#like idk yeah maybe it would be a bad idea to show your real clients' expensive rugs without permisdion lol
starlit-mansion · 2 years
I love when people get big mad about cleaning and restoration channels restoring especially dirty and/or junky stuff for the spectacle like. You're on youtube to be entertained by spectacle, what the fuck do you want
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steveandbucky · 3 years
I don’t understand if ur serious when u say that you’re anti fatws (esp bucky) lol???? for real?
yeah i think he’s not bucky. OOC. and like, not for stupid shit, but when it comes to stuff that matters. i always thought bucky has a solid moral compass (similar to steves). i mean just from what we’ve seen in canon, idk if this is just my own intrepratations, but anyway, i don’t agree with his actions, i dont agree with him asking sam to put his safety on the line with the ‘you helped steve with the accords i think you should help me’ ok bucky you were taken in as a refugee by an untouchable nation, sam was put into a supermax prison steve had to break him out of, and then was on the run as a fugitive for two years. the absolute NERVE.
and like, the man he breaks out of prison is z*mo? really? that’s his ABUSER. i don’t understand why no one else seems upset by this. that’s not bucky. OOC. if he wanted any help from z*mo, he could have asked for him to help from behind the bars he very much deserves to be behind. if he refused to help, oh well, too bad, buh bye. i dont understand who thought this was a good idea. are we forgetting z*mo intentionally triggered bucky into going into his winter soldier programming, which resulted in bucky killing again? the thing he did not want to do? he literally says, over and over again, ‘i dont do that anymore’ and ‘i dont want to kill anyone’ and ‘(resigned) wheres the fight’.
im not gonna describe *that scene* that triggered me very badly, if you dont know what im talking about im sorry but i cannot physically write the words. but im very very upset at the writers for a throwaway line that implies past sexual abuse* knowing FULL well the majority of their demographic who like bucky/identify with him are in fact women/afab, and like, going by the statistics alone, would find something like this 1. triggering and 2. a slap in the face. just, for why? what purpose did that line serve, actually? was it necessary? for plot progession? (*though, i maintain, z*mo doesnt know shit, he’s being a dick bc thats half his personality, and talking shit bc thats the other half of his personality). but yeah. one of the major reasons i dont like whoever it was that writes bucky in this show.
another thing, the obsession with the shield? putting all that blame onto sam? i mean... i understand he’s upset about being abandoned by his best friend (and arguably only friend, i guess?) but like. shut up about the shield. shut up about the shield!!! where’s the ‘the little guy from brooklyn, im following him’ like bucky never gave a shit about captain america. whats going on through his head actually? bc like.. if there’s things he’s not saying, we won’t fucking know about them, will we?
i honestly dont know what the writers are doing, i don’t know whether they’re completely misunderstanding his characer, or trying to foreshadow bucky going to the dark side, or whats going on. bc at this point he looks more like an antagonist at the very least, if not outright villain.
the only accurate bucky content i have seen so far is like, him and sam acting like a married couple, him making nerdy references, and the flashback scene in wakanda which is the only time i have seen sebastian stan actually acting.
i don’t know who this fool is, but it’s not bucky.
as for the show in general, im not liking what im seeing, and no i dont need to watch it to form an opinion. not gonna put myself through however many hours of mediocre content. i never had high hopes about it, but this half-assed storyline with the flag smashers (clearly a poor attempt at portraying antifas as the enemy), the super soldier serum, the dollar store captain america, z*mo??? why is he even here????
sam not having enough of the spotlight...in his own goddamn show... like. idk. i think he deserved something of his own. a better storyline. something that’s about *him*, his life, his struggles. with bucky as his sidekick. sam, pretending to be too sensible to run into crazy shit, bucky, resigned, being dragged along, being sam’s wingman, his support. *thats* their dynamic. from what i have seen about sam’s scenes, he seems to be more or less in character, imo, but i just... feel like he’s being sidelined. in his own show.
THE THERAPY/THERAPIST. I hate EVERYTHING about it. from her demeanor, attitude towards her client, not addressing him by his preferred name, her judgmental tone/statements, her belittling/dismissing bucky’s pain, her ‘rules’ and just. everything. everything. for ONCE i would like to see an ACCURATE portrayal of therapy in media. because it’s the opposite. the exact opposite of this. there’s a long thread from twitter i reblogged that goes more into detail, but i think like, it’s one of those things that really piss me off. therapy is about creating a safe space, putting your patients comfort first, listening, empathising, not judging, not mocking, not disrespecting, helping your patient open up, help them recover and make progress at their own pace. i mean. its so disgusting to see this. i’ve never had professional psychologist training, not as part of my degree or anything else, and i wrote a fic with steve going to therapy that’s 100% better than this bullshit we’re being served (and at the time i wrote the fic, i had never been to therapy, only counselling, which is very different). how come? why cant they, with their budget and their resources, their ability to conduct extensive research and even hire consultants, not do a better job with this part of the show? disappointing. truly.
maybe i don’t know exactly what’s going on, plotwise, or whatever, but like, if i dont like what i’m seeing, why would i invest more time to find out more about the show? the mcu has been steadily declining since 2016, lets be real. civil war, infinity war, endgame... this was all an absolute shitshow. fatws can only do so much with the canon they are being given to work with, without outright retconning everything, but even so... it’s weak. i always thought the writers wouldnt be able to write anything thats half as good as the stuff fans come up with and... i think i was right.
thanks for the question.
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burntcheesepita · 5 years
new beginning
pairing: ryan howard/reader
warnings: none
wordcount: 1209
a/n: idk this idea has been bouncing around in my head. takes place right after ryan took up jim’s job. tell if u want a part 2 ayyy
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You were a new temp stretching your legs in quality assurance, mostly to keep an eye on Creed. You quickly learned that the old man was pretty much completely senile, but absolutely refused to leave, and that you might be stuck at this office job a lot longer than expected.
Everyone was more or less easy enough to get along with, and you noticed that one particular salesman seemed to take interest in you. Ryan smiled at you whenever you met is eyes, and one day noticed you getting your favorite cookies out of the vending machine and since then had always “accidentally ended up with an extra bag” of them that “the stupid machine spit out” that he’d give you just about everyday. To get even, you stood behind him one day in the kitchen and watched him make his coffee. He had turned to you when he was done and asked, “What’s up?” to which you had smiled and said, “Oh, nothing.” and walked away.
And thus began your strange ritual: you made him coffee in the morning and he bought you cookies at lunch. And during lunch, even on your first day as the odd one out, he sat next to you and made friendly conversation. You talked about college, his MBA and your BFA, and how to deal with loans without immediately having a panic attack. You’d talk about what it was like growing up poor near Philadelphia in contrast to Ryan’s middle-class upbringing in Scranton. You discussed the most recent Quentin Tarantino movies, you found Ryan’s somewhat pretentious criticisms endearing. He told you about his love of jazz and how he played saxophone in highschool, you countered with your love of 90s girl grunge and how you taught yourself to play guitar. He liked playing video games and you told him you were really only familiar with Super Mario Bros and Sonic the Hedgehog.
He’d sit near you during Micheal’s superfluous meetings and generally seemed magnetically drawn to you.
During work hours, he went out of his way to ask you questions about the company’s paper suppliers, the difference between one type of paper to another, even how it was made, all for the sake of “helping a client.”
All of this to the dismay of Kelly.
Kelly didn’t seem mad at you as much as the fact that Ryan obviously liked being around you, and told you horror stories. How he always seemed nice at first, but that was to reel you in. He refused to commit. He was disinterested in dates and the wants and needs of his now ex girlfriend (her). He ignores calls and texts. He’s actually mean and manipulative when you get to know him for real. He only wants sex.
You had noticed Ryan had some contempt for Kelly. He tried to wiggle his way out of any conversation she tried to loop him into.
You thought you were getting along with Ryan just fine. Still, you had no idea what to think. You knew very well that guys could be very sweet one minute and absolutely vicious the next. Bad men don’t always seem like bad men at first.
You were thinking about this when you noticed Ryan get up from his desk near reception and walk toward the bathrooms.
You seized the moment, quickly shuffling over to Pam. She smiled at you and you smiled back and said, “Just came over to steal some of your jellybeans.”
You had gotten along with Pam very easily. she was sweet and helpful and you were her newest confidant in office pranks since Jim left. You figured that she might have some insight into Ryan and Kelly’s past relationship. Both of them would be unreliable sources and, most of all, you didn’t wanna scandalize Ryan by asking him if it was true that he was actually awful.
Pam continued to work as you chewed on a stale cherry jellybean.
“Oh, yuck,” you groaned quietly and Pam looked up.
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Actually, I have a question. Should I go out with Ryan?”
Her expression went blank for a moment before she said, “I mean, he’s really nice to you. I think he might really like you.”
“Really?” you inquired, “Kelly was telling me some terrible things and….”
Pam considered this before answering, “Yeah, they weren’t great together. Ryan never really liked her now that I think about it. She can be a hard person to deal with.“
“What happened?”
“Jim had set them up, actually. He told me Ryan just wanted to have fun and Kelly wanted a committed relationship. But Kelly wouldn’t leave him alone after they hooked up and the whole thing just sort of spiraled out of control.”
