#like okay not completely goving up hell still be in their life. but what !!!!
aro-ortega · 1 year
thinking about how ortega can go the entirety of retribution with step being openly attracted to them. but if step goes to dinner w daniel and then confesses to ortega to bring a regene at daniels apartment.... he is just 1000% ready to step down. "you two are happy together, so sidestep and i will just be friends." ive been openly attracted to you the entire time ! we have been kissing for months ! i *told* you that i had been seeing daniel for coffee. and ! we had a thing in the past ! we have history ! why are you giving up on *us* so quickly !? why do you think i would choose him over you ? i want both of you !
why is ortega sooo. idk. weird. insecure. jealous. but about daniel specifically
like. the text is constantly like. "ortega is scared to let you go. they're scared to lose you. "I'm scared of you leaving me again," said ortega." but with THIS he's prepared to give step up !? ortega !!!!
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drethanramslay · 4 years
26, 58 and 61 for ethan x mc please? like angst in the beginning but fluff in the end. thanks!! i love your fanfics btw i read it like 100 times and i can’t seem to get over it.
Aww thanks anon ☺️ and thank you for the ask ❤️❤️
You can find the prompt list here.
#26-“Are you angry…?”
#58-“Where have you been?!” 
#61-“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have done that, you can look after yourself…I shouldn’t have…I’m sorry.” this prompt is in the form of a text message 
Author's note: okay anon I know you wanted a fluffy ending BUT, I decided to write it as a continuation to Hard for me i.e the prompt in which people demanded asked for a part 2
So forgive me for the ending
Word count: 1.2K
Warning: none, it's just angsty as hell
Cry for me
The next one week was painful. 
Ethan's confession in the lift had left Leah in a flux of emotions. On one hand she was joyous that he returned her feelings and that he was all in.
But on the other hand she felt gut wrenching guilt which slowly started eating away at her sanity. She was in a relationship with Bryce. She had a freaking boyfriend but that still didn't stop her from pining for Ethan.
She was so lost in her thoughts half the times, zoning in and out of conversations. Bryce could see something bothering her so he slowly formulating a plan to cheer her up.
"Hey Princess?" Bryce asked as they drove to the hospital.
Leah snapped her head towards Bryce. "Yeah?"
“Are you angry…? Did I do something wrong?"
"Of course not, queen B!" I am angry with myself and the world.
"I just... Can't see you so down and lost. You know you can talk to me, right?"
I don't think I can talk about how I am completely and utterly in love with my boss and the fact that he returns the sentiments.
"Yap I know. It's just been a stressful week, y'know?"
"What if we have a movie night today?  We can eat junk food and laugh on trashy movies?" Bryce spoke up as they got out of the car.
"That's exactly the thing I need. Thank you Bryce." Leah smiled at him and wrapped her arm around his waist, giving him a side hug.
Bryce gave her a breathtaking smile and wrapped his arms around her. "Anything for you Leah."
As they stood there, with their arms around each other in the parking lot, Leah failed to notice a pair of stormy blue eyes burning into her back.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- After changing into her scrubs and grabbing a coffee from the coffee cart, Leah made her way towards Ethan's office. June and Baz were sitting and drinking coffee, pouring over the charts while Ethan wrote on the whiteboard.
"Good morning team." Leah greeted them with a smile.
"Good morning, Leah!"
"Good morning, Dr. Garcia."
"You are late. Where have you been?"
Leah's eyes snapped to the clock above the whiteboard.
8:00 am.
"I was getting the charts. And I am not late. We start the meeting at 8am." Leah said as she placed her laptop and coffee on the table.
"Dr. Garcia, this is not your 9 to 5 corporate job where you enter and leave at a given time. You are a doctor and time should cease to exist because our patient's life is in the palm of our hands. Every minute you spend wasting time, that much is cut from our patient's life. Have you forgotten your Hippocrates oath?"
Leah wanted to answer back, but she bit her tongue. NOT worth it Leah, calm down. 
So clenching her jaw and swallowing down the humiliation, she responded in a curt voice. "Yes Doctor."
"Tardiness in not acceptable. Is that clear?" 
Baz interrupted, trying to diffuse the situation. "Ethan she wasn't even that lat-"
Cutting Baz off, his icy eyes bored into her angry hazel ones. "Dr. Garcia, am I clear?"
"Crystal." Leah spoke up, glaring at Ethan.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that's how the entire day continued. When working the case they were like a well oiled machine but outside in the hallways, they would glare at each other as if they wanted to kill each other.
The tension between Ethan was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. They butted heads throughout the duration of the shift that even the staff noticed.
Leah felt like a ticking time bomb, threatening to explode. Anger, frustration and pain is a very dangerous cocktail together, and now she had all of them whirling inside her like a tornado.
I'm gonna fucking confront him. That son of a bitch has it coming. Leah thought to herself, her teeth grinding.
So when she saw Ethan head towards the stairwell, she followed him.
"Dr. Ramsey, wait up."
"If it isn't patient related, don't bother me."
Leah rushed after him and grabbed him by his elbow with incredible strength, causing him to stop and turn towards her.
"What has gotten over you Ethan?"
"I don't know what you are talking about." He crossed his arms and stood there, towering over her.
"You are a smart guy. Acting dumb doesn't suit you. Now, let's try again, what has happened that has made you so pissed with me?"
"Rookie, I'm not mad at you."
