#like im at home and im fucking sad but i refuse to go oh im sad bc so and so left for the military
indigodawns · 1 year
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
you don't get to tell me about sad * fem!driver
outtakes of her year that i didn't know where to fit lol so this is the last(ish) angst installment
pairings: sebastian vettel x fem!driver, max verstappen x fem!driver
(series masterlist) | (📂 2025: fall from grace)
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so she runs from her garage again. just another weekend where everything has skewed from what was discussed and there is no reasoning to be done.
she finished the race damn near last over a pitstop that ran longer than it should have.
the minute sebastian could not spew an excuse she would hear out was the minute she stopped listening to him during the race. and honestly, it was the only way she could salvage not finishing last of the pack.
“let’s talk about it,” sebastian says, hurriedly chasing her down as she storms into the racing home, her presence immediately silencing the chatter in the room. “let me talk you through what happened. it’s not your fault.”
“i know it’s not!” her distress is made known, echoing in the air of the room. she stops in her tracks and turns to face sebastian still by the door, flinching back. “how could that be my fault? i was doing my end of the bargain as a driver!”
he takes a deep breath. “rocky, just listen to me, okay?”
“it’s not fair! none of this weekend was my fault!” she shrieks, turning back around and trudging up the stairs loudly. “the team fucked me over, that’s what happened! i can’t possibly think of a reason you could come up with to excuse what happened!”
“i’m not excusing it, i’m just–”
“oh, god, sebastian!” she stomps her foot on the ground to demand sebastian’s attention. which surprisingly works. “just admit it — the team fucked me over. point blank period, that’s literally what happened.”
sebastian sucks in a deep breath. “yes, we did. and we’re extremely sorry. but–”
“’but’ again,” she laughs dryly, rolling her eyes. she makes a sharp turn for her driver’s room and holds a hand up to stop the step he tries to take towards her. “take your apology to the headlines being drafted about me as we go in circles over this, sebastian.”
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“you know i’m not breaking up with you,” matt says amidst the silence that they’ve been sitting in as he packs his bag. “i just need a break.”
“from me,” she points out shakily, dropping her head low.
“from this cycle.” he lifts his head and sits back to look at her.
she sits on the edge of her bed, feet hovering slightly over the floor. she watches her feet swing slightly, counting in her head, desperate not to lose the last remaining sanity she feels she has.
initially, she sat in the vacant room in tears, refusing to watch him pack up to leave her all alone in her apartment. she wallowed in her woes in a dark corner before she eventually dragged herself back into her bedroom.
she’s been sitting here watching him in silence ever since, trying to find the words in her head to say something to him.
maybe he’ll change his mind; maybe he’ll stay if she says the right thing.
“yeah, i get that.”
“i don’t think you do.” he stands from his position on the ground and walks over to her on the bed. he takes the empty spot next to her, resting his hand above hers that grips the mattress tightly. he feels her grip loosen slightly. “i still love you, bub.”
she shakes her head with a sigh. “i would have stopped a long time ago if i were you. i’m not very nice.”
“it doesn’t work like that,” he squeezes her hand, “you’re having a hard time. i get that and it’s okay. but i want you to want the help i’m giving you. i’m not going to force it on you if you’re just going to keep pushing me away when i try.”
“i don’t know why i keep doing that,” she admits with a scoff. she drops her back on the bed behind her and looks up at the ceiling of her bedroom. “i’m not usually like this, i promise. i’m better than this.”
“i know.” matt mirrors her actions and drops himself on the mattress.
she wants to say she’s sorry and that she’s thankful for him sticking around longer than he had to. it’s at the edge of her tongue but she simply cannot get herself to admit that she’s wrong. that perhaps this time, someone is finally right about her.
“do you, really?” she hums, “i’m the worst.”
“i think you should give yourself a little more credit,” he sighs, reaching out for her hand again. this time, she moves her hand away before he can grab it. “i’ll come home soon, okay? i’ll come back for you, i promise.”
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she repeats in her head the gameplan she’d drafted with sebastian. the one that seemed so foolproof all weekend that made her believe she could turn it all around.
instead, she’s standing on the grass next to her wrecked car, another unfortunate mishap she’s sure would make her talk of the town again.
she puts her hands on her hips as her eyes trail over to her blown tyre. then she remembers that her crash wasn’t caused all by herself.
“are you alright?” charles asks softly, slowly approaching her as he takes his helmet off. “unlucky weekend.”
she glances over her shoulder where he approaches her. she forces a small grin to her face and tries to wave his concerns away. “i’m fine.”
her chest starts to hurt slightly, tears prickling at her eyes.
this is not the time and place to be breaking down. especially not at someone like charles because surely, something went wrong with her that caused this.
“it’s my fau–”
surely, it can’t be his fault. there’s no way that the person she’s looked up could cause this crash.
but there’s also a voice in her head telling her to believe charles. he wouldn’t be apologising if he didn’t actually think that he caused it.
“unfortunate,” she chuckles. she swallows the scream threatening to make itself known and shrugs at charles. “i’ll see you in the paddocks, mate.”
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“thought i might find you here.”
“fuck off, max.”
the older driver laughs, walking over to her with hands in the pocket of his jeans. he drops himself on the little platform she’s resting on.
“everyone’s looking for you,” max chuckles, innocently taking a sip from his water bottle. “i heard seb panicking and sending out a search party to get you.”
“i know,” she snorts, “i heard him screaming and delegating people to find me.”
the only reason max knew where to find her is because he is the one who introduced her to this place. he had found her holding her tears in at some point last season walking around the paddocks and he whisked her away without another word.
it’s a pretty obscure location in the paddocks, one that max often resided in when it got too chaotic and loud. she’s the only one he’s ever given this sort of information to.
“how’s everything?” he asks with a sigh, leaning back on the wall behind them. “matt flew back to the states already?”
she nods and drops her head, picking at the grass beneath them. while she truly tried to keep her problems to herself, max approached her a week prior when he saw her entering the paddocks all by herself.
he had asked why the man, typically found on her arm every race weekend, was not with her today.
she softly admitted that they’re on a break, prompted by her reactionary behaviour from how her year is going so far. still, she tries to keep the confession minimal.
it’s hard enough to watch your boyfriend pack his things in silence to leave you behind. it’s even harder to admit that there’s nobody else to blame but yourself.
her mishaps every weekend on the paddocks, she can point all the fingers she wants. but when it came to her matt, there was nobody else she could pin it on. there were 2 people in that relationship and she knows that she’s the one that’s burned it down.
“i’m so sorry,” max sighs, resting his cheek in his hand. he props his elbow on his knee as she leans forward. “that must be really hard for you.”
she shrugs. it’s really not that big of a deal. or, at least, it shouldn’t be to somebody else in a happy relationship of his own. “it’s my fault, anyway. i don’t blame him.”
“you can still be upset about it,” he mutters. “i know you love him, so i don’t imagine any of this is making you feel better at all.” he puts a hand on her back and rubs circles, something he honestly wishes someone had done for him when he was younger. “it’s just me, mate.”
“it’s alright, but thanks for trying to be there for me,” she grimaces, turning momentarily to give him a small smile. “but i don’t reckon i get to feel bad for deliberately pushing him over the edge.”
