#like imagine showing someone who was scared of megan is missing the girl next door i think theyd die
horrorlesbians · 2 years
was friends with this girl in my freshman year of college who’s taste was overwhelmingly popular and basic and when I got to the topic of horror films I said one that really crawled under my skin was lake mungo. and she said her pick for the worst horror movie she’s seen was. megan is missing. Yes art is subjective and horror is personal and the way we process things is different from one another but I was trying so hard not to be mean then.
megan is missing is like one of the worst movies ever in terms of being an actual movie that i cannot take anyone who was scared of it seriously unless they watched it at like 11
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
Top 10 Favorite Young Justice Characters
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10. Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle
Starting off the list is Blue Beetle. Young Justice introduced me to him, and I was hooked. He’s probably the most mellow and calming voice. His arc and relationship with Bart (friendship or not) were my favorite aspects of S2. They bounced off each other in every scene. I was very disappointed when Jaime and Bart were sidelined so much, and hope S4 changes this (particularly with Bart).
Jaime in the number 10 spot since he doesn’t really have much of a memorable personality. Still love him to bits though.
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        9. Will Harper/Red Arrow
Funny enough, I did not like Will. He was an asshole in S1; S2 kind of changed my mind about him but not enough since he didn’t appear as much. What really changed my mind was the episode “Private Security” (S3 Ep.4). I started looking back into Will’s storylines and, I have to admit, his is probably one of the best character development.
The first season had him unwillingly living a lie and betraying the people he cared for. In season 2 he was so consumed into finding the original Roy for five years, not even caring or focusing about his own life. I felt really bad for Will because he was probably going through an identity crisis and thought he couldn’t live his life without finding Arsenal. Probably felt guilty.
Seeing him living his own life and being happy with his daughter was so heartwarming. I smiled every time Will appeared in the latest season (totally ignoring the Will x Artemis fiasco), especially with Lian. I’m very proud of him.
I feel bad for putting him so low, yet I adore the next characters more.
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 8. Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
I have been a massive Beast Boy fan since Teen Titans so you probably can imagine how excited to see him. His origin story was unique and his brother-sister bond with M’gann was very sweet. It was pretty weird seeing how much younger Gar was than Dick, but I got used to it. I was bummed that Gar wasn’t in S2 as much; however, S3 truly made up for it. 
After watching Beast Boy being a great leader in S5 of Teen Titans, I wanted a leader-like and more mature version of him. Young Justice truly delivered with Gar being the leader of the Outsiders. It’s nice to see him treated with respect rather than as a joke because that was my biggest gripe with Teen Titans. Though it was weird seeing him not crack a joke at all.
Gar’s story with his mom was heartbreaking to see. I literally cried seeing his reaction to revisiting his trauma in S2 and S3; I just wanted to hug and tell him how awesome he is. My only complaint with Gar in S3 was that the Outsiders weren’t established until near the end of the season.
His voice actor being Greg Cipes also gives him extra points (He’s a chill guy and radiates BB energy).
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 7. Dick Grayson/Nightwing/ Robin I 
Sorry to all the hardcore Nightwing fans.
I love Dick (don’t get any ideas), but he doesn’t get enough development in the spotlight. One of the things I really wanted to see from him is his growth as a main leader, and his journey to becoming Nightwing. I was really bummed when these happened between the first two seasons.
To be honest, I don’t have as much to say about him other than straightforward qualities I enjoy about him.
1.His Voice (it’s so soothing)
2.His Personality (very charismatic)
3.Very Handsome (Probably in the top 3 my most handsome YJ Men list)
I put him higher than the others since he made a lot of contribution to the story and his new words (gotta love that aster!)
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6. Megan Morse/M’gann M’orzz/Miss Martian 
If I made this list during S1, M’gann would have probably been in my top 3 (maybe even No. 1), but S2 didn’t give her any brownie points.
I really liked S1 Miss Martian because of her kind heart, awkward girl next door personality. Her trouble fitting in the beginning reminded me of when I was going through a time in high school; seeing her having trouble as well helped me feel not so lonely. M’gann powers were (still are) my favorite since I am a big fan of mind-like powers. I would feel so powerful. Watching her identity crisis(?) arc was great too. I’ve had trouble feeling comfortable in my own skin as well as my social anxiety (I’m a mess) and I could understand how scared Megan was of her friends’ thoughts on her true form. 
Oh boy. Season 2 basically ruined her. Learning what she would do to enemies was terrifying to see and left me wondering what happened to Miss Martian that made her step this far. What she almost did to Superboy was almost unforgivable. You do not try to manipulate with your boyfriend’s mind when you guys have an argument! Shame on you M’gann. If Superboy hadn’t forgiven you then I wouldn’t have either.
Good thing S3 somewhat redeemed her. Her kind heart was noticeable again and she refused to do that mind trick again (thank god). Very excited for the Superboy and Miss Martian wedding! Please creators, I beg of you to not skip over it. I want to cry my eyes out in happiness!
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 5. Kaldur’ahm/Aquaman/Aqualad 
Now we’re in the top 5 with Aqualad (*ahem* Aquaman) starting it off.
Creating Kaldur was the best decision the creators ever did. I love him with all my heart!
He added diversity to the original team and was a great leader. S1 was not his breakout season, though the second season definitely was.
Kladur played the villain so well that he deserves an automatic Oscar. I never doubted that he was with the heroes, but he didn’t disappoint. My favorite part about Aqualad’s performance was when he rose from the ocean slowly like a cliché villain (he made it work), and the line he said right after he “killed” Artemis; it sent me chills. Love it! 
Pretty disappointed that he didn’t appear as much in S3. Very happy that he is a part of the LGBTQ+ community and is in a happy relationship. I’m a part of the community and loved that there was finally some representation in one of my favorite shows. Even so, I have to criticize how rushed and sidelined it was. I hope Kaldur and Wyynde’s relationship gets development.
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 4. Kon-El/Conner Kent/Superboy
Like Will, I did not like Superboy at first. Mainly angry and volatile characters were never really my cup of tea. I do understand why he was upset and felt bad for him; I just handle anger the direct opposite as him. My love for Conner started growing around the end of S1. He was very sweet towards Miss Martian (bless him for not caring about her appearance) and his anger was in control.
Season 2 pretty much switched my opinions on him and M’gann. It was awful what M’gann almost did to him. That scene with him being so sad that what she did ruined that special bond they had almost made me cry. I wanted to give him a hug. He grew so much too since I don’t think he would have handled the whole M’gann drama as well in S1. A lot of furniture would’ve been broken.
I gotta admit something. I almost put Conner near the bottom (maybe no. 7). A comment in a poll in Amino changed my mind. I wrote a poll asking other fans who did they prefer SB or MM. At that point I said SB, though I didn’t think much of it. Someone (specifically yjfangirl) responded “Superboy has the best development in the show.” This had me thinking about how far SB has gone. In the beginning, Conner was an angry guy who felt alone and rejected by the person who he was meant to emulate. Now he is happier and living for himself rather than to be the next Superman. He’s getting married people! A little detail I noticed when rewatching S3 was Superboy mentioning to new characters that they weren’t obligated to be a hero because of their abilities. I adored this! The main reason why Superboy was created to be Superman if the original ever died, and another one of Luthor’s puppets. But he strayed from that pressuring path and is doing his own thing. Conner doesn’t want other people to feel like he did. What an absolute pure soul.
Also, yjfangirl, first I want to say Hi (*waves*)! Then say thanks for writing that comment. It made me really think about the bigger picture with SB and my love for him as grown exponentially. You probably didn’t mean to do that, but I still want to thank you. 😊
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 3.Wally West/Kid Flash
We’re in the elites now.
I don’t know how to explain it, I just love Wally. He makes me laugh, and his character growth was great. At first, Wally was this cocky flirt who didn’t take the hero work as seriously. That changed in “Cold-hearted,” one of my favorite episodes in the series. This was when I really started seeing more of Wally than being this dumb flirt. It was great seeing him actually caring about helping people since I believed for a long time that he wanted to be a superhero to just have powers rather than actually protect others. The regret in his eyes when he thought his impulsive behavior killed Perdita helped me see who he really was- this somewhat arrogant speedster who had a kind heart. Episodes that can make me change my perspective on characters are truly special.
I was very upset that he wasn’t in S2 a lot. I understand why since he gave up the life, but I was still bummed. Seeing him being so loving and protective towards Artemis was amazing. Spitfire is my favorite ship and I will not give up on them. All I want is a happy ending! The penultimate episode of S3 was a hint that it will happen. Watching the S2 finale was heartbreaking, I cried watching him disappear, his love for Artemis being the last things he said. Artemis’ reaction did not(I just wanted to hug her). 
I have more to say, though I’m leaving it for another post. 😉
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 2.Bart Allen/Kid Flash II/Impulse
Picking between Bart and Wally for second place was tough. Took me a while to decide; I’ll talk about it later on.
The moment Bart made his appearance, I absolutely adored him. He is amazing and I live for his hyper, fun attitude. His arc and relationship with Jaime were my favorite aspects of S2. What can I say, their chemistry is great to see.
That scene when he was meeting the Flash family was so adorable. His excitement was infectious and spoiling his dad and aunt’s births was hilarious! I watch it occasionally whenever I need a good laugh or reason to smile.
Unlike most time travelers- at least the ones I’ve seen- Bart was very involved with what was going on and befriended his biggest enemy- evil and weirdly huge future Blue Beetle. He was pretty careful about disclosing very important information and took things very seriously. You never know if disclosing everything was the thing that brought the world to chaos.
What I found interesting was his choice on how to interact with everyone. He seemed pretty gloomy in the future, but decided to portray this cheerful, devil-may-care attitude to be more likable. I understood (still kind of do). I had terrible mental health issues and I pretended to be happy in front of loved ones because I thought they wouldn’t care about me anymore. Bart got some brownie points for that.
I was dissatisfied when his role was greatly reduced. I wanted the creators to go further with Bart by revealing his past and how it affected him. He was pretty much comedy relief. You couldn’t imagine how disappointed I was, especially with it involving my second favorite character. Season 4 better change that.
I know that you shouldn’t assume a character’s sexuality, yet I really hope Bart is gay. There needs to be more clear representation and Bart can be one of them. I’m also a Bluepulse and Bartuado shipper (fine with either one as long as Bart’s bond with each of them stays strong).
Anyway, I mentioned that I would explain why I chose Bart for 2nd place over Wally. It mostly stems from wishful thinking. I really want S4 to have Bart as a main character since I believe the future will be strong plot point in the season. Development could surely happen such as Bart opening up more about what he went through. Let all those feelings go.
I’m going to write an article on my hopes for S4 when a release date is announced. Bart and Wally will most definitely be talked about.
We are finally near the end!
And my No. 1 favorite character is…
Drumroll please!
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1.Artemis Crock/Tigress/Artemis
That’s right people!
Artemis Crock, original member of the Team and daughter of villains!
She is such an inspiration to anyone who wants to go their own past without their parents’ support.
It’s hard to describe how much I love Artemis. She’s brave, strong-willed, and a kind person. It’s crazy how great of a person she is after all the terrible things that happened to her. I look up to her because I don’t have a healthy relationship with my parents (verbal and mental abuse) and there are times I don’t feel strong enough to stand on my own. I want to carry the amount of strength Artemis has as my own.
After all that happened in S2, it was amazing to see Artemis come back to the team and train the new generation. It must have been hard to walk away from a safe, comfortable life for a chaotic, dangerous life. I admire that in everyone, but I hold more respect for Artemis since “the life” “killed” Wally. I wanted to hug her so bad.
She’s also one of the kindest people in the show, the events in S3 being the best example. When Zatanna was crying about her dad, Artemis was there to comfort her. It was so sweet! Roy and her also took in Halo and Terra like they were a part of the family; the archer treated them like the best big sister. That rainstorm scene was heartwarming to the core.
Wouldn’t Artemis be an amazing mother? Lian and her have a strong bond like a mother and daughter; I loved it, and Lian is in good hands with Roy and Artemis. Though Jade deserves a chance to be a mother. Artemis also seemed to enjoy taking care of those kids in that S1 episode. Wally too. You guys know what I’m guys insinuating. 😉
Get ready for some fanfics on that someday.
My favorite Artemis-centered episode was the second to last episode of S3. I was waiting for this episode centering around Artemis missing Wally and learning to move on. It was great yet heartbreaking. Nothing bad happened. That Will and Artemis kiss never happened. Everyone makes a mistake. No matter how terrible it was.
