#like i'm sure you can make posts about their relationship without making 'nancy needs to be a better older sister' the conclusion
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
people expect nancy to be mike's mom more than they expect joyce to be jonathan's
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cygninae · 9 months
You said you like Stranger Things in one of your asks, who's your favourite character? Also which character do you personally most relate to and which character do you find the most interesting and/or complex (and please feel free to elaborate in great detail!)
Hello, thank you for the ask! This is such a hard question but I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.
If I had to choose, my favourite character is probably Nancy. I mean, she's just really cool. I love how she's evolved over the seasons and how it reflects on her physical character design (hair, costume, etc). I love how she interacts with the people around her because it is so interesting. For example, in the fight she has with Jonathan in S3, she is trying to show him the misogyny she's been facing and is getting extremely frustrated at him for not seeing it, but at the same time she is blind to the classism he's facing and his difficulties with his poverty. She didn't have ill intentions, she just felt so so strongly that she became sort of tunnel-visioned. I love her passion, how she sees everything around her with a need for justice, how everything is worth her time because she wants to know things. I LOVE that her career goal is a journalist because I could truly see her thriving in that when she finds a niche. I can't wait for her to leave Hawkins and go to university and find herself because she has this potential, this spark that makes her so unique from the other characters to me. Whenever she's on screen it's HER scene, you know.
Funnily enough, the character I would say I relate most to is Jonathan. Or kind of a mix between him and Nancy. He also has this immense passion, like Nancy, but his is like a precise volt of energy into his photography and he hides this passion beneath a dark exterior that he hopes will ward people off. I may be a terrible photographer, but I relate to the concentration of all of your fervency into this one part of life that gives you a sense of being needed. Jonathan needs to feel needed. We can see that in how he's falling off the rails in S4, because his brother doesn't really need him anymore - Will is growing up, Nancy is busy in a whole other state, El has Will and Joyce - and Jonathan is lost without being needed by these people, so he turns to weed for an escape because it stops him thinking. (BIG FUCKING RELATE).
I fucking love Jonathan. I need him to catch a break because he's been through so much. Anyway, I'm not sure what else I can say about him, because there is SO much. I could make another post about Jonathan if anyone would be interested - I could make it far more organised than this.
You also asked who I found most fascinating, but I suppose I've sort of covered that, so I'll just ramble on a bit about some pairings I like? (You invited this I'm afraid.)
As one may guess I absolutely love Jonathan and Nancy. I don't think their relationship is the healthiest but that doesn't stop me being obsessed with everything about their pairing and the aesthetic of it. I think daily about that scene of them lining up their scars. What they want through was unique to them and they found themselves in each other when the trauma made them feel alone. They wound themselves together because all of their pain was reflected in eachother - and while that's not a great reason to start dating, I truly think they fell in love with eachother as they did this, and I can't blame them for wanting to find the slightest bit of comfort after what they went through. I love how dark and twisted the reason for their love is. I love how softly they hold eachother despite it. I love how they talk about the other when they're not there, how despite all of the darkness in their lives, they're eachother's anchor to the real world. I love how their career goals line up, the journalist and the photojournalist, and I love how Nancy brings Jonathan's passion out of him and let's him show it in front of her without being afraid of being judged, and he let's her follow her dreams, her thirst for knowledge, even if it means him losing the one girl who makes his life worth living. He's willing to leave her life if it means she can live it fully.
Anyway, some other dynamics I like are Will and Mike - romantically, Lucas and Max - romantically and Will and El - sibling dynamic. I really do hope Mike and Will can get together in the final season, because I think it would draw the show to this really nice close. Yes, the freak can have his true love. He can be loved because he is a freak, he is different - they're both different, but with eachother they're Kings of the world. Society's expectations don't matter when they have eachother.
With Max and Lucas, they are just so sweet. Lucas might not fully understand Max's depression and grief, but he wants to understand it. Something about that complete devotion, even when Max isn't being herself, just pulls at my heart. I really want an unconditional love like that. Max might've thought that Lucas was changing, that he wouldn't care about her after becoming popular - but then he's there, when she's almost died because of Vecna, and he's telling her I'm here, i'm here, I'm here, and he's holding her so tight that she can feel that he won't let anything happen to her. They are just like... soulmates. Seriously. They fit together like puzzle pieces and they NEED eachother. I really, really hope Max is cognitive in S5 because I need her and Lucas to just talk to eachother and hold hands and be teenagers in love despite the world falling apart around them. Yeah.
Sorry if I didn't make much sense, once again i wrote this all with no structure and just spoke my mind so it may seem disjointed. Hope I answered your question though and made it a bearable enough read.
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dystopianhellscape · 2 years
Let Me In, Pt 2.
(Stranger Things x Reader)
The edit was quick so please forgive any spelling errors or grammar mistakes. I'm in the process of moving so I figured I would post this now. It's quite a bit longer than the last few but I'm trying to build relationships between characters. It's also kind of cute and fluffy but I thought it would be a good one to end on until I can get the next part posted. Enjoy! Feedback is welcome.
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Warnings ⚠️: swearing, touching, inappropriate gestures, tobacco use, flirting...just some real fluff with Steve Harrington.