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she’d been fine all day. she thought she was genuinely getting better: she’d even gone for a walk in the sun and felt enlightened most of the hours she’d been awake.
that was until she had sat down at her dining table with dinner, consumed whole by the silence and emptiness of her apartment. without understanding why, she lost her appetite as her stomach started to churn.
her heart feels like it���s skipping beats from how unwell she suddenly felt.
she finds herself on the floor of her bedroom, phone pressed up against her ear as the ringing pulls her in and out of her trance.
her world has spinning for the better part of 5 minutes, her chest feeling like it’s closing in on itself and the framed picture in her peripheral vision taunts her.
there’s no climbing out of this rut; she’s almost sure she will be stuck in here forever. she either lives with the fact that she’s a failure or it’ll someday kill her.
“hello? is this really you?”
tears she hadn’t realised were there start to fall out of her eyes. the sob she didn’t know she had in her throat fills the room as she drops her head into her other hand.
“i don’t know why i called,” she pauses with a soft sob, “sorry, i should go.”
“no,” a firm voice demands, “just stay on the line.”
she had just spoken with matt this morning, on a short 5-minute welfare check video call. she told him she was feeling slightly better with the biggest smile on her face.
now she doubts herself if she’d even meant it. if she was truly better, she wouldn’t be here on the floor feeling worse than when she woke up this morning.
going backwards isn’t supposed to be the way she’s going.
it’s always forward. if there’s no progress towards the betterment of her situation, then she’s simply not trying hard enough.
she should try harder. it’s the only way.
“hey,” matt coos softly to catch her attention. “if you need me there, just say the word. i’ll come home.”
she wants to say yes. she even wants to break into a louder sob and admit that she misses him; probably might even be going crazy without his presence as of late.
she hasn’t got anything figured out.
but instead, she says, “i’ll be okay.”
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being alone in her hotel room is the last thing she wanted for herself, the silence too overbearing for her to handle. though asking to hang out with her friends she watched leave together to get dinner wasn’t an option either.
so she opted to lock herself in her driver’s room until someone chases her out. perhaps she’ll sleep over without anybody finding out.
she’d coddled herself up in her beanbag under a blanket, reading away furiously on the things people said about her.
sure, she shouldn’t be on these sites speaking ill of her, but there’s nobody to stop her. she’s fallen down the rabbit hole of everyone’s opinions of her once more and she can’t seem to stop.
she’s stooped even lower this time: she’s on social media reading what the public has to say about her.
it’s not just about whoever in the industry is saying now.
she never tried to let anyone’s opinion of her, in forms of tweets and social media posts, get to her much.
but a post highlighting about the two mere instances where she had unintentionally lashed out on matt in the paddocks did it for her. and the one time she had a disagreement with sebastian in her racing home after a pitstop mishap.
“for fuck’s sake,” she cries, throwing the blanket off her.
she can’t throw her ipad. she starts to heave, feeling it all coming down on her once more.
she grabs the closest thing to her. and unfortunately, it’s the very mug she’d gotten 2 years ago as a present for sebastian.
you know, the matching mugs she got as a celebration for scoring points as a race engineer and driver duo on the grid.
and it does what a mug would do if you threw it against the wall: it shatters. into pieces.
it’s repairable if she really thought about it rationally. the handle has popped out along with another large piece straying by its side.
only then she realises what she’s done.
“oh, fuck.” she sits hurriedly and brushes the stray hairs from her face. “oh, no.”
she scrambles from the ground and runs over to the other side of the room where her favourite mug sits in 3 separate pieces, tears prickling at her eyes as she realises what she’s done.
she gathers it into her hands with a heavy cry, dropping her hands into her lap. if she’d known sooner that this mug was what she’d grabbed out of fury, she wouldn’t have chucked it across the room.
“come on,” she whispers to herself, trying to fit the pieces together as if it would magically mend itself. “fix yourself. be a mug again?”
“i thought you were back at the hotel– are you okay?”
“i didn’t mean to do it,” she cries at the familiar voice and accent, lifting her head and hands to show him what she’s done. “i didn’t mean to, i didn’t even realise what i was throwing until it broke into this many pieces.”
“hey,” sebastian coos, softly closing the door behind him. he walks over to where she kneels on the ground and grabs her shoulder. “you’re okay. it’s okay.”
she shakes her head profusely and rests her head on his shoulder. “i didn’t mean it. i didn’t want to break it — i still like you, i promise. you’re like my dad when we’re on the road. i’m s– i didn’t mean it.”
“relax.” he squeezes her shoulder, pressing a firm kiss to her temple. “it’s just a mug. we’ll just get a new one, okay? don’t even worry about it.”
he waits for a second as she processes his words, slightly hesitant to agree with him. she nods slowly, “are you sure? you’re not mad?”
“i’m not mad,” sebastian hums with a smile. “let’s get you back to your hotel room, okay? i was just about to head out.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @c-losur3 @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @mclarengf @xoscar03 @nomie-11 @green-thots @tinyhrry @iwilleatyourgod @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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coolprettyleo · 7 months
maybe i will finally learn my lesson? - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.2k
tw: sad, angst, rejection, talks about sex. no actual smut tho. borderline alcoholic tbh
ryan leonard x hughes sister au!
frankie fell back onto her bed with a soft thud as she tried to catch her breath. she looked at the boy beside her with a hopeful look hoping to gosh he would stay the night and cuddle her. she just needed some form of reassurance.
he never ever wanted to stay over though.
“i gotta go, the guys are going out tonight” he says as he gets out the bed acting like he was talking to some stranger. what frankie didn't realize was that they basically were.
“do you have to leave?” she says in a sad voice kneeling on the bed. she hated how he never wanted to stay and talk. was that so much for a girl to ask for these days?
“frankie, im all spent for right now, but i mean if im feeling it later on, i'll stop by”
is he fucking serious.
it had honestly been a while since frankie had felt that much rage. he really did only think of her as a fuck buddy.
she knew what she was getting herself into, when she agreed on their little agreement, but in the movies it always ends with the guys falling in love with you. right?
“oh my gosh. just leave. like actually” she said getting back in bed and turning her back to him. which left him dumbfounded. why would she be mad he had to leave?
“did i do something?” he asked confused as he finished putting his cloths on.
no answer.
that pissed drew off. she had no reason to be all pissy with him.
“are you mad because im going out with the boys? why would that bother you? were not anything, frankie. im allowed to go out” he said. still starring at her back.
“oh don’t worry. you’ve made that very clear to me drew” she says, her voice wavering due to the fact she just felt so foolish.
