#like mate i just think these ships blow chunks
detectivenyx · 2 years
how to tell tumblr that i like danganronpa posts but komahina and saiouma make me physically ill
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sonelise for the ship bingo?
I had a feeling this one would come up.
...it's alright, in vein of Jessica/Roger Rabbit cartoon anthro logic. I mean, Sonic was originally was supposed to have a human girlfriend in character conception but was cut, see here:
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To me, it's not really something you're really supposed to think that too deeply into, weird? Sure, but again cartoon logic applied to a talking blue hedgehog that is was stated to still be 15 even after all these chunks of games and Forces had a six month timeskip yet he was still 15 until ages were only recently entirely scrapped. So it's good to say not looking into that aspect much further than that. I mean, sure I heavily moreso enjoy ships with Sonic being with other "mobian" (if you still want to call them that) cast mates but like I wouldn't really go all throwing the fandom bible at you if the ship includes a human character that's at least in the same age range as the mobian one (another good example being Rouge/Topaz)
Now, with all that said and applying to Sonic and Elise let me break down why the ship does work more than on just base level and one issue I that I do have with it.
Sonic 06 was a very ambitious game, it failed a lot of shit but one thing I'll always give it credit for is that it tried even if it made the plot an absolute fucking mess. However, Sonic and Elise's story though wasn't really... executed the best. They obviously wanted to do so much with it and in the scenes with them you can see them trying to - to very cringe success - but again you can see the potential and what they were trying to go for.
Sonic is a free spirit, runs around doing as he pleases and fights for what he thinks is right.
Elise is insecure, sheltered, carrying so much on her shoulders and having to emotionally repress fucking everything because if she even cries she'll bring hell upon the world. Just imagine how much that would fuck with you, and she had to this for YEARS.
But then the two meet, Elise gets kidnapped like 18 times, Sonic has to save her in those fucking awfully carry missions and the cycle repeats over and over. But it's during these the two get to talk, learn about one another, talk to each other where Sonic starts encouraging her more to be herself, that emotions are okay - having no idea about the curse - and peps her up, becomes like her personal hype man or something. And it's nice, really nice. You see there's some kind of dynamic there that could've been built more upon if the game didn't fucking repeat the same shit over and over, just like with a lot if things with 06 and it hurts we'll never get that.
Now I did mention there was something about the ship I didn't like, and I guess it's not really got to do with the ship but the moment.
You know the one.
The kiss itself wasn't the problem. When it happened was.
Sonic was a fucking corpse, a non consenting, cold, pre rigor mortis starting to kick in at moment. DEAD. And I know a lot of people bring up comparing it to Snow White but like... that shit isn't okay either? I've never been okay with Snow White. Kissing fucking corpses? "But Moosh! The cartoon logic you mentioned!" I wouldn't exactly fucking compare the goofy ha-ha blue rat dating Marylin Monroe parody to nerco shit in a moment the game WANTS me to take seriously but whatever that's just me.
But even with all that aside, it just... take away any impact? Don't you think the moment could've been 100x more successfully serious if instead of a kiss bringing him back to life it was Elise's magic tears instead? The exact thing she's been forced to repress for so long? THAT would make more sense and wrap around the narrative more nicely.
And hey! You don't have to get rid of the kiss entirely! How about instead right before Elise is about to blow out the flame and reset everything they kiss right before that moment instead? Right before they completely erase ever even meeting each other? Wouldn't that invoke more feels? Sure people will still cringe at furry nonsense but like, narratively? I think it would've been a much better way of approaching it without completely ignoring that it happens entirely.
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I need a more of a "It's complicated." Square on this, it's not that I'm complicated there's just too many moving parts that goes along with it.
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potatoesandsunshine · 3 years
Campaign 2 Wrap Up: Anna Potatoesandsunshine Edition
Seemed like it would be fun to go through all the fan content I made for this campaign and try to find at least one thing I like about each thing! Kind of like looking back through a photo album. Under the cut because as it turns out, I wrote kind of a lot! (As in, 21 fics and 3 playlists kind of a lot!)
the sea, once it casts its spell (fjord speculation, what’s up with all this ocean stuff?? the fic)
The first thing I wrote for c2, wayyy in the beginning of things. We had no idea about Uk’otoa or Avantika or anyone at this point, it was pure ocean vibes for my favorite warlock. I really like how hard I leaned in on the “the ocean follows Fjord to land” idea.
so many things will fill my life (but only one will do) (post-campaign cali/jester fluff, written the night of the cali episode and so sweet it could rot your teeth)
This one is just good. I just did good with this one. I’m one of those people who hates their own work the night of posting and then when looking back at it goes, “Wow, this is great.” My favorite thing is the little gifts sent along with the letters! Cali was so fun and cute :)
when the dust does roam (Beau study up to Episode 42, 2k words of Beau poking at the idea of grief)
Best thing I did in this fic was have Caleb-through-Frumpkin bugging Beau about getting some sleep. They really... they’re siblings, your honor. 
“  “Fuck off, I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Beau picks the bird up and sets him in the hood of her own cloak, out of reach of any weasels or startled monks in the morning. It’d suck to have to tell Caleb that his Frumpkin got eaten by Sprinkle.” C’mon guys, let’s do the sibling dance.
keep your swords out by your sides (the idea for this was, What If Fjord Has Nightmares From Uk’otoa Every Night and just doesn’t remember them)
Assigning everybody a word Uk’otoa had said for each nightmare in this was a challenge; I went into it knowing I wanted Caleb for Learn and Caduceus for Consume and had to guess the rest - for an angry eye snake Uk’otoa didn’t give us a ton of quotes. 
“ He reaches over and runs a hand along the wall of the ship. From his touch, mushrooms begin sprouting.” Caduceus starting to decompose the Mistake in the middle of cooking was maybe the best moment in this story for me. Like, yeah. Yeah. Ok you funky little grave cleric.
strange but not a stranger (Caleb & Jester, in the immediate aftermath of Caleb’s charm in Episode 55)
the first of my “the Mighty Nein won’t have these conversations with each other in canon so they have to be had in fic” ideas that turned into a full-fledged story. I still had not discovered the em dash at this point, so the formatting of this makes me cringe a little bit, but this fic was really about The Emotions Of Being Out Of Control which turned out to be a very big Thing for the Mighty Nein.
now this story was when swords were humble (fake academia mixed with a Yasha study)
Honestly I’m still obsessed with the AU I made here where Yasha was just awakening every sword she used without knowing it?? Why did I use that here only?? That might come back. But the best part about this fic is the citations; me at my most in-joke and ridiculous.
through the teeth of this tempest (Written in the immediate aftermath of Episode 69, Yasha internally trying to break Obann’s control over the course of a month.)
The most “I wrote this to cope with canon” fic out of all of them. I was crying writing this, I was so upset that Yasha was gone ugh just remembering it. Still waiting for past me to discover the em dash, I genuinely don’t know why I didn’t know how to do it and I’ve thought about going back and editing all of these but I’m just Not Gonna Do All That. Anyway, I really like how Yasha catches lightning with her sword in this. We all really manifested that happening.
nothing more than what the losers settle for (Time travel, a series of oneshots where each member of the m9 sans Caduceus went back to a different point in the timeline and murdered Trent Ikithon)
This was my longest fic for c2, so I’m mostly just glad it got finished. This happened somewhere around the time Matt released that set of notes that mentioned Trent in more detail and I hated him so much I just had to write him dying six times. That speaks for itself.
Revolutionary!Fjord was also a good turn. He could pull it off, I think.
we’re gonna show ‘em a thing, or two, or three (Jester growing up fluff!)
I really like how I did Jester & Artagan in this, even though he barely appears. Someone better at songwriting than me please write the Dragon Song. Em dash makes an appearance here but the formatting is still wrong. I Am Once Again Asking For Proper Use Of The Em Dash.
the best things (happen while you’re dancing) (Mid-Episode 97 Divergence, Jester taking the reins at the party + hints of jester/beau/yasha bc i still love my girls so much)
Jester’s a little out of character in this, but not wildly so, and it was for the purposes of a Trapped By Societal Convention plot that I wanted her to mastermind so I think it was fine in the end. I’m still fascinated by the way she unbalanced Ludinus Da’leth in basically every interaction they had, and while their scene feels pretty cliche in this... the cliches are there for a reason. They’re so fun to write.
Em dash my beloved, there you are.
plus thirty-one varieties of sacramental wine (The Galavant crossover that truly nobody asked for, Beau + the monks)
Yeah, this one’s just fun. Not much more to say about it. Critical Role and Galavant are both fantasy, but they’re honestly pretty different in tone, and it was fun to write Beau dropped into a comedy musical.
oh we were sea-bound and aimless at best (Purely angst, a What If The Fjord & Orly Resurrections Didn’t Work fic)
Made myself care about Marius with this one, y’all. What more can I say? Beau having to go from first mate to captain was just... deliciously painful, because she would.
lost my shape trying to act casual (Beau & Yasha during travelercon, another mid-episode fic, this time of 104)
Yasha comforting Beau, who feels guilty for not feeling guilty... That Mighty Nein wasn’t lying, Mind Control and Autonomy can be themes. Another in the  “the Mighty Nein won’t have these conversations with each other in canon so they have to be had in fic” tank. They really just... didn’t open up to each other for a long time, which made sense, but I wanted them to.
so long as you don’t mind a little dying (Beau & Caduceus, sometime in the peace talks arc)
Keeping with the Mighty Nein Please Talk To Each Other theme, I feel like I did a pretty good job with the late-night conversation energy of this fic. This was at a time when I was looking at Caduceus, can opener in hand, ready to make this firbolg open up about his feelings. Beau in this is prickly and confrontational but only in service of her friend’s well-being.
amber light, bending (Eiselcross speculation, Widofjord and all the messiness therein)
THE widofjord fic of my two widofjord fics. The blueprint. The better one. Finally I got the dynamic figured out. I maintain that the tower is an absolute expression of Caleb’s love for his friends. The way that neither of them have the braincell in this fic... yeah this one is just good.
and a blade between them (Widofjord happening... sometime.)
Okay so this is not as good as amber light and I will never be able to look at it and like it as much, but it was still fun to write. Anyway, the intimacy of shaving someone else. That is good. The tag “if they didn’t want me to think about the blood pact they shouldn’t have made the blood pact” is the most useful takeaway from this fic and is the driving force behind the Fjord/Jester/Caleb fic I’m working on now, so it wasn’t a waste of time or anything.
feel the ground beneath my feet turn into the sky (Post-Campaign Astrid-retires-to-Nicodranas, Astrid/Jester)
This is another one where I’m like “Yeah, this is just good.” Packed full of Wizard Fashion, Artagan making an appearance to rope Astrid into having a happier future, and the power of Going To The Seaside. Good for you, fic-Astrid.
spend your days biting your own neck (Role-reversal where Beau is the one mind-controlled this time and Yasha is the one chasing after her, set very early in the Tomb Takers arc)
So much of this fic is about not saying things aloud - Beau’s POV spends a good chunk on body language and Yasha writes multiple letters on paper and in her own head - but devotion bleeding through anyway because there’s nowhere else for it to go. The two of them go tumbling over a cliff together at the end but Yasha has wings, ugh. Yeah this was a good one.
and blow the dry leaves from the tree (Somewhere before the beauyasha date but otherwise timeline-nonspecific Nicodranas, Yasha & Yeza become friends)
Yasha & Yeza making pancakes together when neither of them know how to do so... is good. This fic is very much about grief sneaking in, but it’s even more about finding someone to share the moment with you. I think these two have more in common than we think.
oh, lend a mending hand (Caleb & Caduceus during Beau’s tombstone meditation in Episode 130)
I wrote this entire fic as an excuse for Caleb and Caduceus to hug and it does what it says on the tin. Got em.
it’s about the passing of measures (Beauyasha at the end of Episode 134, Aeor speculation)
This fic got extremely sidetracked because I rediscovered the marble machine during it and I do not apologize for that. I still really like the idea that Aeor as a whole, not just the Cognouza, is somewhat-alive. Too much magic and too much death for it to be anything else, in my mind. And I’m a sap for hurt/comfort.
the blumentrio playlist nobody asked for
If I think too much about how deep in each other these three people are I will cry. Made myself a soundtrack for those tears. 
the caleb playlist nobody asked for
what if this angsty wizard had a playlist of songs that mostly just... make me want to dance? that question was answered here.
the caduceus playlist nobody asked for
songs about home, leaving home, dying, changing, becoming someone new, coming home and finding it’s changed... this to me is caduceus.
yeah... this campaign has been fun!! I probably won’t stop making things about it; I still write about Vox Machina, for crying out loud, but... it feels good to lay it all out like this. It’s been a long few years, and it’s wild to be seeing the end of it now.
