further into the room and towards Anakin. Anakin straightens up, but it doesn’t seem to be a defensive move. If Obi-Wan didn’t know any better, Anakin almost looked like he was displaying himself for appraisal.
Tilting his head, Anakin gave Obi-Wan a look that suggested he couldn’t tell if Obi-Wan was stupid or joking. “I think that’s obvious. It’s only gotten worse since we met.”
“You’re not blaming me now, are you?” Obi-Wan asked with a grin.
Narrowing his eyes, Anakin’s grip on the bad tightened. “Who should I blame? Your apprentice?”
Smile growing, Obi-Wan clasped his hands together in front of himself. “Did you kill them?”
“No,” Anakin answered, throwing the bag to the ground. It landed with an incredibly heavy thud. “I did kill your master, though.”
Being careful to hold his smile in place, Obi-Wan looked down at the bag, understanding. He was sure that if he opened it, he would see Dooku’s head. How dramatic of Anakin.
“Ah,” was all Obi-Wan had to say.
“It was easy, considering all the practice I’ve had,” Anakin went on. Obi-Wan did not look up from the bag. “When we met, I’d just killed a whole village of Tusken raiders. After, I killed the man who owned me and my mother as slaves. Then, after searching and searching for your unworthy apprentice, I finally put it together. You were the apprentice all along.”
“Brutal and clever,” Obi-Wan murmured. Dooku’s head was in that bag. Obi-Wan wasn’t sad, per say, but felt a pang of hurt that he hadn’t been the one to do the honors, as is customary. It would’ve been the respectful way for Dooku to die.
And what would this mean for the war? Was Obi-Wan to become a general now? What would Sidious say to this glaring wrench thrown carelessly into his plans? Would he kill Obi-Wan for this? Would he kill Anakin?
Obi-Wan had a feeling he would not do the latter. Anakin was important to him, in some way. There must be a reason Obi-Wan couldn’t have taken him for himself all those years ago. Sidious always had reasons that no one else was privy to.
“So I did what I had to do, to get you to say yes,” Anakin continued, dropping to his knee beside the bag containing Dooku’s head. “So say it.”
Shaking his head minutely, Obi-Wan looked to Anakin, his eyes wide and golden where they were not swallowed by pupil. Adrenaline? Or arousal? Probably both. Anakin was surely getting off on all this death; it was hard not to. And maybe he knew how good he looked kneeling at Obi-Wan’s feet.
“There is another, more powerful Sith lord,” Obi-Wan said. “He will not be pleased by this.”
“Then I’ll kill him, too,” Anakin growled, his resolve unwavering. “I’ll do whatever it takes, Master.”
A shiver ran through Obi-Wan at hearing Anakin Skywalker, kneeling before him, call him Master, a shiver Obi-Wan could not hide. Anakin noticed, and he pressed forward on both knees now, and suddenly it looked like he was down there for something other than pledging himself to Obi-Wan.
“He cannot be killed,” Obi-Wan dismissed. Sidious was far too powerful to be killed, no matter how enraged and determined Anakin was. “But, he is the exception to the rule.” It took him a moment, but Anakin understood what Obi-Wan was saying. The Rule of Two would still be honored if Obi-Wan took Anakin on as his apprentice. “Are you certain this is what you want?”
“Yes, Master,” Anakin answered immediately.
Baring his teeth, Obi-Wan asked, “And what of your other master? Do you still feel loyalty towards him?”
Another immediate answer. “No, Master.”
“And if I told you to kill him?” Obi-Wan probably wouldn’t, but Anakin didn’t need to know that. He just needed to answer the question.
“I would, Master,” Anakin vowed, his voice as firm as his gaze.
“Very good,” Obi-Wan purred, reaching out to finally sink his fingers into Anakin’s hair. It made the man below him shiver and flutter his eyes shut as he leaned into the touch. Obi-Wan smiled, incredibly pleased. “Yes, very good, my apprentice.
prompted fic collection on ao3
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evilblot · 11 months
I gotta stop watching movies I don't know nothing about, they keep throwing curve balls at me and I can't dodge them to save my life cjsjxjdcj
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puraiuddo · 1 year
i’m actually not sure i can physically express how much i loathe the trope of redesigning the “angry character” to make them—get this!!!—
~*✧bigger than everyone else✧*~
especially when it’s framed as some big brain move to varietize body types or spice up character design
it’s like!! sorry babe! actually, you’re not smart for modeling a character’s design after the stereotypical representation of their personality!! 
one might actually specifically call that boring and fucking idiotic!
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welcometoteyvat · 2 years
also last random thought I haven’t played cyno’s story quest yet but bruh fandom really said “we’ll make cyno’s love of puns his whole personality” and I hate it
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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same, Haruka v_v
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still going insane over that pool scene
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we can't just have a normal rivalry between men 🤪
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I love how worried the others are for Momoi ;_;
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sevilynne · 1 month
"B—but... Snivellus is a death eater..."