“whatever, you’re annoying me. talk to me when ur done being crazy” he said walking out and slamming her door in a fit of rage.
to say frankie took it totally fine would be dishonest. she sobbed in a fetal position all night. while blasting foolish one by taylor swift.
that woman really does have a song for every situation.
she had honestly never felt so alone.
of course she’s not actually alone; she just refuses to go to anyone and burden them with her problems. it’s not like she can call her parents and her brothers due to the fact she can’t lie to them. she knew they were going to ask something like 'how'd practice go?' and whatnot so she's been forwarding their calls since Wednesday when she quit the team.
she could also call her friends. or her ex teammates. did she even have friends?
she was alone.
she sits in her room finishing up and assignment when she felt like doing something. usually she would get drunk and go from there, but no. if the last week has taught her anything; it's that she's becoming a new person. and the new person wouldn't black out after every minor convenience.
so in the spur of the moment, she decided she was going to rearrange her room! which is what lead her to where she was right now; outside the freshman hockey house.
while moving her bed from one side to another, she found drews hoodie. so being the mature, new, amazing person she claimed to be... she decided to give him back his hoodie, as a form of ceasing the deal. this is a supposed to be a step forward is it three steps back?
frankie walked up the front steps and as she lifted her fist to knock she halts, when she hears multiple voices coming from inside. not wanting to end her and drews situationship in front of his teammates; to save them both the embarrassment. she quickly trashes her plan and decided to just head home.
but when she heard her name is when she decided against that.
"frankie?" she hears drew ask.
"yes dude. its actually so obvious she wants you after what your saying she did yesterday"
he told them about the argument?
well she couldn't really get mad, if frankie had best friends she would of probably told them too.
"well i dont want her like that and she knows that"
frankie felt her heart crack.
i mean she told herself he didn't like her back, but hearing him say it, is a whole different level of pain for someone who just oh so hoped to joke about their situationship one day over coffee as he watched the morning news while their kids got ready for school.
foolish one, frankie hughes.
"no way your gonna reject her, she's so hot. what the hell is there not to like" one of his stupid teammates said.
"I mean she's the nicest and one of the hottest girls I've ever got with dont get me wrong, but some of the shit she says makes me question if she's being for real or not" drew said not knowing the match he was lighting.
"I think I know what your talking about, is it when she said she thought denver was in texas?" one of his other teammates chimed in.
"bro yes. that actually left me speechless" he says. frankie felt like burning the house down at this point.
"she's lucky she's got hockey" another voice said.
the hoodie she had in her hands slipped through her fingers. just like the heart drew held. the heart he never wanted to hold.
she backed away from the door, never wanting to slash anyones tires more. she wanted to commit arson. the way they were talking about her, made her want to throw up.
she can take the fact he didn't like her back. thats okay. if he didn't feel the butterflies she felt it wasn't no one fault. but mine.
but the fact he stood their and called her stupid? who the fuck even knows geography like that? she felt so many emotions run through her veins and the one overcoming the rest was the one that held the power over her tears.
"frankie?" oh my god. no. why the hell did I not run home?
she turned her head to see ryan leonard standing there. one of drews friends. someone she had considered to be her friend. but if the rest talk about her like that, him, will, and gabe probably do too.
"you didn't see me here, ryan" she said as she covered her face trying to push past him.
"wha- hey! what's wrong? who did this?" he said grabbing her wrist and seeing her crying eyes. he knew who did it. he just needed to hear a confirmation before he went inside and beat his ass.
"nothing. let me go" she said wiping her tears.
"im not letting you leave here alone hughes, i know how you get when your this sad. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and hear that you got hit by a damn bus for gosh sake"
one thing ryan hated was when she would drink her feelings away because that meant she was going to be reckless. she honestly is reckless.
"well then do you want to come?"
I got tired so im done writing but I wanted to post this! also ! I have no hate towards drew, its all going to add up in the future when I start the other aus I have planned but for now drew is like anyone else and he's learning and growing. so bear with me!
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catwyk · 3 months
ok listening to silt verses 44 right now
the description of the city uprooting itself is so evocative i LOVE it idk why but im imagining birmimgham lmaooo
carpenter holding haywards hand :(
"i feel like ive been... baptized"
i love cross so much hes like one of those plushes designed to sit down but is too top heavy to actually sit
"good old fashioned religious hijacking" shes back where she belongs 🙏🙏🙏
pilot talking about overfeeding the wind gods mmmm mmm MMM delicious worldbuilding
im gonna explode carson with a mind beam.
"turn the cls into her personal mommy issues playground" in all fairness he got her there
carson just. deciding the cls was involved too ??? i love satire
okayyyy switching from carson twisting the narrative to suit himself to rane doing the exact same thing okayyyy parallels
"im speaking to you on behalf of a tall, very angry woman" 1) love you cross xx 2) SHES CANONICALLY TALL WE WON TODAY
carpenter refusing to say whether she can see the maiden..... i know this means we as the audience arent given any premature idea of haywards fate but i prefer the implication that she didnt get on the plane and shes just fuckin pelting i across the peninsula so she can meet them where they land
the plane crash confessions broke my heart
holy shit setting up faulkner and carpenter remeeting in the wreckage???? something something returned from the garden below
"you killed carpenter. the honour of that achievement sits with you" oh rane baby you are just not getting it
remembering faulkner is maybe 2 years older than me really puts his brokeness in a completely different light
faulkner invites rane into the water. i remember the drowning warning in the episode description. i remember @pinkelotjeart being really sad. uh oh
this is the scariest faulkner has ever been
"if i was so much better than katabasian mason, i wouldnt have killed him" MY FUCKING FACE WHEN
charlie?? CHARLIE????
oh my god hes actually fully lost it
that was insane im going insane im gonna be sick i wanna go home
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itsraven0v0 · 5 months
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Note: as i said before, im terrible at writing yanderes. its mostly because im not a huge fan of it?! especially with characters i think would never fit in the role and Krauser is one of them. HOWEVER in a different timeline maybe, he'd make one hell of a f*cked up yandere.
i devided this into two sections (pre!javier krauser and post!javier krauser). enjoy~
comments and feedbacks are always appreciated:>
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you two met on one of his day offs when he was doing his routine jog and now he is EVERYWHERE!
like you can even see his iconic slicked back blond hair from the corner of your eyes.
you aint getting rid of him, you also aint getting a confrontation either!
i think back then he had more fucks to give so he kinda wanted to play it safe and approach you little by little
but when you where walking home alone one night(ffs dont do that) you got yourself in danger and then boom! this man appears outa nowhere and starts kicking their asses.
well that caught your attention and made you wanna give him a chance. what could go wrong, right?
oh you fool...
you aint getting outa his house anymore.
im pretty sure he has a single cabin in the woods that he has for the day offs he gets, so good luck runnung away.
not that you could if it was an apartment anyway.
this guy will hunt you down and drag u back. you will be his little canary or some shit.
oh boy...
unlike the previous version, this man is too tired to give a fuck about playing it safe.
you two met at a bar where he was drowning himself in self-loathing and alcohol.
and as your obsession with military men with scars on their faces (and the alcohol) kicked in, you thought what better than to help him. right?! ahah...
look i aint judging you, thats literally me. ok??
you helped this man get his ass home safe from the bar and guess what? he was drunk and invited u in and u TOOK IT!
you helped him lay down, took his injured hand when he was having nightmares, made him coffee and everything OF COURSE HE WAS GONNA FALL FOR YOU!
your soft hands felt so good on his when he woke up only to see you fallen asleep besides his bed.
you appeared like an angel in his miserable life for a moment and from that morning he gave everything just to have your soothing presence in his life.
but soon this turned into something alarming.
he would confront you all of a sudden like: "be with me."
and if you refuse? well you can't. this man can turn on threatening mode real f*cking quick and this terrifies the sh*t outa you.
he'll keep you like a pet. attend to you good and make sure you are okay and happy but he also thinks the moment you walk outa his door smth is gonna take you away from him so say goodbye to outdoors.
he is so sad please be nice to him...i mean he technically gonna take away all your freedom but did you even have any to begin with?
enjoy you life with him while it lasts. and also enjoy knowing nothing about him. also enjoy meeting Wesker :D
that mf can and WILL pay u a visit just to scare Jack into doing what he's asking of him.
one day you ran away just to find out what he has been doing, who is he and who's that asshole that wears sunglasses indoors. And you saw smth that made you heart race in both fear and attraction(you weird f*ck! dw me too)
there he was testing his las plagas form. all monstrous and bloody. you took a step back in fear and the sound made him spot you. man he was terrified you were gonna run away. but nah!
you into that so you stayed.
you are gonna be so sad when he dies...
you think u can prevent that? try your best!
thats the most yandere yall are gonna get outa me. hope that satisfied you anon who asked that.