You nodded slowly. “Do you think he actually likes me? Or he just wants a hookup?”
“I’m gonna be honest, he’s been far nicer to you than anyone else in this office. Kevin thinks you’re already hooking up.”
You raised your brows at her and giggled.
Just then, you heard the kitchen door open, and Ryan sauntered back to his desk. You smiled at him and was about to make your way back to your own desk when he said, “Come over here a second.”
You glanced at Pam, who shrugged suggestively at you, and you went to lean against his desk next to him. You crossed your arms and looked down at him expectantly.
He pretended to shuffle around his desk, finding a piece of paper and a pen. He looked back up at you and grinned, “Can you tell me the difference between A4 and letter-sized again? I forgot to write it down before and I can’t remember it.”
You quirked your brows at him, “Is that really what you’d like to ask me?”
His bright blue eyes lit up, “Oh, yeah, actually. Wanna come over to my place for dinner? Maybe we could play some video games together.”
You giggled. Video games and dinner? Whatever, you’d take it. “Sure,” you say, running your fingers over his hand where it sat on his desk, “Maybe you could show my some of your signature moves.”
He flushed.
The rest of the day, you were full of butterflies. You paid absolutely no attention to Creed and instead spent your time teasing Ryan. You loved the way he became flustered whenever you would put you hand on his shoulder or winked at him from across the room. No one really cared for the flirting, but at least Pam thought it was funny. She told you that you could be a good influence on him and liked seeing Ryan soften up to a girl instead of being dismissive or overly interested in hooking up. She had said that sometimes when he wants something superficial from a girl, he can become a little strange and overbearing. But you seemed to turn his brain to mush.
You thought about how your little date might go. You could already tell from your time spent with Ryan that he often had a hard time asserting himself and his feelings, but was open to brag about anything he found clout-worthy. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as Kelly says once he’s in the right environment.
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Survey #291
“clothes trailing from the backdoor, to the bedroom, and i don’t even know your name.”
What was the last health scare you had? So I got blood tests done recently to check multiple things, and I got pretty nervous when my doctor stood beside me going through the numbers and what they meant. I was afraid she was going to tell me I had diabetes (runs in the fam, and my diet hadn't been great) or something, but I was fine. What is your favorite food to cook? Something in the microwave lmao. Do you listen to bluegrass music? Ew. What was the last novel you read about? Well it' s part of a series so it'd be hard to explain briefly... but dragons. That'll do ig, lol. If there is a tree right outside your window, what kind is it? There's a small one. Idk what it is. What is your favorite filling for a piece of chocolate? Caramel. What is your favorite thing to draw? If you take a look at my work history... I apparently love drawing meerkats screaming for one reason or another lmao. Do you like abstract art? Not very much. There are of course exceptions to this, but it's definitely not my favorite and sometimes doesn't even feel like "art" to me. Would you ever want to be a painter? No. My Painting course in school taught me it's too damn stressful, the idea of messing up. Even though it's technically fixable. There's just a lot about painting I don't like. I'd much rather draw and color traditionally. What is your passion? Some of my biggest consists of gay rights (or really just equal rights as a whole), meerkats, pacifism, photography, just art in general, stuff like that. I feel things very deeply, so there's really a lot. What fascinates you? NATURE!!!!!!! SO MUCH ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Do you have art on your walls? In my room, I have three of my meerkat projects on the wall with my meerkat collection, and my Pyramid Head/Halo of the Sun overlap drawing is with my Silent Hill stuff. What kind of collection would you like to start? I have a decent amount of stuff, but I really would love to pump up my SH collection. It has SO much merch that I would die for, stuff is just mad expensive. If I was to start a new collection, bitch I need Markiplier stuff so bad, I'm too awkward to ask for that shit for holidays 'n stuff. ;;_;; Do you enjoy the sound of birds chirping? I sure do. If you had the money, would you travel the world? I feel like I'd go to less locations than most people you could ask this question, but I'd definitely go places, yeah. If you could travel the world, which country would you want to go to first? South Africa. Make my meerkat dreams come true. :') Do you get drunk? I haven't before, and I don't actually aim to when I drink (which is very rare) and I'm apparently no lightweight, so I doubt I ever will. Don't feel like I'm missing out, honestly. Do you get high? Nah. Have you ever used a prescription medication to get high? No. Does sunlight make you happier? Guys. This is science. I used to hate the sun so much, but it's good for you. Open your windows on a clear day; your body will thank you. It takes getting used to, but please, don't coop yourself up in the dark. Do you live a boring life? My life is excruciatingly boring. Like not to sound depressing, but half the time I wish I wasn't even alive because I'm so bored lmao. Have you ever gotten soap in your mouth for cursing? Do you think that’s right to do to kids who curse? No, but it's been threatened upon me. I don't support it, no, but then again I don't believe in traditional "profanity." My hypothetical four-year-old could say "that fucking hurt" in our own household, and just a simple word indicating (s)he was really in pain wouldn't faze me for a blink. I do believe out of respect though, that you should educate your children when "profanity" isn't allowed, like in school and such. You don't shove potentially toxic shit into your kid's mouth to teach them something. What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start watching horror movies with lots of gore? This definitely depends on the child. Are they spooked easily? How mature are they? Do they understand what's not to be replicated? It would vary with the film, too. Do you have any wind chimes outside your house? How many? No, but I'd love to. Wind chimes are great. Do you have a flat stomach? Would you ever wear a belly shirt to show it off? I hate my stomach more than I do any other part of my body, so guess. Would you ever get a sleeve or a half sleeve on your arm (we’re talking about tattoos)? omfg hell YES Do you think your biological parents love each other? They're long-divorced and Dad's been remarried for a long time while Mom only has negative shit to say about him, so like... What's one movie you’re dying to see but haven’t had the chance to see yet? *Dying* to, I don't know if one exists. Birds of Prey probably tops my want-to-see list, though. Harley moving past Joker? Girl you fuckin go ilu. What’s the biggest promise someone’s ever made to you? Did they keep it? To never leave me because of my illnesses. Nope, he sure didn't. Does thunder & storms scare you? Nah, not usually. It's funny, I was TERRIFIED of them as a kid, especially if I wasn't with my mom, but now I find them beautiful and sometimes even relaxing. Now, wind, I fucking hate wind. I associate bad winds with tornadoes, so fuck outta here w/ that. Google, Bing, or Yahoo? Google. Do you sing in front of people? NO. Who are you the most uncomfortable around? Groups of older men. Are your parents overprotective? No. A recent creation that you’re proud of? I took family pictures for a repeat client recently, and I'm really happy with how some came out. Who’s your favorite comedian? Living, I'm unsure. It was John Pinette. What makes you squeamish? Vomit and fecal matter top the list. Do you have any online friends that you wanna keep, but not meet? Maybe a couple that I don't know too well? Should cloning ever be allowed to happen? No. I see a lot of potential problems with that should it become a serious thing. Who would you live with if you got kicked out tomorrow? Probably my dad. What’s a pet your parents never let you have when you were a kid? A snake. I was eventually allowed though obviously, and now Mom loves Venus, though she won't hold her. Who do you wish you could change, if anyone? It's not my job to change anyone else. You have to want to change. Has your house ever been broken into? No, but my childhood home almost was by a gang. My older sister and her best friend were home alone at the time. Thank fuck they didn't get in, but they left a gang flag on our porch. Would you consider yourself a good flirt? I have no idea. What color do you wear most often? You mean to tell me black isn't the only primary color in people's wardrobes? Do you like your hair? Disregarding the fact it gets oily way too fast, yes. Have you ever driven while under the influence? No, I would absolutely never. Did you enjoy your last kiss? Yeah. Would you ever take boudoir photos for a significant other? (or have you?) Considering I literally love boudoir, I would if I didn't hate the fuck outta my body and would be too embarrassed to ever do it. What is your biggest guilty pleasure? Maybe makeup guru channels lmaooo. What is a movie that you thought you would hate but actually ending up enjoying? I'm unsure. I don't really go into watching a movie I think I'll hate, especially when I watch so few movies to begin with. Do you like where you live? I'm not a fan of the suburbs, but it's a better place than where we were. Are you a jealous person? I'm learning that apparently I might be, at least sometimes. Is there anyone you want to fix things with? There are a few. Last time you walked further than a block? I couldn't tell you. I walk a few feet (that's not an exaggeration) and am in pain because of the muscle atrophy in my legs. Is it easy for you to accept loss? NO. NUH-UH. NOPE. Do you get dessert normally while out to eat? No. Who was your first kiss? Jason, my first "real" boyfriend. Have you ever found a stray dog & found its owners? Not that I recall. Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually? Not everything, no. When was the last time you told someone you love them? Last night. Who was the last person you talked to last night in person before bed? Ma. When was the last time that you were genuinely happy? Good damn question. Have you ever dyed your hair? Plenty of times. Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed? Yeah. When was the last time you changed in front of someone? I don't know; when you hate your body enough, you'll do a lot to avoid that. Last person you kissed, have you cried in front of them? Yes. Ever dated someone who was gorgeous but they had a conceited personality? No. A conceited asshole is the last kind of person I'm dating. Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? Well I mean what's the vibe lmao Do you like to cuddle? Yeah, if we're a close couple and it's not too hot. Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? Nah. Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? I wish we could, but even if he was willing, I don't think "friendship" is possible between us. What is something “cheesy” that you own? Ha, I have this feminine-looking "she believed she could so she did" wall decor thing... I can't remember if I bought it or if it was gifted. What is something that gets your creative juices flowing? MUSIC!!! What drink are you most likely to order at a bar? Some kind of margarita. What is the most interesting class that you took in high school or college? Mythology, I guess? When was the last time that you’ve ever played Spin the Bottle? I never have to begin with. If you were an adult film star or a stripper, what would your stage name be? I can't even try to entertain this question. Even if I WANTED to be one, I would never be hired. I couldn't seriously think of a name. Have you ever wanted to be a cheerleader? No, not even when I was one as a kid lmao. Have you ever been dumped? What was the reason for it? Yeah. The first one, he couldn't handle my depression anymore. With my last partner, we kinda had a mutual agreement that to save us from potential later heartbreak, we needed to work more on ourselves right now. What was the last R-rated movie you watched? Hm. Idk. Have you ever asked someone out? Yes. Have you ever had lice? No. What is the most childish thing that you still do? I mean, with RP, you could argue that I still "play pretend." Have you ever watched a movie you knew you shouldn’t? As a kid, I'm pretty sure I was not supposed to see whatever Scary Movie film it was when I did, aha. Have you ever wanted to try LARP (Live Action Role-Play)? Nah. I'm awkward enough explaining I just write it. If you could go back in time and erase one thing you said or did, what would it be? The "thanks for sending me to the hospital" message to Jason. Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever embarrassed you? Jason did before, if we're counting past partners. Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner? I never thought of that in any relationship, no. Have you ever been caught checking someone out? Not to my recollection. Not that I even do that much. Have you ever cried because you missed your parents so much? Oh, absofuckinglutely as a little kid. I had BAD separation anxiety from my mom. Have you ever posted something on social media that you regret? OH BOY HAVE I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever ding dong ditched someone? No. Which is worst: Snakes, scorpions, or spiders? I adore snakes. Some spiders scare me, especially if they catch me by surprise. Scorpions aren't native here, so I've actually never come across one, so I'd probably be more curious than frightened. Is there an attic and/or a basement in your house? An attic, yeah. Have you ever been bitten by a tick? Has anyone not? Well, I suppose this depends on your environment. Playing outside in the country as a kid a lot, and especially walking through tall grass to reach fishing spots with Dad, I've had lots. I'm terrified of parasites so those were never fun times. What color is your mom’s car? White. Have you ever had a bird or a squirrel in your house? No. How high off the ground is your bed? The average, ig. What is the cutest breed of dog? That's such a hard question, but I think I tend to lean towards pugs, though I don't support breeding them or any other type that is a medical catastrophe. What is something other people say you’re good at but you think you’re not? Holding a conversation. I call BS. What does your bedside lamp look like? It's a creamy color with a floral design. It was already here at the house when we moved in. Do you like your neighbors? I don't know them. Does your room need to be cleaned? I need to finish decorating it... and dust the dresser. What was the last bug you saw? Ugh, a fucking ant. This house has had an ant problem before, and now they're showing up in my room here and there. Do you place any value in gender roles? Literally zero. Are your platonic relationships just as valuable as romantic or family ones? Well, I suppose it would depend on the person. How strong is that platonic relationship? Are you in love? Do you want to be? I don't think *in* love anymore, no; I reasoned myself out of that. I think most people WANT to be in the name of companionship, and being a pretty hopeless romantic, your wild guess would probably be right. Would you be happy with a life without romance? I'd live. Are you religious? Do you think your religion is ‘correct’? No. If you aren’t religious, do you wish you were? Why? Nope. Religion only ever brought me confusion, pain, and frustration. Are your choices fated or of your own free will? I am very much a believer in free will and that you sculpt your own fate. Was your childhood happy? For the most part. What are you missing from your life? Excitement. Would you fight for your country? Do you feel a sense of loyalty to your nation? No. And if my country did something fucked up, I wouldn't stand with the masses just because I live here. What’s the latest YouTube channel you’ve discovered and binge-watched? Snake Discovery, like, hardcore. Does it snow where you live? Every now and then, but it's super rare for the snow to stick, and it's maybe even rarer that we get a good or fun amount. Do you think your hair looks better long or short? UGGGGHHHHHH I AM SO MUCH HAPPIER W/ SHORT HAIR. Do you enjoy editing photos on your phone? Not really on my phone, no. I don't have good image quality on my phone, so editing tends to make it worse. What’s your favorite thing to do on your phone? Play Pokemon GO if I'm actually in a place with spawns. Which season do you wish would last longer? Sigh, autumn. At least here, the colorful phase is pretty short. It's like... green leaves one day, a beautiful display for a week, then the trees are bare. It's still my favorite season, though. Do you have neat handwriting? Yeah. Did you dream of becoming famous as a kid? Nah. Do you get on Facebook every day? Pretty much. What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? Spice Girls, duh. Would you ever consider naming a child after a family member? No. I've got nothing against people who do, but I've just never seen the appeal of it at all. I would want my hypothetical child to have their completely own identity.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Thirty-Nine: File Folder ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
When his alarm sounds, blaring from the speaker of his phone, Sasuke gives a groan and rolls over. A hand fishes around for the device, managing (after several fumbles) to silence the damn thing.
Once his room is quiet again, he sighs and sinks back atop the mattress.
...it’s Tuesday. He has work today.
An arm slung over his eyes, he shifts it up to his brow, staring at his ceiling. Most of the room is dark save for a soft glow that peeks out from a tiny gap above his window’s blinds. The entire space looks blue. Mind oddly blank, he takes a minute or two to let his brain catch up, and then heaves himself up out of bed with a grunt.
Footsteps take him to the shower, which quickly fills with hot water. To this day, he doesn’t know how Itachi manages those cold ones. He’d sooner cut off his left hand. Whatever benefits the elder brother claims they have are not worth it. Within seven minutes he’s back out, toweling off and getting dressed. Lacing up his shoes, he abandons the apartment bedroom and heads instead into the belly of the flat. Breakfast is two hard boiled eggs and toast, all washed down with a cup of coffee. While he indulges in meals out fairly often, today just feels like a morning in kind of day.
Finally checking his phone, he notes the small nine-plus on his messages. Seems he was pretty popular after heading to bed last -
Opening his messages, he can’t help a flinch. They’re all (but one) from Sakura. The extra is from his brother, reminding him of a meeting they have this afternoon with a client. The rest he builds up courage for before opening.
It’s a long tirade that bounces between anger, woe-is-me, accusations, pleads for pity...a typical Sakura exchange. Seems her being fired yesterday didn’t go over well...and she is, as he predicted, blaming him. Claiming it’s all an elaborate hoax to get her out of his hair.
...well, she’s half right. His father’s decision to remove her was a good segue into him telling her he really isn’t interested anymore. But it wasn’t him who suggested or thought up the move. That was entirely on Fugaku, but...good luck convincing her of that with her mind already made up for his guilt.
Heaving a heavy sigh, he decides to try and head off a reply now.
Sakura, it wasn’t my decision, it was my father’s. I was just as surprised as you were. But you’re right - I think this is as good a sign as any that we need to get some distance. Whatever that was between us...it’s been over for a while now. I have to get to work. For now, we both have some adjusting to do. Good luck.
Maybe a bit blunter than he meant it to sound, but...he’s rather sick of her attitude, anyway.
And all of this reminds him of what, instead, is waiting for him at work.
In the interim as Fugaku finds his younger son a new permanent secretary, Sasuke’s been assigned a temporary one: a girl from their billing department is filling in until a new hire is found. She’s only been there since yesterday, and admittedly Sasuke didn’t see much of her - she spent a great deal of time being walked through the process by Itachi’s assistant. Thankfully Sasuke’s day had been pretty light, and he hadn’t really needed her for anything.
...there’s just one problem.
She’s really cute.
And Fugaku had given him a lecture about office romances when he’d broken the news about Sakura’s being let go, citing his fallout with her as a small but real part of her being fired. But Sakura, to be fair, hadn’t really been much of anything except a casual, once-in-a-blue moon sort of deal. Her ‘distraction’ had been minimal at best, and it was far more her behavior that got her sacked. Sasuke’s attitude toward her making her sour had just been a chip off the iceberg.
Now she’s out of the picture, and Hinata - the girl from billing - will be there two weeks tops, according to his father. Then back to billing she’ll go, several floors down. And Sasuke’s new help, as Fugaku warned, will be someone he won’t be too keen on sleeping with, in hopes of curbing his tendency to make the office...tense.
Which, in his mind, isn’t wholly fair. Sakura was the one who made it such a big deal...and it was the only time it happened. It wasn’t like he had a list ten people long he’s messed around with! The way Fugaku spoke made it sound like a bad habit…
But now he’s got this to deal with. Hinata. Unlike Sakura, she’s been charming, sweet, and far more polite. As much as he hated to admit it...he was a bit smitten almost immediately. And he did not want to prove his father right. So, he’d holed himself up in his office, watching through the windows as she got mini lessons from the other secretary.