Reading Time: ~15 mins.
The screen lit up the room as it showed a panicked Nancy Thompson thrashing around on a hospital bed in the middle of a sleep study. Her mother ran in to her rescue, waking her up. You watched as she began running her fingers through the brand new slice of silver hair placed conveniently along the side of Nancy's head, confused and worried. It almost made you laugh as the scene played out on the TV until you wondered how terrified she would have to be in real life for her hair to change color like that on it's own. This was a movie, of course. You knew how your recent nightmares made you feel but your hair remained the same shade it's always been. You weren't sure if it was even physically possible to be so traumatized that your hair color could damn near erase itself but you realized that if fear was able to alter your appearance the way it had so far, then you couldn't rule it out.
'Poor Nancy.' You empathized with her, feeling as though you shared similar burdens. No. You didn't want to think about that right now. Squinting ever so slightly, you forced your mind to wander away from that topic, a new thought popping into it's place. 'Nancy. Wait...isn't that Wheeler's first name? Shit...'
You mentally slapped your palm to your forehead at the realization, feeling like a failure as a friend. You tried to sneak a peek at Steve out of the corner of your eye, your way of checking in without revealing what you had just discovered. Even though it was something you should have already known with as much as you had heard about her. Guilt tugged at your chest. Steve and Robin had provided you comfort almost every time you've ever needed it. Whether you asked or not. You hoped if it came down to it, you could finally return the favor. But his face gave nothing away.
You heard Nancy's name called out again a few lines later and your eyes flicked back to Steve to watch for a reaction. His face stayed stoic but as you glanced down at his hand placed over the bicep closest to you, you noticed his grip tighten until his knuckles turned white. Your heart ached a little for him.
As you leaned into him to speak, attempting to serve as a distraction, the two of you looked down almost perfectly in sync with one another as you felt the blanket slide across your legs. Both pairs of eyes followed the blanket being pulled in Robin's direction and you realized at the same time that she had fallen asleep. Turning her back toward you with eyes glued shut, she yanked the blanket over her shoulder and tucked her hands up under her cheek like a makeshift pillow. She then unconsciously allowed herself to get comfortable, sinking down into the arm rest. A few more seconds passed and she let out a soft snore.
You turned to Steve and his eyes were already meeting yours. You were sure that you were both thinking the same thing. Robin always fell asleep in the middle of movie nights, sometimes toward the end of the first movie, other times toward the middle of the second. It was rare she ever made it longer than that. You decided to take advantage of this moment, desperately needing a smoke break.
With slow, steady movements, you grabbed the sliver of blanket still covering half of your lap and tucked it closer to Robin. After staring at her a while longer to make sure you didn't wake her, you turned back to Steve when she didn't move a muscle. Not even risking a whisper, you mouthed the words "smoke break" and brought two fingers to your lips before pulling them away, pretending to exhale. You were hoping if Steve couldn't tell what you were trying to say, he would at least put two and two together from the gesture that accompanied it. He wrinkled his nose in response and you snorted quietly, knowing then that he understood. Placing your palms together, you held your hands up as if in prayer, shooting him a pout. He mouthed back 'NOT FAIR' as a smirk appeared on his face. The pout always worked.
He pretended to think on it for a moment before letting out a barely audible sigh and nodding, giving in to your silent pleading. You answered with the slowest fist pump he'd ever seen, celebrating your small and kind of pointless victory. In response, Steve rubbed his face, trying to stifle the laugh that wanted to make itself known. Once he managed to wrestle it back, he placed a finger to his lips, reminding you to be as quiet as possible and eventually lifted himself off the couch with ease. You nodded back at him in understanding as he reached for your shoes under the table and handed them to you. Chancing a final glance back at Robin, you leaned down slowly to slip your shoes on. Once you had confirmed she had passed out, you pushed yourself up to a gradual stand the way he had a few moments ago and gave yourself an imaginary pat on the back for actually pulling it off.
Almost as if to prove otherwise, Robin stirred and your eyes darted back in her direction. You didn't have to look back at Steve to know he was holding his breath too and the pair of you stayed frozen in place until she had relaxed back into her previous position. The sound of a gentle snore filled the room, somehow loud enough to be heard over the shrieks coming from the TV. You could feel an uncontrollable urge to burst into laughter.
Noticing your extremely obvious attempt to choke down your giggle, Steve quickly yet gently placed his hand over your mouth, pulling you backwards into the kitchen before you could explode into a fit of laughter. You failed to keep a couple of loose giggles from spilling out. Thankfully, they were muffled and could hardly be heard over the noises continuing to sound off from the living room. Steve shushed you and you could feel the sudden warmth from his breath on your cheek as he leaned in close to your ear. "You're gonna wake her up!"
Without removing his hand from your mouth, he scooped your bag up off the counter with ease and continued to guide you through the house, swiftly but delicately, minding his steps. He led you out the back door. As he dragged you outside, he shut the door behind you and beamed at the fact that you both made it out successfully and without injury.
'All that sneaking into Wheeler's bedroom must have paid off, I guess!' You knew better than to state this out loud for him to hear but you couldn't deny that you were a little impressed. He finally let go of your mouth and you could smell his cologne clinging to your uniform. You only caught the scent because the wind picked up as it had been doing all night but it made it noticeable from that point on. It was a pleasant one. A comfortable one.