ALSO i might wanna start a second page to write about other stuff [like mortal kombat :D] so i'll share it here too.
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
Oikawa getting sick before a match so he has to stay home and you baby him mmmm thoughts?
PS if you post a face reveal im hoping i dont miss it, i wanna know what my future bf looks like
REMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE WOULD BE SO UPSET:(((((((((((((((( you always have to baby him but now................ oh, it's on another level entirely. he's so sad about the game and he's sad about being bed bound - you're the only one who could make him feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's hard though. not because he's trying to refuse all the love you're giving him - no, no, it's hard because he's refusing to let you go. he's sticking to you like glue, contradicting his very own words. "no, you'll get sick too, babe." right right right. 😒😒😒
he's literally nuzzling his face into your side as you're combing through his sweaty hair - he's burning up and you want to go and buy him some medicine, you want to get him some soup but you have to quite literally peel him off of you. and then you also have to deal with the whining and the guilt-tripping. because if you leave you obviously don't love him. SMHHH HE'S SOOO DRAMATIC REMM PLS
when you do manage to get all the stuff for him, you do also have to spoon feed him of course. that's a given i feel like. but yeah he's a big, big baby. you need to pamper him and you need to coddle him or he'll die. and he does need you to stay with him. and you do.
you know how much it means to him. and you know the thoughts would eat him from the inside otherwise. you're there to keep him sane and you're there to love him. and he appreciates that SO fucking much. he will show it to you when he's better - he's gonna drown you in gifts and he's gonna take you on a beautiful, beautiful date. you think it's a little bit too much but he just thinks you deserve it. to you, taking care of him is an instinct and not a chore - you want to do it, and that's new to oikawa. you take care of him better than anyone else, better than he ever could and he just. really fucking loves you for it<333333333333333333
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nglwhatarecats · 7 months
rambling abt PB&J again 😭
Heera buying/getting clothes for Blue:
so when Heera met Blue, Blue had the same outfit. Every.single.time
being the slightly concerned acquaintance Heera was (Blue saw them as friends Heera did not, in the beginning! This kinda sets up for some angst latr….FOCUS) Heera asked Blue about the whole clothes situation.
“Oh I don’t have any spares.”
Heera being broke (probably js look at her!/lh-a very broke person) said “fuck it” and got Blue clothes,which cause Blue to panic, not used to be on the gift receiving end (her love language is gift giving,this woman will give you ANYTHING,clothes,plants(extremely rare ones too,she WILL find a way to get extinct ones too) food (she loves cooking baking etc) WHATEVER her gift receiver might want) also bc she was not home she had no idea how long she’d stay in a completely (not really) different environment. (Doomed yuri (another oc couple)fucked up Blue by sending her to the wrong dimension 😓-my explanation on how Blue and Heera crossed paths) she refused, Heera just threw the bag at her and just ran away,leaving Blue confused.
“I no no Wanna :(“
“TAKE IT BITCH” *runs away*
what does Blue do when Heera is gone or being a workaholic:
When Heera is gone doing detective shit Blue is just cooking,baking,cleaning, getting more plants (Heera home is looking like a garden HELP)getting furniture for Heera sad studio (Girl I was couch surfing for like a year and I’ve seen people barley getting by w more furniture than her 😭🙏/hj)
but since Heera doesn’t stay that long Blue would either force her (Blue is currently a bit more stronger then Heera atm,by this much 🤏🏼 For story reasons duh) or tell her she’s going to do smth that might endanger herself. (Heera didn’t believe her at first than she saw Blue run into a highway as she flipped her off)
“Stay or im drinking bleach and creating mustard gas.I didn’t spend all my time making this food >:(“
Heera being a workaholic:
Blue js.. lay on her lap like a cat and demand attention (or just hug her) Blue is very needy (orange cat behavior) Blue would just say funfacts about plants.
“Do you know there’s a flower in Mexico that smells like chocolate”
“I’m taking you to see it.”
the camping shit I asked Swagger:
“EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES” *runs into the forest*
“You forgot your bag..”
Blue found Heera hours ago, she just wanted to see how long Heera would notice or see how well Heera is good at camping!
and Heera can’t light a fire.
Blue is super good at stuff like that because her whole life has been around nature! And she loves showing off to Heera (yay validation from someone you love!!)
I might write a fic on this premise^^
but I feel like I will mischaracterize Heera @tiredguyswag😿
my hand hurts :(
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kasaneteto · 5 months
more complaining
its really starting to sink in just how shitty of a friend my roommate has been to me since his break up. he’s letting poor mental health be an excuse for all of his shortcomings and doesn’t care at all about how much harder my life is because of it. he doesn’t give a shit that im the one who cleans everything or that im constantly picking up after him. he literally only cares about himself. only cares about something im doing if it pertains to him. just the other day i went out with him and our other friend so he could take pictures for a zine he’s in and when i brought up the possibility of us stopping by trader joes on the way home he just said “i dont want to do that” and nothing else. like. literally all you would have to do is drive there and wait in the parking lot. we’re already going out together and trader joes is on the way home. but you can’t even do something that small for me. because you get nothing out of it. he is so fucking selfish and i am done making excuses for his laziness. if he doesn’t wake up and smell the fucking roses im done. i cant keep someone in my life who will never have my best interest at heart. i can keep supporting someone who refuses to support himself. he is honestly baggage for me at this point and it makes me really sad because we used to be such good friends. i still want to call him a good friend. but he just isnt. he cant be serious or responsible and if someone asks him to he demonizes them. actually he demonizes anyone who doesnt give him what he wants but in a way that he clearly knows its unjustified so he just says he doesnt feel that way but his actions speak for themselves. even his words cant hide his true feelings most of the time. “its not like im mad at them its just…. yeah idk” is something he said about someone he was seeing that decided they just wanted to stay friends. um that sounds like youre mad to me buddy! anyways sorry im just ranting atp. im just going back and thinking about all of the little things erik has done that made him hard to live with and im realizing just how much dead weight he’s been in my life. like im literally supporting us both in a lot of ways. i buy all of the kitchen cleaning supplies. i pay the bills on time and dont constantly bother him when he owes me money. i actually fucking clean the place unlike him. i even fucking. so i bought paper towels a couple months ago when it was my turn and i bought a 24 pack. as you do. we run out and its eriks turn and he buys…. a two pack. so im like well fuck that im not providing for our household so i buy a two pack when its my turn. motherfucker then buys a SINGLE ROLL of paper towels when its his turn. claims its because he was low on money. oh but you can afford this whole fucking apartment to yourself? get a fucking grip man
im so upset with him. my therapy appointment could not come sooner. i know i am actually sick rn but the stress of all of this is definitely making it worse. i want to scream in his face to get real and stop wallowing in misery. stop feeling sorry for yourself and start making improvements in your life because nobody is going to do that shit for you.
