#like ive been absolutely scammed
mossygrove6949 · 6 months
yk why dont people talk about unrequited love when it comes to platonic love? like i am in love with every little part of you and hope to be friends with you in every universe i want these same sleep overs in thousands of different timelines and you leave me for every new person you meet and treat me like im disposable.
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letthebookbegin · 16 days
My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $950
this is a scam! this is the actual gofundme this scammer has stolen the words off of (text word for word screenshotted below)
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and if you click through their "donation" like it says donate to cecil wanglia, NOT the name on the gofundme
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block and report!
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straawberries · 4 months
gonna make another post since that usually helps with reach
teehee poll for reach. please read the rest of this if you can
heeyyy its me delilah. im an autistic plural trans girl with ptsd, and im living in an abusive household with my adoptive "father" that absolutely hates me. in less than 4 months, i am going to be kicked out, and i am trying to raise the money i need to survive this event.
ive been trying, pretty much every chance i get, to get a job, but i think because of this shitty small town in texas, everyone already knows who i am and nobody wants to hire me. this means i have to rely on stuff like this.
by JUNE 1ST 2024, i need to make enough money to move out, or else... well, i dont really know what will happen to me (other than vague "homelessness"), but im really scared that it wont end well.
on top of that im rarely being fed enough which is seriously fucking with my mood and making me feel like shit, so im having to balance saving and eating which.. with the money im currently getting, is not very sustainable. other than a few people giving a lot (who i am eternally thankful for and if youre able to do this i would basically do anything for you) im basically getting zero donations.
i get that this kind of stuff is annoying and maybe a bit slow, but just taking a few seconds, maybe a minute or two at most, to give me a small amount of money, would be a hell of a lot more helpful than doing nothing.
C*SH*PP - @delilahswagga
P*YP*L - @delilahkill
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plenty of people use stuff like this to scam, so heres some info about me if you doubt that this is true. (copy pasted from previous post)
i have a really big love for performing, i fell in love with theatre years ago and performed the addams family musical as fester about a month ago as my biggest role on stage yet, and right now im in the process of getting ready for antigone as teiresius. i love music, and its one of my life goals to learn as many instruments as possible, and currently i own quite a few, though my favorites are my two ukuleles and my super cool electric guitar. i have 8 partners at the moment, and i have a very big desire to one day live with as many of them as i can. i pride myself on being the best partner i can be, and its been my goal to make all my partner's lives better (and i think ive been doing a good job at it :3)
i love cats an extreme amount, ive never had a cat myself (because my dad is insane and hates cats and tries to hit cats with his truck) but being around cats makes me super happy and always makes my anxieties go away, even when im having an anxiety attack or a panic attack. i really hope i can get a few cats one day, and i want to give them all silly food names :) my fursona is kind of a reflection of that, her name is bagel. some cat names ive thought of are mochi, chili, Supreme Pizza, or maybe french fry :)
im not sure if ill be able to achieve any of my goals if i dont get the financial support i need. ive been.. really close to giving up recently, but i dont want to have to do that, so im going to fight like this for as long as i can.
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luvrbug · 1 year
Honkai Star Rail Men ; where do they lie on the pathetic man scale?
includes ; Sampo, Welt, Jing Yuan
A/N ; sorry everyone ive been playing hsr, and it has COMPLETELY captivated me. i will maybe write about one piece more buuuut I cant be too sure :[ i change like the wind sorry guys. also my first time writing in like Months so apologies if this is poopy
Warnings; literally the smallest amount of spice, no allusion to sex. reader is not the trailblazer, Gender neutral reader with 2nd person pronouns
Sampo Koski
Sampo is such a failboy. it's not even funny. He embodies a pathetic man.
You get word of Sampo scamming someone once again; and to make it even worse, it was the kids that literally saved the entire planet.
So, you sentenced Sampo to a week of sleeping on the couch, which landed you in this unsightly situation.
"Baby, please, you know i didn't really mean to make them do my work," he pleads, grabbing your leg and squishing his face into your stomach. "I had urgent business to attend to somewhere.. else in the mine,"
Sighing, you run your fingers through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. Sampo begins to rise, hoping that he's swayed your iron heart, until-
"Two Weeks on the couch,"
Welt Yang
Out of all the men on this list, I'd say Welt is the least pathetic man. He has fatherhood skills and absolutely does his half of the chores.
... But he still is completely whipped for you.
Welt has never forgotten an anniversary. Without fail, he brings the biggest boquet of flowers, plans the best date night, and manages to keep your little troop of mischief makers pacified for the night.
So, when this year's anniversary rolls around, and nothing has happened yet, you begin to worry.
Did he want you to plan the events today? Did you miss some subliminal messaging? Are you losing your spark?? Is he-
"Ah, there you are," Welt's voice alone is enough to completely silence any rebellious thoughts running around.
"I was starting to get worried, i wouldn't want your surprise to get cold," You perk up instantly at the mention of a present, quickly gathering the book on and gold quality black tea you'd bought a few weeks prior.
Welt pulls out.. your favorite dessert from your favorite bakery on your homeworld. That is thousands of lightyears away. "I managed to understand enough about this dessert from your stories, and i managed to make something close to it with my powers and a little help from Himeko,"
You practically launch yourself at him, covering his face with kisses. Best anniversary ever.
Jing Yuan
In the middle of the pathetic scale. Proper, courteous, and flirtatious, but also the most pathetic, clingy man ever when you're alone.
It's Saturday morning, the sun is shining, you have a romantic lunch reservation in an hour, and Jing Yuan is refusing to allow you out of bed.
"Honey, we have to get up or we'll miss our reservation. You know how hard it is to get on their waiting list, especially for the lunchtime rush," You whine, attempting to wriggle out of his hold.