A broken laugh pushed it's way out as you gasped for air dramatically, still working to keep your voice at a reasonable level. Steve flashed his usual award-winning smile at you with his eyebrows raised. His hands found their way to his hips as he lectured, a playful, half-whispered yell. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, Y/L/N? YOU ALMOST WOKE THE BEAST! That's the quietest she's been all day! What were you thinking?!"
Your giggle lingered as you pulled the pack out of your bag and grabbed out a cigarette and the lighter. Steve wrinkled his nose again at the sight of it as you placed it between your fingers and trapped it in your lips to light up.
"I'M SORRY! I couldn't help it!" Your words came out in a mumble but your tone matched his. He watched your lips as you inhaled and his eyes flicked up to meet yours once again. Even in the dark, you could notice his ears growing red. The flush started creeping toward his cheeks and you wondered if he noticed it too or if it was just the result of the cold. "She does need the sleep though."
He nodded in agreement as you turned your head slightly away from him and exhaled. He added to your statement, "Yeah, I don't think she's been getting much lately either."
'Either? ' You weren't sure if he was referring to himself or trying to let you know that he noticed you were lacking sleep too. Trying to change the subject with subtlety, you held the cigarette out to him, offering it up just to be polite. You already knew his answer though. He held a palm up and shook his head. "Ugh. No. Thanks anyway." You laughed as you shrugged off his distaste and brought it back to your mouth to take another puff. He let out a harsh sigh.
"I know it's not my place to tell you what to do but..." He shook his head again, almost as disapproving as the last and continued, "....as a friend....you know. Someone that's concerned about your health and safety? You really should look into quitting." Your gaze was fixed on the smoke you just exhaled, watching it curl up as it hung in the air before quickly disappearing.
"I appreciate your concern, Harrington. As always." Your face softened as you realized his words were genuine and not just some sad attempt to flirt like it may have been back when he was more commonly referred to as King Steve. He was a completely different person back then. You snapped yourself out of old memories before the silence could become too awkward and finished your thought. "Really. I do. But I'm just not ready to quit yet." You could tell it wasn't the answer he was looking for but he nodded, respecting your decision and backing down from his argument.
Taking in another drag, you looked up at the sky. Pitch black. 'Thank god.' Your mouth all of a sudden felt dry and the corners of your lips twitched into a frown, berating yourself over your poor choice of the word 'god'. It resounded in your mind just as it had in your horrific episode earlier. 'God? Your 'God' is not here.'
Trying to distract yourself from the invading thought, you shook it off and forced yourself to inspect the sky further, noticing only a few stars sprinkled throughout the darkness. Your shoulders dropped and you let a breath out through your nose, hoping your limbs would stay numb to the cold. The smoke you inhaled came out with it.
Steve continued to watch you carefully without saying a word as you admired the sky and he admired you. The way your hair blew lightly with the breeze, your chill-kissed cheeks a stunning shade of pink and those eyes...even though they seemed heavy due to lack of sleep with the dark circles surrounding them as proof, they were still beautiful to him. Before he could get completely lost in you, he noticed as a subtle change in your expression broke through. He had always been kind of jealous of (and sometimes irritated by) your ability to keep your face from giving away everything you were feeling. But not in that moment. In that moment, you looked vulnerable...almost frightened. His instinct to comfort you was stronger than ever and he tossed the idea around in his head. But almost as quickly as it appeared, the distressed look left your face along with the sigh and the smoke you had let escape your lungs just now. He noticed your body relax after and internally thanked himself over and over again for not making the situation awkward by attempting to comfort you like he wanted to. When you finally broke the silence, he let out a sigh of his own. A sound of relief that went unnoticed by you.
"Horrible movie choices, by the way. I can't believe you let Robin pick!" He couldn't help but laugh at your snarky comment and threw his hands up in defense. "Hey, I had to! I told you earlier, those were the stakes of the bet and I lost." He paused as you shot him a sideways look. Curiosity, this time. And it was only obvious because you wanted it to be. He swayed nervously before adding another statement to avoid an interrogation. "I may be a sore loser, but I know when to admit defeat..." No, he didn't. "....for the most part." He corrected himself and followed it up with a smile as he ran his hand through his perfect hair to help soften the humility. It didn't work. "You're right though. Horrible movie choices."
Steve thought he managed to escape an explanation but you crushed that hope after inhaling another puff. "So what were the terms of the bet?" His mouth fell open slightly and his eyes searched every square inch of the back yard for an answer. Any answer that sounded better than the ACTUAL answer.
"Steve?" It was the way you said his name that ripped him from his thoughts. The tone was mostly curious, like before. But he detected a hint of nervousness, as if you might suspect it would be something you wouldn't want to hear. He realized he was silent for too long by now to play it off as something that didn't actually matter. Right as he mustered up the courage to say anything at all, you raised your palm up to him weakly and laughed it off. "Alright, alright. You don't have to tell me."
