#like in her attempt to be serious she is actually very goofy. idk
doomed-era · 6 months
on another random note, I realized I tagged my fic as "competent yiga clan" when I first started it, and while that is true (they are pretty dangerous) I'm sort of wondering if by that they meant "a more serious yiga clan than in canon"? because unfortunately I am not doing that.
oh well
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arolesbianism · 1 year
Y'know what since it's my birthday I'm gonna let myself ramble abt my basic crossover siblings hcs. Under a cut cause I'm still a coward.
Ok so. Obligatory this was a joke hc that me and my sibling made until it stopped being a joke and became dead serious so that's why the timeline is the way it is. Anyways onto basic in universe background info
Minato dad and Shinonome dad met back in highschool, and were just the world's most obnoxious artsy couple in the world. They went to the same college together and ended up becoming very close with one of their dorm mates, and once they all graduated they continued to live together for a good while. After a while, the three discussed the possibility of kids, and their friend was like yeah sure I can carry them for y'all, and as such we now have our 3 horrible kiddos, with Ena being Shinonome dad's bio kid and Akito and Yukina being Minato dad's twins.
Things had been getting more complicated for the 3 since even before the kids happened, mostly with Minato dad starting to form a bit of an inferiority complex around his famous artist husband as said husband became a famous artist. This would lead to growing tension between the two as the years went by, culminating in Minato's full on breakdown after the whole future world fes thing. So ruh roh, divorce time!
The kiddos were around like 10 and 11 at the time Id say? Idk it's not set in stone in my head. It twas a stressful time for all ofc, but in a way Akito was almost relieved as he had been the most aware of the building tension between the two. Didn't stop him from being stressed out and upset, but it did mean that he was more so worried abt his siblings than himself or his dads. Ena was mostly just confused and frustrated, especially since it caused her mom to become a lot more emotionally distant, when before the two had a very solid routine that they followed. Yukina was probably the most actively upset by this, as while she was ultimately a Minato kid, she did love both of her dads so seeing this all happen was devastating to her.
When it came time for deciding which parents to live with, Ena was quick to choose Shinonome dad for obvious reasons, and Akito was also fairly quick to choose Shinonome dad mostly because of him kind of blaming Minato dad for all of this in his head, and Yukina ended up in split custody, staying at the Shinonome house over the weekends. Their mom of course ended up sticking with Shinonome dad for the most part, although she made attempts to visit the Minatos every now and then.
Speaking of their mom, she's a lil silly. A lil goofy even. She's also mexican because I said so. Anyways, she's been dealing with depression for years now, initially because of her being separated from most of her family who she used to spend most of her time with, but the whole divorce situation only made it worse. She's still generally friendly and tries to be a good mom (if not a bit too teasing sometimes) but is notably emotionally distant from them, with her passivity in particular getting to all three of them at times.
Before all of that like I mentioned, she and Ena used to spend a lot more time together regularly when Ena was a kid, mostly made up of spanish lessons as her mom rly wanted to teach them all for a while (although Ena was the only one who was taught frequently enough to be able to talk semi legibly) and even now she will still occasionally jumpscare them with random quizzes abt stuff that most of them don't remember an ounce of.
While Ena is the only one who can talk normally in spanish of the three, Yukina actually still speaks quite a bit of very broken spanish in the Shinonome house. This is because well, without going into too much detail, Shinonome dad didn't want her to end up like her dad and that sparked a huge rift between the two and lead to Yukina becoming a lot more anxious and secretive while at the Shinonome home. This is also part of what pushed her to going in so deep on the professionalism face, and heavily contributed to her pushing Lisa away as her standards started getting higher and higher. Also she and Akito share a room over the weekends, although usually Yukina doesn't stay in the house much. This doesn't stop Akito from having to deal with the candy wrappers and other trash Yukina brings with her everywhere she goes though, and it drives him mad lol.
Also Akito and Lisa have a funny dynamic in my head, with Akito remembering Lisa quite bitterly as a kid who was always stealing away Yukina and being mean to him while Lisa looks back on him and is like oh yeah he was so fun Id love to catch up with him :3. Most of the rest of Roselia aren't particularly fond of him, except for Ako mostly because Akito is not immune to the little spoiled lil sister energies and is a pushover because of it.