Jing Yuan simply squeezes you tighter, making a muffled "hmmph" into your stomach. "Your cooking is better anyway," he mumbles, stretching and yawning not unlike mimi.
You huff, lying back in bed with your eyebrows scrunched. "I'm not going to cook for a week unless you get up and we make it there on time,"
This finally gets Jing Yuan off the bed and rummaging through his closet. "Well, hurry up, we wouldn't want to be late,"
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memecucker · 6 months
ive mentioned this before but I think its funny how people use the word "carny" in pro-wrestling to mostly refer to like, huckster mentality promoters and "any publicity is good publicity" mentality bc like yeah that was absolutely part of actual carnival wrestling but what i think is interesting is how carny wrestling was this weird thing where yeah sometimes they would borrow people from the freak show and have a 500 pound man wrestling 4 little people alongside what was basically shoot fights and arguably something that should be mentioned in the history of combat sports
Bc the big way carnies made money through pro-wrestling matches was by enticing onlookers into entering a "beat the champ" challenge where they had to put up money to enter. This was basically a scam similar to pool hustling where the trick is that the mark (in both senses) is misled into thinking they'll be able to win the wager against someone that has been hiding their skill at the contest. Except instead of pool you had the carnie champ just barely beat planted challengers while they or the barker would goad attendees into stepping up and in particular you wanna focus on guy's that had a couple drinks and brought a date with them. At this point the pro-wrestler will then reveal their hidden powers and smash him because a trained fighter will almost always beat an untrained dude that just thinks he's tough and they had tactics that were geared against random civilians like yeah some guy off the street may be really strong but without training theyre gonna run out of breath pretty quickly.
But at the same time you could still get someone who was a legit high school or collegiate champion who happens to attend the carnival. Or sometimes the carnival happens to set up in an area where folk wrestling is an ingrained part of the local culture and a lot of people know how to fight making the contests a lot more real. Which was pretty important bc the way a carny wrestler was paid was they get a cut of the money people paid for the wrestling show but if they lost a fight that money will be used to pay the victorious civilian meaning that if you lost just one fight in a day you didnt get paid for all the work you did. And while the ref was in on it the fact that the scam factor is being heavily upped compared to normal promotion wrestling makes kayfabe much more important bc you dont want all the other losers to start demanding their money back so if a civilian pinned you while the ref is watching they have no choice but to count. But you could do stuff like concealing a nut shot or a bite as long as you legitimately hid it well enough from the crowd. Which meant that pro-wrestlers that cut their teeth on the old carny circuts like Harley Race developed a reputation for being pretty legitimate shooters but not like the way amateur wrestling champs were but in a street fighting type of sense because resorting to 'dirty tactics' like striking the nuts, eyes or throat or biting was an inherit part of how you made a living.
but yeah i just think its funny how carny wrestling was arguably the most "real" type of pro-wrestling but in a very unsportslike way
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hookhausen · 1 year
knowing that not only was i clowned several times for thinking that will poulter was hot as gally in the maze runner but i was absolutely 100% ready to get dicked down by him as colin ritman in black mirror
just to see that ppl now think hes hot??
yall hes been hot that man was fucking GORGEOUS before guardians of the galaxy what were yall on i feel scammed now bc i feel like a will poulter dickrider but ive been here since 2013
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glitch-after-dark · 4 months
Animal Handler Rodimus/Merformer Thunderclash #4
More setup and a quick overview of the Rehab Center! Plus a surprise for Rodimus!
@sticky-mecha Not much Thunderclash yet, but he returns soon and we'll get more from his side!
@valve3nthusiast and @mychlapci, I hope you enjoy since it was partially inspired by the merformer posts.
Series TW: Noncon (Past), Treating a Sentient Person Like An Animal (Unknowingly on Rodimus's Part), Exhibitionism, Unwilling Public Sex, Abuse, Domestication, Kidnapping, Harassment, Stalking By Media, Mildly Genital Injury (Nothing Explicitly Described), Forced Orgasm, Mechpreg, Alcoholism (Briefly)
PART IV – Recovery and Reunion
Rodimus likes his new job, even if it does keep triggering moment of guilt and horror when he sees what an actual healthy setup from the studies should be. The Rehab Center doesn’t allow a lot of public visitors outside of the educational front area and small viewing areas, but there is nothing close to the actual merformers themselves. The facility takes up most of the west side of the island they are on, built into the ocean and cutting it off, allowing for large expansive areas designed for them as well as areas within the building. While it specializes in merformers it does have other animals rehabbing on the land facilities and Rodimus gets to meet them and sees the obvious differences.
The merformers in the facility as well are much healthier, plumper, more lively, less anxious, their colors and biolights brighter.
They have some that are temporary and intend to be released that they are more off hand with but others are more permanent due to injuries or socialization issues.
Drift is the most famous. After Rodimus got out and read more freely about merformers and the debates on their levels of sentience he heard about Drift who was famous for learning Hand though many debate it is a scam or due to the oddness of the field with merformers reading differently he isn’t communicating but just responding with the same pulses he’s receiving. They’ve tried to release him, he’s healthy, an experienced hunter, socialized, popular among his peers, but he absolutely refuses. He’s been caught before and was famously rescued from a merformers fighting ring by the head of he facility Ratchet and imprinted on him. When he was discovered years later caught up in a spill from a factory that caught up a nearby merformer nesting grounds he was evacuated to the Rehab Center for treatment.
While there he reunited with Ratchet and “imprinted” on him. He absolutely refused to leave despite all his group leaving (including Wing) and kept making courting behaviors and doting on Ratchet. He helps with socializing new captures and rearing orphaned pups to be released back into the wild after he raises them so he has a purpose there. Everyone jokes how he pined after Ratchet for years and only let him take care of him.