Anyway, seeing Artemis and Wally living their lives and having a baby gave me life, even if it was fake. It was a vision of the future. I will believe this until there is confirmation that Wally will not come back.
Did anyone else cry when Artemis was so desperate to, but Wally wouldn’t let that happen (the real Wally would do that)? They are a great example of a healthy relationship with all the love and support they have for each other. I want that.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
Life Is A Song (Love Is The Music) (Christen Press x Reader)
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Anonymous Request:  Hi, would you do a Christen imagine? Where R is like a wellknown singer (who is known to be in a relationship but not with who) and the USWNT is always like thirsting over R and you know CP's calm and collected persona finds it amusing and for some reason one day the team meets R, Christen's gf/wife, where CP has to "come clean" about their relationship after actually joining them on their thirsting over R. It's okay if you can't or don't want to do it. Hope you're ok with everything happening!
I’m doing alright my dear anonnnn! <3 
Incredibly brief smut aheadddd!
Emily jumps from her seat at breakfast, her hazel orbs wide as her chair falls to the floor, scaring every one of her teammates.  
Alex claps her hands excitedly.  
“Oh! Oh! Let me see!” Mallory beams, jumping up so she can stand behind Emily, her brown orbs on her phone.  
Tobin glances at Christen the green-eyed forward giggling as she sips her latte innocently.  
“She always looks like a SNACK.” Kelley stares at her phone, a hand on her rapidly beating chest.  
“Yeah, whoever she’s with is one LUCKY bitch.” Emily adds, Lindsey, Mallory and Rose fighting to look at her phone’s screen while Sam easily has the best view, towering over them all.  
Meanwhile, Ashlyn, Ali, and Megan are ogling the singer on their phone’s, the others grinning at their screens, though Christen Press’s grin rivals them all.  
“Your girl has moves.” Tobin whispers in her ear and Christen giggles as you sing, your voice as enchanting as the day the two of you had met.  
Christen had been able to keep her and your relationship a secret, of course, Tobin knew, because Tobin knew everything and Christen couldn’t keep a secret from HER to save her life.  
She shook her head, watching as a number of the women in your music video hung all over you, something that would make her jealous, if she weren’t 100% sure that you were hers and ONLY hers.  
The song ends, the camera fading to black as you kick the kickstand up on your motorcycle, a beautiful blonde on the back as you drive off into the sunset.  
Kelley starts a slow clap, the others soon to follow in.  
“Platinum.” Ashlyn places a hand over her heart, wiping at a phantom tear.  
“You know...” Emily hums, everyone turning her way.  
“We could always extend an invitation to a game.” She shrugs. “A congratulations on the new song.”  
Alex snorts.  
“You just want to invite her so you can stare at her.” The forward rolls her blue orbs and Emily shrugs.  
“Guilty as charged.”  
Tobin gives her best friend a nudge, green orbs locking with Tobin’s browns.  
“Looks like you’re going to have to tell them about Y/N sooner than you thought.” 
Graciously, you accept the USWNT’s invite to their next game, why wouldn’t you accept when you’d be able to see the love of your life?  
In all honesty though, you’d already planned on surprising her by attending a number of her upcoming games, the two of you had been separated for FAR too long in your opinion.  
You rub your hands together, watching as the stadium fills with fans, most of them donned in their favorite player’s jerseys, face's painted and makeshift signs in hand.  
Seeing so many little girl’s wearing Christen’s jersey makes your heart soar, so many looked up to her, she inspired so many, including you.  
“Excuse me, Ms. Y/L/N? May I get a word?”  
“Oh my god she’s here, oh my god she accepted our invite.” Rose flails excitedly, a grin stretching across Christen’s face as Tobin gives her a nudge.  
The two of you hadn’t seen each other face to face in a while, considering the two of you were incredibly busy, but now, now the two of you were together again and Christen couldn’t wait to hold you in her arms again.  
“You guys remember Y/N is taken, yeah?” Megan asks, every one of her teammates, even the married ones, sending a glare her way.  
“Stop trying to take our eye candy away.” Mallory flaps an arm at her and Megan’s brows furrow.  
“Aren’t you straight?”  
Mallory glances at Sam and Lindsey, before turning to Megan with a shrug.  
“Hey, we can appreciate a fine lady now and then.”  
Megan glances at Ashlyn and Ali, the two shrugging.  
“Hey, we can still appreciate a good-looking woman now and then too.” Ali shrugs and Megan snorts, shaking her head.  
“I’m sure Sue won’t mind.”  
Christen giggles, glancing at her phone, grinning at the blush on your cheeks when a fan comes out of nowhere and wraps her arms around you.  
“Do my eyes decisive me!?”  
Christen picks her head up, her eyes widening when she realizes every one of her teammates are looking her way.  
“Are you thirsting over Y/N too?” Kelley asks, eyes narrowed and Christen shrugs.  
“I mean, if you all can appreciate her, I can too.” She grins and everyone laughs. 
“I knew you had it in you Pressy.” Julie ruffles her hair before she’s turning her attention back to your ongoing interview, a small smile on her face.  
Watching Christen make her way out of the tunnel made you beam, the sight of her making your heart skip a beat.  
If you were being honest, Christen Press always made your heart skip a beat.  
You loved her, loved her more than anything in the world, and seeing her, being in the same vicinity as her, made you want to leap out of your seat and run onto the field.  
Of course, this wasn’t a rom-com and you weren’t about to get tackled by security, so for now you’d watch from afar, a massive grin on your face as Christen’s green orbs locked with your Y/E/C orbs, nothing but love in her gaze. 
You stand, your hands tucked behind your back as the anthem’s play, your eyes locked with Christen’s, the woman biting back a grin the entire time.  
The second the anthems end the team gathers at the sidelines, a number of them glancing your way, but the only person’s eyes you see are Christen’s.
You send her a wink, the forward blushing as she makes her way onto the field, ready to show the world exactly what she can do.  
As per usual, Christen Press was on absolute fire, so much so that your voice was hoarse from the amount of time you spent cheering for the woman and her team.  
The whistle blows, signaling the end of the first half and you grin, clapping as the women make their way towards the locker room, one of them unable to keep their eyes off of you.  
You cross your arms across your chest, butterflies flapping their wings rapidly in your stomach, butterflies that were always riled up by the sight of Christen Press.  
“Excuse me, Ms. Y/L/N?” You turn around with a grin, the same reporter from earlier giving you a smile.  
“I’d love to hear how you’re enjoying the game so far...”  
Christen was absolutely giddy, the prospect of holding you, kissing you making her wish the game was already over, in a sense it was considering the USWNT were literally trampling Canada.  
“Someone looks excited.” Tobin whispers, giving her best friend a nudge, the woman grinning excitedly.  
“I am, I just... I miss her.” She shrugs, her cheeks flushed.  
“Oh, she misses you too, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you.” Tobin winks, her best friend unable to bite back a smile.  
She couldn’t wait until the second half ended so she could hold you in her arms again.  
Unfortunately, Tobin was saddled with the job of lookout, standing outside the door where you and Christen were currently behind, doing less than appropriate things, things Tobin could unfortunately hear.  
Christen body twitches with aftershocks from a powerful orgasm, the woman chuckling as you lean in, your lips meeting hers over and over again, a massive grin on your face.
“Fuck I’ve missed you.” Christen whispers, gasping as your fingers slip out of her. She watches with wide green orbs as your digits slip into your mouth, cleaning them of her essence before your lips meet, your tongue slipping into her mouth, the taste of her slick on your tongue.  
“YOU GUYS OWE ME FOR THIS.” Tobin yells, the two of you parting with a snort.  
Christen buries her face in your neck, nuzzling against your collarbone.  
“I’ve missed you so much.” She whispers and you grin.  
“I’ve missed you to.”  
You turn, kissing her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, anywhere and everywhere you can, the woman giggling as you playfully nibble her neck.  
“I have a confession to make.” You whisper, Christen pulling back with a furrowed brow.  
You grin.  
“WAIT, SHE’S HERE AGAIN!?” Emily squeals when she spots you in the VIP seating again, she and rest of the team staring at you with googly eyes.  
“You know she’s totally here for me.” Kelley smirks, earning a dramatic scoff from Alex.  
“She’s here for me.”
Julie lets out a humorless laugh.
“Nooo, you’re both wrong, she’s here for me.”  
“You’re both married!” Megan throws her hands in the air, but still, her eyes too linger on you.  
“Hey, don’t act like you’re not appreciating the view.” Emily scoffs, earning a shrug from the veteran forward.  
“Ehh, guilty.”  
“It doesn’t matter anyway, she’s here for me.” Emily smirks, she and the rest of the team bickering while Christen and Tobin stand side by side, silently watching the women argue.  
“Are you ever going to tell them you’re together?” Tobin whispers, earning a shrug from her best friend.  
“It better be soon, I’m not being the look out again...” She pouts, brown orbs wide when Christen turns to her with a grin.  
You wrap your arms around Christen, the woman burying herself in your embrace, kissing the curve of your jaw over and over again.  
“Are we ever going to tell your teammates we’re together?” You ask, the forward smiling as she nuzzles into you.  
“Yeah, I guess I just like messing with them.” She confesses and you laugh.  
“So, they’re still being thirsty?” You ask, the forward snorting.  
“They’re trying to guess which of them you’re there for.”  
You throw your head back with a booming laugh.
“Just wait until they realize we’re staying at the same hotel.” You grimace, Christen’s eyes widening.  
“You are?” She grins, eyes shining and you beam.  
“I am, I want to spend more time with you, not just in a backstage room in the arena.” You snort, the woman cupping your cheeks, pulling you down into a kiss. 
“I want to spend more time with you too.” She whispers and you smirk.  
“I’m pretty sure Tobin would RATHER not stand guard anymore, RIGHT TOBY!?” You yell, the forward groaning through the door.  
Christen giggles, burying her face in your chest.  
“I suppose we are torturing her...” She laughs.  
“YOU ARE.” Tobin yells and you snort.  
“Well, meet you at the hotel?” You ask with a smile and Christen grins, pressing a kiss to your lips, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth.  
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Lindsey mumbles over and over again when she spots you in the hotel’s lobby, a smile on your face, a smile you direct at her, at least, she thinks at her.  
“She smiled at me.” Mallory whispers, earning a loud snort from Kelley.  
“In your dreams Mal.”  
“Okay, we’ll settle this...” Emily turns to Christen, the forward’s brows arching.  
“Who was she smiling at??” She asks and Christen shrugs.  
Her teammates grin.  
“WE KNEW you’d eventually join us.” Ashlyn pats her back. “Welcome to the club.”
You smirk across the lobby, making your way towards the elevator, passing the USWNT.  
“Hi ladies, big fan.” You grin, each and every one of them staring at you wide eyed.  
“Yeah, us too.” Emily says, eyes going comically wide.  
“Yeah, us too?” Rose snorts, Emily’s bottom lip jutting out into a pout.  
“I know okay!”  
Christen shakes her head with a giggle, her phone vibrating in her pocket. She reads your text with a smile.  
“Room 407. Also, Emily is adorable and I love her, she needs to be cherished and protected.”  
Later that night you open your door with a grin, Christen’s grin just as wide.  
“I’m sorry, do you have the wrong room?”  
Christen giggles as she shoves you into the room, kicking the door shut behind her before she pulls you into a kiss.  
Christen cups your cheeks, the woman sighing as she stares into your Y/E/C orbs.  
“I’ve missed you.” She whispers, pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. “I missed this.”  
You cup her cheeks, gently tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.  
“I’ve missed this too. Now get in bed so I can cuddle the hell out of you.”  
Christen giggles, climbing into bed, opening her arms expectantly.  
You look up at her with a smile, your lips splitting in a grin.  
“What?” She asks, her smile just as massive as yours, her beautiful shining green orbs making your heart skip a beat.  
You climb into bed, wrapping your arms around her, the woman burying her face in your neck.  
“I just love you so much.”
Christen smiles, pressing a tender kiss to you neck.  
“I love you too.”  
“SHE TWEETED ABOUT US.” Kelley screeches the next morning at breakfast, everyone turning to her, wide eyed.  
“She did not...” Emily snorts, choking on her OJ when she sees you had in fact tweeted them, tagging her specifically.
“@emilysonnett is adorable, and deserves to be cherished and protected.”  
Emily squeals.  
“She said I was adorable.” She claps her hands, Christen giggling as she shakes her head.  
Tobin leans her way with a snort.  
“Better be careful, Em’s about to steal your girl.” She whispers, earning a raspberry from Christen.  