Ok ok I need to go to bed soon but one last thing, I like to imagine that once Yukina chills out a bit with roselia that she attempts to bridge the gap between her and the other two by inviting them to some roselia shows, and Ena gets stuck bringing the rest of 25ji and Mizuki gets to have a blast with Lisa hearing abt all of the baby stories that Ena has withheld from them, and Ena gets to be caught off guard by hearing Yukina talk in japanese, because she's been spending the past several years only hearing Yukina speak broken spanish, so hearing her actually saying things that aren't just hey weres the ibuprofen again is very weird to her
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silentgirlspeaksout · 2 years
The Terror: Book vs. Show
So I impulse bought The Terror novel a few weeks ago, not knowing much about it. It was definitely a pretty gripping read at points, though it had it’s problems. Anyway, I decided to give the show a try because a friend recced it. I’ve watched the first three eps by now and wanted to share some thoughts (also didn’t want to drive my friends crazy spamming them with my hot takes). Idk if there’s much of an active fandom still, but if people are interested in my Terror hot takes for some reason I might do a liveblog or breakdown of future eps
Spoilers for the first three Terror eps and the whole novel
I guess I’ll start off by saying that I think the cinematography and overall vibe of the show is great. Very atmospheric.
I also think the cast has all been great so far, though some of them look a lot alike which makes things a bit confusing even for someone who’s mostly familiar with the characters  
To address something more serious I appreciate that the show has made Lady Silence/Silna a more active character so far and has really toned down a lot of the racism and sexualization of her character. Obviously it’s important to be aware of the racism of the period and pieces that are trying to realistically depict the time period (minus the giant bear monster) shouldn’t ignore it. But in the books there are a lot of scenes where she is nude and characters spend a long time thinking about her breasts/pubic hair (I think the author has a thing about pubic hair it comes up a lot) and it comes of as very creepy especially because she’s somewhere in the mid-to-late teens (we’ll see how this hold up).
On that note I’m also glad that they’ve aged Silna up. Her ending up with Crozier bothers me less now seeing her as an adult woman
Silna already seems a lot more dynamic in the show, in the books she’s very unexpressive and stoic, also she doesn’t have a tongue (like her father does in the show, not sure if she’ll lose it at some point) and doesn’t make any real attempt to communicate with the men. She’s just sort of mysterious and there which works ok in the beginning but really drags as pretty much nothing about her gets revealed until the very end  (and then it’s revealed that she’s basically just been sitting around waiting to marry Crozier which ugh) 
It’s also interesting that that Crozier (and a few other people) can speak her language in this version. On one hand I’m in favor because it will let them have some actual relationship development with some of the other characters (in the books she has a bit with Irving but that’s about it). And possibly give her a motivation to stick around other than her having a vision about marrying someone. Though I also wonder how they’re going to justify her not just... explaining what the Tunbaaq is. So far she seems to be isolating herself but that can’t last forever, though I guess she could revert more to her book characterization
I like that they haven’t shown much of the Tunbaaq yet, definitely keeps the suspense up 
Sir John is more likable in this version, he’s still a pompous and bigoted fool but they do focus a lot on how much he cares for his men, whereas in the book he seemed a lot more self-centered and foolish. I was a bit sad when he died in this version, whereas in the book he really was a Manifestation Of The British Imperialist Mindset and I was kind of waiting for him to die
The one visual issue I’ve had with the show so far was him being dragged across the ice, it just looked a bit goofy to me somehow? Then snapped back to horrible when he fell down the ice hole to that coal bucket
Hickey is also a lot more ambiguous as a character, in the book he’s revealed to be terrible pretty early on, whereas here a lot of his actions seem shady but also more understandable. Also in the book the man he’s caught having sex with is intellectually disabled, whereas the guy in the show seems pretty intelligent and also honestly screws Hickey over. I’m wondering whether they’re just waiting to reveal how messed up Hickey is or if he’ll be more of a tragic character who felt he was driven to extremes (or there might be more of a divergence ig, I also assume some of this may because having your main villain be a deranged gay sexual predator doesn’t fly as easily as it did in the early 2000′s. Though I guess Outlander did it)
Honestly a lot of the characters seem at least a bit lighter than in the books, which I think is good. In the books there were only two or three characters I was that attached to, which made me much less invested 
They’ve also gone with a more liner narrative in the show, the first part of the book bounces around the 2nd and third winters in the ice, so I think that makes things less confusing
Goodsir was my fav character in the book and I think they’re doing him justice so far, though they don’t really go into how much a lot of the other characters look down on him at first
I love the opening
Anyway overall I’m really enjoying the show so far and I think I’m in favor of most of the changes that have been made, though I’m curious how they’ll effect things dow the line ;)
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jinhitwhore · 4 years
The List 01
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Pairing: jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, High School! Au
Warning: None yet!
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: It’s your senior year of high school and while most couples struggle to decide what to do after high school you and Jungkook seem to have it all figured out. You’re breaking up. But until college move-in day, you plan on making the most of every second and do everything on the list that you two made together. 