The Hand thing was a joke but he got so excited about it the interns showed him. They all knew he was intelligent and would come up with tests for him to do and tech but no one expected him to latch onto it and pick it up immediately. Or that once he learned some words he would terrify everyone by dragging Ratchet into the water to grab his hands and start screaming “RATCHET RATCHET RATCHET!” over and over with Hand while snuggling him beaming. Ratchet got things more organized and kept teaching him more and more complicated concepts and has been petitioning to change the sentience guidelines because Drift is proof just because merformers can’t speak Neocybex and have more instinct coding doesn’t mean they can’t communicate or have higher levels of thoughts.
It's been complicated due to them not being able to pass the Ambus Test and a lot of misinformation about Drift and lack of being able to repeat the experiment out of Ratchet’s facility because, as he keeps emphasizing, the merformers do not feel safe or inclined to account for them and some of the facilities are terrible. Dominus Ambus was actually involved as he was working to revise his own test to account for its own flaws which would he in his own alt mode couldn’t pass.
The other merformers in the facility except for Drift’s occasional pups also aren’t inclined to learn Hand. Most simply aren’t there long enough. Or don’t agree. Another issue with repeating the test.
Whirl refuses and his hands aren’t in a good shape for it though his caretaker Cyclonus is trying to adapt a different communication since he noticed that Whirl uses colors to communicate and Whirl is intelligent enough to build and rebuild things and socializes well with the janitor, Tailgate too. Whirl isn’t exactly one they want meeting the public though, given his general aggression.
Getaway is a menace who keeps breaking out every place they put him and has sired way too many pups. He was released but keeps showing back up in one of the cages whenever he wants, like a seasonal bother, during breeding season. Mostly to harass Skids, who is currently their other lead project trying to learn Hand from Drift. Though it has some difficulties because they are different subspecies which have different fields again so they are trying to adapt it and the fact they keep having to break due to Getaway knocking him up and distracting him. They’ve made some headway with a new Praxian hire Bluestreak adapting door wing language to match Skids’s fin wings.
Other members of the Rehab Center include: Overlord (who is kept carefully under lock and key and is not to be approached unless by trained and approved individuals, because he was a mech killer and actively hunted them. He was slotted to be put down before someone decided, in Ratchet’s words, to make him their problem), Sunstreaker (who was injured and grew attached to an Insecticon recovering in the land facility and they bonded and refuse to leave so they had to make a hybrid enclosure), Tarn (a siren-type with a similar backstory to Overlord and is one of the only times one with his ability was captured alive and is under strict care), Nautica and her sorority (slotted to be released though with how much Nautica has bonded with Skids and her caretake Velocity she is likely going to voluntarily stay), etc.
Rodimus meets many of them and is excited to help out. It makes him feel like he’s making up for accidentally mistreating Thunderclash. Then when he gets read in on the they are probably sentient as we are but that’s being debated and meets Drift, things get even more wobbily for him emotionally. He has a lot of dreams and nightmares mixed up with memories about his time with Thunderclahs. Ratchet and he bond though Rodimus is a little terrified of him finding out about his past.
It’s very good for him and he is making friends and a life for himself, but his libido hasn’t died down and if anything has gotten worse, leading him to regularly hookup most nights and still feels weirdly unsatisfied and craving something. For all he’s mentally recovering he is also eating a lot more and emotional regulation wise he’s getting occasional mood swings, sore back, and he’s started to have his pain dull and get exhausted as the craving in him increases that his hookups are not satisfying.
Ratchet’s the one who finally sits him down to confront him, having been a former doctor in Iacon, and tells him he needs to talk to his doctor because its obvious he needs to increase his transfluid donations because they are not meeting his frame needs and if this keeps up he’ll start cannibalizing himself. Ratchet after enduring Rodimus’s obvious confusion realizes Rodimus doesn’t know he is pregnant. The facility had all kind of largely known because of Drift’s treatment of him. Drift is good for pegging when someone is carrying and treats them accordingly. Since Rodimus wasn’t talking about it though they were respecting his privacy.
Ratchet takes Rodimus to the hospital and hooks him up with a doctor, they estimate how along he is and realize he is much, much too small and behind on building materials so he is put on a strict diet and twice daily donations unless he want to abort. Ratchet calms him down and lets him talk out his emotions and Rodimus figures it happened during his post-trial sex marathons. After awhile thinking about he decides to keep it, Orion, despite Rodimus’s protests, did set him up a trust fund so he never feels pressured to fall into a bad situation again and Rodimus hasn’t been touching it due to complicated feelings but it would allow him to support himself. Plus he likes this area, far away from anyone who knows him and Ratchet goes ahead and tells him they were planning to offer him permanent position once his trial ended and his certificate was granted. The facility has a onsite daycare something Ratchet pushed for when he was pregnant with Medix and Minerva, his sparklings.
Rodimus has a support system and slowly tells everyone, getting healthier (but still feeling unsatisfied sexually), no longer seeking out hookups as often (it was mostly the cravings and the island is a bit too small population wise to keep things from getting awkward and people are more wary now that he has a belly unless they are really into it), and dealing with everyone openly being happy and supportive for him and weirdly enough the merformers reaction to when his belly pops changing.