"Yes you are!! You said Rookie in B flat and that only happens when I have royally pissed you off. And last time I checked I haven't done anything wrong-"
"What you did wrong, was crash into my life. What you did wrong, was try to cheer me up on a bad day. What you did wrong, was comfort me in my pain. What you did wrong was have faith in me when I was in doubt. What you did wrong, was make me fall for you."
Leah's jaw dropped. What sort of backhanded compliment was that? Clearing her throat and squashing the butterflies in her stomach, she spoke. "Ethan you can't say things like this to me."
"Why not? It's the truth. I like you way too much for my liking." He said in a low voice.
Leah threw her hands in the air. "Because, I am in a freaking relationship! You had your chance and you blew it. Don't Gove me mixed feelings now."
"No now you will listen. You pushed me away. You said that you wanted space. You wanted my professional development. You wanted things to go back to normal. This is the new normal, okay? Accept it."
For a first time in a very long time, he looked helpless and guilty. "I was so wrong sunshine..."
Leah stuffed her hands in her coat and looked down at her lavender converse. She was at a complete loss of words. If things would have been easier she would have kissed him and hugged the sadness out of him.
But life is complicated. And everything has a price.
"So that's it huh? So..." Gulping Ethan continued, "You are over me?"
Her brain was screaming at her to say yes and to move on from the angsty and painful chapter of her life. But she could not get herself to say it.
"If things were not as fucked up as they were... Do you think we would be a thing?"
Sighing she patted his arm. "I think you are smart enough to figure that out."
Leah side stepped him and climbed down the steps and opened the door of the stairwell to find Bryce standing there, a deer caught in the headlight expression on his face.
Leah greeted him, curiosity laced in her voice. "H..hey?" 
Bryce immediately turned and started walking away fast.
"Bryce wait up."
This is some deja vu.
Bryce stopped and turned towards her, pain shining in his eyes. "Is it true?"
"That you have feelings for Dr. Ramsey."
Shit shit shit. An alarm went on in her brain which caused her to freeze up.
"I-" Leah started but she was interrupted.
"I heard everything."
Leah took a deep breath. Cat’s out of the bag. No point denying it. "Please don't jump to conclusions. I-" her pager beeped, signalling that a VIP patient had arrived and she sighed.
"I need to go now. I will talk to you tonight. Please don't do anything rash. I beg you."
Without saying a word, Bryce shrugged and walked away.
Why is does it feel like the two important men of my life walked away from me in a span of 2 minutes?
It was nine in the night and Leah was finally done with her rounds. Wearing her jeans and jumper, she tied her hair long black locks into a messy bun and stared at her reflection in the mirror.
Letting out a breath, she gave herself a pep talk. Okay Leah... You have to make a decision. You are not Hannah Montana. You can't have the best of both worl-
Her phone pinged, interrupting her. She picked it up to see that it was a text from Ethan. 
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Letting out a sigh, she picked up her messenger bag and walked out of the hospital, only one thing running in her head.
Who do I listen to? My head thats telling me that Ethan will hurt me again and that Bryce is better? Or my heart which tells me that Ethan is my one shot at true love?
It was painful to write this 
Also the last part got 88 notes so lets get this to 90 notes so that I have motivation to write part 3 heheheheh 
what do you think will happen in the next part?
I love you guys 
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gt-fluffy-vore · 4 years
SandersSides: Into the Spiderverse — Chapter one: Greetings
Hey everyone! New SandersSides fanfic and this one’s a crossover(I’m pretty sure all you marvel fans out there can tell exactly with what)! For those of you who don’t know about or haven’t watched the movie this is a crossover with Marvel’s animated movie Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Which is one of my absolute favorites! I rewatched said movie recently and this is what came out of the new rush of inspiration! Hope you all enjoy, and please let me know if you’d like to see more of this one in the future!
Sandersides au crossover fanfiction
2476 words
“Okay, let’s do this one last time. My name is Virgil Sanders. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for the past week, I have been struggling to keep the pieces left of my life together. I guess I should tell you the rest. I… lost my family three years ago. Started living on the streets. Finally had it all figured out when I applied for some one-in-a-million chance for a free scholarship to some boarding school and… actually won. So I moved into my new room, which thank-goodness they let me have to myself for now, and failed miserably at half the classes. But I had a good enough grade they let me stay. And eight days ago this… thing found it’s way onto my desk. It looked like a spider, but it was covered in this smokey, shadowy, black stuff I couldn’t make sense of. And it bit me. And since then I haven’t been able to control… anything. So to avoid causing any more trouble than I already do I’ve been spending all my free time on the roof. Alone. Trying to figure out what the hell any of this means... Man, sometimes I hate being me. Of all the people to get stuck as… why do I have to be me?”
Virgil sighed, turning to the stairs to head back inside. It was starting to get too cold at night to stay on the roof too long. He was halfway to his dorm when he was stopped by one of his teachers, Mr. Everling. “Ah, Virgil! Er, Mr. Sanders. I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
“My grades?”
“Sort of. Come with me to my office and I can explain to you what I mean.” So Virgil followed him to his office and sat down in front of his desk. “I’m sure you are aware that your grades are beginning to present quite an issue. If you can’t improve them soon, I’m afraid to say you may be expelled from school.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m working on it.”
“And that’s exactly what I want to talk about. I’ve noticed you’ve been acting… very tired lately, and I can tell the extra work you’re putting into this is not doing you well. You’ve been acting more stressed than usual. So I wanted to propose a way for you to get your grades up without having to push yourself so much. Would you consider doing a personal essay for me? I have been talking to the other teachers about this and to the principle and we have agreed that if you get full grades on this essay it will count towards twenty-percent of your grades. But that means if you don’t do very well… it will almost definitely lower your grades enough to have to be expelled… so there is a huge risk…”
“And if I don’t do the essay at all?”