Note: If you’ve seen me post and delete this three times before... no you didn’t! Not sure how long it’ll be yet. Also, I am in college now so idk how often i’ll update. This is for funsies and I very much don’t know how to use punctuation, so sorry in advance. And if you do stick around thanks for reading! :)
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“It’s really the first day of senior year, huh.” You were still in shock of how the past three years of high school had flown past in what felt as a blink of an eye. Now you headed into your high school for one last ‘first day’ with your best friend, Emma, beside you. 
“Way to state the obvious.” She bumps your shoulder and giggles. “I’m serious. This is the year where we take our final SATs and we do the whole college application thing and then we and we spiral into crippling debt because we all know financial aid is a joke and now I’m freaking out.” 
You stop as Emma blocks your path and places her hands on your shoulders. “Y/n...shut up and chill, please. You skipped over all the fun stuff like prom, and parties, and graduation, and getting the hell out of here. Most importantly you get to do all that fun stuff with your boyfriend.” Emma shakes your shoulders gently after successfully calming you down. 
“Where is said boyfriend by the way?” Her eyes scan the hallway as you both start walking to your locker. You shrug letting out a small sigh. “I haven’t seen him since he went on vacation with his parents a few weeks ago.” She hums in response.
“I still can't believe you ended up getting a boyfriend after you swore you didn’t like anyone and that you were happily single.” She leans against the locker next to yours and watches you put your books up. “I was but now I’m happily dating Jungkook. Are you sad that your summer of fun included a little less of me?” You teasingly grin at her. 
“Not at all. As far as I’m concerned summer of fun was very successful even when you left me to my own devices”. Emma gave you the sleaziest wink and you couldn’t help but laugh with her. “In that case I’m definitely going to need you to fill me in.” 
Before Emma could begin telling you all about her summer escapades she notices a tall figure making its way down the hallway. “I’ll tell you later.” She nods behind you but you bump into something hard on your way to turn around. 
“You okay, baby?” Jungkook holds you while you regain your balance. You look up at him with a goofy loved up smile that’s reserved only for him, “yeah”. After weeks of not seeing him, there stood your very devilishly handsome boyfriend grinning down at you. 
“Sorry.” He chuckles and reaches out to run his thumb over your forehead. He moves his hand down to your jaw and leans in close to your lips. “I missed you.” He mumbles before giving you a sweet kiss. “Missed you too”. Your face now dusted by a slight blush as you pulled away. 
Jungkook smiles at your reaction and leans in for a second kiss. Interrupted by an “ahem” that comes from behind, you are made very aware of your small audience. “Hey, Emma. How was your summer?” Jungkook casually asks as he slides his hand into yours. “Great, actually, but I missed hanging out with you guys.” 
Before you could continue your idle chatter, the morning bell rings. “Catch up during lunch?”, Emma suggests as you both start towards the direction of your class as Jungkook smiles and waves. 
“See you at lunch then!” He yells after you. “Yup!”
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A few too many ice-breaker activities later, the lunch bell finally rang. 
“Why do teachers feel the need to introduce you to the same people you’ve been in class with for years? As if I don’t remember that Liz in the back row lost her tooth during snack time in first grade!” Emma continues whining as Jungkook joins you guys. 
“Bad day already?” She looked over at him with a pout and nodded slowly. Emma continues chattering on until you finally reach your car. 
“You drive.” You toss Jungkook your keys and he smiles knowingly at the fact that you still hate driving. It’s been a little over a year since you had gotten a license (you’d been driving longer than that but that’s none of the authorities’ business) and you still refused to drive more than necessary.
 Jungkook jogs up ahead of you and opens the passenger door and waits for you to get in before walking over to the driver’s seat. “Everyone buckled up?” He asks looking into the rearview mirror. 
“Why do you always look at me when you ask that?” Emma grumbles as she yanks the seatbelt on and Jungkook finally puts the car into drive with a knowing smile. “Hand”, Jungkook rests his elbow on the middle console with his hand’s palm facing up. You playfully roll your eyes and intertwine your fingers in his.
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Jungkook drives to a nearby diner that people from your high school frequented. Walking across the parking lot you smile at a girl you recognize from one of your classes. 
“I heard she’s going to dump him soon,” Emma says as you notice the boy who’s standing by your classmate. “Apparently she wants a clean break sooner than later, so she can enjoy her senior year. Smart, considering how everyone ends up breaking up anywa-'' She cuts herself off before looking over at you two slowly with an ‘I fucked up face’. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean you guys. Y/n and Jungkook forever~” She sings the last sentence in an attempt to lighten the mood before mumbling another apology.
 “Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you’re saying anything we don’t already know.” Jungkook chuckles. “I hope you know that you guys aren’t included in my statement. If anyone can make it work it’s going to be you two.” Emma assures and you can see that she really means it. 