They are all, without exception, preening for him or doting on him in equal measure. His coworkers explain that it’s a pretty normal reaction and merformers themselves commonly find signs of fertility attractive and, they point to Drift and Ratchet, are known for cross species attraction. There are quite a few jokes about how Drift was when Ratchet was pregnant that people then skirt away from when Ratchet approaches. Drift is the most excited for it and grabs Rodimus’s hands to project congratulations and even pets his belly, before grinning, crookedly and pressing Rodimus’s hand to his own and feeling a hardness there. Rodimus is startled but supposes that for all Drift’s imprinting he does still socialize and share the pool with other merformers, who Rodimus has learned are not shy about public sex and it is incredibly common to the point he’s desensitized at this point and visitors have to sign waivers to acknowledge they might see them getting frisky.
Things are actually going pretty well when they get news about a transfer request from another facility. Rodimus doesn’t think much of it until Ratchet sits Rodimus down and explains, seriously, that it would be Thunderclash transferring.
Rodimus feels like he’s been hit by a truck but says he’ll be fine especially after hearing the reason behind the request is that Thunderclash has health issues, and they want him comfortable because they are convinced he is going to die from complications and Ratchet’s Rehab Center is famous for care. Rodimus is deeply upset because he’d made a point to not investigate it at first and when he’d tried later couldn’t find out and couldn’t bring himself to mention it to Ratchet because that would mean telling about his past. Ratchet, during the talk, reveals he already knew. He just had been respecting Rodimus’s privacy.
Rodimus braces for Thunderclash’s return and hopes for the best. He’s taken to talking the Drift about his feelings while doing rounds and confesses everything that happened to him while Drift makes sympathetic chirps and coos and eventually grabs Rodimus’s hands to convey just pure comfort and support wordlessly, which Rodimus appreciates.
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meruz · 1 year
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hi tumblr my name is meruz im a bg artist who works in animation. i do comic projects and fanart in my free time. my art tag is #meruzart
portfolio / digital store / print store / misc. links (linktr.ee)
📝 FAQ below!
Can I use your art as ______?
8Tracks and Spotify Playlists: Go ahead! please credit me either meruz.tumblr.com twitter@automeruz or ig@automeruz -  AND SEND ME THE PLAYLIST this is not a requirement really but I would love to listen to it.
Social Media Layouts/Icons/Headers: Good by me! but again PLEASE credit me somewhere VISIBLE on the layout. If it’s a twitter or insta header/icon credit my twitter/insta @automeruz and if its tumblr credit my tumblr @meruz​
Phone BGs, Desktop Wallpapers: definitely ok!! Any personal and non-commercial use of this nature, I’m cool with. If you ask me, I may even send you a hi-res version of the file but you have to promise to not scam me and sell it lol…
Instagram Reposts: A lot of artists would say no but I’m gonna say go ahead as long as you credit and tag me in the post, again my ig is @automeruz - if you don’t, and I find it, I will bug you about it in the comments and possibly even report you. Nothing personal, its just standard procedure.
Twitter/Tumblr Re-posts: Don’t?? Just RT or RB it from me?? whats wrong with you? I will report this.
Other site re-posts: I’ll probably say yes but again please credit and for this one PLEASE ask me first. It’s nothing personal really, I just want to know where my work shows up.
Video edits/fancams/comic dubs: Yes! Absolutely go ahead! Credit would be much appreciated but moreover please send me a link I especially love to see this stuff!!
I also reserve all rights to have you take it down if I do not agree with the usage or context, especially association with politics on the webpage/app/etc. 
What do you use to draw?
I have a surface pro 8 at home and I use a 22in cintiq at work. Occasionally… I do personal art at work LOL. I use Photoshop CC almost exclusively except the occasional phone drawing which I’ll do on HeavyPaint or Autodesk Sketchbook (but mostly Heavypaint). What brushes do you use? For painting I use the same horrible brushes I downloaded from deviantart like 14 years ago and I cobbled them together for download here. And for lines ive been using shiyoon kim’s brushes which you can grab here. 
What do you use for plein air paintings? If it’s digital, almost exclusively Heavypaint. Traditional, I use gouache. A mix of Holbein acryla and normal gouache either windsor newton or m. graham.
What kind of sketchbook do you use? I use moleskine cahier XXL sketchbooks! I’ve been using moleskine cahiers for probably over 10 yrs now? they come in packs of 3 for like 30USD (the price went up recently booo but $10 per book is still not bad) for the largest size. I think a lot of people associate moleskine with intimidatingly fancy covers & paper but the cahiers are rly lightweight and flexible. you can bend the xxl into a roll like a newspaper and the covers are a light cardboard so you can draw all over them. I always have trouble with spiral sketchbooks getting fucked up in my backpack because I really throw my stuff around a lot but the binding on the cahiers can take a beating and have never fallen apart on me.
Do you take commissions?
Yes, occasionally. But it changes depending on my workload - please e-mail me at [email protected] for any inquiries!
Do you have a store?
I have a itch.io here for mostly digital goods.
and I have an INPRNT store here which is print on demand so if there’s anything you’d like to see on there that isn’t just ask and I can generally put it up!
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usedpidemo · 1 year
so i went to my first ever concert and...(storytime!)
Generally speaking, I don't like the concept of concerts. For the longest time, I've never had any interest in attending one. I've been disillusioned by the idea of them as a whole, with no disrespect to people who attend them. Even before the global pandemic that shut down live events, ironically, despite being on my headphones/speakers 90% of the time, I don't like crowds and extremely loud audiences. It also doesn't help that many live artists nowadays are just not good stage performers or lipsync or in some cases, aren't as pleasing to hear as the studio mix that I could easily play on Spotify. My mantra, which has always been my mother's as well, was "Just listen to the CD." This also explains why I don't really buy CDs anymore and stick to streaming instead.
