#like no yeah i know i should be able to click this button. that doesnt fix this. i still cant click it
takara-kaneko · 4 years
I know I request a lot now so take your time. It could you do a part 2 to the mc leaving one? Good or bad doesnt matter, just some closure about if they’re capable of changing and get mc back? Maybe building up mcs confidence again bc now they’re hesitant to start planning parties again.
Surprisingly, I’m still here! Pandemic life has been really getting to me, haha, but I am still here! I’ve been working on this fic for a while, and it has become much larger than I had first anticipated, but I hope that you enjoy it nonetheless!  If you haven’t read the first story, then click Here!! 
Let Me Go Part 2 (Good End) 
Zen 🎭
He was in his dressing room, changing out of the costume of his most recent character. The performance was a success, and he had been receiving so many compliments by the audience and the cast alike. But he didn’t really feel happy. Hell, he hadn’t been happy for a long time now. Not since MC left. 
Without thinking, he pulled out his phone and unlocked it. Staring at back him was her contact photo, with an empty text bar below. Zen had written up so many drafts, each giving a different apology, and each begging for forgiveness. But he never sent them to her. Not until everything within the RFA was fixed; not until he had fixed everything. 
It has taken some hard work, but he was finally believing that things were the way they should be. The RFA was making strides coping with their loss of Rika. Many, himself included, were really starting to move on. Maybe it was time for him to message. 
With bated breath, he began typing. “I don’t know if this is too late, but I’m sorry. For everything. I don’t expect your forgiveness, nor do I deserve it… I’m just… trying to repair what I’ve done. I’m trying to fix me. MC, I love you, more than I can express in a text. I hope you know that.”
His finger hovered over the ‘send’ button. It had been months, did she really want to get something from him now? Would she even care, or has she already gotten over him? Zen shook his head, trying to ignore his thoughts. With nothing to lose, he sent it. As it was delivered, he heard a chime from outside his door, followed by a soft curse.
Curious, Zen approached the door and opened it. There was no one in front of him, but as he looked out, he saw a figure walking away from him. A figure that had haunted his thoughts and riddled his dreams. Zen stepped forward a few steps and reached out to her, a painful expression painting his face. 
“MC! MC, wait...” 
She stopped but doesn’t turn back to him. “I watched the show…” He strained to hear her, she was almost whispering, “You were really good, Zen.” 
Zen had to restrain himself from approaching her. From wrapping her in his arms and refuse to let her go ever again. But he couldn’t do that to her, she had every right to leave him and never return.
“I didn’t know you were going to watch it. I could’ve gotten you tickets.” He didn’t really know what to say. He was being awkward, Zen knew he was, but so long as she continued to talk to him, he couldn’t ask for anything more. 
MC still didn’t move, almost frozen where she stood. “I didn’t know I was either. A friend of mine got tickets and she didn’t tell me where we were going until I saw you on stage. And I…” Turning her head towards him, he could see the tears falling from her eyes. “...I realized how much I’ve really missed you, Hyun.” 
There wasn’t even a moment to think before Zen was in front of her, wiping away the tears on MC’s face. “Jagi, please don’t cry, I don’t deserve your tears. I’m the one who caused you to leave.” 
He wrapped his arms around her, burying his head in the crook of her neck. If she was really going to be out of his life, he wanted one last memory of her. Her scent, the feeling of her on his skin. Anything he could, he wanted to remember. 
“I’m so sorry, MC… I’m so sorry.” A sob escaped Zen as he stood there, gripping the love of his life. 
“Did you mean it?” She whispered into his chest, “Your text, do you really mean what you wrote?” 
Zen stopped a moment. Did she really not think that he would change everything if it would give him a chance to get her back? “Baby, of course, I do. I would do anything, anything, if it meant that you would still be here.” 
MC sniffled a bit before taking a few steps back. More than anything, Zen wanted to hold on, wanted to have her stay and be with him. But it was her choice, and he refused to take that away from her. As he released her, Zen clenched his jaw to restrain his want to grab her hand. 
She looked up at him, her lip quivering. “I can’t… I can’t just come back like nothing ever happened.” 
 Zen nodded. Yes, he knew that this would be the answer. After all, he didn’t deserve her, even for the time he actually had her. To get MC back was just- 
“We have to start over.”  She declared, pulling Zen out from his own thoughts in a flash, “From the beginning. I need to know that this is real, not something you’ll say to get me back and it goes back to the way it was before. I can’t do that again and I-”
MC’s words are cut short by the feeling of Zen’s hand caressing her face. He looked at her, with nothing but pure euphoria. “For you to be in my life, even if it’s just as friends, I’ll do whatever you need me to. If you want to restart, I’ll just...” 
 Taking a few steps back, he reached out his hand for a handshake, “Hi, my name is Hyun Ryu, stage name Zen. And I am hopelessly in love with you.”
Trying to fight back the tears, she reached up and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m MC. And I have missed you every second you have been out of my life.” 
Yoosung ⭐️
These past few months had been a really rough time for Yoosung. Not only having to deal with the regular stresses of his life, but he also had no idea how to do it without depending on someone as capable as MC. 
He had decided to focus entirely on school, even considered dropping out of the RFA, but at their refusal, he explained what happened. The weight of their actions dawned on them. The whole group pledged to work on this mistake, without much pushing from Yoosung. They all seemed to miss MC, even if it isn’t as much as Yoosung did. 
But with the RFA making steady progress, Yoosung decided to get a hold on his life, passing all of his courses this year with flying colors. 
Part of him wanted to call MC, tell her all the good things he accomplished in his strides to become better, but with only time he’s heard from her was the reply to the text he sent the night she left; he didn’t feel he deserved to talk to MC. He didn’t want to bother her. She likely never wanted to see him again, and he couldn’t blame her. 
 But with finals finally done, Yoosung felt like it was time to reward himself for his success. There was a limited time expansion for LOLOL and Yoosung had just saved enough to get it. He went into the game store, excited to finally get to play it. 
Getting in line, he couldn’t help but stare at the hair of the woman in front of him. If he didn’t know better, he probably would’ve thought that it was MC-
Wait. Was that MC? She had the same beautiful locks, the same frame, but it was hard to tell from the baggy sweatshirt she had on. He stood, awkwardly staring at the girl in front of him, trying to build up the nerve to just poke, maybe brush into her so she’d turn around?   
No, no that was stupid… What if it was her, what then?  ‘Oh hey MC, nice to see you again? I haven’t been a happy a single moment since you left; I need you in my life.’ Yeah, Yoosung tells himself, that’s a horrible plan. If it was her, she probably wouldn’t want to see him, anyway. 
He pulls out his phone to look at her last text, “And my heart to you, Star.” Sure, she said that, but did he actually deserve that? Wasn’t what he put her through enough?  But even so… he wanted to see her, even just once. He glanced back down at his phone, at her ring that has become his keychain and made up his mind. 
“Hey, sunshine.” He said, enough for the girl in front him, but not loud enough that it was directed toward her. He watched as she flinched, dropping her phone in the process. 
Yoosung went for it, apologizing as he did. Picking up the phone, he freezes. On the lock screen was of him, happily hugging the love of his life. He remembered that photo, it was the first time MC told him that she loved him. It was one of the happiest moments in Yoosung's life. 
A pair of hands met his, taking the phone. Yoosung almost tried to keep the phone to keep looking at the photo, but it’s not his phone, so he let the other hands take it. Standing back up, he was face to face with MC. 
Status: Frozen
Yoosung had no idea what he was supposed to do. Should he talk? Wave? Maybe just ignore her…? What? no! Swallowing thickly, Yoosung stuck his hand out to wave at her. 
‘I’m such an idiot’ Flashed through his head, but he had to push past it. 
“Hey, Sunshine. You… you look really good.” 
She looked down at her sweatshirt and baggy pants and laughed softly, “I haven’t taken a shower in two days, I needed to get to a high enough level to be able to play the DLC. I don’t have you to carry me through those high-level missions anymore…” MC trails off, looking away from him.
“Are you kidding?” Yoosung said, surprised, "You were much better than me when I started. You’ll be one of the top members on the server in no time! You’re already at ranking 137, that’s incredible to only have been playing for a few months!”
At his words, MC’s eyes widened. Yoosung realized how weird his statement must’ve been. Who keeps track of their ex-girlfriend’s gaming status? Him, definitely. There were times Yoosung wanted to offer her the legendary gear he had collected, but could never build up enough courage. 
Clutching a strand of her hair, MC sucked in a breath, “Well… How have you been? Classes going well?” 
Yoosung nodded shyly, now embarrassed and not sure what to say with her finally in front of him, “Yeah, Finally passed with some of the top grades in my class! Your study guides really helped me out, though I missed working with you on them.” 
“Well, you seem to be getting along fine, so you can’t be missing much.” 
With furrowed brows, Yoosung caught MC's hand as she was about to turn away, “MC… I have been doing these things for you. For how much you pushed me and supported me. For me to fail when you left, would be the ultimate proof that I never should have had you in the first place.” 
MC opened her mouth to speak, but Yoosung persisted, not allowing her to say something that couldn’t be more wrong, “You think I’ve just moved on, but I still haven’t, I swear that to you. Instead, I’m trying to be someone you’d be proud of. Improving my grades, becoming more independent. Even the RFA is trying to change to make it more welcoming to you, if you’d ever think about coming back to me-  us. Come back to us.” 
There was so much more he wanted to say, needed to say. But just as he opened his mouth to speak- 
“Miss, you’re next.” The cashier said, gesturing to MC. Hesitantly, MC released her hand from his grasp and left him alone. He watched as she conversed lightly with the attendant checking out her game. With a smile, he returned her change and a bag with the game inside. Yoosung reached out to talk to her again, but the man calling him caught him off guard. He glanced over towards the man, then back to MC, only to see she was gone. 
With a heavy heart, he reached the man and bought his game, not even reciprocating the attendant’s excited comments about the DLC. Exiting the store, Yoosung was trying not to cry. (He needed to get back home before that happened) So as he went through the door, he didn’t see the figure standing beside it until they had grabbed the back of his shirt. But he was sad, he was angry, he was ready to throw down. Imagine his surprise when he turned, fists formed, only to be face-to-face with MC once again. 
“Sorry to scare you!”  She squeaked, putting her hands up in surrender. 
The sadness in his heart immediately changed to relief as he looked into her serene eyes. Everything was right with the world once again. 
 MC stood there, mustering up the courage to ask the one thing has had been wanting to say since the beginning of their conversation. “I was uh, just wondering if you would like to… You don’t have to say yes, but I’d like you to.”
Even though nothing was actually explained, Yoosung still had a slight idea of what she was trying to say, “I’d love to work together to beat the next few levels with you, MC. Superman Yoosung is always here for Eternal Sunshine MC.” 
She nodded at him, tears beginning to prick the corners of her eyes “I think I’d really like that.” 
Jumin 🍷
“Just reporting: Has the famous CEO bachelor finally found his date to the upcoming charity ball?” 
With a sigh, Jumin turned off his smartphone. Despite their engagement was never announced publicly, reporters everywhere were trying to pin down who was the 'next woman' to be Jumin’s girl now that he was seemingly single. What they never accounted for was that he had no other plans. MC was the only woman he believed could ever understand him. And in these few months, that point became even more airtight. Not even his father truly understood the pain he was going through. He found himself wanting nothing more than to just work and stay home, avoiding everyone. 
But he did have to go to this charity ball. He had made a large donation, albeit in the company’s name, to the organization. After all, it was one that MC supported the most. It meant the world to her, so he’d give it as much support as he could. 
Jumin exited the limo and easily ignored the flashing lights of the cameras around him. Ignored the passing questions and remarks from the reporters. All but one. 
“Have you finally found a replacement for your ex-girlfriend?” 
It took all he had not to turn back to the reporter. MC could never just be replaced. There was no one in the world like her. So with gritted teeth, he entered into the building. 
For Jumin, entering the room immediately calmed his nerves. Looking around the scenery was like a breath of fresh air when such a feeling was so foreign to him recently. He couldn’t spot anything in particular that could make him feel that way, but the whole place just felt so comfortable. 
Glancing at the people, however, there was someone that stuck out among the rest. A woman in a sleek, black dress, carrying a glass of champagne as she laughed with the man across from her. Anger flared in the back of his mind as he watched the smile that graced her slender face. As the man touched the soft skin on her hand. No one should touch his MC- 
But she wasn’t his anymore, was she? And he no longer had a say on who she talked to, not that she would have completely listened to him anyways. 
Even as he was thinking this, Jumin found himself nearing them. Seems his subconscious was wanting to see her once more. Wanting to get that man’s hand off of her. But would she even want to see him? 
Not stepping any further, he began watching her again, trying to commit every feature to memory. But she caught his eyes for a moment before turning back to the target of her conversation. With a small handshake, she turned and headed towards him. 
Unprepared for this conversation, he picked up a glass of champagne from a tray passing him by and drank at least half of the liquid in one gulp. He noted the smile on her face as he did it, which he found interesting. But there was no time to think about it as MC was already on him before he knew it. “Jumin, it’s a pleasure to see you could make it out here. I take you were the one behind C&R’s large monetary donation?” 
Jumin was still frozen, unsure of what to say. She seemed happy. And she was the one to come to him, not the other way around. Surely she actually wanted to speak to him or she wouldn’t have come to him, right? He coughed lightly and looked into her eyes, “Yes, I remember you speaking so highly about this charity, so when the opportunity arose, I made sure to contribute. The RFA’s funding should be coming here too from the most recent party, as well.” 