So...what to do. She won’t be in the department forever - and Fugaku had, even if he hadn’t been wholly serious, suggested that being that removed would make any possible relations more...excusable. Should things go south, they wouldn’t be forced into close quarters like he and Sakura had been.
But his pride also tells him it’s a dumb idea if only because he knows his father will give him shit about it.
Scowling to himself, Sasuke glances at his phone - he’d better get going, or he’s going to be late.
He can’t avoid her forever.
Thankfully it’s a short drive to the proper building, and then an elevator ride to the right floor. It’s already bustling - any day a new client comes to have talks, it’s all the executive department can talk about. Itachi’s already agreed to brief him on it - it’s rather last minute, arranged over the weekend and only confirmed yesterday morning.
...to his honest surprise, she’s already there.
Back to him, she’s fishing through a file cabinet by her desk. The top drawer is just a little too tall for her, stood on her tiptoes to peer into it. She’s got a pencil skirt, a dark purple in color that matches the jacket she has on. Dark leggings run all the way down to her shoes, which have just a hint of heel (and yet still not enough to see what she’s looking for). While it had been down yesterday, her hair is caught up in a neat bun this morning.
To his own aggravation, he finds himself subtly giving her backside a glance. He can’t really help himself - that skirt is just -
Startled from his staring, Sasuke makes to appear as though he’s just approaching, watching as Hinata fetches a file folder before closing the drawer and smiling. “Find what you you were looking for?”
It’s her turn to jump a bit, not expecting him to be so close. “O-oh! Mr. - um...Sasuke! You got a flag from your brother asking you to look over some, um...some forms that pertain to your meeting this afternoon. I believe these are the c-correct ones.”
Head tilting in interest, he accepts the file and skims through it. “Seem to be. I’ll double check with him just to be sure. Thanks for digging them out.”
“Of course!”
Shutting the folder, he looks back up to her. “...seems you’re settling in okay. Anything giving you grief yet?”
“Not so far, no...a-any questions I’ve had, your brother’s assistant has been able to help me with! I think I have the hang of the b-basics. I’ve been trying not to bother her too much...I want to try to get the r-rest on my own. Unless, um...unless something pressing comes up, of course. I don’t want to waste any of your time -”
“It’s fine. It’s pretty rare anything has less than a day’s turnaround. And if they do, you’ll know, and she can help you.”
A light shade of flustered pink alights her cheeks, and he inwardly curses. “Ah...all right. Well, um...I’ll let you get to it! Your brother wanted you to l-look over those forms sometime before this afternoon, so...I don’t want to distract you.”
“All right - I’ll page you if anything else comes up.”
“Got it!”
Taking the file with him, he closes the door to his office and sets it on his desk, standing for a moment with a heavy sigh.
...this isn’t going well. It isn’t going well at all. Why did it have to be her out of anyone in billing? She’s so damn distracting! And not in bad ways, he just...really doesn’t need this right now. Any other time…
A hand reaches and eases at the tension in his brow. Well...best he start going over the paperwork. He rarely has to do much in meetings like this - mostly just pay attention and help make sure nothing is awry - another pair of eyes and ears. But Itachi seems a bit more serious about this one than usual, so...best he put in the effort.
And maybe it’ll help get other things off his mind...
     (This is a sequel to day 262!)      The sequel no one saw coming xD I know continuing this one - especially almost 100 days later - is SUPER random, but I couldn't NOT do something office related with a prompt like 'file folder' lol - and I like this concept anyway =w=      Poor Sasuke. He goes from a not-great hookup with one secretary (and getting in trouble for it) to having one even CUTER and more appealing show up! He just can't catch a break! Well...maybe once she goes back to billing, he can give this a shot. Otherwise, his pride (and his dad xD) won't stand for it.      Anywho, I'm still UBER behind, like...17? 18 days? I can't math, but uh...a lot. idk if I'll really have time to do much catching up before the end of the year, but obviously at least SOME of it will spill over into 2020. Whoops? Can't really be helped though, life has just been too much to keep up here like I wanted, but...I won't get too much into that. This was Dec 5's prompt, and uh...well, it's 3am, so it's technically the 23 here, so...yeah, I'm very behind :'D But I'll finish up whenever I can - just wanted to reiterate that, aha~      But for now, it's late, as always...I need to sleep. Thanks for reading!
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a run-down of / my thoughts on the novel ‘trade secrets’
so! i’ve recently finished this beautifully written novel by @bettsican​, and am anxiously anticipating for the second book in the trilogy! (seriously, give it a read. it’s a great lgbtq+ thriller and mystery story, i promise you’ll love it!! you can find trade secrets in many places, including amazon, where it’s only $6)
as i was reading it, i noted down all the thoughts i had. it was fun, interesting, and kept me on the edge of my seat!
oh, and spoiler warning, of course.
Chapter One
okay. this is interesting. why are they in paris? or rather, why are they NOT in paris?
2080. damn.
who is cooper hall and why is he important i want to knowwwwwwww
Chapter Two
-ahem- anyway
nate literally everything you think of has to relate to smoking, doesnt it?
clyde you absolutely bitch raccoon
im sort of piecing together what’s happening here? either way this is a SUPER interesting concept.
i love the idea of every word being important
nate look at you being a nice guy. testing the CAPS before giving them to ur clients
or maybe it’s just good business
but whatever
okay, so credits are money in this world. but how do people get them? obviously there’s what nate’s doing but what’s the legal way to get them? ill probably find out soon
if it wasnt explicitly said by betty that nate ends up with another guy (i forget his name. cooper?) i would have thought audry was the romantic interest
audry you loving caring hypocrite
i feel like she’s gonna be one of my favourite characters
who is this young man that dares disturb nate’s slumber
cooper? cooper.
Chapter Three
nate get up
u turtle get up and hurry down the stairs
or—okay you can fall into that drywall that works too
ohhhhh so nate is a detective. that’s interesting
i also love this idea of keeping secrets (haha trade secrets)
dude are you sure that your embarrassing entrance wasn’t the ONLY reason you blushed? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
nate ur spending an awful lot of time looking at his features you funky little bisexual
oh damn ur smarter than u seem, just watching him take a single breath and you’re already making connections. i guess that’s why he’s a detective
im gonna assume this is cooper, even tho it never explicitly says so
i feel like we aren’t gonna get his name for a while, bc clients and whatnot and not getting attached
Chapter Four
that’s kind of cute
im lowkey gay rn
oh he has curly brown hair
and oh the glasses aren’t real glasses. oh. the use is actually pretty cool!
so from what im gathering civilians are people who don’t live in sanctuaries, and lemnis are people who do?
cooper sweetie why do u need so much money what have u done
nate’s pretty clever
well that’s that i guess
Chapter Five
he’s so timid awh
hehe he’s on nate’s bed
goddammit man calm down or else you’re gonna get everyone in a 5-mile radius around you arrested
wait…. zero-credit balance?? didn’t he just have a few hundred thousand credits???
so cooper isn’t his real name either
Chapter Six
oh we’re back to 2080
oh they’re back in the apartment??
it was obvious before but at this point it’s confirmed that they’re going to be doing some travelling together or something
Chapter Seven
this is getting really interesting i dont wanna stop reading and type everything that comes to mind
these are gonna be shorter now hehe
“i’d been a petri dish of mixed emotions and wild chemical changes for half the day” I LOVE THAT METAPHOR LMFAO
what happened with nate’s mom
i want to know
my prediction: she wanted him to either change up or completely remove the chip bc she did something horrible? or maybe she just wanted to leave idk im bad at predictions
either way it said she was crazy
o h
that’s why he’s terrified of cutting the chip
poor nate
Chapter Eight
oh this is strangely intimate
very intimate
i feel that, because cooper has such high pain tolerance (or doesn’t show pain), he has some backstory for it
Chapter Nine
lmao nate just went off didnt he
also is being lgbtq+ widely accepted as the norm in this setting? bc nate considered cooper to be flirting with him
ughhhh it’s so good so far, from the character interactions to the suspense, especially in this chapter
Chapter Ten
rude cooper is rude, rude nate is even more rude
Chapter Eleven
aw i love jimmy already—
what the fuck is cooper hiding
cooper oh my god
you’re playing a dangerous game, mate
are you really that heartless
“deceptively innocent eyes” you got that right
this chapter hurted
thanks a lot jess
Chapter Twelve
“like a weeping wound on the canvas of my home” this has got to be one of my favourite similes ever omg
the way nate’s describing cooper makes my heart hurt awh
i feel like butterflies have some sort of symbolism
maybe being ugly on the outside and beautiful on the inside, or vice versa? the vice versa was basically cooper lol
aye we finally get to meet audry!!
i love audry omg
“bright eyes” is the cutest nickname ever
Chapter Thirteen
oh we’re back to 2080
wait what they’re trapped together
is this story gonna have a sad ending
please no
Chapter Fourteen
i like that
nate’s back to where he left cooper
also if it wasn’t obvious before, it’s definitely obvious now that nate and cooper or gonna find each other again. hm. not sure how i feel about that
kind of pissed at cooper but also we need him for the story to progress
also who is ‘her’?