“Thanks, but...um..we’re actually going to break up too.” You say in passing with an airy laugh as you reach the diner entrance and Jungkook opens the door for you and Emma.
The revelation left your best friend dumbfounded as she watched the couple’s display of affection a few feet ahead. 
“Do you want to split a milkshake? I don’t think I can finish it on my own.” Jungkook scrunches his face in an attempt of denial. “I’ll give you the cherry~” You swing your locked hands between you. Your cute act quickly wins him over and you tiptoe to kiss his cheek. 
How could you just drop that bomb so casually? Especially when she had watched her best friend’s relationship bloom from the very start. Meddled along with the rest of the class so that you and Jungkook had no other choice but to be lab partners in fourth period chem. Listened to you gush after your first date and first ‘I love yous’. 
Yeah, you definitely weren’t as okay as that breezy laugh let on, and you’re definitely not getting away from a very long conversation about your feelings later on.
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“Hey, guys!” You greet the group of boys that sit together at a corner of the diner where a bunch of tables had been pushed together to accommodate the large group. 
“Y/n, JK,” Hobi greets happily before looking behind you guys, “and…oddly quiet Emma. What’s wrong?” He asks with a pout. “Nothing much just realized love is dead.”
Emma walks around the now confused Hobi and takes a seat next to Jin. You giggle at her dramatics as you and Jungkook follow to take the remaining seats beside her. “I’m still confused. Love is dead? Since when?” Hobi reclaims his seat next to Yoongi and waits for a response. “Since these two idiots decided to break up.” Emma nods in your direction before resuming her grumpy act.
You hear the tiniest ‘huh’ leave Hobi’s lips before turning around to the entire table’s eyes on you and your boyfriend. “It’s not really a big deal. We’ve got all year left before that happens. Right, babe?” You turn to Jungkook and he answers with a small stiff smile. Hoping the way your heart is clenching in your chest doesn’t show through. “Right.” The moment between you lingers along with the sense of dread. 
“So what are y’all getting today?,” Jungkook asks in an attempt to move past the awkwardness. The guys start going on about their favorite orders and quickly move on.
Lunch continues on with lively chatter about summer activities and senior plans until it’s time to head back to school. You arrive back on campus and make your way to the only class you two have in common.
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You walk through the classroom door with him laughing at something silly he had whispered in your ear when you hear someone call his name. Jungkook looks between you and some of his other friends sitting at the back of the classroom. He smiles and waves back. 
“Alright, so where are we sitting?” He looks at you expecting an answer. “You can go with them Jungkook”, you chuckle, “I know you haven’t seen them all summer. I’ll sit with the girls.” You take your hand from his before pushing him in the direction of his friends. He looks back at you one more time. “Go make friends, Kookie.” You usher in a tone for children too shy to go off into the playground on their own. He rolls his eyes and finally walks off as you join your friends.
The class progresses in the same boring fashion as all of your earlier classes. The only difference now was the occasional peeks between you and Jungkook. You glance up at Jungkook while the teacher shares pictures of his summer trip. 
He catches your gaze and you watch as a small smile spreads on his lips. The moment only lingers for a few seconds before he decides to tease you like the little jerk you know he is. “Talk to your friends Y/nnie”, he mouths at you and uses the same gesture you used on him earlier. You roll your eyes as he winks at you. Finally turning back to pay attention for the last few remaining minutes of class until the bell rings.
The rest of classes and bells whizzed by until it was finally 4 o’clock and you were free to go home.
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You made it out into the parking lot and leaned forward to put the key in the ignition. You flinched in your seat when you heard your passenger door open and someone sat beside you. 
“You made me drop my keys, jerk” You grumbled and punched his arm. Jungkook winces in mock pain as he looks over at you. “Ouch. Now you’ve got to kiss it better”. This time when he looks at you his eyes are filled with expectation and mischief.
 You only rolled your eyes, but he continued to insist. “I’m serious! That really did hurt. I think you forgot that you got buff from going to the gym with me.” He rubbed his arm again for added effect. “You’re such a baby”. You teased as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Your baby.” He hums as he turns to connect your lips to his. 
His hand moves to rest beneath your neck, deepening the kiss to the point that it was impossible to breathe. “I missed you so much, baby.” He mumbles against you. Dazed and breathless you sit there with your eyes closed, lovestruck grin on your face, “Missed you too.” He pecked your lips one more time before leaning back into his seat. “So my place or yours?”
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Pushing the door open to your empty house, “Home sweet home”. Your parents still had a day before they came home from an overnight visit to your grandparents, leaving you and Jungkook to take full advantage of that.