“Then you can simply move on as you are now. Which is a very slow decline in your grades, likely caused by physical inability due to how you’ve been pushing yourself so hard. It’s completely your choice, but I just want you to know if you decide not to do this essay you will have to work even harder if you want to continue attending this school…”
Virgil hung his head. If he got kicked out, he’d be back on the streets again. He knew this fix would be temporary, but… he wasn’t ready for it to end yet. So he couldn’t not take the essay, because if he didn’t take it at all then his grades would just keep going down faster the worse he got. But with all these new powers to figure out, to learn to control, there was no way he could do the essay and be able to concentrate enough to even remotely get a good grade on it. So if he didn’t do the essay, he’d be too stressed and get kicked out, but if he did do the essay, he’d be too distracted and still get kicked out! “Uh, what’s the essay about?”
“Well, I noticed you’ve never written anything about fiction in any of your creative writing essays, so… I wanted to challenge you to write a short story about the everyday life of a superhero.”
“A… a superhero?”
“Yes. A superhero. I chose this particular theme because I’m pretty sure it’s not something you’ve ever written about before.”
“It’s not.”
“Good! Then it’s perfect. It’s perfect because that means it will be a concept entirely new to you. It will be a challenge. Something you have to learn from scratch.”
“Oh.” Virgil didn’t know what else to say to that. The very idea of writing in a style he’s completely unfamiliar with made him feel sick.
“So, Mr. Sanders. Will you do the essay?”
Virgil looked up at the clock. Eleven-twenty-six. It had been an hour and a half since he’d started brainstorming and he had gotten nowhere. Maybe he should take a break. He stood up from his chair and tried to pull back from it, but found it dragging along with him. He looked down to see his hand stuck to it. Of course. Great. He balanced his foot against it and pulled. And pulled. And pulled. Crash! He picked himself up off the floor and stormed straight up to the roof. This was useless! He was getting nowhere whatsoever with this story, and he wasn’t getting anywhere in the way of controlling these powers, or whatever they are. He was halfway to the edge when he noticed a figure staring blankly over the city. Before he could backtrack the figure heard him and turned around. He froze. They locked eyes. And they both shuddered at once. He was frozen silent, but the other man spoke. “Ah. You are genetically altered as well.”
“Uh, genetically altered?” He shook his head and blinked out of his daze. “Is that what this is? A genetic alteration?”
“I believe so, yes.”
“Let me begin for the last time. My name is Logan Sanders. Exactly eight days, nineteen hours, and thirty-seven minutes ago I was bitten by a radioactive bio-technological arachnid. I am from the year twenty-four-sixty-seven. Bio-technological humanoids are heavily discriminated against. Because of this, I was excused from my relatives, or family if you prefer a looser term, when the arachnid’s bite changed my species from entirely human to a bio-technological humanoid. As I had no other place of residence I was forced to move into a Homeless Shelter. On the morning of my eighth day in the aforementioned shelter, I awoke to a dimensional rift presenting itself in place of the wall beside my bed. Of course, it was stupid of me to attempt to touch it… Ridiculously stupid of me. But there is no way to change the past, so it is useless to dwell on the matter. After touching the dimension rift I found myself deposited onto a rooftop in an alternate dimension.”
He blinked at the young man standing before him. Oh. He didn’t know there were any others like him. Of course, the chance of him being the only one in all of existence that had experienced such a phenomenon was microscopic. Still, somehow he was surprised to meet another going through a similar dilemma. He wasn’t sure he hadn’t expected to find any others, but he simply… hadn’t. “Ah. You are genetically altered as well.”
“Uh, genetically altered?” The boy shook his head and blinked a few times, then finally seemed to process the information. “Is that what this is? A genetic alteration?”
He had thought it was obvious. “Yes, I believe so.” Unless… “Have you not experienced alterations in your body’s abilities?”
“Uh, yeah, I have, but... “ The boy shrugged. “Just hadn’t thought of like, genetic modifications. Are you saying someone did this to us on purpose?”
“Of course not. I am stating simply that our bodies have experienced genetic alterations.”
“So you’re just saying we were both bitten by freaky spiders and now we’re different and you don’t actually know why.”
“Precisely, yes.”
The boy groaned. “Ooookay, great. Just great. Well then if you can’t actually help me I’m going back to my room and I suggest you do the same if you don’t wanna sleep through classes tomorrow.”
“Ah, no, you misunderstand. I do not attend this school. I am from an alternate dimension.”
The boy glared. “Sure you are. Goodnight.”
“Sir, wait!” The boy stopped and turned to look back at him. “What year are we currently in?”
“Seriously? Wait year are you in?” He muttered something about crazy people under his breath.
“If you are inquiring as to my home dimension I had been residing in the year twenty-four-sixty-seven. What year are we currently in, in this dimension?”
The boy sighed. “Twenty-nineteen. Now if you’re done playing games with me, can I go back to bed?”
“I was not indulging in any sort of entertainment, I was simply conversing with you. But if you wish so, then consider the conversation finished.”
“Finally.” The boy left immediately.
Virgil was heading back to his room after his day’s classes the next day when he was once again stopped by the same teacher as the day before. “Mr. Sanders! I have good news for you!”
“We’ve found you a roommate!”
“A… a roommate?”
