#like love Gloxinia and Dolor but
tigerroseblue · 5 years
Seven Deadly Sins Oneshot: Kings
Based on what Meliodas said to King when they first met: "...I thought kings were a bunch of scum that just do whatever the hell they want and kill anyone they don't like." So, obviously Mel's probably served a crap ton of kings during his 3000+ years and has probably met some truly horrible ones. (Pretty sure he's also talking about the Demon King there.) Here's my idea on Meliodas's thoughts about kings. So...is this a character study?
Meliodas had never put much stock in kings or any kind of rulers for that matter. His father (loath as he was to call him that), the Demon King, was well known for acting on a whim. His temper was well known as well and every Demon knew to tread lightly, because if you angered him, he wouldn't just kill you. He'd make you wish you'd never been born first.
As his son, Meliodas wasn't immune to his cruelty. Even when he'd been a part of the Demon Clan and the Next in Line for the Throne, he'd had a bad habit of being a bit rebellious. He'd obey every command the King gave him, but every word he spoke to him was laced with bitting sarcasm and insolence. Good for him, the King found it amusing for the most part. But still, there were points...
One particularly memorable moment was after a failed raid on a Giant village. Meliodas had the choice of easily slaughtering all of the Giants and killing all his subordinates in the process, or retreating to fight another day. He took what he knew was the smarter route. Not because he cared for his subordinates, but because he knew the value of keeping weaker, yet more experienced fighters rather than replacing them with even weaker, less experienced idiots.
Upon returning, he ordered them all to have their injuries looked after. After that, he went back to report to the King. Needless to say, he was less than pleased with Meliodas's perceived act of "mercy" that caused him to fail in his mission. And, because he couldn't ever seem to stop himself from doing so, Meliodas argued with him, saying that sacrificing such valuable pawns for such a small reward was foolish.
The King didn't appreciate being called foolish. After being flung out of the throne room so hard, he swore he felt several of his ribs break, Meliodas braced himself for farther punishment. But none came. He was confused, until it finally occurred to him. He rushed to the foot soldiers' infirmary, to find all of the Demons he had commanded dead, slaughtered in various, horrifying ways.
The Demon King taught him that rulers had no qualms with killing loyal soldiers, just to spite others.
Then there was the Supreme Deity. Going into it, he forced himself to be open to following her, because it was what Elizabeth wanted. He didn't want to disappoint her. Meliodas had only faced the Supreme Deity twice, both with Elizabeth by his side, both leaving with less than stellar views of her.
The first was when he first left the Demon Clan to help Elizabeth end the war. When she brought him to the Goddess Realm to meet her mother, he was instantly filled with trepidation over the meeting. Not because he was in love with her daughter and heir, but because he knew how he'd be received. Elizabeth, with her blessed, beautiful faith in everyone, didn't realize that bringing in the son and heir of her mother's worst enemy, saying that they were in love and he would help them find a peaceful way to end the war...wouldn't exactly end well.
For a while, Elizabeth stood with them, filling in the tense atmosphere with explanations and hope. Then, one of the Archangels, Sariel the Tornado, came to retrieve Elizabeth, saying they needed to speak with her. She excused herself and left. The first thing out of the Supreme Deity's mouth after that was "Do you honestly expect me to believe that you, the Prince of the Demons, will help us defeat your own Clan? What is your plan, tricking my daughter into loving such a vile creature as yourself?"
Wanting to honor Elizabeth's wishes, he was honest with her. He told her he had no ulterior motive, that he was honestly in love with Elizabeth. Then, because he had developed a healthy habit of saying the wrong thing in front of powerful royalty, he told her he had no intention of helping her defeat his Clan. That he wanted to create peace between the two Clans, to stop the useless bloodshed with no more hatred between their constantly fighting Clans.
It was well known the war between the Demons and Goddesses had led to heavy casualties on both sides. The population of both Clans were so low and so few children were being born, if they didn't do something, they'd all die out. Everyone knew that, especially the rulers of the respective Clans.
After he'd finished his explanation, he waited for the Supreme Deity's response. It was exactly what he expected. She laughed, saying the if a few of her Clan had to die in order to bring down the Demons, so be it. In fact, they should be greatful to have the choice of sacrificing themselves for their Queen.
The Supreme Deity taught him that rulers didn't care what happened to their people, as long as their own personal goals were fulfilled.
At first, he'd thought Gloxinia and Dolor would be different. They actually seemed to care about their people, regardless of rank or power level. They didn't sacrifice them for meaningless victories or punish them for arbitrary offenses. He thought they were actually good rulers.
Then the attack on Stigma happened. Dolor abandoned his people for nothing more than hurt pride and Gloxinia left his kingdom in a vengeful fit of grief. They left their people with a tremendous drop in their population, floundering without guidance in a tremulous time of war. They left them at the mercy of the Goddesses and the Demons.
The Goddesses didn't care about anyone but themselves. They'd let either Clan fall into extinction if it suited their purposes. And the Demon weren't very merciful either.
Gloxinia and Dolor taught him to not trust first appearances in a ruler.
After the war, as he wandered around Britannia, the kingdoms that had been torn apart by the fighting slowly began to come back together. As they did, Meliodas found himself serving multiple kings and queens in between finding Elizabeth. A few weren't so bad. Other's got the horrible honor of being worse than his father and the Supreme Deity.
One king, the second he had served, had ordered him to attack a village of another kingdom to start a war. He wanted no survivors-men, women, or children. Meliodas refused. He'd had enough of bloodshed. He left that kingdom. It was gone now, its foolish, selfish king leading it into a war it couldn't win.
A queen was so bloated with her own wealth and power, she required all the kingdom's wealth for herself–while her people starved. Meliodas did the best he could, but it wasn't enough. Eventually, there was a violent revolution in that kingdom. The people killed or exiled every single person that worked for the royal family. Meliodas left willingly.
Yet another ruler believed that his power came from God and, as such, he should not be questioned and certainly never disobeyed. As previously established, Meliodas had issues with obeying rulers. That particular time as a Holy Knight hadn't ended well. When a group of knights refused to follow orders that were utterly ridiculous in the first place, the king tried to have them executed. Meliodas refused to let that happen and was exiled for it.
There were those that didn't cause direct harm to their citizens, that basically allowed the leader of their military (Holy Knights and otherwise) to led the country and just sit back and enjoy a life of luxury. Meliodas detested their laziness, but at least the people weren't suffering.
Human rulers didn't help his image of rulers in general in the slightest. They only cemented in his loathing.
Then came King. Or Harlequin, as was his true name. When Meliodas heard of the third Fairy King, that supposedly ignored the actions of his own, leading to a 500-year killing spree...he wasn't surprised. It seemed to fit in with every other king he'd run across. Tyrannical, murderous, vain, lazy...these were the traits he associated with royalty.
But then, the Fairy King shed tears for his people. He blamed himself for the wayward fairy's actions and said he was a horrible king. From Meliodas's experience, no ruler, no matter how terrible, would've admitted that. Respect for the Fairy King–respect he once had for Gloxinia before he betrayed everyone–began to grow.
When he called him a splendid king, he meant it.
After the destruction of Danafor (the king there ordered the Holy Knights to protect him instead of the people), he met Baltra. When he discovered the king of Liones wanted to adopted Elizabeth, his first thought was "Oh, hell no". But he knew he couldn't raise Elizabeth himself and risk the curse triggering that much faster. So, he agreed, but insisted on being her personal knight. He didn't trust Baltra at all.
When Zaratras introduced him to the king for a second time, Meliodas did what he had developed a habit of doing whenever he was about to serve a new king or queen. After all the times they'd attempted to make him do things that he didn't want to do, it was kind of like a warning, that he wouldn't fold to demands as easily as other knights would.
Standing in front of Baltra's throne, looking him directly in the eyes, he gave him the same warning he'd given almost 12 times by then: "I am not a child," he started steely. "Not only am I older than I look, but I am also much stronger. If I wanted to, I could level your entire army in less than 5 minutes. Do not underestimate me. Try and force me to do something that I don't want to or give an order that is detrimental to this kingdom's people, and I will leave. You won't be able to stop me. And I'll take Elizabeth with me."
He expected anger, he expected outrage. What he got was calm eyes staring right back at his. "You've had a bad time with royalty in the past, haven't you?" Meliodas felt taken aback by the human's insight. Is this part of his power? He asked himself, remembering what Zaratras had said about the king's power, Vision. No, it can't be. Zaratras said he could only see the future, not the past, so how...?