Taking in the last of the cigarette, your eyes wandered to a spot across the yard that opened up into a wooded area. The woods usually didn't bother you much during the day but at night, especially tonight, it seemed much more ominous. Plucking up a little bit of courage yourself, you headed in that direction, hoping that the way you were trudging over would be enough to intimidate whatever....or whoever could possibly be lurking in the shadows. You knew it was unlikely anyone would be out there but you kept your walk confident for good measure. Confusion flooded Steve's face and he called after you, forgetting all about trying to keep his voice down. "HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"
He couldn't wait long enough for you to answer. His feet carried him forward to follow behind you before he could stop himself. Hearing his hurried steps a few feet behind you, you turned your head and called back to him over your shoulder, not breaking stride. "Relax, Harrington. I'm just trying to be a polite house guest and dispose of my cigarette butt somewhere other than your backyard."
At this, he slowed down but continued to follow you until you reached the edge of the perfectly manicured lawn. You bent down to make sure the cigarette was completely out, snubbing the end in the damp grass before taking it between your thumb and middle finger and flicking it into the woods. You hadn't noticed it so much before but it was quiet out there. Almost too quiet. It was deafening. You turned back to Steve, desperate to hear anything at all to rid yourself of the shiver that ran down your spine. It wasn't from the cold this time.
You nearly bumped into him a second time as he stood directly in front of you now, looking down at you with gentle eyes. He didn't know you knew but every now and again, you'd catch him doing this - trying to study your expressions in an attempt to piece together how you were feeling or what you were thinking. You also noticed he'd get flustered if he couldn't figure it out. The corners of your mouth turned up slightly and you raised a brow with a challenge.
"You know.....I COULD just ask Robin." His eyes got wider and he crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head a little quicker than he probably intended. "Robin? Wh-what do you mean ask Robin? Ask Robin what?" You let your head fall to the side and let out a soft chuckle. If it wasn't clear before, it was clear now. Steve was nervous. Poking your index finger into his chest lightly, you took a step toward him without breaking eye contact. "You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about."
You noticed he swallowed hard and took a step back as you took your step closer. But his eyes never left yours. You let your finger drop from his chest and it looked as though he frowned a little. 'Maybe I should stop messing with him...did I hurt his feelings somehow?' You ran through the last few minutes of conversation in your head but couldn't pin point what may have caused a sudden change in his behavior. The playful look on your face turned into a suspicious one.
"Harrington, I'm talking about the bet.....what did you think I was talking about?" Your brows furrowed without you even realizing. His eyes fell to his feet and his hands returned to his hips as he shifted his weight. One foot to the other. Trying to lighten the mood, you brought the back of your hand up to his forehead as if checking for a fever. "Are you sure you're ok?"
Before your hand could make contact with his forehead, he grabbed it and pulled it away from his face, bringing it casually back down to your side. But he didn't let go of it. The confusion spread across your features now and you realized something really was wrong. You stayed quiet to give him the opportunity to speak and when he finally did, his gaze stayed fixed on his feet.
"It's about the bet." His words were short. He lifted his head to look across the yard and ran his free hand over his face in an anxious manner. It bothered you that just a second ago, he had no problem making eye contact with you but now he was doing everything he could to avoid it. Your voice came out a little more hushed than you intended, but it had a bite to it now. "What about it, Steve?" He rolled his head back and blew out a heavy breath before finally bringing his eyes back down to look at you again.
"During the last shift I worked with Robin, we were discussing my uh....my love life...." You smirked and narrowed your eyes. Why was he so nervous about that? You guys always discussed his love life at work. Still unsure of why this was so hard for him to tell you, you stayed silent and nodded at him reassuringly to keep going. He nodded back and gulped before opening his mouth again to speak.
"Long story short, Buckley tried to say I get too flustered when I talk to women now and I argued that wasn't the case...." He bit his bottom lip and pulled his hand through his hair again, realizing that even in this very moment, he was proving Robin right. He groaned internally at the thought of having to admit it later, already irritated over it. The irritation showed as his empty hand flew up before slapping back down to his thigh.
"Well. She basically told me to show up or shut up and bet that I wouldn't ask you out on a date. In her words," Both of his hands came up this time, abandoning yours at your side and he wiggled two fingers from each to signify air quotations, "it 'should be easier with her since you guys are already good friends.'" He dropped them to cross his arms up in defense as he continued. "She said she thought it might be harder to ask a stranger since I've been striking out left and right at Scoops."
You whispered with a breathy laugh and crossed your arms, unintentionally mirroring him. "Classic Robin." It turned into a giggle as you and Steve shared a knowing look. With a sudden realization, the confusion reappeared on your face and you pointed a finger at him again.
"Wait. You DID score a date though! Tomorrow night, right? I picked up your closing shift so you could go out with....." you winced as you struggled to remember the right name. It spilled from your lips slowly so he could correct you at any point if you got it wrong. "Mmmmiiiiinnndy?" He confirmed by saying her name at the same time you did, but his version was shorter and more precise. "Mindy, yeah. I uh....I made her up."
You slowly moved your hand up to your mouth to hide another giggle, your eyes wider now. "You made her up?! Why?!" The amusement in your voice was becoming harder to hide. He rubbed the back of his neck and the blush that covered his ears and cheeks earlier found it's place again, more intense this time.