“Yes, isn’t that exciting?! Funny thing is the two of you have the same surname. Weird, huh? I actually just directed him to your dorm a minute ago.”
“Okay. Uh, thanks I guess? I-I gotta go.” He raced back to his dorm and threw the door open. Just like he had said, there was a teenage boy standing in the middle of the room, who turned around to look at him. He was wearing a long-sleeved jacket with a large hood that hid his face from view.
“Roman Sanders. Nice to meet you.”
“Listen up everyone, I’m gonna do this one more time from the beginning. My name is Roman Sanders, and last week my parents sold me off to government testing, where they infused a tarantula with radiation and tried to mash my DNA with that spider’s. I’m sure you know the rest. The experiment went wrong, so they locked me up. I broke out of the facility. Couldn’t bring myself to go back home… So I tried to find other ways to survive on my own. And then this… portal-ish thing showed up, and before I knew it, I’d been dropped into an entirely different world! I’m not sure how to describe it, but I had a really strong feeling I should be going to this school, so now here we are.”
Virgil froze as he stared at the boy in front of him. That same feeling as last night overwhelmed him. “You’re like me.”
“And you’re like me. Ha! This is incredible! You look entirely normal!”
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I look normal?”
He flipped off his hood and pulled off his jacket and the pair of gloves he had been wearing, revealing skin covered entirely in thick brown fur. Then he took off the beanie hat he’d been wearing under his jacket hood and revealed a second pair of eyes right above the first. “Because you’re like me, and I’m…” He threw his arms up. “I’m this. So what’d the testing do to you?”
“Yeah? The testing? That made you… like what you are?”
“I didn’t go through any testing! I was just bitten by some freaky smoke-spider!”
“Oh. Well… that’s awkward. Uh, did I introduce myself yet? My name is Roman.”
“Yeah. You did.”
“Aaaaalright. I didn’t catch what your name was, actually.”
“Good. I didn’t throw it.”
Roman held back a groan. “Okay, fine! Which bed is yours?”
“Bottom. You get the top bunk.” Virgil took a deep breath and sat at the desk, directing his gaze back to his essay.
“So…” He glared at Roman, who was perched on the top bunk swinging his legs off the front. “What would I have to do to get that name?”
Virgil sighed. “If I tell you, will you shut up?” He nodded. “Fine. It’s Virgil. Ya happy?” Roman grinned and nodded, and Virgil sighed in response and looked back at his work. 
Ten minutes later Virgil heard a voice. “What are you workin’ on?” He spun around and glared. “Oh, right, sorry. Shutting up…” The next time Virgil looked back his new roommate was asleep.
Virgil woke to a pair of hands roughly shaking him. “Hey, you’re gonna be late. Virgil, right? Virgil?”
Virgil groaned and smacked his hands away. “Leave me alone, I’m going.”
“Alright, alright. Next time I’ll let you miss class.”
“Whatever.” His new roommate grumbled something under his breath and left, and he finally pulled himself off his desk and trudged over to his dresser.
On his way to his first class, he thought he saw a dog out of the corner of his eye running through the hallway. Well, actually it was a puppy — it looked really young. But when he looked back again it was gone. Funny, he’d felt really weird for a second. The same kinda twisting,. He’d thought he’d been seeing things. But then he could have sworn he saw it again during his second class, curled up in the corner behind the door. And he knew he saw it in the cafeteria because it was under his own table sniffing for scraps and had bumped into his leg. Had no one else noticed it? It was still young, but it looked like a golden retriever, so it wasn’t exactly a toy breed. It was a fairly big dog. And he was sure pets weren’t allowed in the building… He had slipped the dog a scrap from his tray then, and it turned out to be a terrible decision because the puppy followed him like a shadow the entire rest of the day. Once his last class was over he and the dog went back to his dorm room, where he he flopped down in his desk chair and looked down at the fluffy creature angrily. “Why are you still here?! Go away!”
The puppy cocked its head to one side and suddenly it was covered in a small cloud of light blue glitter. Next thing he knew, standing before him was a teenage boy with curly, golden-brown hair, freckles spotting only his cheeks, and a pair of rectangle frames. “I can leave if ya want, but I’m here because… I’m from another dimension, and when I saw you… I got this weird kinda feeling that… maybe you’re… like me?”
“Y-You just… you were… and then… oh, forget it. So you’re from another dimension too?”
“Too? There’re others?”
Virgil sighed dramatically. “Yeah, there are others…”
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/Blinded Love\
Kim Woojin🐻
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There was times like these that you loved you best friend Woojin too much. Your shift had just ended and let me tell you ther ain had not stopped ever since you walked out, but as you were reaching down to close the shutter of the shop your phone dinged.
Woojin🐻: Stay where you are i’ll collect you <3
you laugh at the use of emojis Woojin used. For a man who had a wealthy family and kept up with the latest use of i phones he still never knew how to use the emoji keyboard.
After a quick reply back saying a thank you and okay, you stood there. The passing sounds of cars and the night lights blurred your vision, it was peaceful.
“Get in loser” You heard Woojin shout over the pouring rain, smiling over at you, you pull your hoodie over your head and ran to the car too which woojin was pushing the door open for you as he leaned across the passengers side.
“Oh Woojin thank you so much!” You beam at him as you shake your head a bit before glancing over at him.
“Tha’ts what besties are for am i right?” He laughs and starts back up the car and before you know it your driving off.
That’s right. Best friends. That’s what ye were. Ever since he helped you pick up your barbies that those mean girls threw away 18 years ago.