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getoutofthewater · 5 years
@dbhrarepairs Friday Day 5: Unexpected Rescue
Rating:  T
Warnings: None
Words: 4,101 [AO3 Link]
Notes:  Sailor!Tina / Mermaid!Chloe AU
To say that nobody had wanted her to do this was an understatement; her father had told her that if she went and did such a thing he didn’t want her to shadow the step of his house ever again, while her mother and sister cried. Tina felt very sorry for them, especially for Amy. Her younger sister had been the perfect child to their parents, always did what she was told to, even when she was told to marry some buffoon only because it was a good match to push forward their Dad’s trading business.
Their Dad had gone to Tina first, being the eldest, but Tina had put her foot down on that, and her father had too much sense to push it, let’s his eldest daughter offend the head of the Wang family and ruin the professional and personal bonds he and his wife had been cultivating so carefully for years
“Anyhow” Mrs. Chen had told her husband “Amy is prettier, younger and a better cook, Enjie Wang really should be glad you are offering her hand to his son, Yifei looks like a diseased penguin”
Amy had married the diseased penguin, but who had helped her sister through her very frightful first pregnancy? Who had held her during her morning sickness, and gone to the shops no matter how late because she wanted something to make her feel better, it had been Tina.
Yifei, had done nothing, he never did anything around the house (not even watch after the children), just like their father; while Amy wasted away with pregnancy after pregnancy, and Tina did the chores (cooking, laundry, cleaning) none of it was good enough for their father and Amy’s husband however.
Tina had no intention of staying around, when Gavin had told her he was going to go work in the docks, with the hopes of being a sailor, she’d envied him so much. Why could he go and have adventures while she had to stay home? Where her parents expected her to marry some other selfish, ugly man Tina would have to have ugly children for and pick up after him just as if he were another child, one she’d never be able to get rid of until she grew old, tired and bitter and she outlived him out of spite.
She’d told Gavin she wanted to go with him, she could do anything he could do. He hadn’t laughed at her, as anyone else would have done, or screamed at her, as her father would do.
“You watch my back, I watch yours, Chen!” Gavin said with a smirk
She’d told her father she wanted to live with Gavin at the docks, because she was a truthful daughter if nothing else. Her parent’s first thought went to her virtue, which was never safer than when she was with Gavin, since Gavin didn’t look at women that way, and Tina didn’t ever notice men more than she was forced to; the fact that Gavin was the saving grace of the sex in her life seemed to point at some really great flaw within the entire human race.
“I’m not eloping with Gavin” Tina said “I want to work at the docks with him!”
That’s when her father had told her if she did such a thing she didn’t have to bother coming back, and so she hadn’t.
At first she pretended to be a man, Gavin cut her hair, got her clothes she fixed to fit to her short height by herself, William Tayloring it all around the place had been easy enough, until they were expected to live all on top of each other like the rats in the ship with the other seamen, still they had gone almost two years like that until she’d been discovered and taken to the Captain. Gavin barked so much about it he’d been taken with her, an accomplice, when he could have just kept quiet and wash his hand off her mess.
“You can’t sack us you dick!” Gavin was shouting as soon as they entered the Captain’s cabin “Chen and I do more for this piece of crap ship than 10 of those other useless pricks”
“Yeah!” Tina said, although she wasn’t in any way a jaw-me-down like Gavin was, they had to pull together right now “I have been doing everything Gavin has for years, why can’t women be sailors too?”
“Most seamen are superstitious men” One of the High Officials said to her, his pale blue eyes cold and steely “Women in ships are bad luck, they anger the sea gods, they say”
“The figurehead of the ship is a woman!” Tina argued
“A topless woman can appease the seas“ Master Allen said matter of factly
“I wonder who made that up!” Tina said, not that Tina didn’t enjoy looking at the beautiful, full figure and ample bosom of the figurehead, but her point still stood “And unless you think sea gods are as easily tricked as mortal men, they haven’t seem to mind me being here”
“Having the crew be… distracted would be dangerous in itself, on top of any superstitious hysteria she may cause” Master Allen was really Tina’s least favourite crew member
“Who would be distracted by Chen?” Gavin said in honest disbelief “Look at her! If there’s a girl less like that figurehead it’s her”
“Yeah!” Tina agreed
“Am I to understand there’s nothing between the two of you?” Captain Fowler inquired
“For fucks sake!”
“Over my dead body, disgusting!”
Gavin and Tina said looking at each other like they had not seen anything more repugnant in their lives
“And it’s not like I want anything from any of the rest of them either,” Tina said firmly “I have seen them in the nude and throwing up and pooping, the smell of the sleeping quarters is something else, They have showed me some pretty nasty stuff, rashes and boils in their, you know, ‘roosters’”
“Miss Chen!” Allen said in a tone that perfectly replicated that of Tina’s mother
“I feel sorry for all their wives, quite frankly,” Tina continued “and by the way, I think Kayes should really be seen by the doctor”
“Ugh, yeah, what the fuck’s that” Gavin added “eggs or what?”
“Right?” Tina said “I swear I saw them move”
One of the officials laughed, a warm, fatherly laugh “Jeffrey, I never took you for a superstitious man” he said with familiarity
“All sailors are superstitious, Hank”
“I say we take a shot at it,” Hank Anderson insisted “It’s true that Chen has been doing an excellent job, I would be really sorry to lose her, I have had my eye on both Chen and Reed for a while”
“What if the men get rowdy over her?” Allen said
“We throw them overboard” Anderson said with a shrug, “Just as we would if anyone tried to harm a fellow seaman, wouldn’t we, Fowler?”
“That’s sounds sensible,” Captain Fowler said, while Allen looked as if he had just drank something really sour “These two are your problem now, Anderson” the Captain said dismissing them with a gesture of his hand
“Out of here, then” Anderson said to them “You have work to do… I’ll send our good doctor to see Kayes too”
“And I better not hear you calling my ship a piece of crap again, Reed” Captain Fowler added “Or I’ll be throwing you overboard personally”
“Captain” Gavin said with a nod
“We’ll make the Chicken Feed proud, Captain Fowler!” Tina said as they left the Captain’s cabin
“How drunk was I exactly when I took on your suggestion for the ship’s name, Hank?” the Captain said sorrowfully  
Tina heard Lieutenant’s Anderson’s laugh and felt like she could conquer the world,
“We’ll make the Chicken Feed proud” Gavin mocked her “Always the teacher’s pet, Chen”
“Shut up, Reed” She said bumping against his side.
Her fellow seamen took it better than expected, some apparently with extreme relief. She slept just as usual with Gavin right by her side and if anyone held any sort of resentment or ill will towards her they kept it to themselves. Nothing changed really, except she felt lighter being able to go about her duties as herself, not having a secret to hide, she felt she really could serve in the ranks of the Chicken Feed until her final days.
That good will among her fellow mates lasted only one week, when their ship found herself near huge chunks of ice, they hadn’t been expecting that, nor the stormy clouds that seemed to close over them as if attracted to the ship, the men looked darkly at her then, as if all of it was somehow her fault.
“You okay, Chen” Miller asked
“Yes, of course!” Tina said confidently “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Chris was a gentleman and as such he now worried over her, but Tina didn’t hold it against him, he really had done so even when he thought she was a guy, always trying to help her just because she was smaller than the rest, ‘Don’t try to prove yourself just because some of them are assholes, alright?’ he’d told her with the tone of an older brother ‘the sea is dangerous and unforgiving, better alive than dead on some stupid dare’
Chris smiled at her with that same older brother warmth now “We’ll weather the storm and everyone will forget about silly superstitions, I for one wouldn’t have anyone else by my side than you and Reed, if things are going to get a bit ugly”
And they did get ugly, the storm hit them close to midnight, the waves the biggest and angriest Tina had seen in all her travels yet
“Chen! The sails!” Lieutenant Anderson shouted at her,
She nodded and went deftly up the mainmast. She was the lithest of the crew, she was always sent up the mast because she was the fastest and most agile, she could get it done in half the time of anyone else on the ship. She climbed just as usual, not expecting the wind to be this strong and cold. Somehow her numb hands slipped off the rope, she lost her footing, and the next thing she knew was that she was falling, she didn’t hear anything, only the air rush deafening her ears, something hit her and then she was in the water.
Her first instinct on hitting the cold icy sea was to breathe in, she was in pain, and the blow of the waves had hurt more than whatever part of the ship her body had collided with. She was drowning and she couldn’t tell up from down to get to the surface. Nice legacy this was going to be, she thought vaguely, she was shutting this line of work for women everywhere. Tina Chen would go down in the archives as one of the women that confirmed sailing with the fairer sex on board was a cursed endeavor.
Something tugged down at her leg, dragging her even deeper into the water, Tina turned wildly in the dark sea trying to see as the last bubbles of oxygen went out of her lungs; was it something that had gotten tangled with her leg when she fell? Was it a sea creature? But what she saw made no sense.
There was a girl, the loveliest girl Tina had ever seen, she’d never seen anyone that beautiful not even in paintings. The girl’s silky, blonde hair floated around her, her skin was almost translucent, and her blue eyes twinkled like stars made of the clearest aquamarine. It seemed like Tina’s brain really knew what she’d want to see last before everything went dark forever.
Their eyes locked for a moment, and the girl seemed to gasp in surprise, at least that was her expression, Tina couldn’t hear anything but the water in her ears. The girl let go of her leg swimming upwards to grab Tina by her shoulder instead. Only then did Tina notice the fish tail.
Tina’s head broke the surface of the wild sea; she coughed and gasped for air, breathing in half air and half sea water from the stormy waves, only managing to steady herself enough thanks to the girl… fish… mermaid creature.
“Tina!” She heard Gavin’s voice calling for her and was surprised at how distant and faint it was; the sea had already taken her hopelessly far away from the ship.
“What in the world are you doing, Chloe?” said the beautiful but angry voice of a redheaded woman breaking the surface near them “Just drown him already!”
“What’s all this fuss about” Another just as equally beautiful woman asked, wet blue hair cascading down her shoulders, and the next second yet another appeared behind her, wrapping her arms lovingly and lazily around the shoulders of the bluehaired one, Tina wondered if she was actually dead and in heaven, it felt suspiciously cold and painful, but other than that, being surrounded by beautiful women was very much her idea of otherworldly bliss, nevermind the fish tails
“I’m starving!” the newcomer said “why is our dinner still breathing?”
“That’s just what I was asking, Chloe” the redhead said reproachfully
“North, look at her,” Chloe said, “she’s not  a man” she still held on to Tina with a grasp that hurt but Tina appreciated, it was only because of that she wasn’t being thrown around by the waves like a rag doll
“Don’t be ridiculous, men keep women away from the sea, at least living ones” North said, swimming closer to Tina, taking her face and turning it this way and that, not in any way gently. North whistled “Would you look at that, you really aren’t a man”
“Of course I’m not” Tina said, sounding much less firm than she did in her head; that with her teeth chattering because of the cold and the coughing because she kept breathing water in
“Did they hurt you?” Chloe said with concern “Did they throw you off on purpose?”
“That’s what happened to me and Kara” the third mermaid said with sympathy “We were pretending to be men to be at sea, and they found us out, hurt us, pushed us overboard, we drowned though”
“Is that what happened to me? Did I drown?” Tina asked incoherently, because she was honestly losing it a little
Chloe laughed “Don’t be silly! I got you, didn’t I!”