“Yes, I’m aware,” MC nodded, gesturing vaguely behind her, “I spoke to V a moment ago, he came to represent the RFA.” Puzzled, he looked at her with a curious expression. MC understood and smiled, “I’m now one of the leading positions within the organization. I’m their event coordinator, so I get the list of attendants, as well as how much they donated. Both C&R and the RFA’s were very generous, I must thank you.” 
While it was unexpected, Jumin wasn't surprised. MC was very talented and capable of greatness. He smiled at her, and nodded slowly, “I’m glad to see you’re still making a name for yourself, MC. You’re a talented woman, they are very lucky to have you here.” 
A blush spread across her face at his words. She looked down at the ground for a moment before gazing back at Jumin. There was so much he wanted to say, but here and now wasn’t the right time. He leaned in closer to her, his breath brushing past her ear, “May I speak with you a moment?”   
She nodded slowly and followed him to the corner of the room, away from the crowd. Not that he truly noticed them in the beginning, as everything else seemed to fade away when he is with her. But in their isolation, he could feel his heart swell. Jumin wanted to hold her hand, kiss her, tell her how much he missed her, and loved her. How much he prayed she would come back. But none of that actually came out, all he could do was close the distance between them and wrap his arms around her affectionately. Tears pricked the corner of his eyes as he held her against him. 
Jumin shakily sighed as her hands gripped the fabric of his suit, “Oh, how I’ve missed you…” 
In a quick motion, she pulled away from him, but only enough to look at him with a scrutinizing gaze, “You actually missed me?” 
“Without a doubt, I have longed for you every moment you were away. Did you think otherwise?” He looked at her, feeling a mix of curiosity and worry. 
MC shook her head, her smile falling as confusion began to cover her expression, “If you missed me, why haven’t you tried to bring me back? A message, a call… anything? You’ve been silent this whole time… Even V talks to me more than you do and we both know how hard he is to get in touch with.” 
Sliding his hands down to hold her hand, Jumin tried to put his thoughts into words. “Because I don’t deserve you. You were perfect and I was… flawed. All of us were. I didn’t want you to be brought down because of us. You had left for a good reason." 
“Jumin,” She said softly, “I am far from perfect. I left you instead of trying to work with you on it. And when you never called... I thought you hated me-“ 
Without wasting a moment, Jumin leaned in to connect his lips with hers, cutting off her next words. Hate her? He never once held the smallest amount of anger towards her, the thought of it was revolting. Separating their lips just enough for him to speak, he leaned against her forehead,  “I could never hate the woman I’m hopelessly in love with.” 
She closed the distance between them, sealing the two in another kiss. They embraced in the corner of the room and began to dance before the music even began to play. 
Saeyoung 🚧
Every day was just like the last. Get up, work, finish the job, sleep. The only variation was when Vanderwood would show up in the day. Ever since MC left, he had been coming over more often, complaining that he had to clean up after him more now that MC wasn’t there anymore. 
Though it was really to make sure that he was okay and to force him to eat.
And he was right. Once she left, Seayoung fell right back into his bad habits. Not eating, barely ever sleeping. He was nothing more than a slave with survival as his only goal. To live long enough to see those he loved living a happy life without him. 
But it was odd, he wasn’t able to track MC here recently. She was on the CCTV still, trying to talk to him through it ignoring the strange looks she got for shouting and gesturing at a surveillance camera. But in the world of binary numbers, it was almost like she turned into a ghost. 
With a sigh, Saeyoung turned on his system to continue working on his newest assignment. Maybe it was a good thing, to never be able to see her. Then he’d never be reminded of all the reasons he should never have made her leave.
The words covered the page. Not knowing what had happened, he knew one thing. He had been hacked.
Saeyoung froze.  How did… it wasn’t possible. With crossed brows, he began trying to get around the evident hacking that had infiltrated his servers. All the information he had on this comp- 
“Oh, no... God, please... No.” He muttered, remembering all of the photos he had of his brother and of MC. If his ineptitude put either of them at risk, he could never forgive himself. 
But as he broke deeper and deeper through the firewalls that were placed, he noticed that the hacker had a lock on everything but the photos of them. It didn’t make sense, but it was almost completely untouched.
As he clicked the folder, their photos appeared on screen, untouched, perfect. Except, there was one addition, a video with a black screen. 
 Holding his breath, Saeyoung opens the video. It shows a blank screen for the longest time until a simple 6 words appeared. 
As his mind began processing the words on the screen, Vanderwood entered the room. For a moment, Saeyoung was worried he’d yell at him for the state of his computer, but his partner only looked at him with a knowing grin. 
“MC said that you can either spend two hours unlocking your computer or come into the living room to talk with her for ten minutes.” He stated, trying not to look as amused as he really was. 
 With a sigh, he looked away from Vanderwood, "There really is no way around this, is there?” His friend didn’t reply, only shook his head. Saeyoung stood up, sticking his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and walked out of his room.
There she was. 
Just a few feet away. 
His heart broke just seeing her beautiful face and wanted nothing more than to go to her and apologize for all that he’s done. But he didn’t. Instead, Saeyoung walked passed her and sits across the room, as far as possible. Without a word. “You’ll release my computer?” He asked coldly, staring at the ground beneath her seat. 
MC nodded, before realizing he wasn’t looking at her. Chuckling lightly, she couldn’t help nodding again, “Yes, I will. You know me, I stick to my word. Other than the hour statement I told Vanderwood, it would’ve taken longer. But if you had chosen the hard route, you would’ve realized how much harder it really was after two hours went by and come out anyway.” 
Withholding the want to look at her, Saeyoung ran his hand through his hair. “How did you manage to get into so much of my software without my noticing?”
“When I left, I had wondered if you really didn’t know what you were doing, or if you were just pushing me away again.” She sighed, taking a moment before continuing, “So I hacked in far enough to see your code, and then set up a virus to the video input of your computer. Then I spoke to the CCTV and waited. 15 seconds. That was all it took until you opened it to see me speaking. And as long as that was up, my virus got through. I really didn’t think it would actually work, so it was really helpful you would only focus on me when the videos were up. I suppose I should thank you for that.” 
He could hear Vanderwood laughing from the kitchen, but decided to ignore it. “Why? Why interfere in my work?” 
His sharp tone cut into MC, but she only smiled at his harshness. “Because I wanted to see you, Sae.” 
She.. what? He had outcasted her, tore her down, and made her feel worthless. And she wanted to see him? Saeyoung was at a loss for words. It took a moment for him to speak again. 
“There’s no reason for you to see me again. I don’t have closure or anything for you. You’re better off-“ 
“That’s not what I want.” She interrupted. Taking the moment of silence between then, she stood up and approached Saeyoung, sitting next to him. 
He wouldn’t look at her. He couldn’t. One glance and he knew all of his walls would break. 
“Then what do you want?” 
She placed her hand on top of his, trying not to lose her composure as he moved his hand away from hers. “I want to be with you again.” 
Saeyoung couldn’t help the scoff that came out of his mouth. “I thought you made it pretty clear you didn’t. Isn’t that why you left?” 
While every word he spoke felt like a dagger in his heart, his face remains stoic. “I needed time. And I got that. This was never a permanent deal unless *you* make it one. 
“Then consider this our official breakup. Clean my computer and leave.” 
MC turned her head away from him for a moment, no doubt to wipe away her tears again. “I don’t believe it.” 
“Well, it’s true!” He shouted. “I don’t care about you, now leave me alone!” 
As she goes to refute his words, nothing but a small whimper came out. She placed her hand on his once again, not allowing it to get out of her grasp. With tears in her eyes and a reforged determination, she stared at the man she loves. “Then look me in the eyes and tell me that. Tell me you don’t feel an ounce of feelings for me, and I’ll leave.” 
The quivering of her voice ripped through him in ways that bullets never could. But if he didn’t do it, she would be dragged down with him. Gripping his hoodie tightly, he lifted his eyes to reach hers. To tell her one last time to leave him and go live the life she was meant to live. 
But as he stared at her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, the words he wanted to say disappeared, and Saeyoung began to do the one thing he didn’t want to do- speak from the heart. 
“I never want you to cry, MC. Don’t you see that… That you’ll be hurt by staying with me, and you’ll cry. And I can't take seeing you like that. I can’t tell you I don’t care, but I will ask you to leave, one last time.” 
Unable to look anymore, he dropped his eyes, staring at their conjoined hands until something lightly touched his forehead. Feeling her lips on his skin sent shudders down his body as tears formed in his eyes. 
“I have cried more time since I left this house than I would have in a lifetime by your side. My love, nothing hurts worse than being apart from you.” She could only whisper, the sounds getting stuck in her throat. “Please, Sae, please let me back in.” 
 Saeyoung looked back up, into MC's red-rimmed eyes. How could he ever refuse her? With a simple nod of his head, Saeyoung reached for her, clutching her tightly in a breathtaking hug. And MC’s hold was just as strong. 
Maybe he was wrong. Could this time be the good route, the one where he can actually be happy? Saeyoung didn’t know, but with the feeling of MC in his arms, he doesn’t see how life could get any better. 
.  .  . 
After hearing the conversation, Vanderwood stood awkwardly in the kitchen, wondering when it’s would be okay for him to come back out.
I really hope that you guys enjoyed it! It was a pleasure to write your requests. If you have any ideas, feel free to drop a free request! 
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mattygraygubler · 5 years
our campus: chapter 4 (tom holland fanfic)
summary: frat!tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: none ?????
word count: 2.1k
a/n: so many texts and so much dialogue fuckin kill me also texts are bold
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
“I don’t know what you did to get her to give you a second chance, but I need to warn you.” Ally said. Tom turned to look at her, they had only ever spoken when necessary for theater stuff. 
“Warn me?” He asked. 
“Y/N can make your life either very, very good or very, very bad. She has most of the professors in this school wrapped around her pinky. And she doesn’t make it obvious, but she’s the smartest person I’ve ever met. She can really help you if you let her.”
“Well, thanks.” He said awkwardly and turned back to his stuff. 
“One more thing.” Ally said. Tom turned again and raised his eyebrows. “Don’t you dare catch feelings.” “Seriously? No need to worry about that.” Ally scoffed. 
“I’m serious, Tom. Don’t. She doesn’t need that right now.” 
“Yeah, fine, I get it.” He said. 
“Alright guys let’s get started.” Gigi said, signaling rehearsal was about to start. 
* * * 
It was finally Friday, and your phone was blowing up as you walked to the library. Class had gotten out late, so you were walking as fast as possible so you wouldn’t be late to your meeting with Tom. 
if Y/N is ok with it its fine with me
i still dont know how i feel about this
pretty pretty please guys i really like this guy and he really wants me to go
what are we talking about i was in class
harrison invited em and all of us to the delt party tonight
and i said we shouldnt go bc of what happened
plus isnt tom a delt? wouldnt that be a bit awk?
honestly i couldnt care less. after the week ive had im gonna too blacked to even realize where we are
lets take it to a vote
im abstaining
the ayes have it! delt BABEEEYYYY
ill have harrison put us all on the list
glad we got that sorted ill see u guys at mine at 8
You walked into the library, checking your watch and seeing it was 4:02. You bit your lip. Hopefully he didn’t give you any crap for being late. 
You walked quickly into hlab, and you knew you looked like a crazy person. Your bag was falling off your shoulder, you had a coffee in your hand and your water bottle tucked under your arm, and your phone in your other hand. 
You scanned the room and saw Tom sitting across from Max, both of them had books out. 
“Hi,” you said breathlessly. Max slid over a seat so you could sit across from Tom. “So sorry I’m late, crazy day.” 
“No worries dar-” You heard him start to say darling, but stopped himself. “No worries. It’s only 2 minutes after.” 
“How long have you been waiting?” You asked.
“Max and I have been hanging out for a while, not a big deal.” 
“Speaking of, I’m on alc duty for tonight so I better go.” Max said, did his stupid handshake with Tom, and walked out. 
Hlab was almost empty except for some freshman. Most people don’t like studying on a Friday, who could blame them?
“So I got a copy of your lectures from this week. What do you want to start with?”
“I don’t care.” 
“Ok, what is currently confusing you the most?” He thought for a second before saying “Astronomy.” You nodded. 
“Great, grab your notes and your textbook.” He pulled out a notebook and his laptop, opening the online textbook. You pulled out your laptop and a pen and highlighter. 
“May I?” You asked and pulled his notebook to your side. You went through his notes, circling certain things with the pen and highlighting others. 
“These are really good, Tom. I like how you put question marks next to things that confused you.” He laughed. 
“Do I get a gold star?” He joked. You rolled your eyes. 
“So phases of the moon.” You started. 
“Wait a second,” he said after you had been talking for a while. “You’re telling me that the moon doesn’t actually, like, change?” 
“It’s all shadows.” You replied. He nodded and seemed to finally be getting it. 
“The phases will most definitely be on your next lab, which isn’t open note, so make sure you memorize them.” You said. “Let’s move onto stats.” He groaned. “What?” You asked. 
“Statistics is so stupid. Letters and numbers shouldn’t go together.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Stats is easy, I promise you. This is the first unit, all we’re doing is descriptive statistics and graphing. Let’s start with some vocab.” You said, highlighting certain words in his notes. 
Once you could see his brain was about to explode, you moved onto writing. 
“There’s not much to talk about, just email me your most recent paper so I can go through it and look for themes we need to discuss.” 
‘“Themes?” He asked. 
“You know, on going issues that need to be addressed.” He nodded and emailed you his paper, which you would read tomorrow. You heard your phone buzz and took a quick glance. 
al dont be upset
then dont give me a reason to get upset
what is it
……….. It’s themed
are you kidding? were not freshmen, i dont wanna go to a stupid themed frat party
its blackout !!!! itll be fun i promise
You turned your phone back down and didn’t realize you had an upset look on your face. 