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cassyapper · 2 years
anyway so my fanmade avdol backstory
i think avdol comes from a standuser family like the joestars essentially. like you know how stands are implied to be inheritable? it's like that for avdol's family particularly on avdol's father's side. as such avdol's father kinda expects his kids to jsut have stands. but until they do he doesnt pay attention to them. he's like kakyoin in that he thinks nonstandusers are beneath him. i dont think he's necessarily a cruel man but he def has issues with seeing how he fits with everyone else. he doesnt try to bond with anyone unless they prove theyre worth his attention first via having a stand (im still toying with whether i think avdol's mom has a stand outright but she can at least see stands)
anyway so avdol is born. then his sister is born
since avdol's dad is distant with them, avdol's grandma (on dad's side) essentially takes the role of the second parent. avdol loves her so much (as does his sister)
avdol unlocks magician's red when he got angry about something. probably his dad being gone again and avdol is pissed about it and when his grandma tries to calm him down he refuses and it explodes out of him via magician's red. i think the lines on his cheeks are burn scars cause he was crying while it was happening (first from anger then from fear) and the water boiled and burned into his skin cause of the flames. avdol's grandma soothes him and helps calm him down and shows him her stand. he's not evil, he jsut doesnt know how to use it. avdol still wonders if maybe he's an exception on the evilness thing (which is why he's so sympathetic re jotaro)
so avdol now has a stand and his dad takes great interest in him, esp cause it's so powerful. this makes his sister incredibly sad and jealous cause it used to be her and avdol against the world esp against their dad, and now he's abandoned her too. she eventually deflates and mourns and avdol feels bad but also his dad is rubbing off on him and he tells his sister "it's not your fault you just aren't as equal to him as me" and this ruins her. it makes her sotp trying.  this is lethal cause then when her stand does try to seep in, her mind rejects it because she think it's not possible. thus she starts dying from stand sickness. avdol is frantic and goes on a journey of his own to try and find someone, anyone that could help her, cause his dad doesnt care enough to find someone (he's not uncaring that she's sick but he's like "she'll get better if she earns it" cause again, he has issues). btw that blatant disregard for her is what makes avdol question his dad's teachings
anyway so he gors on an adventure which is how he meets all the standusers he later knows in sdc. they can't really help him cause they dont care about saving a "weak little girl" but they like avdol and respect him and they refer him to the next stnaudser guy. this is shady business though and eventually leads to meeting enyaba in india. enyaba takes note of his potential and says "sure i'll help you look for a cure..."
while they search together, she names avdol's stand magician's fury. anyway so while theyre in india and searching around for something avdol doesnt even know exists, he meets and makes friends with nonstandusers. enyaba doesnt like this and eventually kills some of them to use as puppets for the dirty work. avdol doesnt find out about that right away he just knows suddenly some of his friends disappeared. his remaining friends tell him that enyaba is fucked but avdol is like nooo she can't be she said she was gonna help me cure my sister and they kinda look at each other like mohammed...
well. it turns out enyaba was not helping avdol but in fact was using him to help HER find a stand arrow. when they find it she's like hah! awesome. okay go home now and avodl is like wait what. she’s like oh come on you can’t have honestly expected me to be searching for a way to cure weakness right? so they have a fight and avdol almost dies. his friends save him though. they get him back to india and treat his wounds and avdol shows up just in time to be by his sister's bedside when she passes from stand sickness. avdol tried telling her it doesnt matter if she has a stand she's not lesser after all, standusers can be cruel and grimy and wormy just like anyone else, and that nonstandusers can be brave and heroic and kind, and it doesnt matter, it doesnt, it doesn't, but it's too late and she dies cause se had been listening to avdol’s dad’s rhetoric the whole time she was sick and it just. it was too little too late.
avdol never really recovers after that and it's part of why he puts on that polite, well-composed mask. he never wants to be presumptuous again, never wants to be the reason someone feels that way again, so he always hears people out and he always gives more chances than he maybe should
anyway his grandma renames his stand "magician's red" btw after the funeral when she sees avdol’s stand again (it used to be orange but it changed to red after his sister died cause red was her favorite color). she tells avdol now she’ll always be a part of his soul and he can fight with her strength still and avdol cries and cries and cries and she helps him. yeah
anyway that’s my avdol backstory
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kachimera · 1 year
celia, arikado, leon, sara for the bingo 👁️👁️
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Oh what a mess of a woman. I know it's more of a writing flaw but i adore how she switches between being a threatening villain to the most incompetent moron ever (seriously girl you fake murder Dracula's reimcarnation's crush and you expect him to not instantly murder you? Fr?). Plus depending on the source she either is legit indoctrinated in her cult's beliefs which gives her a sad facet or she has the more selfish purpose of preserving her own dark magic (and what do i say? I can make both work. I think). Plus the way it can be implied that she might have contact n even collaboration w Arikado makes it better (sorry for the ppl reading this but yes it works i swear im not insane). Go silly gal go! Play Machiavellian schemes with the literal son of the dark lord and underestimate your enemy!