Baltra leaned forward in his throne. "I can see it in your eyes. You are much older than you seem and, as such, you've seen things you can't unsee. I understand that, at least to an extent. My power, Vision, has given me...visions of things, terrible things I wish I'd never seen. And some, I did not have the power to stop. Some were impossible to stop." His eyes, grey steel, flashed for a moment. "I feel like you will be a great and valuable asset to my knights. Perhaps, I can prove to you that not all kings are monsters?"
Meliodas looked at him, surprised for the first time in a while. A complicated expression came upon his face. A strange mixture of skepticism, hope, and challenge. "Perhaps. I guess I'll just have to see."
Out of all the rulers he has served or known, Baltra would come to be the one who taught Meliodas what being a king truly meant.
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thegoddesselizabeth · 3 years
“No matter what lies you tell, theres no way you can fool your own heart.” - Meliodas
“Even if you die, I would still keep the promise I made to you” -Meliodas
“When the skies are filled with crossing shooting stars, Britannia will be visited by an immense menace. It is an omen of the beginning of a trial of ancient origins, a holy war between The Guiding Hand Of The Light and The Bloodline Of Darkness” - old Britannia poem
“Even if the rest of the world becomes my enemy... I’ll believe in him” - Elizabeth
“What [I] wanted for you, wasn’t to keep on fighting, but for you to keep on living! For you and your fight for the people, I will share whatever sins you shoulder” - Elizabeth
“After [she] died... meeting all the others. I’ll admit it distracted me enough. I never got sick of the perpetual dangers we had to face. But even then, It comes back to me again. I’m still alone forever, i’ll never see her again, in this world or the next. This world without her is like hell” - Ban
“Ive never felt this way before. Jut seeing Meliodas makes me happy. When i’m by myself, I think of him. And when i’m with him, all my worries go away... I do love him” -Elizabeth
“I can’t forget you. I can’t get used to losing you. Every time I relive my meeting and farewell with you, I can’t help but love you more” - Meliodas
“If I never met you, I’d never be able to feel so happy, spending ordinary, peaceful days like this...” - Elizabeth (Liz)
“It isn’t what people think of me, It’s what I think of them” - Meliodas
“As long as you still breathe, you are afforded the opportunity to fight and protect those of your choosing... and as such, you’ll have people to share your suffering, misery and sorrow with” -Elizabeth
“For a man like me...who has spent most of his life in darkness, you simply radiant too much light” - Golgious
“No matter what happens...no matter who turns on you... no matter who your enemy is... I’ll always be here. I’ll never leave your side.” - Elizabeth
“Oh dear friend of noble wrath. If even a curse should afflict our bodies ... it can never taint the beautiful rose that blooms in our hearts.” - Escanor
“The light of dawn and the curtain of nightfall, they bathe us all equally, without discrimination” - Elizabeth
“Meliodas, ever since that day you fell into our underworld, for the past long 3,000 years, your will has continued to persist throughout... although it was all for the love of just one woman. It is still something utterly inimitable by anyone... I would have loved to see you both once more. I pray somehow... that one day... you will be rewarded for all your suffering...” - Gloxinia / Dolor
“I cant help it... whatever you it is, whether you were a goddess or whether you were princess of Liones... I love all of you” - Meliodas
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moonstomars · 4 years
Hey, I'm sorry to disturb you, especially because I have a long ask.... 😅 But what about a Highschool AU for Monspeet x Derieri and Dolor x Gloxinia? Thank you so much to take the time to respond 😁
Hello Anon! Thank you for the ask, I’m so sorry this took so long! I love answering asks, but I didn’t have much time lately ... Anyway! Monderi and Dologlox high school au, here we go! I wasn’t sure if you were asking for headcanons or what, I hope this is okay.
They are all part of a group of unlikely friends who the rest of the school calls, for unclear reasons, “The ten commandments”. They all met each other during detention and somehow ended up hanging out together. (Clichè, I know, but the idea is too fun)
Derieri and Monspeet knew each other before, they are childhood friends, and so are Drole and Gloxinia
Monspeet is not a bad student, he is smart, but he doesn’t care about most of the subjects; he also wouldn’t get in trouble that often if he wasn’t close to Derieri and the Commandments. But he has always had a soft spot for Derieri (that at some point turned into love) and he will always stand by her side. And stop her (or try to) when she is about to do something stupid 
Derieri doesn’t care much about school, she is not very good except than in P.E (she rocks there). Monspeet is the only person she allows to help her though, and he is also the only person that is willing enough to study with her and actually help her pass her tests. 
They spend almost all their time together, to the point that people think they are already a couple. 
They are not actually. Well, not at first. Monspeet knows he has feelings for Derieri but doesn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, he is not sure she feels the same. Derieri is not quite aware of her own feelings either! She is happy to spend time with Monspeet and cares deeply about him but she never thought about it much. 
She starts questioning what she really feels for him when she realizes that people think they are together. At first, she is surprised and doesn’t like it, but the more she thinks about it, the more she realizes that she wouldn’t mind if that was the truth
She panics. She knows Monspeet cares about her, but does he love her? (She could even suspect that he has feelings for her older sister because why not, we love drama)
When the school organizes a prom, they don’t actually plan to go together. Derieri doesn’t even feel like going and scares off all the guys who try to approach her to ask her out. (Not many, for the simple fact that not many people in the school are brave enough to try). Monspeet is asked out too but doesn’t really want to go. But when Derieri tells him that she is not going to anyone Monspeet just asks. (Something like, “We could go together, just to take a look. As friends”)
And they try to go as “friends” (even though they both realize the implications and are pretty nervous about it). They hang out with the other Commandments, talk, and somehow end up dancing too.
They both like this a lot and realize they would actually like to be together. 
(And eventually they do end up together because they deserve happiness.)
About Dologlox,
Drole actually makes efforts to be a good student, he studies a lot
Gloxinia doesn’t study as much, but he is one of those students who can get decent grades even without working much.
He usually only works hard when he and Drole are studying together (and that’s because he wants to finish fast so that they can have some fun after)
Most people expect Drole to be a rugby or football player, but he actually leads the dance team of the school  
Gloxinia doesn’t like sports much, but he loves gardening and he and King (his cousin) take care of all the plants of the school
Everyone knows they are best friends. They are always walking side by side (and that’s quite funny considering that Drole is the tallest student in the whole school while Gloxinia is, well, not), They also are in the same group of friends (the Ten Commandments of course), they are basically inseparable!
And that’s why people don’t even realize when they start dating. Their close friends know and so do people who pay attention, but most of the school finds out that time that Gloxinia casually kisses Drole in the cafeteria. Not that this surprises people that much.
Basically, the only thing that truly changes is that now they hold hands often and sometimes Gloxinia flirts with Drole in the hallway. 
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shus-valkyrie · 7 years
Tomorrow is Glox’s birthday, I’M READY
I have a little question. It’s not too important, is only a curiosity. We have seen that fairies have a different perception of time, so one year for them is equivalent to few weeks maybe. They also have a lazy lifestyle. So the question is…do they celebrate birthdays? I was thinking at this a moment ago, I believe that it wouldn’t be so strange if they didn’t care about it.
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nanatsunoheadcanons · 6 years
Can you write some headcanons about Gloxinia being in love ?
Sure thing!
~Gloxinia in love. That’s the first.~Dolor is giving him a prep talk, thinking that he needs it. At first Gloxinia denies that he needs it, saying “I’m the Fairy King. If I can rule over a forest I can talk to girls”~He goes to bed that night and is staring at the sky and thinking about what to say, and that’s when he realises it: he can’t talk to girls.~So he goes back to Dolor in the morning and asks for advice when he realises that Dolor is just as useless.~So he goes to Gerharde for help.~It’s a bit better because she can tell him what a girl actually wants.~but she teases the hell out of him.~He probably brings like 90 fairies with him like ‘Haha if u reject me u will disappoint the audience binch’~I’d like to think that they’re a giant.~After giving them some flowers, blushing, stuttering and being on the verge of tears his (S/O) understood what he was getting at and kissed him on the head.~He was so glad that they accepted him.~Honestly though he’d be going on about it for weeks, thinking he’s a pro. ~”I’m just saying, that if you need any relationship advice Dolor, I’m your man,”“Gloxinia you’ve been in a relationship for 3 days”~Their first date was probably a picnic in the forest somewhere.~A bunch of fairies followed them though. He had to shoo them away.~Gerharde told them all embarrassing stories about him and he was m ad as hell.~They gift each other flowercrowns. Literally they just have 9000 piles of flowercrowns.~They’ll go out picking berries together (I wanted to say cooking but idk if all fairies are vegetarian or if it’s just King. Also you probably don’t have all of the resources to cook something decent in a forest)
Sorry for the wait, thank you for asking!