“Everything ok?” He asked. 
“Just arguing in the group chat.” 
“Do you need to go?” He asked. 
“No, no, just arguing about tonight.” 
“What’s tonight?” 
“Tonight is not related to political conflict, which is what we should be talking about.” He laughed. 
“Do you ever have fun?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“I’m serious, do you ever have fun, or do you just go to sleep surrounded by planners and textbooks.” 
“That’s not funny. There’s a lot more about me that you don’t know.” 
“So we’re starting off with socioeconomic issues over time and the class strugle. Did you read the Marx chapters?” 
“Yup. Didn’t understand a word of it.” 
“Ok, let’s get into it.” You said and began rambling about the bourgeoisie and the communist manifesto. Politics was your favorite subject, you could talk about it for hours. 
You were having a really good discussion with Tom. It was global political conflict, and he was able to connect the themes to both America and England, which made you really pleased. 
You were pulled out of your discussion when your phone vibrated. 
pickin up panera anyone want anything 
“Jeez it’s already past 6:30, I gotta go.” You said. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He said. 
“No it’s not your fault, I get so into politics I lose track of time.” “I can tell.” He said as you both packed up your stuff. 
“Wanna grab some food?” He asked. 
“Sorry, can’t,” you said. 
“Why, got a hot date?” He joked. 
“Maybe,” you said. 
“At least let me walk you to wherever you’re going.” 
“You don’t have to do that.” 
“Well where are you going?” 
“Congression Hall?” You replied. 
“Wait, you live there?” 
“Uhm, yes? Me along with practically every other junior.” 
“What floor?” 
“8.” You said. 
“Should’ve guessed.” He replied as you started walking across the quad. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Honors 8. I forgot you were in hc.” He was referring to the eighth and top floor of Congression Hall, which was reserved for the honors college juniors. 
“Yeah.” You said simply. 
“I’m on six, by the way.” He said. “That’s why I was curious. I’ve never seen you around there.” 
“I’m not usually, I only really use it for sleep.” 
“Of course,” he replied. 
“I assumed you lived in a frat house.” You commented. 
“Nah, next year.” He said with a wink. “Speaking of frat houses, there’s kind of this party going on at Delt tonight-” 
“I’m aware.” You said, cutting him off. 
“Ah, well, if you want I can get you on the list.” You smiled to yourself. 
“No need, I’m already on the list.” You said. 
“Oh?” He said, clearly embarrassed. “Because of delta nu?” 
“Nope.” You said, not offering any other information. 
“Well maybe I’ll see you there then.” 
“Even if you do see me there, I will be pretending I don’t know you.” 
“Why?” He asked, clearly offended. “I run that house.” He joked, trying to play off the embarrassment. 
“No offense, but your reputation would not be good for mine.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Well I have a certain reputation in the greek community, and if people see me with you they’ll get the wrong idea.” 
“The wrong idea?” He asked as you walked in the lobby of your building. 
“Well, see, the thing is,” you said, stepping into the elevator. He pressed the button for six and eight. “I have certain standards. If people see me with you, they’ll think I’ve…” 
“Wow, you are really uptight, aren’t you?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Certain standards? Jesus christ, you’re not the queen, Y/N. And I don’t have a bad reputation. But god forbid I don’t live up to your ‘standards.’” He said, storming off the elevator without another word, clearly upset. You sighed. Good job, Y/N. 
Tom got to his room and threw his stuff on the floor, collapsing on his bed. His head hurt from all the tutoring, and trying to focus on not staring at your lips. 
delt juniors
aight important question guys
whats up tommy
do you guys know a girl called Y/N Y/L/N? shes a delta nu
dan knows her ;)
fuck, Y/N? what are you doing with her? 
shes tutoring me stop buggin 
i know her which u know shes in hc with me 
oh danny DEFINITLY knows her 
who doesnt know Y/N? shes a hot commodity
what do you mean? 
shes like the perfect girl next door, totally hot and so smart which just makes her hotter
doesnt help that shes a huge fuckin flirt AND can hold her alc
dan is being suspiciously quiet……..
shut up joe
care to share with tommy your story with Y/N, daniel? 
i hate u all 
i was like in love with her freshman year
and i thought she was into me too
and we made out a couple of times but nothing else
the second she found out i was in delt she stopped talking to me
like complete radio silence 
wtf? Why? 
she doesnt fuck with delts
thats like common greek knowledge
maybe its because shes gonna be dchi sweetheart? 
nah theres gotta be something else
well i just put her on the list for tonite
wait YOU put her on the list?! 
yeah i invited her friend Emily Gold and she doesnt go anywhere without Y/N and these two other girls
Ally Park and Isabelle Miller
yeah howd u know? 
theyre like those cool girls from high school everyones obsessed with that are just out of everyones league
wow american high schools are so weird
tom if u wanna get with her i wont be pissed
nah like you said she hates delts, and after three tutoring sessions with me i guarentee i am her least favorite delt ever
theres no fuckin way she shows up tonight
she wouldnt be caught dead at a delt party
wait you said Y/N Y/L/N may come tonight????
noah u seriously show up just to call dibs?
yeah bro have u seen her? if she comes tonight and any of you try to cockblock me i stg ill deck you
pretty sure tommy has rightful dibs to this one
nah fam she hates me so fuckin much
let noah try his luck
i doubt she’ll even show
she’ll show. 
what makes u say that? 
max does know her best
she and ally and emily and isabelle are ride or die. they circulate who picks what party they go to and if its emilys turn and harrison somehow conviced her to go, Y/N wont miss it
she hasnt set foot in a delt house since freshman year, you seriously think she’ll show? 
five bucks says she does
youre on 
i just wanna make it clear
that if she does show
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
Lost then Found (Emily Prentiss x Wife! Reader)
Request; Can you write your favorite episode from Criminal Minds? It can be any pairing I just love your writing :)
Add on; Emily Prentiss was supposedly dead, leaving her wife, the reader, and their sperm donated daughter behind. Hotch has important news for the BAU, Emily is not dead, kept secret to save her. Emily comes to the BAU office as a surprise, but Reader isnt happy to see Emily after leaving her to be miserable. There is a fluffy ending, so, enjoy
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"Get anywhere with Doyle?"
You sink down into your rolling chair next to JJ, clasping a stack of papers in front of you and laying them down neatly,
"Goyle doesnt think Gerace has the guts to take him on," Derek answers, eyes looking up at Garcia clicking buttons on a remote,
"But thats definitely Gerace on the tape," Garcua sighs, waving her arms around, "His scar matches his description,"
Hotch steps in, your lips tugging upwards in a small smile, "Welcome back,"
Hotch nods his head once, leaning against the large table and flickering his eyes around, "Thanks. Everyone take a seat,"
"Why?" Derek asks, nothingless sitting down next to Rossi, "What's going on? Everything alright?"
"Seven months ago I made a decision that affected this team," Hotch crosses his arms, eyes glancing at you before looking straight ahead, "As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle,"
He pauses when he catches you inhaling deeply, leaning farther into your seat and averting your gaze to pick at the paper clip in your hand,
"But the doctors were able to stablize her," Your eyes look over to Hotch, his gaze firm on you, "And she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda,"
Derek looks over at Rossi, who quickly looks at you and notices you dropping the paper clip,
"Her identity was need-to-know," Hotch continues, "And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities,"
"She's alive?" Garcia gasps, her watering eyes looking to you
You clench your jaw, eyes falling shut, before you push yourself away from the table, exiting the office with quick steps,
"Wait," Derek calls, Hotch putting out a hand,
"We figured she would be the one to take it the hardest. Its best to leave her be until shes ready to talk again. If anyone has any issues they should be directed towards me,"
"Any issues?" Derek growls, Garcia looking at him with a panic, "Yeah I have issues. You lied to Y/N, saying that her wife was dead and left her with a child to raise on her own, they were a perfect family!"
"I think that anger is directed towards me," Derek turns his head, eyes landing a familiar black haired woman, "Where is she?"
"Do you really think she'd want to talk to you?" Derek turns his body so he is facing Emily, eyes burning, "You lied to her, all of us,"
"I'll explain, I promise," Emily exhales, setting down her bag and looking at Hotch, "But please, I need to see her,"
"She just left," Hotch answers firmly, Emily nodding and stepping back, exiting the office,
Garcia sharply looks at Hotch, standing up when almost immediately a shout from a BAU member echoes from the outside of the office,
Spencer follows Garcia out to the desks in the main area, in time to you crossing your arms and staring at Emily, your eyes watering and releasing some tears,
"Was I ever going to know?" You raise a shoulder, sniffling and wiping your cheek, "I had to tell (Daughter/Name), that her mother was dead. Dead! Shes two years old Emily, she shouldnt have to be told that, only for us to find out it was a lie!"
"I know your mad," Emily whispers, her own eyes shimmering, "And you have every, every right to be, I'm so sorry, Y/N,"
"Are you?" You scoff, dropping your head to hide more tears that continued to fall, "Youve been gone for seven God damn months, Emily. You missed (D/N)s first steps, you missed her saying Mommy for the first time!"
"I didnt mean for it to happen," Emily pleas, not stopping the one tear that slipped down her jaw, "You dont know how many times I wanted to call you, to come home to be with you and our baby again,"
"Why didnt you?" You whisper, swallowing thickly, "We could have figured this out together. Emily, I was miserable. We've fought so much to get where we were. The wedding was cancelled, twice, because of a case we both had to do. We couldnt find the right sperm donor and it took us a year to find one. Then we find out the sperm donor was a murderer and came after me and our baby. Emily, you cant just leave me like that,"
"I just wanted to protect you," Emily says calmly, your body falling weak from the yelling and tears,
"Baby," Emily exhales, and you allow her to move closer, arms pulling you against her, "Im so sorry," Her lips rest at your temple, eyes shutting tightly,
You press your ear to her chest, eyes falling shut as she draws her thumb over your cheek,
"Please forgive me," Emily pulls back slightly, hands resting at your face carefully, "I don't want this to be in the way of our marriage, of (D/N),"
"You get to tell her the truth when shes old enough to understand," You mumble, Emily breaking into a weak smile before leaning down, her lips meeting yours,
Your fingers curl at her shirt, Emily pulling back far enough to rest her forehead on yours, Garcia clapping and walking down the stairs to jog up to you, "Please tell me you're coming to the dinner tonight at Rossis with that sweet child of yours,"
"I might need to get settled in at home first," Emily raises an eyebrow, Hotch clearing his throat,
"You two go home," He demands, "We'll handle this case. Catch up,"
. . .
"Did you keep it on?"
Emily looks up from her spot at the dresser, looking at you through the mirror as she clipped on her earrings,
"Keep what on?"
You place the last pin in your hair, walking up to her in your flats and sweater dress, "The ring,"
"Of course," Emily murmurs, sticking out her ring hand, "What about you? If I had been dead you shouldve taken it off, no?"
"I didnt have the guts," You sigh, taking her hand and fiddling with her fingers, "I also had an allergic reaction on my hand so it swelled and the ring was stuck,"
Emily snorts, bringing your hand to your lips and kissing the back, looking over at a wail,
"I didnt forget about you, mini Prentiss," Emily leans over the crib in the corner of the large roon, lifting the toddler up and propping (D/N) on her hip,
Emily presses a kiss to (D/N)s cheek, tucking hair behind her ear and smiling at you,
"Shoot, its nearly seven," You glance down at your phone, "We should get going,"
. . .
"Well dont you three look amazing," Derek extends his arms out and lifts (D/N) from Emilys arms, smiling at you and Emily,
"Thank you," You laugh, "Feels good for everything to go back to normal,"
"Finally! You're here!" Garcia runs up, opening and closing her hands to becon your daughter from Derek, "Hi there!" She gasps, the toddler blinking at the blonde, "Remember me? I'm your aunty Garcia,"
Garcia looks at you, squinting her eyes, "Im stealing your kid," She backs up, Emily grinning before shouting at her,
"Please dont give her wine!"
You elbow Emilys side, as she laughs, linking your arm with hers and following Derek to the kitchen, where JJ, Spencer, Hotch and Rossi all greet with cheers
You put your free hand on Emilys arm, leaning into her side, her arm sliding to your waist and tucking you against her, resting her lips on your forehead and clanking her wine glass with yours,
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Pairing: Johnny x Original Character
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Established Relationship
Summary: Being headstrong and different in a superficial world is challenging even more so when she’s dating someone from the said world. 
“Should we do our annual celebration at your place tonight?” Johnny mumbled as he watched her concentrate on getting his misaligned hair back to its spot.
“Mhm” Hannah grunted as she stuck her rat-tail comb in between her lips as her brows furrowed. Johnny needed to stand still so that she would be able to finish her job but at the way he is standing, one push and he could very well tumble and ruin his clothes.
“Maybe I should gift you a stool next time�� He groaned as he  stood up and massaged his inner thighs for being in an awkward position for too long.
“Stop being a baby. I thought you workout for hours on end for a healthy body. All of us were actually thinking of suggesting you to move into the gym” Hannah teased as she shoved him to his place for the continuation of the shoot. He merely shook his head and continued to take his place and pose as directed.
Hannah wasn’t his designated stylist but she had to take over since his actual stylist had to give birth. Being a creative director who was trusted for her ideas does not give her the credentials to do hair but they were desperate. They were lucky that the muse of this shoot was her long-time friend who was kind enough to go with it and gave his input on how his hair should be. The dynamic works and thus the shoot went uninterrupted.
As she directed the interns on how the set should be, Johnny started to wonder how did she get so good at what she does. They have been friends since they were 15 years old but he never saw her creative brain been put into use at such a scale. It was intriguing to see this side of her as she took it upon herself to call the shots.