“Childish.” Tobin mumbles, getting smacked in the chest with a packet of butter.  
Christen nearly jumps out of her skin when Emily appears out of nowhere, phone in hand and cocky grin on her face.  
“Did you see Y/N tweeted me?” She asks, waving her phone around and Christen nods.  
“I did.”  
Emily shrugs.  
“Yeahhh, I think it’s OBVIOUS now who she’s here for...” She shrugs. “It’s okay though, I’m sure you’ll find someone.”  
From out of nowhere a jelly packet flies across the room, hitting Emily square in the face, the blonde scowling as she glares down the table at Lindsey.  
“YOU’RE JUST MAD BECAUSE SHE TWEETED ME.” Emily yells as she races down the table to dive on Lindsey, the two wrestling on the dining area’s floor.  
Tobin turns to Christen with a shake of her head.  
“You HAVE to come clean, before they kill each other.”  
“I know. I know. I’ll talk to Y/N.”  
“You’re uhhh, sure you’re ready for this?” You ask, swallowing hard, the forward nodding as she takes your hand, giving it a squeeze.  
“What if they get mad?” Christen mumbles.  
You give her a soft smile as you duck down, kissing her forehead.  
“If they love you, they won’t be mad.” You smirk cockily. “Jealous maybe, but not mad.”  
Christen smacks you in the chest.  
“Chris?” Tobin jogs towards the two of you, the woman grinning. “Everything is ready.”  
Christen turns to you, taking a deep breath.  
“Are you ready?” She asks and you nod, smiling as you lean in, pressing a kiss to her lips.  
“I am, are you?”
Christen swallows hard, clearing her throat.  
Your eyes narrow as you glance at Tobin, the woman’s brown orbs already on you.  
“Are you sure?” Tobin asks, noting the way Christen’s cheeks flush.  
“I am.”  
Christen wasn’t sure if she was ready at all, and it turned out that she wasn’t.  
Looking into the eyes of her teammates she can’t find the words she’s searching for, the woman eventually blurting out whatever comes to mind.  
“I just wanted you all to remember that tonight is my night to pick a movie.”
Everyone looks at her in confusion, the forward nodding before she makes a beeline for the locker room, Tobin on her heels, the two zooming passed you.  
“Did I miss the signal?” You ask, Tobin grabbing your arm, dragging you to the locker room.  
“No, Chris chickened out.”  
“I knew she wasn’t ready.” You shake your head, jogging beside Tobin towards the locker room.  
“Looks like we’ll have to come up with another plan.” You shrug, the forward screeching to a halt, snapping her fingers.  
You stop too, a few feet ahead of her.  
“I GOT IT.”  
"You seemed pretty excited about movie night earlier, hope you picked a good one Chrissy." Kelley gives her a nudge, the forward's cheeks flushing.  
"Ohhhh, she did." Tobin sends her a wink, the forward's cheeks further darkening.  
"Shut up." She mumbles, giving her best friend a nudge.
Tobin leans towards her, voice dropping below a whisper.  
“So, we’re ready?” She asks, Christen turning to her with a furrowed brow.  
“I thought you and Y/N were handling it.” She mumbles, Tobin shrugging.  
“We are, just making sure you don’t flake this time.”  
Christen gives her stomach a smack, the woman grunting.  
“I’m not flaking.”  
The door swings open, Emily and the other youngsters rushing in, bags of food and candy in their arms.  
“How did you get all that by Vlatko?” Megan snorts, swiping a bag of Doritos.  
“Very. VERY carefully.”  
Emily rubs her hands together.  
“Alright, I need a potty break, then we’ll start the movie Christen was so excited about.”  
Tobin’s eyes widen in horror as Emily pulls the door open, the forward unable to stop her.  
“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Emily lets out a scream, hazel orbs wide when she sees the silhouette of someone in the shower.  
Christen’s green orbs widen before they narrow, turning to Tobin, the woman cringing.
“We thought it was a good idea?” She shrugs.  
“COME OUT.” Ashlyn yells, the woman wielding a lamp.  
“Wait.” Christen holds her hands up, putting herself between you and the armed goalie.  
Everyone watches wide eyed as you clamber out of the shower, nervously rubbing the back of your neck.  
“Ummm, why is there a famous singer in your shower Press?” Kelley asks, brown orbs darting from you, to Christen and back.  
Christen takes a deep breath, the woman gently grabbing your hand.  
Everyone watches, eyes as wide as saucers as Christen intertwines your fingers.  
“I can explain...” Christen shuffles nervously from foot to foot, a smile stretching across your face as you turn to her, finding her nervousness endearing.  
“She’s giving you heart eyes, why is Y/N Y/L/N giving you heart eyes Chris.” Megan asks, her eyes growing immensely.  
Christen turns to you, swatting a hand at you.  
“Stop that.”
You shrug, biting your bottom lip to stave off a grin.  
“Hey, I can’t help that my wife is adorable.”  
Everyone’s mouths drop open at roughly the same time.  
“YOUR WIFE?!?!?!”  
“Let me get this straight...” Alex starts, Kelley letting out a snort.  
“Well, I wouldn’t say straight... OW!” She winces when Alex slaps her in the back of the head.  
“ANYWAY.” Julie throws her hands in the air, everyone turning to her wide eyed. 
“WE’VE BEEN THIRSTING OVER YOUR WIFE THIS WHOLE TIME!?” She squeaks, your brows furrowing.  
“Wait, the MARRIED members of the team have been thirsting over me, that makes me a HOMEWRECKER CHRIS.” You whisper in shock.  
Emily pouts.  
“So, when you tweeted that I was adorable...”  
You grin.  
“I still stand by my statement.”  
Emily turns to Christen with a grin.  
“Your wife thinks I’m adorable.”  
Christen shakes her head.  
“BACK to the matter at hand.” Julie yells again, everyone shrinking away from her.  
“You let us thirst over her for MONTHS!” She grumbles, snorting when you shuffle to hide behind the forward.  
“I’m scared.” You whisper, peeking over Christen’s shoulder.  
“We just weren’t ready to come out publicly, and you guys KNOW you can’t keep secrets.”  
Ashlyn scoffs.
“That’s not true! I never told Alex it was Emily who ate the waffle that was on her plate while she went to the bathroom.”  
Alex’s turns towards Emily with a growl, the blonde hiding behind Lindsey.  
“IT WAS YOU?!”  
“I rest my case.”  
Mallory giggles.  
“That still doesn’t explain why you were so excited for movie night.”  
Christen’s cheeks flush, you and Tobin snorting.  
“She was supposed to tell you earlier, but she chickened out.”  
The room fills with laughter as Christen hides her face in your chest.  
“So, you guys JUST planned this?” Crystal asks, consoling an angry Julie Ertz, the woman still grumpy that Christen hadn’t told them the two of you were together.  
“Tobin and I did.” You grin, the forward holding her pinky and thumb up.  
“Yeah, I NEVER would’ve had you hide in the bathroom.” Christen rolls her eyes. 
You shrug.  
“Well, I wasn’t about to hide in the closet, I did that for a LONGGGGGG time.”  
Everyone again laughs, Kelley and Emily nodding.  
“Well, I like her.” Kelley grins.  
“Me too!” Emily adds.  
“Well, the Frat Daddy’s love you.” Carli shrugs, with a smile. “So how could we not?”  
You attempt, and fail to bite back a grin, your arms wrapping tightly around your wife.  
“See? That wasn’t so hard.”  
“I guess.” Christen murmurs, the brunette smiling as you duck down, kissing the top of her head.  
“Wait, so what was the plan then?” Ali asks curiously.  
You and Tobin share a glance.  
“It’s in the DVD player.”  
Christen’s brows furrow, as do everyone else’s, you and Tobin sharing a grin as everyone scrambles to see what is in the DVD player.  
The second the DVD starts to play Christen’s heart swells, the sound of your singing your wedding song filling her ears.  
The woman turns in your hold, tears in her green orbs as she pushes herself up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to your lips.  
“I love you.” She whispers, the woman giggling as you kiss her cheek over and over again playfully.
“I love you too.”  
Kelley lets out a sudden wolf whistle.  
“Damn Y/N, you look like a fox.”  
You hear a smack, the defender wincing.  
“Stop thirsting.” Alex growls.
“Shit, sorry Y/N!”  
You laugh, shaking your head, bumping your nose against Christen’s.  
“Come on, let’s go relive the happiest day of my life.”  
Christen beams, pressing another kiss to your lips.  
“And the happiest day of mine.”  
You turn to Tobin, the two of you high fiving.  
“Worked like a charm.”  
“They found you in the bathroom and Ashlyn nearly killed you with a lamp.”  
You shrug.  
“Well I’m not dead, sounds like it worked like a charm to me.”  
Eventually, you end up on the floor at the end of the bed, Christen’s back against your chest as you watch the day you married the woman of your dreams.  
“Does that mean we’re going to tell the rest of the world soon?” You whisper in her ear, Christen grinning as she fishes her phone out of her pocket.  
“Is tonight too soon?”  
You grin, eyes filling with tears.  
“It’s never too soon to tell the world I love Christen Press.”  
572 notes · View notes
vanillann · 3 years
the 1994 battle of the performers (luke patterson x f.reader)
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i might make this a series if yall are interested!! i would write the rest in the readers p.o.v. this would just be a prologue, lmk!!
word count: 2.9k
the 1994 battle of the performers masterlist
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“Look what I found on the bulletin board!”
Alex looked around his locker, Luke's smiling face next to a piece of paper held tightly in his grip. He closed his locker and pulled the paper out of Luke’s hands, reading over the word.
Battle of the Performers
December 12th, 1994
The Charles Theatre
“What’s this?”
“This, my friend, is our first live gig,” Luke tapped the top of the page.
“A gig?”
Alex and Luke looked up once they heard Reggie’s voice sound from beside them.
“Yep, it's local but it’s something.”
Luke was over the moon about the plan, I mean come on a gig, that’s all that matters, to say the least.
“Perfect timing, my vintage leather jacket just came in,” Reggie nodded his head, just as happy about the news of the gig.
“Hey,” Bobby came up behind Alex, giving him a small pat on the shoulder and waving at the other guys. He looked over Alex's shoulder, reading over the words just as Alex did seconds ago.
“Are we gonna enter?”
“Yes,” Luke was fast to answer, bouncing on his toes at the idea of finally sharing their music with the world. Alex was about to open his mouth to say something about the paper but the sound of the hall going quite caught his attention.
(Y/N) (L/N) held her bag close to her shoulder, smiling at a few people that passed. The once confident girl seemed out of her element as she made her way to her locker.
“I didn’t know she was out of physical therapy yet?” Bobby muttered quietly to the rest of the group. Their eyes trained on the girl as she smiled when others did and accept the sad apologies.
“Did you hear they kicked her from the dance team?” Reggie spoke, overhearing the conversation from his history class yesterday.
Each boy in Sunset Curve felt horrible for the dancer, after the incident with her ACL and her long recovery. They all had just as much of a dream as she did and they’d be wrecked if they lost it all.
As the girl made it closer to the group Luke adjusted himself in front of her, giving a sympathetic smile.
“Hey (Y/N),” his voice was soft, looking around the halls at all the people that watched the two. A quick glare and half the heads in the hall were back to their original conversation.
“Just wanted to apologize, you know-”
“It’s fine, wasn’t anyone's fault,” his heart was ripping out as the girl passed him and moved around him. Her head hung low and broken and she opened her locker and rummaged through it. Luke said nothing, moving back with his little group as his eyes watched her a little longer before turning back.
“So the gig?”
“We can’t enter,” Alex closed his own locker, moving the paper for Luke’s eyes. He pointed to the requirements that were printed at the bottom of the page.
“What,” Luke ripped the paper, holding it between his fingers as he read over the words while Bobby helped guide him throughout the halls.
“They can’t do this!”
“They can, it’s their battle,” Alex commented, giving his friend a sympathetic smile. He could tell how excited he was about the idea of a gig, just for it to be ruined by their underprepared band.
Luke sighed, waving Reggie and Bobby bye and they made their way to English and Luke and Alex had Gym.
“This is trash,” Luke pouted as he made his way into the locker room, Alex luckily paying attention to the both of them and held Luke’s gym bag in his hand.
“We’ll find a different gig,” Alex clapped his friends on the shoulder, finding a stall and quickly dipping in before someone else found it. Luke didn’t care enough in the moment to find his own, easily taking off his “school approved” shirt his mother made him wear into his muscle tee.