"You know how Robin is! Relentless. I knew if I didn't make the attempt to follow through in some way, I'd never hear the end of it. So I told her I actually already had a date scheduled with 'Mindy'. That way, I wouldn't have to ask you out and she wouldn't bother me about it anymore." You lowered your gaze and nodded as he shared his explanation.
"But if Robin knows about your 'date' with 'Mindy', why did you lose the bet?" He shrugged as he cracked a small smile. "Because Robin specified it had to be you." His eyes roamed your face again, trying desperately to read your thoughts but failing. He added to his last statement in a hurry as a last ditch effort to save face.
"I tried to argue my point that a date is a date but...well...." his laugh sounded forced but you did him a hidden favor and laughed with him, agreeing. "It's Robin. No, I totally get it."
You let the news process for a moment in silence before you reached out and gently punched his arm. "You DID mention you knew when to take a loss. So tell me, Harrington. Was it worth it?" Your eyebrows shot up and you flashed him a lopsided grin to match the teasing tone in your voice. He stuck out his thumb and gestured back toward the house. "With THOSE movie picks? No, absolutely not. Not at all."
His anxiety melted away as you laughed again at his sarcasm and he stepped a little closer to you, feeling brave. You let out a soft gasp at the sudden closeness but Steve was too preoccupied with making sure his next words came out as perfect as he could manage to notice. "Look...I just want to say...."
'Do it, Harrington. Do it now. You might not get another chance like this...' The bravery was short-lived but his eyes stayed locked on yours. "...I just want to say that -"
His voice was cut off by another in the distance. A loud one, proceeded by the sound of a door slamming shut. Steve flinched without turning to look and you glanced over his shoulder at it's source.
You both laughed and shook your heads as Robin continued to scream at you from across the yard. You couldn't see her too well from this far away, but her eyes still held evidence of a heavy sleep and she had the blanket wrapped around her like a cloak, shielding her from the cold you had all but forgotten was there until now.
With this, Steve turned himself slightly to yell back. "KEEP IT DOWN, BUCKLEY, I HAVE NEIGHBORS!" Robin forced a hand through the blanket and threw up her middle finger in response before stomping back in the house. As the door slammed shut again and the coast seemed to be clear, he turned back to you and pointed toward the spot Robin had just disappeared from. "Why is she like this?"
The smile stayed planted on your face. "I don't know....but I guess that's our cue to get back inside." You pulled at his sleeve as a non-verbal gesture to follow you and you both started your walk back to the house. As you reached the door you placed your hand on the knob and turned back to Steve before opening it. Curiosity struck again.
"I'm sorry....you just wanted to sayyyyyy...." you dragged the last word out as if waiting for him to finish the sentence Robin had interrupted moments before. "...you know....before Robin so rudely interrupted..."
Steve's eyebrows flew up in surprise at the question before settling on an answer. Not THE answer. But an answer. He could feel his face warm up this time and tried to cut it off by making his response quick. "Oh, uh, I just wanted to say you don't have to work my shift tomorrow night. You know. Since Mindy won't be making it." You both chuckled.
"You mean since Mindy doesn't exist. I'll remember this, Harrington." You ruffled his hair lightly with your free hand. "Also, dont worry about it. I can still cover. I need the money anyway so just keep the night off." Before he could protest, you twisted the knob and pushed the door open. You braced yourself for the mouthful of silly insults and questions Robin was about to bombard you both with, as if she was actually angry. And just as you suspected, you couldn't even get through the door before she grabbed your arm and yanked you back to the couch, pulling you down next to her as she started in with the interrogation.
Steve stepped in right behind you, watching as Robin hauled you off to the living room. Making sure he was truly alone for the moment, he let out a dejected sigh and closed the door behind him. He stayed planted in front of the door and monitored your conversation from afar. Robin waved her arms wildly at you in mock annoyance. He could barely make out what was being said, finding himself just out of earshot, but he had a few ideas.
In his opinion, you seemed to be handling Robin's interrogation gracefully. That was until Robin's eyes finally landed on him and she jabbed a finger in his direction. "AND YOU! I HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU TOO!" He snickered and shoved his hands in his pockets, sauntering over to join the two of you on the couch to accept his verbal punishment. There was never a dull moment, which could get overwhelming at times. But he knew he wouldn't trade these moments for anything. He couldn't help the smile spreading over his face as he attempted to comfort himself. 'Maybe next time, Harrington.'
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Yeah, gotta agree on the Jncy thing. I do not like Stncy and I don't think it is going to be a thing, but narratively speaking Jncy staying together would be bad writing with all the stuff that their relationship has. They obviously love each other but are portrayed as not fitting for each other. Their dreams and wants are different, and ultimately the colleges they want to go to are different though. I am not sure why the writers would want them to stay as a couple when they do not open up to each other and do not even talk, this has been ongoing since S3. They are cute and all if needed, but it makes more sense to prioritize the characters' individual arcs and characterizations first than shipping stuff, you know what I mean? And for this whole love triangle thing, i think it makes more sense to keep Nancy, Jonathan and Steve as single, at least for a while. But I am not sure if the Duffers will portray that. I can still see them dragging the love traingle aspect without noticing how much it hurts the characters' situations in consequence.