nate’s in danger
wow this chapter is
a lot
i need a break
-cue a break-
Chapter Fifteen
i’m back
eisley is a cool last name
oh wait so even people outside of sanctuaries can become a lemniscate
i’m still not 100% sure what a lemniscate is
it’s so ironic elijah’s last name is king, but i assume you did that on purpose. i also like the slight nod to royalty by his first name
why hello there
Chapter Sixteen
to become a lemniscate
and one of them dies
do they fight back?? is that why they end up in prison??? so many thoughts are going through my head right now
nate, your fantasy about becoming a lemniscate is surprisingly dark. i’m totally down for it
Chapter Seventeen
oh wait so joshua is cooper’s blackmailer?? Interesting that it’s a lemniscate
i keep forgetting nate is wearing glasses
cooper, my dude, calm the fuck down. you’re gonna get yourself and nate killed
it’s the return of soft™ nate
Chapter Eighteen
oh there’s another one
oh this is very ominous i don’t like
Chapter Nineteen – Twenty-One
okay i was eating while i read so i couldn’t type here but just know that these chapters were really really good
Chapter Twenty-Two
wait fuck what’s happening this is all happening so fast
cooper brought out his gun,,,, it’s aimed at ivonne,,,,,,, they’re walking,,,
i like ivonne a lot
Chapter Twenty-Three
the entire story just changed course
this isn’t just about cooper and nate anymore, it’s about a corrupt government
also the line “only the dead are ever truly free” is beautiful
I’m so curious to find out where this story is going
Chapter Twenty-Four
this is doin me a confusion
but tbh these hints/ visions of the future, if you could call them that, are giving just enough information to keep me super interested. props to you
Chapter Twenty-Five
just joking keep doing it, this might actually get their relationship somewhere
ivonne is definitely my favourite character so far. she reminds a little of melia from xenoblade chronicles, in that they’re both ‘royalty’ that rebel. also they’re badass and smart
oh fuck the brother is here
okay thank god he’s not an asshole
oh god things are happening again
Chapter Twenty-Six
nate stop ogling at cooper when you’re in a life-or-death situation
holy shit the lemniscate are messed up
this crew is pretty great, it sucks that it’s almost the end of the book
awwww yiss
Chapter Twenty-Seven
oh my god i ship them so hard
this chapter was art thank you so much for this
Chapter Twenty-Eight
once again, i’d like to state how much i love her
oh the tension just grew twentyfold
this is… great
oh god nate what are you planning, you just got together with cooper and now you want to leave him?
Chapter Twenty-Nine
what’s with all the dancing?
Chapter Thirty
oh god the description
so he’s going around and giving people credits, all the while confessing things that would help the lemniscate track him down. i assume this means he’s going to die, but why?
just what are you planning?
oh we’re back to clyde, the guy who started it all. it feels full circle
Chapter Thirty-One
that’s much smarter
everything’s going downhill now isn’t it
Chapter Thirty-Two
wait that took an even darker turn
there’s so much happening right now i can’thandlethis
cooper and nate are couple goals
Chapter Thirty-Three
king isn’t as horrible as i thought
still horrible, but not a monster
Chapter Thirty-Four
i need the next book
like right now
what the hell
Final Thoughts
okay so this book was SO good, and so well written. like damn
aside from that horrible ending how could you do this to me
i’m joking, it was an incredible and emotional ending, i loved it and hated it at the same time
it very rarely felt static, and especially in the first half, there was a good mix of action and backstory/description. it was never boring
the story is just,,, so unique. i seriously haven’t read anything like it, EVER
the world-building?? Is?? so vast?? and insane??
the increasing tension and speed as the story progressed is perfect, i felt my heart beating faster the more i read
anyway that’s all from me
this book was amazing i cannot wait for the next
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blackjacketmuses · 5 years
hc; og dante 12
In honor of @dwellsinme​ who inspired me with her HC to post mine, because I’ve had it but haven’t gotten around to actually posting about it.
Dante - my Dante - is very much ADHD. 
It’s kind of a tossup whether his nature as a hybrid has anything to do with it (see: PJO series), but he is definitely, definitely ADHD and has been since he was a kid. Unfortunately, in the late 70s-early 80s, neurodivergence wasn’t as big or talked about a concept, so no one really had any idea, and Dante’s so detached from the normal human life at this point it’s probably never come up and never will. He functions....as well as one would expect with that on top of cPTSD and depression, but, yknow, he manages. So it’s never been a real, true problem. Drove his parents and teachers crazy as a little, and definitely drives people crazy now, but...that’s just how Dante is.
I’m gonna go into more detail under a cut just because long post incoming:
To start I’m just gonna drop a list of symptoms here, so you can kinda see what I’m getting at: bolding is mine, and is the symptoms Dante visibly explicitly shows and expresses (for the record, he definitely has combined type, which has symptoms of both inattentive and hyperactive)---
Inattentive type:
Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
Have difficulty maintaining focus on one task
Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless doing something they find enjoyable
Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing or completing a task
Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities
Appear not to be listening when spoken to
Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly
Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others
Struggle to follow instructions
Have trouble understanding details; overlooks details
Hyperactive type:
Fidget or squirm a great deal
Talk nonstop
Dash around, touching or playing with anything and everything in sight
Have trouble sitting still during dinner, school, and while doing homework
Be constantly in motion
Have difficulty performing quiet tasks or activities
Be impatient
Blurt out inappropriate comments, show their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for consequences
Have difficulty waiting for things they want or waiting their turn in games
Often interrupt conversations or others' activities
Okay, so maybe he leans a lot heavier into hyperactive type, but, I mean. Watch him doing stuff, especially in 3 and 4 --- he’s definitely very easily distracted, doesn’t seem to listen a lot, and focus is only kept when he’s really interested in something, otherwise he super ignores it. And details? Ha! What are those, he just jumps in and does things.
As for the hyperactive symptoms, I don’t think I need to point out many specific instances, it’s...we all see it. He’s constantly running his mouth, constantly in motion, constantly moving, playing with things, bouncing on his feet, fidgeting, fighting, moving a lot as he fights...I mean look at him playing with every single new toy he gets immediately, and especially look at him with Cerberus. He’s loud, he’s present, he’s very impatient --- we see that a lot in 3 re: puzzles and locks --- and honestly he’s very good at interrupting people. Not to mention that thing about saying inappropriate things, and being unable to restrain emotions or actions? Definitely Dante, demonstrably so.
Other symptoms Dante definitely has --- and this is speaking as me, an ADHD person, who sees a lot of my bullshit in Dante --- are:
MOTIVATION ISSUES (don’t @ me Vergil): Look at this guy, he can’t or won’t do anything that doesn’t click into his interests (and even then!!) unless he gets pushed or bullied or bribed into it. He needs to be given a significant and heavy reason to get up and do shit, otherwise he’ll just sit around or blow it off and claim pickiness. And sure, he is picky --- because specific criteria on What Will Interest Him is another ADHD thing!! --- but man, even then, you can see in the anime he has to be pushed out the door to get shit done sometimes. This is clearly contributing to his broke situation. And when he’s Depressed it’s worse, look at the state of his office in 5!!
REJECTION SENSITIVE DYSPHORIA: Now this one isn’t quite as obvious, because he’s REALLY GOOD at pretending he’s fine, but he really does not cope well with being yelled at/rejection/being pushed away by people, especially people he likes. That’s a mood. This was worse by far when he was a kid, and is part of why he’s such a pushover and can easily be bullied into doing things for people he likes or people he wants to like him. He doesn’t want to be rejected or criticized, so time to do what they want me to! No problem, no argument!
SLEEP PROBLEMS: Either he is like LOOK MA NO SLEEP I CAN DO THIS ALL WEEK or he’s sleeping constantly and looking like Rip Van fucking Winkle. Now this does overlap with the depression, but ADHD internal clocks are borked to hell and back, too, so his sleep schedule and how much/little he sleeps is just. What even. How. 
TIME PROBLEMS: Either something is Now or it is Not Now and if it is Not Now it is not worth caring about or worrying about.
IMPULSE CONTROL: As mentioned above, but with the added problem of “what is delayed gratification I don’t know her”, and needing rewards for what he’s doing Now Please Thanks.
DECISION MAKING: When confronted with difficult decisions, either you a) freeze because AAHHHH TOO MUCH or b) just Do Something because panic without thinking. Also what the FUCK is a plan, there are no plans, plans don’t exist.
BOREDOM IS EVIL: No being bored, ever, oh god, nope, fuck that cannot be bored boredom is the devil and causes BAD BAD THINGS. Must always be doing things, needs entertainment, needs stimulation or will quickly devolve into a lump on the couch. If thing is boring, will NOT do it, nope, fuck that.
CHILDLIKE BEHAVIOR: Like whew. I mean. Local 42yo man acts like a 10yo boy pretending to be an 80s action hero like in the movies, constantly, as if he thinks that mimicking that is how Adults Are. And just, generally acting like an enormous child.