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sinsfox · 6 years
What kind of things make Ban HAPPY??
things that make ban happy? thats a list and a half! but ill name a few!
one of the more obvious answers to that question is elaine! he loves her so very much, he really would do anything for that fairy. shes got his heart in a fuckin vice but he doesnt care! he loves her! he wants to spend time with her! he wants to have two children with her! TWO KIDS! he just… wants to constantly be near her and like his devotion knows no bounds because hes really gone through ups and downs and has done everything he can to try and find a way to revive her ( well until the ten commandments happened and now elaine is neither alive nor dead but its something )
meliodas also makes him really happy because he was his first real friend he ever had and meliodas doesnt… give up on him. they understand each other and ban can go all out with meliodas, especially in terms of strength and speed ( i mean damn the vaizel fight festival is really good example of this but also when they met again in baste dungeon and at the great fight festival that gloxinia and dolor set up with how enthused they are seeing each other )
alcohol of any kind is another thing that makes ban happy! he loves drinking! even if he cant hold his liquor for shit! he loves alcohol! part of his daily routine is really getting shitfaced and passing out. i hate him jsghjh
bans a self taught cook, i like to think that cooking is something that makes him happy and is a way to express himself. its something that he had to learn to do to survive being on his own since he was a child. hes gotten good at it, he makes money from it at the boar hat and is really the only reason why customers even eat food there bc meliodas cant cook for shit! cooking is bans territory, hell fight you over it.
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cassievile03 · 6 years
Zeldris that's a kid preview
“Zeldris, what is this human child doing here?” Estarossa ask his brother.
While the other 8 demons nodded in agreement. “Well she’s not like the other humans, she different” Zeldris explain to his comrades.
“How, she looks like any other human, just smaller but a little sickly. So just explain what’s so different about her” gloxinia questions him.
“Well, she wasn’t scared when she found out I was a demon. And she asks things most humans won't” he tells them.
“what do you mean Zeldris?” Dolor asks him.
“She asked if I had been in love or, if I got scared, or if I ever got lonely, things like that. She believes demons could feel things like that, us demon. Things all humans fear to some degree, but she wasn’t scared of me, the heights maybe but me no. So, I believe she is different” he explains in further detail.
(So this is something I've had in my word account for a while so thought I'd see if yall liked it ig)
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wlwinry · 6 years
Fae and Feline
for @itsyaboimilk
"He's a cat."
King rolls his eyes from where he lies sprawled across bar, tail flicking in mild annoyance as Ban prods at him with a look of delighted incredulity. Diane swats the immortal's hand away (and thank the gods for that, because the imbecile was about to rub his fur the wrong way on top of it all) and scratches him behind the ears gently. "Yes, he's a cat, and don't poke at him, Ban!" He lets out a meow of surprise as Diane scoops him up, but swiftly goes boneless in her arms, purring to let her know of his appreciation. She giggles, before shooting a sharp look back up at Ban. "He hates that when he's normal; imagine what it would feel like now?"
A cackle escapes the mouth of the Sin of Greed, and King hisses at him, flattening his ears. No need for him to ruin everything, he thinks sulkily, teeth bared. Really, everything had been fine. So what if he'd poked around Merlin's lab while looking for Oslo and ended up activating a protective charm that left him as a cat? It would wear off--at least, Merlin had implied as much.
Gods, he hopes it wears off. But maybe not quite yet, because Diane's petting feels absolutely amazing and this is probably the most relaxed he's been since the war ended. He purrs as her fingers massage his scruff, letting his eyes drift closed--
"Meliodas, no!" He opens one eye as the Captain makes a dive for the window, Elizabeth grabbing him by the back of his shirt to keep him from removing himself (in the most dramatic way possible, as per demon prince prerogative, apparently) from what he'll admit is a rather bizarre situation. Meliodas grumbles, and King's purr turns into a genuine snort of amusement--he might actually be a cat, but sometimes Captain actually acts like one. I would know, he thinks, sitting up in Diane's arms as Meliodas gives Elizabeth a look of pure pleading, one that he knows quite well as the "dear gods get me away from this madness" look. He feels a bit of vindictive pleasure--normally he's the one who employs it, and it never ends in his favor after he does. Sure enough, Elizabeth only gives him a kiss on the cheek and a look of complete and utter amusement at his plight before glancing at Merlin. "When will it wear off?"
The warlock tilts her head, looking smug. "Oh, about a month or so."
A month. King resists the urge to caterwaul in fury at that; a few days would've been fine, a few weeks tolerable, but an entire month?  He hisses again, lashing his tail, before springing out of Diane's arms and trotting over to Merlin, who merely looks even more self-satisfied. Damned witch, he thinks crossly, glaring at her. She shrugs in response. "I did warn you not to look through my things."
Ban cackles again, and before King even knows what he's doing, he whips around and bites the immortal hard on the ankle. The snarl that earns him seems to be more a reaction of surprise as opposed to genuine pain, but it doesn't stop Elaine from scooping him up and scolding him again. He sees Diane rolling her eyes over his sister's shoulder, though, so he doesn't feel contrite whatsoever.
"This month is going to be hell," he hears Meliodas mutter, and he can't stop a feeling of wicked glee from running through him.
This month is going to be fun.
"Why is King on the chandelier?"
King peers down at the others as Ban raises an eyebrow at him. Why not? he suggests, knowing full well the others can't understand him. It's just as well, though. If they could, then they'd know that Oslo had spooked him and he'd somehow sprung up here to escape his Black Hound's scrutiny. As it is, he can pass it off as a deliberate action and they'll be none the wiser.
It's certainly a nice change of pace from the usual "let's all laugh at King", at any rate. And, if he's being honest...it's rather warm and comfy up here, with the lamps so close by and the ability to see everything happening in the Boar Hat. He quite likes it, and he purrs and stretches out even more ostentatiously over the bars of the light fixture. Meliodas just shakes his head with a huff that seems to be more fond exasperation than anything else, turning to leave. Diane shoots him a grin and a thumbs-up (his tail curls in response and he purrs even harder) before darting outside. Gowther scribbles something down in that notebook he's taken to carrying, before giving him one of those guileless smiles and hurrying back to the stairs, presumably up to the attic-turned library (King has already started crafting a nest of sorts up there, with one of those soft throw pillows and a few torn pages that Gowther will probably gut him for once he's back to normal). And Ban...
Ban reaches up to poke him again, and King does what comes naturally--he jumps, landing lightly on the Sin of Greed's head and digging his claws in. A stream of curses erupts from Ban's mouth and King barely resists the urge to cackle in petty, vindictive glee. And so the tables are turned, he croons cheerfully, sheathing and unsheathing his claws as the swearing stops and a full-on death glare is unleashed instead. It seems almost half-hearted, though, and he realizes why with a faint thrill of excitement--Ban doesn't want to hurt him while he's a cat. And it makes sense, hilarious though it is, because Ban has always been easily attached to cute things. As much as King hates to admit it, he's good with kids and fond of animals (when he's not killing them--the animals, not the children. Even Ban would never stoop that low), and out of all of the Sins, their most abrasive and seemingly-superficial member is the one most likely to click with a stray. It's a bit...sad, almost, considering what little he knows of Ban's past, but it's also funny in the most ridiculous way. A six-foot-eleven monster of a man who can kill without blinking and suffer the most agonizing torture imaginable, who literally walked through hell, won't hurt stray animals and is secretly excellent with children.
Either way, it's a victory, and King settles down onto Ban's head for a nap with a contented sigh, grinning inwardly at the defeated grumble the act earns him.
As it turns out, small, dark spaces are excellent for taking naps if you happen to be a creature small enough to fit inside one. Empty jars in the pantry swiftly become some of King's favorite spots to settle down for a nap; after all, no one bothers to check in the empty containers--at least, not the one person who's actually supposed to be in the kitchen. It's really Meliodas's fault, what happens before he gets banned from the kitchen entirely. It happens while he's dozing in one of the containers, snapping abruptly awake as the pantry door opens. King settles back down, though--he's taken plenty of naps like this before and Ban's never figured it out once. He'll just go back to sleep after the bastard's gotten whatever he needs. 
