#like im haggard
kingworm · 2 years
not to sound dramatic but i went through the protest signs i’ve made and got so tired realising how i’m going to be reusing them and making more indefinitely
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skunkes · 7 months
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chronicowboy · 2 months
idk sometimes i just think about how if the eddie described in buck's coma dream had have actually Been There buck might have never left because his instinct to help, to Fix, would have taken over the way it always does with eddie
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stillunpainted · 1 year
How the fuck did people watch Akira in theaters and make it out alive
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jiggery-duggery · 7 months
how I look suggesting to my group partners that we do our bio presentation on vultures
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cardboardfeet · 7 months
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the concept of Cheng Xiaoshi becoming some sacrificial deity . ft a relentless Qiao Ling and the fragments of what used to be Lu Guang
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seithr · 2 months
i passed my alc serving exam :]
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on the one hand, eso is allergic to pretty young men npcs and its engine affords absolutely ZERO aesthetic favours towards mans... which is why bastian looks wayyyyy older than 27 and craggy as hell visually.
on the other hand, his character is great and griffin puatu's performance is so goddamn wonderful and endearing that it overlays and makes up for any lacking visuals on the game's part...
all this to say, i treat drawing bastian a little like how all those oblivion fan artists approached interpreting lucien lachance back in the day.
not quite to that extent, but like, same energy.
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xycuro-illuminati · 10 months
I'm pro stubble Matt sowwy he's an awful hairy beast to me its funny
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girl-daigo · 3 months
Preforming experiments on my older sibling's friend's cat (listening to music on the speakers while she sits on my lap) to figure out what music she likes best. Unsurprisingly for her species, she seems to like CAKE more than she likes 4lung. more testing needed.
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steelycunt · 2 years
sometimes i think about posting my face on here but then i remember that sometimes i make posts about the mutuals neutering me and i choose dignity + employment prospects. stay safe + be blessed though
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yoursonlucifer · 1 year
call for fanartists in the d20 and naddpod fandoms to actually draw characters their age..... ive seen far too many hank hogfishes and ylfa snorgelssons that look the same age
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haggarrd · 2 years
when glauren said she wanted to play the field of dicks i felt that
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multiicolor · 1 year
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im having lir feelings and im going INSANE HGNGHDNJHNG
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wantedtourist · 2 years
a week ago: randomly decided I wanted to read The Fall of the House of Usher so I borrowed from the library a book of Edgar Allen Poe’s works
rn: randomly decide to watch a Netflix movie something I almost never do and it turns out a main character in this movie is Edgar Allen Poe??
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twinvictim · 2 years
You people are going to cringe post so hard that I leave this place
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