WEIRD KID: Just...generally coming off as weird or different or Outside The Norm, not good with normal human social cues and responses to things, acts weird and like an outcast and doesn’t seem to quite fit in with normal people.
MUSIC...GOOD: This is more subjective, but Dante’s thing with music strikes me as a thing mostly because I am that person who NEEDS TO BE LISTENING TO MUSIC ALL THE TIME HOLY SHIT, I CANNOT STAND IF THERE IS NO BACKGROUND NOISE TO MY LIFE. I get so antsy I want to jump off a cliff when there’s no background noise/music in the car and I Need music on to do anything; but at the same time I can’t listen to podcasts or videos because music I just tune out and it’s There, Good, Wonderful, but if it’s something to concentrate on with Words To Understand, it is BAD and it needs Full Focus or I Don’t Hear SHIT. So, yeah, that too.
NON SEQUITURS EVERYWHERE: You know that THING where topic A comes up and in your head you jump ahead five things in a way only you understand, and then you speak up and bring up topic F out of nowhere because YOU got to it in your head but everyone else is like what the fuck, so you kinda shut up or laugh it off? Yeah. Also that other feel when you’re still on topic B but the rest of the group went on to topic C or D and you’re internally screaming because NO I STILL HAVE SOMETHING ELSE TO SAY GET BACK HERE.
BAD AT HEARING THINGS: Needs VERY specific instructions, but also things need repeating a lot because he’s quick to accidentally tune stuff out.
READING: Trouble reading LONG blocks of text. Magazines Good, short articles Good.
Local Man Laughs At Own Jokes, WHAT THEY’RE FUNNY
MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING: He did this more as a kid, but it still applies; local child looks like he’s just kind of vibrating quietly but otherwise paying attention? NOPE he’s having an epic adventure in his head and is not listening to a word. Vergil will tell him later if it’s important.
THE LEG BOUNCE: Speaking of, he CANNOT SIT STILL. He’s at the MINIMUM rocking in his seat or bouncing his foot or tapping his fingers, sometimes as chords to a guitar but other times just taptaptap.
Stopping What Is Stopping, or alternatively, HOW TO START EVEN IDK.
Getting/being increasingly SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE but just sitting there with a smile while internally going AAAAAAAAAAAAA in increasing volume, because you have no idea how to disengage.
Things not immediately in view or immediately important Cease To Exist Entirely.
Is the only member of this family who can drink caffeine, ADHD cancels the effect out.
Actually Pretty Goddamn Smart, but the disconnect of not having any education after 5th grade and that GOOD GOOD RSD thanks to bitchy clients kicked in and he internalized that he’s dumb now oops, might as well not try. See Also That Good Good RSD RE: bitchy dates, guess he’s just A Terrible Date, whoops, gonna just Not do that anymore. Basically if enough people give him shit about a thing, guess he’s just NOT gonna do that thing anymore!! Yep!!!
Bad at doing things The Proper Way, procedures and rules and bureaucracy are BORING GOTTA GET STUFF DONE NOW MY WAY. Never showed his work in math ever. 
Actually really smart, but got in trouble a lot for lack of visibly paying attention, being unable to sit still in class, and not following instructions. He could do the work and do it right, with or without listening to the lecture, but because he did it on his own terms and by his own rules, even if he got the right answer, he got in trouble. RSD convinced him later in life he was an idiot, but he still is really good at out of the box thinking and figuring shit out with limited information.
Bad habit of WORRY when understimulated, also tendency towards insecurity, this is made WORSE x100 by his PTSD. Not to mention a bit of chronic low self esteem because of most of the above.
Low self esteem feeds into really bad self-awareness; he really doesn’t quite understand or process the effects he has on people, for good or ill.
ADDICTIVE!! BEHAVIOR!!! (see: The Booze)
Stopping this here because a) you get my point by now and b) I’M going full ADHD on fixating on this post so I’m cutting myself off here. Anyway, yeah. There’s this.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
idfc anymore
I was tempted to go anonymous but I am far too tired.
I haven't really made a post yet, I've just been following this blog for quite a while as a release as I'm sure is the same for most. But things have changed and I thought for the better, not so sure now.
this does not include the 2nd job I'd gotten WHILE working this one, which put me at 7 days a week, a little around 60 hours a week, for 9 months. That in itself was hell and requires an entirely different submission.
It'll probably get long so just scroll to the tl;dr at the bottom if you want idc.
When I had just graduated HS, I waited the summer out before applying for a job. I already knew I wasn't going to college - a 2.3GPA isn't going to get you anywhere, especially when you're in the working class just brushing the poverty line. Getting loans is not something I wanted to do either, since everyone I'd ever met, seen, or heard who'd gotten them were miserable fcks.
At the suggestion of a relative I dropped off my resume everywhere it interested me. I got hired. Things looked good. I bonded with one of the coworkers, wasn't so bad. But I was inexperienced. And their idea of 'training' was to send 3 different people from 3 different parts of the business to train me on their own time, separately, and then argue about it because either something was miscommunicated i.e I was taught to do something one way but another person said that was wrong so they'd scold me and then "re-teach" me. This went on for a few weeks.
Okay, cool, fine. Whatever. That's stupid, you do you. Shit kind of improves. But because of this miscommunication, I get a write up for talking to one of the co-workers about something I wasn't supposed to because technically they're NOT a coworker and I don't find out exactly what that means until later (paid under the table) nor was I told I couldn't speak to them about the fact that this random ass volunteer was not only getting in the way of my work, but was being a safety hazard for my clients, despite my many warnings and corrections. Because obviously we are a hive mind and I must know that 1. Do not speak to paid-under-the-table "employees" 2. Do not tell mentally unstable child to not crawl into bin and taunt clients 3. Especially do not ban him when he was spraying the hose nozzle directly at clients.
So I get a "strike". Boss lady holds out her fingers and ticks them off once by one, as If I had made a horrible grievance upon the business. I'd only been working there for a few months, I believe. Still early, still new. Still young, fresh out of HS. 
A little back story cause I really feel this is integral to the story and hopefully for those with the same issues will look at this like "ye same" and those who haven't might be able to understand the following actions on the part of myself and others. Either way, here you go:
I've got diagnosed C-PTSD, Anxiety, Depression Bipolar, and ADHD. It has been heavily suggested I also fall along the Autism spectrum (by various doctors and nurses). I am also a victim of emotional, psychological, mental, and physical abuse (with a little stockholm I recently discovered, it's not something you yourself are generally aware of and now that I am it's ... It's worse than if I didn't know.), and I have been suffering with it for as long as I've been consciously aware to the present day. I don't always like to be so forthright with this kind of knowledge because there are quite a few people that either don't believe me, or then don't think I'm reliable enough to function and/or work. So it's usually best I don't.
And during the entire time of my employment there, I underwent a lot of manipulation and emotional abuse. A lot. By a person who believed they were doing a service for others. 
The months go on. I continue to be mistreated but it doesn't get bad until my family decide they want to adopt from the shelter boss lady also happens to run. I'm at work and I am notified of the cutest little puppy who had just gotten surrendered. I immediately asked my parents if they'd like the foster (we'd been looking for a 'family dog'). Said yes but couldn't get down there. I said that's fine, I'll fill the paperwork out. So I go to the other side and I fill everything out, we're set. We go home later on and she fits in perfectly. We decide then we'll adopt her come morning when the shelter opens up again.
Morning comes, I'm about ready to walk out the door to go to work, but I'm sent a message from one of the coworkers. "Bring the puppy in" was essentially the message being sent. Puppy's mom had originally surrendered puppy because she couldn't find a place to live that would accept dogs. So she surrendered her. But then in the morning she found a place. What a moron. Anyway.
Boss lady accepted her to having her dog back. No communication to me other than "Bring the dog in". Well we were about to adopt. Essentially what this scenario was turning into was: You work for me, therefore I 1. Don't have to explain myself 2. You work for me 3. The dog is my property.
So I'm texting the coworker back and forth like "Uh I need a little more info, also my parents want to talk with the ACO". This takes way too long, I eventually get the number, mom and ACO have a chat. I thought it went well. Apparently it didn't. He was giving her the script, paraphrased and a little blase. Moms pissed, understandably. She blows it out of proportion, note she's a psychotic bitxch and does this often with everything involving life but I can see where she's coming from with this. I'm like alright well I have to go to work, good luck barring the doors from the "Police". We go to work and it's kind of fcked.
We open the doors and everyone goes silent and turns towards us, in the kind of way you know they were just talking about you. Cause we got everyone in one room. The Boss Lady, the girl txting me over the phone, the ACO, some unnamed volunteer[s]. It's fcking uncomfortable and idk whats going on. The coworker I'd been txting was known and a little too happy to gossip, run her mouth, and cause problems. I was not surprised this was what was going on, but it didn't make me any less pissed.
Boss Lady confronts relative who'd dropped me off at work. He barely says a word, just stares at her, while she's maybe a couple inches from him. She says things like "Don't stare at me like that, this is how it works" "They are MY property, and as MY property I CAN call the police and they WILL show up on your front door do you want that?" "Peeriet, go with him to get the dog so I know she's coming back." And other really really volatile bullshit. The fact that she called the puppy her PROPERTY, threatened to call the POLICE, like...I was there during all of these interactions. My texts were neutral and just asking questions, my moms convo with the ACO was really calm and easy, and the relative was doing nothing but standing there and staring as she went off her rocker. So. 