“Do you want to go back to the ship?” The bluehaired woman asked comfortingly
Tina nodded “Yes of course, my friends will be worried about me”
North Scoffed “We aren’t taking her back right now; it’s dangerous to be in the surface with this much ice and the storm. Chloe, you take her down to the caves.” She ordered “Echo, Ripple and I will see if we can actually get some dinner tonight”
“I hope so!” Echo said, “I was so excited when she fell, fish is getting boring you know”
“My friends are on that ship” Tina said, she’d heard the word ‘dinner’ quite clearly this time  
“Men are no friends of ours” North said savagely and disappeared with the other two
Tina moved as if she were going to try to swim after them, get to the ship to make sure they didn’t hurt any of her friends but Chloe hold on to her
“Let’s hope none of your friends fall overboard” Chloe said, “You should take a very deep breath now”
Tina obeyed the best she could, and Chloe pulled her back into the sea with incredible speed. Tina closed her eyes to protect them, she was running painfully out of air when she felt herself breaking the surface again, she spluttered and coughed and took big gasps of air before she could see around her.
She was inside a pond in a big cave, her coughing echoed in it, and moonlight beams broke in from somewhere above, while the sea wind made strange, moaning, sorrowful sounds going through what Tina supposed were small tunnels all around her, none big enough for a person she guessed, but big enough to give her air to breath. The moonlight told her they were far away from the storm.
“You’ll be safe here” Chloe said “You can get dry, change your clothes, we have a ton of those!” Chloe added excitedly
Tina got herself on the rock, when her eyes adjusted to the dim light she saw Chloe was absolutely right, there were piles of clothes, men clothes, seamen clothes, all crunchy with unwashed, dried up sea salt. Tina changed hurriedly, piling up coat upon coat to warm herself, trying not to think who they had belonged to, and how they had ended up here. There were some trinkets in the pockets as well, some pocket watches, one or two spyglasses, a flasks, she tried her luck with that last one, gingerly at first, and then in one or two big gulps to help her body warm up.  
Once Tina felt like she wasn’t one minute away from dying, she turned to look at the mermaid creature, half expecting her to be gone, like a fever dream, but she was still there, sitting on the rock, humming to herself and splashing her fish tail in the water. Tina was struck again by how breathtakingly beautiful she was, the mermaid turned her head and Tina was caught staring.
“Are you warm now?” Chloe asked “If I remember right, humans are much more delicate when it comes to that”
“I’m fine, thank you” Tina said blushing, coming closer to her, slowly, cautiously, the mermaid laughed at this
“You aren’t afraid of me, are you?!”
“I– I don’t know” Tina said honestly “I’d never thought I’d see anything like you, I mean I had in story books, but never thought– You are very beautiful” Tina spluttered  
“Thank you very much” Chloe said prettily, just as if she were a lady in a tearoom, “I think you are very lovely yourself, how come you are a sailor? Are men coming to their senses at last?” Chloe asked
Tina smiled ruefully “I’m afraid not, it’s just like your friend said, I was pretending to be a man and then was found out”
“Did they hurt you?” Chloe asked again
“Not at all, they were willing to give me a chance, and then I fell overboard”
“Don’t worry” Chloe said “I’ll give you back as soon as the storm passes”
“How about you?” Tina said, not even knowing what to ask
“I don’t really remember” Chloe said tilting her head pensively “I think… I think… someone shoot me in the head, right here” she said pressing one of her pretty fingers softly to the center of Tina’s forehead
“That’s awful” Tina said, her eyes wide
“Isn’t it” Chloe agreed “I remember it like an almost forgotten dream, I don’t remember why, I remember… being sad, feeling…. betrayed?” she said with a faint frown on her pretty face “but then I woke up, and I was this, and I was with my sisters and nothing was ugly or painful anymore,”
Tina felt her face grow hot with anger, feeling furious at whomever had hurt Chloe in the past. This girl that was so petite, lovely and sweet, but knowing the world maybe she had been hurt precisely because of that.
“Oh! That’s an ugly, angry expression, it doesn’t suit you” Chloe said, fluttering her fingers over Tina’s face. “What happened to me was a very, very long time ago,” Chloe continued “I may not look it but I’m about the oldest of them” Chloe said proudly “I think only Amanda is older than me, but she’s really ancient, very wise. The newer they are the more clearly they remember, that’s why North is so angry all the time”
“I’m sorry– I wish I had been there to rescue you, just like you rescued me” Tina said lamely, feeling sick
“Thank you” Chloe said, leaning her head against Tina’s shoulder “You are the first ever to say something like that to me”
Chloe asked her to tell her stories about the things she’d seen and Tina complied, she didn’t know when she had fallen asleep, but when she woke up she was still in the cave, lying near the water, with Chloe cuddled up to her, only the very end of her fish tail still touching the water. Tina looked at her sleeping face, all cream and roses, Chloe opened her eyes then, smiled, and Tina leaned down to give her a light kiss. Chloe pulled her closer.
“I wish I could stay” Tina said once they broke apart. She felt almost as breathless as she had in the sea, but in a much more delicious and lovely way.
“Then my efforts saving you would be completely wasted” Chloe said, splashing water with her tail “And I will not have that, no m’am! A female sailor is too valuable for me to selfishly keep all to myself, no matter how much I’d like to”
Tina smiled, cupping Chloe’s face with her hand, when Echo broke the surface of the pond
“Oops!” She said playfully “Am I interrupting?”
“Certainly, you are!” Chloe said in the same playful tone splashing water to her
“Sorry, it was that or risking North’s wrath” Echo said “She says we can take you to your ship now, the storm is over” she disappeared under the water as suddenly as she had arrived
Tina didn’t want to say goodbye to Chloe, but she also knew she couldn’t stay. She got into the cold water gasping, Chloe threw her arms around her neck
“You know what the best part of being a sailor is?” Chloe asked with a lovely smile
“What?” Tina said bumping her nose against hers
“I’ll tell you later” Chloe replied playfully “Ready?”
Tina nodded taking her deep breath
Chloe swam slower, letting Tina look around the depths of the now calm sea, they took a few breaks for Tina to breath, but only a few. The sea may be calmer but it was just as cold, soon enough there was the ship right above them; Chloe cupped Tina’s face with both her hands and gave her the sweetest kiss, salt and bubbles, before letting Tina float to the surface as she herself sank deeper into the water.
“Hey!” Tina called out breathlessly once she was in the surface “Hey!!”
“By old Nick and all his ungodly demons,” Kayes shouted “It’s Chen!”
“Someone fetch Reed and Lieutenant Anderson!!” Chris was shouting as he and Kayes threw her a rope
She climbed it easily, and before she knew it she was being crushed in Gavin’s bear hug
“Fuck you, Chen” Gavin said
“Where were you? Did you hold on to the ship?” Chris asked with awed curiosity
“Impossible, I would have fucking seen her” Gavin rebuked him, they had had to restrain him for him not to jump into the water  
“A lady doesn’t kiss at tell, Miller” She said with a wide smile, as Anderson put a coat over her shoulders
“Let’s warm you up, Chen” Anderson said leading her away from all the other awed seamen
“You have to tell me” Gavin said “I saw some shit that night you won’t believe, I thought I was fucking losing it!”
“Mermaids?” Tina whispered to him and chuckled at the look on his face.
“Your clothes are looking very particular, son” Old Collins said, he’d kept on calling her son even after her secret had been revealed “Looks like something my grandfather used to wear”
Nobody on the Chicken Feed ever dared question Tina’s right to belong on board again, she had swam her way back from the very jaws of the unruly, freezing waves, you didn’t mess around with someone so in cahoots with the strangeness of the sea.
 “What’s the best thing about being a sailor? –”
Tina asked Chloe, many, many, many years later. After Tina had been the Master of Captain Reed’s Ship for decades, after her hair had become the color of sea foam instead of its original coal; when her routine disappearances from the ship were starting to become the stuff of legends, never confirmed but much believed  – “In the middle of the sea, puff! She wouldn’t be anywhere” They’d say for as long as anyone who met her lived “by my word Master Chen was a sea witch!”–
“ – You never told me”
“Why, silly!” Her lovely mermaid wife laughed “They marry the sea!”      
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alexboehm55144 · 5 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex, Chapter 17 - Wings of Darkness
Hello there! For all my readers in the northern hemisphere, I hope you are all enjoying the summer months. And for all my readers in the southern hemisphere, I hope you are enjoying the winter months! I have a lot of free time, and I really feel like I should be writing more. I gotta come up with a solution, but for now, enjoy this chapter!
The team raced towards the Chinese airship, flown by Razar aboard his jet. Looking back towards the spire, and the ongoing battle, Alex watched a massive red plane circle the spire, and shoot down 2 Chinese jets.
“What was that?” Alex said
“That was the Phoenix plane, the Blazing Bastion. They must have joined the fight.”
“Let’s hope that thing can do some damage”
The Chinese airship fired on Razar’s jet with its anti-aircraft guns, forcing the raven to take evasive maneuvers.
“Hang on my friends, yes?”
Razar spun around and flew erratically, avoiding the flak, before he flew straight at the anti-aircraft guns, and blew them up with barrages of missiles and blaster fire.
“It looks like a storm is coming in, yes my friend?” Razar said as the sky darkened with clouds, and raindrops struck the jet.
“There!” Alex said, pointing as he spotted an airlock entrance on the side of the ship.
Razar hovered near the airlock and shot a couple of missiles, blowing the airlock open. This barrage was followed by a spread of chi blaster fire to kill any Chinese soldiers in the vicinity. Razar then hovered near the airlock so the team could board the hostile warship. Eris picked up Laval and flew him into the airlock, while Alex climbed across Razar's jet to reach the airlock. being extra careful, as the jet was slippery with rainwater. Upon stepping into the ship, Alex turned around and reached his hand out to JayJay to help her off the jet and into the ship.
Now that all the team members had disembarked, Razar quickly flew away, as no doubt Chinese jets would be dispatched to deal with him.
“This ship is going to be heavily defended,” Alex said, checking his weapons  “And this time we don’t have any US forces backing us up”
“How are we supposed to take this thing down with just us?” Laval said, imagining the hostile forces on the airship.
“We do have this” Alex said, reaching into his pouch and taking out a glowing orange orb surrounded by fire.
“Fire chi!” Eris said, “that’s just what we need!”
“Fire chi?” JayJay asked
“It’s like normal chi, but fire themed” Alex explained, tossing orbs to Laval and Eris “with it, weapons that use Chi now become incendiary weapons, and you’ll gain extreme resistance to cold”
JayJay looked at her sidearm and imagined it bursting into flames and shooting fireballs.
“Our handguns don’t use chi, only chi blasters do”
The wolf nodded and said she understood, while Alex tossed another Fire chi orb to her, before taking the last one out of the bag.
The group plugged the chi into their armor and were enveloped by flames. The orange chi-ed up forms of a lion, eagle, wolf, and human appeared and roared upwards, before quickly disappearing along with the flames. The orange power of chi coursed over them, creating orange fields of energy closely around their entire bodies.
Alex looked over his armor, it was now bright red with gold highlights, and he felt warm, all over. Laval and Eris’s armor also was red, and it sort of looked like they were wearing jumpsuits. JayJay’s red dress and gear was relatively the same color, but her fur was orange, the color of fire.
The wolf looked over the fur on her arms and tail, before swishing her hair in front of her face so she could tell what color it was.
“That’s a good look for you,” Alex said, noting that JayJay’s hair was dark orange with gold streaks.
“Thanks, I feel.... so warm!”
“Alright,” Laval said, spinning his sword, “let’s take this ship down”
Bursting through the inner airlock door, the team was met with a group of Chinese soldiers, who they quickly shot and cut down. The chi power surging through the young heroes gave them unmatched strength and agility, and they sprinted down the hallway, killing more Chinese soldiers as they went.
“Razar dropped us off near the back of the ship, we should see if there’s an engine room or something,” Alex said, cutting down 2 Chinese soldiers “if we can’t find one, then let’s head to the bridge and take the ship down from its brain”
“Are we going the right way? Like towards the back of the ship?” Eris asked, before blasting a hostile soldier.