Except the soft click of the tongue and the scent of smoke and spice and a well-masked note of sweet definitely don't belong to Ban, and he stiffens in the jar as it's picked up, the lid coming off--
King screeches as the jar is tossed suddenly, thrown with shocking force and shattering on impact; it has to be an effect of Merlin's spell or his true faerie nature that he doesn't break his ribs when he ricochets off of the wall and manages to land (with surprising grace) on his feet. He shakes out his pelt indignantly before hissing at the culprit--at Meliodas. The Captain's eyes are blown wide with shock, his shoulders shaking, and King almost feels bad before he bursts out, "What the ever-loving actual FUCK!"
That, of course, sends the whole damn household scurrying in. King swiftly sits down, washing his paws innocently. Might as well take the opportunity to pile on the indignation factor while he still can; after all, it's not often that Captain is so visible shaken, especially if it's by something so small.
"He's a cat," Elizabeth feels compelled to point out after a trembling, furious Sin of Wrath explains the situation (King feels smug to the point of impossibility), clearly barely resisting the urge to giggle at the more-than-traumatized look on Meliodas's face. "He's going to hide in places and jump out at you, it's what cats do." 
"He's a DEVIL and I'm going to KICK HIM OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE," Meliodas seethes, eyeing King with a mixture of respect and fury, mostly the latter. The Faerie-turned-feline merely rolls his amber eyes and leaps onto Diane's shoulders, purring softly.
Normally being stroked feels quite good; it sends a rush of warmth through him and he tends to just collapse into a boneless puddle right there, especially when Diane's the one petting him. Not when Gowther does it, though. No, when Gowther does it, it takes a physical effort for King not to claw his eyes out in frustration, because poor, sweet, oh-so guileless Gowther, knowledgeable Gowther, the same Gowther who researches almost everything he's interested in the point of exhaustion, has not yet figured out that you can't stroke a cat's fur backwards.
King bites down on a hiss as Gowther hums in delight, running slim fingers through his short fur. He doesn't want to upset the doll; ever since getting his emotions back, he's been sensitive and cheerful and King likes this version of him much better than the apathetic memory-stealing (highly misguided, he'll admit) one from before their training with Gloxinia and Dolor (he pushes down the memory of his and Diane's teachers, knowing that he'll be up all night with nightmares if he thinks of them). They've become close friends, and he doesn't want to mess that up.
But goddamn if it doesn't get annoying when (like right now) Gowther's petting him so absently, so naturally, and it's the wrong fucking way.
King settles into the doll's lap and lets out a miserable sigh, enduring it.
The change from cat to faerie is as swift as the original shift was, except this time his instincts don't quite have the time to catch up. King finds himself hissing at Ban, purring when his hair is ruffled, and jumping on things when he ends up startled. It's unbecoming for a Faerie King, for any higher being, really, but Merlin says there's nothing he can do, so he decides to wait it out.
Except it's not really bad, he decides, a soft rumbling noise escaping his throat as Diane runs her fingers through his hair, propping himself up on his elbows in order to kiss her cheek. She giggles and kisses him back, and he feels his face heat up as he blushes, his purring increasing in volume. Not that bad at all.
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zeldrispendragon · 6 years
The Wrong Choices
Clan swap for chapter 248! Without the slap… since Meliodas could never slap Ellie… I apologize for every possible mistake that you’re bound to face… or read…
He didn’t know her, it was the only certain thing that was within his mind from the moment his mismatch eyes of gold and emerald met her pitch black ones. Her bright and full of life sapphire eyes were now painted in black, looking lifeless, empty and cold… it scares him. Just looking at her now was tearing him apart, slowly… bits by bits and painfully.
And this was all his fault.
“Elizabeth! Let go!” He screamed, barely capable of pulling his voice all together. With his heart aching he doubted that the words he wanted to convey would come out the way he wanted them. He couldn’t look at her, it was him who turned this monster into the kindest and gentle person and he knew and it was also him who turned her back into this…
“Please understand that I am merely doing this for you. Whatever you are there will be no fruit for it.” Better than doing nothing about the one you love planning to leave.
“I told you, I don’t want it!” He screamed, pain pervading his heart tears refusing to stop themselves from falling. He wanted to push her away, pull away from her because looking at her hurts damn badly.
“If it means losing you, I don’t want it! I don’t want it! We’ve hold on for so long! We’ve fought for so long! If breaking the curse would result to that, I don’t want it!” His tear filled eyes locked with hers once again. It was like when he just met her, she was like a puppet merely moving towards her goals, doing exactly what she needed to do…
The Demon King’s puppet…
He hates that man... no, he was a monster.
He saw those eyes change along the way. From those black empty eyes she had started displaying emotions before him, joy, anger, frustration, sadness he saw them all… then he found himself falling for it, like his wings were ripped off from the moment he saw those eyes filled with so much emotions. He was horrified that he didn’t mind losing himself from such beauty.
Then she found himself falling for him as well…
Once feelings were revealed, his heart dropped. He tried to push her away, hurting her in process but he was just scared of what awaits them from this forbidden love. He was the eldest son of the Supreme Diety, she was the only daughter of the Demon King, they were bound to slash each other’s throat like how they were fated to do… yet destiny had other plans…
Yet once she betrayed her clan for him, he had welcomed her with open arms… he was left without a choice but lose himself to it.
He was so happy with her, so he allowed himself to indulge it…
Then their judgement came… he had seen both his brothers corpses before his eyes as vengeance of the demon clan, they also took his friends away completely convincing them to join their league. He could clearly remember it, Gloxinia laughing as he begged to him to stop joking… Dolore, killing his fellow giants that it that it hurts…
Then his brothers…
Estarossa, the silver head whom he loved suddenly going missing. He had devoted himself searching for him for weeks, lost his mind, shed too much tears equally inconsolable like his youngest brother. Yet he didn’t lose hope…
Then they finally found him… his wings were ripped off, purple eyes dull and lifeless thrown into their territory like a broken doll… judging by his appearance, the poor thing had went through torture before he was killed off… He had screamed and cried through the whole day, refusing to let him go, screaming that he was only sleeping, that he wasn’t dead…
That he was still with him.
That this was just a nightmare…
He rejected the truth as long as he could, and when reality sink in…
He realized that he was never going to see the silver head smile again.
Elizabeth had vowed that the demons will get what they deserve, yet he didn’t listen, she knew he didn’t…… he just couldn’t barely bring himself to as he was far too lost in grief.
The next thing he knew was two members of the ten commandments were murdered by Elizabeth herself…
Then Zeldris… he blamed him and Elizabeth for Estarossa’s death completely losing him from then on. He had distant himself from his brother, hating him more than anything in this world, probably more than how he hated demons… It was too much for him, he had pleaded and apologize to him yet the raven head would just laugh telling him that it was too late, that Estarossa was dead and it was all his fault... he had lost both his brothers then, and it hurts damn badly.
A month later…
Zeldris died…
Blinded by rage and wanting nothing but vengeance, he fell into a trap created by the demon clan and when he and Elizabeth had arrived it was far too late…
His only family, his youngest brother, the child he cherished was dead…
Covered in bruises…
Bathed with his own blood…
Wrapped with thorns…
And like Estarossa… his bright ruby eyes were no longer shining like before.
He nearly fainted from utter frustration, wailed while pulling the vines with his bare hands, letting the thorns impale itself over his flesh, blood staining his clothes and face. He ignored the physical pain… yet the pain in his heart was simply something he could not ignore.
And he was in his arms again… like when he was just a small little sunshine of life, bright scarlet eyes staring at him, the purest smile he had ever seen he felt like he was a father. Yet now… he was the first person who lifted him when he came to life… and it was also him who first embraced him when his life was taken away.
He couldn’t breath…
Regret, grief, frustration, sadness, pain, everything just started bottling up within him that he wanted to die. Yet every time his emerald eyes met her bright sapphire ones he manages to find a reason to live remembering that he still has her…
That he was all she had…
That they only had each other.
And he was leaving her… he always did. The only woman he had left, the only woman whom he loved so much, the woman who he dragged into this mess, he left her to face all the pain all by herself…
107 times… 107 times and all he could do was apologize, then leave again, then apologize he was practically torturing her.
He loved her so much and she obviously didn’t deserve this… so she made him promise…
A promise he never though would led to this.
“Elizabeth please…” he begged, not wanting to live on without her.
“Meliodas, this is all I could do…” Was he being selfish? For not wanting this to end?