 Currently, you were laid up on your boyfriend’s chest. The peaceful atmosphere you had settled into suddenly disrupted by you. “We should make a list”, You sat up and looked down at Jungkook with excited eyes. He furrowed his brows in confusion. “Of things we want to do together before” You sighed, not wanting to finish off your sentence. “Before we break up?” He finished for you.
 “There’s just so much I want to do with you before we leave”. The words softly left your lips. Jungkook tucked your hair behind your ear happily before walking over to grab a pen and paper from your desk. “Let’s get started then.”
He settles back on your bed while you mindlessly title the page. Jungkook moves to peer over your shoulder. “Y/n and JK’s pre-breakup bucket list.” You catch his subtle wince after he reads the title aloud. Your expression slowly drops into a sad smile but Jungkook is quick to kiss your dejection away. 
“So skinny dipping at a very crowded beach has to be at the very top”. You look over at him with his favorite ‘are you fucking kidding me’ face. He pulls you against him, nuzzling your neck. “Come on. Add it.” Placing playful kisses in the crook of your neck. You turn your head. “No thanks”.
You continued brainstorming until you ended up with a list far more simple than you would have expected and a very important clause at the bottom of the page. ‘The list is always subject to change if Y/n and Jungkook feel like it.’
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The sound of your alarm stirs you from your sleep. You move to sit up but a pair of strong arms tighten around you. “It’s time to get up”, you sigh as you make no further attempt to escape your boyfriend’s warm embrace. Jungkook burrows his face in between your shoulders and hums in agreement. 
“Are you gonna let me go?” You giggle and finally try to pull his arms away from you. “Do you really want me to?” He teases and places a kiss on your shoulder. You hum in consideration. Lay in bed with your boyfriend to enjoy the morning together or get to school on time before your parents get the ‘your kid isn’t in class’ phone call. You hated that damn phone call. Jungkook seems to come to a conclusion before you as he rolls off the bed with a groan. 
You continue to lay despite no longer having the weight of your boyfriend confining you to bed. “I really don’t want to get up”, you whine. “Mnh mnh, you made me get up now it’s your turn”. His hand wraps around your ankle to drag you to the edge of the bed he stood by. For the second time this morning, you found yourself in Jungkook’s arms except this time you were being tossed over his shoulder and not waking in a gentle hold.
After being set down in the restroom with no other choice but to get ready, you start brushing your teeth. You lean over to spit the foam into the sink when Jungkook pokes his head in.
“Hey, where do you keep all the clothes you steal from me? I need some for today”. You roll your eyes at his accusatory choice of words before pointing him in the direction of your bottom dresser drawer. It’s not stealing when you had every intention of returning said borrowed clothes. He pulls on a t-shirt he found and you manage to steal a few shameless glances while getting ready yourself.
Just a few more days and you would have him all to yourself for the weekend.
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Now that I combed through KH3′s plot points again and don’t have to reasonably worry about spoiling anyone, here it is: My gripes w/ Kingdom Hearts 3 (Of Which There Are A Lot):
They showed way too damn much w/ the trailers, they should have at least hid the Final World and Aqua turning into a Darkling. Like, we already knew the whole shit parade with the new organization was going to happen in some capacity along with the fight w/ OG Xehanort, but they forgot the necessity of surprise in a narrative.
The whole deal with the new Princesses of Heart was 
A: mentioned like twice, maybe, and then never expounded upon or brought up again
B: Had no bearing on the overarching narrative. What was the point of bringing it up at all? 
Reintroducing Riku Replica the way they did? Hm. Okay. I can work with that. BUT!
They never showed how he helped Riku out of the Demon Tide. Just poof and he’s out and it’s all fine. Oh and the heartless gave him a nice haircut too for some reason. 
They never showed how Riku Replica was able to fix Way to the Dawn?? AND THEY NEVER SHOWED HOW RIKU PULLED ANOTHER KEYBLADE OUT OF HIS ASS AGAIN.
oh also I fucking hated that the kh1 Ansem!Riku was, in fact, not Ansem!Riku, but a replica of a replica. I’m gonna pretend that’s not the case and instead imagine that’s just an attempt at a joke by Nomura that the series is needlessly complicated and makes no sense anymore (which it is)
Dark Aqua: The fact that it even happened completely invalidates any sort of character significance Blank Points had. That, and her reawakened hope from 2.8′s ending. 
Well, okay, I guess it doesn’t invalidate those events with the way it happened (edit: whoops forgot to put in words), but it still seems super contrived that Aqua’s had all that time and resultant experience in the realm of darkness just so Ansem SoD could come up and kamehameha the crap outta her with some weird ball of darkness. Even if she didn’t have a keyblade. Didn’t she still have her magic?