“Yeah, but this one would’ve shown all of our parents, mine and yours, maybe even Reggie’s,” Luke’s shoulders dropped at that fact. He just wanted Reggie's parents to stop fighting all the time, Alex’s parents get over their old age ways, and his own parents to just understand it’s going to work.
Alex frowned at the thought, knowing everyone had their own reason past the love for music and why they needed a gig.
“She’ll never make it back on the dance team, they’ll have to have try-outs,” a group of “shit-heads” as Bobby would call them came into the locker room. Alex and Luke knew they were talking about (Y/N), which pissed them off and how funny they found the poor girl's pain.
But something else was rattling in Luke’s brain.
“Alex,” Luke’s infectious smile was back as he grabbed the top of the stall Alex was in, pushing himself up and holding himself there as he watched his friend with a goofy laugh.Alex fell backwards, looking up at Luke with his gym shorts barely on all the way.
“We hold try-outs for the dancers, get our own dance team.”
Alex shook his head, standing back up and pulling the pants up all the way while looking up at his friend.
“We don’t know anything about dance, plus who would try-out for our band,” Alex opened the door of the stall, Luke still keeping his grip and the door swung back.
“The dance team is super picky, anyone not on it will take any opportunity they can get,” Luke jumped down, finally moving to his bag to change into his own gym shorts.
“I don’t know Luke.”
It wasn’t the wrose plan, Alex could agree on that but realistically it would be hard and while they did have time with it being September and all it wasn’t going to be easy to make the whole thing come to life.
Sunset Curve’s music at the moment was good for head bumping but a serious dance routine would take some work from everyone.
“Let’s ask Reggie and Bobby before we decide?”
Alex watched Luke bite his lip and give his best puppy dog eyes.
“I can work with that.”
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“I dig it,” Reggie gave a goofy smile and bit into the apple that he was just attempting to juggle seconds ago. Luke jumped in his seat, smiling widely as 1/2 of the group had said they liked the idea.
“What inspired this idea?” Bobby asked, shrugging as he stole a chip from Alex bag, which caused Alex to roll his eyes.
Luke simply turned around, doing his best to hide the fact he was watching (Y/N) as she looked to be in a heated discussion with the dance team captain, Megan Ray, who looked broken about the discussion but standing her ground.
“Someone mentioned they’d have to replace her with try-outs in the locker room,” Luke muttered, watching as the girl jabbed her finger into the table. most likely trying to make her way back on the team.
“I feel so bad for her,” Bobby muttered, trying to imagine a world where he couldn’t rock out with his friends because of a freak accident.
“Me too, she’s really smart too. Basically saved me in Chemistry last year,” Reggie looked away from the girl, someone he’d considered a good person hurting so bad for something no one could fix.
Once the girl stood up from the chair, trying her best not to draw too many eyes, was when Luke went back to the plan.
“It’ll work like a dream,” Luke muttered, already pulling a piece of paper out with his chick scratch and a sad worked out calendar.
“How do you read that?”
Luke stood up and smacked Alex with the paper, easily going back to the plan.
“I talked to Coach Edison and he said the Gym is free this Friday, plenty of time to get the word out,” Luke smiled at the easily done, but still done, the research he had done.
“What will we make them dance to?”
“Now or Never,” Luke spoke with a shrug.
“Sounds well thought out,” Reggie spoke absentmindedly, trying to remember a thought he just had but lost.
“Come on, we gotta show everyone who doubts us we mean something.”
Luke didn’t know if it was that sentence that struck a chord with them but they all seemed to slowly feed into Luke’s words more after that.
Reggie turned at the call of his last name, smiling once he saw (Y/N) standing behind him at the table.
Reggie's smile was contagious as he smiled up at the girl, doing his best to avoid talking about the leg injury, he knew if something happened to his finger and he couldn’t play bass again he wouldn’t want to talk about it.
“Do you have the notes of Henderson’s class? He’s making me take all the quizzes I missed this Friday after school,” she muttered, nodding her head to the other boys as they watched her.
“That sucks, I can give them to you last period.” She gave a quick smile as a thank you, smiling to the other boys before heading back to the table she sat at before with a few other girls they had seen her around the halls with.
“Can’t believe Henderson would be that harsh,” Bobby shivered as if scared at the thought of taking that many quizzes in one sitting.
“He hates anyone who doesn’t do classic field, probably blames her for the fall,” Reggie muttered, finally making it to the core of his apple.
“What! It wasn’t her fault,” Luke jumped in, trying his best to keep his voice down.
“We don’t think that, now chill,” Alex waved at the few girls that had looked their way at the outburst.
Once everything died down, Alex and Bobby both nodded to one another, then looking at Luke.
“This Friday it is.”
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“This is going horrible,” Reggie whispered to Luke at the girl before they tried to dramatically do a split but ending up awkwardly crawling on the floor.
“Thank you Sara, we’ll get back with you,” Luke spoke as soon as the music stopped, reaching over to press stop on the crappy camera they found deep in Bobby’s studios yesterday.
Luke’s finger slipped and he was too worked up to try and find the button so he simply left the camera one, waving as Sara skipped out from the gym.
“We’ll at least she didn’t puke,” Bobby muttered, still in shock and how easily the one boy had his entire lunch on the gym floor.
“That was a nice touch.”
Luke stood up, slowly walking around the table to stand in front of his other friends.
“This is going horribly! Where are the dancers in this place?”
“Probably on the dance team,” Alex spoke up, smiling sarcastically at Luke.
“How about we go to the vending machine,” Reggie jumped up, easily diffusing the tension from the room as the rest agreed a snack would be nice.
They all made their way from the room, all talking about the different dancers and who they thought might be best.
“Maddie was good, but she couldn’t choreograph an entire team,” Bobby waited as Reggie looked over the different options in the machine.
“I didn’t even think about that,” Luke sighed, slowly becoming more and more annoyed with this whole idea.
Alex was cut off when he heard the faint sound of guitar and drums echoing the halls of the old sad school.
“Does anyone else hear that?”
“What? Reggie’s head turning as he chose between M&M or Hershey's,” Luke felt back, laying on one of the tables in the cafeteria.
Alex rolled his eyes, following the sound of the music, hearing his own beat and Luke’s voice sing from the gymnasium. He walked slowly, stopping at the double door, looking through the tempered glass at the figure in the room. He heard his friends run from the gym, meeting his side as they all looked in the gym at the same sight.
(Y/N) glided across the floor, her hands held on both sides of her head as she easily slid across the floor in her sweat pants. She moved from that to a split, easily jumping up from that and doing small little kicks to the beat of the music.
“Wow,” Luke watched as the girl threw her head back, eyes closed as she took in the music that the boys knew by heart at this point.
She clapped along with the music, looking as alive with the music as the boys did when they played. Once the beat dropped the girl attempted to spin out, catching her leg the wrong way sending her to the floor.
“Oh no,” Reggie and Alex didn’t waste any time before pushing the double doors open and running to the groaning girls side. Luke and Bobby were hot on their trail, sliding as they all huddled around her.
“Are- are you okay?”
She sat up slightly, holding her knee to her chest with her face showing obviously pain.
“I’m fine- Uhm, does anyone have water?”
Luke didn’t waste time reaching to the “judge” table and taking his own water from the table. He turned back and handed it to her, looking at her with panic in his eye.
“Thank you,” she let out a shaky breath, letting herself calm down while twisting the cap open.
“You really are an amazing dancer,” Bobby commented, thinking now the panic was gone would be a nice time to mention it.
“I was,” she spoke as she looked to her feet, watching her beat up tennis shoes with a clenched jaw.
“Uhm actually he means present tense,” Luke laughed, like the situation was funny. I mean he just watched her glide and smile all with her eyes closed.
She wasn’t even scared of being bad, she knew she was that good.
“Did you miss the fall?”
He knew the attitude wasn’t at him, he knew she had a right to be angry about her whole world changing.
“You were great before the fall,” Reggie spoke in a soft voice, hurt about watching her without permission.
“No, I was better before.” She looked up, taking in the room when her eyes stopped on the video camera that was flashing red light.
“Is that recording?”
Luke looked at the camera, jumping up and stopping the recording. He un- screwed in from the tripod and made his way over to her.
“Watch it,” he held out the video to her but she simply pushed it away.
“No thanks, just delete it,” Luke was shocked, to say the least. She could still dance, like really dance, and she was throwing it away.
“You’re just scared,” he challenged the girl, earning a harsh “Luke” from Alex, warning him not to touch that topic with a ten-foot pole.
“You’d be scared if you went through what I went through,” she spoke hurtfully, righting to say.
Luke thought everything over, he didn’t know much about the injury but that it was a torn muscle in the knee and that was the end of it. But something that tears can technically heal, he just didn’t know how that worked exactly, he hated science class.
“She has a point,” Bobby smiled at the girl, doing his best not to say the wrong thing.
“Well, face your fear!”
“Look what happened when I did,” she motioned for someone to help her up, Reggie giving his shoulder and helping her stand slightly. Her body was obviously still in shock and she was slowly taking his arm.
“We can help you! Join us on the Battle of the Performers,” Luke knew it might come off selfish, but he really wanted to help her fight her fears face first. It must suck not doing what you love, but she had a chance so why not take it?
“Do you know how hard that is to win?” She thought it was funny to say the least. The band was good, she wouldn’t be shocked if she heard them on the radio in a few years with some famous award, but people just as new and good to the scene would come from far and wide for a chance at this competition.
Plus, if they really wanted to win they’d find a dancer who wasn’t broken.
“You’ll find someone better,” she nodded to Reggie and let her leg finally work properly again, thankful she would add.
“Nobody we’ve seen is like you!” He was so close to her face, giving his puppy dog eyes like he would with the others, always getting what he wanted then.
“I’m sorry, but no. Have fun with the scouting.”
She nodded at each boy, slowly making herself excused from the now tender room as Luke felt his dreams walk away.
“She has a right to be scared,” Alex spoke, trying his best to see both sides.
“Yeah, but she needed to punch fear like she wanted to punch the dance team captain,” Luke pouted, looking at the girl who left without another look. He was hoping she’d come back like in those horrible 80′s rom-coms Alex watched so much, but she never came back.
He held the camera in his hand, looking at the tape that sat paused. Her face looked almost scared as she stepped in the gym.
“We’ll find someone Luke,” Bobby set a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder.
“Yeah, but we could have had her.”
so, should i make this a series??
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yayeetsonny · 4 years
Knucklehead Moves~USWNT x Baby Reader
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Prompt: Similar to the imagine “Skateboarding Shenanigans” baby r gets hurt and faints... 
Requested by: @laikato​
My name is Y/N L/N and I have 22 “moms”and sisters. Now I know what you’re thinking “22 of them? How?” Well you see I’m the youngest player on the USWNT at 16 years old, and as such the older players feel the need to be protective and parental in every situation and the younger ones are treated much the same way that I am. I’m sure if they had it their way I’d be wrapped in bubble wrap and carried around 24/7. They’re always saying how I’m “ the clumsiest kid they know.” and a “knucklehead” when it comes to doing anything that doesn’t involve kicking around a soccer ball. I wholeheartedly disagree but they’ll hear nothing of it. Speaking of the team, they’re picking me up from the airport any minute now. 
I turned around to see all of my teammates running towards me, breaking into a run myself I met them halfway.
“Hey guys!”
“Short stack! How you been?”
“Kiddo! We missed you!”
“You’ve grown since we saw you last!”
I continued to be greeted like that and made sure to give everyone a hug.
“I haven’t grown that much!” I playfully rolled my eyes
“Yes you have.” They all said
After we finished our Hello’s and got my bag from the luggage claim we split into groups and made our way to the hotel we were staying at for this camp. I was in a car with Alex, Tobin, Kelley, Morgan, and Megan.
“So kid, how’s school?” Tobin asked.
‘it’s good. I’m passing all my classes and I nailed my history test last week.”
“That’s awesome! Good job bub.” Christen said
“Any accidents?” Megan said smirking at me.
“U-um, no. No accidents.” I fidgeted in my seat.
“Mhm. How many?”
“How bad.”
“Only ever a 4 or less.”
“A 4 on your scale is a 7 on anyone else’s scale.”
“Is not!”
“Right, well what about that time you injured yourself after you fell down a flight of stairs and then said “It’s only a 4.”?” Alex asked 
Everyone else gave me a knowing look while chuckling at the offended look on my face.
“It was!”
“Okay, okay. Settle down. We’re only teasing.” Morgan said
“in all seriousness though, you have got to be more careful Y/N.”