You give a small laugh, not knowing what to do in this situation. Because the love of your life was simply blinded by your love towards him.
. . . . 
“Well did you tell him yet?” Chan had chirped behind you as his hands made their way around your shoulders. Closing your locker with a sigh Chans face fell. Every Monday this happened, Chan would come up and ask if you told Woojin your undying love for him but you always chickened out.
“No Chan” You sigh as your grip your books harder to your chest.
“Honeslty Y/N if you dont tell Woojin then im going to te-” But Chans quickly quite as your hand covers his mouth.
“Did you just lick my hand?”You throw a hand at him as you wipe the aplm of your hand off his jumper.
“Im not letting this go y/n, im going to science ill see you at lunch.” He gives you a quick high five before hes running through the crowd of students who were also pushing and shoving.
. . . . . . 
After your four periods of classes its fianlly time for lunch were you sat with all the boys, closing your locker door after getting your books, your heart jumps out of your chest as woojin stands there leaning aganist another locker enxt to yours, just like always a bright smile is on his face.
“Well hello there” Woojin says as he throws a hand over your shoulder and oushing you into his chest, you quickly blush at the sudden contact between you and Wooojin but its gone just as fast as it came.
“im sooooo hungry” He says as he practially drags you to the cafertiera, maybe i should tell him today? 
Wait maybe not its a school day?
“Woojin slow down your legs are too long” You complain as your school bag falls off your shoulder. He laughs at your clusmyness but is quick to help you with your books that youw ere holding in your arms.
“No Seungmin there my pokemon cards give them back to me!” Felix cries out as you sit down ext to him, his hands flying everywehre are he gives out to Seungmin who seems to be unbothered just sitting there casually drinking his boba drink.
“Okay and I told you I dont know where they are” Seungmin replys back. Felix groans his head falling onto your shoudler.
“Ahh Y/n noona hes so mean give out to him.” Felix says as he picks up his banna milk.
“Seungmin buys Felix new pokemon cards” You say to the unbothered boy across from you.
“Okay felix during the weekend we can go out and Ill buy you knew pokemon cards oaky” You give the boy a sweet smile in which he yells out a quick yes of happnies.
“Y/N you want anything?” Woojin says as he points to the line at the top of the cafertia.
“Ehmmm surpirse me” You sweetly say, a smile grows on Woojins face as he practailly skips over to the line with other students.
“Your literally eye raping him” Chan eye rolls as he sits down across from Felix.
“Dont roll your eyes at me Christopher” You argue to him as he just laughs before taking a bite into his sandwich.
After a couple of minutes of the boys fighting playfully and occisoanl jokes Woojin finally takes a place next to you. Handing you your y/f/f and a carton of strawberry milk (or at kind I’m sorry).
“Thank you woojinnie” you say as you give him a quick side hug, somehow when you turned back to talk to the boys Woojin was frozen In his space from the small interaction that somehow warmed his heart.
Your conversation with Hyunjin ended ye we’re talking about that science test you took last Friday and how you did so bad in it. Turning your head your eyebrows furrow as you look at Woojin.
A prominent frown settled on his face, eyes glaring at the screen below him. He seemed pissed.
“You okay?” You whisper over to him as the rest of the table went on with there talking. Leaning over to him you notice that someone seemed to be sending a very angry message as everything was in capital letters.
Woojin looks up quickly and his phone was quickly shoved into his back pocket. You frown at this. Since when was Woojin secretive.
“So woojin hows Irene?” Jisung chirps in, taking a big bite of his rice, the whole table falls quite as everyone stares at eachother.
Who the hell was irene?
“U-uh” Woojin stutters as he looks over at you, his heart broke as he seen your face you looked so heartbroken.
Everything was too loud, the thumping sound of your heart being the only thing you could hear at that moment.
Chan’s quick to notice and comes up with an excuse for you to leave.
“Hey remeber that project we have yeah let’s go now!” He starts and before you know it your being dragged out of the cafeteria your eyes still on Woojin.
He has a girlfriend?
. . . .
Days have passed since you last seen anyone. Days since you last texted Woojin but definitely not since he texted you.
‘Are you okay’
‘Why aren’t you talking to me’
‘Did I do something’
Yes you broke my heart. But you clearly didn’t reply to them.
‘Why are you acting as if we’re in a relationship.’ Sent at 02:35am
That one had got you, you always taught Woojin had at least an idea of the fact you loved him. But at this point you knew this boy was absolutely blinded.
Knock! Knock!
Growing you roll off your bed before throwing a jumper over your head and making your way to the front door.
Your hand turns the knob of the door before it’s rudely pushed open and in walks Woojin.
“Listen I don’t know what your problem is but talk to me! Please” He angrily says as he runs his hands through his messy hair making it even messier.
“I don’t kno-“ you start but your startled once Woojin kicks the side of the couch placed on the left of him, you jump at the sudden action completely taking back by everything that’s happening.
“Your in love with Chan aren’t you?” He says
You almost laugh at him.
“What no woojin?” You shake your head at the thought.
“THEN WHAT IS IT, DONT YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND ANYMORE?” His voice raises again as he seems to get no answer from you.
“No woojin I don’t want to be your friend an-“
"CANT U SEE IT WOOJIN" I shouted at him my eyes tearing up, woojins eyes widned at me as i shouted at him clearly taken back.
There’s silence.