Why did it have to be Sora that saved her? So he could look cool? Again? Lame. 
it makes much more sense for Riku to save her--not only to give him a significant achievement for this game, but to also make things come full circle nice and neat: She saved him when he had to close the door, he saves her from falling to the darkness she fought for over a decade. 
Nomura...do you know how dumb it is for you to make Aqua say “You’ve seen me too weak for too long” before winning a boss battle against Vanitas, who then in the next cutscene wrecks her shit? The same character who got thrown so hard he was perfectly horizontal to the ground into a child’s bedroom by The Notorious James P. Sullivan?
Actually, now that I think about it more, Aqua in general got fucked over in this game. Ven gets his shit wrecked by Terranort and all Aqua does is stand there, watch, and gasp? No! She Would Not Do That!
What was the point of putting Namine on the cover if she wasn’t going to even show up until the very end of the game
And. Um. I know I’m biased as hell as a Soriku shipper, but it’s more than a little weird to imply any sort of feelings between Riku and Namine (Repliku? Sure, I can roll w/ that. But not OG Riku) when they haven’t even spoken since three games ago and neither has mentioned the other once.
If you’re want your audience to be excited about the end-game ships, actually give them material throughout the series to help build chemistry! Don’t shoehorn it in! And this goes especially for SoKai!
Sora keeps flip-flopping between being his usual dandy self and being a dumbass brat. That scene where he was whining about wanting cool new clothes too was a little awkward to sit through. That and when he was teasing/bothering Hiro at the end of the Big Hero 6 world about taking the extra Baymax along on his own journey
TBH I’d probably do the same thing, since that healing spray came in hella handy and baymax does better than donald
but it’s still a little awkward to do that
I’m not even gonna talk about how they butchered the plot to Frozen. The prerendered cutscenes for Let It Go and the last scene were good tho.
and it was cool for SDG to lean on the fourth wall and wonder where the music was coming from
But did we need Anna to awkwardly sing Do You Wanna Build A Snowman in front of SDG? Nah.
lol why did they make the bug blocks from Re:Coded replace the original movie’s nanobots if it wasn’t going to be brought up or plot relevant at all
Also Sora is back to being dumb as a brick: They find a Riku that is one year younger, with yellow Norted eyes, and wearing an organization 13 coat...and Sora still thinks it’s OG Riku? Goofy had to spell it out for him, that was lame
Look if I were going to talk about Kairi this list would then be 3,000 miles long with my grievances in regards to everything involving her in this game so I’m just gonna put it into the simplest bullet points here:
Nomura’s got some serious hang-ups in regards to women. Full stop. 
You can’t keep saying every fucking game that she’s gonna participate and then never have her meaningfully do so.
And the one time she does have any importance to the plot, it’s as a plot device where she fucking dies in a total Diabolus Ex Machina. Not cool, Nomura.
They clearly put a metric fuck-ton of work into the PotC world but we can’t even go inside the abandoned mansion in twilight town ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
seriously i wanted to swing on the chandeliers
And you Know the only reason why Cutler Beckett was in this game was so Nomura could throw in the scene where the ship goes down while beckett says ‘It’s just good business’
Which makes me think of another thing--Cutler effing Beckett was in this game, but Hans doesn’t even speak in Arendelle? Weird.
Terra and Riku didn’t even speak to each other and I’m so sad about that.
and I was legit pissy that Roxas and Ventus’ only acknowledgement of their nigh-identical appearances was a single weirded out shared glance
You’d think the majority of the cast would know by now not to underestimate Sora but idk whatever I guess
Yeah I’m just gonna pretend Ansem SoD and OG Xehanort didn’t have those heel-face turns and resultant pathetic attempts at sob stories when they died (I don’t give a shit what Xehanort Reports 8+9 say, I’m gonna keep my headcanon that those were attempts to trick Terra and Ven even more)
Not Xemnas, though. I’m actually okay w/ his since it makes sense and was actually built up throughout KH2 without the need for ancillary material (tell but don’t show is so godawful as a storytelling tactic and should only be used in dire measures)
Gee, I love how the only god damn time in this series Kairi is a capable fighter is when she’s turned into a sword-suit-of-armor-thing and fights Sora in a world named after a Led Zeppelin song
Also, Kairi straight up dies and Riku doesn’t really give a shit??
Seriously, what?
It makes no sense that any of The Norts™ would be able to set foot onto the Keyblade Graveyard long enough to fuck the crew’s shit up without Lingering Will to blast them into oblivion with his ultima cannon. He was supposed to be right there waiting for them. Why did we need to die and get Namine to tell him what happened? He’d have a front row seat before we even got there the first time.
So if Sora’s gone to The Final World before every time he’s gone to the Station of Awakening, why haven’t we ever seen it before kh3?