It's now 2023, and as the old adage goes, things change. I've become a K-pop fan, live events are back, and there's this push to have me leave my house a lot more than I should. I'm no recluse like Bruce Wayne, but I certainly don't like going out when I could be relaxing and playing video games in my spare time even as an adult. Growing up made me realize that there's plenty of things that I should do, even at least once. I'm nowhere close to dying—I think so at least—but I definitely felt the need add some spice into my life and have some fresh memories to keep now that the pandemic's over.
Anyway—I've never been to a concert, and my older sister's only concert experience was seeing Fall Out Boy when she was in her teens that she desperately begged mom to see, and she was all the way up into the nosebleeds. Now obviously I can't go and see IZ*ONE anymore (sadblob) and every big act carries extremely large demand for them. My sister failed to secure Blackpink tickets for their tour even with the membership presale, and the experience was so frustrating and damning that she stopped listening to the group for a while. There's so many things that can go wrong even as early as ticket sales, so I understood that any concert I wanted to go to should be absolutely worth it.
It was during our vacation back in February when IVE announced that they would be bringing their fan concert around Asia, with June as the set date. I can remember seeing it trend on Twitter while waiting in the car; the hype was fucking real. I knew I had to be there by any means necessary. The campaign began as soon as we got back to our hotel. They said yes.
One thing I want to say is: fuck online ticketing. It sucks, big time. Anything that can go wrong, can and will go wrong. Yet some part of me was so uncertain and wanted to test the murky waters again. I got in touch with a third party way before they announced the ticket selling date, and I was so fixated on the success rate of the seller, against the advice of my family. It wasn't until two days before ticket selling that I was given a proper talk, saying that it could be a potential scam and that I should camp out the night before to get the best chances. Ultimately, I gave in and settled at a hotel close to a hotel without many fans. They ended up being right. I ended up first in line and got the best package for a little over $200. It was so difficult to keep my composure the moment I got the tickets all the way till I got home.
Fast forward to a little over a month. The family also booked me a nice hotel close to the venue days before the show so we wouldn't have to face insufferable traffic. I couldn't sleep the night before the show—not because I was excited and all, but I was genuinely feeling restless. It ultimately didn't matter as my mood and overall energy never diminished once I woke up 2.5 hours after finally sleeping.
You just know it's gonna be a good day when the first sign is making new friends out of nowhere. At breakfast, I befriended two Japanese tourists for some reason. My smile was wider than it normally was. It's so weird greeting people with amped up optimism that at times, it felt like main character energy, which was typically uncharacteristic of me. Mind you, I only had 2.5 hours of sleep.
An hour later, venue time—at least close to it. The concert organizers and local fanclubs held a fanhub that was already filling up the floor with a line that stretched around in a loop. So I bailed and went to the cafe across the street from where the actual concert would happen to get free shit. Saved myself almost $25 dollars from buying the I'VE IVE album because of a cupsleeve event being organized by a remnant of WIZ*ONEs. A big W if you ask me.
I even met up with some of my readers too! Cray and Nomad, if you're reading this, it was great finally meeting you. It was awesome to fanboy and connect with guys I've been talking to online for the past two years in person.
Afterward, we went inside an hour before show start, and people were already screaming like they showed up and it was just staff bringing out towels and water bottles. Then the lights went out and holy shit, everyone lost their shit. It wasn't a sold-out show but the audience's energy made it feel otherwise. They were singing instead of following fan-chants.
It should surprise no one that everyone killed it. Yujin is the 4th gen ace and no one can tell me any different. Wonyoung was absolutely fantastic in crowd control and drawing the audience in and lived up to the center title. They added both title tracks from I'VE IVE and changed up two of the cover songs for the unit stages, otherwise the set remains mostly similar to the ones in Korea and Japan, the only difference being new outfits and alternate color ones.
I'm gonna dedicate this section specifically for Liz. Consider me bias wrecked. She was not only an elite vocalist but she performed like the rent was due, holy shit. Blue Blood (my favorite stage of the night) in particular really gripped me and never let go. I was genuinely shook at how terrific she showed out in the performances. If anything, she's the 2nd best performer of the group after watching the footage.
There was an emotional moment at the end as the show was winding down. The members were lined up for the group photo when a fan video played and half of the members cried. Leeseo, Rei, and Yujin all cried and it was a wholesome scene. Rei mentioned how this was one of their first performances as a full group following her health hiatus and she was moved by the overwhelming support of the fans. Wonyoung also promised they would return—hopefully later than sooner I'm not loaded at the moment—which invalidates the stupid argument international Dives were having on Twitter. The girls felt their support, cried their heart out, and that's all you need to know.
After the event, there was a hi-bye session for all VIP ticket holders. They sent everyone else out, so it started 20 minutes after the actual ending. They kept reminding us that we weren't allowed to record or take photos of the event, but apparently someone at Starship was filming the whole thing? So there's a possibility that I might end up on YouTube, heh. Since we were on the left side of the stage, we were among the last to go up and meet them.
Holy fuck dude. I wasn't nervous while watching everyone else go up and meet IVE, but once the staff told us to form a single line and we slowly made our way around the stage, my heart began to go buckwild. You just don't know what to say or do when that moment comes—like how do I make this memorable or at the very least, not cringe? One thing I do know was that we all agreed, as a section, to walk past them as slow as humanly possible; five seconds was not enough. I was so unsure of what to do as I slowly walked up the steps to the point I was practically mouthing 'Jesus take the wheel' or else I'd melt into a puddle, lose my shit, do something stupid, or maybe all of the above.
Jesus Christ. They looked so fucking flawless. You honestly couldn't tell they were sweaty and exhausted after performing for 2.5 hours.