"for so, so long your my best friend, and you always read me so well but for once your blinded by this,over and over you chose someone else over me when im the one who truley cares for you “ You look down at the wooden floor beneath yo
"you have no idea how many troubles I went through just because I simply can’t shake off the fact I love you. Yet you talk about your newest hookup to me contanslty, I’m always with Chan because he encourages me to tell you how I feel. Don’t you see how i hesitate everytime you ask me who I like, its because it was always you Woojin, i never liked Chan or that guy Soobin who asked me to formal I only told you taught so i could put your mind on ease. I was always so tempted to tell you, but i know you dont care you never will. You never did.” You finish
I look up at Woojin, tears flowing out of my eyes but as my eyes met his,his face said enough about your confession and he simply left.
You stood there in disbelief, your front door being slammed shut cut you out of your day dreaming. Woojin just walked out after you confessed to him. Because it was simply the only thing he was good at.
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fixxofvixx · 8 years
I would sincerely like to apologize in advance. I honestly tried to do smut but my virgin ass chickened out 😂
So please don’t laugh at me too much! The next chapter will skip to the morning after.
I wasn’t even going to go as far as I did but someone-who will remain nameless-
*cough* @burnt-enough-starlight *cough*
keeps sending me gifs of sexy Taekwoon…
I hope you enjoy the chapter nonetheless.
It took a full hour to leave Taekwoon’s parent’s driveway. His mother kept alternating hugs between him and you. His father stayed back and calmly talked to Taekwoon. You couldn’t hear their conversation but they would look over at you every once in a while.
His mother was standing with you loading more food into the car ‘in case you get hungry’ as she had put it. She took your hands in hers and squeezed them.
“I hope you like my parent’s home. But, please come back and visit us. You will have to teach me some of your baking secrets! I’m so glad our Taekwoonie met someone so lovely. He needs someone like you. You’re caring and you keep him in line. I’m so glad you are part of the family now.”
“Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your family. I really am lucky to have met Taekwoon and that he has such sweet parents. I will definitely be back.” You gave her a hug and smiled.
“Hopefully, this belly will be a bit bigger when you come back!” She patted your tummy and laughed. A flush rose to your cheeks and you smiled. She snuck a peek at Taekwoon in close conversation with his father and then looked back to you. “Want me to tell you a secret?”
You giggled and nodded.
“Have you called him Leo, yet?” She whispered to you.
Confusion set into your face when she said that. What does that have to do with anything? You tried to think if you had called him Leo before. It had to have been when you first met them at the company.
“Not since we first met.”
“So before the mind connection? And he is your guardian, right?” You nodded at her questions, although you were still thoroughly confused. “Ah, good. You’ll enjoy this then. If he gets to be too much for you or messes with you too much, just call him by his stage name.”
“Why? What does that do?”
“You’ll see. Its nothing bad. Just some hybrids have certain….traits. Just don’t do it when he’s driving or something like that.” She patted you on your shoulder and moved to stand next to her husband. Taekwoon once again sat in the driver’s seat and you in the passenger’s.
You waved to his parents as he backed out of the driveway and set off down the road. Soon, the houses lined along the street gave way to dirt roads and trees. You were in the countryside now.
“So are you bringing me out into the woods to leave me for dead?” You looked over to Taekwoon, who smiled.
“No.” He waited a moment before continuing. “I’ll have my way with you first.”
You had to laugh. Today had been so much fun already that it seemed everything was humorous.
“My dad likes you.” That was all he said, like he needed to just put it out there.
“Is that what you both were talking about? I saw you look over at me a couple of times.”
“Yeah, he was wondering about our plans…for the next two days.”
Realization hit you that they had been talking about you sleeping with Taekwoon. Your face automatically heated up and you lowered your head into your hands.
“Oh my God, I can never go back there again. Your mom did the same thing. She said when I come back it would be great if I was pregnant.” You spoke through your hands, unable to look up.
“Do you want to be?” And…..there goes the final nail in the coffin.
He laughed at your predicament. You were slowly dying of embarrassment whereas he was having the time of his life.
“I’m just messing with you. Although, it is a lovely thought.” He said the last part wistfully, as if he was imagining it. You knew he adored children.
“I’m not saying I’m opposed to the idea. Just maybe a few more years down the road.” It would obviously be great to have little mini-Taekwoon’s running around.
“Yes, we can always discuss that later. My parents just love having babies around. That’s why they are like that. But they do love you. Its hard to break through my father’s wall but he already thinks highly of you. He said you were a lovely, intelligent young woman and if I did anything to screw this up, he would disown me.” He laughed and turned the car towards a small dirt road leading up to a steep hill.
“Well, I don’t think he has to worry about that. You’re stuck with me.” You crossed your arms over your chest to prove your point.
“Yeah…” He sighed. “I know. I guess I’ll just have to learn to live with it.”
Your mouth gaped open at his comment but he just laughed. Neither of you were being serious and it was fun to just be able to play around.
You were about to give a witty response but you caught something out of the corner of your eye. There, in the clearing and surrounded by trees, stood a beautiful traditional hanok. It was stunning to say the least. Your heart jumped in excitement.
“Oh, Taekwoon, its beautiful! I can’t believe we get to stay here! Does the whole thing belong to your family? How long have they had it? Were both of your grandparents hybrids, too? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live out the rest of your days here?”
“Breathe, honey. One at a time, okay? Yes, my family owns the whole thing. I don’t know how long we’ve had it. Its always just been in the family. No one knows. Only my grandmother was a panther hybrid. My grandfather was human. And, finally, as long as its with you, I’ll live anywhere.” He laughed. He knew things like this excited you. History was your passion.