With his eagle eyes, he watched her every move and strangely enough, he could detect when her creativity was in motion as her eyes light up when she thought of something and a hint of smile came to her face when her imaginations come to life.
Being an idol for almost 10 years now, he knew how brutal it was here. He never wanted her to be part of this world, his world. She was never safe from the eyes of others. How they would talk about her appearance and what they would want her to do or what they would want to do to her. Time and time again, he would have to get his emotions in check whenever he hears them but it never really affected her. Well… at least he didn’t think it does.
“Stop hogging all of the ice-cream. Seriously. You’re supposed to be on a diet, your manager told me” She complained as she repeatedly smacked his hand that was clenching to the pint of ice-cream.
“What about you huh? I thought you wanted to go on a diet” He argued, mouthful of vanilla ice cream as he used his long limbs to get her as far away from the ice-cream as he could.
“Stop using your height and strength on me. Give it to me” She reached out as his feet was pressing on her tummy and his arms were out stretched away from her reach. He couldn’t help but to laugh and the sight of her short arms trying to overcome the challenge.
“Stop being so short then” He giggled as he continued to taunt her.
“Not fair, you know how short my parents are, I have no choice” She huffed. While they squabbled, his phone dinged. With his feet still at its position, he picked it up and looked at the message.
“Hey, I didn’t want to alarm you but, you have to see this” The message read. He clicked on the link and scrolled through the tabloid towards the comment section. Slowly he let his guard down and she snatched his ice-cream away with a triumphant cry.
He wasn’t concentrating on his best friend stuffing her face but rather what was sent to him.
“What are you reading?” She looked over at her too quiet of a friend. She leaned over and peered. He felt her presence and quickly turned his phone away and quickly locked it.
“Its nothing, don’t worry about it” He cleared his throat and held his phone close to him.
“Are you looking at naked girls again?” She poked his arm.
“Mhm” He curtly replied earning a slap on his arm.
Throughout the movie night, he was trying to calm himself as the comments he saw kept replaying in his mind. He was boiling mad but he didn’t want to ruin their night. He was busy trying to concentrate and appear normal that he didn’t notice Hannah doing what he did earlier.
She slowly placed the ice-cream down as she swallowed her cries in. No matter how many times she has heard those words from the people she has worked with, she was never prepared for the public to say the same in writing. Not when it involves him. Her hands started to shake as she locked her phone trying not to stay stoic. She gripped tightly to her phone as she pulled her hood up and closed her eyes. She focused on her breathing to appear as normal as possible but somehow it was failing her.
“Hey, I’m kinda hungry, wanna get some chicken? I mean, it’s never complete without it right?” He broke the silence. He looked over her and saw her hood up. She was curled up on the couch, appearing smaller than she was.
“Hannah?” He touched her shoulders and immediately felt her shaking. He grabbed her, trying to get her to turn towards but he was met with resistance.
“No. I don’t wanna eat anything” her voice cracked and appeared so timid.
“Shit” Johnny cursed in his head.
“Hannah, sweetheart. Look at me” he cooed as he tried to get her to face him. She shook her head as she didn't trust her voice.
Johnny pushed the coffee table to give him space for him to sit in front of her.
“Come on, love. I thought you were never affected by those things” He slowly pulled her hoodie back. He was met with glassy round eyes looking back at him. Her lips were trembling to fight off her whimpers. The sight pierced his heart as he continued to wipe her tears.
“You’re perfect. They don’t know what they’re talking about” He tugged her messy hair behind her ears. She looked away as she wiped her tears with her sleeves.
“They are right. How could anyone believe that we’re an item. Look at me” she whispered. She bit her lower lip as she felt a wash of emotions coming at her like a tsunami. Her tears were flowing till no end.
“I am looking at you babe. I’ve been looking at you the same way as i did when I was 20” He tried to calm her as he took her hand.
“NO JOHN! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT US!” she screamed as she yanked her hands away from him.
All he could do was stare at her outburst. Seeing how this was her pent up emotions finally succumbing to what others thought of her.
“I am fat. I am short. I am ugly. I don’t have legs that went on for miles. I don’t have paper white skin that glowed to the Gods. I don’t have a body that is envied by the masses. I don’t deserve you John” He winced as she listed down all the things they’ve said. He felt apologetic that he couldn’t protect her from the unruly world of the internet. He felt sorry that the world is so superficial. That the place they’re involved in cares too much about how you look.  
“Why did we ever think this was a good idea? Why did i ever thought i could have you without repercussions?” She shook her head as she stared at her trembling fingers. She sniffled as Johnny ran his fingers through his hair.
“Should we just say we’re just friends and move on? Shouldn’t your company set you up with some actress or a model or... or an idol?” She rambled on the possibilities of helping his image.
Johnny head snapped back at her as he looked at her in confusion.
“Break up? That’s your answer to this?” He was bewildered. Livid even, to know that the love of his life was suggesting nonsense.
“John.. think about it-“
“What’s there to think about. Hannah, listen to me. No amount of stick skinny models, actress or idol could stop me from thinking that you’re less than perfect” he held her head firmly as he forced her to look into his eyes. Hoping that she knows how sincere he is being.
“I’ve been chasing you for so long and i’m not gonna let some stupid matter get in the way of us. I love you too much to let go. So please for the love of God know that when i say you’re perfect. You are. Every thing about you is perfect” She looked back at him with rounded eyes as she listened to what he said.
“You love me?” She croaked. Johnny chuckled as he nodded while combing through her hair with his fingers.
“Yeah. I do” He grabbed her tiny hands and kissed her fingers.
“I love how small your hand is, it sometimes made me feel like im sort of a giant. It doesnt help when you said your hands look like a babies hand next to mine though” Hannah giggled as she recalled those memories of her calling him the parent in the relationship.
“I love how big your forehead is, how your eyebrows never grew fully, how your eyes are so small that it disappears when you smile or laugh. I love your small buttoned nose, your chubby cheeks” he kissed every part of her face that he described and finally he rested his forehead against hers. She felt his warm breath feathering her lips.
“You don’t know how i almost lost my mind trying not to kiss your perfectly plumped lips when i was trying to hide my feelings from you” he slowly wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips against hers. He nibbled her lower lips and slowly attacked them. Hannah gasped as she felt his large cold hands creep underneath her large hoodie. She pushed his away gently as she grabbed his arms to stop him.
“John, I can’t” she whispered, feeling uneasy as her self-esteem took a huge hit lately.
“Hey, I’ve made love to you before and I’m gonna do it again. This time, i’m gonna show you just how perfect your body is” he whispered as he peppered her face with kisses. Johnny slowly kissed down to her jaw and slowly, her neck towards the spot that weakens her. As he felt her grip loosen up, he smiled into the kiss and grabbed her legs and wrapped them around his torso as he slowly lifted her up from their position earning a surprised squeak from her.  
“You gotta hand it to me. That was pretty difficult to pull off” he winked as she giggled, pulling his face closer to hers as they kissed their way into her bedroom.
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starkeyboy · 5 years
move here? ° steve harrington
requested: Hey! I don't request a lot but can you do Steve Harrington were she is new in Hawkings or went to spent summer there because she has familly who lives there and they met in his work and then later she ends up helping them fight the russians and the monster but got hurt really bad and he just feels so guilty because, even if he doesn't know yet, has starting to have feelings for the reader, you can decide what happens to them after everything's calm now, thank you!
ST3 DISCLAIMERS: major spoilers! read at own risk
i might do a part 2 of him treating her.
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“may i have the peppermint swirl?” you said, digging out some cash.
“of course!” steve smiled at the shy girl. you gave him three dollars and let him keep the change. as he went to go get the cone and ice cream a girl stopped him from doing so.
“we figured it out!” robin said, smiling widely. y/n looked down at her shoes, seeing how steve looked at her and how robin looked at him. y/n has liked steve for a little bit now. she would come into scoops ahoy every now and then to maybe keep up with him but he never really noticed that she came in almost everyday. “well, the first sentence, which is like 3 words, but still!” y/n was about to be petty and ring the bell but she felt embarrassed. he doesn’t even know her.
“hey, y/n,” you looked up, hearing your name, seeing dustin. he was one of your, not so many, cousins that you visited almost every summer. lately you’ve been thinking about moving to hawkins, but hearing the stories from dustin about demagorgins and other monsters always strayed you back home.
“you know her?” steve said, pointing behind him. dustin nodded and leaned over the window area a little bit. “how? she’s like nineteen!” you smiled and blushed again. robin looked over at you and smirked, seeing your blush.
“how old are you again, steve? oh, right, nineteen. AND, she’s my cousin, she’s visiting!” dustin said as he looked over to you. “do you know russian? you told me you did at one point,” the young boy questioned. steve turned around with raised eyebrows. you gulped and only nodded as dustin raced up front and dragged you to the back.
“i never got my ice cream though,” you said as dustin sat you down. i heard the door being pushed opened and not seeing steve around anymore. nor robin.
“she’s the one steve!” robin said as steve looked at her with shock.
“are you being serious!? no she isn’t, first of all she’s dustin’s cousin and second of all, she’s only visiting this summer, i won’t see her again probably until next summer!” steve said as he looked at her, having the slightest crush on robin. i mean yeah, he thinks your cute and sweet, super shy as well. but he doesn’t really see it.
“how do you not see it!” as she practically read his mind. “her blushing gave it away,” she said. currently they were both whispering, not wanting for you or dustin to hear, and you both heard nothing, just sounds like bickering. “she likes you steve!” she says excitingly. steve only shook his head and grabbed the cone and scooped up some peppermint swirl.
“i didn’t even know her name,” he said guilty, piecing it all together. he did see you blush and shy away from him, a sign he saw in nancy. “but it’s like i see her everyday,” he says matter of factly. once he was done scooping up your ice cream and pushed back into the room, not looking back at robin. he saw your eyes light up as you saw the ice cream. only though, your eyes lit up seeing steve.
“thank you,” you said shyly. steve only nodded and sat across from you, getting as much space as possible between you and him. not wanting to lead you on. he saw your shoulders slump as a saddened look went over your face, seeing as he only nodded and didn’t say anything to you and making as much possible space.
as you got the code written down, you stood and threw your napkin away.
“i better get going,” you said as dustin looked at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“you’re not leaving until we finish this mission missy. you know the code, you can tell people and then BOOM, we’re dead because the evil russian spy’s found out you knew and then you tell them our names out of peer pressure and then EVERYone is dead. including your mom,” everyone looked at him shocked and looked over to see you had a scared expression.
“i wasn’t-”
“nope, not. going. anywhere.” dustin said, cutting you off. you only gulped and sat back down with shaking legs and hands. steve looked at you with pity and sympathy, seeing as you didn’t want this. now not wanting you to get hurt. or robin.
you guys were now in the storage room as erica opened it up. she was the only one to fit in the vent and crawl through. we looked through the box and saw a safe. somewhat like a safe at least. steve picked it up and looked over at robin. y/ns eyes saddened again as he looked at her, just wanting know what that feeling was. you stepped back as dustin was profusely pushing a button.
“dustin, what the hell are you doing?” y/n said as you walked over to him. the door was currently closed as we didn’t want anyone seeing you guys but to what dustin was trying to do, it wasn’t opening back up.
“the door won’t open!” he said looking over to you. erica pushed her way in and looked at him with a stupid look.
“push the button and maybe it will open,” she said as she clicked it but still not opening. you gulped as you felt the storage room shake. you looked around yourself and looked over at the light and it soon felt like you all were falling. you stumble a little bit not being used to how fast this elevator was. y/ns eyes landed on steve seeing how he looked terrified, his eyes landed on you, seeing if you were at least standing up, but darted straight to robin and speaking to her.
y/n was in the back as they all walked in a formal horizontal line down the very long hallway, but dustin was in the front. you just felt out of place, not being very adventurous, know dustin is always up to an adventure everyday.
“y/n! walk faster,” erica shouted as you started to fall behind more and more. wanting to be home. you knew if moving here was an idea this year would only be an if. not a for sure. she just felt lonely, even with her cousin here. you took a deep breath and stopped completely, as they didn’t even notice. you slid down the wall and put your head in your arms, wishing to be in bed, sleeping with ice cream around you.
y/n woke up in a room, seeing soldiers around her. she immediately felt terrified and tried to run away but had someone holding her back. you looked around you more and saw that two russian soldiers were gripping your arms and saw one walking towards you. tears clouded your vision as you should have kept up with the group.
“who do you work for?” the soldier said in a very thick russian accent. she looked at him confused as tears were still spilling from her eyes.
“what?” she whispered, afraid of her own voice.
“who do you work for?” he said more sternly. she started to shake her head not understanding why she’s held back and being tormented.
“i-i don’t work for anyone, sir, i’m visiting my family down here, i-i didn’t-” i was cut off by a punch in the stomach as i hunched over as much as i could and groaned.
“who do you work for?” he said with more anger. i just only let out a cry.
“i’m visiting my family! i don’t work-” a slap to my face.
and it was just repeated more and more. harder and harder. until you were pushed to the ground, hands tighed up behind you and left there to the taste of pennies in your mouth and the sight of foggy vision. little whimpers coming out of your mouth as you spit out the blood. your back and stomach hurting. having the biggest headache. hearing the ring of nothing. just a long ring. nothing.
what felt like hours later the door was opened and your eyes snapped open as your body shook. terrified for the worst. you repeatedly saying ‘no’ and crying out for them to stop but nothing happened to you. only feeling a thump beside you and hearing a groan. you looked over to them, seeing steve’s uniform. you saw another figure being thrown to the ground, seeing blue. robin.
you felt grips on your arm as you were pulled up. steve looked over to the figure and saw you. he immediately looked over your body and saw the torn clothes and bloody spots. he saw how your face was badly beaten. you looked half alive but very awake. your shaking body and crying whimpers brought him back to your face, shaking his head.