I said no, I have to go to work, I'm not going with him to get the dog but he's going to get her. So he goes, I clock in, I leave.
I go to my job and vent to my coworker about the situation because I was still trying to wrap my head around it, when the ACO shows up wanting to have a private "chat."
The fcking conversation went something like this.
"So uh, you really care about your job, right?"
this fcking asshole was alluding, in so many words, probably to get the point across while also saving his ass so if I had gone to anyone saying he THREATENED MY POSITION OVER MY HEAD TO MAKE ME COOPERATE it may have been a problem. Wonder why.
So I said yeah, it's not even an issue also, they're bringing the dog back, etc. They'd even said because I filled out the application under my name that I was liable for anything to happen if it were to happen and that, because it's under my name, well, shucks, this is all your responsibility at the end of the day, we can wipe our hands clean and call it good.
Even though we were following the 'rules' and never once 1. Yelled 2. Caused a scene 3. Refused 4. Or threatened.
So that's settled. I thought. I go home and moms pissed. Que the next few weeks of absolute stupid shit storm via the internet by way of her leaving a trail of bad reviews. Of course this falls on me.
Everything my mom ever did or said, was my fault, as they "alluded" because we can't tell the truth in this business lest we be taken to court for whatever illegal activity we're probably doing behind closed doors.
So that started a whole new thing. They're hatred becomes amplified. Coworkers I'd bonded or befriended just outright stopped talking to me, barely acknowledging my precense and going to my manager for anything, including relaying messages to me. This did not stop for another 2 years.
So eventually things calm down, as calm as it could get. I continue to get harassed a lot, manipulated. I get injured at work fairly frequently, more than most - injuries that required medical treatment. I lied my first visit because it was after work. I was truthful the other time. I'd already been told by a few coworkers but Boss Lady specifically had a few special conversations with me about not telling any of my family I got injured at work, "Because you know how your mom is". They always spoke too sweetly, too nicely and feeding me excuses to cover up the real reasons. And I'd been so used to abuse my whole life that stockholm was bleeding into my work life and if anyone has ever fcking experienced that, it is fcking hell.
So I didn't tell anyone.
Until I'd gotten injured real bad. A dog had clamped full jaws onto my leg and shook. I had an indent for every tooth, including at least 3 deep punctures. I had it disinfected, shot a water missile into the punctures to make sure debris was out, wrapped, and given meds, orally and topically. I limped when I went home. And at the weekend went bye, I continued to get worse emotionally. I couldn't keep this a secret, I was experiencing actual physical pain because of the situation I'd been put under and I, mentally, could not cope. So I blew up in the kitchen. I had a meltdown, I showed my leg, I explained what happened, I said sorry but that I couldn't hide it anymore. 
The next day or days at work I told boss lady I couldn't hide it. I just couldn't. She backpeddled, explained "Oh no no, you shouldn't feel like you have to hide it, I never said that." This was her keyphrase after being called out for every single threat, warning, and manipulation. "I never said that.". Because it was true. She didn't. She said it in a way that couldn't hold her accountable in any true legal situation.
Months go by. I continue with the abuse not just at home but at work now. Abuse most people wouldn't even consider was abuse, but unfortunately I'd been groomed for this sort of thing my entire life, so when it happened at work? I fit in so naturally I didn't even know it was abuse/wrong until I'd left. 
And the real kicker is that she knew of my mental disorders. Because when stockholm had got me good, and I was especially tired, and I'd suffered some real hard shit at home, I'd break and I'd confess to boss lady in hopes of some kind of understanding: See, this is what I deal with, please don't mistreat me.
I wrote letters. I tried talking to her one on one. I tried working so hard at work to show how good I'd gotten.
Each letter was misunderstood. She'd bring me into her office after our oral talk and tell me that, because of what I'd written, I could be misunderstood, taken 'at my word.' "Well it says here that you don't ... want to work with your clients? Well if this is true then I legally can't have you with them. Because you wrote it. And legally I have to put this in your file." So I had to rewrite it, delete everything incriminating so I was left with my personal feelings.
Talking with her wasn't possible. She used tactics my mother does, so I physically couldn't talk, and I did, it was only "Sorrys" and "Thank yous" and accepting I was wrong and she was right and yes, I understand.
Working hard didn't work. I paid for my training personally and attended a school solely to improve. I kept making mistakes though. I wasn't good enough. I was doing some of the work my manager was with none of the pay, none of the acknowledgment or acceptance. I brought her in money, and clients, and good reviews, for nothing more than what I'd already had. Because she knew I wouldn't fight for it. Because she knew I'd continue giving her money and she didn't have to shell out anything more. And legally she didn't have to, because I had no experience, I was out of HS, and no official schooling.
But she'd always give me 'tidbits' of 'rewards'. The kicker for anyone with stockholm and/or abuse is you can basically continue to abuse them without too much issue if they 'reward' you and make it seem like they're doing you a favour. You know what I mean?
So she'd have occasionally 'positive' conversations, or she'd 'comment' something good about me, but I really loved when she'd give me a .50cent raise about twice in 2 years disguising it under her "charity" when it was probably because it was actually required. Cause in her office I was like "Why do I have a .50cent raise?" "Why are you asking, that's not something you normally ask when getting a raise." "???" "It's cause -....Just be thankful" Yeeee you see that? See that? How she almost said something but didn't? Yeah.
When she hired a new person they actually made about the same as me but more than another coworker, who'd been there longer, and when asked, boss lady said she basically didn't want to pay him if he wasn't sticking around (What kind of bullshit is that). He was. He corrected her, and his pay got fixed.
Again, months passed. Sometimes It'd be so good and I truly loved my job. I formed relationships with the clients to this day I can't think about because I get emotional. And every time she would critique me. Make things harder for us, she'd always be watching us on the cameras, and if she didn't see us, she'd assume we weren't working. She'd even come out of office to walk by just to watch us as she passed. 
2 months ago she made some changes. She'd hired someone that was her irl friend. The entire business save 1 or 2 people, were connected either by blood, marriage, or irl friendship. Which wasn't a good thing.
So she hires this new manager. Does ok for maybe a week or two. But then they started making some changes. She redid how we did our payments and filed clients in a really convoluted way. We went back to the old system in a week.
Then she switched everyones schedules. Really inconveniently and without asking anyone for confirmation like she said. She never even spoke to me like she did the others. 
Then she wanted opening crew to take our lunches back to back. Which made the early morning person take their lunch 6-7 hours after they'd already been clocked on, and me take mine only a couple hours after I'd been clocked on. Well, what about the afternoon crew?
Afternoon crew, as Boss lady told our manager and new morning crew person, didn't have to take a lunch now because of the new schedule. Which put him at over 5/5.5 hours anyway, despite the hour cut.
My hours were being cut. She'd just hired new manager and new morning crew, who'd taken over everything of mine previously. She'd also already fired a few people, and the new minimum wage mandatory increase was right around the corner.
I watched my hours. I waited. Few days pass. The next week comes, everyones on edge, I'm a fireball.
She tells us we're not allowed to keep our "belongings" with the rest of the other clients when we're on lunch. We must remove them into an entire separate room, because they would otherwise make our numbers higher (of total clients allowed in a space per person ratio) and thus become "illegal". We'd been seen by a health inspector twice in a year or so by request of a client who wasn't too keen on our 'policies'. Boss Lady was adamantly covering bases, which meant fcking everyone over.
It was kind of the last straw. I applied elsewhere, got accepted, and left. I spent 2 weeks after my last day literally going through a detox/withdrawal. I became physically ill. I had mental breakdowns about once every couple days. It was hell, it was horrible. I hated every minute of it.
Someone else left. A month later another person left. Several people that'd gotten hired have already been fired. And apparently a business too similar to the glory days of the place I'd left, has moved a couple blocks down the road to a second location. 
I've gotten a new job, but It's only partially an improvement, and I am still affected everyday by the abuse I'd suffered at that place, coupled with everything I already go through at home. And I am tired, and I do this alone, and I've been looking for a place to move into for years but minimum wage isn't a livable wage.
I am tired.
tl;dr how tf do you even summarize that?
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imabookmarkaddict · 4 years
trevor is cheesy, markus’ thoughts on hanging and banging
Poor trevor trying to understand anything markus says
puzzlezToday at 3:45 AM
yeh i already have an idea for how markus explains it
3:46 AM
i was thinking the series could be something like idfk
WelshenToday at 3:46 AM
Yeah okay good i just didnt wanna put u in a place of trying to describe something supernatural
3:47 AM
Markus is good at recognizing patterns too so series of numbers r p easy to notice
puzzlezToday at 3:47 AM
13 7 21 18 12 1 23 17 6 3 22
3:47 AM
where it's 3 series of numbers that alternate or smth
3:47 AM
they all go up by 5
3:48 AM
13 to 18 to 23, 7 to 12 to 17, 21 to 1 to 6
3:48 AM
if u can even see it god nowi'm like markus
3:48 AM
but he has no idea how to explain it to trevor
WelshenToday at 3:48 AM
Oh god yeah exact
puzzlezToday at 3:48 AM
so he just writes it down and shows it to trevor like see u see the pattern
3:48 AM
and trevor is just staring at a string of random numbers
WelshenToday at 3:48 AM
Its like trevor explaining morning runs to markus
puzzlezToday at 3:48 AM
...tf drugs u on
3:48 AM
and markus just keeps writing numbers
3:49 AM
like do u see the pattern?