“I think so, look for like pipes and wires, and follow them. They should lead us to the engine room”
Eris spotted a bright red pipe and began flying down the hallway. She reached a point where the pipe entered the wall and opened the door next to it. The eagle jumped back as she was met with a room full of Chinese soldiers. Alex tossed a grenade in the room, and after it exploded, he raced in and killed the few Chinese soldiers that the grenade hadn’t dealt with.
“Guess we’ve found the engine room,” JayJay said. Alex’s grenade had caused soma damage to the pipes, metal boxes, and wires all about the room, but many were intact and still functioning.
“Destroy this place,” Alex said while reloading. “This should cause some serious damage”
Laval cut into the equipment with his sword, using his immense chi strength to help. Eris did the same, while also shooting the equipment with her blaster, as Alex and JayJay were doing.
Once the room was filled with smoke, Alex threw a few grenades at strategic looking points, causing some of the engine equipment to bend and crack as it was damaged beyond repair.
The intercom system in the room came to life, and a voice that sounded a lot like Eris came through.
“What are you doing aboard my ship?!”
“Must be your counterpart.” Alex said, before clicking the talk button on the speaker near the door “Hey sorry, we’re just having some engine trouble, it should be fixed momentarily”
There was a hell of rage from the intercom system, while JayJay and Laval chuckled.
“Let’s get to the bridge, and find my dark counterpart!” Eris said over the noise of the alarms that had started to blare.
The team exited the engine room, but as they preceded down the hallway, Laval looked out a nearby porthole and saw something horrifying.
“Guys! Look!”
The airship’s cannons began to fire, hitting the eagle spire and causing huge chunks of rock to fall off it.
“No....” Eris said, completely frozen in fear.
“Don’t worry Eris,” Laval said, looking his mate in the eyes “we’ll stop them”
“In that case, we better hurry to the bridge,” Alex said “look for a staircase”
As the team tried to find a way up to the bridge, 2 more hostile Chinese soldiers appeared, but they were killed when the wall exploded, due to damage to the engine system. Luckily the hostile soldiers had emerged from a staircase, which the team quickly used to climb up towards the bridge
“I know what you’ve done” came Dark Eris’s voice over the intercom system, as the team ascended the stairs. “But your destruction of this ship’s engines had merely turned it into a massive weapon”
At the top of the staircase was a group of Chinese soldiers that the team had caught off guard, and quickly dispatched them with their chi power.
Through the door to the left was the bridge, but it was filled with Chinese officers armed with handguns. Without any grenades, the team’s only option was to charge headstrong into the bridge. JayJay went into range mode and took down 3 Chinese soldiers in rapid succession, while Alex cut down 2 officers and then headed to take down 2 more. Laval dealt with a heavily armored Chinese soldier, while Eris blasted down enemies that were far away.
“Where’s my counterpart?” Eris asked.
“She left,” Alex said, running and grabbing hold of what appeared to be the ship’s controls.
“How do you know?”
“She wouldn’t want to stay on this ship, look where it's going!”
The ship was flying or rather crashing, directly towards the eagle spire.
“Quick! Steer us out of the way!” Eris yelled
“I’m trying! But the ship’s helm is locked or something, I need more force to turn it”
JayJay grabbed struggled to help Alex turn the wheel, while Eris quickly looked over the controls panels.
“I’ll try and see if I can turn off the engines, that should slow us down,” Eris said, looking over the control panels.
“Hurry!” Laval said, noticing that the ship hadn’t exactly changed its course.
“Here! This should do it”
The vessel began to turn more, and with Alex and JayJay turning the helm, it looked like the vessel was now going to clear the spire.
The wheel suddenly became too easy to move, and it was clear that the connection between the wheel and the rest of the ship had been broken by the force JayJay and Alex exerted on it.
“The wheel won’t go anymore,” Alex said, looking out the window to see where the ship was aimed.
“It looks like we’re gonna miss the spire, but just barely,” Laval said
“Good, that should give me and Jay an opportunity to jump”
“How do you expect us to get off of this ship? Eris, you can fly Laval off this thing, but I don’t think there’s enough time for you to make multiple trips for all of us”
Alex opened a door on the bridge, leading to a small observation platform on the outside of the ship.
“See you on the spire,” Laval said, as Eris picked him up “Get home safe!”
While the eagle and lion flew towards the spire, Alex spotted a platform that he and JayJay could jump too.
“Oh, I don’t like this at all,” the wolf said, shaking her head as the pair climbed atop the guardrail around the observation platform.
It was gonna be a big jump, onto a stone platform, and it would definitely hurt, but it was better than staying on the ship.
“Get ready,” Alex said, as the ship moved closer and closer to the platform.
“For luck,” JayJay said, giving Alex a quick peck on the cheek.
The captain readied himself, and then the precise moment came.
Alex leaped from the ship to the platform, rolling as he hit the ground, before turning around and catching JayJay before she hit the ground, knocking both of them back.
“Are you alright?” JayJay asked
“Yeah, I should be fine”
“You two okay?” Laval said as him and Eris came over.
“Never felt better,” JayJay said as she and Alex picked themselves up off the ground.
The team looked off the platform and watched as the Chinese airship crashed into a large field a little ways away. Massive explosions ripping through its hull.
The Fire chi wore off, and the orange fields surrounding the mammals disappeared as they powered down
“Why is my fur still orange?” JayJay asked
“The Fire chi might have worn off, but the changes it caused are still in effect,” Laval said “look at our clothes, they’re still bright red”
“It should come out, I mean it’s just orange dye”
“As I said, that’s a good look for you”
“Hmmm.... maybe I’ll keep it”
“Look! Down there!” Laval said, pointing down towards the main landing pad. Gorzan’s mech had been wrecked, and Dark Eris was tearing through eagle warriors with her Chinese army.
“We need to get down there and stop her!” Eris said, before flying down a stairwell, with the rest of the team running after her.
Upon arriving at the landing pad, the team spotted Dark Eris, standing alone in the center of the landing pad, with the bodies of eagle warriors all around her. The eagle’s armor was dark and gray, while her weapon was a long-handled ax, with a double sided blade on both ends.
“Laval, on the ship in the northern Pacific. Who did it?” Dark Eris asked, “which one of you killed him?”
Laval sheepishly raised his hand, realizing she was talking about Dark Laval.
“You took away the one I loved,” The dark eagle said, pointing her ax at Laval before her gaze shifted to Eris “so I will take away the one you love!”
Dark Eris flew at top speed towards Laval, but Eris jumped in front of him and blocked her counterpart with her ax.
Bullets flew past Alex and his team, and the captain ordered everyone to take cover and return fire back at the Chinese soldiers. However, Eris and Dark Eris still continued to battle with their axes.
Eris created some distance between the 2 combatants and fired chi blasts. Dark Eris blocked the blasts with her wings, which were armored and could resist the damage.
Dark Eris closed the distance and hit Eris’s blaster out of her hand, before attempting to bash Eris with the handle of her weapon. The 2 got engaged in a weapon lock with the hilts of their axes, while a storm cloud rolled in, covering the main landing pad and reducing visibility to a few feet. Eris broke the weapon lock and disappeared into the cloud, forcing Dark Eris to watch the area around herself.
“Where are you!?”
That question was answered a few seconds later when Eris appeared behind her counterpart and landed a devastating strike on her enemy’s wing.
Eris managed to hit a chink in Dark Eris’s wing armor, and she was able to rip the armor on her left wing off. The evil eagle punched Eris off her, before ripping off the armor on her other wing, as she couldn’t fly with armor on only 1 wing. Eris had taken this moment to disappear back into the cloud, before charging at her dark counterpart and performing a series of rapid ax strikes. Some of these strikes found their marks, and hit Dark Eris’s armor, causing huge gashes. With one final strike, Eris broke her opponent’s weapon in 2, creating an ax with a small handle, and another with a long handle.
The Dark Eagle threw the smaller ax at her enemy, hitting Eris’s armor and stunning her, but not doing any damage.
Through the fog, Dark Eris spotted Laval, killing a few Chinese soldiers with his sword. She began to walk up to the lion, ready to kill him with her ax. Noticing this, Eris used all her strength to fly high into the air, before turning around and flying at top speed towards her counterpart.
Using the element of surprise, Dark Eris disarmed Laval and grabbed him by the neck.
“Consider this your punishment.”
Laval struggled with her grip while Dark Eris raised her ax.
“Get away from him you bitch!” Eris screamed, before hitting Dark Eris in the chest with a gliding kick, causing the dark eagle to drop Laval and stumble backward. Eris rolled as she landed, and drew 2 small eagle blasters. The eagle princess opened fire on her dark counterpart, with the evil bird stumbling back as chi blasts shredded her damaged chest armor and exposed wings. Dark Eris eventually was pushed to the edge of the platform, and with one more step, she fell.
The dark eagle screamed sharply as she plummeted down, unable to use her damaged wings to stop her fall to death. Soon Dark Eris disappeared into the clouds of the storm, and her screams faded out.
Eris breathed a sigh of relief, her dark counterpart was dead, and Laval was safe. Alex and the team finished off the last Chinese soldiers as the rain began to let up.
“Guys!” Toothdee said, contacting everyone through the radio “the Chinese forces are in full retreat! We’ve won!”
It was no longer raining, but the sky was still darkened by clouds as a wolf medic and lion medic treated the wounds Worriz and Gorzan had suffered during the battle. Bladvic was fast asleep on the ground nearby, either worn out by the fight or just heading back to sleep now that the battle was over.
The typhoon was hovering near the spire, and those onboard had disembarked to check on the damage from the battle. Large chunks of the spire had been destroyed, and many were dead or wounded, but the eagle tribe had survived. Cragger and Toothdee were checking out the typhoon, inspecting the damage it had taken during the battle.
Retsuko and Haida were exploring the spire, looking in wonder at the eagle architecture that they were seeing for the first time in their lives. Then a group of birds with red feathers, orange wings, and red clothing cake up to the pair.
“Ah, new species,” one bird with a golden staff said
“...Phoenix...” Retsuko gasped, instantly remembering what she’d heard about this tribe.
“I am Fluminox, leader of the Phoenix tribe”
As Fluminox spoke his voice echoed multiple times like there were many people speaking at the same time.
“My name is retsuko, I’m a red panda, and this is Haida, he’s a hyena”
“Wow, I’ve never seen a red panda or a hyena before,” said a young Phoenix, Flinx, Fluminox’s son.
“Indeed my son, I’ve also never seen members of your species, in all the thousands of years I have lived”
“We’re from Tokyo, Japan. It’s a while away so that’s probably why you haven’t seen us” retsuko said.
“I must say, you seem like interesting races. I hate to cut our conversation short, but do you know where your leader is? Captain Boehm?”
“Somewhere over there,” Haida said pointing in the direction he thought Alex might be.
Fluminox thanked Haida and promised to learn more about their species before walking away, with Flinx cheerfully saying bye.
“Wow, didn’t think I’d get to see a Phoenix today,” Haida remarked, watching the birds leave.
JayJay was busy talking with Alex about how her orange fur coat looked, and the captain still thought it was a pretty look for her.
“You sure?” The wolf asked, spinning around so Alex could see every angle.
“Looks fine to me. It gives you that ‘fiery’ look, kinda like your personality.”
“Aww, thank you! But I do like the clash between my red dress & blue fur.”
“That does look very pretty as well, but I think you look good no matter what color your fur is.”
The captain gave a thumbs up to drive his point home.
“Someone likes wolves.” JayJay laughed.
“By the way, thank you for that good luck charm you gave me.”
“Well, it was more so to calm my nerves.”
“And why would that be?”
The wolf’s cheeks turned redder than her clothes, and Alex couldn’t help but giggle. “That’s a cute look for you as well.”
JayJay covered her face in embarrassment.
“Well let me know if you need any more luck,” Alex said, still enjoying how adorable she looked.
The fun was interrupted when an elder eagle approached the pair of heroes. This eagle had a crown atop his forehead and was dressed in long blue robes that appeared to shine.
“Captain Boehm?” The eagle asked
“I am Ewald, leader of the Eagle tribe. You have my eternal thanks for saving us. The Eagles would like to offer you something, as a token of our appreciation”
“What is it?”
Ewald ushered over 2 eagles carrying a crate. They opened the crate to reveal a bunch of small metal devices that looked like parts of a gun.