I love how the game doesn’t even acknowledge that Chirithy is technically responsible for Sora’s death at the end of KH3
This one isn’t actually a gripe, I just really wanted to point out that an adorable cat plushie was responsible for the death of the series’ protagonist
If it’s a possibility that a keyblade can be broken, why hasn’t it ever come up before?
And finally, my One True Gripe that isn’t a long-held point of contention with the series and is exclusive to KH3...
Nomura took a little too much inspiration from Dead Man’s Chest and it shows (And Naruto, and DBZ, but considering KH has basically been a shonen anime all along I guess I should have expected that)(But I especially hate that he directly mimicked Dead Man’s Chest)
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flockofdoves · 4 years
was trying to think of a way to divide up ocs on toyhouse so i don’t get too embarrassed about them yesterday but then it turned into just trying to list like every character i’ve ever made the vast majority of them i’d never put on toyhouse lol. but this was fun for myself even though i definitely forgot chracters and even whole stories from when i was younger
kinda old (definitely need updating they’re from when i was 17/18 and haven’t done much in recent years but nonetheless are my most recent ocs and i would probably like to do something with them someday still):
all the alienated characters - raul and michael primarily, also side characters like their relatives (lennie, joaquin, marcell, maybe also shinsuke, natalia, nina, naomi, hana, leela, etc) and friends (still need to name them lol) etc
justicia (less set on doing her story any time soon compared to alienated, but still theres something to it i might want to work with someday)
pretty old (like i was 16-17)
gf debate characters (this is actually older than a lot of the ones i list as even older in this list but i kept working on them til i was like 17 so they hold up better even if i don’t want to finish making their story anymore) - isaac, micah (micah is literally kinda from when i was 12 lol but i brought her to like 3 different stories and she was a boy in the first one too so shes basically not that character anymore), and then side characters like mirabel (originated in same story at 12 as micah), ayçin, anna, micahs mom and her wife, micahs cousin (another one from that old story) etc
those ocs that literally none of them have names or barely personalities i only ever did character sketches and basic concepts but its like a ghost story thing i was gonna do - 12 y/o baby butch protag, the ghost girl, baby butch’s trans girl cousin, cousins trans guy friend
really old (characters from when i was like 14-15 that did not really develop much from there. most of these are characters i have had fun with and maybe drawn since but are goofy and don’t hold up in a lot of aspects and most of them i’ll probably never pick up for stories again)
football lesbians - monica, wanda, and rania
pigeon magical girls (technically maybe i actually finished a very abbreviated version of their origin story for a school art project when i was 15 lol but i planned to do more back then and now i dont want to) - zehra, ronni, the pigeon, probably not amy and zoë that was just a cameo for myself of ocs from when i was like 11 lol
naomi’s story (this one i might actually want to do something with someday, i wrote a short story about it plus a bit more, but i have to make some serious changes i don’t really think i thought of some of the implications of some stuff in it before) - just naomi and the ghost basically. not to be confused with naomi in alienated who is michael’s sister they are not at all the same person
assorted characters that never really had a story - mels and cvijeta, charlotte (thought about putting her in football lesbians. she does basketball but. jock wlw you know)
really really old (characters from late middle school, like 13-14)
uhhh that wizards story. it never had a name idk. i still kinda like them though tbh even if i’ll never do anything with them anymore - tess, ali, nataline, brandy, mo, remora, cnidarian
really really really old (characters from the middle of middle school, like 12-13. at this point my recollection of what came before what might be kinda off tho)
that fae folk in pennsylvania and ohio story - emilia, ilana, micah (first version! lol), mirabel, that boy that i just hate and don’t remember the name of and resent making a character that had a crush on micah, micahs cousin, darling/angel (a faerie that just went by terms of endearment as if they were names), uhhh the second group of characters in a different more rural town i tried to write that i dont remember the names of
haunted victorian house story - benji, aisha, elizabeth
updated onex arget (fantasy world i wrote about a lot when i was in elementary school) story - nai, rieae
idk this story never had a name and barely a plot beyond ivy and victor becoming friends and venting to each other - victor, ivy, miles, maitê
forks and spoons (story i improvised with my little cousin who was like 8 at the time lol) - florimundi(?), i’m forgetting literally all 3 of the other characters names lol (maybe reese and victor for two of them??? but maybe not bc those are also other very old characters that idk if i reused the names of)
theo and ted - theoni and theodore (aka theo and ted!), oh also that guy they meet who wears like. a trench coat iirc
super old (characters from the later half of the 6th grade and early 7th, like 12ish)
really dumb story about a closeted trans person with did getting transformation powers - i actually dont remember the main character and their main other alters names anymore, i remember the other character they had a crush on stephan though