“don’t hurt her,” he said as they kicked your legs, making you fall to the ground. he closed his eyes not wanting to see you in pain, but wanting so bad to stop them.
“one. more. time. who do you work for?” the russian said. she let out a cry of help and a slap was givin to her.
“i work for no one! i’m visiting and i wanna go home!” you cried out and pleaded to be let out. feelings rushed through steve seeing you. when he noticed that you weren’t behind them anymore, it was the only thing on his mind. him pleading for dustin to turn around and find her but dustin only disagreeing, thinking you had your own plan.
“henderson! are you insane? what if she’s lost or found by a russian!? how are we going to know!?” he said frantically. robin was only smiling slightly, see how he cared for you so much. she knew he had the feels for you. he just doesnt know.
you looked at steve as his eyes bored into yours. your eyes bloodshot red. his eyes tired and bruised. being tortured himself. robin, the only not being tormented or tortured. only a slap to the face.
you three were strapped in chairs. being able to look at one another but your head was tilted down.
“y/n? you okay?” you heard robin say. you didn’t say anything, not being able to feel anything.
“y/n?” i heard steve say with concern. you looked at your hands and saw the dirt and blood on your fingers and in your nails. you looked at your legs, beaten and bruised. you tilted your head up, steve looking over at you.
“i didn’t come to hawkins to be in a bed all day,” you only said, whisping though. your voice very rough and hard. tears flooding your eyes, remembering the events before steve and robin were put in here. you looked at the ground and saw your blood. you took a deep breath and let out a hurt sob. “but i didn’t come to hawkins to be beaten and tortured till i was broken and pleading for them to stop.” steve looked up, hating himself for every second that you spoke. he should’ve turned around for you. he should’ve forced everyone to turn around and find you.
“i’m so sorry, y/n,” steve said looked over to you. he studied the side of your face and saw you blink away tears now. “i should’ve turned around when dustin said no. he said that you had your own plan but i just had this feeling that it wasn’t right. i should’ve-” he was cut off by you shaking your head.
“i should’ve kept up. not fall behind. i just-” you looked over at steve and seeing tears of his own. you wanted so badly to hug him and tell him that you were okay. that he was okay. “i feel lonely here, steve. i-i,” you stuttered as he waiting for you.
“take your time, y/n, don’t rush,” robin said as she looked at you. tears came back as you looked at her.
“i like you, steve. a lot. i come into scoops ahoy and hope for you to remember my order or say, ‘hey, y/n!’ i just remember how sweet you are to my cousin and how he deserves you. but i know it wouldn’t work. even if you don’t like me. being friends would be to hard,” you said looked over to him. he looked at you shocked at the confession. even if he had a feeling that you liked him. he was shocked.
this rushing feeling went through him as he saw you stop speaking. he liked you. he just never knew. he was first to find out you were gone. after only being gone for a minute. he immediately got your ice cream once he heard you say it. he felt guilty seeing your saddened face. his body raging with anger seeing the russians beat you. seeing what they did to you. and they were going to pay the price.
he always thought he liked robin. but he didn’t. he liked y/n. a lot.
“move here,” steve only says as she looked at him confused. that’s all he got from the conversation, you thought.
“we’ll make it work. just move here. i know it’s scary seeing that this happened last summer but, y/n, doesn’t it just feel like an adventure? i mean, yeah, there’s peopling dying here and there but think about it! that’s earth. that’s life, y/n. just move here for the next year and see how it feels. i’ll come over everyday to see you and protect you because,” he says seeing your eyes fill with hope. “because i like you too.” robin smiled seeing steve let out a breath of air.
y/n looked at him softly. she knew she had some hope in this town.
“you’re crazy steve harrington,” you say as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “but, ok. i’ll stay for a year and see how it goes.” steve smiled and looked at robin. she winked at him and leaned over, letting you hear to.
“i told you.”
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huphilpuffs · 6 years
chapter: 25/? summary: Dan’s body has been broken for as long as he can remember, and he’s long since learned to deal with it. Sort of. But when his symptoms force him to leave uni and move into a new flat with a stranger named Phil, he finds that ignoring the pain isn’t the way to make himself happy. word count: 3065 rating: mature warnings: chronic illness, chronic pain, medicine a/n: a huge thanks goes to @obsessivelymoody for beta reading this for me!
Ao3 link || read from beginning
Dan wakes up on Thursday to a heaviness in his chest.
He groans before he even opens his eyes. His face is squished against a pillow, his ribs pressed too harshly against the mattress. Stabs of pain burst between them, make his muscles spasm and send his breath escaping in a stutter. He has to count, one, two, three, four to keep it from happening a second time.
It eases some when he rolls onto his back.
And he tries to comfort himself further by counting out how long it’s been since he’s been able to sleep on his stomach. Too long, probably.
He’s been getting better, though. Even staring at the bedroom ceiling through his tears, Dan knows that. Knows the he’s helped Phil with dinner the last few nights, and managed to handle the curtains being open for a few hours yesterday.
His hand smoothes across his sternum, and he pokes at the painful spots in his sides until the sharpness dulls.
It’s enough to let Dan sit up, then stand on shaky knees. He tosses Phil’s pillow back to where it belongs and tucks the duvet into place to prove the voice in his head, wondering why he’s suddenly worse again, that he’s fine.
And to ignore the second voice, telling him it’s anxiety that causes your pain, over and over again.
His appointment is in a day.
Dan’s hardly slept for three.
He tries to swallow back a sigh. Whatever rush of adrenaline had dragged him out of bed has faded, left fatigue settling heavy in his bones again. He could drag himself to the lounge, curl up in his blankets and continue his new daily routine of watching people on YouTube for hours.
But his body aches and his eyes burn, and he crawls back into bed instead.
The voice in his head grows louder.
Dan grabs Phil’s pillow, clutches it ot his chest and presses his face against the fabric, breathing deeply.
It smells like Phil.
He holds it until he falls back asleep.
The afternoon drags.
It’s past two when Dan wakes up again. The flat is still empty, the bed unmade again. He crawls out without bothering to fix it, makes himself a sandwich, and settles back on the sofa, where he can rest his head against the cushions and ignore the tightness around his heart.
Every time he turns on his phone, it’s too a notification reminding him he has an appointment tomorrow that has his muscles seizing, making it ache to breathe.
And to a reminder he half regrets setting, since he’s ignored it for days.
Call mum.
There’s only a few hours to follow through with it now.
He glances back at the clock that tells him it’s just ticking past three. Twenty-five hours left, says the voice in his head. It sounds like the last GP he saw, who looked him in the eyes and told him to try acting like he had more energy, who told him it would help.
You should try it, his mum had said afterwards. You never know unless you do.
Dan’s thumb swipes across the screen. He finds her contact, sucks in a breath, and hits the call button.
He doesn’t breathe again until she picks up on the third ring.
“Hi, Dan,” she says.
He hasn’t heard her voice since he decided to stay here. It feels like a lifetime ago, suddenly.
“Hi, mum.”
There’s silence for a long moment. He can hear her breathing over the line, low and steady, and wonders if she can hear the shakiness in his.
“How are you?” she asks
“I’m okay,” he says. “I, uh, have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”
He swallows, nodding even though she can’t see him. “Just with my new GP, but I’m hoping he might be able to help me,” he says. “With, well, you know.”
“I hope he can.”
She sounds sad. It’s been a long time since Dan’s heard that.
“Me too,” he says. And then, because he can’t handle the silence: “But, uh, I was hoping you could maybe help me figure out my medical history, to prepare? I don’t remember all of it from when I first got sick.”
Back when she was responsible for it, he doesn’t say. Back when anyone could keep track of all of it.
“I’ll text it to you, okay?” she says. “I know your memory isn’t always the best, and your wrists tend to ache from writing.”
“Really?” He slams his mouth shut, the click of his teeth probably audible over the phone. “I mean, thanks.”
She chuckles, quiet, distant, like he can hear the miles between them. “I’m not always heartless, you know,” she says.
Dan’s breath comes out in a rush. Guilt bursts in its place, painful, bringing tears to his eyes. And he wants to tell her he never thought she was, but he can’t. She knows he can’t. He doesn’t even know what he thinks about her now, crying, hands shaking as he clutches his phone too tightly.
“Can I ask you something?” she says. “Without you getting mad?”
“How are you doing?” she says. “I know you don’t think your problems are with your mental health, and I’m not implying they are–” the not this time goes unspoken “–but I know you’ve had bad experiences with doctors and you’re my son.”
His breath catches. A tear rolls down his cheek, and he wipes it away with his hand.
This is his first appointment without her, he realizes. The first one in six years that she’s not driving him to, waiting outside or sitting next to him for the length of it. The first time she won’t smooth his hand over his knee in the waiting room, telling him it’ll be okay, that doctors can be trusted, even though they’d been proving otherwise for so long.
“I’m okay,” he says. “Phil’s coming with me.”
“That’s good,” she says, like she means it. “I am glad you have him, you know.”
He almost reminds her what she thought of him living with Phil last time they spoke, but his heart aches and his eyes are stinging and he doesn’t want to fight, not this time.
“Me too,” he says. “He’s the best, mum.”
She sounds like she’s smiling when she says: “I’d love to meet him, one day.”
Dan swallows. He can hardly picture it, bringing Phil back to a house filled with terrible memories and people he still doesn’t trust entirely. And yet there’s a tug in his chest, a bittersweet image forming in the back of his mind.
He doesn’t say anything.
Neither does she, for a while.
“I should get going,” is what she ends up saying. “As long as you’re okay? I’ll text you your medical information in a little bit.”
“Okay,” he says. “I’m okay. Thank you.”
She hums. “And Dan?”
“You should call your grandma. She misses her sofa buddy.”
He chuckles. It aches. Suddenly, he’s exhausted again. “Okay. I will,” he promises. “And mum?”
“No news is good news, okay? If I don’t call you after the appointment, I mean.”
“Okay,” she says. “Bye.”
The line goes dead.
His head falls back against the cushion and his phone drops onto the sofa. Tears are rolling down his cheeks, and he’s not entirely sure he knows why.
Or maybe he just can’t untangle all the many, many reasons.
Phil’s quiet when he gets home.
He takes the smoothie Dan didn’t touch and sets it on the coffee table before dropping onto the empty cushion. His arm is draped across the back of the cushion, his hip just inches from Dan’s, as he turns his gaze to the open laptop, lit up with another Smosh video.
Dan’s been watching them mindlessly since his tears dried on his cheeks.
“This is a good one,” says Phil.
It’s an older one, the production value a little cheaper and humour a tad outdated. Probably more similar to what Phil had watched back at uni, Dan thinks. He tries to imagine it, a younger version of Phil, one with longer hair and a slightly narrower frame, sitting in a uni room like the one Dan moved out of before coming here.
He hardly can. Maybe because his mind is still muddled, hanging onto words he said during the phone call, onto all the things he should have said but didn’t.
“It is,” he says, just as the video ends.
He doesn’t start a new one.
Phil’s fingers sweep across his shoulder. In Dan’s peripheral, he can see Phil turn to look at him, but he doesn’t look back.
“Are you okay?” asks Phil.
Dan swallows. There’s a lump in his throat, a pressure behind his eyes so harsh it aches.
“Didn’t sleep very well,” he says.
Phil squeezes his shoulder. “I know.”
That makes the corner of his mouth quirk up. Of course Phil knows. He was there, arms wrapped around Dan as he fidgeted, tossed, and turned. His hands had combed through Dan’s hair, and his quiet questions about if Dan was okay were mumbled against his shoulder, his reassurance felt in his touch.
Phil usually falls asleep pretty quickly, Dan’s learned. Last night, he didn’t.
The hand at his shoulder tightens. Dan finally turns to face Phil.
“Is that all that’s bothering you?”
His eyes are soft, almost sad, as his hand rubs gentle circles against Dan’s skin. He knows. He must know something’s up. Dan has to remind himself that Phil’s seen him after countless sleepless nights, curled up in soft blankets on the sofa and dozing when his mind gets too tired to keep racing.
Today isn’t like that.
Dan reaches out to rest a hand on Phil’s knee, needing to feel grounded, as the first tear rolls down his cheek. Phil draws him closer, so Dan’s head is by his shoulder, his tears dripping down onto the fabric of Phil’s shirt.
There’s no pressure, none but the weight of Phil’s hand on his shoulder, when Dan says:
“I called my mum.”
Phil goes tense. “Oh,” he say. “How did that go?”
Dan swallows. “I don’t know.”
He really doesn’t. His chest feels too full with contradictions, the weight of past accusations crashing up against her understanding tone and he doesn’t know what to think anymore. He’s never been sure how to exist around her, not since pain first settled in his bones and she told him it was growing pains, it would pass, it would get better.
And it never did.
“I haven’t talked to her since I told her I was staying in Manchester,” he says, maybe as an afterthought, maybe because it’s felt heavy on his shoulders since he answered the phone.
“Was she nicer this time?”
He nods. Another tear falls. “She’s texting me my medical history,” says Dan. “She offered, because she– she knew I had trouble writing and remembering.”
Phil hums. His breath has gone even again. His mouth is close to the top of Dan’s head. He sounds hesitant when he speaks. “It sounds like she cares.”
Dan feels that, sharp and painful in his gut. Another tear rolls down his cheek, and his breath catches, and Phil holds him tighter like he’s scared Dan will fall apart.
Maybe he will.
It’s been so long,
He’s been so that sure she doesn’t actually care.
Now, he doesn’t know what to think.
His mum texts him.