“These devices can be placed inside your weapons.” Ewald said “When you fire, they will coat the bullet in a field of chi energy, effectively combining the power of lead bullets and chi blasts. We designed it to be compatible with both normal chi and fire chi, though we haven’t tested it with the latter.”
“Looks like we will be able to use chi in our weapons after all,” JayJay said as Alex examined the devices.
“You can charge them like you charge any weapon that uses chi” The eagle leader explained “once again, thank you for saving our tribe”
“You have my thanks as well,” Lagravis said, coming over “you and your team have saved the lion tribe’s greatest allies”
“We’re just doing our jobs, your majesty.”
“Please call me Lagravis, and know that the lion tribe is behind you if you ever need our help.”
“Thank you Lagravis.”
The elder lion began chatting with Ewald, probably about helping the tribe recover.
“Whoa, now there’s some birds that like using fire chi,” JayJay said, pointing to Fluminox and his entourage.
“That’s the Phoenix tribe,” Alex said “they created fire chi. Didn’t you read the files on Chima?”
“Nah, I wanted to hear it from you.”
Fluminox spotted the pair and headed over to them.
“Alex,” the Phoenix said, “and...”
“...JayJay, you have done a great service to Chima today”
“Yeah!” Flinx said, “this is just like when you saved Chima from the meterex invasion!”
“We view you as some of our greatest warriors, and a force we can count on in Chima's times of need. You might be a better protector of Chima than us Phoenix.”
Before Alex could respond, Rogan jumped right in front of him.
“Eris! Where’s Eris! I must see Eris, my love!”
“Uhh... she’s over there,” Alex said, pointing in a direction Eris was definitely not, as he figured she and Laval wouldn’t want to be interrupted.
“Oh thank you!” The rhino said, before running off, almost knocking over a few friendly warriors as he ran.
Laval and Eris were, in fact, standing at the edge of the landing pad, looking down at where Dark Eris had fallen to her death.
“Are you ok?” Laval asked “you just killed what is basically yourself”
“I’m fine Laval, she wasn’t me. She was dark and evil, I’m just glad you're safe”
The eagle placed her hand on Laval’s shoulder.
“Thank you, you’ve saved me more times than I can count, and this makes it one more time”  
“I wouldn’t let her hurt you”
The pair hugged.
“I guess I’m your ‘lion in distress”
The pair looked each other in their eyes, happy now that both their dark counterparts were gone.
“Say, I know I always ask this....” Eris said, “....but are you sure my beak doesn’t hurt your lips?”
“Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. Even if it did, I’m an elite warrior, I could take it”
The pair closed their eyes and their lips connected, with both lion and eagle enjoying the loving kiss.
“I love you,” Eris said, breaking the kiss.
“I love you too.”
The couple kissed again while the clouds cleared, allowing the sunlight of a new dawn to flow through.
I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! You get points if you can spot the reference I put in!
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
Here’s a thing that’s going to hopefully grow into the next chapter of this: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17659880/chapters/41647754 
“Varric, we’ve been over this...call me Captain, please. It’s disrespectful in front of the rest of the crew...” She nodded toward Hawke, who was just sitting there, staring dumbly back at them as she chewed on a piece of old leathery jerky she’d found in the ship’s larder earlier that morning, and then toward Fenris and Merrill, who were on opposite sides of the ship racing to see who could get their anchor up faster.
“Fine!” he huffed. “Captain Rivaini…”
“Yes, Fourth-and-Last-Mate Varric?”
“Any idea when we might see land?”
“Not long now, dear. We’ll try to land somewhere on Brandel’s Reach in the next couple of days, but if we end up overshooting it, we’ll aim for Alamar, and that’s fine, too. The only people on either island who might give a shit about who we are or where we’ve come from will be other pirates or bounty hunters, and well, if they’re after us, then we’ll know it’s probably not safe to go anywhere more...established. And by that, I mean, somewhere with a Chantry, or Templars...”
“...or couriers…?”
Hawke laughed, nearly choking on her little snack. Varric turned and glared at her. “Glad you think this is so funny, Hawke.”
After a few coughs, she managed to sputter, “Sorry, it’s just -- “ She hacked a few more times before finally dislodging the chunk of dehydrated meat that had gotten stuck in the back of her throat. “You know I love seeing you get so grumpy, Varric! What’ve you got going on that makes you so eager to send a letter? Have you taken a new lover? Should I be jealous?!”
“You’d be the first to know if I were looking. Trust me.”
“Then why the rush? I think there’s like, five more pounds of this jerky below deck, and we haven’t completely run out of alcohol yet. Are you really that sick of us?”
“Uh, a couple of book deals? A family trade empire to manage? An insane brother in need of constant care and supervision because of blighted lyrium sickness? An entire city we all used to call home whose fate remains a mystery after Blondie blew half of it up? Should I continue, or is that enough for you?”
Hawke waved her hand, tearing off another chunk of jerky with her teeth. “Meh…fuck ‘em. Bartrand was always a dick, anyway.”
“Your own sister and one of your best friends are, presumably, still there, Hawke. I hope. Or, if not, I hope they’re at least still alive somewhere.”
Hawke stopped chewing. It wasn’t that she had forgotten Bethany and Aveline had been left behind in the chaos. It was just that she preferred not to think about it. Losing Anders was enough to process right now. Losing them, too, would’ve been unfathomable.
Fenris and Merrill had returned, with no clear victor in their anchor-hoisting, though Fenris was considerably more out-of-breath than the little mage, who couldn’t hide her smugness, as hard as she tried. Without a word, Isabela nodded cautiously toward Varric and Hawke. It wasn’t clear if they were about to come to blows or burst into tears. Maybe both.
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absylphe · 6 years
> Abby, Glitch, & Vizcai: Regicide x 2!
You rapidly change your Sylph outfit to something else and then back in order to refresh it, fixing all the rips from the king’s claws. Glitch follows suit, and you jump apart and take flight in order to avoid the way that the battleship skids across the battlefield. You can hear Vizcai blocking blow after blow from the black queen and he pushes himself into flight from the back of the ship, wearing a startlingly bright blue outfit you don’t recognize. 
The queen follows along behind him, wearing an oversized sweater in the color blocked pattern of Dersite regalia, having personalized the prototyping for her own comfort, you guess. You don’t have to say anything to Glitch, but he flashes forward at the same time you blink forward, each of you blocking one of the queen’s swords with your weapon as Vizcai retreats to the ground. 
The king had used his wings to fight, but only to blow you back -- the queen is using hers to maneuver, and she gives a strong flap backward to free her weapons from the deadlock. One of her swords gets caught on the snaggled chain of your legendary chainsaw, Echidna’s Warpaint, and it breaks off in the middle. She squawks in anger and Glitch actually manages to laugh beside you as the two of you dart backwards.
“Yeah, I know how bad that feels.”
They fly at each other faster than you can actually see; Glitch moves faster than the queen and you can hear his timetables doing some kind of glitchwave fraymotif you’re not particularly familiar with. That tiny part of your brain that isn’t concerned with self-preservation wonders if that’s a Dave thing, or a Glitch thing, but he’s coming at her in a flurry of blows and she’s blocking each of them with her katana and a half.
It’s really hard to concentrate on a moving target -- especially when you’re so exhausted from fighting the king -- but you use your space powers to sever one of her arms, dropping it to the battlefield. She shrieks, but it regrows and she lunges toward you again, blocked by Caledfwlch. 
You glance down toward the battlefield since Vizcai hasn’t rejoined you, and it looks like he’s raising constructs out of smashed bits of meteor and checkered rock. He has two up but you can see him flitting around looking for more material, so you teleport a few chunks of planet behind him and he gives you a thumbs up as he creates a third. These rumble to life and begin to fend off the encroaching hoard of chess abominations, like stone-faced bouncers. 
Party of 4, no additional guests.
You smell red blood and Glitch plummets downward inches beside you, wings folded behind his back, the queen following right behind. You blink in to throw her momentum off, earning yourself a jab in the gut with a broken katana. You’re able to blink back away before she can really get much of a real wound going, but you’re still wincing while Vizcai flies up to take a swing at her with his Sovereignless Staff, meeting her other katana. 
Glitch has recovered from his nose dive, seeming to have used the momentum to take a sharp turn just before hitting the ground, and now he’s accelerating toward the queen as well. A sort of melody fills your head and you synchronize with the Knight, head clear as you harness the power of dead stars to rocket toward her, Glitch directing them with the flow of time -- space detritus hurtles toward the queen and you teleport Vizcai out of the line of fire while your head is clear.
She’s unfairly fast with her set of swords, and you’ve positioned Vizcai in a way that makes it possible for him to come up from behind and slash one of her arms off while she’s distracted. She promptly moves out of the way, but she only bleeds for a moment before the arm regenerates, and then you have to get out of the way of the debris, cancelling the fraymotif. 
The rest of the debris pummels the battlefield, shooting up a cloud of gray dust. Glitch comes at the queen from behind with a loud caw and she turns around, giving you the opportunity to move in and slice off both arms on one side -- the opposite side from last time.
Somehow, they regenerate again. 
“She’s swapping the arm she wears the ring on,” Vizcai shouts out, and the queen turns to lunge for you, putting enough force into pushing Glitch’s sword back that it sends him spiralling through the air for a moment. Her wingscales go flying everywhere and you can smell teal and red -- you’re a little deadened to the smell of your own blood. You block her crossed blades with your chainsaw and rev it, causing her to slash her own chin between the scissor’s edge she created, sawing off the tip of her beak. 
With a furious caw she dives in to peck at your head, and you barely teleport behind Vizcai with a major migraine. He zips in to take her again and she seems to summon a third sword from the hole in her abdomen, taking a slash at his leg. She’s parrying Glitch with the other two arms -- apparently just having the katana in the prototype is enough to make her a skilled swordswoman.
You need -- you need her to be pinned down to make this work, and you teleport a chunk of the battlefield up into your hand, a small one, hardly a pebble. You enlarge it to about the size of a baseball and toss it so it flies way beyond the queen, as fast as you can.
He doesn’t move his head but you know he’s seen it -- he parries an incoming slash from the queen and kicks off of her body to flit back behind her, and even further behind the rock you threw. With the flat side of the legendary blade, he smacks it back toward her and you enlarge it as it travels, until it’s the size of a proper meteor, approaching her from the one place that escapes her field of vision.
Vizcai keeps her attention on him until the very last second as the projectile approaches from behind, and then you teleport him to your side as it connects with her squawking body, hurtling toward the ground. You grab your mate by the wrist and dive toward the battlefield, keeping pace with the meteor just as well as Glitch does.
The impact is huge and each of you is blown back a foot or two from the explosion of force, but you swoop right in anyway. As you expected, the queen is able to cut the meteor in half instantly, and while she has her mind on other things, the three of you close in.
You rush one side and Glitch rushes the other, while Vizcai leaps right in to throw his weight on her, one hand tight around her throat. Perfectly synchronized, you bring up your Warpaint the moment that Glitch brings up Caledfwlch, and in tandem, the pair of you lop off all 4 of her arms. 
The clamor of the armies around you draws to a quiet as the queen squirms, armless on the battlefield, gnashing fangs and swearing. Vizcai whispers something you don’t quite understand and you feel like you see her choke for a moment, even as both hands go to the handle of his staff, and in a motion you can’t quite see, decapitates her.
You hear Glitch mumble something under his breath about a home run as he recovers the ring from her right hand and you fling your arms over both of these boys, practically collapsing on them. Glitch wraps an orange-flecked black wing around you and Vizcai offers both arms, one flung over your shoulder and the other curling under your arm.
Glitch is the one to break the silence, of course, voice a little raspy from the several hours of back to back combat.
“So, mom, how was my first b-ball match? I scored a field goal, earned like 500 points, I think. Carried this whole damn team on my back, I can tell you that.”
The Incipisphere breaks open and a soft rain bathes the battlefield, putting out the fires and smothering the smoke and dust. It covers up the tears on your cheeks and maybe mutes your sniffly laughter just a tiny bit, but you think he hears it. Glitch’s feathers ruffle at the reaction, and Vizcai seems content just to nuzzle the side of your head. This is the closest you’ve let him be since the incident.