I just rolled my eyes playfully at them as we pulled up to the hotel. When we got out Megan was determined to carry my bag for me.
“Pinoe I can carry my stuff.” 
“I know but I just want to be helpful.”
“Well, thank you.”
“Besides kiddo, I wanted to carry you.” Alex said taking me by surprise and picking me up and all but cradling me.
“Alexxx. I’m a big girl, I can walk.”
“Just let it happen Y/N.” Tobin laughed
“Ugh, fineee.”
When we got into the lobby to find out room assignments Alex finally put me down, with a pat to my butt and told me to “Stay close.”
“Yes mom.” I said jokingly.
I took off in the direction Morgan had gone and caught up with her, Mal, Lindsey, Sam, Emily, Tierna and Rose.
“Hey guys!”
“Hey Y/N! You ready for camp?” Sam asked
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
“You ready for all the pranks we are gonna pull?”
“Yeah Sonny, I am. What are you guys thinking?” I giggled
“Well what about the good ol’ water bucket above the door trick?”
“Nah, that’s such an amateur move.” Lindsey said
“Ooo, what if we switched the water with… flour?” Mal said
“That sounds like quite the mess but that’s what we’re known for. I’m in.” Sam said
“Me too.”
“Me three.”
“Are you guys sure that’s a good idea? You know how the girls are about their hair.” I said hesitantly
“Aw, come on Y/n. Don’t be a chicken.” 
“I just don’t want the others to kill us.”
“Why would we kill you?” Carli asked coming out of nowhere.
“No reason!” We all said
“Mhm. What’re you hooligans planning?”
“Wha- why would you think we were planning anything?” I said nervously
“Well, for starters I’m talking to the youngest players on this team and every time we come to camp someone always ends up either getting their hair dyed or with itching powder in their underwear and it’s always traced back to one of you.” She said, giving us a look.
“Oh would you look at that, it’s time to go up to our rooms. Come on Y/N, you’re rooming with me!” Lindsey said, grabbing my hand and dragging me away.
“Thanks a lot guys!” Morgan called after us as we ran away.
“Lindsey, Y/n, walk!” Alex scolded as we passed her.
“Yes mom!” We replied
We made it up to our room and decided to do rock paper scissors for the bed closes to the bathroom. I won of course. 
“We have today off to settle in right?” I asked
“Yeah, why?”
“You wanna see if the others wanna go to a park for a little 4v4?” 
I texted the group I had with the other “Youngins” and told them to meet us down stairs in 5 to go to the park. They all agreed and said they would get a ball from the coaching staff. I texted the group I was in with the veterans and let them know where I was going, with who and that we’d be back soon. I received several
“Be safe.” 
“Make sure to wear your sweater, it’s chilly.” And 
“Be careful, don’t get hurt.” Texts. Moms I swear, always thinking it’s chilly.
I was pretty certain I wasn’t going to get hurt and that I didn’t need a sweater but I replied and promised that I’d wear one and that I would be careful. The girls and I met in the lobby and made our way to a park that we knew was nearby. 
The 4v4 started out pretty smoothly, It was me, Lindsey, Tirena, and Sam on one team and Mal, Rose, Emily and Morgan on the other. My team was down by 2 but I knew it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Sam crossed the ball to me and I went to head it passed Morgan.
 What happened next was like one of those freak accidents that if I had shifted my body even an inch away or had been a second earlier or later it wouldn’t have happened. Emily kicked her foot out to clear the ball away and instead made contact with my forehead. I hit the turf with a deafening thud and stayed down in a heap. Getting kicked in the head is just as nasty as it sounds. I could definitely feel blood gushing from my head.
“Y/N! Oh, shit! I’m so so sorry. I was only ever aiming for the ball I swear!” 
Emily was the first to reach me the others close behind. Her and Sam turned me over to look at my head and gasped when they saw the blood
“Moms are gonna kill us!” Emily said
“Nu uh, Emily they are gonna kill you.”
 “Who cares who they’re gonna kill! We have to do something!”
Mal and Morgan set to work, Morgan texting Abby and telling her what happened, making her swear not to tell until we at least made it look like I wasn’t dying and Mal taking her shirt off and pressing it to my forehead to stop the blood. Rose was doing her best to calm Emily who was distraught and Tierna was doing the same for Sam. 
“How you feeling Y/N?” Mal asked 
“Like I got kicked in the head.” I replied
“We’re gonna take you back to the hotel and have the medical staff stitch you up.”
“How are we gonna get passed all the vets?”
“uhhh… Not a clue.” Rose said
“We’re gonna be in so much trouble.”
After they were finally able to make the bleeding stop just enough to get me up and help me back to the hotel, we sent Morgan ahead to see if the coast was clear. When she signaled to us that it was we made our way in and quickly headed to see the medical staff. The others surrounded me so that I was hidden from any curious onlookers
“What seems to be the problem ladies?” Dawn asked
“Uhh, well… Y/N sorta got kicked in the head during a 4v4 in the park.” Emily said, moving aside to show Dawn.
Dawn just shook her head, said something like “of course she did.” And told me to sit on the table so the medics could stitch me up.
“You know the others will want to know what happened, right?”
“Dawn, please don’t tell them. I will, but not yet.”
She gave me an unimpressed look but agreed none the less.
“Geez kid, you’re always getting hurt.” The medic chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
They finished the stitches and told me how to take care of them and sent us all on our way. The girls did the same thing they did last time in case we ran into the girls, this time I had my hood up to cover my wound.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Ashlyn asked, coming up to us.
“Nothing!” We all said.
“Okay, what are you guys hiding?”
“Nothing. We gotta go though, bye Ash.” I said before I pushed Emily and Lindsey forward so they would start running.
Ashlyn PRO//
“Those kids are definitely hiding something.” I thought, shaking my head and walking back to my room with Ali.
“Hey babe?”
“Have you noticed the youngins acting weird lately?”
“No, why?”
“I dunno, it’s just that they were walking all tightly together and whispering about something and when I asked them what was up they all were acting weird. Especially Y/N.”
“Hmm, I’ll text Alex to see if she can get them to talk about it.”
She sent her a text and received a reply saying that she would wait in Y/N and Lindsey’s room, after asking the staff for an extra key and that she would let us know. 
“I hope they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they are, they probably just set up a messy prank again.” I shrugged.
Alex PRO//
After tricking the receptionist into giving me a key to Y/N and Lindsey’s room, I decided to just wait on Y/N’s bed. I would see what was really going on. I felt like I had been waiting forever when the door opened and all the young players on the team made their way inside.
“Well here’s what we’re not gonna do…”
They didn’t even seem to notice me yet, talking among themselves. Emily was the first to spot me, and when she did I saw all the color drain from her face.
“Alex? What about her?” Morgan asked still not looking in the direction of the bed. Emily stopped her in her tracks and pointed to where I was sitting. Everyone else finally saw me and much like Emily they looked scared. 
“Yeah, oh. Is there something you guys want to tell me?” I said sternly
“W-well… you see… what had happened was-”
I cut her off when I saw Y/N was swaying on her feet and holding her head. She looked like she was going to pass out.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” I asked jumping up and going to her.
She didn’t get to finish because she fainted, I was able to catch her and hold her up with ease. My focus then shifted to the seven guilty players standing timidly by the door.
“Explanation. Now.” I growled
“I kicked Her in the head! I’m sorry!” Emily cried
I picked Y/N up and carried her over to the bed where I laid her head gently on the pillow.
“Someone go get a cold wash cloth and someone call Christen, Ali and Ashlyn. Now.”
They all immediately started scrambling to do what I said and I could tell they were even more scared than before.
“I can’t believe none of you thought to tell us. Completely irresponsible. Does any one else know about this?” 
I gasped when I removed her hoodie and saw the stitches.
“We went to Dawn when we got back and we begged her not to tell. And we texted Abby right after it happened but same thing.” Mal said
Dammit Dawn.
“Tell Abby to get her ass in here, right now.” 
I took the cold rag from Emily and pressed it gently to Y/N’s cheek, neck and then being extra careful around her stitches, pressed it to her head.
“Y/N, open your eyes baby. You’re okay. Please open your eyes.” 
She slowly started to open her eyes, looking around wildly before trying to sit up.
“Wha- where am I?”
“You’re in your room baby. Take it easy, you need to lay down.” I cooed
She kept trying to sit up but I gently pushed her back down every time.
“Shh, it’s okay.”
Knocking sounded from the door and Rose went to answer it.
“Hey Al, what’s the- ”
“Oh my god, what happened?” Christen exclaimed.
“Emily kicked Y/N in the head.”
“You what?!” The newcomers yelled
“And Abby knew about it this whole time.”
“You knew?! Why didn’t you tell us?!”
“Ow, guys cool it with the yelling.” Y/N whined
“Sorry babe.” Ali said
“Sorry, kid. Our bad.” Ash said.
“I said I was sorry! It was an accident, I swear!”
“I swore I wouldn’t tell!”
“Guys, seriously.”
“Sorry, we’ll be quiet.”
“How the fuck did you manage to kick her?”
“We were playing a 4v4 game and when she went to head the ball passed Morgan I went to kick it out and got her forehead instead.”
“Jesus.” Ali said rubbing her temples.
“It was an accident?” I asked
“You’re all grounded.” Christen said.
“What? that’s not fair!”
“ Actually it’s completely fair. You need to be careful and I know it was an accident but what you did was reckless and someone got hurt, and you hid it from us and we only found out after Y/N passed out.” I said leaving no room for argument
“What about Y/N? Why isn’t she grounded?” Tierna whined
“She’s hurt and I think that’s punishment enough.” Ashlyn said
“We’ll be with her 24/7 from now on anyways.” I added
“mmm… Nooooo” Y/N whined.
“it’s for your own good, kiddo.”
Later we told the whole team what happened and to say they weren’t please was an understatement. I had to talk Kelley down from kicking Sonnett’s ass and Becky had to convince Megan to switch rooms with her so she wouldn’t kill Morgan. The same could be said for the others. They understood that it was an accident but they hated that the girls hid it from us.
“How is she?” Kelley asked, having come over to check on our youngest teammate
“She could be better, she’s still groggy but she’s better than she was.” I shrugged
“What are we gonna do with her?”
“I vote bubble wrap.” Christen said
“I second that.” Tobin said
“Guys, that’s a little extreme don’t you think?” Ali chuckled
“She’s such a knucklehead though. She hid a pretty nasty injury from us. It’d be a way to make sure she’s safe.” Ashlyn chimed in
“Mmm, no. Ali is right. We’ll just have to keep a closer eye on her from now on.”
“I can take care of myself.” She mumbled, starting to wake up.
“We’re sure you can bub, but after today and at least for a little while we’re going to be hovering and babying you more than usual.” Chris said
“Ugh. Whatever.” She grumbled
We chuckled at her but we knew she would appreciate it anyways and that she secretly loved it when we babied her. 
She definitely was a piece of work sometimes and she kept us on our toes but we loved her more than anything and would always be there to help her when she was down.
Sorry for any mistakes
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
Beautiful: A Muffy Fic
Author Note: I was requested this fic based off of the song, “Beautiful” by Megan Nicole. I drew some of the fic from the song lyrics and from the music video (both of which you can find on YouTube). This fic takes place in universe post Buffy meeting Rachel. Because I don’t want to rehash all of 3x17 and 3x20, I’ll briefly skim over a lot of it and add scenes to 3x17 and 3x20 to make the song make sense with Muffy in this fic. A good portion of this fic is made up scenes to compliment canon scenes.
TW: I add a small part about Buffy comparing herself to Rachel because of skin color. It’s not meant to be harmful, racist, or anything of a similar nature. It’s brief and slightly vague, because I don’t want it to be the main focus of the story. I more want Buffy’s full comparison of looks to Rachel’s (clothes, make-up, etc.) to be the plot dynamic. Please understand I asked for second opinion’s on this from people who weren’t white to be extra careful with how I approached it. They said they thought I handled it ok. I felt like it was an important message to add, while still being sensitive to people who may struggle with this. I think Buffy/Sofia is wonderful and beautiful and I hope she recognizes that.
Ok, that’s it! Enjoy the fic!
Buffy finally met Rachel. She didn’t understand. Why was Marty so into her? Rachel was mean. She jumped to conclusions about Marty and Buffy before Marty could even say what they were. While some of the things he was accused of were true, she was also saying things that Marty said weren’t true. Maybe.