From left to right, it was Rei, Gaeul, Wonyoung, Yujin, Leeseo, and Liz. Liz was the first member I met, and she completed my half-heart gesture. From there, my brain blanked for a good three seconds. My mouth was still uttering 'Kamsahamnida' but that scene seemed to stick long past that moment. I couldn't register Leeseo, Yujin, and Wonyoung's reactions—I knew they were smiling and waving—but then my brain suddenly went back up as I met Gaeul and Rei's eyes right as we made our way out. I went to the bathroom and uttered a relieved, awestruck 'Holy shit.'
God. I don't know if I will ever move on from such an experience. I'm still thinking about the interaction as I write this little thought diary, and my mind keeps replaying the interactions with Liz, Gaeul, and Rei. All of them had lovely smiles and were so happy even though they clearly were gassed out, and I was in utter shock trying to comprehend what had happened. Famous streamer IShowSpeed met his hero Ronaldo the same day as the concert and if you've seen his video, he practically plays out all the emotions I wanted to feel after meeting them. I've not played any K-pop after the concert aside from English versions of songs and most certainly I've avoided IVE songs aside from rewatching my concert fancams because I'll just melt into a giddy pile of goo watching it, telling myself 'I was there.'
My sister only listens to Blackpink. She agreed to take me to the venue provided I buy her tickets, so this was a consolation or redemption of sorts after failing to secure tickets for the Born Pink tour. She's a Dive now. She couldn't stop raving over Wonyoung's beauty but she eventually found all the members to be cute and beautiful. It feels great to finally share a sweet moment with my sister despite the turbulent relationship we have.
In an ideal world, I'll be watching Le sserafim and the other IZ*ONE members when they perform/arrive here. Of course, there's many obstacles in the way, and I'm not loaded with disposable income. Seriously, these tickets were more expensive than a veteran group and they're supposed to be rookies! But the entire experience—the energy, the performances, and the ending—made every coin I spent worth it. If this ends up becoming the only concert I attend in my entire life moving forward, I'm glad it was an unforgettable one.
Gaeul, Yujin, Rei, Wonyoung, Liz, and Leeseo, thank you for making my year and giving me a core memory I can fondly look back on. I fucking love you guys.
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simple-seranade · 1 year
mainly for cleo and jimmy’s povs, and i will most likely make more specific posts about these moments later. remember to block #limited life spoilers to avoid these in the future!
also Grian and Scar on opposing sides? JIMMY and Scar on opposing sides??? yes. yes i love this. the tension is already here.
poor skizz man. jimmy somehow managed to pass off the curse, it seems… for the moment.
lava jump gone wrong but they were bad while doing it.
he doesn’t want to be made fun of for his bamboo :(.
this trio is amazing. i have not stopped laughing.
“cleo, make me a pickaxe!”
“what’s the magic word, bdubs?”
“faster!” *damage being taken* “PLEASE I MEANT PLEASE-“
watch out sausage, scar is coming for your job as wood seller.
i am thriving. the Clockers. The Wolf Clockers? I love them.
This is amazing. Scar is already scamming.
“Bdubs is the scary one. Like, he carries clocks around, it’s his whole thing, and now we’re playing with the concept of time, like, this is his house.” MARTYN. SIR. I HADNT T H O U G H T OF THAT. OH MY GOSH.
cleo continues to not be terrified of etho, good for them. also he doesn’t know how to make a shield. i’m dying.
so does cleo have to get a polycule every season, is that just the rule or /j
“This silence is shock.” “This silence is rage.” cleo i adore you.
they have trapped etho.
“mom tell him to get off our horses” IM DYING
there will absolutely be more to come, i just have a piano lesson now lol
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thdrama2 · 3 months
ive never submitted anything to one of these blogs before as i’m very adverse to drama and i have absolutely no idea what’s going on in here 90% of the time … but i have a hot take from what i can tell so I thought id say something. im confused about the general sentiment about minors on here? i am a minor, (definitely on the younger end on top of that) i mostly stay in circles where i interact with other minors on toyhouse, and usually if there’s drama or complications, it has to do with an adult. for context, I’ve been on the site for a couple years, have a fairly large following and am able to sell adopts pretty easily. ive seen some asks on these blogs telling people to “NEVER sell to minors” and im just kinda confused? obviously i dont interact with adults super often, especially if they don’t want to do business with minors, but it feels like the sentiment sometimes is that everyone is a scammer and/or stupid before they turn 18. obviously not everyone is a perfect little angel, but adults absolutely aren’t either? this isn’t a complaint about buying from adults if it seems that way, as I honestly don’t care and am just here to mind my own business, but I am wondering why the generalization is made and why it seems to be so common (for research purposes)
I have not seen the sentiment that minors are more likely to be scammers but I am not surprised to hear that it exists.
I assume that it is more about adults being uncomfortable exchanging money with minors than anything about scamming.
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horsesarecreatures · 1 year
Went to see Amba again. She is doing ok. Her kidney enzymes came back fine, so she was started on the oxytetracycline yesterday. She did have diahhrea, though. She also had no hay so I asked for a hay net to be put up, and sent an email in the evening asking if she could please have free choice hay like at home. 
Unfortunately, she cannot be turned out with the catheter right now. With her spooking at everything and looking like she was thinking about trying to hop the fence of the outdoor arena the other day, there’s just too high a risk that it can get ripped out. I’m hoping this will change if the antibiotics kick in and the spooking decreases. She’s been stalled at night before, but never 24/7, minus 2 days last year when the pastures were covered in black ice. And she didn't really take it well; she started violently head tossing when I let her run around in the indoor. Today she was good, but she’s lethargic.
I was going to go to tractor supply to buy her some stall toys (because I foolishly gave away the ones I had bought for Cannoli), but luckily they already had some and put them up. I’m curious to see if she will play them, because she’s never been particularly playful, which is quite possibly a symptom of the lyme.