The fighting is over.
“Pulling these turnovers out of my ass like they’re candy on Halloween, the referees are like, what? How can one guy even have this many turnovers? That must be illegal, right? They're checking out the rulebooks like no actually, you can have this many turnovers, and in fact, if you do, you're probably the greatest player of all time. The enemy team is flipping out because they’re like, hey, I thought this guy was the mascot, what gives? Why is Big Bird serving our asses like we're just a bunch of snooty chumps stranded on butler island?”
He squawks a little as you pull him against your chest and you just cry, holding these guys tight.
This is the end of an era of suffering, for you.
The only thing left to do is create, improve, expand.
Your stagnation is over.
“So when am I getting my participation trophy? I know how moms get when their kids don’t get a participation trophy for showing up at the sports.”
You ruffle his hair for that one, but all you get in return is coos.
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medea10 · 7 years
My Review of Shokugeki no Soma
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Soma x Nikumi: I guess you can say Nikumi got some sort of feelings for Soma. But she does brush off the feelings at times in a tsundere style. Unlike a certain other girl, at least she treats Soma a lot nicer and would even come all the way to his hometown just to help him. And she ends up helping him many other times. I know the fanbase is majority Soma x Megumi, but I feel some sort of (one-sided) connection to this particular ship. So I would like to put this at second place! Soma x Erina: Nope.
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Erina x Hisako: Yeah, fine. Bitch x Bitch-lite belong together! Plus, as much as I hate Erina, she does treat Hisako very nice and does legitimately worry about her when she's depressed. So yeah, I ship this.
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Soma x Takumi: Guilty pleasure. Let’s just say that this is a case of “Notice-Me-Senpai” that doesn’t end with dead corpses or anything like that. But I can dig it! AHEM: Guys, I love the concept of this story. I love the characters. And I would seriously love to one day eat some of those dishes. Buuuuuuuuut… The foodgasms! I cannot get over these foodgasms. I never knew foodgasms could get to the point of…THIS! Um…why was this needed? Yes, food can be pleasurable and exceptional. And before this anime, I thought going overboard was when I would hear characters sing about how delicious the food was. But to see people LITERALLY naked and quite possibly violated by some sort of food (including the use of honey and tentacles) is just…unsettling to this otherwise beautiful anime! I almost got my mom to watch this but I lost her with the insane foodgasms. FYI, not disgusted by it. Just felt weird is all. HOW?!: Okay, so I bitched heavily about one character doing this in the anime Silver Spoon and I'm going to do it here.
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HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO LOSE THAT MUCH WEIGHT IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD?! Isami Aldini, you're in that category of defying several kinds of logic. But then again, this is anime. I shouldn't question it and go with the flow. OVA: Side stories filled with background information of minor characters (like the Aldini brothers) and fanservice galore from some of the female characters. Because we SO needed more fanservice in this anime! END OF SEASON ONE: So the students have some time off from school for the summer break. However, immediately after this break, the students must prepare for the fall elections. This is a huge competition where each student must prepare a dish for a panel of important judges. And the one who manages to defeat everyone may become part of the school’s infamous Elite Ten. All students are split into either group A or B and only 4 students from each category may advance. Each student must prepare their very best dish with the theme of curry. So Soma and Megumi decide to do some research by going to see one of Soma’s father’s old school mates, Shiomi. There, they meet Hayama, an expert in spices. Dammit, why do you keep playing these spicy looking characters Suwabe?! And as curry does contain a vast amount of certain spices to the dish, Hayama is going to be a difficult challenge for Soma. Throughout the break, Soma and Megumi spent their time off preparing for this challenge. Megumi goes back to her hometown and goes back to her old roots for inspiration. Meanwhile, Soma spent his time back at the dorms coming up with the best curry dish that’ll blow everybody away. Now for the competition itself! Many of the faceless and voiceless characters cooked exceptional dishes but got some of the lowest scores imaginable. But then we got the minor and main cast cooking and the judges were stunned. …seriously, who saw this coming? The vivid nudity scenes were surprising, but other than that, nothing new! Anyways, Group B had some excellent dishes from the Aldini brothers, Alice, and Hisako. And that’s no surprise there. Both Aldini brothers are very talented in their work and I myself would love to eat at their family restaurant. *ahem* Speaking as an Italian! Anyways, Alice is definitely just as talented as her bitch-cousin. And Hisako is shown to be more than just Erina’s toadie. These judges were getting one boom after another. And then came Megumi. She got some surprising attention while cooking as she was seen slicing up a monkfish. As monkfish is difficult to prepare, it was interesting to see how the dish was going to turn out. Much to everyone’s surprise, Megumi’s dish was a hit. And wound up in 4th place overall in Group B. As for Group A, prior to the main and minor cast, many of the scores were abysmally low due to one judge giving 0 points. A good chunk of Soma’s dormmates were given some pretty impressive scores. Nikumi got rave reviews for her meaty curry too. But the two to look out for were Alice’s servant Ryou and newly introduced Hayama. And both of them were exceptional with their dishes. Especially Hayama who just stood out! His curry soufflé earned him 94 points out of 100 and literally the highest score from any group. Can Soma’s dish excel Hayama’s? Soma’s dish was an omlette on the outside, but inside is a fragrant bomb only matched by the taste. The judges loved it. But did they love it more than Hayama’s? The answer is some of the judges did. It’s just that the combined score for Soma was 93 (one point below Hayama). But Soma at least makes it to the next level. These students did a great job today so they go back to the dorm to celebrate. SECOND PLATE: This season continues with the ultimate cook-off with the 8 remaining contenders (Soma, Hayama, Megumi, Alice, Hisako, Ryou, Takumi, and one other contestant) to possibly become one of the infamous Elite Ten. The following competitions were the same as the ones before where it was one-on-one and the best dish wins. But tensions rise with some of the characters. Hisako suffered a devastating loss against Hayama and now feels she’s unfit to be the assistant to Erina. And Takumi who was up against a copycat and lost not only the competition but one of his prized tools. But Soma ended up helping those two out later on. END OF SEASON TWO: Soma has been doing quite well for himself in the Fall Elections by managing to knock out Alice Nakiri and a copycat chef. So now he’s in the finals and will end up fighting Alice’s assistant, Ryou or master of spice, Hayama. However, things didn’t go that smoothly with the Ryou vs. Hayama fight. In fact, the judges were evenly split on both dishes the boys made. So it was decided that the finale was going to be a three-way cook-off. The final battle between these three masterful chefs will involve a dish consisting of Pacific Saury. While Soma hit a bit of a brick wall with what to do with this dish, he ends up having help and support from his friends and dorm-mates. The day of the final cook-off, Ryou and Hayama bring their A-game to the table. Both dishes wow’d the judges and even made the president go bare-chested. Can Soma out-do these dishes? While his dish was out of the ordinary, it wow’d the judges. Leaving much tension on who would be the winner since all three boys went above and beyond with their dishes. With that said, it was Hayama that won. But that’s not the end of the season! These students now must endure Stagiaire! The students must all go to different restaurants and help them out with whatever dilemma they are facing at the moment. Soma’s first task was at a restaurant with many busy-bodies coming through during the lunch-rush. Oh and he was stuck with Hisako (aka Bitch-lite). Meanwhile, Megumi is stuck with Erina (the big bitch). But Soma and Hisako were able to help this struggling restaurant by cutting down the menu a bit and making it reservations only. Go back to what the first generation did for the restaurant. Needless to say, these two passed this test (as did Megumi and Erina). Soma’s next task in this Stagiaire was to help a fancy restaurant open.
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And the one opening is the school's alumni, former Elite, and overall hard-ass, Shinomiya. While there was a lot of tension the last time after their Shokugeki, all was put to the side as long as Soma does what he’s told and doesn’t fuck up. Shinomiya is opening a French restaurant in Japan and Soma is here to assist in the pre-opening days. Even though Soma did make a few mistakes for the first few days, he shapened-up and over-achieved all of his tasks, shocking Shinomiya’s crew. The final days ended with a competition. Shinomiya’s crew were competing against each other to create a dish that would end up on his menu. And Soma wants in! Can't end this season without one last competition! And this dish was going to break Soma out of this baby slump he’s been in since losing to Hayama! His dish, even though mind-blowingly delicious to those who ate it, Shinomiya said it was too amateurish. But if he improves it, it’ll be awesome. Needless to say, Soma passed his Stagiaire and all of his friends and rivals survived their tasks as well. When Soma returned to the dorm, he came back to a big box of Shokugeki requests. And Soma made it clear that he will take on anyone if they ask him for a Shokugeki showdown. And as a surprise, Soma’s dish made it to the menu at Shinomiya’s restaurant. I enjoyed this anime. And I will gladly recommend this anime to anyone who isn’t afraid of a few…several…many nudity moments. And if you have a healthy appetite watching these kids cook up the best dishes, go for this anime! What’s next for this anime? Well…no word on a third season. But we’re getting slight hope for the next two OVAs as they introduce new characters only seen before in the manga. I’m kind of hoping for any next thing to happen would introduce Erina’s father. I know how much I hate her, but I have heard some interesting things from the manga that involve him and Soma’s father. Season one and two can be found on the usual outlets like Hulu, Crunchyroll, and The Anime Network’s website. The OVAs are currently unavailable on the streaming sites. So let’s hope the best for the Sentai release!
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The Siren and The Captain
Chapter Seven
"Please. Stop."
That voice rang throughout the seemingly empty library.
"Louise. Please. It hurts."
The prince felt his mate's claws glide down his back as he continued to thrust, every movement causing Marco to twitch and whine.
Louise only smirked at Marco's pathetic pleas for him to stop.
Solid black scales against speckled orange ones.
The freckled siren was so scared, he didn't know what to do in this situation.
Every thrust Louise made with his cock, which was nearly tearing Marco completely apart, hurt.
Before all of this, he and Louise were conversing inside the library. Then, Marco saw a change in Louise's piercing blue eyes. And before Marco could do anything, the prince just slammed Marco against the wall of the library and slammed into him.
Even though this was common siren mating behavior.
Louise didn't want pups.
Only pleasure.
Marco kept pleading for him to stop, but the prince just ignored him, his thrusts getting faster every minute.
Then he felt sharp pains in his sides.
And saw a cloud of red emerging from his left side.
"Louise! Please! Stop!"
Louise didn't stop, digging his nails deeper into Marco's side, watching the blood rise from the wounds.
"I don't think so, darling."
Marco cringed at the word, hating the way it rolled off Louise's tongue.
A name that Louise doesn't deserve to call him by.
"Damn, Marco. Ah. Taking my huge cock so nicely. Fuck. Your little beta pussy looks so nice stretched around my cock."
He moved to kiss Marco deeply, sliding his tongue into the freckled siren's mouth.
And Marco bit down on Louise's tongue, sinking his sharp teeth into it.
Louise yelped in pain as he pulled away.
He growled, "You fucking bitch. You're going to fucking pay for this!"
Marco screamed as Louise sunk his teeth deeply into his shoulder, and his scream was heard by many of the sirens in the castle.
They swiftly and quickly swam to Marco's aid, many gasping as they saw what their oldest prince was doing to the innocent siren.
It took approximately five sirens to pull Louise off and restrain him as they helped Marco to the small infirmary in the castle.
Jean and Eren had stayed on the rock, conversing with one another about thei childhood, telling different stories in between.
"So, you're a prince?"
Jean nodded, "Yes, though, I don't like to act royal."
Eren chuckled, his golden hoop earrings swaying a bit as the wind began to blow.
Eren then looked up, seeing a ship on the horizon.
"Shit. Jean, you have to go!" He said, worry clear in his voice.
Jean nodded, waiting for Eren to slide off his lap before kissing him and diving back into the ocean.
Eren was sad to see him go, but he didn't want Jean to end up on his dinner plate.
Levi watched as the intestines of an unlucky female siren were ripped from her stomach, blood pouring from her opened gut.
The iron smell filled Levi's nose, and he grimaced at it.
"Tsk, such a foul odor," Levi said, "Get that blood cleaned after you are done. I don't want it to continue to smell like blood."