I totally agree about the bad writing thing.
I've been tagging all these posts as anti j*ncy in case anyone wants to filter it out, but I'm personally not even anti jncy! I'm not opposed to them being endgame, HOWEVER if they don't break them up at least early in season 5, or at least make them have some kind of fight, it would be bad writing! They would completely disregard all of the unresolved conflict that, like you said anon, has been building since s3! Their conflict in that season seemed to get shrugged off, so I think if it gets shrugged off again and they just stay together no conflict till the end, it wouldn't only be bad writing but it would be uninteresting. Couples don't need to stay together the entire time in order to be endgame!
I've said this before but I'm not opposed to them being endgame if they work out their issues and take their time apart. They clearly have a lot of love for each other so if I see them positively develop their own personal storylines I would be happy to see them as an endgame couple!
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ninthhousesteel · 2 years
hello im here to ramble about autistic romance to you
nancy is autistic as all hell but is so good at masking cos she's been doing it her whole life, especially after mike came along (yes I'm projecting my eldest daughter trauma onto her) cos she had to be the Responsible and Functional sibling so she's exceptionally good at appearing presentable and nice and neurotypical but her actual emoting is the flattest thing you've ever seen. half the time when she gets comfortable enough with someone she starts dropping the mask out of exhaustion more than anything and to people it SEEMS like she's lost interest in them cos she just doesn't respond the way they knew her to be, so she's had trouble maintaining friendships or relationships in general cos people go 'oh wow ok you hate me I get it' and she hates it cos she's not actually disinterested she's just bad at being emotional!! she doesn't understand why everything has to be such high emotions all the time!! why can't she just exist quietly with someone!! fuck!!!
now robin on the other hand has never had a calm day in her life, she's adhd and autistic but in the incredibly intense variety and cannot regulate herself in the slightest and is Worse at masking so she always comes off as Too Much All The Time and its a miracle anyone finds her not annoying at all. she *can* mask, it's just a nightmare to maintain and it drops so much easier for her than nancy, and always to reveal she's actually More energetic than she's appeared before, so she's also had trouble forming friendships because she's just too excitable for everyone else and does everything without thinking (she actually thinks about everything a great deal and isn't quite as impulsive as everyone makes her out to be but her mistakes are her loudest actions and that's all anyone remembers).
anyway. please consider quiet unmasked nancy who sits and avoids everyone's eyes by curling into robin's shoulder and just listening to her ramble and talk and never has to make conversation for either of them cos robin will fill any silence she needs to, and robin figures out ways to communicate with nancy nonverbally for when she has to stop talking for a bit (which she didn't know she needed to do sometimes but once robin lets her just nod or shake her head as an answer rather than say anything it's fucking MAGICAL to not have to talk anymore)
this post brought to you by my autistic-adhd ass projecting onto both of them and having my own partners that make sure I don't need to talk when I'm overwhelmed
(this is also just my own ideas and I'm just rambling you don't gotta respond if you don't want to <3)
you are the realest ever for this
aut4aut ronance is just so true
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ynderebot · 3 years
LOADING…ADDING NEW FILES... █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 10% ███▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 30% █████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% ███████▒▒▒ 100% ██████████
choi yeonjun. nancy mcdonie. lee gahyeon. kim sunwoo. kim doyeon. choi san. kim sihyeon. yang jeongin.
執着型 [ shuuchaku-gata ] obsessive.
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"where were you? who were you with? what were you doing? why didn't you answer my messages? oh come on darling, don't be like that...I've been waiting for hours!"
[ PROFILE 1. ]
choi yeonjun.
5'11. 21 yrs old. September 13th, 1999. virgo. blood type a. born in seoul, south korea
at age 14 yeonjun was sent to a boarding school in japan, this is where he discovered his...tendencies. halfway through his first year he met a girl, kang iseul. he was instantly infatuated with her, he had an impulsive urge to know every little thing about her. to do so he befriended her, using his appearance and charms to win her over and eventually made her his. the euphoric rush that ran through his body when she was officially his was like nothing he'd ever felt before. she was finally his and he didn't intend on letting go, not without a fight at least. he was in for a shock when one day she tried to run away after his true colors started to show. unfortunately her best friend was killed by yeonjun for trying to help her, but she did escape.
he's a switch with no lean. a hard/soft dom or obedient sub all just depends on his mood and how he's feeling
[ PROFILE 2. ]
nancy mcdonie.
5'4. 21 yrs old. april 13th, 2000. aries. blood type o. born in daegu, south korea.
nancy was always a little obsessed with things, she'd go through phases too. she would find one new hobby/thing that intrigued her and hyper fixate on it for a few months. then, just like that it would be forgotten as if it had never happened. it started from a young age too, so when she would tell all her friends and family about the boy she met it came as no surprise to them. soon enough he was all she talked about, all she cared about, it was true obsession. everyone around her thought that it was just a phase like everything else, but they were sadly mistaken. the day he broke up with her, she lashed out. screaming that he couldn't break up with her, no she wouldn't let him break up with her. even after that day she would never stop talking about him, she tried to stay involved with his life as much as she could and even ended up scaring away any potential lovers. she never stopped either, until she had no choice when he moved away.
she's a sub, usually obedient but can be bratty if she's in a mood.