There is a little indoor arena, so when I see her I groom her then walk her around in there for an hour. I feel really bad for her because there’s only 1 other horse there and she can’t see him even though he’s stalled next to her. 
I am aiming to have her stay a month, provided she doesn't react too badly to the meds. 
I need to figure out my game plan for boosting her immune system. I will reach out to that lady from the video I posted yesterday to see if she can recommend more specific herbals. The vets here aren’t against herbals by any means, but they also aren't holistic specialists so they didn’t really recommend anything targeted. I absolutely plan on keeping her on probiotics and colostrum supplements permanently at this point. But I also just want to make sure the ones I’m using, probiotic wise and immubiome, have a long shelf life and can withstand the stomach acid. In the human world so many supplements are scams since they’re unregulated, and I’m sure the situation is even worse with animals.
Maybe I should add vitamin e as well? Both she and Cannoli had levels that were fine when I tested them, though. But I know it protects neurons. If the vets think it may help I will add it. It doesn’t wind up in urine like vitamin c so maybe extra will help. 
I was looking into her diet as well, but don’t necessarily think there’s anything that should be changed. She gets 1 scoop of Sunshine Plus ration balancer, 2 scoops of alfalfa pellets, 1 scoop of probiotic wise, and one scoop of immubiome am and pm. Technically, the sunshine plus is not the absolute best since it does contain molasses, but it does have yeast culture as the 4th ingredient, and also has MosPlus probiotics and bioavailable vitamin e & se. So while it wouldn't be great for a laminitic horse, for Amba with a weak immune system and microbiome that’s probably destroyed at this point, I feel like it’s a good choice. The other ration balancers that I’m aware of either don't have probiotics, or don't have them as high on the ingredient list. 
I’m feeling quite depressed over this situation. But it’s a different type of depression and feeling overwhelmed lately that is not my typical seasonal, holiday, or grief-related variety. It is more a feeling of, “everything feels like BS so what is the point?” It just seems like such astronomical bad luck to have to send 2 horses to a clinic for nuero issues just a few months apart. Only 2 horses in 2014 had EDM like Cannoli. And while many more have lyme, most don’t have to get IV oxytetracycline. And there’s other things going on, too. Like my boss of many years got fired by the historical society. I wrote a post on Facebook about it and over 100 people bombarded the historical society and town board with emails supporting him in response, but they still haven't hired him back, or even bothered to find a replacement for him. So there will no longer be a farm. 
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pulsedemonremastered · 5 months
god. brought up bc of that post i would love to start a group roleplay in this world ive made. idk who with though. i really only rp with people im familiar with already, friends and mutuals and such
reblogs r off cause im largely talking to myself but i I still wanted to share. & its under a readmore bc im typing as i think, and idk how long itll get . eheh
it's fantasy y2k but not entirely, there's the dragon ball capsule corp thing going on for larger more expensive vehicles. couple pieces of the 00's, you could have a ds. i dont care if you have a 3ds. nothing game breaking though no smartphones.
focusing more on the y2k bug & panic aspect of things. old scam emails n shit, people worrying for the end of the world. mom was happy to tell me all about it. saw a picture of a dude in a full duct tape jumpsuit
magic has been a part of the world for millenia, you can make up a new species or a hybrid and you're just a normal guy. you can just insert a character you already like.
if you wanted to just be one of the doctors who in here reacting to the world you could. ok. i bring this up because my siblings partner tried to get me to stop them from doing just that. she said it "isn't original enough". this girl does not hold an ounce of fun in her heart
idk it is midnight and my brain she is wilting . maybe if i feel like or if anyone's interested at all ill share what's in my google docs but i dont want to get up to the computer
but man i really don't want to run it outloud . christ. i have almost never gotten in a word edgewise in my life and i especially don't with this group.
&idk how to tell them this without some kind of catastrophic fallout happening. heard a tip somewhere that you should only play dnd with people you would go on a 3~4hr car ride with and i would absolutely not
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About Me
Heya! I’m Legend, a pokemon trainer from Johto currently living and working at a Pokemon shelter in Kalos. My team and I help care for and adopt out the pokemon who come to our shelter, Meganium’s Petals, named after my wonderful starter, Gold.
Currently attempting to find and beat the shit out of Team Scam. If you have any information on their whereabouts, please let me know so I can locate them. They deserve it.
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My team: Gold the meganium, my starter. Generally calm, but will absolutely not hesitate to cause Mayhem if needed. The largest of my pokemon.
Sapphire the umbreon, my shiny umbreon. Adopted him with his sister, Amethyst, because they were a bonded pair and I was worried they would be separated. Absolutely a horrible influence on all the younger pokemon.
Amethyst the espeon, the other half of the Terrible Twosome. Bonded to Sapphire, her brother, utterly inseparable. Is just as bad as he is, she’s just better at looking like she Totally Wasn’t Involved, that would be Beneath Her Dignity. do not be fooled.
Ember the vulpix, she of the flames. Rescued me from a couple of rocket grunts not long after I started out, she’s a fierce ‘mon who won’t back down from anything. Has no interest in evolving, mostly because one of her favorite tactics is to Look Up Adorably, followed by her roasting the shit out of anything dumb enough to coo over her.
Foccacia the daschbun, from Paldea. She started following me while I was on a trip there and just. Wouldn’t leave? Asked her eventually if she wanted to come along, she agreed, and she’s been with me ever since. She’s great at getting shyer pokemon to open up and calming them down, but make no mistake, she can and will kick ass if needed.