The two men nodded, one going over to a large butcher knife and raising it, then slamming it into the scaly flesh of the blue tail.
Levi heard the squishy sounds as they spread the chunks of meat apart.
And he saw part of the spine dangling from the body when they separated the tail from the human upper body.
Levi walked out, looking over the side of the ship. He gasped silently when he saw a glimpse of a brown tail disappear under the water.
He quickly grabbed a spear and threw it into the water, waited a few seconds, and saw blood rise to the surface.
Jean had become curious about the ship, and swam towards it.
He looked up at the sides, and his eyes widened in horror when he saw men carrying the tail of a dead siren.
Then, he saw a man with black hair look over the side of the large ship, and Jean dove under the water so he won't be seen.
He was too slow.
He yelled in agony as a spear sunk into his tail, going directly through it.
Jean saw the blood rise from the wounds and tried to quickly swim back to the castle to be treated.
Though, every stroke of his tail sent a sharp, agonizing pain through his entire body.
Eren had seen Jean's tail at the side of the ship, and he nearly screamed when Levi threw a spear at the spot where Jean was.
He didn't want their first time together to be their last.
He started sobbing, and hoping Jean was still alive.
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ask-a-robot-pilot · 7 years
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(Chapter 1: The man that walked amongst machines.)
He was covered a forest camouflage hood and cape. In his bag pack there was his B3 Wingman and mastiff and additional ammo for them. Styx was sane but he claims he can hear a voice in his head guide him whenever he needed help. That voice only referred to itself as CP and it would assist styx no matter the action and long as it was not out of it’s capability. On his hip Styx also wore a jump kit. His memory loss took away his wall running skills and limited him to only jumping and double jumping with it as he found he could do. However, this hermit’s life was about to be changed forever this faithful day.
When he walked out of the alleyway he saw a group of civilian shot and killed by a spectre group. They eventually saw him and went into position to target him next, but before they could even fire the first bullet. The whistle of 3 titans falling from the sky above could be heard. One of them was headed on a crash course onto the spectre group. The first one to land was Meat Man. He had started blaring All-star by Smash Mouth the second he landed and didn’t even bother with deploying a shield. He just hit the ground, crushing several spectres before grabbing them, ripping apart and throwing them. Once he finished, he yelled “STAY OUT OF MY SWAMP.” His hatch opened and a pilot with the grappling hook pilot armour jumped out. The mech closed its hatch and did a special handshake and double fist bump with his pilot before looking over at Styx. John looked over his shoulder at him and gestured him over.
Styx’s first action was admiring the titan, such a marvel of engineering. He eventually snapped out of the trance and took out his Mastiff shotgun and B3 wingman revolver out of his bag and holstered them on his back and waist respectively before throwing the bag to the side. Styx then sprinted towards John before stopping at arm length’s distance from him.
Styx: “yesss…sir?”
“Can you shoot, run, and think?” He simply said as he turned to him, his head was shaved but he had a nicely waxed moustache.
“Yes sir!” Styx exclaimed. Styx was a simulacrum a consciousness, either artificial or from a human in a robotic body. Styx’s interface had a stim ability integrated in, allowing him to speed up his actions and reflexes once activated.
“You’re going to get your metal plated ass on top that beefy ass motherfucker over there. You can’t link to him, but you can help assist him by riding on him. Help evacuate any civilians you can and link up with a Northstar Prime with cat paint. To get on top of that Legion Prime without him stomping you like a bug, just yell ‘Ocean Man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land, that you understand’ and he’ll let you on.” He said before hopping back into the Ion Prime. “I’ll tell you my name when you survive this.”
“Understood sir!” Styx said with a soldiers confidence. Styx proceeded to ocean man and loudly sang the magic phrase and as expected ocean man let Styx rodeo him. Styx crouched before engaging his jump kit as the same time he executed the high jump before grabbing onto the titan’s top with finesse and ease. Styx felt like he had done this before but didn’t remember when, his past was a jumble like the static on a television or background radiation in space. Styx then proceed to ask, “so when do we go?”
“We hold position and fight our way up. Get as many evacuated as possible.” The Legion Prime said as he gutted a Ronin that had been cutting apart civilians with the Ronin’s own sword. “The name is Ocean Man. And if you need me, I’ll take you by the hand and lead you to the land that I understand.” “Points noted” Styx said as he hung on while the legion proceed. “It has been 7 days since our previous combat scenario, your combat effectiveness has increased by 10% pilot.” CP’s voice ringed inside Styx’s head.
“CP i need you to tell me how to call of this imc invasion, we can’t continuously keep on evacuating civilians or killing enemies.” Styx pleaded. “I have intercepted incoming imc comms signals. Most of the infantry down here are taking control from a pilot named Justin Barber of the rank captain. Eliminating him may do mighty fine.”
“Alright then CP, give us his nav points.” Ocean man received the nav points from CP but was confused before CP introduced himself as a friendly. “Got it, LETS KILL DA HOE.” Ocean Man said as he began fighting his way towards Justin Barber.
“S-H-I-T” Styx exclaimed as a bullet scraped the side of his head. It was fired from a spectre using the dmr longbow. That impact somehow racked a part of his pain sensors, that overloaded him with memories. That pain he felt just now he felt just now, the same injury on his first mission as a pilot and as a simulacrum. Each memory recovered lead to more memories, Styx recalled his whole life up to now in a span of mere seconds. The militia and his adopted sister and daughter, his teammates, everything. Styx was reawakened. “I’ll TEACH YOU JUSTICE!” Styx roared as he fired his b3 wingman at the spectre, destroying him immediately with a headshot that tore through it’s central motherboard.
In the distance Justin Barber’s Titan could be seen ripping apart a militia Titan before a loud railgun shot blew a chunk out the Titan and sent it fling into a building. A Northstar Prime with cats painted on the front be could be seen chasing after Justin Barber. “Purge Man’s doing is job as always.” “HOLY SHIT!” Styx gasped in awe. He had seen great snipers in his time but purge man’s shot takes the cake and eats it.
However, Justin barber was not done, his silhouette charged out from the smoke the debris caused and proceed to knock purge man down into a submission hold. “Never say never” Justin smirked before engaging his tone’s sonic scream right in front of purge man’s face. “AAAAAAAAAA” the tone screamed as it’s vibrations destroyed most of purge man’s electronics on his surface. Purge man collapsed onto the ground after Justin let him go, he was still alive, his data core was undamaged but serious damage had been done to his surface electronics.
Purge Man fizzled and stood up and shook. “Next you’re going to say ‘WHAT? YOU AND YOUR PILOT SHOULD HAVE DIED!’” “WHAT? YOU AND YOUR PILOT SHOULD HAVE DIED!” Justin barber gasped. “Oh no this is a trap” Justin realised just before ocean man shot 2 power shots at Justin and his tone, one took out his tone’s speaker system disabling his screams and the other was a head straight for his face. The shots sent Justin falling down and crushing his own squad of spectres damaging his tone’s propulsion systems disabling his front and back dashes.
Purge Man flew over and jammed his gun into Justin Barbers titan, blowing a hole into the safe containment of the Titan’s core, causing its reactor become unstable before pulling the gun out just as Meat Man jumped in, the Ion Prime plunged his fist through the cockpit and grabbed Barber and throwing him to the side before firing his laser straight through Barber’s Titan.
Barber’s sonic titan was destroyed. As he landed Styx had already appeared in front of him using his stim. “Who do you work for?” Styx questioned barber. “Ge..general pol…po” Justin answered in fear. “Reason for invading this peaceful city?” Styx questioned smirking. “To..to abduct special civilians for his experiments.” Justin spoke while almost crying like a baby.
“People like them deserved to be punished, that includes you.” Styx chuckled before kicking Justin into a almost settling cement mixture. “AHHH!” Justin yelled as the cement started to harden around him due to Styx activating the concrete settling machine the pool of concrete was in. After a few seconds the cement had fully hardened and Justin was embedded in it like a beautiful carving by an artist.
“Heh, serves him right. Abducting innocents like some kind of alien.” Styx sneered. “A-A-A-aSsHOLe..” Purge Man said, his electronics were still glitching due to the blow from earlier. “That’s going to hurt in the morning.” The Titan said before going to a power saving mode and falling. Ocean Man picked up Purge man and put him on his back.
Meat Man’s eye looked over to Purge Man. “Damn, he needs some milk!”
John then could be heard over the coms. “Not the time, Meat Man.” CP’s voice can then be heard in their comms.
“A better phrase would be “dam he needs some batteries!”“ Styx chuckled, he knew CP was fond of jokes as well. Styx then walked to john before asking. "So what’s your name, mate?”
“John.” The pilot said, looking at Styx. “That’s a manly name, mine’s Styx.” Styx looked around at the rag tag group. “There should be a ship to come pick us up now right?” He puzzled.
“Evac is in 15 minutes. Be patient.” John said before going over to play Rock Paper Scissors with Meat Man. “I owe you a favour today, had it not been you that came and rescued angel city, those imc scum might have abducted all of them.” Styx thanked john before confessing. “I also have to thank you for restoring my memory, i was shot here and presumed dead but i only lost my memories your actions brought them back. I have to thank you for that.”
“I’m not a hero. I’m just doing it because it’s what my brothers would have wanted.” This was half true. “Yep, this is what any brother or sister would have wanted.” Styx huffed as he recalled Alizeh his adopted daughter and Lalah his adopted sister.
“Ocean Man and Purge Man were their Titans. They were separated from their Titans and publicly executed.” “By imc i guess? Always those scum.” Styx growled. “Yes. I was told their Titans would be assigned to new pilots, but I demanded they be synced with me.” “Must be alot of weight on your shoulders linking up to 3 titans like that.” Styx replied awestruck before walking to meat man and discussing memes while the evac came.
“Yo dawg, i heard you like robots so we put a robot inside your robot, so you can beep boop while you beep boop.” Styx chirped.
“WOW.” Exclaimed meat man. “Have you ever heard of that Szechuan sauce McDonalds released in 1998 back when humanity was still stuck in the home system?” Styx questioned. “What….?”
“The one that’s so sweet and spicy it ascends your soul to cloud 9 as you eat.” Styx preached. “That honestly sounds horrible.” “Whelp everyone has their own tastes, tell me about any memes you like the most.” Styx spoke.
“You reposted in the wrong neighbourhood’s pretty good.” “Ah yes so versatile, you could fit into any genre. You know what play that song for me. I have got some moves to bust.” Styx exclaimed. Meat Man began to blare it on his speakers.
“This is what I’m talking about!” Styx cheered as he proceed to perform a dance from a comic book he once read as a kid. John laughed softly.
Eventually evac came and the 2 hopped on board. “You know what? My old friends in the militia told me to build tech and save lives. Angel city seems to need the angels now more than ever…and that’s why i want to join the Angel City Elite.” “You need to say that to the man in charge, not me. It’s not my position to do decide.” “Alright” Styx muttered as the two ships took of. One with the pilots and the other with the titans.
After they meet up with barker, he was genuinely surprised at why a ex militia would have wanted to join the elites but after listening to his reasons barker allowed him a temporary role in the elites before assigning him the most suitable position.
“HA, now I’m an angel city elite” Styx exclaimed gleefully as he left barkers office with a angel city elite badge in his hand that he later pinned onto his vest. John sighed and leaned against the wall, lighting a cigar.
Styx’s video chat suddenly lighted up as Alizeh appeared on the screen. “Thank god you are okay dad, I’ve missed you. But not is not the time for a reunion, big sis lalah has been captured by the imc!” Alizeh cried out. Styx worryingly questioned “Where is she now? Is she okay?”. “She’s being experimented on the moon Astatania which is just in the same solar system as angel city. Please save her.” Alizeh pleaded.
Styx replied with a warrior’s valour. “I will!” but just as the video chat was disconnected.
“Please help me rescue my sister!” Styx fell to the ground pleading john.
“Sure. Why not? It’ll help.” He said putting on his helmet and gesturing for his three Titans to follow him.
“Thank you john, i could not ask for a better friend” Styx said as he stood up.