Listen here, you little shit. For Severus, he got neglected by BOTH parents (and it was implied that he was abused both physically and mentally as well.), gets bullied by two boys because he wanted to go to Slytherin (who sneers back and ends up getting bullied), almost gets killed and Sirius nor Remus gets any consequences other than detention (Really? Is his life worth detention and not Azkaban?), James flexes it to Lily and Lily starts believing James over the victim, Severus accidentally calls his bestfriend a mudblood over the heat of the situation (Lily was about to smile, when James literally used scorgify in his mouth), loses the person thay cared for him the most compared to others (Which Lily isn't even a good friend, so his life is messed up), with Remus and Sirius not maturing (Sirius still calls Severus "Snivellus", and Remus and Sirius spreading lies like "Severus was jealous of James" or "Lily never hated James," when it's the other way around!!! James was jealous of Severus because he existed and Lily was his best friend!
Now his blood supremacist friends are basically recruiting him, and helping him on the way! Basically, the "bad side" is his good side! They are the only ones who "cared" for him when he needed help! He was a death eater for a reason, and people manipulating him because he was vulnerable is a reason.
The audacity of stans trying to make a hotter version of Severus—Regulus? Regulus is basically a walmart Severus but Timothée Chalamet dressed up in wizard robes! If Regulus was told as ugly, nobody would boohoo care about him.
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Y'all only hate Severus and love Regulus because J.K. Rowling never made a Marauders era movie! Regulus is basically a blood supremacist with Voldemort shrines and posters who'd call Lily a mudblood! While Severus is basically bullied on a daily basis.
You guys got to see Severus's good and bad things! Like him "bullying" children, but saved the wizarding world. Literally, maybe he targeted children, but so did Minerva! Minerva literally targeted Neville and locked him outside of the Gryffindor common room when there's an apparent psycho killer, and humiliated him infront of everyone! But we all never see that because we are in Harry's POV, she favours him—she only took points and she was apparently fair because Harry's BIASED!!! Just like how all Slytherins are portrayed because of Hagrid and Ron!!! She favours Gryffindor just like how Severus favours Slytherin, except she takes big points away (which is from Gryffindors she doesn't like) and when she's infront of the professors!
Severus is a morally grey character, and Regulus? We basically time skipped him, we skipped all of the bad things he has done while we never skipped Severus's, that's why you don't have a bad opinion about him, but really! In the Marauders timeline, Regulus was a Voldemort fanboy while Severus literally had stuff happening.
This is why you don't hate James Potter, you guys basically skipped HIS timeline and moved to Harry's, which Severus is portrayed to be this big bad bully until DH! And that's why Harry "Snape's #1 Biggest Hater" Potter's vision changed to "Snape's #1 Biggest Defender", just like how his vision changed from "My father is a great man" to "I fucking hate my own father".
But you guys are so deep into these fanfics like CR (Crimson Rivers) or ATYD (All the Young Dudes) that you all forget about canon lore! He physically assaulted, sexually assaulted, and mentally exhausted Severus! We're not throwing the SA word around, because lets think of this:
Lily let out a stream of mixed swearwords and hexes, but her wand being ten feet away, nothing happened.
“Wash out your mouth,” said James coldly. “Scourgify!”
Pink soap bubbles streamed from Lily’s mouth at once; the froth was covering her lips, making her gag, choking her —
“Leave her ALONE!”
James and Sirius looked around. James’s free hand jumped to his hair again.
It was one of the boys from the lake edge. He had black hair that fell to his shoulders and startlingly onyx eyes.
“All right, Snape?” said James, and the tone of his voice was suddenly pleasant, deeper, more mature.
“Leave her alone,” Severus repeated. He was looking at James with every sign of great dislike. “What’s she done to you?”
“Well,” said James, appearing to deliberate the point, “it’s more the fact that she exists, if you know what I mean...”
Many of the surrounding watchers laughed, Sirius and Wormtail included, but Lupin, still apparently intent on his book, didn’t, and neither did Severus.
“You think you’re funny,” he said coldly. “But you’re just an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter. Leave her alone."
Behind her, the Impediment Jinx was wearing off. Lily was beginning to inch toward her fallen wand, spitting out soapsuds as he crawled.
“Bad luck, Prongs,” said Sirius briskly, turning back to Evans. “OY!”
But too late; Lily had directed her wand straight at James; there was a flash of light and a gash appeared on the side of James’s face, spattering his robes with blood.
James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Lily was hanging upside down in the air, her robes falling over her head to reveal skinny legs and a skirt.
Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter. Severus, whose furious expression had twitched for an instant as though he was going to smile, said, “Let her down!”
“Certainly,” said James and he jerked his wand upward. Evans fell into a crumpled heap on the ground.
Disentangling herself from her robes, she got quickly to her feet, wand up, but Sirius said, “Petrificus Totalus!” and Lily keeled over again at once, rigid as a board.
“LEAVE HER ALONE!” Severus shouted. He had his own wand out now. James and Sirius eyed it warily.
“Ah, Snape, don’t make me hex you,” said James earnestly.