Dan almost cries. His teeth dig into his lip and his ribs ache and he stares, wide-eyed, at the list of diagnoses and unexplained symptoms he’s had over the years. There’s the migraines they never treated at the beginning, the lightheadedness it took them four years to explain, the instructions to do more exercise that dot the whole six years that he’s been ill.
The first time he went to therapy, and the antidepressants they put him on, and the second time he went to therapy.
And every time he told his doctor he was still sick after that.
Phil’s hand lands on his wrist, gently pushing the phone from Dan’s line of sight. His voice is barely a whisper when he says: “Are you okay?”
Dan swallows. His throat aches.
Laid out like this, it doesn’t look that bad, a distant voice in his head that’s haunted him for too long tries to remind him that maybe he’s just making it all up. Maybe it wasn’t that bad. But Dan can remember the A&E doctor who turned him away because it was growing pains. Can remember the so many times his blood pressure was low before anyone bothered to point it out.
The time his doctor looked at him and said–
“Can we do something?” says Dan. “I want to– I need a distraction.”
Phil nods. In Dan’s peripheral, his phone screen goes black. The knot in his chest loosens, just a bit.
“Wanna play video games?” says Phil.
He shakes his head. “Wanna go out. It’s been too long.”
Phil’s brows furrow, like he’s about to point out that there’s a reason it’s been so long, about to warn Dan that he doesn’t want to make himself sick before such an important day.
Except part of Dan does. He’s done it before, forced himself to be in pain because maybe that way the doctors would actually see that he wasn’t lying. Not that it’s ever worked.
“Please?” he says.
Phil squeezes his wrist. “Okay.” His thumb drifts across Dan’s, careful and comforting. “Where do you want to go?”
Dan squeezes into his skinny jeans, even though the fabric burns his legs. He pulls a shirt over his head for what feels like the first time in forever. Though his knees are shaky, he bends down to tie his own laces, as Phil watches from where he’s leaning against the door.
“Are you sure about this?”
He reaches out, without a word, to help Dan stand again.
“I’m sure,” says Dan. “And don’t worry, you won’t need to take me to A&E this time.”
The corner of Phil’s mouth quirks up, and Dan knows he’s forcing it. He can feel his worry in the too-tight clench of Phil’s hand around his, the way his gaze trips over Dan legs when he wobbles as he stands.
He squeezes Phil’s fingers, forcing a smile of his own, as he opens the door.
It’s warm outside. The sky’s going purple as the sun sinks below the city. Dan realizes, staring up at it, that he hasn’t left the flat since he trip to A&E, hasn’t enjoyed being outside in far too long.
If his joints would let him, he’d suggest they walk around a bit. Instead, he stares up at the clouds and reminds himself to spend more evenings, when the sun won’t burn his eyes, on their little balcony, just to feel the wind against his cheeks again.
Phil tugs on his hand when the cab pulls up in front of them. They pile in, side by side in the back seat. Dan doesn’t put on his seatbelt. He can’t be bothered to deal with the harsh rub of fabric against his ribs.
His chest is still tight, the quiet buzz of anxiety at the back of his mind growing louder. He can still feel his phone, heavy in his pocket, can still imagine the text he hasn’t yet responded to. He can remember their last movie night, laughing and gasping and falling asleep with Phil’s hands trying to massage the pain away.
They hadn’t even gone out last time.
Dan stares out the window and hopes he can keep his promise that it’ll be okay this time.
They slip out of the car at the cinema. Phil pays the driver. Dan leans against the wall as he waits, wondering if the lines inside are long. It’s been so long since he’s been to the cinema, he can hardly imagine it anymore. The screens usually hurt his eyes and the audio gives him a headache and he doesn’t care today.
“You okay?”
Phil’s smiling at him, standing by the door. He holds it open for Dan, and buys their tickets for a random comedy neither of them particularly wanted to see. He lets Dan go find a seat as he buys them popcorn, soda, and a chocolate bar to share. He hands it over, in the darkness of the theatre, with a smile.
Between them, their knees bump together as the film starts.
They’re holding hands when it ends.
Dan’s eyes are starting to burn and his chest aches from laughing, but the voices in his head have dulled just enough that he can breathe a little easier. He doesn’t think about the appointment he needs to show up to tomorrow, or the doctor he hasn’t met yet who might dash his hopes all over again.
He stares at their joined hands as the cinema empties, smiling.
“You ready to go home?” says Phil.
Dan shrugs. He probably should give his spine a break by sinking into the sofa again, close his eyes against the bright lights of the city before a headache wells in his temples. But he doesn’t want to sit in the dark and wait until tomorrow, letting his fears return.
“Can we get pizza?”
“You up to walk?”
He nods. Phil helps him to his feet and leads him out of the cinema. He knows Manchester better than Dan does, and tells a story about coming to watch movies with Ian when he was younger as they find the nearest pizza place. Dan listens, maybe more attentively than he needs to, to keep his mind from going hazy as the city moves around him.
There’s still a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
Dan wonders if him of a few years ago would have believed that he’d end up here.
The restaurant they end up in is small and quiet, and they slide into a booth in the corner of the room. Dan sinks back against the cushion, realizing that Phil’s smiling, too.
His chest feels warm. His fingers twist in the tablecloth, because part of him misses holding Phil’s hand.
“Thanks for tonight,” says Dan. “I had fun.”
Under the table, Phil knocks their feet together.
“I did too,” he says.
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Kurt felt his feet scraping across the ground as he forced himself down the hallway. The last few weeks had left him feeling so small. Dave and Santana being outted, Dave’s suicide attempt, losing out on both class presidency and the main role in A West Side Story; every bit of life seemed to be weighing him down recently. And then there was Blaine.
 Ever since Blaine had enrolled at McKinley, the two of them seemed to be parting ways more as each day went past. Of course Sebastian’s arrival hadn’t helped the situation, but deep down Kurt knew those same issues had been festering for a while. At times, Kurt found himself wondering if he was mismatched with Blaine; if Blaine would be happier with someone like Sebastian, someone more… spontaneous. Or at least someone who would answer his calls. Since that night, the sheer sound of Blaine’s voice was off-putting to Kurt. All that would come to mind was his hands spreading out and grabbing at Kurt, taking as much as he could like a kid with a candy bowl. The memory left a bad taste in Kurt’s mouth; almost as bad as remembering he had apologised for rejecting Blaine’s advances. At the time, Kurt had convinced himself that Blaine was right, that he had just been spoiling the fun, but the bad taste remained nonetheless.
 The one positive that had come out of the last few weeks was that the New Directions had reunited. To the surprise of everybody, Rachel had suggested giving others a chance to sing at Nationals, as long as she got her solo of course. It did mean, however, that all choreography the group had begun to work on prior to the girls coming back now had to be changed. And with Rachel’s two left feet and Tina’s quieter nature, Kurt was called in by Quinn to help choreograph and teach the new routine.
 On better days, Kurt didn’t mind helping out. Today was not one of those days. After the hypocritical mess Blaine pulled singing It’s Not Right But It’s Okay, Kurt was in no mood to see the glee club. Regardless, both Rachel and Quinn had insisted that with Nationals coming up, every chance they can get to practice had to be used.
 As he entered the room, Kurt could all but feel the atmosphere change. Quiet whispers stopped as Finn stood up. Giving signal to the others, Kurt watched as they followed him, each one of them approaching him as Puck closed the door.
 “Why are you all acting like you’re about to give an interve… oh my god, this is an intervention, isn’t it? Look I know Blaine gave a messed up image of us but it’s not going to affect the tea…”
 “We just want to talk,” Finn interrupted, gesturing Kurt a seat.
 Kurt bit his lip before shuffling his feet over to the seat. The awkward silence continued. Filled with uncertainty, Finn’s eyes shuffled between the boys’ and Rachel’s before she sighed and spoke up.
 “What’s going on with you Kurt?”
 The others scolded the brunette’s bluntness before being reminded that no one else was willing to ask. As they begun to quarrel, Quinn shut them down.
 “What Rachel meant was is everything okay? You’ve had a tough year, not to mention everything you’re still dealing with from last year and we just wanted to check in. If our conversation after Karofsky taught me anything, it’s that none of us should assume that people are coping when they’re in strife.”
 “I’m fine.”
 The words sped out of Kurt’s mouth like a horse belting toward the finish line. Kurt could feel how untrue the statement was as he spoke the words, yet he still found himself faking a smile in hopes to convince the others. It didn’t work. As he looked over at Mercedes, her disappointment hit him, forcing him to look at the ground.
 “Honey,” she started, “the truth is you haven’t been yourself for a long time now. And it’s clear that Blaine going behind your back for the West Side Story role has made things worse, especially after his performance today. We got to hear his side, now it’s only fair we hear yours.”
 Kurt stuttered for a moment before falling silent. His head went back and forth arguing over what to say next. On one hand, this was his relationship. It wasn’t any concern, or business for that matter, of the others. Not to mention Blaine was already upset with him, why make things worse? But at the same time, they were his friends and they were there trying to help. Even Santana and Puck had shown up. Regardless, Kurt couldn’t find the words.
 “It’s nothing, I’ll fix things up with Blaine later on,” He lied before sighing, “Thank you though Mercedes, for setting this up.”
 “It wasn’t me,” Mercedes smiled, looking over at Finn.
 Kurt blinked before staring at Finn.
 “I’m your brother Kurt. I’m worried about you. Nothing you say is going to change that. I, I just couldn’t find the words to say that, so I called in these guys.”
 Silence filled the room again. Kurt find his eyes shuffling back to the ground. Mike moved next to Kurt, placing his hand on Kurt’s shoulder and assuring him it’d be alright.
 “You’re wrong about the show being the issue,” Kurt started, “Around the time the role was allocated, Sebastian came into the picture…”
 “The jerk from Daltons who was trying to get onto Blaine?” Tina enquired.
 “Yeah him,” Kurt muttered, “except it wasn’t just him trying to get Blaine. Blaine was responding and meeting up with him behind my back. The night before the opening day of the show, Sebastian invited us to some bar. Blaine spent the whole night getting drunk and dancing with him until it was time to leave. I got him to the car and he wouldn’t stop touching me. I yelled for him to stop, but he, he just wouldn’t. Eventually I shoved him off and he yelled at me before leaving, but things just haven’t been the same since.”
 “That hobbit tried to rape you?” Santana shouted.
 Kurt shook his head as he began to stutter. Being barely comprehensible, he started saying it was his fault and how he had apologised the next day. As the eyes of those around him widened, Quinn interrupted.
 “You shouldn’t have.”
 “Quinn’s right,” Puck jumped in before looking at Quinn in guilt, “It’s not your fault he tried to take advantage of you after knowing you had drunken.”
 “Actually, I was the designated driver, so I was sober.” Kurt explained.
 “Dude it doesn’t matter,” Finn said, “He doesn’t get to treat you like that.”
 Unable to find the words, Kurt fell silent. Deep down he knew Finn was right and that once upon a time, there would be no way Kurt would let himself be treated like this, but things were different now. The realisation of dying alone had plagued his mind. He didn’t expect Finn or Rachel or any of the other straight members to understand. Finding a partner for them was like finding a penny. The opportunity was always there. Hell, even Santana and Brittany didn’t have to worry because they found the love of their lives already. But he hadn’t. The two gay men Kurt knew were Blaine and Karofsky, a boy who physically assaulted him for years. The thought that he may never find love crushed Kurt, but at least Blaine was something.
 Before anyone spoke, a phone began to blare. Reaching in his pocket, Kurt noticed the number straight off, leading him to sigh.
 “That’s him now,” he started, “I should probably get going.”
 The group went to speak out, but Finn just shook his head at them. As Kurt gathered his things and started to walk out of the room, he heard Brittany’s voice come from behind him.
 “Don’t forget we love you Kurt.”
 Closing the door behind him, Kurt walked away. Once out of the building, he looked down at his phone, sighing as he pressed the number of the missed call. Before he was able to say anything, a voice cut in.
 “Where are you Kurt? I called your dad when you didn’t answer and he said Finn told him you were at a glee meeting which clearly isn’t where you are. Are you with Chandler? Is that why you refused to answer my calls? I knew Finn was threatened by my talent but to help you do this is next level petty and you dragging him into it is just as bad.”
 The voice continued rambling, cutting Kurt off as he tried to answer. Moments of incoherent rambling passed, lowering Kurt’s patience until all at once, it disappeared.
 “Blaine, stop,” Kurt started, “I’m not with Chandler. The fact that you think so little of me as to not only accuse me of that but bring the glee club into it with your performance today shows just what you think of me.”
 Stutters from the other end of the phone fell silent as Kurt pushed the red button. Stopping in his tracks, Kurt felt a sigh leave his chest. Confusion and guilt begun to set in as Kurt realised that despite his frustration, the sigh had been in relief, not despair. As the phone in his hand begun to vibrate again, he found himself clenching harder as he walked away. After minutes of nonstop ringing, Kurt hung up one final time before clicking the messaging button.
 ‘I’m sorry okay. Just give me time.’
 Disgust hit Kurt as he pressed send. He continued walking as he thought about how things had gotten so bad between him and Blaine that the person he could tell everything to had become the person he felt he had to lie most to. The phone continued to buzz as several messages came through. With his patience falling, Kurt placed his phone in his bag, making sure to do so in a way where it would not noticeably vibrate off anything else.
 As he reached his house, Kurt went straight into his bedroom, closing the door and grabbing out his phone. Upon seeing the endless stream of messages, Kurt ran his fingers through his hair, grasping then slightly yanking at it. His fingers began typing at the phone before deleting and typing again for several minutes before stopping and deleting it once more. He typed one final message.
 ‘We need to talk to someone Blaine. Meet me in Emma’s office tomorrow.’