Buffy couldn’t help but think of the walk they went on together, the costume they did, the race. The race. There was no way Marty didn’t like Buffy. Even when he was fighting with Rachel at the bowling alley, he still came to her rescue. All she wanted was for Marty to admit his feelings for her. She wanted him to find her beautiful. Rachel was so pretty though, with her big doe eyes and small nose. Buffy could never compete with that.
But the way he held her when they walked together after Buffy got dehydrated. The way he made sure they finished the race together, because they were never going to be able to race each other separately. Both of them knew that. What was it going to take for Marty to finally see her the way she sees him?
This was all so stupid. The timing was absolutely off. Buffy wasn’t ready for a relationship and the idea of her and Marty scared her when he tried to date her the first time. She thought she didn’t like him, but maybe she was wrong. Now she feels like maybe there is more. Maybe she feels more. But he’s got Rachel, so maybe it’s obvious he moved on. Maybe.
“Have you talked to him yet?” Cyrus cut off Buffy’s train of thought, making her jump. She had been staring at Marty while he got things out of his locker and talked with his friends for the past two minutes.
“Cyrus! Don’t scare me like that! And what? Talked to who?” Buffy said, playing dumb.
Cyrus didn’t buy it and it was registered in his facial expression. “Buffy, I saw you staring.”
“Oh...” Buffy said, shame settling in.
“Yeah... so did you talk to him?” Cyrus said, perking up.
“No. Maybe it’s better if I disappear off of his radar again for a bit. He’s obviously not into me”.
“Buffy, that’s not true. He so likes you!... See!” Cyrus said as he noticed Marty’s face light up in their direction. Buffy started to feel better seeing how excitedly he was waving his arm back and forth in their direction. A smile began to appear on her face and she raised her hand to wave back. However, just as soon as she raised her hand, she lowered it, and her face dropped again as she watched Rachel run into Marty’s arms. She threw her arms around his neck and he lifted her up off of the ground, her legs kicking behind her.
Cyrus picked up the collar of his shirt and whispered into it, “yikes, abort! Abort!” He then threw his arm around Buffy and quickly turned her around to walk her away.
Marty was right about one thing: this was torture. How was she ever going to get clarity on her feelings- or his- if he kept dating Rachel?
Later, during lunch, Buffy saw Marty and Rachel laughing and eating. Andi, Jonah, and Cyrus were busy talking and hyping up some play Cyrus made for tater theater, but Buffy couldn’t focus on that. Not with Marty and Rachel smiling at each other... daring each other to eat a small bit of salt from their hand... and did Rachel just blow a straw wrapper at Marty which followed with playful nuzzling?
“H-H-Hey guys- I’ve got to go”, Buffy said as she made a clumsy attempt to get up from the table, knocking her milk off her tray.
“You ok, Buffy?” Andi asked, concerned.
“Yeah, you ok? Want me to come with you?” Cyrus chimed in.
“No, I just really need to use the restroom,” Buffy said as she accidentally looked back and Marty and Rachel again. In the time she had taken to stand up, Rachel’s and Marty’s chairs moved closer, with his arm around her.
She nearly tripped trying to swing her leg over the attached bench to the table. Just as she was walking away she faintly heard Cyrus say, “oh...”. It was an understanding “oh”. He had seen the same thing Buffy had.
Buffy dumped her tray quickly and ran towards the nearest restroom, head down. She trapped herself in a stall and used the walls to support her as she caught her breath and held in her tears.
This was so stupid. Crying? Over a boy? A boy she turned down awhile ago? She didn’t even want this with him. Why now? But more importantly, why Rachel? What did Rachel have that she didn’t?
Buffy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her breathing began to slow and she dropped her arms. She creaked the stall door open and peered around. No one was there. She embraced the sink slowly, holding tight to it’s edges. She stared at herself in the mirror. And stared. And stared.
What does she have that I don’t? Buffy thought. She knew she wasn’t supposed to beat herself up or have shame over her body image. Her mom taught her to love herself and the way she looked, but it was hard not to. Personality wise, she and Marty clicked. They loved the same sports, humor, and TV shows. It had to be the way she looked. That’s why he went to Rachel instead of coming back to her.
Buffy began to examine herself. Is it my hair? She thought as she used her hand to tossle her small black curls. My hair has gotten me into trouble before. Rachel can do stuff with hers. I gave myself a bald spot. 
Or maybe it’s the way I dress. Buffy pulled on her shirt and tilted her head. I wear some cute clothes, but mostly sporty gear. Rachel carries purses and shops at outlet malls.
Or is it the fact I don’t wear much make up, if any sometimes? Buffy touched her face and used a finger to try and curl her eyelash up to see what it looked like.
Maybe it’s my skin. I shouldn’t think that, because it’s unfair and wrong, but maybe his family has a problem with girls like me.
Buffy could hardly stand to look at herself in the mirror anymore. She had completely demolished her imagine in a matter of seconds and didn’t want to think about the way she didn’t look or the way Rachel did look anymore. She wasn’t going to be as beautiful as Rachel. She knew it.
The bell rang and Buffy walked moodily back to class, feeling defeated.
She spent the rest of the school day feeling sad, hardly focusing on her school work. She went into a total hibernation mode. Not thinking of anything, really- more that she just wanted to get home and lock herself in her room. And also ice her foot. It was killing her. She had been spending so long focusing on Marty that she completely forgot how bad her foot had been hurting her. When she finally became numb to him, her physical pain returned.
She hobbled outside of class and started to walk towards the stairs. She couldn’t keep walking because the pain was starting to throb, so she sat down.
“Buff-ay!” Marty called out happily.
“Mart-ay,” Buffy said, with much less enthusiasm and more pain in her voice than anything. She faked a small smile as he sat down next to her.
“How’s the foot?” Marty asked, examining it from where he was sitting.
“It’s ok,” Buffy said, rubbing it. It definitely wasn’t, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Buffy....” Marty said in a warning tone.
“Marty, I will call the doctor. I promise. Today. I swear.”
“Ok, good,” Marty said authoritatively. “Actually, I’m glad I caught you. I’ve been meaning to ask you something”.
“Really?” This peaked Buffy’s interest, but she acted a little too interested and backed off. “I mean, yeah, what’s up?” she asked, trying to seem nonchalant but clearly not pulling it off.
Marty giggled. “I was wondering if you were still planning on coming to the indoor track meet. I really don’t think you should race, but it would be fun to see you there. You could even cheer me on. Since I know you want to see me win,” Marty said with a smirk.
Buffy liked the idea of that, but knew that she wanted it to just be them. She didn’t want to ask straightforward if a “certain someone” was going to be there, so instead she just asked, “is anyone else coming?”
“Well, I did ask Rachel...” Buffy’s face dropped. “But she said she didn’t care much for coming, so it would just be you and me”.
Buffy’s face lit up a little again. She was fine with that.
“Sure,” she said softly. Just as she was saying it, she heard a voice call out behind her, “Martyyyy! We need to go”.
Rachel. Of course.
“Hi Rachel,” Buffy said politely, but slightly grimacing.
Rachel gave Buffy a half smile and then turned towards Marty, “we need to go”.
“Is it time for...”?
“Yes!” Rachel replied excitedly, cheering. “Come on! We don’t want to miss it! It’s supposed to be one of the best movies to date!”
Marty’s face got a huge smile. He quickly turned to Buffy and said, “hey, I’ve got to go. We’ll make plans for the meet tomorrow, ok?” 
Rachel’s face grew suspicious at that last sentence and Buffy said, “yeah, ok”, with obvious pain in her voice.
Marty stood up and he and Rachel walked down the hall with their arms around each other. “Don’t forget to make that call!” Marty yelled over his shoulder.
“Ok...” Buffy said loud, but it turned quiet real quickly as she noticed Marty didn’t hear her at all. He was too busy making jokes and giving Rachel a quick kiss on the cheek to notice her.
Buffy sighed as she stared at her foot. The emotional pain was definitely back.
The next day at school ended up being surprisingly productive. She had a lot of work to do in her classes and every free second she had she was making a play book for the Spikes team. She felt like it was going to be a really good idea on how to help the team win their last game... but also to keep her mind off of Marty. However, she was looking forward to tonight. Finally getting some alone time with him and away from Rachel.
Later that night she was at home, still working on her play book, when she heard her dad yell, “Buffy! They’re here!” 
Marty’s mom came to pick them up for a game. She was a hippie of sorts- she wore shawls, believed in world peace, and made Marty check his horoscope everyday to make sure the universe was in line with him. Buffy couldn’t have loved her more. 
She had already been growing a relationship with her before things went sour with Marty. Buffy got rides from her, played board games with Marty and his family every Sunday night (until things went south, that is), and even helped her make cookies for a bake sale once- Marty wasn’t even home during this! Marty’s mom acted like a second mom for Buffy while her real mom was stationed. Her connection to his mom was clear and unwavering. Buffy missed her a lot during the time she was separated from Marty. She was happy and relieved to see his mom again, who was equally as happy to see Buffy.
Buffy limped her way up the sidewalk and gave a large smile and wave to Marty’s mom. Marty’s mom waved back just as excitedly. Buffy yanked on the back of the tan van door and her smiled dropped immediately. Rachel. She was sitting on the other side of Marty. Luckily, Marty was in the middle so Buffy was a little more comfortable.
Or so she thought.
Marty and Rachel ended up talking and laughing the whole way to the track meet. Buffy would have sat somewhere else, but Marty’s mom was kind of a hoarder (go figure), so all of the other seats were taken by clutter. Buffy watched out the window the whole way, not saying anything to either of the two kids.
At one point, Marty asked if she was ok, but she just brushed it off with an, “yeah, I’m fine” and kept staring out the window. He didn’t seem to notice too much because he and Rachel just went back to joking around. Buffy just wanted to go home, but decided she was already there so she might as well deal with it.
Fifteen minutes later (or what felt like an eternity to Buffy), the van pulled up to the track meet. Buffy hopped out a little too hard and landed on her bad foot wrong. Marty asked if she was ok, but Buffy just played it cool and tried not to limp too much inside.
Marty didn’t believe her and ended up insisting that she just sit with Rachel and his mom while they watched him race in the indoor track arena. She hated this moment. She hated not being able to race. She moved up the bleachers and sat next to Rachel because Marty’s mom was on an end. She hated this seating arrangement.
Rachel turned to Buffy and gave her a vindictive smile. “So, are you dating anyone?”
“No?” Buffy said, extremely annoyed.
“Well, I sure hope you find someone. Marty and I are so happy together. You deserve to be that happy too”. The way she said the entire last sentence was as vindictive as her smile. It had no actual empathy laced anywhere in it.
Marty ran up the bleachers before the track meet started. “Hey, do you have my water bottle, mom? I forgot to grab it”.
“Oh, sure sweety,” Marty’s mom said kindly. She reached in her giant bag made of mismatching fabrics she stitched together and handed him his water bottle.
Marty smiled. “Thanks, mom”.
“Oh, Marty, you look so cute in that uniform. Tell him how cute he looks in his uniform, Buffy,” Rachel said with a mischievous tone.
Both Marty and Buffy gave Rachel weird looks, but Buffy obliged. “You look really cute in that uniform,” Buffy said under her breath, head hunkered down.
Marty didn’t say anything. He just looked around uncomfortably and then said, “ok... I have to go race now. I’ll see both of you later”. He leaned down and gave Rachel an awkward side hug, which she didn’t seem too amused with, and then ran to talk to his coach.
Buffy couldn’t believe Marty had taken Rachel back after how she treated him at the bowling alley. But, she also couldn’t blame him. Rachel was really pretty. Buffy observed Rachel while Rachel cheered Marty on during his first race. Rachel was in overalls with a sunflower t-shirt. She had a gold necklace with an “M” on it that Marty must have given her for some special occasion. She had white tennis shoes on and a braid in her straightened hair. Her make up was done perfectly and naturally.
Buffy looked down at what she was wearing. An over-sized shirt with a band name on it, jean shorts, tennis shoes, and nothing new to the same hair she’s had her whole life. No make-up, no purse, just herself. She couldn’t help to compare. Rachel was beautiful. Buffy started to contemplate stores she could go to to change her look or things she could do to make herself prettier.
She got lost in thought and was shaken out of it when a buzzer sounded. It was the break buzzer for all contestants to get water, use the bathroom, etc. before the second half of the meet. Marty won the first race, and barely got second in the second race. He needed to win at least third place for the next two races to place on the Shadyside score board in the events center. 