“Take the curse off her, then!”
James sighed deeply, then turned to Lily and muttered the countercurse.
“There you go,” he said, as Lily struggled to her feet again, “you’re lucky Snape was here, Evans —”
“I don’t need help from filthy little Mudbloods like him!" (Severus is canonically a Mudblood because he has dirty blood—Muggle blood)
Severus blinked.
“Fine,” he said coolly. “I won’t bother in future. And I’d wash your skirt if I were you, Evans.”
“Apologize to Snape!” James roared at Evans, his wand pointed threateningly at her.
“I don’t want you to make her apologize,” Severus shouted, rounding on James. “You’re as bad as she is.”
“What?” yelped James. “I’d NEVER call you a — you-know-what!”
“[...], walking down corridors and hexing anyone who annoys you just because you can — I’m surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head on it. You make me SICK.”
He turned on his heel and hurried away.
“Snape!” James shouted after him, “Hey, SNAPE!” But he didn’t look back.
“What is it with him?” said James, trying and failing to look as though this was a throwaway question of no real importance to him.
“Reading between the lines, I’d say he thinks you’re a bit conceited, mate,” said Sirius.
“Right,” said James, who looked furious now, “right —”
There was another flash of light, and Evans was once again hanging upside down in the air.
“Who wants to see me take off Evans’s skirt?”
Now, let's see if this isn't messed up. This is humiliating! Why did Severus leave his female best friend when she was being PA'd and SA'd by a male! Why did he take out his wand too late? Why is he such a coward?
Gender roles do matter in this context, no matter if Severus considers this as SA or not, it's SA and he got his pants stripped down, but it doesn't matter, he's a boy isn't he?
If this was Lily, everyone would care, but no! It's greasy, slimy, old Snape, and he's a boy.
Sirius nor James used dark spells, but they were pretty much using hexes so it doesn't matter—they are basically baby DE bullies but Gryffindors.
Stop attacking Severus and start thinking about this, because he was just a boy.
A lot of people (Not all) cared for Harry when Myrtle basically tried to SA him, why not Severus? He was stripped infront of the whole school! (Not invalidating Harry's trauma), this is just so messed up.
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ominaterthegreat · 2 years
Hm keep thinking about posting Thoughts about how ROP is going and what I do and don't like about it but then I remember this fandom is probably just as bad as Nasu fans when you like. Try to be a person with an opinion when you haven't read like every line of source material
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anisespice · 1 year
“ the fuck-it list ” || hq! pt. 3
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one || two || four
synopsis: there’s a list going around consisting of hot guys on campus that are deemed “fuckable” with theories as to what they’d be like in bed. it’s all fun and games until somehow your boyfriend ends up on this list. 
pairing: various x gn!reader [ osamu, sakusa ]
warnings: cursing, suggestive language, MDI. literally can’t be bothered to think of anything else, but feel free to let me know lol
notes: sooo i lied <333 i’ve decided to give suna his own chapter later on (srry suna lovers !!!!) i just wasn’t satisfied with how his was turning out, and it was the only roadblock delaying my progress soooo figured we’d just put a pin in his for now lol especially for those who were FROTHING for these two in particular (this for y'all ✨) hope you enjoy :)))
notes ii: nobody LOOK AT ME, this took me an embarrassingly long time lol. i’m not familiar with them, personality-wise, but i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
notes iii: this one’s got atsumu written all over it LMAOOO
tagged: @daedaep69 , @ahahadumbo , @viktoryn , @mdsb , @ourgoddessathena , @ushygushybaby , @hyori2 , @lumpywolf , @fantasycantasy
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The bowl of popcorn nearly flew out your lap when you shrieked bloody-murder, body in fight or flight from the abrupt sound happening moments before a jumpscare in the movie you were watching. Head on a swivel, you soon realized the culprit wasn’t a psycho-killer in a ghost mask, but your darling OSAMU with his lawnmower of a sneeze coming through your front door.
You exhaled, relieved, but scared shitless. After pausing the movie, you glared down the hall leading to the door. “Seriously? You had to do that with your entire chest?”
Osamu sniffled, then muttered. “…Y’supposed to say bless ya before scoldin’ at your sweet and thoughtful boyfriend, y’know…”
“Aw, bless you, my love. And, fuck you.”
The brunette snorted, no doubt rolling his eyes as he toed off his shoes. Coming down the hall to soon reveal his handsome face, illuminated only by the bright tv screen, Osamu held up a large plastic bag filled with something greasy and delicious as the smell traveled up your nose. He grinned smugly at you intently eyeing the bag. “Fuck me, huh?”
You immediately doubled down, waving your hands. “Waitwaitwait I didn’t mean it like that. I meant it as in…fuck you’RE so sweet and thoughtful, and I love you so much..?”
Osamu hummed, taking off his ball cap to place it on your head. Shaking it a little by the brim, he winked. “Nice save, darlin’.”