“Then if this is how it’ll end then I shouldn’t have loved you!” He knew he’d actually regret saying that, but he just couldn’t help himself. He was overwhelmed with so much emotions, particularly pain and it push him to this. She had loosen her grip after that as he finally managed pulling his wrist from her grasp.
“I should have just killed you! I should have just ended your life there in then when I had a chance! But what did I do?! I healed you instead! I let you lived when things could have been far more easier!” He just couldn’t believe himself. She was literally dying, blood was all over her body, few of her hearts lost from the archangel’s attack…
Yet he couldn’t helped but to notice…
A demon child was within her arms as if trying to protect it.
“I should have pushed you away! I should have avoided you! I should have rejected you!” Things could have been more easy. No connection, no pain, no curse and no suffering…
It could have been…
Yet what did he choose?
This was his fault…
All his fault…
Zeldris was right.
His brothers were dead because of him.
She was suffering because of him.
All his fucking fault.
He made the wrong choices, felt the wrong feeling, loved the wrong person…
But it just felt so right…
“I am lossing you anyway so what was the point of having you in the first place?!” He was cought off guard when the demon had suddenly pulled and threw him towards the seat just behind her. He groaned, not really anticipating that.
Gentle warm hands suddenly touched his cheeks, his orbs widening when he felt her lips against his.
“—-lizabeth!” He could barely finish the word, the demon holding his head on place, fingers all over his scalp. It felt so familiar, fingers brushing his hair, lips gentle yet firm were against his, eyes shut close as they’d lost themselves from the world from such a brief moment.
It was her assurance to him…. every time she’d leave, she’d kiss him and promise him of her return, every time he felt fear she does exactly the same and he found himself loving it so much.
And like what it usually does…
He lost himself…
Arms instinctively wrapping itself around her neck, he had shut his eyes just like hers.
She always knew what to do…
And the thing is… right now, she only knew…
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ramjam · 6 years
oooff...uhhh...nnt and 001
Ask Meme Pack: Send me a fandom, ship, or character.
Favorite character: Guila and Jericho are tiedLeast Favorite character: Fuuuck… this is generally pretty hard? Right now, Estarossa.5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Guila/Jericho, Dolor/Gloxinia, Gilthunder Margaret, King/Ban, Gelda/Zeldris. Right now, at least!! My favorites, other than Guila/Jericho, CONSTANTLY shift based on mood LOL!! I’m sure my list from last time was entirely differentCharacter I find most attractive: Deldry and Merlin please return my callsCharacter I would marry: Jericho wife, yadda yadda, but DELDRY AND MERLIN PLEASE RETURN MY CALLSCharacter I would be best friends with: Diane!An unpopular opinion: I think we should stop trying to make Nakaba look better than he is in order to justify liking the manga. Enjoy critically, or move fandoms if you can’t happily enjoy NnT without extending yourself :(My canon OTP: I can’t read suddenly, I don’t know Non-canon OTP: Please get these cameras out of my facePairing I am not a fan of: Guila/Men inherently invalid but ppofffvvvllbbllbbb Merlin/Arthur is super uglyCharacter I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): This one goes out to all the female characters that had agency and then were glued to man’s narrative and lost a lot of what made her special (Diane, Jericho), or ones who literally never get a chance to be their own character outside of their romance (Elaine)Favourite friendship: This isn’t “friendship” but I love the Guila/Jericho/Zeal/Gustaf family. And the Sins in general all have a really good friendship.
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galfridus1 · 6 years
Meliodas? for the ask thing :3
character: I like them | I LOVE them ship with: Elizabeth and only Elizabethfriendship them with: most of the Sins, most of the humans, Gloxinia and Dolorgeneral opinions: He's the reason I got into this manga - I've always liked him, but these latest chapters my opinion has started to change. I don't mind him gunning to be Demon King, that's okay (poor boy's been through enough crap in his life to get some respect for wanting it to all be over). But the way he's blackmailing Zeldris I am not a fan of, and mad as Estarossa is I suspect Mel's past with him/Elizabeth is not entirely innocent. He's calling himself a failure of an elder brother for some specific reason is my thinking now - how bad he's been I'm slightly afraid to find out. Basically as @thisisaverycreativeurl would say, he's on thin fucking ice.His emotions however rock.
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tigerroseblue · 6 years
About Meliodas Regaining His Emotions and What That Means For The Story
So, I've been thinking about something for a while now: what's going to happen when Meliodas regains his emotions? Cause there's a few issues here.
Firstly, the way Meliodas lost his emotions kind of confused me since we found out about the curse. I'm wasn't sure whether he lost all his emotions whenever he went to Purgatory and slowly gets them back when he returns to the Real World or if every time he goes to Purgatory, a small bit of his emotions are taken and he returns to the Real World, unable to regain that small bit he lost. But, from current content, I think it's the latter. What I think happens is that he dies, goes to Purgatory, gets a bit of his emotions stolen, and then is sent back to the Real World, while his father holds that bit of emotions he took hostage in Purgatory. I actually had a conversation about this with princessfroslass.
We were talking about Meliodas's curse and how it related to his emotions (actually it started as a "How-crappy-the-DK-is-as-a-father" conversation and then evolved into talking about Meliodas's curse and what the DK was trying to accomplish with giving him it, but same difference). Princessfroslass came to the conclusion that the DK was trying to get Mel to stop caring about ANYTHING–whether it be Elizabeth, his friends, or even himself–and become the DK's puppet again for him to use to take over Britannia.
The way I see how Meliodas and his emotions work with the curse is that the first time Meliodas died with the curse on him (I don't count the time the DK and SD killed both him and Elizabeth because if he had gone to Purgatory that time, Barbarian Elizabeth wouldn't have had to explain the curse to him) Meliodas had a small amount of his emotions taken from him and when the DK sent him back to the Real World to repeat his torture, that small bit of emotion stayed behind, forming what could've been like a ghost of Meliodas. This idea comes from the fact that Emo!Mel calls himself Meliodas's "soul" when explaining to Ban why he wasn't as strong as he usually is. So, this initial "ghost" might've been a faint copy of Meliodas, as in less solid than he seems to be now. Then, over the years as Meliodas died over and over again, that faint copy grew more tangible as more of Meliodas's emotions or "soul" was stuck in Purgatory. I also think that perhaps Emo!Mel doesn't know what his real body is up to in the Real World (because if he knew he had a hand in Arthur's "death" (can somebody please clear up if he's actually dead or not, cause I'm a bit confused here) you'd think Emo!Mel would be torn up about that) and he only finds out when Meliodas dies again and a part of his emotions are added to Emo!Mel and he finds out what has happened to his real body while it's been in the Real World since he died last.
And that is just sadistic as all heck on the DK's part, when you really think about it, cause that means that Emo!Mel would be finding out about probably multiple Elizabeth deaths all at once, unlike his real body which would at least have some time to process them before the next one. Not to mention what other crappy stuff happened to him, like the destruction of Danafor, which I think Meliodas actually grew to care about the kingdom during his time there, not including Liz's arrival. It's like b**** slapping Emo!Mel with everything bad (and maybe the good stuff too) that has happened to him over what is possibly centuries or however long it had been since his last death with very little time to process it. And if Emo!Mel has been trapped inside Purgatory since the first time Meliodas died, there's also the time difference between the Real World and Purgatory. 1 minute Real World Time = 1 year Purgatory Time. So Meliodas has been alive for 3,000 years since he was cursed. That's exactly 1,577,847,600 minutes Real World Time and 1,577,847,600 years Purgatory Time. And I also have a headcanon that the first time Meliodas tried to kill himself was after Barbarian Elizabeth's death and after he met Baby Elizabeth that was in the flashback that explained Meliodas's and Elizabeth's curses. This guy just literally lost the love of his life to his father and her mother and found out that they were cursed by both of those people to repeat a cycle of meeting, falling in love, her remembering him, and her dying for all eternity through said love of his life's reincarnation and had her die three days later and then turn around from burying her and seeing the next incarnation as a baby. Y'all. That's messed up.
So, if I'm right about that, that means that Emo!Mel–in some form–has been in Purgatory for approximately 1,577,847,600 years Purgatory Time, with his father, who was the one to curse him into this hell, all the while not knowing what his body was doing until he died again and got b**** slapped with what his body had been through since the last time he died. And his real body has been dealing with Elizabeth's continuous deaths, along with whatever other crap he's had to deal with in the Real World.