all those characters in bands that i never actually could settle on a story for beyond a variety of interpersonal drama. very inspired by the webcomic jenny hanniver tbh - avery, mark, etti, adrian, xavier, pepper, uhhh theres literally So Many more of them and also so many i dont remember the names of anymore but just for some that come to mind. that periwinkle colored hair in a bowl cut character that always wore a beanie who was in avery’s band whos names on the tip of my tongue (maybe that was etti and the character i’m calling etti was called something else?? maybe victoria? maybe andy? maybe andy was an entirely different 3rd character?? idk. actually yeah i’m positive bowlcut character was etti rereading this), xaviers ex-boyfriend who was obsessed with homestuck (lmao), that guy with red hair i accidentally directly ripped off the design of some jenny hanniver character, that goth guy with braces and glasses (maybe he wasnt in this?), that screamo band with 2 lead singers, that guy with brown hair that said he was straight with an exception (msfdkjghhsfd god), that person with the emo haircut in flame colors, this literally is not even all the characters lol
extremely old (largely from 6th grade, like age 11ish. weird period of time where i suddenly wanted to write about romance but thought it had to be straight but then very quickly was like ‘wait actually nvm i have a laptop now and think i’m bicurious i’m only gonna write about gay people)
gsa story (this might have been the summer before 7th actually but it feels distinctly before the other stuff in the last category so idk maybe just my whole impression of when i made things for middle school is off) - emmy(?), allie(?), noah(???), some other kid, i think noah(?) or the other kid got reused to be the guy i regretted making a part of that faerie story who liked old micah lol, maybe more kids, their teacher
idk that kid with blue hair and black eyes with white irises and his sister
middle school lesbians - leah and cass
lesbian who works in food service and there were weird references to comic books but filtered through me referencing an obscure emo humor youtube channel that made jokes about comics i’d never read - amy, zoë, amy’s straight best friend i dont remember the name of??
tosca (this wasnt straight romance but it was like the last thing pre me always having lgbt main characters) - idk. there were two characters i drew like once. theres nothing to note about this except wanting to make it is what made me learn about webcomics
that story i posted the first chapter of on quibblo about a hippie girl (somehow in 2010?? dont ask me) and an emo boy liking each other before abandoning to never write about cishet romance again. didnt even get to the romance part lol - i forget her name. maybe it was april? maybe it was florimundi and i reused it later for another character, nix, reese (her goth lesbian best friend. thank god for reese)
first attempt at straight romance. also about like. idk. fantastical powers in clouds in providence rhode island - selia, shay, cassandra, selias other friend i forget the name of??
ancient (literally elementary school ocs. obviously theres a lot of grades covered here but its just my memory and ability to reference this is so loose idk if i could even try to accurately divide it further)
shadow magic - mezzaluna, her aunt tabby(?), alexa
a, j, & j (barely counts i didnt do anything with them. those are the only characters also)
arine (some of these characters might not be arine characters and just from other onex arget (fantasy world i wrote a bunch of stories in and made a shitty conlang for and stuff) stories but i just dont really remember) - lia, lias sister, dibujurm, that other fantastical creature who was friends with dibujurm i forget the name of that kinda looked like calcifer from howls moving castle but fuzzy not an actual fire (maybe isigo??), emiaelaesa, that obnoxious prince (i think the story was called arine bc that was his name?), the prince’s servant, there absolutely were more
the musical adventures of shiri and don - shiri, don, some evil villain and his henchmen
rosington (there were like no characters besides her. weird junie b jones rip off with nonsensical humor to everyone but me)
that tree prophecy story (maybe set in onex arget?) - nico, emi (?? maybe not her name), their uncle (i forget his name, maybe lester?), their uncles shipmates, that fortune teller
idk some kid that goes on a scavenger hunt to solve a mystery on vacation in like bermuda or something where he meets some quirky girl character who helps him. thats all
i had some characters that started out as me trying to draw characters from the book hoot by carl hiaasen but for some reason then turned into my own ocs and looked nothing like those characters were described and also basically had nothing to do with them in personality and action beyond name after a while. - beatrice and napoleon. this was in a phase where i got a ‘how to draw anime’ book and napoleon straight up looked like a yugioh character his hair was ridiculous
those fake siblings i made up and lied to a substitute teacher in kindergarten about me having 6 siblings because of for absolutely no reason even though i only have one sibling irl
imaginary friends i shared with my brother and then made stories about - theres so many of these, the most important though was chick-chick-chick. who was a very small chick who wore a top hat. and then he had a family(?) of infinitely smaller chicks (chick-chick-chick-chick, for example) the more “chicks” you added to the name
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