ストーカー型 [ sutookaa-gata ] stalker.
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"how did I know? I'm always with you, following you...watching you...it's only because I love you"
[ PROFILE 3. ]
lee gahyeon.
5'3. 22 yrs old. february 3rd, 1999. aquarius. blood type ab. born in seongnam, south korea.
she was so excited when her crush asked her out, she couldn't contain herself. the problem was, it's difficult to get to know someone when you already know everything about them. she'd been stalking him ever since he caught her eye, every single day. she'd follow him to and from school, to his friends house, wherever he went she usually wasn't far behind. he could never find out about that side of her though, so she played along. laughing at childhood stories she heard him tell previously, pretending to be shocked when learning things she already knew. even after they began dating she continued to stalk him, he noticed things were off. she was the one he confided his "paranoia" in and she was the one who reassured him, but little did he know she was the cause of it all.
she's a sub, also obedient but can be bratty if she feels like it.
[ PROFILE 4. ]
kim sunwoo.
5'10. 21 yrs old. april 12th, 2000. aries. blood type b. born in seongnam gyeonggi, south korea.
unlike gahyeon, sunwoo was not always a stalker. he'd heard of stalkers but it never peaked his interest, he didn't even take any note of his slightly possessive tendencies. until his first relationship that is, his first partner showed signs of cheating. he might not have realized his own possessiveness and how it was seemingly growing stronger, but he was no fool. all the coming home late, the scent of another person that was not their own flooding the house when they entered. so he began following them around, at first it was...innocent, or as innocent as stalking could be. they were cheating, this made his possessiveness shoot through the roof. he was most aggressive and warned his partner that they do not want to do that again. they listened, and he continued to stalk them, it turned into a fun...game of sorts.
he's a switch with a sub lean, soft dom/occasionally bratty sub.
独占型 [ dokusen-gata ] monopoly.
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"who were you talking to? do they know me? no no, do they know you're mine?"
[ PROFILE 5. ]
kim doyeon.
5'8. 21 yrs old. december 4th, 1999. saggitarius. blood type o. born in wonju-gangwon, south korea
doyeon had always been just about as normal as you could get. until she got a boyfriend, she was possessive of him sure...but it was nothing too extreme. until she started having doubts, all the gorgeous girls that would go up to him, flirting and doing who knows what when she wasn't around. she made it her mission to let everyone know he was hers and she was his, wether it meant glueing herself to him or just reminding everyone at school on the daily. ever since he broke up with her, her tendencies only grow stronger and more extreme with each passing minute.
she's a sub, brat tendencies but will be obedient sometimes
[ PROFILE 6. ]
choi san.
5'9. 21 yrs old. july 10th, 1999. cancer. blood type b. born in namhae-south gyeonsan, south korea.
san's first love was a girl in his sister's class, was she a year older than him? yes, but he didn't care. despite all the people telling him he would never date her, he proved them wrong and he did. everything was perfect, they were both madly in love with each other, spending every minute of every waking day together. until something happened that san hadn't expected, his sister began to steal his girlfriend. well "steal" in his definition at least, she'd wanted to talk with his girlfriend every once in a while before he knew it they were always together and it seemed as if he was the real third wheel, this pissed him off more than anything. he got fed up one day and got into a physical fight with his sister, shouting about how the girl belonged to him and only him. from then on out he's made sure to stay in the middle of every single relationship.
he's a switch with no lean hard/soft dom or obedient/bratty sub, it all depends
排除型 [ haijo-gata ] removal.
"you haven't seen them in a while? I'm sure they're alright darling, after all I'm the only one you need. isn't that right?"
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[ PROFILE 7. ]
kim sihyeon.
5'6. 21 yrs old. august 5th, 1999. leo. blood type b. born in bundang-gu, seongnam-si, south korea.
she's a sub, usually bratty but can be obedient too
[ PROFILE 8. ]
yang jeongin.
5'8. 20 yrs old. february 8th, 2001. aquarius. blood type a. born in busan, south korea.
he's a switch with a slight sub lean but can be a soft dom
sihyeon and jeongin's stories go together, they were childhood friends and neighbors. eventually they realized that they had feelings for each other, but this soon after developed into a toxic mindset. the thought that they only need each other, no one else. one by one people from the other's life began to disappear, especially anyone who could be a romantic rival. they were both oblivious to the other's actions until each confronted the other, instead of being upset they were each ecstatic. ecstatic that the other felt the same, that they were the only person they needed in their life
this isn't an accurate representation of any of the members/their companies/groups nor am I claiming to be them!
all of the members are bisexual with no lean
all of the members are yanderes [ obviously ] so they will act as such, however some can be more possessive than others at times
the ones who can be the most possessive are sihyeon and jeongin and the least are yeonjun and nancy
sihyeon and jeongin are obviously not still dating, it was just for backstory/plot purposes
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all the members have hard kinks and their hard no's are scat/feet, if you still aren't sure just ask admin before doing anything
they all use the traffic light system
and please don't try to put them in a different headspace!