Rachel ran over to him and gave him a hug. Spectators weren’t supposed to get on the track, so Buffy silently scoffed to herself as she watched Marty push Rachel off and tell her to go sit back down. Rachel came back upset and a few minutes later Marty showed back up.
“Sorry, Rach, you just can’t be down there. It’s for competitors only,” Marty said as he sat down in the empty seat next to Buffy. Rachel said nothing to him, arms folded with her body turned away from Buffy, obviously annoyed she didn’t get her way.
“How are you enjoying the race so far, Buffy?” he said with a huge grin.
“Good... I mean.. you’re good.. I mean the race is good and great... you’re doing great”, Buffy stammered.
Marty smiled softly at her. “Thanks, Driscoll. You better get that doctor called so I can feel the victory of beating you at a race all over again”.
“In your dreams, Marty,” Buffy said as she playfully punched his arm. “You already know the only reason you’re winning is because I’m not on that track to give you actual competition”. 
They both started giggling and Rachel cut off the giggling with, “Oh Marty, your mom wants the three of us to go to dinner tonight. Kind of a celebratory type thing. You know, for the three of us”. 
Marty gave Rachel a look and said, “well, I think we should invite Buffy. Would you like to join us?” Rachel scowled at this.
Buffy thought that Marty was so sweet to invite her, but by the look on Rachel’s face she knew she was already pushing her limits, so she declined. “I’m sorry, I am still working on that Spikes playbook and I have a ton of homework, but you guys have fun”. Only half of that was true. She didn’t have homework because she got it all done during her productive day of classes, but she couldn’t stand the thought of going to dinner with Rachel so it was best to just lie her way out of this one.
Marty looked hurt. “Oh... ok. Well, some other time then?”
Buffy felt bad so she gave him a small, genuine smile and said, “sure, some other time”.
Rachel looked happy with a tinge of jealousy. Just then, the buzzer rang for the contestants to go back. Marty quickly ran back to the track beneath them. Buffy got carried away in thought again. This time, however, it was more confusion.
Maybe he does like me, Buffy thought. He hardly spoke to Rachel when he came back. And he seemed really upset I wasn’t going to dinner. But he was just being friendly. But what if he wasn’t?
Buffy thought on and off about this until she started getting invested again in cheering on Marty. Marty got third place in the third race. The racers were getting harder to beat and the distances were increasing.
In the fourth and final race, Marty was starting to get drastically behind. He was currently in seventh place and Buffy was worried he was going to accept defeat. Just as he was making his way to the next hurdle, he looked up at... Buffy? Buffy shook her head and blinked in disbelief. It was as if time slowed and the only thing in the room was them making eye contact. He quickly turned his head away and got incredibly fast. He started passing the sixth person, the fifth, the fourth... he was a few strides away from passing the third person but there wasn’t much track left. His legs broke into large strides, practically leaping, and he barely passed the person in third, crossing the finish line in third place- making the register. Marty’s mom, Rachel, and Buffy broke out in applause. Marty grabbed his legs and bent over, catching his breath. He was smiling so much- and Buffy couldn’t tell if that was because he had just won or because of the moment during the race that helped him win.
The next morning at school, Buffy saw Rachel wearing a cross country jersey for the school. Buffy hobbled over to Rachel and said, “I didn’t know you did cross-country. I’ve never seen you on the team”.
Rachel gave Buffy a dirty look and explained, “I don’t. This is Marty’s jersey”. Rachel was talking to Buffy like she was teaching math to an annoying seven-year-old. “He won and I’m his girlfriend so I’m wearing it to celebrate him. It’s what he wanted”.
“Ok, yeah, whatever. Nice talking to you, Rachel,” Buffy said as she walked away, peeved.
Buffy then heard Marty’s voice. She wanted to walk away faster but her boot only let her travel so fast, so unfortunately she heard another fight of theirs.
“Rachel!” Marty said, frustrated. “Why did you do that?”
“Do what?” Rachel said, innocently.
“Why did you talk to Buffy like that? You keep treating her badly. Can’t you just be her friend?”
At this point, Buffy had finally rounded a corner. She was going to keep walking, but this time her curiosity peaked, so she stayed on the other side of the wall where Marty and Rachel couldn’t see her. Eavesdropping.
“No, Marty. I can’t! She is clearly into you and I don’t want to lose my boyfriend”.
“Rachel, you aren’t going to. And don’t you think that even if I still did like Buffy it would be my choice whether I date her or you?”
“Oh, so you do like Buffy!” Rachel said, her tone now completely defensive.
Marty huffed loudly. “No. I. Don’t. Stop accusing me of that, Rachel. I was making a point. I like you!”
“Then if you like me so much why is she coming to everything now?”
“She came to one thing, Rachel. One. That, in case you’ve forgotten, she was supposed to compete in. She didn’t end up competing because of her hurt foot”.
“That foot is just an act to get you to talk to her”.
“Rachel, you’re being ridiculous! She’s hurt- wait, no, Rachel, I’m sorry I didn’t mean that,” Marty said, begging.
Buffy heard footsteps but couldn’t walk away fast enough so she flattened herself against a wall. Rachel walked right by her and down the other hallway. Buffy breathed a sigh of relief Rachel didn’t see her, heart racing.
Later, between classes, Buffy was trying to walk to her next class she had with Marty. She was panicking on what to say to him, but thankfully her foot started hurting so she sat down to take a rest. She was hoping if she waited long enough she would be late to class and not have to talk to him, giving her more time to think about what she was going to say.
This pipe dream didn’t last long because Marty found her. In short, he basically told Buffy that Rachel broke up with him over her. He insisted to Rachel- and Buffy- that he didn’t like Buffy anymore. But Rachel didn’t believe him. It must have happened during lunch, but Marty seemed to have bounced back really quickly. 
He also explained that he felt like he and Buffy were better off as just friends, because Buffy said so. She couldn’t help but feel like such an idiot for saying that. Karma had officially come back to get her for it.
Buffy spent the next few weeks in active avoidance of Marty and Rachel. Meanwhile, she finally listened to Marty and went to see a doctor. She had a stress fracture and was put in a walking boot. Marty talked to her once about it, thanking her for finally taking care of herself and giving her a hug. He asked if there was anything she needed, but when Buffy insisted she could take care of herself and that he did enough, he stopped talking to her. She was really good at pushing people away. It was all she seemed to know how to do as of late. 
She wasn’t sure he would talk to her again after pushing him away a second time. While it wasn’t as harsh, it was still forward and Marty seemed to get the hint. It wasn’t worth trying right now if she wasn’t even sure how to be friends with him.
The Spikes also won the game with the playbook she had been crafting for so long. Making the plays was a good hobby to keep her mind off of Marty. She was sad to not see him at the game, but understood why.
After this time had passed, Andi’s big party was finally here. It was on a Friday night. The music was loud and there were people everywhere. The Mack house was decorated beautifully with balloons and lights and Buffy was having the time of her life... until she saw Marty. She had classes with him and had seen him in the halls up until this point. She would stare sometimes, but she did her best to give him (and her) space while she figured out her emotions and he recovered from his break-up. Especially if the break-up was because of her, she knew it would just hurt him to keep seeing her.
But, at the party, she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to talk to him so badly, but knew it would only hurt. She was caught staring at Marty again by Cyrus. Cyrus, once again, tried to assure Buffy that he liked her as more than a friend, but Buffy knew differently. Why? Because he said so.
She decided that maybe the timing was off and that maybe it was better they were just friends. She later saw Marty dancing by the food table, the place where they first met. For fun, she rehashed the conversation about eating the live-frog. Marty took well to it and they were having a good time. Until Buffy messed it up. She thought that the bants were probably too flirty and they needed to have a normal conversation. A normal conversation would make them friends and finally allow her to move on from whatever feelings she was having- if they were something more. She was obviously never going to be Rachel. Not as intriguing or as committed to Marty. Not as beautiful. He was over Buffy and she needed to accept that for whatever it was worth.
However, when they tried a normal conversation, it died right after Marty asked, “how was your day?”
“Fine, how was yours?” replied Buffy.
It wasn’t better. It wasn’t going to get better.
“Never mind. It was a stupid idea,” Buffy said before she ran away from that horrible conversation, fighting back tears. Her chances of even being friends with Marty were lost. She wanted to be more than friends with him and she knew it now. It was so clear to her.
Her jealousy with Rachel, the way he smiled at her, the way he helped her and cared about her, his dimples, his eyes- she wanted to be more with him, but she was too late.
As Buffy was running out the door, she heard someone call her name.
“Buffy!” yelled Marty. She turned around.
He asked if they could try the conversation again. More straight-forward and honest.
Here goes nothing, Buffy thought.
“I like you,” Buffy said. “Like the way you used to like me, but don’t anymore.”
“That was very straight forward, well done.”
There was complete silence. Buffy didn’t know what else to say. She came clean and was at a loss of words, but also proud of herself for finally acknowledging her feelings. 
However, the silence bothered her so she panicked and quickly asked Marty, “is it still my turn?”
“No, I’ll go,” he replied gently. “Really?! Now it’s your turn”. Marty seemed pretty enthusiastic she finally liked him, but it probably just boosted his ego so what was the point. Her opportunity was probably lost.
“That’s it. That’s all I wanted to say in case you ever changed you mind”. Defeated, Buffy looked at the ground. She wanted out of there so badly, but something was holding her there. Keeping her body locked in place.
“Buffy,” Marty said as he grabbed one of her arms, his hand sliding down to meet hers. He then grabbed her other hand with his other free one.
What is happening? Buffy thought. Her heart began to race. She felt herself start to clam up. The comfort she felt from Marty’s touched outweighed the panic that was starting to work up in her.
“I’ve never changed my mind,” Marty said, reassuringly.
That’s when something she never saw coming happened. He kissed her. It was as if the kiss made all of her fears and doubts vanish. Everything she worried about with Rachel was gone. He wanted Buffy and always did, but he safeguarded himself by lying. While Buffy was upset he lied, she didn’t let that get to her and ruin the now best night of her life. She understood why he did it and that’s what mattered.
He put his arm around her and she nuzzled into his chest as they walked back into the Mack house. It was where she belonged. That spot in his arms was meant for her and she knew it the moment she was there.
After they walked back in the house, Marty dropped his arm and grabbed her hand again leading her back onto the dance floor. He had a big, cheesy grin on his face and began to dance goofy while holding her hand as a way to coerce her into dancing with him. She rolled her eyes and shook her head laughing at him. He was so funny and she loved everything about him. The way he laughed, the way he never took himself too seriously, they way he banted with her. And he was hers now. They were together. It felt like a miracle.
Buffy relaxed and danced to the rest of the fast song with Marty. He spun her around and they jumped up and down as they sang loudly to the chorus. When the song ended, a slow song came on. Marty stuck out a hand, puffed up his chest, and asked in the most gentleman-like manner he could muster, “Buffy Driscoll, would you give me the honor of having this dance with you?”
Buffy grinned and rolled her eyes again, grabbing his hand. He moved the hand he was holding hers with upright and then put his other hand on the small of her back, quickly pulling her in close. She lightly rested her free arm on his shoulder.
Buffy put her head on his free shoulder and they gently swayed for a bit while he sang the song softly in her ear. This made her heart melt.
Then she heard something that solidified everything. His feelings, her feelings, correcting her doubts, and giving her confidence in herself, in them. It was four words, but it was all she needed to hear.
“You are so beautiful”. She knew he meant on the inside and out. He saw her for everything she was and she felt the same about him. 
She smiled, moving her arm from Marty’s shoulder, around the back of his neck. She was going to hold him as close to her as she could. He was the only one who could break down her wall. He was truly close to her, in every way possible and she couldn’t have wanted anything more than that. They were beautiful.
Requested by: @dancerdramatic14
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twistedsimblr · 5 years
Pt. 4 of this AU my buddy was doing My grammar sucks I know that.
@omg-puddingpie I’ve had this idea for a while and wanted to share it I hope you like it it stars your boys...Adam and Armand... 
I’m so tired... So fucking tired... I can’t remember the last time I slept soundly. Ever... ever since she told me... That night. At prom.  And I’m like 90% sure that I didn't knock her up in the back of Adams Car.. but like. before she was kicked out of her Catholic High School that was a week or so before we did that .. I’ll tell you more about that later it was friggin juicy though.
“I’m fucking scared to death but.. oddly happy at the same time?”   “She’s not convinced I’m going to step up and you know... be a dad.. I don’t exactly have the safest job but it provides with a lot of money in a short period of time.  I get pretty roughed up every now  She hates that.. But she’s always there to help lick my wounds when they happen.. Not literally.. Never mind.