He made way for your inspace kitchen to get dinner assorted with you trailing not too far behind. Your eyes eagerly ate up the widespread of all your favorites displayed on the countertop, practically hanging off his back since there was barely any room for the both of you in the tiny space. Popcorn long forgotten, your stomach sang a symphony for some real food, Osamu saving you the trouble of eating instant noodles for dinner yet again.
And without you even having to ask him for any of it, too.
Your gaze eventually locked onto the former volleyball player, eyeing him up with a newfound hunger that he was quick to pick up on while he popped a piece of fried chicken in his mouth. Looking down at you with a raised brow he patiently waited for you to voice your thoughts, a boyish grin growing on his face as he chewed.
You blinked. He blinked back, then chuckled lightly. “We communicatin’ telepathically, or somethin’?”
“If we were, you’d know I wanna suck you dry right now.”
Osamu.exe—E R R O R.
Man straight up inhaled the little that was still in his mouth, hurling him into a fit of hacks as he turned away from the food to fight for his life at your sink. Coughing up what he could into the drain with you behind him hitting his back for support, you couldn’t stop the evil, little laugh from slipping out seeing this as a form of karma for the scare earlier. Osamu fixed you with a weak glare once he calmed down, reaching over to pinch your cheek. “A warnin’ next time, would’ya?…”
You winced, but mirth still swam in your eyes. “Your only warning would’ve been your pants around your ankles-”
“Oi, quit that.” He gently grabbed your jaw to squish up your mouth, though it didn’t repress the cheeky grin you wore. The brunette did his best to remain unfazed, but the flush across his face was evident, your words clearly effecting him. “…Jeez, at least ask me how m’day was before ya slut me out. Soundin’ like all them thirsty-ass comments floodin’ my socials all damn day.”
Osamu let go of your face to grab plates from your cabinet, leaving you standing there, dumbfounded. Pursing your lips, you crossed your arms with a raised brow. “‘m sorry…the what flooding your socials?”
He busied himself with fixing your plate, nonchalantly recalling the very incident that occurred the other day, “That dumb fuck-list or whatever, mixed up me ‘nd ‘tsumu in their little post. Had his ugly mug front ‘nd center, but had my name attached to this long-winded thread ‘bout me basically being better in the sack than him. Shit’s wild.”
“The fuck-what now?” Osamu handed over a healthy plate full of food, you absentmindedly took it but made no move to eat. He started fixing his own, acting as if he didn’t just delay your appetite with this information. “Y—…you’re joking right? There’s no way something like that exists.”
“Oh, t’s very much real. Read it with my own eyes,” he licked the spoon he used to spread sauce across his chicken. “What, ya sayin’ ya haven’t heard of it? Seriously?”
“You know I don’t care enough to keep up with the trends that go on around here. And with good reason, clearly. What’s even the purpose?”
He shrugged. “Beats me. But it’s got ‘tsumu givin’ me the silent treatment, so maybe it’s not that bad after all.”
“Pfft. He’s pissy because some random on the internet said you’re the better lay? How would they know?? You’re both happily taken, and I wish a bitch would.” You smugly declared, bringing your food to the living room.
Osamu grinned at your possessive tone, trailing behind you holding plate and soda cans in either hand. “Damn straight. But, wasn’t just some random, babe. We’re talkin’ millions.”
Had you not already gotten situated on the couch, you would’ve surely spilled food all over yourself. Jaw nearly to the floor, you blinked up at him, bewildered. “Nuh uh.”
“Yuh huh.”
“Holy shit.”
Osamu took his usual spot next to you, large frame nearly taking up most of the couch. With bellies empty, knee knocking against knee, and elbow nudging elbow, the brunette hummed contently as he soaked in his favorite atmosphere—Your voice, your warmth, you. Though too busy monologuing about the absurdity of such a thing going viral to notice his fond gaze, Osamu silently listened to every word as he began eating from his plate. Although, all that mushiness is soon pushed to the back of his mind when the next sentence fell from your lips. After you eventually found said post to see it for yourself, needless to say you had some…hot takes.
“How could someone write this and not cringe? I mean, I love you ‘samu, but a Dom? If only they knew how nervous you were our first time, it was so adorable.” You giggled, tossing some chicken into your mouth. “You are not that guy.”
Osamu’s chewing paused. Your laughter eventually died down.
You didn’t feel his stare earlier…but you were definitely feeling it now, Mr. Krabs. Suddenly, the same dread you got when anticipating a jumpscare resurfaced. A sinking pit in your stomach like a rabbit stumbling upon a fox—Cliché aside, you fucked up. And you knew it in your bones the second your eyes locked with his, void of fondness and full of hunger despite his plate being half-eaten.
He swallowed the bit in his mouth, then spoke. “Sure ‘bout that?”
You mouth moved, floundered even, but nothing would come out. And Osamu didn’t rush you either, if anything he gladly watched you struggle while he continued munching away. “I—..I-I mean..I was just saying. Because…y’know, you never…we never really-”
“Mm. Jus’ cause we usually take things slow doesn’t mean you can’t get a hole fucked into your mattress, sweetheart. Keep tryin’ ya luck, ‘nd ya just might. Finish eatin’ first, though. Ya gonna need your energy.”