Eclipse the zorua, my youngest pokemon. His egg was....”rescued” from some people who deeeefinitely weren’t going to be needing it anymore. or any pokemon. for a long time. He’s pretty shy, but he warms up to anyone who’ll feed him.
ooc: Due to multiple instances, I am now instituting Ask Game Karma. If you reblog an ask game from me and do not send an ask, I can and likely will softblock you. If you are shy, that is what Anon is for. Please show respect for your fellow roleplayers. If you want interaction, you have to give it to other people too. hi! i’m silver, 25, they/them, follows come from silversouledcat. i’ve been watching rotomblr for a while and wanted to get in on the fun! i’ve never done any rp before, so i’m very new to all of this lol. legend comes from the fact that in every pokemon game ive ever had, since my first, heartgold, my trainer has been named legend. so if you’ve ever gotten a gts or wonder trade with an original trainer of legend, though its a longshot, that would have been me! this blog will also partly be inspired by my irl job at an animal shelter, so there will be some discussion of injuries/abuse/abondment occasionaly, though i’ll try not to get too in depth.
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kamoegoi · 10 months
hello i came back from playing my local store championship last night the format was modern and i dont play that format but the modern burn deck has a lot of cards in common wit the pioneer burn deck so we shuffled some cards around and were off to the races.
so the thing to know about me is that th emajority of my collection was from when i was like 10 and drafted every friday night as a kid and played vintage on tuesdays with the burn and stompy decks i built with my winnings from draft. so funnily enough, i actually own blood stained mires and sacred foundries and over time ive bene building up more of the red/white lands so i can eventually try either the convoke or heroic decks in pioneer, but i havent tracked down any of the actual white cards yet. it didnt make sense to splash white in my list for modern without any boros charms or literally any of the sideboard tools (good or otherwise) so i just put my searing bloods into the boros charm slot and left in eidolons. people love resolving ragavan and scam has plenty of things to searing blaze/blood. this will be great.
round 1 - eldrazi tron
reader all of their creatures are bigger than searing blaze/blood and my eidolons are actually just 2/2s that hurt me. i do not own blood moons, so i bring in smash to smithereens for the inevitable chalices and i bring in the kari zev expertises that i thought would be funny to resolve against murktide. in game 2 i manage to shoot my opponent down to single bolt range, but i forgot that karn can animate the one ring, so my opponent untaps and beats me to death with their ring. womp womp. game 1 i definitely had a chance to win, but i popped my only mire early to double spell, trapping a searing blaze in my hand. i died with that searing blaze in hand, facing down an opponent with a lot of eldrazi in play and 3 life. lesson learned. 0-1
round 2 - boros burn
seems like a nice guy! i stuff him game one with the good ol 7 bolts gameplan and game 2 he gets a little ahead on board against me, so i have to start blocking. my block buys me the turn i need to suspend two rift bolts with him at 12 and me with two more castable bolts in hand for when i untap. i am on 6 bececause of my very inspired choice to leave ramunap ruins in the deck in lieu of the horizon lands i dont own. opponent is only able to suspend a single rift bolt for his turn. i untap and burn him down. opponent saw 0 of his sideboard pieces. i had 0 sideboard pieces to put in. thats magic. 1-1
round 3 - boros burn
i know this opponent! we've drafted at a differet store in the city! anyways he kicks the ever loving shit out of me. this guy is a Burn Player. my last opponent also said he has been a burn player for years, but his deck didnt give him the opportuinity to leverage that experience it seems like. but r3 opponent? he knew when he was free to start shocking his lands in and he held back his creatures when he realized i was playing so many searing bloods/blazes so that i would be able to use all my mana efficiently and all of his turns seems perfect. absolutely stomped. 1-2
round 4- eldrazi tron (how???????)
i also know this opponent! i have like the worst record against this guy. i do what i can, but my bloods/blazes are poorly positioned against even his higher creature desnity version of this deck. he manages to chalice on 1 and 2 in game 2 and my only out is to draw my second copy of kari zevs expertise (drew the first one and used it to attack for lethal that made him trade his stolen thoughtknot seer with his other thoughtknot seer) and for him to resolve a 4 power creature or better that isnt thoughtknot seer, unless i am still in top deck mode wherein he has to play the seer AND THEN i draw expertise off the top the turn after. i was also playing extra mountains instead of sving them for blazes because he had shown me an ulamog in game 1 so i stayed on 4 lands with extra lands in my hand so that if he resolved ulamog, i could play my 3rd land and kari zev immediately if the opportunity presents itself. all of this was while he had an unopposed matter reshaper in play, so i had 4 turns to find the last copy of a card in my deck with about 40 cards left. my opponent even cast an ulamog for the style points so the stars were aligned. reader, they were not that aligned. 1-3
hey what can you do. it was nice getting a lot of opponents i recognized and the event was only 4 rounds (great turnout for modern!!!) so it was way less stressful. bummed i didnt manage to pull down one of those new eidolon promos but hey what can you do. i went in with a janky list and all of the games were p fun in spite of that so no complaints. honestly i spent the majority of the night talking to this guy who had shown up to ask about how to play magic actually, so i tried to be as good as a teacher as i could under the circumstances. in-between rounds he actually brought back a custard bun for me (because i was being so helpful i guess?) from the chinese bakery nearby which was very sweet of him
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mulchwave · 8 months
Ive been a part time adjunct remote prof for an art school for like a month and a half and Its making me lowkey miserable, and I cannot tell if its bc 1) I am simply not cut out for this job, its not in my nature 2) I was not adequately mentored, or really mentored at all, just "sure you sound teachery go teach a class" 3) I am constantly busy and yet make comically little money... but wow, if no one is stopping me, ME, the Just Some Guy of the [redacted] industry, from absolutely wasting all these students time then maybe art school actually is a scam and a mistake
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