But I wouldn't change it for the world I’m a natural born fighter a survivor.
Street life is all I know... My parents were other criminals I know they don’t care about me But I can’t get out of it now. Or I’ll be forced to push her away to keep her safe. . Something... I had to do in the past ..
Those were  the darkest days of my life.
I don’t belong to a gang  or anything . But I would often be sought out by some to do dirty work. Money is money you know.  And Ive got enough right now to lie low a while with my  Meg.
I had to focus on bettering my self  like my education. I’m  fucking smart I’m not sure if that’s an alien part of me but I could some how manage to skip a week of school,
and still manage to hold a high mark I mean I’m not an an A student Ive gotten some C’s D’s and If I’m lucky an B.
Everyone thinks I’m already nuts anyway so.. imagine how crazy they think I’ll be when Ive started constructing a rocket somewhere  haha.
 But there were some subjects that I’d get A’s in like Science... Math not so much but I wasn't horrible at it either not like... Meg.. But they put me in a remedial math class . ..
“ DUDE!”   I heard pipe up from behind me as my chair crashed against it  sending the desk behind me crashing into the one behind it and so forth like dominoes
As  I fell flat on my ass. The class erupted in a thunderous roar of laughter.. I mean. I’m the class clown after all. But I was actually trying to be good today.
“Malikor?”  Malikor?”....  Shit... I must have zoned out again.. Because a thousand eyes were upon me as they shifted their gazes across and over their shoulders at me still giggling.. .  My eyes scanned my class mates...
And my Teacher staring me down..  “Uhhhh...”  I said barely able to open both eyes at once...  I heard someone whisper. Something about me being stoned. Or drunk... the usual me stuff.
I’d only dozed off for a second I know I had. ...  At least I thought I had.
My ass was saved by the sweet sound of the bell and I bolted out there as fast I could until I was grabbed by my teacher. “Mr Kregore..”  “This is the third time this week you've fallen asleep in my class.. ..  Is-
I turned around every 6’3 and half of me .. I towered over her. I was not a small teen by any means.. and the look on her face almost made me wonder if she regretted this moment. And she probably was going to in a minute or two. Because before she could even open her mouth I opened mine first and I’ve got kind of a big mouth... I’m a rebel after all.
“ Look, I know what you’re going to say.. is everything fine at home?”   And I’m gunna be like That’s really none of your damn business  and don’t try to make it your business  alright?” “ Have a nice day.” I shrugged her off and made my exit..
I had to get to my next class...
It was that ECE class I told you about... The most pointless class  for me to be a part of, at least... until now.  For once I wasn't late .. But I wasn't on time either .. I timed my arrival to avoid like suspicion that I gave a damn about this crap... I don’t but I kind of have to.
I took my seat hovering around my half bro his bf and his little gaggle of friends that just so happened to be in the class ..  Adams typical shy reserved smile changed to that of horror when he took one look at me. From Armand.  “You look like hell. You okay.. Is Meg-
I hushed him before he could finish. As the teacher walked in  ... 
“Good Afternoon Class.”
My name is “ Ms Duffy  I will be covering for  Mrs. Breslin   today while she’s out.  I kept one eye on the teacher and one on Adam as we quickly had a conversation about  some random bullshit. Only giving my full attention when my last name was called. However , that changed once again when She reached the S’s and called out Megan’s  last name and I looked around and saw she was absent.
Not good.. I hate this class just as much as she does  Why the hell do I need to endure this torture alone.
“ Miss  Bella Goth..”  Who rolled her eyes  seeming to be annoyed that she was pulled away from more important matters like gossiping. “Have you seen Miss Shortt?”  “ No... no I haven’t” “  As her gaze shifted from the teacher her dark brown eyes fell upon me  and a mischievous smile crossed her ridiculously perfect lips. I was nervous and it showed... 
She was my Ex and was a notorious trouble maker. Me I’m a petty trouble maker. Bella was just pure evil I mean hell I’m convinced she’s a witch but everyone thinks she so sweet... she can be with her family.
“ As a matter of fact I have seen Meg.”  She wasn't feeling well earlier  and saw her in the bathroom about a few moments ago.”
“Oh dear!” “Would you go and check on her and take her to the nurse?”
Bella held her gaze on me.. “I’d be delighted to do that.”
I dug my claws into the desk.. Scraping some of the  finish off of it.
They tend to come out when I’m mad. .. Adam looked at me... Armand looked at me they were the only ones who knew.. Bella knows too but she’s also the gossip queen and that shit spreads like wildfire... It will eventually but Not today... Not today satan not today.
I had to act fast but just before I could to my astonishment Adam stood  in for me . And in a frantic panic  started a charade  “Ms Duffy” Ms Duffy I have to pee like real bad real bad I have an “erection.” Er .... I couldn't hold back a laugh and snorted ...”  “You mean infection?” I corrected him  as I slowly got out of my seat.  Among the laughter.
“YES A REALLY BAD INFECTION AND IF I DON’T TAKE IT ..um.. um a certain way It won’t get better..”   The teachers eyes grew wide but she was stunned enough that I could sneak out of class. Everyone was distracted by Adams bold move.  
“Butt it can wait!.”
The class burst into giggles . And Ms Duffy huffed. “ I know all about your little friend Malikor. He’s a bad influence he put you up to this didn't he? “
“ He’s more than that... He’s my brother..”   Armand piped up from  his desk  all excited. “From another Mother!”
Adam shrugged.      “ You’re not wrong.”
with a wink.”
I snuck out the door.. Before someone could say I was making a  get away  I quickly caught up to Bella who was just about to enter the girls washroom down the hall.
“Oh no you don’t!”  Thinking quickly I grabbed  a package of mentos and a coke from the vending Machine. Even if Meg was in there she wouldn't come out especially for Bella. She doesn't trust very many people .. except me Adam and who we hang out with.
“Meg?” Bellas voice called out... Taking a moment to talk to her friends  she suddenly saw. allowing Meg to groan... with out being heard. Taking a moment to steady herself unsure if she was going to vomit again. She peeked out of her stall and watched all hell break loose.
 I teleported in bat form.. I mean most chicks hate bats.I had an idea they had no idea it was me.. Neither did Meg I think.
I swooped down on all the inhabitants of the washroom who were blissfully unaware of my arrival seconds ago.  “ Blood curdling screams exploded  from the area  as I fluttered around as if I had rabies or something foaming at  the mouth  From the mentos and coke I just swallowed..
AHHHHH!!   Swarms of girls fled in all directions out of the bathroom screaming bloody murder causing an uproar down the hall... Bella included.
“Whew....” I said taking a moment to catch my breath.returning to my former self ..  “M.K?”..I heard a rasp. “Meg?” I answered my voice soaked  in concern..”
I nearly kicked down the stall  door. And saw her semi slumped over the toilet.... That i reached over and flushed for her.. Looked like all she’d been doing for  like 10 minutes is throwing up. She looked so weak  she nearly fell into me..
“I don’t feel so good”....She managed a weak smile  “I lifted up her chin to look at me “You don’t look good either..”
“ The twins are sucking the life out of you...”  Or just nutrients  it’s probably just that.” “You need to eat more... like a ton more Don’t worry I promise you you won’t get fat I uh... kinda looked into what happens when a stupid vampire hybrid fucks and gets a human pregnant. ... They can eat you from the inside out..
“ Megs eyes widened... “I’m kidding” But they can basically turn you into a walking skeleton if you don’t watch your weight like... maintain it by eating more... ..
Meg raised a brow... Isn't that from Twilight?... Twi what? I asked.
She moaned. Ugh I’m so bloated...I couldn't even wear pants today.  I looked down and saw her in a blue and white  knee length  skirt something I didn't see often. Tied at the waist she looked...nice all things considering. She wore tights underneath it..
She likely was trying to hide the obvious she was abnormally large for 4 to 5 weeks .. I mean she looked bloated but not pregnant but she definitely was  pregnant her  boobs looked bigger too well slightly... They were even more distracting. It was weird.
. I gave her my bomber  jacket  which nearly engulfed her and  watched her as she took a drink from the fountain before heading back to class. I picked her up... because I’m manly like that.
Before we got there  I paused and looked down at her  “ You sure you’re well enough for this?”
“ This is kind of important I can’t miss this regardless of how I feel..”
I leaned down and kissed her forehead. As I set her down. Luckily the class was dark when we walked in. .. Oh boy this was awkward... Right at the part where some asshole  cums like me cums inside of a girl and the miracle of life takes place science crap.
Suddenly Chester blurted out
“It’s a miracle of life!” His expression totally changed when he saw me appear behind her..
“ Never mind...”
We took our seats. I mean the teacher noticed we came back at least we did Who knows where Bella went.
She seemed surprised I’d snuck out how was beyond her.
I could have almost fell asleep during this sex ed bit... again.
But at the same time it made me super amazed and almost curious what on earth could be going on in Megs soft tiny body. ..
I wanted so badly to put my hand on her stomach my babies were in there after all.
As she pulled a chair up from the back  sitting away from me as all the other desks were taken.
I couldn't take my eyes off her... And in the corner of her eye I could see her grinning her cheeks slightly flushed . When she did look at me I finally looked away. I was so worried about her though.
When the lights came on, to my surprise I wasn't  questioned why I left.. I was simply handed an assignment  probably a multi question thing about what the hell I just saw. And what not as this was kinda biology too..  It was a joke really ..  For giggles i drew a dick on mine...
Now here came the shocking part.. That.. wasn't all of it . Apparently we had another assignment that Mrs Breslin planned out for us..  She pulled out a small doll.. Oh fuck no... No I’m not ready... I could feel myself starting to sweat. A baby? We had to care for a baby?...
“ This will be good  for you Meg....”  Chester began nonchalantly .  As he sat across from Meg “I mean considering we all know what happened with you and M.K at your last school... While we were  on a break....To where we agreed we weren't gunna see anyone..’”
 Gasps filled the room... “
I couldn't hold back.  “That’s BULLSHIT!”  You dated for a MONTH! I turned around almost ready to jump out of my seat. “You and your STORIES!”
“So it is true then?” Bella spoke up.. You knocked her up..” ..
“Coming from someone  whose period is always late.”  Couldn't
 find the janitor could you? Have you fucked  him yet . “You’ll fuck anything.
“Yeah so will you or did you... You were always a fuck up M.K..  “I’m sorry I could have sworn you cheated on me not the other way around...” I snarled.
“Why are you so obsessed with me?! I growled.. You’re like bent on ruining me.” I don’t get it. “
“You’re right I am.. she smiled. “  It took me weeks to clear up that sti you gave me!
More shocked gasps filled the room until the teacher intervened  MALIKOR !  CHESTER! AND BELLA ! THAT’S ENOUGH..  ALL OF YOU TO THE PRINCIPALS  OFFICE NOW!.
Bella looked at me her eyes flashing dangerously.  “This isn't over.. ..
“ We ended like 5 or 6 months ago get over it..” There’s no winning me back. You fucked up not me”
Bella fell quiet. As the three of us made our way to the principals.
. The class was silent The teacher called Meg up to the front...Shortly after I was sent away.  “Your  assignment is going to be slightly altered due to your circumstances... You may go over it with Malikor later..
I’m sorry this happened to you..
“Wait what?”  Meg asked. As she walked away.  . “Are you insinuating that Mal raped me?”  She tried to back track her words.... As Meg put her self in reverse.
“That was the best day of my life..” Excitement you’re never going to see in your life time.”
I sat there in the chair  Bella and Chester staring at me as if they were waiting for me to start talking. I mean what I did was pretty bad ass in terms of being  a “bad boy” type I mean I followed my girl friend who was going to a different school a Catholic school  at the time.
To a religious retreat where rooms were in separate parts of the building  girls on one area guys in another. And fucked her. Like I said I’m 90 percent sure that’s how I got her pregnant.. She had to come to my school to finish her semester I’m going to make sure she stays..
The door cracked open behind us and we all turned to look and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. It was Meg.. When our eyes met. Her features contorted into that of amusement.. Forcing me to do the same.
“What did you do?” I asked with half a chuckle going. ..Before I could say anything else she walked by me to take a seat in front of me but she stopped beside me leaned down and kissed me passionately.  I reached up and groped one of her breasts... right in front of those other two  but she pushed my hands down away from her. “ Later..”
“ No fair..” I breathed
“I've been wanting to do that all after noon.”   She whispered before taking a seat in front of me.
Oh man the looks on Bella and Chester’s faces .. You should have been there hahaha.
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