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SAKUSA couldn’t give a flying fuck about the list. He would literally walk away from someone mid-conversation if said topic got brought up. And don’t think that you’re the exception, either—Man parked and got out of his OWN CAR during the drive back to his place, refusing to get back in until you dropped the subject entirely.
You giggled, “I won’t talk about it anymore, I promise.”
He had his back to you as you spoke through the rolled down, driver’s side window, trying to ‘pspspsps’ him back into the car like a stubborn cat. Sakusa knew he was being ridiculous, but he just couldn’t stomach anymore nonsense. Plus, there’s a bit of suspicion on his end whenever it came to talking about the accursed list—Sakusa saw it as a bad omen.
Anyone who talked about it within his circle, be it teammates or personal friends, miraculously found themselves posted up the following day like fresh meat on the market. Once he caught wind that not even taken people were spared from being thirsted over, his disdain merely amplified, as did his precaution.
“Baby, I’ll burn some sage back at your apartment to scare away the bad energy from my filthy words. Would that make you feel better?”
Sakusa huffed, looking over his shoulder to give you a good ole stank face—One you barely paid any mind to as you batted your lashes at him. He glitched. Had it not been for the mask he was wearing, you’d see the harsh flush that spread across his face. Too bad his neck was exposed, giving him away as you grinned knowingly. But, you weren’t about to distract him from the issue at hand, you temptress.
“Don’t patronize me. Besides, you didn’t say it at my apartment, you said it in the car. Would completely defeat the purpose.”
You blinked.
There was no stopping the laughing fit you fell into when his words eventually processed, borderline cackling. “I-I’ll sage the car then, how ‘bout that?”
The ravenette squinted, marching up to the car to stick his head in before pulling his mask down so you could see his heavy frown through your tearful hysterics.
“You’re laughing. You’ve doomed me to becoming targeted by perverts, and you’re laughing.”
“‘yoomi, PLEASE.” You wheezed, waving a hand at him for mercy. With a couple stuttered intakes of air, you did your best to pull it together. “Don’t you think…you’re being a little paranoid?”
Amusement colored your features when you made eye contact with the outside hitter. Sakusa rolled his, tugging his mask back on before re-entering the car. “We’ll see how funny you find it when we can’t be seen together in public anymore.”
“And why not?” You raised a brow, still giggly.
Sakusa buckled in, taking the car out of park. “Because. When I do get posted, I won’t be leaving the safety of my room until that shit gets banned.”
“Oh my god, honey, I promise. You’re worrying over nothing. If you were gonna be on the list, don’t you think you would’ve by now? I mean, c’mon, even Hinata got on it before you. Majority of your teammates did!”
“That’s exactly my point. I’m the only one left.”
The two of you continued a playful back and forth pretty much the whole drive, more so you teasing him than anything else. After a while, having had your fun, you gave it a rest much to Sakusa’s relief. “Can still burn some sage, if you want-” “You’re not funny.”
Your evening continued on as normal, him taking a shower while you busied yourself by looking for a show the two of you could binge. Although, even after the discussion from earlier had been dropped, your boyfriend’s words still echoed in the back of your mind like a mantra. ‘I’m the only one left.’
As much as you’d hate to admit, though never to his face, your over-suspicious companion had a point. Without the safety net of his more extroverted teammates being in the spotlight of rabid fans, what’s delaying the swarm of unsolicited desires now? Even with his sourtude, Sakusa was an attractive individual—The dark curls that frame his face perfectly, his piercing pools of obsidian that shred through you like paper, the beauty marks above his brow, his THIGHS. And those were just surface-level things.
Being one of the privileged few who’ve seen all layers of Sakusa, you couldn’t blame them for wanting to explore deeper into who he was beyond that cold exterior…in more ways than one. Who better to fill those burning questions than some horny randos with too much time on their hands?
But, he’s made it this far without issue, what’s there to worry about now?—*Bzzzzt*
You jolt slightly, the harsh vibration coming from the sofa table breaking you out of your thoughts. With a short glance at your phone, the lit screen revealed an incoming call from Sakusa’s cousin, Komori. You exhale a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, reaching over to grab the device and answer it. However, as your thumb hovered over the green button, a small part of you couldn’t help but wonder…why would he be calling you?
You shook your head, answering the call before your mind could wander. He probably just wanted to catch up, make small talk. A smile graced your face as you happily greeted him, “Mori! Hi, what can I do ya for-?”
“Has he seen it?? Am I too late??”
You froze, blinking widely in stunned confusion. Your silence must have been loud enough for the man to grow more anxious, calling out your name to regain your attention. “Uh…has who seen what?”
Komori exhaled, in what you could only assume was relief. “Thank God…you sound blissfully unaware. That means there’s still time. You’re at his place, right?”
You blinked, eyes looking around as if he could see you.