 Before Blaine could respond, Kurt heard his door twist. Placing the phone back in his bag, Kurt stood up. The door opened, leading Kurt to relax.
 “Don’t come in unexpectedly Finn. You startled me.”
 Finn stared at Kurt in silence for a moment before speaking.
 “I just wanted to check that we’re cool after what happened. Look, I know I should have spoken to you privately before bringing in the others like that. I just didn’t know what to say. I think you need to tell Burt and my mum though, you know, about what Blaine did.”
 Kurt felt his throat tighten with each word that came out of Finn’s mouth. His eyes began scanning the room, looking for anything else to talk about. Maybe an unclean surface to attend to or homework to do. But nothing came to mind. With an awkward expression on his face, Kurt looked back at Finn.
 “We can’t tell dad. You heard about what he did to Karofsky and that was just some bully. Blaine’s my partner. He’d put him in hospital.”
 “Maybe he should.”
 Finn’s words came off louder and more abrasive than he had meant them, causing Kurt to flinch. In response, Kurt let out a sigh whilst saying Finn’s name. Another silence came over the room before Finn spoke.
 “Kurt, we’ve gotta tell someone who can help you.”
 “I don’t need help Finn. I’m fine.” Kurt lied.
 “So you’d still be calling it fine if I did that to Rachel then? Or what about if Sam did it to Mercedes? Because that definitely wasn’t the case when you were telling me that what happened to Quinn was Puck’s fault and his alone.”
 “Blaine didn’t get me drunk Finn. Plus, after what happened with Puck and Quinn, I know you’d never do that to Rachel, nor would the other guys with their girlfriends.”
 “We never thought Blaine would do that to you Kurt.”
 Finn’s words hit hard. Kurt tried to find words, but none came to him. Silence began to consume the room only to be broken by the vibrating sound coming from Kurt’s bag. Nothing was said, but the sympathetic look in Finn’s eyes made Kurt just uncomfortable enough to look away. Finn considered reaching out for Kurt’s arm before another vibrating noise from Kurt’s bad stopped him. Instead, he clenched his fist and sighed.
 “At least tell mum.”
 “You say that as if she wouldn’t just tell my dad.” Kurt said.
 “She wouldn’t,” Finn started, “She’s been here before Kurt. I mean not sexually from what I know, but when I was little she had a relationship that really messed her up, the same way Blaine is messing you up right now. She’ll be able to help… Just think about it, yeah?”
 With that, Finn walked away. Kurt sat back down on his bed, grabbing out his phone. Blaine had sent several messages stating why they didn’t need Emma involved and how everything was going to be okay. Kurt stared at the final message, a simple ‘I love you’, for several moments before placing the phone face down on the bed. Pulling himself up from the bed, Kurt walked over to the door, checking down the hallways for Finn before closing it. As the door clicked shut, Kurt felt his body slide down to the ground as began to cry.
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tngrayson · 7 years
A/N: In response to an anonymous ask: “Hi! I saw your post about requests for the punisher! I was wondering if you could do a Billy Russo imagine where him and reader are high school sweethearts and someone is stalking her and she goes to Billy maybe when hes working at Anvil and is so scared and he gets mad bc doesnt want her to ever be in danger.”
Here you are, anon. I hope you like it!
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Word Count: 1400
Warnings: none
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Billy sat at the large desk in his office, clicking through new-hire prospects on his computer when his desk phone beeped. Absently, he reached over and pressed the answer button, turning on the video feed so he could see his secretary a few floors down at her desk. “What is it?”
“Mr. Russo? You have someone here to see you.”
“Tell them I’m busy.” He hung up, tapping his pen against a folder as he thought about his options for a new trainer at Anvil.
A few seconds later, the phone beeped again. “Pamela, do I need to have someone else come down there and do your job for you?”
“No, sir, it’s just,” she held the phone closer whispering as she looked over at you nervously. “She’s demanding to see you.” She pressed a button on the network phone, flipping the camera view so he could see what was in front of her. You were pacing between the front door and the main desk, looking around frantically, and making suspicious glances out the big glass doors. “Should I get security down here?”
“Well, I’ll be damned.” He smirked.
“No. No, I’ll be down there in a second.”
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You sat with your legs crossed on the couch in Billy’s office. He was pacing, looking through the folder you had given him. Inside, there were photos of you going about your daily routines; checking the mailbox, looking out the window, driving to work, walking to lunch. The pictures had been mailed to you. At first, they were once a week, but the frequency had upped to once a day now. Aside from the pictures, the person stalking you hadn’t tried to make contact.
“How long has this been going on?”
“About a month. At first, I thought it was nothing, but the pictures kept coming. And then the notes. I found that last one on my bed when I got home this morning. I came straight here.”
Billy flipped the photo over to reveal a love letter to you on the back. Most of the more recently delivered photos had either love notes or elaborate threats written on the backs.
“Jesus, Y/N. And you don’t have any idea who this could be?”
You answered instantly, shaking your head ‘no’. “I have no idea. I haven’t pissed anyone off. I don’t have any enemies. No one comes to mind.” You sat forward, swiping your hair out of your face, trying to fight the tears that threatened to come.
“Great.” Billy tossed the folder on his desk and shoved his hands into his pants pockets as he walked to the large window thinking. You were already nervous, so you flinched when the folder hit the desk. You hadn’t meant to upset him, but you didn’t know who else to come to.
“I’m sorry to dump this on you, Bill. I know it’s been a long time and we’re not in high school anymore and we’re not... I just-“ you sniffled, overwhelmed. “I just didn’t know who else to come to and if we’re being completely honest here, I’m terrified.”
Billy remembered your days in high school together. You two had dated for nearly three years back then and he had been head over heels for you. He’d told himself that he would always be there for you, but your relationship came to a screeching halt when he enlisted. He hadn’t mentioned it to you until he was about to ship off for basic training. Even now, he never really knew why he didn’t tell you. Needless to say, you ended the relationship and you two had barely spoken in the years since. That was mostly because you didn’t have a way to contact him, and he hadn’t tried to contact you after he got out of the military. He couldn’t help but feel like this was partly his fault for not being there to protect you.
He turned to you. “I’ll take care of this.”
“What are you going to do?”
Billy sighed, thinking. “Is this everything you have from him?”
He called one of his security crew into the office, giving them the folder to look for prints and run them for a match. He kneeled in front of you, placing a gentle hand on your cheek, tilting your head so he could meet your eyes. “Look at me. We’ll figure this out, alright?”
You nodded.
“In the meantime, I want you to stay in my apartment. You’ll be safe there.”
“Billy…I don’t want to be a burden.”
“I’m gonna have to insist, Y/N. I want you safe until we get this taken care of.”
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A few nights later, you had been sleeping in Billy’s bed when a sudden noise and a hushed exclamation of “shit!” came from the kitchen. You jerked awake, glancing over at the clock on the night table.  It was nearly four in the morning. In the week that you had been there, Billy would often come home after you had gone to sleep, but never this late. You yawned, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you tiptoed out of the room into the main part of the apartment. “Billy?”
You thought you heard him groan. You were sure you heard him breathing heavily in the dim light.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” He turned his side to you, standing awkwardly and trying to hide something. “I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to bed, I’ll be there in a minute.” As he took a step toward the bathroom he nearly doubled over, groaning and grabbing the back of the couch to stand.
You rushed over to help him. You grabbed his side and his hand shot up to grab your wrist. When you pulled it away, there was blood on it.
“What the hell happened?!” You lifted his shirt, revealing a deep cut just above his waist.
“Nothing. It’s nothing.” He tried to push his shirt back down. You pulled him into the bathroom.
“This doesn’t look like nothing…” reaching under the cabinet looking for first aid supplies. “Start talking,” you demanded, setting a first aid bag on the counter. You helped him remove his top and began to clean the wound.
Billy smiled at you, admiring your stubbornness. “We were on a private security job and there was an issue.” He sighed. “Long story short, I underestimated the guy.”
You placed your hand on his stomach gently, concentrating on the few stitches that he needed. Without looking up, you asked, “Who was he?”
Billy hesitated for a moment, looking down at you. “He was your stalker.” He spoke carefully, watching for your reaction.
You stopped, biting your lip as your heart began to race. “Are you sure? How do you know?” You finished the last stitch with a shaky hand.
Billy grabbed your hand, pulling you up to eye level. “We matched his prints to the ones on the photos you brought in. He’s dead, Y/N.”
Your brow furrowed. None of this made sense. How had the guy learned where Billy was working tonight? Even still, how was he able to get that close? You knew the guy was a creep, and even though he had gotten into your apartment, you never penned him to be skilled enough to plan something like this.
“That doesn’t make any sense, Billy. How did he even get this close to you?”
“Didn’t fall for it, huh.” He let out a bitter laugh, looking away. “Damnit.”
“Hey,” You brought a hand up to cup his face. “What really happened tonight?”
Billy grabbed both of your hands in his, bringing them down flat against his bare chest. He sighed again, knowing that you wouldn’t like the truth. After so many years, he had you back in his arms and he didn’t want to lose you again. He tried to imagine how would you react if he told you that he tracked down your stalker. That he found his apartment and waited in the dark for him to come home.
“I really did underestimate the guy, and he really is dead. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.” He searched your eyes as you tried to put it all together. “Let’s just leave it at that. Okay?”
You looked up at him, his face was soft and pleading you not to ask any more questions. You knew Billy had done some gruesome things in the past, and you didn’t want to imagine him doing any of those things again, especially not for you. It was probably for the best if you counted your blessings and dropped the subject for good. You rested your head on his chest and you wrapped your arms around each other.
“Okay,” you whispered.
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extrafemi · 5 years
Applying for TEF Seed Capital.
I am going to start by saying if you have not heard about the TEF (Tony Elumelu Foundation) by now, you are probably neither Nigerian nor African. If you are, then you must have been sleeping under a rock. Going forward, I will refer to the Tony Elumelu Foundation (formerly Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme) as TEF.
This post is simply to answer some of the questions I have been asked about the TEF as I am privileged to be part of the class of 2016. In this post, I will mostly be sharing;
My experience signing up and going through the TEF process.
About TEF official and unofficial group forums.
What TEF is and it isnt.
Finally, managing your expectations about the TEF seed capital.
P.S: I am not a TEF staff or a brand ambassador for TEF (though i wish i was). I am an entrepreneur. So here goes:
Applying for TEF...
I first heard about the TEF in 2015 but didn't apply until 2016. When I eventually did apply. I applied my business idea- ChatClass NG. I had been working on it since 2013 and even Hotels.ng boss; Mark Essien had tried to help me with it at some point. S/O to him for his patience and time.
I didnt apply in 2015 for one reason: I said to myself “Shey iru e lonwan be?” (Translation: Is it your type they (TEF) are looking for there?).
But I finally put together my business plan and applied in 2016. The application process was simple and easy. In a couple of hours, I was done.
Lessons. (As I said, i would be sharing lessons as I go on)
I have been asked about my “winning edge” to get in. Unfortunately, i doubt that exists or if it does, I don’t think I have one. Ultimately, it boils down to your application. TEF has an independent screening process (Accenture) for applications and business plans to ensure transparency. So knowing TEF staff personally or sending email means nothing. Your application is basically being judged by people who dont know you, who you dont know and who you may never meet.
While it is okay to ask for help while applying, it is important to do it yourself. Not because TEF might find out if someone else applies for you but hey, its your business. Doesn't it make sense to apply by yourself?
Parmindir Vir shared that a lot of ladies started their applications in the 2015 set and never finished for some reason. Hence the statistics of Female applicants was really poor. TEF followed up with female applicants in 2016 encouraging them to finish their applications and surprisingly, the statistics improved significantly. So this is dedicated to the ladies applying or thinking of applying: PLEASE COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATIONS! PLEASE!!
The fact that I got selected means anyone can get in if you apply but If you dont get in still, pick yourself up and get ready for 2018.
After applying, I waited. Here is some statistics:
Out of the 1000 entrepreneurs to be selected across Africa, 600 will be Nigerians and the remaining 400 will be split across the other 53 countries in Africa. So if you are a Nigerian reading this, good for you.
Of the 1000 businesses to be selected, the largest sector is Agriculture, followed closely by Education (which I am in) and then the others. So if you are in any of them and reading this again, good for you.
In 2015, 20,000 entrepreneurs applied. In 2016, 65,000 entrepreneurs applied. It is estimated that about 85,000 to 100,000 entrepreneurs will apply in 2017. So brace up!
With the growing focus on driving female entrepreneurs especially in Africa, special attention will be paid to female entrepreneurs just like there was in 2016. So if you are a lady reading this, good for you.
After getting selected...
One day, an email arrived from TEF. It contained a video from Mr. Elumelu himself. I nearly deleted it and wondered why TEF would send an email to tell me I had failed to get in, more-so in a video from the Chairman himself. But I watched it and there were the first words i heard: “If you are watching this video, Congratulations you are one of the 1000 entrepreneurs selected this year…..” The email will also be the first of very many emails, webinar invitations, instructions et al from TEF. The list of the winners will also be published on the TEF website.
Sometimes, it is your type they are looking for, lol. Your idea might just be the solution Africa is looking for.
The answer you seek might just be in that next email. Dont be in such a hurry to hit the delete button. Read first.
Yeah, you will be contacted via email. Please close attention to your email.
Attend the webinars. It contains answers to all the questions you will have as you go on.
You will also be assigned a mentor to guide you through a 12-week online bootcamp. Work with him or her (I sent mine a linkedin connection the same day I found out his name) and don’t be worried about getting your ideas stolen (that’s just silly).