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Oh boi and talking abt Arikado; the common idea of a grown up n stable Alucard finding stability after "ending" the cycle is fine and all, but the implication from his AoS n DoS behaviour that he is in a terrible mental state and unable to let go of the cycle? Beautiful. Amazing. Need me more of that. He's this beautiful mini reflection of the revenge cycle, and after living through it, with the goal of murdering his own father, for so long, and having it as his sole purpose, it has devoured him n broken him. And he now wants to take control of it with his own hands, is showing both the worst behaviour of both his father AND the Belmonts (haha SotN parallels w Richter) and might end up making matters worse :) (I blame you for indoctrinating me into the neg character arc Alu, thank u) Anyways someone force this poor moron to take vacations before he loses it
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THE HIM. MY BABY BOI. I love his honor n morals and how he chooses them in the face of great suffering. His bravery and impulsiveness. How he's sassy can fall into black n white thinking. How loyal he is to those close to him and how much he cares. The balance between his own feeling n his morals. The parallels w Mathias n Sara n Rinaldo. And just hmmmgjsgkwkgd my poor boi
I can't decide if i want him to recover from the LoI events or if I want him to be consumed by his traumas and thirst for revenge but in any case he goes into the blender *puts him into a sock w stones and smacks him against the walls multiple times*
Also, salt warning here but i feel like fandom either exaggerates his neg traits and acts like Mathias descent into madness ("hello church can i abandon our very important military campaign to be at home w my best friend. He needs cuddles n emotional support that will surely fix him. No it's not gay dont worry. Thanks :)"), Sara getting sealed into the VK (which she insisted on and convinced him despite his initial refusal) n the Belmont clan's burden (he did got them into monster hunting w the whip but there's no way he knew how bad things were gonna get) were all 100% his very well informed fault; Or makes him into an idiot sunshine boi who doesn't knows what death is (he's an undefeated warrior with a who knows how large body count) can't think or lead (he maintained the company undefeated during Mathias' illness) and a perfect innocent n easy to manipulate uke for his sexy older seme (I'm not saying they canonically fucked you can perfectly interpret their relationship as 100% platonic or having something but deciding to respect their girls or etc etc. But if they did the nasty then he had to rail Mathias at least a couple of times). I admit im veeery biased and picky regarding this balance but still. He has facets i say
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Yes my anger girl. Let her commit crimes. I wanna write a post abt her but to resume i love her as a symbol of destroyed innocence (ha). A sweet gal who did helped everyone and was good n nice and disliked violence only to have her life ruined in so many ways that her inner frustration blooms into a divine wrath n bloodthirst. Like i said before I adore her relationship w Leon and how they made eachother better n then worse :). Plus, the manual describes her as strong hearted! She obviously loved Leon n was happy to see him! sacrificed her life in order to not turn into a vampire and instead stop Walter from harming more innocents! She has agency and her choice was crucial not only for Mathias convoluted plan but for the whole cycle. (Ppl stop forcing the "boring 100% sweet harmless never angry gal who always got dragged around by men as an object" archetype on her challenge. Yes i used to be like that but i got gud. If i can recover so others can)
And then she had to see how Mathias betrayed her n Leon and then tried to take him, and dealt w the mess that post-canon Leon was, both together but separated, furious and crushed on the other's behalf, until his death :). AND then she had to wait hundreds of years to avenge him only to have to kill the same bastard over and over and over again. Mix in vampire corruption and you have a caring but toxic Belmont Matriarch/Whip stuck in the cycle. So yea let her have negative emotions and commit crimes (Sorry John).
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hughesquinn · 4 months
wip and public fic ask game: 😭😍
😭 angst or sad WIP snippet
“No the fuck it’s not!” He exclaims, and his hands fly out. “That is so horrible, Jack! You’re literally one of their best players, if not the best player, and you’re my fucking brother, yet they ignore you? They forget to invite you? That’s shitty! That’s like if I went for a piss and came back to you going ‘Oh by the way, we’re all going out but you weren’t here so you aren’t invited. Sorry!’ like?’ He makes a frustrated noise, before sighing. “‘S fine, Lukey. Really.” Jack says just as quietly, before he turns to give his brother a sad smile. “Used to it, anyways.”
😍 published lines or a section of a fic that you loved writing?
“Will you invite me in?” He speaks so soft that Nico can’t help but do it, tilting his door open for the silent request. Jack walks inside the moment the door is open far enough, and Nico’s left to close it, locking the door before turning around. Jack is standing there, though, too close for everything that Nico thinks, and he can only stare down at him, a question in his eyes. He refuses to say anything, though, because Jack’s the one who is here. He may be the captain, may be the older one, but Jack has been thrown the ball, and he’s holding it firmly in his hands. This is all him. “What the fuck.” Jack says, staring up at him. “I want to be pissed. I want to be pissed so fucking bad.”
^ that part is the beginning to the part in my first vampire au where i wrote smut for the first time EVERRR
WIP and Published Fics Ask Game
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Hi I wanna participate in the match up event and I would like to be matched up with a papa!
So personality wise I am usually very energetic and out going, I like to talk to people and listen even though I get side tracked a lot, I can also ramble a lot about something I’m passionate about or just random stuff, I have a bad tendency to apologize a lot even for stuff that doesn’t even need an apology. I can also he very BLAH at times and just feel sad and moody sometimes but not often, I can also get frustrated easily with something if I don’t understand it when I feel like I should understand it right away and I don’t Like being frustrated and or angry so sometimes I end up in a frustrated crying mess somewhere. I hate annoying people and or angering people and I’m always scared that I am somehow even when people tell me I’m not, I almost all the time put others before myself and make sure that they are comforted and cared for even if I’m not doing so great myself- I don’t like loud noises or loud areas it gives me major anxiety and makes me nervous (this includes yelling I hate yelling). I can also be very touchy in like I give a lot of physical affection to people I am friends with but I am respectful of boundaries and only do what makes them comfortable and always ask if I can do something before doing it. I can be quite… oblivious? I guess at times because sometimes I don’t get certain jokes and or I don’t get social cues and it needs to be explained to me before I go “OH-“ and finally understand. I am also not that confident in certain stuff liking singing and can’t do it in front of certain people even though I really want to but I just don’t have the confidence and so I just can’t- and I like drawing, dancing, archery, wake surfing, writing, MOTHS, Butterflies and music! Also Daddy issues-
Anyway onto physical appearance I am very short I stand around 5’3 to 5’2, I am pretty chubby, I can’t exactly explain how my hair looks cause I’m growing it out and it’s not exactly a certain hairstyle so Idk anyway my hair used to be black and blue but now it’s very faded and my natural blonde is showing through again. style wise I don’t have a specific style but I mainly stay within the realms of Goth, Lolita, and cottage core, I like to wear baggy shirts and hoodies and jeans, but sometimes I wear more form fitting clothes and fem clothes like dresses or skirts. I like to watch a lot of Disney movies mainly old Disney movies Like beauty and the beast, Sleeping Beauty, Aladin, the little mermaid, or princess and the frog, I also like old rom coms (my sister introduced me to singing in the rain and it happened one night and I’ve been absolutely in love with them), I also like musicals my favs being Sweeney Todd, Hamilton, little shop of horror’s, be more chill, Six, Phantom of the opera, and Heathers. Anime is another thing I like my favorites being Full metal alchemist brother hood, and JoJo’s bizzare adventure, and I also like horror movies and to scary things like haunted houses. I don’t read much but when I do… it’s mainly fanfic- or romance novels. My music taste very much varies GREATLY like my Spotify playlist is just a fucking mess, but I’ve been listening to ghost mainly for the past few months.
Other little random facts I most likely forgot to add :D, I like listening to heart beats they are very comforting, Spider-man and Harley Quinn are my favorite superhero’s, I get called a cinnamon roll often and I constantly refuse cause IM NOT- I have a bad tendency to bite the skin off of my lip sometimes till my lip bleeds, and I have a bad tendency to bite the bed of my nails. I am surprisingly good with kids even if I don’t like them most of the time, I don’t like big parties, I have sworn off drinking and drugs, I will dance and sing to music when I think no one is home, I get embarrassed easily, I sometimes gently bite the people I love in an affectionate gesture (only if it’s okay with them ofc), I sometimes give random nicknames to my friends. I will quote movies at random times (mainly princess bride), and I make a popping sound sometimes and I sometimes make a small squeak sounds, and I shake my hands up and down and jump a bit when extremely happy or excited.
Sorry if this is a lot of information- anyway I hope you have a good day or evening or night! :)
Your match is…Copia
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You both get side tracked when chatting and then both pause “err… what were we talking about cara?” Copia will ask before grinning kissing you “doesn’t matter amore”
You both apologise too much. You caught him apologising to the table after walking into it.