If I had to guess, I'd say that Meliodas's last death while fighting the TC ended up reducing the emotions he had left in his body to about 5% or less. That means that a good 95%–or more–of Meliodas's emotions are in Purgatory right now with Ban. Which is why Emo!Mel is so substantial and not really like a ghost or spirit. I can't say all of Meliodas's emotions is there, because when he revived, he had enough emotions to save Elizabeth from Deriere, blush from Elizabeth's hug and words to him, cry and confess he didn't want to return to the person he was to Elizabeth after killing Fraudrin, try and help Gowther with his memories, not want to tell Elizabeth about her past lives because it'd mean he'd lose her again, try and comfort Ban when it became apparent to him he was going to lose Elaine again when they defeated Merascylla, be worried about the Sins when he was in the Cocoon of Darkness and they were fighting a possessed Diane, and lastly try to escape the Cocoon in a last ditch effort to protect Elizabeth from Merascylla. And I think that his powering up to Assault Mode didn't get rid of those remaining emotions, but rather suppressed them so much that he just can't access them anymore and is instead relying on his memories of how he felt (that's something princessfroslass mentioned in our discussion) to know how to interact with other characters. In other words, that last 5% or whatever percentage Meliodas had left was not taken by the DK, because I don't think the DK can take his emotions unless he's in Purgatory. It's still there, I think, Meliodas just can't feel it.
He remembers he loved Elizabeth, so he's going to try and save her from the curse. He remembers his time with the Sins and how he cared for them, so he spared them. He remembers he cared for Arthur, so he warns him to walk away and not fight him and the other Demons. He remembers he felt remorse for how he wasn't able to save Zeldris or his lover Gelda, so he apologized for being a bad older brother.
And if Emo!Mel doesn't know what his body's doing in the Real World and if the rest of Meliodas's emotions are just being suppressed by Assault Mode and weren't taken by the DK, as I mentioned earlier, he doesn't know about a lot of stuff that has happened. He doesn't know he brutally killed Fraudrin and essentially didn't care if he blew up all of Liones cause Meliodas would've been perfectly fine, he doesn't know that Elizabeth's memories have returned, he doesn't know that he fought and heavily damaged Escanor, he doesn't know Gloxinia and Dolor are dead, he doesn't know he essentially betrayed the Sins, he doesn't know he's working with Zeldris and Cusack and Chandler now, he doesn't know he had a hand in killing Arthur (if he's really dead), and he doesn't know he's trying to become the DK by absorbing the Commandments. And if Emo!Mel gets back to his body while he's absorbing the Commandments and finds all this out from his real body's memories...how is he going to respond?
Meliodas's body has been doing the very things his soul has been trying so hard to avoid. (Though I think he would be happy about his body apologizing to Zeldris, since I'm sure Emo!Mel wants to as well, but sad because it was just said out of responsibility instead of actually feeling remorse. And there's also the fact that Meliodas promised he'd help Zeldris bring back Gelda (or at least that's what most of the fandom believes and I hope we're right cause I want to see Zeldris and Gelda together) and Meliodas might've just said that to get Zeldris to help him and Emo!Mel might not know how to bring her back or know it's not possible and that might mess with him even more cause his body lied to the brother he wants to apologize to).  So, I'm thinking that if Emo!Mel gets back to his body during the process of absorbing the Commandments and finds all this out, it might cause him to freak out and disrupt the absorption and I don't know what that would do to Meliodas!
Meliodas said that the Commandments had to be absorbed within half a day or they'd be rejected. We don't know how much time has passed since he began taking the Commandments in, but while Elizabeth is with an insane Estarossa (before King and the others arrive to save her) Zeldris and Cusack are standing before Meliodas in a cocoon. Cusack asks how Meliodas is doing and Zeldris replies that he is absorbing the Commandments with absolutely no signs of adverse reactions. But, if Emo!Mel gets back to his body and starts struggling with what his body has been doing, I'm thinking that it will have negative effects on the absorption process. I think you have to be calm or at least not in mental turmoil to absorb the Commandments properly and if he doesn't have that, I honestly don't know what's going to happen. Most likely though, if that happens, the Commandments will be rejected. And if Emo!Mel gets back to his body after the Commandments are completely absorbed, I don't think that'll cause the Commandments to be rejected. I think the only danger is if he comes back before they're all absorbed, cause they'll be a part of him afterwards.
I have a few thoughts about this as well (sorry y'all, this is just going on and on, right?). Firstly, Meliodas doesn't want to become DK. He's only doing this so he can save Elizabeth. So, it might be best that the Commandments are rejected. On the other hand, we don't know if Mael's Commandments will be rejected (and there's the fact that Deriere's also there with the others and Mael might still want her Commandment...) and if he takes Deriere's Commandment, that gives him four: The Love Commandment, Galand's Truth, Monspiet's Silence, and Deriere's Purity. Meliodas currently has five: Greyroad's Pacifism, Fraudrin's Selflessness, Gloxinia's Repose, Dolor's Patience, and Zeldris's Piety. And who knows which one of them will get Merscylla's Faith? (I'm betting on Mael, honestly). And if Mael keeps his Commandments (which I'm thinking he's going to) then Meliodas has to as well.
Gowther said that the reason he messed with everyone's memories during the Holy War and turned Mael into Estarossa, was because Mael was the only one equal to Meliodas in power. And since Meliodas disrupted the balance of power between the Clans when he left the DC to help Elizabeth end the war, Mael was used to restore that balance by placing him on the Demon's side. If they were truly equal in power back then, then they must be equal now, since Meliodas has regained his power and I don't know if Estarossa was ever really affected by the Goddess's seal like the other TC, since he was a Goddess all along. And Mael's power level has been boosted by the Commandments he absorbed. So, if Meliodas is to fight Mael and I think he's the only one that can (don't know if Elizabeth's "Let There Be Light" will work) he has to have either more or equal the amount of Commandments to fight him.
And there's also just the fact that I really, really want Meliodas to become the DK at the end of the story and Elizabeth the SD, especially now that Gloxinia and Dolor named King and Diane their successors (well, King kind of already was the FK, but y'all get my point. He now has the blessing of the First Fairy King and his wings, that has to count for something). I think that those two becoming the rulers of their respective Clans will be the only way for them to achieve peace between all the Clans. It'd also be the ultimate middle finger to their parents.
Also, I would like y'all to comment below on whether you think Mael is the final villain. I honestly think that we have to fight the DK and the SD at some point. Cause 1. The DK is a huge problem (literally) and if Meliodas gains his emotions back and still takes the throne, I doubt he's just going to sit back in Purgatory and watch him be the DK, lead the DC to peace with the other Clans, and still be with Elizabeth if he manages to break the curse. And the DK's guarding the exit to Purgatory! Why doesn't he just walk out if he knows where it is?! And what if Ban, Wild, and Emo!Mel escaping also gives him a chance to get out of Purgatory?! Same reasoning with the SD. I don't think she's going to sit back wherever she is and watch her daughter be Queen and still be with Meliodas! Though I have no idea how she's going to come back.
Here's what I think'll happen: Meliodas absorbs the Commandments he has currently, gets his emotions back after they are completely absorbed, Mael gets Faith, Mael vs Meliodas commences, Mael eventually gets beaten and Meliodas decides to absorb the rest of the Commandments to save Elizabeth and give Zeldris what he promised (Gelda!), Meliodas and Zeldris (hopefully!) make peace with each other and everyone's celebrating the end of the war, DK comes back, everyone goes like "Are you serious right now? Damn it, we can't catch a break", everyone vs DK, Meliodas and maybe Zeldris strike the finishing blow, SD comes back, everyone again "Damn it! Can't we just get a break here?!", everyone vs SD, Elizabeth (crying cause this is still her mother and unlike Meliodas, she's very forgiving) ends it, 2nd Holy War finally ends, Elizabeth and Meliodas become SD and DK respectively with their curses taken away, Diane becomes GQ, we finally have peace with the Five Clans. AND WE BETTER FIND OUT MERLIN'S AND ESCANOR'S GAIDENS BY THEN!!!
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nntimagines-blog · 7 years
If given the chance, how would the Sins and the Ten Commandments react to fanarts and shitposts about them?