As soon as he stopped the car you grabbed your bag sitting at your feet and jumped out. You almost ran into the house before remembering all of the stuff in the back of the car. You turned back and opened the back door.
“Go ahead. I can get it. Go look around.”
“Its okay. We’ll get this in and we can look around together.” Taekwoon grabbed the food while you got the bags you had packed. You followed Taekwoon past the main door and into the common area in the center. You almost tripped a couple of times because you kept looking around you and not where your feet were going. On the far side of the common area, Taekwoon stopped in front of a large wooden door. You stepped around him to open the door since his hands were full.
“Go on. I’ve got this. You’ll like this room.”
You curiously stepped into the room and was greeted with a sparkling, modern kitchen. You gasped as you took in the stainless steel appliances and dark wooden countertops. You turned to Taekwoon, smiling, and he just laughed. He placed the containers of food on the counter before loading them into the fridge.
When everything was put away, Taekwoon took the bags from you and took your hand, lacing his fingers through yours. He pulled you back through the door of the kitchen and across the common area. Off to the left side stood another door, decorated with traditional ornaments. Your heart jumped when he opened that door. He approached the large bed in the center of the room and placed your bags on it. It was decorated simply. Just the bed, a couple of dressers, and a small table off to the side with floor mats. You hadn’t expected there to be a bed. Traditionally it would have been a floor pad and comforters but you assumed that everything had been updated, like they had done with the kitchen.
You completely ignored the bed and went around the room to explore. You located the bathroom via a small door at the far side of the room. The furniture looked antique and you wondered if it had been in his family for the whole time.
When you turned back around Taekwoon was sitting on the bed, just staring at you. You willed yourself not to run from him. The look he was goving you was dangerous, to say the least. His eyes weren’t glowing yet but they were bright. Your heart kicked into overdrive as you walked out of the room on the pretense of wanting to look around. You could faintly hear him chuckle. You knew what he was thinking. Hell, you were thinking it too but it was still daylight and you were a coward.
You walked to the other side of the common area and went out the side door. It led to an open yard with various wildflowers blooming everywhere. You started towards the flowers when you heard a growl. You stopped and looked behind you, thinking it was Taekwoon, but he wasn’t there. Turning back you caught a glimpse of ears and a tail. The growling increased in volume and you began to back up. As you did, a large black dog emerged from the brush and advanced towards you. Its ears were set back and its tail was down. Not good.
“Taekwoon.” A whisper was all you could manage but you were certain he could hear it. Almost instantly, Taekwoon burst out of the door and came to stand in front of you. The dogs ears perked up but it was still on the offensive. You instinctively grabbed onto Taekwoon’s shirt when the dog started barking.
“Go on! Get out of here!” The dog stopped barking and suddenly ran off. You peeked around Taekwoon and stared in awe. How the hell? You looked up at Taekwoon and noticed his eyes were red.
“It was just a little puppy.” He laughed as if to imply that there was never any danger.
“Says the panther! And that was more than a puppy! It was huge! And I don’t have the advantage that you do!” You released your hold on his shirt and walked back towards the house. His hand reached out and held your wrist, preventing you from going any further. You looked back at him and raised your eyebrows in question.
“Lets go for a walk.” He motioned towards the path where the dog had been previously and you hesitated.
“But, the dog.”
“He’s long gone. He wont come back if I’m around. Come on.” He tugged gently on your wrist and you finally followed. The sun was setting, sinking below the trees and it gave the area around you a romantic glow.
After about ten minutes of walking down the path, he stopped suddenly. Afraid that the dog had come back, you looked around frantically. You started to ask Taekwoon about it but he released your hand and placed both of his hands on your cheeks. You didn’t even have time to be surprised before his lips descended on yours. It was a slow, passionate kiss that sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine. His tongue explored yours desperately as if it was the last thing he would do on this earth. You had to grab his waist to keep from falling over. He pulled on your bottom lip and you involuntarily let out a moan. He smiled against your lips, pleased at his effect on you. You usually kept quiet when you and Taekwoon were together because 5 other hybrids with hyper-sensitive hearing were right next door. But now, it was only the two of you and it was invigorating. One of his arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer. You had to rise onto your tiptoes to be able to reach him fully. He adjusted his arm so that he was holding your weight against him and now your feet barely touched the ground. Sometimes you forgot how strong he was because he was a hybrid.
You had to pull away in favor of bringing oxygen into your lungs but you really didn’t want to. He placed a quick kiss on your forehead and laced his fingers through yours again.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all day.”
“Gee, I couldn’t tell.” You giggled at the glare he sent you.
“Smart ass. Don’t think you’re fooling me for a minute. You thought about it just as much as I did.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You became suddenly interested in finding the path back to the house, muttering to yourself about it getting dark. You walked quickly and didn’t stop until you reached the kitchen. You stood at the sink counter to wash your hands. You heard him come in behind you and you couldn’t help but feel excited. He came up behind you and trailed his finger down your arm.
“Hmm, I’m sure you don’t know what I’m talking about.” His lips grazed the shell of your ear and you shuddered. He gave out a satisfied sound, knowing he’d caught you. “But, don’t you remember that I’m basically a lie detector? I may not know exactly what you’re thinking but I do know when you’re thinking it. And I know when its because of me. I can raise your heartbeat.” He flicked his tongue out along your ear, and sure enough, your heart responded. You turned to face him, his eyes glowing.