Elsewhere, In the slums of a city, a lone spectre, wearing a long coat and hugging itself tightly travels through. Passing by alleys and buildings and undesirables, only to come up to a seemingly abandoned warehouse. It bangs on the door with its metal fist three times, jiggles the handle, then bangs on the door the same three times. The door opens and it is lead inside.
“Here again, huh? Let me guess. High priority target in need of a skilled multimech user.”
They move to a barely lit table, the man who spoke sits on one side, his forearms and hands in the light. Long, seemingly slender in the clothes he wears. The hands encased by leather gloves. The spectre lays down a device, and a voice speaks from it.
“Of a sort.”
“Do you have the case?”
“Good. Give it now, and you already know my terms.”
“Of course.”
The hands, that were once clasped together now rest on the table, as the spectre pulls a case out of its coat and opens it.
“Good… Now where do you need me?”
Meanwhile on planet Astatania, A roar is heard over the prison as a 40 meter long assault ship lands down 'Urban Symphony’ painted across the hull guards stare in awe of the titanic gun ship that they don’t notice the hatch open and Revan step out helmet in hand “Alright ladies stop staring” he smirks as his titan steps out from behind him “Let the real men do their job”.
——————————————- This chapter is written by @ask-a-robot-pilot , @sweatpants-gramps-the-kensei
( @s-sokuma and @ask-the-pilot-squad tagged cause you showed intrest durring the production of the chapter.)
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veryscaredenby · 3 years
The Frying Pan Colon D, A Gay Pirate Story
Chapter 1
Black combat boots scraped the pavement, the wind howling by the harbor. Ray’s hands remained in their pockets as they made their way past all the ships and docks, humming a song of the sea to themselves. They passed many vessels, but none were the object of destination. No, they were walking to the very end, where there would be a sand-less, rocky beach. One can’t exactly dock a pirate ship in a public harbor.
A loud horn blare ripped through the seaside, assuring the pirate that their ride had arrived before they had even reached the rocks. Their grin grew wider and they sped up, now at a running pace. When they reached the rocks, they saw the silhouette of a young man leaned against the other side of the rocks, facing away from them, playing soft horn music. Beaming, Ray turned around and leaned against the rocks, their backs facing each other while they waited for the end of the song. Soft melodies filled the air as the man continued to ignore the presence of another. When the song reached its conclusion, they sat in silence for a bit longer, eyes closed and faces calm, till he let out a deep breath of content. Ray peeked open an eye but still didn’t turn around.
“Learned a new song while you were gone.” He said proudly. Shaking with excitement now, Ray turned around and catapulted themselves over the rocks to land next to their friend, and proceeded to tackle him in a bear hug.
“LUNO! I MISSED YOU!” Ray screamed, squeezing the unsuspecting friend tightly. He hugged back, with just as much fervor, and screamed “I MISSED YOU TOO!” Ray giggled and let go. “I miiisssseed youuuu,” they repeated, but more drawn out, patting his head of fluffy indigo hair.
“You’ve only been here a week, were you that bored?” He asked, leaning back against the rocks. Ray sighed, leaning back next to him, in matching positions: right leg kicked over the other and arms crossed.
“I wish, but that reminds me, we’re staying in town a bit longer,” they huffed, blowing the hair out of their face.
“What for?”
“Got a pretty big job we need to talk about at the ship.”
“What kinda big we talking about?” He inquired, a single eyebrow arched. Ray usually took care of small jobs every now and then, ranging from helping a friend move into their new apartment to dismantling a corporation. They had a reputation of helping those they wanted to, with little regard for the law.
“Oh you know, kidnapping royalty big. Not huge.”
“Oh damn, what did you get us into?”
“I’m not completely sure myself, we’re meeting again tomorrow. I just know I’ll need the crew for this one.”
Luno sighed, before continuing. “Guess we had better head back then.” He stepped away from the rocks a good distance after throwing the horn to Ray, who barely caught it and fumbled a bit, before giving a thumbs up with a big, goofy smile.
The wind picked up, throwing pebbles and small chunks of rock around, kicking dust up. Ray coughed a bit, hacking up particles of rock. Gross. Once the dust settled, and they had finished hacking up a lung, a large, dark blue dragon with golden accents across his body stood where the man previously had. He trotted back over, and motioned his head, signaling for them to get on his back.
“I think I just died from rock up my nose,” Ray grumbled while climbing up on top of him. The dragon jostled the leg they were climbing up, forcing them to grab on tighter. “I was just messing with you, meanie.”
Once the pirate was atop their dragon friend, they patted his neck and yelled into the wind as they took off. Luno was a normal-sized dragon, but still dwarfed measly humans like Ray, a singular claw was the size of their whole face, and his wingspan was wider than a house.
The pair flew over the water, nothing but another world of blue beneath them. When Ray had been younger, the idea of flying had seemed mystically impossible, a simple dream. Then again, they hadn’t imagined being a pirate who lived on the seas, but life takes funny turns sometimes.
In the distance, a large ship with bright sails of varying colors was on the water, bright with light, magical or just from candles, and loud. The ship was alive, and Ray could feel it from so far away. Luno sensed their excitement at coming back to the sea and snorted.
“Oh hush you, I’ve missed you guys,” Ray laughed, nudging him with their boot. When they arrived at The Frying Pan :D, as was written on the side, Luno hovered over for a sec while Ray jumped down, attempting to make a sick landing, but unfortunately, they happened to be very uncoordinated and fell in an empty barrel.
Music on the ship ceased and the SHING of swords being drawn could be heard. Ray heard a familiar beat of footsteps approach, which halted when the person was right next to the only thing that could truly contain Ray. There was a pause, but Ray gave in and looked upwards, and saw a bright cyan head of hair glaring down at them before they recognized the barrel person’s face.
“Ray!” the demi-girl cheered, which spurred on the cheering of the rest of the crew. Ray lifted their arms, their signature huge grin etched on their face and made grabby hands at the first mate. They sighed and reached down towards Ray and pulled them out of the offending barrel, while another person fell from the sky on his behind. “Oh, there you are Luno.”
“Yeah yeah I’m fine thanks for asking.” he sighed dramatically. Meanwhile, another strode through, barreling towards the purple-haired menace.
“Captain! We missed you!” Celine squealed, bouncing a bit, and earned a “NO WE DIDN’T” followed by laughter from some of the crew.
“For the love of hell please don’t call me that, if you won’t say my name at least say Sting or something.”
“You’ve got it Captain!”
“You know what maybe I didn’t miss y’all-“
“Ahem!” Luno coughed, demanding Ray’s attention. They turned to him, questioningly. “The job?” He elaborated, exacerbated.
“Oh yeah!” Ray exclaimed, remembering the topic of importance. With a loud scream, the crew’s attention was caught. “So, we’ve got a job.” An uproar went about the crew. Usually Ray did jobs by themself, it was only the super big ones that demanded the crew’s help. “Ah cheeses, SHUT UP YOU FART BAGS!”
They shut up.
“Let me rephrase that. We might have a job. It’s extremely risky, and dangerous, and almost certainly very, very fun.”
“Who in their right mind came to you for that?” The first mate jeered, earning a playful whack across the head.
“Shut up Ryn, some rich tailor boy. Says he wants us to kidnap the princess.” Ray told, rather nonchalantly. The crew ceased chatter.
“You didn’t say yes did you?” Ryn demanded, serious now. Ray shifted uncomfortably.
“Well no-“
“Because even you understand that’s stupid right?”
“Well hey now-“
“Look I didn’t say yes! I said I’d come here and talk it over with you guys!” Ray defended, nervously sweating. They didn’t exactly want to face the wrath of Ryn at the moment.
“There is a line! There is a line between doing what’s right, and doing what’s stupid!”
“You haven’t even heard the reason!” The captain protested. Sure they were in charge, but they were nothing without the support of all the crew. It needed to be unanimous.
“What’s the reason then?!” Ryn inquired, crossing her arms.
“Love! It’s an epic romance, he’ll have to tell me again tomorrow because I truly don’t remember all the details...” Ray explained, a mischievous glint in their eyes as they trailed off, looking at both Ryn and Luno. The look that said, ‘I have more to say but not yet.’ Sighing, Ryn nodded and dropped it for now. “Anyways! My first night back in a week, tell me everything!” They yelled to the crew, walking amongst them.
“How do you think this one will turn out?” Luno asked Ryn, the pair still at the front of the ship, watching their eccentric friend catch-up.
“Tell me you have a plan and it's going to be fabulously perfect, or I’ll just die.”
“Oh Ryn you think so little of me,” Ray laughed, following Luno and Ryn into their chamber. The Captain’s Chamber on The Frying Pan :D was nothing elaborate, simply a few chests here and there, a bed, and a desk that had papers, pens, and markers strewn all across it. That’s what the three were currently standing around. “I have a plan, but I wouldn’t say it's fabulously prefect.”
“Well then oh what are we to do, to solve this lack of fabulousness?” Luno sighed dramatically. 
“Well our guy, Nate, wants his princess to not marry this nobody she’s about to marry. He wants us to kidnap her, sail around a bit, and then bring her to him. Now I think this is a pretty stupid plan, but also I think kidnaping a princess would be pretty fuckin fun,” Ray laughed, falling into a chair that was behind them at the desk.
“Oh yeah lets go kidnap a princess and die, that sounds like so much fun,” Ryn replied dryly, unimpressed.
“I agree with your words, but you make it seem like you don’t agree,” Ray was exaggeratedly frowning, trying to make puppy dog eyes but instead ended up looking more like a depressed donkey. 
“You have a strange idea of fun.”
“Luno, we’re pirates, what else are we supposed to do? Go hug some old ladies?”
“The whole reason you left for a week was because you wanted to comfort a friend who had a rough break up. Very pirate-y.”
“Why do you even want to kidnap her?” Ryn interrupted, continuing the conversation.
“Well, Nate gave me some pretty weird vibes. Not a fan of his whole, “she’s mine and only mine” deal. So after going to talk with him tomorrow, I’m going to judge his character a little harsher, see what I think, and then we move on from there. If he’s a total weirdo, we kidnap the princess, and betray him, and ask her about how she feels about this whole marriage situation. If she wants to stay she can stay. If he’s not a weirdo we still kidnap her, ask her if their love is requited, and then we continue from there.”
“That’s your whole plan? Why do you want to kidnap her so bad anyways? Ransom money?” Luno asked, genuinely curious this time. Ryn’s face perked up at that.
“I like the way you think, but I just think it’d be fun.” 
“Alright, I’m in, but only on the possible promise of ransom money.” Ryn negotiated, giving in.
“What do you want the ransom money for anyways?” Luno asked, drumming some pencils against the desk. Ray smiled, grabbing some pencils and happily drumming along.
“Wanna get more comics for the island.”
The island was referred to as Rainbow Rule. Yeah, the people there weren’t great with names, they knew that. It was where the pirates of The Frying Pan :D would most often dock for longer periods of time. It was hidden from the normal eye through a fog controlled by the magical inhabitants of the island, who mostly consisted of merpeople and magically inclined humans, with the occasional fairy or dragon. It wasn’t exactly wealthy, so it’s where a lot of the crew’s treasure went, and they appreciated things from the mainland. 
“Oh yeah, Luno,” Ray got up and bowed down and spoke in a mock-fancy accent, “would you be so kind as to accompany me tomorrow? I might need a second opinion. Ryn, you’ll be in charge of the ship again.” 
“Yeah yeah Lord Fancy Pants,” Luno sighed at Ray’s oddness, while Ryn gave a half-assed salute before turning on their heel and leaving the cabin. The remaining two smiled at the action, before turning to each other.
“You’re gonna get us into a big mess huh?”
0. Prologue
1. Chapter 1
An: WOO HOOOOO I GOT THE FIRST REAL CHAPTER OUT! Anyways this took me a lot longer then i thought it would considering the prologue was written in literally one night- ANYWAYS
So i’ve got two, three-ish of our crew mates in the story! So just for reference,
Luno: He/they
Ryn: She/ They
Ray: They/Them
Celene: She/her
anyways i thought that was important. I really hope you guys enjoyed my awful writing lol
also don’t worry this isn’t gonna be a “poor defenseless princess story”
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