#like if any of you are still hatereading my blog.... i hope you know how ridiculous and petty you were
adamsvanrhijn · 2 years
kind of weird honestly for people to get offended by. imagining i gave up on and was pleased by the canonical break up of a ship that literally saved my life to the point of going through the five stages of fucking grief about it without ever bothering to check if anything i said actually matched what people were telling you it said or like. you know. asking me about it directly
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boobie-fem-x · 3 years
What made you want to be a radical feminist ? I don’t come to hate, I’m just curious
well, before i start ill say i dont really consider myself a radfem, just rad leaning and im still learning. but I used to be very active in TRA circles, on my old blog id regularly argue with radfems, etc. I even used to ID as ftm, and i was binding to the point of causing rib damage and everything.
I think I started with hatereading menalez’s blog after one of my friends got in an argument with her and I remembered thinking “well she isn’t so bad” and i started reading other radfem blogs and realizing they actually made a lot of sense and weren’t as horribly misogynistic and transphobic as all my friends were saying.
And then once you start reading you start noticing and you can’t stop. all around me i noticed trans people got special treatment, they got laws passed faster than any lgb person could hope for, and their opinions were automatically more important than a woman’s. and woman still are treated like subhuman- the way my teachers and coaches speak to me vs the boys in my class, the way my parents buy my younger male cousins toys and things they can move and play in, but buy my little sister makeup to play with and tell her not to go play outside, she’ll get her dress dirty. and this isn’t even mentioning how women are treated in other countries! think about the fgm, femicide, it’s legal to beat and rape your wife, child marriages, etc. and all of it is caused by men. and every man i know is shitty to some degree.
all liberal feminism seems to do is tell women its okay for them to do exactly what the patriarchy wants, and it doesnt help any western women let alone women in other places who have it a thousand times worse.
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shudderue · 3 years
Hey ok just saw your ask where you said you didn't like Laura - i've always got a weird vibe from her but haven't had a specific reason for dislike, would you mind going over some of why you don't like her ? No pressure to obviously and I hope you're having a good day !
no worries at all! going to stick this under a readmore though because it's pretty long lol
the personal stuff: if you look on my old blog (@south-flying-sparrow-archive) there's a tag on there called #bi barrel of barf, which is essentially a tag i used when talking to landy about his bi representation and the issues with it throughout phase two, backed by a fair few other people in the fandom.
laura, as a twenty something year old woman, decided she wasn't a fan of the conversation we were having — which landy himself said was polite and that he was happy to answer it in a calm and informed way — and was going all out with snarky qrt's, insults and the like.
i was fourteen when i made that thread and said so in it because it was relevant to something, and yet laura when directly addressing me was horrifically rude and condescending about everything i was saying, adding that as a "bisexual heteromantic pancurious woman" she was perfectly happy about the representation in her literal boyfriend's book. which. well.
eventually one of my mutuals told her to shut the fuck up, which was nice.
on a less personal level, i have a lot of issues with her, including:
her being just plain annoying and childish on twitter (see above, and also that wasn't the first time she'd been rude to a concerned fan)
she started dating landy publicly when he was twice her age — not necessarily something i dislike about her but when she's a very big supporter of valdug, where one of the characters is explicitly based off of her and the other rather obviously off of landy, i do get some yikes vibes off of it
she used to write underage valdug fanfic (allegedly), which is ew
her obsession with leeching off of landy's success is at best weird and annoying and at worst downright infuriating. she wrote a book (and is currently in the process of writing a second) which i read some of and gave up on because it was so bad. you're welcome to read my liveblog on #lucy hatereads tdk
following on, she has a youtube channel which landy promotes constantly. i think it's something to do with makeup, but again is a prime example of laura relying on landy's promotion before having any real skill or trying to put effort into something herself.
drove away so much of the community just by being jealous, rude and childish — i don't know what it is, but ever since landy started shagging her his interactions with fans have gone way, way down and i fully believe that's at least in part because of laura getting jealous
despite the fact that she's saying a children's author, she still finds it appropriate to reply to him and fans with some uh. more explicit details about their relationship, or just talk about them fucking. not good.
all in all, laura is childish, annoying, unpleasant, obsessed with her boyfriend's dying relevance, and an incredibly uncomfortable example of an author dating a fan, and while they may be two grown adults in a consensual relationship, it really worries me how that sort of thing can be taken by younger fans, because again, this is a kids series.
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