“I’m at a disadvantage then. I can’t hear you’re heartbeat.” He raised your hand to his neck and placed it on the artery running under his jaw. His heartbeat was going just as crazy as yours, if not faster.
“Maybe not, but all you have to do is look at me and it beats like this. Who knows, maybe you’ll hear it one day.”
He crowded you against the counter and lowered his lips to your neck. Immediately finding your pulse and running his tongue over it. His hands were already under the hem of your shirt and splayed across your ribcage. His fingers grazed along your spine until they reached the clasp of your bra. His fingers hesitated for a moment, waiting for you to protest. Your only answer was to press yourself closer to him. He undid the hooks with ease and a jolt of excitement coursed through your body. Your breaths became short and your heartbeat was in your ears. He leaned back to look at you and smiled. You let out a squeak when he lowered his hands to your thighs and lifted you up against him. You automatically wrapped your legs around his waist and he carried you through the door. It didn’t take much for his long legs to reach the bedroom. The sun had fully set now and the entire room was dark. He didn’t take the time to worry about the lights, he went straight for the bed. He laid you down gently on the comforter and you sank into its plushiness. You giggled a bit at the feeling.
Taekwoon quickly joined you on the bed after ridding himself and you of the slippers on your feet. Much like you had done with the comforter, he sank into you. His head buried itself in the crook of your neck and his elbow held up most of his weight. One of his hands came up and threaded into your hair. He peppered kisses along your neck, occassionally sucking the skin into his mouth. Apparently the shirt you had on was getting in his way so he raised up on his knees and tugged the garment over your head. The abruptness of his movements coupled with the sudden semi-nakedness you were now in, you instinctively crossed your arms over your chest. Because he had unclasped your bra earlier, it had almost come off with the shirt but you grabbed it just in time. You were unable to keep contact with the sparkling green eyes that stared back at you. He leaned back down and gently took your wrists in his hands, pinning them on the bed.
“Why are you hiding?” His voice was like liquid honey and deeper than usual. Arousal pooled in your belly and your breath hitched. He leaned forward and slanted his lips over yours. His tongue battled with yours for a moment before traveling across your jaw. He placed nibbling kisses along your skin until he reached your ear. He tugged on the lobe with his teeth and then soothed it with his tongue. He moved to your shoulder, leaving no patch of skin untouched. His lips stopped at the top of your breast. He bit the skin gently and sucked on it, surely leaving a nice colorful mark. The action made you arch into his chest and he raised up to look at you. He kept his eyes on yours while he released your wrists to hook his fingers under the straps of your bra. Your cheeks flushed and you tried to swallow but your throat was too dry. He pulled the straps down slowly until the bra was completely off your body. He tossed it to the floor and it landed with a soft thud. Your heart was working overtime now that your upper body was completely bare to him and you were almost worried that it might stop working altogether. He must have heard it because he ran his hand up your torso and over the inside curve of your breast before he stopped right over where your heart lay. He chuckled a bit before sighing.
“You need to calm down, honey, or you’re going to have a heart attack.”
“I-I..” You had no idea how to explain how you felt. He leaned down so that all you could see was his face. His chest was against yours now and you no longer felt so exposed.
“What’s wrong? You can tell me, you know. Anything at all. We don’t have to do this. I can wait if thats what you want.”
“I’m just…I don’t…” You covered your face with your hands as reality set in. “I’m afraid…”
“Of what? Me? Sleeping with me?” His voice was low, as if he was afraid to hear the answer.
“No. I’m….afraid I’m going to do something wrong. I’ve never done any of this before. I want to. Believe me, I want to. But what if I do something stupid and you change your mind about me. Or if I screw up the mark. I have no idea what I’m doing.” You with your hands over your eyes, afraid that he would laugh at you.
He pulled your hands away from your face and held your head with his hands so you couldn’t look away.
“I want you to listen to me very well, (y/n). You could never do anything that would make me turn away from you. I know you are inexperienced at this and thats fine with me. I am beyond honored that you would give me this gift. It just means that you are only mine. Honestly, I would probably go crazy at the thought of you with someone else. If you want to do this, I promise you wont regret it. But if you don’t then we can do whatever else you want. The choice is entirely yours. I am yours forever. I love you. And I always will. No matter what you do or don’t do.”
You teared up at his words. Surely, you didn’t deserve him.
“I love you, too.”
He smiled and placed a kiss on your lips. You reached up to place your hand over his heart and felt it racing.
“We also don’t have to do the mark just yet. This time should just be about you, anyway.” He pecked your lips again and leaned back to look at you.
“But I want to. If you still want to, I want this to be my first and last time. I don’t want to be with anyone else.”
“It’ll be a bit painful.”
“Then doesn’t it make sense to do it all at once? Your first time is supposed to hurt, right?”
“Well, if I do my job right, then you’ll feel nothing but good.” He winked and you laughed.
“Arrogant little kitty.”
He growled and your heart skipped.
“I’m not little.” You giggled again but stopped when he growled again. Oh, how you loved that sound.
“That reminds me. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your little kink.”
“My what?!”
“You like it when I growl at you.” You stared at him, horrified, when you realized that he must have heard you tell YoonJung when you left with her that day.
“I-I do n-not! I just think its n-neat!”
“Really? Hmm, I must have heard wrong.” You watched, fascinated as his eyes filled in slowly until they were just blood red and a low rumble started from his chest. Your cheeks flushed and your heart fluttered. His hand traveled down your stomach, painfully slow, and his fingers hooked into the waistband of your pants.
“Let’s see how wrong I am.”
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