3:49 AM
here i'll do another one give me a number
3:49 AM
and trevor does and markus writes and then says now you do th next one
3:49 AM
and trevor blinks down at the numbers
3:49 AM
maybe it can get cute
3:49 AM
trevor has no idea what markus is doing and decides time to change subject cuz numbers, lol
3:50 AM
and maybe the last number in the series markus wrote was a 3
WelshenToday at 3:50 AM
Probably? Time for sex education
puzzlezToday at 3:50 AM
and trevor just adds a < to it
3:50 AM
yeh i see the pattern
3:50 AM
WelshenToday at 3:50 AM
Oh thats cheesy christ
puzzlezToday at 3:50 AM
u asked for it
WelshenToday at 3:50 AM
But markus doesnt use phones he has no clue
puzzlezToday at 3:50 AM
hey maybe markus can call him out on it
3:50 AM
oh fuck then it's perfect
3:50 AM
maybe trevor is bad at flirting with guys sometimes??
WelshenToday at 3:51 AM
Im sure he has never tried in his life
puzzlezToday at 3:51 AM
like maybe he tried cheesy stuff with girls and it worked so whenever he feels lost and confused he just defaults to a cheesey cute one liner
WelshenToday at 3:51 AM
Just dates idk cheerleaders and other sporty girls
3:51 AM
Omh yah perf
puzzlezToday at 3:51 AM
how would markus react tho
3:52 AM
would he enjoy it mostly like watching an amusing 5 yo play at dressup
3:52 AM
or would he just cringe like wtf drugs r U on
WelshenToday at 3:53 AM
He would just be confused until he understands and then embarrassed to heck
3:53 AM
Markus doesnt flirt much either u kno
3:54 AM
Its just heres money lets go
puzzlezToday at 3:54 AM
poor thing
3:54 AM
if i remember correctly, will was a smooth talker flirter
WelshenToday at 3:54 AM
3:54 AM
If u mean when he said ur beautiful after like 2mins is smooth
3:54 AM
puzzlezToday at 3:55 AM
so yeah maybe trevor can be bad as heck at flirting until he feels awkward and spits out those one-liner balls of cheese in a rush of panic
3:55 AM
well i'm p sure will thought he was a smooth talker
3:55 AM
ppl probs too polite to point out he ain't
3:55 AM
but yeh thought it might give markus some variation?
3:56 AM
unless u prefer trevor to be good at flirting
WelshenToday at 3:57 AM
No trevor can be bad but markus is equally bad
puzzlezToday at 3:57 AM
3:57 AM
i picture trevor kinda secretly watching markus for cues sometimes on what to do??
3:57 AM
i mean porn shows u terrible, fake, unrealistic sex
WelshenToday at 3:57 AM
And markus is normally not very perceptive
puzzlezToday at 3:57 AM
at best u learn how to bend your hips back forward in impossible yoga/sex moves
3:58 AM
and since he tried those and learned nothing trevor knows nada about actual relationships with dudes
3:58 AM
so i had a feeling he was going to sort of quietly watch markus for leads on what to do
3:58 AM
so markus being bad at teaching + panicked trevor + cheesy pickup line + markus confused + markus not able to flirt back = a terrible awkward but adorable couple of doofuses
3:58 AM
and this i can absolutely work with
WelshenToday at 3:59 AM
Markus can do it technically but not very enthusiastically?? If that makes sense
3:59 AM
He gets better but u kno
3:59 AM
Yes i hope that works
3:59 AM
Theyre both idiots
puzzlezToday at 3:59 AM
i think that makes sense
4:00 AM
maybe squint
4:00 AM
do you mean he like technically knows how/can think of something flirty to say but has no oomph behind it? like no drive to actually look/sound flirty?? or smth else?
WelshenToday at 4:02 AM
Yes pretty much
4:03 AM
I mean hes heard it all obv but that was more or less when he got paid so it sounds fake to him i guess(edited)
4:04 AM
So he can repeat it but i doubt he knows how to mean it? Or that he could stick to things he ACTUALLY means (but hed be too awk to say)
4:04 AM
And that goes for all relationship hijinks
4:05 AM
Jo was a weird mix of paid and cute stalker?? They didnt flirt so much as get along
puzzlezToday at 4:06 AM
yeahh okay
4:06 AM
it makes sense tho
WelshenToday at 4:07 AM
Hey hes a mess
puzzlezToday at 4:07 AM
i made a char who was a prostitute and if deffo made him bad at relationships for similar reasons
4:07 AM
(my ghost waja actually)
4:07 AM
(prostitute ghost waja)
4:07 AM
(v wajas appropriate)
4:07 AM
so then does markus actually uhh like idk enjoy sex?
4:08 AM
if he's done all kinds of stuff from vanilla to crazy-whatever-clients want stuff i'm assuming he's tried/seen most if not all flavors of sex?
4:08 AM
so would it be 100% a chore to get through sex or would he still enjoy it in relationships?
4:09 AM
i wasn't sure how to write the sorta kinda sex scene with trevor for this reason squint
WelshenToday at 4:10 AM
Im pretty sure hes asexual but not aromantic, he definitely thinks its a chore but if its with someone he has a romantic interest in its a fun chore?(edited)
4:10 AM
And at this stage its the only way he knows how to connect with people well guys anyway
4:12 AM
Adam fits him better cuz hes got low interest in sex and markus prefers making out and cuddling?
4:12 AM
Thats like 10years later when markus has gotten some idea of what he prefers tho
4:12 AM
Does that even make sense
puzzlezToday at 4:13 AM
4:13 AM
like i said my one oc was a prostitute and he's of a similar uh... mind? i guess is the word?
4:13 AM
in that regard
WelshenToday at 4:13 AM
4:14 AM
Im sure theres plenty of types of people, but these ones just do it as any other job?
4:14 AM
I think markus referred to it as not much difference to idk toilet janitor, he even prefers this cuz he can lay down and nap lol
puzzlezToday at 4:15 AM
WelshenToday at 4:16 AM
Probably napped while working to be honest
puzzlezToday at 4:16 AM
yeh my char did it purely for money and he's impatient af but decent at acting so an extent to he pretended to enjoy company of his clients for the money but secretly hated most of them and the kinkier ones ruined sex for him in a way? like it's just "pretend and act out these ridiculous things" so he doesn't really enjoy sex, figures it's a chore, just gotta see it through to the end, and that mindset continues with him for a while(edited)
4:16 AM
but i can see markus napping
4:17 AM
lazy bones boy
4:17 AM
so i'm guessing markus wouldn't really initiate sex then
WelshenToday at 4:18 AM
He would if trevor made him uncomfortable enough
4:18 AM
Cuz at lesst he knows how to do THAT
puzzlezToday at 4:19 AM
yeah okay that makes sense
4:19 AM
poor kid tho rofl
4:20 AM
so i'm assuming trevor is bad as gay sex in general because never tried before but
4:20 AM
would he be the type to be eager to learn, like want to please markus in bed, or would he be a more impatient/selfish lover, like i wanna race to the end and if we figure out how to please you along the way, then good perf
WelshenToday at 4:22 AM
Probably the first
4:22 AM
If it was the second one markus would start to feel cheated out of money
4:23 AM
Well i mean its not easy to do but by that i mean even if trevor is done theyd still make out enough for markus to get over it
4:23 AM
4:23 AM
This is very difficult
puzzlezToday at 4:24 AM
omg snort
4:24 AM
i think i get what you mean tho
4:24 AM
markus gets "paid" in uh... affection/devotion?idk if that's the right word but
4:24 AM
trevor focusing on some kind of need of markus would be like "payment" in a convoluted sense for the sex?(edited)
WelshenToday at 4:25 AM
4:25 AM
Pretty much exactly
4:26 AM
Well markus hasnt had a currency free relationship yet
4:27 AM
Thinks every bit of affection is to be paid or payment for smth
4:27 AM
This is babys first real bf tbh(edited)
puzzlezToday at 4:29 AM
WelshenToday at 4:30 AM
4:30 AM
Well trevors too
puzzlezToday at 4:30 AM
okay yeh i thought you meant markus/trevor
4:30 AM
making sure
4:30 AM
first real bfs with each other
4:31 AM
sad the relationship goes up in such flames
WelshenToday at 4:31 AM
Yes well
4:31 AM
It was really neithers fault
puzzlezToday at 4:32 AM
and yet the flames buuuurn
WelshenToday at 4:32 AM
But markus is the one on his own after
4:32 AM
Unless u count spencer
puzzlezToday at 4:32 AM
do u count spencer
WelshenToday at 4:32 AM
As a minus i do
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