It is important to actually do the tasks in the 12-week online bootcamp and even more important to do it yourself. Not because TEF might find out if someone else does it for you but hey, its your business. Doesn’t it make sense to do by yourself? I had a business running, staff to manage, a 9–5 job, was taking an online class from maestro Steve Harris and still did my tasks and assignments myself. I was waking up 3:30am and sleeping 12 midnight. Dont worry about getting stuck, thats why you have a mentor. S/O to Future Software Nigeria Resources Ltd boss, Nkemdilim Uwaje Begho for all her her encouragements during this time.
If you have not registered your business, it is in your best interest to do so and you would be required to submit your CAC documents and open a business account. You can however leave this till the later end of the online bootcamp. 
After the online bootcamp…
After the online bootcamp, we were asked to submit reports, milestones, documents and our business plans. I should confess at this point that I had help with my financials but she and I did it together. The irony here is that the financials got rejected twice during which I was forced to redo myself before it got approved. So again, Ask for help but do it yourself. After I submitted all the required documents, we geared up for the TEF conference in Victoria Island, Lagos.
At the TEF conference….
I should duff my hat to the TEF team for pulling this one off. I am talking about logistics for at least 2000 people (TEF class of 2016- us, TEF class of 2015 who volunteered, TEF staff and other third-party services); yet it was mostly seamless! The meals were amazing, the registration desk seemed to munch up their queues like hungry lions and did I mention the speakers were on point?! Attend sessions, take notes, Ask questions…intelligently. The conference ended with a concert with one of Africa’s finest musicians- P Square. I should admit at this point that I developed a crush on one of the speakers- Somachi. Lord! She slay-ed! I am still not cured but hope she doesnt read this, lol!
Okay! Moving on! Lessons. This isn't a written requirement but NETWORK, NETWORK and just when you think you have done enough, NETWORK some more. The TEF conference has entrepreneurs from all 54 countries in Africa in one place at a time and that is ah-mazing! No, I do not think anyone has ever been able to manage such a feat. By sunday morning, it was all over.
About TEF official and unofficial group forums. A lot of whatsapp and telegram groups will emerge. You should know that none of them are authorized by TEF. The only recognized platform for interaction between TEF entrepreneurs 2015, 2016 and the eventual 2017 is the TEF Hub which you will be sent logins to access.
What TEF fund is and it isnt. What TEF gives is SEED CAPITAL to fund the business plan you submitted. You are not allowed to change your business idea after being funded or transfer the fund to other uses. It is NOT a grant or a “dash money” or a loan. It is also wise not to pay tithe on this money for our brothers and sisters in the lord. lol.
There was a story that was shared with me about some guy who was TEF 2015 alumni, got in and after getting the funds went back to his Job on the pretext of the funds not being enough. That is saddening as he has prevented someone else the opportunity of being funded. TEF will give an initial $5,000 and create the opportunity to request an additional $5,000 if the initial isn’t enough based on certain terms and conditions. There was also a story about some guy in some African country who won funds at some Microsoft business competition used the funds to marry a second wife! lord!
If this is your plan or similar to the above, it is in your best interest not to apply at all.
Finally, managing your expectations about the TEF seed capital. The moment your name is on the TEF 2017 list, you are guaranteed of the initial funds of $5000…well, almost guaranteed. However, TEF will only pay when they are ready. As much as they intend to keep to time and work very hard to ensure funds arrive as scheduled, sometimes, things never go the way we plan. That’s life. The conference was in September 2016 but I didnt get my funds until January 2017. I have friends who have gotten into debt over money they hadn't received or spent all their savings in hope of the funds. I will simply share one lesson about money i learnt from my mother when I was much younger… “Do not spend money you have not yet seen” Until the money enters your account, it is not yet yours and you have not yet seen it.
Are writers eligible to apply? Honestly, I dont not know but better Question: Is it a business? Is it scale-able? will it transform Africa? If yes, then by all means please apply. Oh, and my business? Click here to find out all about it. Got questions I haven’t answered already? please leave a comment.
Be wise and all the best, Femi.
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topreview2016 · 8 years
Erin Nielsen’s Toned In Ten Review – What are the Benefits?
Contrary to popular belief, gravity doesnt have to take its toll when you reach a certain age.
Just ask Erin Nielsen, the author of this program. She is 42(!) at the time of this writing and still looks like a teenager.
If her radiant glow doesnt convince you that she knows what shes talking about, Im sure the fact that shes a Physical Therapist, Pilates Instructor and Primal Blueprint Certified Expert will. Read on to learn her secret.
I know. There already arent enough hours in the day.
Which is what inspired Erin to create this solution that will just require 10 minutes per day to achieve the results you desire.
I get it, wasting money on expensive exercise equipment that ends up gathering dust isnt my idea of a good time, either.
One of the best things about this regimen is that you dont need to buy anything! Yes, you can look younger, get rid of cellulite, and shed belly fat without any equipment.
I get that that can be hard to believe, but that brings me to the next great point this program addresses.
Ignore conventional fitness and weight loss advice.
The Center for Disease Controls website says that we should be getting 5 hours of moderate intensity activity (like jogging, speed walking, yoga, Frisbee, ballroom dancing, mowing your lawn, shoveling snow, tennis, water aerobicsyou get the point).
However, Erin explains that this is why you may feel old and worn out even after rigorous exercise. Working out that much actually stresses your body, making you more susceptible to knee, leg or low back pain, put too much pressure on your joints and ligaments and may even make you age quicker.
Great news: you dont have to slave through hours of boring cardio any more.
Did you know that, even though it seems totally contradictory to what weve always been told, excessive cardio can actually cause you to gain weight? Not only that, but it can cause you to put way too much strain on your joints.
If youve ever had the misfortune of joint pain, you know how awful this can be. Like to the point where you wince every time you have to take a step. No thanks.
Are you sick of following all the advice youve gotten on how to be healthy to a tee and still not seeing the results you want?
So was Erin, which is what prompted her to create this regimen. She, too, felt like giving up until she hard about how sprinters always have lean muscles and toned skin.
This inspired her to research further and start applying her newfound knowledge to her 10-minute-a-day workouts. People started commenting on how great she looked, and mistaking her for much younger than she is.
These 10-minute-a-day workouts will boost your metabolism so you will burn fat after youre finished with the workout, and even when you go to bed.
Cardio doesnt create that kind of after burn effect. Erin mentions a study done in 2006for a regimen similar to this program (short burst workouts), where the entire after-burn of fat increased by 36% after only two weeks.
Not only that, but a separate study found that this after-burn can remain in effect up to 38 hours after the workout.
What makes workouts like this one so effective is the release of the Human Growth Hormone.
I will admit that before trying Toned in Ten, I was doing a similar regimen with a high-intensity belly dance workout every day.
Growing up, I followed the conventional advice and slogged away for hours on our basement treadmill, only to be frustrated by never losing fat in the areas I wanted to.
Its great now, though, because since starting this belly dance workout about 3 months ago, and now alternating that with this program, I have lost those annoying love handles, my butt is bounce-a-quarter-off-able, and I still have feminine curves.
I never thought it was possible to be fit and still have just the right amount of meat on my bones.
Another thing to keep in mind with this regimen: its important to watch what and how you eat.
I always laugh when I think about this because of something my dads fond of saying (quoting Jack LeLaine): If it tastes good, spit it out!
No, this program isnt that militant. But you will want to think of how you can best nourish your body when trying to decide what to eat.
Imagine how amazing itll feel when you strut around in that adorable dress youve always wanted, looking young enough to get carded again.
Yeah, buddy! Thats why this is such a great investment in yourself. And you can feel pity for other women you know, the cardioheads who gear up for another grueling battle with the exercise bikes.
Do them a favor and share your knowledge of how theres a smarter and much more effective way to exercise. They will be forever grateful.
Are you thinking This sounds great and all, but what am I gonna do? Try to work out with my tablet or phone on the table next to me? Awkward!
Not to worry, because Erin has included digital videos of the workouts described in the book. She is thorough and walks you through each step, like youve got the best of both worlds: the guidance of a personal training but in the comfort of your living room.
Thats a huge benefit if youre like me and hate having to go to the gym.
No offense if you enjoy it, but for me, just thinking about getting judge-y glares while trying to work out almost gives me a panic attack. Plus, I love being able to work out in my grodiest pajamas if I want with no witnesses (cmon, we all have a pair of shame pajamas.).
A word of advice for those of you with pets: I would probably put them in another room or area while working out. I have two cats and they dont take an interest in me during any part of the day except when Im exercising.
So just make sure they wont get underfoot while youre doing this now and save yourself the hassle of being distracted or worried that theyll keep trying to climb on you during your workout. Its important that you give this your full concentration so you can receive the utmost benefit from looking and feeling svelte and years younger.
Imagine what itll be like to visit the pool or the beach confidently wearing your cute swimsuit, not feeling self-conscious the whole time in your baggy t-shirt and husbands shorts.
That thought right there is what makes this program more than worth it. Let Erin show you how you can start melting off the pounds today with Toned in Ten!
For Instant Access To Toned In Ten, Click Here
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topreview2016 · 8 years
Don’t Buy Americas Restaurant Recipes Until You See This Review
Getting best in the kitchen is not hard thing that you cant achieve. Actually it is the easiest thing that you could achieve as a person who is interested in all what happens in the kitchen. Certainly, if you have the quest to be a good cook, then you will have to worry no more because a solution has been found to help you out with all your issues in the kitchen.
It is the best there is and the best there will ever be. Therefore, give me all you attention because what you are about to discover has been very jealously hidden and protected for ages. It is really that special and you have to try it out.
The America restaurant recipes
The amount of money spent on food in the restaurants per year by only one family has become very high and actually, it is very high. With this thought in mind, the great mind behind the making of the Americas restaurant recipes sought to help the people make reasonable decisions and focus on the means by which the families could reduce the total amount of the money spent on the restaurants. What are looking into?
The Americas restaurant recipe is a very special program that has been designed to help you enjoy the favorite food that you and your family like at home. Get me right, I am not against you having your special food in the restaurant, but come to think of it, would it not be better to enjoy your favorite food at home? If you have ever tried to make the food at home and failed, then I guess you might start smiling because there is a very strong remedy that I am bringing to you. You will like it, you will see
The things that you could achieve with the America restaurant recipes
There are very many things that you could achieve with the program. It is very informative and very directive on what you should and should not do. In the same vein, the program also highlights some major food ingredients that you need to have in order to make your favorite recipe. Therefore, lets get down what is expected of you and what you could do or achieve;
On an instant demand, you could create your favorite dishes that you get from the restaurants and get to enjoy them in your own kitchen. This is the best thing that you could ever do to make your family go crazy.
You could make the party go wild and more enticing, this is because with the Americas restaurant recipe manual, you will be able to make the dishes that are mouth watering and keep your friends and family longing for more food.
Do you like fooling people around, or are you interested in making people believe in a big fat lie? Well this is an opportunity for you to achieve that, you dont want to waste such an opportunity, with this program, you are given an opportunity to make people believe that you had actually gone through profession cooking class.
You could actually save lots cash through this program because the ingredients are so easy to find and purchase. In the same order, you dont need to go to the restaurant any longer because what you have been looking for you just found it.
Being good at kitchen such that people get to love your outcome is the hardest thing that you could ever try doing with a bare mind. You might like the food yourself but other people might not like the food you are making and therefore, I have sought for a helper to help you in the kitchen floor.
The Americas restaurant recipes is just what you need and it will turn your experience in cooking into something that no one will actually believe that you did the cooking. Therefore you will need an instructor and the Americas restaurant recipes is just what you need to get going and to keep your kitchen glowing in a fine aroma.
The guards in many restaurants
Many restaurants have their recipes very much covered and in even some of the famous restaurants, the cooks dont even know what seasoning has been pre-performed on the dishes, their main work is to cook. With that in mind, you might wonder, how did our guy here came up with a super fine kitchen manual? Well stay with me and I will show you how.
Junk VS genuine
A lot of people are fooled to go picking things from the internet, yeah sure they are fooled, the internet doesnt not provide the real recipe of what you just need, actually, it is not even close to being original.
People are often misled by taking the advice they are getting from the internet and putting it into practice at home, well let me tell you the results of what you will just be making, a whole lot of junk. Well am not trying to be rude but it is fact that most people dont actually know.
The real guide and the secret recipes that you need to come up with the finest food is the Americas restaurant recipes, this is all what you will need to conquer every recipe. Therefore, do not trust the junk food anymore, the real secret in the manual.
What you just need
The Americas restaurant recipes dont require you to have much of the delicate requirements. What you are required to have is just a regular kitchen and some of the cheapest store bought ingredients, what more is required of you except the appetite and then you get to work. This cook book is just what you need to keep your kitchen blazing. Here are some of the reasons why you need this course book;
It will save you a lot of your money. With this guide, you will need not to go buying highly specialized ingredients. In addition to that you will not need to go taking your family out for these recipes.
The guide will help you save a lot of your time. The guide highlights some of the quickest methods of preparing the foods that you need in the shortest time possible.
With this guide you will be able to the cooking very fast and very easily. Therefore, you will have an opportunity to enjoy what you have made with your own hands. There is nothing that more enjoyable than this.
With this guide, you will be able to get a satisfaction of a kind knowing that it is you who have cooked the food. Therefore what you will have is a great feeling knowing that it is you who have prepared the food.
You will be able to eat healthier. The food that you have prepared in the home are chemical free and therefore, you are assured of eating just healthy food.
These are just of the health benefits that you will realize by simply using this simple and very much adaptable guide.
You dont have to pour out your cash to the restaurants to simply get a dish while you have the power to make that delicacy at home. Take advantage of this opportunity and live a much healthy life. This is the only sure way to achieve all that.
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