“Kiyoomi’s? Yeah, I am. He’s in the shower at the moment if you were trying to reach him. Is everything okay?”
Now it was him who turned silent. You waited with bated breath, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt as you wracked your brain for every worst case scenario…but a small part of you already had an idea.
“It’s the complete opposite, I’m afraid.”
‘Kiyoomi Sakusa. 6’2ft of ?????. An enigma. We had to take our time this one. This tall, personification of a hand sanitizer bottle may appear to be disgusted and disinterested, but once you get past those disinfectant defenses of his…Lady in the streets, but a freak in the bed. Why else would he keep so clean all the time? It’s ‘cause he’s hiding an absolute FILTHY ANIMAL behind his mask (literally and figuratively) you cannot convince me otherwise. Definitely a Hard Dom, would degrade you for making a mess all over him even though he’s the one to blame; THRIVES when you get messy for him tho. Firm believer that he’d spit in your mouth, both as punishment and a reward. He won’t make much noise, you’ll think he’s doing taxes while deep in your guts, but just watch his face; homie is EXPRESSIVE. Aftercare could go either way, but he’d probably focus more on getting the sheets changed than cleaning you up. 7/10.’
You clenched the phone in disbelief, eyes watering due to the sexual word-vomit burning them the more you read on. It didn’t even take you long to find the dreaded post you were convinced would never manifest, refreshing the page multiple times just to confirm its existence. “Shit. I really did doom him to being targeted by perverts…”
“Huh??” Komori voiced. You merely brushed it off.
“Nothing,” you sighed. Taking the conversation out on the balcony in case Sakusa overheard, you had Komori on speaker as you attempted to do damage control. “Do the others know about this? Oh God, does Atsumu?? Knowing him, he’d surely jump at the chance to tease Omi with something like this.”
“Dunno. Just found out myself, and you were the first person I thought to call.”
You looked over your shoulder, peeking inside to see if the outside hitter was roaming around. There didn’t appear to be any movement, but there’s no doubt he finished showering by now.
Exhaling, you began sifting through your contacts. “We need to do whatever it takes to make sure he never finds out about the post. I’ll text everyone I know to help flag it down, but I’m not sure how long it’ll take before-”
“Who’re you talking to?”
Startled, phone nearly tossed off the balcony, you turned toward the sudden appearance of your freshly washed boyfriend, towel around his neck and adorned in lounge wear. Komori held his breath, as if he also were caught in the act even though he could easily escape with a mere press of a button. “Um…your cousin.”
“Okay, but…why’d you come out here? You wouldn’t have disturbed me if you took the call inside.” Sakusa raised a brow at your stiff posture, perplexed but concerned. “Something the matter?”
“No!” You winced at your own volume. His eyes widened slightly, making you nervously chuckle. Clearing your throat, you attempted to play it cool. “No, uh…just wanted to get some air while catching up with Komori, that’s all. W-why d’you ask?”
Sakusa squinted at you. “You’re jumpy.”
“J-Jumpy? Me? Uh.. that’s because…” Searching your brain for an excuse, luckily Komori had your back with his quick thinking.
“B-Because! We’re talking about the list! And t-they figured you wouldn’t wanna hear us, so-” SLAM!
Before he could even get the rest of the explanation out, Sakusa had already closed the sliding door. You and Komori shared a sigh of relief. You watched Sakusa’s back retreat into the living room as he sat on the couch, flickering around for something to put on to pass the time.
Just as suspected…still paranoid.
“That was close…”
“Super close. Think he bought it?”
You groaned, hesitant to take your eyes off him. “Won’t matter if he decides to check his phone at some point…”
It didn’t appear to be anywhere in sight, hopefully charging in another room. But, there was no point in wasting time worrying about that. You had some flagging to do. And as long as he had no reason to look at it, you’d be fine.
Sakusa, now bored with you occupied by something else, couldn’t help but to watch you longingly from the couch. You were speaking so animatedly, using your free hand to gesture, pacing back and forth. He frowned—How can that stupid list be more important than snuggling up with him? Yet another reason to hate it.
Exhaling through his nose he leaned back on the sofa, remote in hand as he looked for something to help pass the time. However, before he could get very far in his search, his phone rings.
Confused, he reached into his pocket. Instantly, his mood went from neutral to shriveled when he read the caller ID—Miya.
He had half a mind to ignore it, but knowing Atsumu he’d probably just keep calling until the inevitable happened with him turning up on his doorstep. Sakusa gave an annoyed huff, reluctantly answering the phone.
“Better have a good reason to be calling me this late, idiot.”
“Oh ho ho. Believe me, Omi-Omi. You’ll wanna see this.”
Back on the balcony, after the sixth time flagging the post for misinformation and harassment, you suddenly felt a shift in the atmosphere that wasn’t there moments before. Halting your frantic thumbs, you slowly looked up from the screen as a cold chill ran up your spine; something didn’t feel right in the force.