Meliodas: He would absolutely love it, mostly the ones involving Elizabeth, and if he had a tumblr, he would always reblog the art, never stopping at just liking it. He would find the shitposts hysterical, and be quick to show the others sins
Diane: She loves it!!!! Out of everyone, even Gowther and Day Escanor, she loves the fan art the most, squealing and blushing. She doesn’t get or like the shitposts, and mostly ignores them
Ban: Only cares about the fanart including Elaine, and doesn’t understand why anyone would draw just him. Loves the shitposts though, obnoxiously showing King
King: Blushes and tears up a little over the fan art, quietly treasuring each one. Like Meliodas, he would reblog the art. He doesn’t like the shit posts, unless they’re about Ban
Gowther: Loves the fan art! He gets to see his beautiful face over and over! Doesn’t understand the shit posts
Merlin: Loves both equally, amused at the shit posts, and admiring the fan art. She’s honored that so many people love her
Escanor: Day Escanor loves both like Merlin, because who wouldn’t want to draw fan art of his amazing self. Night Escanor gets overwhelmed and faints.
Ten Commandments
Estarossa: He’s mostly indifferent, not really understanding why anyone would make fan art of him. He chuckles at the shit posts though, especially the ones about Zeldris
Zeldris: Doesn’t care about the fan art, unless it involves Gelda. He doesn’t like the shit posts, getting all touchy and offended if one’s about him
Merascylla: Ignores the shit posts but totally prints out and frames the fan art of her. If any pieces of art get even one of her features wrong she’ll tell the artist
Galan: Couldn’t care less about the art, but absolutely lives for the shit posts
Dolor: Is an old man, so he doesn’t get the shit posts, but is honored and embarrassed that people would draw him
Gloxinia: Loves both, especially fan art involving Gerharde. He acts out the shit posts with Dolor
Fraudrin: Doesn’t care about either, but might melt a little if the art includes little Griamore
Grayroad: See Dolor, basically
Derrierie: Hates and ignores both, not caring in the slightest
Monspiet: Prints out fan art of both him and Derrierie. Doesn’t like or approve of the shit posts
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moonstomars · 4 years
Dologlox Headcanon: Gloxinia at least always tries to style Dolors hair.
Hello Anon! Thanks for the ask, I love this headcanon! Also consider the fact that Gloxinia is probably one of the few people who can both reach for Drole’s hair anytime (he is so tall, I doubt any other Giant can do that easily if Drole doesn’t sit down) and who feels totally comfortable doing that (I have the feeling that people tend to find Drole intimidating because of his height and appearance). So yes, Gloxinia is constantly flying around his head and trying to braid his hair or make him a ponytail. Drole likes it but he will not admit it out loud (as if Gloxinia didn’t know). It’s probably also the first person who tries to do this for Drole, so he is probably very touched! 
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derieri · 7 years
Bottoming Out
Publishing this was slightly delayed thanks to the earth-shattering developments of the latest chapter (219), but better late than never! I present an angst fic starring Gloxinia and Derieri [ft. the other Ten Commandments]. Forewarning for heavy chapter 204 - 215 spoilers and coarse language.
Reblogs are much appreciated. Constructive feedback is welcome, as are requests! Cross-posted on ff.net.
“Speaking from the ass, what the hell is he doing here?”
“You know, Derieri, one would think that you’d have learned to use your senses by now. Does their magic seem like something the goddesses would associate themselves with?” Zeldris vaulted over the boulder in his path nonchalantly, not bothering to cast a glance over his shoulder at the pair following.
Derieri narrowed her eyes at the newcomers, hostility rolling of her form so thickly it was almost tangible. Her gaze stayed fixed on them as Zeldris approached until he stood nose to nose with her, and their glares met.
“The outcome of this most recent battle doesn’t exactly put you in the most favorable light,” he snarled.
Derieri’s eyes twitched imperceptibly. She didn’t dignify a reply other than deepening her snarl. God, she would just love to rip his intestines out for needling her about a battle he barely knew anything about. The one who meant everything to her was killed right in front of her for no damn good reason, and he had the gall to be an ass about it. He would deserve it if she unleashed upon him.
Zeldris responded as if he could hear the threats she hissed to herself. “Cool your head before I take it off, got it?”
A guttural scoff sounded in the back of her throat, and she rolled her eyes as she turned away from him. He huffed softly, satisfied with her response, and continued walking.
The newcomers had held back when Zeldris stepped up to challenge her. Now the massive blue giant and ginger fairy came forward again to follow him. Derieri watched the subdued pair as they passed, her face twisted into an expression of pure hatred at the sight of them.
“Is that—”
“Yeah.” Derieri interrupted Grayroad sharply, and the lesser demon abruptly fell silent. Anyone could see just how furious their Commandment of Purity was. Monspeet was the only one of their number who dared to speak despite her rage, and he finished the broken-off sentence.
“Two commanders of Stigma, the fairy and giant kings.”
Even though the pair was now wreathed in the magic of the Demon Clan, there was no doubt about who they were. Leaders of Stigma – the group that killed her sister.
Derieri did not see either Dolor or Gloxinia for several days after that. Still, she knew they were somewhere within the Demon Realm with her Clan’s blood flowing through their veins, and her anger deepened with each setting of the sun. It was ready to burst by the time she saw them again, and the context of their encounter certainly did not alleviate her vicious sentiments.
Despite all that the fairy and giant kings had done to schmooze the goddesses and slaughter demons, they were in attendance at the mission briefing for the Ten Commandments.
The demons – the real demons – raised skeptical eyebrows at Zeldris in question. As proxy for the Demon King, he became their de facto leader when Meliodas stabbed them in the back. Which meant he was also responsible for bringing Dolor and Gloxinia here – which meant he was also the target of Derieri’s razor tongue.
“It’s one or the other, Zeldris.”
“Fantastic,” he shot back dryly. “And what does that mean, exactly? You stopped talking since your battle with the Archangels, and it’s pretty incomprehensible to the rest of us.”
Monspeet translated as she seethed. “Those two,” he began with a pointed look at the pair in question, “were co-leaders of a group which has done everything in its power to eradicate our people, including participating in some extremely underhanded methods. It is offensive that we would be expected to placidly tolerate their presence here. If they will or have already been inducted into the Ten Commandments, either they must leave or Derieri will.”
Derieri grunted her affirmation. The shadows coating her body writhed in echo of her frustration, like tongues of black flame licking furiously across her skin. Her hot fury seemed only to glance off of Zeldris like wisps of air, however.
He drew his sword from the sheathe at his hip and held it nonchalantly. Even though its blade was not angled toward Derieri herself, the threat in his actions was clear.
“Didn’t I tell you to knock it off?” His tone was sharp and cold, an audible shard of ice. “The Demon King will not free you from His Commandment. He will also not revoke having bestowed it upon Dolor and Gloxinia. So, unless you intend to defy Our Lord, I would advise that you shut your mouth.”
Defiance against the Demon King was nothing short of a death wish. He was more than their King – He was like a god, and His merciless wrath would annihilate any who dared to be impudent in His presence.
The sudden pressure of Monspeet’s hand on her shoulder was all that held Derieri back from erupting.
Zeldris’ icy gaze stayed on her as he sheathed his sword again. When he decided the possibility of an outburst had faded, he redirected his attention to address the Ten Commandments.
“Now that we’ve gotten that out of our system, I’ll explain our mission to you. After the disaster of our last battle, Stigma has gotten cocky. They think that their success in the Fairy King’s Forest is a sign that the Demon Clan is growing weak.” The derision in his voice matched the hackles rising on the other demons. “Which means that they have grown lazy. Thanks to Gloxinia and Dolor, we know more about their movements than we ever have before. Stigma no longer has hostages to hold over us. Our King has ordered us to strike, and I intend for this offensive to be debilitating. We will pay them back tenfold for every life they took from the Demon Clan that day.”
“Excellent.” Galand cackled. “So when do we start?”
“You and Estarossa are our front line. Take Dolor with you. He has an ability that ought to come in handy. Monspeet and Melascula – both of you will leave this afternoon to run reconnaissance. Fraudrin and Grayroad are on reserve to aid wherever necessary, and I have my own tasks.”
“Which leaves our second offensive line…?” Monspeet mused. Zeldris’ mouth twisted into a bitter smirk, and he fixed his eyes on Derieri once again.
“Derieri, you fight with Gloxinia. Don’t disappoint Our King.”
The afternoon found Derieri trying out her new arm as Monspeet watched.
“Zeldris is testing you, you know,” he mused.
“Talking from the ass, it’s unnecessary.” She punctuated her words with a grunt as she slammed her black claws into a stone mannequin’s head. It crumbled beneath her fingers, and she eyed it with disdain, as if disgusted by how easily it fell to her.