When he sees you getting frustrated by something he’ll support you through it. Lots of hugs and he’ll help if you ask.
He loves how you put others first but when it’s you that needs support he’ll make sure you look after yourself.
If he thinks you now need to be looked after, he’ll carry you to bed, put a blanket over you, put on and old Disney film and hold you close to him.
He also loves to let you listen to his heartbeat. He’ll stroke your hair as you rest your head on his chest
He once heard you singing, he got home early. He coughs awkwardly and you stop and get embarrassed. “No cara please don’t stop, you sing beautifully. And umm well I err love this song, can I join you please?” He starts to sing and you join in quietly at first. His eyes light up with joy and he grins. He gives you confidence so you sing a little louder.
Now, when it’s just you two alone you sing and dance together.
He loves receiving physical affection and giving it.
He adores seeing you excited, he thinks it’s adorable how you jump up and down.
The first time you asked to bite him he was a little surprised. But he now is quite happy for you to because he knows it’s affectionate. He does often wonder if you might be distantly related to a ghoul.
This post is a part of Match-up Event. The Event ends on July 15th.
Written by Nyx
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ferrarihamilton · 2 years
anyone want some brainworms about a charlos coming of age indie movie? thank @finalgirlcharlesleclerc for this!
opening sequence is short shots of *insert misc european city*. it's that weird just past dawn light, so the city is just waking up, we get silhouettes of the tall buildings, maybe some people going to work early.
eventually we see shots inside a big train station where there's a train pulling in. the first shot we see of carlos is him stepping off the train, looking rumpled and disheveled, big backpack on his shoulder. he's probably fiddling with his phone, restlessly turning it on and off again. he gets off the train, cut to several shots of him hopelessly trying to hail a taxi, him staring out the window as the city goes past, checking into a hostel with polite tight lipped smiles to the receptionist. the hostel receptionist asks much planned while you're in the city? and he kind of shrugs and doesn't answer. goes up to his room, flops down on the bed. goes onto his phone, his face lit up by the screen and tired.
charles is a busker, he plays *insert instrument here*. he loves it! he likes seeing people come in and out of the city, he likes talking to the little kids who dance, he likes flirting with the strangers who compliment him. his haunt is the train station & recently there's been this beautiful man with MASSIVE COW EYES coming in and staring at the long distance departures screen like his life depends on it but he never even buys a ticket?
so eventually after a while charles is like hello? are you okay? and carlos ofc has been miserably looking at the departures screen because everyday he's been thinking maybe i AM an idiot for going on an oe now, maybe i should buy a ticket back to spain and try make amends with my father, where would i even go next?
and charles is like well if you don't know whether you should go home or go somewhere else, why don't you just stay here for a little while? do you not like this city?
and carlos has to awkwardly kind of be like i...... haven't really seen much of the city yet. too busy brooding and being sad.
and charles is like i refuse to let this beautiful man turn his independence trip into a sadness trip. also fuck you my city is AMAZING and im going to PROVE it to you. cue charles dragging carlos to his friend's jazz gigs, an underground bar. they visit an art gallery together. they have a picnic on the riverside. and at first carlos is like ah, charles, i do not know if i would like that, except charles is like c'mon you WILL, you WILL!
and wherever they go he gets carlos to take a billion photos of him and carlos is a bit eh about it at first, like who is this guy who's dragging him around? he looks about 12 years old, and he nags carlos until he agrees to go somewhere because you are young and in *city*! it's illegal to be sad here!
and eventually along the way carlos finds him annoying in an endearing way instead of an actual aggravating way, and ofc he's so busy being annoyed (affectionate) the whole time he's around charles that he forgets about being sad about his dad.
anyway the climax of this is they probably go to a gay bar and as they're walking home at like 5am, when the sunrise is just starting (call back to the opening shots :))) charles is like did you like that? and carlos has been quiet the whole night because he did like it, and he's trying to figure out why it makes him feel happy and complicated all at once. and then the sun comes past the horizon and charles turns to look at him walking backwards on the cobblestone streets still waiting for an answer, silhouetted by the dawn, and carlos is like oh. OH. fuck. and charles is looking at him carefully, and carlos says charles, but can't say anything more, because it's hard being brave.
but charles just softens in understanding and says, i know, and without speaking they go back to charles' flat and they don't fuck but they do fall into bed together.
cue the next morning carlos wakes up to a text message from his dad and just completely freezes up. bolts back to his hostel. charles wakes up alone and texts carlos like ??? and is lowkey heartbroken when there's no reply.
carlos is having a panic attack in his hostel. eventually one of his sisters calls him and she's mad that he has been ignoring their texts, and he feels shameful and guilty all at once all over again, but then she's like fuck dad. i love you, go live your life, just don't fucking go ghost again. are you happy?
and he takes too long to answer, but he does say yes, and she's like, knowingly, you met someone, didn't you.
it's not a lie, even if carlos isn't sure if charles fits what she's implying, so he says yes. she hangs up and he feels a million times better. and then he looks down at his phone and he sees 5 texts from charles that get progressively more and more upset and he's like oh shit. i fucked up.
and because carlos the classic romance hero, he DOES run through the train station to where charles is busking and charles is like ?? and carlos has to be like im so sorry im an idiot, im sorry i left you, and charles is smiling kind of shakily trying to say i was very upset as a joke but his voice cracks in the middle and carlos just feels even WORSE and he goes on a mini monologue about how when he came into the city he was lost and trying to find himself and instead i found you. or you found me.
and charles kisses him as the sunlight is coming in through the huge ornate windows of the train station :)) they live happily ever after THE END.
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oscar-delancey · 2 years
for the character thing do Any of ur kins it's up to u
2, 3, 8, 14, 15 im giving u All of them
hope im not doing this wrong LMFOA
Alright bet, I'll answer it for Racer, Albert, and as a treat I'm adding Davey even though I am still debating if he's a kin. (To be specific in this, I'm gonna be talking about UK!Racer, Livesies!Albert, and a personal Modern AU!Davey)
2 - Does your character indulge often in the things they like?
Race: Oh yeah, all the time. He's a chronic gambler (much to the disdain of some of the newsies) we can't forget that! He's got hella good luck with it somehow, so he continues to do it. And, thanks to said good luck, he's able to go out and do some other things he enjoys outside of work! So yes, he does indulge himself quite often :D
Albert: Not really. He's not solid on what he even likes, it's not something he's ever really considered what it even is he likes, so he has no idea what to indulge in. His day is really just wake up -> sell papes -> eat -> sleep ; repeat. If he found something he enjoyed, though, he probably would indulge himself occasionally if he had the money!
Davey: Kinda often? He doesn't always have the time to go out and spend time with his friends, but he does when he can. Because fuck, man, who doesn't enjoy eating out at restaurants and going to movies with good friends??? He'd do it more often if he could, but work takes up a lot of time.
3 - What makes your character's skin crawl?
Race: It was the nuns that constantly came around that got on his nerves. He often tried to avoid interacting with them but they usually addressed him in the mornings when the younger newsies rushed to get their breakfast. They usually pestered him about his clothes ("Oh you look so lovely today! Where'd you get the new vest!", "What a lovely look on you!" etc etc) and it always came across as passive aggressive. Whether they meant it or not, it always just felt like they were poking at him for having the money to dress well but not get away from selling papers.