You weren’t sure what made you turn back to look inside the room, but the moment you did…it was like the world had gone into slow motion—Komori’s voice faded into the background as he called out your name, drowned out by the sound of your heart pounding through your ribs at the sight of Sakusa on his phone, face contorted into what could only be described as pure humiliation as he stared into the endless abyss while on his knees.
Probably should’ve burned that sage when you had the chance.
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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Lost the post but it was so good and I'd love to get your take on it!
Price getting videos of you playing from home while he's deployed, and you aren't exactly quiet. Well, the boys hear it and it leads to them watching it at some point (with your permission of course!). I thoroughly believe Price loves showing off what's his and is comfortable in your relationship to consider sharing you with his team, maybe even in more ways than 1?
Maybe Price and reader record themselves a separate time to show the boys? I don't know I'm frothing at the mouth thinking of Price showing you off!
I am slowly making my way through these asks!! Thank y'all so much for being patient. As soon as I clear out my list, I'll turn the ask button back on.
This premise is so hot! Hope this is sort of what you were looking for?
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Show and Tell
Price opened your video in the middle of Ghost’s briefing presentation. Luckily, only the task force was in attendance, but as he played the clip, your lust-filled moans echoed throughout the small conference room, unmistakable. All eyes turned to him, and Ghost halted mid-speech.
“Uh, sorry…” Price muttered, quickly swiping away. 
“Fuck, Cap. I know you showed us her photo, but she is damn fine,” Gaz chuckled, leaning over his commander’s shoulder to try and look at the screen.
“Eyes front, Sergeant.”
“Only seems fair to share, mate,” Johnny quipped, a gleam shining in his eye. 
Ghost put his hands on his hips, 
“If it was important enough to interrupt my presentation, maybe it’s important enough to share with the class… sir.”
Price sighed and sent off a quick text. He was asking you for permission to share. It wasn’t the first time that he’d asked you, but all the others had just been the odd picture here and there; a fancy neglige, or a holiday swimsuit… it was harmless. But, this was something else. To his surprise, you messaged back with an affirmative “Yes!” and a winking emoji. 
Ghost held his hand out and beckoned for the phone,
“C’mon. We’ll put her on the big screen.”
Reluctantly, and a little worried things had gotten fully out of hand, Price handed over the phone. Your enthusiastic response was the only thing propelling him forward at this point. He wasn’t possessive, but he wasn’t much of a sharing man. 
But, then, there you were… in all of your beautiful glory. You were using your vibrator and sitting on the tile floor of your bathroom, burying a thick silicone dildo in your pussy to the hilt. Your moans echoed through the room again in spectacular 4k. 
“Mmm! Oh! Fuck… John, fuck me. Please! Yeah! Mmm. Just like that. Ungh!”
And then the video replayed on its loop. Every time, your shining lips would buzz with the whir of the vibrating wand, and your pink pussy would stretch to accommodate the toy that you were fucking yourself with, slicking it with your fluids and making it gleam. Your tits were bouncing as you rode it up and down, and your head was thrown back in beautiful abandon. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Price decided. 
Ghost handed him back the phone with a sly smile, 
“Holy shit, Cap. She’s quite the little spitfire.”
Soap’s hand reached into his canvas pants and obviously adjusted himself, hardening like a stone. He let out a low, approving whistle. 
“She let you share that?” Gaz asked in disbelief.
“Yeah,” Price nodded, not sure what to say. 
“I want to see more,” Soap put a hand to his forehead in shock.
“Well, that’s all,” Price shrugged, and then added, “...for now.”
The whole room shifted a bit. Everyone was on edge. The rest of the briefing went by as quick as a flash, but before everyone left the room, Price suggested, 
“You know, it would only be polite to send one back.”
Later that night, he got three enthusiastic notifications. In each one, his men were jacking off to her, complimenting her, talking about what a pretty pussy she had, thanking her for sharing with them. Unzipping his pants, Price decided to add one of his own. 
As his hand worked him hard, he watched your video over and over again. He imagined how your tight little cunt felt around his cock, and how sweet you tasted. He imagined how you liked to whisper naughty things in his ear, talking to him about sucking him off in front of his task force, making them watch. Price knew you wanted to do more exhibitionism, and he encouraged you when he thought about how hot it would be to watch you discovering that pleasure. 
His cock throbbed in his hands, and he whispered into the phone as he videoed himself, 
“Such a naughty girl, you were, showing yourself to my men. We put you on the projector. You looked incredible, missus. You always look incredible. Had all of us achin’ for you. Thought Soap was gonna come right there. Ungh…”
Price tightened his grip and thrust into his palm, rubbing his foreskin up and over his swollen head, slicking himself with his precome over and over and over until it became almost too much. He told you,
“So, we decided to pay you back. For your gift. Hope you send us some more, baby. So fuckin’ hot. Mmm, fuck… my cock misses you, love. So bloody much. F– Fuck!”
Price’s orgasm erupted from his body, coating his belly in white, creamy liquid. He just kept coming and coming, thinking about how you would look with all your pretty holes filled twice. Stuffed so full with no escape. 