“I doubt that he has low expectations for your performance. Enough hatred for the Goddess Clan lives within you to level an army – or to sacrifice all that you are to take on your Indura form. He is testing to see whether you obey the King out of loyalty, or merely because of a shared vendetta.”
She shattered another dummy, and Monspeet sighed. As little as she appeared to be listening, he knew she heard each word he said.
“I empathize with your frustration. However, you must not harm this new Repose, or the retaliation against you will be fierce. Your death would be a great tragedy and loss for the strength of the Demon Clan.”
Derieri’s fist suddenly whirled to strike behind her, splintering the face of the granite rock she punched. She’d grown tired of the dummies, evidently. Monspeet sighed again and stood up.
“It is time for Melascula and I to depart. I shall see you sooner rather than later, I assume.”
When he’d gone, Derieri finally stopped her punching and allowed herself to rest. He was right to think Zeldris was testing her, but there was another layer to this that Monspeet was missing.
Gloxinia’s loyalty to the Demon Clan would also be tested. And if he failed or betrayed them, Zeldris’ pairings gave Derieri the exclusive privilege of killing him for it.
Her opportunity to murder the Fairy King never came. The pair of them struck the battlefield with brutal efficiency. Derieri cleaved through the giant and goddess warriors like butter, leaping from opponent to opponent faster and faster as Combo Star built. Gloxinia’s weapon flanked her assault, slicing apart enemies with unexpected brutality, the fairy himself close behind it. He was a sight to see – fury incarnate in a whirl of hair and wings and blood. The Stigma forces never stood a chance against them.
Derieri landed in a crouch beside the giant she’d felled. Just over the mound of his hand she could see a tattered cluster of humans darting around to drag wounded goddesses into a tent. Easy prey.
Her muscles tensed in preparation for launching herself forward, but she paused at the sound of a shout from above her head.
She whipped her gaze up toward Gloxinia and snarled, harsh satisfaction building within her. She was right – this fairy was the same trash as his subjects and allies in Stigma, ready to trick and betray the Demon Clan at a moment’s notice. But as she prepared to leap toward him to deal out his punishment, he cast her a poisonous smirk that brought her up short.
“Spirit Spear Basquias, First Form: [Basquias]!”
The spear contorted and reformed itself in its primary state, crackling with energy. A twirl of Gloxinia’s wrist angled its tip at the wretched medical tent.
His face never changed from its complacent smirk as a powerful beam lanced from the spear and annihilated everything in its path.
She’d thought he joined the Demon Clan reluctantly. She’d thought he still loved Stigma, that he would have a difficult time cutting them down like the Demon Clan did. She’d thought wrong.
The day after, she found Gloxinia sitting in silence at the edge of the Demon Realm.
She was on top of him before he really registered her presence, and within an instant had him pinned on his back against the ground with her foot. Derieri leaned over her bent knee to scowl down at him. When she spoke, her voice bordered on an animalistic growl.
“Tell me, now. Why the fuck did you join the Demon Clan?”
“From the ass, or the whole story?”
She pressed her foot into his chest harder with a glare. Gloxinia shifted uncomfortably beneath the pressure and fluttered one hand against the ground in surrender.
“Okay, okay. Let me up?”
Derieri hesitated for a moment, since she was rather enjoying the pained strain in his expression. Then she shifted her weight away from the fairy despite herself and lifted the foot from his chest. He sat up and brushed himself off, checking meticulously for grass and dirt in his hair and clothes. It did not take long for Derieri to realize he was buying time.
Gloxinia froze, well aware that she’d caught him stalling. He remained silent for another moment, then released his breath as a sigh.
“You wish to know why I abandoned my people to join the Demon Clan? Why I held nothing back when we were attacking those who I once had an alliance with?” She grunted in agreement. “During the battle when all the Demon Clan’s hostages were killed… you lost someone important to you, didn’t you?”
Derieri’s only response was silence, but it was heavy. Even if he didn’t have the same interpretive skills as Monspeet, Gloxinia had seen enough of Derieri so far to understand he struck a nerve. He continued softly, his eyes fixed on a particular blade of grass between his folded legs.
“The demons that day… they were not the only civilian casualties. While the Ten Commandments battled the Archangels, Dolor and I rushed to stop Melascula from opening the portal to the Demon Realm. But in the midst of the chaos caused by the battle, a group of humans started to attack the weakest fairies and giants who were hiding in the forest. Humans who helped us before, who seemed so friendly and willing to join our battle against the Demon Clan. I was a fool to think…” He clenched his fist tightly and trembled with anger and regret. “Eventually I came across one of them, their leader, the one I had talked to and thought I could trust, and in his arms he held— he held my sister, broken and bloody and torn to pieces. My precious sister, dead because I was stupid enough to trust that scum.”
He dropped off into silence. Derieri made no sound to break the quiet, and he let it fill him, saturating his body with waves of grief and loathing. He wallowed in it, relished it, let it sustain him. That person took away something more precious to Gloxinia than his own life.
Now he only lived for the sake of avenging her, fueled by the vitriol born of his love.
Hot tears spilled down his face despite how he tried to suppress them. The bitter taste of fury and gall rose in the back of his throat every time he saw that image again, every time he closed his eyes.
Gerharde… He could never forgive that bastard Law for what he’d done to her. He could never forgive himself for what he allowed to happen.
“Fucking humans.”
Gloxinia looked back at her, startled. She was sitting now, with her eyes distant – he was so wrapped up in telling his story that he hadn’t even noticed her movement. The obstinate anger that constantly hovered around her had mellowed into bitterness. Mourning, he realized an instant later. This is how it looked when Derieri was sad.
She noticed his attention and glanced to meet his eyes. She looked away just before he did.
“Talking from the ass, we’re about the same.”
“About the same…” he echoed, momentarily puzzled by her way of speaking. He watched her, expecting some sort of answer. Instead he saw the moment she shifted from grief to hatred – her eyes hardened, the downward curve of her mouth sharpened, her jaw set. As she rose to her feet, determination evident in every bit of her, Gloxinia understood what she’d meant.
They were different in every possible way, but they shared the same agenda. The world had a debt to pay them both, and damn it all if they weren’t going to take the vengeance they were owed.
He stood up to join her, and he nodded when she spoke.
“Let’s go eviscerate those bastards.”
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shus-valkyrie · 7 years
Send Me a Character
And I will tell you my:
First impression: “I can’t understand if is a boy or a girl, but I think he/she will be one of my favorite characters. I hope Nakaba shows him/her more.” That was the first thought I had when Glox appeared in chapter 109. The Commandments were really cool, and when I noticed him behind Estarossa I started laugh because was cute and his design was…unusual maybe?
Impression now: I really love his character. He’s not totally black or totally white, but like the others he has a lot of sides. He’s self-confident and respectful. And I think it was a really lovely brother (hope Nakaba will show more interaction between him and Gerharde, maybe in a special chapter.) Oh, and I love his design, he’s beautiful and elegant.
Favorite moment: The one in chapter 198, when he was dancing with Gerharde. And now I think that the new chapter (214) will enter in my favorite moments of him (I put it at the end because of spoilers.)
Idea for a story: Time ago I started a long-fic, and in one of those chapters Gloxinia met Dolor. At the beginning the giant king didn’t like him because he thought that Glox was too noisy and weak and not suitable for a war. So he’s called him with a lot of derogative nicknames like “useless bug” and something like this. But after few missions together Dolor started to show more respect towards him and slowly they became friends.
Unpopular opinion: I think I don’t have one (?)
Favorite relationship: With his sister, Dolor, King and Meliodas.
Favorite headcanon: I think that I’ve already written this here, but I like the one of the rose-scar. When Glox joined the demons, some of them didn’t acknowledge him as a member of the Ten Commandments and still saw him as their enemy. So they decided to leave on his left side a shaped rose scar. And thanks to @my-secret-sketchpad now I love the uncle-Glox head canon. I think it would be a very cool uncle.
Spoiler alert
I really loved him in this chapter for many reasons, and not only because Nakaba showed us his reaction at Gerharde’s mutilation. I loved the speech between him and King. First of all, when Glox was talking about what happened to him after Rou’s death he really seemed tired, sad and…”insecure?” I think it’s only the second time that we saw him in these conditions, even if it’s for a panel (the first one, for me, was in chapter 200.) I appreciated it because Glox seems more human than he wants to show. And I like the fact that he seems really proud of King, it’s like he was thinking that now Harlequin can do anything and would be a better ruler than him. 
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