Albert: People snoring. He absolutely fucking DESPISES hearing people snore and loses a bit of his life during the winter in the lodging house, because he can't sleep outside to avoid it.
Davey: The complete ignorance of his parents. His mother forcing him and Jack to take over the care of his younger brother mildly ticked him off. He loves his brother! But the fact his parents just gave up on Les... He had a rocky relationship with his parents since he left for college.
8 - Is there something your character deeply regrets from their past?
Race: Running away from home, and then running away from Brooklyn. He often wonders how his parents are doing but he never had the will to go back and see them again. (He's terrified of the idea of going home and them not being there, or them not recognizing him).
Albert: Not in particular!
Davey: A lot. There's a lot he regrets he refuses to go into detail about. It's why his relationship with his parents is so rocky and why he practically hovers over Les once his brother is in his care.
14 - Who would your character never betray?
Race: Any of the newsies. Nothing in him could ever get him to turn on his friends and family. He'd go down fighting tooth and nail for them
Albert: Race and Finch.
Davey: Sarah. He could never turn his back on Sarah, not after everything she's done for him. He owes her the world.
15 - Who does your character look up to and who do they despise?
Race: He doesn't look up to anyone around him in particular. He kinda emulates Jack to a degree, but he's not Race's role model. If anything... he looks up to the memory of his mother. The way she cared for him and held him when he was sad or sick. Her warm smiles her gentle hugs... he held those memories dear and tried to bring those soft moments and comforting reminders of being cared for to the younger newsies who came to the lodge. He despises Spot. As much as he misses being in Brooklyn, he hates her. He refuses to ever tell anyone what happened, often changing the subject to something fun to distract whoever was asking.
Albert: Jack and his oldest brother. He aspires to be like both of them when it comes to leadership and confidence. He absolutely despises the Delanceys. If he could just straight up beat the everliving shit out of them he would. It is a VISCERAL hatred and he is often held back from going off by other newsies. So, instead, he just tries to explode them with his mind 99% of the time.
Davey: He doesn't really look up to anyone either, but he also isn't one to hate. He experiences quite strong emotions but not enough to feel so strongly about anyone.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Hello friend you invited the chaos
So so so. Recap: friends for years, he dumped his toxic ex, started therapy, we start actually talking.
OKAY. So we were officially dating like *last week*. Monday I was over his house and things were good. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I legit thought he died cause he wasn’t answering his phone (he did not die he just broke his phone, but the worry was there cause I know he deals with depression).
But while thinking he was possibly dead, I had a job interview at the really cool lab and Im gonna be calibrating gas detectors and doing titrations every monday!! (Spoiler I got the job).
And then I had a second one later in the day after he got his new phone but this one was in some sketchy basement lab with two other employees that are both grown men and Im honestly surprised I didnt die down there.
And then thursday I went to my first therapy session to help deal with anxiety and some other shit right. (It will be so fun showing up after my intake appointment with an entirely new set of issues). Oh also this entire week is happening while my autoimmune disorder is flaring too. Thats also a thing. But also. At this point, things are still fine with the guy. Like he was talking about introducing me to his friends and shit.
BUT OKAY THEN FRIDAY HAPPENS. AND THIS IS THE DAY THAT ALL THINGS WENT TO HELL. *He* invited me over his house during the day while most of his family was gone. And I went cause I was off work and also like. At that point why wouldnt I? But uuuhhhhh while I was there, some *things* happened that *he* initiated (fully consensual) but also that boy was fucking *rough* and I have bruises all over where he was grabbing and I’m sure more I cant see. But like. Genuinely kinda a fun time.
Until. Out of no where he like kinda rushed me out of his house. And I was very confused and concerned about that, because obviously I just put a hell of a lot of trust into someone I had considered a good friend. And so after I got home I asked him if I did something wrong, AND GOES ‘We’ve been very close friends for 5 years so dating just feels not right.’ Which like. Was a whiplash moment for me. So I responded with ‘So. You just want to be friends is what youre telling me?’. AND THIS ASSHOLE GOES ‘Yeah, for now at least’.
So yeah after that I was sad for a little bit but then ya know I started to be able to see the bruises and I just got so fucking pissed off from that, that I was no longer sad. The sad is gone. I was instead petty and went to the county fair with Mountain Boy and told him what was up and yeah. Thats what that insta post was about lol. I was just being petty because I could be.
OH BUT ALSO. I have to see him in early september for a chemistry meeting and I have every intention of looking hot as fuck when I show up just because I can and I refuse to let a boy get in my head about my own self confidence.
And really in the end he was evidently lacking in both braincells and inches, so it was no real loss on my part lmao
Anyways thats been my week, how are youuu??????
Daaaamn he really strung you along huh well man I feel that about people doing a complete 180 on you and showing their true colors out of literally nowhere. I’m sorry it all went down like that, yikes. Yeah, no, I don’t think I would want to be “friends” with someone like that either. Fuck that guy frrrr. Especially right after that.
Damn what a shitty week but I so hope a new job is exactly the kind of reset you need to take your mind off things.
My week has been alright. I’m feeling really burnt out and emotionally exhausted but I’m healing from the bullshit that I went through. I start school tomorrow which I’m not exactly looking forward to but not dreading either but next week I’m going on vacation (also to Myrtle Beach, finally) since I have 3 days in a row off and my birthday is coming up.
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I'm returning to Percy and Kiki childhood au rq cause I had a thought if that's okay with you!
I was thinking about summer break, Vax and Vex actually go home to syldor which are a few very very upsetting goodbyes, they're not too far away but syldor has plans for them for summer jobs and strict curfews and the twins are just really going to miss spending weekends at keyleths. Im thinking about one night, it's been like a month since Vax and keyleth have seen eachother, its been really hard but they text and call constantly, anyways it was an extra rough night with syldor, it was Bad and he called keyleth at like 11pm asking if she could meet at the gas station they would usually walk to after school, he was speaking so softly and shakily that she got in her truck and left right away, she got there to see Vax sitting on the curb outside looking dazed with his head resting on his knees, a dark bruise forming under his eye, keyleth held him on that curb for a really long time as he cried silently into her shoulder, when he was feeling a little better (it's hard to be sad and angry when he's finally able to see and hold his girlfriend again) they bought snacks and drove out to one of the big fields, throwing blankets in the bed of the truck and they just laid there watching the stars for a few hours before keyleth had to reluctantly drive him home.
anon I want to fight you oh my god this is so fucking heartbeaking but I love it so much
And I think that shortly after Vax calls her, she gets like a million texts from Vex, worried about her brother because she has no idea where he disappeared to. Keyleth texts her really quick, letting her know what's going on before driving over.
When Vax is finished crying, Keyleth kisses him softly and pulls him to his feet. They go into the gas station and get their usual slushies as well as some chips and candy and an ice pack for Vax's eye.
She didn't ask what happened and he didn't want to explain, not yet at least. From what she could infer, she's so glad he managed to get out and call her. And she tries so hard to convince him to come home with her, but he refuses leaving Vex.
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