He sent off the files one by one, starting with his own, and he waited for your reply. 
The next morning, he woke up to two messages. One was a text, and the other was a video. The text just said: Wish you all were here with a heart emoji. When he played the video, he realized what you meant. 
You had lined up your toys, four of them, all in a row on the bed. Price pressed pause and went to go find the boys. He decided it might be better if they could all see your performance together. He set you up on the projector again, and his men filed in one by one, eager to see what you’d sent. 
“She said she wished we were all here, so I thought you lads might want to see what she sent.”
“Fuck yeah, we do,” Soap sat front and center, wiping a hand down his face, eyes glued to the screen. 
Ghost chuckled, 
“You’re a lucky man, sir.”
“That’s the fuckin’ truth, innit?” Gaz agreed. 
Once everyone was settled, Price pressed play. 
You were wearing a little black bodysuit made of silk and lace, and he could see your dark nipples through the fabric. He knew which one it was. It was crotchless, and just the memory of fucking you in it made him hard.
You sat on the bed, the four toys spread out in front of you, and you picked up the first one gently. You grabbed some lube from off-camera and squirted it all over the toy and leaned forward, squatting over it, working it into your asshole in tight little thrusts, moaning ever so sweetly as you let it fill you up. 
Then, once it was fully sheathed inside of you, you reached for the two toys in the middle, using the lube that was left on your hands to make them slip against each other. You used one to rub through your pink folds, teasing your hole with the head of it, and then — inch by inch — pushed it into your wet pussy. You took the second one and, with quite a bit of difficulty, tried to fit it in next to the first, stretching yourself out even more than you had in the first video, even with these much smaller toys. 
Price couldn’t believe his eyes. You were like some sort of sex goddess, showing off skills he didn’t even know you possessed, and your screams of pleasure were making him drunk with pride and lust. He heard a zipper go down and watched as Gaz started fucking his own hand, right in front of him. 
“Sargeant,” Price admonished him, but Gaz just shrugged and kept jerking off his long dick, 
“Sorry, Cap. Can’t help it.”
Another long moan from you drew Price’s attention back to the screen. You were reaching behind you, wrapping your arm around your body, and fucking yourself in the ass with the largest toy, calling out to him, 
“John… please. I need your cock… I need all of your cocks… ungh, fuck. Fill me with your come. Every hole. Please?”
Then, for your final performance, you used your free hand to feed the final toy into your throat, gagging on it and letting your drool run down your chin. Your legs were shivering, something that Price knew wasn’t easy to achieve. You must be so damn horny. He smiled, palming himself over his jeans, so proud of you for bringing yourself such pleasure like that. 
Ghost grunted, and Price looked over to see him hunched over, spilling his come onto the floor of the office. 
The video ended, and in the silence, the captain heard the wet milking noises of his men fisting their erections, trying to come to your incredible performance. 
Soap gasped breathlessly, 
“Hit play again, Cap’n. Please…” 
Price smiled, looking down at his team in all of their sex-addled joy, and pushed the replay button.
"Maybe we should all put in for some leave, hm?" Price suggested.
He was met with a very enthusiastic round of approving moans, and he felt the excitement rush across his skin like wildfire.
His pretty girl would have what she wanted, and he would make sure of it.
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If you liked this story, you may also like one of my other fics: He Shows You Off! But, please heed the tags.
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kazutora-kurokawa · 3 months
Togame Giving You Head
♡ NSFW, fem reader, oral->fem receiving, overstimulation ♡
long ass note lmao: I just gotta ask, can we all agree that Togame would be a top tier pussy eater? Like I know y'all have seen this man's build and his pretty ass face, his nose is so fucking ridable it's not even funny! My soul is evaporating, I'm frothing at the mouth 🫠
I just know he'd be so nervous the first time he eats you out, every move he makes is extremely calculated and thought out. From the way he grips the soft flesh of your thighs to the gentle sucks on your clit and the way his tongue runs back and forth through your folds. He'd talk the whole time too, commenting on how wet you are for him and how good you taste.
Don't get me started on eye contact, he'd look you dead in the face as he slips his tongue in your pussy, studying your facial expressions and listening to the little noises you make so he knows exactly what to do next time he eats you out.
And you know he's overstimming you too, consistently coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of your body. Even when you're whining from the sensitivity and pulling on his hair, his face is still buried between your legs, drenched in your juices as his tongue laps them up. He's practically asking you to soak his face, especially when he starts begging for you to cum some more.
"C'mon bunny, just gimme one more. Can you cum one more time for me? Last one, I promise."
He's absolutely lying though because it's not the last one, not even close.
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx @evergreen-endo
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Lark can make portals by whistling, Grant's a ranger, Sparrow used to be able to turn into a lovewolf but lost that confidence in himself, Nicky continues to be a himbo destined to be sent offscreen for dumb side quests- currently locked outside Cassandra's house like a sopping wet little meow meow man. Sincerely y'all I'm frothing at the mouth from all this fucking kiddads content this is all I could have hoped for.
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