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admin is 18 and might get busy occasionally but will try her best during those times
this bot is open for oc's/yn's/ and other bots as well
to activate the bot dm and then admin will ask a few questions/come up with a plot with you and after that the role-play can start up
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good luck...好運
sorry this post is so long- 😭
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strangertheories · 2 years
hii! hope you're having a good day <3
i love mike and will's relationship and i do think it makes a lot of sense for them to be explored in season 5. but im one of those fans who loves to talk about them, finds it fun to especulate and everything (just like anything regarding the show) but is not very hopeful when it comes to them actually happening. because yes i think it makes sense, we think it makes sense but... what if the duffers brothers don't? and I'd like to think everything regarding mike's behaviour towards will was very intentional and had reasoning behind it, but what if it didn't? i do think the duffers brothers are very intentional with a lot of things, but what if the only thing intentional was the hints of will's feelings for mike? what if they want it to be unrequired? im sorry I'm not quite sure what this ask really is... maybe im just looking for reassurance i don't know?? but i want to know your thoughts on this. is it really that big of a stretch to think the duffers could go that direction? normally i would say no, but lately I've been doubting my own intuitions i guess
Not gonna lie, I'm probably not the best person for reassurance. I think Byler would make sense and there's definitely a lot of proof and analysis for it. I also think based on the new script there's more proof of a Methemoglobinemia break up as Mike says he can El doesn't need him anymore. His love confession was only because he thought Eleven needed it based off of Will's feelings, who's the one that actually needs him. Also Eleven stood in front of him at the end of the season, leaving him behind with Will, showing she can move on without him and become independent but right now Will can't do the same. So I definitely wouldn't give up on hoping for Byler.
But I'm also pretty pessimistic about it and I think Volume 2 would've been the right time to start Byler so now if they commit, it's just not gonna be as good (although there is a time skip so who knows). I feel pretty doubtful they'll commit to Byler but maybe they will. I don't want people to give up hoping or feel sad because of my pessimism, but this is my account so I'm going to be honest. I think Byler could and should happen, but I'm not gonna be shocked if it doesn't. It's definitely a possibility and it would be a missed opportunity not to take it but I don't trust the Duffers when it comes to romance, especially not with all the Nancy stuff going on right now.
I hope this response was ok. I really don't want people to feel stressed about Byler because of my feelings. Ultimately, a ship should add to your enjoyment of a show, not stress you out or take away from it so if this post upsets anyone then sorry, that's not my intention. Thanks for the ask!
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clericbyers · 3 years
Hi, I was happy to see you post here again, I have always loved reading your thoughts about ST! I have a question: with everything we now know about season 4, and the posters, do you think there's a chance that we might get canon byler?
oh wow!! haha thanks for enjoying my silly lil ramblings . i'm glad to return with the new content heh as for your question, i saw your ask pretty instantly but took a bit to spend some time rereading not only my own postings but some others throughout this sector of the fandom, just to get my bearings again so to speak. it's easy to pull clues from ambiguous meanings that support your point of view and surrounding yourself with others who share it fuel that answer being the only feasible one. having been inactive and invested in other media pulled me out of that for a while, so i'd like to think i'm not as, hmm, how to put it without implying i'm not still so invested in the possibility but uh, i guess i'm not as driven with the need for endgame byler as before as to scramble for inklings of something to support my claims. not that i regret my time spent doing so or don't think i'll gladly do it again (i mean look at the length of this reply lol)! please know that when may 27th comes and we all binge the hell out of vol 1, i will have my byler glasses on.
now, that out the way. one thing that struck me was rereading the season 3 finale script kiss with el and mike. before, we had all fostered the idea of that kiss being a sign of their relationship essentially being over via mike realizing he doesn't actually like her that way. and the script sure as hell hammered that in. so i trust that clues in the posters via the relationships between each group and the fact that mike and will are looking at each other means a hell of a lot of something. what that something is, i cannot say and i don't want to out of fear of baiting myself into possibilities. but looking at the other posters and who each character is looking at (or in max's case, who she isn't looking in turn) make the emphasis between mike and will so much more important.
in s3 finale we had mike looking back at the byer's house with that sad little face of his, realizing the most important people of his life are leaving, and he goes off to cry in his mother's arms for the loss of love he's facing that he can't change himself the way he did looking for will in s1 and el in s2. in the teaser trailer from a little while back, we had el sending that letter to mike that is essentially a bunch of lies, ending with saying she can't wait to see him again and that they're gonna have the best spring break ever. but now we look at the posters we got. el is alone facing her inner demons and her past, and probably her powers (lack thereof or the return of them, time will tell). mike and will are the ones reunited, and not only that, despite the danger they are approaching with jonathan and that surfer boy pizza driver dude, they are looking at each other. and it's driving me crazy! yeah i think it's a sign!! i think it's a sign that their evolving friendship is gonna be paramount to at least vol 1 and in particular, their reunion is going to be a focus of the arc of the story that involves them--much how the other posters and who people are looking at (nancy and robin, lucas and max, dustin and steve, joyce and hopper) can allude to their relationships/reunions being key to their story arcs.
tldr; yes i think there is a chance, it's just up to the writers to decide to take that chance--and given this is the penultimate season, i think such a chance would be perfectly taken during these peak battles against the upside down, government/authority, and their own love/relationships/desires.
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